Source code for thermo.eos_mix_methods

r'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2020, 2021 Caleb Bell <>

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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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This file contains a number of overflow methods for EOSs which for various
reasons are better implemented as functions.
Documentation is not provided for this file and no methods are intended to be
used outside this library.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Alpha Function Mixing Rules
These are where the bulk of the time is spent in solving the equation of state.
For that reason, these functional forms often duplicate functionality but have
different performance characteristics.

Implementations which store N^2 matrices for other calculations:

.. autofunction:: a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent
.. autofunction:: a_alpha_and_derivatives_full

Compute only the alpha term itself:

.. autofunction:: a_alpha_and_derivatives

Faster implementations which do not store N^2 matrices:

.. autofunction:: a_alpha_quadratic_terms
.. autofunction:: a_alpha_and_derivatives_quadratic_terms

# Direct fugacity calls
# ---------------------
# The object-oriented interface is quite convenient. However, sometimes it is
# desireable to perform a calculation at maximum speed, with no garbage collection
# and the only temperature-dependent parts re-used each calculation.
# For that reason, select equations of state have these functional forms
# implemented

# .. autofunction:: PR_lnphis
# .. autofunction:: PR_lnphis_fastest
__all__ = ['a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent',
           'a_alpha_and_derivatives', 'a_alpha_and_derivatives_full',
           'a_alpha_quadratic_terms', 'a_alpha_and_derivatives_quadratic_terms',
           'PR_lnphis', 'VDW_lnphis', 'SRK_lnphis', 'eos_mix_lnphis_general',

           'VDW_lnphis_fastest', 'PR_lnphis_fastest',
           'SRK_lnphis_fastest', 'RK_lnphis_fastest',


           'PR_ddelta_dzs', 'PR_ddelta_dns',
           'PR_d2delta_dninjs', 'PR_d3delta_dninjnks',

           'PR_depsilon_dns', 'PR_d2epsilon_dninjs', 'PR_d3epsilon_dninjnks',
           'PR_d2epsilon_dzizjs', 'PR_depsilon_dzs',

           'PR_translated_d2delta_dninjs', 'PR_translated_d3delta_dninjnks',

           'PR_translated_ddelta_dzs', 'PR_translated_ddelta_dns',
           'PR_translated_depsilon_dzs', 'PR_translated_depsilon_dns',
           'PR_translated_d2epsilon_dzizjs', 'PR_translated_d2epsilon_dninjs',

           'SRK_translated_ddelta_dns', 'SRK_translated_depsilon_dns',
           'SRK_translated_d2epsilon_dzizjs', 'SRK_translated_depsilon_dzs',
           'SRK_translated_d2epsilon_dninjs', 'SRK_translated_d3epsilon_dninjnks',


           'eos_mix_db_dns', 'eos_mix_da_alpha_dns',

           'eos_mix_dV_dzs', 'eos_mix_a_alpha_volume']
from math import log, sqrt

from fluids.constants import R
from fluids.numerics import catanh

from thermo.eos import eos_G_dep, eos_lnphi
from thermo.eos_volume import volume_solutions_halley

R2 = R*R
R_inv = 1.0/R
R2_inv = R_inv*R_inv
root_two = sqrt(2.)
root_two_m1 = root_two - 1.0
root_two_p1 = root_two + 1.0

[docs]def a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent(a_alphas, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs=None, a_alpha_roots=None, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv=None): r'''Calculates the matrix :math:`(a\alpha)_{ij}` as well as the array :math:`\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}}` and the matrix :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}}\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{j}}}`. .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} This routine is efficient in both numba and PyPy, but it is generally better to avoid calculating and storing **any** N^2 matrices. However, this particular calculation only depends on `T` so in some circumstances this can be feasible. Parameters ---------- a_alphas : list[float] EOS attractive terms, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] one_minus_kijs : list[list[float]] One minus the constant kijs, [-] a_alpha_ijs : list[list[float]] Optional output array, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] a_alpha_roots : list[float] Optional output array, [J/mol/Pa^0.5] a_alpha_ij_roots_inv : list[list[float]] Optional output array, [mol^2*Pa/J^2] Returns ------- a_alpha_ijs : list[list[float]] Matrix of :math:`(1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}}`, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] a_alpha_roots : list[float] Array of :math:`\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}}` values, [J/mol/Pa^0.5] a_alpha_ij_roots_inv : list[list[float]] Matrix of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}}\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{j}}}`, [mol^2*Pa/J^2] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> kijs = [[0,.083],[0.083,0]] >>> one_minus_kijs = [[1.0 - kij for kij in row] for row in kijs] >>> a_alphas = [0.2491099357671155, 0.6486495863528039] >>> a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent(a_alphas, one_minus_kijs) >>> a_alpha_ijs [[0.249109935767, 0.36861239374], [0.36861239374, 0.64864958635]] >>> a_alpha_roots [0.49910914213, 0.80538784840] >>> a_alpha_ij_roots_inv [[4.0142919105, 2.487707997796], [2.487707997796, 1.54166443799]] ''' N = len(a_alphas) _sqrt = sqrt if a_alpha_ijs is None: a_alpha_ijs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: comment # a_alpha_ijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment if a_alpha_roots is None: a_alpha_roots = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): a_alpha_roots[i] = _sqrt(a_alphas[i]) if a_alpha_ij_roots_inv is None: a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: comment # a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): one_minus_kijs_i = one_minus_kijs[i] a_alpha_ijs_is = a_alpha_ijs[i] a_alpha_ij_roots_i_inv = a_alpha_ij_roots_inv[i] # Using range like this saves 20% of the comp time for 44 components! a_alpha_i_root_i = a_alpha_roots[i] for j in range(i, N): term = a_alpha_i_root_i*a_alpha_roots[j] try: a_alpha_ij_roots_i_inv[j] = a_alpha_ij_roots_inv[j][i] = 1.0/term except: a_alpha_ij_roots_i_inv[j] = 1e100 a_alpha_ijs_is[j] = a_alpha_ijs[j][i] = one_minus_kijs_i[j]*term return a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv
[docs]def a_alpha_and_derivatives(a_alphas, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs=None, a_alpha_roots=None, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv=None): N = len(a_alphas) da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.0, 0.0 if a_alpha_ijs is None or a_alpha_roots is None or a_alpha_ij_roots_inv is None: a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent(a_alphas, one_minus_kijs) a_alpha = 0.0 for i in range(N): a_alpha_ijs_i = a_alpha_ijs[i] zi = zs[i] if zi > 0.0: for j in range(i+1, N): term = a_alpha_ijs_i[j]*zi*zs[j] a_alpha += term + term a_alpha += a_alpha_ijs_i[i]*zi*zi return a_alpha, None, a_alpha_ijs
[docs]def a_alpha_and_derivatives_full(a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_ijs=None, a_alpha_roots=None, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv=None): r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` term, and its first two temperature derivatives, for an equation of state along with the matrix quantities calculated in the process. .. math:: a \alpha = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {(a\alpha)}_{ij} .. math:: \frac{\partial (a\alpha)}{\partial T} = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j \frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T} .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)}{\partial T^2} = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} .. math:: \frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T} = \frac{\sqrt{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} \left(1 - k_{ij}\right) \left(\frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{ a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2}\right)}{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}} .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T^2} = - \frac{\sqrt{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} \left(k_{ij} - 1\right) \left(\frac{\left(\operatorname{ a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)}\right)^{2}}{4 \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}} - \frac{\left(\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2 \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} - \frac{\left(\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2 \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)}} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}\right)} {\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} Parameters ---------- a_alphas : list[float] EOS attractive terms, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dTs : list[float] Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float] Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] T : float Temperature, not used, [K] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each species one_minus_kijs : list[list[float]] One minus the constant kijs, [-] a_alpha_ijs : list[list[float]], optional Matrix of :math:`(1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}}`, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] a_alpha_roots : list[float], optional Array of :math:`\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}}` values, [J/mol/Pa^0.5] a_alpha_ij_roots_inv : list[list[float]], optional Matrix of :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}}\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{j}}}`, [mol^2*Pa/J^2] Returns ------- a_alpha : float EOS attractive term, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dT : float Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] a_alpha_ijs : list[list[float]], optional Matrix of :math:`(1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}}`, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dT_ijs : list[list[float]], optional Matrix of :math:`\frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T}`, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs : list[list[float]], optional Matrix of :math:`\frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T^2}`, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K^2] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> kijs = [[0,.083],[0.083,0]] >>> one_minus_kijs = [[1.0 - kij for kij in row] for row in kijs] >>> zs = [0.1164203, 0.8835797] >>> a_alphas = [0.2491099357671155, 0.6486495863528039] >>> da_alpha_dTs = [-0.0005102028006086241, -0.0011131153520304886] >>> d2a_alpha_dT2s = [1.8651128859234162e-06, 3.884331923127011e-06] >>> a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2, a_alpha_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = a_alpha_and_derivatives_full(a_alphas=a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs=da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s=d2a_alpha_dT2s, T=299.0, zs=zs, one_minus_kijs=one_minus_kijs) >>> a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 (0.58562139582, -0.001018667672, 3.56669817856e-06) >>> a_alpha_ijs [[0.2491099357, 0.3686123937], [0.36861239374, 0.64864958635]] >>> da_alpha_dT_ijs [[-0.000510202800, -0.0006937567844], [-0.000693756784, -0.00111311535]] >>> d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs [[1.865112885e-06, 2.4734471244e-06], [2.4734471244e-06, 3.8843319e-06]] ''' # For 44 components, takes 150 us in PyPy. N = len(a_alphas) da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.0, 0.0 if a_alpha_ijs is None or a_alpha_roots is None or a_alpha_ij_roots_inv is None: a_alpha_ijs, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_ij_roots_inv = a_alpha_aijs_composition_independent(a_alphas, one_minus_kijs) z_products = [[zs[i]*zs[j] for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)] # numba : delete # z_products = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment # for i in range(N): # numba: uncomment # for j in range(N): # numba: uncomment # z_products[i][j] = zs[i]*zs[j] # numba: uncomment a_alpha = 0.0 for i in range(N): a_alpha_ijs_i = a_alpha_ijs[i] z_products_i = z_products[i] for j in range(i): term = a_alpha_ijs_i[j]*z_products_i[j] a_alpha += term + term a_alpha += a_alpha_ijs_i[i]*z_products_i[i] da_alpha_dT_ijs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba : delete # da_alpha_dT_ijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba : delete # d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment d2a_alpha_dT2_ij = 0.0 for i in range(N): one_minus_kijs_i = one_minus_kijs[i] a_alphai = a_alphas[i] z_products_i = z_products[i] da_alpha_dT_i = da_alpha_dTs[i] d2a_alpha_dT2_i = d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] a_alpha_ij_roots_inv_i = a_alpha_ij_roots_inv[i] da_alpha_dT_ijs_i = da_alpha_dT_ijs[i] if zs[i] > 0.0: for j in range(N): # for j in range(0, i+1): if j < i: # # skip the duplicates continue a_alphaj = a_alphas[j] x0_05_inv = a_alpha_ij_roots_inv_i[j] zi_zj = z_products_i[j] da_alpha_dT_j = da_alpha_dTs[j] x1 = a_alphai*da_alpha_dT_j x2 = a_alphaj*da_alpha_dT_i x1_x2 = x1 + x2 x3 = x1_x2 + x1_x2 kij_m1 = -one_minus_kijs_i[j] da_alpha_dT_ij = -0.5*kij_m1*x1_x2*x0_05_inv # For temperature derivatives of fugacities da_alpha_dT_ijs_i[j] = da_alpha_dT_ijs[j][i] = da_alpha_dT_ij da_alpha_dT_ij *= zi_zj x0 = a_alphai*a_alphaj d2a_alpha_dT2_ij = kij_m1*( (x0*( -0.5*(a_alphai*d2a_alpha_dT2s[j] + a_alphaj*d2a_alpha_dT2_i) - da_alpha_dT_i*da_alpha_dT_j) +.25*x1_x2*x1_x2)/(x0_05_inv*x0*x0)) d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs[i][j] = d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs[j][i] = d2a_alpha_dT2_ij d2a_alpha_dT2_ij *= zi_zj if i != j: da_alpha_dT += da_alpha_dT_ij + da_alpha_dT_ij d2a_alpha_dT2 += d2a_alpha_dT2_ij + d2a_alpha_dT2_ij else: da_alpha_dT += da_alpha_dT_ij d2a_alpha_dT2 += d2a_alpha_dT2_ij return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2, a_alpha_ijs, da_alpha_dT_ijs, d2a_alpha_dT2_ijs
[docs]def a_alpha_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None): r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` term for an equation of state along with the vector quantities needed to compute the fugacities of the mixture. This routine is efficient in both numba and PyPy. .. math:: a \alpha = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {(a\alpha)}_{ij} .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} The secondary values are as follows: .. math:: \sum_i y_i(a\alpha)_{ij} Parameters ---------- a_alphas : list[float] EOS attractive terms, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] a_alpha_roots : list[float] Square roots of `a_alphas`; provided for speed [J/mol/Pa^0.5] T : float Temperature, not used, [K] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each species one_minus_kijs : list[list[float]] One minus the constant kijs, [-] a_alpha_j_rows : list[float], optional EOS attractive term row destimation vector (does not need to be zeroed, should be provided to prevent allocations), [J^2/mol^2/Pa] vec0 : list[float], optional Empty vector, used in internal calculations, provide to avoid the allocations; does not need to be zeroed, [-] Returns ------- a_alpha : float EOS attractive term, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] a_alpha_j_rows : list[float] EOS attractive term row sums, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] Notes ----- Tried moving the i=j loop out, no difference in speed, maybe got a bit slower in PyPy. Examples -------- >>> kijs = [[0,.083],[0.083,0]] >>> one_minus_kijs = [[1.0 - kij for kij in row] for row in kijs] >>> zs = [0.1164203, 0.8835797] >>> a_alphas = [0.2491099357671155, 0.6486495863528039] >>> a_alpha_roots = [i**0.5 for i in a_alphas] >>> a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = a_alpha_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, 299.0, zs, one_minus_kijs) >>> a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows (0.58562139582, [0.35469988173, 0.61604757237]) ''' N = len(a_alphas) if a_alpha_j_rows is None: a_alpha_j_rows = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): a_alpha_j_rows[i] = 0.0 if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): vec0[i] = a_alpha_roots[i]*zs[i] a_alpha = 0.0 i = 0 while i < N: one_minus_kijs_i = one_minus_kijs[i] j = 0 while j < i: # Numba appears to be better with this split into two loops. # PyPy has 1.5x speed reduction when so. a_alpha_j_rows[j] += (one_minus_kijs_i[j])*vec0[i] a_alpha_j_rows[i] += (one_minus_kijs_i[j])*vec0[j] j += 1 i += 1 for i in range(N): a_alpha_j_rows[i] *= a_alpha_roots[i] a_alpha_j_rows[i] += (one_minus_kijs[i][i])*a_alphas[i]*zs[i] a_alpha += a_alpha_j_rows[i]*zs[i] return float(a_alpha), a_alpha_j_rows # This is faster in PyPy and can be made even faster optimizing a_alpha! """ N = len(a_alphas) a_alpha_j_rows = [0.0]*N a_alpha = 0.0 for i in range(N): kijs_i = kijs[i] a_alpha_i_root_i = a_alpha_roots[i] for j in range(i): a_alpha_ijs_ij = (1. - kijs_i[j])*a_alpha_i_root_i*a_alpha_roots[j] t200 = a_alpha_ijs_ij*zs[i] a_alpha_j_rows[j] += t200 a_alpha_j_rows[i] += zs[j]*a_alpha_ijs_ij t200 *= zs[j] a_alpha += t200 + t200 t200 = (1. - kijs_i[i])*a_alphas[i]*zs[i] a_alpha += t200*zs[i] a_alpha_j_rows[i] += t200 return a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows """
[docs]def a_alpha_and_derivatives_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows=None, da_alpha_dT_j_rows=None): r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` term, and its first two temperature derivatives, for an equation of state along with the vector quantities needed to compute the fugacitie and temperature derivatives of fugacities of the mixture. This routine is efficient in both numba and PyPy. .. math:: a \alpha = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j {(a\alpha)}_{ij} .. math:: \frac{\partial (a\alpha)}{\partial T} = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j \frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T} .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)}{\partial T^2} = \sum_i \sum_j z_i z_j \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: (a\alpha)_{ij} = (1-k_{ij})\sqrt{(a\alpha)_{i}(a\alpha)_{j}} .. math:: \frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T} = \frac{\sqrt{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} \left(1 - k_{ij}\right) \left(\frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{ a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2}\right)}{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}} .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T^2} = - \frac{\sqrt{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} \left(k_{ij} - 1\right) \left(\frac{\left(\operatorname{ a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)}\right)^{2}}{4 \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}} - \frac{\left(\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2 \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} - \frac{\left(\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} + \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2 \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}} {\left(T \right)}} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{\operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)}}{2} + \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \frac{d}{d T} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}}{\left(T \right)}\right)} {\operatorname{a\alpha_{i}}{\left(T \right)} \operatorname{a\alpha_{j}} {\left(T \right)}} The secondary values are as follows: .. math:: \sum_i y_i(a\alpha)_{ij} .. math:: \sum_i y_i \frac{\partial (a\alpha)_{ij}}{\partial T} Parameters ---------- a_alphas : list[float] EOS attractive terms, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] a_alpha_roots : list[float] Square roots of `a_alphas`; provided for speed [J/mol/Pa^0.5] da_alpha_dTs : list[float] Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float] Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] T : float Temperature, not used, [K] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of each species one_minus_kijs : list[list[float]] One minus the constant kijs, [-] Returns ------- a_alpha : float EOS attractive term, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dT : float Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] d2a_alpha_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2] a_alpha_j_rows : list[float] EOS attractive term row sums, [J^2/mol^2/Pa] da_alpha_dT_j_rows : list[float] Temperature derivative of EOS attractive term row sums, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> kijs = [[0,.083],[0.083,0]] >>> one_minus_kijs = [[1.0 - kij for kij in row] for row in kijs] >>> zs = [0.1164203, 0.8835797] >>> a_alphas = [0.2491099357671155, 0.6486495863528039] >>> a_alpha_roots = [i**0.5 for i in a_alphas] >>> da_alpha_dTs = [-0.0005102028006086241, -0.0011131153520304886] >>> d2a_alpha_dT2s = [1.8651128859234162e-06, 3.884331923127011e-06] >>> a_alpha_and_derivatives_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s, 299.0, zs, one_minus_kijs) (0.58562139582, -0.001018667672, 3.56669817856e-06, [0.35469988173, 0.61604757237], [-0.000672387374, -0.001064293501]) ''' N = len(a_alphas) a_alpha = da_alpha_dT = d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.0 if a_alpha_j_rows is None: a_alpha_j_rows = [0.0]*N if da_alpha_dT_j_rows is None: da_alpha_dT_j_rows = [0.0]*N # If d2a_alpha_dT2s were all halved, could save one more multiply for i in range(N): one_minus_kijs_i = one_minus_kijs[i] a_alpha_i_root_i = a_alpha_roots[i] # delete these references? a_alphai = a_alphas[i] da_alpha_dT_i = da_alpha_dTs[i] d2a_alpha_dT2_i = d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] workingd1 = workings2 = 0.0 if a_alphai == 0.0 or zs[i] == 0.0: continue for j in range(i): # TODO: optimize this, compute a_alpha after v0 = a_alpha_i_root_i*a_alpha_roots[j] a_alpha_ijs_ij = (one_minus_kijs_i[j])*v0 t200 = a_alpha_ijs_ij*zs[i] a_alpha_j_rows[j] += t200 a_alpha_j_rows[i] += zs[j]*a_alpha_ijs_ij t200 *= zs[j] a_alpha += t200 + t200 a_alphaj = a_alphas[j] if a_alphaj == 0.0: continue da_alpha_dT_j = da_alpha_dTs[j] zi_zj = zs[i]*zs[j] x1 = a_alphai*da_alpha_dT_j x2 = a_alphaj*da_alpha_dT_i x1_x2 = x1 + x2 kij_m1 = -one_minus_kijs_i[j] v0_inv = 1.0/v0 v1 = kij_m1*v0_inv da_alpha_dT_ij = x1_x2*v1 # da_alpha_dT_ij = -0.5*x1_x2*v1 # Factor the -0.5 out, apply at end da_alpha_dT_j_rows[j] += zs[i]*da_alpha_dT_ij da_alpha_dT_j_rows[i] += zs[j]*da_alpha_dT_ij da_alpha_dT_ij *= zi_zj x0 = a_alphai*a_alphaj # Technically could use a second list of double a_alphas, probably not used d2a_alpha_dT2_ij = v0_inv*v0_inv*v1*( x0*( -0.5*(a_alphai*d2a_alpha_dT2s[j] + a_alphaj*d2a_alpha_dT2_i) - da_alpha_dT_i*da_alpha_dT_j) +.25*x1_x2*x1_x2) d2a_alpha_dT2_ij *= zi_zj workingd1 += da_alpha_dT_ij workings2 += d2a_alpha_dT2_ij # 23 multiplies, 1 divide in this loop # Simplifications for j=i, kij is always 0 by definition. t200 = a_alphas[i]*zs[i] a_alpha_j_rows[i] += t200 a_alpha += t200*zs[i] zi_zj = zs[i]*zs[i] da_alpha_dT_ij = -da_alpha_dT_i - da_alpha_dT_i#da_alpha_dT_i*-2.0 da_alpha_dT_j_rows[i] += zs[i]*da_alpha_dT_ij da_alpha_dT_ij *= zi_zj da_alpha_dT -= 0.5*(da_alpha_dT_ij + (workingd1 + workingd1)) d2a_alpha_dT2 += d2a_alpha_dT2_i*zi_zj + (workings2 + workings2) for i in range(N): da_alpha_dT_j_rows[i] *= -0.5 return float(a_alpha), float(da_alpha_dT), float(d2a_alpha_dT2), a_alpha_j_rows, da_alpha_dT_j_rows
def eos_mix_dV_dzs(T, P, Z, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, db_dzs, ddelta_dzs, depsilon_dzs, da_alpha_dzs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N T = T RT = R*T V = Z*RT/P x0 = delta x1 = a_alpha = a_alpha x2 = epsilon = epsilon x0V = x0*V Vmb = V - b x5 = Vmb*Vmb x1x5 = x1*x5 x0x1x5 = x0*x1x5 t0 = V*x1x5 x6 = x2*x1x5 x9 = V*V x7 = x9*t0 x8 = x2*t0 x10 = x0V + x2 + x9 x10x10 = x10*x10 x11 = RT*x10*x10x10 x13 = x0x1x5*x9 x7x8 = x7 + x8 t2 = -1.0/(x0V*x0x1x5 + x0*x6 - x11 + 3.0*x13 + x7x8 + x7x8) t1 = t2*x10x10*x5 t3 = x0V*x1x5 t4 = x1x5*x9 t5 = t2*(t3 + t4 + x6) t6 = t2*(x13 + x7x8) x11t2 = x11*t2 for i in range(N): out[i] = t5*depsilon_dzs[i] - t1*da_alpha_dzs[i] + x11t2*db_dzs[i] + t6*ddelta_dzs[i] return out def G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, N, Z, dbs, depsilons, ddelta, dVs, da_alphas, G, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N RT = R*T x0 = V = Z*RT/P x2 = 1.0/(RT) x6 = delta*delta - 4.0*epsilon if x6 == 0.0: # VDW has x5 as zero as delta, epsilon = 0 x6 = 1e-100 x7 = 1.0/sqrt(x6) x8 = a_alpha x9 = x0 + x0 x10 = delta + x9 x11 = x2 + x2 x12 = x11*catanh(x10*x7).real x15 = x7*x7 db_dns = dbs depsilon_dns = depsilons ddelta_dns = ddelta dV_dns = dVs da_alpha_dns = da_alphas t1 = P*x2 t2 = x11*x15*x8/(x10*x10*x15 - 1.0) t3 = x12*x8*x15*x7 t4 = x12*x7 t5 = 1.0/(x0 - b) t6 = delta + x9 if G: t1 *= RT t2 *= RT t3 *= RT t4 *= RT t5 *= RT c0 = t1 + t2*2.0 - t5 for i in range(N): x13 = ddelta_dns[i] x14 = x13*delta - 2.0*depsilon_dns[i] x16 = x14*x15 diff = (dV_dns[i]*c0 - t4*da_alpha_dns[i] + t5*db_dns[i] + t2*(x13 - x16*t6) + x14*t3 ) # diff = (x1*t1 + t2*(x1 + x1 + x13 - x16*t6) + x14*t3 - t4*da_alpha_dns[i] - t5*(x1 - db_dns[i])) out[i] = diff return out def eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None): a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = a_alpha_quadratic_terms(a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, T, zs, one_minus_kijs, a_alpha_j_rows, vec0) V0, V1, V2 = volume_solutions_halley(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha) if l and g: # Use the lowest Gibbs energy root V_low = V0 if V1 != 0.0: if V_low > V1 and V1 > b: V_low = V1 if V_low > V2 and V2 > b: V_low = V2 V_high = V0 if V1 != 0.0: if V_high < V1 and V1 > b: V_high = V1 if V_high < V2 and V2 > b: V_high = V2 if V_low != V_high: # two roots found, see which has the lowest G_V_low = eos_G_dep(T, P, V_low, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha) G_V_high = eos_G_dep(T, P, V_high, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha) V0 = V_low if G_V_low < G_V_high else V_high elif not g: # Prefer liquid, ensure V0 is the smalest root if V1 != 0.0: if V0 > V1 and V1 > b: V0 = V1 if V0 > V2 and V2 > b: V0 = V2 else: if V1 != 0.0: if V0 < V1 and V1 > b: V0 = V1 if V0 < V2 and V2 > b: V0 = V2 Z = P*V0/(R*T) return Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows def eos_mix_db_dns(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): out[i] = bs[i] - b return out def eos_mix_da_alpha_dns(a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N a_alpha_n_2 = -2.0*a_alpha for i in range(N): out[i] = 2.0*a_alpha_j_rows[i] + a_alpha_n_2 return out def RK_d3delta_dninjnks(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment m6b = -6.0*b for i in range(N): bi = bs[i] d3b_dnjnks = out[i] for j in range(N): bj = bs[j] r = d3b_dnjnks[j] x0 = m6b + 2.0*(bi + bj) for k in range(N): r[k] = x0 + 2.0*bs[k] return out def PR_ddelta_dzs(bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): out[i] = 2.0*bs[i] return out def PR_ddelta_dns(bs, b, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N nb2 = -2.0*b for i in range(N): out[i] = 2.0*bs[i] + nb2 return out def PR_depsilon_dns(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N b2 = b + b b2b = b2*b for i in range(N): out[i] = b2b - b2*bs[i] return out def PR_d2delta_dninjs(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment bb = 2.0*b for i in range(N): bi = bs[i] r = out[i] x0 = 2.0*(bb - bi) for j in range(N): r[j] = x0 - 2.0*bs[j] return out def PR_d3delta_dninjnks(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment m3b = -3.0*b for i in range(N): bi = bs[i] d3b_dnjnks = out[i] for j in range(N): bj = bs[j] r = d3b_dnjnks[j] x0 = 4.0*(m3b + bi + bj) for k in range(N): r[k] = x0 + 4.0*bs[k] return out def PR_d2epsilon_dzizjs(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): l = out[i] x0 = -2.0*bs[i] for j in range(N): l[j] = x0*bs[j] return out def PR_depsilon_dzs(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N b2n = -2.0*b for i in range(N): out[i] = b2n*bs[i] return out def PR_d2epsilon_dninjs(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment bb = b + b b2 = b*b c0 = -bb*bb - 2.0*b2 c1 = 2.0*(b + 0.5*bb) c2 = 2.0*b + bb for i in range(N): l = out[i] bi = bs[i] x0 = c0 + c1*bi x1 = c2 - 2.0*bi for j in range(N): l[j] = x0 + bs[j]*x1 return out def PR_d3epsilon_dninjnks(b, bs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment c0 = 24.0*b*b for i in range(N): bi = bs[i] d3b_dnjnks = out[i] c10 = -12.0*b + 4.0*bi c11 = c0 -12.0*b*bi c12 = (-12.0*b + 4.0*bi) for j in range(N): bj = bs[j] x0 = c11 + bj*c12 x1 = c10 + 4.0*bj row = d3b_dnjnks[j] for k in range(N): bk = bs[k] term = x0 + bk*x1 row[k] = term return out def PR_translated_ddelta_dzs(b0s, cs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): out[i] = 2.0*(cs[i] + b0s[i]) return out def PR_translated_d2epsilon_dzizjs(b0s, cs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment for j in range(N): r = out[j] x1 = 2.0*b0s[j] x2 = 2.0*cs[j] for i in range(N): # Optimized r[i] = x1*(cs[i] - b0s[i]) + x2*(b0s[i] + cs[i]) return out def PR_translated_d2epsilon_dninjs(b0s, cs, b, c, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c v0 = -6.0*b0*b0 + 12.0*b0*c + 6.0*c*c v1 = 4.0*b0 - 4.0*c v2 = (-4.0*b0 - 4.0*c) for i in range(N): l = out[i] b0i = b0s[i] ci = cs[i] x0 = v0 + b0i*v1 + ci*v2 x1 = v1 - 2.0*b0i + 2.0*ci x2 = v2 + 2.0*b0i + 2.0*ci for j in range(N): l[j] = x0 + b0s[j]*x1 + cs[j]*x2 return out def PR_translated_ddelta_dns(b0s, cs, delta, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): out[i] = 2.0*(cs[i] + b0s[i]) - delta return out def SRK_translated_ddelta_dns(b0s, cs, delta, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): out[i] = 2.0*cs[i] + b0s[i] - delta return out def SRK_translated_depsilon_dns(b, c, b0s, cs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N b0 = b + c x0 = -2.0*b0*c - 2.0*c*c x1 = (b0 + 2.0*c) for i in range(N): out[i] = x0 + b0s[i]*c + cs[i]*x1 return out def SRK_translated_depsilon_dzs(b0s, cs, b, c, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N b0 = b + c x0 = b0 + 2.0*c for i in range(N): out[i] = b0s[i]*c + cs[i]*x0 return out def SRK_translated_d2epsilon_dzizjs(b0s, cs, b, c, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c for i in range(N): r = out[i] x0 = 2.0*cs[i] b0i = b0s[i] c0i = cs[i] for j in range(N): r[j] = cs[j]*(x0 + b0i) + b0s[j]*c0i return out def SRK_translated_d2delta_dninjs(b0s, cs, b, c, delta, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c c_4 = 4.0*c for i in range(N): t = delta - b0s[i] - cs[i] r = out[i] x0 = 2.0*(b0 - cs[i]) + c_4 - b0s[i] for j in range(N): r[j] = x0 - b0s[j] - 2.0*cs[j] return out def SRK_translated_d3delta_dninjnks(b0s, cs, b, c, delta, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c for i in range(N): mat = out[i] for j in range(N): r = mat[j] for k in range(N): r[k] = (-6.0*b0 + 2.0*(b0s[i] + b0s[j] + b0s[k]) - 12.0*c + 4.0*(cs[i] + cs[j] + cs[k])) return out def SRK_translated_d2epsilon_dninjs(b0s, cs, b, c, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c for i in range(N): l = out[i] for j in range(N): v = (b0*(2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j]) + c*(2.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[j]) +2.0*c*(2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j]) + (b0 - b0s[i])*(c - cs[j]) + (b0 - b0s[j])*(c - cs[i]) + 2.0*(c - cs[i])*(c - cs[j]) ) l[j] = v return out def SRK_translated_d3epsilon_dninjnks(b0s, cs, b, c, epsilon, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c for i in range(N): d3b_dnjnks = out[i] for j in range(N): row = d3b_dnjnks[j] for k in range(N): term = (-2.0*b0*(3.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j] - cs[k]) - 2.0*c*(3.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[j] - b0s[k]) - 4.0*c*(3.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j] - cs[k]) - (b0 - b0s[i])*(2.0*c - cs[j] - cs[k]) - (b0 - b0s[j])*(2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[k]) - (b0 - b0s[k])*(2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j]) - (c - cs[i])*(2.0*b0 - b0s[j] - b0s[k]) - (c - cs[j])*(2.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[k]) - (c - cs[k])*(2.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[j]) - 2.0*(c - cs[i])*(2.0*c - cs[j] - cs[k]) - 2.0*(c - cs[j])*(2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[k]) - 2.0*(c - cs[k])*(2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j]) ) row[k] = term return out def PR_translated_depsilon_dzs(c, b, b0s, cs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N b0 = b + c b0_2 = b0*2.0 x0 = (b0_2 + 2.0*c) x1 = c*2.0 - b0_2 for i in range(N): out[i] = cs[i]*x0 + x1*b0s[i] return out def PR_translated_depsilon_dns(b, c, b0s, cs, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [0.0]*N b0 = b + c x0 = 2.0*b0*b0 - 4.0*b0*c - 2.0*c*c x1 = -2.0*b0 + 2.0*c x2 = (2.0*b0 + 2.0*c) for i in range(N): out[i] = x0 + b0s[i]*x1 + cs[i]*x2 return out def PR_translated_d2delta_dninjs(b0s, cs, b, c, delta, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c for i in range(N): t = delta - b0s[i] - cs[i] r = out[i] for j in range(N): r[j] = 2.0*(t - b0s[j] - cs[j]) return out def PR_translated_d3delta_dninjnks(b0s, cs, delta, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment delta_six = 6.0*delta for i in range(N): b0ici = b0s[i] + cs[i] d3b_dnjnks = out[i] for j in range(N): b0jcj = b0s[j] + cs[j] r = d3b_dnjnks[j] v0 = 4.0*(b0ici + b0jcj) - delta_six for k in range(N): r[k] = v0 + 4.0*(b0s[k] + cs[k]) return out def PR_translated_d3epsilon_dninjnks(b0s, cs, b, c, epsilon, N, out=None): if out is None: out = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # out = np.zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment b0 = b + c for i in range(N): d3b_dnjnks = out[i] for j in range(N): row = d3b_dnjnks[j] for k in range(N): term = (4.0*b0*(3.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[j] - b0s[k]) -2.0*c*(6.0*b0 + 3.0*c - 2.0*(b0s[i] + b0s[j] + b0s[k]) -(cs[i] + cs[j] + cs[k])) + 2.0*(b0 - b0s[i])*(2.0*b0 - b0s[j] - b0s[k]) + 2.0*(b0 - b0s[j])*(2.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[k]) + 2.0*(b0 - b0s[k])*(2.0*b0 - b0s[i] - b0s[j]) - (c - cs[i])*(4.0*b0 - 2.0*b0s[j] - 2.0*b0s[k] + 2.0*c - cs[j] - cs[k]) - (c - cs[j])*(4.0*b0 - 2.0*b0s[i] - 2.0*b0s[k] + 2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[k]) - (c - cs[k])*(4.0*b0 - 2.0*b0s[i] - 2.0*b0s[j] + 2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j]) - 2.0*(c + 2.0*b0)*(3.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j] - cs[k]) - (2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[j])*(2.0*b0 + c - 2.0*b0s[k] - cs[k]) - (2.0*c - cs[i] - cs[k])*(2.0*b0 + c - 2.0*b0s[j] - cs[j]) - (2.0*c - cs[j] - cs[k])*(2.0*b0 + c - 2.0*b0s[i] - cs[i]) ) row[k] = term return out def PR_lnphis(T, P, Z, b, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_j_rows, N, lnphis=None): if lnphis is None: lnphis = [0.0]*N T_inv = 1.0/T P_T = P*T_inv A = a_alpha*P_T*R2_inv*T_inv B = b*P_T*R_inv to_log = Z - B if to_log <= 0.0: # Should never happen x0 = 0.0 else: x0 = log(to_log) root_two_B = B*root_two two_root_two_B = root_two_B + root_two_B ZB = Z + B to_log = (ZB + root_two_B)/(ZB - root_two_B) if to_log <= 0.0: x4 = 0.0 else: x4 = A*log(to_log) to_div = a_alpha*two_root_two_B if to_div != 0.0: t50 = (x4 + x4)/(to_div) else: for i in range(N): lnphis[i] = 0.0 return lnphis t51 = (x4 + (Z - 1.0)*two_root_two_B)/(b*two_root_two_B) for i in range(N): lnphis[i] = bs[i]*t51 - x0 - t50*a_alpha_j_rows[i] return lnphis def SRK_lnphis(T, P, Z, b, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_j_rows, N, lnphis=None): if lnphis is None: lnphis = [0.0]*N RT = T*R P_RT = P/RT A = a_alpha*P/(RT*RT) B = b*P/RT B_inv = 1.0/B A_B = A*B_inv t0 = log(Z - B) t3 = log(1. + B/Z) Z_minus_one_over_B = (Z - 1.0)*B_inv two_over_a_alpha = 2./a_alpha x0 = A_B*B_inv*t3 x1 = A_B*two_over_a_alpha*t3 x2 = (Z_minus_one_over_B + x0)*P_RT for i in range(N): lnphis[i] = bs[i]*x2 - t0 - x1*a_alpha_j_rows[i] return lnphis def VDW_lnphis(T, P, Z, b, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_roots, N, lnphis=None): if lnphis is None: lnphis = [0.0]*N V = Z*R*T/P sqrt_a_alpha = sqrt(a_alpha) t1 = log(Z*(1. - b/V)) t2 = 2.0*sqrt_a_alpha/(R*T*V) t3 = 1.0/(V - b) for i in range(N): lnphis[i] = (bs[i]*t3 - t1 - t2*a_alpha_roots[i]) return lnphis def eos_mix_lnphis_general(T, P, Z, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_roots, N, db_dns, da_alpha_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, lnphis=None): if lnphis is None: lnphis = [0.0]*N V = Z*R*T/P dV_dns = eos_mix_dV_dzs(T, P, Z, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, db_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, da_alpha_dns, N) dlnphi_dns = G_dep_lnphi_d_helper(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, N, Z, db_dns, depsilon_dns, ddelta_dns, dV_dns, da_alpha_dns, G=False) lnphi = eos_lnphi(T, P, V, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha) for i in range(N): lnphis[i] = lnphi + dlnphi_dns[i] return lnphis def PR_lnphis_fastest(zs, T, P, N, one_minus_kijs, l, g, bs, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None, lnphis=None): b = 0.0 for i in range(N): b += bs[i]*zs[i] delta = 2.0*b epsilon = -b*b Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, vec0=vec0) return PR_lnphis(T, P, Z, b, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_j_rows, N, lnphis=lnphis) def SRK_lnphis_fastest(zs, T, P, N, one_minus_kijs, l, g, bs, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None, lnphis=None): b = 0.0 for i in range(N): b += bs[i]*zs[i] delta = b epsilon = 0.0 Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, vec0=vec0) return SRK_lnphis(T, P, Z, b, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_j_rows, N, lnphis=lnphis) def VDW_lnphis_fastest(zs, T, P, N, one_minus_kijs, l, g, bs, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None, lnphis=None): b = 0.0 for i in range(N): b += bs[i]*zs[i] delta = 0.0 epsilon = 0.0 Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, vec0=vec0) return VDW_lnphis(T, P, Z, b, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_roots, N, lnphis=lnphis) def RK_lnphis_fastest(zs, T, P, N, one_minus_kijs, l, g, bs, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None, lnphis=None): b = 0.0 for i in range(N): b += bs[i]*zs[i] delta = b epsilon = 0.0 Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, vec0=vec0) ddelta_dns = db_dns = eos_mix_db_dns(b, bs, N, out=None) da_alpha_dns = eos_mix_da_alpha_dns(a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows, N, out=None) depsilon_dns = [0.0]*N return eos_mix_lnphis_general(T, P, Z, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_roots, N, db_dns, da_alpha_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, lnphis=lnphis) def PR_translated_lnphis_fastest(zs, T, P, N, one_minus_kijs, l, g, b0s, bs, cs, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None, lnphis=None): b0, c = 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(N): b0 += b0s[i]*zs[i] c += cs[i]*zs[i] b = b0 - c delta = 2.0*(c + b0) epsilon = -b0*b0 + c*(c + b0 + b0) Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, vec0=vec0) db_dns = eos_mix_db_dns(b, bs, N, out=None) da_alpha_dns = eos_mix_da_alpha_dns(a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows, N, out=None) depsilon_dns = PR_translated_depsilon_dns(b, c, b0s, cs, N, out=None) ddelta_dns = PR_translated_ddelta_dns(b0s, cs, delta, N, out=None) return eos_mix_lnphis_general(T, P, Z, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_roots, N, db_dns, da_alpha_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, lnphis=lnphis) def SRK_translated_lnphis_fastest(zs, T, P, N, one_minus_kijs, l, g, b0s, bs, cs, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=None, vec0=None, lnphis=None): b0, c = 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(N): b0 += b0s[i]*zs[i] c += cs[i]*zs[i] b = b0 - c delta = c + c + b0 epsilon = c*(b0 + c) Z, a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows = eos_mix_a_alpha_volume(g, l, T, P, zs, one_minus_kijs, b, delta, epsilon, a_alphas, a_alpha_roots, a_alpha_j_rows=a_alpha_j_rows, vec0=vec0) db_dns = eos_mix_db_dns(b, bs, N, out=None) da_alpha_dns = eos_mix_da_alpha_dns(a_alpha, a_alpha_j_rows, N, out=None) depsilon_dns = SRK_translated_depsilon_dns(b, c, b0s, cs, N, out=None) ddelta_dns = SRK_translated_ddelta_dns(b0s, cs, delta, N, out=None) return eos_mix_lnphis_general(T, P, Z, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, bs, a_alpha_roots, N, db_dns, da_alpha_dns, ddelta_dns, depsilon_dns, lnphis=lnphis)