Source code for thermo.equilibrium

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains an object designed to store the result of a flash
calculation and provide convinient access to all properties of the calculated
phases and bulks.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

.. autoclass:: EquilibriumState
    :exclude-members: dH_dP_V, dH_dT_V, dH_dV_P, dH_dV_T, dS_dP_V, dS_dT, dS_dT_P, dS_dT_V

__all__ = ['EquilibriumState']

from chemicals.elements import mass_fractions, periodic_table
from chemicals.utils import SG, Vm_to_rho, hash_any_primitive, mixing_simple, normalize, vapor_mass_quality, zs_to_ws
from fluids.constants import N_A, R
from fluids.numerics import log
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.bulk import Bulk, JsonOptEncodable, default_settings
from thermo.chemical_package import ChemicalConstantsPackage, PropertyCorrelationsPackage, constants_docstrings
from thermo.phases import Phase, derivatives_jacobian, derivatives_thermodynamic, derivatives_thermodynamic_mass, gas_phases, liquid_phases, solid_phases
from thermo.serialize import object_lookups

all_phases = gas_phases + liquid_phases + solid_phases

    array = np.array

CAS_H2O = '7732-18-5'

PHASE_GAS = 'gas'
PHASE_LIQUID0 = 'liquid0'
PHASE_LIQUID1 = 'liquid1'
PHASE_LIQUID2 = 'liquid2'
PHASE_LIQUID3 = 'liquid3'
PHASE_BULK_LIQUID = 'liquid_bulk'
PHASE_WATER_LIQUID = 'water_phase'
PHASE_LIGHTEST_LIQUID = 'lightest_liquid'
PHASE_HEAVIEST_LIQUID = 'heaviest_liquid'
PHASE_SOLID0 = 'solid0'
PHASE_SOLID1 = 'solid1'
PHASE_SOLID2 = 'solid2'
PHASE_SOLID3 = 'solid3'
PHASE_BULK_SOLID = 'solid_bulk'
PHASE_BULK = 'bulk'


                'PHASE_BULK', 'PHASE_REFERENCES'])

[docs]class EquilibriumState: r'''Class to represent a thermodynamic equilibrium state with one or more phases in it. This object is designed to be the output of the :obj:`thermo.flash.Flash` interface and to provide easy acess to all properties of the mixture. Properties like :obj:`Cp <EquilibriumState.Cp>` are calculated using the mixing rules configured by the :obj:`BulkSettings <thermo.bulk.BulkSettings>` object. For states with a single phase, this will always reduce to the properties of that phase. This interface allows calculation of thermodynamic properties, and transport properties. Both molar and mass outputs are provided, as separate calls (ex. :obj:`Cp <EquilibriumState.Cp>` and :obj:`Cp_mass <EquilibriumState.Cp_mass>`). Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of state, [K] P : float Pressure of state, [Pa] zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of all species in the state, [-] gas : :obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>` The calcualted gas phase object, if one was found, [-] liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] A list of liquid phase objects, if any were found, [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] A list of solid phase objects, if any were found, [-] betas : list[float] Molar phase fractions of every phase, ordered [`gas beta`, `liquid beta0`, `liquid beta1`, ..., `solid beta0`, `solid beta1`, ...] flash_specs : dict[str : float], optional A dictionary containing the specifications for the flash calculations, [-] flash_convergence : dict[str : float], optional A dictionary containing the convergence results for the flash calculations; this is to help support development of the library only and the contents of this dictionary is subject to change, [-] constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>`, optional Package of chemical constants; all cases these properties are accessible as attributes of this object, [-] :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` object, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>`, optional Package of chemical T-dependent properties; these properties are accessible as attributes of this object object, [-] flasher : :obj:`Flash <thermo.flash.Flash>` object, optional This reference can be provided to this object to allow the object to return properties which are themselves calculated from results of flash calculations, [-] settings : :obj:`BulkSettings <thermo.bulk.BulkSettings>`, optional Object containing settings for calculating bulk and transport properties, [-] Examples -------- The following sample shows a flash for the CO2-n-hexane system with all constants provided, using no data from thermo. >>> from thermo import * >>> constants = ChemicalConstantsPackage(names=['carbon dioxide', 'hexane'], CASs=['124-38-9', '110-54-3'], MWs=[44.0095, 86.17536], omegas=[0.2252, 0.2975], Pcs=[7376460.0, 3025000.0], Tbs=[194.67, 341.87], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Tms=[216.65, 178.075]) >>> correlations = PropertyCorrelationsPackage(constants=constants, skip_missing=True, ... HeatCapacityGases=[HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-3.1115474168865828e-21, 1.39156078498805e-17, -2.5430881416264243e-14, 2.4175307893014295e-11, -1.2437314771044867e-08, 3.1251954264658904e-06, -0.00021220221928610925, 0.000884685506352987, 29.266811602924644])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(200.0, 1000.0, [1.3740654453881647e-21, -8.344496203280677e-18, 2.2354782954548568e-14, -3.4659555330048226e-11, 3.410703030634579e-08, -2.1693611029230923e-05, 0.008373280796376588, -1.356180511425385, 175.67091124888998]))]) >>> eos_kwargs = {'Pcs': constants.Pcs, 'Tcs': constants.Tcs, 'omegas': constants.omegas} >>> gas = CEOSGas(PRMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=correlations.HeatCapacityGases) >>> liq = CEOSLiquid(PRMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=correlations.HeatCapacityGases) >>> flasher = FlashVL(constants, correlations, liquid=liq, gas=gas) >>> state = flasher.flash(P=1e5, T=196.0, zs=[0.5, 0.5]) >>> type(state) is EquilibriumState True >>> state.phase_count 2 >>> state.bulk.Cp() 108.3164692 >>> state.flash_specs {'zs': [0.5, 0.5], 'T': 196.0, 'P': 100000.0} >>> state.Tms [216.65, 178.075] >>> state.liquid0.H() -34376.4853 >>> state.gas.H() -3608.0551 Attributes ---------- gas_count : int Number of gas phases present (0 or 1), [-] liquid_count : int Number of liquid phases present, [-] solid_count : int Number of solid phases present, [-] phase_count : int Number of phases present, [-] gas_beta : float Molar phase fraction of the gas phase; 0 if no gas phase is present, [-] liquids_betas : list[float] Liquid molar phase fractions, [-] solids_betas : list[float] Solid molar phase fractions, [-] liquid_zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of each component in the overall liquid phase, [-] liquid_bulk : :obj:`Bulk<thermo.bulk.Bulk>` Liquid phase bulk, [-] solid_zs : list[float] Overall mole fractions of each component in the overall solid phase, [-] solid_bulk : :obj:`Bulk<thermo.bulk.Bulk>` Solid phase bulk, [-] bulk : :obj:`Bulk<thermo.bulk.Bulk>` Overall phase bulk, [-] ''' max_liquid_phases = 1 reacted = False flashed = True vectorized = False # not supported yet liquid_bulk = None solid_bulk = None T_REF_IG = Phase.T_REF_IG T_REF_IG_INV = Phase.T_REF_IG_INV P_REF_IG = Phase.P_REF_IG P_REF_IG_INV = Phase.P_REF_IG_INV __full_path__ = f"{__module__}.{__qualname__}" __slots__ = ('T', 'P', 'zs', 'N', 'gas_count', 'liquid_count', 'solid_count', 'phase_count', 'gas', 'liquids', 'solids', 'phases', 'betas', 'gas_beta', 'liquids_betas', 'solids_betas', 'liquid_zs', #'liquid_bulk', 'liquid0', 'liquid1', 'liquid2', 'bulk', 'flash_specs', 'flash_convergence', 'flasher', 'settings', 'constants', 'correlations', '__dict__') obj_references = ('liquid_bulk', 'solid_bulk', 'bulk', 'gas', 'liquids', 'phases', 'solids', 'settings', 'constants', 'correlations', 'flasher', 'liquid0', 'liquid1', 'liquid2') def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == hash(other) def __hash__(self): r'''Basic method to calculate a hash of the state. Note that the hashes should only be compared on the same system running in the same process! Returns ------- hash : int Hash of the state including the phases making it up [-] ''' return hash_any_primitive([self.phases, self.betas, self.gas_count, self.liquid_count, self.solid_count, self.settings, self.flasher]) def __str__(self): s = '<EquilibriumState, T=%.4f, P=%.4f, zs=%s, betas=%s, phases=%s>' s = s %(self.T, self.P, self.zs, self.betas, str([str(i) for i in self.phases]).replace("'", '')) return s def __repr__(self): s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(T={self.T}, P={self.P}, zs={self.zs}, betas={self.betas}' s += f', gas={self.gas.__repr__()}' s += f', liquids={self.liquids.__repr__()}' s += f', solids={self.solids.__repr__()}' s += ')' return s # __str__ = __repr__ def __init__(self, T, P, zs, gas, liquids, solids, betas, flash_specs=None, flash_convergence=None, constants=None, correlations=None, flasher=None, settings=default_settings): # T, P are the only properties constant across phase self.T = T self.P = P self.zs = zs self.N = N = len(zs) self.gas_count = gas_count = 1 if gas is not None else 0 self.liquid_count = liquid_count = len(liquids) self.solid_count = solid_count = len(solids) self.phase_count = gas_count + liquid_count + solid_count self.gas = gas self.liquids = liquids self.solids = solids if gas is not None: self.phases = [gas] + liquids + solids gas.assigned_phase = 'g' else: self.phases = liquids + solids self.betas = betas self.gas_beta = betas[0] if gas_count else 0.0 self.liquids_betas = betas_liquids = betas[gas_count:gas_count + liquid_count] self.solids_betas = betas_solids = betas[gas_count + liquid_count:] if liquid_count > 1: # tot_inv = 1.0/sum(values) # return [i*tot_inv for i in values] self.liquid_zs = normalize([sum([betas_liquids[j]*liquids[j].zs[i] for j in range(liquid_count)]) for i in range(self.N)]) self.liquid_bulk = liquid_bulk = Bulk(T, P, self.liquid_zs, self.liquids, self.liquids_betas, 'l') liquid_bulk.flasher = flasher liquid_bulk.result = self liquid_bulk.constants = constants liquid_bulk.correlations = correlations liquid_bulk.settings = settings for i, l in enumerate(liquids): setattr(self, 'liquid%d'%(i), l) l.assigned_phase = 'l' elif liquid_count: l = liquids[0] self.liquid_zs = l.zs self.liquid_bulk = l self.liquid0 = l l.assigned_phase = 'l' if solids: self.solid_zs = normalize([sum([betas_solids[j]*solids[j].zs[i] for j in range(self.solid_count)]) for i in range(self.N)]) self.solid_bulk = solid_bulk = Bulk(T, P, self.solid_zs, solids, self.solids_betas, 's') solid_bulk.result = self solid_bulk.constants = constants solid_bulk.correlations = correlations solid_bulk.flasher = flasher for i, s in enumerate(solids): setattr(self, 'solid%d' %(i), s) self.bulk = bulk = Bulk(T, P, zs, self.phases, betas) bulk.result = self bulk.constants = constants bulk.correlations = correlations bulk.flasher = flasher bulk.settings = settings self.flash_specs = flash_specs self.flash_convergence = flash_convergence self.flasher = flasher self.settings = settings self.constants = constants self.correlations = correlations for phase in self.phases: phase.result = self phase.constants = constants phase.correlations = correlations
[docs] def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0): return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None): return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
json_version = 1 non_json_attributes = [] vectorized = False @property def phase(self): r'''Method to calculate and return a string representing the phase of the mixture. The return string uses 'V' to represent the gas phase, 'L' to represent a liquid phase, and 'S' to represent a solid phase (always in that order). A state with three liquids, two solids, and a gas would return 'VLLLSS'. Returns ------- phase : str Phase string, [-] Notes ----- ''' s = '' if self.gas: s += 'V' s += 'L'*len(self.liquids) s += 'S'*len(self.solids) return s @property def VF(self): r'''Method to return the vapor fraction of the equilibrium state. If no vapor/gas is present, 0 is always returned. Returns ------- VF : float Vapor molar fraction, [-] Notes ----- ''' if self.gas is not None: return self.betas[0] return 0.0 # No gas phase @property def LF(self): r'''Method to return the liquid fraction of the equilibrium state. If no liquid is present, 0 is always returned. Returns ------- LF : float Liquid molar fraction, [-] Notes ----- ''' return sum(self.liquids_betas) @property def quality(self): r'''Method to return the mass vapor fraction of the equilibrium state. If no vapor/gas is present, 0 is always returned. This is normally called the quality. Returns ------- quality : float Vapor mass fraction, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._quality except: pass gas = self.gas liquid_bulk = self.liquid_bulk if gas is not None and liquid_bulk is not None: quality = vapor_mass_quality(self.gas_beta, MWl=liquid_bulk.MW(), MWg=gas.MW()) elif gas is not None: quality = 1.0 else: quality = 0.0 self._quality = quality return quality @property def betas_states(self): r'''Method to return the molar phase fractions of each of the three fundamental `types` of phases. Returns ------- betas_states : list[float, 3] List containing the molar phase fraction of gas, liquid, and solid, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_states except: pass self._betas_states = [self.gas_beta, sum(self.liquids_betas), sum(self.solids_betas)] return self._betas_states @property def betas_mass_states(self): r'''Method to return the mass phase fractions of each of the three fundamental `types` of phases. Returns ------- betas_mass_states : list[float, 3] List containing the mass phase fraction of gas, liquid, and solid, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_mass_states except: pass g_tot = l_tot = s_tot = 0.0 # Compute the mass fraction of the gas phase gas, liquids, solids = self.gas, self.liquids, self.solids beta_gas, betas_liquids, betas_solids = self.gas_beta, self.liquids_betas, self.solids_betas gas_MW = gas.MW() if gas is not None else 0. liq_MWs = [i.MW() for i in liquids] solid_MWs = [i.MW() for i in solids] g_tot = gas_MW*beta_gas for i in range(self.liquid_count): l_tot += liq_MWs[i]*betas_liquids[i] for i in range(self.solid_count): s_tot += solid_MWs[i]*betas_solids[i] tot = g_tot + l_tot + s_tot tot = 1.0/tot self._betas_mass_states = [g_tot*tot, l_tot*tot, s_tot*tot] return self._betas_mass_states @property def betas_volume_states(self): r'''Method to return the volume phase fractions of each of the three fundamental `types` of phases. Returns ------- betas_volume_states : list[float, 3] List containing the volume phase fraction of gas, liquid, and solid, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_volume_states except: pass g_tot = l_tot = s_tot = 0.0 # Compute the mass fraction of the gas phase gas, liquids, solids = self.gas, self.liquids, self.solids beta_gas, betas_liquids, betas_solids = self.gas_beta, self.liquids_betas, self.solids_betas gas_V = gas.V() if gas is not None else 0.0 liq_Vs = [i.V() for i in liquids] solid_Vs = [i.V() for i in solids] g_tot = gas_V*beta_gas for i in range(self.liquid_count): l_tot += liq_Vs[i]*betas_liquids[i] for i in range(self.solid_count): s_tot += solid_Vs[i]*betas_solids[i] tot = g_tot + l_tot + s_tot tot = 1.0/tot self._betas_volume_states = [g_tot*tot, l_tot*tot, s_tot*tot] return self._betas_volume_states @property def betas_mass(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass fraction of all of the phases in the system. Returns ------- betas_mass : list[float] Mass phase fractions of all the phases, ordered vapor, liquid, then solid , [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_mass except: pass phase_iter = range(self.phase_count) betas = self.betas MWs_phases = [i.MW() for i in self.phases] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += MWs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot self._betas_mass = [betas[i]*MWs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] return self._betas_mass @property def betas_volume(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the volume fraction of all of the phases in the system. Returns ------- betas_volume : list[float] Volume phase fractions of all the phases, ordered vapor, liquid, then solid , [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_volume_liquid_ref except: pass phase_iter = range(self.phase_count) betas = self.betas Vs_phases = [i.V() for i in self.phases] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += Vs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot self._betas_volume_liquid_ref = [betas[i]*Vs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] return self._betas_volume_liquid_ref @property def betas_volume_liquid_ref(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the standard liquid volume fraction of all of the phases in the bulk. Returns ------- betas_volume_liquid_ref : list[float] Standard liquid volume phase fractions of all the phases in the bulk, ordered vapor, liquid, then solid , [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_volume_liquid_ref except: pass phase_iter = range(self.phase_count) betas = self.betas Vs_phases = [i.V_liquid_ref() for i in self.phases] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += Vs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot self._betas_volume_liquid_ref = [betas[i]*Vs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] return self._betas_volume_liquid_ref @property def betas_liquids(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the fraction of the liquid phase that each liquid phase is, by molar phase fraction. If the system is VLLL with phase fractions of 0.125 vapor, and [.25, .125, .5] for the three liquids phases respectively, the return value would be [0.28571428, 0.142857142, 0.57142857]. Returns ------- betas_liquids : list[float] Molar phase fractions of the overall liquid phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._betas_liquids except: pass liquids_betas = self.liquids_betas tot = 0.0 for vi in liquids_betas: tot += vi if tot == 0.0: return [] tot = 1.0/tot self._betas_liquids = [vi*tot for vi in liquids_betas] return self._betas_liquids @property def betas_mass_liquids(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the fraction of the liquid phase that each liquid phase is, by mass phase fraction. If the system is VLLL with mass phase fractions of 0.125 vapor, and [.25, .125, .5] for the three liquids phases respectively, the return value would be [0.28571428, 0.142857142, 0.57142857]. Returns ------- betas_mass_liquids : list[float] Mass phase fractions of the overall liquid phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' if self.liquid_count: phase_iter = range(self.liquid_count) betas = self.liquids_betas MWs_phases = [i.MW() for i in self.liquids] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += MWs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot return [betas[i]*MWs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] else: return [] @property def betas_volume_liquids(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the fraction of the liquid phase that each liquid phase is, by volume phase fraction. If the system is VLLL with volume phase fractions of 0.125 vapor, and [.25, .125, .5] for the three liquids phases respectively, the return value would be [0.28571428, 0.142857142, 0.57142857]. Returns ------- betas_volume_liquids : list[float] Volume phase fractions of the overall liquid phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' if self.liquid_count: phase_iter = range(self.liquid_count) betas = self.liquids_betas Vs_phases = [i.V() for i in self.liquids] tot = 0.0 for i in phase_iter: tot += Vs_phases[i]*betas[i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot return [betas[i]*Vs_phases[i]*tot_inv for i in phase_iter] else: return []
[docs] def V_liquids_ref(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the liquid reference molar volumes according to the temperature variable `T_liquid_volume_ref` of :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- V_liquids_ref : list[float] Liquid molar volumes at the reference condition, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- ''' T_liquid_volume_ref = self.settings.T_liquid_volume_ref if T_liquid_volume_ref == 298.15: Vls = self.Vml_STPs elif T_liquid_volume_ref == 288.7055555555555: Vls = self.Vml_60Fs else: Vls = [i(T_liquid_volume_ref) for i in self.VolumeLiquids] return Vls
[docs] def V_liquid_ref(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the liquid reference molar volume according to the temperature variable `T_liquid_volume_ref` of :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings` and the composition of the phase. .. math:: V = \sum_i z_i V_i Returns ------- V_liquid_ref : float Liquid molar volume at the reference condition, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs Vls = self.V_liquids_ref() V = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): V += zs[i]*Vls[i] return V
[docs] def rho_mass_liquid_ref(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the liquid reference mass density according to the temperature variable `T_liquid_volume_ref` of :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings` and the composition of the phase. Returns ------- rho_mass_liquid_ref : float Liquid mass density at the reference condition, [kg/m^3] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk V = self.V_liquid_ref(phase) MW = phase.MW() return Vm_to_rho(V, MW)
[docs] def atom_content(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the number of moles of each atom in the phase per mole of the phase; returns a dictionary of atom counts, containing only those elements who are present. Returns ------- atom_content : dict[str: float] Atom counts, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self try: return phase._atom_content except: pass zs = phase.zs things = dict() for zi, atoms in zip(zs, self.constants.atomss): for atom, count in atoms.items(): if atom in things: things[atom] += zi*count else: things[atom] = zi*count phase._atom_content = things return things
[docs] def atom_fractions(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the atomic composition of the phase; returns a dictionary of atom fraction (by count), containing only those elements who are present. Returns ------- atom_fractions : dict[str: float] Atom fractions, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._atom_fractions except: pass things = self.atom_content(phase) tot_inv = 1.0/sum(things.values()) phase._atom_fractions = {atom : value*tot_inv for atom, value in things.items()} return phase._atom_fractions
[docs] def atom_mass_fractions(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the atomic mass fractions of the phase; returns a dictionary of atom fraction (by mass), containing only those elements who arxe present. Returns ------- atom_mass_fractions : dict[str: float] Atom mass fractions, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._atom_mass_fractions except: pass zs = phase.zs things = {} for zi, atoms in zip(zs, self.constants.atomss): for atom, count in atoms.items(): if atom in things: things[atom] += zi*count else: things[atom] = zi*count phase._atom_mass_fractions = mass_fractions(things, phase.MW()) return phase._atom_mass_fractions
[docs] def atom_flows(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the atomic flow rates of the phase; returns a dictionary of atom flows, containing only those elements who are present. Returns ------- atom_flows : dict[str: float] Atom flows, [mol/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._atom_flows except: pass atom_content = self.atom_content(phase) n = phase.n phase._atom_flows = {k:v*n for k, v in atom_content.items()} return phase._atom_flows
[docs] def atom_count_flows(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the atom count flow rates of the phase; returns a dictionary of atom count flows, containing only those elements who are present. Returns ------- atom_count_flows : dict[str: float] Atom flows, [atoms/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk atom_content = self.atom_content(phase) n = phase.n return {k:v*n*N_A for k, v in atom_content.items()}
[docs] def atom_mass_flows(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the atomic mass flow rates of the phase; returns a dictionary of atom mass flows, containing only those elements who are present. Returns ------- atom_mass_flows : dict[str: float] Atom mass flows, [kg/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk atom_mass_fractions = self.atom_mass_fractions(phase) m = phase.m return {k:v*m for k, v in atom_mass_fractions.items()}
[docs] def ws(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass fractions of the phase, [-] Returns ------- ws : list[float] Mass fractions, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs return zs_to_ws(zs, self.constants.MWs)
[docs] def Vfls(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-liquid volume fractions of the components of the phase, using the standard liquid densities at the temperature variable `T_liquid_volume_ref` of :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings` and the composition of the phase. Returns ------- Vfls : list[float] Ideal-liquid volume fractions of the components of the phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs Vls = self.V_liquids_ref() V = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): V += zs[i]*Vls[i] V_inv = 1.0/V return [V_inv*Vls[i]*zs[i] for i in range(self.N)]
[docs] def Vfgs(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas volume fractions of the components of the phase. This is the same as the mole fractions. Returns ------- Vfgs : list[float] Ideal-gas volume fractions of the components of the phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' # TODO: use partial molar volumes or something to compute an acutal # gas volume fractions? if phase is None: phase = self.bulk zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs return zs
[docs] def MW(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the molecular weight of the phase. .. math:: \text{MW} = \sum_i z_i \text{MW}_{i} Returns ------- MW : float Molecular weight of the phase, [g/mol] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs MWs = self.constants.MWs MW = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): MW += zs[i]*MWs[i] return MW
[docs] def pseudo_Tc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the pseudocritical temperature calculated using Kay's rule (linear mole fractions): .. math:: T_{c, pseudo} = \sum_i z_i T_{c,i} Returns ------- pseudo_Tc : float Pseudocritical temperature of the phase, [K] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs Tcs = self.constants.Tcs Tc = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Tc += zs[i]*Tcs[i] return Tc
[docs] def pseudo_Pc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the pseudocritical pressure calculated using Kay's rule (linear mole fractions): .. math:: P_{c, pseudo} = \sum_i z_i P_{c,i} Returns ------- pseudo_Pc : float Pseudocritical pressure of the phase, [Pa] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs Pcs = self.constants.Pcs Pc = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Pc += zs[i]*Pcs[i] return Pc
[docs] def pseudo_Vc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the pseudocritical volume calculated using Kay's rule (linear mole fractions): .. math:: V_{c, pseudo} = \sum_i z_i V_{c,i} Returns ------- pseudo_Vc : float Pseudocritical volume of the phase, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs Vcs = self.constants.Vcs Vc = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Vc += zs[i]*Vcs[i] return Vc
[docs] def pseudo_Zc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the pseudocritical compressibility calculated using Kay's rule (linear mole fractions): .. math:: Z_{c, pseudo} = \sum_i z_i Z_{c,i} Returns ------- pseudo_Zc : float Pseudocritical compressibility of the phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs Zcs = self.constants.Zcs Zc = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Zc += zs[i]*Zcs[i] return Zc
[docs] def pseudo_omega(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the pseudocritical acentric factor calculated using Kay's rule (linear mole fractions): .. math:: \omega_{pseudo} = \sum_i z_i \omega_{i} Returns ------- pseudo_omega : float Pseudo acentric factor of the phase, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: zs = self.zs else: zs = phase.zs omegas = self.constants.omegas omega = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): omega += zs[i]*omegas[i] return omega
[docs] def Tmc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mechanical critical temperature of the phase. Returns ------- Tmc : float Mechanical critical temperature, [K] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Tmc()
[docs] def Pmc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mechanical critical pressure of the phase. Returns ------- Pmc : float Mechanical critical pressure, [Pa] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Pmc()
[docs] def Vmc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mechanical critical volume of the phase. Returns ------- Vmc : float Mechanical critical volume, [m^3/mol] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Vmc()
[docs] def Zmc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mechanical critical compressibility of the phase. Returns ------- Zmc : float Mechanical critical compressibility, [-] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Zmc()
[docs] def rho_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass density of the phase. .. math:: \rho = \frac{MW}{1000\cdot VM} Returns ------- rho_mass : float Mass density, [kg/m^3] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk V = phase.V() MW = phase.MW() return Vm_to_rho(V, MW)
[docs] def V_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the specific volume of the phase. .. math:: V_{mass} = \frac{1000\cdot VM}{MW} Returns ------- V_mass : float Specific volume of the phase, [m^3/kg] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk V = phase.V() MW = phase.MW() return 1.0/Vm_to_rho(V, MW)
[docs] def H_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of enthalpy of this phase. This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- H_flow : float Flow rate of energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._H_flow except: pass H_flow = phase.n*phase.H() phase._H_flow = H_flow return H_flow
[docs] def S_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of entropy of this phase. This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- S_flow : float Flow rate of entropy, [J/(K*s)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._S_flow except: pass S_flow = phase.n*phase.S() phase._S_flow = S_flow return S_flow
[docs] def U_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of internal energy of this phase. This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- U_flow : float Flow rate of internal energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._U_flow except: pass U_flow = phase.n*phase.U() phase._U_flow = U_flow return U_flow
[docs] def A_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of Helmholtz energy of this phase. This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- A_flow : float Flow rate of Helmholtz energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._A_flow except: pass A_flow = phase.n*phase.A() phase._A_flow = A_flow return A_flow
[docs] def G_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of Gibbs free energy of this phase. This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- G_flow : float Flow rate of Gibbs energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._G_flow except: pass G_flow = phase.n*phase.G() phase._G_flow = G_flow return G_flow
[docs] def H_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass enthalpy of the phase. .. math:: H_{mass} = \frac{1000 H_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- H_mass : float Mass enthalpy, [J/kg] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.H()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def S_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass entropy of the phase. .. math:: S_{mass} = \frac{1000 S_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- S_mass : float Mass enthalpy, [J/(kg*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.S()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def U_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass internal energy of the phase. .. math:: U_{mass} = \frac{1000 U_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- U_mass : float Mass internal energy, [J/(kg)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.U()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def A_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass Helmholtz energy of the phase. .. math:: A_{mass} = \frac{1000 A_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- A_mass : float Mass Helmholtz energy, [J/(kg)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.A()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def G_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass Gibbs energy of the phase. .. math:: G_{mass} = \frac{1000 G_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- G_mass : float Mass Gibbs energy, [J/(kg)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.G()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def Cp_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass constant pressure heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: Cp_{mass} = \frac{1000 Cp_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- Cp_mass : float Mass heat capacity, [J/(kg*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Cp()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def Cv_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return mass constant volume heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: Cv_{mass} = \frac{1000 Cv_{molar}}{MW} Returns ------- Cv_mass : float Mass constant volume heat capacity, [J/(kg*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Cv()*1e3*phase.MW_inv()
[docs] def Cp_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: C_p^{ig} = \sum_i z_i {C_{p,i}^{ig}} Returns ------- Cp : float Ideal gas heat capacity, [J/(mol*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase.Cp_ideal_gas() except: pass HeatCapacityGases = self.correlations.HeatCapacityGases T = self.T Cpigs_pure = [i.T_dependent_property(T) for i in HeatCapacityGases] Cp, zs = 0.0, phase.zs for i in range(self.N): Cp += zs[i]*Cpigs_pure[i] return Cp
[docs] def H_dep(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the difference between the actual `H` and the ideal-gas enthalpy of the phase. .. math:: H^{dep} = H - H^{ig} Returns ------- H_dep : float Departure enthalpy, [J/(mol)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.H_dep() return phase.H() - self.H_ideal_gas(phase)
[docs] def S_dep(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the difference between the actual `S` and the ideal-gas entropy of the phase. .. math:: S^{dep} = S - S^{ig} Returns ------- S_dep : float Departure entropy, [J/(mol*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.S_dep() S_dep = 0.0 for p, beta in zip(phase.phases, phase.phase_fractions): S_dep += p.S_dep()*beta return S_dep
[docs] def Cp_dep(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the difference between the actual `Cp` and the ideal-gas heat capacity :math:`C_p^{ig}` of the phase. .. math:: C_p^{dep} = C_p - C_p^{ig} Returns ------- Cp_dep : float Departure ideal gas heat capacity, [J/(mol*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.Cp_dep() return phase.Cp() - self.Cp_ideal_gas(phase)
[docs] def Cv_dep(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the difference between the actual `Cv` and the ideal-gas constant volume heat capacity :math:`C_v^{ig}` of the phase. .. math:: C_v^{dep} = C_v - C_v^{ig} Returns ------- Cv_dep : float Departure ideal gas constant volume heat capacity, [J/(mol*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.Cv_dep() return phase.Cv() - self.Cv_ideal_gas(phase)
[docs] def H_dep_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of the difference between the ideal-gas energy of this phase and the actual energy of the phase This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- H_dep_flow : float Flow rate of departure energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._H_dep_flow except: pass H_dep_flow = phase.n*phase.H_dep() phase._H_dep_flow = H_dep_flow return H_dep_flow
[docs] def S_dep_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of the difference between the ideal-gas entropy of this phase and the actual entropy of the phase This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- S_dep_flow : float Flow rate of departure entropy, [J/(K*s)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._S_dep_flow except: pass S_dep_flow = phase.n*phase.S_dep() phase._S_dep_flow = S_dep_flow return S_dep_flow
[docs] def U_dep_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of the difference between the ideal-gas internal energy of this phase and the actual internal energy of the phase This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- U_dep_flow : float Flow rate of departure internal energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._U_dep_flow except: pass U_dep_flow = phase.n*phase.U_dep() phase._U_dep_flow = U_dep_flow return U_dep_flow
[docs] def A_dep_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of the difference between the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy of this phase and the Helmholtz energy of the phase This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- A_dep_flow : float Flow rate of departure Helmholtz energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._A_dep_flow except: pass A_dep_flow = phase.n*phase.A_dep() phase._A_dep_flow = A_dep_flow return A_dep_flow
[docs] def G_dep_flow(self, phase=None): r'''Method to return the flow rate of the difference between the ideal-gas Gibbs free energy of this phase and the actual Gibbs free energy of the phase This method is only available when the phase is linked to an EquilibriumStream. Returns ------- G_dep_flow : float Flow rate of departure Gibbs energy, [J/s] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk try: return phase._G_dep_flow except: pass G_dep_flow = phase.n*phase.G_dep() phase._G_dep_flow = G_dep_flow return G_dep_flow
[docs] def H_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas enthalpy of the phase. .. math:: H^{ig} = \sum_i z_i {H_{i}^{ig}} Returns ------- H : float Ideal gas enthalpy, [J/(mol)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk # Return the phase implementation of ideal gas if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.H_ideal_gas() HeatCapacityGases = self.correlations.HeatCapacityGases T, T_REF_IG = self.T, self.T_REF_IG Cpig_integrals_pure = [obj.T_dependent_property_integral(T_REF_IG, T) for obj in HeatCapacityGases] H = 0.0 for zi, Cp_int in zip(phase.zs, Cpig_integrals_pure): H += zi*Cp_int return H
[docs] def S_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas entropy of the phase. .. math:: S^{ig} = \sum_i z_i S_{i}^{ig} - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - R\sum_i z_i \ln(z_i) Returns ------- S : float Ideal gas molar entropy, [J/(mol*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.S_ideal_gas() HeatCapacityGases = self.correlations.HeatCapacityGases T, T_REF_IG = self.T, self.T_REF_IG Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = [obj.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(T_REF_IG, T) for obj in HeatCapacityGases] log_zs = self.log_zs() T, P, zs, cmps = self.T, self.P, phase.zs, range(self.N) P_REF_IG_INV = self.P_REF_IG_INV S = 0.0 S -= R*sum([zs[i]*log_zs[i] for i in cmps]) # ideal composition entropy composition S -= R*log(P*P_REF_IG_INV) for i in cmps: S += zs[i]*Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] return S
[docs] def Cv_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas constant volume heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: C_v^{ig} = \sum_i z_i {C_{p,i}^{ig}} - R Returns ------- Cv : float Ideal gas constant volume heat capacity, [J/(mol*K)] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return self.Cp_ideal_gas(phase) - R
[docs] def Cp_Cv_ratio_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ratio of the ideal-gas heat capacity to its constant-volume heat capacity. .. math:: \frac{C_p^{ig}}{C_v^{ig}} Returns ------- Cp_Cv_ratio_ideal_gas : float Cp/Cv for the phase as an ideal gas, [-] ''' return self.Cp_ideal_gas(phase)/self.Cv_ideal_gas(phase)
[docs] def G_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas Gibbs free energy of the phase. .. math:: G^{ig} = H^{ig} - T S^{ig} Returns ------- G_ideal_gas : float Ideal gas free energy, [J/(mol)] ''' G_ideal_gas = self.H_ideal_gas(phase) - self.T*self.S_ideal_gas(phase) return G_ideal_gas
[docs] def U_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas internal energy of the phase. .. math:: U^{ig} = H^{ig} - P V^{ig} Returns ------- U_ideal_gas : float Ideal gas internal energy, [J/(mol)] ''' U_ideal_gas = self.H_ideal_gas(phase) - self.P*self.V_ideal_gas(phase) return U_ideal_gas
[docs] def A_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy of the phase. .. math:: A^{ig} = U^{ig} - T S^{ig} Returns ------- A_ideal_gas : float Ideal gas Helmholtz free energy, [J/(mol)] ''' A_ideal_gas = self.U_ideal_gas(phase) - self.T*self.S_ideal_gas(phase) return A_ideal_gas
[docs] def V_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar volume of the phase. .. math:: V^{ig} = \frac{RT}{P} Returns ------- V : float Ideal gas molar volume, [m^3/mol] ''' return R*self.T/self.P
[docs] def H_formation_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas enthalpy of formation of the phase (as if the phase was an ideal gas). .. math:: H_{reactive}^{ig} = \sum_i z_i {H_{f,i}} Returns ------- H_formation_ideal_gas : float Enthalpy of formation of the phase on a reactive basis as an ideal gas, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.H_formation_ideal_gas() Hf = 0.0 zs = phase.zs Hfgs = self.constants.Hfgs for i in range(self.N): Hf += zs[i]*Hfgs[i] return Hf
[docs] def S_formation_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas entropy of formation of the phase (as if the phase was an ideal gas). .. math:: S_{reactive}^{ig} = \sum_i z_i {S_{f,i}} Returns ------- S_formation_ideal_gas : float Entropy of formation of the phase on a reactive basis as an ideal gas, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk if not phase.bulk_phase_type: return phase.S_formation_ideal_gas() Sf = 0.0 zs = phase.zs Sfgs = self.constants.Sfgs for i in range(self.N): Sf += zs[i]*Sfgs[i] return Sf
[docs] def G_formation_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas Gibbs free energy of formation of the phase (as if the phase was an ideal gas). .. math:: G_{reactive}^{ig} = H_{reactive}^{ig} - T_{ref}^{ig} S_{reactive}^{ig} Returns ------- G_formation_ideal_gas : float Gibbs free energy of formation of the phase on a reactive basis as an ideal gas, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' Gf = self.H_formation_ideal_gas(phase) - self.T_REF_IG*self.S_formation_ideal_gas(phase) return Gf
[docs] def U_formation_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas internal energy of formation of the phase (as if the phase was an ideal gas). .. math:: U_{reactive}^{ig} = H_{reactive}^{ig} - P_{ref}^{ig} V^{ig} Returns ------- U_formation_ideal_gas : float Internal energy of formation of the phase on a reactive basis as an ideal gas, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' Uf = self.H_formation_ideal_gas(phase) - self.P_REF_IG*self.V_ideal_gas(phase) return Uf
[docs] def A_formation_ideal_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas Helmholtz energy of formation of the phase (as if the phase was an ideal gas). .. math:: A_{reactive}^{ig} = U_{reactive}^{ig} - T_{ref}^{ig} S_{reactive}^{ig} Returns ------- A_formation_ideal_gas : float Helmholtz energy of formation of the phase on a reactive basis as an ideal gas, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' Af = self.U_formation_ideal_gas(phase) - self.T_REF_IG*self.S_formation_ideal_gas(phase) return Af
[docs] def nu(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the kinematic viscosity of the equilibrium state. .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Returns ------- nu : float Kinematic viscosity, [m^2/s] Notes ----- ''' return
[docs] def SG(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the standard liquid specific gravity of the phase, using constant liquid pure component densities not calculated by the phase object, at 60 °F. Returns ------- SG : float Specific gravity of the liquid, [-] Notes ----- The reference density of water is from the IAPWS-95 standard - 999.0170824078306 kg/m^3. ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk ws = rhol_60Fs_mass = self.constants.rhol_60Fs_mass # Better results than using the phase's density model anyway rho_mass_60F = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): rho_mass_60F += ws[i]*rhol_60Fs_mass[i] return SG(rho_mass_60F, rho_ref=999.0170824078306)
[docs] def SG_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the specific gravity of the phase with respect to a gas reference density. Returns ------- SG_gas : float Specific gravity of the gas, [-] Notes ----- The reference molecular weight of air used is 28.9586 g/mol. ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk MW = phase.MW() # Standard MW of air as in dry air standard # It would be excessive to do a true density call """Lemmon, Eric W., Richard T. Jacobsen, Steven G. Penoncello, and Daniel G. Friend. "Thermodynamic Properties of Air and Mixtures of Nitrogen, Argon, and Oxygen From 60 to 2000 K at Pressures to 2000 MPa." Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 29, no. 3 (May 1, 2000): 331-85. """ return MW/28.9586
# rho_mass = self.rho_mass(phase) # return SG(rho_mass, rho_ref=1.2)
[docs] def V_gas_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar volume of the phase at the standard temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_standard` and pressure variable `P_standard` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. .. math:: V^{ig} = \frac{RT_{std}}{P_{std}} Returns ------- V_gas_standard : float Ideal gas molar volume at standard temperature and pressure, [m^3/mol] ''' return R*self.settings.T_standard/self.settings.P_standard
[docs] def V_gas_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar volume of the phase at the normal temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_normal` and pressure variable `P_normal` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. .. math:: V^{ig} = \frac{RT_{norm}}{P_{norm}} Returns ------- V_gas_normal : float Ideal gas molar volume at normal temperature and pressure, [m^3/mol] ''' return R*self.settings.T_normal/self.settings.P_normal
[docs] def V_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar volume of the phase at the chosen reference temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_gas_ref` and pressure variable `P_gas_ref` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. .. math:: V^{ig} = \frac{RT_{ref}}{P_{ref}} Returns ------- V_gas : float Ideal gas molar volume at the reference temperature and pressure, [m^3/mol] ''' return R*self.settings.T_gas_ref/self.settings.P_gas_ref
[docs] def rho_gas_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar density of the phase at the standard temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_standard` and pressure variable `P_standard` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- rho_gas_standard : float Ideal gas molar density at standard temperature and pressure, [mol/m^3] ''' return 1.0/self.V_gas_standard(phase)
[docs] def rho_gas_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar density of the phase at the normal temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_normal` and pressure variable `P_normal` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- rho_gas_normal : float Ideal gas molar density at normal temperature and pressure, [mol/m^3] ''' return 1.0/self.V_gas_normal(phase)
[docs] def rho_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas molar density of the phase at the chosen reference temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_gas_ref` and pressure variable `P_gas_ref` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- rho_gas : float Ideal gas molar density at the reference temperature and pressure, [mol/m^3] ''' return 1.0/self.V_gas(phase)
[docs] def rho_mass_gas_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas mass density of the phase at the standard temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_standard` and pressure variable `P_standard` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- rho_mass_gas_standard : float Ideal gas molar density at standard temperature and pressure, [kg/m^3] ''' V = self.V_gas_standard(phase) MW = phase.MW() if phase is not None else self.MW() return Vm_to_rho(V, MW)
[docs] def rho_mass_gas_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas mass density of the phase at the normal temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_normal` and pressure variable `P_normal` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- rho_mass_gas_normal : float Ideal gas molar density at normal temperature and pressure, [kg/m^3] ''' V = self.V_gas_normal(phase) MW = phase.MW() if phase is not None else self.MW() return Vm_to_rho(V, MW)
[docs] def rho_mass_gas(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the ideal-gas mass density of the phase at the chosen reference temperature and pressure, according to the temperature variable `T_gas_ref` and pressure variable `P_gas_ref` of the :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- rho_mass_gas : float Ideal gas molar density at the reference temperature and pressure, [kg/m^3] ''' V = self.V_gas(phase) MW = phase.MW() if phase is not None else self.MW() return Vm_to_rho(V, MW)
[docs] def H_C_ratio(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the atomic ratio of hydrogen atoms to carbon atoms, based on the current composition of the phase. Returns ------- H_C_ratio : float H/C ratio on a molar basis, [-] Notes ----- None is returned if no species are present that have carbon atoms. ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk atom_fractions = self.atom_fractions() H = atom_fractions.get('H', 0.0) C = atom_fractions.get('C', 0.0) try: return H/C except ZeroDivisionError: return None
[docs] def H_C_ratio_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass ratio of hydrogen atoms to carbon atoms, based on the current composition of the phase. Returns ------- H_C_ratio_mass : float H/C ratio on a mass basis, [-] Notes ----- None is returned if no species are present that have carbon atoms. ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk atom_fractions = self.atom_mass_fractions() H = atom_fractions.get('H', 0.0) C = atom_fractions.get('C', 0.0) try: return H/C except ZeroDivisionError: return None
@property def lightest_liquid(self): r'''The liquid-like phase with the lowest mass density, [-] Returns ------- lightest_liquid : Phase or None Phase with the lowest mass density or None if there are no liquid like phases, [-] Notes ----- ''' liquids = self.liquids if not liquids: return None elif len(liquids) == 1: return liquids[0] else: rhos = [i.rho_mass() for i in liquids] min_rho = min(rhos) return liquids[rhos.index(min_rho)] @property def heaviest_liquid(self): r'''The liquid-like phase with the highest mass density, [-] Returns ------- heaviest_liquid : Phase or None Phase with the highest mass density or None if there are no liquid like phases, [-] Notes ----- ''' liquids = self.liquids if not liquids: return None elif len(liquids) == 1: return liquids[0] else: rhos = [i.rho_mass() for i in liquids] max_rho = max(rhos) return liquids[rhos.index(max_rho)] @property def water_phase_index(self): r'''The liquid-like phase with the highest mole fraction of water, [-] Returns ------- water_phase_index : int Index into the attribute :obj:`EquilibriumState.liquids` which refers to the liquid-like phase with the highest water mole fraction, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._water_phase_index except AttributeError: pass try: water_index = self._water_index except AttributeError: water_index = self.water_index max_zw, max_phase, max_phase_idx = 0.0, None, None for i, l in enumerate(self.liquids): z_w = l.zs[water_index] if z_w > max_zw: max_phase, max_zw, max_phase_idx = l, z_w, i self._water_phase_index = max_phase_idx return max_phase_idx @property def water_phase(self): r'''The liquid-like phase with the highest water mole fraction, [-] Returns ------- water_phase : Phase or None Phase with the highest water mole fraction or None if there are no liquid like phases with water, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self.liquids[self.water_phase_index] except: return None @property def water_index(self): r'''The index of the component water in the components. None if water is not present. Water is recognized by its CAS number. Returns ------- water_index : int The index of the component water, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._water_index except AttributeError: pass try: self._water_index = self.constants.CASs.index(CAS_H2O) except ValueError: self._water_index = None return self._water_index
[docs] def humidity_ratio(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the humidity ratio of the phase; normally defined as the kg water/kg dry air, the definition here is kg water/(kg rest of the phase) [-] .. math:: \text{humidity ratio} = \text{HR} = \frac{w_{H2O}}{1 - w_{H2O}} Returns ------- humidity_ratio : float Humidity ratio, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk water_index = self.water_index if water_index is None: return 0.0 w_H2O =[water_index] return w_H2O/(1.0 - w_H2O)
[docs] def zs_no_water(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mole fractions of all species in the phase, normalized to a water-free basis (the mole fraction of water returned is zero). Returns ------- zs_no_water : list[float] Mole fractions on a water free basis, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk water_index = self.water_index if water_index is None: return phase.zs vectorized = self.flasher.vectorized zs = array(phase.zs) if vectorized else list(phase.zs) z_water = zs[water_index] m = 1/(1.0 - z_water) if vectorized: zs *= m else: for i in range(self.N): zs[i] *= m zs[water_index] = 0.0 return zs
[docs] def ws_no_water(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass fractions of all species in the phase, normalized to a water-free basis (the mass fraction of water returned is zero). Returns ------- ws_no_water : list[float] Mass fractions on a water free basis, [-] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk water_index = self.water_index if water_index is None: return vectorized = self.flasher.vectorized ws = array( if vectorized else list( z_water = ws[water_index] m = 1/(1.0 - z_water) if vectorized: ws *= m else: for i in range(self.N): ws[i] *= m ws[water_index] = 0.0 return ws
[docs] def phis(self, phase=None): if phase is not None: return phase.phis() if self.phase_count == 1: return self.phases[0].phis() raise ValueError("This property is not defined for EquilibriumStates with more than one phase")
[docs] def Ks(self, phase, ref_phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the K-values of each phase. These are NOT just liquid-vapor K values; these are thermodynamic K values. The reference phase can be specified with `ref_phase`, and then the K-values will be with respect to that phase. .. math:: K_i = \frac{z_{i, \text{phase}}}{z_{i, \text{ref phase}}} If no reference phase is provided, the following criteria is used to select one: * If the flash algorithm provided a reference phase, use that * Otherwise use the liquid0 phase if one is present * Otherwise use the solid0 phase if one is present * Otherwise use the gas phase if one is present Returns ------- Ks : list[float] Equilibrium K values, [-] Notes ----- ''' if ref_phase is None: try: ref_phase = self.flash_convergence['ref_phase'] except: if self.liquid_count: ref_phase = self.liquid0 elif self.solid_count: ref_phase = self.solid0 else: ref_phase = self.gas ref_zs = ref_phase.zs zs = phase.zs if self.flasher.vectorized: Ks = zs/ref_zs else: Ks = [g/l for l, g in zip(ref_zs, zs)] return Ks
[docs] def Hc(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar ideal-gas higher heat of combustion of the object, [J/mol] Returns ------- Hc : float Molar higher heat of combustion, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return mixing_simple(self.constants.Hcs, phase.zs)
[docs] def Hc_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass ideal-gas higher heat of combustion of the object, [J/mol] Returns ------- Hc_mass : float Mass higher heat of combustion, [J/(kg)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return mixing_simple(self.constants.Hcs_mass,
[docs] def Hc_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric ideal-gas higher heat of combustion of the object using the normal gas volume, [J/m^3] Returns ------- Hc_normal : float Volumetric (normal) higher heat of combustion, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Hc()/phase.V_gas_normal()
[docs] def Hc_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric ideal-gas higher heat of combustion of the object using the standard gas volume, [J/m^3] Returns ------- Hc_normal : float Volumetric (standard) higher heat of combustion, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Hc()/phase.V_gas_standard()
[docs] def Hc_lower(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar ideal-gas lower heat of combustion of the object, [J/mol] Returns ------- Hc_lower : float Molar lower heat of combustion, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return mixing_simple(self.constants.Hcs_lower, phase.zs)
[docs] def Hc_lower_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass ideal-gas lower heat of combustion of the object, [J/mol] Returns ------- Hc_lower_mass : float Mass lower heat of combustion, [J/(kg)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return mixing_simple(self.constants.Hcs_lower_mass,
[docs] def Hc_lower_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric ideal-gas lower heat of combustion of the object using the normal gas volume, [J/m^3] Returns ------- Hc_lower_normal : float Volumetric (normal) lower heat of combustion, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Hc_lower()/phase.V_gas_normal()
[docs] def Hc_lower_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric ideal-gas lower heat of combustion of the object using the standard gas volume, [J/m^3] Returns ------- Hc_lower_standard : float Volumetric (standard) lower heat of combustion, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.Hc_lower()/phase.V_gas_standard()
[docs] def Wobbe_index(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar Wobbe index of the object, [J/mol]. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{higher}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index : float Molar Wobbe index, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the mass Wobbe index of the object, [J/kg]. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{higher}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index_mass : float Mass Wobbe index, [J/(kg)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_mass()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_lower(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar lower Wobbe index of the object, [J/mol]. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{lower}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index_lower : float Molar lower Wobbe index, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_lower()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_lower_mass(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the lower mass Wobbe index of the object, [J/kg]. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{lower}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index_lower_mass : float Mass lower Wobbe index, [J/(kg)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_lower_mass()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric standard Wobbe index of the object, [J/m^3]. The standard gas volume is used in this calculation. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{higher}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index_standard : float Volumetric standard Wobbe index, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_standard()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric normal Wobbe index of the object, [J/m^3]. The normal gas volume is used in this calculation. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{higher}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index : float Volumetric normal Wobbe index, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_normal()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_lower_standard(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric standard lower Wobbe index of the object, [J/m^3]. The standard gas volume is used in this calculation. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{lower}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index_lower_standard : float Volumetric standard lower Wobbe index, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_lower_standard()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
[docs] def Wobbe_index_lower_normal(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the volumetric normal lower Wobbe index of the object, [J/m^3]. The normal gas volume is used in this calculation. .. math:: I_W = \frac{H_{comb}^{lower}}{\sqrt{\text{SG}}} Returns ------- Wobbe_index_lower_normal : float Volumetric normal lower Wobbe index, [J/(m^3)] Notes ----- ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk Hc = abs(phase.Hc_lower_normal()) SG_gas = phase.SG_gas() return Hc*SG_gas**-0.5
# T dependent property correlations only - separate from phases
[docs] def Psats(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component vapor pressures of each species from the :obj:`thermo.vapor_pressure.VaporPressure` objects. Returns ------- Psats : list[float] Vapor pressures, [Pa] Notes ----- .. warning:: This is not necessarily consistent with the saturation pressure calculated by a flash algorithm. ''' try: return self._Psats except: pass T = self.T self._Psats = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.VaporPressures] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Psats = array(self._Psats) return self._Psats
[docs] def Psubs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component sublimation of each species from the :obj:`thermo.vapor_pressure.SublimationPressure` objects. Returns ------- Psubs : list[float] Sublimation pressures, [Pa] Notes ----- .. warning:: This is not necessarily consistent with the saturation pressure calculated by a flash algorithm. ''' try: return self._Psubs except: pass T = self.T self._Psubs = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.SublimationPressures] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Psubs = array(self._Psubs) return self._Psubs
[docs] def Hsubs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component enthalpy of sublimation of each species from the :obj:`thermo.phase_change.EnthalpySublimation` objects. Returns ------- Hsubs : list[float] Sublimation enthalpies, [J/mol] Notes ----- .. warning:: This is not necessarily consistent with the saturation enthalpy change calculated by a flash algorithm. ''' try: return self._Hsubs except: pass T = self.T self._Hsubs = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.EnthalpySublimations] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Hsubs = array(self._Hsubs) return self._Hsubs
[docs] def Hvaps(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component enthalpy of vaporization of each species from the :obj:`thermo.phase_change.EnthalpyVaporization` objects. Returns ------- Hvaps : list[float] Enthalpies of vaporization, [J/mol] Notes ----- .. warning:: This is not necessarily consistent with the saturation enthalpy change calculated by a flash algorithm. ''' try: return self._Hvaps except: pass T = self.T self._Hvaps = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.EnthalpyVaporizations] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Hvaps = array(self._Hvaps) return self._Hvaps
[docs] def sigmas(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component surface tensions of each species from the :obj:`thermo.interface.SurfaceTension` objects. Returns ------- sigmas : list[float] Surface tensions, [N/m] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._sigmas except: pass T = self.T self._sigmas = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.SurfaceTensions] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._sigmas = array(self._sigmas) return self._sigmas
[docs] def Cpgs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component ideal gas heat capacities of each species from the :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityGas` objects. Returns ------- Cpgs : list[float] Ideal gas pure component heat capacities, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._Cpgs except: pass T = self.T self._Cpgs = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.HeatCapacityGases] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Cpgs = array(self._Cpgs) return self._Cpgs
[docs] def Cpls(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component liquid temperature-dependent heat capacities of each species from the :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityLiquid` objects. Note that some correlation methods for liquid heat capacity are at low pressure, and others are along the saturation line. There is a large difference in values. Returns ------- Cpls : list[float] Pure component liquid heat capacities, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._Cpls except: pass T = self.T self._Cpls = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.HeatCapacityLiquids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Cpls = array(self._Cpls) return self._Cpls
[docs] def Cpss(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component solid heat capacities of each species from the :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacitySolid` objects. Returns ------- Cpss : list[float] Pure component solid heat capacities, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._Cpss except: pass T = self.T self._Cpss = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.HeatCapacitySolids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Cpss = array(self._Cpss) return self._Cpss
[docs] def kls(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component liquid temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of each species from the :obj:`thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityLiquid` objects. These values are normally at low pressure, not along the saturation line. Returns ------- kls : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent liquid thermal conductivities, [W/(m*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._kls except: pass T = self.T self._kls = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.ThermalConductivityLiquids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._kls = array(self._kls) return self._kls
[docs] def kss(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component solid temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of each species from the :obj:`thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivitySolid` objects. Returns ------- kss : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent solid thermal conductivities, [W/(m*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._kss except: pass T = self.T self._kss = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.ThermalConductivitySolids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._kss = array(self._kss) return self._kss
[docs] def kgs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component gas temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of each species from the :obj:`thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityGas` objects. These values are normally at low pressure, not along the saturation line. Returns ------- kgs : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent gas thermal conductivities, [W/(m*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._kgs except: pass T = self.T self._kgs = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.ThermalConductivityGases] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._kgs = array(self._kgs) return self._kgs
[docs] def muls(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component liquid temperature-dependent viscosity of each species from the :obj:`thermo.viscosity.ViscosityLiquid` objects. These values are normally at low pressure, not along the saturation line. Returns ------- muls : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent liquid viscosities, [Pa*s] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._muls except: pass T = self.T self._muls = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.ViscosityLiquids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._muls = array(self._muls) return self._muls
[docs] def mugs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component gas temperature-dependent viscosity of each species from the :obj:`thermo.viscosity.ViscosityGas` objects. These values are normally at low pressure, not along the saturation line. Returns ------- mugs : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent gas viscosities, [Pa*s] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._mugs except: pass T = self.T self._mugs = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.ViscosityGases] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._mugs = array(self._mugs) return self._mugs
[docs] def Vls(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component liquid temperature-dependent molar volume of each species from the :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquid` objects. These values are normally along the saturation line. Returns ------- Vls : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent liquid molar volume, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._Vls except: pass T = self.T self._Vls = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.VolumeLiquids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Vls = array(self._Vls) return self._Vls
[docs] def Vss(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure-component solid temperature-dependent molar volume of each species from the :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeSolid` objects. Returns ------- Vss : list[float] Pure component temperature dependent solid molar volume, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._Vss except: pass T = self.T self._Vss = [o.T_dependent_property(T) for o in self.VolumeSolids] if self.flasher.vectorized: self._Vss = array(self._Vss) return self._Vss
[docs] def value(self, name, phase=None): r'''Method to retrieve a property from a string. This more or less wraps `getattr`, but also allows for the property to be returned for a specific phase if `phase` is provided. `name` could be a python property like 'Tms' or a callable method like 'H'; and if the property is on a per-phase basis like 'betas_mass', a phase object can be provided as the second argument and only the value for that phase will be returned. Parameters ---------- name : str String representing the property, [-] phase : :obj:`thermo.phase.Phase`, optional Phase to retrieve the property for only (if specified), [-] Returns ------- value : various Value specified, [various] Notes ----- ''' if phase is not None: phase_idx = self.phases.index(phase) v = getattr(self, name) try: v = v() except: pass if phase is not None: return v[phase_idx] return v
@property def IDs(self): '''Alias of CASs.''' return self.constants.CASs
[docs] def API(self, phase=None): r'''Method to calculate and return the API of the phase. .. math:: \text{API gravity} = \frac{141.5}{\text{SG}} - 131.5 Returns ------- API : float API of the fluid [-] ''' if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return 141.5/phase.SG() - 131.5
[docs] def V_iter(self, phase=None, force=False): if phase is None: phase = self.bulk return phase.V_iter(force=force)
try: V_iter.__doc__ = Phase.V_iter.__doc__ except: pass
_add_attrs_doc = [] for s in dir(EquilibriumState): obj = getattr(EquilibriumState, s) if type(obj) is property: _add_attrs_doc.append(s) # Add some fancy things for easier access to properties def _make_getter_constants(name): def get_constant(self): return getattr(self.constants, name) return get_constant def _make_getter_correlations(name): def get_correlation(self): return getattr(self.correlations, name) text = f"""Wrapper to obtain the list of {name} objects of the associated :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>`.""" try: get_correlation.__doc__ = text except: pass return get_correlation def _make_getter_EquilibriumState(name): def get_EquilibriumState(self): return getattr(self.result, name)(self) try: get_EquilibriumState.__doc__ = getattr(EquilibriumState, name).__doc__ except: pass return get_EquilibriumState def _make_getter_argumentless_EquilibriumState(name): def get_EquilibriumState_argumentless(self): return getattr(self.result, name)() try: get_EquilibriumState_argumentless.__doc__ = getattr(EquilibriumState, name).__doc__ except: pass return get_EquilibriumState_argumentless def _make_getter_bulk_props(name): def get_bulk_prop(self): return getattr(self.bulk, name)() try: doc = getattr(Bulk, name).__doc__ if doc is None: doc = getattr(Phase, name).__doc__ get_bulk_prop.__doc__ = doc except: pass return get_bulk_prop def _make_getter_bulk_property(name): @property def get_bulk_property(self): return getattr(self.bulk, name) try: doc = getattr(Bulk, name).__doc__ if doc is None: doc = getattr(Phase, name).__doc__ get_bulk_property.__doc__ = doc except: pass return get_bulk_property ### For the pure component fixed properties, allow them to be retrived from the phase # and bulk object as well as the Equilibrium State Object constant_blacklist = {'atom_fractions'} for name in if name not in constant_blacklist: _add_attrs_doc.append(name) getter = property(_make_getter_constants(name)) try: var_type, desc, units, return_desc = constants_docstrings[name] type_name = var_type if type(var_type) is str else var_type.__name__ if return_desc is None: return_desc = desc full_desc = f"""{desc}, {units}. Returns ------- {name} : {type_name} {return_desc}, {units}.""" # print(full_desc) getter.__doc__ = full_desc except: pass setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) ### For the temperature-dependent correlations, allow them to be retrieved by their # name from the EquilibriumState ONLY for name in PropertyCorrelationsPackage.correlations: getter = property(_make_getter_correlations(name)) setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) _add_attrs_doc.append(name) ### For certain properties not supported by Phases/Bulk, allow them to call up to the # EquilibriumState to get the property phases_properties_to_EquilibriumState = ['atom_content', 'atom_fractions', 'atom_mass_fractions', 'atom_flows','atom_mass_flows', 'atom_count_flows', 'API', 'Hc', 'Hc_mass', 'Hc_lower', 'Hc_lower_mass', 'SG', 'SG_gas', 'pseudo_Tc', 'pseudo_Pc', 'pseudo_Vc', 'pseudo_Zc', 'pseudo_omega', 'V_gas_standard', 'V_gas_normal', 'V_gas', 'rho_gas_standard', 'rho_gas_normal', 'rho_gas', 'rho_mass_gas_standard', 'rho_mass_gas_normal', 'rho_mass_gas', 'Hc_normal', 'Hc_standard', 'Hc_lower_normal', 'Hc_lower_standard', 'Wobbe_index_lower_normal', 'Wobbe_index_lower_standard', 'Wobbe_index_normal', 'Wobbe_index_standard', 'Wobbe_index_lower_mass', 'Wobbe_index_lower', 'Wobbe_index_mass', 'Wobbe_index', 'V_mass', 'rho_mass_liquid_ref', 'V_liquid_ref', 'molar_water_content', 'ws_no_water', 'zs_no_water', 'humidity_ratio', 'H_C_ratio', 'H_C_ratio_mass', 'Vfls', 'Vfgs', 'H_flow', 'G_flow', 'S_flow', 'U_flow', 'A_flow', 'H_dep_flow', 'S_dep_flow', 'G_dep_flow', 'U_dep_flow', 'A_dep_flow', ] for name in phases_properties_to_EquilibriumState: method = _make_getter_EquilibriumState(name) setattr(Phase, name, method) # things without any arguments phases_properties_argumentless_to_EquilibriumState = ['Psats','Psubs', 'Hvaps', 'Hsubs', 'sigmas', 'Cpgs', 'Cpls', 'Cpss', 'kls', 'kgs', 'muls', 'mugs', 'Vls', 'Vss'] for name in phases_properties_argumentless_to_EquilibriumState: method = _make_getter_argumentless_EquilibriumState(name) setattr(Phase, name, method) ### For certain properties not supported by Bulk, allow them to call up to the # EquilibriumState to get the property Bulk_properties_to_EquilibriumState = [#'H_ideal_gas', 'Cp_ideal_gas','S_ideal_gas', 'V_ideal_gas', 'G_ideal_gas', 'U_ideal_gas', 'Cv_ideal_gas', 'Cp_Cv_ratio_ideal_gas', 'A_ideal_gas', 'H_formation_ideal_gas', 'S_formation_ideal_gas', 'G_formation_ideal_gas', 'U_formation_ideal_gas', 'A_formation_ideal_gas', 'H_dep', 'S_dep', 'Cp_dep', 'Cv_dep'] for name in Bulk_properties_to_EquilibriumState: method = _make_getter_EquilibriumState(name) setattr(Bulk, name, method) ### For certain properties of the Bulk phase, make EquilibriumState get it from the Bulk bulk_props = ['V', 'Z', 'rho', 'Cp', 'Cv', 'H', 'S', 'U', 'G', 'A', #'dH_dT', 'dH_dP', 'dS_dT', 'dS_dP', #'dU_dT', 'dU_dP', 'dG_dT', 'dG_dP', 'dA_dT', 'dA_dP', 'H_reactive', 'S_reactive', 'G_reactive', 'U_reactive', 'A_reactive', 'H_reactive_mass', 'S_reactive_mass', 'G_reactive_mass', 'U_reactive_mass', 'A_reactive_mass', 'H_ideal_gas_mass', 'S_ideal_gas_mass', 'G_ideal_gas_mass', 'U_ideal_gas_mass', 'A_ideal_gas_mass', 'H_formation_ideal_gas_mass', 'S_formation_ideal_gas_mass', 'G_formation_ideal_gas_mass', 'U_formation_ideal_gas_mass', 'A_formation_ideal_gas_mass', 'H_dep_mass', 'S_dep_mass', 'G_dep_mass', 'U_dep_mass', 'A_dep_mass', 'Cp_Cv_ratio', 'log_zs', 'isothermal_bulk_modulus', 'dP_dT_frozen', 'dP_dV_frozen', 'd2P_dT2_frozen', 'd2P_dV2_frozen', 'd2P_dTdV_frozen', 'd2P_dTdV', 'd2P_dV2', 'd2P_dT2', 'dP_dV', 'dP_dT', 'isentropic_exponent', 'alpha', 'thermal_diffusivity', 'PIP', 'kappa', 'isobaric_expansion', 'Joule_Thomson', 'speed_of_sound', 'speed_of_sound_mass', 'speed_of_sound_ideal_gas', 'speed_of_sound_ideal_gas_mass', 'U_dep', 'G_dep', 'A_dep', 'V_dep', 'B_from_Z', 'Cp_dep_mass', 'Cp_ideal_gas_mass', 'Cv_dep_mass', 'G_min_criteria', 'mu', 'k', 'sigma', 'Prandtl', 'isentropic_exponent', 'isentropic_exponent_PV', 'isentropic_exponent_TV', 'isentropic_exponent_PT', 'concentrations_mass', 'concentrations', 'Qls', 'ms', 'ns', 'Q', 'm', 'n', 'nu', 'kinematic_viscosity', 'partial_pressures', 'H_ideal_gas_standard_state', 'Hs_ideal_gas_standard_state', 'G_ideal_gas_standard_state', 'Gs_ideal_gas_standard_state', 'S_ideal_gas_standard_state', 'Ss_ideal_gas_standard_state', 'concentrations_mass_gas', 'concentrations_mass_gas_normal', 'concentrations_mass_gas_standard', 'concentrations_gas_standard', 'concentrations_gas_normal', 'concentrations_gas' ] bulk_props += derivatives_thermodynamic bulk_props += derivatives_thermodynamic_mass bulk_props += derivatives_jacobian for name in bulk_props: # Maybe take this out and implement it manually for performance? getter = _make_getter_bulk_props(name) setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) # properties bulk_properties = ['Ql', 'Ql_calc', 'Qls_calc', 'Qls', 'Qg_calc', 'Qg', 'Qgs_calc', 'Qgs', 'ms_calc', 'ns_calc', 'Q_calc', 'Q', 'm_calc', 'n_calc', 'H_calc', #'n','m','ns','ms', 'T_calc', 'P_calc', 'VF_calc', 'zs_calc', 'ws_calc', 'Vfls_calc', 'Vfgs_calc', 'energy_reactive_calc', 'energy_reactive', 'energy_calc', 'energy'] for name in bulk_properties: # Maybe take this out and implement it manually for performance? getter = _make_getter_bulk_property(name) setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) try: EquilibriumState.__doc__ = EquilibriumState.__doc__ +'\n ' + '\n '.join(_add_attrs_doc) except: pass def make_getter_one_phase_property(prop_name): def property_one_phase_only(self, phase=None): if phase is not None: return getattr(phase, prop_name)() if self.phase_count == 1: return getattr(self.phases[0], prop_name)() raise ValueError("This property is not defined for EquilibriumStates with more than one phase") return property_one_phase_only one_phase_properties = ['phis', 'lnphis', 'fugacities', 'fugacities', 'dlnphis_dT', 'dphis_dT', 'dfugacities_dT', 'dlnphis_dP', 'dphis_dP', 'dfugacities_dP', 'dphis_dzs', 'dlnphis_dns', 'activities'] for prop in one_phase_properties: getter = make_getter_one_phase_property(prop) setattr(EquilibriumState, prop, getter) def _make_getter_atom_fraction(element_symbol): def get_atom_fraction(self): try: try: return self._atom_fractions[element_symbol] except KeyError: return 0.0 except AttributeError: return self.atom_fractions()[element_symbol] except KeyError: return 0.0 return get_atom_fraction for ele in periodic_table: getter = _make_getter_atom_fraction(ele.symbol) name = f'{}_atom_fraction' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the mole fraction that is {} element, [-] """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) def _make_getter_atom_mass_fraction(element_symbol): def get_atom_mass_fraction(self): try: try: return self._atom_mass_fractions[element_symbol] except KeyError: return 0.0 except AttributeError: return self.atom_mass_fractions()[element_symbol] except KeyError: return 0.0 return get_atom_mass_fraction for ele in periodic_table: getter = _make_getter_atom_mass_fraction(ele.symbol) name = f'{}_atom_mass_fraction' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the mass fraction of the phase that is {} element, [-] """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) def _make_getter_atom_mass_flow(element_symbol): def get_atom_mass_flow(self): try: try: return self._atom_mass_fractions[element_symbol]*self.m except KeyError: return 0.0 except AttributeError: return self.atom_mass_fractions()[element_symbol]*self.m except KeyError: return 0.0 return get_atom_mass_flow for ele in periodic_table: getter = _make_getter_atom_mass_flow(ele.symbol) name = f'{}_atom_mass_flow' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the mass flow of atoms that are {} element, [kg/s] """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) def _make_getter_atom_flow(element_symbol): def get_atom_flow(self): try: try: return self._atom_content[element_symbol]*self.n except KeyError: return 0.0 except AttributeError: return self.atom_content()[element_symbol]*self.n except KeyError: return 0.0 return get_atom_flow for ele in periodic_table: getter = _make_getter_atom_flow(ele.symbol) name = f'{}_atom_flow' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the mole flow that is {}, [mol/s] """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) def _make_getter_atom_count_flow(element_symbol): def get_atom_count_flow(self): try: try: return self._atom_content[element_symbol]*self.n*N_A except KeyError: return 0.0 except AttributeError: return self.atom_content()[element_symbol]*self.n*N_A except KeyError: return 0.0 return get_atom_count_flow for ele in periodic_table: getter = _make_getter_atom_count_flow(ele.symbol) name = f'{}_atom_count_flow' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the number of atoms in the flow which are {}, [atoms/s] """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) _comonent_specific_properties = {'water': CAS_H2O, 'carbon_dioxide': '124-38-9', 'hydrogen_sulfide': '7783-06-4', 'hydrogen': '1333-74-0', 'helium': '7440-59-7', 'nitrogen': '7727-37-9', 'oxygen': '7782-44-7', 'argon': '7440-37-1', 'methane': '74-82-8', 'ammonia': '7664-41-7', } def _make_getter_partial_pressure(CAS): def get(self): try: idx = self.CASs.index(CAS) except ValueError: # Not present return 0.0 return self.P*self.zs[idx] return get for _name, _CAS in _comonent_specific_properties.items(): getter = _make_getter_partial_pressure(_CAS) name = f'{_name}_partial_pressure' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the ideal partial pressure of {_name}, [Pa] """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) def _make_getter_component_molar_weight(CAS): def get(self): try: idx = self.CASs.index(CAS) except ValueError: # Not present return 0.0 return self.MW()*[idx] return get for _name, _CAS in _comonent_specific_properties.items(): getter = _make_getter_component_molar_weight(_CAS) name = f'{_name}_molar_weight' _add_attrs_doc = rf"""Method to calculate and return the effective quantiy of {_name} in the phase as a molar weight, [g/mol]. This is the molecular weight of the phase times the mass fraction of the {_name} component. """ getter.__doc__ = _add_attrs_doc setattr(EquilibriumState, name, getter) setattr(Phase, name, getter) del _add_attrs_doc object_lookups[EquilibriumState.__full_path__] = EquilibriumState object_lookups[ChemicalConstantsPackage.__full_path__] = ChemicalConstantsPackage object_lookups[PropertyCorrelationsPackage.__full_path__] = PropertyCorrelationsPackage from thermo.chemical_package import mix_properties_to_classes, properties_to_classes for o in mix_properties_to_classes.values(): object_lookups[o.__full_path__] = o for o in properties_to_classes.values(): object_lookups[o.__full_path__] = o