Source code for thermo.phase_identification

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains functions for identifying phases as liquid, solid, and

Solid identification is easy using the
:obj:`phase identification parameter <chemicals.utils.phase_identification_parameter_phase>`.
There is never more than one gas by definition. For pure species, the
phase identification parameter is a clear vapor-liquid differentiator in the
subcritical region and it provides line starting at the critical point for the
supercritical region.

However for mixtures, there is no clear calcuation that can be performed to
identify the phase of a mixture. Many different criteria that have been
proposed are included here. The
:obj:`phase identification parameter or PIP <chemicals.utils.phase_identification_parameter_phase>`.
is recommended in general and is the default.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Phase Identification

Main Interface
.. autofunction:: identify_sort_phases

Secondary Interfaces
.. autofunction:: identity_phase_states
.. autodata:: VL_ID_METHODS
.. autodata:: S_ID_METHODS

Scoring Functions
.. autofunction:: score_phases_VL
.. autofunction:: score_phases_S
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_traces
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Tpc
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Vpc
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Tpc_weighted
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Tpc_Vpc
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Wilson
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Poling
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_PIP
.. autofunction:: vapor_score_Bennett_Schmidt

Sorting Phases
.. autofunction:: sort_phases


__all__ = ['vapor_score_Tpc', 'vapor_score_Vpc',
           'vapor_score_Tpc_weighted', 'vapor_score_Tpc_Vpc',
           'vapor_score_Wilson', 'vapor_score_Poling',
           'vapor_score_PIP', 'vapor_score_Bennett_Schmidt',

           'score_phases_S', 'score_phases_VL', 'identity_phase_states',
           'S_ID_METHODS', 'VL_ID_METHODS',

           'sort_phases', 'identify_sort_phases',


           'VL_ID_METHODS', 'S_ID_D2P_DVDT', 'S_ID_METHODS',

from chemicals.flash_basic import Wilson_K_value
from chemicals.rachford_rice import Rachford_Rice_flash_error
from chemicals.utils import Vm_to_rho, phase_identification_parameter

[docs]def vapor_score_Tpc(T, Tcs, zs): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the following criteria .. math:: T - \sum_i z_i T_{c,i} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all species, [K] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the phase being identified, [-] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- A flash of equimolar CO2/n-hexane at 300 K and 1 MPa is computed, and there is a two phase solution. The phase must be identified for each result: Liquid-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Tpc(T=300.0, Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], zs=[0.21834418746784942, 0.7816558125321506]) -163.18879226903942 Vapor-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Tpc(T=300.0, Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], zs=[0.9752234962374878, 0.024776503762512052]) -9.239540865294941 In this result, the vapor phase is not identified as a gas at all! It has a mass density of ~ 20 kg/m^3, which would usually be called a gas by most people. Notes ----- ''' # Does not work for pure compounds Tpc = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): Tpc += zs[i]*Tcs[i] return T - Tpc
[docs]def vapor_score_Vpc(V, Vcs, zs): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the following criteria .. math:: V - \sum_i z_i V_{c,i} Parameters ---------- V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] Vcs : list[float] Critical molar volumes of all species, [m^3/mol] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the phase being identified, [-] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- A flash of equimolar CO2/n-hexane at 300 K and 1 MPa is computed, and there is a two phase solution. The phase must be identified for each result: Liquid-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Vpc(V=0.00011316308855449715, Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], zs=[0.21834418746784942, 0.7816558125321506]) -0.000195010604079 Vapor-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Vpc(V=0.0023406573328250335, Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], zs=[0.9752234962374878, 0.024776503762512052]) 0.002239868570 Notes ----- ''' Vpc = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): Vpc += zs[i]*Vcs[i] return V - Vpc
[docs]def vapor_score_Tpc_weighted(T, Tcs, Vcs, zs, r1=1.0): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the following criteria, said to be implemented in ECLIPSE [1]_: .. math:: T - T_{pc} .. math:: T_{p,c} = r_1 \frac{\sum_j x_j V_{c,j}T_{c,j}}{\sum_j x_j V_{c,j}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all species, [K] Vcs : list[float] Critical molar volumes of all species, [m^3/mol] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the phase being identified, [-] r1 : float Tuning factor, [-] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- A flash of equimolar CO2/n-hexane at 300 K and 1 MPa is computed, and there is a two phase solution. The phase must be identified for each result: Liquid-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Tpc_weighted(T=300.0, Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], zs=[0.21834418746784942, 0.7816558125321506]) -194.0535694431 Vapor-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Tpc_weighted(T=300.0, Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], zs=[0.9752234962374878, 0.024776503762512052]) -22.60037521107 As can be seen, the CO2-phase is incorrectly identified as a liquid. Notes ----- References ---------- .. [1] Bennett, Jim, and Kurt A. G. Schmidt. "Comparison of Phase Identification Methods Used in Oil Industry Flow Simulations." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 4 (April 20, 2017): 3370-79. ''' weight_sum = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): weight_sum += zs[i]*Vcs[i] Tpc = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): Tpc += zs[i]*Tcs[i]*Vcs[i] Tpc *= r1/weight_sum return T - Tpc
[docs]def vapor_score_Tpc_Vpc(T, V, Tcs, Vcs, zs): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the following criteria, said to be implemented in Multiflash [1]_: .. math:: VT^2 - V_{pc} T_{pc}^2 Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all species, [K] Vcs : list[float] Critical molar volumes of all species, [m^3/mol] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the phase being identified, [-] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- A flash of equimolar CO2/n-hexane at 300 K and 1 MPa is computed, and there is a two phase solution. The phase must be identified for each result: Liquid-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Tpc_Vpc(T=300.0, V=0.00011316308855449715, Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], zs=[0.21834418746784942, 0.7816558125321506]) -55.932094761 Vapor-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Tpc_Vpc(T=300.0, V=0.0023406573328250335, Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], zs=[0.9752234962374878, 0.024776503762512052]) 201.020821992 Notes ----- References ---------- .. [1] Bennett, Jim, and Kurt A. G. Schmidt. "Comparison of Phase Identification Methods Used in Oil Industry Flow Simulations." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 4 (April 20, 2017): 3370-79. ''' # Basic. Different mixing rules could be used to tune the system. Tpc = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): Tpc += zs[i]*Tcs[i] Vpc = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): Vpc += zs[i]*Vcs[i] return V*T*T - Vpc*Tpc*Tpc
[docs]def vapor_score_Wilson(T, P, zs, Tcs, Pcs, omegas): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the Rachford-Rice Wilson method of Perschke [1]_. After calculating Wilson's K values, the following expression is evaluated at :math:`\frac{V}{F} = 0.5`; the result is the score. .. math:: \sum_i \frac{z_i(K_i-1)}{1 + \frac{V}{F}(K_i-1)} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] P : float Pressure, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the phase being identified, [-] Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all species, [K] Pcs : list[float] Critical pressures of all species, [Pa] omegas : list[float] Acentric factors of all species, [-] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- A flash of equimolar CO2/n-hexane at 300 K and 1 MPa is computed, and there is a two phase solution. The phase must be identified for each result: Liquid-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Wilson(T=300.0, P=1e6, zs=[.218, .782], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Pcs=[7376460.0, 3025000.0], omegas=[0.2252, 0.2975]) -1.16644793 Vapor-like phase: >>> vapor_score_Wilson(T=300.0, P=1e6, zs=[.975, .025], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Pcs=[7376460.0, 3025000.0], omegas=[0.2252, 0.2975]) 1.397678492 This method works well in many conditions, like the Wilson equation itself, but fundamentally it cannot do a great job because it is not tied to the phase model itself. A dew point flash at P = 100 Pa for the same mixture shows both phases being identified as vapor-like: >>> T_dew = 206.40935716944634 >>> P = 100.0 >>> vapor_score_Wilson(T=T_dew, P=P, zs=[0.5, 0.5], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Pcs=[7376460.0, 3025000.0], omegas=[0.2252, 0.2975]) 1.074361930956633 >>> vapor_score_Wilson(T=T_dew, P=P, zs=[0.00014597910182360052, 0.9998540208981763], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Pcs=[7376460.0, 3025000.0], omegas=[0.2252, 0.2975]) 0.15021784286075726 Notes ----- References ---------- .. [1] Chang, Yih-Bor. "Development and Application of an Equation of State Compositional Simulator," 1990. ''' N = len(zs) if N == 1: Psat = Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tcs[0], Pcs[0], omegas[0])*P # Lower than vapor pressure - gas; higher than the vapor pressure - liquid return P - Psat # Does not work for pure compounds # Posivie - vapor, negative - liquid Ks = [Wilson_K_value(T, P, Tcs[i], Pcs[i], omegas[i]) for i in range(N)] # Consider a vapor fraction of more than 0.5 a vapor # return flash_inner_loop(zs, Ks)[0] - 0.5 # Go back to the error once unit tested return Rachford_Rice_flash_error(V_over_F=0.5, zs=zs, Ks=Ks)
[docs]def vapor_score_Poling(kappa): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the isothermal compressibility `kappa` concept by Poling [1]_. .. math:: \text{score} = (\kappa - 0.005 \text{atm}^{-1}) Parameters ---------- kappa : float Isothermal coefficient of compressibility, [1/Pa] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- CO2 vapor properties computed with Peng-Robinson at 300 K and 1 bar: >>> vapor_score_Poling(1.0054239121594122e-05) 1.013745778995 n-hexane liquid properties computed with Peng-Robinson at 300 K and 10 bar: >>> vapor_score_Poling(2.121777078782957e-09) -0.00478501093 Notes ----- A second criteria which is not implemented as it does not fit with the scoring concept is for liquids: .. math:: \frac{0.9}{P} < \beta < \frac{3}{P} References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E., Edward A. Grens, and John M. Prausnitz. "Thermodynamic Properties from a Cubic Equation of State: Avoiding Trivial Roots and Spurious Derivatives." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 20, no. 1 (January 1, 1981): 127-30. ''' return kappa*101325 - .005
[docs]def vapor_score_PIP(V, dP_dT, dP_dV, d2P_dV2, d2P_dVdT): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the PIP concept. .. math:: \text{score} = -(\Pi - 1) .. math:: \Pi = V \left[\frac{\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V \partial T}} {\frac{\partial P }{\partial T}}- \frac{\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V^2}}{\frac{\partial P}{\partial V}} \right] Parameters ---------- V : float Molar volume at `T` and `P`, [m^3/mol] dP_dT : float Derivative of `P` with respect to `T`, [Pa/K] dP_dV : float Derivative of `P` with respect to `V`, [Pa*mol/m^3] d2P_dV2 : float Second derivative of `P` with respect to `V`, [Pa*mol^2/m^6] d2P_dVdT : float Second derivative of `P` with respect to both `V` and `T`, [Pa*mol/m^3/K] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- CO2 vapor properties computed with Peng-Robinson at 300 K and 1 bar: >>> vapor_score_PIP(0.024809176851423774, 337.0119286073647, -4009021.959558917, 321440573.3615088, -13659.63987996052) 0.016373735005 n-hexane liquid properties computed with Peng-Robinson at 300 K and 10 bar: >>> vapor_score_PIP(0.00013038156684574785, 578477.8796379718, -3614798144591.8984, 4.394997991022487e+17, -20247865009.795322) -10.288635225 References ---------- .. [1] Venkatarathnam, G., and L. R. Oellrich. "Identification of the Phase of a Fluid Using Partial Derivatives of Pressure, Volume, and Temperature without Reference to Saturation Properties: Applications in Phase Equilibria Calculations." Fluid Phase Equilibria 301, no. 2 (February 25, 2011): 225-33. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2010.12.001. ''' return -(phase_identification_parameter(V, dP_dT, dP_dV, d2P_dV2, d2P_dVdT) - 1.0)
[docs]def vapor_score_Bennett_Schmidt(dbeta_dT): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the Bennet-Schmidt temperature derivative of isobaric expansion suggestion. .. math:: \text{score} = -\left(\frac{\partial \beta}{\partial T}\right) Parameters ---------- dbeta_dT : float Temperature derivative of isobaric coefficient of a thermal expansion, [1/K^2] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- CO2 vapor properties computed with Peng-Robinson at 300 K and 1 bar: >>> vapor_score_Bennett_Schmidt(-1.1776172267959163e-05) 1.1776172267959163e-05 n-hexane liquid properties computed with Peng-Robinson at 300 K and 10 bar: >>> vapor_score_Bennett_Schmidt(7.558572848883679e-06) -7.558572848883679e-06 References ---------- .. [1] Bennett, Jim, and Kurt A. G. Schmidt. "Comparison of Phase Identification Methods Used in Oil Industry Flow Simulations." Energy & Fuels 31, no. 4 (April 20, 2017): 3370-79. ''' return -dbeta_dT
[docs]def vapor_score_traces(zs, CASs, Tcs, trace_CASs=['74-82-8', '7727-37-9'], min_trace=0.0): r'''Compute a vapor score representing how vapor-like a phase is (higher, above zero = more vapor like) using the concept of which phase has the most of the lightest compound. This nicely sidesteps issues in many other methods, at the expense that it cannot be applied when there is only one phase and it is not smart enough to handle liquid-liquid cases. If no trace components are present, the component with the lowest critical temperature's concentration is returned. Because of the way this is implemented, the score is always larger than 1.0. Parameters ---------- zs : list[float] Mole fractions of the phase being identified, [-] CASs : list[str] CAS numbers of all components, [-] Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all species, [K] trace_CASs : list[str] Trace components to use for identification; if more than one component is given, the first component present in both `CASs` and `trace_CASs` is the one used, [-] min_trace : float Minimum concentration to make a phase appear vapor-like; subtracted from the concentration which would otherwise be returned, [-] Returns ------- score : float Vapor like score, [-] Examples -------- A flash of equimolar CO2/n-hexane at 300 K and 1 MPa is computed, and there is a two phase solution. The phase must be identified for each result: Liquid-like phase: >>> vapor_score_traces(zs=[.218, .782], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], CASs=['124-38-9', '110-54-3']) 0.218 Vapor-like phase: >>> vapor_score_traces(zs=[.975, .025], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], CASs=['124-38-9', '110-54-3']) 0.975 Notes ----- ''' # traces should be the lightest species - high = more vapor like if trace_CASs is not None: for trace_CAS in trace_CASs: try: return zs[CASs.index(trace_CAS)] - min_trace except ValueError: # trace component not in mixture pass # Return the composition of the compound with the lowest critical temp comp = 0.0 Tc_min = 1e100 for i in range(len(zs)): if Tcs[i] < Tc_min: comp = zs[i] Tc_min = Tcs[i] return comp - min_trace
VL_ID_TPC = 'Tpc' VL_ID_VPC = 'Vpc' VL_ID_TPC_VC_WEIGHTED = 'Tpc Vpc weighted' VL_ID_TPC_VPC = 'Tpc Vpc' VL_ID_WILSON = 'Wilson' VL_ID_POLING = 'Poling' VL_ID_PIP = 'PIP' VL_ID_BS = 'Bennett-Schmidt' VL_ID_TRACES = 'Traces' VL_ID_METHODS = [VL_ID_TPC, VL_ID_VPC, VL_ID_TPC_VC_WEIGHTED, VL_ID_TPC_VPC, VL_ID_WILSON, VL_ID_POLING, VL_ID_PIP, VL_ID_BS, VL_ID_TRACES] """List of all the methods available to perform the Vapor-Liquid phase ID. """ S_ID_D2P_DVDT = 'd2P_dVdT' S_ID_METHODS = [S_ID_D2P_DVDT] """List of all the methods available to perform the solid-liquid phase ID. """
[docs]def score_phases_S(phases, constants, correlations, method=S_ID_D2P_DVDT, S_ID_settings=None): r'''Score all phases according to how wolid they appear given the provided parameters and a selected method. A score above zero indicates a solid. More than one phase may have a score above zero. A score under zero means the phase is a liquid or gas. Parameters ---------- phases : list[:obj:`thermo.phases.Phase`] Phases to be identified and sorted, [-] constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` Constants used in the identification, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Correlations used in the identification, [-] method : str Setting configuring how the scoring is performed; one of ('d2P_dVdT',), [-] S_ID_settings : dict[str : float] or None, optional Additional configuration options for solid-liquid phase ID, [-] Returns ------- scores : list[float] Scores for the phases in the order provided, [-] ''' # The higher the score (above zero), the more solid-like if method == S_ID_D2P_DVDT: scores = [i.d2P_dVdT() for i in phases] return scores
[docs]def score_phases_VL(phases, constants, correlations, method): r'''Score all phases given the provided parameters and a selected method. A score above zero indicates a potential gas. More than one phase may have a score above zero, in which case the highest scoring phase is the gas, and the other is a liquid. Parameters ---------- phases : list[:obj:`thermo.phases.Phase`] Phases to be identified and sorted, [-] constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` Constants used in the identification, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Correlations used in the identification, [-] method : str Setting configuring how the scoring is performed; one of 'Tpc', 'Vpc', 'Tpc Vpc weighted', 'Tpc Vpc', 'Wilson', 'Poling', 'PIP', 'Bennett-Schmidt', 'Traces', [-] Returns ------- scores : list[float] Scores for the phases in the order provided, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> from thermo import ChemicalConstantsPackage, PropertyCorrelationsPackage, CEOSGas, CEOSLiquid, PRMIX, HeatCapacityGas >>> constants = ChemicalConstantsPackage(CASs=['124-38-9', '110-54-3'], Vcs=[9.4e-05, 0.000368], MWs=[44.0095, 86.17536], names=['carbon dioxide', 'hexane'], omegas=[0.2252, 0.2975], Pcs=[7376460.0, 3025000.0], Tbs=[194.67, 341.87], Tcs=[304.2, 507.6], Tms=[216.65, 178.075]) >>> correlations = PropertyCorrelationsPackage(constants=constants, skip_missing=True, HeatCapacityGases=[HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-3.1115474168865828e-21, 1.39156078498805e-17, -2.5430881416264243e-14, 2.4175307893014295e-11, -1.2437314771044867e-08, 3.1251954264658904e-06, -0.00021220221928610925, 0.000884685506352987, 29.266811602924644])), HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(200.0, 1000.0, [1.3740654453881647e-21, -8.344496203280677e-18, 2.2354782954548568e-14, -3.4659555330048226e-11, 3.410703030634579e-08, -2.1693611029230923e-05, 0.008373280796376588, -1.356180511425385, 175.67091124888998]))]) >>> T, P, zs = 300.0, 1e6, [.5, .5] >>> eos_kwargs = {'Pcs': constants.Pcs, 'Tcs': constants.Tcs, 'omegas': constants.omegas} >>> gas = CEOSGas(PRMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=correlations.HeatCapacityGases, T=T, P=P, zs=zs) >>> liq = CEOSLiquid(PRMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=correlations.HeatCapacityGases, T=T, P=P, zs=zs) A sampling of different phase identification methods is below: >>> score_phases_VL([gas, liq], constants, correlations, method='PIP') [1.6409446310, -7.5692120928] >>> score_phases_VL([gas, liq], constants, correlations, method='Vpc') [0.00144944049, -0.0001393075288] >>> score_phases_VL([gas, liq], constants, correlations, method='Tpc Vpc') [113.181283525, -29.806038704] >>> score_phases_VL([gas, liq], constants, correlations, method='Bennett-Schmidt') [0.0003538299416, -2.72255439503e-05] >>> score_phases_VL([gas, liq], constants, correlations, method='Poling') [0.1767828268, -0.004516837897] ''' # The higher the score (above zero), the more vapor-like if phases: T = phases[0].T if method == VL_ID_TPC: Tcs = constants.Tcs scores = [vapor_score_Tpc(T, Tcs, i.zs) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_VPC: Vcs = constants.Vcs scores = [vapor_score_Vpc(i.V(), Vcs, i.zs) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_TPC_VC_WEIGHTED: Tcs = constants.Tcs Vcs = constants.Vcs scores = [vapor_score_Tpc_weighted(T, Tcs, Vcs, i.zs) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_TPC_VPC: Tcs = constants.Tcs Vcs = constants.Vcs scores = [vapor_score_Tpc_Vpc(T, i.V(), Tcs, Vcs, i.zs) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_WILSON: Tcs = constants.Tcs Pcs = constants.Pcs omegas = constants.omegas scores = [vapor_score_Wilson(T, i.P, i.zs, Tcs, Pcs, omegas) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_POLING: scores = [vapor_score_Poling(i.kappa()) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_PIP: scores = [-(i.PIP() - 1.00000000000001) for i in phases] # scores = [vapor_score_PIP(i.V(), i.dP_dT(), i.dP_dV(), # i.d2P_dV2(), i.d2P_dVdT()) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_BS: scores = [vapor_score_Bennett_Schmidt(i.disobaric_expansion_dT()) for i in phases] elif method == VL_ID_TRACES: CASs = constants.CASs Tcs = constants.Tcs scores = [vapor_score_traces(i.zs, CASs, Tcs=Tcs) for i in phases] return scores
[docs]def identity_phase_states(phases, constants, correlations, VL_method=VL_ID_PIP, S_method=S_ID_D2P_DVDT, VL_ID_settings=None, S_ID_settings=None, skip_solids=False): r'''Identify and the actial phase of all the given phases given the provided settings. Parameters ---------- phases : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Phases to be identified and sorted, [-] constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` Constants used in the identification, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Correlations used in the identification, [-] VL_method : str, optional One of :obj:`VL_ID_METHODS`, [-] S_method : str, optional One of :obj:`S_ID_METHODS`, [-] VL_ID_settings : dict[str : float] or None, optional Additional configuration options for vapor-liquid phase ID, [-] S_ID_settings : dict[str : float] or None, optional Additional configuration options for solid-liquid phase ID, [-] skip_solids : bool Set this to True if no phases are provided which can represent a solid phase, [-] Returns ------- gas : :obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>` Gas phase, if one was identified, [-] liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Liquids that were identified and sorted, [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Solids that were identified and sorted, [-] ''' # TODO - optimize # Takes a while solids = [] liquids = [] possible_gases = [] possible_gas_scores = [] unknown_phases = [] for p in phases: if p.force_phase is not None: if p.force_phase == 'l': liquids.append(p) elif p.force_phase == 's': solids.append(p) elif p.force_phase == 'g': possible_gases.append(p) else: unknown_phases.append(p) if unknown_phases: VL_scores = score_phases_VL(unknown_phases, constants, correlations, method=VL_method) if not skip_solids: S_scores = score_phases_S(unknown_phases, constants, correlations, method=S_method, S_ID_settings=S_ID_settings) for i in range(len(unknown_phases)): if not skip_solids and S_scores[i] >= 0.0: solids.append(unknown_phases[i]) elif VL_scores[i] >= 0.0: possible_gases.append(unknown_phases[i]) possible_gas_scores.append(VL_scores[i]) else: liquids.append(unknown_phases[i]) # Handle multiple matches as gas possible_gas_count = len(possible_gases) if possible_gas_count > 1: gas = possible_gases[possible_gas_scores.index(max(possible_gas_scores))] for possible_gas in possible_gases: if possible_gas is not gas: liquids.append(possible_gas) possible_gases[:] = (gas,) elif possible_gas_count == 1: gas = possible_gases[0] else: gas = None return gas, liquids, solids
DENSITY_MASS = 'DENSITY_MASS' DENSITY = 'DENSITY' ISOTHERMAL_COMPRESSIBILITY = 'ISOTHERMAL_COMPRESSIBILITY' HEAT_CAPACITY = 'HEAT_CAPACITY' L_SORT_PROPS = S_SORT_PROPS = [DENSITY_MASS, DENSITY, ISOTHERMAL_COMPRESSIBILITY, HEAT_CAPACITY] WATER_FIRST = 'water first' WATER_LAST = 'water last' WATER_NOT_SPECIAL = 'water not special' WATER_SORT_METHODS = [WATER_FIRST, WATER_LAST, WATER_NOT_SPECIAL] KEY_COMPONENTS_SORT = 'key components' PROP_SORT = 'prop' SOLID_SORT_METHODS = LIQUID_SORT_METHODS = [PROP_SORT, KEY_COMPONENTS_SORT] def key_cmp_sort(phases, cmps, cmps_neg): # TODO raise NotImplementedError # return phases def mini_sort_phases(phases, sort_method, prop, cmps, cmps_neg, reverse=True, constants=None): if sort_method == PROP_SORT: if prop == DENSITY_MASS: keys = [] MWs = constants.MWs for p in phases: zs = p.zs MW = 0.0 for i in constants.cmps: MW += zs[i]*MWs[i] keys.append(Vm_to_rho(p.V(), MW)) # for i in phases: # i.constants = constants # keys = [i.rho_mass() for i in phases] elif prop == DENSITY: keys = [i.rho() for i in phases] elif prop == ISOTHERMAL_COMPRESSIBILITY: keys = [i.isobaric_expansion() for i in phases] elif prop == HEAT_CAPACITY: keys = [i.Cp() for i in phases] phases = [p for _, p in sorted(zip(keys, phases))] if reverse: phases.reverse() elif sort_method == KEY_COMPONENTS_SORT: phases = key_cmp_sort(phases, cmps, cmps_neg) if not reverse: phases.reverse() return phases
[docs]def sort_phases(liquids, solids, constants, settings): r'''Identify and sort all phases given the provided parameters. This is not a thermodynamic concept; it is just a convinience method to make the results of the flash more consistent, because the flash algorithms don't care about density or ordering the phases. Parameters ---------- liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Liquids that were identified, [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Solids that were identified, [-] constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` Constants used in the identification, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Correlations used in the identification, [-] settings : :obj:`BulkSettings <thermo.bulk.BulkSettings>` Settings object controlling the phase sorting, [-] Returns ------- liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Liquids that were identified and sorted, [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Solids that were identified and sorted, [-] Notes ----- The settings object uses the preferences `liquid_sort_method`, `liquid_sort_prop`, `liquid_sort_cmps`, `liquid_sort_cmps_neg`, and `phase_sort_higher_first`. Examples -------- ''' if len(liquids) > 1: liquids = mini_sort_phases(liquids, sort_method=settings.liquid_sort_method, prop=settings.liquid_sort_prop, cmps=settings.liquid_sort_cmps, cmps_neg=settings.liquid_sort_cmps_neg, reverse=settings.phase_sort_higher_first, constants=constants) # Handle water special if settings.water_sort != WATER_NOT_SPECIAL: # water phase - phase with highest fraction water water_index = constants.water_index if water_index is not None: water_zs = [i.zs[water_index] for i in liquids] water_max_zs = max(water_zs) if water_max_zs > 1e-4: water_phase_index = water_zs.index(water_max_zs) water = liquids.pop(water_phase_index) if settings.water_sort == WATER_LAST: liquids.append(water) elif settings.water_sort == WATER_FIRST: liquids.insert(0, water) if len(solids) > 1: solids = mini_sort_phases(solids, sort_method=settings.solid_sort_method, prop=settings.solid_sort_prop, cmps=settings.solid_sort_cmps, cmps_neg=settings.solid_sort_cmps_neg, reverse=settings.phase_sort_higher_first, constants=constants) return liquids, solids
[docs]def identify_sort_phases(phases, betas, constants, correlations, settings, skip_solids=False): r'''Identify and sort all phases given the provided parameters. Parameters ---------- phases : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Phases to be identified and sorted, [-] betas : list[float] Phase molar fractions, [-] constants : :obj:`ChemicalConstantsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.ChemicalConstantsPackage>` Constants used in the identification, [-] correlations : :obj:`PropertyCorrelationsPackage <thermo.chemical_package.PropertyCorrelationsPackage>` Correlations used in the identification, [-] settings : :obj:`BulkSettings <thermo.bulk.BulkSettings>` Settings object controlling the phase ID, [-] skip_solids : bool Set this to True if no phases are provided which can represent a solid phase, [-] Returns ------- gas : :obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>` Gas phase, if one was identified, [-] liquids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Liquids that were identified and sorted, [-] solids : list[:obj:`Phase <thermo.phases.Phase>`] Solids that were identified and sorted, [-] betas : list[float] Sorted phase molar fractions, in order (gas, liquids..., solids...) [-] Notes ----- This step is very important as although phase objects are designed to represent a single phase, cubic equations of state can be switched back and forth by the flash algorithms. Thermodynamics doesn't care about gases, liquids, or solids; it just cares about minimizing Gibbs energy! Examples -------- A butanol-water-ethanol flash yields three phases. For brevity we skip the flash and initialize our `gas`, `liq0`, and `liq1` object with the correct phase composition. Then we identify the phases into liquid, gas, and solid. >>> from thermo import ChemicalConstantsPackage, PropertyCorrelationsPackage, HeatCapacityGas, SRKMIX, CEOSGas, CEOSLiquid >>> constants = ChemicalConstantsPackage(Tcs=[563.0, 647.14, 514.0], Vcs=[0.000274, 5.6e-05, 0.000168], Pcs=[4414000.0, 22048320.0, 6137000.0], omegas=[0.59, 0.344, 0.635], MWs=[74.1216, 18.01528, 46.06844], CASs=['71-36-3', '7732-18-5', '64-17-5']) >>> properties = PropertyCorrelationsPackage(constants=constants, skip_missing=True, ... HeatCapacityGases=[HeatCapacityGas(load_data=False, poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-3.787200194613107e-20, 1.7692887427654656e-16, -3.445247207129205e-13, 3.612771874320634e-10, -2.1953250181084466e-07, 7.707135849197655e-05, -0.014658388538054169, 1.5642629364740657, -7.614560475001724])), ... HeatCapacityGas(load_data=False, poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [5.543665000518528e-22, -2.403756749600872e-18, 4.2166477594350336e-15, -3.7965208514613565e-12, 1.823547122838406e-09, -4.3747690853614695e-07, 5.437938301211039e-05, -0.003220061088723078, 33.32731489750759])), ... HeatCapacityGas(load_data=False, poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-1.162767978165682e-20, 5.4975285700787494e-17, -1.0861242757337942e-13, 1.1582703354362728e-10, -7.160627710867427e-08, 2.5392014654765875e-05, -0.004732593693568646, 0.5072291035198603, 20.037826650765965])),], ) >>> eos_kwargs = dict(Tcs=constants.Tcs, Pcs=constants.Pcs, omegas=constants.omegas) >>> gas = CEOSGas(SRKMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=properties.HeatCapacityGases) >>> liq = CEOSLiquid(SRKMIX, eos_kwargs, HeatCapacityGases=properties.HeatCapacityGases) >>> T, P = 361, 1e5 >>> gas =, P=P, zs=[0.2384009970908655, 0.5786839935180925, 0.1829150093910419]) >>> liq0 =, P=P, zs=[7.619975052238032e-05, 0.9989622883894993, 0.0009615118599781474]) >>> liq1 =, P=P, zs=[0.6793120076703771, 0.19699746328631124, 0.12369052904331178]) >>> res = identity_phase_states(phases=[liq0, liq1, gas], constants=constants, correlations=properties, VL_method='PIP') >>> res[0] is gas, res[1][0] is liq0, res[1][1] is liq1, res[2] (True, True, True, []) ''' gas, liquids, solids = identity_phase_states(phases, constants, correlations, VL_method=settings.VL_ID, S_method=settings.S_ID, VL_ID_settings=settings.VL_ID_settings, S_ID_settings=settings.S_ID_settings, skip_solids=skip_solids) if len(betas) == 1: # No need to sort here either return gas, liquids, solids, betas elif len(liquids) > 1 or len(solids) > 1: # There is no point in sorting if there is no need to sort liquids, solids = sort_phases(liquids, solids, constants, settings) elif len(liquids) == 1 and len(phases) == 2 and gas is not None: # Happen to be in the right order, can avoid making a new list if phases[0] is gas: return gas, liquids, solids, betas if betas is not None: # Probably worth adding a fast path here which avoids index new_betas = [] if gas is not None: # Cannot use .index on the betas lsit as the objects define __hash__. for i, p in enumerate(phases): if p is gas: new_betas.append(betas[i]) break for liquid in liquids: for i, p in enumerate(phases): if p is liquid: new_betas.append(betas[i]) break for solid in solids: for i, p in enumerate(phases): if p is solid: new_betas.append(betas[i]) break betas = new_betas return gas, liquids, solids, betas