Source code for thermo.mixture

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 Caleb Bell <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


__all__ = ['Mixture']

from collections import OrderedDict

from chemicals.elements import mass_fractions, mixture_atomic_composition
from chemicals.identifiers import CAS_from_any, mixture_from_any
from chemicals.utils import (
from chemicals.virial import B_from_Z
from chemicals.volume import ideal_gas
from fluids.core import Bond, Capillary, Grashof, Jakob, Peclet_heat, Prandtl, Reynolds, Weber, nu_mu_converter, thermal_diffusivity
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.chemical import Chemical
from thermo.eos import IG, PR
from thermo.eos_mix import PRMIX
from thermo.heat_capacity import HeatCapacityGasMixture, HeatCapacityLiquidMixture, HeatCapacitySolidMixture
from thermo.interface import SurfaceTensionMixture
from thermo.thermal_conductivity import ThermalConductivityGasMixture, ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture
from thermo.utils import phase_select_property
from thermo.viscosity import ViscosityGasMixture, ViscosityLiquidMixture
from thermo.volume import LINEAR_MISSING_IDEAL, VolumeGasMixture, VolumeLiquidMixture, VolumeSolidMixture

def preprocess_mixture_composition(IDs=None, zs=None, ws=None, Vfls=None,
                                   Vfgs=None, ignore_exceptions=False):
    r'''Composition preprocessing function for the :obj:`thermo.mixture.Mixture`
    class, as it had grown to the size it required its own function.

    This function accepts the possible ways of specifying composition, parses
    and checks them to an extent, and returns the same arguments it receives.

    The tasks it performs are as follows:

        * Check if the input ID was a string, or a 1-length list, which is one
          of the main keys or synonyms retrievable from
          :obj:`thermo.identifiers.mixture_from_any`; if it is, take the
          composition from that method (weight fractions will be returned).
        * If the ID is a string or a 1-length list, set the composition to
          be pure (if no other composition was specified).
        * If the composition (zs, ws, Vfls, Vfgs) is a list, turn it into a
          copy of the list to not change other instances of it.
        * If the composition is a numpy array, convert it to a list for greater
        * If the composition is a dict or OrderedDict, take the keys of it
          as the identifiers from its keys and the composition as its values.

    If no composition has been specified after the above parsing, an exception
    is raised.

    If multiple ways of specifying composition were used, raise an exception.

    If the length of the specified composition is not the same as the number
    of identifiers given, an exception is raised.

    Note this method does not normalize composition to one; or check the
    identifiers are valid.
    # Test if the input ID a string or a list
    if hasattr(IDs, 'strip') or (isinstance(IDs, list) and len(IDs) == 1):
            # Assume the name was a pre-defined mixture
            mix = mixture_from_any(IDs)
            IDs = mix.CASs#d["CASs"]
            ws =["ws"]
            if hasattr(IDs, 'strip'):
                IDs = [IDs]

                zs = [1.0]
            elif isinstance(IDs, list) and len(IDs) == 1:
                if zs is None and ws is None and Vfls is None and Vfgs is None:
                    zs = [1.0]
                if not ignore_exceptions:
                    raise Exception('Could not recognize the mixture IDs')
                    return IDs, zs, ws, Vfls, Vfgs

    # Handle numpy array inputs; also turn mutable inputs into copies
    if zs is not None:
        t = type(zs)
        if t == list:
            zs = list(zs)
        elif t == np.ndarray:
            zs = zs.tolist()
        elif isinstance(zs, (OrderedDict, dict)):
            IDs = list(zs.keys())
            zs = list(zs.values())
        length_matching = len(zs) == len(IDs)
    elif ws is not None:
        t = type(ws)
        if t == list:
            ws = list(ws)
        elif t == np.ndarray:
            ws = ws.tolist()
        elif isinstance(ws, (OrderedDict, dict)):
            IDs = list(ws.keys())
            ws = list(ws.values())
        length_matching = len(ws) == len(IDs)
    elif Vfls is not None:
        t = type(Vfls)
        if t == list:
            Vfls = list(Vfls)
        elif t == np.ndarray:
            Vfls = Vfls.tolist()
        elif isinstance(Vfls, (OrderedDict, dict)):
            IDs = list(Vfls.keys())
            Vfls = list(Vfls.values())
        length_matching = len(Vfls) == len(IDs)
    elif Vfgs is not None:
        t = type(Vfgs)
        if t == list:
            Vfgs = list(Vfgs)
        elif t == np.ndarray:
            Vfgs = Vfgs.tolist()
        elif isinstance(Vfgs, (OrderedDict, dict)):
            IDs = list(Vfgs.keys())
            Vfgs = list(Vfgs.values())
        length_matching = len(Vfgs) == len(IDs)
        if not ignore_exceptions:
            raise Exception("One of 'zs', 'ws', 'Vfls', or 'Vfgs' is required to define the mixture")
    # Do not to a test on multiple composition inputs in case the user specified
    # a composition, plus one was set (it will be zero anyway)
    if not ignore_exceptions:
        if len(IDs) > 1 and ((zs is not None) + (ws is not None) + (Vfgs is not None) + (Vfls is not None)) > 1:
            raise Exception('Multiple different composition arguments were '
                            "specified; specify only one of the arguments "
                            "'zs', 'ws', 'Vfls', or 'Vfgs'.")
        if not length_matching:
            raise Exception('Composition is not the same length as the component identifiers')
    return IDs, zs, ws, Vfls, Vfgs

[docs]class Mixture: '''Creates a Mixture object which contains basic information such as molecular weight and the structure of the species, as well as thermodynamic and transport properties as a function of two of the variables temperature, pressure, vapor fraction, enthalpy, or entropy. The components of the mixture must be specified by specifying the names of the chemicals; the composition can be specified by providing any one of the following parameters: * Mass fractions `ws` * Mole fractions `zs` * Liquid volume fractions (based on pure component densities) `Vfls` * Gas volume fractions (based on pure component densities) `Vfgs` If volume fractions are provided, by default the pure component volumes are calculated at the specified `T` and `P`. To use another reference temperature and pressure specify it as a tuple for the argument `Vf_TP`. If no thermodynamic conditions are specified, or if only one of T and P are specifed without another thermodynamic variable as well, the T and P 298.15 K and/or 101325 Pa will be set instead of the missing variables. Parameters ---------- IDs : list, optional List of chemical identifiers - names, CAS numbers, SMILES or InChi strings can all be recognized and may be mixed [-] zs : list or dict, optional Mole fractions of all components in the mixture [-] ws : list or dict, optional Mass fractions of all components in the mixture [-] Vfls : list or dict, optional Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical liquid phase based on pure component densities [-] Vfgs : list, or dict optional Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical gas phase based on pure component densities [-] T : float, optional Temperature of the mixture (default 298.15 K), [K] P : float, optional Pressure of the mixture (default 101325 Pa) [Pa] VF : float, optional Vapor fraction (mole basis) of the mixture, [-] Hm : float, optional Molar enthalpy of the mixture, [J/mol] H : float, optional Mass enthalpy of the mixture, [J/kg] Sm : float, optional Molar entropy of the mixture, [J/mol/K] S : float, optional Mass entropy of the mixture, [J/kg/K] pkg : object The thermodynamic property package to use for flash calculations; one of the caloric packages in :obj:`thermo.property_package`; defaults to the ideal model [-] Vf_TP : tuple(2, float), optional The (T, P) at which the volume fractions are specified to be at, [K] and [Pa] Attributes ---------- MW : float Mole-weighted average molecular weight all chemicals in the mixture, [g/mol] IDs : list of str Names of all the species in the mixture as given in the input, [-] names : list of str Names of all the species in the mixture, [-] CASs : list of str CAS numbers of all species in the mixture, [-] MWs : list of float Molecular weights of all chemicals in the mixture, [g/mol] Tms : list of float Melting temperatures of all chemicals in the mixture, [K] Tbs : list of float Boiling temperatures of all chemicals in the mixture, [K] Tcs : list of float Critical temperatures of all chemicals in the mixture, [K] Pcs : list of float Critical pressures of all chemicals in the mixture, [Pa] Vcs : list of float Critical volumes of all chemicals in the mixture, [m^3/mol] Zcs : list of float Critical compressibilities of all chemicals in the mixture, [-] rhocs : list of float Critical densities of all chemicals in the mixture, [kg/m^3] rhocms : list of float Critical molar densities of all chemicals in the mixture, [mol/m^3] omegas : list of float Acentric factors of all chemicals in the mixture, [-] StielPolars : list of float Stiel Polar factors of all chemicals in the mixture, see :obj:`chemicals.acentric.Stiel_polar_factor` for the definition, [-] Tts : list of float Triple temperatures of all chemicals in the mixture, [K] Pts : list of float Triple pressures of all chemicals in the mixture, [Pa] Hfuss : list of float Enthalpy of fusions of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg] Hfusms : list of float Molar enthalpy of fusions of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol] Hsubs : list of float Enthalpy of sublimations of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg] Hsubms : list of float Molar enthalpy of sublimations of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol] Hfms : list of float Molar enthalpy of formations of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol] Hfs : list of float Enthalpy of formations of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg] Gfms : list of float Molar Gibbs free energies of formation of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol] Gfs : list of float Gibbs free energies of formation of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg] Sfms : list of float Molar entropy of formation of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol/K] Sfs : list of float Entropy of formation of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg/K] S0ms : list of float Standard absolute entropies of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol/K] S0s : list of float Standard absolute entropies of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg/K] Hcms : list of float Molar higher heats of combustions of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol] Hcs : list of float Higher heats of combustions of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg] Hcms_lower : list of float Molar lower heats of combustions of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/mol] Hcs_lower : list of float Higher lower of combustions of all chemicals in the mixture, [J/kg] Tflashs : list of float Flash points of all chemicals in the mixture, [K] Tautoignitions : list of float Autoignition points of all chemicals in the mixture, [K] LFLs : list of float Lower flammability limits of the gases in an atmosphere at STP, mole fractions, [-] UFLs : list of float Upper flammability limit of the gases in an atmosphere at STP, mole fractions, [-] TWAs : list of list of tuple(quantity, unit) Time-Weighted Average limits on worker exposure to dangerous chemicals. STELs : list of tuple(quantity, unit) Short-term Exposure limits on worker exposure to dangerous chemicals. Ceilings : list of tuple(quantity, unit) Ceiling limits on worker exposure to dangerous chemicals. Skins : list of bool Whether or not each of the chemicals can be absorbed through the skin. Carcinogens : list of str or dict Carcinogen status information for each chemical in the mixture. Chemicals : list of Chemical instances Chemical instances used in calculating mixture properties, [-] dipoles : list of float Dipole moments of all chemicals in the mixture in debye, [3.33564095198e-30 ampere*second^2] Stockmayers : list of float Lennard-Jones depth of potential-energy minimum over k for all chemicals in the mixture, [K] molecular_diameters : list of float Lennard-Jones molecular diameters of all chemicals in the mixture, [angstrom] GWPs : list of float Global warming potentials (default 100-year outlook) (impact/mass chemical)/(impact/mass CO2) of all chemicals in the mixture, [-] ODPs : list of float Ozone Depletion potentials (impact/mass chemical)/(impact/mass CFC-11), of all chemicals in the mixture, [-] logPs : list of float Octanol-water partition coefficients of all chemicals in the mixture, [-] Psat_298s : list of float Vapor pressure of the chemicals in the mixture at 298.15 K, [Pa] phase_STPs : list of str Phase of the chemicals in the mixture at 298.15 K and 101325 Pa; one of 's', 'l', 'g', or 'l/g'. Vml_Tbs : list of float Molar volumes of the chemicals in the mixture as liquids at their normal boiling points, [m^3/mol] Vml_Tms : list of float Molar volumes of the chemicals in the mixture as liquids at their melting points, [m^3/mol] Vml_STPs : list of float Molar volume of the chemicals in the mixture as liquids at 298.15 K and 101325 Pa, [m^3/mol] rhoml_STPs : list of float Molar densities of the chemicals in the mixture as liquids at 298.15 K and 101325 Pa, [mol/m^3] Vmg_STPs : list of float Molar volume of the chemicals in the mixture as gases at 298.15 K and 101325 Pa, [m^3/mol] Vms_Tms : list of float Molar volumes of solid phase at the melting point [m^3/mol] rhos_Tms : list of float Mass densities of solid phase at the melting point [kg/m^3] Hvap_Tbms : list of float Molar enthalpies of vaporization of the chemicals in the mixture at their normal boiling points, [J/mol] Hvap_Tbs : list of float Mass enthalpies of vaporization of the chemicals in the mixture at their normal boiling points, [J/kg] alpha alphag alphags alphal alphals A Am atom_fractions atom_fractionss atomss Bvirial charges Cp Cpg Cpgm Cpgms Cpgs Cpl Cplm Cplms Cpls Cpm Cps Cpsm Cpsms Cpss Cvg Cvgm Cvgms Cvgs economic_statuses eos formulas Hvapms Hvaps InChI_Keys InChIs isentropic_exponent isentropic_exponents isobaric_expansion isobaric_expansion_g isobaric_expansion_gs isobaric_expansion_l isobaric_expansion_ls IUPAC_names JT JTg JTgs JTl JTls k kg kgs kl kls legal_statuses mass_fractions mass_fractionss mu mug mugs mul muls nu nug nugs nul nuls permittivites Pr Prg Prgs Prl Prls Psats PSRK_groups PubChems rho rhog rhogm rhogms rhogm_STP rhogs rhog_STP rhol rholm rholms rholm_STP rhols rhol_STP rhom rhosms rhoss ringss sigma sigmas smiless solubility_parameters synonymss U Um UNIFAC_Dortmund_groups UNIFAC_groups Vm Vmg Vmgs Vmg_STP Vml Vmls Vml_STP Vmss Z Zg Zgs Zg_STP Zl Zls Zl_STP Zss Notes ----- .. warning:: The Mixture class is not designed for high-performance or the ability to use different thermodynamic models. It is especially limited in its multiphase support and the ability to solve with specifications other than temperature and pressure. It is impossible to change constant properties such as a compound's critical temperature in this interface. It is recommended to switch over to the :obj:`thermo.flash` interface which solves those problems and is better positioned to grow. That interface also requires users to be responsible for their chemical constants and pure component correlations; while default values can easily be loaded for most compounds, the user is ultimately responsible for them. Examples -------- Creating Mixture objects: >>> Mixture(['water', 'ethanol'], Vfls=[.6, .4], T=300, P=1E5) <Mixture, components=['water', 'ethanol'], mole fractions=[0.8299, 0.1701], T=300.00 K, P=100000 Pa> For mixtures with large numbers of components, it may be confusing to enter the composition separate from the names of the chemicals. For that case, the syntax using dictionaries as follows is supported with any composition specification: >>> comp = OrderedDict([('methane', 0.96522), ... ('nitrogen', 0.00259), ... ('carbon dioxide', 0.00596), ... ('ethane', 0.01819), ... ('propane', 0.0046), ... ('isobutane', 0.00098), ... ('butane', 0.00101), ... ('2-methylbutane', 0.00047), ... ('pentane', 0.00032), ... ('hexane', 0.00066)]) >>> m = Mixture(zs=comp) ''' flashed = True eos_in_a_box = [] ks = None Vms = None rhos = None xs = None ys = None phase = None V_over_F = None conductivity = None Hm = None H = None isobaric_expansion_g = None isobaric_expansion_l = None T_default = 298.15 P_default = 101325. autoflash = True # Whether or not to flash on init def __repr__(self): txt = f'<Mixture, components={self.names}, mole fractions={[round(i,4) for i in self.zs]}' # T and P may not be available if a flash has failed try: txt += f', T={self.T:.2f} K, P={self.P:.0f} Pa>' except: txt += ', thermodynamic conditions unknown>' return txt def __init__(self, IDs=None, zs=None, ws=None, Vfls=None, Vfgs=None, T=None, P=None, VF=None, H=None, Hm=None, S=None, Sm=None, pkg=None, Vf_TP=(None, None)): # Perofrm preprocessing of the mixture composition separately so it # can be tested on its own IDs, zs, ws, Vfls, Vfgs = preprocess_mixture_composition(IDs=IDs, zs=zs, ws=ws, Vfls=Vfls, Vfgs=Vfgs) self.IDs = IDs self.N = len(IDs) self.cmps = range(self.N) T_unsolved = T if T is not None else self.T_default P_unsolved = P if P is not None else self.P_default self.Chemicals = [Chemical(ID, P=P_unsolved, T=T_unsolved, autocalc=False) for ID in self.IDs] # Required for densities for volume fractions before setting fractions self.set_chemical_constants() self.set_Chemical_property_objects() if zs: self.zs = zs if sum(zs) == 1 else [zi/sum(zs) for zi in zs] = zs_to_ws(zs, self.MWs) elif ws: = ws if sum(ws) == 1 else [wi/sum(ws) for wi in ws] self.zs = ws_to_zs(ws, self.MWs) elif Vfls or Vfgs: T_vf, P_vf = Vf_TP if T_vf is None: T_vf = T_unsolved if P_vf is None: P_vf = P_unsolved if Vfls: Vfs = Vfls if sum(Vfls) == 1 else [Vfli/sum(Vfls) for Vfli in Vfls] VolumeObjects = self.VolumeLiquids Vms_TP = self.Vmls else: Vfs = Vfgs if sum(Vfgs) == 1 else [Vfgi/sum(Vfgs) for Vfgi in Vfgs] VolumeObjects = self.VolumeGases #Vms_TP = self.Vmgs Vms_TP = [ideal_gas(T_vf, P_vf)]*self.N if (T_vf != T or P_vf != P) and Vfls: Vms_TP = [i(T_vf, P_vf) for i in VolumeObjects] self.zs = Vfs_to_zs(Vfs, Vms_TP) = zs_to_ws(self.zs, self.MWs) else: raise Exception('One of mole fractions `zs`, weight fractions `ws`,' ' pure component liquid volume fractions `Vfls`, or' ' pure component gas volume fractions `Vfgs` must ' 'be provided.') self.MW = mixing_simple(self.zs, self.MWs) self.set_constant_sources() self.set_constants() self.set_TP_sources() # To preserve backwards compatibility, mixures with no other state vars # specified will have their T and P initialized to the values of # T_default and P_default (but only if the values VF, Hm, H, Sm, S are # None) non_TP_state_vars = sum(i is not None for i in [VF, Hm, H, Sm, S]) if non_TP_state_vars == 0: if T is None: T = self.T_default if P is None: P = self.P_default self.set_property_package(pkg=pkg) if self.autoflash: self.flash_caloric(T=T, P=P, VF=VF, Hm=Hm, Sm=Sm, H=H, S=S)
[docs] def set_chemical_constants(self): r'''Basic method which retrieves and sets constants of chemicals to be accessible as lists from a Mixture object. This gets called automatically on the instantiation of a new Mixture instance. ''' self.names = [ for i in self.Chemicals] self.MWs = MWs = [i.MW for i in self.Chemicals] self.CASs = [i.CAS for i in self.Chemicals] # Set lists of everything set by Chemical.set_constants self.Tms = [i.Tm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Tbs = [i.Tb for i in self.Chemicals] # Critical Point self.Tcs = [i.Tc for i in self.Chemicals] self.Pcs = [i.Pc for i in self.Chemicals] self.Vcs = [i.Vc for i in self.Chemicals] self.omegas = [ for i in self.Chemicals] self.StielPolars = [i.StielPolar for i in self.Chemicals] self.Zcs = [i.Zc for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhocs = [i.rhoc for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhocms = [i.rhocm for i in self.Chemicals] # Triple point self.Pts = [i.Pt for i in self.Chemicals] self.Tts = [i.Tt for i in self.Chemicals] # Enthalpy self.Hfuss = [i.Hfus for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hsubs = [i.Hsub for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hfusms = [i.Hfusm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hsubms = [i.Hsubm for i in self.Chemicals] # Chemistry - standard state self.Hfms = [i.Hfm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hfs = [i.Hf for i in self.Chemicals] self.S0ms = [i.S0m for i in self.Chemicals] self.S0s = [i.S0 for i in self.Chemicals] self.Gfms = [i.Gfm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Gfs = [i.Gf for i in self.Chemicals] self.Sfms = [i.Sfm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Sfs = [i.Sf for i in self.Chemicals] # Ideal gas state self.Hfgms = [i.Hfgm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hfgs = [i.Hfg for i in self.Chemicals] self.S0gms = [i.S0gm for i in self.Chemicals] self.S0gs = [i.S0g for i in self.Chemicals] self.Gfgms = [i.Gfgm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Gfgs = [i.Gfg for i in self.Chemicals] self.Sfgms = [i.Sfgm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Sfgs = [i.Sfg for i in self.Chemicals] # Combustion self.Hcms = [i.Hcm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcs = [i.Hc for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcms_lower = [i.Hcm_lower for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcs_lower = [i.Hc_lower for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcgms = [i.Hcgm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcgs = [i.Hcg for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcgms_lower = [i.Hcgm_lower for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hcgs_lower = [i.Hcg_lower for i in self.Chemicals] # Fire Safety Limits self.Tflashs = [i.Tflash for i in self.Chemicals] self.Tautoignitions = [i.Tautoignition for i in self.Chemicals] self.LFLs = [i.LFL for i in self.Chemicals] self.UFLs = [i.UFL for i in self.Chemicals] # Chemical Exposure Limits self.TWAs = [i.TWA for i in self.Chemicals] self.STELs = [i.STEL for i in self.Chemicals] self.Ceilings = [i.Ceiling for i in self.Chemicals] self.Skins = [i.Skin for i in self.Chemicals] self.Carcinogens = [i.Carcinogen for i in self.Chemicals] # Misc self.dipoles = [i.dipole for i in self.Chemicals] self.molecular_diameters = [i.molecular_diameter for i in self.Chemicals] self.Stockmayers = [i.Stockmayer for i in self.Chemicals] # Environmental self.GWPs = [i.GWP for i in self.Chemicals] self.ODPs = [i.ODP for i in self.Chemicals] self.logPs = [i.logP for i in self.Chemicals] # Analytical self.RI_Ts = [i.RIT for i in self.Chemicals] self.RIs = [i.RI for i in self.Chemicals] self.conductivities = [i.conductivity for i in self.Chemicals] self.conductivity_Ts = [i.conductivityT for i in self.Chemicals] # Constant properties obtained from TP self.Vml_STPs = Vml_STPs = [i.Vml_STP for i in self.Chemicals] self.rholm_STPs = [i.rhoml_STP for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhol_STPs = [i.rhol_STP for i in self.Chemicals] self.Vml_60Fs = Vml_STPs = [i.Vml_60F for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhoml_60Fs = [i.rhoml_60F for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhol_60Fs = [i.rhol_60F for i in self.Chemicals] self.Vmg_STPs = [i.Vmg_STP for i in self.Chemicals] self.Vms_Tms = [i.Vms_Tm for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhoms_Tm = [i.rhoms_Tm for i in self.Chemicals] self.rhos_Tms = [i.rhos_Tm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Psat_298s = [i.Psat_298 for i in self.Chemicals] self.phase_STPs = [i.phase_STP for i in self.Chemicals] self.Vml_Tbs = [i.Vml_Tb for i in self.Chemicals] self.Vml_Tms = [i.Vml_Tm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hvap_Tbms = [i.Hvap_Tbm for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hvap_Tbs = [i.Hvap_Tb for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hvapm_298s = [i.Hvapm_298 for i in self.Chemicals] self.Hvap_298s = [i.Hvap_298 for i in self.Chemicals] self.solubility_parameters_STP = [i.solubility_parameter_STP for i in self.Chemicals]
### More stuff here
[docs] def set_chemical_TP(self, T=None, P=None): '''Basic method to change all chemical instances to be at the T and P specified. If they are not specified, the the values of the mixture will be used. This is not necessary for using the Mixture instance unless values specified to chemicals are required. ''' # Tempearture and Pressure Denepdence # Get and choose initial methods if T is None: T = self.T if P is None: P = self.P [i.calculate(T=T, P=P) for i in self.Chemicals]
[docs] def set_constant_sources(self): # None of this takes much time or is important # Critical Point, Methods only for Tc, Pc, Vc self.Tc_methods = []#Tc_mixture(Tcs=self.Tcs, zs=self.zs, CASRNs=self.CASs, get_methods=True) self.Tc_method = None#self.Tc_methods[0] self.Pc_methods = []#Pc_mixture(Pcs=self.Pcs, zs=self.zs, CASRNs=self.CASs, get_methods=True) self.Pc_method = None#self.Pc_methods[0] self.Vc_methods = []#Vc_mixture(Vcs=self.Vcs, zs=self.zs, CASRNs=self.CASs, get_methods=True) self.Vc_method = None#self.Vc_methods[0] self.omega_methods = []#omega_mixture(omegas=self.omegas, zs=self.zs, CASRNs=self.CASs, get_methods=True) self.omega_method = None#self.omega_methods[0]
# No Flammability limits # self.LFL_methods = LFL_mixture(ys=self.zs, LFLs=self.LFLs, get_methods=True) # self.LFL_method = self.LFL_methods[0] # self.UFL_methods = UFL_mixture(ys=self.zs, UFLs=self.UFLs, get_methods=True) # self.UFL_method = self.UFL_methods[0] # No triple point # Mixed Hf linear # Exposure limits are minimum of any of them or lower
[docs] def set_constants(self): # None of this takes much time or is important # Melting point zs = self.zs self.Tm = mixing_simple(self.Tms, zs) # Critical Point try: self.Tc = mixing_simple(zs, self.Tcs) except: self.Tc = None try: self.Pc = mixing_simple(zs, self.Pcs) except: self.Pc = None try: self.Vc = mixing_simple(zs, self.Vcs) except: self.Vc = None try: = mixing_simple(zs, self.omegas) except: = None self.Zc = Z(self.Tc, self.Pc, self.Vc) if all((self.Tc, self.Pc, self.Vc)) else None self.rhoc = Vm_to_rho(self.Vc, self.MW) if self.Vc else None self.rhocm = 1./self.Vc if self.Vc else None
# self.LFL = LFL_mixture(ys=self.zs, LFLs=self.LFLs, method=self.LFL_method) # self.UFL = UFL_mixture(ys=self.zs, UFLs=self.UFLs, method=self.UFL_method)
[docs] def set_eos(self, T, P, eos=PRMIX): try: self.eos = eos(T=T, P=P, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, omegas=self.omegas, zs=self.zs) except: # Handle overflow errors and so on self.eos = IG(T=T, P=P)
@property def eos(self): r'''Equation of state object held by the mixture. See : obj:`thermo.eos_mix` for a full listing. Examples -------- ''' return self.eos_in_a_box[0] @eos.setter def eos(self, eos): if self.eos_in_a_box: self.eos_in_a_box.pop() self.eos_in_a_box.append(eos)
[docs] def eos_pures(self, eos=PR, T=None, P=None): if T is None: T = self.T if P is None: P = self.P Tcs, Pcs, omegas = self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.omegas eos_list = [] for i in range(len(self.zs)): try: e = eos(T=T, P=P, Tc=Tcs[i], Pc=Pcs[i], omega=omegas[i]) except: e = None eos_list.append(e) return eos_list
[docs] def set_Chemical_property_objects(self): self.VolumeSolids = [i.VolumeSolid for i in self.Chemicals] self.VolumeLiquids = [i.VolumeLiquid for i in self.Chemicals] self.VolumeGases = [i.VolumeGas for i in self.Chemicals] self.HeatCapacitySolids = [i.HeatCapacitySolid for i in self.Chemicals] self.HeatCapacityLiquids = [i.HeatCapacityLiquid for i in self.Chemicals] self.HeatCapacityGases = [i.HeatCapacityGas for i in self.Chemicals] self.ViscosityLiquids = [i.ViscosityLiquid for i in self.Chemicals] self.ViscosityGases = [i.ViscosityGas for i in self.Chemicals] self.ThermalConductivityLiquids = [i.ThermalConductivityLiquid for i in self.Chemicals] self.ThermalConductivityGases = [i.ThermalConductivityGas for i in self.Chemicals] self.ThermalConductivitySolids = [i.ThermalConductivitySolid for i in self.Chemicals] self.SurfaceTensions = [i.SurfaceTension for i in self.Chemicals] self.Permittivities = [i.Permittivity for i in self.Chemicals] self.VaporPressures = [i.VaporPressure for i in self.Chemicals] self.SublimationPressures = [i.SublimationPressure for i in self.Chemicals] self.EnthalpyVaporizations = [i.EnthalpyVaporization for i in self.Chemicals] self.EnthalpySublimations = [i.EnthalpySublimation for i in self.Chemicals]
[docs] def set_TP_sources(self): self.VolumeSolidMixture = VolumeSolidMixture(CASs=self.CASs, MWs=self.MWs, VolumeSolids=self.VolumeSolids) self.VolumeLiquidMixture = VolumeLiquidMixture(MWs=self.MWs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, Vcs=self.Vcs, Zcs=self.Zcs, omegas=self.omegas, CASs=self.CASs, VolumeLiquids=self.VolumeLiquids) self.VolumeGasMixture = VolumeGasMixture(eos=self.eos_in_a_box, MWs=self.MWs, CASs=self.CASs, VolumeGases=self.VolumeGases) # Temporary self.VolumeGasMixture.method = LINEAR_MISSING_IDEAL self.HeatCapacityLiquidMixture = HeatCapacityLiquidMixture(MWs=self.MWs, CASs=self.CASs, HeatCapacityLiquids=self.HeatCapacityLiquids) self.HeatCapacityGasMixture = HeatCapacityGasMixture(MWs=self.MWs, CASs=self.CASs, HeatCapacityGases=self.HeatCapacityGases) self.HeatCapacitySolidMixture = HeatCapacitySolidMixture(MWs=self.MWs, CASs=self.CASs, HeatCapacitySolids=self.HeatCapacitySolids) self.ViscosityLiquidMixture = ViscosityLiquidMixture(MWs=self.MWs, CASs=self.CASs, ViscosityLiquids=self.ViscosityLiquids, correct_pressure_pure=False) self.ViscosityGasMixture = ViscosityGasMixture(MWs=self.MWs, molecular_diameters=self.molecular_diameters, Stockmayers=self.Stockmayers, CASs=self.CASs, ViscosityGases=self.ViscosityGases, correct_pressure_pure=False) self.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture = ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture(CASs=self.CASs, MWs=self.MWs, ThermalConductivityLiquids=self.ThermalConductivityLiquids, correct_pressure_pure=False) self.ThermalConductivityGasMixture = ThermalConductivityGasMixture(MWs=self.MWs, Tbs=self.Tbs, CASs=self.CASs, ThermalConductivityGases=self.ThermalConductivityGases, ViscosityGases=self.ViscosityGases, correct_pressure_pure=False) self.SurfaceTensionMixture = SurfaceTensionMixture(MWs=self.MWs, Tbs=self.Tbs, Tcs=self.Tcs, CASs=self.CASs, SurfaceTensions=self.SurfaceTensions, VolumeLiquids=self.VolumeLiquids)
[docs] def set_property_package(self, pkg=None): if pkg is None: from thermo.property_package import IdealCaloric as pkg eos_mix = type(self.eos_in_a_box[0]) if self.eos_in_a_box else PRMIX if type(pkg) == type: self.property_package = pkg(VaporPressures=self.VaporPressures, Tms=self.Tms, Tbs=self.Tbs, Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, HeatCapacityLiquids=self.HeatCapacityLiquids, HeatCapacityGases=self.HeatCapacityGases, EnthalpyVaporizations=self.EnthalpyVaporizations, UNIFAC_groups=self.UNIFAC_groups, omegas=self.omegas, Hfs=self.Hfgms, Gfs=self.Gfgms, VolumeLiquids=self.VolumeLiquids, eos=type(self.Chemicals[0].eos), eos_mix=eos_mix) else: # no need to initialize, already exists self.property_package = pkg
[docs] def flash_caloric(self, T=None, P=None, VF=None, Hm=None, Sm=None, H=None, S=None): # TODO check if the input values are the same as the current ones # The property package works only on a mole-basis, so convert # H or S if specified to a mole basis if H is not None: Hm = property_mass_to_molar(H, self.MW) if S is not None: Sm = property_mass_to_molar(S, self.MW) self.property_package.flash_caloric(zs=self.zs, T=T, P=P, VF=VF, Hm=Hm, Sm=Sm) self.status = self.property_package.status if self.status is True: self.T = self.property_package.T self.P = self.property_package.P self.V_over_F = self.VF = self.property_package.V_over_F self.xs = self.property_package.xs self.ys = self.property_package.ys self.phase = self.property_package.phase self.Hm = self.property_package.Hm self.Sm = self.property_package.Sm self.Gm = self.property_package.Gm try: self.Hm_reactive = self.property_package.Hm_reactive self.H_reactive = property_molar_to_mass(self.Hm_reactive, self.MW) except: self.Hm_reactive = self.H_reactive = None try: self.Sm_reactive = self.property_package.Sm_reactive self.S_reactive = property_molar_to_mass(self.Sm_reactive, self.MW) except: self.Sm_reactive = self.S_reactive = None try: self.Gm_reactive = self.property_package.Gm_reactive self.G_reactive = property_molar_to_mass(self.Gm_reactive, self.MW) except: self.Gm_reactive = self.G_reactive = None self.H = property_molar_to_mass(self.Hm, self.MW) self.S = property_molar_to_mass(self.Sm, self.MW) self.G = property_molar_to_mass(self.Gm, self.MW) # values are None when not in the appropriate phase self.MWl = mixing_simple(self.xs, self.MWs) if self.xs is not None else None self.MWg = mixing_simple(self.ys, self.MWs) if self.ys is not None else None self.wsl = zs_to_ws(self.xs, self.MWs) if self.xs is not None else None self.wsg = zs_to_ws(self.ys, self.MWs) if self.ys is not None else None if (self.MWl is not None and self.MWg is not None): self.quality = self.x = vapor_mass_quality(self.V_over_F, MWl=self.MWl, MWg=self.MWg) else: self.quality = self.x = 1 if self.phase == 'g' else 0 if self.xs is None: self.wsl = zs_to_ws(self.ys, self.MWs) self.MWl = mixing_simple(self.ys, self.MWs) if self.ys is None: self.MWg = mixing_simple(self.xs, self.MWs) self.wsg = zs_to_ws(self.xs, self.MWs) # TODO: volume fractions - attempt # if (self.rhol is not None and self.rhog is not None): # self.Vfg = vapor_mass_quality(self.quality, MWl=self.Vml, MWg=self.Vmg) # else: # self.Vfg = None else: # flash failed. still want to set what variables that can be set though. for var in ['T', 'P', 'VF', 'Hm', 'Sm', 'H', 'S']: if var is not None: setattr(self, var, locals()[var]) # Not strictly necessary [i.calculate(self.T, self.P) for i in self.Chemicals]
# self.set_eos(T=self.T, P=self.P) @property def Um(self): r'''Internal energy of the mixture at its current state, in units of [J/mol]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. It also depends on the molar volume of the mixture at its current conditions. ''' return self.Hm - self.P*self.Vm if (self.Vm and self.Hm is not None) else None @property def U(self): r'''Internal energy of the mixture at its current state, in units of [J/kg]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. It also depends on the molar volume of the mixture at its current conditions. ''' return property_molar_to_mass(self.Um, self.MW) if (self.Um is not None) else None @property def Am(self): r'''Helmholtz energy of the mixture at its current state, in units of [J/mol]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. It also depends on the molar volume of the mixture at its current conditions. ''' return self.Um - self.T*self.Sm if (self.Um is not None and self.Sm is not None) else None @property def A(self): r'''Helmholtz energy of the mixture at its current state, in units of [J/kg]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. It also depends on the molar volume of the mixture at its current conditions. ''' return self.U - self.T*self.S if (self.U is not None and self.S is not None) else None @property def Tdew(self): r'''Dew point temperature of the mixture at its current pressure and composition, in units of [K]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. ''' return self.property_package.Tdew(P=self.P, zs=self.zs) @property def Pdew(self): r'''Dew point pressure of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [Pa]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. ''' return self.property_package.Pdew(T=self.T, zs=self.zs) @property def Tbubble(self): r'''Bubble point temperature of the mixture at its current pressure and composition, in units of [K]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. ''' return self.property_package.Tbubble(P=self.P, zs=self.zs) @property def Pbubble(self): r'''Bubble point pressure of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [Pa]. This property requires that the property package of the mixture found a solution to the given state variables. ''' return self.property_package.Pbubble(T=self.T, zs=self.zs)
[docs] def Vfls(self, T=None, P=None): r'''Volume fractions of all species in a hypothetical pure-liquid phase at the current or specified temperature and pressure. If temperature or pressure are specified, the non-specified property is assumed to be that of the mixture. Note this is a method, not a property. Volume fractions are calculated based on **pure species volumes only**. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hexane', 'pentane'], zs=[.5, .5], T=315).Vfls() [0.5299671144566751, 0.47003288554332484] >>> S = Mixture(['hexane', 'decane'], zs=[0.25, 0.75]) >>> S.Vfls(298.16, 101326) [0.18301434895886864, 0.8169856510411313] ''' if (T is None or T == self.T) and (P is None or P == self.P): Vmls = self.Vmls else: if T is None: T = self.T if P is None: P = self.P Vmls = [i(T, P) for i in self.VolumeLiquids] if none_and_length_check([Vmls]): return zs_to_Vfs(self.zs, Vmls) return None
[docs] def Vfgs(self, T=None, P=None): r'''Volume fractions of all species in a hypothetical pure-gas phase at the current or specified temperature and pressure. If temperature or pressure are specified, the non-specified property is assumed to be that of the mixture. Note this is a method, not a property. Volume fractions are calculated based on **pure species volumes only**. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['sulfur hexafluoride', 'methane'], zs=[.2, .9], T=315).Vfgs() [0.18062059238682632, 0.8193794076131737] >>> S = Mixture(['sulfur hexafluoride', 'methane'], zs=[.1, .9]) >>> S.Vfgs(P=1E2) [0.0999987466608421, 0.9000012533391578] ''' return self.zs
# if (T is None or T == self.T) and (P is None or P == self.P): # Vmgs = self.Vmgs # else: # if T is None: T = self.T # if P is None: P = self.P # Vmgs = [i(T, P) for i in self.VolumeGases] # if none_and_length_check([Vmgs]): # return zs_to_Vfs(self.zs, Vmgs) # return None #
[docs] def compound_index(self, CAS): try: return self.CASs.index(CAS) except ValueError: return self.CASs.index(CAS_from_any(CAS))
# Unimportant constants @property def PubChems(self): r'''PubChem Component ID numbers for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).PubChems [241, 1140] ''' return [i.PubChem for i in self.Chemicals] @property def formulas(self): r'''Chemical formulas for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['ethanol', 'trichloroethylene', 'furfuryl alcohol'], ... ws=[0.5, 0.2, 0.3]).formulas ['C2H6O', 'C2HCl3', 'C5H6O2'] ''' return [i.formula for i in self.Chemicals] @property def smiless(self): r'''SMILES strings for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['methane', 'ethane', 'propane', 'butane'], ... zs=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]).smiless ['C', 'CC', 'CCC', 'CCCC'] ''' return [i.smiles for i in self.Chemicals] @property def InChIs(self): r'''InChI strings for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['methane', 'ethane', 'propane', 'butane'], ... zs=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]).InChIs ['CH4/h1H4', 'C2H6/c1-2/h1-2H3', 'C3H8/c1-3-2/h3H2,1-2H3', 'C4H10/c1-3-4-2/h3-4H2,1-2H3'] ''' return [i.InChI for i in self.Chemicals] @property def InChI_Keys(self): r'''InChI keys for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-nonene'], zs=[1]).InChI_Keys ['JRZJOMJEPLMPRA-UHFFFAOYSA-N'] ''' return [i.InChI_Key for i in self.Chemicals] @property def IUPAC_names(self): r'''IUPAC names for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-hexene', '1-nonene'], zs=[.7, .3]).IUPAC_names ['hex-1-ene', 'non-1-ene'] ''' return [i.IUPAC_name for i in self.Chemicals] @property def synonymss(self): r'''Lists of synonyms for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['Tetradecene', 'Pentadecene'], zs=[.1, .9]).synonymss [['tetradec-2-ene', 'tetradecene', '2-tetradecene', 'tetradec-2-ene', '26952-13-6', '35953-53-8', '1652-97-7'], ['pentadec-1-ene', '1-pentadecene', 'pentadecene,1-', 'pentadec-1-ene', '13360-61-7', 'pentadecene']] ''' return [i.synonyms for i in self.Chemicals] @property def charges(self): r'''Charges for all chemicals in the mixture, [faraday]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water', 'sodium ion', 'chloride ion'], zs=[.9, .05, .05]).charges [0, 1, -1] ''' return [i.charge for i in self.Chemicals] @property def similarity_variables(self): r'''Similarity variables for all chemicals in the mixture, see :obj:`chemicals.elements.similarity_variable` for the definition, [mol/g] Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).similarity_variables [0.15362587797189262, 0.16279853724428964] ''' return [i.similarity_variable for i in self.Chemicals] @property def atoms(self): r'''Mole-averaged dictionary of atom counts for all atoms of the chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen', 'oxygen'], zs=[.01, .99]).atoms {'O': 1.98, 'N': 0.02} ''' return mixture_atomic_composition(self.atomss, self.zs) @property def atomss(self): r'''List of dictionaries of atom counts for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen', 'oxygen'], zs=[.01, .99]).atomss [{'N': 2}, {'O': 2}] ''' return [i.atoms for i in self.Chemicals] @property def ringss(self): r'''List of ring counts for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['Docetaxel', 'Paclitaxel'], zs=[.5, .5]).ringss [6, 7] ''' return [i.rings for i in self.Chemicals] @property def atom_fractionss(self): r'''List of dictionaries of atomic fractions for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['oxygen', 'nitrogen'], zs=[.5, .5]).atom_fractionss [{'O': 1.0}, {'N': 1.0}] ''' return [i.atom_fractions for i in self.Chemicals] @property def atom_fractions(self): r'''Dictionary of atomic fractions for each atom in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['CO2', 'O2'], zs=[0.5, 0.5]).atom_fractions {'C': 0.2, 'O': 0.8} ''' things = dict() for zi, atoms in zip(self.zs, self.atomss): for atom, count in atoms.items(): if atom in things: things[atom] += zi*count else: things[atom] = zi*count tot = sum(things.values()) return {atom : value/tot for atom, value in things.items()} @property def mass_fractionss(self): r'''List of dictionaries of mass fractions for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['oxygen', 'nitrogen'], zs=[.5, .5]).mass_fractionss [{'O': 1.0}, {'N': 1.0}] ''' return [i.mass_fractions for i in self.Chemicals] @property def mass_fractions(self): r'''Dictionary of mass fractions for each atom in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['CO2', 'O2'], zs=[0.5, 0.5]).mass_fractions {'C': 0.15801826905745822, 'O': 0.8419817309425419} ''' things = dict() for zi, atoms in zip(self.zs, self.atomss): for atom, count in atoms.items(): if atom in things: things[atom] += zi*count else: things[atom] = zi*count return mass_fractions(things) @property def legal_statuses(self): r'''List of dictionaries of the legal status for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['oxygen', 'nitrogen'], zs=[.5, .5]).legal_statuses [{'DSL': 'LISTED', 'EINECS': 'LISTED', 'NLP': 'UNLISTED', 'SPIN': 'LISTED', 'TSCA': 'LISTED'}, {'DSL': 'LISTED', 'EINECS': 'LISTED', 'NLP': 'UNLISTED', 'SPIN': 'LISTED', 'TSCA': 'LISTED'}] ''' return [i.legal_status for i in self.Chemicals] @property def economic_statuses(self): r'''List of dictionaries of the economic status for all chemicals in the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['o-xylene', 'm-xylene'], zs=[.5, .5]).economic_statuses [["US public: {'Manufactured': 0.0, 'Imported': 0.0, 'Exported': 0.0}", u'100,000 - 1,000,000 tonnes per annum', 'OECD HPV Chemicals'], ["US public: {'Manufactured': 39.805, 'Imported': 0.0, 'Exported': 0.0}", u'100,000 - 1,000,000 tonnes per annum', 'OECD HPV Chemicals']] ''' return [i.economic_status for i in self.Chemicals] @property def UNIFAC_Rs(self): r'''UNIFAC `R` (normalized Van der Waals volume) values, dimensionless. Used in the UNIFAC model. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['o-xylene', 'm-xylene'], zs=[.5, .5]).UNIFAC_Rs [4.6578, 4.6578] ''' return [i.UNIFAC_R for i in self.Chemicals] @property def UNIFAC_Qs(self): r'''UNIFAC `Q` (normalized Van der Waals area) values, dimensionless. Used in the UNIFAC model. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['o-xylene', 'decane'], zs=[.5, .5]).UNIFAC_Qs [3.536, 6.016] ''' return [i.UNIFAC_Q for i in self.Chemicals] @property def UNIFAC_groups(self): r'''List of dictionaries of UNIFAC subgroup: count groups for each chemical in the mixture. Uses the original UNIFAC subgroups, as determined by `DDBST's online service <>`_. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-pentanol', 'decane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).UNIFAC_groups [{1: 1, 2: 4, 14: 1}, {1: 2, 2: 8}] ''' return [i.UNIFAC_groups for i in self.Chemicals] @property def UNIFAC_Dortmund_groups(self): r'''List of dictionaries of Dortmund UNIFAC subgroup: count groups for each chemcial in the mixture. Uses the Dortmund UNIFAC subgroups, as determined by `DDBST's online service <>`_. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-pentanol', 'decane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).UNIFAC_Dortmund_groups [{1: 1, 2: 4, 14: 1}, {1: 2, 2: 8}] ''' return [i.UNIFAC_Dortmund_groups for i in self.Chemicals] @property def PSRK_groups(self): r'''List of dictionaries of PSRK subgroup: count groups for each chemical in the mixture. Uses the PSRK subgroups, as determined by `DDBST's online service <>`_. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-pentanol', 'decane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).PSRK_groups [{1: 1, 2: 4, 14: 1}, {1: 2, 2: 8}] ''' return [i.PSRK_groups for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Van_der_Waals_volumes(self): r'''List of unnormalized Van der Waals volumes of all the chemicals in the mixture, in units of [m^3/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-pentanol', 'decane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).Van_der_Waals_volumes [6.9762279e-05, 0.00010918455800000001] ''' return [i.Van_der_Waals_volume for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Van_der_Waals_areas(self): r'''List of unnormalized Van der Waals areas of all the chemicals in the mixture, in units of [m^2/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-pentanol', 'decane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).Van_der_Waals_areas [1052000.0, 1504000.0] ''' return [i.Van_der_Waals_area for i in self.Chemicals] @property def R_specific(self): r'''Specific gas constant of the mixture, in units of [J/kg/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['N2', 'O2'], zs=[0.79, .21]).R_specific 288.1928437986195 ''' return property_molar_to_mass(R, self.MW) @property def Hc(self): r'''Standard higher heat of combustion of the mixture, in units of [J/kg]. This property depends on the bulk composition only. ''' return mixing_simple(self.Hcs, @property def Hcm(self): r'''Standard higher molar heat of combustion of the mixture, in units of [J/mol]. This property depends on the bulk composition only. ''' return mixing_simple(self.Hcms, self.zs) @property def Hcm_lower(self): r'''Standard lower molar heat of combustion of the mixture, in units of [J/mol]. This property depends on the bulk composition only. ''' return mixing_simple(self.Hcms_lower, self.zs) @property def Hc_lower(self): r'''Standard lower heat of combustion of the mixture, in units of [J/kg]. This property depends on the bulk composition only. ''' return mixing_simple(self.Hcs_lower,
[docs] def Hc_volumetric_g(self, T=288.7055555555555, P=101325.0): r'''Standard higher molar heat of combustion of the mixture, in units of [J/m^3] at the specified `T` and `P` in the gas phase. This property depends on the bulk composition only. Parameters ---------- T : float, optional Reference temperature, [K] P : float, optional Reference pressure, [Pa] Returns ------- Hc_volumetric_g : float, optional Higher heat of combustion on a volumetric basis, [J/m^3] ''' Vm = self.VolumeGasMixture(T=T, P=P, zs=self.zs, Hcm = self.Hcm return Hcm/Vm
[docs] def Hc_volumetric_g_lower(self, T=288.7055555555555, P=101325.0): r'''Standard lower molar heat of combustion of the mixture, in units of [J/m^3] at the specified `T` and `P` in the gas phase. This property depends on the bulk composition only. Parameters ---------- T : float, optional Reference temperature, [K] P : float, optional Reference pressure, [Pa] Returns ------- Hc_volumetric_g : float, optional Lower heat of combustion on a volumetric basis, [J/m^3] ''' Vm = self.VolumeGasMixture(T=T, P=P, zs=self.zs, Hcm_lower = self.Hcm_lower return Hcm_lower/Vm
@property def charge_balance(self): r'''Charge imbalance of the mixture, in units of [faraday]. Mixtures meeting the electroneutrality condition will have an imbalance of 0. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['Na+', 'Cl-', 'water'], zs=[.01, .01, .98]).charge_balance 0.0 ''' return sum([zi*ci for zi, ci in zip(self.zs, self.charges)]) ### One phase properties - calculate lazily @property def Psats(self): r'''Pure component vapor pressures of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [Pa]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Psats [32029.25774454549, 10724.419010511821] ''' return [i.Psat for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Hvapms(self): r'''Pure component enthalpies of vaporization of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Hvapms [32639.806783391632, 36851.7902195611] ''' return [i.Hvapm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Hvaps(self): r'''Enthalpy of vaporization of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/kg]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Hvaps [417859.9144942896, 399961.16950519773] ''' return [i.Hvap for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cpsms(self): r'''Solid-phase pure component heat capacity of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/mol/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cpsms [109.77384365511931, 135.22614707678474] ''' return [i.Cpsm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cplms(self): r'''Liquid-phase pure component heat capacity of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/mol/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cplms [140.9113971170526, 163.62584810669068] ''' return [i.Cplm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cpgms(self): r'''Gas-phase ideal gas heat capacity of the chemicals at its current temperature, in units of [J/mol/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cpgms [89.55804092586159, 111.70390334788907] ''' return [i.Cpgm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cpss(self): r'''Solid-phase pure component heat capacity of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/kg/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cpss [1405.341925822248, 1467.6412627521154] ''' return [i.Cps for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cpls(self): r'''Liquid-phase pure component heat capacity of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/kg/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cpls [1803.9697581961016, 1775.869915141704] ''' return [i.Cpl for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cpgs(self): r'''Gas-phase pure component heat capacity of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/kg/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cpgs [1146.5360555565146, 1212.3488046342566] ''' return [i.Cpg for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cvgms(self): r'''Gas-phase pure component ideal-gas contant-volume heat capacities of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/mol/K]. Subtracts R from the ideal-gas heat capacities; does not include pressure-compensation from an equation of state. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cvgms [81.2435811258616, 103.38944354788907] ''' return [i.Cvgm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Cvgs(self): r'''Gas-phase pure component ideal-gas contant-volume heat capacities of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/kg/K]. Subtracts R from the ideal-gas heat capacity; does not include pressure-compensation from an equation of state. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Cvgs [1040.093040003431, 1122.1100117398266] ''' return [i.Cvg for i in self.Chemicals] @property def isentropic_exponents(self): r'''Gas-phase pure component ideal-gas isentropic exponent of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, [dimensionless]. Does not include pressure-compensation from an equation of state. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).isentropic_exponents [1.1023398979313739, 1.080418846592871] ''' return [i.isentropic_exponent for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Vmss(self): r'''Pure component solid-phase molar volumes of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [m^3/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['iron'], ws=[1], T=320).Vmss [7.09593392630242e-06] ''' return [i.Vms for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Vmls(self): r'''Pure component liquid-phase molar volumes of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^3/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Vmls [9.188896727673715e-05, 0.00010946199496993461] ''' return [i.Vml for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Vmgs(self): r'''Pure component gas-phase molar volumes of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^3/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Vmgs [0.024929001982294974, 0.024150186467130488] ''' return [i.Vmg for i in self.Chemicals] @property def rhoss(self): r'''Pure component solid-phase mass density of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [kg/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['iron'], ws=[1], T=320).rhoss [7869.999999999994] ''' return [i.rhos for i in self.Chemicals] @property def rhols(self): r'''Pure-component liquid-phase mass density of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [kg/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).rhols [850.0676666084917, 841.7389069631628] ''' return [i.rhol for i in self.Chemicals] @property def rhogs(self): r'''Pure-component gas-phase mass densities of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [kg/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).rhogs [3.1333721283939258, 3.8152260283954584] ''' return [i.rhog for i in self.Chemicals] @property def rhosms(self): r'''Pure component molar densities of the chemicals in the solid phase at the current temperature and pressure, in units of [mol/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['iron'], ws=[1], T=320).rhosms [140925.7767033753] ''' return [i.rhosm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def rholms(self): r'''Pure component molar densities of the chemicals in the mixture in the liquid phase at the current temperature and pressure, in units of [mol/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).rholms [10882.699301520635, 9135.590853014008] ''' return [i.rholm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def rhogms(self): r'''Pure component molar densities of the chemicals in the gas phase at the current temperature and pressure, in units of [mol/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).rhogms [40.11392035309789, 41.407547778608084] ''' return [i.rhogm for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Zss(self): r'''Pure component compressibility factors of the chemicals in the mixture in the solid phase at the current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['palladium'], ws=[1]).Zss [0.00036248477437931853] ''' return [i.Zs for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Zls(self): r'''Pure component compressibility factors of the chemicals in the liquid phase at the current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Zls [0.0034994191720201235, 0.004168655010037687] ''' return [i.Zl for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Zgs(self): r'''Pure component compressibility factors of the chemicals in the mixture in the gas phase at the current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Zgs [0.9493743379816593, 0.9197146081359057] ''' return [i.Zg for i in self.Chemicals] @property def SGs(self): r'''Specific gravity of a hypothetical solid phase of the mixture at the specified temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. The reference condition is water at 4 °C and 1 atm (rho=999.017 kg/m^3). The SG varries with temperature and pressure but only very slightly. ''' rhos = self.rhos if rhos is not None: return SG(rhos) return None @property def SGl(self): r'''Specific gravity of a hypothetical liquid phase of the mixture at the specified temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. The reference condition is water at 4 °C and 1 atm (rho=999.017 kg/m^3). For liquids, SG is defined that the reference chemical's T and P are fixed, but the chemical itself varies with the specified T and P. Examples -------- >>> Mixture('water', ws=[1], T=365).SGl 0.9650065522428539 ''' rhol = self.rhol if rhol is not None: return SG(rhol) return None @property def isobaric_expansion_ls(self): r'''Pure component isobaric (constant-pressure) expansions of the chemicals in the mixture in the liquid phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [1/K]. .. math:: \beta = \frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_P Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).isobaric_expansion_ls [0.0012736035771253886, 0.0011234157437069571] ''' return [i.isobaric_expansion_l for i in self.Chemicals] @property def isobaric_expansion_gs(self): r'''Pure component isobaric (constant-pressure) expansions of the chemicals in the mixture in the gas phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [1/K]. .. math:: \beta = \frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_P Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).isobaric_expansion_gs [0.0038091518363900499, 0.0043556759306508453] ''' return [i.isobaric_expansion_g for i in self.Chemicals] @property def muls(self): r'''Pure component viscosities of the chemicals in the mixture in the liquid phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [Pa*s]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).muls [0.00045545522798131764, 0.00043274394349114754] ''' return [i.mul for i in self.Chemicals] @property def mugs(self): r'''Pure component viscosities of the chemicals in the mixture in the gas phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [Pa*s]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).mugs [8.082880451060605e-06, 7.442602145854158e-06] ''' return [i.mug for i in self.Chemicals] @property def kls(self): r'''Pure component thermal conductivities of the chemicals in the mixture in the liquid phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [W/m/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).kls [0.13391538485205587, 0.12429339088930591] ''' return [i.kl for i in self.Chemicals] @property def kgs(self): r'''Pure component thermal conductivies of the chemicals in the mixture in the gas phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [W/m/K]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).kgs [0.011865404482987936, 0.010981336502491088] ''' return [ for i in self.Chemicals] @property def sigmas(self): r'''Pure component surface tensions of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [N/m]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'toluene'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).sigmas [0.02533469712937521, 0.025254723406585546] ''' return [i.sigma for i in self.Chemicals] @property def permittivites(self): r'''Pure component relative permittivities of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature, [dimensionless]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).permittivites [2.23133472, 1.8508128] ''' return [i.permittivity for i in self.Chemicals] @property def JTls(self): r'''Pure component Joule Thomson coefficients of the chemicals in the mixture in the liquid phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [K/Pa]. .. math:: \mu_{JT} = \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_H = \frac{1}{C_p} \left[T \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P - V\right] = \frac{V}{C_p}\left(\beta T-1\right) Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).JTls [-3.8633730709853161e-07, -3.464395792560331e-07] ''' return [i.JTl for i in self.Chemicals] @property def JTgs(self): r'''Pure component Joule Thomson coefficients of the chemicals in the mixture in the gas phase at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [K/Pa]. .. math:: \mu_{JT} = \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_H = \frac{1}{C_p} \left[T \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P - V\right] = \frac{V}{C_p}\left(\beta T-1\right) Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).JTgs [6.0940046688790938e-05, 4.1290005523287549e-05] ''' return [i.JTg for i in self.Chemicals] @property def nuls(self): r'''Pure component kinematic viscosities of the liquid phase of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).nuls [5.357870271650772e-07, 3.8127962283230277e-07] ''' return [i.nul for i in self.Chemicals] @property def nugs(self): r'''Pure component kinematic viscosities of the gas phase of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).nugs [5.357870271650772e-07, 3.8127962283230277e-07] ''' return [i.nul for i in self.Chemicals] @property def alphals(self): r'''Pure component thermal diffusivities of the chemicals in the mixture in the liquid phase at the current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \alpha = \frac{k}{\rho Cp} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).alphals [8.732683564481583e-08, 7.57355434073289e-08] ''' return [i.alphal for i in self.Chemicals] @property def alphags(self): r'''Pure component thermal diffusivities of the chemicals in the mixture in the gas phase at the current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \alpha = \frac{k}{\rho Cp} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).alphags [3.3028044028118324e-06, 2.4412958544059014e-06] ''' return [i.alphag for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Prls(self): r'''Pure component Prandtl numbers of the liquid phase of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. .. math:: Pr = \frac{C_p \mu}{k} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Prls [6.13542244155373, 5.034355147908088] ''' return [i.Prl for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Prgs(self): r'''Pure component Prandtl numbers of the gas phase of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. .. math:: Pr = \frac{C_p \mu}{k} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Prgs [0.7810364900059606, 0.784358381123896] ''' return [i.Prg for i in self.Chemicals] @property def solubility_parameters(self): r'''Pure component solubility parameters of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [Pa^0.5]. .. math:: \delta = \sqrt{\frac{\Delta H_{vap} - RT}{V_m}} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).solubility_parameters [18062.51359608708, 14244.12852702228] ''' return [i.solubility_parameter for i in self.Chemicals] @property def Parachors(self): r'''Pure component Parachor parameters of the chemicals in the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [N^0.25*m^2.75/mol]. .. math:: P = \frac{\sigma^{0.25} MW}{\rho_L - \rho_V} Calculated based on surface tension, density of the liquid and gas phase, and molecular weight. For uses of this property, see :obj:`thermo.utils.Parachor`. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Parachors [3.6795616000855504e-05, 4.82947303150274e-05] ''' return [i.Parachor for i in self.Chemicals] ### Overall mixture properties @property def rhol(self): r'''Liquid-phase mass density of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [kg/m^3]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures, pressures, compositions or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Note that that interface provides output in molar units. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['o-xylene'], ws=[1], T=297).rhol 876.9946785618097 ''' Vml = self.Vml if Vml: return Vm_to_rho(Vml, self.MWl) return None @property def rhog(self): r'''Gas-phase mass density of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [kg/m^3]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures, pressures, or compositions or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeGasMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Note that that interface provides output in molar units. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hexane'], ws=[1], T=300, P=2E5).rhog 7.914447603999089 ''' Vmg = self.Vmg if Vmg: return Vm_to_rho(Vmg, self.MWg) return None @property def rholm(self): r'''Molar density of the mixture in the liquid phase at the current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [mol/m^3]. Utilizes the object oriented interface and :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquidMixture` to perform the actual calculation of molar volume. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=300).rholm 55317.352773503124 ''' Vml = self.Vml if Vml: return 1./Vml return None @property def rhogm(self): r'''Molar density of the mixture in the gas phase at the current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [mol/m^3]. Utilizes the object oriented interface and :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeGasMixture` to perform the actual calculation of molar volume. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=500).rhogm 24.467426039789093 ''' Vmg = self.Vmg if Vmg: return 1./Vmg return None @property def Zl(self): r'''Compressibility factor of the mixture in the liquid phase at the current temperature, pressure, and composition, [dimensionless]. Utilizes the object oriented interface and :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquidMixture` to perform the actual calculation of molar volume. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1]).Zl 0.0007385375470263454 ''' Vml = self.Vml if Vml: return Z(self.T, self.P, Vml) return None @property def Zg(self): r'''Compressibility factor of the mixture in the gas phase at the current temperature, pressure, and composition, [dimensionless]. Utilizes the object oriented interface and :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeGasMixture` to perform the actual calculation of molar volume. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hexane'], ws=[1], T=300, P=1E5).Zg 0.9403859376888885 ''' Vmg = self.Vmg if Vmg: return Z(self.T, self.P, Vmg) return None @property def Cpsm(self): r'''Solid-phase heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [J/mol/K]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacitySolidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['silver', 'platinum'], ws=[0.95, 0.05]).Cpsm 25.32745796347474 ''' return self.HeatCapacitySolidMixture(self.T, self.P, self.zs, @property def Cplm(self): r'''Liquid-phase heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [J/mol/K]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityLiquidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['toluene', 'decane'], ws=[.9, .1], T=300).Cplm 168.29127923518843 ''' return self.HeatCapacityLiquidMixture(self.T, self.P, self.xs, self.wsl) @property def Cpgm(self): r'''Gas-phase heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [J/mol/K]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityGasMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['oxygen', 'nitrogen'], ws=[.4, .6], T=350, P=1E6).Cpgm 29.361044582498046 ''' return self.HeatCapacityGasMixture(self.T, self.P, self.ys, self.wsg) @property def Cps(self): r'''Solid-phase heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [J/kg/K]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacitySolidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Note that that interface provides output in molar units. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['silver', 'platinum'], ws=[0.95, 0.05]).Cps 229.55166388430328 ''' Cpsm = self.HeatCapacitySolidMixture(self.T, self.P, self.zs, if Cpsm: return property_molar_to_mass(Cpsm, self.MW) return None @property def Cpl(self): r'''Liquid-phase heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [J/kg/K]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityLiquidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Note that that interface provides output in molar units. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water', 'sodium chloride'], ws=[.9, .1], T=301.5).Cpl 3735.4604049449786 ''' Cplm = self.HeatCapacityLiquidMixture(self.T, self.P, self.xs, self.wsl) if Cplm: return property_molar_to_mass(Cplm, self.MWl) return None @property def Cpg(self): r'''Gas-phase heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature , and composition in units of [J/kg/K]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityGasMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Note that that interface provides output in molar units. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['oxygen', 'nitrogen'], ws=[.4, .6], T=350, P=1E6).Cpg 995.8911053614883 ''' Cpgm = self.HeatCapacityGasMixture(self.T, self.P, self.ys, self.wsg) if Cpgm: return property_molar_to_mass(Cpgm, self.MWg) return None @property def Cvgm(self): r'''Gas-phase ideal-gas contant-volume heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [J/mol/K]. Subtracts R from the ideal-gas heat capacity; does not include pressure-compensation from an equation of state. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=520).Cvgm 27.13366316134193 ''' Cpgm = self.HeatCapacityGasMixture(self.T, self.P, self.ys, self.wsg) if Cpgm: return Cpgm - R return None @property def Cvg(self): r'''Gas-phase ideal-gas contant-volume heat capacity of the mixture at its current temperature, in units of [J/kg/K]. Subtracts R from the ideal-gas heat capacity; does not include pressure-compensation from an equation of state. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=520).Cvg 1506.1471795798861 ''' Cvgm = self.Cvgm if Cvgm: return property_molar_to_mass(Cvgm, self.MWg) return None @property def speed_of_sound_g(self): r'''Gas-phase speed of sound of the mixture at its current temperature, [m/s]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1]).speed_of_sound_g 351.77445481641661 ''' dP_dV = 1.0/self.VolumeGasMixture.property_derivative_P(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=self.ys, ws=self.wsg, order=1) return speed_of_sound(V=self.Vmg, dP_dV=dP_dV, Cp=self.property_package.Cpgm, Cv=self.property_package.Cvgm, MW=self.MWg) @property def speed_of_sound_l(self): r'''Liquid-phase speed of sound of the mixture at its current temperature, [m/s]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['toluene'], P=1E5, T=300, ws=[1]).speed_of_sound_l 1116.0852487852942 ''' dP_dV = 1.0/self.VolumeLiquidMixture.property_derivative_P(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=self.xs, ws=self.wsl, order=1) return speed_of_sound(V=self.Vml, dP_dV=dP_dV, Cp=self.property_package.Cplm, Cv=self.property_package.Cvlm, MW=self.MWl) @property def speed_of_sound(self): r'''Bulk speed of sound of the mixture at its current temperature, [m/s]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['toluene'], P=1E5, VF=0.5, ws=[1]).speed_of_sound 478.99527258140211 ''' if self.phase == 'l': return self.speed_of_sound_l elif self.phase == 'g': return self.speed_of_sound_g elif self.phase == 'l/g': return self.speed_of_sound_g*self.x + (1.0 - self.x)*self.speed_of_sound_l @property def isentropic_exponent(self): r'''Gas-phase ideal-gas isentropic exponent of the mixture at its current temperature, [dimensionless]. Does not include pressure-compensation from an equation of state. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hydrogen'], ws=[1]).isentropic_exponent 1.405237786321222 ''' Cp, Cv = self.Cpg, self.Cvg if Cp and Cv: return isentropic_exponent(Cp, Cv) return None @property def Bvirial(self): r'''Second virial coefficient of the gas phase of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [mol/m^3]. This property uses the object-oriented interface :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeGasMixture`, converting its result with :obj:`thermo.utils.B_from_Z`. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hexane'], ws=[1], T=300, P=1E5).Bvirial -0.001486976173801296 ''' if self.Vmg: return B_from_Z(self.Zg, self.T, self.P) return None @property def JTl(self): r'''Joule Thomson coefficient of the liquid phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [K/Pa]. .. math:: \mu_{JT} = \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_H = \frac{1}{C_p} \left[T \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P - V\right] = \frac{V}{C_p}\left(\beta T-1\right) Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['dodecane'], ws=[1], T=400).JTl -3.193910574559279e-07 ''' Vml, Cplm, isobaric_expansion_l = self.Vml, self.Cplm, self.isobaric_expansion_l if all((Vml, Cplm, isobaric_expansion_l)): return Joule_Thomson(T=self.T, V=Vml, Cp=Cplm, beta=isobaric_expansion_l) return None @property def JTg(self): r'''Joule Thomson coefficient of the gas phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [K/Pa]. .. math:: \mu_{JT} = \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_H = \frac{1}{C_p} \left[T \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P - V\right] = \frac{V}{C_p}\left(\beta T-1\right) Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['dodecane'], ws=[1], T=400, P=1000).JTg 5.4089897835384913e-05 ''' Vmg, Cpgm, isobaric_expansion_g = self.Vmg, self.Cpgm, self.isobaric_expansion_g if all((Vmg, Cpgm, isobaric_expansion_g)): return Joule_Thomson(T=self.T, V=Vmg, Cp=Cpgm, beta=isobaric_expansion_g) return None @property def nul(self): r'''Kinematic viscosity of the liquid phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['methane'], ws=[1], T=110).nul 2.858088468937333e-07 ''' mul, rhol = self.mul, self.rhol if all([mul, rhol]): return nu_mu_converter(mu=mul, rho=rhol) return None @property def nug(self): r'''Kinematic viscosity of the gas phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['methane'], ws=[1], T=115).nug 2.5118460023343146e-06 ''' mug, rhog = self.mug, self.rhog if all([mug, rhog]): return nu_mu_converter(mu=mug, rho=rhog) return None @property def alphal(self): r'''Thermal diffusivity of the liquid phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \alpha = \frac{k}{\rho Cp} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1], T=70).alphal 9.444949636299626e-08 ''' kl, rhol, Cpl = self.kl, self.rhol, self.Cpl if all([kl, rhol, Cpl]): return thermal_diffusivity(k=kl, rho=rhol, Cp=Cpl) return None @property def alphag(self): r'''Thermal diffusivity of the gas phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [m^2/s]. .. math:: \alpha = \frac{k}{\rho Cp} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['ammonia'], ws=[1]).alphag 1.6968517002221566e-05 ''' kg, rhog, Cpg =, self.rhog, self.Cpg if all([kg, rhog, Cpg]): return thermal_diffusivity(k=kg, rho=rhog, Cp=Cpg) return None @property def Prl(self): r'''Prandtl number of the liquid phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. .. math:: Pr = \frac{C_p \mu}{k} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1], T=70).Prl 2.782821450148889 ''' Cpl, mul, kl = self.Cpl, self.mul, self.kl if all([Cpl, mul, kl]): return Prandtl(Cp=Cpl, mu=mul, k=kl) return None @property def Prg(self): r'''Prandtl number of the gas phase of the mixture if one exists at its current temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. .. math:: Pr = \frac{C_p \mu}{k} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['NH3'], ws=[1]).Prg 0.8472637319330079 ''' Cpg, mug, kg = self.Cpg, self.mug, if all([Cpg, mug, kg]): return Prandtl(Cp=Cpg, mu=mug, k=kg) return None @property def Parachor(self): r'''Parachor of the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [N^0.25*m^2.75/mol]. .. math:: P = \frac{\sigma^{0.25} MW}{\rho_L - \rho_V} Calculated based on surface tension, density of the liquid and gas phase, and molecular weight. For uses of this property, see :obj:`thermo.utils.Parachor`. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['benzene', 'hexane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5], T=320).Parachor 4.233407085050756e-05 ''' sigma, rhol, rhog = self.sigma, self.rhol, self.rhog if all((sigma, rhol, rhog, self.MW)): return Parachor(sigma=sigma, MW=self.MW, rhol=rhol, rhog=rhog) return None ### Properties from Mixture objects @property def Vml(self): r'''Liquid-phase molar volume of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [m^3/mol]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or pressures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['cyclobutane'], ws=[1], T=225).Vml 7.42395423425395e-05 ''' return self.VolumeLiquidMixture(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=self.xs, ws=self.wsl) @property def Vmg(self): r'''Gas-phase molar volume of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [m^3/mol]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures or pressures or compositions, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeGasMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hexane'], ws=[1], T=300, P=2E5).Vmg 0.010888694235142216 ''' return self.VolumeGasMixture(T=self.T, P=self.P, zs=self.ys, ws=self.wsg) @property def SGg(self): r'''Specific gravity of a hypothetical gas phase of the mixture, . [dimensionless]. The reference condition is air at 15.6 °C (60 °F) and 1 atm (rho=1.223 kg/m^3). The definition for gases uses the compressibility factor of the reference gas and the mixture both at the reference conditions, not the conditions of the mixture. Examples -------- >>> Mixture('argon').SGg 1.3800407778218216 ''' Vmg = self.VolumeGasMixture(T=288.70555555555552, P=101325, zs=self.ys, ws=self.wsg) if Vmg: rho = Vm_to_rho(Vmg, self.MW) return SG(rho, rho_ref=1.2231876628642968) # calculated with Mixture return None @property def mul(self): r'''Viscosity of the mixture in the liquid phase at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [Pa*s]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures and pressures, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.viscosity.ViscosityLiquidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=320).mul 0.0005767262693751547 ''' return self.ViscosityLiquidMixture(self.T, self.P, self.xs, self.wsl) @property def mug(self): r'''Viscosity of the mixture in the gas phase at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [Pa*s]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures and pressures, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.viscosity.ViscosityGasMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=500).mug 1.7298722343367148e-05 ''' return self.ViscosityGasMixture(self.T, self.P, self.ys, self.wsg) @property def sigma(self): r'''Surface tension of the mixture at its current temperature and composition, in units of [N/m]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.interface.SurfaceTensionMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=300, P=1E5).sigma 0.07176932405246211 ''' return self.SurfaceTensionMixture(self.T, self.P, self.xs, self.wsl) @property def kl(self): r'''Thermal conductivity of the mixture in the liquid phase at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [Pa*s]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures and pressures, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=320).kl 0.6369957248212118 ''' return self.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture(self.T, self.P, self.xs, self.wsl) @property def kg(self): r'''Thermal conductivity of the mixture in the gas phase at its current temperature, pressure, and composition in units of [Pa*s]. For calculation of this property at other temperatures and pressures, or specifying manually the method used to calculate it, and more - see the object oriented interface :obj:`thermo.thermal_conductivity.ThermalConductivityGasMixture`; each Mixture instance creates one to actually perform the calculations. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=500).kg 0.036035173297862676 ''' return self.ThermalConductivityGasMixture(self.T, self.P, self.ys, self.wsg) ### Single-phase properties @property def Cp(self): r'''Mass heat capacity of the mixture at its current phase and temperature, in units of [J/kg/K]. Examples -------- >>> w = Mixture(['water'], ws=[1]) >>> w.Cp, w.phase (4180.597021827336, 'l') >>> Pd = Mixture(['palladium'], ws=[1]) >>> Pd.Cp, Pd.phase (234.26767209171211, 's') ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=Mixture.Cps, l=Mixture.Cpl, g=Mixture.Cpg, self=self) @property def Cpm(self): r'''Molar heat capacity of the mixture at its current phase and temperature, in units of [J/mol/K]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['ethylbenzene'], ws=[1], T=550, P=3E6).Cpm 294.18449553310046 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=Mixture.Cpsm, l=Mixture.Cplm, g=Mixture.Cpgm, self=self) @property def Vm(self): r'''Molar volume of the mixture at its current phase and temperature and pressure, in units of [m^3/mol]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['ethylbenzene'], ws=[1], T=550, P=3E6).Vm 0.00017758024401627633 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=Mixture.Vms, l=Mixture.Vml, g=Mixture.Vmg, self=self) @property def rho(self): r'''Mass density of the mixture at its current phase and temperature and pressure, in units of [kg/m^3]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['decane'], ws=[1], T=550, P=2E6).rho 498.67008448640604 ''' if self.phase == 'l/g': # Volume fraction mixing rule for density rhol, rhog = self.rhol, self.rhog a, b = (1.0 - self.x)/rhol, self.x/rhog return rhol*a/(a+b) + b/(a+b)*rhog return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=Mixture.rhos, l=Mixture.rhol, g=Mixture.rhog, self=self) @property def rhom(self): r'''Molar density of the mixture at its current phase and temperature and pressure, in units of [mol/m^3]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['1-hexanol'], ws=[1]).rhom 7983.414573003429 ''' if self.phase == 'l/g': # Volume fraction mixing rule for density rholm, rhogm = self.rholm, self.rhogm a, b = (1.0 - self.x)/rholm, self.x/rhogm return rholm*a/(a+b) + b/(a+b)*rhogm return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=None, l=Mixture.rholm, g=Mixture.rhogm, self=self) @property def Z(self): r'''Compressibility factor of the mixture at its current phase and temperature and pressure, [dimensionless]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['MTBE'], ws=[1], T=900, P=1E-2).Z 0.9999999999056374 ''' Vm = self.Vm if Vm: return Z(self.T, self.P, Vm) return None @property def SG(self): r'''Specific gravity of the mixture, [dimensionless]. For gas-phase conditions, this is calculated at 15.6 °C (60 °F) and 1 atm for the mixture and the reference fluid, air. For liquid and solid phase conditions, this is calculated based on a reference fluid of water at 4°C at 1 atm, but the with the liquid or solid mixture's density at the currently specified conditions. Examples -------- >>> Mixture('MTBE').SG 0.7428160596603596 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=Mixture.SGs, l=Mixture.SGl, g=Mixture.SGg, self=self) ### Single-phase properties @property def isobaric_expansion(self): r'''Isobaric (constant-pressure) expansion of the mixture at its current phase, temperature, and pressure in units of [1/K]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: \beta = \frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_P Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1], T=647.1, P=22048320.0).isobaric_expansion 0.34074205839222449 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, l=Mixture.isobaric_expansion_l, g=Mixture.isobaric_expansion_g, self=self) @property def isobaric_expansion_g(self): r'''Isobaric (constant-pressure) expansion of the gas phase of the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [1/K]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: \beta = \frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_P Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['argon'], ws=[1], T=647.1, P=22048320.0).isobaric_expansion_g 0.0015661100323025273 ''' dV_dT = self.VolumeGasMixture.property_derivative_T(self.T, self.P, self.zs, Vm = self.Vmg if dV_dT and Vm: return isobaric_expansion(V=Vm, dV_dT=dV_dT) @property def isobaric_expansion_l(self): r'''Isobaric (constant-pressure) expansion of the liquid phase of the mixture at its current temperature and pressure, in units of [1/K]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: \beta = \frac{1}{V}\left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T} \right)_P Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['argon'], ws=[1], T=647.1, P=22048320.0).isobaric_expansion_l 0.001859152875154442 ''' dV_dT = self.VolumeLiquidMixture.property_derivative_T(self.T, self.P, self.zs, Vm = self.Vml if dV_dT and Vm: return isobaric_expansion(V=Vm, dV_dT=dV_dT) @property def JT(self): r'''Joule Thomson coefficient of the mixture at its current phase, temperature, and pressure in units of [K/Pa]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: \mu_{JT} = \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_H = \frac{1}{C_p} \left[T \left(\frac{\partial V}{\partial T}\right)_P - V\right] = \frac{V}{C_p}\left(\beta T-1\right) Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1]).JT -2.2150394958666412e-07 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, l=Mixture.JTl, g=Mixture.JTg, self=self) @property def mu(self): r'''Viscosity of the mixture at its current phase, temperature, and pressure in units of [Pa*s]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['ethanol'], ws=[1], T=400).mu 1.1853097849748213e-05 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, l=Mixture.mul, g=Mixture.mug, self=self) @property def k(self): r'''Thermal conductivity of the mixture at its current phase, temperature, and pressure in units of [W/m/K]. Available only if single phase. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['ethanol'], ws=[1], T=300).kl 0.16313594741877802 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, s=None, l=Mixture.kl,, self=self) @property def nu(self): r'''Kinematic viscosity of the the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and phase in units of [m^2/s]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: \nu = \frac{\mu}{\rho} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['argon'], ws=[1]).nu 1.3842643382482236e-05 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, l=Mixture.nul, g=Mixture.nug, self=self) @property def alpha(self): r'''Thermal diffusivity of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and phase in units of [m^2/s]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: \alpha = \frac{k}{\rho Cp} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['furfural'], ws=[1]).alpha 8.696537158635412e-08 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, l=Mixture.alphal, g=Mixture.alphag, self=self) @property def Pr(self): r'''Prandtl number of the mixture at its current temperature, pressure, and phase; [dimensionless]. Available only if single phase. .. math:: Pr = \frac{C_p \mu}{k} Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['acetone'], ws=[1]).Pr 4.183039103542711 ''' return phase_select_property(phase=self.phase, l=Mixture.Prl, g=Mixture.Prg, self=self) ### Standard state properties @property def Vml_STP(self): r'''Liquid-phase molar volume of the mixture at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition in units of [m^3/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['cyclobutane'], ws=[1]).Vml_STP 8.143327329133706e-05 ''' return self.VolumeLiquidMixture(T=298.15, P=101325, zs=self.zs, @property def Vmg_STP(self): r'''Gas-phase molar volume of the mixture at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition in units of [m^3/mol]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1]).Vmg_STP 0.02445443688838904 ''' return self.VolumeGasMixture(T=298.15, P=101325, zs=self.zs, @property def rhol_STP(self): r'''Liquid-phase mass density of the mixture at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition in units of [kg/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['cyclobutane'], ws=[1]).rhol_STP 688.9851989526821 ''' Vml = self.Vml_STP if Vml: return Vm_to_rho(Vml, self.MW) return None @property def rhog_STP(self): r'''Gas-phase mass density of the mixture at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition in units of [kg/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1]).rhog_STP 1.145534453639403 ''' Vmg = self.Vmg_STP if Vmg: return Vm_to_rho(Vmg, self.MW) return None @property def Zl_STP(self): r'''Liquid-phase compressibility factor of the mixture at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition, [dimensionless]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['cyclobutane'], ws=[1]).Zl_STP 0.0033285083663950068 ''' Vml = self.Vml if Vml: return Z(self.T, self.P, Vml) return None @property def Zg_STP(self): r'''Gas-phase compressibility factor of the mixture at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition, [dimensionless]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1]).Zg_STP 0.9995520809691023 ''' Vmg = self.Vmg if Vmg: return Z(self.T, self.P, Vmg) return None @property def rholm_STP(self): r'''Molar density of the mixture in the liquid phase at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition, in units of [mol/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['water'], ws=[1]).rholm_STP 55344.59086372442 ''' Vml = self.Vml_STP if Vml: return 1./Vml return None @property def rhogm_STP(self): r'''Molar density of the mixture in the gas phase at 298.15 K and 101.325 kPa, and the current composition, in units of [mol/m^3]. Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['nitrogen'], ws=[1]).rhogm_STP 40.892374850585895 ''' Vmg = self.Vmg_STP if Vmg: return 1./Vmg return None @property def API(self): r'''API gravity of the hypothetical liquid phase of the mixture, [degrees]. The reference condition is water at 15.6 °C (60 °F) and 1 atm (rho=999.016 kg/m^3, standardized). Examples -------- >>> Mixture(['hexane', 'decane'], ws=[0.5, 0.5]).API 71.34707841728181 ''' Vml = self.VolumeLiquidMixture(T=288.70555555555552, P=101325, zs=self.zs, if Vml: rho = Vm_to_rho(Vml, self.MW) sg = SG(rho, rho_ref=999.016) return SG_to_API(sg)
[docs] def draw_2d(self, Hs=False): # pragma: no cover r'''Interface for drawing a 2D image of all the molecules in the mixture. Requires an HTML5 browser, and the libraries RDKit and IPython. An exception is raised if either of these libraries is absent. Parameters ---------- Hs : bool Whether or not to show hydrogen Examples -------- Mixture(['natural gas']).draw_2d() ''' try: from rdkit.Chem import Draw if Hs: mols = [i.rdkitmol_Hs for i in self.Chemicals] else: mols = [i.rdkitmol for i in self.Chemicals] return Draw.MolsToImage(mols) except: return 'Rdkit is required for this feature.'
[docs] def Reynolds(self, V=None, D=None): return Reynolds(V=V, D=D, rho=self.rho,
[docs] def Capillary(self, V=None): return Capillary(V=V,, sigma=self.sigma)
[docs] def Weber(self, V=None, D=None): return Weber(V=V, L=D, rho=self.rho, sigma=self.sigma)
[docs] def Bond(self, L=None): return Bond(rhol=self.rhol, rhog=self.rhog, sigma=self.sigma, L=L)
[docs] def Jakob(self, Tw=None): return Jakob(Cp=self.Cp, Hvap=self.Hvap, Te=Tw-self.T)
[docs] def Grashof(self, Tw=None, L=None): return Grashof(L=L, beta=self.isobaric_expansion, T1=Tw, T2=self.T, rho=self.rho,
[docs] def Peclet_heat(self, V=None, D=None): return Peclet_heat(V=V, L=D, rho=self.rho, Cp=self.Cp, k=self.k)
@property def constants(self): r'''Returns a :obj:`thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage instance with constants from the mixture, [-]. ''' try: return self._constants except AttributeError: pass from thermo.chemical_package import ChemicalConstantsPackage self._constants = ChemicalConstantsPackage(CASs=self.CASs, names=self.names, MWs=self.MWs, Tms=self.Tms, Tbs=self.Tbs, # Critical state points Tcs=self.Tcs, Pcs=self.Pcs, Vcs=self.Vcs, omegas=self.omegas, Zcs=self.Zcs, rhocs=self.rhocms, rhocs_mass=self.rhocs, # Phase change enthalpy Hfus_Tms=self.Hfusms, Hfus_Tms_mass=self.Hfuss, Hvap_Tbs=self.Hvap_Tbms, Hvap_Tbs_mass=self.Hvap_Tbs, # Standard values Vml_STPs=self.Vml_STPs, rhol_STPs=self.rholm_STPs, rhol_STPs_mass=self.rhol_STPs, Vml_60Fs=self.Vml_60Fs, rhol_60Fs=self.rhoml_60Fs, rhol_60Fs_mass=self.rhol_60Fs, # Reaction (ideal gas) Hfgs=self.Hfgms, Hfgs_mass=self.Hfgs, Gfgs=self.Gfgms, Gfgs_mass=self.Gfgs, Sfgs=self.Sfgms, Sfgs_mass=self.Sfgs, S0gs=self.S0gms, S0gs_mass=self.S0gs, # Triple point Tts=self.Tts, Pts=self.Pts, Hsub_Tts=self.Hsubms, Hsub_Tts_mass=self.Hsubs, # Combustion Hcs=self.Hcms, Hcs_mass=self.Hcs, Hcs_lower=self.Hcms_lower, Hcs_lower_mass=self.Hcs_lower, # Fire safety Tflashs=self.Tflashs, Tautoignitions=self.Tautoignitions, LFLs=self.LFLs, UFLs=self.UFLs, # Other safety TWAs=self.TWAs, STELs=self.STELs, Ceilings=self.Ceilings, Skins=self.Skins, Carcinogens=self.Carcinogens, legal_statuses=self.legal_statuses, economic_statuses=self.economic_statuses, # Environmental GWPs=self.GWPs, ODPs=self.ODPs, logPs=self.logPs, Psat_298s=self.Psat_298s, Hvap_298s=self.Hvapm_298s, Hvap_298s_mass=self.Hvap_298s, Vml_Tms=self.Vml_Tms, rhos_Tms=self.rhoms_Tm, rhos_Tms_mass=self.rhos_Tms, Vms_Tms=self.Vms_Tms, # Analytical RIs=self.RIs, RI_Ts=self.RI_Ts, conductivities=self.conductivities, conductivity_Ts=self.conductivity_Ts, # Odd constants charges=self.charges, dipoles=self.dipoles, Stockmayers=self.Stockmayers, molecular_diameters=self.molecular_diameters, Van_der_Waals_volumes=self.Van_der_Waals_volumes, Van_der_Waals_areas=self.Van_der_Waals_areas, Parachors=self.Parachors, StielPolars=self.StielPolars, atomss=self.atomss, atom_fractions=self.atom_fractionss, similarity_variables=self.similarity_variables, phase_STPs=self.phase_STPs, UNIFAC_Rs=self.UNIFAC_Rs, UNIFAC_Qs=self.UNIFAC_Qs, solubility_parameters=self.solubility_parameters_STP, # Other identifiers PubChems=self.PubChems, formulas=self.formulas, smiless=self.smiless, InChIs=self.InChIs, InChI_Keys=self.InChI_Keys, # Groups UNIFAC_groups=self.UNIFAC_groups, UNIFAC_Dortmund_groups=self.UNIFAC_Dortmund_groups, PSRK_groups=self.PSRK_groups) return self._constants
[docs] def properties(self, copy_pures=True, copy_mixtures=True): try: return self._properties except AttributeError: pass from thermo.chemical_package import PropertyCorrelationsPackage constants = self.constants kwargs = dict(constants=constants) if copy_pures: kwargs.update(VaporPressures=self.VaporPressures, SublimationPressures=self.SublimationPressures, VolumeGases=self.VolumeGases, VolumeLiquids=self.VolumeLiquids, VolumeSolids=self.VolumeSolids, HeatCapacityGases=self.HeatCapacityGases, HeatCapacityLiquids=self.HeatCapacityLiquids, HeatCapacitySolids=self.HeatCapacitySolids, ViscosityGases=self.ViscosityGases, ViscosityLiquids=self.ViscosityLiquids, ThermalConductivityGases=self.ThermalConductivityGases, ThermalConductivityLiquids=self.ThermalConductivityLiquids, ThermalConductivitySolids=self.ThermalConductivitySolids, EnthalpyVaporizations=self.EnthalpyVaporizations, EnthalpySublimations=self.EnthalpySublimations, SurfaceTensions=self.SurfaceTensions, PermittivityLiquids=self.Permittivities) if copy_mixtures: kwargs.update(VolumeGasMixtureObj=self.VolumeGasMixture, VolumeLiquidMixtureObj=self.VolumeLiquidMixture, VolumeSolidMixtureObj=self.VolumeSolidMixture, HeatCapacityGasMixtureObj=self.HeatCapacityGasMixture, HeatCapacityLiquidMixtureObj=self.HeatCapacityLiquidMixture, HeatCapacitySolidMixtureObj=self.HeatCapacitySolidMixture, ViscosityGasMixtureObj=self.ViscosityGasMixture, ViscosityLiquidMixtureObj=self.ViscosityLiquidMixture, ThermalConductivityGasMixtureObj=self.ThermalConductivityGasMixture, ThermalConductivityLiquidMixtureObj=self.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture, SurfaceTensionMixtureObj=self.SurfaceTensionMixture) self._properties = PropertyCorrelationsPackage(**kwargs) return self._properties