Source code for thermo.bulk

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021 Caleb Bell <>

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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This module contains a phase wrapper for obtaining properties of a pseudo-phase
made of multiple other phases. This is useful in the context of multiple liquid
phases; or multiple solid phases; or looking at all the phases together.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Bulk Class
.. autoclass:: Bulk
    :members: beta, betas_mass, betas_volume, beta_volume_liquid_ref, k, mu, sigma, MW, V, V_iter, Cp, H, S,
              dG_dT, dG_dP, dU_dT, dU_dP, dA_dT, dA_dP,
              H_reactive, S_reactive, dP_dT_frozen, dP_dV_frozen,
              d2P_dT2_frozen, d2P_dV2_frozen, d2P_dTdV_frozen,
              dP_dT, dP_dV, d2P_dT2, d2P_dV2, d2P_dTdV,
              isobaric_expansion, kappa, Joule_Thomson, speed_of_sound, Tmc,
              Pmc, Vmc, Zmc, H_ideal_gas, Cp_ideal_gas, S_ideal_gas

Bulk Settings Class

.. autoclass:: BulkSettings

.. autodata:: DP_DT_METHODS
.. autodata:: DP_DV_METHODS
.. autodata:: D2P_DV2_METHODS
.. autodata:: D2P_DT2_METHODS
.. autodata:: D2P_DTDV_METHODS

.. autodata:: MU_LL_METHODS
.. autodata:: MU_VL_METHODS
.. autodata:: K_LL_METHODS
.. autodata:: K_VL_METHODS
.. autodata:: SIGMA_LL_METHODS

.. autodata:: BETA_METHODS
.. autodata:: KAPPA_METHODS
.. autodata:: JT_METHODS


__all__ = ['Bulk', 'BulkSettings', 'default_settings']

from chemicals.utils import Joule_Thomson, hash_any_primitive, isobaric_expansion, isothermal_compressibility, object_data, speed_of_sound
from fluids.constants import R, atm
from fluids.numerics import exp, log, sqrt
from fluids.two_phase_voidage import gas_liquid_viscosity

from thermo.phase_identification import DENSITY_MASS, PROP_SORT, S_ID_D2P_DVDT, VL_ID_PIP, WATER_NOT_SPECIAL
from thermo.phases import Phase
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable, object_lookups

"""Class designed to have multiple phases.

Calculates dew, bubble points as properties (going to call back to property package)
I guess it's going to need MW as well.

Does not have any flow property.






"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `DP_DT` bulk setting"""
"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `DP_DV` bulk setting"""
"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `D2P_DV2` bulk setting"""
"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `D2P_DT2` bulk setting"""
"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `D2P_DTDV` bulk setting"""


"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `speed_of_sound` bulk setting"""

"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `isothermal_compressibility` bulk setting"""

"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `kappa` bulk setting"""
"""List of all valid and implemented calculation methods for the `JT` bulk setting"""

AS_ONE_LIQUID = 'AS_ONE_LIQUID' # Calculate a transport property as if there was one liquid phase
AS_ONE_GAS = 'AS_ONE_GAS' # Calculate a transport property as if there was one gas phase and liquids or solids

"""List of all valid and implemented mixing rules for the `MU_LL` setting"""

MU_LL_METHODS_set = frozenset(MU_LL_METHODS)

"""List of all valid and implemented mixing rules for the `K_LL` setting"""
K_LL_METHODS_set = frozenset(K_LL_METHODS)

"""List of all valid and implemented mixing rules for the `SIGMA_LL` setting"""

BEATTIE_WHALLEY_MU_VL = 'Beattie Whalley'
CICCHITTI_MU_VL = 'Cicchitti'
LUN_KWOK_MU_VL = 'Lin Kwok'
FOURAR_BORIES_MU_VL = 'Fourar Bories'
DUCKLER_MU_VL = 'Duckler'

"""List of all valid and implemented mixing rules for the `MU_VL` setting"""

"""List of all valid and implemented mixing rules for the `K_VL` setting"""

                'AS_ONE_GAS', 'AS_ONE_LIQUID',



[docs]class BulkSettings: r'''Class containing configuration methods for determining how properties of a `Bulk` phase made of different phases are handled. All parameters are also attributes. Parameters ---------- dP_dT : str, optional The method used to calculate the constant-volume temperature derivative of pressure of the bulk. One of :obj:`DP_DT_METHODS`, [-] dP_dV : str, optional The method used to calculate the constant-temperature volume derivative of pressure of the bulk. One of :obj:`DP_DV_METHODS`, [-] d2P_dV2 : str, optional The method used to calculate the second constant-temperature volume derivative of pressure of the bulk. One of :obj:`D2P_DV2_METHODS`, [-] d2P_dT2 : str, optional The method used to calculate the second constant-volume temperature derivative of pressure of the bulk. One of :obj:`D2P_DT2_METHODS`, [-] d2P_dTdV : str, optional The method used to calculate the temperature and volume derivative of pressure of the bulk. One of :obj:`D2P_DTDV_METHODS`, [-] T_liquid_volume_ref : float, optional Liquid molar volume reference temperature; if this is 298.15 K exactly, the molar volumes in :obj:`Vml_STPs <ChemicalConstantsPackage.Vml_STPs>` will be used, and if it is 288.7055555555555 K exactly, :obj:`Vml_60Fs <ChemicalConstantsPackage.Vml_60Fs>` will be used, and otherwise the molar liquid volumes will be obtained from the temperature-dependent correlations specified, [K] T_gas_ref : float, optional Reference temperature to use for the calculation of ideal-gas molar volume and flow rate, [K] P_gas_ref : float, optional Reference pressure to use for the calculation of ideal-gas molar volume and flow rate, [Pa] T_normal : float, optional "Normal" gas reference temperature for the calculation of ideal-gas molar volume in the "normal" reference state; default 273.15 K (0 C) according to [1]_, [K] P_normal : float, optional "Normal" gas reference pressure for the calculation of ideal-gas molar volume in the "normal" reference state; default 101325 Pa (1 atm) according to [1]_, [Pa] T_standard : float, optional "Standard" gas reference temperature for the calculation of ideal-gas molar volume in the "standard" reference state; default 288.15 K (15° C) according to [2]_; 288.7055555555555 is also often used (60° F), [K] P_standard : float, optional "Standard" gas reference pressure for the calculation of ideal-gas molar volume in the "standard" reference state; default 101325 Pa (1 atm) according to [2]_, [Pa] mu_LL : str, optional Mixing rule for multiple liquid phase liquid viscosity calculations; see :obj:`MU_LL_METHODS` for available options, [-] mu_LL_power_exponent : float, optional Liquid-liquid viscosity power-law mixing parameter, used only when a power law mixing rule is selected, [-] mu_VL : str, optional Mixing rule for vapor-liquid viscosity calculations; see :obj:`MU_VL_METHODS` for available options, [-] mu_VL_power_exponent : float, optional Vapor-liquid viscosity power-law mixing parameter, used only when a power law mixing rule is selected, [-] k_LL : str, optional Mixing rule for multiple liquid phase liquid thermal conductivity calculations; see :obj:`K_LL_METHODS` for available options, [-] k_LL_power_exponent : float, optional Liquid-liquid thermal conductivity power-law mixing parameter, used only when a power law mixing rule is selected, [-] k_VL : str, optional Mixing rule for vapor-liquid thermal conductivity calculations; see :obj:`K_VL_METHODS` for available options, [-] k_VL_power_exponent : float, optional Vapor-liquid thermal conductivity power-law mixing parameter, used only when a power law mixing rule is selected, [-] sigma_LL : str, optional Mixing rule for multiple liquid phase, air-liquid surface tension calculations; see :obj:`SIGMA_LL_METHODS` for available options, [-] sigma_LL_power_exponent : float, optional Air-liquid Liquid-liquid surface tension power-law mixing parameter, used only when a power law mixing rule is selected, [-] equilibrium_perturbation : float, optional The relative perturbation to use when calculating equilibrium derivatives numerically; for example if this is 1e-3 and `T` is the perturbation variable and the statis is 500 K, the perturbation calculation temperature will be 500.5 K, [various] isobaric_expansion : str, optional Mixing rule for multiphase isobaric expansion calculations; see :obj:`BETA_METHODS` for available options, [-] speed_of_sound : str, optional Mixing rule for multiphase speed of sound calculations; see :obj:`SPEED_OF_SOUND_METHODS` for available options, [-] kappa : str, optional Mixing rule for multiphase `kappa` calculations; see :obj:`KAPPA_METHODS` for available options, [-] Joule_Thomson : str, optional Mixing rule for multiphase `Joule-Thomson` calculations; see :obj:`JT_METHODS` for available options, [-] Notes ----- The linear mixing rules "MOLE_WEIGHTED", "MASS_WEIGHTED", and "VOLUME_WEIGHTED" have the following formula, with :math:`\beta` representing molar, mass, or volume phase fraction: .. math:: \text{bulk property} = \left(\sum_i^{phases} \beta_i \text{property} \right) The power mixing rules "POWER_PROP_MOLE_WEIGHTED", "POWER_PROP_MASS_WEIGHTED", and "POWER_PROP_VOLUME_WEIGHTED" have the following formula, with :math:`\beta` representing molar, mass, or volume phase fraction: .. math:: \text{bulk property} = \left(\sum_i^{phases} \beta_i \text{property }^{\text{exponent}} \right)^{1/\text{exponent}} The logarithmic mixing rules "LOG_PROP_MOLE_WEIGHTED", "LOG_PROP_MASS_WEIGHTED", and "LOG_PROP_VOLUME_WEIGHTED" have the following formula, with :math:`\beta` representing molar, mass, or volume phase fraction: .. math:: \text{bulk property} = \exp\left(\sum_i^{phases} \beta_i \ln(\text{property })\right) The mixing rule "MINIMUM_PHASE_PROP" selects the lowest phase value of the property, always. The mixing rule "MAXIMUM_PHASE_PROP" selects the highest phase value of the property, always. The mixing rule "AS_ONE_LIQUID" calculates a property using the bulk composition but applied to the liquid model only. The mixing rule "AS_ONE_GAS" calculates a property using the bulk composition but applied to the gas model only. The mixing rule "FROM_DERIVATIVE_SETTINGS" is used to indicate that the property depends on other configurable properties; and when this is the specified option, those configurations will be used in the calculation of this property. The mixing rule "EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE" performs derivative calculations on flashes themselves. This is quite slow in comparison to other methods. References ---------- .. [1] 14:00-17:00. "ISO 10780:1994." ISO. Accessed March 29, 2021. .. [2] 14:00-17:00. "ISO 13443:1996." ISO. Accessed March 29, 2021. ''' __full_path__ = f"{__module__}.{__qualname__}" json_version = 1 obj_references = [] non_json_attributes = [] vectorized = False settings = ('dP_dT', 'dP_dV', 'd2P_dV2', 'd2P_dT2', 'd2P_dTdV', 'mu_LL', 'mu_LL_power_exponent', 'mu_VL', 'mu_VL_power_exponent', 'k_LL', 'k_LL_power_exponent', 'k_VL', 'k_VL_power_exponent', 'sigma_LL', 'sigma_LL_power_exponent', 'T_liquid_volume_ref', 'T_normal', 'P_normal', 'T_standard', 'P_standard', 'T_gas_ref', 'P_gas_ref', 'speed_of_sound', 'kappa', 'isobaric_expansion', 'Joule_Thomson', 'VL_ID', 'VL_ID_settings', 'S_ID', 'S_ID_settings', 'solid_sort_method', 'liquid_sort_method', 'liquid_sort_cmps', 'solid_sort_cmps', 'liquid_sort_cmps_neg', 'solid_sort_cmps_neg', 'liquid_sort_prop', 'solid_sort_prop', 'phase_sort_higher_first', 'water_sort', 'equilibrium_perturbation')
[docs] def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0): r'''Method to create a JSON-friendly representation of the BulkSettings object which can be stored, and reloaded later. Returns ------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import json >>> obj = BulkSettings() >>> json_view = obj.as_json() >>> json_str = json.dumps(json_view) >>> assert type(json_str) is str >>> obj_copy = BulkSettings.from_json(json.loads(json_str)) >>> assert obj_copy == obj ''' return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None): r'''Method to create a BulkSettings object from a JSON-friendly serialization of another BulkSettings. Parameters ---------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Returns ------- model : :obj:`BulkSettings` Newly created object from the json serialization, [-] Notes ----- It is important that the input string be in the same format as that created by :obj:`BulkSettings.as_json`. Examples -------- >>> obj = BulkSettings() >>> json_view = obj.as_json() >>> new_obj = BulkSettings.from_json(json_view) >>> assert obj == new_obj ''' return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
def __repr__(self): r'''Method to create a string representation of the BulkSettings object, with the goal of making it easy to obtain standalone code which reproduces the current state of the phase. This is extremely helpful in creating new test cases. Returns ------- recreation : str String which is valid Python and recreates the current state of the object if ran, [-] ''' base = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' for s in self.settings: if hasattr(self, s) and getattr(self, s) is not None: val = getattr(self, s) if type(val) is str: val = f"'{val}'" base += f'{s}={val}, ' if base[-2:] == ', ': base = base[:-2] base += ')' return base def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == hash(other) def __hash__(self): r'''Method to calculate and return a hash representing the exact state of the object. Returns ------- hash : int Hash of the object, [-] ''' d = object_data(self) ans = hash_any_primitive((self.__class__.__name__, d)) return ans def __init__(self, dP_dT=MOLE_WEIGHTED, dP_dV=MOLE_WEIGHTED, d2P_dV2=MOLE_WEIGHTED, d2P_dT2=MOLE_WEIGHTED, d2P_dTdV=MOLE_WEIGHTED, mu_LL=LOG_PROP_MASS_WEIGHTED, mu_LL_power_exponent=0.4, mu_VL=MCADAMS_MU_VL, mu_VL_power_exponent=0.4, k_LL=MASS_WEIGHTED, k_LL_power_exponent=0.4, k_VL=MASS_WEIGHTED, k_VL_power_exponent=0.4, sigma_LL=MASS_WEIGHTED, sigma_LL_power_exponent=0.4, T_liquid_volume_ref=298.15, T_normal=273.15, P_normal=atm, T_standard=288.15, P_standard=atm, T_gas_ref=288.15, P_gas_ref=atm, speed_of_sound=MOLE_WEIGHTED, kappa=MOLE_WEIGHTED, isobaric_expansion=MOLE_WEIGHTED, Joule_Thomson=MOLE_WEIGHTED, # Undocumented VL_ID=VL_ID_PIP, VL_ID_settings=None, S_ID=S_ID_D2P_DVDT, S_ID_settings=None, solid_sort_method=PROP_SORT, liquid_sort_method=PROP_SORT, liquid_sort_cmps=[], solid_sort_cmps=[], liquid_sort_cmps_neg=[], solid_sort_cmps_neg=[], liquid_sort_prop=DENSITY_MASS, solid_sort_prop=DENSITY_MASS, phase_sort_higher_first=True, water_sort=WATER_NOT_SPECIAL, equilibrium_perturbation=1e-7, ): self.dP_dT = dP_dT self.dP_dV = dP_dV self.d2P_dV2 = d2P_dV2 self.d2P_dT2 = d2P_dT2 self.d2P_dTdV = d2P_dTdV if mu_LL not in MU_LL_METHODS_set: raise ValueError("Unrecognized option for mu_LL") self.mu_LL = mu_LL self.mu_LL_power_exponent = mu_LL_power_exponent if mu_VL not in MU_VL_METHODS_SET: raise ValueError("Unrecognized option for mu_VL") self.mu_VL = mu_VL self.mu_VL_power_exponent = mu_VL_power_exponent if k_LL not in K_LL_METHODS_set: raise ValueError("Unrecognized option for k_LL") self.k_LL = k_LL self.k_LL_power_exponent = k_LL_power_exponent if k_VL not in K_VL_METHODS_SET: raise ValueError("Unrecognized option for k_VL") self.k_VL = k_VL self.k_VL_power_exponent = k_VL_power_exponent if sigma_LL not in SIGMA_LL_METHODS_set: raise ValueError("Unrecognized option for sigma_LL") self.sigma_LL = sigma_LL self.sigma_LL_power_exponent = sigma_LL_power_exponent self.T_normal = T_normal self.P_normal = P_normal self.T_standard = T_standard self.P_standard = P_standard self.T_liquid_volume_ref = T_liquid_volume_ref self.T_gas_ref = T_gas_ref self.P_gas_ref = P_gas_ref self.equilibrium_perturbation = equilibrium_perturbation self.isobaric_expansion = isobaric_expansion self.speed_of_sound = speed_of_sound self.kappa = kappa self.Joule_Thomson = Joule_Thomson # Phase identification settings self.VL_ID = VL_ID self.VL_ID_settings = VL_ID_settings self.S_ID = S_ID self.S_ID_settings = S_ID_settings # These are all lists of lists; can be any number; each has booleans, # length number of components self.liquid_sort_cmps = liquid_sort_cmps self.liquid_sort_cmps_neg = liquid_sort_cmps_neg self.solid_sort_cmps = solid_sort_cmps self.solid_sort_cmps_neg = solid_sort_cmps_neg self.liquid_sort_prop = liquid_sort_prop self.solid_sort_prop = solid_sort_prop self.phase_sort_higher_first = phase_sort_higher_first self.water_sort = water_sort self.solid_sort_method = solid_sort_method self.liquid_sort_method = liquid_sort_method self.phase_sort_higher_first = phase_sort_higher_first
default_settings = BulkSettings()
[docs]class Bulk(Phase): r'''Class to encapsulate multiple :obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>` objects and provide a unified interface for obtaining properties from a group of phases. This class exists for three purposes: * Providing a common interface for obtaining properties like `Cp` - whether there is one phase or 100, calling `Cp` on the bulk will retrieve that value. * Retrieving "bulk" properties that do make sense to be calculated for a combination of phases together. * Allowing configurable estimations of non-bulk properties like isothermal compressibility or speed of sound for the group of phases together. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the bulk, [K] P : float Pressure of the bulk, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the bulk, [-] phases : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Phase objects, [-] phase_fractions : list[float] Molar fractions of each phase, [-] phase_bulk : str, optional None to represent a bulk of all present phases; 'l' to represent a bulk of only liquid phases; `s` to represent a bulk of only solid phases, [-] Notes ----- Please think carefully when retrieving a property of the bulk. If there are two liquid phases in a bulk, and a single viscosity value is retrieved, can that be used directly for a single phase pressure drop calculation? Not with any theoretical consistency, that's for sure. ''' bulk_phase_type = True __slots__ = ('phases', 'phase_fractions', 'phase_bulk', 'result', 'constants', 'correlations', 'flasher', 'settings') model_attributes = () obj_references = ('phases', 'result', 'constants', 'correlations', 'flasher', 'settings') json_version = 1 non_json_attributes = [] def __init__(self, T, P, zs, phases, phase_fractions, phase_bulk=None): self.T = T self.P = P self.zs = zs self.phases = phases self.phase_fractions = phase_fractions self.N = N = len(zs) self.phase_bulk = phase_bulk @property def assigned_phase(self): return self.phase_bulk @property def beta(self): r'''Phase fraction of the bulk phase. Should always be 1 when representing all phases of a flash; but can be less than one if representing multiple solids or liquids as a single phase in a larger mixture. Returns ------- beta : float Phase fraction of bulk, [-] ''' return sum(self.phase_fractions) @property def betas_mass(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass fraction of all of the phases in the bulk. Returns ------- betas_mass : list[float] Mass phase fractions of all the phases in the bulk object, ordered vapor, liquid, then solid, [-] Notes ----- ''' betas = self.phase_fractions phase_iter = range(len(betas)) MWs_phases = [i.MW() for i in self.phases] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += MWs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot return [betas[i]*MWs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] @property def beta_mass(self): return sum(self.betas_mass) @property def betas_volume(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the volume fraction of all of the phases in the bulk. Returns ------- betas_volume : list[float] Volume phase fractions of all the phases in the bulk, ordered vapor, liquid, then solid , [-] Notes ----- ''' betas = self.phase_fractions phase_iter = range(len(betas)) Vs_phases = [i.V() for i in self.phases] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += Vs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot return [betas[i]*Vs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] @property def beta_volume(self): return sum(self.betas_volume) @property def betas_volume_liquid_ref(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the standard liquid volume fraction of all of the phases in the bulk. Returns ------- betas_volume_liquid_ref : list[float] Standard liquid volume phase fractions of all the phases in the bulk, ordered vapor, liquid, then solid , [-] Notes ----- ''' betas = self.phase_fractions phase_iter = range(len(betas)) Vs_phases = [i.V_liquid_ref() for i in self.phases] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += Vs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot return [betas[i]*Vs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] @property def beta_volume_liquid_ref(self): return sum(self.betas_volume_liquid_ref) def _property_mixing_rule(self, method, exponent, mix_obj, attr): if method == AS_ONE_LIQUID: prop = mix_obj.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, else: props = [getattr(i, attr)() for i in self.phases] if method in mole_methods: betas = self.phase_fractions elif method in mass_methods: betas = self.betas_mass elif method in volume_methods: betas = self.betas_volume prop = 0.0 if method in linear_methods: for i in range(len(self.phase_fractions)): prop += betas[i]*props[i] elif method in prop_power_methods: for i in range(len(self.phase_fractions)): prop += betas[i]*props[i]**exponent prop = prop**(1.0/exponent) elif method in log_prop_methods: for i in range(len(self.phase_fractions)): prop += betas[i]*log(props[i]) prop = exp(prop) elif method == MINIMUM_PHASE_PROP: prop = min(props) elif method == MAXIMUM_PHASE_PROP: prop = max(props) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method") return prop def _mu_k_VL(self, method, props, exponent): if method in mole_methods: VF = self.result.VF betas = [VF, 1.0 - VF] elif method in mass_methods: betas = self.result.betas_mass_states[:2] elif method in volume_methods: betas = self.result.betas_volume_states[:2] if method in linear_methods: prop = betas[0]*props[0] + betas[1]*props[1] elif method in prop_power_methods: prop = (betas[0]*props[0]**exponent + betas[1]*props[1]**exponent)**(1.0/exponent) elif method in log_prop_methods: prop = exp(betas[0]*log(props[0]) + betas[1]*log(props[1])) elif method == MINIMUM_PHASE_PROP: prop = min(props) elif method == MAXIMUM_PHASE_PROP: prop = max(props) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized method") return prop
[docs] def mu(self): r'''Calculate and return the viscosity of the bulk according to the selected viscosity settings in :obj:`BulkSettings`, the settings in :obj:`ViscosityGasMixture <thermo.viscosity.ViscosityGasMixture>` and :obj:`ViscosityLiquidMixture <thermo.viscosity.ViscosityLiquidMixture>`, and the configured pure-component settings in :obj:`ViscosityGas <thermo.viscosity.ViscosityGas>` and :obj:`ViscosityLiquid <thermo.viscosity.ViscosityLiquid>`. Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of bulk phase calculated with mixing rules, [Pa*s] ''' try: return self._mu except AttributeError: pass phase_fractions = self.phase_fractions phase_count = len(phase_fractions) result = self.result if phase_count == 1: self._mu = mu = self.phases[0].mu() return mu elif self.phase_bulk == 'l' or self.result.gas is None: # Multiple liquids - either a bulk liquid, or a result with no gases mu = self._property_mixing_rule(self.settings.mu_LL, self.settings.mu_LL_power_exponent, self.correlations.ViscosityLiquidMixture, 'mu') self._mu = mu return mu method = self.settings.mu_VL if method == AS_ONE_LIQUID: self._mu = mu = self.correlations.ViscosityLiquidMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, return mu elif method == AS_ONE_GAS: self._mu = mu = self.correlations.ViscosityGasMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, return mu mug = if phase_count == 2: mul = result.liquids[0].mu() else: mul = if method in MU_VL_CORRELATIONS_SET: x = result.betas_mass[0] rhog = result.gas.rho_mass() if phase_count == 2: rhol = result.liquids[0].rho_mass() else: rhol = result.liquid_bulk.rho_mass() mu = gas_liquid_viscosity(x, mul, mug, rhol, rhog, Method=method) else: mu = self._mu_k_VL(method, props=[mug, mul], exponent=self.settings.mu_VL_power_exponent) self._mu = mu return mu
[docs] def k(self): r'''Calculate and return the thermal conductivity of the bulk according to the selected thermal conductivity settings in :obj:`BulkSettings`, the settings in :obj:`ThermalConductivityGasMixture <thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityGasMixture>` and :obj:`ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture <thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture>`, and the configured pure-component settings in :obj:`ThermalConductivityGas <thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityGas>` and :obj:`ThermalConductivityLiquid <thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityLiquid>`. Returns ------- k : float Thermal Conductivity of bulk phase calculated with mixing rules, [Pa*s] ''' try: return self._k except AttributeError: pass phase_fractions = self.phase_fractions phase_count = len(phase_fractions) result = self.result if phase_count == 1: self._k = k = self.phases[0].k() return k elif self.phase_bulk == 'l' or self.result.gas is None: # Multiple liquids - either a bulk liquid, or a result with no gases k = self._property_mixing_rule(self.settings.k_LL, self.settings.k_LL_power_exponent, self.correlations.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture, 'k') self._k = k return k method = self.settings.k_VL if method == AS_ONE_LIQUID: self._k = k = self.correlations.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, return k elif method == AS_ONE_GAS: self._k = k = self.correlations.ThermalConductivityGasMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, return k kg = result.gas.k() if phase_count == 2: kl = result.liquids[0].k() else: kl = result.liquid_bulk.k() k = self._mu_k_VL(method, props=[kg, kl], exponent=self.settings.k_VL_power_exponent) self._k = k return k
[docs] def sigma(self): r'''Calculate and return the surface tension of the bulk according to the selected surface tension settings in :obj:`BulkSettings`, the settings in :obj:`SurfaceTensionMixture <thermo.interface.SurfaceTensionMixture>` and the configured pure-component settings in :obj:`SurfaceTension <thermo.interface.SurfaceTension>`. Returns ------- sigma : float Surface tension of bulk phase calculated with mixing rules, [N/m] Notes ----- A value is only returned if all phases in the bulk are liquids; this property is for a liquid-ideal gas calculation, not the interfacial tension between two liquid phases. ''' try: return self._sigma except AttributeError: pass phase_fractions = self.phase_fractions phase_count = len(phase_fractions) result = self.result state = self.phase_bulk if phase_count == 1 and self.result.gas is None: self._sigma = sigma = self.phases[0].sigma() return sigma elif self.phase_bulk == 'l' or self.result.gas is None: # Multiple liquids - either a bulk liquid, or a result with no gases sigma = self._property_mixing_rule(self.settings.sigma_LL, self.settings.sigma_LL_power_exponent, self.correlations.SurfaceTensionMixture, 'sigma') self._sigma = sigma return sigma else: return None
[docs] def MW(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molecular weight of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: \text{MW} = \sum_i^p \text{MW}_i \beta_i Returns ------- MW : float Molecular weight, [g/mol] ''' try: return self._MW except: pass MWs = self.constants.MWs zs = self.zs MW = 0.0 for i in range(len(MWs)): MW += zs[i]*MWs[i] self._MW = MW return MW
[docs] def V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar volume of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: V = \sum_i^p V_i \beta_i Returns ------- V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] ''' try: return self._V except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases V = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): V += betas[i]*phases[i].V() self._V = V return V
[docs] def V_iter(self, force=False): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar volume of the bulk phase, with precision suitable for a `TV` calculation to calculate a matching pressure. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: V = \sum_i^p V_i \beta_i Returns ------- V : float or mpf Molar volume, [m^3/mol] ''' betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases V = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): V += betas[i]*phases[i].V_iter(force) return V
[docs] def Cp(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature and constant phase-fraction heat capacity of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: C_p = \sum_i^p C_{p,i} \beta_i Returns ------- Cp : float Molar heat capacity, [J/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._Cp except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases Cp = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): Cp += betas[i]*phases[i].Cp() self._Cp = Cp return Cp
dH_dT = Cp
[docs] def H(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature and constant phase-fraction enthalpy of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: H = \sum_i^p H_{i} \beta_i Returns ------- H : float Molar enthalpy, [J/(mol)] ''' try: return self._H except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases H = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): H += betas[i]*phases[i].H() self._H = H return H
[docs] def S(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature and constant phase-fraction entropy of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: S = \sum_i^p S_{i} \beta_i Returns ------- S : float Molar entropy, [J/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._S except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases S = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): S += betas[i]*phases[i].S() self._S = S return S
def dH_dP(self): try: return self._dH_dP except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dH_dP = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dH_dP += betas[i]*phases[i].dH_dP() self._dH_dP = dH_dP return dH_dP try: dH_dP.__doc__ = Phase.dH_dP_T.__doc__ except: pass def dS_dP(self): try: return self._dS_dP except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dS_dP = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dS_dP += betas[i]*phases[i].dS_dP() self._dS_dP = dS_dP return dS_dP try: dS_dP.__doc__ = Phase.dS_dP_T.__doc__ except: pass def dS_dT(self): try: return self._dS_dT except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dS_dT = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dS_dT += betas[i]*phases[i].dS_dT() self._dS_dT = dS_dT return dS_dT try: dS_dT.__doc__ = Phase.dS_dT.__doc__ except: pass
[docs] def dG_dT(self): try: return self._dG_dT except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dG_dT = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dG_dT += betas[i]*phases[i].dG_dT() self._dG_dT = dG_dT return dG_dT
[docs] def dG_dP(self): try: return self._dG_dP except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dG_dP = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dG_dP += betas[i]*phases[i].dG_dP() self._dG_dP = dG_dP return dG_dP
[docs] def dU_dT(self): try: return self._dU_dT except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dU_dT = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dU_dT += betas[i]*phases[i].dU_dT() self._dU_dT = dU_dT return dU_dT
[docs] def dU_dP(self): try: return self._dU_dP except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dU_dP = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dU_dP += betas[i]*phases[i].dU_dP() self._dU_dP = dU_dP return dU_dP
[docs] def dA_dT(self): try: return self._dA_dT except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dA_dT = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dA_dT += betas[i]*phases[i].dA_dT() self._dA_dT = dA_dT return dA_dT
[docs] def dA_dP(self): try: return self._dA_dP except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dA_dP = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dA_dP += betas[i]*phases[i].dA_dP() self._dA_dP = dA_dP return dA_dP
[docs] def H_reactive(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature and constant phase-fraction reactive enthalpy of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: H_{\text{reactive}} = \sum_i^p H_{\text{reactive}, i} \beta_i Returns ------- H_reactive : float Reactive molar enthalpy, [J/(mol)] ''' try: return self._H_reactive except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases H_reactive = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): H_reactive += betas[i]*phases[i].H_reactive() self._H_reactive = H_reactive return H_reactive
[docs] def S_reactive(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature and constant phase-fraction reactive entropy of the bulk phase. This is a phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: S_{\text{reactive}} = \sum_i^p S_{\text{reactive}, i} \beta_i Returns ------- S_reactive : float Reactive molar entropy, [J/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._S_reactive except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases S_reactive = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): S_reactive += betas[i]*phases[i].S_reactive() self._S_reactive = S_reactive return S_reactive
[docs] def dP_dT_frozen(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-volume derivative of pressure with respect to temperature of the bulk phase, at constant phase fractions and phase compositions. This is a molar phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\right)_{V, \beta, {zs}} = \sum_{i}^{\text{phases}} \beta_i \left(\frac{\partial P} {\partial T}\right)_{i, V_i, \beta_i, {zs}_i} Returns ------- dP_dT_frozen : float Frozen constant-volume derivative of pressure with respect to temperature of the bulk phase, [Pa/K] ''' try: return self._dP_dT_frozen except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dP_dT_frozen = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dP_dT_frozen += betas[i]*phases[i].dP_dT() self._dP_dT_frozen = dP_dT_frozen return dP_dT_frozen
[docs] def dP_dV_frozen(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature derivative of pressure with respect to volume of the bulk phase, at constant phase fractions and phase compositions. This is a molar phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial V}\right)_{T, \beta, {zs}} = \sum_{i}^{\text{phases}} \beta_i \left(\frac{\partial P} {\partial V}\right)_{i, T, \beta_i, {zs}_i} Returns ------- dP_dV_frozen : float Frozen constant-temperature derivative of pressure with respect to volume of the bulk phase, [Pa*mol/m^3] ''' try: return self._dP_dV_frozen except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases dP_dV_frozen = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): dP_dV_frozen += betas[i]*phases[i].dP_dV() self._dP_dV_frozen = dP_dV_frozen return dP_dV_frozen
[docs] def d2P_dT2_frozen(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second constant-volume derivative of pressure with respect to temperature of the bulk phase, at constant phase fractions and phase compositions. This is a molar phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial T^2}\right)_{V, \beta, {zs}} = \sum_{i}^{\text{phases}} \beta_i \left(\frac{\partial^2 P} {\partial T^2}\right)_{i, V_i, \beta_i, {zs}_i} Returns ------- d2P_dT2_frozen : float Frozen constant-volume second derivative of pressure with respect to temperature of the bulk phase, [Pa/K^2] ''' try: return self._d2P_dT2_frozen except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases d2P_dT2_frozen = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): d2P_dT2_frozen += betas[i]*phases[i].d2P_dT2() self._d2P_dT2_frozen = d2P_dT2_frozen return d2P_dT2_frozen
[docs] def d2P_dV2_frozen(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the constant-temperature second derivative of pressure with respect to volume of the bulk phase, at constant phase fractions and phase compositions. This is a molar phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V^2}\right)_{T, \beta, {zs}} = \sum_{i}^{\text{phases}} \beta_i \left(\frac{\partial^2 P} {\partial V^2}\right)_{i, T, \beta_i, {zs}_i} Returns ------- d2P_dV2_frozen : float Frozen constant-temperature second derivative of pressure with respect to volume of the bulk phase, [Pa*mol^2/m^6] ''' try: return self._d2P_dV2_frozen except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases d2P_dV2_frozen = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): d2P_dV2_frozen += betas[i]*phases[i].d2P_dV2() self._d2P_dV2_frozen = d2P_dV2_frozen return d2P_dV2_frozen
[docs] def d2P_dTdV_frozen(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second derivative of pressure with respect to volume and temperature of the bulk phase, at constant phase fractions and phase compositions. This is a molar phase-fraction weighted calculation. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V \partial T}\right)_{\beta, {zs}} = \sum_{i}^{\text{phases}} \beta_i \left(\frac{\partial^2 P} {\partial V \partial T}\right)_{i, \beta_i, {zs}_i} Returns ------- d2P_dTdV_frozen : float Frozen second derivative of pressure with respect to volume and temperature of the bulk phase, [Pa*mol^2/m^6] ''' try: return self._d2P_dTdV_frozen except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases d2P_dTdV_frozen = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): d2P_dTdV_frozen += betas[i]*phases[i].d2P_dTdV() self._d2P_dTdV_frozen = d2P_dTdV_frozen return d2P_dTdV_frozen
def _equilibrium_derivative(self, of='P', wrt='T', const='V'): '''Calculate the equilibrium derivative of a property by performing a numerical derivative on flash calculations. ''' const_value = self.value(const) wrt_value = self.value(wrt) of_value = self.value(of) pert = self.settings.equilibrium_perturbation wrt_value2 = wrt_value*(1.0 + pert) delta = wrt_value2 - wrt_value kwargs = {wrt: wrt_value2, const: const_value}#, 'hot_start':self.result} results = self.flasher.flash(zs=self.zs, **kwargs) of_value2 = results.value(of) value = (of_value2 - of_value)/delta return value
[docs] def dP_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of pressure of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. Returns ------- dP_dT : float First temperature derivative of pressure, [Pa/K] ''' dP_dT_method = self.settings.dP_dT if dP_dT_method == MOLE_WEIGHTED: return self.dP_dT_frozen() elif dP_dT_method == EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE: return self._equilibrium_derivative(of='P', wrt='T', const='V') return self._property_mixing_rule(dP_dT_method, None, None, 'dP_dT')
dP_dT_V = dP_dT
[docs] def dP_dV(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first volume derivative of pressure of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. Returns ------- dP_dV : float First volume derivative of pressure, [Pa*mol/m^3] ''' dP_dV_method = self.settings.dP_dV if dP_dV_method == MOLE_WEIGHTED: return self.dP_dV_frozen() elif dP_dV_method == EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE: return self._equilibrium_derivative(of='P', wrt='V', const='T') return self._property_mixing_rule(dP_dV_method, None, None, 'dP_dV')
dP_dV_T = dP_dV
[docs] def d2P_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of pressure of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. Returns ------- d2P_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of pressure, [Pa/K^2] ''' d2P_dT2_method = self.settings.d2P_dT2 if d2P_dT2_method == MOLE_WEIGHTED: return self.d2P_dT2_frozen() return self._property_mixing_rule(d2P_dT2_method, None, None, 'd2P_dT2')
[docs] def d2P_dV2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second volume derivative of pressure of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. Returns ------- d2P_dV2 : float Second volume derivative of pressure, [Pa*mol^2/m^6] ''' d2P_dV2_method = self.settings.d2P_dV2 if d2P_dV2_method == MOLE_WEIGHTED: return self.d2P_dV2_frozen() return self._property_mixing_rule(d2P_dV2_method, None, None, 'd2P_dV2')
[docs] def d2P_dTdV(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second derivative of pressure with respect to temperature and volume of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. Returns ------- d2P_dTdV : float Second volume derivative of pressure, [mol*Pa^2/(J*K)] ''' d2P_dTdV_method = self.settings.d2P_dTdV if d2P_dTdV_method == MOLE_WEIGHTED: return self.d2P_dTdV_frozen() return self._property_mixing_rule(d2P_dTdV_method, None, None, 'd2P_dTdV')
[docs] def isobaric_expansion(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the isobatic expansion coefficient of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. .. math:: \beta = \frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_P Returns ------- beta : float Isobaric coefficient of a thermal expansion, [1/K] ''' beta_method = self.settings.isobaric_expansion if beta_method == EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE: if self.phase_bulk is not None: # Cannot perform an equilibrium derivative for a sub-bulk # equilibrium conditions are not satisfied return None return self._equilibrium_derivative(of='V', wrt='T', const='P')/self.V() elif beta_method == FROM_DERIVATIVE_SETTINGS: return isobaric_expansion(self.V(), self.dV_dT()) return self._property_mixing_rule(beta_method, None, None, 'isobaric_expansion')
[docs] def kappa(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the isothermal compressibility of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. .. math:: \kappa = -\frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial P} \right)_T Returns ------- kappa : float Isothermal coefficient of compressibility, [1/Pa] ''' kappa_method = self.settings.kappa if kappa_method == EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE: if self.phase_bulk is not None: # Cannot perform an equilibrium derivative for a sub-bulk # equilibrium conditions are not satisfied return None return -self._equilibrium_derivative(of='V', wrt='P', const='T')/self.V() elif kappa_method == FROM_DERIVATIVE_SETTINGS: return isothermal_compressibility(self.V(), self.dV_dP()) return self._property_mixing_rule(kappa_method, None, None, 'kappa')
[docs] def Joule_Thomson(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the Joule-Thomson coefficient of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. .. math:: \mu_{JT} = \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_H Returns ------- mu_JT : float Joule-Thomson coefficient [K/Pa] ''' Joule_Thomson_method = self.settings.Joule_Thomson if Joule_Thomson_method == EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE: if self.phase_bulk is not None: # Cannot perform an equilibrium derivative for a sub-bulk # equilibrium conditions are not satisfied return None return self._equilibrium_derivative(of='T', wrt='P', const='H') elif Joule_Thomson_method == FROM_DERIVATIVE_SETTINGS: return Joule_Thomson(self.T, self.V(), self.Cp(), self.dV_dT()) return self._property_mixing_rule(Joule_Thomson_method, None, None, 'Joule_Thomson')
[docs] def speed_of_sound(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar speed of sound of the bulk according to the selected calculation methodology. .. math:: w = \left[-V^2 \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial V}\right)_T \frac{C_p} {C_v}\right]^{1/2} A similar expression based on molar density is: .. math:: w = \left[\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial \rho}\right)_T \frac{C_p} {C_v}\right]^{1/2} Returns ------- w : float Speed of sound for a real gas, [m*kg^0.5/(s*mol^0.5)] ''' speed_of_sound_method = self.settings.speed_of_sound if speed_of_sound_method == FROM_DERIVATIVE_SETTINGS: return speed_of_sound(self.V(), self.dP_dV(), self.Cp(), self.Cv()) elif speed_of_sound_method == EQUILIBRIUM_DERIVATIVE: return self._equilibrium_derivative(of='P', wrt='rho', const='S')**0.5 elif speed_of_sound_method == FIROOZABADI_PAN: # Equation 3.103 Thermodynamics and Applications in Hydrocarbon Energy Production Cs = -1.0/self.V()*self._equilibrium_derivative(of='V', wrt='P', const='S') return sqrt(self.V()/Cs) return self._property_mixing_rule(speed_of_sound_method, None, None, 'speed_of_sound')
[docs] def Tmc(self): try: return self._Tmc except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases Tmc = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): Tmc += betas[i]*phases[i].Tmc() self._Tmc = Tmc return Tmc
[docs] def Pmc(self): try: return self._Pmc except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases Pmc = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): Pmc += betas[i]*phases[i].Pmc() self._Pmc = Pmc return Pmc
[docs] def Vmc(self): try: return self._Vmc except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases Vmc = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): Vmc += betas[i]*phases[i].Vmc() self._Vmc = Vmc return Vmc
[docs] def Zmc(self): try: return self._Zmc except AttributeError: pass betas, phases = self.phase_fractions, self.phases Zmc = 0.0 for i in range(len(betas)): Zmc += betas[i]*phases[i].Zmc() self._Zmc = Zmc return Zmc
### Functions depending on correlations - here for speed
[docs] def H_ideal_gas(self): HeatCapacityGases = self.correlations.HeatCapacityGases T, T_REF_IG = self.T, self.T_REF_IG Cpig_integrals_pure = [obj.T_dependent_property_integral(T_REF_IG, T) for obj in HeatCapacityGases] H = 0.0 for zi, Cp_int in zip(self.zs, Cpig_integrals_pure): H += zi*Cp_int return H
[docs] def Cp_ideal_gas(self): HeatCapacityGases = self.correlations.HeatCapacityGases T = self.T Cpigs_pure = [i.T_dependent_property(T) for i in HeatCapacityGases] Cp, zs = 0.0, self.zs for i in range(self.N): Cp += zs[i]*Cpigs_pure[i] return Cp
[docs] def S_ideal_gas(self): HeatCapacityGases = self.correlations.HeatCapacityGases T, T_REF_IG = self.T, self.T_REF_IG Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = [obj.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(T_REF_IG, T) for obj in HeatCapacityGases] log_zs = self.log_zs() T, P, zs, cmps = self.T, self.P, self.zs, range(self.N) P_REF_IG_INV = self.P_REF_IG_INV S = 0.0 S -= R*sum([zs[i]*log_zs[i] for i in cmps]) # ideal composition entropy composition S -= R*log(P*P_REF_IG_INV) for i in cmps: S += zs[i]*Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] return S
def G_min_criteria(self): return sum(self.phase_fractions[i]*p.G_min_criteria() for i, p in enumerate(self.phases))
object_lookups[Bulk.__full_path__] = Bulk object_lookups[BulkSettings.__full_path__] = BulkSettings