Source code for thermo.eos_mix

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains implementations of most cubic equations of state for
mixtures. This includes Peng-Robinson, SRK, Van der Waals, PRSV, TWU and
many other variants.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Base Class
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.GCEOSMIX
    :exclude-members: a_alpha_and_derivatives_numpy, a_alpha_and_derivatives_py, main_derivatives_and_departures, derivatives_and_departures,
                      sequential_substitution_VL, stability_Michelsen, stability_iteration_Michelsen, newton_VL, broyden2_VL,
                      d2A_dep_dninjs, d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt, d2A_dninjs_Vt, d2A_dninjs_Vt_another, d2P_dninjs_Vt, d2nA_dninjs_Vt, d3P_dninjnks_Vt,
                      dScomp_dns, d2Scomp_dninjs, dA_dep_dns_Vt, dP_dns_Vt

Peng-Robinson Family EOSs

Standard Peng Robinson
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PRMIX
   :members: eos_pure, a_alphas_vectorized, a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized,
             d3a_alpha_dT3, d3a_alpha_dT3_vectorized, fugacity_coefficients,
             dlnphis_dT, dlnphis_dP, dlnphis_dzs, ddelta_dzs, ddelta_dns,
             d2delta_dzizjs, d2delta_dninjs, d3delta_dninjnks, depsilon_dzs,
             depsilon_dns, d2epsilon_dzizjs, d2epsilon_dninjs,

Peng Robinson (1978)
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PR78MIX
   :members: eos_pure

Peng Robinson Stryjek-Vera
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PRSVMIX
   :members: eos_pure, a_alphas_vectorized, a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized

Peng Robinson Stryjek-Vera 2
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PRSV2MIX
   :members: eos_pure, a_alphas_vectorized, a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized

Peng Robinson Twu (1995)
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.TWUPRMIX
   :members: eos_pure

Peng Robinson Translated
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PRMIXTranslated
   :members: eos_pure, ddelta_dzs, d2delta_dzizjs, d3delta_dzizjzks, ddelta_dns,
             d2delta_dninjs, d3delta_dninjnks, depsilon_dzs, depsilon_dns,
             d2epsilon_dzizjs, d3epsilon_dzizjzks, d2epsilon_dninjs,

Peng Robinson Translated-Consistent
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PRMIXTranslatedConsistent
   :members: eos_pure

Peng Robinson Translated (Pina-Martinez, Privat, and Jaubert Variant)
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PRMIXTranslatedPPJP
   :members: eos_pure

SRK Family EOSs

Standard SRK
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.SRKMIX
   :members: eos_pure, dlnphis_dT, dlnphis_dP, a_alphas_vectorized,
             a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized, fugacity_coefficients

Twu SRK (1995)
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.TWUSRKMIX
   :members: eos_pure

.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.APISRKMIX
   :members: eos_pure

SRK Translated
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.SRKMIXTranslated
   :members: eos_pure, ddelta_dzs, d2delta_dzizjs, d3delta_dzizjzks, ddelta_dns,
             d2delta_dninjs, d3delta_dninjnks, depsilon_dzs, depsilon_dns,
             d2epsilon_dzizjs, d3epsilon_dzizjzks, d2epsilon_dninjs,

SRK Translated-Consistent
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.SRKMIXTranslatedConsistent
   :members: eos_pure

MSRK Translated
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.MSRKMIXTranslated
   :members: eos_pure

Cubic Equation of State with Activity Coefficients
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PSRK
   :members: eos_pure

Van der Waals Equation of State
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.VDWMIX
   :members: eos_pure, dlnphis_dT, dlnphis_dP, a_alphas_vectorized,
             a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized, fugacity_coefficients,
             ddelta_dzs, ddelta_dns, d2delta_dzizjs, d2delta_dninjs,

Redlich-Kwong Equation of State
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.RKMIX
   :members: eos_pure, a_alphas_vectorized, a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized,
             ddelta_dzs, ddelta_dns, d2delta_dzizjs, d2delta_dninjs,

Ideal Gas Equation of State
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.IGMIX
   :members: eos_pure, a_alphas_vectorized, a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized

Different Mixing Rules
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.EpsilonZeroMixingRules
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_mix.PSRKMixingRules
    :members: u, A, a_alpha_and_derivatives

Lists of Equations of State
.. autodata:: thermo.eos_mix.eos_mix_list
.. autodata:: thermo.eos_mix.eos_mix_no_coeffs_list


'PRMIXTranslatedConsistent', 'PRMIXTranslatedPPJP', 'PRMIXTranslated',
'SRKMIXTranslatedConsistent', 'PSRK', 'MSRKMIXTranslated',
'eos_mix_list', 'eos_mix_no_coeffs_list', 'SRKMIXTranslated', 'one_minus_kijs']

from cmath import log as clog

from chemicals.flash_basic import K_value, Wilson_K_value
from chemicals.rachford_rice import Rachford_Rice_flash_error, flash_inner_loop
from chemicals.utils import d2ns_to_dn2_partials, d2xs_to_dxdn_partials, dns_to_dn_partials, dxs_to_dn_partials, dxs_to_dns, normalize
from fluids.constants import R
from fluids.numerics import UnconvergedError, broyden2, catanh, exp, log, newton_system, solve_2_direct, sqrt, trunc_exp
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np
from fluids.numerics.arrays import det, subset_matrix

from thermo.eos import (
from thermo.eos_alpha_functions import (
from thermo.eos_mix_methods import (
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable

    (zeros, array, npexp, npsqrt, empty, full, npwhere, npmin, npmax, ndarray, dot, prodsum) = (
        np.zeros, np.array, np.exp, np.sqrt, np.empty, np.full, np.where, np.min, np.max, np.ndarray,,

R2 = R*R
R_inv = 1.0/R
R2_inv = R_inv*R_inv

two_root_two = 2*2**0.5
root_two = sqrt(2.)
root_two_m1 = root_two - 1.0
root_two_p1 = root_two + 1.0

c1R2_PR = PR.c1R2
c2R_PR = PR.c2R

def one_minus_kijs(kijs):
#   return 1.0 - kijs # numba: uncomment
    if type(kijs) is ndarray: # numba: delete
        return 1.0 - kijs # numba: delete
    return [[1.0-v for v in row] for row in kijs] # numba: delete

[docs]class GCEOSMIX(GCEOS): r'''Class for solving a generic pressure-explicit three-parameter cubic equation of state for a mixture. Does not implement any parameters itself; must be subclassed by a mixture equation of state class which subclasses it. .. math:: P=\frac{RT}{V-b}-\frac{a\alpha(T)}{V^2 + \delta V + \epsilon} ''' nonstate_constants = ('N', 'cmps', 'Tcs', 'Pcs', 'omegas', 'kijs', 'kwargs', 'ais', 'bs') mix_kwargs_to_pure = {} kwargs_square = ('kijs',) """Tuple of 2D arguments used by the specific EOS. """ kwargs_linear = tuple() """Tuple of 1D arguments used by the specific EOS in addition to the conventional ones. """ multicomponent = True """All inherited classes of GCEOSMIX are multicomponent. """ vectorized = False """Whether the model is implemented using numpy arrays of float64, or pure-Python lists of floats. """ translated = False """Whether or not the model implements volume translation. """
[docs] def subset(self, idxs, **state_specs): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` that removes all components not specified in the `idxs` argument. Parameters ---------- idxs : list[int] or Slice Indexes of components that should be included, [-] Returns ------- subset_eos : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Multicomponent :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at the same specified specs but with a composition normalized to 1 and with fewer components, [-] state_specs : float Keyword arguments which can be any of `T`, `P`, `V`, `zs`; `zs` is optional, as are (`T`, `P`, `V`), but if any of (`T`, `P`, `V`) are specified, a second one is required as well, [various] Notes ----- Subclassing equations of state require their :obj:`kwargs_linear <GCEOSMIX.kwargs_linear>` and :obj:`kwargs_square <GCEOSMIX.kwargs_square>` attributes to be correct for this to work. `Tcs`, `Pcs`, and `omegas` are always assumed to be used. Examples -------- >>> kijs = [[0.0, 0.00076, 0.00171], [0.00076, 0.0, 0.00061], [0.00171, 0.00061, 0.0]] >>> PR3 = PRMIX(Tcs=[469.7, 507.4, 540.3], zs=[0.8168, 0.1501, 0.0331], omegas=[0.249, 0.305, 0.349], Pcs=[3.369E6, 3.012E6, 2.736E6], T=322.29, P=101325.0, kijs=kijs) >>> PR3.subset([1,2]) PRMIX(Tcs=[507.4, 540.3], Pcs=[3012000.0, 2736000.0], omegas=[0.305, 0.349], kijs=[[0.0, 0.00061], [0.00061, 0.0]], zs=[0.8193231441048036, 0.1806768558951965], T=322.29, P=101325.0) >>> PR3.subset([1,2], T=500.0, P=1e5, zs=[.2, .8]) PRMIX(Tcs=[507.4, 540.3], Pcs=[3012000.0, 2736000.0], omegas=[0.305, 0.349], kijs=[[0.0, 0.00061], [0.00061, 0.0]], zs=[0.2, 0.8], T=500.0, P=100000.0) >>> PR3.subset([1,2], zs=[.2, .8]) PRMIX(Tcs=[507.4, 540.3], Pcs=[3012000.0, 2736000.0], omegas=[0.305, 0.349], kijs=[[0.0, 0.00061], [0.00061, 0.0]], zs=[0.2, 0.8], T=322.29, P=101325.0) ''' is_slice = isinstance(idxs, slice) if is_slice: def atindexes(values): return values[idxs] else: def atindexes(values): return [values[i] for i in idxs] if state_specs: kwargs = state_specs if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'zs' in kwargs: kwargs.update(self.state_specs) else: kwargs = self.state_specs if 'zs' not in kwargs: zs = atindexes(self.zs) if not zs: raise ValueError("Cannot create an EOS without any components selected") zs_tot_inv = 1.0/sum(zs) for i in range(len(zs)): zs[i] *= zs_tot_inv kwargs['zs'] = zs kwargs['Tcs'] = atindexes(self.Tcs) kwargs['Pcs'] = atindexes(self.Pcs) kwargs['omegas'] = atindexes(self.omegas) local_kwargs = self.kwargs for k in self.kwargs_linear: kwargs[k] = atindexes(local_kwargs[k]) for k in self.kwargs_square: kwargs[k] = subset_matrix(local_kwargs[k], idxs) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
def __repr__(self): s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(Tcs={self.Tcs!r}, Pcs={self.Pcs!r}, omegas={self.omegas!r}, ' for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): s += f'{k}={v!r}, ' s += f'zs={repr(self.zs)}, ' if hasattr(self, 'no_T_spec') and self.no_T_spec: s += f'P={self.P!r}, V={self.V!r}' elif self.V is not None: s += f'T={self.T!r}, V={self.V!r}' else: s += f'T={self.T!r}, P={self.P!r}' s += ')' return s def _custom_from_json(self, *args): eos_name = self.__full_path__ eos = eos_mix_full_path_dict[eos_name] try: self.raw_volumes = tuple(self.raw_volumes) except: pass try: self.alpha_coeffs = [tuple(v) for v in self.alpha_coeffs] except: pass if eos.kwargs_keys: self.kwargs = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in eos.kwargs_keys} try: self.kwargs['alpha_coeffs'] = [tuple(v) for v in self.kwargs['alpha_coeffs']] except: pass try: self.one_minus_kijs = one_minus_kijs(self.kijs) except: pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None): r'''Method to create a mixture cubic equation of state from a JSON friendly serialization of another mixture cubic equation of state. Parameters ---------- json_repr : dict Json representation, [-] Returns ------- eos_mix : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Newly created object from the json serialization, [-] Notes ----- It is important that the input string be in the same format as that created by :obj:`GCEOS.as_json`. Examples -------- >>> import pickle >>> eos = PRSV2MIX(Tcs=[507.6], Pcs=[3025000], omegas=[0.2975], zs=[1], T=299., P=1E6, kappa1s=[0.05104], kappa2s=[0.8634], kappa3s=[0.460]) >>> json_stuff = pickle.dumps(eos.as_json()) >>> new_eos = GCEOSMIX.from_json(pickle.loads(json_stuff)) >>> assert new_eos == eos ''' return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
[docs] def to_TP_zs_fast(self, T, P, zs, only_l=False, only_g=False, full_alphas=True): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` instance with the same parameters as the existing object. If both instances are at the same temperature, `a_alphas` and `da_alpha_dTs` and `d2a_alpha_dT2s` are shared between the instances. It is always assumed the new object has a differet composition. Optionally, only one set of phase properties can be solved for, increasing speed. Additionally, if `full_alphas` is set to False no temperature derivatives of `a_alpha` will be computed. Those derivatives are not needed in the context of a PT or PVF flash. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each component, [-] only_l : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set. only_g : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set. Returns ------- eos : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Multicomponent :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at the specified conditions [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.to_TP_zs_fast(T=300, P=1e5, zs=base.zs) RKMIX(Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[3394000.0, 4604000.0], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], kijs=[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], zs=[0.6, 0.4], T=300, P=100000.0) ''' new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) # potentially also object.__new__(self.__class__) new.N, new.Tcs, new.Pcs, new.omegas, new.kijs, new.one_minus_kijs, new.kwargs, new.ais,, new.vectorized = ( self.N, self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.omegas, self.kijs, self.one_minus_kijs, self.kwargs, self.ais,, self.vectorized ) # new.N = self.N # new.Tcs = self.Tcs # new.Pcs = self.Pcs # new.omegas = self.omegas # new.kijs = self.kijs # new.one_minus_kijs = self.one_minus_kijs # new.kwargs = self.kwargs # new.ais = self.ais # = # new.vectorized = self.vectorized if T == self.T: new.a_alphas = self.a_alphas try: new.a_alpha_roots = self.a_alpha_roots # has to be first new.da_alpha_dTs = self.da_alpha_dTs new.d2a_alpha_dT2s = self.d2a_alpha_dT2s except: pass new.zs, new.T, new.P, new.V = zs, T, P, None # new.zs = zs # new.T = T # new.P = P # new.V = None new._fast_init_specific(self) new.solve(pure_a_alphas=(T != self.T), only_l=only_l, only_g=only_g, full_alphas=full_alphas) return new
[docs] def to_TP_zs(self, T, P, zs, fugacities=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` instance at `T`, `P`, and `zs` with the same parameters as the existing object. Optionally, only one set of phase properties can be solved for, increasing speed. The fugacities calculation can be be skipped by by setting `fugacities` to False. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each component, [-] fugacities : bool Whether or not to calculate and set the fugacities of each component, [-] only_l : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set. only_g : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set. Returns ------- eos : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Multicomponent :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at the specified conditions [-] Notes ----- A check for whether or not `T`, `P`, and `zs` are the same as the existing instance is performed; if it is, the existing object is returned. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.to_TP_zs(T=300, P=1e5, zs=[.1, 0.9]) RKMIX(Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[3394000.0, 4604000.0], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], kijs=[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], zs=[0.1, 0.9], T=300, P=100000.0) ''' if T != self.T or P != self.P or zs != self.zs: return self.__class__(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, only_l=only_l, only_g=only_g, fugacities=fugacities, **self.kwargs) else: return self
[docs] def to_PV_zs(self, P, V, zs, fugacities=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` instance at `P`, `V`, and `zs` with the same parameters as the existing object. Optionally, only one set of phase properties can be solved for, increasing speed. The fugacities calculation can be be skipped by by setting `fugacities` to False. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure, [Pa] V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each component, [-] fugacities : bool Whether or not to calculate and set the fugacities of each component, [-] only_l : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set. only_g : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set. Returns ------- eos : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Multicomponent :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at the specified conditions [-] Notes ----- A check for whether or not `P`, `V`, and `zs` are the same as the existing instance is performed; if it is, the existing object is returned. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.to_PV_zs(V=0.004162, P=1e5, zs=[.1, 0.9]) RKMIX(Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[3394000.0, 4604000.0], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], kijs=[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], zs=[0.1, 0.9], P=100000.0, V=0.004162) ''' if P == self.P and V == self.V and zs == self.zs: return self return self.__class__(P=P, V=V, zs=zs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, only_l=only_l, only_g=only_g, fugacities=fugacities, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def to(self, zs=None, T=None, P=None, V=None, fugacities=True): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` object at two of `T`, `P` or `V` with the specified composition. In the event the specs match those of the current object, it will be returned unchanged. Parameters ---------- zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of EOS, [-] T : float or None, optional Temperature, [K] P : float or None, optional Pressure, [Pa] V : float or None, optional Molar volume, [m^3/mol] fugacities : bool Whether or not to calculate fugacities, [-] Returns ------- obj : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Pure component :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at the two specified specs, [-] Notes ----- Constructs the object with parameters `Tcs`, `Pcs`, `omegas`, and `kwargs`. Examples -------- >>> base = PRMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>>, P=1e9).state_specs {'T': 300.0, 'P': 1000000000.0} >>>, V=1.0).state_specs {'T': 300.0, 'V': 1.0} >>>, V=1.0).state_specs {'P': 100000.0, 'V': 1.0} ''' if zs is None: zs = self.zs if T is not None and P is not None: try: sln = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T, P, zs) if fugacities: sln.fugacities() return sln except: return self.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs, fugacities) elif T is not None and V is not None: if T == self.T and V == self.V and zs == self.zs: return self return self.__class__(T=T, V=V, zs=zs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, fugacities=fugacities, **self.kwargs) elif P is not None and V is not None: return self.to_PV_zs(P, V, zs, fugacities) else: return self.__class__(T=T, P=P, V=V, zs=zs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, fugacities=fugacities, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def to_TP(self, T, P): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` object at the spcified `T` and `P` with the current composition. In the event the `T` and `P` match the current object's `T` and `P`, it will be returned unchanged. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] Returns ------- obj : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Pure component :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at specified `T` and `P`, [-] Notes ----- Constructs the object with parameters `Tcs`, `Pcs`, `omegas`, and `kwargs`. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> new = base.to_TP(T=10.0, P=2000.0) >>> base.state_specs, new.state_specs ({'T': 500.0, 'P': 1000000.0}, {'T': 10.0, 'P': 2000.0}) ''' return self.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs=self.zs)
[docs] def to_TV(self, T, V): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` object at the spcified `T` and `V` with the current composition. In the event the `T` and `V` match the current object's `T` and `V`, it will be returned unchanged. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] Returns ------- obj : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Pure component :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at specified `T` and `V`, [-] Notes ----- Constructs the object with parameters `Tcs`, `Pcs`, `omegas`, and `kwargs`. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> new = base.to_TV(T=1000000.0, V=1.0) >>> base.state_specs, new.state_specs ({'T': 500.0, 'P': 1000000.0}, {'T': 1000000.0, 'V': 1.0}) ''' if T == self.T and V == self.V: return self return self.__class__(T=T, V=V, zs=self.zs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, fugacities=True, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def to_PV(self, P, V): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` object at the spcified `P` and `V` with the current composition. In the event the `P` and `V` match the current object's `P` and `V`, it will be returned unchanged. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure, [Pa] V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] Returns ------- obj : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Pure component :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at specified `P` and `V`, [-] Notes ----- Constructs the object with parameters `Tcs`, `Pcs`, `omegas`, and `kwargs`. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> new = base.to_PV(P=1000000.0, V=1.0) >>> base.state_specs, new.state_specs ({'T': 500.0, 'P': 1000000.0}, {'P': 1000000.0, 'V': 1.0}) ''' if V == self.V and P == self.P: return self return self.__class__(V=V, P=P, zs=self.zs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, fugacities=True, **self.kwargs)
[docs] def to_mechanical_critical_point(self): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`GCEOSMIX` object at the current object's properties and composition, but which is at the mechanical critical point. Returns ------- obj : :obj:`GCEOSMIX` Pure component :obj:`GCEOSMIX` at mechanical critical point [-] Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=500.0, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.to_mechanical_critical_point() RKMIX(Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[3394000.0, 4604000.0], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], kijs=[[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]], zs=[0.6, 0.4], T=151.861, P=3908737.9) ''' T, P = self.mechanical_critical_point() return self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=self.zs)
[docs] def to_TPV_pure(self, i, T=None, P=None, V=None): r'''Helper method which returns a pure `EOSs` at the specs (two of `T`, `P` and `V`) and base EOS as the mixture for a particular index. Parameters ---------- i : int Index of specified compound, [-] T : float or None, optional Specified temperature, [K] P : float or None, optional Specified pressure, [Pa] V : float or None, optional Specified volume, [m^3/mol] Returns ------- eos_pure : eos A pure-species EOSs at the two specified `T`, `P`, and `V` for component `i`, [-] Notes ----- ''' kwargs = {} mix_kwargs_to_pure = self.mix_kwargs_to_pure for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): if k in mix_kwargs_to_pure: kwargs[mix_kwargs_to_pure[k]] = v[i] return self.eos_pure(T=T, P=P, V=V, Tc=self.Tcs[i], Pc=self.Pcs[i], omega=self.omegas[i], **kwargs)
[docs] def pures(self): r'''Helper method which returns a list of pure `EOSs` at the same `T` and `P` and base EOS as the mixture. Returns ------- eos_pures : list[eos] A list of pure-species EOSs at the same `T` and `P` as the system, [-] Notes ----- This is useful for i.e. comparing mixture fugacities with the Lewis-Randall rule or when using an activity coefficient model which require pure component fugacities. ''' T, P, N = self.T, self.P, self.N return [self.to_TPV_pure(T=T, P=P, V=None, i=i) for i in range(N)]
@property def pseudo_Tc(self): '''Apply a linear mole-fraction mixing rule to compute the average critical temperature, [K]. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=150.0, P=4e6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.pseudo_Tc 151.9 ''' zs = self.zs Tcs = self.Tcs Tc = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Tc += zs[i]*Tcs[i] return Tc @property def pseudo_Pc(self): '''Apply a linear mole-fraction mixing rule to compute the average critical pressure, [Pa]. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=150.0, P=4e6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.pseudo_Pc 3878000.0 ''' zs = self.zs Pcs = self.Pcs Pc = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Pc += zs[i]*Pcs[i] return Pc @property def pseudo_omega(self): '''Apply a linear mole-fraction mixing rule to compute the average `omega`, [-]. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=150.0, P=4e6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.pseudo_omega 0.0284 ''' zs = self.zs omegas = self.omegas omega = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): omega += zs[i]*omegas[i] return omega @property def pseudo_a(self): '''Apply a linear mole-fraction mixing rule to compute the average `a` coefficient, [-]. Examples -------- >>> base = RKMIX(T=150.0, P=4e6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.6, 0.4]) >>> base.pseudo_a 0.17634464184 ''' zs = self.zs ais = self.ais a = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): a += zs[i]*ais[i] return a
[docs] def Psat(self, T, polish=False): r'''Generic method to calculate vapor pressure of a pure-component equation of state for a specified `T`. An explicit solution is used unless `polish` is True. The result of this function has no physical meaning for multicomponent mixtures, and does not represent either a dew point or a bubble point! Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] polish : bool, optional Whether to attempt to use a numerical solver to make the solution more precise or not Returns ------- Psat : float Vapor pressure using the pure-component approach, [Pa] Notes ----- For multicomponent mixtures this may serve as a useful guess for the dew and the bubble pressure. ''' if self.N == 1: Tc, Pc, omega, a = self.Tcs[0], self.Pcs[0], self.omegas[0], self.ais[0] else: zs = self.zs Tcs, Pcs, omegas, ais = self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.omegas, self.ais Tc, Pc, omega, a = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Tc += Tcs[i]*zs[i] Pc += Pcs[i]*zs[i] omega += omegas[i]*zs[i] a += ais[i]*zs[i] self.Tc, self.Pc, = Tc, Pc, omega self.a = a Psat = GCEOS.Psat(self, T, polish=False) del self.Tc, self.Pc, return Psat
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives(self, T, full=True, quick=True, pure_a_alphas=True): r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second derivatives for an EOS with the Van der Waals mixing rules. Uses the parent class's interface to compute pure component values. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. For use in :obj:`solve_T <GCEOSMIX.solve_T>` this returns only `a_alpha` if `full` is False. .. math:: a \alpha = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {(a\alpha)}_{ij} .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] full : bool, optional If False, calculates and returns only `a_alpha` quick : bool, optional Only the quick variant is implemented; it is little faster anyhow pure_a_alphas : bool, optional Whether or not to recalculate the a_alpha terms of pure components (for the case of mixtures only) which stay the same as the composition changes (i.e in a PT flash), [-] Returns ------- a_alpha : float Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dT : float Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] Notes ----- The exact expressions can be obtained with the following SymPy expression below, commented out for brevity. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> kij, T = symbols('kij, T ') # doctest:+SKIP >>> a_alpha_i, a_alpha_j = symbols('a_alpha_i, a_alpha_j', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> a_alpha_ij = (1-kij)*sqrt(a_alpha_i(T)*a_alpha_j(T)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> diff(a_alpha_ij, T) # doctest:+SKIP >>> diff(a_alpha_ij, T, T) # doctest:+SKIP ''' if pure_a_alphas: if full: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = self.a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T) self.a_alphas, self.da_alpha_dTs, self.d2a_alpha_dT2s = a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s else: self.a_alphas = a_alphas = self.a_alphas_vectorized(T) da_alpha_dTs = d2a_alpha_dT2s = None if self.vectorized: self.a_alpha_roots = npsqrt(a_alphas) else: self.a_alpha_roots = [sqrt(i) for i in a_alphas] else: try: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, = self.a_alphas, self.da_alpha_dTs, self.d2a_alpha_dT2s except: if full: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = self.a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T) self.a_alphas, self.da_alpha_dTs, self.d2a_alpha_dT2s = a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s else: self.a_alphas = a_alphas = self.a_alphas_vectorized(T) da_alpha_dTs = d2a_alpha_dT2s = None zs, one_minus_kijs, vectorized, N, a_alpha_roots = self.zs, self.one_minus_kijs, self.vectorized, self.N, self.a_alpha_roots if full: if vectorized: a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows = zeros(N), zeros(N) else: a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows = [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2, self.a_alpha_j_rows, self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows = ( a_alpha_and_derivatives_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows)) return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 else: a_alpha_j_rows = zeros(N) if vectorized else [0.0]*N a_alpha, self.a_alpha_j_rows = a_alpha_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows) return a_alpha
# Goahead and inline the method # if not IS_PYPY and self.N > 2000: # return self.a_alpha_and_derivatives_numpy(a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, full=full) # return self.a_alpha_and_derivatives_py(a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, full) # def a_alpha_and_derivatives_py(self, a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, full=True): # Did not work out a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent does not save any time bad idea # zs, one_minus_kijs, N = self.zs, self.one_minus_kijs, self.N # same_T = T == self.T # try: # assert same_T # a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = self.a_alpha_ijs, self.a_alpha_roots, self.a_alpha_ij_roots_inv # except (AttributeError, AssertionError): # if self.vectorized: # a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = zeros((N, N)), zeros(N), zeros((N, N)) # else: # a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)], [0.0]*N, [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent(a_alphas, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs=a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots=a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv=a_alpha_ij_roots_inv) # self.a_alpha_ijs, self.a_alpha_roots, self.a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv # if full: # try: # a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2, a_alpha_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = a_alpha_and_derivatives_full(a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, # a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv) # if self.vectorized: # d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = array(d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs) # except: # if self.N == 1: # a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = a_alphas[0], da_alpha_dTs[0], d2a_alpha_dT2s[0] # d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, a_alpha_ijs = [[d2a_alpha_dT2s[0]]], [[da_alpha_dTs[0]]], [[a_alphas[0]]] # if self.vectorized: # d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, a_alpha_ijs = array(d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs), array(da_alpha_dT_ijs), array(a_alpha_ijs) # self.d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs, self.da_alpha_dT_ijs, self.a_alpha_ijs = d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, a_alpha_ijs # return float(a_alpha), float(da_alpha_dT), float(d2a_alpha_dT2) # else: # a_alpha, _, a_alpha_ijs = a_alpha_and_derivatives(a_alphas, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv) # self.da_alpha_dT_ijs = None # self.a_alpha_ijs = a_alpha_ijs # return float(a_alpha) def a_alpha_and_derivatives_py(self, a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, full=True): # For 44 components, takes 150 us in PyPy.; 95 in pythran. Much of that is type conversions. # 4 ms pypy for 44*4, 1.3 ms for pythran, 10 ms python with numpy # 2 components 1.89 pypy, pythran 1.75 us, regular python 12.7 us. # 10 components - regular python 148 us, 9.81 us PyPy, 8.37 pythran in PyPy (flags have no effect; 14.3 us in regular python) zs, one_minus_kijs, vectorized, N, a_alpha_roots = self.zs, self.one_minus_kijs, self.vectorized, self.N, self.a_alpha_roots if full: if vectorized: a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows = zeros(N), zeros(N) else: a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows = [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2, self.a_alpha_j_rows, self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows = ( a_alpha_and_derivatives_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows=da_alpha_dT_j_rows)) return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 else: a_alpha_j_rows = zeros(N) if vectorized else [0.0]*N a_alpha, self.a_alpha_j_rows = a_alpha_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows) return a_alpha def a_alpha_and_derivatives_numpy(self, a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, full=True): zs, kijs = self.zs, np.array(self.kijs) a_alphas = np.array(a_alphas) da_alpha_dTs = np.array(da_alpha_dTs) one_minus_kijs = 1.0 - kijs x0 = np.einsum('i,j', a_alphas, a_alphas) x0_05 = npsqrt(x0) a_alpha_ijs = (one_minus_kijs)*x0_05 z_products = np.einsum('i,j', zs, zs) a_alpha = np.einsum('ij,ji', a_alpha_ijs, z_products) if self.vectorized: self.a_alpha_ijs = a_alpha_ijs else: self.a_alpha_ijs = a_alpha_ijs.tolist() if full: term0 = np.einsum('j,i', a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs) term7 = (one_minus_kijs)/(x0_05) da_alpha_dT = (z_products*term7*(term0)).sum() term1 = -x0_05/x0*(one_minus_kijs) term2 = np.einsum('i, j', a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs) main3 = da_alpha_dTs/(2.0*a_alphas)*term2 main4 = -np.einsum('i, j', a_alphas, d2a_alpha_dT2s) main6 = -0.5*np.einsum('i, j', da_alpha_dTs, da_alpha_dTs) # Needed for fugacity temperature derivative self.da_alpha_dT_ijs = (0.5*(term7)*(term2 + term0)).tolist() d2a_alpha_dT2 = (z_products*(term1*(main3 + main4 + main6))).sum() return float(a_alpha), float(da_alpha_dT), float(d2a_alpha_dT2) else: return float(a_alpha) def _spinodal_f(self, TPV): # TODO - use `self`, do not create new instance # Work to do - ethane', 'heptane # Specify V, solve P; increase V and keep going # After Effective utilization of equations of state for thermodynamic properties in process simulation '''eos = PRMIX(P=6e6, T=500, Tcs=[305.32, 540.2], Pcs=[4872000.0, 2740000.0], omegas=[0.098, 0.3457], zs=[.5, .5]) def to_solve(T): return, P=eos.P, zs=eos.zs)._spinodal_f([T, eos.P]) # Very well could be right, eos.T), P=eos.P, zs=eos.zs).rho_l # 3004.715984610371 ''' T, P, V = TPV eos_instance =, P=P, V=V, zs=self.zs) RT_inv = 1.0/(R*eos_instance.T) if eos_instance.phase == 'l/g': if eos_instance.G_dep_l < eos_instance.G_dep_g: v = eos_instance.d2nA_dninjs_Vt('l') else: v = eos_instance.d2nA_dninjs_Vt('g') elif eos_instance.phase == 'g': v = eos_instance.d2nA_dninjs_Vt('g') else: v = eos_instance.d2nA_dninjs_Vt('l') dGs = [[i*RT_inv for i in row] for row in v] return det(dGs) def _spinodal_at(self, T=None, P=None, V=None): # TODO finish if T is not None: def to_solve(V): return self._spinodal_f((T, None, V)) if 1: from fluids.numerics import linspace Vs = linspace(self.b*(1+1e-7), self.b*1000, 1000) errs = [] for Vi in Vs: try: errs.append(abs(to_solve(Vi))) except: errs.append(1e5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.semilogy(Vs, errs) a = 1 elif P is not None: def to_solve(V): return self._spinodal_f((None, P, V)) elif V is not None: def to_solve(T): return self._spinodal_f((T, None, V)) def _mechanical_critical_point_f_jac(self, TP): '''The criteria for c_goal and d_goal come from a cubic 'roots_cubic', which uses a `f`, `g`, and `h` parameter. When all of them are zero, all three roots are equal. For the eos (a=1), this results in the following system of equations: from sympy import * a = 1 b, c, d = symbols('b, c, d') f = ((3* c / a) - ((b ** 2) / (a ** 2))) / 3 g = (((2 * (b ** 3)) / (a ** 3)) - ((9* b * c) / (a **2)) + (27 * d / a)) /27 h = ((g ** 2) / 4 + (f ** 3) / 27)z solve([Eq(f, 0), Eq(g, 0), Eq(h, 0)], [b, c, d]) The solution (sympy struggled) is: c = b^2/3 d = b^3/27 These two variables switch sign at the criteria, so they work well with a root finding approach. Derived with: from sympy import * P, T, V, R, b_eos, alpha = symbols('P, T, V, R, b_eos, alpha') Tc, Pc, omega = symbols('Tc, Pc, omega') delta, epsilon = symbols('delta, epsilon') a_alpha = alpha(T) eta = b_eos B = b_eos*P/(R*T) deltas = delta*P/(R*T) thetas = a_alpha*P/(R*T)**2 epsilons = epsilon*(P/(R*T))**2 etas = eta*P/(R*T) b = (deltas - B - 1) c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1)) d = -(epsilons*(B + 1) + thetas*etas) c_goal = b*b/3 d_goal = b*b*b/27 F1 = c - c_goal F2 = d - d_goal cse([F1, F2, diff(F1, T), diff(F1, P), diff(F2, T), diff(F2, P)], optimizations='basic') Performance analysis: 77% of this is getting a_alpha and da_alpha_dT. 71% of the outer solver is getting f and this Jacobian. Limited results from optimizing the below code, which was derived with sympy. ''' T, P = float(TP[0]), float(TP[1]) b_eos, delta, epsilon = self.b,, self.epsilon eta = b_eos try: del self.a_alpha_ijs del self.a_alpha_roots del self.a_alpha_ij_roots_inv except: pass a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, _ = self.a_alpha_and_derivatives(T, full=True) x6 = R_inv x7 = 1.0/T x0 = a_alpha x1 = R_inv*R_inv x2 = x7*x7 x3 = x1*x2 x4 = P*P x5 = epsilon*x3*x4 x8 = P*x6*x7 x9 = delta*x8 x10 = b_eos*x8 x11 = x10 + 1.0 x12 = x11 - x9 x13 = x12*x12 x14 = P*x2*x6 x15 = da_alpha_dT x16 = x6*x7 x17 = x0*x16 x18 = 2.0*epsilon*x8 x19 = delta*x10 x20 = delta*x11 x21 = b_eos - delta x22 = 2.0/3.0*x12*x21 x23 = P*b_eos*x0*x1*x2 x24 = b_eos*x5 x25 = x11*x18 x26 = x13*x21/9.0 F1 = P*x0*x3 - x11*x9 - x13*(1/3.0) + x5 F2 = -x11*x5 + x13*x12*(1/27.0) - b_eos*x0*x4*x6*x1*x7*x2 dF1_dT = x14*(x15*x6 - 2.0*x17 - x18 + x19 + x20 + x22) dF1_dP = x16*(x17 + x18 - x19 - x20 - x22) dF2_dT = x14*(-P*b_eos*x1*x15*x7 + 3.0*x23 + x24 + x25 - x26) dF2_dP = x16*(-2.0*x23 - x24 - x25 + x26) return [F1, F2], [[dF1_dT, dF1_dP], [dF2_dT, dF2_dP]]
[docs] def mechanical_critical_point(self): r'''Method to calculate the mechanical critical point of a mixture of defined composition. The mechanical critical point is where: .. math:: \frac{\partial P}{\partial \rho}|_T = \frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial \rho^2}|_T = 0 Returns ------- T : float Mechanical critical temperature, [K] P : float Mechanical critical temperature, [Pa] Notes ----- One useful application of the mechanical critical temperature is that the phase identification approach of Venkatarathnam is valid only up to it. Note that the equation of state, when solved at these conditions, will have fairly large (1e-3 - 1e-6) results for the derivatives; but they are the minimum. This is just from floating point precision. It can also be checked looking at the calculated molar volumes - all three (available with :obj:`sorted_volumes <GCEOSMIX.sorted_volumes>`) will be very close (1e-5 difference in practice), again differing because of floating point error. The algorithm here is a custom implementation, using Newton-Raphson's method with the initial guesses described in [1] (mole-weighted critical pressure average, critical temperature average using a quadratic mixing rule). Normally ~4 iterations are needed to solve the system. It is relatively fast, as only one evaluation of `a_alpha` and `da_alpha_dT` are needed per call to function and its jacobian. References ---------- .. [1] Watson, Harry A. J., and Paul I. Barton. "Reliable Flash Calculations: Part 3. A Nonsmooth Approach to Density Extrapolation and Pseudoproperty Evaluation." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, November 11, 2017. .. [2] Mathias P. M., Boston J. F., and Watanasiri S. "Effective Utilization of Equations of State for Thermodynamic Properties in Process Simulation." AIChE Journal 30, no. 2 (June 17, 2004): 182-86. ''' zs, Tcs, Pcs, N = self.zs, self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.N Pmc = sum([Pcs[i]*zs[i] for i in range(N)]) Tmc = sum([sqrt(Tcs[i]*Tcs[j])*zs[j]*zs[i] for i in range(N) for j in range(N)]) TP, iterations = newton_system(self._mechanical_critical_point_f_jac, x0=[Tmc, Pmc], jac=True, ytol=1e-10, xtol=1e-12, solve_func=solve_2_direct) T, P = float(TP[0]), float(TP[1]) return T, P
[docs] def fugacities(self, only_l=False, only_g=False): r'''Helper method for calculating fugacity coefficients for any phases present, using either the overall mole fractions for both phases or using specified mole fractions for each phase. Requires :obj:`fugacity_coefficients <GCEOSMIX.fugacity_coefficients>` to be implemented by each subclassing EOS. In addition to setting `fugacities_l` and/or `fugacities_g`, this also sets the fugacity coefficients `phis_l` and/or `phis_g`. .. math:: \hat \phi_i^g = \frac{\hat f_i^g}{y_i P} .. math:: \hat \phi_i^l = \frac{\hat f_i^l}{x_i P} Note that in a flash calculation, each phase requires their own EOS object. Parameters ---------- only_l : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set. only_g : bool When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set. Notes ----- It is helpful to check that :obj:`fugacity_coefficients <GCEOSMIX.fugacity_coefficients>` has been implemented correctly using the following expression, from [1]_. .. math:: \ln \hat \phi_i = \left[\frac{\partial (n\ln \phi)}{\partial n_i}\right]_{T,P,n_j,V_t} For reference, several expressions for fugacity of a component are as follows, shown in [1]_ and [2]_. .. math:: \ln \hat \phi_i = \int_{0}^P\left(\frac{\hat V_i} {RT} - \frac{1}{P}\right)dP .. math:: \ln \hat \phi_i = \int_V^\infty \left[ \frac{1}{RT}\frac{\partial P}{ \partial n_i} - \frac{1}{V}\right] d V - \ln Z References ---------- .. [1] Hu, Jiawen, Rong Wang, and Shide Mao. "Some Useful Expressions for Deriving Component Fugacity Coefficients from Mixture Fugacity Coefficient." Fluid Phase Equilibria 268, no. 1-2 (June 25, 2008): 7-13. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2008.03.007. .. [2] Walas, Stanley M. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985. ''' P, zs, vectorized = self.P, self.zs, self.vectorized if not only_g and hasattr(self, 'V_l'): self.lnphis_l = lnphis_l = self.fugacity_coefficients(self.Z_l) if vectorized: self.phis_l = phis_l = npexp(lnphis_l) self.fugacities_l = zs*P*phis_l else: try: self.phis_l = [exp(i) for i in lnphis_l] except: self.phis_l = [trunc_exp(i, trunc=1e308) for i in lnphis_l] self.fugacities_l = [phi*x*P for phi, x in zip(self.phis_l, zs)] if not only_l and hasattr(self, 'V_g'): self.lnphis_g = lnphis_g = self.fugacity_coefficients(self.Z_g) if vectorized: self.phis_g = phis_g = npexp(lnphis_g) self.fugacities_g = zs*P*phis_g else: try: self.phis_g = phis_g = [exp(i) for i in lnphis_g] except: self.phis_g = phis_g = [trunc_exp(i, trunc=1e308) for i in lnphis_g] self.fugacities_g = [phi*y*P for phi, y in zip(phis_g, zs)]
def _eos_lnphis_lowest_Gibbs(self): try: try: if self.G_dep_l < self.G_dep_g: return self.lnphis_l, 'l' else: return self.lnphis_g, 'g' except: # Only one root - take it and set the prefered other phase to be a different type return (self.lnphis_g, 'g') if hasattr(self, 'Z_g') else (self.lnphis_l, 'l') except: self.fugacities() return self._eos_fugacities_lowest_Gibbs() def _eos_fugacities_lowest_Gibbs(self): # TODO delete with try: try: if self.G_dep_l < self.G_dep_g: return self.fugacities_l, 'l' else: return self.fugacities_g, 'g' except: # Only one root - take it and set the prefered other phase to be a different type return (self.fugacities_g, 'g') if hasattr(self, 'Z_g') else (self.fugacities_l, 'l') except: self.fugacities() return self._eos_fugacities_lowest_Gibbs() def _dphi_dn(self, zi, i, phase): # obsolete, should be deleted z_copy = list(self.zs) z_copy.pop(i) z_sum = sum(z_copy) + zi z_copy = [j/z_sum if j else 0 for j in z_copy] z_copy.insert(i, zi) eos = self.to_TP_zs(self.T, self.P, z_copy) if phase == 'g': return eos.phis_g[i] elif phase == 'l': return eos.phis_l[i] def _dfugacity_dn(self, zi, i, phase): # obsolete, should be deleted z_copy = list(self.zs) z_copy.pop(i) z_sum = sum(z_copy) + zi z_copy = [j/z_sum if j else 0 for j in z_copy] z_copy.insert(i, zi) eos = self.to_TP_zs(self.T, self.P, z_copy) if phase == 'g': return eos.fugacities_g[i] elif phase == 'l': return eos.fugacities_l[i] def _Stateva_Tsvetkov_TPDF_broken(self, Zz, Zy, zs, ys): # TODO: delete z_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zz) y_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zy) kis = [] for yi, phi_yi, zi, phi_zi in zip(ys, y_log_fugacity_coefficients, zs, z_log_fugacity_coefficients): di = log(zi) + phi_zi try: ki = phi_yi + log(yi) - di except ValueError: ki = phi_yi + log(1e-200) - di kis.append(ki) kis.append(kis[0]) tot = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): t = kis[i+1] - kis[i] tot += t*t return tot def _d_TPD_Michelson_modified(self, Zz, Zy, zs, alphas): r'''Modified objective function for locating the minima of the Tangent Plane Distance function according to [1]_, also shown in [2]_ [2]_. The stationary points of a system are all zeros of this function; so once all zeroes have been located, the stability can be evaluated at the stationary points only. It may be required to use multiple guesses to find all stationary points, and there is no method of confirming all points have been found. This method does not alter the state of the object. .. math:: \frac{\partial \; TPD^*}{\partial \alpha_i} = \sqrt{Y_i} \left[ \ln \phi_i(Y) + \ln(Y_i) - h_i\right] .. math:: \alpha_i = 2 \sqrt{Y_i} .. math:: d_i(z) = \ln z_i + \ln \phi_i(z) Parameters ---------- Zz : float Compressibility factor of the phase undergoing stability testing, (`test` phase), [-] Zy : float Compressibility factor of the trial phase, [-] zs : list[float] Mole fraction composition of the phase undergoing stability testing (`test` phase), [-] alphas : list[float] Twice the square root of the mole numbers of each component, [mol^0.5] Returns ------- err : float Error in solving for stationary points according to the modified TPD method in [1]_, [-] Notes ----- This method is particularly useful because it is not a constrained objective function. This has been verified to return the same roots as other stationary point methods. References ---------- .. [1] Michelsen, Michael L. "The Isothermal Flash Problem. Part I. Stability." Fluid Phase Equilibria 9, no. 1 (December 1982): 1-19. .. [2] Qiu, Lu, Yue Wang, Qi Jiao, Hu Wang, and Rolf D. Reitz. "Development of a Thermodynamically Consistent, Robust and Efficient Phase Equilibrium Solver and Its Validations." Fuel 115 (January 1, 2014): 1-16 ''' # TODO: delete Ys = [(alpha/2.)**2 for alpha in alphas] ys = normalize(Ys) z_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zz) y_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zy) tot = 0 for Yi, phi_yi, zi, phi_zi in zip(Ys, y_log_fugacity_coefficients, zs, z_log_fugacity_coefficients): di = log(zi) + phi_zi if Yi != 0: diff = Yi**0.5*(log(Yi) + phi_yi - di) tot += abs(diff) return tot # def TDP_Michelsen(self, phase): # # z_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zz, zs) # y_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zy, ys) # tot = 0 # for yi, phi_yi, zi, phi_zi in zip(ys, y_log_fugacity_coefficients, zs, z_log_fugacity_coefficients): # hi = di = log(zi) + phi_zi # same as di # # k = log(yi) + phi_yi - hi # # Michaelsum doesn't do the exponents. # Yi = exp(-k)*yi # tot += Yi*(log(Yi) + phi_yi - hi - 1.) # # return 1. + tot # def TDP_Michelsen_modified(self, Zz, Zy, zs, Ys): # # # # Might as well continue # Ys = [abs(float(Yi)) for Yi in Ys] # # Ys only need to be positive # ys = normalize(Ys) # # z_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zz, zs) # y_log_fugacity_coefficients = self.fugacity_coefficients(Zy, ys) # # tot = 0 # for Yi, phi_yi, yi, zi, phi_zi in zip(Ys, y_log_fugacity_coefficients, ys, zs, z_log_fugacity_coefficients): # hi = di = log(zi) + phi_zi # same as di # tot += Yi*(log(Yi) + phi_yi - di - 1.) # return (1. + tot) # # Another formulation, returns the same answers. ## tot += yi*(log(sum(Ys)) +log(yi)+ log(phi_yi) - di - 1.) ## return (1. + sum(Ys)*tot)*1e15
[docs] def solve_T(self, P, V, quick=True, solution=None): r'''Generic method to calculate `T` from a specified `P` and `V`. Provides SciPy's `newton` solver, and iterates to solve the general equation for `P`, recalculating `a_alpha` as a function of temperature using :obj:`a_alpha_and_derivatives <GCEOSMIX.a_alpha_and_derivatives>` each iteration. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure, [Pa] V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] quick : bool, optional Unimplemented, although it may be possible to derive explicit expressions as done for many pure-component EOS solution : str or None, optional 'l' or 'g' to specify a liquid of vapor solution (if one exists); if None, will select a solution more likely to be real (closer to STP, attempting to avoid temperatures like 60000 K or 0.0001 K). Returns ------- T : float Temperature, [K] ''' # -4 goes back from object, GCEOS return super(type(self).__mro__[-3], self).solve_T(P=P, V=V, solution=solution)
def _err_VL_jacobian(self, lnKsVF, T, P, zs, near_critical=False, err_also=False, info=None): if info is None: info = [] N = self.N lnKs = lnKsVF[:-1] Ks = [exp(lnKi) for lnKi in lnKs] VF = float(lnKsVF[-1]) xs = [zi/(1.0 + VF*(Ki - 1.0)) for zi, Ki in zip(zs, Ks)] ys = [Ki*xi for Ki, xi in zip(Ks, xs)] eos_g = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=ys, only_g=True) eos_l = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=xs, only_l=True) # eos_g = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=ys) # eos_l = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=xs) if not near_critical: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l Z_g = eos_g.Z_g Z_l = eos_l.Z_l else: try: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g Z_g = eos_g.Z_g except AttributeError: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l Z_g = eos_g.Z_l try: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l Z_l = eos_l.Z_l except AttributeError: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g Z_l = eos_l.Z_g lnphis_g = eos_g.fugacity_coefficients(Z_g) lnphis_l = eos_l.fugacity_coefficients(Z_l) size = N + 1 J = [[None]*size for i in range(size)] # d_lnphi_dzs_basic_num # d_lnphi_dxs = eos_l.d_lnphi_dzs_basic_num(Z_l, xs) # d_lnphi_dys = eos_g.d_lnphi_dzs_basic_num(Z_g, ys) d_lnphi_dxs = eos_l.dlnphis_dzs(Z_l) d_lnphi_dys = eos_g.dlnphis_dzs(Z_g) # # Handle the zeros and the ones # Half of this is probably wrong! Only gets set for one set of variables? # Numerical jacobian not good enough to tell # for i in range(self.N): # J[i][-2] = 0.0 # J[-2][i] = 0.0 J[N][N] = 1.0 # Last column except last value; believed correct # Was not correct when compared to numerical solution Ksm1 = [Ki - 1.0 for Ki in Ks] RR_denoms_inv2 = [] for i in range(N): t = 1.0 + VF*Ksm1[i] RR_denoms_inv2.append(1.0/(t*t)) RR_terms = [zs[k]*Ksm1[k]*RR_denoms_inv2[k] for k in range(N)] for i in range(N): value = 0.0 d_lnphi_dxs_i, d_lnphi_dys_i = d_lnphi_dxs[i], d_lnphi_dys[i] for k in range(N): # pretty sure indexing is right in the below expression value += RR_terms[k]*(d_lnphi_dxs_i[k] - Ks[k]*d_lnphi_dys_i[k]) J[i][-1] = value # print(value) # def delta(k, j): # if k == j: # return 1.0 # return 0.0 # Main body - expensive to compute! Lots of elements # Can flip around the indexing of i, j on the d_lnphi_ds but still no fix # unsure of correct order! # Reveals bugs in d_lnphi_dxs though. zsKsRRinvs2 = [zs[j]*Ks[j]*RR_denoms_inv2[j] for j in range(N)] one_m_VF = 1.0 - VF for i in range(N): # to N is CORRECT/MATCHES JACOBIAN NUMERICALLY Ji = J[i] d_lnphi_dxs_is, d_lnphi_dys_is = d_lnphi_dxs[i], d_lnphi_dys[i] for j in range(N): # to N is CORRECT/MATCHES JACOBIAN NUMERICALLY value = 1.0 if i == j else 0.0 # value = 0.0 # value += delta(i, j) # print(i, j, value) # Maybe if i == j, can skip the bit below? Tried it once and the solver never converged # term = zs[j]*Ks[j]*RR_denoms_inv2[j] value += zsKsRRinvs2[j]*(VF*d_lnphi_dxs_is[j] + one_m_VF*d_lnphi_dys_is[j]) Ji[j] = value # Last row except last value - good, working # Diff of RR w.r.t each log K bottom_row = J[-1] for j in range(N): # value = 0.0 # RR_l = # RR_l = -Ks[j]*zs[j]*VF/(1.0 + VF*(Ks[j] - 1.0))**2.0 # RR_g = Ks[j]*(1.0 - VF)*zs[j]/(1.0 + VF*(Ks[j] - 1.0))**2.0 # value += # -RR_l bottom_row[j] = zsKsRRinvs2[j]*(one_m_VF) + VF*zsKsRRinvs2[j] # Last row except last value - good, working # bottom_row = J[-1] # for j in range(self.N): # value = 0.0 # for k in range(self.N): # if k == j: # RR_l = -Ks[j]*zs[k]*VF/(1.0 + VF*(Ks[k] - 1.0))**2.0 # RR_g = Ks[j]*(1.0 - VF)*zs[k]/(1.0 + VF*(Ks[k] - 1.0))**2.0 # value += RR_g - RR_l # bottom_row[j] = value # # Last value - good, working, being overwritten dF_ncp1_dB = 0.0 for i in range(N): dF_ncp1_dB -= RR_terms[i]*Ksm1[i] J[-1][-1] = dF_ncp1_dB info[:] = VF, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g if err_also: err_RR = Rachford_Rice_flash_error(VF, zs, Ks) Fs = [lnKi - lnphi_l + lnphi_g for lnphi_l, lnphi_g, lnKi in zip(lnphis_l, lnphis_g, lnKs)] Fs.append(err_RR) return Fs, J return J def _err_VL(self, lnKsVF, T, P, zs, near_critical=False, info=None): # import numpy as np # tried autograd without luck lnKs = lnKsVF[:-1] # if isinstance(lnKs, np.ndarray): # lnKs = lnKs.tolist() # Ks = np.exp(lnKs) Ks = [exp(lnKi) for lnKi in lnKs] VF = float(lnKsVF[-1]) # VF = lnKsVF[-1] if info is None: info = [] xs = [zi/(1.0 + VF*(Ki - 1.0)) for zi, Ki in zip(zs, Ks)] ys = [Ki*xi for Ki, xi in zip(Ks, xs)] err_RR = Rachford_Rice_flash_error(VF, zs, Ks) eos_g = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=ys, only_g=True) eos_g.fugacities() eos_l = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=xs, only_l=True) eos_l.fugacities() if not near_critical: lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l else: try: lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g except AttributeError: lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l try: lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l except AttributeError: lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g # Fs = [fl/fg-1.0 for fl, fg in zip(fugacities_l, fugacities_g)] Fs = [lnKi - lnphi_l + lnphi_g for lnphi_l, lnphi_g, lnKi in zip(lnphis_l, lnphis_g, lnKs)] Fs.append(err_RR) info[:] = VF, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g return Fs def newton_VL(self, Ks_initial=None, maxiter=30, ytol=1E-7, near_critical=True, xs=None, ys=None, V_over_F=None): T, P, zs = self.T, self.P, self.zs if xs is not None and ys is not None and V_over_F is not None: pass else: if Ks_initial is None: Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] else: Ks = Ks_initial V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) lnKs_guess = [log(yi/xi) for yi, xi in zip(ys, xs)] + [V_over_F] info = [] def err_and_jacobian(lnKs_guess): err = self._err_VL_jacobian(lnKs_guess, T, P, zs, near_critical=True, err_also=True, info=info) # print(lnKs_guess[-1], err[0]) return err ans, count = newton_system(err_and_jacobian, jac=True, x0=lnKs_guess, ytol=ytol, maxiter=maxiter) V_over_F, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g = info return V_over_F, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g def broyden2_VL(self, Ks_initial=None, maxiter=30, ytol=1E-7, xtol=1e-8, near_critical=True, xs=None, ys=None, V_over_F=None): T, P, zs = self.T, self.P, self.zs if xs is not None and ys is not None and V_over_F is not None: pass else: if Ks_initial is None: Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] else: Ks = Ks_initial V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) lnKs_guess = [log(yi/xi) for yi, xi in zip(ys, xs)] + [V_over_F] info = [] def err_and_jacobian(lnKs_guess): err = self._err_VL_jacobian(lnKs_guess, T, P, zs, near_critical=near_critical, err_also=True, info=info) # print(lnKs_guess[-1], err[0]) return err[0], err[1] def err(lnKs_guess): err = self._err_VL(lnKs_guess, T, P, zs, near_critical=near_critical, info=info) # print(lnKs_guess[-1], err[0]) return err ans, count = broyden2(fun=err, jac=err_and_jacobian, xs=lnKs_guess, xtol=xtol, maxiter=maxiter, jac_has_fun=True, skip_J=True) V_over_F, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g = info return V_over_F, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g, count def sequential_substitution_VL(self, Ks_initial=None, maxiter=1000, xtol=1E-13, near_critical=True, Ks_extra=None, xs=None, ys=None, trivial_solution_tol=1e-5, info=None, full_alphas=False): # print(self.zs, Ks) T, P, zs = self.T, self.P, self.zs V_over_F = None if xs is not None and ys is not None: pass else: # TODO use flash_wilson here if Ks_initial is None: Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] else: Ks = Ks_initial xs = None try: V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) except ValueError as e: if Ks_extra is not None: for Ks in Ks_extra: try: V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) break except ValueError as e: pass if xs is None: raise(e) # print(xs, ys, 'innerloop') # Z_l_prev = None # Z_g_prev = None for i in range(maxiter): if not near_critical: eos_g = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=ys, only_l=False, only_g=True, full_alphas=full_alphas) eos_l = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=xs, only_l=True, only_g=False, full_alphas=full_alphas) lnphis_g = eos_g.fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_g) lnphis_l = eos_l.fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_l) else: eos_g = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=ys, only_l=False, only_g=True, full_alphas=full_alphas) eos_l = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=xs, only_l=True, only_g=False, full_alphas=full_alphas) try: lnphis_g = eos_g.fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_g) except AttributeError: lnphis_g = eos_g.fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_l) try: lnphis_l = eos_l.fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_l) except AttributeError: lnphis_l = eos_l.fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_g) # eos_g = self.to_TP_zs(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=ys) # eos_l = self.to_TP_zs(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=xs) # if 0: # if hasattr(eos_g, 'lnphis_g') and hasattr(eos_g, 'lnphis_l'): # if Z_l_prev is not None and Z_g_prev is not None: # if abs(eos_g.Z_g - Z_g_prev) < abs(eos_g.Z_l - Z_g_prev): # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_g # Z_g_prev = eos_g.Z_g # else: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_l # Z_g_prev = eos_g.Z_l # else: # if eos_g.G_dep_g < eos_g.lnphis_l: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_g # Z_g_prev = eos_g.Z_g # else: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_l # Z_g_prev = eos_g.Z_l # else: # try: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g#fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_g, ys) # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_g # Z_g_prev = eos_g.Z_g # except AttributeError: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l#fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_l, ys) # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_l # Z_g_prev = eos_g.Z_l # if hasattr(eos_l, 'lnphis_g') and hasattr(eos_l, 'lnphis_l'): # if Z_l_prev is not None and Z_g_prev is not None: # if abs(eos_l.Z_l - Z_l_prev) < abs(eos_l.Z_g - Z_l_prev): # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g # Z_l_prev = eos_l.Z_g # else: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l # Z_l_prev = eos_l.Z_l # else: # if eos_l.G_dep_g < eos_l.lnphis_l: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g # Z_l_prev = eos_l.Z_g # else: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l # Z_l_prev = eos_l.Z_l # else: # try: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g#fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_g, ys) # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g # Z_l_prev = eos_l.Z_g # except AttributeError: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l#fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_l, ys) # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l # Z_l_prev = eos_l.Z_l # elif 0: # if hasattr(eos_g, 'lnphis_g') and hasattr(eos_g, 'lnphis_l'): # if eos_g.G_dep_g < eos_g.lnphis_l: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_g # else: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_l # else: # try: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_g#fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_g, ys) # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_g # except AttributeError: # lnphis_g = eos_g.lnphis_l#fugacity_coefficients(eos_g.Z_l, ys) # fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_l # # if hasattr(eos_l, 'lnphis_g') and hasattr(eos_l, 'lnphis_l'): # if eos_l.G_dep_g < eos_l.lnphis_l: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g # else: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l # else: # try: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_g#fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_g, ys) # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g # except AttributeError: # lnphis_l = eos_l.lnphis_l#fugacity_coefficients(eos_l.Z_l, ys) # fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l # # else: # print(phis_l, phis_g, 'phis') Ks = [exp(l - g) for l, g in zip(lnphis_l, lnphis_g)] # K_value(phi_l=l, phi_g=g) # print(Ks) # Hack - no idea if this will work # maxK = max(Ks) # if maxK < 1: # Ks[Ks.index(maxK)] = 1.1 # minK = min(Ks) # if minK >= 1: # Ks[Ks.index(minK)] = .9 # print(Ks, 'Ks into RR') V_over_F, xs_new, ys_new = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks, guess=V_over_F) # if any(i < 0 for i in xs_new): # print('hil', xs_new) # # if any(i < 0 for i in ys_new): # print('hig', ys_new) for xi in xs_new: if xi < 0.0: xs_new_sum = sum(abs(i) for i in xs_new) xs_new = [abs(i)/xs_new_sum for i in xs_new] break for yi in ys_new: if yi < 0.0: ys_new_sum = sum(abs(i) for i in ys_new) ys_new = [abs(i)/ys_new_sum for i in ys_new] break # Claimed error function in CONVENTIONAL AND RAPID FLASH CALCULATIONS FOR THE SOAVE-REDLICH-KWONG AND PENG-ROBINSON EQUATIONS OF STATE err3 = 0.0 # Suggested tolerance 1e-15 for Ki, xi, yi in zip(Ks, xs, ys): # equivalent of fugacity ratio # Could divide by the old Ks as well. err_i = Ki*xi/yi - 1.0 err3 += err_i*err_i # or use absolute for tolerance... # err2 = sum([(exp(l-g)-1.0)**2 ]) # err2 = 0.0 # for l, g in zip(fugacities_l, fugacities_g): # err_i = (l/g-1.0) # err2 += err_i*err_i # Suggested tolerance 1e-15 # This is a better metric because it does not involve hysterisis # print(err3, err2) # err = (sum([abs(x_new - x_old) for x_new, x_old in zip(xs_new, xs)]) + # sum([abs(y_new - y_old) for y_new, y_old in zip(ys_new, ys)])) # print(err, err2) xs, ys = xs_new, ys_new # print(i, 'err', err, err2, 'xs, ys', xs, ys, 'VF', V_over_F) if near_critical: comp_difference = sum([abs(xi - yi) for xi, yi in zip(xs, ys)]) if comp_difference < trivial_solution_tol: raise ValueError("Converged to trivial condition, compositions of both phases equal") # print(xs) if err3 < xtol: break if i == maxiter-1: raise ValueError('End of SS without convergence') if info is not None: info[:] = (i, err3) return V_over_F, xs, ys, eos_l, eos_g
[docs] def stabiliy_iteration_Michelsen(self, T, P, zs, Ks_initial=None, maxiter=20, xtol=1E-12, liq=True): # checks stability vs. the current zs, mole fractions # liq: whether adding a test liquid phase to see if is stable or not eos_ref = self#.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) # If one phase is present - use that phase as the reference phase. # Otherwise, consider the phase with the lowest Gibbs excess energy as # the stable phase fugacities_ref, fugacities_ref_phase = eos_ref._eos_fugacities_lowest_Gibbs() # print(fugacities_ref, fugacities_ref_phase, 'fugacities_ref, fugacities_ref_phase') if Ks_initial is None: Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] else: Ks = Ks_initial same_phase_count = 0.0 for _ in range(maxiter): if liq: zs_test = [zi/Ki for zi, Ki in zip(zs, Ks)] else: zs_test = [zi*Ki for zi, Ki in zip(zs, Ks)] sum_zs_test = sum(zs_test) zs_test_normalized = [zi/sum_zs_test for zi in zs_test] # if liq: # print(zs_test_normalized, sum_zs_test) # to_TP_zs_fast(self, T, P, zs, only_l=False, only_g=False) # IT IS NOT PERMISSIBLE TO DO ONLY ONE ROOT! 2019-03-20 # Breaks lots of stabilities. eos_test = self.to_TP_zs_fast(T=T, P=P, zs=zs_test_normalized, only_l=False, only_g=False, full_alphas=False) fugacities_test, fugacities_phase = eos_test._eos_fugacities_lowest_Gibbs() if fugacities_ref_phase == fugacities_phase: same_phase_count += 1.0 else: same_phase_count = 0 # if liq: # print(fugacities_test, fugacities_ref_phase, fugacities_phase) if liq: corrections = [fi/f_ref*sum_zs_test for fi, f_ref in zip(fugacities_test, fugacities_ref)] else: corrections = [f_ref/(fi*sum_zs_test) for fi, f_ref in zip(fugacities_test, fugacities_ref)] Ks = [Ki*corr for Ki, corr in zip(Ks, corrections)] corrections_minus_1 = [corr - 1.0 for corr in corrections] err = sum([ci*ci for ci in corrections_minus_1]) # print(err, xtol, Ks, corrections) # print('MM iter Ks =', Ks, 'zs', zs_test_normalized, 'MM err', err, xtol, _) if err < xtol: break # elif same_phase_count > 5: # break # It is possible to break if the trivial solution is being approached here also if _ == maxiter-1 and fugacities_ref_phase != fugacities_phase: raise UnconvergedError('End of stability_iteration_Michelsen without convergence') # Fails directly if fugacities_ref_phase == fugacities_phase # Fugacity error: # no, the fugacities are not supposed to be equal # err_equifugacity = 0 # for fi, fref in zip(fugacities_test, fugacities_ref): # err_equifugacity += abs(fi - fref) # if err_equifugacity/P > 1e-3: # sum_zs_test = 1 return sum_zs_test, Ks, fugacities_ref_phase == fugacities_phase
def stability_Michelsen(self, T, P, zs, Ks_initial=None, maxiter=20, xtol=1E-12, trivial_criteria=1E-4, stable_criteria=1E-7): # print('MM starting, Ks=', Ks_initial) if Ks_initial is None: Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] else: Ks = Ks_initial zs_sum_g, Ks_g, phase_failure_g = self.stabiliy_iteration_Michelsen(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, Ks_initial=Ks, maxiter=maxiter, xtol=xtol, liq=False) zs_sum_l, Ks_l, phase_failure_l = self.stabiliy_iteration_Michelsen(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, Ks_initial=Ks, maxiter=maxiter, xtol=xtol, liq=True) log_Ks_g = [log(Ki) for Ki in Ks_g] log_Ks_l = [log(Ki) for Ki in Ks_l] lnK_2_tot_g = sum(log_Ki*log_Ki for log_Ki in log_Ks_g) lnK_2_tot_l = sum(log_Ki*log_Ki for log_Ki in log_Ks_l) sum_g_criteria = zs_sum_g - 1.0 sum_l_criteria = zs_sum_l - 1.0 trivial_g, trivial_l = False, False if lnK_2_tot_g < trivial_criteria: trivial_g = True if lnK_2_tot_l < trivial_criteria: trivial_l = True stable = False # print(Ks_l, Ks_g, 'Ks_l, Ks_g') # Table 4.6 Summary of Possible Phase Stability Test Results, # Phase Behavior, Whitson and Brule # There is a typo where Sl appears in the vapor column; this should be # liquid; as shown in g_pass, l_pass = False, False # pass means this phase cannot form another phase if phase_failure_g: g_pass = True if phase_failure_l: l_pass = True if trivial_g: g_pass = True if trivial_l: l_pass = True if sum_g_criteria < stable_criteria: g_pass = True if sum_l_criteria < stable_criteria: l_pass = True # print(l_pass, g_pass, 'l, g test show stable') if phase_failure_g and phase_failure_l: stable = True elif trivial_g and trivial_l: stable = True elif sum_g_criteria < stable_criteria and trivial_l: stable = True elif trivial_g and sum_l_criteria < stable_criteria: stable = True elif sum_g_criteria < stable_criteria and sum_l_criteria < stable_criteria: stable = True # These last two are custom, and it is apparent since they are bad # Also did not document well enough the cases they fail in # Disabled 2018-12-29 # elif trivial_l and sum_l_criteria < stable_criteria: # stable = True # elif trivial_g and sum_g_criteria < stable_criteria: # stable = True # else: # print('lnK_2_tot_g', lnK_2_tot_g , 'lnK_2_tot_l', lnK_2_tot_l, # 'sum_g_criteria', sum_g_criteria, 'sum_l_criteria', sum_l_criteria) # print('stable', stable, 'phase_failure_g', phase_failure_g, 'phase_failure_l', phase_failure_l, # 'sum_g_criteria', sum_g_criteria, 'sum_l_criteria', sum_l_criteria, # 'trivial_g', trivial_g, 'trivial_l', trivial_l) # No need to enumerate unstable results if not stable: # One set may be trivial, which means the other set is approx # the only use used Ks = [K_g*K_l for K_g, K_l in zip(Ks_g, Ks_l)] # print('MM ended', Ks, stable, Ks_g, Ks_l) return stable, Ks, [Ks_g, Ks_l] def _V_over_F_bubble_T_inner(self, T, P, zs, maxiter=20, xtol=1E-3): eos_l = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) if not hasattr(eos_l, 'V_l'): raise ValueError('At the specified temperature, there is no liquid root') Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) for i in range(maxiter): eos_g = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=ys) if not hasattr(eos_g, 'V_g'): phis_g = eos_g.phis_l fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_l else: phis_g = eos_g.phis_g fugacities_g = eos_g.fugacities_g Ks = [K_value(phi_l=l, phi_g=g) for l, g in zip(eos_l.phis_l, phis_g)] V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) err = sum([abs(i-j) for i, j in zip(eos_l.fugacities_l, fugacities_g)]) if err < xtol: break if not hasattr(eos_g, 'V_g'): raise ValueError('At the specified temperature, the solver did not converge to a vapor root') return V_over_F # raise Exception('Could not converge to desired tolerance') def _V_over_F_dew_T_inner(self, T, P, zs, maxiter=20, xtol=1E-10): eos_g = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) if not hasattr(eos_g, 'V_g'): raise ValueError('At the specified temperature, there is no vapor root') Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] V_over_F, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) for i in range(maxiter): eos_l = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=xs) if not hasattr(eos_l, 'V_l'): phis_l = eos_l.phis_g fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g else: phis_l = eos_l.phis_l fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l Ks = [K_value(phi_l=l, phi_g=g) for l, g in zip(phis_l, eos_g.phis_g)] V_over_F, xs_new, ys_new = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) err = (sum([abs(x_new - x_old) for x_new, x_old in zip(xs_new, xs)]) + sum([abs(y_new - y_old) for y_new, y_old in zip(ys_new, ys)])) xs, ys = xs_new, ys_new if xtol < 1E-10: break if not hasattr(eos_l, 'V_l'): raise ValueError('At the specified temperature, the solver did not converge to a liquid root') return V_over_F-1.0 # return abs(V_over_F-1) def _V_over_F_dew_T_inner_accelerated(self, T, P, zs, maxiter=20, xtol=1E-10): '''This is not working. ''' eos_g = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) if not hasattr(eos_g, 'V_g'): raise ValueError('At the specified temperature, there is no vapor root') Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tci, Pci, omega) for Pci, Tci, omega in zip(self.Pcs, self.Tcs, self.omegas)] V_over_F_new, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) for i in range(maxiter): eos_l = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=xs) if not hasattr(eos_l, 'V_l'): phis_l = eos_l.phis_g fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_g else: phis_l = eos_l.phis_l fugacities_l = eos_l.fugacities_l if 0.0 < V_over_F_new < 1.0 and i > 2: Rs = [K_value(phi_l=l, phi_g=g) for l, g in zip(phis_l, eos_g.phis_g)] lambdas = [(Ki - 1.0)/(Ki - Rri) for Rri, Ki in zip(Rs, Ks)] Ks = [Ki*Ri**lambda_i for Ki, Ri, lambda_i in zip(Ks, Rs, lambdas)] else: Ks = [K_value(phi_l=l, phi_g=g) for l, g in zip(phis_l, eos_g.phis_g)] V_over_F_new, xs_new, ys_new = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) err_new = (sum([abs(x_new - x_old) for x_new, x_old in zip(xs_new, xs)]) + sum([abs(y_new - y_old) for y_new, y_old in zip(ys_new, ys)])) xs, ys = xs_new, ys_new V_over_F_old = V_over_F_new if i == 0: err_old = err_new err_old = err_new if err_new < xtol: break if not hasattr(eos_l, 'V_l'): raise ValueError('At the specified temperature, the solver did not converge to a liquid root') return V_over_F_new-1.0 # return abs(V_over_F-1) # def _a_alpha_j_rows(self): ## try: ## return self.a_alpha_j_rows ## except: ## pass # zs = self.zs # N = self.N # a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs # a_alpha_j_rows = [] # for i in range(N): # l = a_alpha_ijs[i] # sum_term = 0.0 # for j in range(N): # sum_term += zs[j]*l[j] # a_alpha_j_rows.append(sum_term) # self.a_alpha_j_rows = a_alpha_j_rows # return a_alpha_j_rows @property def _a_alpha_j_rows(self): try: return self.a_alpha_j_rows except: pass zs, N = self.zs, self.N a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs if self.vectorized: a_alpha_j_rows = zeros(N) else: a_alpha_j_rows = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): l = a_alpha_ijs[i] for j in range(i): a_alpha_j_rows[j] += zs[i]*l[j] a_alpha_j_rows[i] += zs[j]*l[j] a_alpha_j_rows[i] += zs[i]*l[i] self.a_alpha_j_rows = a_alpha_j_rows return a_alpha_j_rows def _set_alpha_matrices(self): N = self.N if not hasattr(self, 'd2a_alpha_dT2s'): self.a_alpha_and_derivatives(self.T, full=True, pure_a_alphas=True) if self.vectorized: a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = zeros((N, N)), zeros(N), zeros((N, N)) else: a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)], [0.0]*N, [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent(self.a_alphas, self.one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs=a_alpha_ijs,a_alpha_roots=a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv=a_alpha_ij_roots_inv) _, _, _, a_alpha_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = a_alpha_and_derivatives_full( self.a_alphas, self.da_alpha_dTs, self.d2a_alpha_dT2s, self.T, self.zs, self.one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs, self.a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv) if self.vectorized: d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = array(d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs) da_alpha_dT_ijs = array(da_alpha_dT_ijs) self._d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs self._da_alpha_dT_ijs = da_alpha_dT_ijs self._a_alpha_ijs = a_alpha_ijs @property def a_alpha_ijs(self): r'''Calculate and return the matrix :math:`(a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}}`. Returns ------- a_alpha_ijs : list[list[float]] `a_alpha` terms for each component with every other component, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] Notes ----- In an earlier implementation this matrix was stored each EOS solve; however, allocating that much memory becomes quite expensive for large number of component cases and this is now calculated on-demand only. ''' try: return self._a_alpha_ijs except: self._set_alpha_matrices() return self._a_alpha_ijs @property def da_alpha_dT_ijs(self): r'''Calculate and return the matrix for the temperature derivatives of the alpha terms. .. math:: \frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T} = \frac{\sqrt{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} \left(1 - k_{ij}\right) \left(\frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{ a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2}\right)}{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}} Returns ------- da_alpha_dT_ijs : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of `a_alpha` terms for each component with every other component, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] Notes ----- In an earlier implementation this matrix was stored each EOS solve; however, allocating that much memory becomes quite expensive for large number of component cases and this is now calculated on-demand only. ''' try: return self._da_alpha_dT_ijs except: self._set_alpha_matrices() return self._da_alpha_dT_ijs @property def d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs(self): r'''Calculate and return the matrix of the second temperature derivatives of the alpha terms. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T^2} = - \frac{\sqrt{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} \left(k_{ij} - 1\right) \left(\frac{\left(\operatorname{ a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)}\right)^{2}}{4 \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}} - \frac{\left(\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2 \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} - \frac{\left(\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2 \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)}} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}\right)} {\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} Returns ------- d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of `a_alpha` terms for each component with every other component, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K^2] Notes ----- In an earlier implementation this matrix was stored each EOS solve; however, allocating that much memory becomes quite expensive for large number of component cases and this is now calculated on-demand only. ''' try: return self._d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs except: self._set_alpha_matrices() return self._d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs @property def _da_alpha_dT_j_rows(self): try: return self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows except: pass zs, N, vectorized = self.zs, self.N, self.vectorized da_alpha_dT_ijs = self.da_alpha_dT_ijs # Handle the case of attempting to avoid a full alpha derivative matrix evaluation if da_alpha_dT_ijs is None: self.resolve_full_alphas() da_alpha_dT_ijs = self.da_alpha_dT_ijs if vectorized: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = zeros(N) else: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): l = da_alpha_dT_ijs[i] for j in range(i): da_alpha_dT_j_rows[j] += zs[i]*l[j] da_alpha_dT_j_rows[i] += zs[j]*l[j] da_alpha_dT_j_rows[i] += zs[i]*l[i] self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows = da_alpha_dT_j_rows return da_alpha_dT_j_rows @property def _d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows(self): try: return self.d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows except AttributeError: pass d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs, N, vectorized = self.d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs, self.N, self.vectorized # Handle the case of attempting to avoid a full alpha derivative matrix evaluation if d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs is None: self.resolve_full_alphas() d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = self.d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs zs = self.zs if vectorized: d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = zeros(N) else: d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): l = d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs[i] for j in range(i): d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows[j] += zs[i]*l[j] d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows[i] += zs[j]*l[j] d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows[i] += zs[i]*l[i] self.d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows return d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows @property def db_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial b}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = b_i Returns ------- db_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' return @property def db_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial b}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = b_i - b Returns ------- db_dns : list[float] Composition derivative of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' b = self.b if self.vectorized: return - b else: return [bi - b for bi in] @property def dnb_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the partial molar derivative of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial n \cdot b}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = b_i Returns ------- dnb_dns : list[float] Partial molar derivative of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' return @property def d2b_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second partial mole fraction derivatives of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 b}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} \right)_{T, P, n_{k \ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2b_dzizjs : list[list[float]] Second mole fraction derivatives of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] @property def d2b_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second partial mole number derivatives of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 b}{\partial n_i \partial n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,k}} = 2b - b_i - b_j Returns ------- d2b_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second Composition derivative of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol^3] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' bb = 2.0*self.b bs = if self.vectorized: N = self.N d2b_dninjs = np.full((N, N), bb, float) d2b_dninjs -= bs d2b_dninjs = d2b_dninjs.transpose() d2b_dninjs -= bs else: d2b_dninjs = [] for bi in bs: d2b_dninjs.append([bb - bi - bj for bj in bs]) return d2b_dninjs @property def d3b_dzizjzks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole fraction derivatives of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 b}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k} \right)_{T, P, n_{k \ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d3b_dzizjzks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole fraction derivatives of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] @property def d3b_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `b`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 b}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 2(-3b + b_i + b_j + b_k) Returns ------- d3b_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `b` of each component, [m^3/mol^4] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' bs = n6b = -6.0*self.b if self.vectorized: bs2 = 2.0* N = self.N d3b_dninjnks = np.full((N, N, N), n6b) d3b_dninjnks += bs2 d3b_dninjnks = d3b_dninjnks.transpose((2, 1, 0)) d3b_dninjnks += bs2 d3b_dninjnks = d3b_dninjnks.transpose((0, 2, 1)) d3b_dninjnks += bs2 else: bs2 = [bi + bi for bi in bs] d3b_dninjnks = [] for bi2 in bs2: d3b_dnjnks = [] for bj2 in bs2: base = n6b + bi2 + bj2 d3b_dnjnks.append([base + bk2 for bk2 in bs2]) d3b_dninjnks.append(d3b_dnjnks) return d3b_dninjnks @property def d3epsilon_dzizjzks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third composition derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \epsilon}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k }\right)_{T, P, x_{m\ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d2epsilon_dzizjzks : list[list[list[float]]] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] @property def d3delta_dzizjzks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third composition derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \delta}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k }\right)_{T, P, x_{m\ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d3delta_dzizjzks : list[list[list[float]]] Third composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^5] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] @property def da_alpha_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `a_alpha`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial a \alpha}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = 2 \cdot \sum_j z_{j} (1 - k_{ij}) \sqrt{ (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j} Returns ------- da_alpha_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: a_alpha_j_rows = self.a_alpha_j_rows except: a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows return 2.0*a_alpha_j_rows if self.vectorized else [i + i for i in a_alpha_j_rows] @property def da_alpha_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `a_alpha`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial a \alpha}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 2 (-a\alpha + \sum_j z_{j} (1 - k_{ij}) \sqrt{ (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j}) Returns ------- da_alpha_dns : list[float] Mole number derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^3*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: a_alpha_j_rows = self.a_alpha_j_rows except: a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows a_alpha_n_2 = -2.0*self.a_alpha return 2.0*a_alpha_j_rows + a_alpha_n_2 if self.vectorized else [2.0*t + a_alpha_n_2 for t in a_alpha_j_rows] @property def dna_alpha_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the partial molar derivatives of `a_alpha`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial a \alpha}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 2 (-0.5 a\alpha + \sum_j z_{j} (1 - k_{ij}) \sqrt{ (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j}) Returns ------- dna_alpha_dns : list[float] Partial molar derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: a_alpha_j_rows = self.a_alpha_j_rows except: a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows a_alpha = self.a_alpha return 2.0*a_alpha_j_rows - a_alpha if self.vectorized else [t + t - a_alpha for t in a_alpha_j_rows] @property def d2a_alpha_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives of `a_alpha` (hessian). Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 a \alpha}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 2 (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} Returns ------- d2a_alpha_dzizjs : list[float] Second composition derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs return 2.0*a_alpha_ijs if self.vectorized else [[i+i for i in row] for row in a_alpha_ijs] @property def d2a_alpha_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second partial molar derivatives of `a_alpha` (hessian). Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 a \alpha}{\partial n_i \partial n_j }\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = 2\left[3(a \alpha) + (a\alpha)_{ij} -2 (\text{term}_{i,j}) \right] .. math:: \text{term}_{i,j} = \sum_k z_k\left((a\alpha)_{ik} + (a\alpha)_{jk} \right) .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} Returns ------- d2a_alpha_dninjs : list[float] Second partial molar derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^4*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: a_alpha_j_rows = self.a_alpha_j_rows except: a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows a_alpha = self.a_alpha a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs N = self.N zs = self.zs a_alpha3 = 3.0*a_alpha if self.vectorized: hessian = zeros((N, N)) else: hessian = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(i+1): if i == j: term = 2.0*a_alpha_j_rows[i] else: term = 0.0 for k in range(N): term += zs[k]*(a_alpha_ijs[i][k] + a_alpha_ijs[j][k]) hessian[i][j] = hessian[j][i] = 2.0*(a_alpha3 + a_alpha_ijs[i][j] -2.0*term) # row.append(2.0*(a_alpha3 + a_alpha_ijs[i][j] -2.0*term)) # hessian.append(row) return hessian @property def d3a_alpha_dzizjzks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third composition derivatives of `a_alpha`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 a \alpha}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k}\right)_{T, P, x_{m\ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d3a_alpha_dzizjzks : list[float] Third composition derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] @property def d3a_alpha_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third mole number derivatives of `a_alpha`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 a \alpha}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k}\right)_{T, P, n_{m\ne i,j,k}} = 4\left(-6 (a \alpha) - [(a \alpha)_{i,j} + (a \alpha)_{i,k} + (a \alpha)_{j,k}] + 3\sum_m z_m[(a \alpha)_{i,m} + (a \alpha)_{j,m} + (a \alpha)_{k,m}]\right) Returns ------- d3a_alpha_dninjnks : list[float] Third mole number derivative of `alpha` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^5*s^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' # Seems correct across diagonal # Each term is of similar magnitude, so likely would notice if brokwn a_alpha = self.a_alpha a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs N = self.N zs = self.zs a_alpha6 = -6.0*a_alpha matrix = zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): l = [] for j in range(N): row = [] for k in range(N): mid = a_alpha_ijs[i][j] + a_alpha_ijs[i][k] + a_alpha_ijs[j][k] last = sum(zs[m]*(a_alpha_ijs[i][m] + a_alpha_ijs[j][m] + a_alpha_ijs[k][m]) for m in range(N)) ele = 4.0*(a_alpha6 - mid + 3.0*last) matrix[i][j][k] = ele return matrix @property def da_alpha_dT_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `da_alpha_dT`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 a \alpha}{\partial x_i \partial T} \right)_{P, x_{i\ne j}} = 2 \sum_j -z_{j} (k_{ij} - 1) (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j \frac{\partial (a \alpha)_i}{\partial T} \frac{\partial (a \alpha)_j}{\partial T} \left({ (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j}\right)^{-0.5} Returns ------- da_alpha_dT_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `da_alpha_dT` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2*K)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows except: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self._da_alpha_dT_j_rows return 2.0*da_alpha_dT_j_rows if self.vectorized else [i + i for i in da_alpha_dT_j_rows] @property def da_alpha_dT_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `da_alpha_dT`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 a \alpha}{\partial n_i \partial T} \right)_{P, n_{i\ne j}} = 2 \left[\sum_j -z_{j} (k_{ij} - 1) (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j \frac{\partial (a \alpha)_i}{\partial T} \frac{\partial (a \alpha)_j}{\partial T} \left({ (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j}\right)^{-0.5} - \frac{\partial a \alpha}{\partial T} \right] Returns ------- da_alpha_dT_dns : list[float] Composition derivative of `da_alpha_dT` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^3*s^2*K)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows except: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self._da_alpha_dT_j_rows da_alpha_dT = self.da_alpha_dT return 2.0*(da_alpha_dT_j_rows - da_alpha_dT) if self.vectorized else [2.0*(t - da_alpha_dT) for t in da_alpha_dT_j_rows] @property def dna_alpha_dT_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `da_alpha_dT`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 n a \alpha}{\partial n_i \partial T} \right)_{P, n_{i\ne j}} = 2 \left[\sum_j -z_{j} (k_{ij} - 1) (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j \frac{\partial (a \alpha)_i}{\partial T} \frac{\partial (a \alpha)_j}{\partial T} \left({ (a \alpha)_i (a \alpha)_j}\right)^{-0.5} - 0.5 \frac{\partial a \alpha}{\partial T} \right] Returns ------- dna_alpha_dT_dns : list[float] Composition derivative of `da_alpha_dT` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2*K)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self.da_alpha_dT_j_rows except: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self._da_alpha_dT_j_rows da_alpha_dT = self.da_alpha_dT return 2.0*da_alpha_dT_j_rows - da_alpha_dT if self.vectorized else [t + t - da_alpha_dT for t in da_alpha_dT_j_rows] @property def d2a_alpha_dT2_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `d2a_alpha_dT2`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 a \alpha}{\partial z_i \partial T^2} \right)_{P, z_{i\ne j}} = \text{large expression} Returns ------- d2a_alpha_dT2_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `d2a_alpha_dT2` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^2*s^2*K^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = self.d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows except: d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = self._d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows return 2.0*d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows if self.vectorized else [i + i for i in d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows] @property def d2a_alpha_dT2_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `d2a_alpha_dT2`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 a \alpha}{\partial n_i \partial T^2} \right)_{P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left(\left(\frac{\partial^3 a\alpha}{\partial z_i \partial T^2} \right)_{P, z_{i\ne j}} \right) Returns ------- d2a_alpha_dT2_dns : list[float] Mole number derivative of `d2a_alpha_dT2` of each component, [kg*m^5/(mol^3*s^2*K^2)] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' try: d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = self.d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows except: d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows = self._d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows d2a_alpha_dT2 = self.d2a_alpha_dT2 return 2.0*(d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows - d2a_alpha_dT2) if self.vectorized else [2.0*(t - d2a_alpha_dT2) for t in d2a_alpha_dT2_j_rows]
[docs] def dV_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar volume composition derivative (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). Verified numerically. Used in many other derivatives, and for the molar volume mole number derivative and partial molar volume calculation. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = \frac{- R T \left(V^{2}{\left(x \right)} + V{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} + \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{3} \frac{d}{d x} b{\left(x \right)} + \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} \left(V^{2}{\left(x \right)} + V{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} + \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} \frac{d}{d x} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} - \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V^{3}{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} - \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V^{2}{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} - \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)} \right)^{2} V^{2}{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{ \left(x \right)} - \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)} - \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \epsilon{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} - \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \epsilon{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}{- R T \left(V^{2}{\left(x \right)} + V{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} + \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{3} + 2 \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V^{3}{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} + 3 \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V^{2}{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} + \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} + 2 \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} V{\left(x \right)} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \epsilon{\left(x \right)} + \left(V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \delta{\left(x \right)} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dV_dzs : float Molar volume composition derivatives, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- The derivation for the derivative is performed as follows using SymPy. The function source code is an optimized variant created with the `cse` SymPy function, and hand optimized further. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, R, x = symbols('P, T, R, x') # doctest:+SKIP >>> V, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, b = symbols('V, delta, epsilon, a\ \\alpha, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> CUBIC = R*T/(V(x) - b(x)) - a_alpha(x)/(V(x)*V(x) + delta(x)*V(x) + epsilon(x)) - P # doctest:+SKIP >>> solve(diff(CUBIC, x), Derivative(V(x), x)) # doctest:+SKIP [(-R*T*(V(x)**2 + V(x)*delta(x) + epsilon(x))**3*Derivative(b(x), x) + (V(x) - b(x))**2*(V(x)**2 + V(x)*delta(x) + epsilon(x))**2*Derivative(a \alpha(x), x) - (V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)**3*a \alpha(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) - (V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)**2*a \alpha(x)*delta(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) - (V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)**2*a \alpha(x)*Derivative(epsilon(x), x) - (V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)*a \alpha(x)*delta(x)*Derivative(epsilon(x), x) - (V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)*a \alpha(x)*epsilon(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) - (V(x) - b(x))**2*a \alpha(x)*epsilon(x)*Derivative(epsilon(x), x))/(-R*T*(V(x)**2 + V(x)*delta(x) + epsilon(x))**3 + 2*(V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)**3*a \alpha(x) + 3*(V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)**2*a \alpha(x)*delta(x) + (V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)*a \alpha(x)*delta(x)**2 + 2*(V(x) - b(x))**2*V(x)*a \alpha(x)*epsilon(x) + (V(x) - b(x))**2*a \alpha(x)*delta(x)*epsilon(x))] ''' N = self.N out = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N return eos_mix_dV_dzs(self.T, self.P, Z, self.b,, self.epsilon, self.a_alpha, self.db_dzs, self.ddelta_dzs, self.depsilon_dzs, self.da_alpha_dzs, N, out)
[docs] def dV_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar volume mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dV_dns : float Molar volume mole number derivatives, [m^3/mol^2] ''' out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N dV_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dV_dzs(Z), self.zs, out) return dV_dns
[docs] def dnV_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the partial molar volume of the specified phase No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the molar volume mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial n V}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dnV_dns : float Partial molar volume of the mixture of the specified phase, [m^3/mol] ''' V = Z*R*self.T/self.P out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dV_dzs(Z), self.zs, V, out)
def _d2V_dij_wrapper(self, V, d_Vs, dbs, d2bs, d_epsilons, d2_epsilons, d_deltas, d2_deltas, da_alphas, d2a_alphas): T = self.T x0 = V x3 = self.b x4 = x0 - x3 x5 = self.epsilon x6 = x0*x0 x7 = x8 = x0*x7 x9 = x5 + x6 + x8 x10 = self.a_alpha x11 = x10*x4*x4 x12 = x0 + x0 x13 = x9*x9 x14 = R*T x17 = x4*x4*x4 x18 = x10*x17 x19 = 2*x18 x22 = 4*x18 x27 = x12*x18 x33 = x14*x13*x9 x34 = x33 + x33 x37 = x19*x8 x38 = x17*x9 x39 = x10*x38 N = self.N hessian = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): # TODO optimize this - symmetric, others x15 = d_epsilons[i] x16 = d_epsilons[j] x20 = x16*x19 x21 = d_Vs[i] x24 = d_Vs[j] x23 = x21*x22 x25 = x15*x24 x26 = d_deltas[i] x28 = d_deltas[j] x29 = x21*x24 x30 = 8*x18*x29 x31 = x28*x6 x32 = x24*x26 x35 = x34*dbs[j] x36 = dbs[i] x40 = x38*da_alphas[i] x41 = x38*da_alphas[j] x42 = x21*x41 x43 = x24*x40 x44 = x21*x39 d1 = d2_deltas[i][j] # Derivative(x7, x1, x2) d2 = d2a_alphas[i][j] # Derivative(x10, x1, x2) d3 = d2bs[i][j] # Derivative(x3, x1, x2) d4 = d2_epsilons[i][j] # Derivative(x5, x1, x2) v = ((x0*x16*x23 + x0*x22*x25 - x0*x26*x41 - x0*x28*x40 - x0*x39*d1 - x12*x42 - x12*x43 + x13*x17*d2 + x15*x20 + x15*x27*x28 - x15*x41 + x16*x26*x27 - x16*x40 + x19*x25*x7 + x19*x26*x31 + x19*x29*x7**2 + x20*x21*x7 + x21*x28*x37 + x21*x35 + x22*x32*x6 + x23*x31 + x24*x34*x36 - 2*x24*x44 - x28*x44 - x29*x34 + x30*x6 + x30*x8 + x32*x37 - x32*x39 - x33*x4*d3 - x35*x36 - x39*d4 - x42*x7 - x43*x7)/(x4*x9*(x11*x12 + x11*x7 - x13*x14))) hessian[i][j] = v return hessian
[docs] def d2V_dzizjs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar volume second composition derivative (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). Verified numerically. Used in many other derivatives, and for the molar volume second mole number derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k \ne i,j}} = \text{run SymPy code to obtain - very long!} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- d2V_dzizjs : float Molar volume second composition derivatives, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- The derivation for the derivative is performed as follows using SymPy. The function source code is an optimized variant created with the `cse` SymPy function, and hand optimized further. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, R, x1, x2 = symbols('P, T, R, x1, x2') # doctest:+SKIP >>> V, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, b = symbols('V, delta, epsilon, a\ \\alpha, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> CUBIC = R*T/(V(x1, x2) - b(x1, x2)) - a_alpha(x1, x2)/(V(x1, x2)*V(x1, x2) + delta(x1, x2)*V(x1, x2) + epsilon(x1, x2)) - P # doctest:+SKIP >>> solve(diff(CUBIC, x1, x2), Derivative(V(x1, x2), x1, x2)) # doctest:+SKIP ''' V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs(Z) depsilon_dzs = self.depsilon_dzs d2epsilon_dzizjs = self.d2epsilon_dzizjs ddelta_dzs = self.ddelta_dzs d2delta_dzizjs = self.d2delta_dzizjs db_dzs = self.db_dzs d2bs = self.d2b_dzizjs da_alpha_dzs = self.da_alpha_dzs d2a_alpha_dzizjs = self.d2a_alpha_dzizjs return self._d2V_dij_wrapper(V=V, d_Vs=dV_dzs, dbs=db_dzs, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dzs, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dzizjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dzs, d2_deltas=d2delta_dzizjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dzs, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dzizjs)
[docs] def d2V_dninjs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar volume second mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the second mole fraction derivatives. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial n_i \partial n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial^2 V}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- d2V_dninjs : float Molar volume second mole number derivatives, [m^3/mol^3] ''' V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs db_dns = self.db_dns d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs return self._d2V_dij_wrapper(V=V, d_Vs=dV_dns, dbs=db_dns, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dns, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dninjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dns, d2_deltas=d2delta_dninjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dns, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dninjs)
[docs] def dZ_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the compressibility composition derivatives (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the composition derivative of molar volume, which does have its formula implemented. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial Z}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = \frac{P }{RT} \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dZ_dzs : float Compressibility composition derivative, [-] ''' factor = self.P/(self.T*R) dV_dzs =self.dV_dzs(Z) return dV_dzs*factor if self.vectorized else [dV*factor for dV in dV_dzs]
[docs] def dZ_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the compressibility mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial Z}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial Z}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dZ_dns : float Compressibility number derivatives, [1/mol] ''' out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dxs_to_dns(self.dZ_dzs(Z), self.zs, out)
[docs] def dnZ_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the partial compressibility of the specified phase No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the compressibility mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial n Z}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial Z}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dnZ_dns : float Partial compressibility of the mixture of the specified phase, [-] ''' out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dZ_dzs(Z), self.zs, Z, out)
[docs] def dH_dep_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure enthalpy composition derivative (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). Verified numerically. Useful in solving for enthalpy specifications in newton-type methods, and forms the basis for the molar departure enthalpy mole number derivative and molar partial departure enthalpy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = P \frac{d}{d x} V{\left(x \right)} + \frac{2 \left(T \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(T,x \right)} - \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)}\right) \left(- \delta{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} + 2 \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right) \operatorname{atanh} {\left(\frac{2 V{\left(x \right)} + \delta{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2} {\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} \right)}}{\left(\delta^{2} {\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{2 \left(T \frac{\partial}{\partial T} \operatorname{a \alpha} {\left(T,x \right)} - \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)}\right) \left(\frac{\left(- \delta{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} + 2 \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right) \left(2 V{\left(x \right)} + \delta{\left(x \right)}\right)}{\left(\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{2 \frac{d}{d x} V{\left(x \right)} + \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)}} {\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}}\right)}{\left( - \frac{\left(2 V{\left(x \right)} + \delta{\left(x \right)}\right)^{2}}{ \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}} + 1\right) \sqrt{ \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{2 \left(T \frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x\partial T} \operatorname{a \alpha} {\left(T,x \right)} - \frac{d}{d x} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)} \right) \operatorname{atanh}{\left(\frac{2 V{\left(x \right)} + \delta{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dH_dep_dzs : float Departure enthalpy composition derivatives, [J/mol] Notes ----- The derivation for the derivative is performed as follows using SymPy. The function source code is an optimized variant created with the `cse` SymPy function, and hand optimized further. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, V, R, b, a, delta, epsilon, x = symbols('P, T, V, R, b, a, delta, epsilon, x') # doctest:+SKIP >>> V, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, b = symbols('V, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> H_dep = (P*V(x) - R*T + 2/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))*(T*Derivative(a_alpha(T, x), T) # doctest:+SKIP ... - a_alpha(x))*atanh((2*V(x)+delta(x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2-4*epsilon(x)))) >>> diff(H_dep, x) # doctest:+SKIP P*Derivative(V(x), x) + 2*(T*Derivative(a \alpha(T, x), T) - a \alpha(x))*(-delta(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(x), x))*atanh((2*V(x) + delta(x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))/(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))**(3/2) + 2*(T*Derivative(a \alpha(T, x), T) - a \alpha(x))*((-delta(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(x), x))*(2*V(x) + delta(x))/(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))**(3/2) + (2*Derivative(V(x), x) + Derivative(delta(x), x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))/((-(2*V(x) + delta(x))**2/(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) + 1)*sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))) + 2*(T*Derivative(a \alpha(T, x), T, x) - Derivative(a \alpha(x), x))*atanh((2*V(x) + delta(x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) ''' P = self.P T = self.T N = self.N ddelta_dzs = self.ddelta_dzs depsilon_dzs = self.depsilon_dzs da_alpha_dzs = self.da_alpha_dzs da_alpha_dT_dzs = self.da_alpha_dT_dzs dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs(Z) x0 = V = Z*R*T/P x2 = x3 = x0 + x0 + x2 x4 = self.epsilon x5 = x2*x2 - 4.0*x4 try: x6 = x5**-0.5 except: # VDW has x5 as zero as delta, epsilon = 0 x6 = 1e50 x7 = 2.0*catanh(x3*x6).real x8 = x9 = self.a_alpha x10 = T*self.da_alpha_dT - x8 x13 = x6*x6# 1.0/x5 t0 = x6*x7 t1 = x10*t0*x13 t2 = 2.0*x10*x13/(x13*x3*x3 - 1.0) x3_x13 = x3*x13 dH_dzs = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(self.N): x1 = dV_dzs[i] x11 = ddelta_dzs[i] x12 = x11*x2 - 2.0*depsilon_dzs[i] value = (P*x1 - x12*t1 + t2*(x12*x3_x13 - x1 - x1 - x11) + t0*(T*da_alpha_dT_dzs[i] - da_alpha_dzs[i])) dH_dzs[i] = value return dH_dzs
[docs] def dS_dep_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure entropy composition derivative (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). Verified numerically. Useful in solving for entropy specifications in newton-type methods, and forms the basis for the molar departure entropy mole number derivative and molar partial departure entropy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = \frac{1}{T}\left( \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} - \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dS_dep_dzs : float Departure entropy composition derivatives, [J/mol/K] Notes ----- ''' dH_dep_dzs = self.dH_dep_dzs(Z) dG_dep_dzs = self.dG_dep_dzs(Z) T_inv = 1.0/self.T if self.vectorized: return T_inv*(dH_dep_dzs - dG_dep_dzs) return [T_inv*(dH_dep_dzs[i] - dG_dep_dzs[i]) for i in range(self.N)]
[docs] def dS_dep_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure entropy mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dS_dep_dns : float Departure entropy mole number derivatives, [J/mol^2/K] ''' out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dxs_to_dns(self.dS_dep_dzs(Z), self.zs, out)
def dP_dns_Vt(self, phase): # Checked numerically, working. Evaluated at constant temperature and total volume. r'''from sympy import * Vt, P, T, R, n1, n2, n3, no = symbols('Vt, P, T, R, n1, n2, n3, no') # doctest:+SKIP n, P, V, a_alpha, delta, epsilon, b = symbols('n, P, V, a\ \\alpha, delta, epsilon, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = symbols('da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP n = no + n1 + n2 + n3 P = R*T/(Vt/n-b(n1, n2, n3)) - a_alpha(T, n1, n2, n3)/((Vt/n)**2 + delta(n1, n2, n3)*(Vt/n)+epsilon(n1, n2, n3)) V = Vt/n cse(diff(P, n1)) ''' if phase == 'g': Vt = self.V_g else: Vt = self.V_l T = self.T b = self.b N = self.N a_alpha = self.a_alpha epsilon = self.epsilon Vt2 = Vt*Vt delta = x9 = Vt2 + Vt*delta + epsilon depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns db_dns = self.db_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns t1 = R*T*1.0/((Vt - b)*(Vt - b)) t2 = 1.0/x9 t3 = a_alpha*t2*t2 t4 = t1*Vt -t3*(Vt*delta + Vt2 + Vt2) dP_dns_Vt = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): v = (t4 + t1*db_dns[i] + t3*(Vt*ddelta_dns[i] + depsilon_dns[i]) - t2*da_alpha_dns[i]) dP_dns_Vt[i] = v return dP_dns_Vt def d2P_dninjs_Vt(self, phase): if phase == 'g': Vt = self.V_g else: Vt = self.V_l T, N = self.T, self.N b = self.b a_alpha = self.a_alpha epsilon = self.epsilon depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns db_dns = self.db_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs x0 = self.a_alpha x1 = self.epsilon x2 = Vt*Vt x5 = x7 = x1 + x2 + x5*Vt x7_inv = 1.0/x7 x8 = self.b x9 = Vt - x8 x11 = Vt + Vt x12 = R*T x13 = Vt x14 = x7_inv*x7_inv x16 = x2 + x2 + x13*x5 t1 = x0*x14 x9_inv = 1.0/x9 x9_inv2 = x9_inv*x9_inv x9_inv3 = x9_inv*x9_inv2 t2 = t1*(x11*x5 + 6.0*x2) - x12*x11*x9_inv2 t3 = x12*x9_inv2 t4 = 2.0*x12*x9_inv3 t5 = 2.0*x0*x7_inv*x7_inv*x7_inv hess = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): x15 = ddelta_dns[i] x17 = -x15*Vt + x16 - depsilon_dns[i] t50 = -x13*x15 t51 = t5*x17 t52 = t4*(x13 + db_dns[i]) t53 = x14*x17 t54 = x14*da_alpha_dns[i] t55 = (t51 + t54) iadd = t1*t50 + t52*x13 - x16*t55 for j in range(i+1): x18 = ddelta_dns[j] x19 = x18*Vt + depsilon_dns[j] v = (t2 + iadd + t1*(Vt*d2delta_dninjs[i][j] + d2epsilon_dninjs[i][j] - x13*x18) + t52*db_dns[j] - t53*da_alpha_dns[j] + t55*x19 + t3*d2bs[i][j] - x7_inv*d2a_alpha_dninjs[i][j]) hess[i][j] = hess[j][i] = v return hess def d3P_dninjnks_Vt(self, phase): if phase == 'g': Vt = self.V_g else: Vt = self.V_l T, N = self.T, self.N b = self.b a_alpha = self.a_alpha epsilon = self.epsilon depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns db_dns = self.db_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs d3epsilon_dninjnks = self.d3epsilon_dninjnks d3delta_dninjnks = self.d3delta_dninjnks d3a_alpha_dninjnks = self.d3a_alpha_dninjnks d3b_dninjnks = self.d3b_dninjnks mat = zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): for k in range(N): x0 = self.b x1 = 1.0 x2 = Vt/x1 x3 = -x0 + x2 x4 = 6/x1**4 x5 = Vt*x4 x6 = R*T x7 = self.a_alpha x8 = self.epsilon x9 = Vt**2 x10 = x1**(-2) x11 = x12 = x10*x9 + x11*x2 + x8 x13 = 2/x1**3 x14 = Vt*x13 x15 = Vt*x10 x16 = x6*(x15 + db_dns[k]) x17 = 2/x3**3 x18 = x15 + db_dns[j] x19 = x17*x6 x20 = x15 + db_dns[i] x21 = x12**(-2) x22 = ddelta_dns[i] x23 = x11*x15 + x13*x9 x24 = -x2*x22 + x23 - depsilon_dns[i] x25 = ddelta_dns[j] x26 = -x2*x25 + x23 - depsilon_dns[j] x27 = ddelta_dns[k] x28 = -x2*x27 + x23 - depsilon_dns[j] x29 = da_alpha_dns[k] x30 = d2delta_dninjs[i][j] x31 = -x15*x25 x32 = x4*x9 x33 = x11*x14 x34 = -x15*x22 + x32 + x33 x35 = x2*x30 + x31 + x34 + d2epsilon_dninjs[i][j] x36 = da_alpha_dns[j] x37 = d2delta_dninjs[i][k] x38 = -x15*x27 x39 = x2*x37 + x34 + x38 + d2epsilon_dninjs[i][k] x40 = da_alpha_dns[i] x41 = d2delta_dninjs[j][k] x42 = x2*x41 + x31 + x32 + x33 + x38 + d2epsilon_dninjs[j][k] x43 = 2/x12**3 x44 = x24*x26 x45 = x28*x43 x46 = x43*x7 v = (-x16*x17*(x14 - d2bs[i][j]) + 6*x16*x18*x20/x3**4 - x18*x19*(x14 -d2bs[i][k]) - x19*x20*(x14 - d2bs[j][k]) - x21*x24*d2a_alpha_dninjs[j][k] - x21*x26*d2a_alpha_dninjs[i][k] - x21*x28*d2a_alpha_dninjs[i][j] + x21*x29*x35 + x21*x36*x39 + x21*x40*x42 - x21*x7*(x11*x5 - x14*x22 - x14*x25 - x14*x27 + x15*x30 + x15*x37 + x15*x41 - x2*d3delta_dninjnks[i][j][k] - d3epsilon_dninjnks[i][j][k] + 24*x9/x1**5) - x24*x36*x45 + x24*x42*x46 + x26*x39*x46 - x26*x40*x45 - x29*x43*x44 + x35*x45*x7 + x6*(x5 + d3b_dninjnks[i][j][k])/x3**2 - d3a_alpha_dninjnks[i][j][k]/x12 - 6*x28*x44*x7/x12**4) mat[i][j][k] = v return mat
[docs] def dH_dep_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure enthalpy mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dH_dep_dns : float Departure enthalpy mole number derivatives, [J/mol^2] ''' out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dxs_to_dns(self.dH_dep_dzs(Z), self.zs, out)
[docs] def dnH_dep_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the partial molar departure enthalpy. No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial n H_{dep}}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dnH_dep_dns : float Partial molar departure enthalpies of the phase, [J/mol] ''' try: if Z == self.Z_l: F = self.H_dep_l else: F = self.H_dep_g except: F = self.H_dep_g out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dH_dep_dzs(Z), self.zs, F, out)
def _G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(self, Z, dbs, depsilons, ddelta, dVs, da_alphas, G=True): out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(self.T, self.P, self.b,, self.epsilon, self.a_alpha, self.N, Z, dbs, depsilons, ddelta, dVs, da_alphas, G, out=out)
[docs] def dlnphi_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the mixture log *fugacity coefficient* mole fraction derivatives (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative of Gibbs free energy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi }{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = \frac{1}{RT}\left( \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}} {\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphi_dzs : float Mixture log fugacity coefficient mole fraction derivatives, [-] ''' return self._G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(Z, dbs=self.db_dzs, depsilons=self.depsilon_dzs, ddelta=self.ddelta_dzs, dVs=self.dV_dzs(Z), da_alphas=self.da_alpha_dzs, G=False)
[docs] def dlnphi_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the mixture log *fugacity coefficient* mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative of Gibbs free energy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi }{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) This property can be converted into a partial molar property to obtain the individual fugacity coefficients. Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphi_dns : float Mixture log fugacity coefficient mole number derivatives, [1/mol] ''' return self._G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(Z, dbs=self.db_dns, depsilons=self.depsilon_dns, ddelta=self.ddelta_dns, dVs=self.dV_dns(Z), da_alphas=self.da_alpha_dns, G=False)
[docs] def dG_dep_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure Gibbs energy composition derivative (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). Verified numerically. Useful in solving for gibbs minimization calculations or for solving for the true critical point. Also forms the basis for the molar departure Gibbs energy mole number derivative and molar partial departure Gibbs energy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = P \frac{d}{d x} V{\left(x \right)} - \frac{R T \left(\frac{d}{d x} V{\left(x \right)} - \frac{d}{d x} b{\left(x \right)}\right)}{ V{\left(x \right)} - b{\left(x \right)}} - \frac{2 \left(- \delta{ \left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} + 2 \frac{d} {d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right) \operatorname{a \alpha}{ \left(x \right)} \operatorname{atanh}{\left(\frac{2 V{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{\delta{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left( x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} \right)}}{\left( \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{ \frac{3}{2}}} - \frac{2 \operatorname{atanh}{\left(\frac{2 V{\left( x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{\delta{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left( x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} - \frac{2 \left(\frac{2 \left(- \delta{\left(x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} + 2 \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right) V{\left(x \right)}}{\left(\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{ \left(x \right)}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{\left(- \delta{\left (x \right)} \frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)} + 2 \frac{d}{d x} \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right) \delta{\left(x \right)}}{\left( \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}\right)^{ \frac{3}{2}}} + \frac{2 \frac{d}{d x} V{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{ \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} + \frac{\frac{d}{d x} \delta{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{ \left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}}\right) \operatorname{a \alpha}{\left(x \right)}}{\left(1 - \left(\frac{2 V{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{ \left(x \right)}}} + \frac{\delta{\left(x \right)}}{\sqrt{ \delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}}\right )^{2}\right) \sqrt{\delta^{2}{\left(x \right)} - 4 \epsilon{\left(x \right)}}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dG_dep_dzs : float Departure Gibbs free energy composition derivatives, [J/mol] Notes ----- The derivation for the derivative is performed as follows using SymPy. The function source code is an optimized variant created with the `cse` SymPy function, and hand optimized further. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, R, x = symbols('P, T, R, x') # doctest:+SKIP >>> a_alpha, a, delta, epsilon, V, b, da_alpha_dT = symbols('a\ \\alpha, a, delta, epsilon, V, b, da_alpha_dT', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> S_dep = R*log(P*V(x)/(R*T)) + R*log(V(x)-b(x))+2*da_alpha_dT(x)*atanh((2*V(x)+delta(x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2-4*epsilon(x)))/sqrt(delta(x)**2-4*epsilon(x))-R*log(V(x)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> H_dep = P*V(x) - R*T + 2*atanh((2*V(x)+delta(x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2-4*epsilon(x)))*(da_alpha_dT(x)*T-a_alpha(x))/sqrt(delta(x)**2-4*epsilon(x)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> G_dep = simplify(H_dep - T*S_dep) # doctest:+SKIP >>> diff(G_dep, x) # doctest:+SKIP P*Derivative(V(x), x) - R*T*(Derivative(V(x), x) - Derivative(b(x), x))/(V(x) - b(x)) - 2*(-delta(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(x), x))*a \alpha(x)*atanh(2*V(x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) + delta(x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))/(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))**(3/2) - 2*atanh(2*V(x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) + delta(x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))*Derivative(a \alpha(x), x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) - 2*(2*(-delta(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(x), x))*V(x)/(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))**(3/2) + (-delta(x)*Derivative(delta(x), x) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(x), x))*delta(x)/(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))**(3/2) + 2*Derivative(V(x), x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) + Derivative(delta(x), x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))*a \alpha(x)/((1 - (2*V(x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)) + delta(x)/sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x)))**2)*sqrt(delta(x)**2 - 4*epsilon(x))) ''' return self._G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(Z, dbs=self.db_dzs, depsilons=self.depsilon_dzs, ddelta=self.ddelta_dzs, dVs=self.dV_dzs(Z), da_alphas=self.da_alpha_dzs, G=True)
[docs] def dG_dep_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure Gibbs energy mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Apart from the ideal term, this is the formulation for chemical potential. Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dG_dep_dns : float Departure Gibbs energy mole number derivatives, [J/mol^2] ''' return self._G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(Z, dbs=self.db_dns, depsilons=self.depsilon_dns, ddelta=self.ddelta_dns, dVs=self.dV_dns(Z), da_alphas=self.da_alpha_dns, G=True)
[docs] def dnG_dep_dns(self, Z): r'''Calculates the partial molar departure Gibbs energy. No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial n G_{dep}}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dnG_dep_dns : float Partial molar departure Gibbs energy of the phase, [J/mol] ''' try: if Z == self.Z_l: F = self.G_dep_l else: F = self.G_dep_g except: F = self.G_dep_g dG_dns = self.dG_dep_dns(Z) out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N return dns_to_dn_partials(dG_dns, F, out)
[docs] def fugacity_coefficients(self, Z): r'''Generic formula for calculating log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. Normally this routine is slower than EOS-specific ones, as it does not make assumptions that certain parameters are zero or equal to other parameters. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial n \ln \phi}{\partial n_i} \right)_{n_{k \ne i}} = \ln \phi _i = \ln \phi + n \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi}{\partial n_i} \right)_{n_{k\ne i}} .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi }{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = \frac{1}{RT}\left( \left(\frac{\partial G_{dep}} {\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- log_phis : float Log fugacity coefficient for each species, [-] ''' zs = self.zs try: if Z == self.Z_l: F = self.phi_l else: F = self.phi_g except: F = self.phi_g # This conversion seems numerically safe anyway try: logF = log(F) except: logF = -690.7755278982137 out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N log_phis = dns_to_dn_partials(self.dlnphi_dns(Z), logF, out) return log_phis
def _d2_G_dep_lnphi_d2_helper(self, V, d_Vs, d2Vs, dbs, d2bs, d_epsilons, d2_epsilons, d_deltas, d2_deltas, da_alphas, d2a_alphas, G=True): T, P = self.T, self.P N = self.N RT = T*R RT_inv = 1.0/RT hess = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): # x1: i # x2: j x0 = V# V(x1, x2) x3 = d2Vs[i][j] #Derivative(x0, x1, x2) x4 = self.b#b(x1, x2) x5 = x0 - x4 x6 = R*T x7 = d_Vs[i] #Derivative(x0, x1) x8 = d_Vs[j] #Derivative(x0, x2) x9 =, x2) x10 = self.epsilon#epsilon(x1, x2) x11 = -4*x10 + x9**2 if x11 == 0.0: x11 = 1e-100 x12 = 1/sqrt(x11) x13 = self.a_alpha#alpha(x1, x2) x14 = 2*x0 x15 = x14 + x9 x16 = catanh(x12*x15).real x17 = 2*x16 x18 = d_deltas[i] #Derivative(x9, x1) x19 = x18*x9 - 2*d_epsilons[i]#Derivative(x10, x1) x20 = da_alphas[j]#Derivative(x13, x2) x21 = x17/x11**(3/2) x22 = d_deltas[j]#Derivative(x9, x2) x23 = x22*x9 - 2*d_epsilons[j]#Derivative(x10, x2) x24 = da_alphas[i]#Derivative(x13, x1) x25 = d2_deltas[i][j]#Derivative(x9, x1, x2) x26 = x18*x22 + x25*x9 - 2*d2_epsilons[i][j]#Derivative(x10, x1, x2) x27 = x13*x23 x28 = 2*x7 x29 = 1/x11 x30 = x29*x9 x31 = x19*x29 x32 = x14*x31 - x18 + x19*x30 - x28 x33 = x15**2*x29 - 1 x34 = 2/x33 x35 = x29*x34 x36 = 2*x8 x37 = x23*x29 x38 = x14*x37 - x22 + x23*x30 - x36 x39 = x11**(-2) x40 = x19*x39 x41 = x13*x38 x42 = x32*x39 x43 = x23*x40 v = (P*x3 - x12*x17*d2a_alphas[i][j] + x13*x21*x26 - x13*x35*(-6*x0*x43 + x14*x26*x29 + x18*x37 + x22*x31 - x25 + x26*x30 + x28*x37 - 2*x3 + x31*x36 - 3*x43*x9) - 4*x15*x41*x42/x33**2 + x19*x20*x21 - x20*x32*x35 + x21*x23*x24 - x24*x35*x38 + x27*x34*x42 + x34*x40*x41 - x6*(x3 - d2bs[i][j])/x5 + x6*(x7 - dbs[i])*(x8 - dbs[j])/x5**2 - 6*x16*x19*x27/x11**(5/2)) if not G: v *= RT_inv hess[i][j] = v return hess
[docs] def d2lnphi_dzizjs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the mixture log *fugacity coefficient* second mole fraction derivatives (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the second mole fraction derivative of Gibbs free energy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ln \phi }{\partial x_i\partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{i,j\ne k}} = \frac{1}{RT}\left( \left(\frac{\partial^2 G_{dep}} {\partial x_j \partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i,j\ne k}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- d2lnphi_dzizjs : float Mixture log fugacity coefficient second mole fraction derivatives, [-] ''' V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs(Z) d2Vs = self.d2V_dzizjs(Z) depsilon_dzs = self.depsilon_dzs d2epsilon_dzizjs = self.d2epsilon_dzizjs ddelta_dzs = self.ddelta_dzs d2delta_dzizjs = self.d2delta_dzizjs db_dzs = self.db_dzs d2bs = self.d2b_dzizjs da_alpha_dzs = self.da_alpha_dzs d2a_alpha_dzizjs = self.d2a_alpha_dzizjs return self._d2_G_dep_lnphi_d2_helper(V=V, d_Vs=dV_dzs, d2Vs=d2Vs, dbs=db_dzs, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dzs, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dzizjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dzs, d2_deltas=d2delta_dzizjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dzs, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dzizjs, G=False)
[docs] def d2lnphi_dninjs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the mixture log *fugacity coefficient* second mole number derivatives (where the mole fraction sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the second mole fraction derivative of Gibbs free energy. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ln \phi }{\partial n_i\partial n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{i,j\ne k}} f\left( \left(\frac{\partial^2 G_{dep}} {\partial x_j \partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i,j\ne k}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- d2lnphi_dninjs : float Mixture log fugacity coefficient second mole number derivatives, [-] ''' V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) d2Vs = self.d2V_dninjs(Z) depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs db_dns = self.db_dns d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs return self._d2_G_dep_lnphi_d2_helper(V=V, d2Vs=d2Vs, d_Vs=dV_dns, dbs=db_dns, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dns, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dninjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dns, d2_deltas=d2delta_dninjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dns, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dninjs, G=False)
[docs] def d2G_dep_dzizjs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure Gibbs energy second composition derivative (where the mole fractions do not sum to 1). Verified numerically. Useful in solving for gibbs minimization calculations or for solving for the true critical point. Also forms the basis for the molar departure Gibbs energy mole second number derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 G_{dep}}{\partial x_j \partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i,j\ne k}} = \text{run SymPy code to obtain - very long!} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- d2G_dep_dzizjs : float Departure Gibbs free energy second composition derivatives, [J/mol] Notes ----- The derivation for the derivative is performed as follows using SymPy. The function source code is an optimized variant created with the `cse` SymPy function, and hand optimized further. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, R, x1, x2 = symbols('P, T, R, x1, x2') # doctest:+SKIP >>> a_alpha, delta, epsilon, V, b = symbols('a\ \\alpha, delta, epsilon, V, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = symbols('da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> S_dep = R*log(P*V(x1, x2)/(R*T)) + R*log(V(x1, x2)-b(x1, x2))+2*da_alpha_dT(x1, x2)*atanh((2*V(x1, x2)+delta(x1, x2))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2)))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2))-R*log(V(x1, x2)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> H_dep = P*V(x1, x2) - R*T + 2*atanh((2*V(x1, x2)+delta(x1, x2))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2)))*(da_alpha_dT(x1, x2)*T-a_alpha(x1, x2))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> G_dep = simplify(H_dep - T*S_dep) # doctest:+SKIP >>> diff(G_dep, x1, x2) # doctest:+SKIP ''' V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs(Z) d2Vs = self.d2V_dzizjs(Z) depsilon_dzs = self.depsilon_dzs d2epsilon_dzizjs = self.d2epsilon_dzizjs ddelta_dzs = self.ddelta_dzs d2delta_dzizjs = self.d2delta_dzizjs db_dzs = self.db_dzs d2bs = self.d2b_dzizjs da_alpha_dzs = self.da_alpha_dzs d2a_alpha_dzizjs = self.d2a_alpha_dzizjs return self._d2_G_dep_lnphi_d2_helper(V=V, d_Vs=dV_dzs, d2Vs=d2Vs, dbs=db_dzs, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dzs, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dzizjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dzs, d2_deltas=d2delta_dzizjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dzs, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dzizjs, G=True)
[docs] def dlnphis_dns(self, Z): r'''Generic formula for calculating the mole number derivaitves of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial n_i}\right)_{P, n_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dns : list[list[float]] Mole number derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [-] Notes ----- ''' dns = self.dlnphi_dns(Z) d2ns = self.d2lnphi_dninjs(Z) ans = d2ns_to_dn2_partials(d2ns, dns) if self.vectorized: ans = array(ans) return ans
[docs] def dlnfugacities_dns(self, phase): r'''Generic formula for calculating the mole number derivaitves of log fugacities for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln f_i}{\partial n_i}\right)_{P, n_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- phase : str One of 'l' or 'g', [-] Returns ------- dlnfugacities_dns : list[list[float]] Mole number derivatives of log fugacities for each species, [-] Notes ----- ''' zs, N = self.zs, self.N if phase == 'l': Z = self.Z_l try: fugacities = self.fugacities_l except AttributeError: self.fugacities() fugacities = self.fugacities_l else: Z = self.Z_g try: fugacities = self.fugacities_g except AttributeError: self.fugacities() fugacities = self.fugacities_g dlnfugacities_dns = array([list(i) for i in self.dfugacities_dns(phase)]) fugacities_inv = [1.0/fi for fi in fugacities] for i in range(N): r = dlnfugacities_dns[i] for j in range(N): r[j]*= fugacities_inv[i] return dlnfugacities_dns
[docs] def dfugacities_dns(self, phase): r'''Generic formula for calculating the mole number derivaitves of fugacities for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial f_i}{\partial n_i}\right)_{P, n_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- phase : str One of 'l' or 'g', [-] Returns ------- dfugacities_dns : list[list[float]] Mole number derivatives of fugacities for each species, [-] Notes ----- ''' """ from sympy import * phifun1, phifun2 = symbols('phifun1, phifun2', cls=Function) n1, n2, P = symbols('n1, n2, P') x1 = n1/(n1+n2) x2 = n2/(n1+n2) to_diff = x2*P*exp(phifun1(n1)) diff(to_diff, n1).subs({n1+n1: 1}) """ zs = self.zs if phase == 'l': Z = self.Z_l try: phis = self.phis_l except AttributeError: self.fugacities() phis = self.phis_l else: Z = self.Z_g try: phis = self.phis_g except AttributeError: self.fugacities() phis = self.phis_g dlnphis_dns = self.dlnphis_dns(Z) P = self.P N = self.N matrix = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): phi_P = P*phis[i] ziPphi = phi_P*zs[i] r = dlnphis_dns[i] for j in range(N): matrix[i][j] = ziPphi*(dlnphis_dns[j][i] - 1.0) matrix[i][i] += phi_P return matrix
[docs] def d2G_dep_dninjs(self, Z): r'''Calculates the molar departure Gibbs energy mole number derivatives (where the mole fractions sum to 1). No specific formula is implemented for this property - it is calculated from the mole fraction derivative. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 G_{dep}}{\partial n_j \partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i,j\ne k}} = f\left( \left(\frac{\partial^2 G_{dep}}{\partial x_j \partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i,j\ne k}} \right) Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- d2G_dep_dninjs : float Departure Gibbs energy second mole number derivatives, [J/mol^3] ''' V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) d2Vs = self.d2V_dninjs(Z) depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs db_dns = self.db_dns d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs return self._d2_G_dep_lnphi_d2_helper(V=V, d2Vs=d2Vs, d_Vs=dV_dns, dbs=db_dns, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dns, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dninjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dns, d2_deltas=d2delta_dninjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dns, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dninjs, G=True)
def _d2_A_dep_d2_helper(self, V, d_Vs, d2Vs, dbs, d2bs, d_epsilons, d2_epsilons, d_deltas, d2_deltas, da_alphas, d2a_alphas): # pass r'''from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP P, T, R, x1, x2 = symbols('P, T, R, x1, x2') # doctest:+SKIP a_alpha, delta, epsilon, V, b = symbols('a\ \\alpha, delta, epsilon, V, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = symbols('da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP S_dep = R*log(P*V(x1, x2)/(R*T)) + R*log(V(x1, x2)-b(x1, x2))+2*da_alpha_dT(x1, x2)*atanh((2*V(x1, x2)+delta(x1, x2))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2)))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2))-R*log(V(x1, x2)) # doctest:+SKIP H_dep = P*V(x1, x2) - R*T + 2*atanh((2*V(x1, x2)+delta(x1, x2))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2)))*(da_alpha_dT(x1, x2)*T-a_alpha(x1, x2))/sqrt(delta(x1, x2)**2-4*epsilon(x1, x2)) # doctest:+SKIP G_dep = simplify(H_dep - T*S_dep) # doctest:+SKIP V_dep = V(x1, x2) - R*T/P U_dep = H_dep - P*V_dep A_dep = simplify(U_dep - T*S_dep) ''' T, P = self.T, self.P b = self.b N = self.N RT = T*R hess = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): x0 = V x3 = b x4 = x0 - x3 x5 = d2Vs[i][j] x6 = R*T x7 = d_Vs[i] x8 = d_Vs[j] x9 = x10 = self.epsilon x11 = -4*x10 + x9**2 x12 = 1/sqrt(x11) x13 = self.a_alpha x14 = 2*x0 x15 = x14 + x9 x16 = catanh(x12*x15).real x17 = 2*x16 x18 = d_deltas[i] x19 = x18*x9 - 2*d_epsilons[i] x20 = da_alphas[j] x21 = x17/x11**(3/2) x22 = d_deltas[j] x23 = x22*x9 - 2*d_epsilons[j] x24 = da_alphas[i] x25 = d2_deltas[i][j] x26 = x18*x22 + x25*x9 - 2*d2_epsilons[i][j] x27 = x13*x23 x28 = 2*x7 x29 = 1/x11 x30 = x29*x9 x31 = x19*x29 x32 = x14*x31 - x18 + x19*x30 - x28 x33 = x15**2*x29 - 1 x34 = 2/x33 x35 = x29*x34 x36 = 2*x8 x37 = x23*x29 x38 = x14*x37 - x22 + x23*x30 - x36 x39 = x11**(-2) x40 = x19*x39 x41 = x13*x38 x42 = x32*x39 x43 = x23*x40 v = (-x12*x17*d2a_alphas[i][j] + x13*x21*x26 - x13*x35*(-6*x0*x43 + x14*x26*x29 + x18*x37 + x22*x31 - x25 + x26*x30 + x28*x37 + x31*x36 - 3*x43*x9 - 2*x5) - 4*x15*x41*x42/x33**2 + x19*x20*x21 - x20*x32*x35 + x21*x23*x24 - x24*x35*x38 + x27*x34*x42 + x34*x40*x41 - x6*(x5 - d2bs[i][j])/x4 + x6*(x7 - dbs[i])*(x8 - dbs[j])/x4**2 - 6*x16*x19*x27/x11**(5/2.)) hess[i][j] = v return hess def d2A_dep_dninjs(self, Z): V = Z*self.T*R/self.P dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) d2Vs = self.d2V_dninjs(Z) depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs db_dns = self.db_dns d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs return self._d2_A_dep_d2_helper(V=V, d2Vs=d2Vs, d_Vs=dV_dns, dbs=db_dns, d2bs=d2bs, d_epsilons=depsilon_dns, d2_epsilons=d2epsilon_dninjs, d_deltas=ddelta_dns, d2_deltas=d2delta_dninjs, da_alphas=da_alpha_dns, d2a_alphas=d2a_alpha_dninjs) def dA_dep_dns_Vt(self, phase): # pass r''' from sympy import * Vt, P, T, R, n1, n2, n3 = symbols('Vt, P, T, R, n1, n2, n3') # doctest:+SKIP P, V, a_alpha, delta, epsilon, b = symbols('P, V, a\ \\alpha, delta, epsilon, b', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = symbols('da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP ns = [n1, n2, n3] S_dep = R*log(P(n1, n2, n3)*V(n1, n2, n3)/(R*T)) + R*log(V(n1, n2, n3)-b(n1, n2, n3))+2*da_alpha_dT(n1, n2, n3)*atanh((2*V(n1, n2, n3)+delta(n1, n2, n3))/sqrt(delta(n1, n2, n3)**2-4*epsilon(n1, n2, n3)))/sqrt(delta(n1, n2, n3)**2-4*epsilon(n1, n2, n3))-R*log(V(n1, n2, n3)) H_dep = P(n1, n2, n3)*V(n1, n2, n3) - R*T + 2*atanh((2*V(n1, n2, n3)+delta(n1, n2, n3))/sqrt(delta(n1, n2, n3)**2-4*epsilon(n1, n2, n3)))*(da_alpha_dT(n1, n2, n3)*T-a_alpha(n1, n2, n3))/sqrt(delta(n1, n2, n3)**2-4*epsilon(n1, n2, n3)) G_dep = simplify(H_dep - T*S_dep) V_dep = V(n1, n2, n3) - R*T/P(n1, n2, n3) U_dep = H_dep - P(n1, n2, n3)*V_dep A_dep = simplify(U_dep - T*S_dep) expr = diff(A_dep, n1) for ni in ns: expr = expr.subs(Derivative(V(n1, n2, n3), ni), -Vt) expr = simplify(expr) cse(expr, optimizations='basic') ''' if phase == 'g': Vt = self.V_g else: Vt = self.V_l T, N = self.T, self.N b = self.b a_alpha = self.a_alpha epsilon = self.epsilon depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns db_dns = self.db_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns dP_dns_Vt = self.dP_dns_Vt(phase) x0 = self.P x1 = Vt x2 = self.b x3 = x1 - x2 x4 = x5 = x4**2 x6 = self.epsilon x7 = 4*x6 x8 = x5 - x7 x9 = x8**(7/2) x10 = 2*x1 x11 = x10 + x4 x12 = x11**2 - x5 + x7 x13 = Vt*x0 x14 = x12*x3 x15 = R*T*x9 x16 = x14*x15 x17 = self.a_alpha x18 = x0*x10 x19 = x14*catanh(x11*x8**-0.5).real jac = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): x20 = ddelta_dns[i] x21 = x20*x4 - 2*depsilon_dns[i] x22 = x17*x18 v = (-(-x0*x1*x12*x15*(Vt + db_dns[i]) + x13*x16 - x16*(-x1*dP_dns_Vt[i] + x13) + x18*x19*x8**3*da_alpha_dns[i] - x19*x21*x22*x8**2 + x22*x3*x8**(5/2)*(x11*x21 + x8*(2*Vt - x20)))/(x0*x1*x12*x3*x9)) jac[i] = v return jac def d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt(self, phase): if phase == 'g': Vt = self.V_g else: Vt = self.V_l T, N = self.T, self.N b = self.b a_alpha = self.a_alpha epsilon = self.epsilon depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns db_dns = self.db_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns d2delta_dninjs = self.d2delta_dninjs d2epsilon_dninjs = self.d2epsilon_dninjs d2bs = self.d2b_dninjs d2a_alpha_dninjs = self.d2a_alpha_dninjs dP_dns_Vt = self.dP_dns_Vt(phase) d2P_dninjs_Vt = self.d2P_dninjs_Vt(phase) hess = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(i+1): x0 = self.P x1 = x0**2 x2 = Vt#V(n1, n2, n3) x3 = x2**2 x4 = self.b x5 = x2 - x4 x6 = x5**2 x7 = x8 = x7**2 x9 = self.epsilon x10 = 4*x9 x11 = -x10 + x8 x12 = x11**(25/2) x13 = 2*x2 x14 = x13 + x7 x15 = x10 + x14**2 - x8 x16 = x15**2 x17 = x1*x6 x18 = R*T*x12*x16 x19 = x17*x18 x20 = x1*x18*x3 x21 = Vt*x0 x22 = dP_dns_Vt[i] x23 = -x2*x22 + x21 x24 = 2*Vt x25 = dP_dns_Vt[j] x26 = x18*x2*x6 x27 = self.a_alpha x28 = x17*x3 x29 = 2*x28 x30 = x16*catanh(x14/sqrt(x11)).real x31 = x29*x30 x32 = ddelta_dns[i] x33 = x32*x7 - 2*depsilon_dns[i] x34 = ddelta_dns[j] x35 = x34*x7 - 2*depsilon_dns[j] x36 = x33*x35 x37 = da_alpha_dns[j] x38 = da_alpha_dns[i] x39 = d2delta_dninjs[i][j] x40 = x32*x34 + x39*x7 - 2*d2epsilon_dninjs[i][j] x41 = x11*(x24 - x32) + x13*x33 + x33*x7 x42 = x11*(x24 - x34) + x13*x35 + x35*x7 x43 = x11**(21/2)*x27 x44 = x15*x29 x45 = x43*x44 v = (-(Vt**2*x19 - Vt*x13*x19 + x0*x26*(-Vt*x22 - Vt*x25 + x0*x24 + x2*d2P_dninjs_Vt[i][j]) + x11**(23/2)*x44*(x37*x41 + x38*x42) + x11**12*x31*d2a_alpha_dninjs[i][j] - x11**11*x31*(x27*x40 + x33*x37 + x35*x38) + 6*x11**10*x27*x28*x30*x36 + 4*x14*x28*x41*x42*x43 - x18*x21*x23*x6 + x20*x5*(x24 - d2bs[i][j]) - x20*(Vt + db_dns[i])*(Vt + db_dns[j]) + x23*x25*x26 - x45*(x33*x42 + x35*x41) - x45*(x11**2*(4*Vt + x39) - x11*(x13*x40 - x24*x33 - x24*x35 + x32*x35 + x33*x34 + x40*x7) + 3*x14*x36))/(x1*x12*x16*x3*x6)) hess[i][j] = hess[j][i] = v return hess # @property # def SCp0_l(self): # S_dep = self.S_dep_l # S_dep -= R*sum([zi*log(zi) for zi in self.zs if zi > 0.0]) # ideal composition entropy composition # S_dep -= R*log(self.P/101325.0) # return S_dep # # @property # def ACp0_l(self): # return self.A_dep_l - self.T*(self.SCp0_l - self.S_dep_l) # # @property # def SCp0_g(self): # S_dep = self.S_dep_g # S_dep -= R*sum([zi*log(zi) for zi in self.zs if zi > 0.0]) # ideal composition entropy composition # S_dep -= R*log(self.P/101325.0) # return S_dep # # @property # def ACp0_g(self): # return self.A_dep_g - self.T*(self.SCp0_g - self.S_dep_g) # # def Scomp(self, phase): # v = self.T*R*sum([zi*log(zi) for zi in self.zs if zi > 0.0]) # ideal composition entropy composition # v += R*self.T*log(self.P/101325.0) # return v # # @property # def HCp0_g(self): # return self.H_dep_g # # @property # def HCp0_l(self): # return self.H_dep_l # # @property # def GCp0_g(self): # return self.HCp0_g - self.T*self.SCp0_g # # @property # def GCp0_l(self): # return self.HCp0_l - self.T*self.SCp0_l def dScomp_dns(self, phase): dP_dns_Vt = self.dP_dns_Vt(phase) mRT = -R*self.T zs, N = self.zs, self.N logzs = [log(zi) for zi in zs] tot = 0.0 for i in range(N): tot += zs[i]*logzs[i] const = R*self.T/self.P out = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): out[i] = mRT*(tot - logzs[i]) + const*dP_dns_Vt[i] return out def d2Scomp_dninjs(self, phase): '''P_ref = symbols('P_ref') diff(R*T*log(P(n1, n2, n3)/P_ref), n1, n2) ''' dP_dns_Vt = self.dP_dns_Vt(phase) d2P_dninjs_Vt = self.d2P_dninjs_Vt(phase) P = self.P RT = R*self.T const = RT/P zs, N = self.zs, self.N logzs = [log(zi) for zi in zs] hess = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for i in range(N): row = [] for j in range(N): t = sum(2.0*zs[i]*logzs[i] + 3.0*zs[i] for i in range(N)) if i != j: v = RT*(t - logzs[i] - logzs[j] -4.0) else: v = RT*(t - 2*logzs[i] - 3 - (zs[i] - 1.0)/zs[i]) v += const*(d2P_dninjs_Vt[i][j] - dP_dns_Vt[i]*dP_dns_Vt[j]/P) hess[i][j] = v return hess # TODO fix the implementation below, make it work tot = 0.0 for i in range(N): tot += zs[i]*logzs[i] tot2m1 = tot + tot - 1.0 hess = [[RT*(tot2m1 - logzs[i] - logzs[j]) for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)] return hess # return d2xs_to_dxdn_partials(hess, zs) # return d2ns_to_dn2_partials(hess, self.dScomp_dns) def d2A_dninjs_Vt(self, phase): if phase == 'g': Vt = self.V_g else: Vt = self.V_l N, zs = self.N, self.zs d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt = self.d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt(phase) d2Scomp_dninjs = self.d2Scomp_dninjs(phase) hess = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): hess[i][j] = d2Scomp_dninjs[i][j] + d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt[i][j] return hess def d2nA_dninjs_Vt(self, phase): d2ns = [[i+j for i, j in zip(r1, r2)] for r1, r2 in zip(self.d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt(phase), self.d2Scomp_dninjs(phase))] dns = [i+j for i, j in zip(self.dA_dep_dns_Vt(phase), self.dScomp_dns(phase))] ans = d2ns_to_dn2_partials(d2ns, dns) if self.vectorized: ans = array(ans) return ans def d2A_dninjs_Vt_another(self, phase): d2ns = [[i+j for i, j in zip(r1, r2)] for r1, r2 in zip(self.d2A_dep_dninjs_Vt(phase), self.d2Scomp_dninjs(phase))] if self.vectorized: d2ns = array(d2ns) return d2ns # dns = [i+j for i, j in zip(self.dA_dep_dns_Vt(phase), self.dScomp_dns(phase))] # return d2ns_to_dn2_partials(d2ns, dns) def _d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dnx(self, V, db_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, da_alpha_dns, da_alpha_dT_dns, d2a_alpha_dT2_dns, dV_dns): T = self.T Z = (self.P*V)/(R*T) x0 = self.a_alpha x2 = self.epsilon x3 = V x4 = x5 = x2 + x3**2 + x3*x4 x6 = 1/x5 x7 = self.b x8 = x3 - x7 x14 = x5**(-2) x15 = self.da_alpha_dT x16 = x14*x15 x18 = 2*x3 + x4 x23 = x5**(-3) x24 = 2*x23 x27 = x18**2 x28 = x18*x24 dndP_dT_dsn = [] dndP_dV_dns = [] dnd2P_dT2_dns = [] dnd2P_dV2_dns = [] dnd2P_dTdV_dns = [] for i in range(self.N): x1 = da_alpha_dT_dns[i] x9 = dV_dns[i] x10 = R*(x9 - db_dns[i]) x17 = 2*x10/x8**3 x12 = 2*x9 x11 = ddelta_dns[i] x21 = x11 + x12 x22 = x0*x21 x13 = x11*x3 + x12*x3 + x4*x9 + depsilon_dns[i] x25 = x0*x13 x26 = x24*x25 x19 = da_alpha_dns[i] x20 = x14*x19 dndP_dT = -x1*x6 - x10/x8**2 + x13*x16 dndP_dT_dsn.append(dndP_dT) dndP_dV = T*x17 + x14*x22 + x18*x20 - x18*x26 dndP_dV_dns.append(dndP_dV) d2a_alpha_dT2_dn = d2a_alpha_dT2_dns[i] dnd2P_dT2 = x6*(x13*x6*self.d2a_alpha_dT2 - d2a_alpha_dT2_dn) dnd2P_dT2_dns.append(dnd2P_dT2) dnd2P_dV2 = -6*T*x10/x8**4 - 2*x19*x23*x27 + 2*x20 - 2*x22*x28 + 6*x25*x27/x5**4 - 2*x26 dnd2P_dV2_dns.append(dnd2P_dV2) dnd2P_dTdV = x1*x14*x18 - x13*x15*x28 + x16*x21 + x17 dnd2P_dTdV_dns.append(dnd2P_dTdV) return dndP_dT_dsn, dndP_dV_dns, dnd2P_dT2_dns, dnd2P_dV2_dns, dnd2P_dTdV_dns def _d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dn(self, V): Z = (self.P*V)/(R*self.T) db_dns = self.db_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns da_alpha_dT_dns = self.da_alpha_dT_dns d2a_alpha_dT2_dns = self.d2a_alpha_dT2_dns return self._d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dnx(V, db_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, da_alpha_dns, da_alpha_dT_dns, d2a_alpha_dT2_dns, dV_dns) def _d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dz(self, V): Z = (self.P*V)/(R*self.T) db_dzs = self.db_dzs ddelta_dzs = self.ddelta_dzs depsilon_dzs = self.depsilon_dzs dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs(Z) da_alpha_dzs = self.da_alpha_dzs da_alpha_dT_dzs = self.da_alpha_dT_dzs d2a_alpha_dT2_dzs = self.d2a_alpha_dT2_dzs return self._d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dnx(V, db_dzs, ddelta_dzs, depsilon_dzs, da_alpha_dzs, da_alpha_dT_dzs, d2a_alpha_dT2_dzs, dV_dzs) def _dnz_derivatives_and_departures(self, V, n=True): try: if V == self.V_l: l = True else: l = False except: l = False if n: f = self._d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dn else: f = self._d_main_derivatives_and_departures_dz d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3P_dTdVdns = f(V) # Needed in calculation routines if l: (dP_dT, dP_dV, dV_dT, dV_dP, dT_dV, dT_dP, d2P_dT2, d2P_dV2, d2V_dT2, d2V_dP2, d2T_dV2, d2T_dP2, d2V_dPdT, d2P_dTdV, d2T_dPdV) = (self.dP_dT_l, self.dP_dV_l, self.dV_dT_l, self.dV_dP_l, self.dT_dV_l, self.dT_dP_l, self.d2P_dT2_l, self.d2P_dV2_l, self.d2V_dT2_l, self.d2V_dP2_l, self.d2T_dV2_l, self.d2T_dP2_l, self.d2V_dPdT_l, self.d2P_dTdV_l, self.d2T_dPdV_l) else: (dP_dT, dP_dV, dV_dT, dV_dP, dT_dV, dT_dP, d2P_dT2, d2P_dV2, d2V_dT2, d2V_dP2, d2T_dV2, d2T_dP2, d2V_dPdT, d2P_dTdV, d2T_dPdV) = (self.dP_dT_g, self.dP_dV_g, self.dV_dT_g, self.dV_dP_g, self.dT_dV_g, self.dT_dP_g, self.d2P_dT2_g, self.d2P_dV2_g, self.d2V_dT2_g, self.d2V_dP2_g, self.d2T_dV2_g, self.d2T_dP2_g, self.d2V_dPdT_g, self.d2P_dTdV_g, self.d2T_dPdV_g) d2V_dTdns = [] d2V_dPdns = [] d2T_dVdns = [] d2T_dPdns = [] d3T_dP2dns = [] d3V_dP2dns = [] d3T_dV2dns = [] d3V_dT2dns = [] d3T_dPdVdns = [] d3V_dPdTdns = [] for i in range(self.N): d2P_dTdn, d2P_dVdn, d3P_dT2dn, d3P_dV2dn, d3P_dTdVdn = ( d2P_dTdns[i], d2P_dVdns[i], d3P_dT2dns[i], d3P_dV2dns[i], d3P_dTdVdns[i]) # First derivative - one over the other d2V_dTdn = dP_dT*d2P_dVdn/dP_dV**2 - d2P_dTdn/dP_dV d2V_dTdns.append(d2V_dTdn) # dP_dT # f # dP_dV # g # Second derivative - one over the other d2V_dPdn = dV_dT*d2P_dTdn/dP_dT**2 - d2V_dTdn/dP_dT d2V_dPdns.append(d2V_dPdn) # f = dV_dT # g = dP_dT # Third derivative - inverse of other expression d2T_dVdn = -d2V_dTdn/dV_dT**2 d2T_dVdns.append(d2T_dVdn) # Fourth derivative - inverse of other expression d2T_dPdn = -d2P_dTdn/dP_dT**2 d2T_dPdns.append(d2T_dPdn) # Fifth derivative - starting to get big f = d2P_dT2 df = d3P_dT2dn g = dP_dT dg = d2P_dTdn d3T_dP2dn = 3*f*dg/g**4 - df/g**3 d3T_dP2dns.append(d3T_dP2dn) # Sixth derivative f = d2P_dV2 df = d3P_dV2dn g = dP_dV dg = d2P_dVdn d3V_dP2dn = 3*f*dg/g**4 - df/g**3 d3V_dP2dns.append(d3V_dP2dn) # Seventh - crazy f = d2P_dV2 df = d3P_dV2dn g = dP_dT dg = d2P_dTdn h = dP_dV dh = d2P_dVdn k = d2P_dTdV dk = d3P_dTdVdn j = d2P_dT2 dj = d3P_dT2dn d3T_dV2dn = (f*g**2*dg - g**3*df + 2*g**2*h*dk + 2*g**2*k*dh - g*h**2*dj - 4*g*h*k*dg - 2*g*h*j*dh + 3*h**2*j*dg)/g**4 d3T_dV2dns.append(d3T_dV2dn) # ekghth - crazy f = d2P_dT2 df = d3P_dT2dn g = dP_dV dg = d2P_dVdn h = dP_dT dh = d2P_dTdn k = d2P_dTdV dk = d3P_dTdVdn j = d2P_dV2 dj = d3P_dV2dn d3V_dT2dn = (f*g**2*dg - g**3*df + 2*g**2*h*dk + 2*g**2*k*dh - g*h**2*dj - 4*g*h*k*dg - 2*g*h*j*dh + 3*h**2*j*dg)/g**4 d3V_dT2dns.append(d3V_dT2dn) # nknth f = d2P_dTdV df = d3P_dTdVdn g = dP_dT dg = d2P_dTdn h = dP_dV dh = d2P_dVdn k = d2P_dT2 dk = d3P_dT2dn j = dP_dT dj = d2P_dTdn d3T_dPdVdn = 3*(f*g - h*k)*dj/j**4 - (f*dg + g*df - h*dk- k*dh)/j**3 d3T_dPdVdns.append(d3T_dPdVdn) # tenth f = d2P_dTdV df = d3P_dTdVdn g = dP_dV dg = d2P_dVdn h = dP_dT dh = d2P_dTdn k = d2P_dV2 dk = d3P_dV2dn j = dP_dV dj = d2P_dVdn d3V_dPdTdn = 3*(f*g - h*k)*dj/j**4 - (f*dg + g*df - h*dk- k*dh)/j**3 d3V_dPdTdns.append(d3V_dPdTdn) return (d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns, d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns, d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns, d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns, d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns)
[docs] def set_dnzs_derivatives_and_departures(self, n=True, x=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): r'''Sets a number of mole number and/or composition partial derivatives of thermodynamic partial derivatives. The list of properties set is as follows, with all properties suffixed with '_l' or '_g' if `n` is True: d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns, d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns, d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns, d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns, d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns, dV_dep_dns, dG_dep_dns, dH_dep_dns, dU_dep_dns, dS_dep_dns, dA_dep_dns if `x` is True: d2P_dTdzs, d2P_dVdzs, d2V_dTdzs, d2V_dPdzs, d2T_dVdzs, d2T_dPdzs, d3P_dT2dzs, d3P_dV2dzs, d3V_dT2dzs, d3V_dP2dzs, d3T_dV2dzs, d3T_dP2dzs, d3V_dPdTdzs, d3P_dTdVdzs, d3T_dPdVdzs, dV_dep_dzs, dG_dep_dzs, dH_dep_dzs, dU_dep_dzs, dS_dep_dzs, dA_dep_dzs Parameters ---------- n : bool, optional Whether or not to set the mole number derivatives (sums up to one), [-] x : bool, optional Whether or not to set the composition derivatives (does not sum up to one), [-] only_l : bool, optional Whether or not to set only the liquid-like phase properties (if there are two phases), [-] only_g : bool, optional Whether or not to set only the gas-like phase properties (if there are two phases), [-] Notes ----- ''' N = self.N zs = self.zs T, P = self.T, self.P if n and x: ns = [True, False] elif n: ns = [True] elif x: ns = [False] else: return if only_l: phases = ['l'] elif only_g: phases = ['g'] else: phases = ['l', 'g'] for n in ns: for phase in phases: if phase == 'g': Z, V = self.Z_g, self.V_g else: Z, V = self.Z_l, self.V_l if n: V_fun, G_fun, H_fun = self.dV_dns, self.dG_dep_dns, self.dH_dep_dns else: V_fun, G_fun, H_fun = self.dV_dzs, self.dG_dep_dzs, self.dH_dep_dzs (d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns, d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns, d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns, d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns, d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns) = self._dnz_derivatives_and_departures(V, n=n) # V dV_dep_dns = V_fun(Z) # G dG_dep_dns = G_fun(Z) # H dH_dep_dns = H_fun(Z) # U dU_dep_dns = [dH_dep_dns[i] - P*dV_dep_dns[i] for i in range(N)] # S dS_dep_dns = [(dG_dep_dns[i] - dH_dep_dns[i])/-T for i in range(N)] # A dA_dep_dns = [dU_dep_dns[i] - T*dS_dep_dns[i] for i in range(N)] if n and phase == 'l': self.d2P_dTdns_l, self.d2P_dVdns_l, self.d2V_dTdns_l = d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns self.d2V_dPdns_l, self.d2T_dVdns_l, self.d2T_dPdns_l = d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns self.d3P_dT2dns_l, self.d3P_dV2dns_l, self.d3V_dT2dns_l = d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns self.d3V_dP2dns_l, self.d3T_dV2dns_l, self.d3T_dP2dns_l = d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns self.d3V_dPdTdns_l, self.d3P_dTdVdns_l, self.d3T_dPdVdns_l = d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns self.dV_dep_dns_l, self.dG_dep_dns_l, self.dH_dep_dns_l = dV_dep_dns, dG_dep_dns, dH_dep_dns self.dU_dep_dns_l, self.dS_dep_dns_l, self.dA_dep_dns_l = dU_dep_dns, dS_dep_dns, dA_dep_dns if n and phase == 'g': self.d2P_dTdns_g, self.d2P_dVdns_g, self.d2V_dTdns_g = d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns self.d2V_dPdns_g, self.d2T_dVdns_g, self.d2T_dPdns_g = d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns self.d3P_dT2dns_g, self.d3P_dV2dns_g, self.d3V_dT2dns_g = d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns self.d3V_dP2dns_g, self.d3T_dV2dns_g, self.d3T_dP2dns_g = d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns self.d3V_dPdTdns_g, self.d3P_dTdVdns_g, self.d3T_dPdVdns_g = d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns self.dV_dep_dns_g, self.dG_dep_dns_g, self.dH_dep_dns_g = dV_dep_dns, dG_dep_dns, dH_dep_dns self.dU_dep_dns_g, self.dS_dep_dns_g, self.dA_dep_dns_g = dU_dep_dns, dS_dep_dns, dA_dep_dns if not n and phase == 'g': self.d2P_dTdzs_g, self.d2P_dVdzs_g, self.d2V_dTdzs_g = d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns self.d2V_dPdzs_g, self.d2T_dVdzs_g, self.d2T_dPdzs_g = d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns self.d3P_dT2dzs_g, self.d3P_dV2dzs_g, self.d3V_dT2dzs_g = d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns self.d3V_dP2dzs_g, self.d3T_dV2dzs_g, self.d3T_dP2dzs_g = d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns self.d3V_dPdTdzs_g, self.d3P_dTdVdzs_g, self.d3T_dPdVdzs_g = d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns self.dV_dep_dzs_g, self.dG_dep_dzs_g, self.dH_dep_dzs_g = dV_dep_dns, dG_dep_dns, dH_dep_dns self.dU_dep_dzs_g, self.dS_dep_dzs_g, self.dA_dep_dzs_g = dU_dep_dns, dS_dep_dns, dA_dep_dns if not n and phase == 'l': self.d2P_dTdzs_l, self.d2P_dVdzs_l, self.d2V_dTdzs_l = d2P_dTdns, d2P_dVdns, d2V_dTdns self.d2V_dPdzs_l, self.d2T_dVdzs_l, self.d2T_dPdzs_l = d2V_dPdns, d2T_dVdns, d2T_dPdns self.d3P_dT2dzs_l, self.d3P_dV2dzs_l, self.d3V_dT2dzs_l = d3P_dT2dns, d3P_dV2dns, d3V_dT2dns self.d3V_dP2dzs_l, self.d3T_dV2dzs_l, self.d3T_dP2dzs_l = d3V_dP2dns, d3T_dV2dns, d3T_dP2dns self.d3V_dPdTdzs_l, self.d3P_dTdVdzs_l, self.d3T_dPdVdzs_l = d3V_dPdTdns, d3P_dTdVdns, d3T_dPdVdns self.dV_dep_dzs_l, self.dG_dep_dzs_l, self.dH_dep_dzs_l = dV_dep_dns, dG_dep_dns, dH_dep_dns self.dU_dep_dzs_l, self.dS_dep_dzs_l, self.dA_dep_dzs_l = dU_dep_dns, dS_dep_dns, dA_dep_dns
[docs] def dlnphis_dP(self, phase): r'''Generic formula for calculating the pressure derivaitve of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. Normally this routine is slower than EOS-specific ones, as it does not make assumptions that certain parameters are zero or equal to other parameters. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial P}\right)_{T, nj \ne i} = \frac{G_{dep}}{\partial P}_{T, n} + \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ln \phi}{\partial P \partial n_i} \right)_{T, P, n_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- phase : str One of 'l' or 'g', [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dP : float Pressure derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [1/Pa] Notes ----- This expression for the partial derivative of the mixture `lnphi` with respect to pressure and mole number can be derived as follows; to convert to the partial molar `lnphi` pressure and temperature derivative, add ::math::`\frac{G_{dep}/(RT)}{\partial P}_{T, n}`. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, R, n = symbols('P, T, R, n') # doctest:+SKIP >>> a_alpha, a, delta, epsilon, V, b, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = symbols('a_alpha, a, delta, epsilon, V, b, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> S_dep = R*log(P*V(n, P)/(R*T)) + R*log(V(n, P)-b(n))+2*da_alpha_dT(n, T)*atanh((2*V(n, P)+delta(n))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n)))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n))-R*log(V(n, P)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> H_dep = P*V(n, P) - R*T + 2*atanh((2*V(n, P)+delta(n))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n)))*(da_alpha_dT(n, T)*T-a_alpha(n, T))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> G_dep = H_dep - T*S_dep # doctest:+SKIP >>> lnphi = simplify(G_dep/(R*T)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> diff(diff(lnphi, P), n) # doctest:+SKIP P*Derivative(V(n, P), P, n)/(R*T) + Derivative(V(n, P), P, n)/V(n, P) - Derivative(V(n, P), P)*Derivative(V(n, P), n)/V(n, P)**2 - Derivative(V(n, P), P, n)/(V(n, P) - b(n)) - (-Derivative(V(n, P), n) + Derivative(b(n), n))*Derivative(V(n, P), P)/(V(n, P) - b(n))**2 + Derivative(V(n, P), n)/(R*T) - 4*(-2*delta(n)*Derivative(delta(n), n) + 4*Derivative(epsilon(n), n))*a_alpha(n, T)*Derivative(V(n, P), P)/(R*T*(1 - (2*V(n, P)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)) + delta(n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)))**2)*(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n))**2) - 4*a_alpha(n, T)*Derivative(V(n, P), P, n)/(R*T*(1 - (2*V(n, P)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)) + delta(n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)))**2)*(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n))) - 4*Derivative(V(n, P), P)*Derivative(a_alpha(n, T), n)/(R*T*(1 - (2*V(n, P)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)) + delta(n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)))**2)*(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n))) - 4*(2*V(n, P)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)) + delta(n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)))*(4*(-delta(n)*Derivative(delta(n), n) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(n), n))*V(n, P)/(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n))**(3/2) + 2*(-delta(n)*Derivative(delta(n), n) + 2*Derivative(epsilon(n), n))*delta(n)/(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n))**(3/2) + 4*Derivative(V(n, P), n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)) + 2*Derivative(delta(n), n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)))*a_alpha(n, T)*Derivative(V(n, P), P)/(R*T*(1 - (2*V(n, P)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)) + delta(n)/sqrt(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n)))**2)**2*(delta(n)**2 - 4*epsilon(n))) + R*T*(P*Derivative(V(n, P), P)/(R*T) + V(n, P)/(R*T))*Derivative(V(n, P), n)/(P*V(n, P)**2) - R*T*(P*Derivative(V(n, P), P, n)/(R*T) + Derivative(V(n, P), n)/(R*T))/(P*V(n, P)) ''' if phase == 'g': V = self.V_g Z = self.Z_g dV_dP = self.dV_dP_g dG_dep_dP = (self.dH_dep_dP_g - self.T*self.dS_dep_dP_g)/(R*self.T) else: V = self.V_l Z = self.Z_l dV_dP = self.dV_dP_l dG_dep_dP = (self.dH_dep_dP_l - self.T*self.dS_dep_dP_l)/(R*self.T) T = self.T P = self.P dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns db_dns = self.db_dns d2V_dPdns = self._dnz_derivatives_and_departures(V)[3]# self.d2V_dPdn x0 = V x2 = 1/(R*T) x3 = 1/x0 x6 = dV_dP x8 = self.b x9 = x0 - x8 x10 = 1/P x11 = x12 = 2*x0 x13 = x11 + x12 x14 = self.epsilon x15 = x11**2 - 4*x14 try: x16 = 1/x15 except ZeroDivisionError: x16 = 1e50 x17 = x13**2*x16 - 1 x18 = 1/x17 x19 = self.a_alpha x20 = 4*x16 x21 = x2*x6 x22 = x18*x21 x25 = 8*x19*x16*x16 t50 = 1.0/(x0*x0) N = self.N dlnphis_dPs = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): # number dependent calculations x1 = dV_dns[i] # Derivative(x0, n) x7 = x1*t50 x4 = d2V_dPdns[i] #Derivative(x0, P, n) # TODO calculate only this - d2V_dPdn; the T one wants d2V_dTdn x5 = P*x4 x23 = ddelta_dns[i]# Derivative(x11, n) x24 = x11*x23 - 2.0*depsilon_dns[i]#Derivative(x14, n) x26 = x16*x24 dlnphi_dP = (x1*x2 - x10*x3*(x1 + x5) + x10*x7*(P*x6 + x0) - x13*x21*x25*(2*x1 - x11*x26 - x12*x26 + x23)/x17**2 + x18*x19*x2*x20*x4 + x2*x5 + x20*x22*da_alpha_dns[i] - x22*x24*x25 + x3*x4 - x4/x9 - x6*x7 + x6*(x1 - db_dns[i])/x9**2) dlnphis_dPs[i] = (dlnphi_dP + dG_dep_dP) return dlnphis_dPs
[docs] def dlnphis_dT(self, phase): r'''Generic formula for calculating the temperature derivaitve of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. Normally this routine is slower than EOS-specific ones, as it does not make assumptions that certain parameters are zero or equal to other parameters. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial T}\right)_{P, nj \ne i} = \frac{\frac{G_{dep}}{RT}}{\partial T}_{P, n} + \left(\frac{\partial^2 \ln \phi}{\partial T \partial n_i} \right)_{P, n_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- phase : str One of 'l' or 'g', [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dT : float Temperature derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [1/K] Notes ----- This expression for the partial derivative of the mixture `lnphi` with respect to pressure and mole number can be derived as follows; to convert to the partial molar `lnphi` pressure and temperature derivative, add ::math::`\frac{G_{dep}/(RT)}{\partial T}_{P, n}`. >>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP >>> P, T, R, n = symbols('P, T, R, n') # doctest:+SKIP >>> a_alpha, a, delta, epsilon, V, b, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = symbols('a_alpha, a, delta, epsilon, V, b, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2', cls=Function) # doctest:+SKIP >>> S_dep = R*log(P*V(n, T)/(R*T)) + R*log(V(n, T)-b(n))+2*da_alpha_dT(n, T)*atanh((2*V(n, T)+delta(n))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n)))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n))-R*log(V(n, T)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> H_dep = P*V(n, T) - R*T + 2*atanh((2*V(n, T)+delta(n))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n)))*(da_alpha_dT(n, T)*T-a_alpha(n, T))/sqrt(delta(n)**2-4*epsilon(n)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> G_dep = H_dep - T*S_dep # doctest:+SKIP >>> lnphi = simplify(G_dep/(R*T)) # doctest:+SKIP >>> diff(diff(lnphi, T), n) # doctest:+SKIP ''' T, P, zs, N = self.T, self.P, self.zs, self.N if phase == 'g': V = self.V_g Z = self.Z_g dV_dT = self.dV_dT_g dG_dep_dT = (-T*self.dS_dep_dT_g - self.S_dep_g + self.dH_dep_dT_g)/(R*self.T) dG_dep_dT -= (-T*self.S_dep_g + self.H_dep_g)/(R*self.T*self.T) else: V = self.V_l Z = self.Z_l dV_dT = self.dV_dT_l dG_dep_dT = (-T*self.dS_dep_dT_l - self.S_dep_l + self.dH_dep_dT_l)/(R*self.T) dG_dep_dT -= (-T*self.S_dep_l + self.H_dep_l)/(R*self.T*self.T) """R, T = symbols('R, T') H, S = symbols('H, S', cls=Function) print(diff((H(T) - T*S(T))/(R*T), T)) # (-T*Derivative(S(T), T) - S(T) + Derivative(H(T), T))/(R*T) - (-T*S(T) + H(T))/(R*T**2) """ d2V_dTdns = self._dnz_derivatives_and_departures(V, n=True)[2] dV_dns = self.dV_dns(Z) db_dns = self.db_dns da_alpha_dns = self.da_alpha_dns da_alpha_dT_dns = self.da_alpha_dT_dns ddelta_dns = self.ddelta_dns depsilon_dns = self.depsilon_dns x0 = V x1 = 1/x0 x4 = T**(-2) x5 = 1/R x6 = P*x5 x7 = 1/T x9 = dV_dT x11 = self.b x12 = x0 - x11 x13 = self.a_alpha x15 = x16 = self.epsilon x17 = x15*x15 - 4.0*x16 if x17 == 0.0: x17 = 1e-100 x18 = 1/sqrt(x17) x19 = 2*x0 x20 = x15 + x19 x21 = 2*x5 x22 = x21*catanh(x18*x20).real x23 = x18*x22 x24 = 1/x17 x25 = x20**2*x24 - 1 x26 = 1/x25 x27 = x24*x26 x28 = 4*x27*x5 x29 = x7*x9 x30 = x13*x4 x34 = x7*self.da_alpha_dT x35 = 8*x13*x29*x5/x17**2 dlnphis_dTs = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): x2 = d2V_dTdns[i] x8 = x2*x7 x3 = dV_dns[i] x10 = x3/x0**2 x14 = da_alpha_dns[i] x31 = ddelta_dns[i] x32 = x15*x31 - 2.0*depsilon_dns[i] x33 = x22*x32/x17**(3/2) x36 = x24*x32 x37 = -x15*x36 - x19*x36 + 2.0*x3 + x31 x38 = x21*x27*x37 dlnphi_dT = (x1*x2 - x1*(x2 - x3*x7) - x10*x9 + x10*(-x0*x7 + x9) + x13*x28*x8 + x14*x23*x4 + x14*x28*x29 - x20*x35*x37/x25**2 - x23*x7*da_alpha_dT_dns[i] - x26*x32*x35 - x3*x4*x6 - x30*x33 - x30*x38 + x33*x34 + x34*x38 + x6*x8 - x2/x12 + x9*(x3 - db_dns[i])/x12**2) dlnphis_dTs[i] = dlnphi_dT + dG_dep_dT return dlnphis_dTs
[docs] def dlnphis_dzs(self, Z): r'''Generic formula for calculating the mole fraction derivaitves of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to all cubic equations of state which can be cast in the form used here. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial z_i}\right)_{P, z_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dzs : list[list[float]] Mole fraction derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species (such that the mole fractions do not sum to 1), [-] Notes ----- ''' d2dxs = self.d2lnphi_dzizjs(Z) d2ns = d2xs_to_dxdn_partials(d2dxs, self.zs) return array(d2ns) if self.vectorized else d2ns
[docs]class EpsilonZeroMixingRules: @property def depsilon_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \epsilon}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = 0 Returns ------- depsilon_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' return zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N @property def depsilon_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \epsilon}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 0 Returns ------- depsilon_dns : list[float] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^3] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' return zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N @property def d2epsilon_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives (hessian) of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \epsilon}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2epsilon_dzizjs : list[list[float]] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] @property def d2epsilon_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second mole number derivatives (hessian) of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \epsilon}{\partial n_i n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2epsilon_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^4] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] @property def d3epsilon_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \epsilon}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d3epsilon_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^5] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]
# # Python 2/3 compatibility # try: # eos.__dict__['d3epsilon_dninjnks'] = d3epsilon_dninjnks # eos.__dict__['d2epsilon_dninjs'] = d2epsilon_dninjs # eos.__dict__['d2epsilon_dzizjs'] = d2epsilon_dzizjs # eos.__dict__['depsilon_dns'] = depsilon_dns # eos.__dict__['depsilon_dzs'] = depsilon_dzs # except: # setattr(eos, 'd3epsilon_dninjnks', d3epsilon_dninjnks) # setattr(eos, 'd2epsilon_dninjs', d2epsilon_dninjs) # setattr(eos, 'd2epsilon_dzizjs', d2epsilon_dzizjs) # setattr(eos, 'depsilon_dns', depsilon_dns) # setattr(eos, 'depsilon_dzs', depsilon_dzs)
[docs]class PSRKMixingRules: u = 1.1 A = -0.6466271649250525 # log(1.1/(1.1+1)) A_inv = 1.0/A
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives(self, T, full=True, quick=True, pure_a_alphas=True): r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second derivatives for an EOS with the PSRK mixing rules. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. For use in some methods, this returns only `a_alpha` if `full` is False. .. math:: \alpha = bRT \left[ \sum_i \frac{z_i \alpha_i}{b_i RT} + \frac{1}{A}\left(\frac{G^E}{RT} + \sum_i z_i \ln \left(\frac{b}{b_i}\right) \right)\right] .. math:: \frac{\partial \alpha}{\partial T} = RTb\left[ \sum_i \left(\frac{z_i \frac{\partial \alpha_i}{\partial T}}{RTb_i} -\frac{z_i\alpha_i}{RT^2b_i} \right) + \frac{1}{A}\left(\frac{\frac{\partial G^E}{\partial T}}{RT} - \frac{G^E}{RT^2} \right) \right] + \frac{\alpha}{T} .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \alpha}{\partial T^2} = b\left[\sum_i \left(\frac{z_i\frac{\partial^2 \alpha_i}{\partial T^2}}{b_i} - \frac{2z_i \frac{\partial \alpha_i}{\partial T}}{T b_i} + \frac{2z_i\alpha_i}{T^2 b_i} \right) + \frac{2}{T}\left[\sum_i \left(\frac{z_i\frac{\partial \alpha_i} {\partial T}}{b_i} - \frac{z_i \alpha_i}{T b_i} \right) + \frac{1}{A}\left(\frac{\partial G^E}{\partial T} - \frac{G^E}{T} \right) \right] + \frac{1}{A}\left( \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial T^2} - \frac{2}{T} \frac{\partial G^E}{\partial T} + 2\frac{G^E}{T^2} \right) \right] Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] full : bool, optional If False, calculates and returns only `a_alpha` quick : bool, optional Only the quick variant is implemented; it is little faster anyhow pure_a_alphas : bool, optional Whether or not to recalculate the a_alpha terms of pure components (for the case of mixtures only) which stay the same as the composition changes (i.e in a PT flash), [-] Returns ------- a_alpha : float Coefficient calculated by PSRK-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dT : float Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by PSRK-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by PSRK-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] Notes ----- ''' if pure_a_alphas: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = self.a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T) self.a_alphas, self.da_alpha_dTs, self.d2a_alpha_dT2s = a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s else: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = self.a_alphas, self.da_alpha_dTs, self.d2a_alpha_dT2s b, zs, bs = self.b, self.zs, ge_model = self.ge_model if T != ge_model.T: # TODO make sure this gets set when solve_T is called ge_model = ge_model.to_T_xs(T, zs) self._last_ge = ge_model GE = ge_model.GE() if full: dGE_dT = ge_model.dGE_dT() d2GE_dT2 = ge_model.d2GE_dT2() T_inv = 1.0/T T2_inv = T_inv*T_inv RT_inv = R_inv*T_inv RT2_inv = R_inv*T2_inv A_inv = self.A_inv N = self.N tot0, tot1, d1tot, d2tot, other = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 if full: for i in range(N): bi_inv = 1.0/bs[i] # Main component tot0 += zs[i]*a_alphas[i]*bi_inv*RT_inv tot1 += zs[i]*log(b*bi_inv) d1tot += zs[i]*da_alpha_dTs[i]*RT_inv*bi_inv - zs[i]*a_alphas[i]*RT2_inv*bi_inv # TODO go back to just using d1tot # TODO optimize all of this other += zs[i]*da_alpha_dTs[i]*bi_inv - zs[i]*a_alphas[i]*bi_inv*T_inv d2tot += (zs[i]*d2a_alpha_dT2s[i]*bi_inv - 2.0*zs[i]*da_alpha_dTs[i]*T_inv*bi_inv + 2.0*zs[i]*a_alphas[i]*T2_inv*bi_inv) else: for i in range(N): bi_inv = 1.0/bs[i] tot0 += zs[i]*a_alphas[i]*bi_inv*RT_inv tot1 += zs[i]*log(b*bi_inv) a_alpha = R*T*b*(tot0 + A_inv*(GE*RT_inv + tot1)) if full: da_alpha_dT = R*T*b*(d1tot + A_inv*(dGE_dT*RT_inv - GE*RT2_inv)) + a_alpha*T_inv d2a_alpha_dT2 = b*(d2tot + 2.0*T_inv*(other + A_inv*(dGE_dT - GE*T_inv)) + A_inv*(d2GE_dT2 - 2.0*T_inv*dGE_dT + 2.0*GE*T2_inv)) return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 return a_alpha
def solve_T(self, P, V, quick=True, solution=None): T = GCEOS.solve_T(self, P, V, solution=solution) if hasattr(self, '_last_ge') and self._last_ge.T == T: self.ge_model = self._last_ge del self._last_ge else: self.ge_model = self.ge_model.to_T_xs(T, self.zs) return T @property def da_alpha_dzs(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def da_alpha_dns(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def dna_alpha_dns(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def d2a_alpha_dzizjs(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def d2a_alpha_dninjs(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def d3a_alpha_dzizjzks(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def d3a_alpha_dninjnks(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def da_alpha_dT_dzs(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def da_alpha_dT_dns(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def dna_alpha_dT_dns(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def d2a_alpha_dT2_dzs(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO") @property def d2a_alpha_dT2_dns(self): raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
[docs]class IGMIX(EpsilonZeroMixingRules, GCEOSMIX, IG): r'''Class for solving the ideal gas [1]_ [2]_ equation of state for a mixture of any number of compounds. Subclasses :obj:`thermo.eos.IG`. Solves the EOS on initialization. Two of `T`, `P`, and `V` are needed to solve the EOS. .. math:: P =\frac{RT}{V} Parameters ---------- zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of all species, [-] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] V : float, optional Molar volume, [m^3/mol] Tcs : list[float], optional Critical temperatures of all compounds, [K] Pcs : list[float], optional Critical pressures of all compounds, [Pa] omegas : list[float], optional Acentric factors of all compounds - Not used in this equation of state!, [-] kijs : list[list[float]], optional n*n size list of lists with binary interaction parameters for the Van der Waals mixing rules, default all 0 and not used[-] fugacities : bool, optional Whether or not to calculate fugacity related values (phis, log phis, and fugacities); default True, [-] only_l : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] only_g : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] Examples -------- T-P initialization, nitrogen-methane at 115 K and 1 MPa: >>> eos = IGMIX(T=115, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, .008], zs=[0.5, 0.5]) >>> eos.phase, eos.V_g ('g', 0.0009561632010876225) Notes ----- Many properties of this object are zero. Many of the arguments are not used and are provided for consistency only. References ---------- .. [1] Walas, Stanley M. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985. .. [2] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. ''' eos_pure = IG a_alphas = None da_alpha_dTs = None d2a_alpha_dT2s = None nonstate_constants_specific = () kwargs_keys = ('kijs',) model_id = 0 def _zeros1d(self): return self.zeros1d def _zeros2d(self): return self.zeros2d def _zeros3d(self): N = self.N return zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] @property def a_alpha_roots(self): return self.zeros1d @property def a_alpha_j_rows(self): return self.zeros1d @property def ddelta_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \delta}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = 0 Returns ------- ddelta_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol] ''' return self.zeros1d @property def ddelta_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \delta}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 0 Returns ------- ddelta_dns : list[float] Mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^2] ''' return self.zeros1d @property def depsilon_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \epsilon}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = 0 Returns ------- depsilon_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] ''' return self.zeros1d @property def depsilon_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \epsilon}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 0 Returns ------- depsilon_dns : list[float] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^3] ''' return self.zeros1d @property def d2delta_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives (hessian) of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \delta}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2delta_dzizjs : list[float] Second Composition derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol] ''' return self.zeros2d @property def d2delta_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second mole number derivatives (hessian) of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \delta}{\partial n_i \partial n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2delta_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^3] ''' return self.zeros2d @property def d2epsilon_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives (hessian) of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \epsilon}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2epsilon_dzizjs : list[list[float]] Second composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] ''' return self.zeros2d @property def d2epsilon_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second mole number derivatives (hessian) of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \epsilon}{\partial n_i n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2epsilon_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second mole number derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^4] ''' return self.zeros2d @property def d3delta_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \delta}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d3delta_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^4] ''' return self._zeros3d() @property def d3epsilon_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \epsilon}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 0 Returns ------- d3epsilon_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^5] ''' return self._zeros3d() def __init__(self, zs, T=None, P=None, V=None, Tcs=None, Pcs=None, omegas=None, kijs=None, fugacities=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): self.N = N = len(zs) self.Tcs = Tcs self.Pcs = Pcs self.omegas = omegas self.zs = zs self.vectorized = vectorized = type(zs) is ndarray if vectorized: self.zeros2d = zeros2d = zeros((N, N)) else: self.zeros2d = zeros2d = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if kijs is None: kijs = zeros2d self.kijs = kijs self.one_minus_kijs = one_minus_kijs(kijs) self.kwargs = {'kijs': kijs} self.T = T self.P = P self.V = V self.b = 0.0 = self.ais = self.zeros1d = self.a_alphas = self.da_alpha_dTs = self.d2a_alpha_dT2s = zeros2d[0] self.solve(only_l=only_l, only_g=only_g) if fugacities: self.fugacities() def _fast_init_specific(self, other): = self.ais = other.ais self.b = other.b self.zeros1d = self.a_alphas = self.da_alpha_dTs = self.d2a_alpha_dT2s = other.zeros1d self.zeros2d = other.zeros2d
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` for the Ideal Gas EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. .. math:: a\alpha = 0 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- a_alphas : list[float] Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] ''' return self.zeros1d
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` and their first and second derivatives for the Ideal Gas EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. .. math:: a\alpha = 0 .. math:: \frac{d a\alpha}{dT} = 0 .. math:: \frac{d^2 a\alpha}{dT^2} = 0 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- a_alphas : list[float] Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dTs : list[float] Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float] Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] ''' return self.zeros1d, self.zeros1d, self.zeros1d
def a_alpha_and_derivatives(self, T, full=True, quick=True, pure_a_alphas=True): # Saves time if full: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 return 0.0 try: a_alpha_and_derivatives.__doc__ = GCEOSMIX.a_alpha_and_derivatives.__doc__ except: pass def fugacity_coefficients(self, Z): r'''Calculate and return the fugacity coefficients of the ideal-gas phase (0 by definition). Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- log_phis : float Log fugacity coefficient for each species, [-] ''' return self.zeros1d def dlnphis_dT(self, phase): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivative of fugacity coefficients of the ideal-gas phase (0 by definition). Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dT : float Temperature derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [1/K] ''' return self.zeros1d def dlnphis_dP(self, phase): r'''Calculate and return the pressure derivative of fugacity coefficients of the ideal-gas phase (0 by definition). Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dP : float Pressure derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [1/Pa] ''' return self.zeros1d @property def a_alpha_ijs(self): return self.zeros2d try: a_alpha_ijs.__doc__ = GCEOSMIX.a_alpha_ijs.__doc__ except: pass @property def da_alpha_dT_ijs(self): return self.zeros2d try: da_alpha_dT_ijs.__doc__ = GCEOSMIX.da_alpha_dT_ijs.__doc__ except: pass @property def d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs(self): return self.zeros2d try: d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs.__doc__ = GCEOSMIX.d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs.__doc__ except: pass
[docs]class RKMIX(EpsilonZeroMixingRules, GCEOSMIX, RK): r'''Class for solving the Redlich Kwong [1]_ [2]_ cubic equation of state for a mixture of any number of compounds. Subclasses :obj:`thermo.eos.RK` . Solves the EOS on initialization and calculates fugacities for all components in all phases. Two of `T`, `P`, and `V` are needed to solve the EOS. .. math:: P =\frac{RT}{V-b}-\frac{a}{V\sqrt{T}(V+b)} .. math:: a = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {a}_{ij} .. math:: b = \sum_i z_i b_i .. math:: a_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{a_{i}a_{j}} .. math:: a_i =\left(\frac{R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{9(\sqrt[3]{2}-1)P_{c,i}} \right) =\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}} .. math:: b_i=\left( \frac{(\sqrt[3]{2}-1)}{3}\right)\frac{RT_{c,i}}{P_{c,i}} =\frac{0.08664\cdot R T_{c,i}}{P_{c,i}} Parameters ---------- Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all compounds, [K] Pcs : list[float] Critical pressures of all compounds, [Pa] zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of all species, [-] kijs : list[list[float]], optional n*n size list of lists with binary interaction parameters for the Van der Waals mixing rules, default all 0 [-] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] V : float, optional Molar volume, [m^3/mol] omegas : list[float], optional Acentric factors of all compounds - Not used in this equation of state!, [-] fugacities : bool, optional Whether or not to calculate fugacity related values (phis, log phis, and fugacities); default True, [-] only_l : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] only_g : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] Examples -------- T-P initialization, nitrogen-methane at 115 K and 1 MPa: >>> eos = RKMIX(T=115, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], zs=[0.5, 0.5], kijs=[[0,0],[0,0]]) >>> eos.V_l, eos.V_g (4.048414781e-05, 0.00070060605863) Notes ----- The PV solution for `T` is iterative. References ---------- .. [1] Walas, Stanley M. Phase Equilibria in Chemical Engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann, 1985. .. [2] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. ''' eos_pure = RK kwargs_keys = ('kijs',) model_id = 10002 def __init__(self, Tcs, Pcs, zs, omegas=None, kijs=None, T=None, P=None, V=None, fugacities=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): self.N = N = len(Tcs) cmps = range(N) self.Tcs = Tcs self.Pcs = Pcs self.omegas = omegas self.zs = zs self.vectorized = vectorized = type(zs) is ndarray if kijs is None: if vectorized: kijs = zeros((N, N)) else: kijs = [[0.0]*N for i in cmps] self.kijs = kijs self.one_minus_kijs = one_minus_kijs(kijs) self.kwargs = {'kijs': kijs} self.T = T self.P = P self.V = V c1R2_c2R, c2R = self.c1R2_c2R, self.c2R if vectorized: = bs = c2R*Tcs/Pcs self.ais = c1R2_c2R*Tcs*bs b = float((bs*zs).sum()) else: = bs = [c2R*Tcs[i]/Pcs[i] for i in cmps] self.ais = [c1R2_c2R*Tcs[i]*bs[i] for i in cmps] b = 0.0 for i in cmps: b += bs[i]*zs[i] self.b = = b self.solve(only_l=only_l, only_g=only_g) if fugacities: self.fugacities() def _fast_init_specific(self, other): b = 0.0 if self.vectorized: b = float((*self.zs).sum()) else: for bi, zi in zip(, self.zs): b += bi*zi self.b = = b
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` for the RK EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. .. math:: a\alpha = \frac{a}{\sqrt{\frac{T}{Tc}}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- a_alphas : list[float] Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] Examples -------- >>> eos = RKMIX(T=115, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.5, 0.5], kijs=[[0,0],[0,0]]) >>> eos.a_alphas_vectorized(115) [0.1449810919468, 0.30019773677] ''' return RK_a_alphas_vectorized(T, self.Tcs, self.ais, a_alphas=zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N)
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` and their first and second derivatives for the RK EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. .. math:: a\alpha = \frac{a}{\sqrt{\frac{T}{Tc}}} .. math:: \frac{d a\alpha}{dT} = - \frac{a}{2 T\sqrt{\frac{T}{Tc}}} .. math:: \frac{d^2 a\alpha}{dT^2} = \frac{3 a}{4 T^{2}\sqrt{\frac{T}{Tc}}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- a_alphas : list[float] Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dTs : list[float] Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float] Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] Examples -------- >>> eos = RKMIX(T=115, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.5, 0.5], kijs=[[0,0],[0,0]]) >>> eos.a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(115) ([0.1449810919468, 0.30019773677], [-0.000630352573681, -0.00130520755121], [8.2219900915e-06, 1.7024446320e-05]) ''' N = self.N if self.vectorized: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = zeros(N), zeros(N), zeros(N) else: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N return RK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, self.Tcs, self.ais, a_alphas=a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs=da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s=d2a_alpha_dT2s)
def solve_T(self, P, V, solution=None): if self.N == 1 and type(self) is RKMIX: self.Tc = self.Tcs[0] self.Pc = self.Pcs[0] self.a = self.ais[0] T = super(type(self).__mro__[-4], self).solve_T(P=P, V=V, solution=solution) del self.Tc del self.Pc del self.a return T else: return super(type(self).__mro__[-3], self).solve_T(P=P, V=V, solution=solution) @property def ddelta_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \delta}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = b_i Returns ------- ddelta_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' return @property def ddelta_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \delta}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = (b_i - b) Returns ------- ddelta_dns : list[float] Mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' b = self.b return - b if self.vectorized else [(bi - b) for bi in] @property def d2delta_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives (hessian) of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \delta}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2delta_dzizjs : list[float] Second Composition derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] @property def d2delta_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second mole number derivatives (hessian) of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \delta}{\partial n_i \partial n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = 2b - b_i - b_j Returns ------- d2delta_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^3] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' return self.d2b_dninjs @property def d3delta_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \delta}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 2(-3b + b_i + b_j + b_k) Returns ------- d3delta_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^4] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N out = zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N) ] for _ in range(N)] return RK_d3delta_dninjnks(self.b,, N, out)
[docs]class PRMIX(GCEOSMIX, PR): r'''Class for solving the Peng-Robinson [1]_ [2]_ cubic equation of state for a mixture of any number of compounds. Subclasses `PR`. Solves the EOS on initialization and calculates fugacities for all components in all phases. Two of `T`, `P`, and `V` are needed to solve the EOS. .. math:: P = \frac{RT}{v-b}-\frac{a\alpha(T)}{v(v+b)+b(v-b)} .. math:: a \alpha = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {(a\alpha)}_{ij} .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} .. math:: b = \sum_i z_i b_i .. math:: a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}} .. math:: b_i=0.07780\frac{RT_{c,i}}{P_{c,i}} .. math:: \alpha(T)_i=[1+\kappa_i(1-\sqrt{T_{r,i}})]^2 .. math:: \kappa_i=0.37464+1.54226\omega_i-0.26992\omega^2_i Parameters ---------- Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all compounds, [K] Pcs : list[float] Critical pressures of all compounds, [Pa] omegas : list[float] Acentric factors of all compounds, [-] zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of all species, [-] kijs : list[list[float]], optional n*n size list of lists with binary interaction parameters for the Van der Waals mixing rules, default all 0 [-] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] V : float, optional Molar volume, [m^3/mol] fugacities : bool, optional Whether or not to calculate fugacity related values (phis, log phis, and fugacities); default True, [-] only_l : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] only_g : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] Examples -------- T-P initialization, nitrogen-methane at 115 K and 1 MPa: >>> eos = PRMIX(T=115, P=1E6, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.5, 0.5], kijs=[[0,0],[0,0]]) >>> eos.V_l, eos.V_g (3.6257362939e-05, 0.00070066592313) >>> eos.fugacities_l, eos.fugacities_g ([793860.83821, 73468.552253], [436530.92470, 358114.63827]) Notes ----- For P-V initializations, a numerical solver is used to find T. References ---------- .. [1] Peng, Ding-Yu, and Donald B. Robinson. "A New Two-Constant Equation of State." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 15, no. 1 (February 1, 1976): 59-64. doi:10.1021/i160057a011. .. [2] Robinson, Donald B., Ding-Yu Peng, and Samuel Y-K Chung. "The Development of the Peng - Robinson Equation and Its Application to Phase Equilibrium in a System Containing Methanol." Fluid Phase Equilibria 24, no. 1 (January 1, 1985): 25-41. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(85)87035-7. ''' eos_pure = PR nonstate_constants_specific = ('kappas', ) kwargs_keys = ('kijs',) model_id = 10200 eos_slots = ('V_l', 'Z_l', 'PIP_l', 'dP_dT_l', 'dP_dV_l', 'dV_dT_l', 'dV_dP_l', 'dT_dV_l', 'dT_dP_l', 'd2P_dT2_l', 'd2P_dV2_l', 'd2P_dTdV_l', 'H_dep_l', 'S_dep_l', 'G_dep_l', 'Cp_dep_l', 'Cv_dep_l', 'T', 'P', 'V', 'b', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'a_alpha', 'da_alpha_dT', 'd2a_alpha_dT2', 'raw_volumes', 'V_g', 'Z_g', 'PIP_g', 'dP_dT_g', 'dP_dV_g', 'dV_dT_g', 'dV_dP_g', 'dT_dV_g', 'dT_dP_g', 'd2P_dT2_g', 'd2P_dV2_g', 'd2P_dTdV_g', 'H_dep_g', 'S_dep_g', 'G_dep_g', 'Cp_dep_g', 'Cv_dep_g', 'phase', 'kwargs',) eos_mix_slots = ('lnphis_l', 'phis_l', 'fugacities_l', 'N', 'Tcs', 'Pcs', 'omegas', 'zs', 'vectorized', 'kijs', 'one_minus_kijs', 'bs', 'bs', 'ais', 'a_alphas', 'da_alpha_dTs', 'd2a_alpha_dT2s', 'a_alpha_roots', 'a_alpha_j_rows', 'da_alpha_dT_j_rows', 'lnphis_g', 'phis_g', 'fugacities_g') __slots__ = ('kappas',) + eos_slots + eos_mix_slots def __init__(self, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, zs, kijs=None, T=None, P=None, V=None, fugacities=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): self.N = N = len(Tcs) cmps = range(N) self.Tcs = Tcs self.Pcs = Pcs self.omegas = omegas self.zs = zs self.vectorized = vectorized = type(zs) is ndarray if kijs is None: if vectorized: kijs = zeros((N, N)) else: kijs = [[0.0]*N for i in cmps] self.kijs = kijs self.one_minus_kijs = one_minus_kijs(kijs) self.kwargs = {'kijs': kijs} self.T = T self.P = P self.V = V # optimization, unfortunately c1R2_c2R, c2R = self.c1R2_c2R, self.c2R # Also tried to store the inverse of Pcs, without success - slows it down self.vectorized = vectorized = type(Tcs) is ndarray if vectorized: = bs = c2R*Tcs/Pcs self.ais = c1R2_c2R*Tcs*bs self.kappas = omegas*(-0.26992*omegas + 1.54226) + 0.37464 b = float((bs*zs).sum()) else: = bs = [c2R*Tcs[i]/Pcs[i] for i in cmps] self.ais = [c1R2_c2R*Tcs[i]*bs[i] for i in cmps] self.kappas = [omega*(-0.26992*omega + 1.54226) + 0.37464 for omega in omegas] b = 0.0 for i in cmps: b += bs[i]*zs[i] self.b = b = 2.0*b self.epsilon = -b*b self.solve(only_l=only_l, only_g=only_g) if fugacities: self.fugacities() def _fast_init_specific(self, other): if self.vectorized: b = float(prodsum(, self.zs)) else: b = 0.0 for bi, zi in zip(, self.zs): b += bi*zi self.kappas, self.b,, self.epsilon = other.kappas, b, 2.0*b, -b*b
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` for the PR EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. .. math:: a\alpha = a \left(\kappa \left(- \frac{T^{0.5}}{Tc^{0.5}} + 1\right) + 1\right)^{2} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- a_alphas : list[float] Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] ''' return PR_a_alphas_vectorized(T, self.Tcs, self.ais, self.kappas, a_alphas=zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N)
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` and their first and second derivatives for the PR EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. .. math:: a\alpha = a \left(\kappa \left(- \frac{T^{0.5}}{Tc^{0.5}} + 1\right) + 1\right)^{2} .. math:: \frac{d a\alpha}{dT} = - \frac{1.0 a \kappa}{T^{0.5} Tc^{0.5}} \left(\kappa \left(- \frac{T^{0.5}}{Tc^{0.5}} + 1\right) + 1\right) .. math:: \frac{d^2 a\alpha}{dT^2} = 0.5 a \kappa \left(- \frac{1}{T^{1.5} Tc^{0.5}} \left(\kappa \left(\frac{T^{0.5}}{Tc^{0.5}} - 1\right) - 1\right) + \frac{\kappa}{T^{1.0} Tc^{1.0}}\right) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- a_alphas : list[float] Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dTs : list[float] Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float] Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] ''' N = self.N if self.vectorized: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = zeros(N), zeros(N), zeros(N) else: a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N return PR_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, self.Tcs, self.ais, self.kappas, a_alphas=a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs=da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s=d2a_alpha_dT2s)
@property def d3a_alpha_dT3(self): r'''Method to calculate approximately the third temperature derivative of `a_alpha` for the PR EOS. A rigorous calculation has not been implemented. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- d3a_alpha_dT3 : float Third temperature derivative :math:`a \alpha`, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K^3] ''' try: return self._d3a_alpha_dT3 except AttributeError: pass tot = 0.0 zs = self.zs vs = self.d3a_alpha_dT3_vectorized(self.T) if self.vectorized: tot += float(dot(zs, vs)) else: for i in range(self.N): tot += zs[i]*vs[i] self._d3a_alpha_dT3 = tot return tot
[docs] def d3a_alpha_dT3_vectorized(self, T): r'''Method to calculate the third temperature derivative of pure-component `a_alphas` for the PR EOS. This vectorized implementation is added for extra speed. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- d3a_alpha_dT3s : list[float] Third temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K^3] ''' ais, kappas, Tcs = self.ais, self.kappas, self.Tcs T_inv = 1.0/T N = self.N d3a_alpha_dT3s = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): kappa = kappas[i] x0 = 1.0/Tcs[i] x1 = sqrt(T*x0) v = (-ais[i]*0.75*kappa*(kappa*x0 - x1*(kappa*(x1 - 1.0) - 1.0)*T_inv)*T_inv*T_inv) d3a_alpha_dT3s[i] = v return d3a_alpha_dT3s
[docs] def fugacity_coefficients(self, Z): r'''Literature formula for calculating fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. Verified numerically. Applicable to most derivatives of the Peng-Robinson equation of state as well. Called by :obj:`fugacities <GCEOSMIX.fugacities>` on initialization, or by a solver routine which is performing a flash calculation. .. math:: \ln \hat \phi_i = \frac{B_i}{B}(Z-1)-\ln(Z-B) + \frac{A}{2\sqrt{2}B} \left[\frac{B_i}{B} - \frac{2}{a\alpha}\sum_i y_i(a\alpha)_{ij}\right] \ln\left[\frac{Z + (1+\sqrt{2})B}{Z-(\sqrt{2}-1)B}\right] .. math:: A = \frac{(a\alpha)P}{R^2 T^2} .. math:: B = \frac{b P}{RT} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- log_phis : float Log fugacity coefficient for each species, [-] ''' N = self.N return PR_lnphis(self.T, self.P, Z, self.b, self.a_alpha,, self.a_alpha_j_rows, N, lnphis=zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N) a_alpha = self.a_alpha # a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs T_inv = 1.0/self.T bs, b =, self.b P_T = self.P*T_inv A = a_alpha*P_T*R2_inv*T_inv B = b*P_T*R_inv # The two log terms need to use a complex log; typically these are # calculated at "liquid" volume solutions which are unstable # and cannot exist try: x0 = log(Z - B) except ValueError: # less than zero x0 = 0.0 root_two_B = B*root_two two_root_two_B = root_two_B + root_two_B ZB = Z + B try: x4 = A*log((ZB + root_two_B)/(ZB - root_two_B)) except ValueError: # less than zero x4 = 0.0 a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows try: t50 = 2.0*x4/(a_alpha*two_root_two_B) except ZeroDivisionError: return [0.0]*self.N t51 = (x4 + (Z - 1.0)*two_root_two_B)/(b*two_root_two_B) if self.vectorized: return bs*t51 - x0 - t50*a_alpha_j_rows else: return [bs[i]*t51 - x0 - t50*a_alpha_j_rows[i] for i in range(self.N)]
[docs] def dlnphis_dT(self, phase): r'''Formula for calculating the temperature derivaitve of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture for the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Verified numerically. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial T}\right)_{P, nj \ne i} Parameters ---------- phase : str One of 'l' or 'g', [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dT : float Temperature derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [1/K] Notes ----- This expression was derived using SymPy and optimized with the `cse` technique. ''' zs = self.zs if phase == 'g': Z = self.Z_g dZ_dT = self.dZ_dT_g else: Z = self.Z_l dZ_dT = self.dZ_dT_l bs, b, N =, self.b, self.N T_inv = 1.0/self.T A = self.a_alpha*self.P*R2_inv*T_inv*T_inv B = b*self.P*R_inv*T_inv x2 = T_inv*T_inv x3 = R_inv x4 = self.P*b*x3 x5 = x2*x4 x8 = x4*T_inv x10 = self.a_alpha x11 = 1.0/self.a_alpha x12 = self.da_alpha_dT x13 = root_two x14 = 1.0/b x15 = x13 + 1.0 # root_two plus 1 x16 = Z + x15*x8 x17 = x13 - 1.0 # root two minus one x18 = x16/(x17*x8 - Z) x19 = log(-x18) x13x14 = x13*x14 x10x13x14_4 = 0.25*x10*x13x14 x19x3 = x19*x3 x24 = x10x13x14_4*x19x3*x2 x25 = 0.25*x12*x13x14*x19x3*T_inv x26 = x10x13x14_4*x3*T_inv*(-dZ_dT + x15*x5 - x18*(dZ_dT + x17*x5))/(x16) x50 = -0.5*x13x14*x19x3*T_inv x51 = -x11*x12 x52 = (dZ_dT + x5)/(x8 - Z) x53 = 2.0*x11 x54 = x52/x50 x55 = x24 - x25 + x26 x56 = dZ_dT/x55 x57 = x53*x55 x58 = x14*(dZ_dT - x55) x59 = x57/x50 + x51 # Composition stuff a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows da_alpha_dT_j_rows = self._da_alpha_dT_j_rows d_lnphis_dTs = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): d_lnphis_dTs[i] = x52 + bs[i]*x58 + x50*(x59*a_alpha_j_rows[i] + da_alpha_dT_j_rows[i]) return d_lnphis_dTs
[docs] def dlnphis_dP(self, phase): r'''Generic formula for calculating the pressure derivaitve of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture for the Peng-Robinson EOS. Verified numerically. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial P}\right)_{T, nj \ne i} Parameters ---------- phase : str One of 'l' or 'g', [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dP : float Pressure derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species, [1/Pa] Notes ----- This expression was derived using SymPy and optimized with the `cse` technique. ''' zs = self.zs if phase == 'l': Z, dZ_dP = self.Z_l, self.dZ_dP_l else: Z, dZ_dP = self.Z_g, self.dZ_dP_g a_alpha = self.a_alpha bs, b =, self.b T_inv = 1.0/self.T x2 = 1.0/b x6 = b*R_inv*T_inv x8 = self.P*x6 x9 = (dZ_dP - x6)/(x8 - Z) x13 = Z + root_two_p1*x8 x15 = (a_alpha*root_two*x2*R_inv*T_inv*(dZ_dP + root_two_p1*x6 + x13*(dZ_dP - root_two_m1*x6)/(root_two_m1*x8 - Z))/(4.0*x13)) x16 = dZ_dP + x15 a_alpha_j_rows = self._a_alpha_j_rows x50 = -2.0/a_alpha N = self.N d_lnphi_dPs = zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N for i in range(N): x3 = bs[i]*x2 x10 = x50*a_alpha_j_rows[i] # d_lnphi_dP = dZ_dP*x3 + x15*(x10 + x3) + x9 d_lnphi_dP = x16*x3 + x15*x10 + x9 d_lnphi_dPs[i] = d_lnphi_dP return d_lnphi_dPs
def d_lnphi_dzs_analytical0(self, Z, zs): # TODO try to follow "B.5.2.1 Derivatives of Fugacity Coefficient with Respect to Mole Fraction" # "Development of an Equation-of-State Thermal Flooding Simulator" N = self.N cmps_m1 = range(N-1) a_alpha = self.a_alpha a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs T2 = self.T*self.T b = self.b A = a_alpha*self.P/(R2*T2) B = b*self.P/(R*self.T) B2 = B*B Z2 = Z*Z A_B = A/B ZmB = Z - B dZ_dA = (B - Z)/(3.0*Z2 - 2.0*(1.0 - B)*Z + (A - 2.0*B - 3.0*B2)) # 2*(3.0*B + 1)*Z may or may not have Z # Simple phase stability-testing algorithm in the reduction method. dZ_dB = ((-Z2 + 2*(3.0*B + 1)*Z) + (A - 2.0*B - 3.0*B2))/( 3.0*Z2 - 2.0*(1.0 - B)*Z + (A - 2.0*B - 3.0*B2)) Sis = [] for i in range(N): tot = 0.0 for j in range(N): tot += zs[j]*a_alpha_ijs[i][j] Sis.append(tot) Sais = [val/a_alpha for val in Sis] Sbis = [bi/b for bi in] Snc = Sis[-1] const_A = 2.0*self.P/(R2*T2) dA_dzis = [const_A*(Si - Snc) for Si in Sis[:-1]] const_B = 2.0*self.P/(R*self.T) bnc =[-1] dB_dzis = [const_B*([i] - bnc) for i in range(N)] # Probably wrong, missing dZ_dzs = [dZ_dA*dA_dz_i + dZ_dB*dB_dzi for dA_dz_i, dB_dzi in zip(dA_dzis, dB_dzis)] t1 = (Z2 + 2.0*Z*B - B2) t2 = clog((Z + (root_two + 1.)*B)/(Z - (root_two - 1.)*B)).real t3 = t2*-A/(B*two_root_two) t4 = -t2/(two_root_two*B) a_nc = a_alpha_ijs[-1][-1] # no idea if this is right # Have some converns of what Snc really is dlnphis_dzs_all = [] for i in range(self.N): Diks = [-A_B*(2.0*Sais[i] - Sbis[i])*(Z*dB_dzis[k] - B*dZ_dzs[k])/t1 for k in cmps_m1] Ciks = [t3*(2.0*(a_alpha_ijs[i][k] - a_nc)/a_alpha - 4.0*Sais[i]*(Sais[k] - Snc) + Sbis[i]*(Sbis[k] - Snc)) for k in cmps_m1] x5 = t4*(2.0*Sais[i] - Sbis[i]) Biks = [x5*(dA_dzis[k] - A_B*dB_dzis[k]) for k in cmps_m1 ] Aiks = [Sbis[i]*(dZ_dzs[k] - (Sbis[k] - Snc)*(Z - 1.0)) - (dZ_dzs[k] - dB_dzis[k])/ZmB for k in cmps_m1 ] dlnphis_dzs = [Aik + Bik + Cik + Dik for Aik, Bik, Cik, Dik in zip(Aiks, Biks, Ciks, Diks)] dlnphis_dzs_all.append(dlnphis_dzs) return dlnphis_dzs_all def d_lnphi_dzs_basic_num(self, Z, zs): all_diffs = [] try: if self.G_dep_l < self.G_dep_g: lnphis_ref = self.lnphis_l else: lnphis_ref = self.lnphis_g except: lnphis_ref = self.lnphis_l if hasattr(self, 'G_dep_l') else self.lnphis_g for i in range(len(zs)): zs2 = list(zs) dz = 1e-7#zs2[i]*3e- zs2[i] = zs2[i]+dz # sum_one = sum(zs2) # zs2 = normalize(zs2) eos2 = self.to_TP_zs(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=zs2) diffs = [] for j in range(len(zs)): try: dlnphis = (eos2.lnphis_g[j] - lnphis_ref[j])/dz except: dlnphis = (eos2.lnphis_l[j] - lnphis_ref[j])/dz diffs.append(dlnphis) all_diffs.append(diffs) import numpy as np return np.array(all_diffs).T.tolist() def d_lnphi_dzs_numdifftools(self, Z, zs): import numdifftools as nd import numpy as np def lnphis_from_zs(zs2): if isinstance(zs2, np.ndarray): zs2 = zs2.tolist() zs2 = normalize(zs2) # Last row suggests the normalization breaks everything! # zs2 = normalize(zs2) # if Z == self.Z_l try: return np.array(self.to_TP_zs(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=zs2).lnphis_l) except: return np.array(self.to_TP_zs(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=zs2).lnphis_g) Jfun_partial = nd.Jacobian(lnphis_from_zs, step=1e-4, order=2, method='central') return Jfun_partial(zs)
[docs] def dlnphis_dzs(self, Z): r'''Calculate and return the mole fraction derivaitves of log fugacity coefficients for each species in a mixture. This formula is specific to the Peng-Robinson equation of state. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial z_i}\right)_{P, z_{j \ne i}} Parameters ---------- Z : float Compressibility of the mixture for a desired phase, [-] Returns ------- dlnphis_dzs : list[list[float]] Mole fraction derivatives of log fugacity coefficient for each species (such that the mole fractions do not sum to 1), [-] Notes ----- This formula is from [1]_ but is validated to match the generic implementation. Examples -------- >>> kijs = [[0, 0.00076, 0.00171], [0.00076, 0, 0.00061], [0.00171, 0.00061, 0]] >>> eos = PRMIX(Tcs=[469.7, 507.4, 540.3], zs=[0.8168, 0.1501, 0.0331], omegas=[0.249, 0.305, 0.349], Pcs=[3.369E6, 3.012E6, 2.736E6], T=322.29, P=101325, kijs=kijs) >>> eos.dlnphis_dzs(eos.Z_l) [[0.009938069276, 0.0151503498382, 0.018297235797], [-0.038517738793, -0.05958926042, -0.068438990795], [-0.07057106923, -0.10363920720, -0.14116283024]] References ---------- .. [1] Chang, Yih-Bor. "Development and Application of an Equation of State Compositional Simulator" 1990. ''' T, P, zs = self.T, self.P, self.zs T2 = T*T T_inv = 1.0/T RT_inv = R_inv*T_inv bs, b =, self.b a_alpha = self.a_alpha a_alpha_ijs = self.a_alpha_ijs a_alphas = self.a_alphas a_alpha_j_rows = self.a_alpha_j_rows N = len(zs) b2 = b*b b_inv = 1.0/b b2_inv = b_inv*b_inv a_alpha2 = a_alpha*a_alpha A = a_alpha*P*RT_inv*RT_inv B = b*P*RT_inv B_inv = 1.0/B C = 1.0/(Z - B) Zm1 = Z - 1.0 G = (Z + (1.0 + root_two)*B)/(Z + (1.0 - root_two)*B) t4 = 2.0/a_alpha t5 = -A/(two_root_two*B) Eis = [t5*(t4*a_alpha_j_rows[i] - bs[i]*b_inv) for i in range(N)] # ln_phis = [] # for i in range(N): # ln_phis.append(log(C) + Dis[i] + Eis[i]*log(G)) # return ln_phis # Bis = [bi*P/(R*T) for bi in bs] # maybe with a 2 constant? t6 = P*RT_inv dB_dxks = [t6*bk for bk in bs] # THIS IS WRONG - the sum changes w.r.t (or does it?) # Believed right now? const = (P+P)*RT_inv*RT_inv dA_dxks = [const*term_i for term_i in a_alpha_j_rows] dF_dZ_inv = 1.0/(3.0*Z*Z - 2.0*Z*(1.0 - B) + (A - 3.0*B*B - 2.0*B)) t15 = (A - 2.0*B - 3.0*B*B + 2.0*(3.0*B + 1.0)*Z - Z*Z) BmZ = (B - Z) dZ_dxs = [(BmZ*dA_dxks[i] + t15*dB_dxks[i])*dF_dZ_inv for i in range(N)] # function only of k ZmB = Z - B t20 = -1.0/(ZmB*ZmB) dC_dxs = [t20*(dZ_dxs[k] - dB_dxks[k]) for k in range(N)] dD_dxs = [] # dD_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in cmps] t55s = [b*dZ_dxs[k] - bs[k]*Zm1 for k in range(N)] for i in range(N): # dD_dxs_i = dD_dxs[i] b_term_ratio = bs[i]*b2_inv dD_dxs.append([b_term_ratio*t55s[k] for k in range(N)]) # for k in range(N): # dD_dxs_i[k] = b_term_ratio*t55s[k] # dD_dxs = [] # for i in range(N): # term = bs[i]/(b*b)*(b*dZ_dxs[i] - b*(Z - 1.0)) # dD_dxs.append(term) # ? Believe this is the only one with multi indexes? t1 = 1.0/(two_root_two*a_alpha*b*B) t2 = t1*A/(a_alpha*b) t50s = [B*dA_dxks[k] - A*dB_dxks[k] for k in range(N)] # problem is in here, tested numerically b_two = b + b t32 = 2.0*a_alpha*b2 t33 = 4.0*b2 t34 = t1*B_inv*a_alpha t35 = -t1*B_inv*b_two # Symmetric matrix! dE_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # TODO - makes little sense. Too many i indexes. for i in range(N): zm_aim_tot = a_alpha_j_rows[i] t30 = t34*bs[i] + t35*zm_aim_tot t31 = t33*zm_aim_tot dE_dxs_i = [] a_alpha_ijs_i = a_alpha_ijs[i] for k in range(i+1): # Sign was wrong in article - should be a plus second = t2*(t31*a_alpha_j_rows[k] - t32*a_alpha_ijs_i[k] - bs[i]*bs[k]*a_alpha2) dE_dxs[i][k] = dE_dxs[k][i] = t30*t50s[k] + second # dE_dxs_i.append(t1*(first + second)) # dE_dxs.append(dE_dxs_i) t59 = (Z + (1.0 - root_two)*B) t60 = two_root_two/(t59*t59) dG_dxs = [t60*(Z*dB_dxks[k] - B*dZ_dxs[k]) for k in range(N)] G_inv = 1.0/G logG = log(G) C_inv = 1.0/C dlnphis_dxs = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] t61s = [C_inv*dC_dxi for dC_dxi in dC_dxs] for i in range(N): dD_dxs_i = dD_dxs[i] dE_dxs_i = dE_dxs[i] E_G = Eis[i]*G_inv # dlnphis_dxs_i = dlnphis_dxs[i] for k in range(N): dlnphis_dxs[i][k] = t61s[k] + dD_dxs_i[k] + logG*dE_dxs_i[k] + E_G*dG_dxs[k] # dlnphis_dxs_i = [t61s[k] + dD_dxs_i[k] + logG*dE_dxs_i[k] + E_G*dG_dxs[k] # for k in range(N)] # dlnphis_dxs.append(dlnphis_dxs_i) # return dlnphis_dxs return dlnphis_dxs#, dZ_dxs, dA_dxks, dB_dxks, dC_dxs, dD_dxs, dE_dxs, dG_dxs
@property def ddelta_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \delta}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = 2 b_i Returns ------- ddelta_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return PR_ddelta_dzs(, N, out=zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N) @property def ddelta_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \delta}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 2 (b_i - b) Returns ------- ddelta_dns : list[float] Mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return PR_ddelta_dns(, self.b, N, out=zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N) @property def d2delta_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives (hessian) of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \delta}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 0 Returns ------- d2delta_dzizjs : list[float] Second Composition derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] @property def d2delta_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second mole number derivatives (hessian) of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \delta}{\partial n_i \partial n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = 4b - 2b_i - 2b_j Returns ------- d2delta_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^3] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N out = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] return PR_d2delta_dninjs(self.b,, N, out) @property def d3delta_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `delta`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \delta}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 4(-3b + b_i + b_j + b_k) Returns ------- d3delta_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `delta` of each component, [m^3/mol^4] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N out = zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N) ] for _ in range(N)] return PR_d3delta_dninjnks(self.b,, N, out) @property def depsilon_dzs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the composition derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \epsilon}{\partial x_i}\right)_{T, P, x_{i\ne j}} = -2 b_i\cdot b Returns ------- depsilon_dzs : list[float] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return PR_depsilon_dzs(self.b,, N, out=zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N) @property def depsilon_dns(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the mole number derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial \epsilon}{\partial n_i}\right)_{T, P, n_{i\ne j}} = 2b(b - b_i) Returns ------- depsilon_dns : list[float] Composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^3] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N return PR_depsilon_dns(self.b,, N, out=zeros(N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*N) @property def d2epsilon_dzizjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second composition derivatives (hessian) of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \epsilon}{\partial x_i \partial x_j}\right)_{T, P, x_{k\ne i,j}} = 2 b_i b_j Returns ------- d2epsilon_dzizjs : list[list[float]] Second composition derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^2] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N out = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] return PR_d2epsilon_dzizjs(self.b,, N, out) @property def d2epsilon_dninjs(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the second mole number derivatives (hessian) of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 \epsilon}{\partial n_i n_j}\right)_{T, P, n_{k\ne i,j}} = -2b(2b - b_i - b_j) - 2(b - b_i)(b - b_j) Returns ------- d2epsilon_dninjs : list[list[float]] Second mole number derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^4] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N out = zeros((N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] return PR_d2epsilon_dninjs(self.b,, N, out) @property def d3epsilon_dninjnks(self): r'''Helper method for calculating the third partial mole number derivatives of `epsilon`. Note this is independent of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^3 \epsilon}{\partial n_i \partial n_j \partial n_k } \right)_{T, P, n_{m \ne i,j,k}} = 24b^2 - 12b(b_i + b_j + b_k) + 4(b_i b_j + b_i b_k + b_j b_k) Returns ------- d3epsilon_dninjnks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole number derivative of `epsilon` of each component, [m^6/mol^5] Notes ----- This derivative is checked numerically. ''' N = self.N out = zeros((N, N, N)) if self.vectorized else [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N) ] for _ in range(N)] return PR_d3epsilon_dninjnks(self.b,, N, out) def solve_T(self, P, V, quick=True, solution=None): if self.N == 1 and type(self) is PRMIX: self.Tc = self.Tcs[0] self.Pc = self.Pcs[0] self.kappa = self.kappas[0] self.a = self.ais[0] T = super(type(self).__mro__[-4], self).solve_T(P=P, V=V, solution=solution) del self.Tc del self.Pc del self.kappa del self.a return T else: return super(type(self).__mro__[-3], self).solve_T(P=P, V=V, solution=solution)
[docs]class PRMIXTranslated(PRMIX): r'''Class for solving the Peng-Robinson [1]_ [2]_ translated cubic equation of state for a mixture of any number of compounds. Solves the EOS on initialization and calculates fugacities for all components in all phases. Two of `T`, `P`, and `V` are needed to solve the EOS. .. math:: P = \frac{RT}{v + c - b} - \frac{a\alpha(T)}{(v+c)(v + c + b)+b(v + c - b)} .. math:: a \alpha = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {(a\alpha)}_{ij} .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} .. math:: b = \sum_i z_i b_i .. math:: a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}} .. math:: b_i=0.07780\frac{RT_{c,i}}{P_{c,i}} .. math:: \alpha(T)_i=[1+\kappa_i(1-\sqrt{T_{r,i}})]^2 .. math:: \kappa_i=0.37464+1.54226\omega_i-0.26992\omega^2_i Parameters ---------- Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all compounds, [K] Pcs : list[float] Critical pressures of all compounds, [Pa] omegas : list[float] Acentric factors of all compounds, [-] zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of all species, [-] kijs : list[list[float]], optional n*n size list of lists with binary interaction parameters for the Van der Waals mixing rules, default all 0 [-] cs : list[float], optional Volume translation parameters; always zero in the original implementation, [m^3/mol] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] V : float, optional Molar volume, [m^3/mol] fugacities : bool, optional Whether or not to calculate fugacity related values (phis, log phis, and fugacities); default True, [-] only_l : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the liquid root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] only_g : bool, optional When true, if there is a liquid and a vapor root, only the vapor root (and properties) will be set; default False, [-] Examples -------- T-P initialization, nitrogen-methane at 115 K and 1 MPa: >>> eos = PRMIXTranslated(T=115, P=1E6, cs=[-4.4e-6, -4.35e-6], Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.2, 0.8], kijs=[[0,0.03],[0.03,0]]) >>> eos.V_l, eos.V_g (3.9079056337e-05, 0.00060231393016) >>> eos.fugacities_l, eos.fugacities_g ([442838.8615, 108854.48589], [184396.972, 565531.7709]) Notes ----- For P-V initializations, a numerical solver is used to find T. References ---------- .. [1] Peng, Ding-Yu, and Donald B. Robinson. "A New Two-Constant Equation of State." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals 15, no. 1 (February 1, 1976): 59-64. doi:10.1021/i160057a011. .. [2] Robinson, Donald B., Ding-Yu Peng, and Samuel Y-K Chung. "The Development of the Peng - Robinson Equation and Its Application to Phase Equilibrium in a System Containing Methanol." Fluid Phase Equilibria 24, no. 1 (January 1, 1985): 25-41. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(85)87035-7. ''' translated = True eos_pure = PRTranslated mix_kwargs_to_pure = {'cs': 'c'} kwargs_linear = ('cs',) fugacity_coefficients = GCEOSMIX.fugacity_coefficients dlnphis_dT = GCEOSMIX.dlnphis_dT dlnphis_dP = GCEOSMIX.dlnphis_dP d_lnphi_dzs = GCEOSMIX.dlnphis_dzs P_max_at_V = GCEOSMIX.P_max_at_V model_id = 11202 # All the b derivatives happen to work out to be the same, and are checked numerically solve_T = GCEOS.solve_T kwargs_keys = ('kijs', 'cs') def __init__(self, Tcs, Pcs, omegas, zs, kijs=None, cs=None, T=None, P=None, V=None, fugacities=True, only_l=False, only_g=False): self.N = N = len(Tcs) cmps = range(N) self.Tcs = Tcs self.Pcs = Pcs self.omegas = omegas self.zs = zs self.vectorized = vectorized = type(zs) is ndarray if kijs is None: if vectorized: kijs = zeros((N, N)) else: kijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] self.kijs = kijs self.one_minus_kijs = one_minus_kijs(kijs) self.T = T self.