Source code for thermo.flash.flash_base

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Caleb Bell <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This module contains classes and functions for performing flash calculations.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.


__all__ = ['Flash']

from math import floor, log10, nan

from chemicals.utils import hash_any_primitive, mixing_simple, property_mass_to_molar, rho_to_Vm
from fluids.constants import R
from fluids.numerics import linspace, logspace
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo import phases
from thermo.equilibrium import EquilibriumState
from thermo.flash.flash_utils import (
from thermo.phase_identification import identify_sort_phases
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable
from thermo.utils import has_matplotlib

    zeros, ones, ndarray = np.zeros, np.ones, np.ndarray

spec_to_iter_vars = {
     (True, False, False, True, False, False) : ('T', 'H', 'P'), # Iterating on P is slow, derivatives look OK
     # (True, False, False, True, False, False) : ('T', 'H', 'V'), # Iterating on P is slow, derivatives look OK
     (True, False, False, False, True, False) : ('T', 'S', 'P'),
     (True, False, False, False, False, True) : ('T', 'U', 'V'),

     (False, True, False, True, False, False) : ('P', 'H', 'T'),
     (False, True, False, False, True, False) : ('P', 'S', 'T'),
     (False, True, False, False, False, True) : ('P', 'U', 'T'),

     (False, False, True, True, False, False) : ('V', 'H', 'P'), # TODO: change these ones to iterate on T?
     (False, False, True, False, True, False) : ('V', 'S', 'P'),
     (False, False, True, False, False, True) : ('V', 'U', 'P'),

spec_to_iter_vars_backup =  {
    (True, False, False, True, False, False) : ('T', 'H', 'V'),
    (True, False, False, False, True, False) : ('T', 'S', 'V'),
    (True, False, False, False, False, True) : ('T', 'U', 'P'),

    (False, True, False, True, False, False) : ('P', 'H', 'V'),
    (False, True, False, False, True, False) : ('P', 'S', 'V'),
    (False, True, False, False, False, True) : ('P', 'U', 'V'),

    (False, False, True, True, False, False) : ('V', 'H', 'T'),
    (False, False, True, False, True, False) : ('V', 'S', 'T'),
    (False, False, True, False, False, True) : ('V', 'U', 'T'),

empty_flash_conv = {'iterations': 0, 'err': 0.0, 'stab_guess_name': None}
one_in_list = [1.0]
empty_list = []



CAS_H2O = '7732-18-5'

[docs]class Flash: r'''Base class for performing flash calculations. All Flash objects need to inherit from this, and common methods can be added to it. ''' def __init_subclass__(cls): cls.__full_path__ = f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}" def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == hash(other) obj_references = ('correlations', 'constants', 'settings', 'gas', 'liquids', 'liquid', 'solids', 'stab', 'unique_liquids', 'liquid0', 'phases', 'unique_phases', 'eos_pure_STP') json_version = 1 non_json_attributes = [] vectorized = False hash_references = ('correlations', 'constants', 'settings', 'gas', 'liquids', 'liquid', 'solids') def __hash__(self): to_hash = [self.__class__.__name__] for attr in self.hash_references: try: obj = getattr(self, attr) hash_value = hash_any_primitive(obj) to_hash.append(hash_value) # print(attr, hash_value) # for debugging when something isn't the same except: pass # Unfortunately we can't cache this because things can be changed on us ans = hash_any_primitive(to_hash) return ans def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0): r'''Method to create a JSON-friendly serialization of the Flasher which can be stored, and reloaded later. Returns ------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> import json ''' return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option) @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None): return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
[docs] def flash(self, zs=None, T=None, P=None, VF=None, SF=None, V=None, H=None, S=None, G=None, U=None, A=None, solution=None, hot_start=None, retry=False, dest=None, rho=None, rho_mass=None, H_mass=None, S_mass=None, G_mass=None, U_mass=None, A_mass=None, spec_fun=None, H_reactive=None): r'''Method to perform a flash calculation and return the result as an :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` object. This generic interface allows flashes with any combination of valid specifications; if a flash is unimplemented and error will be raised. Parameters ---------- zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of each component, required unless there is only one component, [-] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] VF : float, optional Vapor fraction, [-] SF : float, optional Solid fraction, [-] V : float, optional Molar volume of the overall bulk, [m^3/mol] H : float, optional Molar enthalpy of the overall bulk, [J/mol] S : float, optional Molar entropy of the overall bulk, [J/(mol*K)] G : float, optional Molar Gibbs free energy of the overall bulk, [J/mol] U : float, optional Molar internal energy of the overall bulk, [J/mol] A : float, optional Molar Helmholtz energy of the overall bulk, [J/mol] solution : str or int, optional When multiple solutions exist, if more than one is found they will be sorted by T (and then P) increasingly; this number will index into the multiple solution array. Negative indexing is supported. 'high' is an alias for 0, and 'low' an alias for -1. Setting this parameter may make a flash slower because in some cases more checks are performed. [-] hot_start : :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` A previously converged flash or initial guessed state from which the flash can begin; this parameter can save time in some cases, [-] retry : bool Usually for flashes like UV or PH, there are multiple sets of possible iteration variables. For the UV case, the prefered iteration variable is P, so each iteration a PV solve is done on the phase; but equally the flash can be done iterating on `T`, where a TV solve is done on the phase each iteration. Depending on the tolerances, the flash type, the thermodynamic consistency of the phase, and other factors, it is possible the flash can fail. If `retry` is set to True, the alternate variable set will be iterated as a backup if the first flash fails. [-] dest : None or :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` or :obj:`EquilibriumStream <>` What type of object the flash result is set into; leave as None to obtain the normal `EquilibriumState` results, [-] rho : float, optional Molar density of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `V` spec, [mol/m^3] rho_mass : float, optional Mass density of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `rho` spec, [kg/m^3] H_mass : float, optional Mass enthalpy of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `H` spec, [J/kg] S_mass : float, optional Mass entropy of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `S` spec, [J/(kg*K)] G_mass : float, optional Mass Gibbs free energy of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `G` spec, [J/kg] U_mass : float, optional Mass internal energy of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `U` spec, [J/kg] A_mass : float, optional Mass Helmholtz energy of the overall bulk; this is trivially converted to a `A` spec, [J/kg] H_reactive : float, optional Molar reactive enthalpy, [J/mol] Returns ------- results : :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` Equilibrium object containing the state of the phases after the flash calculation [-] Notes ----- .. warning:: Not all flash specifications have a unique solution. Not all flash specifications will converge, whether from a bad model, bad inputs, or simply a lack of convergence by the implemented algorithms. You are welcome to submit these cases to the author but the library is provided AS IS, with NO SUPPORT. .. warning:: Convergence of a flash may be impaired by providing `hot_start`. If reliability is desired, do not use this parameter. .. warning:: The most likely thermodynamic methods to converge are thermodynamically consistent ones. This means e.g. an ideal liquid and an ideal gas; or an equation of state for both phases. Mixing thermodynamic models increases the possibility of multiple solutions, discontinuities, and other not-fun issues for the algorithms. Examples -------- ''' # print('flashing',T, P, H, S, VF) if zs is None: if self.N == 1: zs = ones(1) if self.vectorized else [1.0] else: raise ValueError("Composition missing for flash") constants, correlations = self.constants, self.correlations settings = self.settings if dest is None: dest = EquilibriumState # if self.N > 1 and 0: # for zi in zs: # if zi == 1.0: # # Does not work - phases expect multiple components mole fractions # return self.flash_pure.flash(zs=zs, T=T, P=P, VF=VF, SF=SF, # V=V, H=H, S=S, U=U, G=G, A=A, # solution=solution, retry=retry, # hot_start=hot_start) if rho is not None: V, rho = 1.0/rho, None if rho_mass is not None: V, rho_mass = rho_to_Vm(rho_mass, mixing_simple(zs, constants.MWs)), None if H_mass is not None: H, H_mass = property_mass_to_molar(H_mass, mixing_simple(zs, constants.MWs)), None if S_mass is not None: S, S_mass = property_mass_to_molar(S_mass, mixing_simple(zs, constants.MWs)), None if G_mass is not None: G, G_mass = property_mass_to_molar(G_mass, mixing_simple(zs, constants.MWs)), None if U_mass is not None: U, U_mass = property_mass_to_molar(U_mass, mixing_simple(zs, constants.MWs)), None if A_mass is not None: A, A_mass = property_mass_to_molar(A_mass, mixing_simple(zs, constants.MWs)), None if H_reactive is not None: Hfgs = constants.Hfgs H = H_reactive - sum(zs[i]*Hfgs[i] for i in range(constants.N)) H_reactive = None T_spec = T is not None P_spec = P is not None V_spec = V is not None H_spec = H is not None S_spec = S is not None U_spec = U is not None # Normally multiple solutions A_spec = A is not None G_spec = G is not None HSGUA_spec_count = H_spec + S_spec + G_spec + U_spec + A_spec VF_spec = VF is not None SF_spec = SF is not None flash_specs = {'zs': zs} if T_spec: T = float(T) flash_specs['T'] = T if T < self.T_MIN_FLASH_ANY: raise ValueError(f"Specified temperature ({T} K) is below the minimum temeprature ({self.T_MIN_FLASH_ANY} K) " "supported by any of the provided phases") # if T <= 0.0: # raise ValueError("Specified temperature (%s K) is unphysical" %(T,)) if P_spec: P = float(P) flash_specs['P'] = P if P <= 0.0: raise ValueError(f"Specified pressure ({P} Pa) is unphysical") if V_spec: # high-precision volumes are needed in some cases # V = float(V) flash_specs['V'] = V if V <= 0.0: raise ValueError(f"Specified molar volume ({V} m^3/mol) is unphysical") if H_spec: H = float(H) flash_specs['H'] = H if S_spec: S = float(S) flash_specs['S'] = S if U_spec: U = float(U) flash_specs['U'] = U if G_spec: G = float(G) flash_specs['G'] = G if A_spec: A = float(A) flash_specs['A'] = A if VF_spec: VF_spec = float(VF_spec) flash_specs['VF'] = VF if VF < 0.0 or VF > 1.0: raise ValueError(f"Specified vapor fraction ({VF}) is not between 0 and 1") elif not self.supports_VF_flash: raise ValueError("Cannot flash with a vapor fraction spec without at least one gas and liquid phase defined") if SF_spec: SF_spec = float(SF_spec) flash_specs['SF'] = SF if SF < 0.0 or SF > 1.0: raise ValueError(f"Specified solid fraction ({VF}) is not between 0 and 1") elif not self.supports_SF_flash: raise ValueError("Cannot flash with a solid fraction spec without at least one gas and liquid phase defined, as well as a solid phase") if ((T_spec and (P_spec or V_spec)) or (P_spec and V_spec)): g, ls, ss, betas, flash_convergence = self.flash_TPV(T=T, P=P, V=V, zs=zs, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) # TODO can creating a list here be avoided? if g is not None: id_phases = [g] + ls + ss else: id_phases = ls + ss g, ls, ss, betas = identify_sort_phases(id_phases, betas, constants, correlations, settings=settings, skip_solids=self.skip_solids) a_phase = id_phases[0] return dest(a_phase.T, a_phase.P, zs, gas=g, liquids=ls, solids=ss, betas=betas, flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) elif T_spec and VF_spec: # All dew/bubble are the same with 1 component Psat, ls, g, iterations, err = self.flash_TVF(T, VF=VF, zs=zs, hot_start=hot_start) if type(ls) is not list: ls = [ls] flash_convergence = {'iterations': iterations, 'err': err} return dest(T, Psat, zs, gas=g, liquids=ls, solids=[], betas=[VF, 1.0 - VF], flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) elif P_spec and VF_spec: # All dew/bubble are the same with 1 component Tsat, ls, g, iterations, err = self.flash_PVF(P, VF=VF, zs=zs, hot_start=hot_start) if type(ls) is not list: ls = [ls] flash_convergence = {'iterations': iterations, 'err': err} return dest(Tsat, P, zs, gas=g, liquids=ls, solids=[], betas=[VF, 1.0 - VF], flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) elif T_spec and SF_spec: Psub, other_phase, s, iterations, err = self.flash_TSF(T, SF=SF, zs=zs, hot_start=hot_start) if other_phase.is_gas: g, liquids = other_phase, [] else: g, liquids = None, [other_phase] flash_convergence = {'iterations': iterations, 'err': err} return dest(T, Psub, zs, gas=g, liquids=liquids, solids=[s], betas=[1-SF, SF], flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) elif P_spec and SF_spec: Tsub, other_phase, s, iterations, err = self.flash_PSF(P, SF=SF, zs=zs, hot_start=hot_start) if other_phase.is_gas: g, liquids = other_phase, [] else: g, liquids = None, [other_phase] flash_convergence = {'iterations': iterations, 'err': err} return dest(Tsub, P, zs, gas=g, liquids=liquids, solids=[s], betas=[1-SF, SF], flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) elif VF_spec and any([H_spec, S_spec, U_spec, G_spec, A_spec]): spec_var, spec_val = next((k, v) for k, v in flash_specs.items() if k not in ('VF', 'zs')) T, Psat, liquid, gas, iters_inner, err_inner, err, iterations = self.flash_VF_HSGUA(VF, spec_val, fixed_var='VF', spec_var=spec_var, zs=zs, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) flash_convergence = {'iterations': iterations, 'err': err, 'inner_flash_convergence': {'iterations': iters_inner, 'err': err_inner}} return dest(T, Psat, zs, gas=gas, liquids=[liquid], solids=[], betas=[VF, 1.0 - VF], flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) elif HSGUA_spec_count == 2: pass single_iter_key = (T_spec, P_spec, V_spec, H_spec, S_spec, U_spec) if single_iter_key in spec_to_iter_vars: fixed_var, spec, iter_var = spec_to_iter_vars[single_iter_key] _, _, iter_var_backup = spec_to_iter_vars_backup[single_iter_key] if T_spec: fixed_var_val = T elif P_spec: fixed_var_val = P else: fixed_var_val = V if H_spec: spec_val = H elif S_spec: spec_val = S else: spec_val = U # Only allow one # g, ls, ss, betas, flash_convergence = self.flash_TPV_HSGUA(fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var, spec, iter_var) try: g, ls, ss, betas, flash_convergence = self.flash_TPV_HSGUA(fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var, spec, iter_var, zs=zs, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start, spec_fun=spec_fun) except Exception as e: if retry: print('retrying HSGUA flash') g, ls, ss, betas, flash_convergence = self.flash_TPV_HSGUA(fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var, spec, iter_var_backup, zs=zs, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start, spec_fun=spec_fun) else: raise e # except UnconvergedError as e: # if fixed_var == 'T' and iter_var in ('S', 'H', 'U'): # g, ls, ss, betas, flash_convergence = self.flash_TPV_HSGUA(fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var, spec, iter_var_backup, solution=solution) # else: # Not sure if good idea - would prefer to converge without phases = ls + ss if g: phases += [g] T, P = phases[0].T, phases[0].P if self.N > 1: g, ls, ss, betas = identify_sort_phases(phases, betas, constants, correlations, settings=settings, skip_solids=self.skip_solids) return dest(T, P, zs, gas=g, liquids=ls, solids=ss, betas=betas, flash_specs=flash_specs, flash_convergence=flash_convergence, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, settings=settings, flasher=self) else: raise Exception('Flash inputs unsupported')
flash_phase_boundary_algos = [flash_phase_boundary_one_sided_secant] flash_phase_boundary_methods = [SECANT_PHASE_BOUNDARY] FLASH_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER = 100 FLASH_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER_XTOL = None FLASH_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER_YTOL = 1e-6 def flash_phase_boundary(self, zs, phase_frac_check, T=None, P=None, V=None, H=None, S=None, U=None, hot_start=None): T_spec = T is not None P_spec = P is not None V_spec = V is not None H_spec = H is not None S_spec = S is not None U_spec = U is not None spec_count = T_spec + P_spec + V_spec + H_spec + S_spec + U_spec if spec_count != 1: raise ValueError("One specification must be provided") if T_spec: iter_var, backup_iter_var = 'P', 'H' spec_var, spec_val = 'T', T if P_spec: iter_var, backup_iter_var = 'T', 'H' spec_var, spec_val = 'P', P if V_spec: iter_var, backup_iter_var = 'P', 'H' spec_var, spec_val = 'V', V if H_spec: iter_var, backup_iter_var = 'P', 'T' spec_var, spec_val = 'H', H if S_spec: iter_var, backup_iter_var = 'P', 'T' spec_var, spec_val = 'S', S if U_spec: iter_var, backup_iter_var = 'P', 'T' spec_var, spec_val = 'U', U for method in self.flash_phase_boundary_algos: res, bounding_attempts, iterations = method(flasher=self, zs=zs, spec_var=spec_var, spec_val=spec_val, iter_var=iter_var, check=phase_frac_check, hot_start=hot_start, xtol=self.FLASH_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER_XTOL, ytol=self.FLASH_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER_YTOL, maxiter=self.FLASH_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER) res.flash_convergence = {'inner_flash_convergence': res.flash_convergence, 'bounding_attempts': bounding_attempts, 'iterations': iterations} return res raise ValueError("Could not find a solution") flash_mixing_phase_boundary_methods = [PT_SECANT_PHASE_MIXING_BOUNDARY, NAIVE_BISECTION_PHASE_MIXING_BOUNDARY, SATURATION_SECANT_PHASE_MIXING_BOUNDARY, ] flash_mixing_phase_boundary_algos = [incipient_phase_one_sided_secant, incipient_phase_bounded_naive, incipient_liquid_bounded_PT_sat, ] FLASH_MIXING_PHASE_BOUNDARY_MAXITER = 100 FLASH_MIXING_PHASE_BOUNDARY_XTOL = 1e-6 FLASH_MIXING_PHASE_BOUNDARY_YTOL = 1e-6 def flash_mixing_phase_boundary(self, specs, zs_existing, zs_added, boundary='VL'): if boundary == 'VL': # if we start from a liquid, will converge to a gas with VF=0 # if we start from a gas, will converge to a liquid with LF=0 check = VL_boolean_check elif boundary == 'LL': check = LL_boolean_check elif boundary == 'VLL': # Hard to say if this flash will converge to a VF=0 or a second liquid fraction of 0 check = VLL_boolean_check elif boundary == 'VLN/LN': check = VLN_or_LN_boolean_check elif boundary == 'VLL/LL': check = VLL_or_LL_boolean_check else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized boundary") for method in self.flash_mixing_phase_boundary_algos: # try: if method is incipient_phase_one_sided_secant: # can only solve two phase prolems if boundary not in ('VL',): continue res, bounding_attempts, iters, mixing_factor = incipient_phase_one_sided_secant( flasher=self, specs=specs, zs_existing=zs_existing, zs_added=zs_added, check=check, ytol=self.FLASH_MIXING_PHASE_BOUNDARY_YTOL) elif method is incipient_phase_bounded_naive: res, bounding_attempts, iters, mixing_factor = incipient_phase_bounded_naive(flasher=self, specs=specs, zs_existing=zs_existing, zs_added=zs_added, check=check, xtol=self.FLASH_MIXING_PHASE_BOUNDARY_XTOL) elif method is incipient_liquid_bounded_PT_sat and boundary == 'VL': res, bounding_attempts, iters, mixing_factor = incipient_liquid_bounded_PT_sat(flasher=self, specs=specs, zs_existing=zs_existing, zs_added=zs_added, check=check, xtol=self.FLASH_MIXING_PHASE_BOUNDARY_XTOL) res.flash_convergence = {'inner_flash_convergence': res.flash_convergence, 'bounding_attempts': bounding_attempts, 'iterations': iters, 'mixing_factor': mixing_factor} return res # except Exception as e: # print(e) raise ValueError("Could not find a solution") def generate_Ts(self, Ts=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, pts=50, zs=None, method=None): if method is None: method = 'physical' constants = self.constants N = constants.N if zs is None: zs = [1.0/N]*N physical = method == 'physical' realistic = method == 'realistic' Tcs = constants.Tcs Tc = sum([zs[i]*Tcs[i] for i in range(N)]) if Ts is None: if Tmin is None: if physical: Tmin = max(p.T_MIN_FIXED for p in self.phases) elif realistic: # Round the temperature widely, ensuring consistent rounding Tmin = 1e-2*round(floor(Tc), -1) if Tmax is None: if physical: Tmax = min(p.T_MAX_FIXED for p in self.phases) elif realistic: # Round the temperature widely, ensuring consistent rounding Tmax = min(10*round(floor(Tc), -1), 2000) Ts = logspace(log10(Tmin), log10(Tmax), pts) # Ensure limits Ts[0] = Tmin Ts[-1] = Tmax # Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) return Ts def generate_Ps(self, Ps=None, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, pts=50, zs=None, method=None): if method is None: method = 'physical' constants = self.constants N = constants.N if zs is None: zs = [1.0/N]*N physical = method == 'physical' realistic = method == 'realistic' Pcs = constants.Pcs Pc = sum([zs[i]*Pcs[i] for i in range(N)]) if Ps is None: if Pmin is None: if physical: Pmin = phases.Phase.P_MIN_FIXED elif realistic: # Round the pressure widely, ensuring consistent rounding Pmin = min(1e-5*round(floor(Pc), -1), 100) if Pmax is None: if physical: Pmax = phases.Phase.P_MAX_FIXED elif realistic: # Round the pressure widely, ensuring consistent rounding Pmax = min(10*round(floor(Pc), -1), 1e8) Ps = logspace(log10(Pmin), log10(Pmax), pts) return Ps def generate_Vs(self, Vs=None, Vmin=None, Vmax=None, pts=50, zs=None, method=None): if method is None: method = 'physical' constants = self.constants N = constants.N if zs is None: zs = [1.0/N]*N physical = method == 'physical' realistic = method == 'realistic' Vcs = constants.Vcs Vc = sum([zs[i]*Vcs[i] for i in range(N)]) min_bound = None CEOS_phases = (phases.CEOSLiquid, phases.CEOSGas) for phase in self.phases: if isinstance(phase, CEOS_phases): c2R = phase.eos_class.c2*R Tcs, Pcs = constants.Tcs, constants.Pcs b = sum([c2R*Tcs[i]*zs[i]/Pcs[i] for i in range(constants.N)]) min_bound = b*(1.0 + 1e-15) if min_bound is None else min(min_bound, b*(1.0 + 1e-15)) if Vs is None: if Vmin is None: if physical: Vmin = phases.Phase.V_MIN_FIXED elif realistic: # Round the pressure widely, ensuring consistent rounding Vmin = round(Vc, 5) if Vmin < min_bound: Vmin = min_bound if Vmax is None: if physical: Vmax = phases.Phase.V_MAX_FIXED elif realistic: # Round the pressure widely, ensuring consistent rounding Vmax = 1e5*round(Vc, 5) Vs = logspace(log10(Vmin), log10(Vmax), pts) return Vs def grid_flash(self, zs, Ts=None, Ps=None, Vs=None, VFs=None, SFs=None, Hs=None, Ss=None, Us=None, props=None, store=True): flashes = [] T_spec = Ts is not None P_spec = Ps is not None V_spec = Vs is not None H_spec = Hs is not None S_spec = Ss is not None U_spec = Us is not None VF_spec = VFs is not None SF_spec = SFs is not None flash_specs = {'zs': zs} spec_keys = [] spec_iters = [] if T_spec: spec_keys.append('T') spec_iters.append(Ts) if P_spec: spec_keys.append('P') spec_iters.append(Ps) if V_spec: spec_keys.append('V') spec_iters.append(Vs) if H_spec: spec_keys.append('H') spec_iters.append(Hs) if S_spec: spec_keys.append('S') spec_iters.append(Ss) if U_spec: spec_keys.append('U') spec_iters.append(Us) if VF_spec: spec_keys.append('VF') spec_iters.append(VFs) if SF_spec: spec_keys.append('SF') spec_iters.append(SFs) do_props = props is not None vectorized_props = isinstance(props, str) calc_props = [] for n0, spec0 in enumerate(spec_iters[0]): if do_props: row_props = [] if store: row_flashes = [] for n1, spec1 in enumerate(spec_iters[1]): flash_specs = {'zs': zs, spec_keys[0]: spec0, spec_keys[1]: spec1} try: state = self.flash(**flash_specs) except Exception as e: state = None print(f'Failed trying to flash {flash_specs}, with exception {e}.') if store: row_flashes.append(state) if do_props: if vectorized_props: state_props = state.value(props) if state is not None else None else: state_props = [state.value(s) for s in props] if state is not None else [None for s in props] row_props.append(state_props) if do_props: calc_props.append(row_props) if store: flashes.append(row_flashes) if do_props and store: return flashes, calc_props elif do_props: return calc_props elif store: return flashes return None def _finish_initialization_base(self): solids = self.solids liquids = self.liquids gas = self.gas if solids is None: solids = [] liquids_to_unique_liquids = [] unique_liquids = [] liquid_count = len(liquids) if liquid_count == 1 or (liquid_count > 1 and all(liquids[0].is_same_model(l) for l in liquids[1:])): # All the liquids are the same unique_liquids.append(liquids[0]) liquids_to_unique_liquids.extend([0]*len(liquids)) else: unique_liquid_hashes = [] # unique_liquid_hashes is not used except in this code block for i, l in enumerate(liquids): h = l.model_hash() if h not in unique_liquid_hashes: unique_liquid_hashes.append(h) unique_liquids.append(l) liquids_to_unique_liquids.append(i) else: liquids_to_unique_liquids.append(unique_liquid_hashes.index(h)) gas_to_unique_liquid = None if gas is not None: if len(unique_liquids) == 1: for i, l in enumerate(liquids): if l.is_same_model(gas, ignore_phase=True): gas_to_unique_liquid = liquids_to_unique_liquids[i] self.ceos_gas_liquid_compatible = True break self.gas_to_unique_liquid = gas_to_unique_liquid self.liquids_to_unique_liquids = liquids_to_unique_liquids self.unique_liquids = unique_liquids self.unique_liquid_count = len(unique_liquids) self.unique_phases = [gas] + unique_liquids if gas is not None else unique_liquids if solids: self.unique_phases += solids self.unique_phase_count = (1 if gas is not None else 0) + self.unique_liquid_count + len(solids) self.T_MIN_FLASH = self.T_MIN_FLASH_ANY = max(p.T_MIN_FLASH for p in self.phases) self.T_MAX_FLASH = self.T_MAX_FLASH_ANY = min(p.T_MAX_FLASH for p in self.phases) vectorized = False vectorized_statuses = {i.vectorized for i in self.phases} if len(vectorized_statuses) > 1: raise ValueError("Can only perform flashes with all phases in a numpy basis or all phases in a pure Python basis") self.vectorized = vectorized_statuses.pop() self.supports_lnphis_args = all(p.supports_lnphis_args for p in self.phases) # Make the phases aware of the constants and properties constants = self.constants correlations = self.correlations for p in self.phases: if hasattr(p, 'constants') and p.constants is not constants: raise ValueError("Provided phase is associated with a different constants object") p.constants = constants if hasattr(p, 'correlations') and p.correlations is not correlations: raise ValueError("Provided phase is associated with a different correlations object") p.correlations = correlations def debug_grid_flash(self, zs, check0, check1, Ts=None, Ps=None, Vs=None, VFs=None, SFs=None, Hs=None, Ss=None, Us=None, retry=False, verbose=True): matrix_spec_flashes = [] matrix_flashes = [] nearest_check_prop = 'T' if 'T' not in (check0, check1) else 'P' T_spec = Ts is not None P_spec = Ps is not None V_spec = Vs is not None H_spec = Hs is not None S_spec = Ss is not None U_spec = Us is not None VF_spec = VFs is not None SF_spec = SFs is not None flash_specs = {'zs': zs} spec_keys = [] spec_iters = [] if T_spec: spec_keys.append('T') spec_iters.append(Ts) if P_spec: spec_keys.append('P') spec_iters.append(Ps) if V_spec: spec_keys.append('V') spec_iters.append(Vs) if H_spec: spec_keys.append('H') spec_iters.append(Hs) if S_spec: spec_keys.append('S') spec_iters.append(Ss) if U_spec: spec_keys.append('U') spec_iters.append(Us) if VF_spec: spec_keys.append('VF') spec_iters.append(VFs) if SF_spec: spec_keys.append('SF') spec_iters.append(SFs) V_set = {check1, check0} TV_iter = V_set == {'T', 'V'} PV_iter = V_set == {'P', 'V'} high_prec_V = TV_iter or PV_iter for n0, spec0 in enumerate(spec_iters[0]): row = [] row_flashes = [] row_spec_flashes = [] for n1, spec1 in enumerate(spec_iters[1]): flash_specs = {'zs': zs, spec_keys[0]: spec0, spec_keys[1]: spec1} state = self.flash(**flash_specs) check0_spec = getattr(state, check0) try: check0_spec = check0_spec() except: pass check1_spec = getattr(state, check1) try: check1_spec = check1_spec() except: pass kwargs = {} kwargs[check0] = check0_spec kwargs[check1] = check1_spec # TV_iter is important to always do if TV_iter: kwargs['V'] = state.V_iter(force=False) kwargs['retry'] = retry kwargs['solution'] = lambda new: abs(new.value(nearest_check_prop) - state.value(nearest_check_prop)) try: new = self.flash(**kwargs) if PV_iter: # Do a check here on tolerance err = abs((new.value(nearest_check_prop) - state.value(nearest_check_prop))/state.value(nearest_check_prop)) if err > 1e-8: kwargs['V'] = state.V_iter(force=True) new = self.flash(**kwargs) except Exception as e: # Was it a precision issue? Some flashes can be brutal if 'V' in kwargs: try: kwargs['V'] = state.V_iter(True) new = self.flash(**kwargs) except Exception as e2: new = None if verbose: print(f'Failed trying to flash {kwargs}, from original point {flash_specs}, with exception {e}.') else: new = None if verbose: print(f'Failed trying to flash {kwargs}, from original point {flash_specs}, with exception {e}.') row_spec_flashes.append(state) row_flashes.append(new) matrix_spec_flashes.append(row_spec_flashes) matrix_flashes.append(row_flashes) return matrix_spec_flashes, matrix_flashes def debug_err_flash_grid(self, matrix_spec_flashes, matrix_flashes, check, method='rtol', verbose=True): matrix = [] N0 = len(matrix_spec_flashes) N1 = len(matrix_spec_flashes[0]) for i in range(N0): row = [] for j in range(N1): state = matrix_spec_flashes[i][j] new = matrix_flashes[i][j] act = getattr(state, check) try: act = act() except: pass if new is None: err = 1.0 else: calc = getattr(new, check) try: calc = calc() except: pass if method == 'rtol': err = abs((act - calc)/act) if err > 1e-6 and verbose: try: print([matrix_flashes[i][j].T, matrix_spec_flashes[i][j].T]) print([matrix_flashes[i][j].P, matrix_spec_flashes[i][j].P]) print(matrix_flashes[i][j], matrix_spec_flashes[i][j]) except: pass row.append(err) matrix.append(row) return matrix def TPV_inputs(self, spec0='T', spec1='P', check0='P', check1='V', prop0='T', Ts=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, Ps=None, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, Vs=None, Vmin=None, Vmax=None, VFs=None, SFs=None, auto_range=None, zs=None, pts=50, trunc_err_low=1e-15, trunc_err_high=None, plot=True, show=True, color_map=None, retry=False, verbose=True): specs = [] for a_spec in (spec0, spec1): if 'T' == a_spec: Ts = self.generate_Ts(Ts=Ts, Tmin=Tmin, Tmax=Tmax, pts=pts, zs=zs, method=auto_range) specs.append(Ts) elif 'P' == a_spec: Ps = self.generate_Ps(Ps=Ps, Pmin=Pmin, Pmax=Pmax, pts=pts, zs=zs, method=auto_range) specs.append(Ps) elif 'V' == a_spec: Vs = self.generate_Vs(Vs=Vs, Vmin=Vmin, Vmax=Vmax, pts=pts, zs=zs, method=auto_range) specs.append(Vs) elif 'VF' == a_spec: if VFs is None: VFs = linspace(0, 1, pts) specs.append(VFs) elif 'SF' == a_spec: if SFs is None: SFs = linspace(0, 1, pts) specs.append(SFs) specs0, specs1 = specs matrix_spec_flashes, matrix_flashes = self.debug_grid_flash(zs, check0=check0, check1=check1, Ts=Ts, Ps=Ps, Vs=Vs, VFs=VFs, retry=retry, verbose=verbose) errs = self.debug_err_flash_grid(matrix_spec_flashes, matrix_flashes, check=prop0, verbose=verbose) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm # plt.ioff() X, Y = np.meshgrid(specs0, specs1) z = np.array(errs).T fig, ax = plt.subplots() z[np.where(abs(z) < trunc_err_low)] = trunc_err_low if trunc_err_high is not None: z[np.where(abs(z) > trunc_err_high)] = trunc_err_high if color_map is None: color_map = cm.viridis # im = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, z, cmap=cm.PuRd, norm=LogNorm()) im = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, z, cmap=color_map, norm=LogNorm(vmin=trunc_err_low, vmax=trunc_err_high)) # im = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, z, cmap=cm.viridis, norm=LogNorm(vmin=1e-7, vmax=1)) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label('Relative error') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(spec0) ax.set_ylabel(spec1) max_err = np.max(errs) if trunc_err_low is not None and max_err < trunc_err_low: max_err = 0 if trunc_err_high is not None and max_err > trunc_err_high: max_err = trunc_err_high ax.set_title(f'{check0} {check1} validation of {prop0}; Reference flash {spec0} {spec1}; max err {max_err:.1e}') if show: return matrix_spec_flashes, matrix_flashes, errs, fig return matrix_spec_flashes, matrix_flashes, errs def grid_props(self, spec0='T', spec1='P', prop='H', Ts=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, Ps=None, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, Vs=None, Vmin=None, Vmax=None, VFs=None, SFs=None, auto_range=None, zs=None, pts=50, plot=True, show=True, color_map=None): specs = [] for a_spec in (spec0, spec1): if 'T' == a_spec: Ts = self.generate_Ts(Ts=Ts, Tmin=Tmin, Tmax=Tmax, pts=pts, zs=zs, method=auto_range) specs.append(Ts) if 'P' == a_spec: Ps = self.generate_Ps(Ps=Ps, Pmin=Pmin, Pmax=Pmax, pts=pts, zs=zs, method=auto_range) specs.append(Ps) if 'V' == a_spec: Vs = self.generate_Vs(Vs=Vs, Vmin=Vmin, Vmax=Vmax, pts=pts, zs=zs, method=auto_range) specs.append(Vs) if 'VF' == a_spec: if VFs is None: VFs = linspace(0, 1, pts) specs.append(VFs) if 'SF' == a_spec: if SFs is None: SFs = linspace(0, 1, pts) specs.append(SFs) specs0, specs1 = specs props = self.grid_flash(zs, Ts=Ts, Ps=Ps, Vs=Vs, VFs=VFs, props=prop, store=False) # props = [] # pts_iter = range(pts) # for i in pts_iter: # row = [] # for j in pts_iter: # flash = matrix_flashes[i][j] # try: # v = getattr(flash, prop) # try: # v = v() # except: # pass # except: # v = None # row.append(v) # props.append(row) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm X, Y = np.meshgrid(specs0, specs1) z = np.array(props).T fig, ax = plt.subplots() if color_map is None: color_map = cm.viridis if np.any(np.array(props) < 0): norm = None else: norm = LogNorm() im = ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, z, cmap=color_map, norm=norm) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label(prop) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(spec0) ax.set_ylabel(spec1) # ax.set_title() if show: return props, fig return props def debug_mixing_phase_boundary_PT(self, zs, zs_mixing, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, pts=50, ignore_errors=True, values=False, verbose=False, show=False, T_pts=None, P_pts=None, Ts=None, Ps=None, boundary='VL'): # pragma: no cover if not has_matplotlib() and not values: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if Pmin is None: Pmin = 1e2 if Pmax is None: Pmax = min(self.constants.Pcs) if Tmin is None: Tmin = min(self.constants.Tms)*.9 if Tmax is None: Tmax = max(self.constants.Tcs)*1.5 if T_pts is None: T_pts = pts if P_pts is None: P_pts = pts Ts = self.generate_Ts(Ts=Ts, Tmin=Tmin, Tmax=Tmax, pts=T_pts, zs=zs) Ps = self.generate_Ps(Ps=Ps, Pmin=Pmin, Pmax=Pmax, pts=P_pts, zs=zs) matrix = [] for T in Ts: row = [] for P in Ps: try: state = self.flash_mixing_phase_boundary(specs={'T': T, 'P': P}, zs_existing=zs, zs_added=zs_mixing, boundary=boundary) row.append(state.flash_convergence['mixing_factor']) except Exception as e: if verbose: print([T, P, e]) if ignore_errors: row.append(nan) else: raise e matrix.append(row) if values: return Ts, Ps, matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() Ts, Ps = np.meshgrid(Ts, Ps) im = ax.pcolormesh(Ts, Ps, matrix, cmap=plt.get_cmap('viridis')) cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label('Factor') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel('Temperature [K]') ax.set_ylabel('Pressure [Pa]') plt.title(f'PT flash mixing {boundary} boundary flashes, zs={zs}, zs_mixing={zs_mixing}') if show: else: return fig def debug_PT(self, zs, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, pts=50, ignore_errors=True, values=False, verbose=False, show=False, T_pts=None, P_pts=None, Ts=None, Ps=None): # pragma: no cover if not has_matplotlib() and not values: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if Pmin is None: Pmin = 1e4 if Pmax is None: Pmax = min(self.constants.Pcs) if Tmin is None: Tmin = min(self.constants.Tms)*.9 if Tmax is None: Tmax = max(self.constants.Tcs)*1.5 if T_pts is None: T_pts = pts if P_pts is None: P_pts = pts Ts = self.generate_Ts(Ts=Ts, Tmin=Tmin, Tmax=Tmax, pts=T_pts, zs=zs) Ps = self.generate_Ps(Ps=Ps, Pmin=Pmin, Pmax=Pmax, pts=P_pts, zs=zs) # Ps = logspace(log10(Pmin), log10(Pmax), pts) # Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) matrix = [] for T in Ts: row = [] for P in Ps: try: state = self.flash(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) row.append(state.phase) except Exception as e: if verbose: print([T, P, e]) if ignore_errors: row.append('F') else: raise e matrix.append(row) if values: return Ts, Ps, matrix regions = {'V': 1, 'L': 2, 'S': 3, 'VL': 4, 'LL': 5, 'VLL': 6, 'VLS': 7, 'VLLS': 8, 'VLLSS': 9, 'LLL': 10, 'VLLL': 11, 'VLLLL': 12, 'LLLL': 13, 'F': 0} used_regions = set() for row in matrix: for v in row: used_regions.add(v) region_keys = list(regions.keys()) used_keys = [i for i in region_keys if i in used_regions] regions_keys = [n for _, n in sorted(zip([regions[i] for i in used_keys], used_keys))] used_values = [regions[i] for i in regions_keys] new_map = list(range(len(used_values))) new_map_trans = {i: j for i, j in zip(used_values, new_map)} dat = [[new_map_trans[regions[matrix[j][i]]] for j in range(pts)] for i in range(pts)] # print(dat) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import colors fig, ax = plt.subplots() Ts, Ps = np.meshgrid(Ts, Ps) # need 3 more cmap = colors.ListedColormap(['y','b','r', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'k', 'fuchsia', 'gold', 'lime', 'indigo', 'cyan'][0:len(used_values)]) vmax = len(used_values) - 1 # ax.scatter(Ts,Ps, s=dat) print(np.array(Ts).shape, np.array(Ps).shape, np.array(dat).shape) im = ax.pcolormesh(Ts, Ps, dat, cmap=cmap, norm=colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=vmax)) # , cmap=color_map, norm=LogNorm() cbar = fig.colorbar(im, ax=ax) cbar.set_label('Phase') # cbar = plt.colorbar() # cs = ax.contourf(Ts, Ps, dat, levels=list(sorted(regions.values()))) # cbar = fig.colorbar(ax) # used_region_keys = regions_keys #[n for _, n in sorted(zip(regions.values(), regions.keys()))]) # # ax.set_yscale('log') plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('System temperature, K') plt.ylabel('System pressure, Pa') # plt.imshow(dat, interpolation='nearest') # plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) # return fig, ax if len(zs) > 4: zs = '...' plt.title(f'PT system flashes, zs={zs}') if show: else: return fig
[docs] def plot_TP(self, zs, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, pts=50, branches=None, ignore_errors=True, values=False, show=True, hot=False): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the phase envelope as can be calculated from a series of temperature & vapor fraction spec flashes. By default vapor fractions of 0 and 1 are plotted; additional vapor fraction specifications can be specified in the `branches` argument as a list. Parameters ---------- zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the feed, [-] Tmin : float, optional Minimum temperature to begin the plot, [K] Tmax : float, optional Maximum temperature to end the plot, [K] pts : int, optional The number of points to calculated for each vapor fraction value, [-] branches : list[float], optional Extra vapor fraction values to plot, [-] ignore_errors : bool, optional Whether to fail on a calculation failure, or to ignore the bad point, [-] values : bool, optional If True, the calculated values will be returned instead of plotted, [-] show : bool, optional If True, the plot will be created and displayed; if False and `values` is False, the plot Figure object will be returned but not displayed; and if False and `values` is False, no plot will be created or shown [-] hot : bool, optional Whether to restart the next flash from the previous flash or not (intended to speed the call when True), [-] Returns ------- Ts : list[float] Temperatures, [K] P_dews : list[float] Bubble point pressures at the evaluated points, [Pa] P_bubbles : list[float] Dew point pressures at the evaluated points, [Pa] branch_Ps : None or list[list[float]] Pressures which yield the equilibrium vapor fractions specified; formatted as [[P1_VFx, P2_VFx, ... Pn_VFx], ..., [P1_VFy, P2_VFy, ... Pn_VFy]], [Pa] ''' if not has_matplotlib() and not values: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if not Tmin: Tmin = min(self.constants.Tms) if not Tmax: Tmax = min(self.constants.Tcs) Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) P_dews = [] P_bubbles = [] branch = branches is not None if branch: branch_Ps = [[] for i in range(len(branches))] else: branch_Ps = None state_TVF0, state_TVF1 = None, None for T in Ts: if not hot: state_TVF0, state_TVF1 = None, None try: state_TVF0 = self.flash(T=T, VF=0.0, zs=zs, hot_start=state_TVF0) assert state_TVF0 is not None P_bubbles.append(state_TVF0.P) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: P_bubbles.append(None) else: raise e try: state_TVF1 = self.flash(T=T, VF=1.0, zs=zs, hot_start=state_TVF1) assert state_TVF1 is not None P_dews.append(state_TVF1.P) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: P_dews.append(None) else: raise e if branch: for VF, Ps in zip(branches, branch_Ps): try: state = self.flash(T=T, VF=VF, zs=zs) Ps.append(state.P) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: Ps.append(None) else: raise e if values and not show: return Ts, P_dews, P_bubbles, branch_Ps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.semilogy(Ts, P_dews, label='TP dew point curve') plt.semilogy(Ts, P_bubbles, label='TP bubble point curve') plt.xlabel('System temperature, K') plt.ylabel('System pressure, Pa') plt.title(f'PT system curve, zs={zs}') if branch: for VF, Ps in zip(branches, branch_Ps): plt.semilogy(Ts, Ps, label=f'TP curve for VF={VF}') plt.legend(loc='best') if show: if values: return Ts, P_dews, P_bubbles, branch_Ps else: return fig
[docs] def plot_PT(self, zs, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, pts=50, branches=[], ignore_errors=True, values=False, show=True, hot=False): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the phase envelope as can be calculated from a series of pressure & vapor fraction spec flashes. By default vapor fractions of 0 and 1 are plotted; additional vapor fraction specifications can be specified in the `branches` argument as a list. Parameters ---------- zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the feed, [-] Pmin : float, optional Minimum pressure to begin the plot, [Pa] Pmax : float, optional Maximum pressure to end the plot, [Pa] pts : int, optional The number of points to calculated for each vapor fraction value, [-] branches : list[float], optional Extra vapor fraction values to plot, [-] ignore_errors : bool, optional Whether to fail on a calculation failure, or to ignore the bad point, [-] values : bool, optional If True, the calculated values will be returned instead of plotted, [-] show : bool, optional If True, the plot will be created and displayed; if False and `values` is False, the plot Figure object will be returned but not displayed; and if False and `values` is False, no plot will be created or shown [-] hot : bool, optional Whether to restart the next flash from the previous flash or not (intended to speed the call when True), [-] Returns ------- Ps : list[float] Pressures, [Pa] T_dews : list[float] Bubble point temperatures at the evaluated points, [K] T_bubbles : list[float] Dew point temperatures at the evaluated points, [K] branch_Ts : None or list[list[float]] Temperatures which yield the equilibrium vapor fractions specified; formatted as [[T1_VFx, T2_VFx, ... Tn_VFx], ..., [T1_VFy, T2_VFy, ... Tn_VFy]], [k] ''' if not has_matplotlib() and not values: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if not Pmin: Pmin = 1e4 if not Pmax: Pmax = min(self.constants.Pcs) Ps = logspace(log10(Pmin), log10(Pmax), pts) T_dews = [] T_bubbles = [] branch = bool(len(branches)) if branch: branch_Ts = [[] for i in range(len(branches))] else: branch_Ts = None state_PVF0, state_PVF1 = None, None for P in Ps: if not hot: state_PVF0, state_PVF1 = None, None try: state_PVF0 = self.flash(P=P, VF=0, zs=zs, hot_start=state_PVF0) assert state_PVF0 is not None T_bubbles.append(state_PVF0.T) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: T_bubbles.append(None) else: raise e try: state_PVF1 = self.flash(P=P, VF=1, zs=zs, hot_start=state_PVF1) assert state_PVF1 is not None T_dews.append(state_PVF1.T) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: T_dews.append(None) else: raise e if branch: for VF, Ts in zip(branches, branch_Ts): try: state = self.flash(P=P, VF=VF, zs=zs) Ts.append(state.T) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: Ts.append(None) else: raise e if values: return Ps, T_dews, T_bubbles, branch_Ts import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(Ps, T_dews, label='PT dew point curve') plt.plot(Ps, T_bubbles, label='PT bubble point curve') plt.xlabel('System pressure, Pa') plt.ylabel('System temperature, K') plt.title(f'PT system curve, zs={zs}') if branch: for VF, Ts in zip(branches, branch_Ts): plt.plot(Ps, Ts, label=f'PT curve for VF={VF}') plt.legend(loc='best') if show: else: return fig
[docs] def plot_ternary(self, T=None, P=None, scale=10): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a ternary plot of the system at either a specified temperature or pressure. Parameters ---------- T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] ''' if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') try: import ternary except: raise Exception('Optional dependency python-ternary is required for ternary plotting') if self.N != 3: raise Exception('Ternary plotting requires a mixture of exactly three components') is_T_spec = T is not None if not is_T_spec and P is None: raise ValueError("Either T or P must be specified") values = [] cond = {'T': T} if is_T_spec else {'P': P} def dew_at_zs(zs): res = self.flash(zs=zs, VF=0, **cond) if is_T_spec: values.append(res.P) return res.P else: values.append(res.T) return res.T def bubble_at_zs(zs): res = self.flash(zs=zs, VF=1, **cond) if is_T_spec: return res.P else: return res.T import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt axes_colors = {'b': 'g', 'l': 'r', 'r':'b'} ticks = [round(i / float(10), 1) for i in range(10+1)] fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, gridspec_kw = {'width_ratios':[4, 4, 1]}) ax[0].axis("off") ax[1].axis("off") ax[2].axis("off") names = self.constants.aliases for axis, f, i in zip(ax[0:2], [dew_at_zs, bubble_at_zs], [0, 1]): figure, tax = ternary.figure(ax=axis, scale=scale) figure.set_size_inches(12, 4) if not i: tax.heatmapf(f, boundary=True, colorbar=False, vmin=0) else: tax.heatmapf(f, boundary=True, colorbar=False, vmin=0, vmax=max(values)) tax.boundary(linewidth=2.0) tax.left_axis_label(f"mole fraction {names[1]}", offset=0.16, color=axes_colors['l']) tax.right_axis_label(f"mole fraction {names[0]}", offset=0.16, color=axes_colors['r']) tax.bottom_axis_label(f"mole fraction {names[2]}", offset=0.16, color=axes_colors['b']) tax.ticks(ticks=ticks, axis='rlb', linewidth=1, clockwise=True, axes_colors=axes_colors, offset=0.03, tick_formats="%.1f") tax.gridlines(multiple=scale/10., linewidth=2, horizontal_kwargs={'color':axes_colors['b']}, left_kwargs={'color':axes_colors['l']}, right_kwargs={'color':axes_colors['r']}, alpha=0.5) norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=max(values)) sm ='viridis'), norm=norm) sm._A = [] cb = plt.colorbar(sm, ax=ax[2]) text = 'Pressure, [Pa]' if is_T_spec else 'Temperature, [K]' cb.set_label(text, rotation=270, ha='center', va='center') cb.locator = mpl.ticker.LinearLocator(numticks=7) cb.formatter = mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter() cb.formatter.set_powerlimits((0, 0)) cb.update_ticks() # plt.tight_layout() if is_T_spec: text = f"Bubble pressure vs composition (left) and dew pressure vs composition (right) at {T} K" else: text = f"Bubble temperature vs composition (left) and dew temperature vs composition (right) at {P} Pa" fig.suptitle(text, fontsize=14) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85)
[docs] def plot_Txy(self, P, pts=30, ignore_errors=True, values=False, show=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a Txy plot for a binary system (holding pressure constant); the mole fraction of the first species is varied. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure for the plot, [Pa] pts : int, optional The number of points to calculated for each vapor fraction value, [-] ignore_errors : bool, optional Whether to fail on a calculation failure, or to ignore the bad point, [-] values : bool, optional If True, the calculated values will be returned instead of plotted, [-] show : bool, optional If True, the plot will be created and displayed; if False and `values` is False, the plot Figure object will be returned but not displayed; and if False and `values` is False, no plot will be created or shown [-] Returns ------- fig : Figure Plot object, [-] z1 : list[float] Mole fractions of the first component at each point, [-] z2 : list[float] Mole fractions of the second component at each point, [-] T_dews : list[float] Bubble point temperatures at the evaluated points, [K] T_bubbles : list[float] Dew point temperatures at the evaluated points, [K] ''' if not has_matplotlib() and values is not False: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if self.N != 2: raise Exception('Txy plotting requires a mixture of exactly two components') z1 = linspace(0, 1, pts) z2 = [1.0 - zi for zi in z1] Ts_dew = [] Ts_bubble = [] for i in range(pts): try: res = self.flash(P=P, VF=0, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]]) Ts_bubble.append(res.T) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: Ts_bubble.append(None) else: raise e try: res = self.flash(P=P, VF=1, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]]) Ts_dew.append(res.T) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: Ts_dew.append(None) else: raise e if values: return z1, z2, Ts_dew, Ts_bubble import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() names = self.constants.aliases plt.title(f'Txy diagram at P={P} Pa') plt.plot(z1, Ts_dew, label='Dew temperature, K') plt.plot(z1, Ts_bubble, label='Bubble temperature, K') plt.xlabel(f'Mole fraction {names[0]}') plt.ylabel('System temperature, K') plt.legend(loc='best') if show: else: return fig
[docs] def plot_Pxy(self, T, pts=30, ignore_errors=True, values=False, show=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a Pxy plot for a binary system (holding temperature constant); the mole fraction of the first species is varied. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature for the plot, [K] pts : int, optional The number of points to calculated for each vapor fraction value, [-] ignore_errors : bool, optional Whether to fail on a calculation failure, or to ignore the bad point, [-] values : bool, optional If True, the calculated values will be returned instead of plotted, [-] show : bool, optional If True, the plot will be created and displayed; if False and `values` is False, the plot Figure object will be returned but not displayed; and if False and `values` is False, no plot will be created or shown [-] Returns ------- fig : Figure Plot object, [-] z1 : list[float] Mole fractions of the first component at each point, [-] z2 : list[float] Mole fractions of the second component at each point, [-] P_dews : list[float] Bubble point pressures at the evaluated points, [Pa] P_bubbles : list[float] Dew point pressures at the evaluated points, [Pa] ''' if not has_matplotlib() and values is not False: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if self.N != 2: raise Exception('Pxy plotting requires a mixture of exactly two components') z1 = linspace(0, 1, pts) z2 = [1.0 - zi for zi in z1] Ps_dew = [] Ps_bubble = [] names = self.constants.aliases for i in range(pts): try: res = self.flash(T=T, VF=0, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]]) Ps_bubble.append(res.P) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: Ps_bubble.append(None) else: raise e try: res = self.flash(T=T, VF=1, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]]) Ps_dew.append(res.P) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: Ps_dew.append(None) else: raise e if values: return z1, z2, Ps_dew, Ps_bubble import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.title(f'Pxy diagram at T={T} K') plt.plot(z1, Ps_dew, label='Dew pressure') plt.plot(z1, Ps_bubble, label='Bubble pressure') plt.xlabel(f'Mole fraction {names[0]}') plt.ylabel('System pressure, Pa') plt.legend(loc='best') if show: else: return fig
[docs] def plot_xy(self, P=None, T=None, pts=30, ignore_errors=True, values=False, show=True, VF=0.0): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a xy diagram for a binary system. Either a temperature or pressure can be specified. By default, bubble point flashes are performed; this can be varied by changing `VF`. Parameters ---------- P : float, optional The specified pressure, [Pa] T : float, optional The specified temperature, [K] pts : int, optional The number of points in the plot [-] ignore_errors : bool, optional Whether to fail on a calculation failure, or to ignore the bad point, [-] values : bool, optional If True, the calculated values will be returned instead of plotted, [-] show : bool, optional If True, the plot will be created and displayed; if False and `values` is False, the plot Figure object will be returned but not displayed; and if False and `values` is False, no plot will be created or shown [-] Returns ------- fig : Figure Plot object, [-] z1 : list[float] Overall mole fractions of the first component at each point, [-] z2 : list[float] Overall mole fractions of the second component at each point, [-] x1 : list[float] Liquid mole fractions of component 1 at each point, [-] y1 : list[float] Vapor mole fractions of component 1 at each point, [-] ''' if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if self.N != 2: raise Exception('xy plotting requires a mixture of exactly two components') z1 = linspace(0.0, 1.0, pts) z2 = [1.0 - zi for zi in z1] y1_bubble = [] x1_bubble = [] for i in range(pts): try: if T is not None: res = self.flash(T=T, VF=VF, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]]) elif P is not None: res = self.flash(P=P, VF=VF, zs=[z1[i], z2[i]]) x1_bubble.append(res.liquid_bulk.zs[0]) y1_bubble.append(res.gas.zs[0]) except Exception as e: if ignore_errors: print('Failed on pt %d' %(i), e) else: raise e if values: return z1, z2, x1_bubble, y1_bubble import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig, ax = plt.subplots() if T is not None: plt.title(f'xy diagram at T={T} K (varying P)') else: plt.title(f'xy diagram at P={P} Pa (varying T)') names = self.constants.aliases plt.xlabel(f'Liquid mole fraction {names[0]}') plt.ylabel(f'Vapor mole fraction {names[0]}') plt.plot(x1_bubble, y1_bubble, '-', label='liquid vs vapor composition') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], '--') plt.axis((0,1,0,1)) if show: else: return fig
def V_liquids_ref(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the liquid reference molar volumes according to the temperature variable `T_liquid_volume_ref` of :obj:`thermo.bulk.BulkSettings`. Returns ------- V_liquids_ref : list[float] Liquid molar volumes at the reference condition, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- ''' T_liquid_volume_ref = self.settings.T_liquid_volume_ref if T_liquid_volume_ref == 298.15: Vls = self.constants.Vml_STPs elif T_liquid_volume_ref == 288.7055555555555: Vls = self.constants.Vml_60Fs else: Vls = [i(T_liquid_volume_ref, None) for i in self.correlations.VolumeLiquids] return Vls @property def water_index(self): r'''The index of the component water in the components. None if water is not present. Water is recognized by its CAS number. Returns ------- water_index : int The index of the component water, [-] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._water_index except AttributeError: pass try: self._water_index = self.constants.CASs.index(CAS_H2O) except ValueError: self._water_index = None return self._water_index