Source code for thermo.flash.flash_vln

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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__all__ = ['FlashVLN']

from chemicals.exceptions import PhaseCountReducedError, TrivialSolutionError
from chemicals.rachford_rice import flash_inner_loop
from fluids.numerics import OscillationError, UnconvergedError

from thermo.bulk import default_settings
from thermo.flash.flash_utils import deduplicate_stab_results, empty_flash_conv, one_in_list, sequential_substitution_NP
from thermo.flash.flash_vl import FlashVL
from thermo.phase_identification import identify_sort_phases
from thermo.property_package import StabilityTester

CAS_H2O = '7732-18-5'

[docs]class FlashVLN(FlashVL): r'''Class for performing flash calculations on multiphase vapor-liquid systems. This rigorous class does not make any assumptions and will search for up to the maximum amount of liquid phases specified by the user. Vapor and each liquid phase do not need to use a consistent thermodynamic model. The minimum information that is needed in addition to the :obj:`Phase` objects is: * MWs * Vapor pressure curve * Functioning enthalpy models for each phase Parameters ---------- constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` object Package of chemical constants; these are used as boundaries at times, initial guesses other times, and in all cases these properties are accessible as attributes of the resulting :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` object, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Package of chemical T-dependent properties; these are used as boundaries at times, for initial guesses other times, and in all cases these properties are accessible as attributes of the resulting :obj:`EquilibriumState <thermo.equilibrium.EquilibriumState>` object, [-] gas : :obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>` object A single phase which can represent the gas phase, [-] liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] A list of phase objects that can represent the liquid phases; if working with a VLL system with a consistent model, specify the same liquid phase twice; the length of this list is the maximum number of liquid phases that will be searched for, [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Not used, [-] settings : :obj:`BulkSettings <thermo.bulk.BulkSettings>` object Object containing settings for calculating bulk and transport properties, [-] Attributes ---------- SS_NP_MAXITER : int Maximum number of sequential substitution iterations to try when converging a three or more phase solution, [-] SS_NP_TOL : float Convergence tolerance in sequential substitution for a three or more phase solution [-] SS_NP_TRIVIAL_TOL : float Tolerance at which to quick a three-phase flash because it is converging to the trivial solution, [-] SS_STAB_AQUEOUS_CHECK : bool If True, the first three-phase stability check will be on water (if it is present) as it forms a three-phase solution more than any other component, [-] DOUBLE_CHECK_2P : bool This parameter should be set to True if any issues in the solution are noticed. It can slow down two-phase solution. It ensures that all potential vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid phase pairs are searched for stability, instead of testing first for a vapor-liquid solution and then moving on to a three phase flash if an instability is detected, [-] Notes ----- The algorithms in this object are mostly from [1]_, [2]_ and [3]_. Sequential substitution without acceleration is used by default to converge multiphase systems. Additional information that can be provided in the :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` object and :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` object that may help convergence is: * `Tc`, `Pc`, `omega`, `Tb`, and `atoms` * Gas heat capacity correlations * Liquid molar volume correlations * Heat of vaporization correlations Examples -------- A three-phase flash of butanol, water, and ethanol with the SRK EOS without BIPs: >>> from thermo import ChemicalConstantsPackage, CEOSGas, CEOSLiquid, SRKMIX, FlashVLN, PropertyCorrelationsPackage, HeatCapacityGas >>> constants = ChemicalConstantsPackage(Tcs=[563.0, 647.14, 514.0], Pcs=[4414000.0, 22048320.0, 6137000.0], omegas=[0.59, 0.344, 0.635], MWs=[74.1216, 18.01528, 46.06844], CASs=['71-36-3', '7732-18-5', '64-17-5']) >>> properties = PropertyCorrelationsPackage(constants=constants, ... HeatCapacityGases=[HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-3.787200194613107e-20, 1.7692887427654656e-16, -3.445247207129205e-13, 3.612771874320634e-10, -2.1953250181084466e-07, 7.707135849197655e-05, -0.014658388538054169, 1.5642629364740657, -7.614560475001724])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [5.543665000518528e-22, -2.403756749600872e-18, 4.2166477594350336e-15, -3.7965208514613565e-12, 1.823547122838406e-09, -4.3747690853614695e-07, 5.437938301211039e-05, -0.003220061088723078, 33.32731489750759])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-1.162767978165682e-20, 5.4975285700787494e-17, -1.0861242757337942e-13, 1.1582703354362728e-10, -7.160627710867427e-08, 2.5392014654765875e-05, -0.004732593693568646, 0.5072291035198603, 20.037826650765965])),], ) >>> eos_kwargs = dict(Tcs=constants.Tcs, Pcs=constants.Pcs, omegas=constants.omegas) >>> gas = CEOSGas(SRKMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=properties.HeatCapacityGases) >>> liq = CEOSLiquid(SRKMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=properties.HeatCapacityGases) >>> flashN = FlashVLN(constants, properties, liquids=[liq, liq], gas=gas) >>> res = flashN.flash(T=361, P=1e5, zs=[.25, 0.7, .05]) >>> res.phase_count 3 References ---------- .. [1] Michelsen, Michael L., and Jørgen M. Mollerup. Thermodynamic Models: Fundamentals & Computational Aspects. Tie-Line Publications, 2007. .. [2] Poling, Bruce E., John M. Prausnitz, and John P. O`Connell. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. .. [3] Gmehling, Jürgen, Michael Kleiber, Bärbel Kolbe, and Jürgen Rarey. Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation. John Wiley & Sons, 2019. ''' SS_NP_MAXITER = FlashVL.PT_SS_MAXITER SS_NP_TRIVIAL_TOL = 5e-5 SS_NP_TOL = 1e-15 SS_STAB_AQUEOUS_CHECK = True DOUBLE_CHECK_2P = False SS_NP_STAB_HIGHEST_COMP_DIFF = False SS_NP_STAB_COMP_DIFF_MIN = None K_COMPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_HACK = True skip_solids = True supports_VF_flash = True supports_SF_flash = False def __init__(self, constants, correlations, liquids, gas, solids=None, settings=default_settings): self.constants = constants self.correlations = correlations self.liquids = liquids self.gas = gas self.settings = settings if solids: raise ValueError("Solids are not supported in this model") self._finish_initialization() def _finish_initialization(self): constants, correlations, settings = self.constants, self.correlations, self.settings liquids, gas = self.liquids, self.gas if gas is None: raise ValueError("Gas phase is required in this model") self.liquid0 = liquids[0] if liquids else None self.liquid_count = self.max_liquids = len(liquids) self.max_phases = 1 + self.max_liquids if gas is not None else self.max_liquids self.phases = [gas] + liquids if gas is not None else liquids self.N = constants.N self.K_composition_independent = all(i.composition_independent for i in self.phases) self.ideal_gas_basis = all(i.ideal_gas_basis for i in self.phases) self.aqueous_check = (self.SS_STAB_AQUEOUS_CHECK and '7732-18-5' in constants.CASs) self.stab = StabilityTester(Tcs=constants.Tcs, Pcs=constants.Pcs, omegas=constants.omegas, aqueous_check=self.aqueous_check, CASs=constants.CASs) try: self._water_index = constants.CASs.index(CAS_H2O) except ValueError: self._water_index = None self._finish_initialization_base() # self.flash_pure = FlashPureVLS(constants=constants, correlations=correlations, # gas=gas, liquids=unique_liquids, solids=[], # settings=settings) def flash_TVF(self, T, VF, zs, solution=None, hot_start=None, liquid_idx=None): if self.unique_liquid_count == 1: return self.flash_TVF_2P(T, VF, zs, self.liquids[0], self.gas, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) elif liquid_idx is not None: return self.flash_TVF_2P(T, VF, zs, self.liquids[liquid_idx], self.gas, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) else: sln_G_min, G_min = None, 1e100 for l in self.unique_liquids: try: sln = self.flash_TVF_2P(T, VF, zs, l, self.gas, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) sln_G = (sln[1].G()*(1.0 - VF) + sln[2].G()*VF) if sln_G < G_min: sln_G_min, G_min = sln, sln_G except: pass return sln_G_min def flash_PVF(self, P, VF, zs, solution=None, hot_start=None, liquid_idx=None): if self.unique_liquid_count == 1: sln_2P = self.flash_PVF_2P(P, VF, zs, self.liquids[0], self.gas, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) elif liquid_idx is not None: sln_2P = self.flash_PVF_2P(P, VF, zs, self.liquids[liquid_idx], self.gas, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) else: sln_G_min, G_min = None, 1e100 for l in self.unique_liquids: try: sln = self.flash_PVF_2P(P, VF, zs, l, self.gas, solution=solution, hot_start=hot_start) sln_G = (sln[1].G()*(1.0 - VF) + sln[2].G()*VF) if sln_G < G_min: sln_G_min, G_min = sln, sln_G except: pass sln_2P = sln_G_min return sln_2P def phases_at(self, T, P, zs, V=None): # Avoid doing excess work here # Goal: bring each phase to T, P, zs; using whatever duplicate information # possible # returns gas, [liquids], phases if V is None: gas = None gas_to_unique_liquid = self.gas_to_unique_liquid liquids = [None]*self.max_liquids for i, liq in enumerate(self.unique_liquids): l =, P=P, zs=zs) for j, idx in enumerate(self.liquids_to_unique_liquids): if idx == i: liquids[j] = l if i == gas_to_unique_liquid: try: gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs, other_eos=l.eos_mix) except: gas = self.gas.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs) if gas is None: gas =, P=P, zs=zs) return gas, liquids, [gas] + liquids else: # TODO: handle unique liquids in this function if T is not None: gas =, V=V, zs=zs) liquids = [, V=V, zs=zs) for l in self.liquids] elif P is not None: gas =, V=V, zs=zs) liquids = [, V=V, zs=zs) for l in self.liquids] else: raise ValueError("Two of three specs are required") return gas, liquids, [gas] + liquids def sequential_substitution_NP(self, T, P, zs, comps, betas, phases, maxiter, tol, trivial_solution_tol): return sequential_substitution_NP(T, P, zs, comps, betas, phases, maxiter=maxiter, tol=tol, trivial_solution_tol=trivial_solution_tol) def flash_TPV_hot(self, T, P, V, zs, hot_start, solution=None): if hot_start.phase_count == 2: xs = hot_start.phases[0].zs ys = hot_start.phases[1].zs double_check_sln = self.flash_2P(T, P, zs, xs, ys, hot_start.phases[0], hot_start.phases[1], None, None, V_over_F_guess=hot_start.betas[1], LL=True) failed = not double_check_sln[0] and not double_check_sln[1] if not failed: return double_check_sln elif hot_start.phase_count > 2: phases = hot_start.phases comps = [i.zs for i in hot_start.phases] betas = hot_start.betas slnN = self.sequential_substitution_NP( T, P, zs, comps, betas, phases, maxiter=self.SS_NP_MAXITER, tol=self.SS_NP_TOL, trivial_solution_tol=self.SS_NP_TRIVIAL_TOL ) return None, slnN[2], [], slnN[0], {'iterations': slnN[3], 'err': slnN[4], 'stab_guess_name': None} if failed: return self.flash_TPV(T=T, P=P, V=V, zs=zs, solution=solution) def flash_TP_K_composition_idependent(self, T, P, zs): if self.max_phases == 1: phase = self.phases[0].to(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) return None, [phase], [], [1.0], {'iterations': 0, 'err': 0} Ks = liquid_phis = self.liquid0.phis_at(T, P, zs) try: VF, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) except PhaseCountReducedError: K_low, K_high = False, False for zi, Ki in zip(zs, Ks): if zi != 0.0: if Ki > 1.0: K_high = True else: K_low = True if K_low and not K_high: VF = -0.5 elif K_high and not K_low: VF = 1.5 else: raise ValueError("Error") if VF > 1.0: return None, [, P=P, zs=zs)], [], one_in_list, empty_flash_conv elif VF < 0.0: return None, [, P=P, zs=zs)], [], one_in_list, empty_flash_conv else: gas =, P=P, zs=ys) liquid =, P=P, zs=xs) return gas, [liquid], [], [VF, 1.0 - VF], empty_flash_conv def flash_TPV(self, T, P, V, zs=None, solution=None, hot_start=None): if T is None: return self.flash_PV(P, V, zs, solution, hot_start) if P is None: return self.flash_TV(T, V, zs, solution, hot_start) if hot_start is not None and hot_start.phase_count > 1 and solution is None: # Only allow hot start when there are multiple phases try: return self.flash_TPV_hot(T, P, V, zs, hot_start, solution=solution) except Exception as e: # Let anything fail pass if self.K_composition_independent and self.K_COMPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_HACK and solution is None: return self.flash_TP_K_composition_idependent(T, P, zs) gas, liquids, phases = self.phases_at(T, P, zs, V=V) gas_at_conditions = gas # if self.K_composition_independent and self.K_COMPOSITION_INDEPENDENT_HACK: # # TODO move into new function? # if self.max_phases == 2: # gas_phis = gas.phis() # liquid_phis = liquids[0].phis() # Ks = [liquid_phis[i]/gas_phis[i] for i in range(self.N)] # VF, xs, ys = flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks) # if VF > 1.0: # return None, [gas], [], one_in_list, empty_flash_conv # elif VF < 0.0: # return None, [liquids[0]], [], one_in_list, empty_flash_conv # else: # gas =, P=P, zs=ys) # liquid = liquids[0].to(T=T, P=P, zs=xs) # return gas, [liquid], [], [VF, 1.0 - VF], empty_flash_conv min_phase_1P, G_min_1P = None, 1e100 ideal_gas_basis = self.ideal_gas_basis if ideal_gas_basis: for p in phases: G = p.G_min_criteria() if G < G_min_1P: min_phase_1P, G_min_1P = p, G else: for p in phases: G = p.G() if G < G_min_1P: min_phase_1P, G_min_1P = p, G one_phase_sln = None, [min_phase_1P], [], one_in_list, empty_flash_conv sln_2P, one_phase_min = None, None VL_solved, LL_solved = False, False phase_evolved = [False]*self.max_phases try: sln_2P = self.flash_TP_stability_test(T, P, zs, liquids[0], gas, solution=solution, phases_ready=True) if len(sln_2P[3]) == 2: # One phase only VL_solved = True g, l0 = sln_2P[0], sln_2P[1][0] found_phases = [g, l0] phase_evolved[0] = phase_evolved[1] = True found_betas = sln_2P[3] except: VL_solved = False if not VL_solved and self.max_liquids > 1: for n_liq, a_liq in enumerate(liquids[1:]): # Come up with algorithm to skip try: sln_2P = self.flash_TP_stability_test(T, P, zs, liquids[0], a_liq, solution=solution, LL=True) if len(sln_2P[3]) == 2: LL_solved = True g = None l0, l1 = sln_2P[1] found_phases = [l0, l1] found_betas = sln_2P[3] break except: pass if not LL_solved and not VL_solved: found_phases = [min_phase_1P] found_betas = [1] existing_comps = [i.zs for i in found_phases] if ideal_gas_basis: G_2P = sum([found_betas[i]*found_phases[i].G_min_criteria() for i in range(len(found_phases))]) else: G_2P = sum([found_betas[i]*found_phases[i].G() for i in range(len(found_phases))]) if sln_2P is not None and self.DOUBLE_CHECK_2P: g_id, ls_id, _, _ = identify_sort_phases(found_phases, found_betas, self.constants, self.correlations, settings=self.settings, skip_solids=self.skip_solids) if g_id is None: another_phase, base_phase = gas, liquids[0] else: another_phase, base_phase = liquids[0], gas all_solutions = self.stability_test_Michelsen(T, P, zs, another_phase, base_phase, all_solutions=True) + self.stability_test_Michelsen(T, P, zs, base_phase, another_phase, all_solutions=True) all_solutions = deduplicate_stab_results(all_solutions) for stab_sln in all_solutions: trial_zs, appearing_zs, V_over_F, stab_guess_name, _, _, _, _ = stab_sln if V_over_F < 1.000001 and V_over_F > -.000001: try: double_check_sln = self.flash_2P(T, P, zs, trial_zs, appearing_zs, another_phase, base_phase, gas, liquids[0], V_over_F_guess=V_over_F, LL=True) except (UnconvergedError, OscillationError, PhaseCountReducedError): continue double_check_betas = double_check_sln[3] if len(double_check_betas) == 2: double_check_phases = double_check_sln[1] if ideal_gas_basis: G_2P_new = sum([double_check_betas[i]*double_check_phases[i].G_min_criteria() for i in range(2)]) else: G_2P_new = sum([double_check_betas[i]*double_check_phases[i].G() for i in range(2)]) if G_2P_new < G_2P: sln_2P = double_check_sln G_2P = G_2P_new found_phases = double_check_phases existing_comps = [i.zs for i in found_phases] found_betas = double_check_betas # Can still be a VLL solution now that a new phase has been added if (LL_solved and (self.max_liquids == 2) or (VL_solved and self.max_liquids == 1) or (self.N < 3 and (VL_solved or LL_solved))): # Check the Gibbs if G_2P < G_min_1P: return sln_2P else: # May be missing possible 3 phase solutions which have lower G return one_phase_sln if not LL_solved and not VL_solved: return one_phase_sln if self.N < 3: # Gibbs phase rule 5.9: Multiphase Split and Stability Analysis # in Thermodynamics and Applications in Hydrocarbon Energy Production by Firoozabadi (2016) # Can only have three phases when either T or P are not specified return sln_2P # Always want the other phase to be type of one not present. min_phase = sln_2P[0] if sln_2P[0] is not None else sln_2P[1][0] other_phase_flashed = found_phases[0] if found_phases[0] is not min_phase else found_phases[1] other_phase = gas_at_conditions if LL_solved else liquids[1] SWITCH_EXPECT_LIQ_Z = 0.25 expect_liquid = (bool(other_phase_flashed.Z() > SWITCH_EXPECT_LIQ_Z or min_phase.Z() > SWITCH_EXPECT_LIQ_Z)) expect_aqueous = False if self.aqueous_check and self.water_index is not None and zs[self.water_index] > 1e-3: # Probably a water phase exists expect_aqueous = True stable, (trial_zs, appearing_zs, V_over_F, stab_guess_name, stab_guess_number, stab_sum_zs_test, stab_lnK_2_tot, _) = self.stability_test_Michelsen( T, P, zs, min_phase, other_phase, existing_comps=existing_comps, expect_liquid=expect_liquid, expect_aqueous=expect_aqueous, handle_iffy=False, highest_comp_diff=self.SS_NP_STAB_HIGHEST_COMP_DIFF, min_comp_diff=self.SS_NP_STAB_COMP_DIFF_MIN) if stable and self.unique_liquid_count > 2: for other_phase in liquids[2:]: stable, (trial_zs, appearing_zs, V_over_F, stab_guess_name, stab_guess_number, stab_sum_zs_test, stab_lnK_2_tot, _) = self.stability_test_Michelsen(T, P, zs, min_phase, other_phase, existing_comps=existing_comps) if not stable: break if stable: # Return the two phase solution return sln_2P else: sln3 = None flash_phases = found_phases + [other_phase] flash_comps = [i.zs for i in found_phases] flash_comps.append(appearing_zs) flash_betas = list(found_betas) flash_betas.append(0.0) try_LL_3P_failed = False try: failed_3P = False sln3 = self.sequential_substitution_NP( T, P, zs, flash_comps, flash_betas, flash_phases, maxiter=self.SS_NP_MAXITER, tol=self.SS_NP_TOL, trivial_solution_tol=self.SS_NP_TRIVIAL_TOL ) if ideal_gas_basis: G_3P = sum([sln3[0][i]*sln3[2][i].G_min_criteria() for i in range(3)]) else: G_3P = sum([sln3[0][i]*sln3[2][i].G() for i in range(3)]) new_betas = sln3[0] good_betas = True for b in new_betas: if b < 0.0 or b > 1.0: good_betas = False if self.max_phases == 3 and good_betas: if G_2P < G_3P: raise ValueError("Should never happen") return None, sln3[2], [], sln3[0], {'iterations': sln3[3], 'err': sln3[4], 'stab_guess_name': stab_guess_name, 'G_2P': G_2P} if not good_betas or G_3P > G_2P: try_LL_3P_failed = True # used to try to make this False but it just isn't correct failed_3P = True except: try_LL_3P_failed = True failed_3P = True if VL_solved and failed_3P: if try_LL_3P_failed: try: V_over_F, xs, ys, l, g, iteration, err = self.sequential_substitution_2P( T=T, P=P, zs=zs, xs_guess=trial_zs, ys_guess=appearing_zs, liquid_phase=liquids[0], gas_phase=liquids[1], maxiter=self.PT_SS_POLISH_MAXITER, tol=self.PT_SS_POLISH_TOL, V_over_F_guess=V_over_F ) if ideal_gas_basis: new_G_2P = V_over_F*g.G_min_criteria() + (1.0 - V_over_F)*l.G_min_criteria() else: new_G_2P = V_over_F*g.G() + (1.0 - V_over_F)*l.G() if new_G_2P < G_2P: return None, [l, g], [], [1.0 - V_over_F, V_over_F], {'iterations': iteration, 'err': err, 'stab_guess_name': stab_guess_name, 'G_2P': G_2P} a = 1 else: return sln_2P except (TrivialSolutionError, OscillationError, PhaseCountReducedError): return sln_2P else: return sln_2P elif LL_solved and failed_3P: # We are unstable but we couldn't converge the two phase point # not very good, but we also don't have anything else to try, except maybe # converging other guesses from the stability test # TODO return sln_2P slnN = sln3 if self.N == 3: # Cannot have a four phase system with three components (and so on) return None, sln3[2], [], sln3[0], {'iterations': sln3[3], 'err': sln3[4], 'stab_guess_name': stab_guess_name, 'G_2P': G_2P} # We are here after solving three phases liquid_idx = 2 while len(slnN[0]) < self.max_phases and liquid_idx < self.max_liquids: min_phase = slnN[2][0] existing_comps = slnN[1] # hardcoded for now - need to track other_phase = liquids[liquid_idx] stable, (trial_zs, appearing_zs, V_over_F, stab_guess_name, stab_guess_number, stab_sum_zs_test, stab_lnK_2_tot, _) = self.stability_test_Michelsen(T, P, zs, min_phase, other_phase, existing_comps=existing_comps) # if stable and self.unique_liquid_count > 3: # for other_phase in liquids[3:]: # stable, (trial_zs, appearing_zs, V_over_F, stab_guess_name, stab_guess_number, stab_sum_zs_test, stab_lnK_2_tot, _) = self.stability_test_Michelsen(T, P, zs, # min_phase, # other_phase, existing_comps=existing_comps) # if not stable: # break if not stable: flash_phases = slnN[2] + [other_phase] flash_comps = list(slnN[1]) flash_comps.append(appearing_zs) flash_betas = list(slnN[0]) flash_betas.append(0.0) try: slnN = self.sequential_substitution_NP( T, P, zs, flash_comps, flash_betas, flash_phases, maxiter=1000, tol=1E-13, trivial_solution_tol=1e-5 ) if self.max_phases == len(slnN[0]): return None, slnN[2], [], slnN[0], {'iterations': slnN[3], 'err': slnN[4], 'stab_guess_name': stab_guess_name, 'G_2P': G_2P} except: pass liquid_idx += 1 return None, slnN[2], [], slnN[0], {'iterations': slnN[3], 'err': slnN[4], 'stab_guess_name': stab_guess_name, 'G_2P': G_2P}