Source code for thermo.interaction_parameters

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains a small database of interaction parameters.
Only two data sets are currently included, both from ChemSep. If you would
like to add parameters to this project please make a referenced compilation of
values and submit them on GitHub.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

.. autoclass:: InteractionParameterDB

.. autodata:: IPDB

   Exmple database with NRTL and PR values from ChemSep. This is lazy-loaded,
   access it as `thermo.interaction_parameters.IPDB`.

.. autoclass:: ScalarParameterDB


    Example scalar parameters for models. This is lazy-loaded,
    access it as `thermo.interaction_parameters.SPDB`.

__all__ = ['InteractionParameterDB', 'ScalarParameterDB']

import os
from math import isnan

from chemicals.identifiers import check_CAS, sorted_CAS_key
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data

[docs]class InteractionParameterDB: '''Basic database framework for interaction parameters. ''' def __init__(self): self.tables = {} self.metadata = {}
[docs] def load_json(self, file, name): '''Load a json file from disk containing interaction coefficients. The format for the file is as follows: A `data` key containing a dictionary with a key: * `CAS1 CAS2` : str The CAS numbers of both components, sorted from small to high as integers; they should have the '-' symbols still in them and have a single space between them; if these are ternary or higher parameters, follow the same format for the other CAS numbers, [-] * values : dict[str : various] All of the values listed in the metadata element `necessary keys`; they are None if missing. A `metadata` key containing: * `symmetric` : bool Whether or not the interaction coefficients are missing. * `source` : str Where the data came from. * `components` : int The number of components each interaction parameter is for; 2 for binary, 3 for ternary, etc. * `necessary keys` : list[str] Which elements are required in the data. * `P dependent` : bool Whether or not the interaction parameters are pressure dependent. * `missing` : dict[str : float] Values which are missing are returned with these values * `type` : One of 'PR kij', 'SRK kij', etc; used to group data but not tied into anything else. * `T dependent` : bool Whether or not the data is T-dependent. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to json file on disk which contains interaction coefficients, [-] name : str Name that the data read should be referred to by, [-] ''' import json f = open(file).read() dat = json.loads(f) self.tables[name] = dat['data'] self.metadata[name] = dat['metadata']
[docs] def validate_table(self, name): '''Basic method which checks that all CAS numbers are valid, and that all elements of the data have non-nan values. Raises an exception if any of the data is missing or is a nan value. ''' table = self.tables[name] meta = self.metadata[name] components = meta['components'] necessary_keys = meta['necessary keys'] # Check the CASs for key in table: CASs = key.split(' ') # Check the key is the right length assert len(CASs) == components # Check all CAS number keys are valid assert all(check_CAS(i) for i in CASs) values = table[key] for i in necessary_keys: # Assert all necessary keys are present assert i in values val = values[i] # Check they are not None assert val is not None # Check they are not nan assert not isnan(val)
[docs] def has_ip_specific(self, name, CASs, ip): '''Check if a bip exists in a table. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CASs : Iterable[str] CAS numbers; they do not need to be sorted, [-] ip : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- present : bool Whether or not the data is included in the table, [-] Examples -------- Check if nitrogen-ethane as a PR BIP: >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB >>> IPDB.has_ip_specific('ChemSep PR', ['7727-37-9', '74-84-0'], 'kij') True ''' if self.metadata[name]['symmetric']: key = ' '.join(sorted_CAS_key(CASs)) else: key = ' '.join(CASs) table = self.tables[name] if key not in table: return False return ip in table[key]
[docs] def get_ip_specific(self, name, CASs, ip): '''Get an interaction parameter from a table. If the specified parameter is missing, the default `missing` value as defined in the data file is returned instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CASs : Iterable[str] CAS numbers; they do not need to be sorted, [-] ip : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- value : float Interaction parameter specified by `ip`, [-] Examples -------- Check if nitrogen-ethane as a PR BIP: >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB >>> IPDB.get_ip_specific('ChemSep PR', ['7727-37-9', '74-84-0'], 'kij') 0.0533 ''' if self.metadata[name]['symmetric']: key = ' '.join(sorted_CAS_key(CASs)) else: key = ' '.join(CASs) try: return self.tables[name][key][ip] except KeyError: return self.metadata[name]['missing'][ip]
[docs] def get_tables_with_type(self, ip_type): '''Get a list of tables which have a type of a parameter. Parameters ---------- ip_type : str Name of the parameter type, [-] Returns ------- table_names : list[str] Interaction parameter tables including `ip`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB >>> IPDB.get_tables_with_type('PR kij') ['ChemSep PR'] ''' tables = [] for key, d in self.metadata.items(): if d['type'] == ip_type: tables.append(key) return tables
[docs] def get_ip_automatic(self, CASs, ip_type, ip): '''Get an interaction parameter for the first table containing the value. Parameters ---------- CASs : Iterable[str] CAS numbers; they do not need to be sorted, [-] ip_type : str Name of the parameter type, [-] ip : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- value : float Interaction parameter specified by `ip`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB >>> IPDB.get_ip_automatic(CASs=['7727-37-9', '74-84-0'], ip_type='PR kij', ip='kij') 0.0533 ''' table = self.get_tables_with_type(ip_type)[0] return self.get_ip_specific(table, CASs, ip)
[docs] def get_ip_symmetric_matrix(self, name, CASs, ip, T=298.15): '''Get a table of interaction parameters from a specified source for the specified parameters. This method assumes symmetric parameters for speed. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CASs : Iterable[str] CAS numbers; they do not need to be sorted, [-] ip : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] T : float, optional Temperature of the system, [-] Returns ------- values : list[list[float]] Interaction parameters specified by `ip`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB >>> IPDB.get_ip_symmetric_matrix(name='ChemSep PR', CASs=['7727-37-9', '74-84-0', '74-98-6'], ip='kij') [[0.0, 0.0533, 0.0878], [0.0533, 0.0, 0.0011], [0.0878, 0.0011, 0.0]] ''' table = self.tables[name] N = len(CASs) values = [[None for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): if i == j: i_ip = 0.0 elif values[j][i] is not None: continue # already set else: i_ip = self.get_ip_specific(name, [CASs[i], CASs[j]], ip) values[i][j] = values[j][i] = i_ip return values
[docs] def get_ip_asymmetric_matrix(self, name, CASs, ip, T=298.15): '''Get a table of interaction parameters from a specified source for the specified parameters. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CASs : Iterable[str] CAS numbers; they do not need to be sorted, [-] ip : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] T : float, optional Temperature of the system, [-] Returns ------- values : list[list[float]] Interaction parameters specified by `ip`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import IPDB >>> IPDB.get_ip_symmetric_matrix(name='ChemSep NRTL', CASs=['64-17-5', '7732-18-5', '67-56-1'], ip='alphaij') [[0.0, 0.2937, 0.3009], [0.2937, 0.0, 0.2999], [0.3009, 0.2999, 0.0]] ''' table = self.tables[name] N = len(CASs) values = [[None for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(N): if i == j: i_ip = 0.0 else: i_ip = self.get_ip_specific(name, [CASs[i], CASs[j]], ip) values[i][j] = i_ip return values
[docs]class ScalarParameterDB: '''Basic database framework for scalar parameters of various thermodynamic models. The following keys are used: **Peng-Robinson** :obj:`Twu Volume-translated Peng-Robinson <thermo.eos_mix.PRMIXTranslatedConsistent>`: `TwuPRL`, `TwuPRM`, `TwuPRN`, `TwuPRc` :obj:`Volume-translated Peng-Robinson <thermo.eos_mix.PRMIXTranslated>`: `PRc` :obj:`Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera <thermo.eos_mix.PRSVMIX>`: `PRSVkappa1` :obj:`Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera 2 <thermo.eos_mix.PRSV2MIX>`: `PRSV2kappa1`, `PRSV2kappa2`, `PRSV2kappa3` **SRK** :obj:`Twu Volume-translated Peng-Robinson <thermo.eos_mix.SRKMIXTranslatedConsistent>`: `TwuSRKL`, `TwuSRKM`, `TwuSRKN`, `TwuSRKc` :obj:`Volume-translated Peng-Robinson <thermo.eos_mix.SRKMIXTranslated>`: `SRKc` :obj:`Refinery Soave-Redlich-Kwong <thermo.eos_mix.APISRKMIX>`: `APISRKS1`, `APISRKS2` :obj:`MSRK <thermo.eos_mix.MSRKMIXTranslated>`: `MSRKM`, `MSRKN`, `MSRKc` :obj:`Predictive Soave-Redlich-Kwong <thermo.eos_mix.PSRK>`: `MCSRKC1`, `MCSRKC2`, `MCSRKC3` **Excess Gibbs Energy Models** :obj:`Regular Solution <thermo.regular_solution.RegularSolution>`: `RegularSolutionV`, `RegularSolutionSP` ''' def __init__(self): self.tables = {} self.metadata = {} def load_json(self, file, name): import json f = open(file).read() dat = json.loads(f) self.tables[name] = dat['data'] self.metadata[name] = dat['metadata'] def get_parameter_specific(self, name, CAS, parameter): '''Get a parameter from a table. If the specified parameter is missing, the default `missing` value as defined in the data file is returned instead. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CAS : str CAS number, [-] parameter : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- value : float Interaction parameter specified by `ip`, [-] Examples -------- Get the `L` Twu parameter for PR from PiƱa-Martinez (2021): >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import SPDB >>> SPDB.get_parameter_specific('PRTwu_PinaMartinez', '7727-37-9', 'TwuPRL') 0.1243 ''' try: return self.tables[name][CAS][parameter] except KeyError: return self.metadata[name]['missing'][parameter] def has_parameter_specific(self, name, CAS, parameter): '''Check if a parameter exists in a table. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CAS : str CAS number, [-] parameter : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- present : bool Whether or not the data is included in the table, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import SPDB >>> SPDB.has_parameter_specific('PRTwu_PinaMartinez', '7727-37-9', 'TwuPRL') True >>> SPDB.has_parameter_specific('PRTwu_PinaMartinez', '7439-89-6', 'TwuPRL') False ''' table = self.tables[name] if CAS not in table: return False return parameter in table[CAS] def get_tables_with_type(self, parameter): '''Get a list of tables which have a parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter : str Name of the parameter, [-] Returns ------- table_names : list[str] Interaction parameter tables including `parameter`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import SPDB >>> SPDB.get_tables_with_type('TwuPRL') ['PRTwu_PinaMartinez', 'PRTwu_ibell_2018'] ''' tables = [] for key, d in self.metadata.items(): if parameter in d['missing']: tables.append(key) return tables def get_parameter_automatic(self, CAS, parameter): '''Get an interaction parameter for the first table containing the value. Parameters ---------- CAS : str CAS number, [-] parameter : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- value : float Parameter value specified by `parameter`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import SPDB >>> SPDB.get_parameter_automatic('7727-37-9', parameter='TwuPRL') 0.1243 ''' table = self.get_tables_with_type(parameter)[0] return self.get_parameter_specific(table, CAS, parameter) def get_parameter_vector(self, name, CASs, parameter): '''Get a list of parameters from a specified source for the specified parameter. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the data table, [-] CASs : Iterable[str] CAS numbers; the returned values will be in this order, [-] parameter : str Name of the parameter to retrieve, [-] Returns ------- values : list[float] Parameter specified by `parameter`, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo.interaction_parameters import SPDB >>> SPDB.get_parameter_vector(name='PRTwu_PinaMartinez', CASs=['7727-37-9', '74-84-0', '74-98-6'], parameter='TwuPRL') [0.1243, 0.3053, 0.7455] >>> SPDB.get_parameter_vector(name='PRVolumeTranslation_PinaMartinez', CASs=['7727-37-9', '74-84-0', '74-98-6'], parameter='PRc') [-3.643e-06, -3.675e-06, -3.735e-06] ''' table = self.tables[name] N = len(CASs) values = [None]*N for i in range(N): values[i] = self.get_parameter_specific(name, CASs[i], parameter) return values
_loaded_interactions = False def load_all_interaction_parameters(): global IPDB, _loaded_interactions folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Interaction Parameters') chemsep_db_path = os.path.join(folder, 'ChemSep') ip_files = {'ChemSep PR': os.path.join(chemsep_db_path, 'pr.json'), 'ChemSep NRTL': os.path.join(chemsep_db_path, 'nrtl.json'), 'ChemSep UNIQUAC': os.path.join(chemsep_db_path, 'uniquac.json'), 'ChemSep Wilson': os.path.join(chemsep_db_path, 'wilson.json'), 'ChemSep Henry': os.path.join(chemsep_db_path, 'henry.json'), 'Sander Const': os.path.join(folder, 'Sander_henry_const.json'), 'Sander T dep': os.path.join(folder, 'Sander_henry_T_dep.json'), 'PRTranslated Henry Best': os.path.join(folder, 'PRTranslated_best_henry_T_dep.json'), } IPDB = InteractionParameterDB() for name, file in ip_files.items(): IPDB.load_json(file, name) _loaded_interactions = True _loaded_scalars = False def load_all_scalar_parameters(): global SPDB, _loaded_scalars folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Scalar Parameters') sp_files = {'PRTwu_PinaMartinez': os.path.join(folder, 'PRTwu_PinaMartinez.json'), 'SRKTwu_PinaMartinez': os.path.join(folder, 'SRKTwu_PinaMartinez.json'), 'PRVolumeTranslation_PinaMartinez': os.path.join(folder, 'PRVolumeTranslation_PinaMartinez.json'), 'SRKVolumeTranslation_PinaMartinez': os.path.join(folder, 'SRKVolumeTranslation_PinaMartinez.json'), 'PRTwu_ibell_2018': os.path.join(folder, 'PRTwu_ibell_2018.json'), 'chemsep_regular_solution': os.path.join(folder, 'chemsep_regular_solution.json'), 'chemsep_PSRK_matthias_copeman': os.path.join(folder, 'chemsep_PSRK_matthias_copeman.json'), 'chemsep_APISRK': os.path.join(folder, 'chemsep_APISRK.json'), } SPDB = ScalarParameterDB() for name, file in sp_files.items(): SPDB.load_json(file, name) _loaded_scalars = True if PY37: def __getattr__(name): if name in ('IPDB',): load_all_interaction_parameters() return globals()[name] if name in ('SPDB',): load_all_scalar_parameters() return globals()[name] raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}") else: if can_load_data: load_all_interaction_parameters() load_all_scalar_parameters()