Source code for thermo.flash.flash_pure_vls

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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__all__ = ['FlashPureVLS']

from chemicals.exceptions import PhaseExistenceImpossible
from chemicals.iapws import iapws95_MW, iapws95_Pc, iapws95_Psat, iapws95_rhog_sat, iapws95_rhol_sat, iapws95_T, iapws95_Tc, iapws95_Tsat
from chemicals.utils import Vm_to_rho, rho_to_Vm
from fluids.numerics import NoSolutionError, UnconvergedError, assert_close, brenth, linspace, newton, secant
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.bulk import default_settings
from thermo.coolprop import CPiP_min
from thermo.eos_mix import IGMIX
from thermo.equilibrium import EquilibriumState
from thermo.flash.flash_base import Flash
from thermo.flash.flash_utils import PSF_pure_newton, PVF_pure_newton, TSF_pure_newton, TVF_pure_secant, solve_PTV_HSGUA_1P
from thermo.phases import (
from thermo.phases.coolprop_phase import (

[docs]class FlashPureVLS(Flash): r'''Class for performing flash calculations on pure-component systems. This class is subtantially more robust than using multicomponent algorithms on pure species. It is also faster. All parameters are also attributes. The minimum information that is needed in addition to the :obj:`Phase` objects is: * MW * Vapor pressure curve if including liquids * Sublimation pressure curve if including solids * Functioning enthalpy models for each phase Parameters ---------- constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` object Package of chemical constants; these are used as boundaries at times, initial guesses other times, and in all cases these properties are accessible as attributes of the resulting :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` object, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Package of chemical T-dependent properties; these are used as boundaries at times, for initial guesses other times, and in all cases these properties are accessible as attributes of the resulting :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` object, [-] gas : :obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>` object A single phase which can represent the gas phase, [-] liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] A list of phases for representing the liquid phase; normally only one liquid phase is present for a pure-component system, but multiple liquids are allowed for the really weird cases like having both parahydrogen and orthohydrogen. The liquid phase which calculates a lower Gibbs free energy is always used. [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] A list of phases for representing the solid phase; it is very common for multiple solid forms of a compound to exist. For water ice, the list is very long - normally ice is in phase Ih but other phases are Ic, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, Square ice, and Amorphous ice. It is less common for there to be published, reliable, thermodynamic models for these different phases; for water there is the IAPWS-06 model for Ih, and another model `here <>`_ for phases Ih, Ic, II, III, IV, V, VI, IX, XI, XII. [-] settings : :obj:`BulkSettings <thermo.bulk.BulkSettings>` object Object containing settings for calculating bulk and transport properties, [-] Attributes ---------- VL_IG_hack : bool Whether or not to trust the saturation curve of the liquid phase; applied automatically to the :obj:`GibbsExcessLiquid <thermo.phases.GibbsExcessLiquid>` phase if there is a single liquid only, [-] VL_EOS_hacks : bool Whether or not to trust the saturation curve of the EOS liquid phase; applied automatically to the :obj:`CEOSLiquid <thermo.phases.CEOSLiquid>` phase if there is a single liquid only, [-] TPV_HSGUA_guess_maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to try when converging a shortcut model for flashes with one (`T`, `P`, `V`) spec and one (`H`, `S`, `G`, `U`, `A`) spec, [-] TPV_HSGUA_guess_xtol : float Convergence tolerance in the iteration variable when converging a shortcut model for flashes with one (`T`, `P`, `V`) spec and one (`H`, `S`, `G`, `U`, `A`) spec, [-] TPV_HSGUA_maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to try when converging a flashes with one (`T`, `P`, `V`) spec and one (`H`, `S`, `G`, `U`, `A`) spec; this is on a per-phase basis, so if there is a liquid and a gas phase, the maximum number of iterations that could end up being tried would be twice this, [-] TPV_HSGUA_xtol : float Convergence tolerance in the iteration variable dimension when converging a flash with one (`T`, `P`, `V`) spec and one (`H`, `S`, `G`, `U`, `A`) spec, [-] TVF_maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to try when converging a flashes with a temperature and vapor fraction specification, [-] TVF_xtol : float Convergence tolerance in the temperature dimension when converging a flashes with a temperature and vapor fraction specification, [-] PVF_maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to try when converging a flashes with a pressure and vapor fraction specification, [-] PVF_xtol : float Convergence tolerance in the pressure dimension when converging a flashes with a pressure and vapor fraction specification, [-] TSF_maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to try when converging a flashes with a temperature and solid fraction specification, [-] TSF_xtol : float Convergence tolerance in the temperature dimension when converging a flashes with a temperature and solid fraction specification, [-] PSF_maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations to try when converging a flashes with a pressure and solid fraction specification, [-] PSF_xtol : float Convergence tolerance in the pressure dimension when converging a flashes with a pressure and solid fraction specification, [-] Notes ----- The algorithms in this object are mostly from [1]_ and [2]_. They all boil down to newton methods with analytical derivatives. The phase with the lowest Gibbs energy is the most stable if there are multiple solutions. Phase input combinations which have specific simplifying assumptions (and thus more speed) are: * a :obj:`CEOSLiquid <thermo.phases.CEOSLiquid>` and a :obj:`CEOSGas <thermo.phases.CEOSGas>` with the same (consistent) parameters * a :obj:`CEOSGas <thermo.phases.CEOSGas>` with the :obj:`IGMIX <thermo.eos_mix.IGMIX>` eos and a :obj:`GibbsExcessLiquid <thermo.phases.GibbsExcessLiquid>` * a :obj:`IAPWS95Liquid <thermo.phases.IAPWS95Liquid>` and a :obj:`IAPWS95Gas <thermo.phases.IAPWS95Gas>` * a :obj:`CoolPropLiquid <thermo.phases.CoolPropLiquid>` and a :obj:`CoolPropGas <thermo.phases.CoolPropGas>` Additional information that can be provided in the :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` object and :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` object that may help convergence is: * `Tc`, `Pc`, `omega`, `Tb`, and `atoms` * Gas heat capacity correlations * Liquid molar volume correlations * Heat of vaporization correlations Examples -------- Create all the necessary objects using all of the default parameters for decane and do a flash at 300 K and 1 bar: >>> from thermo import ChemicalConstantsPackage, PRMIX, CEOSLiquid, CEOSGas, FlashPureVLS >>> constants, correlations = ChemicalConstantsPackage.from_IDs(['decane']) >>> eos_kwargs = dict(Tcs=constants.Tcs, Pcs=constants.Pcs, omegas=constants.omegas) >>> liquid = CEOSLiquid(PRMIX, HeatCapacityGases=correlations.HeatCapacityGases, eos_kwargs=eos_kwargs) >>> gas = CEOSGas(PRMIX, HeatCapacityGases=correlations.HeatCapacityGases, eos_kwargs=eos_kwargs) >>> flasher = FlashPureVLS(constants, correlations, gas=gas, liquids=[liquid], solids=[]) >>> print(flasher.flash(T=300, P=1e5)) <EquilibriumState, T=300.0000, P=100000.0000, zs=[1.0], betas=[1.0], phases=[<CEOSLiquid, T=300 K, P=100000 Pa>]> Working with steam: >>> from thermo import FlashPureVLS, IAPWS95Liquid, IAPWS95Gas, iapws_constants, iapws_correlations >>> liquid = IAPWS95Liquid(T=300, P=1e5, zs=[1]) >>> gas = IAPWS95Gas(T=300, P=1e5, zs=[1]) >>> flasher = FlashPureVLS(iapws_constants, iapws_correlations, gas, [liquid], []) >>> PT = flasher.flash(T=800.0, P=1e7) >>> PT.rho_mass() 29.1071839176 >>> print(flasher.flash(T=600, VF=.5)) <EquilibriumState, T=600.0000, P=12344824.3572, zs=[1.0], betas=[0.5, 0.5], phases=[<IAPWS95Gas, T=600 K, P=1.23448e+07 Pa>, <IAPWS95Liquid, T=600 K, P=1.23448e+07 Pa>]> >>> print(flasher.flash(T=600.0, H=50802)) <EquilibriumState, T=600.0000, P=10000469.1288, zs=[1.0], betas=[1.0], phases=[<IAPWS95Gas, T=600 K, P=1.00005e+07 Pa>]> >>> print(flasher.flash(P=1e7, S=104.)) <EquilibriumState, T=599.6790, P=10000000.0000, zs=[1.0], betas=[1.0], phases=[<IAPWS95Gas, T=599.679 K, P=1e+07 Pa>]> >>> print(flasher.flash(V=.00061, U=55850)) <EquilibriumState, T=800.5922, P=10144789.0899, zs=[1.0], betas=[1.0], phases=[<IAPWS95Gas, T=800.592 K, P=1.01448e+07 Pa>]> References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E., John M. Prausnitz, and John P. O`Connell. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. .. [2] Gmehling, Jürgen, Michael Kleiber, Bärbel Kolbe, and Jürgen Rarey. Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation. John Wiley & Sons, 2019. ''' VF_interpolators_built = False N = 1 VL_EOS_hacks = True VL_IG_hack = True TPV_HSGUA_guess_maxiter = 50 TPV_HSGUA_guess_xtol = 1e-7 TPV_HSGUA_maxiter = 80 TPV_HSGUA_xtol = 1e-10 TVF_maxiter = 200 TVF_xtol = 1e-10 PVF_maxiter = 200 PVF_xtol = 1e-10 TSF_maxiter = 200 TSF_xtol = 1e-10 PSF_maxiter = 200 PSF_xtol = 1e-10 def __repr__(self): return f"FlashPureVLS(gas={self.gas.__repr__()}, liquids={self.liquids}, solids={self.solids}, constants={self.constants.__repr__()}, correlations={self.correlations.__repr__()})" def __init__(self, constants, correlations, gas, liquids, solids, settings=default_settings): # These attributes are all that needs to be stored, then call _finish_initialization self.constants = constants self.correlations = correlations self.solids = solids self.liquids = liquids self.gas = gas self.settings = settings self._finish_initialization() def _finish_initialization(self): solids = self.solids liquids = self.liquids gas = self.gas self.gas_count = 1 if gas is not None else 0 self.liquid_count = len(liquids) self.liquid = liquids[0] if len(liquids) else None self.solid_count = len(solids) self.supports_VF_flash = self.gas_count != 0 and self.liquid_count != 0 self.supports_SF_flash = (self.gas_count != 0 or self.liquid_count != 0) and self.solid_count != 0 self.skip_solids = not bool(solids) self.phase_count = self.gas_count + self.liquid_count + self.solid_count if gas is not None: phases = [gas] + liquids + solids else: phases = liquids + solids self.phases = phases for i, l in enumerate(self.liquids): setattr(self, 'liquid' + str(i), l) for i, s in enumerate(self.solids): setattr(self, 'solid' + str(i), s) self.VL_only = self.phase_count == 2 and self.liquid_count == 1 and self.gas is not None self.VL_only_CEOSs = (self.VL_only and gas and liquids and isinstance(self.liquids[0], CEOSLiquid) and isinstance(self.gas, CEOSGas)) self.VL_only_IAPWS95 = (len(liquids) == 1 and (isinstance(liquids[0], IAPWS95Liquid) or liquids[0].__class__.__name__ == 'IAPWS95Liquid') and (isinstance(gas, IAPWS95Gas) or gas.__class__.__name__ == 'IAPWS95Gas') and (not solids)) self.V_only_lemmon2000 = (len(liquids) == 0 and (isinstance(gas, DryAirLemmon) or gas.__class__.__name__ == 'DryAirLemmon') and (not solids)) # TODO implement as function of phases/or EOS self.VL_only_CEOSs_same = (self.VL_only_CEOSs and self.liquids[0].eos_class is self.gas.eos_class # self.liquids[0].kijs == self.gas.kijs and not (isinstance(self.liquids[0], (IGMIX,)) or isinstance(self.gas, (IGMIX,))) and self.VL_EOS_hacks) self.VL_only_CoolProp = (len(liquids) == 1 and isinstance(liquids[0], CoolPropLiquid) and isinstance(gas, CoolPropGas) and (not solids) and liquids[0].backend == gas.backend and liquids[0].fluid == gas.fluid) self.VL_IG_activity = (len(liquids) == 1 and isinstance(liquids[0], GibbsExcessLiquid) and (isinstance(gas, IdealGas) or gas.eos_class is IGMIX) and len(solids) == 0) if self.VL_only_CEOSs_same: # Two phase pure eoss are two phase up to the critical point only! Then one phase self.eos_pure_STP = gas.eos_mix.to_TPV_pure(T=298.15, P=101325.0, V=None, i=0) self._finish_initialization_base() def flash_TPV(self, T, P, V, zs=None, solution=None, hot_start=None): betas = [1.0] if solution is None: fun = lambda obj: obj.G() elif solution == 'high': fun = lambda obj: -obj.T elif solution == 'low': fun = lambda obj: obj.T elif callable(solution): fun = solution else: raise ValueError(f"Did not recognize solution {solution}") if self.phase_count == 1: phase = self.phases[0].to(zs=zs, T=T, P=P, V=V) return None, [phase], [], betas, None elif self.VL_only_CoolProp: sln =, T=T, P=P, V=V, prefer_phase=8) # if sln.phase == 'l': # return None, [sln], [], betas, None return None, [], [sln], betas, None elif self.VL_only_CEOSs_same and V is None and solution is None: gas =, T=T, P=P, V=V) if gas.eos_mix.phase == 'l/g': gas.eos_mix.solve_missing_volumes() if gas.eos_mix.G_dep_l < gas.eos_mix.G_dep_g: l = self.liquid.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs, other_eos=gas.eos_mix) return None, [l], [], betas, None return gas, [], [], betas, None elif gas.eos_mix.phase == 'g': return gas, [], [], betas, None else: return None, [gas], [], betas, None elif self.VL_IG_activity and self.VL_IG_hack and V is None and solution is None: l =, T=T, P=P, V=V) if P > l.Psats()[0]: return None, [l], [], betas, None else: gas =, T=T, P=P, V=V) return gas, [], [], betas, None elif self.VL_only_CEOSs_same and V is not None and (T is not None or P is not None) and solution is None: gas =, T=T, P=P, V=V) if gas.eos_mix.phase == 'g': return gas, [], [], betas, None else: return None, [gas], [], betas, None elif self.VL_only_IAPWS95 and solution is None: if T is not None: if T > iapws95_Tc: # super critical no matter what gas =, T=T, P=P, V=V) return gas, [], [], betas, None elif P is not None: Psat = iapws95_Psat(T) if P < Psat: gas =, T=T, P=P, V=V) return gas, [], [], betas, None else: l =, T=T, P=P, V=V) return None, [l], [], betas, None elif V is not None: rhol_sat = iapws95_rhol_sat(T) rho_mass = Vm_to_rho(V, iapws95_MW) if rho_mass >= rhol_sat: l =, T=T, V=V) return None, [l], [], betas, None rhog_sat = iapws95_rhog_sat(T) if rho_mass <= rhog_sat: gas =, T=T, V=V) return gas, [], [], betas, None # There is no feasible solution between the two curves elif P is not None and V is not None: T = iapws95_T(P=P, rho=Vm_to_rho(V, iapws95_MW)) try: Tsat = iapws95_Tsat(P) if T < Tsat: l =, T=T, V=V) return None, [l], [], betas, None else: gas =, T=T, V=V) return gas, [], [], betas, None except: l =, T=T, V=V) return None, [l], [], betas, None # TODO more logic # if not self.ideal_gas_basis: # # Cannot use Gibbs, need to solve for phase boundaries and decide # pass if self.gas_count and (T is None or T > self.gas.T_MIN_FLASH): gas =, T=T, P=P, V=V) G_min, lowest_phase = fun(gas), gas else: G_min, lowest_phase = 1e100, None gas = None liquids = [] for l in self.liquids: if T is not None and T < l.T_MIN_FLASH: continue l =, T=T, P=P, V=V) G = fun(l) if G < G_min: G_min, lowest_phase = G, l elif G == G_min and gas is not None: # Did we find a vapor solution earlier? Set lowest to liquid if the density is above ideal if l.Z() < 0.25: G_min, lowest_phase = G, l liquids.append(l) solids = [] for s in self.solids: s =, T=T, P=P, V=V) G = fun(s) if G < G_min: G_min, lowest_phase = G, s solids.append(s) if lowest_phase is gas: return lowest_phase, [], [], betas, None elif lowest_phase in liquids: return None, [lowest_phase], [], betas, None else: return None, [], [lowest_phase], betas, None def Psat_guess(self, T): if self.VL_only_CEOSs_same: # Two phase pure eoss are two phase up to the critical point only! Then one phase Psat = self.eos_pure_STP.Psat(T) else: try: Psat = self.correlations.VaporPressures[0](T) except: # Last resort Psat = 1e5 return Psat def flash_TVF(self, T, VF=None, zs=None, hot_start=None): zs = [1.0] if self.VL_only_CoolProp: if coolprop_phase.caching_state_CoolProp is None: coolprop_phase.set_coolprop_constants() sat_gas_CoolProp = coolprop_phase.caching_state_CoolProp(self.gas.backend, self.gas.fluid, 1, T, CPQT_INPUTS, CPunknown, None) sat_gas = self.gas.from_AS(sat_gas_CoolProp) sat_liq =, T=T, V=1.0/sat_gas_CoolProp.saturated_liquid_keyed_output(CPiDmolar)) return sat_gas.P, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 elif self.VL_IG_activity: Psat = self.liquid.Psats_at(T)[0] sat_gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(T, Psat, zs) sat_liq = self.liquid.to_TP_zs(T, Psat, zs) return Psat, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 elif self.VL_only_IAPWS95: if T > iapws95_Tc: raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Specified T is in the supercritical region", zs=zs, T=T) Psat = iapws95_Psat(T) sat_gas =, V=rho_to_Vm(iapws95_rhog_sat(T), self.gas._MW), zs=zs) sat_liq =, V=rho_to_Vm(iapws95_rhol_sat(T), self.liquid._MW), zs=zs) return Psat, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 Psat = self.Psat_guess(T) gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(T, Psat, zs) if self.VL_only_CEOSs_same: if T > self.constants.Tcs[0]: raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Specified T is in the supercritical region", zs=zs, T=T) sat_liq = self.liquids[0].to_TP_zs(T, Psat, zs, other_eos=gas.eos_mix) return Psat, sat_liq, gas, 0, 0.0 liquids = [l.to_TP_zs(T, Psat, zs) for l in self.liquids] # return TVF_pure_newton(Psat, T, liquids, gas, maxiter=self.TVF_maxiter, xtol=self.TVF_xtol) Psat, l, g, iterations, err = TVF_pure_secant(Psat, T, liquids, gas, maxiter=self.TVF_maxiter, xtol=self.TVF_xtol) if l.Z() == g.Z(): raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Converged to trivial solution", zs=zs, T=T) # print('P', P, 'solved') return Psat, l, g, iterations, err def flash_PVF(self, P, VF=None, zs=None, hot_start=None): zs = [1.0] if self.VL_only_CoolProp: if coolprop_phase.caching_state_CoolProp is None: coolprop_phase.set_coolprop_constants() sat_gas_CoolProp = coolprop_phase.caching_state_CoolProp(self.gas.backend, self.gas.fluid, P, 1.0, CPPQ_INPUTS, CPunknown, None) sat_gas = self.gas.from_AS(sat_gas_CoolProp) sat_liq = self.liquids[0].to(zs=zs, T=sat_gas.T, V=1.0/sat_gas_CoolProp.saturated_liquid_keyed_output(CPiDmolar)) return sat_gas.T, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 elif self.VL_only_CEOSs_same: if P > self.constants.Pcs[0]: raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Specified P is in the supercritical region", zs=zs, P=P) try: Tsat = self.eos_pure_STP.Tsat(P) except: raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Failed to calculate VL equilibrium T; likely supercritical", zs=zs, P=P) sat_gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(Tsat, P, zs) sat_liq = self.liquids[0].to_TP_zs(Tsat, P, zs, other_eos=sat_gas.eos_mix) return Tsat, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 elif self.VL_IG_activity: Tsat = self.correlations.VaporPressures[0].solve_property(P) sat_gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(Tsat, P, zs) sat_liq = self.liquid.to_TP_zs(Tsat, P, zs) return Tsat, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 elif self.VL_only_IAPWS95: if P > iapws95_Pc: raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Specified P is in the supercritical region", zs=zs, P=P) Tsat = iapws95_Tsat(P) sat_gas =, V=1e-3*iapws95_MW/iapws95_rhog_sat(Tsat), zs=zs) sat_liq =, V=1e-3*iapws95_MW/iapws95_rhol_sat(Tsat), zs=zs) return Tsat, sat_liq, sat_gas, 0, 0.0 else: Tsat = self.correlations.VaporPressures[0].solve_property(P) gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(Tsat, P, zs) liquids = [l.to_TP_zs(Tsat, P, zs) for l in self.liquids] Tsat, l, g, iterations, err = PVF_pure_newton(Tsat, P, liquids, gas, maxiter=self.PVF_maxiter, xtol=self.PVF_xtol) if l.Z() == g.Z(): raise PhaseExistenceImpossible("Converged to trivial solution", zs=zs, P=P) return Tsat, l, g, iterations, err # return PVF_pure_secant(Tsat, P, liquids, gas, maxiter=200, xtol=1E-10) def flash_TSF(self, T, SF=None, zs=None, hot_start=None): # if under triple point search for gas - otherwise search for liquid # For water only there is technically two solutions at some point for both # liquid and gas, flag? # The solid-liquid interface is NOT working well... # Worth getting IAPWS going to compare. Maybe also other EOSs if T < self.constants.Tts[0]: Psub = self.correlations.SublimationPressures[0](T) try_phases = [self.gas] + self.liquids else: try_phases = self.liquids Psub = 1e6 return TSF_pure_newton(Psub, T, try_phases, self.solids, maxiter=self.TSF_maxiter, xtol=self.TSF_xtol) def flash_PSF(self, P, SF=None, zs=None, hot_start=None): if P < self.constants.Pts[0]: Tsub = self.correlations.SublimationPressures[0].solve_property(P) try_phases = [self.gas] + self.liquids else: try_phases = self.liquids Tsub = 1e6 return PSF_pure_newton(Tsub, P, try_phases, self.solids, maxiter=self.PSF_maxiter, xtol=self.PSF_xtol) def flash_double(self, spec_0_val, spec_1_val, spec_0_var, spec_1_var): pass def flash_TPV_HSGUA_VL_bound_first(self, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var='P', spec='H', iter_var='T', hot_start=None, selection_fun_1P=None, cubic=True, spec_fun=None): constants, correlations = self.constants, self.correlations zs = [1.0] VL_liq, VL_gas = None, None flash_convergence = {} has_VL = False need_both = True if fixed_var == 'T': if self.Psat_guess(fixed_var_val) > 1e-2: Psat, VL_liq, VL_gas, VL_iter, VL_err = self.flash_TVF(fixed_var_val, VF=.5, zs=zs) has_VL = True elif fixed_var == 'P': if fixed_var_val > 1e-2: Tsat, VL_liq, VL_gas, VL_iter, VL_err = self.flash_PVF(fixed_var_val, VF=.5, zs=zs) has_VL = True if has_VL: need_both = False spec_val_l = getattr(VL_liq, spec)() spec_val_g = getattr(VL_gas, spec)() if spec_fun is not None: eq_all_gas = EquilibriumState(T=VL_gas.T, P=VL_gas.P, gas=VL_gas, liquids=[VL_liq], betas=[1, 0], zs=zs, solids=[], constants=self.constants, correlations=self.correlations, flasher=self, settings=self.settings) eq_all_liquid = EquilibriumState(T=VL_gas.T, P=VL_gas.P, gas=VL_gas, liquids=[VL_liq], betas=[0, 1], zs=zs, solids=[], constants=self.constants, correlations=self.correlations, flasher=self, settings=self.settings) spec_err_all_gas = getattr(VL_gas, spec)() - spec_fun(eq_all_gas) spec_err_all_liquid = getattr(VL_liq, spec)() - spec_fun(eq_all_liquid) if spec_err_all_gas*spec_err_all_liquid < 0.0: def to_solve(VF): eq = EquilibriumState(T=VL_gas.T, P=VL_gas.P, gas=VL_gas, liquids=[VL_liq], betas=[VF, 1-VF], zs=zs, solids=[], constants=self.constants, correlations=self.correlations, flasher=self, settings=self.settings) err = getattr(eq, spec)() - spec_fun(eq) return err VF = secant(to_solve, .5, high=1, low=0, bisection=True) else: # probably doesn't make any sense to solve now VF = (spec_val - spec_err_all_liquid)/(spec_err_all_gas - spec_err_all_liquid) else: VF = (spec_val - spec_val_l) / (spec_val_g - spec_val_l) if 0.0 <= VF <= 1.0: return VL_gas, [VL_liq], [], [VF, 1.0 - VF], flash_convergence elif VF < 0.0: phases = [self.liquid, self.gas] else: phases = [self.gas, self.liquid] else: phases = self.phases solutions_1P = [] results_G_min_1P = None if hot_start is None: last_conv = None elif iter_var == 'T': last_conv = hot_start.T elif iter_var == 'P': last_conv = hot_start.P for phase in phases: try: # TODO: use has_VL to bound the solver T, P, phase, iterations, err = solve_PTV_HSGUA_1P(phase, zs, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var=fixed_var, spec=spec, iter_var=iter_var, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, last_conv=last_conv, oscillation_detection=cubic, guess_maxiter=self.TPV_HSGUA_guess_maxiter, guess_xtol=self.TPV_HSGUA_guess_xtol, maxiter=self.TPV_HSGUA_maxiter, xtol=self.TPV_HSGUA_xtol, spec_fun=spec_fun) if cubic: phase.eos_mix.solve_missing_volumes() if phase.eos_mix.phase == 'l/g': # Check we are not metastable if min(phase.eos_mix.G_dep_l, phase.eos_mix.G_dep_g) == phase.G_dep(): # If we do not have a metastable phase if isinstance(phase, CEOSGas): g, ls = phase, [] else: g, ls = None, [phase] flash_convergence['err'] = err flash_convergence['iterations'] = iterations return g, ls, [], [1.0], flash_convergence else: if isinstance(phase, (CEOSGas, IdealGas)): g, ls = phase, [] else: g, ls = None, [phase] flash_convergence['err'] = err flash_convergence['iterations'] = iterations return g, ls, [], [1.0], flash_convergence else: if isinstance(phase, (CEOSGas, IdealGas)): g, ls = phase, [] else: g, ls = None, [phase] flash_convergence['err'] = err flash_convergence['iterations'] = iterations return g, ls, [], [1.0], flash_convergence except Exception as e: print(e) solutions_1P.append(None) def flash_TPV_HSGUA(self, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var='P', spec='H', iter_var='T', zs=None, solution=None, selection_fun_1P=None, hot_start=None, iter_var_backup=None, spec_fun=None): # Be prepared to have a flag here to handle zero flow zs = [1.0] constants, correlations = self.constants, self.correlations if solution is None: if fixed_var == 'P' and spec == 'H': fun = lambda obj: -obj.S() elif fixed_var == 'P' and spec == 'S': # fun = lambda obj: obj.G() fun = lambda obj: obj.H() # Michaelson elif fixed_var == 'V' and spec == 'U': fun = lambda obj: -obj.S() elif fixed_var == 'V' and spec == 'S': fun = lambda obj: obj.U() elif fixed_var == 'P' and spec == 'U': fun = lambda obj: -obj.S() # promising # fun = lambda obj: -obj.H() # not bad not as good as A # fun = lambda obj: obj.A() # Pretty good # fun = lambda obj: -obj.V() # First else: fun = lambda obj: obj.G() else: if solution == 'high': fun = lambda obj: -obj.value(iter_var) elif solution == 'low': fun = lambda obj: obj.value(iter_var) elif callable(solution): fun = solution else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized solution") selection_fun_1P_specified = True if selection_fun_1P is None: selection_fun_1P_specified = False def selection_fun_1P(new, prev): if fixed_var == 'P' and spec == 'S': if new[-1] < prev[-1]: if new[0] < 1.0 and prev[0] > 1.0: # Found a very low temperature solution do not take it return False return True elif (prev[0] < 1.0 and new[0] > 1.0): return True else: if new[-1] < prev[-1]: return True return False if (self.VL_only_CEOSs_same or self.VL_IG_activity) and not selection_fun_1P_specified and solution is None and fixed_var != 'V': try: return self.flash_TPV_HSGUA_VL_bound_first(fixed_var_val=fixed_var_val, spec_val=spec_val, fixed_var=fixed_var, spec=spec, iter_var=iter_var, hot_start=hot_start, selection_fun_1P=selection_fun_1P, cubic=self.VL_only_CEOSs_same, spec_fun=spec_fun) except PhaseExistenceImpossible: pass elif self.V_only_lemmon2000 and not selection_fun_1P_specified and fixed_var == 'V' and iter_var == 'P': # Specifically allow the solution to be specified, equation goes wonky around 50000 iter_var = 'T' # if sln is not None: # return sln try: VL_liq, VL_gas = None, None G_VL = 1e100 # BUG - P IS NOW KNOWN! if self.gas_count and self.liquid_count: if fixed_var == 'T' and self.Psat_guess(fixed_var_val) > 1e-2: Psat, VL_liq, VL_gas, VL_iter, VL_err = self.flash_TVF(fixed_var_val, zs=zs, VF=.5) elif fixed_var == 'P' and fixed_var_val > 1e-2: Tsat, VL_liq, VL_gas, VL_iter, VL_err = self.flash_PVF(fixed_var_val, zs=zs, VF=.5) elif fixed_var == 'V': raise NotImplementedError("Does not make sense here because there is no actual vapor frac spec") # VL_flash = self.flash(P=P, VF=.4) # print('hade it', VL_liq, VL_gas) spec_val_l = getattr(VL_liq, spec)() spec_val_g = getattr(VL_gas, spec)() # spec_val_l = getattr(VL_flash.liquid0, spec)() # spec_val_g = getattr(VL_flash.gas, spec)() VF = (spec_val - spec_val_l)/(spec_val_g - spec_val_l) if 0.0 <= VF <= 1.0: G_l = fun(VL_liq) G_g = fun(VL_gas) G_VL = G_g*VF + G_l*(1.0 - VF) else: VF = None except Exception as e: # print(e, spec) VF = None try: solutions_1P = [] G_min = 1e100 results_G_min_1P = None one_phase_solution_test_phases = self.phases if self.VL_only_IAPWS95: if fixed_var == 'P' and spec == 'H': if VL_liq is not None: if spec_val_l > spec_val: one_phase_solution_test_phases = self.liquids else: one_phase_solution_test_phases = [self.gas] for phase in one_phase_solution_test_phases: # TODO: for eoss wit boundaries, and well behaved fluids, only solve once instead of twice (i.e. per phase, doubling the computation.) try: T, P, phase, iterations, err = solve_PTV_HSGUA_1P(phase, zs, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var=fixed_var, spec=spec, iter_var=iter_var, constants=constants, correlations=correlations, guess_maxiter=self.TPV_HSGUA_guess_maxiter, guess_xtol=self.TPV_HSGUA_guess_xtol, maxiter=self.TPV_HSGUA_maxiter, xtol=self.TPV_HSGUA_xtol, spec_fun=spec_fun) G = fun(phase) new = [T, phase, iterations, err, G] if results_G_min_1P is None or selection_fun_1P(new, results_G_min_1P): # if G < G_min: G_min = G results_G_min_1P = new solutions_1P.append(new) except Exception as e: # print(e) solutions_1P.append(None) except: pass try: G_SF = 1e100 if self.solid_count and (self.gas_count or self.liquid_count): VS_flash = self.flash(SF=.5, **{fixed_var: fixed_var_val}) # VS_flash = self.flash(P=P, SF=1) spec_val_s = getattr(VS_flash.solid0, spec)() spec_other = getattr(VS_flash.phases[0], spec)() SF = (spec_val - spec_val_s)/(spec_other - spec_val_s) if SF < 0.0 or SF > 1.0: raise ValueError("Not apply") else: G_other = fun(VS_flash.phases[0]) G_s = fun(VS_flash.solid0) G_SF = G_s*SF + G_other*(1.0 - SF) else: SF = None except: SF = None gas_phase = None ls = [] ss = [] betas = [] # If a 1-phase solution arrose, set it if results_G_min_1P is not None: betas = [1.0] T, phase, iterations, err, _ = results_G_min_1P if phase.is_gas: gas_phase = results_G_min_1P[1] elif phase.is_liquid: ls = [results_G_min_1P[1]] elif phase.is_solid: ss = [results_G_min_1P[1]] flash_convergence = {} if G_VL < G_min: skip_VL = False # if fixed_var == 'P' and spec == 'S' and fixed_var_val < 1.0 and 0: # skip_VL = True if not skip_VL: G_min = G_VL ls = [VL_liq] gas_phase = VL_gas betas = [VF, 1.0 - VF] ss = [] # Ensure solid unset T = VL_liq.T iterations = 0 err = 0.0 flash_convergence['VF flash convergence'] = {'iterations': VL_iter, 'err': VL_err} # TODO # if G_SF < G_min: # try: # ls = [SF_flash.liquid0] # gas_phase = None # except: # ls = [] # gas_phase = SF_flash.gas # ss = [SF_flash.solid0] # betas = [1.0 - SF, SF] # T = SF_flash.T # iterations = 0 # err = 0.0 # flash_convergence['SF flash convergence'] = SF_flash.flash_convergence if G_min == 1e100: """Calculate the values of val at minimum and maximum temperature for each phase. Calculate the val at the phase changes. Include all in the exception to prove within bounds; also have a self check to say whether or not the value should have had a converged value. """ if iter_var == 'T': min_bound = Phase.T_MIN_FIXED*(1.0-1e-15) max_bound = Phase.T_MAX_FIXED*(1.0+1e-15) elif iter_var == 'P': min_bound = Phase.P_MIN_FIXED*(1.0-1e-15) max_bound = Phase.P_MAX_FIXED*(1.0+1e-15) elif iter_var == 'V': min_bound = Phase.V_MIN_FIXED*(1.0-1e-15) max_bound = Phase.V_MAX_FIXED*(1.0+1e-15) phases_at_min = [] phases_at_max = [] # specs_at_min = [] # specs_at_max = [] had_solution = False uncertain_solution = False s = '' phase_kwargs = {fixed_var: fixed_var_val, 'zs': zs} for phase in self.phases: try: phase_kwargs[iter_var] = min_bound p =**phase_kwargs) phases_at_min.append(p) phase_kwargs[iter_var] = max_bound p =**phase_kwargs) phases_at_max.append(p) low, high = getattr(phases_at_min[-1], spec)(), getattr(phases_at_max[-1], spec)() low, high = min(low, high), max(low, high) s += f'{p.__class__.__name__} 1 Phase solution: ({low:g}, {high:g}); ' if low <= spec_val <= high: had_solution = True except: uncertain_solution = True if VL_liq is not None: s += f'({VL_liq.__class__.__name__}, {VL_gas.__class__.__name__}) VL 2 Phase solution: ({spec_val_l:g}, {spec_val_g:g}); ' VL_min_spec, VL_max_spec = min(spec_val_l, spec_val_g), max(spec_val_l, spec_val_g), if VL_min_spec <= spec_val <= VL_max_spec: had_solution = True if SF is not None: s += f'({VS_flash.phases[0].__class__.__name__}, {VS_flash.solid0.__class__.__name__}) VL 2 Phase solution: ({spec_val_s:g}, {spec_other:g}); ' S_min_spec, S_max_spec = min(spec_val_s, spec_other), max(spec_val_s, spec_other), if S_min_spec <= spec_val <= S_max_spec: had_solution = True if had_solution: raise UnconvergedError(f"Could not converge but solution detected in bounds: {s}") elif uncertain_solution: raise UnconvergedError("Could not converge and unable to detect if solution detected in bounds") else: raise NoSolutionError(f"No physical solution in bounds for {spec}={spec_val} at {fixed_var}={fixed_var_val}: {s}") flash_convergence['iterations'] = iterations flash_convergence['err'] = err return gas_phase, ls, ss, betas, flash_convergence def compare_flashes(self, state, inputs=None): # do a PT PT = self.flash(T=state.T, P=state.P) if inputs is None: inputs = [('T', 'P'), ('T', 'V'), ('P', 'V'), ('T', 'H'), ('T', 'S'), ('T', 'U'), ('P', 'H'), ('P', 'S'), ('P', 'U'), ('V', 'H'), ('V', 'S'), ('V', 'U')] states = [] for p0, p1 in inputs: kwargs = {} p0_spec = getattr(state, p0) try: p0_spec = p0_spec() except: pass p1_spec = getattr(state, p1) try: p1_spec = p1_spec() except: pass kwargs = {} kwargs[p0] = p0_spec kwargs[p1] = p1_spec new = self.flash(**kwargs) states.append(new) return states def assert_flashes_same(self, reference, states, props=['T', 'P', 'V', 'S', 'H', 'G', 'U', 'A'], rtol=1e-7): ref_props = [reference.value(k) for k in props] for i, k in enumerate(props): ref = ref_props[i] for s in states: assert_close(s.value(k), ref, rtol=rtol) def generate_VF_data(self, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, pts=100, props=['T', 'P', 'V', 'S', 'H', 'G', 'U', 'A']): '''Could use some better algorithms for generating better data? Some of the solutions count on this. ''' Pc = self.constants.Pcs[0] if Pmax is None: Pmax = Pc if Pmin is None: Pmin = 1e-2 if self.VL_only_CoolProp: AS = self.gas.AS Pmin = AS.trivial_keyed_output(CPiP_min)*(1.0 + 1e-3) Pmax = AS.p_critical()*(1.0 - 1e-7) Tmin, liquid, gas, iters, flash_err = self.flash_PVF(P=Pmin, VF=.5, zs=[1.0]) Tmax, liquid, gas, iters, flash_err = self.flash_PVF(P=Pmax, VF=.5, zs=[1.0]) liq_props, gas_props = [[] for _ in range(len(props))], [[] for _ in range(len(props))] # Lots of issues near Tc - split the range into low T and high T T_mid = 0.1*Tmin + 0.95*Tmax T_next = 0.045*Tmin + 0.955*Tmax Ts = linspace(Tmin, T_mid, pts//2) Ts += linspace(T_next, Tmax, pts//2) Ts.insert(-1, Tmax*(1-1e-8)) Ts.sort() for T in Ts: Psat, liquid, gas, iters, flash_err = self.flash_TVF(T, VF=.5, zs=[1.0]) for i, prop in enumerate(props): liq_props[i].append(liquid.value(prop)) gas_props[i].append(gas.value(prop)) return liq_props, gas_props def build_VF_interpolators(self, T_base=True, P_base=True, pts=50): self.liq_VF_interpolators = liq_VF_interpolators = {} self.gas_VF_interpolators = gas_VF_interpolators = {} props = ['T', 'P', 'V', 'S', 'H', 'G', 'U', 'A', 'dS_dT', 'dH_dT', 'dG_dT', 'dU_dT', 'dA_dT', 'dS_dP', 'dH_dP', 'dG_dP', 'dU_dP', 'dA_dP', 'fugacity', 'dfugacity_dT', 'dfugacity_dP'] liq_props, gas_props = self.generate_VF_data(props=props, pts=pts) self.liq_VF_data = liq_props self.gas_VF_data = gas_props self.props_VF_data = props if T_base and P_base: base_props, base_idxs = ('T', 'P'), (0, 1) elif T_base: base_props, base_idxs = ('T',), (0,) elif P_base: base_props, base_idxs = ('P',), (1,) self.VF_data_base_props = base_props self.VF_data_base_idxs = base_idxs self.VF_data_spline_kwargs = spline_kwargs = dict(bc_type='natural', extrapolate=False) try: self.build_VF_splines() except: pass def build_VF_splines(self): self.VF_interpolators_built = True props = self.props_VF_data liq_props, gas_props = self.liq_VF_data, self.gas_VF_data VF_data_spline_kwargs = self.VF_data_spline_kwargs liq_VF_interpolators = self.liq_VF_interpolators gas_VF_interpolators = self.gas_VF_interpolators from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline for base_prop, base_idx in zip(self.VF_data_base_props, self.VF_data_base_idxs): xs = liq_props[base_idx] for i, k in enumerate(props): if i == base_idx: continue try: spline = CubicSpline(xs, liq_props[i], **VF_data_spline_kwargs) liq_VF_interpolators[(base_prop, k)] = spline except: pass try: spline = CubicSpline(xs, gas_props[i], **VF_data_spline_kwargs) gas_VF_interpolators[(base_prop, k)] = spline except: pass def flash_VF_HSGUA(self, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var='VF', spec_var='H', zs=None, hot_start=None, solution='high'): # solution at high T by default if not self.VF_interpolators_built: self.build_VF_interpolators() iter_var = 'T' # hardcoded - # to make code generic try not to use eos stuff # liq_obj = self.liq_VF_interpolators[(iter_var, spec_var)] # gas_obj = self.liq_VF_interpolators[(iter_var, spec_var)] # iter_var must always be T VF = fixed_var_val props = self.props_VF_data liq_props = self.liq_VF_data gas_props = self.gas_VF_data iter_idx = props.index(iter_var) spec_idx = props.index(spec_var) T_idx, P_idx = props.index('T'), props.index('P') Ts, Ps = liq_props[T_idx], liq_props[P_idx] dfug_dT_idx = props.index('dfugacity_dT') dfug_dP_idx = props.index('dfugacity_dP') dspec_dT_var = f'd{spec_var}_dT' dspec_dP_var = f'd{spec_var}_dP' dspec_dT_idx = props.index(dspec_dT_var) dspec_dP_idx = props.index(dspec_dP_var) bounding_idx, bounding_Ts = [], [] spec_values = [] dspec_values = [] d_sign_changes = False d_sign_changes_idx = [] for i in range(len(liq_props[0])): v = liq_props[spec_idx][i]*(1.0 - VF) + gas_props[spec_idx][i]*VF dfg_T, dfl_T = gas_props[dfug_dT_idx][i], liq_props[dfug_dT_idx][i] dfg_P, dfl_P = gas_props[dfug_dP_idx][i], liq_props[dfug_dP_idx][i] at_critical = False try: dPsat_dT = (dfg_T - dfl_T)/(dfl_P - dfg_P) except ZeroDivisionError: at_critical = True dPsat_dT = self.constants.Pcs[0] dv_g = dPsat_dT*gas_props[dspec_dP_idx][i] + gas_props[dspec_dT_idx][i] dv_l = dPsat_dT*liq_props[dspec_dP_idx][i] + liq_props[dspec_dT_idx][i] dv = dv_l*(1.0 - VF) + dv_g*VF if at_critical: dv = dspec_values[-1] if i > 0: if ((v <= spec_val <= spec_values[-1]) or (spec_values[-1] <= spec_val <= v)): bounding_idx.append((i-1, i)) bounding_Ts.append((Ts[i-1], Ts[i])) if dv*dspec_values[-1] < 0.0: d_sign_changes = True d_sign_changes_idx.append((i-1, i)) spec_values.append(v) dspec_values.append(dv) # if len(bounding_idx) < 2 and d_sign_changes: # Might not be in the range where there are multiple solutions # raise ValueError("Derivative sign changes but only found one bounding value") # if len(bounding_idx) == 1: if len(bounding_idx) == 1 and (not d_sign_changes or (bounding_idx != d_sign_changes_idx and 1)): # Not sure about condition # Go right for the root T_low, T_high = bounding_Ts[0][0], bounding_Ts[0][1] idx_low, idx_high = bounding_idx[0][0], bounding_idx[0][1] val_low, val_high = spec_values[idx_low], spec_values[idx_high] dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_low], dspec_values[idx_high] # elif len(bounding_idx) == 0 and d_sign_changes: # root must be in interval derivative changes: Go right for the root # idx_low, idx_high = d_sign_changes_idx[0][0], d_sign_changes_idx[0][1] # T_low, T_high = Ts[idx_low], Ts[idx_high] # # val_low, val_high = spec_values[idx_low], spec_values[idx_high] # dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_low], dspec_values[idx_high] elif len(bounding_idx) == 2: # pick range and go for it if solution == 'high' or solution is None: T_low, T_high = bounding_Ts[1][0], bounding_Ts[1][1] idx_low, idx_high = bounding_idx[1][0], bounding_idx[1][1] else: T_low, T_high = bounding_Ts[0][0], bounding_Ts[0][1] idx_low, idx_high = bounding_idx[0][0], bounding_idx[0][1] val_low, val_high = spec_values[idx_low], spec_values[idx_high] dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_low], dspec_values[idx_high] elif (len(bounding_idx) == 1 and d_sign_changes) or (len(bounding_idx) == 0 and d_sign_changes): # Gotta find where derivative root changes, then decide if we have two solutions or just one; decide which to pursue idx_low, idx_high = d_sign_changes_idx[0][0], d_sign_changes_idx[0][1] T_low, T_high = Ts[idx_low], Ts[idx_high] T_guess = 0.5*(T_low +T_high) T_der_zero, v_zero = self._VF_HSGUA_der_root(T_guess, T_low, T_high, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var=fixed_var, spec_var=spec_var) high, low = False, False if (v_zero < spec_val < spec_values[idx_high]) or (spec_values[idx_high] < spec_val < v_zero): high = True if (spec_values[idx_low] < spec_val < v_zero) or (v_zero < spec_val < spec_values[idx_low]): low = True if not low and not high: # There was no other solution where the derivative changed T_low, T_high = bounding_Ts[0][0], bounding_Ts[0][1] idx_low, idx_high = bounding_idx[0][0], bounding_idx[0][1] val_low, val_high = spec_values[idx_low], spec_values[idx_high] dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_low], dspec_values[idx_high] elif (high and solution == 'high') or not low: val_low, val_high = v_zero, spec_values[idx_high] dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_high], dspec_values[idx_high] T_low, T_high = T_der_zero, Ts[idx_high] else: val_low, val_high = spec_values[idx_low], v_zero dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_low], dspec_values[idx_low] T_low, T_high = Ts[idx_low], T_der_zero elif len(bounding_idx) >2: # Entropy plot has 3 solutions, two derivative changes - give up by that point if isinstance(solution, int): sln_idx = solution else: sln_idx = {'high': -1, 'mid': -2, 'low': 0}[solution] T_low, T_high = bounding_Ts[sln_idx][0], bounding_Ts[sln_idx][1] idx_low, idx_high = bounding_idx[sln_idx][0], bounding_idx[sln_idx][1] val_low, val_high = spec_values[idx_low], spec_values[idx_high] dval_low, dval_high = dspec_values[idx_low], dspec_values[idx_high] else: raise ValueError("What") T_guess_low = T_low - (val_low - spec_val)/dval_low T_guess_high = T_high - (val_high - spec_val)/dval_high if T_low < T_guess_low < T_high and T_low < T_guess_high < T_high: T_guess = 0.5*(T_guess_low + T_guess_high) else: T_guess = 0.5*(T_low + T_high) return self.flash_VF_HSGUA_bounded(T_guess, T_low, T_high, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var=fixed_var, spec_var=spec_var) def _VF_HSGUA_der_root(self, guess, low, high, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var='VF', spec_var='H'): dspec_dT_var = f'd{spec_var}_dT' dspec_dP_var = f'd{spec_var}_dP' VF = fixed_var_val val_cache = [None, 0] def to_solve(T): Psat, liquid, gas, iters, flash_err = self.flash_TVF(T=T, VF=VF, zs=[1.0]) # Error calc_spec_val = getattr(gas, spec_var)()*VF + getattr(liquid, spec_var)()*(1.0 - VF) val_cache[0] = calc_spec_val val_cache[1] += 1 dfg_T, dfl_T = gas.dfugacity_dT(), liquid.dfugacity_dT() dfg_P, dfl_P = gas.dfugacity_dP(), liquid.dfugacity_dP() dPsat_dT = (dfg_T - dfl_T) / (dfl_P - dfg_P) dv_g = dPsat_dT*getattr(gas, dspec_dP_var)() + getattr(gas, dspec_dT_var)() dv_l = dPsat_dT*getattr(liquid, dspec_dP_var)() + getattr(liquid, dspec_dT_var)() dv = dv_l*(1.0 - VF) + dv_g*VF return dv # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # xs = linspace(low, high, 1000) # ys = [to_solve(x) for x in xs] # plt.plot(xs, ys) # try: T_zero = secant(to_solve, guess, low=low, high=high, xtol=1e-12, bisection=True) except: T_zero = brenth(to_solve, low, high, xtol=1e-12) return T_zero, val_cache[0] def flash_VF_HSGUA_bounded(self, guess, low, high, fixed_var_val, spec_val, fixed_var='VF', spec_var='H'): dspec_dT_var = f'd{spec_var}_dT' dspec_dP_var = f'd{spec_var}_dP' VF = fixed_var_val cache = [0] fprime = True def to_solve(T): Psat, liquid, gas, iters, flash_err = self.flash_TVF(T=T, VF=VF, zs=[1.0]) # Error calc_spec_val = getattr(gas, spec_var)()*VF + getattr(liquid, spec_var)()*(1.0 - VF) err = calc_spec_val - spec_val cache[:] = [T, Psat, liquid, gas, iters, flash_err, err, cache[-1]+1] if not fprime: return err # Derivative dfg_T, dfl_T = gas.dfugacity_dT(), liquid.dfugacity_dT() dfg_P, dfl_P = gas.dfugacity_dP(), liquid.dfugacity_dP() dPsat_dT = (dfg_T - dfl_T) / (dfl_P - dfg_P) dv_g = dPsat_dT*getattr(gas, dspec_dP_var)() + getattr(gas, dspec_dT_var)() dv_l = dPsat_dT*getattr(liquid, dspec_dP_var)() + getattr(liquid, dspec_dT_var)() dv = dv_l*(1.0 - VF) + dv_g*VF return err, dv try: T_calc = newton(to_solve, guess, fprime=True, low=low, high=high, xtol=1e-12, require_eval=True) except: # Zero division error in derivative mostly fprime = False T_calc = secant(to_solve, guess, low=low, high=high, xtol=1e-12, ytol=guess*1e-5, require_eval=True) return cache def debug_TVF(self, T, VF=None, pts=2000): zs = [1] gas = self.gas liquids = self.liquids def to_solve_newton(P): g = gas.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs) fugacity_gas = g.fugacities()[0] dfugacities_dP_gas = g.dfugacities_dP()[0] ls = [l.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs) for l in liquids] G_min, lowest_phase = 1e100, None for l in ls: G = l.G() if G < G_min: G_min, lowest_phase = G, l fugacity_liq = lowest_phase.fugacities()[0] dfugacities_dP_liq = lowest_phase.dfugacities_dP()[0] err = fugacity_liq - fugacity_gas derr_dP = dfugacities_dP_liq - dfugacities_dP_gas return err, derr_dP import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np Psat = self.correlations.VaporPressures[0](T) Ps = np.hstack([np.logspace(np.log10(Psat/2), np.log10(Psat*2), int(pts/2)), np.logspace(np.log10(1e-6), np.log10(1e9), int(pts/2))]) Ps = np.sort(Ps) values = np.array([to_solve_newton(P)[0] for P in Ps]) values[values == 0] = 1e-10 # Make them show up on the plot plt.loglog(Ps, values, 'x', label='Positive errors') plt.loglog(Ps, -values, 'o', label='Negative errors') plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5) def debug_PVF(self, P, VF=None, pts=2000): zs = [1] gas = self.gas liquids = self.liquids def to_solve_newton(T): g = gas.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs) fugacity_gas = g.fugacities()[0] dfugacities_dT_gas = g.dfugacities_dT()[0] ls = [l.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs) for l in liquids] G_min, lowest_phase = 1e100, None for l in ls: G = l.G() if G < G_min: G_min, lowest_phase = G, l fugacity_liq = lowest_phase.fugacities()[0] dfugacities_dT_liq = lowest_phase.dfugacities_dT()[0] err = fugacity_liq - fugacity_gas derr_dT = dfugacities_dT_liq - dfugacities_dT_gas return err, derr_dT import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Psat_obj = self.correlations.VaporPressures[0] Tsat = Psat_obj.solve_property(P) Tmax = Psat_obj.Tmax Tmin = Psat_obj.Tmin Ts = np.hstack([np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, int(pts/4)), np.linspace(Tsat-30, Tsat+30, int(pts/4))]) Ts = np.sort(Ts) values = np.array([to_solve_newton(T)[0] for T in Ts]) plt.semilogy(Ts, values, 'x', label='Positive errors') plt.semilogy(Ts, -values, 'o', label='Negative errors') min_index = np.argmin(np.abs(values)) T = Ts[min_index] Ts2 = np.linspace(T*.999, T*1.001, int(pts/2)) values2 = np.array([to_solve_newton(T)[0] for T in Ts2]) plt.semilogy(Ts2, values2, 'x', label='Positive Fine') plt.semilogy(Ts2, -values2, 'o', label='Negative Fine') plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
# ph - iterate on PT # if oscillating, take those two phases, solve, then get VF # other strategy - guess phase, solve h, PT at point to vonfirm! # For one phase - solve each phase for H, if there is a solution. # Take the one with lowest Gibbs energy