Source code for thermo.phases.gibbs_excess

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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__all__ = ['GibbsExcessLiquid', 'GibbsExcessSolid']

from math import isinf, isnan

from chemicals.solubility import Henry_constants, d2Henry_constants_dT2, dHenry_constants_dT
from chemicals.utils import phase_identification_parameter
from fluids.constants import R, R_inv
from fluids.numerics import derivative, evaluate_linear_fits, evaluate_linear_fits_d, evaluate_linear_fits_d2, exp, horner_and_der2, log, secant, trunc_exp
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.activity import IdealSolution
from thermo.heat_capacity import HeatCapacityGas, HeatCapacityLiquid
from thermo.nrtl import nrtl_d2taus_dT2 as d2ln_henries_dT2
from thermo.nrtl import nrtl_dtaus_dT as dln_henries_dT
from thermo.nrtl import nrtl_taus as ln_henries
from thermo.phase_change import EnthalpySublimation, EnthalpyVaporization
from thermo.phases.phase import Phase
from thermo.vapor_pressure import SublimationPressure, VaporPressure
from thermo.volume import VolumeLiquid, VolumeSolid

    zeros, array = np.zeros, np.array

[docs]class GibbsExcessLiquid(Phase): r'''Phase based on combining Raoult's law with a :obj:`GibbsExcess <thermo.activity.GibbsExcess>` model, optionally including saturation fugacity coefficient corrections (if the vapor phase is a cubic equation of state) and Poynting correction factors (if more accuracy is desired). The equilibrium equation options (controlled by `equilibrium_basis`) are as follows: * 'Psat': :math:`\phi_i = \frac{\gamma_i P_{i}^{sat}}{P}` * 'Poynting&PhiSat': :math:`\phi_i = \frac{\gamma_i P_{i}^{sat} \phi_i^{sat} \text{Poynting}_i}{P}` * 'Poynting': :math:`\phi_i = \frac{\gamma_i P_{i}^{sat}\text{Poynting}_i}{P}` * 'PhiSat': :math:`\phi_i = \frac{\gamma_i P_{i}^{sat} \phi_i^{sat}}{P}` In all cases, the activity coefficient is derived from the :obj:`GibbsExcess <thermo.activity.GibbsExcess>` model specified as input; use the :obj:`IdealSolution <thermo.activity.IdealSolution>` class as an input to set the activity coefficients to one. The enthalpy `H` and entropy `S` (and other caloric properties `U`, `G`, `A`) equation options are similar to the equilibrium ones. If the same option is selected for `equilibrium_basis` and `caloric_basis`, the phase will be `thermodynamically consistent`. This is recommended for many reasons. The full 'Poynting&PhiSat' equations for `H` and `S` are as follows; see :obj:`GibbsExcessLiquid.H` and :obj:`GibbsExcessLiquid.S` for all of the other equations: .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i \left[-RT^2\left( \frac{\frac{\partial \phi_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{\phi_{\text{sat},i}} + \frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + \frac{\frac{\text{Poynting}}{\partial T}}{\text{Poynting}} \right) + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left( T \frac{\frac{\partial \phi_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{\phi_{\text{sat},i}} + T\frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + T\frac{\frac{\text{Poynting}}{\partial T}}{\text{Poynting}} + \ln(P_{\text{sat},i}) + \ln\left(\frac{\text{Poynting}\cdot\phi_{\text{sat},i}}{P}\right) \right) - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] An additional caloric mode is `Hvap`, which uses enthalpy of vaporization; this mode can never be thermodynamically consistent, but is still widely used. .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i\left[-H_{vap,i} + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left(\ln P_{\text{sat},i} + \ln\left(\frac{1}{P}\right)\right) + \frac{H_{vap,i}}{T} - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] .. warning:: Note that above the critical point, there is no definition for what vapor pressure is. The vapor pressure also tends to reach zero at temperatures in the 4-20 K range. These aspects mean extrapolation in the supercritical and very low temperature region is critical to ensure the equations will still converge. Extrapolation can be performed using either the equation :math:`P^{\text{sat}} = \exp\left(A - \frac{B}{T}\right)` or :math:`P^{\text{sat}} = \exp\left(A + \frac{B}{T} + C\cdot \ln T\right)` by setting `Psat_extrpolation` to either 'AB' or 'ABC' respectively. The extremely low temperature region's issue is solved by calculating the logarithm of vapor pressures instead of the actual value. While floating point values in Python (doubles) can reach a minimum value of around 1e-308, if only the logarithm of that number is computed no issues arise. Both of these features only work when the vapor pressure correlations are polynomials. .. warning:: When using 'PhiSat' as an option, note that the factor cannot be calculated when a compound is supercritical, as there is no longer any vapor-liquid pure-component equilibrium (by definition). Parameters ---------- VaporPressures : list[:obj:`thermo.vapor_pressure.VaporPressure`] Objects holding vapor pressure data and methods, [-] VolumeLiquids : list[:obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquid`], optional Objects holding liquid volume data and methods; required for Poynting factors and volumetric properties, [-] HeatCapacityGases : list[:obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityGas`], optional Objects proiding pure-component heat capacity correlations; required for caloric properties, [-] GibbsExcessModel : :obj:`GibbsExcess <thermo.activity.GibbsExcess>`, optional Configured instance for calculating activity coefficients and excess properties; set to :obj:`IdealSolution <thermo.activity.IdealSolution>` if not provided, [-] eos_pure_instances : list[:obj:`thermo.eos.GCEOS`], optional Cubic equation of state object instances for each pure component, [-] EnthalpyVaporizations : list[:obj:`thermo.phase_change.EnthalpyVaporization`], optional Objects holding enthalpy of vaporization data and methods; used only with the 'Hvap' optional, [-] HeatCapacityLiquids : list[:obj:`thermo.heat_capacity.HeatCapacityLiquid`], optional Objects holding liquid heat capacity data and methods; not used at present, [-] VolumeSupercriticalLiquids : list[:obj:`thermo.volume.VolumeLiquid`], optional Objects holding liquid volume data and methods but that are used for supercritical temperatures on a per-component basis only; required for Poynting factors and volumetric properties at supercritical conditions; `VolumeLiquids` is used if not provided, [-] Hfs : list[float], optional Molar ideal-gas standard heats of formation at 298.15 K and 1 atm, [J/mol] Gfs : list[float], optional Molar ideal-gas standard Gibbs energies of formation at 298.15 K and 1 atm, [J/mol] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of each component, [-] equilibrium_basis : str, optional Which set of equilibrium equations to use when calculating fugacities and related properties; valid options are 'Psat', 'Poynting&PhiSat', 'Poynting', 'PhiSat', [-] caloric_basis : str, optional Which set of caloric equations to use when calculating fugacities and related properties; valid options are 'Psat', 'Poynting&PhiSat', 'Poynting', 'PhiSat', 'Hvap' [-] Psat_extrpolation : str, optional One of 'AB' or 'ABC'; configures extrapolation for vapor pressure, [-] henry_abcdef : tuple[list[list[float]], 6], optional Contains the parameters used for henry's law constant, [-] henry_as : list[list[float]], optional `a` parameters used in calculating henry's law constant, [-] henry_bs : list[list[float]], optional `b` parameters used in calculating henry's law constant, [K] henry_cs : list[list[float]], optional `c` parameters used in calculating henry's law constant, [-] henry_ds : list[list[float]], optional `d` paraemeters used in calculating henry's law constant, [1/K] henry_es : list[list[float]], optional `e` parameters used in calculating henry's law constant, [K^2] henry_fs : list[list[float]], optional `f` parameters used in calculating henry's law constant, [1/K^2] henry_mode : str The setting for henry's law. 'solvents' to consider all components set not to be henry's law components a solvent (if any parameters are missing this will not make sense at all); 'solvents_with_parameters' to consider only the solvents with parameters (vapor pressures will be used if a component has no solvents whatsoever) use_Hvap_caloric : bool, optional If True, enthalpy and entropy will be calculated using ideal-gas heat capacity and the heat of vaporization of the fluid only. This forces enthalpy to be pressure-independent. This supersedes other options which would otherwise impact these properties. The molar volume of the fluid has no impact on enthalpy or entropy if this option is True. This option is not thermodynamically consistent, but is still often an assumption that is made. ''' PIP_INCALCULABLE_VALUE = 2 force_phase = 'l' phase = 'l' is_gas = False is_liquid = True P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ = True PHI_SAT_IDEAL_TR = 0.1 _Psats_data = None _Vms_sat_data = None _Hvap_data = None use_IG_Cp = True # Deprecated! Remove with S_old and H_old ideal_gas_basis = True supercritical_volumes = False Cpls_poly_fit = False _Cpls_data = None _Tait_B_data = None _Tait_C_data = None pure_references = ('HeatCapacityGases', 'VolumeLiquids', 'VaporPressures', 'HeatCapacityLiquids', 'EnthalpyVaporizations') pure_reference_types = (HeatCapacityGas, VolumeLiquid, VaporPressure, HeatCapacityLiquid, EnthalpyVaporization) model_attributes = ('Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs', 'GibbsExcessModel', 'eos_pure_instances', 'use_Poynting', 'use_phis_sat', 'use_Tait', 'use_eos_volume', 'henry_components', 'henry_as', 'henry_bs', 'henry_cs', 'henry_ds', 'henry_es', 'henry_fs','henry_mode', 'Psat_extrpolation') + pure_references obj_references = ('GibbsExcessModel', 'eos_pure_instances', 'result', 'constants', 'correlations', 'HeatCapacityGases', 'VolumeLiquids', 'VaporPressures', 'HeatCapacityLiquids', 'EnthalpyVaporizations') # Not sure how this will progress __slots__ = ('VaporPressures', 'Psats_poly_fit', 'Psat_extrpolation', 'N', 'HeatCapacityGases', 'Cpgs_poly_fit', '_Cpgs_data', 'HeatCapacityLiquids', 'use_eos_volume', 'VolumeLiquids', 'Vms_sat_poly_fit', 'VolumeSupercriticalLiquids', 'Vms_supercritical_poly_fit', 'incompressible', 'use_Tait', 'EnthalpyVaporizations', 'Hvap_poly_fit', 'GibbsExcessModel', 'eos_pure_instances', 'equilibrium_basis', 'caloric_basis', 'use_phis_sat', 'use_Poynting', 'use_phis_sat_caloric', 'use_Poynting_caloric', 'use_Hvap_caloric', 'has_henry_components', 'henry_components', 'henry_as', 'henry_bs', 'henry_cs', 'henry_ds', 'henry_es', 'henry_fs','henry_mode', 'composition_independent', 'Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs', 'model_id', 'T', 'P', 'zs', '_model_hash_ignore_phase', '_model_hash') def __repr__(self): r'''Method to create a string representation of the phase object, with the goal of making it easy to obtain standalone code which reproduces the current state of the phase. This is extremely helpful in creating new test cases. Returns ------- recreation : str String which is valid Python and recreates the current state of the object if ran, [-] ''' pure_strs = '' for k in self.pure_references: v = getattr(self, k) if v is not None: try: s = '[' + ', '.join(str(o) for o in v) + ']' except: continue pure_strs += f'{k}={s}, ' base = f"""{self.__class__.__name__}(GibbsExcessModel={self.GibbsExcessModel}, equilibrium_basis={self.equilibrium_basis}, caloric_basis={self.caloric_basis}, eos_pure_instances={self.eos_pure_instances}, {pure_strs}""" for s in ('Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs', 'T', 'P', 'zs'): if hasattr(self, s) and getattr(self, s) is not None: base += f'{s}={getattr(self, s)}, ' if base[-2:] == ', ': base = base[:-2] base += ')' return base def __init__(self, VaporPressures, VolumeLiquids=None, HeatCapacityGases=None, GibbsExcessModel=None, eos_pure_instances=None, EnthalpyVaporizations=None, HeatCapacityLiquids=None, VolumeSupercriticalLiquids=None, use_Hvap_caloric=False, use_Poynting=False, use_phis_sat=False, use_Tait=False, use_eos_volume=False, Hfs=None, Gfs=None, Sfs=None, henry_components=None, henry_abcdef=None, henry_as=None, henry_bs=None, henry_cs=None, henry_ds=None, henry_es=None, henry_fs=None, henry_mode='solvents_with_parameters', T=Phase.T_DEFAULT, P=Phase.P_DEFAULT, zs=None, Psat_extrpolation='AB', equilibrium_basis=None, caloric_basis=None, ): '''It is quite possible to introduce a PVT relation ship for liquid density and remain thermodynamically consistent. However, must be applied on a per-component basis! This class cannot have an equation-of-state or VolumeLiquidMixture for a liquid MIXTURE! (it might still be nice to generalize the handling; maybe even allow) pure EOSs to be used too, and as a form/template for which functions to use). In conclusion, you have 1) The standard H/S model 2) The H/S model with all pressure correction happening at P 3) The inconsistent model which has no pressure dependence whatsover in H/S This model is required due to its popularity, not its consistency (but still volume dependency) All mixture volumetric properties have to be averages of the pure components properties and derivatives. A Multiphase will be needed to allow flashes with different properties from different phases. ''' self.N = N = len(VaporPressures) if zs is None: zs = [1.0/N]*N if henry_components is None: henry_components = [False]*self.N self.has_henry_components = any(henry_components) self.henry_components = henry_components self.VaporPressures = VaporPressures self.Psats_poly_fit = (all(i.method == POLY_FIT for i in VaporPressures) and not self.has_henry_components) if VaporPressures is not None else False self.Psat_extrpolation = Psat_extrpolation if self.Psats_poly_fit: Psats_data = [[i.poly_fit_Tmin for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_slope for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_value for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_Tmax for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_Tmax_slope for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_Tmax_value for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_coeffs for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_d_coeffs for i in VaporPressures], [i.poly_fit_d2_coeffs for i in VaporPressures], [i.DIPPR101_ABC for i in VaporPressures]] if Psat_extrpolation == 'AB': Psats_data.append([i.poly_fit_AB_high_ABC_compat + [0.0] for i in VaporPressures]) elif Psat_extrpolation == 'ABC': Psats_data.append([i.DIPPR101_ABC_high for i in VaporPressures]) # Other option: raise? self._Psats_data = Psats_data if self.vectorized: zero_coeffs = zeros((N, N)) else: zero_coeffs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] self.HeatCapacityGases = HeatCapacityGases self.Cpgs_poly_fit, self._Cpgs_data = self._setup_Cpigs(HeatCapacityGases) self.HeatCapacityLiquids = HeatCapacityLiquids if HeatCapacityLiquids is not None: self.Cpls_poly_fit, self._Cpls_data = self._setup_Cpigs(HeatCapacityLiquids) T_REF_IG = self.T_REF_IG T_REF_IG_INV = 1.0/T_REF_IG self.Hvaps_T_ref = [obj(T_REF_IG) for obj in EnthalpyVaporizations] self.dSvaps_T_ref = [T_REF_IG_INV*dH for dH in self.Hvaps_T_ref] self.use_eos_volume = use_eos_volume self.VolumeLiquids = VolumeLiquids self.Vms_sat_poly_fit = ((not use_eos_volume and all(i.method == POLY_FIT for i in VolumeLiquids)) if VolumeLiquids is not None else False) if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: self._Vms_sat_data = [[i.poly_fit_Tmin for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_slope for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_value for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmax for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmax_slope for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmax_value for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_coeffs for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_d_coeffs for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_d2_coeffs for i in VolumeLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_quadratic for i in VolumeLiquids], ] # low_fits = self._Vms_sat_data[9] # for i in range(self.N): # low_fits[i][0] = max(0, low_fits[i][0]) self.VolumeSupercriticalLiquids = VolumeSupercriticalLiquids self.Vms_supercritical_poly_fit = all(i.method == POLY_FIT for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids) if VolumeSupercriticalLiquids is not None else False if self.Vms_supercritical_poly_fit: self.Vms_supercritical_data = [[i.poly_fit_Tmin for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_slope for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_value for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmax for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmax_slope for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmax_value for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_coeffs for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_d_coeffs for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_d2_coeffs for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], [i.poly_fit_Tmin_quadratic for i in VolumeSupercriticalLiquids], ] self.incompressible = not use_Tait self.use_Tait = use_Tait if self.use_Tait: Tait_B_data, Tait_C_data = [[] for i in range(9)], [[] for i in range(9)] for v in VolumeLiquids: for (d, store) in zip(v.Tait_data(), [Tait_B_data, Tait_C_data]): for i in range(len(d)): store[i].append(d[i]) self._Tait_B_data = Tait_B_data self._Tait_C_data = Tait_C_data self.EnthalpyVaporizations = EnthalpyVaporizations self.Hvap_poly_fit = all(i.method == POLY_FIT for i in EnthalpyVaporizations) if EnthalpyVaporizations is not None else False if self.Hvap_poly_fit: self._Hvap_data = [[i.poly_fit_Tmin for i in EnthalpyVaporizations], [i.poly_fit_Tmax for i in EnthalpyVaporizations], [i.poly_fit_Tc for i in EnthalpyVaporizations], [1.0/i.poly_fit_Tc for i in EnthalpyVaporizations], [i.poly_fit_coeffs for i in EnthalpyVaporizations]] if GibbsExcessModel is None: GibbsExcessModel = IdealSolution(T=T, xs=zs) self.GibbsExcessModel = GibbsExcessModel self.eos_pure_instances = eos_pure_instances self.equilibrium_basis = equilibrium_basis self.caloric_basis = caloric_basis if equilibrium_basis is not None: if equilibrium_basis == 'Poynting': self.use_Poynting = True self.use_phis_sat = False elif equilibrium_basis == 'Poynting&PhiSat': self.use_Poynting = True self.use_phis_sat = True elif equilibrium_basis == 'PhiSat': self.use_phis_sat = True self.use_Poynting = False elif equilibrium_basis == 'Psat': self.use_phis_sat = False self.use_Poynting = False else: self.use_Poynting = use_Poynting self.use_phis_sat = use_phis_sat if caloric_basis is not None: if caloric_basis == 'Poynting': self.use_Poynting_caloric = True self.use_phis_sat_caloric = False self.use_Hvap_caloric = False elif caloric_basis == 'Poynting&PhiSat': self.use_Poynting_caloric = True self.use_phis_sat_caloric = True self.use_Hvap_caloric = False elif caloric_basis == 'PhiSat': self.use_phis_sat_caloric = True self.use_Poynting_caloric = False self.use_Hvap_caloric = False elif caloric_basis == 'Psat': self.use_phis_sat_caloric = False self.use_Poynting_caloric = False self.use_Hvap_caloric = False elif caloric_basis == 'Hvap': self.use_phis_sat_caloric = False self.use_Poynting_caloric = False self.use_Hvap_caloric = True else: self.use_Poynting_caloric = use_Poynting self.use_phis_sat_caloric = use_phis_sat self.use_Hvap_caloric = use_Hvap_caloric if henry_mode not in ('solvents', 'solvents_with_parameters'): raise ValueError("Henry's law model setting not recognized") self.henry_mode = henry_mode multiple_henry_inputs = (henry_as, henry_bs, henry_cs, henry_ds, henry_es, henry_fs) input_count_henry = (henry_abcdef is not None) + (any(i is not None for i in multiple_henry_inputs)) if input_count_henry > 1: raise ValueError("Input only one of henry_abcdef, or (henry_as...henry_fs)") if henry_abcdef is not None: if self.vectorized: self.henry_as = array(henry_abcdef[:,:,0], order='C', copy=True) self.henry_bs = array(henry_abcdef[:,:,1], order='C', copy=True) self.henry_cs = array(henry_abcdef[:,:,2], order='C', copy=True) self.henry_ds = array(henry_abcdef[:,:,3], order='C', copy=True) self.henry_es = array(henry_abcdef[:,:,4], order='C', copy=True) self.henry_fs = array(henry_abcdef[:,:,5], order='C', copy=True) else: self.henry_as = [[i[0] for i in l] for l in henry_abcdef] self.henry_bs = [[i[1] for i in l] for l in henry_abcdef] self.henry_cs = [[i[2] for i in l] for l in henry_abcdef] self.henry_ds = [[i[3] for i in l] for l in henry_abcdef] self.henry_es = [[i[4] for i in l] for l in henry_abcdef] self.henry_fs = [[i[5] for i in l] for l in henry_abcdef] else: if henry_abcdef is None: henry_abcdef = multiple_henry_inputs henry_abcdef_len = 0 if henry_abcdef is None else len(henry_abcdef) if not henry_abcdef_len or henry_abcdef[0] is None: self.henry_as = zero_coeffs else: self.henry_as = henry_abcdef[0] if not henry_abcdef_len or henry_abcdef[1] is None: self.henry_bs = zero_coeffs else: self.henry_bs = henry_abcdef[1] if not henry_abcdef_len or henry_abcdef[2] is None: self.henry_cs = zero_coeffs else: self.henry_cs = henry_abcdef[2] if not henry_abcdef_len or henry_abcdef[3] is None: self.henry_ds = zero_coeffs else: self.henry_ds = henry_abcdef[3] if not henry_abcdef_len or henry_abcdef[4] is None: self.henry_es = zero_coeffs else: self.henry_es = henry_abcdef[4] if not henry_abcdef_len or henry_abcdef[5] is None: self.henry_fs = zero_coeffs else: self.henry_fs = henry_abcdef[5] self.composition_independent = isinstance(GibbsExcessModel, IdealSolution) and not self.has_henry_components self.Hfs = Hfs self.Gfs = Gfs self.Sfs = Sfs self.model_id = 20000 + GibbsExcessModel.model_id if T is not None and P is not None and zs is not None: self.T = T self.P = P self.zs = zs def to_TP_zs(self, T, P, zs): T_equal = hasattr(self, 'T') and T == self.T new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.T = T new.P = P new.zs = zs new.N = self.N self.transfer_data(new, zs, T, T_equal) return new def to(self, zs, T=None, P=None, V=None): try: T_equal = T == self.T except: T_equal = False new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.zs = zs new.N = self.N if T is not None: if P is not None: new.T = T new.P = P elif V is not None: def to_solve(P): return self.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs).V() - V P = secant(to_solve, 0.0002, xtol=1e-8, ytol=1e-10) new.P = P elif P is not None and V is not None: def to_solve(T): return self.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs).V() - V T = secant(to_solve, 300, xtol=1e-9, ytol=1e-5) new.T = T else: raise ValueError("Two of T, P, or V are needed") self.transfer_data(new, zs, T, T_equal) return new def transfer_data(self, new, zs, T, T_equal): new.VaporPressures = self.VaporPressures new.VolumeLiquids = self.VolumeLiquids new.eos_pure_instances = self.eos_pure_instances new.HeatCapacityGases = self.HeatCapacityGases new.EnthalpyVaporizations = self.EnthalpyVaporizations new.HeatCapacityLiquids = self.HeatCapacityLiquids new.Psats_poly_fit = self.Psats_poly_fit new._Psats_data = self._Psats_data new.Psat_extrpolation = self.Psat_extrpolation new.Cpgs_poly_fit = self.Cpgs_poly_fit new._Cpgs_data = self._Cpgs_data new.Cpls_poly_fit = self.Cpls_poly_fit new._Cpls_data = self._Cpls_data new.Vms_sat_poly_fit = self.Vms_sat_poly_fit new._Vms_sat_data = self._Vms_sat_data new._Hvap_data = self._Hvap_data new.Hvap_poly_fit = self.Hvap_poly_fit new.incompressible = self.incompressible new.equilibrium_basis = self.equilibrium_basis new.caloric_basis = self.caloric_basis new.use_phis_sat = self.use_phis_sat new.use_Poynting = self.use_Poynting new.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ = self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ new.use_eos_volume = self.use_eos_volume new.use_Hvap_caloric = self.use_Hvap_caloric new.Hfs = self.Hfs new.Gfs = self.Gfs new.Sfs = self.Sfs new.henry_as = self.henry_as new.henry_bs = self.henry_bs new.henry_cs = self.henry_cs new.henry_ds = self.henry_ds new.henry_es = self.henry_es new.henry_fs = self.henry_fs new.henry_components = self.henry_components new.has_henry_components = self.has_henry_components new.henry_mode = self.henry_mode new.composition_independent = self.composition_independent new.model_id = self.model_id new.use_Tait = self.use_Tait new._Tait_B_data = self._Tait_B_data new._Tait_C_data = self._Tait_C_data if T_equal and (self.composition_independent or self.zs is zs): # Allow the composition inconsistency as it is harmless new.GibbsExcessModel = self.GibbsExcessModel else: new.GibbsExcessModel = self.GibbsExcessModel.to_T_xs(T=T, xs=zs) try: if T_equal: if not self.has_henry_components: try: new._Psats = self._Psats new._dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT new._d2Psats_dT2 = self._d2Psats_dT2 except: pass try: new._lnPsats = self._lnPsats new._dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self._dPsats_dT_over_Psats except: pass else: try: new._lnHenry_matrix = self._lnHenry_matrix new._dlnHenry_matrix_dT = self._dlnHenry_matrix_dT new._d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = self._d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 except: pass try: new._Vms_sat = self._Vms_sat new._Vms_sat_dT = self._Vms_sat_dT new._d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 except: pass try: new._Cpigs = self._Cpigs except: pass try: new._Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure except: pass try: new._Cpig_integrals_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_pure except: pass except: pass return new supports_lnphis_args = False def lnphis_args(self): try: return self._lnphis_args except: pass lnPsats = self.lnPsats() Poyntings = self.Poyntings() phis_sat = self.phis_sat() activity_args = self.GibbsExcessModel.gammas_args() lnphis = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N self._lnphis_args = (self.model_id, self.T, self.P, self.N, lnPsats, Poyntings, phis_sat) + activity_args +(lnphis,) return self._lnphis_args
[docs] def lnHenry_matrix(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the matrix of log Henry's law constants as required by the traditional mixing rule, [-]. .. math:: \ln \text{H}_{i,j} = A_{ij}+\frac{B_{ij}}{T}+C_{ij}\ln T + D_{ij}T + \frac{E_{ij}}{T^2} + F_{ij}{T^2} Returns ------- lnHenry_matrix : list[list[float]] Henry's law interaction parameters, [log(Pa)] Notes ----- Solvent/solvent and gas/gas values are all 0. ''' try: return self._lnHenry_matrix except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: lnHenry_matrix = zeros((N, N)) else: lnHenry_matrix = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] lnHenry_matrix = ln_henries(self.T, N, self.henry_as, self.henry_bs, self.henry_cs, self.henry_ds, self.henry_es, self.henry_fs, lnHenry_matrix) self._lnHenry_matrix = lnHenry_matrix return lnHenry_matrix
[docs] def dlnHenry_matrix_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of the matrix of log Henry's law constants as required by the traditional mixing rule, [-]. Returns ------- dlnHenry_matrix_dT : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of Henry's law interaction parameters, [log(Pa)/K] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._dlnHenry_matrix_dT except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dlnHenry_matrix_dT = zeros((N, N)) else: dlnHenry_matrix_dT = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] dlnHenry_matrix_dT = dln_henries_dT(self.T, N, self.henry_bs, self.henry_cs, self.henry_ds, self.henry_es, self.henry_fs, dlnHenry_matrix_dT) self._dlnHenry_matrix_dT = dlnHenry_matrix_dT return dlnHenry_matrix_dT
[docs] def d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of the matrix of log Henry's law constants as required by the traditional mixing rule, [-]. Returns ------- d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of Henry's law interaction parameters, [log(Pa)/K] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = zeros((N, N)) else: d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = d2ln_henries_dT2(self.T, N, self.henry_bs, self.henry_cs, self.henry_es, self.henry_fs, d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2) self._d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 return d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2
def Henry_constants(self): zs, vectorized, N, henry_components, henry_mode = self.zs, self.vectorized, self.N, self.henry_components, self.henry_mode solvents_with_parameters = henry_mode == 'solvents_with_parameters' lnHenry_matrix = self.lnHenry_matrix() Hs = zeros(N) if vectorized else [0.0]*N Henry_constants(lnHenry_matrix, zs, henry_components, solvents_with_parameters, Hs) return Hs dHenry_constants_dT def dHenry_constants_dT(self): zs, vectorized, N, henry_components, henry_mode = self.zs, self.vectorized, self.N, self.henry_components, self.henry_mode solvents_with_parameters = henry_mode == 'solvents_with_parameters' lnHenry_matrix = self.lnHenry_matrix() dlnHenry_matrix_dT = self.dlnHenry_matrix_dT() dHs = zeros(N) if vectorized else [0.0]*N dHenry_constants_dT(lnHenry_matrix, dlnHenry_matrix_dT, zs, henry_components, solvents_with_parameters, dHs) return dHs def d2Henry_constants_dT2(self): zs, vectorized, N, henry_components, henry_mode = self.zs, self.vectorized, self.N, self.henry_components, self.henry_mode solvents_with_parameters = henry_mode == 'solvents_with_parameters' lnHenry_matrix = self.lnHenry_matrix() dlnHenry_matrix_dT = self.dlnHenry_matrix_dT() d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2 = self.d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2() d2Hs = zeros(N) if vectorized else [0.0]*N d2Henry_constants_dT2(lnHenry_matrix, dlnHenry_matrix_dT, d2lnHenry_matrix_dT2, zs, henry_components, solvents_with_parameters, d2Hs) return d2Hs def Psats_T_ref(self): try: return self._Psats_T_ref except AttributeError: pass VaporPressures, N = self.VaporPressures, self.N T_REF_IG = self.T_REF_IG if self.has_henry_components: self._Psats_T_ref =, P=self.P, zs=self.zs).Psats() else: self._Psats_T_ref = [VaporPressures[i](T_REF_IG) for i in range(N)] return self._Psats_T_ref def Psats_at(self, T): if self.Psats_poly_fit: return self._Psats_at_poly_fit(T, self._Psats_data, range(self.N)) if self.has_henry_components: return, P=self.P, zs=self.zs).Psats() VaporPressures = self.VaporPressures return [VaporPressures[i](T) for i in range(self.N)] @staticmethod def _Psats_at_poly_fit(T, Psats_data, cmps): Psats = [] T_inv = 1.0/T logT = log(T) Tmins, Tmaxes, coeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[6] for i in cmps: if T < Tmins[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[9][i] Psat = (A + B*T_inv + C*logT) # A, B = _Psats_data[9][i] # Psat = (A - B*T_inv) # Psat = (T - Tmins[i])*_Psats_data[1][i] + _Psats_data[2][i] elif T > Tmaxes[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[10][i] Psat = (A + B*T_inv + C*logT) # A, B = _Psats_data[10][i] # Psat = (A - B*T_inv) # Psat = (T - Tmaxes[i])*_Psats_data[4][i] + _Psats_data[5][i] else: Psat = 0.0 for c in coeffs[i]: Psat = Psat*T + c try: Psats.append(exp(Psat)) except: Psats.append(1.6549840276802644e+300) return Psats def Psats(self): try: return self._Psats except AttributeError: pass N = self.N T, cmps = self.T, range(N) if self.Psats_poly_fit: self._Psats = Psats = self._Psats_at_poly_fit(T, self._Psats_data, cmps) # _Psats_data = self._Psats_data # Tmins, Tmaxes, coeffs = _Psats_data[0], _Psats_data[3], _Psats_data[6] # for i in cmps: # if T < Tmins[i]: # A, B, C = _Psats_data[9][i] # Psat = (A + B*T_inv + C*logT) ## A, B = _Psats_data[9][i] ## Psat = (A - B*T_inv) ## Psat = (T - Tmins[i])*_Psats_data[1][i] + _Psats_data[2][i] # elif T > Tmaxes[i]: # Psat = (T - Tmaxes[i])*_Psats_data[4][i] + _Psats_data[5][i] # else: # Psat = 0.0 # for c in coeffs[i]: # Psat = Psat*T + c # Psats.append(exp(Psat)) else: self._Psats = Psats = [] for i in self.VaporPressures: Psats.append(i.T_dependent_property(T)) if self.has_henry_components: Hs, henry_components = self.Henry_constants(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: Psats[i] = Hs[i] return Psats def PIP(self): dP_dT = self.dP_dT() if dP_dT == 0: return self.PIP_INCALCULABLE_VALUE return phase_identification_parameter(self.V(), self.dP_dT(), self.dP_dV(), self.d2P_dV2(), self.d2P_dTdV()) @staticmethod def _dPsats_dT_at_poly_fit(T, Psats_data, cmps, Psats): T_inv = 1.0/T Tinv2 = T_inv*T_inv dPsats_dT = [] Tmins, Tmaxes, dcoeffs, coeffs_low, coeffs_high = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[7], Psats_data[9], Psats_data[10] for i in cmps: if T < Tmins[i]: # A, B = _Psats_data[9][i] # dPsat_dT = B*Tinv2*Psats[i] dPsat_dT = Psats[i]*(-coeffs_low[i][1]*Tinv2 + coeffs_low[i][2]*T_inv) # dPsat_dT = _Psats_data[1][i]*Psats[i]#*exp((T - Tmins[i])*_Psats_data[1][i] # + _Psats_data[2][i]) elif T > Tmaxes[i]: dPsat_dT = Psats[i]*(-coeffs_high[i][1]*Tinv2 + coeffs_high[i][2]*T_inv) # dPsat_dT = _Psats_data[4][i]*Psats[i]#*exp((T - Tmaxes[i]) # #*_Psats_data[4][i] # #+ _Psats_data[5][i]) else: dPsat_dT = 0.0 for c in dcoeffs[i]: dPsat_dT = dPsat_dT*T + c # v, der = horner_and_der(coeffs[i], T) dPsat_dT *= Psats[i] dPsats_dT.append(dPsat_dT) return dPsats_dT def dPsats_dT_at(self, T, Psats=None): if Psats is None: Psats = self.Psats_at(T) if self.Psats_poly_fit: return self._dPsats_dT_at_poly_fit(T, self._Psats_data, range(self.N), Psats) if self.has_henry_components: return, P=self.P, zs=self.zs).dPsats_dT() return [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_derivative(T=T) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] def dPsats_dT(self): try: return self._dPsats_dTT_dependent_property_derivative except: pass T, N = self.T, self.N # Need to reset the method because for the T bounded solver, # will normally get a different than prefered method as it starts # at the boundaries if self.Psats_poly_fit: try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() self._dPsats_dT = dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT_at_poly_fit(T, self._Psats_data, range(N), Psats) return dPsats_dT self._dPsats_dT = dPsats_dT = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_derivative(T=T) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: dHs, henry_components = self.dHenry_constants_dT(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: dPsats_dT[i] = dHs[i] return dPsats_dT def d2Psats_dT2(self): try: return self._d2Psats_dT2 except: pass try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT except AttributeError: dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() T, N = self.T, self.N T_inv = 1.0/T T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv # Tinv3 = T_inv*T_inv*T_inv self._d2Psats_dT2 = d2Psats_dT2 = [] if self.Psats_poly_fit: Psats_data = self._Psats_data Tmins, Tmaxes, d2coeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[8] for i in range(N): if T < Tmins[i]: # A, B = _Psats_data[9][i] # d2Psat_dT2 = B*Psats[i]*(B*T_inv - 2.0)*Tinv3 A, B, C = Psats_data[9][i] x0 = (B*T_inv - C) d2Psat_dT2 = Psats[i]*(2.0*B*T_inv - C + x0*x0)*T_inv2 # d2Psat_dT2 = _Psats_data[1][i]*dPsats_dT[i] elif T > Tmaxes[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[10][i] x0 = (B*T_inv - C) d2Psat_dT2 = Psats[i]*(2.0*B*T_inv - C + x0*x0)*T_inv2 # d2Psat_dT2 = _Psats_data[4][i]*dPsats_dT[i] else: d2Psat_dT2 = 0.0 for c in d2coeffs[i]: d2Psat_dT2 = d2Psat_dT2*T + c d2Psat_dT2 = (dPsats_dT[i]*dPsats_dT[i]/Psats[i] + Psats[i]*d2Psat_dT2) d2Psats_dT2.append(d2Psat_dT2) return d2Psats_dT2 self._d2Psats_dT2 = d2Psats_dT2 = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_derivative(T=T, order=2) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: d2Hs, henry_components = self.d2Henry_constants_dT2(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: d2Psats_dT2[i] = d2Hs[i] return d2Psats_dT2 def lnPsats(self): try: return self._lnPsats except AttributeError: pass T, N = self.T, self.N T_inv = 1.0/T logT = log(T) lnPsats = [] if self.Psats_poly_fit: Psats_data = self._Psats_data Tmins, Tmaxes, coeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[6] for i in range(N): if T < Tmins[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[9][i] Psat = (A + B*T_inv + C*logT) elif T > Tmaxes[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[10][i] Psat = (A + B*T_inv + C*logT) # Psat = (T - Tmaxes[i])*_Psats_data[4][i] + _Psats_data[5][i] else: Psat = 0.0 for c in coeffs[i]: Psat = Psat*T + c lnPsats.append(Psat) self._lnPsats = lnPsats return lnPsats self._lnPsats = lnPsats = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_transform(T, TRANSFORM_LOG) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: Hs, henry_components = self.Henry_constants(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: lnPsats[i] = log(Hs[i]) return lnPsats def dlnPsats_dT(self): T, N = self.T, self.N T_inv = 1.0/T Tinv2 = T_inv*T_inv if self.Psats_poly_fit: Psats_data = self._Psats_data Tmins, Tmaxes, dcoeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[7] dlnPsats_dT = [] for i in range(N): if T < Tmins[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[9][i] dPsat_dT = (-B*Tinv2 + C*T_inv) elif T > Tmaxes[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[10][i] dPsat_dT = (-B*Tinv2 + C*T_inv) # dPsat_dT = _Psats_data[4][i] else: dPsat_dT = 0.0 for c in dcoeffs[i]: dPsat_dT = dPsat_dT*T + c dlnPsats_dT.append(dPsat_dT) return dlnPsats_dT dlnPsats_dT = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_transform(T, TRANSFORM_LOG_DERIVATIVE) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: Hs, dHs, henry_components = self.Henry_constants(), self.dHenry_constants_dT(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: dlnPsats_dT[i] = dHs[i]/Hs[i] return dlnPsats_dT def d2lnPsats_dT2(self): T, N = self.T, self.N T_inv = 1.0/T T_inv2 = T_inv*T_inv # Tinv3 = T_inv*T_inv*T_inv if self.Psats_poly_fit: Psats_data = self._Psats_data Tmins, Tmaxes, d2coeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[8] d2lnPsats_dT2 = [] for i in range(N): if T < Tmins[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[9][i] d2lnPsat_dT2 = (2.0*B*T_inv - C)*T_inv2 elif T > Tmaxes[i]: A, B, C = Psats_data[10][i] d2lnPsat_dT2 = (2.0*B*T_inv - C)*T_inv2 # d2lnPsat_dT2 = 0.0 else: d2lnPsat_dT2 = 0.0 for c in d2coeffs[i]: d2lnPsat_dT2 = d2lnPsat_dT2*T + c d2lnPsats_dT2.append(d2lnPsat_dT2) return d2lnPsats_dT2 d2lnPsats_dT2 = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_transform(T, TRANSFORM_SECOND_LOG_DERIVATIVE) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: Hs, dHs, d2Hs, henry_components = self.Henry_constants(), self.dHenry_constants_dT(), self.d2Henry_constants_dT2(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: d2lnPsats_dT2[i] = (d2Hs[i] - dHs[i]*dHs[i]/Hs[i])/Hs[i] return d2lnPsats_dT2 def dPsats_dT_over_Psats(self): try: return self._dPsats_dT_over_Psats except AttributeError: pass T, N = self.T, self.N T_inv = 1.0/T Tinv2 = T_inv*T_inv if self.Psats_poly_fit: dPsat_dT_over_Psats = [] Psats_data = self._Psats_data Tmins, Tmaxes, dcoeffs, low_coeffs, high_coeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[7], Psats_data[9], Psats_data[10] for i in range(N): if T < Tmins[i]: dPsat_dT_over_Psat = (-low_coeffs[i][1]*Tinv2 + low_coeffs[i][2]*T_inv) elif T > Tmaxes[i]: dPsat_dT_over_Psat = (-high_coeffs[i][1]*Tinv2 + high_coeffs[i][2]*T_inv) # dPsat_dT_over_Psat = _Psats_data[4][i] else: dPsat_dT_over_Psat = 0.0 for c in dcoeffs[i]: dPsat_dT_over_Psat = dPsat_dT_over_Psat*T + c dPsat_dT_over_Psats.append(dPsat_dT_over_Psat) self._dPsats_dT_over_Psats = dPsat_dT_over_Psats return dPsat_dT_over_Psats # dPsat_dT_over_Psats = [i/j for i, j in zip(self.dPsats_dT(), self.Psats())] dPsat_dT_over_Psats = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_transform(T, TRANSFORM_DERIVATIVE_RATIO) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: Hs, dHenry_constants_dT, henry_components = self.Henry_constants(), self.dHenry_constants_dT(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: dPsat_dT_over_Psats[i] = dHenry_constants_dT[i]/Hs[i] self._dPsats_dT_over_Psats = dPsat_dT_over_Psats return dPsat_dT_over_Psats def d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats(self): try: return self._d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats except AttributeError: pass T, N = self.T, self.N T_inv = 1.0/T Tinv2 = T_inv*T_inv Tinv4 = Tinv2*Tinv2 c0 = (T + T)*Tinv4 if self.Psats_poly_fit: d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats = [] Psats_data = self._Psats_data Tmins, Tmaxes, dcoeffs, low_coeffs, high_coeffs = Psats_data[0], Psats_data[3], Psats_data[7], Psats_data[9], Psats_data[10] for i in range(N): if T < Tmins[i]: B, C = low_coeffs[i][1], low_coeffs[i][2] x0 = (B - C*T) d2Psat_dT2_over_Psat = c0*B - C*Tinv2 + x0*x0*Tinv4 # d2Psat_dT2_over_Psat = (2*B*T - C*T**2 + (B - C*T)**2)/T**4 elif T > Tmaxes[i]: B, C = high_coeffs[i][1], high_coeffs[i][2] x0 = (B - C*T) d2Psat_dT2_over_Psat = c0*B - C*Tinv2 + x0*x0*Tinv4 else: dPsat_dT = 0.0 d2Psat_dT2 = 0.0 for a in dcoeffs[i]: d2Psat_dT2 = T*d2Psat_dT2 + dPsat_dT dPsat_dT = T*dPsat_dT + a d2Psat_dT2_over_Psat = dPsat_dT*dPsat_dT + d2Psat_dT2 d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats.append(d2Psat_dT2_over_Psat) self._d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats = d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats return d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats # d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats = [i/j for i, j in zip(self.d2Psats_dT2(), self.Psats())] d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats = [VaporPressure.T_dependent_property_transform(T, TRANSFORM_SECOND_DERIVATIVE_RATIO) for VaporPressure in self.VaporPressures] if self.has_henry_components: Hs, d2Henry_constants_dT2, henry_components = self.Henry_constants(), self.d2Henry_constants_dT2(), self.henry_components for i in range(N): if henry_components[i]: d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats[i] = d2Henry_constants_dT2[i]/Hs[i] self._d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats = d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats return d2Psat_dT2_over_Psats @staticmethod def _Vms_sat_at(T, Vms_sat_data, cmps): Tmins, Tmaxes, coeffs, coeffs_Tmin = Vms_sat_data[0], Vms_sat_data[3], Vms_sat_data[6], Vms_sat_data[9] Vms_sat = [] for i in cmps: if T < Tmins[i]: Vm = 0.0 for c in coeffs_Tmin[i]: Vm = Vm*T + c # Vm = (T - Tmins[i])*Vms_sat_data[1][i] + Vms_sat_data[2][i] elif T > Tmaxes[i]: Vm = (T - Tmaxes[i])*Vms_sat_data[4][i] + Vms_sat_data[5][i] else: Vm = 0.0 for c in coeffs[i]: Vm = Vm*T + c Vms_sat.append(Vm) return Vms_sat def Vms_sat_at(self, T): if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: return self._Vms_sat_at(T, self._Vms_sat_data, range(self.N)) VolumeLiquids = self.VolumeLiquids return [VolumeLiquids[i].T_dependent_property(T) for i in range(self.N)] def Vms_sat(self): try: return self._Vms_sat except AttributeError: pass T = self.T if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: # self._Vms_sat = evaluate_linear_fits(self._Vms_sat_data, T) # return self._Vms_sat self._Vms_sat = Vms_sat = self._Vms_sat_at(T, self._Vms_sat_data, range(self.N)) return Vms_sat elif self.use_eos_volume: Vms = [] eoss = self.eos_pure_instances Psats = self.Psats() for i, e in enumerate(eoss): if T < e.Tc: Vms.append(e.V_l_sat(T)) else: e =, P=Psats[i]) try: Vms.append(e.V_l) except: Vms.append(e.V_g) self._Vms_sat = Vms return Vms VolumeLiquids = self.VolumeLiquids # Psats = self.Psats() # self._Vms_sat = [VolumeLiquids[i](T, Psats[i]) for i in range(self.N)] self._Vms_sat = [VolumeLiquids[i].T_dependent_property(T) for i in range(self.N)] return self._Vms_sat @staticmethod def _dVms_sat_dT_at(T, Vms_sat_data, cmps): Vms_sat_dT = [] Tmins, Tmaxes, dcoeffs = Vms_sat_data[0], Vms_sat_data[3], Vms_sat_data[7] for i in cmps: if T < Tmins[i]: dVm = horner_and_der2(Vms_sat_data[9][i], T)[1] elif T > Tmaxes[i]: dVm = Vms_sat_data[4][i] else: dVm = 0.0 for c in dcoeffs[i]: dVm = dVm*T + c Vms_sat_dT.append(dVm) return Vms_sat_dT def dVms_sat_dT_at(self, T): if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: return self._dVms_sat_dT_at(T, self._Vms_sat_data, range(self.N)) return [obj.T_dependent_property_derivative(T=T) for obj in self.VolumeLiquids] def dVms_sat_dT(self): try: return self._Vms_sat_dT except: pass T = self.T if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: # self._Vms_sat_dT = evaluate_linear_fits_d(self._Vms_sat_data, T) self._Vms_sat_dT = self._dVms_sat_dT_at(T, self._Vms_sat_data, range(self.N)) return self._Vms_sat_dT VolumeLiquids = self.VolumeLiquids self._Vms_sat_dT = Vms_sat_dT = [obj.T_dependent_property_derivative(T=T) for obj in VolumeLiquids] return Vms_sat_dT def d2Vms_sat_dT2(self): try: return self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 except: pass T = self.T if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: # self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 = evaluate_linear_fits_d2(self._Vms_sat_data, T) # return self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 = [] Vms_sat_data = self._Vms_sat_data Tmins, Tmaxes, d2coeffs = Vms_sat_data[0], Vms_sat_data[3], Vms_sat_data[8] for i in range(self.N): d2Vm = 0.0 if Tmins[i] < T < Tmaxes[i]: for c in d2coeffs[i]: d2Vm = d2Vm*T + c elif T < Tmins[i]: d2Vm = horner_and_der2(Vms_sat_data[9][i], T)[2] d2Vms_sat_dT2.append(d2Vm) return d2Vms_sat_dT2 VolumeLiquids = self.VolumeLiquids self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 = [obj.T_dependent_property_derivative(T=T, order=2) for obj in VolumeLiquids] return self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 def Vms_sat_T_ref(self): try: return self._Vms_sat_T_ref except AttributeError: pass T_REF_IG = self.T_REF_IG if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: self._Vms_sat_T_ref = evaluate_linear_fits(self._Vms_sat_data, T_REF_IG) else: VolumeLiquids, cmps = self.VolumeLiquids, range(self.N) self._Vms_sat_T_ref = [VolumeLiquids[i].T_dependent_property(T_REF_IG) for i in cmps] return self._Vms_sat_T_ref def dVms_sat_dT_T_ref(self): try: return self._dVms_sat_dT_T_ref except AttributeError: pass T_REF_IG = self.T_REF_IG if self.Vms_sat_poly_fit: self._dVms_sat_dT_T_ref = evaluate_linear_fits_d(self._Vms_sat_data, self.T) else: VolumeLiquids, cmps = self.VolumeLiquids, range(self.N) self._dVms_sat_dT_T_ref = [VolumeLiquids[i].T_dependent_property_derivative(T_REF_IG) for i in cmps] return self._dVms_sat_dT_T_ref def Vms(self): # Fill in tait/eos function to be called instead of Vms_sat return self.Vms_sat() def dVms_dT(self): return self.dVms_sat_dT() def d2Vms_dT2(self): return self.d2Vms_sat_dT2() def dVms_dP(self): return [0.0]*self.N def d2Vms_dP2(self): return [0.0]*self.N def d2Vms_dPdT(self): return [0.0]*self.N def Hvaps(self): try: return self._Hvaps except AttributeError: pass T, EnthalpyVaporizations, cmps = self.T, self.EnthalpyVaporizations, range(self.N) self._Hvaps = Hvaps = [] if self.Hvap_poly_fit: Hvap_data = self._Hvap_data Tcs, Tcs_inv, coeffs = Hvap_data[2], Hvap_data[3], Hvap_data[4] for i in cmps: Hvap = 0.0 if T < Tcs[i]: x = log(1.0 - T*Tcs_inv[i]) for c in coeffs[i]: Hvap = Hvap*x + c # Vm = horner(coeffs[i], log(1.0 - T*Tcs_inv[i]) Hvaps.append(Hvap) return Hvaps self._Hvaps = Hvaps = [EnthalpyVaporizations[i](T) for i in cmps] for i in cmps: if Hvaps[i] is None: Hvaps[i] = 0.0 return Hvaps def dHvaps_dT(self): try: return self._dHvaps_dT except AttributeError: pass T, EnthalpyVaporizations, cmps = self.T, self.EnthalpyVaporizations, range(self.N) self._dHvaps_dT = dHvaps_dT = [] if self.Hvap_poly_fit: Hvap_data = self._Hvap_data Tcs, Tcs_inv, coeffs = Hvap_data[2], Hvap_data[3], Hvap_data[4] for i in cmps: dHvap_dT = 0.0 if T < Tcs[i]: p = log((Tcs[i] - T)*Tcs_inv[i]) x = 1.0 a = 1.0 for c in coeffs[i][-2::-1]: dHvap_dT += a*c*x x *= p a += 1.0 dHvap_dT /= T - Tcs[i] dHvaps_dT.append(dHvap_dT) return dHvaps_dT self._dHvaps_dT = dHvaps_dT = [EnthalpyVaporizations[i].T_dependent_property_derivative(T) for i in cmps] for i in cmps: if dHvaps_dT[i] is None: dHvaps_dT[i] = 0.0 return dHvaps_dT def Hvaps_T_ref(self): try: return self._Hvaps_T_ref except AttributeError: pass EnthalpyVaporizations, cmps = self.EnthalpyVaporizations, range(self.N) T_REF_IG = self.T_REF_IG self._Hvaps_T_ref = [EnthalpyVaporizations[i](T_REF_IG) for i in cmps] return self._Hvaps_T_ref def Poyntings_at(self, T, P, Psats=None, Vms=None): if not self.use_Poynting: return [1.0]*self.N cmps = range(self.N) if Psats is None: Psats = self.Psats_at(T) if Vms is None: Vms = self.Vms_sat_at(T) RT_inv = 1.0/(R*T) return [exp(Vms[i]*(P-Psats[i])*RT_inv) for i in cmps]
[docs] def Poyntings(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the Poynting pressure correction factors of the phase, [-]. .. math:: \text{Poynting}_i = \exp\left(\frac{V_{m,i}(P-P_{sat})}{RT}\right) Returns ------- Poyntings : list[float] Poynting pressure correction factors, [-] Notes ----- The above formula is correct for pressure-independent molar volumes. When the volume does depend on pressure, the full expression is: .. math:: \text{Poynting} = \exp\left[\frac{\int_{P_i^{sat}}^P V_i^l dP}{RT}\right] When a specified model e.g. the Tait equation is used, an analytical integral of this term is normally available. ''' try: return self._Poyntings except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_Poynting: self._Poyntings = [1.0]*self.N return self._Poyntings T, P = self.T, self.P try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: Vms_sat = self._Vms_sat except AttributeError: Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() RT_inv = 1.0/(R*T) self._Poyntings = [trunc_exp(Vml*(P-Psat)*RT_inv) for Psat, Vml in zip(Psats, Vms_sat)] return self._Poyntings
def dPoyntings_dT(self): try: return self._dPoyntings_dT except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_Poynting: self._dPoyntings_dT = [0.0]*self.N return self._dPoyntings_dT T, P = self.T, self.P Psats = self.Psats() dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() Vms = self.Vms_sat() dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() x0 = 1.0/R x1 = 1.0/T RT_inv = x0*x1 self._dPoyntings_dT = dPoyntings_dT = [] for i in range(self.N): x2 = Vms[i] x3 = Psats[i] x4 = P - x3 x5 = x1*x2*x4 dPoyntings_dTi = -RT_inv*(x2*dPsats_dT[i] - x4*dVms_sat_dT[i] + x5)*trunc_exp(x0*x5) dPoyntings_dT.append(dPoyntings_dTi) return dPoyntings_dT def dPoyntings_dT_at(self, T, P, Psats=None, Vms=None, dPsats_dT=None, dVms_sat_dT=None): if not self.use_Poynting: return [0.0]*self.N if Psats is None: Psats = self.Psats_at(T) if dPsats_dT is None: dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT_at(T, Psats) if Vms is None: Vms = self.Vms_sat_at(T) if dVms_sat_dT is None: dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT_at(T) x0 = 1.0/R x1 = 1.0/T dPoyntings_dT = [] for i in range(self.N): x2 = Vms[i] x4 = P - Psats[i] x5 = x1*x2*x4 dPoyntings_dTi = -x0*x1*(x2*dPsats_dT[i] - x4*dVms_sat_dT[i] + x5)*exp(x0*x5) dPoyntings_dT.append(dPoyntings_dTi) return dPoyntings_dT def d2Poyntings_dT2(self): try: return self._d2Poyntings_dT2 except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_Poynting: self._d2Poyntings_dT2 = [0.0]*self.N return self._d2Poyntings_dT2 T, P = self.T, self.P Psats = self.Psats() dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() d2Psats_dT2 = self.d2Psats_dT2() Vms = self.Vms_sat() dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self.d2Vms_sat_dT2() x6 = 1.0/T x7 = x6 + x6 x11 = 1.0/R x12 = x11*x6 c0 = 2.0*x6*x6 self._d2Poyntings_dT2 = d2Poyntings_dT2 = [] """ from sympy import * R, T, P = symbols('R, T, P') Vml, Psat = symbols('Vml, Psat', cls=Function) RT_inv = 1/(R*T) Poy = exp(Vml(T)*(P-Psat(T))*RT_inv) cse(diff(Poy, T, 2), optimizations='basic') """ for i in range(self.N): x0 = Vms[i] x1 = Psats[i] x2 = P - x1 x3 = x0*x2 x4 = dPsats_dT[i] x5 = x0*x4 x8 = dVms_sat_dT[i] x9 = x2*x8 x10 = x3*x6 x50 = (x10 + x5 - x9) d2Poyntings_dT2i = (x12*(-x0*d2Psats_dT2[i] + x12*x50*x50 + x2*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] - 2.0*x4*x8 + x5*x7 - x7*x9 + x3*c0)*exp(x10*x11)) d2Poyntings_dT2.append(d2Poyntings_dT2i) return d2Poyntings_dT2 def dPoyntings_dP(self): '''from sympy import * R, T, P, zi = symbols('R, T, P, zi') Vml = symbols('Vml', cls=Function) cse(diff(exp(Vml(T)*(P - Psati(T))/(R*T)), P), optimizations='basic') ''' try: return self._dPoyntings_dP except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_Poynting: self._dPoyntings_dP = [0.0]*self.N return self._dPoyntings_dP T, P = self.T, self.P Psats = self.Psats() Vms = self.Vms_sat() self._dPoyntings_dP = dPoyntings_dPs = [] for i in range(self.N): x0 = Vms[i]/(R*T) dPoyntings_dPs.append(x0*exp(x0*(P - Psats[i]))) return dPoyntings_dPs def d2Poyntings_dPdT(self): ''' from sympy import * R, T, P = symbols('R, T, P') Vml, Psat = symbols('Vml, Psat', cls=Function) RT_inv = 1/(R*T) Poy = exp(Vml(T)*(P-Psat(T))*RT_inv) Poyf = symbols('Poyf') cse(diff(Poy, T, P).subs(Poy, Poyf), optimizations='basic') ''' try: return self._d2Poyntings_dPdT except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_Poynting: self._d2Poyntings_dPdT = [0.0]*self.N return self._d2Poyntings_dPdT try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT except AttributeError: dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() try: Vms = self._Vms_sat except AttributeError: Vms = self.Vms_sat() try: dVms_sat_dT = self._dVms_sat_dT except AttributeError: dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() x0 = R_inv x1 = 1.0/self.T P = self.P nRT_inv = -x0*x1 self._d2Poyntings_dPdT = d2Poyntings_dPdT = [] for i in range(self.N): x2 = Vms[i] x3 = x1*x2 x4 = dVms_sat_dT[i] x5 = Psats[i] x6 = P - x5 v = Poyntings[i]*nRT_inv*(x0*x3*(x2*dPsats_dT[i] + x3*x6 - x4*x6) + x3 - x4) d2Poyntings_dPdT.append(v) return d2Poyntings_dPdT d2Poyntings_dTdP = d2Poyntings_dPdT def phis_sat_at(self, T): if not self.use_phis_sat: return [1.0]*self.N phis_sat = [] for i in self.eos_pure_instances: try: phis_sat.append(i.phi_sat(min(T, i.Tc), polish=True)) except Exception as e: if T < self.PHI_SAT_IDEAL_TR*i.Tc: phis_sat.append(1.0) else: raise e return phis_sat
[docs] def phis_sat(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the saturation fugacity coefficient correction factors of the phase, [-]. These are calculated from the provided pure-component equations of state. This term should only be used with a consistent vapor-phase cubic equation of state. Returns ------- phis_sat : list[float] Saturation fugacity coefficient correction factors, [-] Notes ----- .. warning:: This factor cannot be calculated when a compound is supercritical, as there is no longer any vapor-liquid pure-component equilibrium (by definition). ''' try: return self._phis_sat except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_phis_sat: self._phis_sat = [1.0]*self.N return self._phis_sat T = self.T self._phis_sat = phis_sat = [] for i in self.eos_pure_instances: try: phis_sat.append(i.phi_sat(min(T, i.Tc), polish=True)) except Exception as e: if T < self.PHI_SAT_IDEAL_TR*i.Tc: phis_sat.append(1.0) else: raise e return phis_sat
def dphis_sat_dT_at(self, T): if not self.use_phis_sat: return [0.0]*self.N dphis_sat_dT = [] for i in self.eos_pure_instances: try: dphis_sat_dT.append(i.dphi_sat_dT(min(T, i.Tc))) except Exception as e: if T < self.PHI_SAT_IDEAL_TR*i.Tc: dphis_sat_dT.append(0.0) else: raise e return dphis_sat_dT def dphis_sat_dT(self): try: return self._dphis_sat_dT except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_phis_sat: self._dphis_sat_dT = [0.0]*self.N return self._dphis_sat_dT T = self.T self._dphis_sat_dT = dphis_sat_dT = [] for i in self.eos_pure_instances: try: dphis_sat_dT.append(i.dphi_sat_dT(min(T, i.Tc))) except Exception as e: if T < self.PHI_SAT_IDEAL_TR*i.Tc: dphis_sat_dT.append(0.0) else: raise e return dphis_sat_dT def d2phis_sat_dT2(self): # Numerically implemented try: return self._d2phis_sat_dT2 except AttributeError: pass if not self.use_phis_sat: self._d2phis_sat_dT2 = [0.0]*self.N return self._d2phis_sat_dT2 T = self.T self._d2phis_sat_dT2 = d2phis_sat_dT2 = [] for i in self.eos_pure_instances: try: d2phis_sat_dT2.append(i.d2phi_sat_dT2(min(T, i.Tc))) except Exception as e: if T < self.PHI_SAT_IDEAL_TR*i.Tc: d2phis_sat_dT2.append(0.0) else: raise e return d2phis_sat_dT2 def phis_at(self, T, P, zs, Psats=None, gammas=None, phis_sat=None, Poyntings=None): P_inv = 1.0/P if Psats is None: Psats = self.Psats_at(T) if gammas is None: gammas = self.gammas_at(T, zs) if phis_sat is None: phis_sat = self.phis_sat_at(T) if Poyntings is None: Poyntings = self.Poyntings_at(T, P, Psats=Psats) return [gammas[i]*Psats[i]*Poyntings[i]*phis_sat[i]*P_inv for i in range(self.N)] def phis(self): r'''Method to calculate the fugacity coefficients of the GibbsExcessLiquid phase. Depending on the settings of the phase, can include the effects of activity coefficients `gammas`, pressure correction terms `Poyntings`, and pure component saturation fugacities `phis_sat` as well as the pure component vapor pressures. .. math:: \phi_i = \frac{\gamma_i P_{i}^{sat} \phi_i^{sat} \text{Poynting}_i} {P} Returns ------- phis : list[float] Fugacity coefficients of all components in the phase, [-] Notes ----- Poyntings, gammas, and pure component saturation phis default to 1. ''' try: return self._phis except AttributeError: pass P = self.P try: gammas = self._gammas except AttributeError: gammas = self.gammas() try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: phis_sat = self._phis_sat except AttributeError: phis_sat = self.phis_sat() try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() P_inv = 1.0/P self._phis = [gammas[i]*Psats[i]*Poyntings[i]*phis_sat[i]*P_inv for i in range(self.N)] return self._phis def lnphis(self): try: return self._lnphis except AttributeError: pass try: self._lnphis = [log(i) for i in self.phis()] except: # Zero Psats - must compute them inline P = self.P try: gammas = self._gammas except AttributeError: gammas = self.gammas() try: lnPsats = self._lnPsats except AttributeError: lnPsats = self.lnPsats() try: phis_sat = self._phis_sat except AttributeError: phis_sat = self.phis_sat() try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() P_inv = 1.0/P self._lnphis = [log(gammas[i]*Poyntings[i]*phis_sat[i]*P_inv) + lnPsats[i] for i in range(self.N)] return self._lnphis lnphis_G_min = lnphis lnphis_lowest_Gibbs = lnphis # def fugacities(self, T, P, zs): # # DO NOT EDIT _ CORRECT # gammas = self.gammas(T, zs) # Psats = self._Psats(T=T) # if self.use_phis_sat: # phis = self.phis(T=T, zs=zs) # else: # phis = [1.0]*self.N # # if self.use_Poynting: # Poyntings = self.Poyntings(T=T, P=P, Psats=Psats) # else: # Poyntings = [1.0]*self.N # return [zs[i]*gammas[i]*Psats[i]*Poyntings[i]*phis[i] # for i in range(self.N)] # # def dphis_dxs(self): # if def dphis_dT(self): try: return self._dphis_dT except AttributeError: pass P = self.P Psats = self.Psats() gammas = self.gammas() if self.use_Poynting: # Evidence suggests poynting derivatives are not worth calculating dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() #[0.0]*self.N Poyntings = self.Poyntings() else: dPoyntings_dT = [0.0]*self.N Poyntings = [1.0]*self.N dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() dgammas_dT = self.GibbsExcessModel.dgammas_dT() if self.use_phis_sat: dphis_sat_dT = self.dphis_sat_dT() phis_sat = self.phis_sat() else: dphis_sat_dT = [0.0]*self.N phis_sat = [1.0]*self.N # print(gammas, phis_sat, Psats, Poyntings, dgammas_dT, dPoyntings_dT, dPsats_dT) self._dphis_dT = dphis_dTl = [] for i in range(self.N): x0 = gammas[i] x1 = phis_sat[i] x2 = Psats[i] x3 = Poyntings[i] x4 = x2*x3 x5 = x0*x1 v = (x0*x4*dphis_sat_dT[i] + x1*x4*dgammas_dT[i] + x2*x5*dPoyntings_dT[i] + x3*x5*dPsats_dT[i])/P dphis_dTl.append(v) return dphis_dTl def dphis_dT_at(self, T, P, zs, phis_also=False): Psats = self.Psats_at(T) dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT_at(T, Psats) Vms = self.Vms_sat_at(T) dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT_at(T) gammas = self.gammas_at(T, zs) dgammas_dT = self.dgammas_dT_at(T, zs) if self.use_Poynting: Poyntings = self.Poyntings_at(T, P, Psats, Vms) dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT_at(T, P, Psats=Psats, Vms=Vms, dPsats_dT=dPsats_dT, dVms_sat_dT=dVms_sat_dT) else: Poyntings = [1.0]*self.N dPoyntings_dT = [0.0]*self.N if self.use_phis_sat: dphis_sat_dT = self.dphis_sat_dT_at(T) phis_sat = self.phis_sat_at(T) else: dphis_sat_dT = [0.0]*self.N phis_sat = [1.0]*self.N dphis_dT = [] for i in range(self.N): x0 = gammas[i] x1 = phis_sat[i] x2 = Psats[i] x3 = Poyntings[i] x4 = x2*x3 x5 = x0*x1 v = (x0*x4*dphis_sat_dT[i] + x1*x4*dgammas_dT[i] + x2*x5*dPoyntings_dT[i] + x3*x5*dPsats_dT[i])/P dphis_dT.append(v) if phis_also: P_inv = 1.0/P phis = [gammas[i]*Psats[i]*Poyntings[i]*phis_sat[i]*P_inv for i in range(self.N)] return dphis_dT, phis return dphis_dT def dlnphis_dT(self): try: return self._dlnphis_dT except AttributeError: pass dphis_dT = self.dphis_dT() phis = self.phis() self._dlnphis_dT = [i/j for i, j in zip(dphis_dT, phis)] return self._dlnphis_dT def dlnphis_dP(self): r'''Method to calculate the pressure derivative of log fugacity coefficients of the phase. Depending on the settings of the phase, can include the effects of activity coefficients `gammas`, pressure correction terms `Poyntings`, and pure component saturation fugacities `phis_sat` as well as the pure component vapor pressures. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial P} = \frac{\frac{\partial \text{Poynting}_i}{\partial P}} {\text{Poynting}_i} - \frac{1}{P} Returns ------- dlnphis_dP : list[float] Pressure derivative of log fugacity coefficients of all components in the phase, [1/Pa] Notes ----- Poyntings, gammas, and pure component saturation phis default to 1. For that case, :math:`\frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial P}=\frac{1}{P}`. ''' try: return self._dlnphis_dP except AttributeError: pass try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() try: dPoyntings_dP = self._dPoyntings_dP except AttributeError: dPoyntings_dP = self.dPoyntings_dP() P_inv = 1.0/self.P self._dlnphis_dP = [dPoyntings_dP[i]/Poyntings[i] - P_inv for i in range(self.N)] return self._dlnphis_dP def gammas_at(self, T, zs): if self.composition_independent: return [1.0]*self.N return self.GibbsExcessModel.to_T_xs(T, zs).gammas() def dgammas_dT_at(self, T, zs): if self.composition_independent: return [0.0]*self.N return self.GibbsExcessModel.to_T_xs(T, zs).dgammas_dT()
[docs] def gammas(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the activity coefficients of the phase, [-]. This is a direct call to :obj:`GibbsExcess.gammas <thermo.activity.GibbsExcess.gammas>`. Returns ------- gammas : list[float] Activity coefficients, [-] ''' try: return self.GibbsExcessModel._gammas except AttributeError: return self.GibbsExcessModel.gammas()
def dgammas_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the temperature derivative of activity coefficients of the phase, [-]. This is a direct call to :obj:`GibbsExcess.dgammas_dT <thermo.activity.GibbsExcess.dgammas_dT>`. Returns ------- dgammas_dT : list[float] First temperature derivative of the activity coefficients, [1/K] ''' return self.GibbsExcessModel.dgammas_dT() def H_old(self): # try: # return self._H # except AttributeError: # pass # Untested T = self.T RT = R*T P = self.P zs, cmps = self.zs, range(self.N) T_REF_IG = self.T_REF_IG P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ = self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ try: Cpig_integrals_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_pure except AttributeError: Cpig_integrals_pure = self.Cpig_integrals_pure() H = 0.0 if P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ: # Page 650 Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation # Confirmed with CoolProp via analytical integrals # Not actually checked numerically until Hvap is implemented though """ from scipy.integrate import * from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI fluid = 'decane' T = 400 Psat = PropsSI('P', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) P2 = Psat*100 dP = P2 - Psat Vm = 1/PropsSI('DMOLAR', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) Vm2 = 1/PropsSI('DMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P2, fluid) dH = PropsSI('HMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P2, fluid) - PropsSI('HMOLAR', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) def to_int(P): Vm = 1/PropsSI('DMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P, fluid) alpha = PropsSI('ISOBARIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT', 'T', T, 'P', P, fluid) return Vm -alpha*T*Vm quad(to_int, Psat, P2, epsabs=1.49e-14, epsrel=1.49e-14)[0]/dH """ if self.use_IG_Cp: try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT except AttributeError: dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() try: Vms_sat = self._Vms_sat except AttributeError: Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() try: dVms_sat_dT = self._Vms_sat_dT except AttributeError: dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() failed_dPsat_dT = False try: H = 0.0 for i in cmps: dV_vap = R*T/Psats[i] - Vms_sat[i] # print( R*T/Psats[i] , Vms_sat[i]) # ratio of der to value might be easier? dS_vap = dPsats_dT[i]*dV_vap # print(dPsats_dT[i]*dV_vap) Hvap = T*dS_vap H += zs[i]*(Cpig_integrals_pure[i] - Hvap) except ZeroDivisionError: failed_dPsat_dT = True if failed_dPsat_dT or isinf(H): # Handle the case where vapor pressure reaches zero - needs special implementations dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self.dPsats_dT_over_Psats() H = 0.0 for i in cmps: # dV_vap = R*T/Psats[i] - Vms_sat[i] # dS_vap = dPsats_dT[i]*dV_vap Hvap = T*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*RT H += zs[i]*(Cpig_integrals_pure[i] - Hvap) if self.use_Tait: dH_dP_integrals_Tait = self.dH_dP_integrals_Tait() for i in cmps: H += zs[i]*dH_dP_integrals_Tait[i] elif self.use_Poynting: for i in cmps: # This bit is the differential with respect to pressure # dP = max(0.0, P - Psats[i]) # Breaks thermodynamic consistency dP = P - Psats[i] H += zs[i]*dP*(Vms_sat[i] - T*dVms_sat_dT[i]) else: Psats = self.Psats() Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() Hvaps_T_ref = self.Hvaps_T_ref() Cpl_integrals_pure = self._Cpl_integrals_pure() dVms_sat_dT_T_ref = self.dVms_sat_dT_T_ref() Vms_sat_T_ref = self.Vms_sat_T_ref() Psats_T_ref = self.Psats_T_ref() Hvaps = self.Hvaps() H = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): H += zs[i]*(Cpl_integrals_pure[i] - Hvaps_T_ref[i]) # If we can use the liquid heat capacity and prove its consistency # This bit is the differential with respect to pressure dP = P - Psats_T_ref[i] H += zs[i]*dP*(Vms_sat_T_ref[i] - T_REF_IG*dVms_sat_dT_T_ref[i]) else: Hvaps = self.Hvaps() for i in range(self.N): H += zs[i]*(Cpig_integrals_pure[i] - Hvaps[i]) H += self.GibbsExcessModel.HE() # self._H = H return H del H_old
[docs] def H(self): r'''Method to calculate the enthalpy of the :obj:`GibbsExcessLiquid` phase. Depending on the settings of the phase, this can include the effects of activity coefficients :obj:`gammas <GibbsExcessLiquid.gammas>`, pressure correction terms :obj:`Poyntings <GibbsExcessLiquid.Poyntings>`, and pure component saturation fugacities :obj:`phis_sat <GibbsExcessLiquid.phis_sat>` as well as the pure component vapor pressures. When `caloric_basis` is 'Poynting&PhiSat': .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i \left[-RT^2\left( \frac{\frac{\partial \phi_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{\phi_{\text{sat},i}} + \frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + \frac{\frac{\text{Poynting}}{\partial T}}{\text{Poynting}} \right) + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'PhiSat': .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i \left[-RT^2\left( \frac{\frac{\partial \phi_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{\phi_{\text{sat},i}} + \frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} \right) + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'Poynting': .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i \left[-RT^2\left( + \frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + \frac{\frac{\text{Poynting}}{\partial T}}{\text{Poynting}} \right) + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'Psat': .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i \left[-RT^2\left( + \frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} \right) + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'Hvap': .. math:: H = H_{\text{excess}} + \sum_i z_i\left[-H_{vap,i} + \int_{T,ref}^T C_{p,ig} dT \right] Returns ------- H : float Enthalpy of the phase, [J/(mol)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._H except AttributeError: pass H = 0.0 T = self.T nRT2 = -R*T*T zs, cmps = self.zs, range(self.N) try: Cpig_integrals_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_pure except AttributeError: Cpig_integrals_pure = self.Cpig_integrals_pure() if self.use_Hvap_caloric: Hvaps = self.Hvaps() for i in range(self.N): H += zs[i]*(Cpig_integrals_pure[i] - Hvaps[i]) else: dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self.dPsats_dT_over_Psats() use_Poynting, use_phis_sat = self.use_Poynting, self.use_phis_sat if use_Poynting: try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() try: dPoyntings_dT = self._dPoyntings_dT except AttributeError: dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() if use_phis_sat: try: dphis_sat_dT = self._dphis_sat_dT except AttributeError: dphis_sat_dT = self.dphis_sat_dT() try: phis_sat = self._phis_sat except AttributeError: phis_sat = self.phis_sat() if use_Poynting and use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: H += zs[i]*(nRT2*(dphis_sat_dT[i]/phis_sat[i] + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoyntings_dT[i]/Poyntings[i]) + Cpig_integrals_pure[i]) elif use_Poynting: for i in cmps: H += zs[i]*(nRT2*(dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoyntings_dT[i]/Poyntings[i]) + Cpig_integrals_pure[i]) elif use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: H += zs[i]*(nRT2*(dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dphis_sat_dT[i]/phis_sat[i]) + Cpig_integrals_pure[i]) else: for i in cmps: H += zs[i]*(nRT2*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + Cpig_integrals_pure[i]) if not self.composition_independent: H += self.GibbsExcessModel.HE() self._H = H return H
def S_old(self): # try: # return self._S # except AttributeError: # pass # Untested # Page 650 Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation ''' from scipy.integrate import * from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI fluid = 'decane' T = 400 Psat = PropsSI('P', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) P2 = Psat*100 dP = P2 - Psat Vm = 1/PropsSI('DMOLAR', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) Vm2 = 1/PropsSI('DMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P2, fluid) dH = PropsSI('HMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P2, fluid) - PropsSI('HMOLAR', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) dS = PropsSI('SMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P2, fluid) - PropsSI('SMOLAR', 'T', T, 'Q', 0, fluid) def to_int2(P): Vm = 1/PropsSI('DMOLAR', 'T', T, 'P', P, fluid) alpha = PropsSI('ISOBARIC_EXPANSION_COEFFICIENT', 'T', T, 'P', P, fluid) return -alpha*Vm quad(to_int2, Psat, P2, epsabs=1.49e-14, epsrel=1.49e-14)[0]/dS ''' S = 0.0 T, P, zs, cmps = self.T, self.P, self.zs, range(self.N) log_zs = self.log_zs() for i in cmps: S -= zs[i]*log_zs[i] S *= R S_base = S T_inv = 1.0/T RT = R*T P_REF_IG_INV = self.P_REF_IG_INV try: Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure except AttributeError: Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = self.Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure() try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT except AttributeError: dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() try: Vms_sat = self._Vms_sat except AttributeError: Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() try: dVms_sat_dT = self._Vms_sat_dT except AttributeError: dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() if self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ: if self.use_IG_Cp: failed_dPsat_dT = False try: for i in range(self.N): dSi = Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] dVsat = R*T/Psats[i] - Vms_sat[i] dSvap = dPsats_dT[i]*dVsat # dSvap = Hvaps[i]/T # Confirmed - this line breaks everything - do not use dSi -= dSvap # dSi = Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] - Hvaps[i]*T_inv # Do the transition at the temperature of the liquid # Take each component to its reference state change - saturation pressure # dSi -= R*log(P*P_REF_IG_INV) dSi -= R*log(Psats[i]*P_REF_IG_INV) # dSi -= R*log(P/101325.0) # Only include the dP = P - Psats[i] # dP = max(0.0, P - Psats[i]) # if dP > 0.0: # I believe should include effect of pressure on all components, regardless of phase dSi -= dP*dVms_sat_dT[i] S += dSi*zs[i] except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError): # Handle the zero division on Psat or the log getting two small failed_dPsat_dT = True if failed_dPsat_dT or isinf(S): S = S_base # Handle the case where vapor pressure reaches zero - needs special implementations dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self.dPsats_dT_over_Psats() lnPsats = self.lnPsats() LOG_P_REF_IG = self.LOG_P_REF_IG for i in cmps: dSi = Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] dSvap = RT*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] dSi -= dSvap dSi -= R*(lnPsats[i] - LOG_P_REF_IG)# trunc_log(Psats[i]*P_REF_IG_INV) dSi -= P*dVms_sat_dT[i] S += dSi*zs[i] if self.use_Tait: pass elif self.use_Poynting: pass # for i in cmps: else: # mine Hvaps_T_ref = self.Hvaps_T_ref() Psats_T_ref = self.Psats_T_ref() Cpl_integrals_over_T_pure = self._Cpl_integrals_over_T_pure() T_REF_IG_INV = self.T_REF_IG_INV dVms_sat_dT_T_ref = self.dVms_sat_dT_T_ref() # Vms_sat_T_ref = self.Vms_sat_T_ref() for i in range(self.N): dSi = Cpl_integrals_over_T_pure[i] dSi -= Hvaps_T_ref[i]*T_REF_IG_INV # Take each component to its reference state change - saturation pressure dSi -= R*log(Psats_T_ref[i]*P_REF_IG_INV) # I believe should include effect of pressure on all components, regardless of phase dP = P - Psats_T_ref[i] dSi -= dP*dVms_sat_dT_T_ref[i] S += dSi*zs[i] # else: # # COCO # Hvaps = self.Hvaps() # Psats_T_ref = self.Psats_T_ref() # _Cpl_integrals_over_T_pure = self._Cpl_integrals_over_T_pure() # T_REF_IG_INV = self.T_REF_IG_INV # # for i in range(self.N): # dSi = -_Cpl_integrals_over_T_pure[i] # dSi -= Hvaps[i]/T # # Take each component to its reference state change - saturation pressure # dSi -= R*log(Psats[i]*P_REF_IG_INV) # # dP = P - Psats[i] # # I believe should include effect of pressure on all components, regardless of phase # dSi -= dP*dVms_sat_dT[i] # S += dSi*zs[i] else: Hvaps = self.Hvaps() for i in cmps: Sg298_to_T = Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] Svap = -Hvaps[i]*T_inv # Do the transition at the temperature of the liquid S += zs[i]*(Sg298_to_T + Svap - R*log(P*P_REF_IG_INV)) # self._S = S = S + self.GibbsExcessModel.SE() return S
[docs] def S(self): r'''Method to calculate the entropy of the :obj:`GibbsExcessLiquid` phase. Depending on the settings of the phase, this can include the effects of activity coefficients :obj:`gammas <GibbsExcessLiquid.gammas>`, pressure correction terms :obj:`Poyntings <GibbsExcessLiquid.Poyntings>`, and pure component saturation fugacities :obj:`phis_sat <GibbsExcessLiquid.phis_sat>` as well as the pure component vapor pressures. When `caloric_basis` is 'Poynting&PhiSat': .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left( T \frac{\frac{\partial \phi_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{\phi_{\text{sat},i}} + T\frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + T\frac{\frac{\text{Poynting}}{\partial T}}{\text{Poynting}} + \ln(P_{\text{sat},i}) + \ln\left(\frac{\text{Poynting}\cdot\phi_{\text{sat},i}}{P}\right) \right) - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'PhiSat': .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left( T \frac{\frac{\partial \phi_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{\phi_{\text{sat},i}} + T\frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + \ln(P_{\text{sat},i}) + \ln\left(\frac{\phi_{\text{sat},i}}{P}\right) \right) - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'Poynting': .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left( T\frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + T\frac{\frac{\text{Poynting}}{\partial T}}{\text{Poynting}} + \ln(P_{\text{sat},i}) + \ln\left(\frac{\text{Poynting}}{P}\right) \right) - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'Psat': .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left( T\frac{\frac{\partial P_{\text{sat},i}}{\partial T}}{P_{\text{sat},i}} + \ln(P_{\text{sat},i}) + \ln\left(\frac{1}{P}\right) \right) - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] When `caloric_basis` is 'Hvap': .. math:: S = S_{\text{excess}} - R\sum_i z_i\ln z_i - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - \sum_i z_i\left[R\left(\ln P_{\text{sat},i} + \ln\left(\frac{1}{P}\right)\right) + \frac{H_{vap,i}}{T} - \int_{T,ref}^T \frac{C_{p,ig,i}}{T} dT \right] Returns ------- S : float Entropy of the phase, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._S except AttributeError: pass T, P = self.T, self.P P_inv = 1.0/P zs, cmps = self.zs, range(self.N) log_zs = self.log_zs() S_comp = 0.0 for i in cmps: S_comp -= zs[i]*log_zs[i] S = S_comp - log(P*self.P_REF_IG_INV) S *= R try: Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure except AttributeError: Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = self.Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure() try: lnPsats = self._lnPsats except AttributeError: lnPsats = self.lnPsats() use_Poynting, use_phis_sat, use_Hvap_caloric = self.use_Poynting, self.use_phis_sat, self.use_Hvap_caloric if use_Hvap_caloric: Hvaps = self.Hvaps() T_inv = 1.0/T logP_inv = log(P_inv) # Almost the same as no Poynting for i in cmps: S -= zs[i]*(R*(lnPsats[i] + logP_inv) - Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] + Hvaps[i]*T_inv) else: dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self.dPsats_dT_over_Psats() if use_Poynting: try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() try: dPoyntings_dT = self._dPoyntings_dT except AttributeError: dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() if use_phis_sat: try: dphis_sat_dT = self._dphis_sat_dT except AttributeError: dphis_sat_dT = self.dphis_sat_dT() try: phis_sat = self._phis_sat except AttributeError: phis_sat = self.phis_sat() if use_Poynting and use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: S -= zs[i]*(R*(T*(dphis_sat_dT[i]/phis_sat[i] + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoyntings_dT[i]/Poyntings[i]) + lnPsats[i] + log(Poyntings[i]*phis_sat[i]*P_inv)) - Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i]) elif use_Poynting: for i in cmps: S -= zs[i]*(R*(T*(dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoyntings_dT[i]/Poyntings[i]) + lnPsats[i] + log(Poyntings[i]*P_inv)) - Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i]) elif use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: S -= zs[i]*(R*(T*(dphis_sat_dT[i]/phis_sat[i] + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]) + lnPsats[i] + log(phis_sat[i]*P_inv)) - Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i]) else: logP_inv = log(P_inv) for i in cmps: S -= zs[i]*(R*(T*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + lnPsats[i] + logP_inv) - Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i]) if not self.composition_independent: S += self.GibbsExcessModel.SE() self._S = S return S
def Cp_old(self): try: return self._Cp except AttributeError: pass # Needs testing T, P, P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ = self.T, self.P, self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ Cp, zs = 0.0, self.zs Cpigs_pure = self.Cpigs_pure() if P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ: try: Psats = self._Psats except AttributeError: Psats = self.Psats() try: dPsats_dT = self._dPsats_dT except AttributeError: dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() try: d2Psats_dT2 = self._d2Psats_dT2 except AttributeError: d2Psats_dT2 = self.d2Psats_dT2() try: Vms_sat = self._Vms_sat except AttributeError: Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() try: dVms_sat_dT = self._Vms_sat_dT except AttributeError: dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() try: d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self._d2Vms_sat_dT2 except AttributeError: d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self.d2Vms_sat_dT2() failed_dPsat_dT = False try: for i in range(self.N): x0 = Psats[i] Psat_inv = 1.0/x0 x1 = Vms_sat[i] x2 = dPsats_dT[i] x3 = R*Psat_inv x4 = T*x3 x5 = -x1 x6 = dVms_sat_dT[i] x7 = T*x2 # print(#-T*(P - x0)*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i], # - T*(x4 + x5)*d2Psats_dT2[i], T, x4, x5, d2Psats_dT2[i], #x2*(x1 - x4) + x2*(T*x6 + x5) - x7*(-R*x7*Psat_inv*Psat_inv + x3 - x6), #Cpigs_pure[i] # ) Cp += zs[i]*(-T*(P - x0)*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] - T*(x4 + x5)*d2Psats_dT2[i] + x2*(x1 - x4) + x2*(T*x6 + x5) - x7*(-R*x7*Psat_inv*Psat_inv + x3 - x6) + Cpigs_pure[i]) # The second derivative of volume is zero when extrapolating, which causes zero issues, discontinuous derivative """ from sympy import * T, P, R, zi = symbols('T, P, R, zi') Psat, Cpig_int, Vmsat = symbols('Psat, Cpig_int, Vmsat', cls=Function) dVmsatdT = diff(Vmsat(T), T) dPsatdT = diff(Psat(T), T) dV_vap = R*T/Psat(T) - Vmsat(T) dS_vap = dPsatdT*dV_vap Hvap = T*dS_vap H = zi*(Cpig_int(T) - Hvap) dP = P - Psat(T) H += zi*dP*(Vmsat(T) - T*dVmsatdT) (cse(diff(H, T), optimizations='basic')) """ except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError): # Handle the zero division on Psat or the log getting two small failed_dPsat_dT = True if failed_dPsat_dT or isinf(Cp) or isnan(Cp): dlnPsats_dT = self.dlnPsats_dT() d2lnPsats_dT2 = self.d2lnPsats_dT2() Cp = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): Cp += zs[i]*(Cpigs_pure[i] - P*T*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] - R*T*T*d2lnPsats_dT2[i] - 2.0*R*T*dlnPsats_dT[i]) """ from sympy import * T, P, R, zi = symbols('T, P, R, zi') lnPsat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat = symbols('lnPsat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat', cls=Function) dVmsatdT = diff(Vmsat(T), T) dPsatdT = diff(exp(lnPsat(T)), T) dV_vap = R*T/exp(lnPsat(T)) - Vmsat(T) dS_vap = dPsatdT*dV_vap Hvap = T*dS_vap H = zi*(Cpig_int(T) - Hvap) dP = P H += zi*dP*(Vmsat(T) - T*dVmsatdT) print(simplify(expand(diff(H, T)).subs(exp(lnPsat(T)), 0)/zi)) """ # Cp += zs[i]*(Cpigs_pure[i] - dHvaps_dT[i]) # Cp += zs[i]*(-T*(P - Psats[i])*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] + (T*dVms_sat_dT[i] - Vms_sat[i])*dPsats_dT[i]) else: dHvaps_dT = self.dHvaps_dT() for i in range(self.N): Cp += zs[i]*(Cpigs_pure[i] - dHvaps_dT[i]) Cp += self.GibbsExcessModel.CpE() return Cp
[docs] def Cp(self): try: return self._Cp except AttributeError: pass T, zs, cmps = self.T, self.zs, range(self.N) Cpigs_pure = self.Cpigs_pure() use_Poynting, use_phis_sat = self.use_Poynting, self.use_phis_sat if use_Poynting: try: d2Poyntings_dT2 = self._d2Poyntings_dT2 except AttributeError: d2Poyntings_dT2 = self.d2Poyntings_dT2() try: dPoyntings_dT = self._dPoyntings_dT except AttributeError: dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() if use_phis_sat: try: d2phis_sat_dT2 = self._d2phis_sat_dT2 except AttributeError: d2phis_sat_dT2 = self.d2phis_sat_dT2() try: dphis_sat_dT = self._dphis_sat_dT except AttributeError: dphis_sat_dT = self.dphis_sat_dT() try: phis_sat = self._phis_sat except AttributeError: phis_sat = self.phis_sat() dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self.dPsats_dT_over_Psats() d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats = self.d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats() RT = R*T RT2 = RT*T RT2_2 = RT + RT Cp = 0.0 if use_Poynting and use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: Poy_inv = 1.0/Poyntings[i] phi_inv = 1.0/phis_sat[i] dPoy_ratio = dPoyntings_dT[i]*Poy_inv dphi_ratio = dphis_sat_dT[i]*phi_inv a = (d2phis_sat_dT2[i]*phi_inv - dphi_ratio*dphi_ratio + d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + d2Poyntings_dT2[i]*Poy_inv - dPoy_ratio*dPoy_ratio) b = dphi_ratio + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoy_ratio Cp -= zs[i]*(RT2*a + RT2_2*b - Cpigs_pure[i]) elif use_Poynting: for i in cmps: Poy_inv = 1.0/Poyntings[i] dPoy_ratio = dPoyntings_dT[i]*Poy_inv a = (d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + d2Poyntings_dT2[i]*Poy_inv - dPoy_ratio*dPoy_ratio) b = dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoy_ratio Cp -= zs[i]*(RT2*a + RT2_2*b - Cpigs_pure[i]) elif use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: phi_inv = 1.0/phis_sat[i] dphi_ratio = dphis_sat_dT[i]*phi_inv a = (d2phis_sat_dT2[i]*phi_inv - dphi_ratio*dphi_ratio + d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]) b = dphi_ratio + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] Cp -= zs[i]*(RT2*a + RT2_2*b - Cpigs_pure[i]) else: for i in cmps: a = (d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]) b = dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] Cp -= zs[i]*(RT2*a + RT2_2*b - Cpigs_pure[i]) if not self.composition_independent: Cp += self.GibbsExcessModel.CpE() self._Cp = Cp return Cp
dH_dT = Cp def dS_dT_old(self): # Needs testing T, P, P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ = self.T, self.P, self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ RT = R*T zs = self.zs Cpigs_pure = self.Cpigs_pure() dS_dT = 0.0 T_inv = 1.0/T if P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ: d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self.d2Vms_sat_dT2() dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() Psats = self.Psats() dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() d2Psats_dT2 = self.d2Psats_dT2() failed_dPsat_dT = False for Psat in Psats: if Psat < 1e-40: failed_dPsat_dT = True if not failed_dPsat_dT: try: """ from sympy import * T, P, R, zi, P_REF_IG = symbols('T, P, R, zi, P_REF_IG') Psat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat = symbols('Psat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat', cls=Function) dVmsatdT = diff(Vmsat(T), T) dPsatdT = diff(Psat(T), T) S = 0 dSi = Cpig_T_int(T) dVsat = R*T/Psat(T) - Vmsat(T) dSvap = dPsatdT*dVsat dSi -= dSvap dSi -= R*log(Psat(T)/P_REF_IG) dP = P - Psat(T) dSi -= dP*dVmsatdT S += dSi*zi # cse(diff(S, T), optimizations='basic') """ for i in range(self.N): x0 = Psats[i] x1 = dPsats_dT[i] x2 = R/x0 x3 = Vms_sat[i] x4 = dVms_sat_dT[i] dS_dT -= zs[i]*(x1*x2 - x1*x4 - x1*(RT*x1/x0**2 - x2 + x4) + (P - x0)*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] + (T*x2 - x3)*d2Psats_dT2[i] - Cpigs_pure[i]*T_inv) except (ZeroDivisionError, ValueError): # Handle the zero division on Psat or the log getting two small failed_dPsat_dT = True if failed_dPsat_dT: # lnPsats = self.lnPsats() dlnPsats_dT = self.dlnPsats_dT() d2lnPsats_dT2 = self.d2lnPsats_dT2() # P*Derivative(Vmsat(T), (T, 2)) # R*T*Derivative(lnPsat(T), (T, 2)) # 2*R*Derivative(lnPsat(T), T) + Derivative(Cpig_T_int(T), T) """ from sympy import * T, P, R, zi, P_REF_IG = symbols('T, P, R, zi, P_REF_IG') lnPsat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat = symbols('lnPsat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat', cls=Function) # Psat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat = symbols('Psat, Cpig_T_int, Vmsat', cls=Function) dVmsatdT = diff(Vmsat(T), T) dPsatdT = diff(exp(lnPsat(T)), T) S = 0 dSi = Cpig_T_int(T) dVsat = R*T/exp(lnPsat(T)) - Vmsat(T) dSvap = dPsatdT*dVsat dSi -= dSvap # dSi -= R*log(Psat(T)/P_REF_IG) dSi -= R*(lnPsat(T) - log(P_REF_IG)) dP = P - exp(lnPsat(T)) dSi -= dP*dVmsatdT S += dSi*zi # cse(diff(S, T), optimizations='basic') print(simplify(expand(diff(S, T)).subs(exp(lnPsat(T)), 0)/zi)) """ dS_dT = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): dS_dT -= zs[i]*(P*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] + RT*d2lnPsats_dT2[i] + 2.0*R*dlnPsats_dT[i]- Cpigs_pure[i]*T_inv) dS_dT += self.GibbsExcessModel.dSE_dT() return dS_dT def dS_dT(self): try: return self._dS_dT except AttributeError: pass T, zs, cmps = self.T, self.zs, range(self.N) use_Poynting, use_phis_sat = self.use_Poynting, self.use_phis_sat if use_Poynting: try: d2Poyntings_dT2 = self._d2Poyntings_dT2 except AttributeError: d2Poyntings_dT2 = self.d2Poyntings_dT2() try: dPoyntings_dT = self._dPoyntings_dT except AttributeError: dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() try: Poyntings = self._Poyntings except AttributeError: Poyntings = self.Poyntings() if use_phis_sat: try: d2phis_sat_dT2 = self._d2phis_sat_dT2 except AttributeError: d2phis_sat_dT2 = self.d2phis_sat_dT2() try: dphis_sat_dT = self._dphis_sat_dT except AttributeError: dphis_sat_dT = self.dphis_sat_dT() try: phis_sat = self._phis_sat except AttributeError: phis_sat = self.phis_sat() dPsats_dT_over_Psats = self.dPsats_dT_over_Psats() d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats = self.d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats() Cpigs_pure = self.Cpigs_pure() T_inv = 1.0/T RT = R*T R_2 = R + R dS_dT = 0.0 if use_Poynting and use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: Poy_inv = 1.0/Poyntings[i] phi_inv = 1.0/phis_sat[i] dPoy_ratio = dPoyntings_dT[i]*Poy_inv dphi_ratio = dphis_sat_dT[i]*phi_inv a = (d2phis_sat_dT2[i]*phi_inv - dphi_ratio*dphi_ratio + d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + d2Poyntings_dT2[i]*Poy_inv - dPoy_ratio*dPoy_ratio) b = dphi_ratio + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoy_ratio dS_dT -= zs[i]*((RT*a + b*R_2) - Cpigs_pure[i]*T_inv) elif use_Poynting: for i in cmps: Poy_inv = 1.0/Poyntings[i] dPoy_ratio = dPoyntings_dT[i]*Poy_inv a = (d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + d2Poyntings_dT2[i]*Poy_inv - dPoy_ratio*dPoy_ratio) b = dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] + dPoy_ratio dS_dT -= zs[i]*((RT*a + b*R_2) - Cpigs_pure[i]*T_inv) elif use_phis_sat: for i in cmps: phi_inv = 1.0/phis_sat[i] dphi_ratio = dphis_sat_dT[i]*phi_inv a = (d2phis_sat_dT2[i]*phi_inv - dphi_ratio*dphi_ratio + d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]) b = dphi_ratio + dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] dS_dT -= zs[i]*((RT*a + b*R_2) - Cpigs_pure[i]*T_inv) else: for i in cmps: a = (d2Psats_dT2_over_Psats[i] - dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]*dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i]) b = dPsats_dT_over_Psats[i] dS_dT -= zs[i]*((RT*a + b*R_2) - Cpigs_pure[i]*T_inv) if not self.composition_independent: dS_dT += self.GibbsExcessModel.dSE_dT() self._dS_dT = dS_dT return dS_dT def dH_dP(self): try: return self._dH_dP except AttributeError: pass T = self.T zs = self.zs dH_dP = 0.0 if self.use_Poynting: nRT2 = -R*T*T Poyntings = self.Poyntings() dPoyntings_dP = self.dPoyntings_dP() dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() d2Poyntings_dPdT = self.d2Poyntings_dPdT() for i in range(self.N): Poy_inv = 1.0/Poyntings[i] dH_dP += nRT2*zs[i]*Poy_inv*(d2Poyntings_dPdT[i] - dPoyntings_dP[i]*dPoyntings_dT[i]*Poy_inv) # if self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ: # if self.use_IG_Cp: # Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() # dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() # Psats = self.Psats() # for i in range(self.N): # if P > Psats[i]: # dH_dP += zs[i]*(-T*dVms_sat_dT[i] + Vms_sat[i]) self._dH_dP = dH_dP return dH_dP def dS_dP(self): try: return self._dS_dP except AttributeError: pass T = self.T P = self.P P_inv = 1.0/P zs = self.zs if self.use_Poynting: dS_dP = -R*P_inv Poyntings = self.Poyntings() dPoyntings_dP = self.dPoyntings_dP() dPoyntings_dT = self.dPoyntings_dT() d2Poyntings_dPdT = self.d2Poyntings_dPdT() for i in range(self.N): Poy_inv = 1.0/Poyntings[i] dS_dP -= zs[i]*R*Poy_inv*(dPoyntings_dP[i] - Poyntings[i]*P_inv +T*(d2Poyntings_dPdT[i] - dPoyntings_dP[i]*dPoyntings_dT[i]*Poy_inv)) else: dS_dP = 0.0 # if self.P_DEPENDENT_H_LIQ: # if self.use_IG_Cp: # dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() # Psats = self.Psats() # for i in range(self.N): # if P > Psats[i]: # dS_dP -= zs[i]*(dVms_sat_dT[i]) self._dS_dP = dS_dP return dS_dP def H_dep(self): return self.H() - self.H_ideal_gas() def S_dep(self): return self.S() - self.S_ideal_gas() def Cp_dep(self): return self.Cp() - self.Cp_ideal_gas() ### Volumetric properties def V(self): try: return self._V except AttributeError: pass zs = self.zs Vms = self.Vms() """To make a fugacity-volume identity consistent, cannot use pressure correction unless the Poynting factor is calculated with quadrature/ integration. """ V = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): V += zs[i]*Vms[i] self._V = V return V def dV_dT(self): try: return self._dV_dT except AttributeError: pass zs = self.zs dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() dV_dT = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): dV_dT += zs[i]*dVms_sat_dT[i] self._dV_dT = dV_dT return dV_dT def d2V_dT2(self): try: return self._d2V_dT2 except AttributeError: pass zs = self.zs d2Vms_sat_dT2 = self.d2Vms_sat_dT2() d2V_dT2 = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): d2V_dT2 += zs[i]*d2Vms_sat_dT2[i] self._d2V_dT2 = d2V_dT2 return d2V_dT2 # Main needed volume derivatives def dP_dV(self): try: return self._dP_dV except AttributeError: pass if self.incompressible: self._dP_dV = self.INCOMPRESSIBLE_CONST #1.0/self.VolumeLiquidMixture.property_derivative_P(self.T, self.P, self.zs, order=1) return self._dP_dV def d2P_dV2(self): try: return self._d2P_dV2 except AttributeError: pass if self.incompressible: self._d2P_dV2 = self.INCOMPRESSIBLE_CONST #self.d2V_dP2()/-(self.dP_dV())**-3 return self._d2P_dV2 def dP_dT(self): try: return self._dP_dT except AttributeError: pass self._dP_dT = self.dV_dT()/-self.dP_dV() return self._dP_dT def d2P_dTdV(self): try: return self._d2P_dTdV except AttributeError: pass if self.incompressible: self._d2P_dTdV = 0.0 else: P = self.P def dP_dV_for_diff(T): return 1.0/self.VolumeLiquidMixture.property_derivative_P(T, P, self.zs, order=1) self._d2P_dTdV = derivative(dP_dV_for_diff, self.T) return self._d2P_dTdV def d2P_dT2(self): try: return self._d2P_dT2 except AttributeError: pass if self.incompressible: self._d2P_dT2 = -self.d2V_dT2()/self.INCOMPRESSIBLE_CONST else: P, zs = self.P, self.zs def dP_dT_for_diff(T): dV_dT = self.VolumeLiquidMixture.property_derivative_T(T, P, zs, order=1) dP_dV = 1.0/self.VolumeLiquidMixture.property_derivative_P(T, P, zs, order=1) dP_dT = dV_dT/-dP_dV return dP_dT self._d2P_dT2 = derivative(dP_dT_for_diff, self.T) return self._d2P_dT2 # Volume derivatives which needed to be implemented for the main ones def d2V_dP2(self): try: return self._d2V_dP2 except AttributeError: pass if self.incompressible: self._d2V_dP2 = 0.0 return self._d2V_dP2 def Tait_Bs(self): try: return self._Tait_Bs except: pass self._Tait_Bs = evaluate_linear_fits(self._Tait_B_data, self.T) return self._Tait_Bs def dTait_B_dTs(self): try: return self._dTait_B_dTs except: pass self._dTait_B_dTs = evaluate_linear_fits_d(self._Tait_B_data, self.T) return self._dTait_B_dTs def d2Tait_B_dT2s(self): try: return self._d2Tait_B_dT2s except: pass self._d2Tait_B_dT2s = evaluate_linear_fits_d2(self._Tait_B_data, self.T) return self._d2Tait_B_dT2s def Tait_Cs(self): try: return self._Tait_Cs except: pass self._Tait_Cs = evaluate_linear_fits(self._Tait_C_data, self.T) return self._Tait_Cs def dTait_C_dTs(self): try: return self._dTait_C_dTs except: pass self._dTait_C_dTs = evaluate_linear_fits_d(self._Tait_C_data, self.T) return self._dTait_C_dTs def d2Tait_C_dT2s(self): try: return self._d2Tait_C_dT2s except: pass self._d2Tait_C_dT2s = evaluate_linear_fits_d2(self._Tait_C_data, self.T) return self._d2Tait_C_dT2s def Tait_Vs(self): Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() Psats = self.Psats() Tait_Bs = self.Tait_Bs() Tait_Cs = self.Tait_Cs() P = self.P return [Vms_sat[i]*(1.0 - Tait_Cs[i]*log((Tait_Bs[i] + P)/(Tait_Bs[i] + Psats[i]) )) for i in range(self.N)] def dH_dP_integrals_Tait(self): try: return self._dH_dP_integrals_Tait except AttributeError: pass Psats = self.Psats() Vms_sat = self.Vms_sat() dVms_sat_dT = self.dVms_sat_dT() dPsats_dT = self.dPsats_dT() Tait_Bs = self.Tait_Bs() Tait_Cs = self.Tait_Cs() dTait_C_dTs = self.dTait_C_dTs() dTait_B_dTs = self.dTait_B_dTs() T, P = self.T, self.P self._dH_dP_integrals_Tait = dH_dP_integrals_Tait = [] # def to_int(P, i): # l = self.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs) ## def to_diff(T): ## return self.to_TP_zs(T, P, zs).Tait_Vs()[i] ## dV_dT = derivative(to_diff, T, dx=1e-5*T, order=11) # # x0 = l.Vms_sat()[i] # x1 = l.Tait_Cs()[i] # x2 = l.Tait_Bs()[i] # x3 = P + x2 # x4 = l.Psats()[i] # x5 = x3/(x2 + x4) # x6 = log(x5) # x7 = l.dTait_B_dTs()[i] # dV_dT = (-x0*(x1*(-x5*(x7 +l.dPsats_dT()[i]) + x7)/x3 # + x6*l.dTait_C_dTs()[i]) # - (x1*x6 - 1.0)*l.dVms_sat_dT()[i]) # ## print(dV_dT, dV_dT2, dV_dT/dV_dT2, T, P) # # V = l.Tait_Vs()[i] # return V - T*dV_dT # from scipy.integrate import quad # _dH_dP_integrals_Tait = [quad(to_int, Psats[i], P, args=i)[0] # for i in range(self.N)] ## return self._dH_dP_integrals_Tait # print(_dH_dP_integrals_Tait) # self._dH_dP_integrals_Tait2 = _dH_dP_integrals_Tait # return self._dH_dP_integrals_Tait2 # dH_dP_integrals_Tait = [] for i in range(self.N): # Very wrong according to numerical integration. Is it an issue with # the translation to code, one of the derivatives, what was integrated, # or sympy's integration? x0 = Tait_Bs[i] x1 = P + x0 x2 = Psats[i] x3 = x0 + x2 x4 = 1.0/x3 x5 = Tait_Cs[i] x6 = Vms_sat[i] x7 = x5*x6 x8 = T*dVms_sat_dT[i] x9 = x5*x8 x10 = T*dTait_C_dTs[i] x11 = x0*x6 x12 = T*x7 x13 = -x0*x7 + x0*x9 + x10*x11 + x12*dTait_B_dTs[i] x14 = x2*x6 x15 = x4*(x0*x8 + x10*x14 - x11 + x12*dPsats_dT[i] + x13 - x14 - x2*x7 + x2*x8 + x2*x9) val = -P*x15 + P*(x10*x6 - x7 + x9)*log(x1*x4) + x13*log(x1) - x13*log(x3) + x15*x2 dH_dP_integrals_Tait.append(val) # print(dH_dP_integrals_Tait, self._dH_dP_integrals_Tait2) return dH_dP_integrals_Tait def mu(self): try: return self._mu except AttributeError: pass mu = self._mu = self.correlations.ViscosityLiquidMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, return mu def k(self): try: return self._k except AttributeError: pass self._k = k = self.correlations.ThermalConductivityLiquidMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, return k
class GibbsExcessSolid(GibbsExcessLiquid): ideal_gas_basis = True force_phase = 's' phase = 's' is_gas = False is_liquid = False is_solid = True pure_references = ('HeatCapacityGases','SublimationPressures', 'VolumeSolids', 'EnthalpySublimations') pure_reference_types = (HeatCapacityGas, SublimationPressure, VolumeSolid, EnthalpySublimation) model_attributes = ('Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs','GibbsExcessModel', 'eos_pure_instances', 'use_Poynting', 'use_phis_sat', 'use_eos_volume', 'henry_components', 'henry_as', 'henry_bs', 'henry_cs', 'henry_ds', 'henry_es', 'henry_fs', 'Psat_extrpolation') + pure_references def __init__(self, SublimationPressures, VolumeSolids=None, GibbsExcessModel=IdealSolution, eos_pure_instances=None, VolumeLiquidMixture=None, HeatCapacityGases=None, EnthalpySublimations=None, use_Poynting=False, use_phis_sat=False, Hfs=None, Gfs=None, Sfs=None, T=Phase.T_DEFAULT, P=Phase.P_DEFAULT, zs=None, ): super().__init__(VaporPressures=SublimationPressures, VolumeLiquids=VolumeSolids, HeatCapacityGases=HeatCapacityGases, EnthalpyVaporizations=EnthalpySublimations, use_Poynting=use_Poynting, Hfs=Hfs, Gfs=Gfs, Sfs=Sfs, T=T, P=P, zs=zs)