Source code for thermo.activity

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains a base class :obj:`GibbsExcess` for handling activity
coefficient based
models. The design is for a sub-class to provide the minimum possible number of
derivatives of Gibbs energy, and for this base class to provide the rest of the
methods.  An ideal-liquid class with no excess Gibbs energy
:obj:`IdealSolution` is also available.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Base Class

.. autoclass:: GibbsExcess
    :exclude-members: d2GE_dT2_numerical, d2GE_dTdxs_numerical, d2GE_dxixjs_numerical, d3GE_dT3_numerical, dGE_dT_numerical, dGE_dxs_numerical
    :special-members: __hash__, __eq__, __repr__

Ideal Liquid Class

.. autoclass:: IdealSolution
    :members: to_T_xs, GE, dGE_dT, d2GE_dT2, d3GE_dT3, d2GE_dTdxs, dGE_dxs, d2GE_dxixjs, d3GE_dxixjxks
    :exclude-members: gammas

Excellent references for working with activity coefficient models are [1]_ and

.. [1] Walas, Stanley M. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering.
   Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985.
.. [2] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process
   Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012.


__all__ = ['GibbsExcess', 'IdealSolution']
from chemicals.utils import d2xs_to_dxdn_partials, dns_to_dn_partials, dxs_to_dn_partials, dxs_to_dns, hash_any_primitive, normalize, object_data
from fluids.constants import R, R_inv
from fluids.numerics import derivative, exp, hessian, jacobian, log, trunc_exp
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.fitting import fit_customized
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable

    npexp, ones, zeros, array, ndarray = np.exp, np.ones, np.zeros, np.array, np.ndarray

def gibbs_excess_gammas(xs, dG_dxs, GE, T, gammas=None):
    xdx_totF = GE
    N = len(xs)
    for i in range(N):
        xdx_totF -= xs[i]*dG_dxs[i]
    RT_inv = R_inv/T
    if gammas is None:
        gammas = [0.0]*N
    for i in range(N):
        gammas[i] = exp((dG_dxs[i] + xdx_totF)*RT_inv)
    return gammas

def gibbs_excess_dHE_dxs(dGE_dxs, d2GE_dTdxs, N, T, dHE_dxs=None):
    if dHE_dxs is None:
        dHE_dxs = [0.0]*N
    for i in range(N):
        dHE_dxs[i] = -T*d2GE_dTdxs[i] + dGE_dxs[i]
    return dHE_dxs

def gibbs_excess_dgammas_dns(xs, gammas, d2GE_dxixjs, N, T, dgammas_dns=None, vec0=None):
    if vec0 is None:
        vec0 = [0.0]*N
    if dgammas_dns is None:
        dgammas_dns = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba : delete
#        dgammas_dns = zeros((N, N)) # numba : uncomment

    for j in range(N):
        tot = 0.0
        row = d2GE_dxixjs[j]
        for k in range(N):
            tot += xs[k]*row[k]
        vec0[j] = tot

    RT_inv = R_inv/(T)

    for i in range(N):
        gammai_RT = gammas[i]*RT_inv
        for j in range(N):
            dgammas_dns[i][j] = gammai_RT*(d2GE_dxixjs[i][j] - vec0[j])

    return dgammas_dns

def gibbs_excess_dgammas_dT(xs, GE, dGE_dT, dG_dxs, d2GE_dTdxs, N, T, dgammas_dT=None):
    if dgammas_dT is None:
        dgammas_dT = [0.0]*N

    xdx_totF0 = dGE_dT
    for j in range(N):
        xdx_totF0 -= xs[j]*d2GE_dTdxs[j]
    xdx_totF1 = GE
    for j in range(N):
        xdx_totF1 -= xs[j]*dG_dxs[j]

    T_inv = 1.0/T
    RT_inv = R_inv*T_inv
    for i in range(N):
        dG_dni = xdx_totF1 + dG_dxs[i]
        dgammas_dT[i] = RT_inv*(d2GE_dTdxs[i] - dG_dni*T_inv + xdx_totF0)*exp(dG_dni*RT_inv)
    return dgammas_dT

def interaction_exp(T, N, A, B, C, D, E, F, lambdas=None):
    if lambdas is None:
        lambdas = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
#        lambdas = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment

#        # 87% of the time of this routine is the exponential.
    T2 = T*T
    Tinv = 1.0/T
    T2inv = Tinv*Tinv
    logT = log(T)
    for i in range(N):
        Ai = A[i]
        Bi = B[i]
        Ci = C[i]
        Di = D[i]
        Ei = E[i]
        Fi = F[i]
        lambdais = lambdas[i]
        # Might be more efficient to pass over this matrix later,
        # and compute all the exps
        # Spoiler: it was not.

        # Also - it was tested the impact of using fewer terms
        # there was very little, to no impact from that
        # the exp is the huge time sink.
        for j in range(N):
            lambdais[j] = exp(Ai[j] + Bi[j]*Tinv
                    + Ci[j]*logT + Di[j]*T
                    + Ei[j]*T2inv + Fi[j]*T2)
#            lambdas[i][j] = exp(A[i][j] + B[i][j]*Tinv
#                    + C[i][j]*logT + D[i][j]*T
#                    + E[i][j]*T2inv + F[i][j]*T2)
#    135 µs ± 1.09 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) # without out specified numba
#    129 µs ± 2.45 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) # with out specified numba
#    118 µs ± 2.67 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) # without out specified numba 1 term
#    115 µs ± 1.77 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each) # with out specified numba 1 term

    return lambdas

def dinteraction_exp_dT(T, N, B, C, D, E, F, lambdas, dlambdas_dT=None):
    if dlambdas_dT is None:
        dlambdas_dT = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
#        dlambdas_dT = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment

    T2 = T + T
    Tinv = 1.0/T
    nT2inv = -Tinv*Tinv
    nT3inv2 = 2.0*nT2inv*Tinv
    for i in range(N):
        lambdasi = lambdas[i]
        Bi = B[i]
        Ci = C[i]
        Di = D[i]
        Ei = E[i]
        Fi = F[i]
        dlambdas_dTi = dlambdas_dT[i]
        for j in range(N):
            dlambdas_dTi[j] = (T2*Fi[j] + Di[j] + Ci[j]*Tinv + Bi[j]*nT2inv
                             + Ei[j]*nT3inv2)*lambdasi[j]
    return dlambdas_dT

def d2interaction_exp_dT2(T, N, B, C, E, F, lambdas, dlambdas_dT, d2lambdas_dT2=None):
    if d2lambdas_dT2 is None:
        d2lambdas_dT2 = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
#        d2lambdas_dT2 = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment

    Tinv = 1.0/T
    nT2inv = -Tinv*Tinv
    T3inv2 = -2.0*nT2inv*Tinv
    T4inv6 = 3.0*T3inv2*Tinv
    for i in range(N):
        lambdasi = lambdas[i]
        dlambdas_dTi = dlambdas_dT[i]
        Bi = B[i]
        Ci = C[i]
        Ei = E[i]
        Fi = F[i]
        d2lambdas_dT2i = d2lambdas_dT2[i]
        for j in range(N):
            d2lambdas_dT2i[j] = ((2.0*Fi[j] + nT2inv*Ci[j]
                             + T3inv2*Bi[j] + T4inv6*Ei[j]
                               )*lambdasi[j] + dlambdas_dTi[j]*dlambdas_dTi[j]/lambdasi[j])
    return d2lambdas_dT2

def d3interaction_exp_dT3(T, N, B, C, E, F, lambdas, dlambdas_dT, d3lambdas_dT3=None):
    if d3lambdas_dT3 is None:
        d3lambdas_dT3 = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
#        d3lambdas_dT3 = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment

    Tinv = 1.0/T
    Tinv3 = 3.0*Tinv
    nT2inv = -Tinv*Tinv
    nT2inv05 = 0.5*nT2inv
    T3inv = -nT2inv*Tinv
    T3inv2 = T3inv+T3inv
    T4inv3 = 1.5*T3inv2*Tinv
    T2_12 = -12.0*nT2inv

    for i in range(N):
        lambdasi = lambdas[i]
        dlambdas_dTi = dlambdas_dT[i]
        Bi = B[i]
        Ci = C[i]
        Ei = E[i]
        Fi = F[i]
        d3lambdas_dT3i = d3lambdas_dT3[i]
        for j in range(N):
            term2 = (Fi[j] + nT2inv05*Ci[j] + T3inv*Bi[j] + T4inv3*Ei[j])

            term3 = dlambdas_dTi[j]/lambdasi[j]

            term4 = (T3inv2*(Ci[j] - Tinv3*Bi[j] - T2_12*Ei[j]))

            d3lambdas_dT3i[j] = ((term3*(6.0*term2 + term3*term3) + term4)*lambdasi[j])

    return d3lambdas_dT3

[docs]class GibbsExcess: r'''Class for representing an activity coefficient model. While these are typically presented as tools to compute activity coefficients, in truth they are excess Gibbs energy models and activity coefficients are just one derived aspect of them. This class does not implement any activity coefficient models itself; it must be subclassed by another model. All properties are derived with the CAS SymPy, not relying on any derivations previously published, and checked numerically for consistency. Different subclasses have different parameter requirements for initialization; :obj:`IdealSolution` is available as a simplest model with activity coefficients of 1 to show what needs to be implemented in subclasses. It is also intended subclasses implement the method `to_T_xs`, which creates a new object at the specified temperature and composition but with the same parameters. These objects are intended to lazy-calculate properties as much as possible, and for the temperature and composition of an object to be immutable. ''' T_DEFAULT = 298.15 _x_infinite_dilution = 0.0 """When set, this will be the limiting mole fraction used to approximate the :obj:`gammas_infinite_dilution` calculation. This is important as not all models can mathematically be evaluated at zero mole-fraction.""" __slots__ = ('T', 'N', 'xs', 'vectorized', '_GE', '_dGE_dT', '_SE','_d2GE_dT2', '_d2GE_dTdxs', '_dGE_dxs', '_gammas', '_dgammas_dns', '_dgammas_dT', '_d2GE_dxixjs', '_dHE_dxs', '_dSE_dxs', '_model_hash') recalculable_attributes = ('_GE', '_dGE_dT', '_SE','_d2GE_dT2', '_d2GE_dTdxs', '_dGE_dxs', '_gammas', '_dgammas_dns', '_dgammas_dT', '_d2GE_dxixjs', '_dHE_dxs', '_dSE_dxs') _point_properties = ('CpE', 'GE', 'HE', 'SE', 'd2GE_dT2', 'd2GE_dTdns', 'd2GE_dTdxs', 'd2GE_dxixjs', 'd2nGE_dTdns', 'd2nGE_dninjs', 'dGE_dT', 'dGE_dns', 'dGE_dxs', 'dHE_dT', 'dHE_dns', 'dHE_dxs', 'dSE_dT', 'dSE_dns', 'dSE_dxs', 'dgammas_dT', 'dgammas_dns', 'dnGE_dns', 'dnHE_dns', 'dnSE_dns', 'gammas') """These are all methods which take no arguments. For use in testing.""" def __init_subclass__(cls): cls.__full_path__ = f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}" json_version = 1 obj_references = [] non_json_attributes = ['_model_hash']
[docs] def __repr__(self): r'''Method to create a string representation of the state of the model. Included is `T`, `xs`, and all constants necessary to create the model. This can be passed into :py:func:`exec` to re-create the model. Note that parsing strings like this can be slow. Returns ------- repr : str String representation of the object, [-] Examples -------- >>> IdealSolution(T=300.0, xs=[.1, .2, .3, .4]) IdealSolution(T=300.0, xs=[.1, .2, .3, .4]) ''' # Other classes with different parameters should expose them here too s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(T={self.T!r}, xs={self.xs!r})' return s
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == hash(other)
[docs] def model_hash(self): r'''Basic method to calculate a hash of the non-state parts of the model This is useful for comparing to models to determine if they are the same, i.e. in a VLL flash it is important to know if both liquids have the same model. Note that the hashes should only be compared on the same system running in the same process! Returns ------- model_hash : int Hash of the object's model parameters, [-] ''' try: return self._model_hash except AttributeError: pass to_hash = [self.__class__.__name__, self.N] for k in self._model_attributes: v = getattr(self, k) if type(v) is ndarray: v = v.tolist() to_hash.append(v) self._model_hash = hash_any_primitive(to_hash) return self._model_hash
[docs] def state_hash(self): r'''Basic method to calculate a hash of the state of the model and its model parameters. Note that the hashes should only be compared on the same system running in the same process! Returns ------- state_hash : int Hash of the object's model parameters and state, [-] ''' xs = self.xs if not self.vectorized else self.xs.tolist() return hash_any_primitive((self.model_hash(), float(self.T), xs))
__hash__ = state_hash
[docs] def exact_hash(self): r'''Method to calculate and return a hash representing the exact state of the object. This includes `T`, `xs`, the model class, and which values have already been calculated. Returns ------- hash : int Hash of the object, [-] ''' d = object_data(self) ans = hash_any_primitive((self.__class__.__name__, d)) return ans
[docs] def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0): r'''Method to create a JSON-friendly representation of the Gibbs Excess model which can be stored, and reloaded later. Returns ------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import json >>> model = IdealSolution(T=300.0, xs=[.1, .2, .3, .4]) >>> json_view = model.as_json() >>> json_str = json.dumps(json_view) >>> assert type(json_str) is str >>> model_copy = IdealSolution.from_json(json.loads(json_str)) >>> assert model_copy == model ''' return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None): r'''Method to create a Gibbs Excess model from a JSON-friendly serialization of another Gibbs Excess model. Parameters ---------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Returns ------- model : :obj:`GibbsExcess` Newly created object from the json serialization, [-] Notes ----- It is important that the input string be in the same format as that created by :obj:`GibbsExcess.as_json`. Examples -------- >>> model = IdealSolution(T=300.0, xs=[.1, .2, .3, .4]) >>> json_view = model.as_json() >>> new_model = IdealSolution.from_json(json_view) >>> assert model == new_model ''' return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
def _custom_from_json(self, *args): vectorized = self.vectorized if vectorized and hasattr(self, 'cmp_group_idx'): self.cmp_group_idx = tuple(array(v) for v in self.cmp_group_idx) if vectorized and hasattr(self, 'group_cmp_idx'): self.group_cmp_idx = tuple(array(v) for v in self.group_cmp_idx)
[docs] def HE(self): r'''Calculate and return the excess entropy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: h^E = -T \frac{\partial g^E}{\partial T} + g^E Returns ------- HE : float Excess enthalpy of the liquid phase, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' """f = symbols('f', cls=Function) T = symbols('T') simplify(-T**2*diff(f(T)/T, T)) """ return -self.T*self.dGE_dT() + self.GE()
[docs] def dHE_dT(self): r'''Calculate and return the first temperature derivative of excess enthalpy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial h^E}{\partial T} = -T \frac{\partial^2 g^E} {\partial T^2} Returns ------- dHE_dT : float First temperature derivative of excess enthalpy of the liquid phase, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- ''' return -self.T*self.d2GE_dT2()
CpE = dHE_dT
[docs] def dHE_dxs(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole fraction derivative of excess enthalpy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial h^E}{\partial x_i} = -T \frac{\partial^2 g^E} {\partial T \partial x_i} + \frac{\partial g^E}{\partial x_i} Returns ------- dHE_dxs : list[float] First mole fraction derivative of excess enthalpy of the liquid phase, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._dHE_dxs except: pass # Derived by hand taking into account the expression for excess enthalpy d2GE_dTdxs = self.d2GE_dTdxs() try: dGE_dxs = self._dGE_dxs except: dGE_dxs = self.dGE_dxs() dHE_dxs = gibbs_excess_dHE_dxs(dGE_dxs, d2GE_dTdxs, self.N, self.T) if self.vectorized and type(dHE_dxs) is list: dHE_dxs = array(dHE_dxs) self._dHE_dxs = dHE_dxs return dHE_dxs
[docs] def dHE_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole number derivative of excess enthalpy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial h^E}{\partial n_i} Returns ------- dHE_dns : list[float] First mole number derivative of excess enthalpy of the liquid phase, [J/mol^2] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) dHE_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dHE_dxs(), self.xs, out) return dHE_dns
[docs] def dnHE_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the partial mole number derivative of excess enthalpy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial n h^E}{\partial n_i} Returns ------- dnHE_dns : list[float] First partial mole number derivative of excess enthalpy of the liquid phase, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) dnHE_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dHE_dxs(), self.xs, self.HE(), out) return dnHE_dns
[docs] def SE(self): r'''Calculates the excess entropy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: s^E = \frac{h^E - g^E}{T} Returns ------- SE : float Excess entropy of the liquid phase, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- Note also the relationship of the expressions for partial excess entropy: .. math:: S_i^E = -R\left(T \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i}{\partial T} + \ln \gamma_i\right) ''' try: return self._SE except: self._SE = (self.HE() - self.GE())/self.T return self._SE
[docs] def dSE_dT(self): r'''Calculate and return the first temperature derivative of excess entropy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial s^E}{\partial T} = \frac{1}{T} \left(\frac{-\partial g^E}{\partial T} + \frac{\partial h^E}{\partial T} - \frac{(G + H)}{T}\right) Returns ------- dSE_dT : float First temperature derivative of excess entropy of the liquid phase, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- ''' """from sympy import * T = symbols('T') G, H = symbols('G, H', cls=Function) S = (H(T) - G(T))/T print(diff(S, T)) # (-Derivative(G(T), T) + Derivative(H(T), T))/T - (-G(T) + H(T))/T**2 """ # excess entropy temperature derivative dHE_dT = self.dHE_dT() try: HE = self._HE except: HE = self.HE() try: dGE_dT = self._dGE_dT except: dGE_dT = self.dGE_dT() try: GE = self._GE except: GE = self.GE() T_inv = 1.0/self.T return T_inv*(-dGE_dT + dHE_dT - (HE - GE)*T_inv)
[docs] def dSE_dxs(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole fraction derivative of excess entropy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial S^E}{\partial x_i} = \frac{1}{T}\left( \frac{\partial h^E} {\partial x_i} - \frac{\partial g^E}{\partial x_i}\right) = -\frac{\partial^2 g^E}{\partial x_i \partial T} Returns ------- dSE_dxs : list[float] First mole fraction derivative of excess entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._dSE_dxs except: pass try: d2GE_dTdxs = self._d2GE_dTdxs except: d2GE_dTdxs = self.d2GE_dTdxs() if not self.vectorized: dSE_dxs = [-v for v in d2GE_dTdxs] else: dSE_dxs = -d2GE_dTdxs self._dSE_dxs = dSE_dxs return dSE_dxs
[docs] def dSE_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole number derivative of excess entropy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial S^E}{\partial n_i} Returns ------- dSE_dns : list[float] First mole number derivative of excess entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol^2*K)] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) dSE_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dSE_dxs(), self.xs, out) return dSE_dns
[docs] def dnSE_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the partial mole number derivative of excess entropy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial n S^E}{\partial n_i} Returns ------- dnSE_dns : list[float] First partial mole number derivative of excess entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) dnSE_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dSE_dxs(), self.xs, self.SE(), out) return dnSE_dns
[docs] def dGE_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole number derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial G^E}{\partial n_i} Returns ------- dGE_dns : list[float] First mole number derivative of excess Gibbs entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol^2*K)] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) dGE_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dGE_dxs(), self.xs, out) return dGE_dns
[docs] def dnGE_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the partial mole number derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial n G^E}{\partial n_i} Returns ------- dnGE_dns : list[float] First partial mole number derivative of excess Gibbs entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) dnGE_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dGE_dxs(), self.xs, self.GE(), out) return dnGE_dns
[docs] def d2GE_dTdns(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole number derivative of the first temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial n_i \partial T} Returns ------- d2GE_dTdns : list[float] First mole number derivative of the temperature derivative of excess Gibbs entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol^2*K)] Notes ----- ''' out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) d2GE_dTdns = dxs_to_dns(self.d2GE_dTdxs(), self.xs, out) return d2GE_dTdns
[docs] def d2nGE_dTdns(self): r'''Calculate and return the partial mole number derivative of the first temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 n G^E}{\partial n_i \partial T} Returns ------- d2nGE_dTdns : list[float] First partial mole number derivative of the temperature derivative of excess Gibbs entropy of the liquid phase, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' # needed in gammas temperature derivatives dGE_dT = self.dGE_dT() d2GE_dTdns = self.d2GE_dTdns() out = [0.0]*self.N if not self.vectorized else zeros(self.N) d2nGE_dTdns = dns_to_dn_partials(d2GE_dTdns, dGE_dT, out) return d2nGE_dTdns
[docs] def d2nGE_dninjs(self): r'''Calculate and return the second partial mole number derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 n G^E}{\partial n_i \partial n_i} Returns ------- d2nGE_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second partial mole number derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase, [J/(mol^2)] Notes ----- ''' # This one worked out d2nGE_dninjs = d2xs_to_dxdn_partials(self.d2GE_dxixjs(), self.xs) if self.vectorized and type(d2nGE_dninjs) is list: d2nGE_dninjs = array(d2nGE_dninjs) return d2nGE_dninjs
[docs] def gammas_infinite_dilution(self): r'''Calculate and return the infinite dilution activity coefficients of each component. Returns ------- gammas_infinite : list[float] Infinite dilution activity coefficients, [-] Notes ----- The algorithm is as follows. For each component, set its composition to zero. Normalize the remaining compositions to 1. Create a new object with that composition, and calculate the activity coefficient of the component whose concentration was set to zero. ''' T, N = self.T, self.N xs_base = self.xs x_infinite_dilution = self._x_infinite_dilution if not self.vectorized: gammas_inf = [0.0]*N copy_fun = list else: gammas_inf = zeros(N) copy_fun = array for i in range(N): xs = copy_fun(xs_base) xs[i] = x_infinite_dilution xs = normalize(xs) gammas_inf[i] = self.to_T_xs(T, xs=xs).gammas()[i] return gammas_inf
[docs] def gammas(self): r'''Calculate and return the activity coefficients of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \gamma_i = \exp\left(\frac{\frac{\partial n_i G^E}{\partial n_i }}{RT}\right) Returns ------- gammas : list[float] Activity coefficients, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._gammas except: pass # Matches the gamma formulation perfectly GE = self.GE() dG_dxs = self.dGE_dxs() if not self.vectorized: dG_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(dG_dxs, self.xs, GE) RT_inv = 1.0/(R*self.T) gammas = [trunc_exp(i*RT_inv) for i in dG_dns] else: gammas = gibbs_excess_gammas(self.xs, dG_dxs, GE, self.T) if type(gammas) is list: gammas = array(gammas) self._gammas = gammas return gammas
[docs] def gammas_dGE_dxs(self): try: del self._gammas except: pass return GibbsExcess.gammas(self)
[docs] def gammas_numerical(self): # for testing purposes def nGE_func(ns): total_n = sum(ns) xs = [n / total_n for n in ns] return total_n * self.to_T_xs(T=self.T, xs=xs).GE() dnGE_dns = jacobian(nGE_func, self.xs, perturbation=1e-7) RT_inv = 1.0/(self.T *R) gammas = np.exp(np.array(dnGE_dns)*RT_inv) if self.vectorized else [exp(v*RT_inv) for v in dnGE_dns] return gammas
[docs] def lngammas(self): r'''Calculate and return the natural logarithm of the activity coefficients of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \ln \gamma_i = \frac{\frac{\partial n_i G^E}{\partial n_i }}{RT} Returns ------- log_gammas : list[float] Natural logarithm of activity coefficients, [-] Notes ----- ''' GE = self.GE() dG_dxs = self.dGE_dxs() dG_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(dG_dxs, self.xs, GE) RT_inv = 1.0/(R * self.T) if not self.vectorized: return [dG_dn * RT_inv for dG_dn in dG_dns] else: return array(dG_dns) * RT_inv
[docs] def dlngammas_dT(self): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivatives of the natural logarithm of activity coefficients of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i}{\partial T} = \frac{1}{\gamma_i} \frac{\partial \gamma_i}{\partial T} Returns ------- dlog_gammas_dT : list[float] Temperature derivatives of the natural logarithm of activity coefficients, [1/K] Notes ----- This method uses the chain rule to calculate the temperature derivative of log activity coefficients. ''' gammas = self.gammas() dgammas_dT = self.dgammas_dT() if not self.vectorized: return [dgamma_dT / gamma for gamma, dgamma_dT in zip(gammas, dgammas_dT)] else: return dgammas_dT / gammas
[docs] def dgammas_dns(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole number derivative of activity coefficients of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma_i}{\partial n_i} = \gamma_i \left(\frac{\frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}}{RT}\right) Returns ------- dgammas_dns : list[list[float]] Mole number derivatives of activity coefficients, [1/mol] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._dgammas_dns except AttributeError: pass gammas = self.gammas() N = self.N xs = self.xs d2GE_dxixjs = self.d2GE_dxixjs() dgammas_dns = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if not self.vectorized else zeros((N, N)) dgammas_dns = gibbs_excess_dgammas_dns(xs, gammas, d2GE_dxixjs, N, self.T, dgammas_dns) if self.vectorized and type(dgammas_dns) is list: dgammas_dns = array(dgammas_dns) self._dgammas_dns = dgammas_dns return dgammas_dns
# def dgammas_dxs(self): # TODO - compare with UNIFAC, which has a dx derivative working # # NOT WORKING # gammas = self.gammas() # cmps = self.cmps # RT_inv = 1.0/(R*self.T) # d2GE_dxixjs = self.d2GE_dxixjs() # Thi smatrix is symmetric # # def thing(d2xs, xs): # cmps = range(len(xs)) # # double_sums = [] # for j in cmps: # tot = 0.0 # for k in cmps: # tot += xs[k]*d2xs[j][k] # double_sums.append(tot) # # mat = [] # for i in cmps: # row = [] # for j in cmps: # row.append(d2xs[i][j] - double_sums[i]) # mat.append(row) # return mat # # return [[d2xj - tot for (d2xj, tot) in zip(d2xsi, double_sums)] # for d2xsi in d2xs] # # d2nGE_dxjnis = thing(d2GE_dxixjs, self.xs) # # matrix = [] # for i in cmps: # row = [] # gammai = gammas[i] # for j in cmps: # v = gammai*d2nGE_dxjnis[i][j]*RT_inv # row.append(v) # matrix.append(row) # return matrix
[docs] def dgammas_dT(self): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivatives of activity coefficients of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma_i}{\partial T} = \left(\frac{\frac{\partial^2 n G^E}{\partial T \partial n_i}}{RT} - \frac{{\frac{\partial n_i G^E}{\partial n_i }}}{RT^2}\right) \exp\left(\frac{\frac{\partial n_i G^E}{\partial n_i }}{RT}\right) Returns ------- dgammas_dT : list[float] Temperature derivatives of activity coefficients, [1/K] Notes ----- ''' r""" from sympy import * R, T = symbols('R, T') f = symbols('f', cls=Function) diff(exp(f(T)/(R*T)), T) """ try: return self._dgammas_dT except AttributeError: pass N, T, xs = self.N, self.T, self.xs dGE_dT = self.dGE_dT() GE = self.GE() dG_dxs = self.dGE_dxs() d2GE_dTdxs = self.d2GE_dTdxs() dgammas_dT = gibbs_excess_dgammas_dT(xs, GE, dGE_dT, dG_dxs, d2GE_dTdxs, N, T) if self.vectorized and type(dgammas_dT) is list: dgammas_dT = array(dgammas_dT) self._dgammas_dT = dgammas_dT return dgammas_dT
@classmethod def _regress_binary_parameters(cls, gammas, xs, fitting_func, fit_parameters, use_fit_parameters, initial_guesses=None, analytical_jac=None, **kwargs): fit_kwargs = dict(fit_method='lm', # fit_method='differential_evolution', objective='MeanSquareErr', multiple_tries_max_objective='MeanRelErr', initial_guesses=initial_guesses, analytical_jac=analytical_jac, solver_kwargs=None, use_numba=False, multiple_tries=False, do_statistics=True, multiple_tries_max_err=1e-5) fit_kwargs.update(kwargs) res = fit_customized(xs, data=gammas, fitting_func=fitting_func, fit_parameters=fit_parameters, use_fit_parameters=use_fit_parameters, **fit_kwargs) return res
derivatives_added = [('dGE_dT', 'GE', 1), ('d2GE_dT2', 'GE', 2), ('d3GE_dT3', 'GE', 3), ('d4GE_dT4', 'GE', 4), ] for create_derivative, derive_attr, order in derivatives_added: def numerical_derivative(self, derive_attr=derive_attr, n=order, ): order = 2*n+1 perturbation = 1e-7 xs = self.xs def func(T): if T == self.T: obj = self else: obj = self.to_T_xs(xs=xs, T=T) return getattr(obj, derive_attr)() return derivative(func, x0=self.T, dx=self.T*perturbation, lower_limit=0.0, n=n, order=order) setattr(GibbsExcess, create_derivative+'_numerical', numerical_derivative) first_comp_derivatives = [ ('dGE_dxs', 'GE'), ('d2GE_dTdxs', 'dGE_dT'), ('d3GE_dT2dxs', 'd2GE_dT2'), ('d4GE_dT3dxs', 'd3GE_dT3'), ] for create_derivative, derive_attr in first_comp_derivatives: def numerical_derivative(self, derive_attr=derive_attr): perturbation = 1e-7 def func(xs): if not self.vectorized and xs == self.xs: obj = self else: obj = self.to_T_xs(xs=xs, T=self.T) return getattr(obj, derive_attr)() return jacobian(func, self.xs, perturbation=perturbation) setattr(GibbsExcess, create_derivative+'_numerical', numerical_derivative) second_comp_derivatives = [ ('d2GE_dxixjs', 'GE'), ('d3GE_dTdxixjs', 'dGE_dT'), ('d4GE_dT2dxixjs', 'd2GE_dT2'), ('d5GE_dT3dxixjs', 'd3GE_dT3'), ] for create_derivative, derive_attr in second_comp_derivatives: def numerical_derivative(self, derive_attr=derive_attr): perturbation = 1e-5 def func(xs): if not self.vectorized and xs == self.xs: obj = self else: obj = self.to_T_xs(xs=xs, T=self.T) return getattr(obj, derive_attr)() return hessian(func, self.xs, perturbation=perturbation) setattr(GibbsExcess, create_derivative+'_numerical', numerical_derivative)
[docs]class IdealSolution(GibbsExcess): r'''Class for representing an ideal liquid, with no excess gibbs energy and thus activity coefficients of 1. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] Attributes ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] Examples -------- >>> model = IdealSolution(T=300.0, xs=[.1, .2, .3, .4]) >>> model.GE() 0.0 >>> model.gammas() [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0] >>> model.dgammas_dT() [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] ''' _model_attributes = () model_id = 0 __slots__ = GibbsExcess.__slots__ def gammas_args(self, T=None): N = self.N return (N,) def __init__(self, *, xs, T=GibbsExcess.T_DEFAULT): self.T = T self.xs = xs self.N = len(xs) self.vectorized = type(xs) is not list
[docs] def to_T_xs(self, T, xs): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`IdealSolution` instance at temperature `T`, and mole fractions `xs` with the same parameters as the existing object. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions of each component, [-] Returns ------- obj : IdealSolution New :obj:`IdealSolution` object at the specified conditions [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> p = IdealSolution(T=300.0, xs=[.1, .2, .3, .4]) >>> p.to_T_xs(T=500.0, xs=[.25, .25, .25, .25]) IdealSolution(T=500.0, xs=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) ''' new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.T = T new.xs = xs new.vectorized = self.vectorized new.N = len(xs) return new
[docs] def GE(self): r'''Calculate and return the excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: g^E = 0 Returns ------- GE : float Excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
[docs] def dGE_dT(self): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial g^E}{\partial T} = 0 Returns ------- dGE_dT : float First temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
[docs] def d2GE_dT2(self): r'''Calculate and return the second temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 g^E}{\partial T^2} = 0 Returns ------- d2GE_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/(mol*K^2)] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
[docs] def d3GE_dT3(self): r'''Calculate and return the third temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using an activity coefficient model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 g^E}{\partial T^3} = 0 Returns ------- d3GE_dT3 : float Third temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/(mol*K^3)] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
[docs] def d2GE_dTdxs(self): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivative of mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 g^E}{\partial x_i \partial T} = 0 Returns ------- d2GE_dTdxs : list[float] Temperature derivative of mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' if not self.vectorized: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def dGE_dxs(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid. .. math:: \frac{\partial g^E}{\partial x_i} = 0 Returns ------- dGE_dxs : list[float] Mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' if not self.vectorized: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def d2GE_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate and return the second mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 g^E}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} = 0 Returns ------- d2GE_dxixjs : list[list[float]] Second mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' N = self.N if not self.vectorized: return [[0.0]*N for i in range(self.N)] return zeros((N, N))
[docs] def d3GE_dxixjxks(self): r'''Calculate and return the third mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 g^E}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k} = 0 Returns ------- d3GE_dxixjxks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of an ideal liquid, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' N = self.N if not self.vectorized: return [[[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)] return zeros((N, N, N))
def gammas(self): if not self.vectorized: return [1.0]*self.N else: return ones(self.N) try: gammas.__doc__ = GibbsExcess.__doc__ except: pass