Source code for thermo.phases.ideal_gas

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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__all__ = ['IdealGas']

from fluids.numerics import log
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.heat_capacity import HeatCapacityGas
from thermo.phases.phase import Phase

    ndarray, array, zeros, ones = np.ndarray, np.array, np.zeros, np.ones

[docs]class IdealGas(Phase): r'''Class for representing an ideal gas as a phase object. All departure properties are zero. .. math:: P = \frac{RT}{V} Parameters ---------- HeatCapacityGases : list[HeatCapacityGas] Objects proiding pure-component heat capacity correlations, [-] Hfs : list[float] Molar ideal-gas standard heats of formation at 298.15 K and 1 atm, [J/mol] Gfs : list[float] Molar ideal-gas standard Gibbs energies of formation at 298.15 K and 1 atm, [J/mol] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of each component, [-] Examples -------- T-P initialization for oxygen and nitrogen, using Poling's polynomial heat capacities: >>> from scipy.constants import R >>> HeatCapacityGases = [HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*-9.9e-13, R*1.57e-09, R*7e-08, R*-0.000261, R*3.539])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*1.79e-12, R*-6e-09, R*6.58e-06, R*-0.001794, R*3.63]))] >>> phase = IdealGas(T=300, P=1e5, zs=[.79, .21], HeatCapacityGases=HeatCapacityGases) >>> phase.Cp() 29.1733530 ''' """DO NOT DELETE - EOS CLASS IS TOO SLOW! This will be important for fitting. """ phase = 'g' force_phase = 'g' is_gas = True is_liquid = False composition_independent = True ideal_gas_basis = True pure_references = ('HeatCapacityGases',) pure_reference_types = (HeatCapacityGas,) model_attributes = ('Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs') + pure_references def __init__(self, HeatCapacityGases=None, Hfs=None, Gfs=None, T=None, P=None, zs=None): self.HeatCapacityGases = HeatCapacityGases self.Hfs = Hfs self.Gfs = Gfs self.scalar = scalar = not any(type(v) is ndarray for v in (zs, Hfs, Gfs)) if Hfs is not None and Gfs is not None and None not in Hfs and None not in Gfs: T_ref_inv = 1.0/298.15 self.Sfs = [(Hfi - Gfi)*T_ref_inv for Hfi, Gfi in zip(Hfs, Gfs)] else: self.Sfs = None if zs is not None: self.N = N = len(zs) self.zeros1d = [0.0]*N if scalar else zeros(N) self.ones1d = [1.0]*N if scalar else ones(N) elif HeatCapacityGases is not None: self.N = N = len(HeatCapacityGases) self.zeros1d = [0.0]*N if scalar else zeros(N) self.ones1d = [1.0]*N if scalar else ones(N) if zs is not None: self.zs = zs if T is not None: self.T = T if P is not None: self.P = P
[docs] def __repr__(self): r'''Method to create a string representation of the phase object, with the goal of making it easy to obtain standalone code which reproduces the current state of the phase. This is extremely helpful in creating new test cases. Returns ------- recreation : str String which is valid Python and recreates the current state of the object if ran, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo import HeatCapacityGas, IdealGas >>> from scipy.constants import R >>> HeatCapacityGases = [HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*-9.9e-13, R*1.57e-09, R*7e-08, R*-0.000261, R*3.539])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*1.79e-12, R*-6e-09, R*6.58e-06, R*-0.001794, R*3.63]))] >>> phase = IdealGas(T=300, P=1e5, zs=[.79, .21], HeatCapacityGases=HeatCapacityGases) >>> phase IdealGas(HeatCapacityGases=[HeatCapacityGas(extrapolation="linear", method="POLY_FIT", poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-8.23131799e-12, 1.30537063e-08, 5.82012383e-07, -0.0021700747, 29.42488320])), HeatCapacityGas(extrapolation="linear", method="POLY_FIT", poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [1.48828880e-11, -4.988677570e-08, 5.470916402e-05, -0.01491614593, 30.1814993]))], T=300, P=100000.0, zs=[0.79, 0.21]) ''' Cpgs = ', '.join(str(o) for o in self.HeatCapacityGases) base = f'IdealGas(HeatCapacityGases=[{Cpgs}], ' for s in ('Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs', 'T', 'P', 'zs'): if hasattr(self, s) and getattr(self, s) is not None: base += f'{s}={getattr(self, s)}, ' if base[-2:] == ', ': base = base[:-2] base += ')' return base
[docs] def fugacities(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the fugacities of each component in the phase. .. math:: \text{fugacitiy}_i = z_i P Returns ------- fugacities : list[float] Fugacities, [Pa] Examples -------- >>> from scipy.constants import R >>> HeatCapacityGases = [HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*-9.9e-13, R*1.57e-09, R*7e-08, R*-0.000261, R*3.539])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*1.79e-12, R*-6e-09, R*6.58e-06, R*-0.001794, R*3.63]))] >>> phase = IdealGas(T=300, P=1e5, zs=[.79, .21], HeatCapacityGases=HeatCapacityGases) >>> phase.fugacities() [79000.0, 21000.0] ''' P = self.P return [P*zi for zi in self.zs]
[docs] def lnphis(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the log of fugacity coefficients of each component in the phase. .. math:: \ln \phi_i = 0.0 Returns ------- lnphis : list[float] Log fugacity coefficients, [-] ''' return self.zeros1d
lnphis_G_min = lnphis lnphis_lowest_Gibbs = lnphis
[docs] def phis(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the fugacity coefficients of each component in the phase. .. math:: \phi_i = 1 Returns ------- phis : list[float] Fugacity fugacity coefficients, [-] ''' return self.ones1d
[docs] def dphis_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the temperature derivative of fugacity coefficients of each component in the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial \phi_i}{\partial T} = 0 Returns ------- dphis_dT : list[float] Temperature derivative of fugacity fugacity coefficients, [1/K] ''' return self.zeros1d
[docs] def dphis_dP(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pressure derivative of fugacity coefficients of each component in the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial \phi_i}{\partial P} = 0 Returns ------- dphis_dP : list[float] Pressure derivative of fugacity fugacity coefficients, [1/Pa] ''' return self.zeros1d
[docs] def dlnphis_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the temperature derivative of the log of fugacity coefficients of each component in the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial T} = 0 Returns ------- dlnphis_dT : list[float] Log fugacity coefficients, [1/K] ''' return self.zeros1d
[docs] def dlnphis_dP(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pressure derivative of the log of fugacity coefficients of each component in the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \phi_i}{\partial P} = 0 Returns ------- dlnphis_dP : list[float] Log fugacity coefficients, [1/Pa] ''' return self.zeros1d
def to_TP_zs(self, T, P, zs): new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.T = T new.P = P new.zs = zs new.N = self.N new.zeros1d = self.zeros1d new.ones1d = self.ones1d new.scalar = self.scalar new.HeatCapacityGases = self.HeatCapacityGases new.Hfs = self.Hfs new.Gfs = self.Gfs new.Sfs = self.Sfs return new def to(self, zs, T=None, P=None, V=None): new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) R = self.R if T is not None and V is not None: P = R*T/V elif P is not None and V is not None: T = P*V/R elif T is not None and P is not None: pass else: raise ValueError("Two of T, P, or V are needed") new.P = P new.T = T new.zs = zs new.N = self.N new.zeros1d = self.zeros1d new.ones1d = self.ones1d new.HeatCapacityGases = self.HeatCapacityGases new.Hfs = self.Hfs new.Gfs = self.Gfs new.Sfs = self.Sfs new.scalar = self.scalar return new ### Volumetric properties def V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar volume of the phase. .. math:: V = \frac{RT}{P} Returns ------- V : float Molar volume, [m^3/mol] ''' return self.R*self.T/self.P
[docs] def dP_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of pressure of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial P}{\partial T} = \frac{P}{T} Returns ------- dP_dT : float First temperature derivative of pressure, [Pa/K] ''' return self.P/self.T
dP_dT_V = dP_dT
[docs] def dP_dV(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first volume derivative of pressure of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial P}{\partial V} = \frac{-P^2}{RT} Returns ------- dP_dV : float First volume derivative of pressure, [Pa*mol/m^3] ''' return -self.P*self.P/(self.R*self.T)
dP_dV_T = dP_dV
[docs] def d2P_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of pressure of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial T^2} = 0 Returns ------- d2P_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of pressure, [Pa/K^2] ''' return 0.0
d2P_dT2_V = d2P_dT2
[docs] def d2P_dV2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second volume derivative of pressure of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V^2} = \frac{2P^3}{R^2T^2} Returns ------- d2P_dV2 : float Second volume derivative of pressure, [Pa*mol^2/m^6] ''' P, T = self.P, self.T return 2.0*P*P*P/(self.R2*T*T)
d2P_dV2_T = d2P_dV2
[docs] def d2P_dTdV(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second derivative of pressure with respect to temperature and volume of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V \partial T} = \frac{-P^2}{RT^2} Returns ------- d2P_dTdV : float Second volume derivative of pressure, [mol*Pa^2/(J*K)] ''' P, T = self.P, self.T return -P*P/(self.R*T*T)
def d2T_dV2(self): return 0.0 def d2V_dT2(self): return 0.0 def dV_dT(self): return self.R/self.P def PIP(self): return 1.0 # For speed def d2V_dP2(self): P, T = self.P, self.T return 2.0*self.R*T/(P*P*P) def d2T_dP2(self): return 0.0 def dV_dP(self): P, T = self.P, self.T return -self.R*T/(P*P) def dT_dP(self): return self.T/self.P def dT_dV(self): return self.P*self.R_inv def dV_dzs(self): return self.zeros1d d2T_dV2_P = d2T_dV2 d2V_dT2_P = d2V_dT2 d2V_dP2_T = d2V_dP2 d2T_dP2_V = d2T_dP2 dV_dP_T = dV_dP dV_dT_P = dV_dT dT_dP_V = dT_dP dT_dV_P = dT_dV ### Thermodynamic properties
[docs] def H(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the enthalpy of the phase. .. math:: H = \sum_i z_i H_{i}^{ig} Returns ------- H : float Molar enthalpy, [J/(mol)] ''' try: return self._H except AttributeError: pass zs = self.zs try: Cpig_integrals_pure = self._Cpig_integrals_pure except AttributeError: Cpig_integrals_pure = self.Cpig_integrals_pure() H = 0.0 for i in range(self.N): H += zs[i]*Cpig_integrals_pure[i] self._H = H return H
[docs] def S(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the entropy of the phase. .. math:: S = \sum_i z_i S_{i}^{ig} - R\ln\left(\frac{P}{P_{ref}}\right) - R\sum_i z_i \ln(z_i) Returns ------- S : float Molar entropy, [J/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._S except AttributeError: pass Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure = self.Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure() log_zs = self.log_zs() R, P, zs = self.R, self.P, self.zs cmps = range(self.N) P_REF_IG_INV = self.P_REF_IG_INV S = 0.0 S -= R*sum([zs[i]*log_zs[i] for i in cmps]) # ideal composition entropy composition S -= R*log(P*P_REF_IG_INV) for i in cmps: S += zs[i]*Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure[i] self._S = S return S
[docs] def Cp(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: C_p = \sum_i z_i C_{p,i}^{ig} Returns ------- Cp : float Molar heat capacity, [J/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._Cp except AttributeError: pass Cpigs_pure = self.Cpigs_pure() Cp, zs = 0.0, self.zs for i in range(self.N): Cp += zs[i]*Cpigs_pure[i] self._Cp = Cp return Cp
dH_dT = Cp dH_dT_V = Cp # H does not depend on P, so the P is increased without any effect on H
[docs] def dH_dP(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar enthalpy of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial H}{\partial P} = 0 Returns ------- dH_dP : float First pressure derivative of molar enthalpy, [J/(mol*Pa)] ''' return 0.0
[docs] def d2H_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of molar heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial C_p}{\partial T} = \sum_i z_i \frac{\partial C_{p,i}^{ig}}{\partial T} Returns ------- d2H_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of enthalpy, [J/(mol*K^2)] ''' try: return self._d2H_dT2 except AttributeError: pass dCpigs_pure = self.dCpigs_dT_pure() dCp, zs = 0.0, self.zs for i in range(self.N): dCp += zs[i]*dCpigs_pure[i] self._d2H_dT2 = dCp return dCp
[docs] def d2H_dP2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second pressure derivative of molar enthalpy of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 H}{\partial P^2} = 0 Returns ------- d2H_dP2 : float Second pressure derivative of molar enthalpy, [J/(mol*Pa^2)] ''' return 0.0
def d2H_dTdP(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pressure derivative of molar heat capacity of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial C_p}{\partial P} = 0 Returns ------- d2H_dTdP : float First pressure derivative of heat capacity, [J/(mol*K*Pa)] ''' return 0.0
[docs] def dH_dP_V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pressure derivative of molar enthalpy at constant volume of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial P}\right)_{V} = C_p \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial P}\right)_{V} Returns ------- dH_dP_V : float First pressure derivative of molar enthalpy at constant volume, [J/(mol*Pa)] ''' dH_dP_V = self.Cp()*self.dT_dP() return dH_dP_V
[docs] def dH_dV_T(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the volume derivative of molar enthalpy at constant temperature of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial V}\right)_{T} = 0 Returns ------- dH_dV_T : float First pressure derivative of molar enthalpy at constant volume, [J/(m^3)] ''' return 0.0
[docs] def dH_dV_P(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the volume derivative of molar enthalpy at constant pressure of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H}{\partial V}\right)_{P} = C_p \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial V}\right)_{P} Returns ------- dH_dV_T : float First pressure derivative of molar enthalpy at constant volume, [J/(m^3)] ''' dH_dV_P = self.dT_dV()*self.Cp() return dH_dV_P
def dH_dzs(self): return self.Cpig_integrals_pure()
[docs] def dS_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of molar entropy of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial S}{\partial T} = \frac{C_p}{T} Returns ------- dS_dT : float First temperature derivative of molar entropy, [J/(mol*K^2)] ''' dS_dT = self.Cp()/self.T return dS_dT
dS_dT_P = dS_dT
[docs] def dS_dP(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar entropy of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial S}{\partial P} = -\frac{R}{P} Returns ------- dS_dP : float First pressure derivative of molar entropy, [J/(mol*K*Pa)] ''' return -self.R/self.P
[docs] def d2S_dP2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second pressure derivative of molar entropy of the phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 S}{\partial P^2} = \frac{R}{P^2} Returns ------- d2S_dP2 : float Second pressure derivative of molar entropy, [J/(mol*K*Pa^2)] ''' P = self.P return self.R/(P*P)
[docs] def dS_dT_V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of molar entropy at constant volume of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S}{\partial T}\right)_V = \frac{C_p}{T} - \frac{R}{P}\frac{\partial P}{\partial T} Returns ------- dS_dT_V : float First temperature derivative of molar entropy at constant volume, [J/(mol*K^2)] ''' dS_dT_V = self.Cp()/self.T - self.R/self.P*self.dP_dT() return dS_dT_V
[docs] def dS_dP_V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar entropy at constant volume of the phase. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S}{\partial P}\right)_V = \frac{-R}{P} + \frac{C_p}{T}\frac{\partial T}{\partial P} Returns ------- dS_dP_V : float First pressure derivative of molar entropy at constant volume, [J/(mol*K*Pa)] ''' dS_dP_V = -self.R/self.P + self.Cp()/self.T*self.dT_dP() return dS_dP_V
def d2P_dTdP(self): return 0.0 def d2P_dVdP(self): return 0.0 def d2P_dVdT_TP(self): return 0.0 def d2P_dT2_PV(self): return 0.0 def H_dep(self): return 0.0 G_dep = S_dep = U_dep = A_dep = H_dep def dS_dzs(self): try: return self._dS_dzs except AttributeError: pass log_zs = self.log_zs() integrals = self.Cpig_integrals_over_T_pure() R = self.R self._dS_dzs = [integrals[i] - R*(log_zs[i] + 1.0) for i in range(self.N)] return self._dS_dzs # Properties using constants, correlations def mu(self): try: return self._mu except AttributeError: pass mu = self.correlations.ViscosityGasMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, self._mu = mu return mu def k(self): try: return self._k except AttributeError: pass k = self.correlations.ThermalConductivityGasMixture.mixture_property(self.T, self.P, self.zs, self._k = k return k