Source code for thermo.electrochem

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 Caleb Bell <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This module contains models for:

    * Pure substance electrical conductivity lookups
    * Correlations for aqueous electrolyte heat capacity, density, and viscosity
    * Aqueous electrolyte conductivity
    * Water equilibrium constants
    * Balancing experimental ion analysis results so as to meet the
      electroneutrality condition

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Aqueous Electrolyte Density
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_density
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_density_mix
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_density_i
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_density_w

Aqueous Electrolyte Heat Capacity
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_heat_capacity
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_heat_capacity_mix
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_heat_capacity_i
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_heat_capacity_w

Aqueous Electrolyte Viscosity
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_viscosity
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_viscosity_mix
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_viscosity_i
.. autofunction:: Laliberte_viscosity_w

Aqueous Electrolyte Thermal Conductivity
.. autofunction:: thermal_conductivity_Magomedov
.. autofunction:: Magomedov_mix

Aqueous Electrolyte Electrical Conductivity
.. autofunction:: dilute_ionic_conductivity
.. autofunction:: conductivity_McCleskey
.. autofunction:: ionic_strength

Pure Liquid Electrical Conductivity
.. autofunction:: conductivity
.. autofunction:: conductivity_methods
.. autodata:: conductivity_all_methods

Water Dissociation Equilibrium
.. autofunction:: Kweq_Arcis_Tremaine_Bandura_Lvov
.. autofunction:: Kweq_IAPWS
.. autofunction:: Kweq_IAPWS_gas
.. autofunction:: Kweq_1981

Balancing Ions
.. autofunction:: balance_ions

Fit Coefficients and Data
All of these coefficients are lazy-loaded, so they must be accessed as an
attribute of this module.

.. ipython::

    In [1]: from thermo.electrochem import Magomedovk_thermal_cond, cond_data_McCleskey, CRC_aqueous_thermodynamics, electrolyte_dissociation_reactions, Laliberte_data

    In [2]: Magomedovk_thermal_cond

    In [3]: cond_data_McCleskey

    In [4]: CRC_aqueous_thermodynamics

    In [5]: electrolyte_dissociation_reactions

    In [6]: Laliberte_data


__all__ = ['Laliberte_density', 'Laliberte_heat_capacity',
           'Laliberte_viscosity_i', 'Laliberte_density_w',
           'Laliberte_density_i', 'Laliberte_density_mix', 'Laliberte_heat_capacity_w',
           'dilute_ionic_conductivity', 'conductivity_McCleskey',
           'conductivity', 'conductivity_methods', 'conductivity_all_methods',
           'thermal_conductivity_Magomedov', 'Magomedov_mix', 'ionic_strength', 'Kweq_1981',
           'Kweq_IAPWS_gas', 'Kweq_IAPWS', 'Kweq_Arcis_Tremaine_Bandura_Lvov',

import os
from math import log10

from chemicals import identifiers
from chemicals.data_reader import data_source, register_df_source

# For saturation properties of water
from chemicals.iapws import (
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data, mixing_simple, os_path_join, source_path, ws_to_zs
from fluids.constants import N_A, e
from fluids.numerics import chebval, exp, horner, isnan

F = e*N_A

folder = os_path_join(source_path, 'Electrolytes')

register_df_source(folder, 'Lange Pure Species Conductivity.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Marcus Ion Conductivities.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'CRC conductivity infinite dilution.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'Magomedov Thermal Conductivity.tsv')
register_df_source(folder, 'CRC Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Ions.tsv')

_loaded_electrochem_data = False
def _load_electrochem_data():
    global cond_data_Lange, Marcus_ion_conductivities, CRC_ion_conductivities, Magomedovk_thermal_cond
    global CRC_aqueous_thermodynamics, electrolyte_dissociation_reactions
    global rho_dict_Laliberte
    global mu_dict_Laliberte, Cp_dict_Laliberte, Laliberte_data, cond_data_McCleskey
    global _loaded_electrochem_data
    import pandas as pd

    cond_data_Lange = data_source('Lange Pure Species Conductivity.tsv')
    Marcus_ion_conductivities = data_source('Marcus Ion Conductivities.tsv')
    CRC_ion_conductivities = data_source('CRC conductivity infinite dilution.tsv')

    Magomedovk_thermal_cond = data_source('Magomedov Thermal Conductivity.tsv')
    CRC_aqueous_thermodynamics = data_source('CRC Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Ions.tsv')

    Laliberte_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'Laliberte2009.tsv'),
                              sep='\t', index_col=1)

    cond_data_McCleskey = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(folder, 'McCleskey Electrical Conductivity.tsv'),
                                      sep='\t', index_col=1)

    electrolyte_dissociation_reactions = pd.read_csv(os_path_join(folder, 'Electrolyte dissociations.tsv'), sep='\t')
    _loaded_electrochem_data = True

if PY37:
    def __getattr__(name):
        if name in ('cond_data_Lange', 'Marcus_ion_conductivities', 'CRC_ion_conductivities',
                    'Magomedovk_thermal_cond', 'CRC_aqueous_thermodynamics',
                    'cond_data_Lange', 'cond_data_McCleskey',
            if not _loaded_electrochem_data:
            return globals()[name]
        raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
    if can_load_data:

### Laliberty Viscosity Functions

[docs]def Laliberte_viscosity_w(T): r'''Calculate the viscosity of a water using the form proposed by [1]_. No parameters are needed, just a temperature. Units are Kelvin and Pa*s. t is temperature in degrees Celcius. .. math:: \mu_w = \frac{t + 246}{(0.05594t+5.2842)t + 137.37} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid, [K] Returns ------- mu_w : float Water viscosity, [Pa*s] Notes ----- Original source or pure water viscosity is not cited. No temperature range is given for this equation. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_viscosity_w(298) 0.000893226448703328 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' t = T-273.15 mu_w = (t + 246.0)/((0.05594*t+5.2842)*t + 137.37) return mu_w*1e-3
[docs]def Laliberte_viscosity_i(T, w_w, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6): r'''Calculate the viscosity of a solute using the form proposed by [1]_ Parameters are needed, and a temperature. Units are Kelvin and Pa*s. .. math:: \mu_i = \frac{\exp\left( \frac{v_1(1-w_w)^{v_2}+v_3}{v_4 t +1}\right)} {v_5(1-w_w)^{v_6}+1} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid, [K] w_w : float Weight fraction of water in the solution, [-] v1 : float Fit parameter, [-] v2 : float Fit parameter, [-] v3 : float Fit parameter, [-] v4 : float Fit parameter, [1/degC] v5 : float Fit parameter, [-] v6 : float Fit parameter, [-] Returns ------- mu_i : float Solute partial viscosity, [Pa*s] Notes ----- Temperature range check is outside of this function. Check is performed using NaCl at 5 degC from the first value in [1]_'s spreadsheet. Examples -------- >>> params = [16.221788633396, 1.32293086770011, 1.48485985010431, 0.00746912559657377, 30.7802007540575, 2.05826852322558] >>> Laliberte_viscosity_i(273.15+5, 1-0.005810, *params) 0.004254025533308794 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' t = T - 273.15 # convert to C mu_i = exp((v1*(1.0 - w_w)**v2 + v3)/(v4*t + 1.0))/(v5*(1.0 - w_w)**v6 + 1.0) return mu_i*1e-3
[docs]def Laliberte_viscosity_mix(T, ws, v1s, v2s, v3s, v4s, v5s, v6s): r'''Calculate the viscosity of an aqueous mixture using the form proposed by [1]_. All parameters must be provided in this implementation. .. math:: \mu_m = \mu_w^{w_w} \Pi\mu_i^{w_i} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid, [K] ws : array Weight fractions of fluid components other than water, [-] v1s : list[float] Fit parameter, [-] v2s : list[float] Fit parameter, [-] v3s : list[float] Fit parameter, [-] v4s : list[float] Fit parameter, [1/degC] v5s : list[float] Fit parameter, [-] v6s : list[float] Fit parameter, [-] Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of aqueous mixture, [Pa*s] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_viscosity_mix(T=278.15, ws=[0.00581, 0.002], v1s=[16.221788633396, 69.5769240055845], v2s=[1.32293086770011, 4.17047793905946], v3s=[1.48485985010431, 3.57817553622189], v4s=[0.00746912559657377, 0.0116677996754397], v5s=[30.7802007540575, 13897.6652650556], v6s=[2.05826852322558, 20.8027689840251]) 0.0015377348091189648 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' mu_w = Laliberte_viscosity_w(T)*1000. w_w = 1.0 - sum(ws) mu = mu_w**(w_w) factor = 1.0 for i in range(len(ws)): mu_i = Laliberte_viscosity_i(T, w_w, v1s[i], v2s[i], v3s[i], v4s[i], v5s[i], v6s[i])*1000. factor *= mu_i**(ws[i]) mu *= factor return mu*1e-3
[docs]def Laliberte_viscosity(T, ws, CASRNs): r'''Calculate the viscosity of an aqueous mixture using the form proposed by [1]_. Parameters are loaded by the function as needed. Units are Kelvin and Pa*s. .. math:: \mu_m = \mu_w^{w_w} \Pi\mu_i^{w_i} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid, [K] ws : array Weight fractions of fluid components other than water, [-] CASRNs : array CAS numbers of the fluid components other than water, [-] Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of aqueous mixture, [Pa*s] Notes ----- Temperature range check is not used here. Check is performed using NaCl at 5 degC from the first value in [1]_'s spreadsheet. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_viscosity(273.15+5, [0.005810], ['7647-14-5']) 0.0015285828581961414 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' if not _loaded_electrochem_data: _load_electrochem_data() v1s, v2s, v3s, v4s, v5s, v6s = [], [], [], [], [], [] for CAS in CASRNs: dat = Laliberte_data.loc[CAS].values v1s.append(float(dat[12])) v2s.append(float(dat[13])) v3s.append(float(dat[14])) v4s.append(float(dat[15])) v5s.append(float(dat[16])) v6s.append(float(dat[17])) return Laliberte_viscosity_mix(T, ws, v1s, v2s, v3s, v4s, v5s, v6s)
### Laliberty Density Functions
[docs]def Laliberte_density_w(T): r'''Calculate the density of water using the form proposed by [1]_. No parameters are needed, just a temperature. Units are Kelvin and kg/m^3. .. math:: \rho_w = \frac{\left\{\left([(-2.8054253\times 10^{-10}\cdot t + 1.0556302\times 10^{-7})t - 4.6170461\times 10^{-5}]t -0.0079870401\right)t + 16.945176 \right\}t + 999.83952} {1 + 0.01687985\cdot t} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Returns ------- rho_w : float Water density, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- Original source not cited No temperature range is used. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_density_w(298.15) 997.0448954179155 >>> Laliberte_density_w(273.15 + 50) 988.0362916114763 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' t = T - 273.15 rho_w = ((((((-2.8054253E-10*t + 1.0556302E-7)*t - 4.6170461E-5)*t - 0.0079870401)*t + 16.945176)*t + 999.83952) / (1.0 + 0.01687985*t)) return rho_w
[docs]def Laliberte_density_i(T, w_w, c0, c1, c2, c3, c4): r'''Calculate the density of a solute using the form proposed by Laliberte [1]_. Parameters are needed, and a temperature, and water fraction. Units are Kelvin and Pa*s. .. math:: \rho_{app,i} = \frac{(c_0[1-w_w]+c_1)\exp(10^{-6}[t+c_4]^2)} {(1-w_w) + c_2 + c_3 t} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] w_w : float Weight fraction of water in the solution, [-] c0 : float Fit coefficient, [-] c1 : float Fit coefficient, [-] c2 : float Fit coefficient, [-] c3 : float Fit coefficient, [1/degC] c4 : float Fit coefficient, [degC] Returns ------- rho_i : float Solute partial density, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- Temperature range check is not used here. Examples -------- >>> params = [-0.00324112223655149, 0.0636354335906616, 1.01371399467365, 0.0145951015210159, 3317.34854426537] >>> Laliberte_density_i(273.15+0, 1-0.0037838838, *params) 3761.8917585 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' t = T - 273.15 tc4 = t + c4 return ((c0*(1.0 - w_w)+c1)*exp(1E-6*tc4*tc4))/((1.0 - w_w) + c2 + c3*t)
[docs]def Laliberte_density_mix(T, ws, c0s, c1s, c2s, c3s, c4s): r'''Calculate the density of an aqueous electrolyte mixture using the form proposed by [1]_. All parameters must be provided to the function. Units are Kelvin and Pa*s. .. math:: \rho_m = \left(\frac{w_w}{\rho_w} + \sum_i \frac{w_i}{\rho_{app_i}}\right)^{-1} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] ws : array Weight fractions of fluid components other than water c0s : list[float] Fit coefficient, [-] c1s : list[float] Fit coefficient, [-] c2s : list[float] Fit coefficient, [-] c3s : list[float] Fit coefficient, [1/degC] c4s : list[float] Fit coefficient, [degC] Returns ------- rho : float Solution density, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_density_mix(T=278.15, ws=[0.00581, 0.002], c0s=[-0.00324112223655149, 0.967814929691928], c1s=[0.0636354335906616, 5.540434135986], c2s=[1.01371399467365, 1.10374669742622], c3s=[0.0145951015210159, 0.0123340782160061], c4s=[3317.34854426537, 2589.61875022366]) 1005.6947727219 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' rho_w = Laliberte_density_w(T) w_w = 1.0 - sum(ws) rho = w_w/rho_w for i in range(len(ws)): rho_i = Laliberte_density_i(T, w_w, c0s[i], c1s[i], c2s[i], c3s[i], c4s[i]) rho = rho + ws[i]/rho_i return 1./rho
[docs]def Laliberte_density(T, ws, CASRNs): r'''Calculate the density of an aqueous electrolyte mixture using the form proposed by [1]_. Parameters are loaded by the function as needed. Units are Kelvin and Pa*s. .. math:: \rho_m = \left(\frac{w_w}{\rho_w} + \sum_i \frac{w_i}{\rho_{app_i}}\right)^{-1} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] ws : array Weight fractions of fluid components other than water CASRNs : array CAS numbers of the fluid components other than water Returns ------- rho : float Solution density, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- Temperature range check is not used here. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_density(273.15, [0.0037838838], ['7647-14-5']) 1002.62501201 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' if not _loaded_electrochem_data: _load_electrochem_data() c0s, c1s, c2s, c3s, c4s = [], [], [], [], [] for CAS in CASRNs: dat = Laliberte_data.loc[CAS].values c0s.append(float(dat[3])) c1s.append(float(dat[4])) c2s.append(float(dat[5])) c3s.append(float(dat[6])) c4s.append(float(dat[7])) return Laliberte_density_mix(T, ws, c0s, c1s, c2s, c3s, c4s)
### Laliberty Heat Capacity Functions # 1e-6 average error on cubic spline git # 1e-6 average error on cubic spline git Laliberte_heat_capacity_coeffs = [4228.506275726314, 13.859638974036017, 51.12143245170611, -12.90387025377214, 7.992709462644314, - 3.737776928318681, 1.6667217703320034, -0.7011591222507434, 0.47615741350304575, -0.493658639074539, 0.45382402984949977, - 0.2979206670910628, 0.0818355999576994, 0.1113371262709677, - 0.21771870666886173, 0.23339766592859235, -0.1854788014782116, 0.08676288798618259, 0.03621105533331104, -0.1282405541135745, 0.15239930922413691, -0.10788380795227681, 0.028345111214775898, 0.035069303368203464, -0.06495590102171889, 0.07363090302945352, - 0.06331457054710654, 0.02942889002358129, 0.020298208143387342, - 0.05909390678584714, 0.05963564932631016, -0.02516892518832492, - 0.012125676723016454, 0.02583462983905349, -0.019854257138064213, 0.013767379089216547, -0.012529247440497215, 0.004935128815787948, 0.012004756458708243, -0.023387087952343677, 0.01519082828964713, 0.0054837626370698445, -0.01605331777994934, 0.006710668291447064, 0.006166715295293557, -0.004472342227487047, -0.006087884102271346, 0.007269043765461447, 0.0039102753200097595, -0.005634128353356971 ] def iapws95_Cpl_mass_sat(T): # Just works. Returns saturation liuquid heat capacity in J/kg/K tau = iapws95_Tc/T rho = iapws95_rhol_sat(T) delta = rho*iapws95_rhoc_inv d2A0_dtau2 = iapws95_d2A0_dtau2(tau, delta) d2Ar_dtau2 = iapws95_d2Ar_dtau2(tau, delta) dAr_ddelta = iapws95_dAr_ddelta(tau, delta) d2Ar_ddeltadtau = iapws95_d2Ar_ddeltadtau(tau, delta) d2Ar_ddelta2 = iapws95_d2Ar_ddelta2(tau, delta) x0 = (1.0 + delta*dAr_ddelta - delta*tau*d2Ar_ddeltadtau) Cp = iapws95_R*(-tau*tau*(d2A0_dtau2 + d2Ar_dtau2) + x0*x0/(1.0 + 2.0*delta*dAr_ddelta + delta*delta*d2Ar_ddelta2)) return Cp
[docs]def Laliberte_heat_capacity_w(T): r'''Calculate the heat capacity of pure water in a fast but similar way as in [1]_. [1]_ suggested the following interpolatative scheme, using points calculated from IAPWS-97 at a pressure of 0.1 MPa up to 95 °C and then at saturation pressure. The maximum temperature of [1]_ is 140 °C. .. math:: Cp_w = Cp_1 + (Cp_2-Cp_1) \left( \frac{t-t_1}{t_2-t_1}\right) + \frac{(Cp_3 - 2Cp_2 + Cp_1)}{2}\left( \frac{t-t_1}{t_2-t_1}\right) \left( \frac{t-t_1}{t_2-t_1}-1\right) In this implementation, the heat capacity of water is calculated from a chebyshev approximation of the scheme of [1]_ up to ~92 °C and then the heat capacity comes directly from IAPWS-95 at higher temperatures, also at the saturation pressure. There is no discontinuity between the methods. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] Returns ------- Cp_w : float Water heat capacity, [J/kg/K] Notes ----- Units are Kelvin and J/kg/K. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_heat_capacity_w(273.15+3.56) 4208.878727051538 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' if T > 365.1800756083714: # 92, when the fits crossover return iapws95_Cpl_mass_sat(T) elif T < 273.15 - 15: T = 273.15 - 15 return chebval(0.012903225806451612892*(T - 335.64999999999997726), Laliberte_heat_capacity_coeffs)
[docs]def Laliberte_heat_capacity_i(T, w_w, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6): r'''Calculate the heat capacity of a solute using the form proposed by [1]_ Parameters are needed, and a temperature, and water fraction. .. math:: Cp_i = a_1 e^\alpha + a_5(1-w_w)^{a_6} .. math:: \alpha = a_2 t + a_3 \exp(0.01t) + a_4(1-w_w) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] w_w : float Weight fraction of water in the solution a1-a6 : floats Function fit parameters Returns ------- Cp_i : float Solute partial heat capacity, [J/kg/K] Notes ----- Units are Kelvin and J/kg/K. Temperature range check is not used here. Examples -------- >>> params = [-0.0693559668993322, -0.0782134167486952, 3.84798479408635, -11.2762109247072, 8.73187698542672, 1.81245930472755] >>> Laliberte_heat_capacity_i(1.5+273.15, 1-0.00398447, *params) -2930.73539458 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' if T < 273.15-15: T = 273.15-15 t = T - 273.15 alpha = a2*t + a3*exp(0.01*t) + a4*(1. - w_w) Cp_i = a1*exp(alpha) + a5*(1. - w_w)**a6 return Cp_i*1000.
[docs]def Laliberte_heat_capacity_mix(T, ws, a1s, a2s, a3s, a4s, a5s, a6s): r'''Calculate the heat capacity of an aqueous electrolyte mixture using the form proposed by [1]_. All parameters must be provided to this function. .. math:: Cp_m = w_w Cp_w + \sum w_i Cp_i Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] ws : array Weight fractions of fluid components other than water Returns ------- Cp : float Solution heat capacity, [J/kg/K] Notes ----- A temperature range check is not included in this function. Units are Kelvin and J/kg/K. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_heat_capacity_mix(T=278.15, ws=[0.00581, 0.002], a1s=[-0.0693559668993322, -0.103713247177424], a2s=[-0.0782134167486952, -0.0647453826944371], a3s=[3.84798479408635, 2.92191453087969], a4s=[-11.2762109247072, -5.48799065938436], a5s=[8.73187698542672, 2.41768600041476], a6s=[1.81245930472755, 1.32062411084408]) 4154.788562680796 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' Cp_w = Laliberte_heat_capacity_w(T) w_w = 1.0 - sum(ws) Cp = w_w*Cp_w for i in range(len(ws)): Cp_i = Laliberte_heat_capacity_i(T, w_w, a1s[i], a2s[i], a3s[i], a4s[i], a5s[i], a6s[i]) Cp += ws[i]*Cp_i return Cp
[docs]def Laliberte_heat_capacity(T, ws, CASRNs): r'''Calculate the heat capacity of an aqueous electrolyte mixture using the form proposed by [1]_. Parameters are loaded by the function as needed. .. math:: Cp_m = w_w Cp_w + \sum w_i Cp_i Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] ws : array Weight fractions of fluid components other than water CASRNs : list[str] CAS numbers of the fluid components other than water Returns ------- Cp : float Solution heat capacity, [J/kg/K] Notes ----- A temperature range check is not included in this function. Units are Kelvin and J/kg/K. Examples -------- >>> Laliberte_heat_capacity(273.15+1.5, [0.00398447], ['7647-14-5']) 4186.575407596064 References ---------- .. [1] Laliberte, Marc. "A Model for Calculating the Heat Capacity of Aqueous Solutions, with Updated Density and Viscosity Data." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 54, no. 6 (June 11, 2009): 1725-60. doi:10.1021/je8008123 ''' if not _loaded_electrochem_data: _load_electrochem_data() a1s, a2s, a3s, a4s, a5s, a6s = [], [], [], [], [], [] for CAS in CASRNs: dat = Laliberte_data.loc[CAS].values a1s.append(float(dat[22])) a2s.append(float(dat[23])) a3s.append(float(dat[24])) a4s.append(float(dat[25])) a5s.append(float(dat[26])) a6s.append(float(dat[27])) return Laliberte_heat_capacity_mix(T, ws, a1s, a2s, a3s, a4s, a5s, a6s)
### Electrical Conductivity
[docs]def dilute_ionic_conductivity(ionic_conductivities, zs, rhom): r'''This function handles the calculation of the electrical conductivity of a dilute electrolytic aqueous solution. Requires the mole fractions of each ion, the molar density of the whole mixture, and ionic conductivity coefficients for each ion. .. math:: \lambda = \sum_i \lambda_i^\circ z_i \rho_m Parameters ---------- ionic_conductivities : list[float] Ionic conductivity coefficients of each ion in the mixture [m^2*S/mol] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each ion in the mixture, [-] rhom : float Overall molar density of the solution, [mol/m^3] Returns ------- kappa : float Electrical conductivity of the fluid, [S/m] Notes ----- The ionic conductivity coefficients should not be `equivalent` coefficients; for example, 0.0053 m^2*S/mol is the equivalent conductivity coefficient of Mg+2, but this method expects twice its value - 0.0106. Both are reported commonly in literature. Water can be included in this caclulation by specifying a coefficient of 0. The conductivity of any electrolyte eclipses its own conductivity by many orders of magnitude. Any other solvents present will affect the conductivity extensively and there are few good methods to predict this effect. Examples -------- Complex mixture of electrolytes ['Cl-', 'HCO3-', 'SO4-2', 'Na+', 'K+', 'Ca+2', 'Mg+2']: >>> ionic_conductivities = [0.00764, 0.00445, 0.016, 0.00501, 0.00735, 0.0119, 0.01061] >>> zs = [0.03104, 0.00039, 0.00022, 0.02413, 0.0009, 0.0024, 0.00103] >>> dilute_ionic_conductivity(ionic_conductivities=ionic_conductivities, zs=zs, rhom=53865.9) 22.05246783663 References ---------- .. [1] Haynes, W.M., Thomas J. Bruno, and David R. Lide. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 95E. Boca Raton, FL: CRC press, 2014. ''' return rhom*mixing_simple(zs, ionic_conductivities)
[docs]def conductivity_McCleskey(T, M, lambda_coeffs, A_coeffs, B, multiplier, rho=1000.): r'''This function handles the calculation of the electrical conductivity of an electrolytic aqueous solution with one electrolyte in solution. It handles temperature dependency and concentrated solutions. Requires the temperature of the solution; its molality, and four sets of coefficients `lambda_coeffs`, `A_coeffs`, `B`, and `multiplier`. .. math:: \Lambda = \frac{\kappa}{C} \Lambda = \Lambda^0(t) - A(t) \frac{m^{1/2}}{1+Bm^{1/2}} \Lambda^\circ(t) = c_1 t^2 + c_2 t + c_3 A(t) = d_1 t^2 + d_2 t + d_3 In the above equations, `t` is temperature in degrees Celcius; `m` is molality in mol/kg, and C is the concentration of the elctrolytes in mol/m^3, calculated as the product of density and molality. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the solution, [K] M : float Molality of the solution with respect to one electrolyte (mol solute / kg solvent), [mol/kg] lambda_coeffs : list[float] List of coefficients for the polynomial used to calculate `lambda`; length-3 coefficients provided in [1]_, [-] A_coeffs : list[float] List of coefficients for the polynomial used to calculate `A`; length-3 coefficients provided in [1]_, [-] B : float Empirical constant for an electrolyte, [-] multiplier : float The multiplier to obtain the absolute conductivity from the equivalent conductivity; ex 2 for CaCl2, [-] rho : float, optional The mass density of the aqueous mixture, [kg/m^3] Returns ------- kappa : float Electrical conductivity of the solution at the specified molality and temperature [S/m] Notes ----- Coefficients provided in [1]_ result in conductivity being calculated in units of mS/cm; they are converted to S/m before returned. Examples -------- A 0.5 wt% solution of CaCl2, conductivity calculated in mS/cm >>> conductivity_McCleskey(T=293.15, M=0.045053, A_coeffs=[.03918, 3.905, ... 137.7], lambda_coeffs=[0.01124, 2.224, 72.36], B=3.8, multiplier=2) 0.8482584585108555 References ---------- .. [1] McCleskey, R. Blaine. "Electrical Conductivity of Electrolytes Found In Natural Waters from (5 to 90) °C." Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 56, no. 2 (February 10, 2011): 317-27. doi:10.1021/je101012n. ''' t = T - 273.15 lambda_coeff = horner(lambda_coeffs, t) A = horner(A_coeffs, t) M_root = M**0.5 param = lambda_coeff - A*M_root/(1. + B*M_root) C = M*rho*1e-3 # convert to mol/L to get concentration return param*C*multiplier*0.1 # convert from mS/cm to S/m
LANGE_COND = "LANGE_COND" conductivity_all_methods = [LANGE_COND]
[docs]def conductivity_methods(CASRN): """Return all methods available to obtain electrical conductivity for the specified chemical. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str CASRN, [-] Returns ------- methods : list[str] Methods which can be used to obtain electrical conductivity with the given inputs. See Also -------- conductivity """ if not _loaded_electrochem_data: _load_electrochem_data() methods = [] if CASRN in cond_data_Lange.index: methods.append(LANGE_COND) return methods
[docs]def conductivity(CASRN, method=None): r'''This function handles the retrieval of a chemical's conductivity. Lookup is based on CASRNs. Will automatically select a data source to use if no method is provided; returns None if the data is not available. Function has data for approximately 100 chemicals. Parameters ---------- CASRN : string CASRN [-] Returns ------- kappa : float Electrical conductivity of the fluid, [S/m] T : float or None Temperature at which conductivity measurement was made or None if not available, [K] Other Parameters ---------------- method : string, optional A string for the method name to use, as defined by constants in conductivity_methods Notes ----- Only one source is available in this function. It is: * 'LANGE_COND' which is from Lange's Handbook, Table 8.34 Electrical Conductivity of Various Pure Liquids', a compillation of data in [1]_. The individual datapoints in this source are not cited at all. Examples -------- >>> conductivity('7732-18-5') (4e-06, 291.15) References ---------- .. [1] Speight, James. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. 16 edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2005. ''' if not _loaded_electrochem_data: _load_electrochem_data() if method == LANGE_COND or (method is None and CASRN in cond_data_Lange.index): kappa = float([CASRN, 'Conductivity']) T = float([CASRN, 'T']) if isnan(T): T = None return (kappa, T) elif method is None: return (None, None) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized method')
[docs]def Magomedov_mix(T, P, ws, Ais, k_w): r'''Calculate the thermal conductivity of an aqueous mixture of electrolytes using the correlation proposed by Magomedov [1]_. All coefficients and the thermal conductivity of pure water must be provided. .. math:: \lambda = \lambda_w\left[ 1 - \sum_{i=1}^n A_i (w_i + 2\times10^{-4} w_i^3)\right] - 2\times10^{-8} PT\sum_{i=1}^n w_i Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of liquid [K] P : float Pressure of the liquid [Pa] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of liquid components other than water, [-] Ais : list[float] `Ai` coefficients which were regressed, [-] k_w : float Liquid thermal condiuctivity or pure water at T and P, [W/m/K] Returns ------- kl : float Liquid thermal condiuctivity, [W/m/K] Notes ----- Range from 273 K to 473 K, P from 0.1 MPa to 100 MPa. C from 0 to 25 mass%. Internal untis are MPa for pressure and weight percent. Examples -------- >>> Magomedov_mix(293., 1E6, [.25], [0.00294], k_w=0.59827) 0.548654049375 References ---------- .. [1] Magomedov, U. B. "The Thermal Conductivity of Binary and Multicomponent Aqueous Solutions of Inorganic Substances at High Parameters of State." High Temperature 39, no. 2 (March 1, 2001): 221-26. doi:10.1023/A:1017518731726. ''' P = P*1e-6 # Convert to MPa sum1 = 0.0 for i in range(len(ws)): sum1 += Ais[i]*ws[i]*(1.0 + 2.0*ws[i]*ws[i]) return k_w*(1.0 - sum1*100.0) - 2E-6*P*T*sum(ws)
[docs]def thermal_conductivity_Magomedov(T, P, ws, CASRNs, k_w): r'''Calculate the thermal conductivity of an aqueous mixture of electrolytes using the form proposed by Magomedov [1]_. Parameters are loaded by the function as needed. Function will fail if an electrolyte is not in the database. .. math:: \lambda = \lambda_w\left[ 1 - \sum_{i=1}^n A_i (w_i + 2\times10^{-4} w_i^3)\right] - 2\times10^{-8} PT\sum_{i=1}^n w_i Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of liquid [K] P : float Pressure of the liquid [Pa] ws : array Weight fractions of liquid components other than water CASRNs : array CAS numbers of the liquid components other than water k_w : float Liquid thermal condiuctivity or pure water at T and P, [W/m/K] Returns ------- kl : float Liquid thermal condiuctivity, [W/m/K] Notes ----- Range from 273 K to 473 K, P from 0.1 MPa to 100 MPa. C from 0 to 25 mass%. Internal untis are MPa for pressure and weight percent. An example is sought for this function. It is not possible to reproduce the author's values consistently. Examples -------- >>> thermal_conductivity_Magomedov(293., 1E6, [.25], ['7758-94-3'], k_w=0.59827) 0.548654049375 References ---------- .. [1] Magomedov, U. B. "The Thermal Conductivity of Binary and Multicomponent Aqueous Solutions of Inorganic Substances at High Parameters of State." High Temperature 39, no. 2 (March 1, 2001): 221-26. doi:10.1023/A:1017518731726. ''' Ais = [float([CASRN, 'Ai']) for CASRN in CASRNs] return Magomedov_mix(T, P, ws, Ais, k_w)
[docs]def ionic_strength(mis, zis): r'''Calculate the ionic strength of a solution in one of two ways, depending on the inputs only. For Pitzer and Bromley models, `mis` should be molalities of each component. For eNRTL models, `mis` should be mole fractions of each electrolyte in the solution. This will sum to be much less than 1. .. math:: I = \frac{1}{2} \sum M_i z_i^2 I = \frac{1}{2} \sum x_i z_i^2 Parameters ---------- mis : list Molalities of each ion, or mole fractions of each ion [mol/kg or -] zis : list Charges of each ion [-] Returns ------- I : float ionic strength, [?] Examples -------- >>> ionic_strength([0.1393, 0.1393], [1, -1]) 0.1393 References ---------- .. [1] Chen, Chau-Chyun, H. I. Britt, J. F. Boston, and L. B. Evans. "Local Composition Model for Excess Gibbs Energy of Electrolyte Systems. Part I: Single Solvent, Single Completely Dissociated Electrolyte Systems." AIChE Journal 28, no. 4 (July 1, 1982): 588-96. doi:10.1002/aic.690280410 .. [2] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' tot = 0.0 for i in range(len(mis)): tot += mis[i]*zis[i]*zis[i] return 0.5*tot
[docs]def Kweq_1981(T, rho_w): r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to [1]_. Second most recent formulation. .. math:: \log_{10} K_w= A + B/T + C/T^2 + D/T^3 + (E+F/T+G/T^2)\log_{10} \rho_w Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of fluid [K] rho_w : float Density of water, [kg/m^3] Returns ------- Kweq : float Ionization constant of water, [-] Notes ----- Density is internally converted to units of g/cm^3. A = -4.098; B = -3245.2; C = 2.2362E5; D = -3.984E7; E = 13.957; F = -1262.3; G = 8.5641E5 Examples -------- >>> -1*log10(Kweq_1981(600, 700)) 11.274522047 References ---------- .. [1] Marshall, William L., and E. U. Franck. "Ion Product of Water Substance, 0-1000 degree C, 1010,000 Bars New International Formulation and Its Background." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 10, no. 2 (April 1, 1981): 295-304. doi:10.1063/1.555643. ''' rho_w = rho_w*1e-3 A = -4.098 B = -3245.2 C = 2.2362E5 D = -3.984E7 E = 13.957 F = -1262.3 G = 8.5641E5 T2 = T*T T_inv = 1.0/T T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv return 10.0**(A + B*T_inv + C*T_inv2 + D/(T2*T) + (E + F*T_inv+ G*T_inv2)*log10(rho_w))
[docs]def Kweq_IAPWS_gas(T): r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water vapor, according to [1]_. This is the most recent formulation available. .. math:: -log_{10} K_w^G = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 T^{-1} + \gamma_2 T^{-2} + \gamma_3 T^{-3} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of H2O [K] Returns ------- K_w_G : float Notes ----- gamma0 = 6.141500E-1; gamma1 = 4.825133E4; gamma2 = -6.770793E4; gamma3 = 1.010210E7 Examples -------- >>> Kweq_IAPWS_gas(800) 1.4379721554798815e-61 References ---------- .. [1] Bandura, Andrei V., and Serguei N. Lvov. "The Ionization Constant of Water over Wide Ranges of Temperature and Density." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 35, no. 1 (March 1, 2006): 15-30. doi:10.1063/1.1928231 ''' gamma0 = 6.141500E-1 gamma1 = 4.825133E4 gamma2 = -6.770793E4 gamma3 = 1.010210E7 T_inv = 1.0/T T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv K_w_G = 10**(-(gamma0 + gamma1*T_inv + gamma2*T_inv2 + gamma3*T_inv2*T_inv)) return K_w_G
[docs]def Kweq_IAPWS(T, rho_w): r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to [1]_. This is the most recent formulation available. .. math:: Q = \rho \exp(\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 T^{-1} + \alpha_2 T^{-2} \rho^{2/3}) .. math:: - \log_{10} K_w = -2n \left[ \log_{10}(1+Q) - \frac{Q}{Q+1} \rho (\beta_0 + \beta_1 T^{-1} + \beta_2 \rho) \right] -\log_{10} K_w^G + 2 \log_{10} \frac{18.015268}{1000} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of water [K] rho_w : float Density of water at temperature and pressure [kg/m^3] Returns ------- Kweq : float Ionization constant of water, [-] Notes ----- Formulation is in terms of density in g/cm^3; density is converted internally. n = 6; alpha0 = -0.864671; alpha1 = 8659.19; alpha2 = -22786.2; beta0 = 0.642044; beta1 = -56.8534; beta2 = -0.375754 Examples -------- Example from IAPWS check: >>> -1*log10(Kweq_IAPWS(600, 700)) 11.203153057603775 References ---------- .. [1] Bandura, Andrei V., and Serguei N. Lvov. "The Ionization Constant of Water over Wide Ranges of Temperature and Density." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 35, no. 1 (March 1, 2006): 15-30. doi:10.1063/1.1928231 ''' K_w_G = Kweq_IAPWS_gas(T) rho_w = rho_w*1e-3 n = 6 alpha0 = -0.864671 alpha1 = 8659.19 alpha2 = -22786.2 beta0 = 0.642044 beta1 = -56.8534 beta2 = -0.375754 T2 = T*T Q = rho_w*exp(alpha0 + alpha1/T + alpha2/T2*rho_w**(2/3.)) K_w = 10.0**(-(-2.0*n*(log10(1.0 + Q)-Q/(Q + 1.0) * rho_w *(beta0 + beta1/T + beta2*rho_w)) - log10(K_w_G) + -3.48871854562233)) # 2*log10(18.015268/1000) = -3.48871854562233 return K_w
[docs]def Kweq_Arcis_Tremaine_Bandura_Lvov(T, rho_w): r'''Calculates equilibrium constant for OH- and H+ in water, according to [1]_. .. math:: Q = \rho \exp(\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 T^{-1} + \alpha_2 T^{-2} \rho^{2/3}) .. math:: - \log_{10} K_w = -2n \left[ \log_{10}(1+Q) - \frac{Q}{Q+1} \rho (\beta_0 + \beta_1 T^{-1} + \beta_2 \rho) \right] -\log_{10} K_w^G + 2 \log_{10} \frac{18.015268}{1000} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of water [K] rho_w : float Density of water at temperature and pressure [kg/m^3] Returns ------- Kweq : float Ionization constant of water, [-] Notes ----- Formulation is in terms of density in g/cm^3; density is converted internally. n = 6; alpha0 = -0.864671; alpha1 = 8659.19; alpha2 = -22786.2; beta0 = 0.642044; beta1 = -56.8534; beta2 = -0.375754 Examples -------- >>> -1*log10(Kweq_Arcis_Tremaine_Bandura_Lvov(600, 700)) 11.138236348 References ---------- .. [1] Arcis, Hugues, Jane P. Ferguson, Jenny S. Cox, and Peter R. Tremaine. "The Ionization Constant of Water at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures: New Data from Direct Conductivity Measurements and Revised Formulations from T = 273 K to 674 K and p = 0.1 MPa to 31 MPa." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 49, no. 3 (July 23, 2020): 033103. ''' K_w_G = Kweq_IAPWS_gas(T) rho_w = rho_w*1e-3 n = 6 alpha0 = 1.14387 alpha1 = 7923.28 alpha2 = 96276.7 beta0 = 2.00935 beta1 = -3.87984 beta2 = -1.542 T2 = T*T Q = rho_w*exp(alpha0 + alpha1/T + alpha2/T2*rho_w**(2/3.)) K_w = 10.0**(-(-2.0*n*(log10(1.0 + Q)-Q/(Q + 1.0) * rho_w *(beta0 + beta1/T + beta2*rho_w)) - log10(K_w_G) + -3.48871854562233)) # 2*log10(18.015268/1000) = -3.48871854562233 return K_w
charge_balance_methods = ['dominant', 'decrease dominant', 'increase dominant', 'proportional insufficient ions increase', 'proportional excess ions decrease', 'proportional cation adjustment', 'proportional anion adjustment', 'Na or Cl increase', 'Na or Cl decrease', 'adjust', 'increase', 'decrease', 'makeup'] def ion_balance_adjust_wrapper(charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, anions, cations, selected_ion, increase=None): charge = selected_ion.charge positive = charge > 0 if charge == 0: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('Cannot adjust selected compound as it has no charge!') if selected_ion not in anions and selected_ion not in cations: if charge < 0.: anions.append(selected_ion) charges.insert(n_anions, charge) zs.insert(n_anions, 0.) n_anions += 1 adjust = n_anions - 1 anion_index = n_anions - 1 else: cations.append(selected_ion) charges.insert(-1, charge) zs.insert(-1, 0.) n_cations += 1 cation_index = n_cations - 1 adjust = n_anions + n_cations - 1 old_zi = 0 else: if selected_ion in anions: anion_index = anions.index(selected_ion) old_zi = zs[anion_index] adjust = anion_index else: cation_index = cations.index(selected_ion) old_zi = zs[n_anions + cation_index] adjust = n_anions + cation_index anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water = ion_balance_adjust_one(charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, adjust=adjust) new_zi = cation_zs[cation_index] if positive else anion_zs[anion_index] if increase is True and new_zi < old_zi: raise ValueError(f'Adjusting specified ion {selected_ion.formula} resulted in a decrease of its quantity but an increase was specified') elif increase is False and new_zi > old_zi: raise ValueError(f'Adjusting specified ion {selected_ion.formula} resulted in a increase of its quantity but an decrease was specified') return anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water def ion_balance_adjust_one(charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, adjust): main_tot = sum([zs[i]*charges[i] for i in range(len(charges)) if i != adjust]) zs[adjust] = -main_tot/charges[adjust] if zs[adjust] < 0: raise ValueError(f'A negative value of {zs[adjust]:f} ion mole fraction was required to balance the charge') z_water = 1. - sum(zs[0:-1]) anion_zs = zs[0:n_anions] cation_zs = zs[n_anions:n_cations+n_anions] return anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water def ion_balance_dominant(impacts, balance_error, charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, method): if method == 'dominant': # Highest concentration species in the inferior type always gets adjusted, up or down regardless low = min(impacts) high = max(impacts) if abs(low) > high: adjust = impacts.index(low) else: adjust = impacts.index(high) elif method == 'decrease dominant': if balance_error < 0: # Decrease the dominant anion adjust = impacts.index(min(impacts)) else: # Decrease the dominant cation adjust = impacts.index(max(impacts)) elif method == 'increase dominant': if balance_error < 0: adjust = impacts.index(max(impacts)) else: adjust = impacts.index(min(impacts)) else: raise ValueError(f'Allowable methods are {charge_balance_methods}') return ion_balance_adjust_one(charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, adjust) def ion_balance_proportional(anion_charges, cation_charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, balance_error, method): '''Helper method for balance_ions for the proportional family of methods. See balance_ions for a description of the methods; parameters are fairly obvious. ''' anion_zs = zs[0:n_anions] cation_zs = zs[n_anions:n_cations+n_anions] anion_balance_error = sum([zi*ci for zi, ci in zip(anion_zs, anion_charges)]) cation_balance_error = sum([zi*ci for zi, ci in zip(cation_zs, cation_charges)]) if method == 'proportional insufficient ions increase': if balance_error < 0: multiplier = -anion_balance_error/cation_balance_error cation_zs = [i*multiplier for i in cation_zs] else: multiplier = -cation_balance_error/anion_balance_error anion_zs = [i*multiplier for i in anion_zs] elif method == 'proportional excess ions decrease': if balance_error < 0: multiplier = -cation_balance_error/anion_balance_error anion_zs = [i*multiplier for i in anion_zs] else: multiplier = -anion_balance_error/cation_balance_error cation_zs = [i*multiplier for i in cation_zs] elif method == 'proportional cation adjustment': multiplier = -anion_balance_error/cation_balance_error cation_zs = [i*multiplier for i in cation_zs] elif method == 'proportional anion adjustment': multiplier = -cation_balance_error/anion_balance_error anion_zs = [i*multiplier for i in anion_zs] else: raise Exception(f'Allowable methods are {charge_balance_methods}') z_water = 1. - sum(anion_zs) - sum(cation_zs) return anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water
[docs]def balance_ions(anions, cations, anion_zs=None, cation_zs=None, anion_concs=None, cation_concs=None, rho_w=997.1, method='increase dominant', selected_ion=None): r'''Performs an ion balance to adjust measured experimental ion compositions to electroneutrality. Can accept either the actual mole fractions of the ions, or their concentrations in units of [mg/L] as well for convinience. The default method will locate the most prevalent ion in the type of ion not in excess - and increase it until the two ion types balance. Parameters ---------- anions : list(ChemicalMetadata) List of all negatively charged ions measured as being in the solution; ChemicalMetadata instances or simply objects with the attributes `MW` and `charge`, [-] cations : list(ChemicalMetadata) List of all positively charged ions measured as being in the solution; ChemicalMetadata instances or simply objects with the attributes `MW` and `charge`, [-] anion_zs : list, optional Mole fractions of each anion as measured in the aqueous solution, [-] cation_zs : list, optional Mole fractions of each cation as measured in the aqueous solution, [-] anion_concs : list, optional Concentrations of each anion in the aqueous solution in the units often reported (for convinience only) [mg/L] cation_concs : list, optional Concentrations of each cation in the aqueous solution in the units often reported (for convinience only) [mg/L] rho_w : float, optional Density of the aqueous solutionr at the temperature and pressure the anion and cation concentrations were measured (if specified), [kg/m^3] method : str, optional The method to use to balance the ionimbalance; one of 'dominant', 'decrease dominant', 'increase dominant', 'proportional insufficient ions increase', 'proportional excess ions decrease', 'proportional cation adjustment', 'proportional anion adjustment', 'Na or Cl increase', 'Na or Cl decrease', 'adjust', 'increase', 'decrease', 'makeup']. selected_ion : ChemicalMetadata, optional Some methods adjust only one user-specified ion; this is that input. For the case of the 'makeup' method, this is a tuple of (anion, cation) ChemicalMetadata instances and only the ion type not in excess will be used. Returns ------- anions : list[ChemicalMetadata] List of all negatively charged ions measured as being in the solution; ChemicalMetadata instances after potentially adding in an ion which was not present but specified by the user, [-] cations : list[ChemicalMetadata] List of all positively charged ions measured as being in the solution; ChemicalMetadata instances after potentially adding in an ion which was not present but specified by the user, [-] anion_zs : list[float], Mole fractions of each anion in the aqueous solution after the charge balance, [-] cation_zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each cation in the aqueous solution after the charge balance, [-] z_water : float[float] Mole fraction of the water in the solution, [-] Notes ----- The methods perform the charge balance as follows: * 'dominant' : The ion with the largest mole fraction in solution has its concentration adjusted up or down as necessary to balance the solution. * 'decrease dominant' : The ion with the largest mole fraction in the type of ion with *excess* charge has its own mole fraction decreased to balance the solution. * 'increase dominant' : The ion with the largest mole fraction in the type of ion with *insufficient* charge has its own mole fraction decreased to balance the solution. * 'proportional insufficient ions increase' : The ion charge type which is present insufficiently has each of the ions mole fractions *increased* proportionally until the solution is balanced. * 'proportional excess ions decrease' : The ion charge type which is present in excess has each of the ions mole fractions *decreased* proportionally until the solution is balanced. * 'proportional cation adjustment' : All *cations* have their mole fractions increased or decreased proportionally as necessary to balance the solution. * 'proportional anion adjustment' : All *anions* have their mole fractions increased or decreased proportionally as necessary to balance the solution. * 'Na or Cl increase' : Either Na+ or Cl- is *added* to the solution until the solution is balanced; the species will be added if they were not present initially as well. * 'Na or Cl decrease' : Either Na+ or Cl- is *removed* from the solution until the solution is balanced; the species will be added if they were not present initially as well. * 'adjust' : An ion specified with the parameter `selected_ion` has its mole fraction *increased or decreased* as necessary to balance the solution. An exception is raised if the specified ion alone cannot balance the solution. * 'increase' : An ion specified with the parameter `selected_ion` has its mole fraction *increased* as necessary to balance the solution. An exception is raised if the specified ion alone cannot balance the solution. * 'decrease' : An ion specified with the parameter `selected_ion` has its mole fraction *decreased* as necessary to balance the solution. An exception is raised if the specified ion alone cannot balance the solution. * 'makeup' : Two ions ase specified as a tuple with the parameter `selected_ion`. Whichever ion type is present in the solution insufficiently is added; i.e. if the ions were Mg+2 and Cl-, and there was too much negative charge in the solution, Mg+2 would be added until the solution was balanced. Examples -------- >>> anions_n = ['Cl-', 'HCO3-', 'SO4-2'] >>> cations_n = ['Na+', 'K+', 'Ca+2', 'Mg+2'] >>> cations = [identifiers.pubchem_db.search_name(i) for i in cations_n] >>> anions = [identifiers.pubchem_db.search_name(i) for i in anions_n] >>> an_res, cat_res, an_zs, cat_zs, z_water = balance_ions(anions, cations, ... anion_zs=[0.02557, 0.00039, 0.00026], cation_zs=[0.0233, 0.00075, ... 0.00262, 0.00119], method='proportional excess ions decrease') >>> an_zs [0.02557, 0.00039, 0.00026] >>> cat_zs [0.01948165456267761, 0.0006270918850647299, 0.0021906409851594564, 0.0009949857909693717] >>> z_water 0.9504856267761288 References ---------- ''' # TODO: refactor to include anion, cation charge, MW, name as arguments # OK to hardcode some things for Na, CL # Then make it work with numba anions = list(anions) cations = list(cations) n_anions = len(anions) n_cations = len(cations) ions = anions + cations anion_charges = [i.charge for i in anions] cation_charges = [i.charge for i in cations] charges = anion_charges + cation_charges + [0] MW_water = [18.01528] rho_w = rho_w*1e-3 # Convert to kg/liter if anion_concs is not None and cation_concs is not None: anion_ws = [i*1E-6/rho_w for i in anion_concs] cation_ws = [i*1E-6/rho_w for i in cation_concs] w_water = 1 - sum(anion_ws) - sum(cation_ws) anion_MWs = [i.MW for i in anions] cation_MWs = [i.MW for i in cations] MWs = anion_MWs + cation_MWs + MW_water zs = ws_to_zs(anion_ws + cation_ws + [w_water], MWs) else: if anion_zs is None or cation_zs is None: raise ValueError('Either both of anion_concs and cation_concs or ' 'anion_zs and cation_zs must be specified.') else: zs = anion_zs + cation_zs zs = zs + [1 - sum(zs)] impacts = [zi*ci for zi, ci in zip(zs, charges)] balance_error = sum(impacts) if abs(balance_error) < 1E-7: anion_zs = zs[0:n_anions] cation_zs = zs[n_anions:n_cations+n_anions] z_water = zs[-1] return anions, cations, anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water if 'dominant' in method: anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water = ion_balance_dominant(impacts, balance_error, charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, method) return anions, cations, anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water elif 'proportional' in method: anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water = ion_balance_proportional( anion_charges, cation_charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, balance_error, method) return anions, cations, anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water elif method == 'Na or Cl increase': increase = True if balance_error < 0: selected_ion = identifiers.pubchem_db.search_name('Na+') else: selected_ion = identifiers.pubchem_db.search_name('Cl-') elif method == 'Na or Cl decrease': increase = False if balance_error > 0: selected_ion = identifiers.pubchem_db.search_name('Na+') else: selected_ion = identifiers.pubchem_db.search_name('Cl-') # All of the below work with the variable selected_ion elif method == 'adjust': # A single ion will be increase or decreased to fix the balance automatically increase = None elif method == 'increase': increase = True # Raise exception if approach doesn't work elif method == 'decrease': increase = False # Raise exception if approach doesn't work elif method == 'makeup': # selected ion starts out as a tuple in this case; always adding the compound increase = True if balance_error < 0: selected_ion = selected_ion[1] else: selected_ion = selected_ion[0] else: raise ValueError('method not recognized') if selected_ion is None: raise ValueError("For methods 'adjust', 'increase', 'decrease', and " "'makeup', an ion must be specified with the " "`selected_ion` parameter") anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water = ion_balance_adjust_wrapper(charges, zs, n_anions, n_cations, anions, cations, selected_ion, increase=increase) return anions, cations, anion_zs, cation_zs, z_water