Source code for thermo.phases.virial_phase

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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__all__ = ['VirialCSP', 'VirialGas',

from chemicals.utils import dns_to_dn_partials, dxs_to_dn_partials, dxs_to_dns, hash_any_primitive, mixing_simple
from chemicals.virial import (
from fluids.constants import R
from fluids.numerics import log, newton
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.heat_capacity import HeatCapacityGas
from thermo.phases.phase import IdealGasDeparturePhase, Phase
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable

    ndarray, array, zeros, ones, delete, npsum, nplog = np.ndarray, np.array, np.zeros, np.ones, np.delete, np.sum, np.log
except (ImportError, AttributeError):



# reqiures an `a` parameter




[docs]class VirialCSP: r'''Class for calculating the `B` virial coefficients of pure components and their B interaction matrix, and the `C` virial coefficients of pure components and their mixtures. It is configurable which corresponding states model is used. Either the `B` or `C` model can be disabled; if both are off, this will revert to the ideal-gas equation of state. Parameters ---------- Tcs : list[float] Critical temperatures of all components, [K] Pcs : list[float] Critical pressures of all components, [Pa] Vcs : list[float] Critical volumes of all components, [m^3/mol] omegas : list[float] Acentric factors of all components, [-] B_model : str, optional The model used to calculate the `B` pure component and interaction virial coefficients, [-] * **VIRIAL_B_ZERO**: The B virial coefficient is always zero * **VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL** The model of [2]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Pitzer_Curl` * **VIRIAL_B_ABBOTT** The model of [3]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Abbott` * **VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS** The model of [4]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos` * **VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS_EXTENDED** The model of [5]_ and [6]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended` * **VIRIAL_B_OCONNELL_PRAUSNITZ** The model of [1]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz` * **VIRIAL_B_XIANG** The model of [7]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Xiang` * **VIRIAL_B_MENG** The model of [8]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.BVirial_Meng` cross_B_model : str, optional The model used to calculate the `B` cross virial coefficient * **VIRIAL_CROSS_B_TARAKAD_DANNER** : This model uses the mixing rules for estimating interaction critical components according to the rules :obj:`chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs`, :obj:`chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Pcijs`, :obj:`chemicals.virial.Lee_Kesler_virial_CSP_Vcijs` and :obj:`chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_omegaijs`; note that this mixing rule has an interaction parameter for the interaction critical temperature, which defaults to zero and can be provided. :obj:`chemicals.virial.Meng_Duan_2005_virial_CSP_kijs` or :obj:`chemicals.virial.Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_kijs` are two sample models for estimating these parameters; additional models are available in the literature and also the value can be regressed from experimental values. cross_B_model_kijs : list[list[float]], optional Cross parameters `kijs` for **VIRIAL_CROSS_B_TARAKAD_DANNER** cross rule; specified or set to zero [-] C_model : str, optional The model used to calculate the `C` pure component and interaction virial coefficients, [-] * **VIRIAL_C_ZERO**: The C virial coefficient is always zero * **VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA** The model of [9]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.CVirial_Orbey_Vera` * **VIRIAL_C_XIANG** The model of [10]_, :obj:`chemicals.virial.CVirial_Liu_Xiang` B_model_Meng_as : list[list[float]], optional Meng `a` parameters; this is essentially a correction for polar behavior, and must be provided for all components as well as their interactions; see :obj:`chemicals.virial.Meng_virial_a`. This is used only for the model **VIRIAL_B_MENG** [-] B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as : list[list[float]], optional Tsonopoulos extended `a` parameters; this is essentially a correction for polar behavior, and must be provided for all components as well as their interactions; see :obj:`thermo.functional_groups.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_ab`. This is used only for the model **VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS_EXTENDED** [-] B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs : list[list[float]], optional Meng `a` parameters; this is essentially a correction for polar behavior, and must be provided for all components as well as their interactions; see :obj:`thermo.functional_groups.BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_ab`. This is used only for the model **VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS_EXTENDED** [-] T : float, optional The specified temperature for the model; the calculations are cached based only on temperature, use :obj:`` to obtain a new object at a different temperature, [K] Examples -------- Notes ----- References ---------- .. [1] O`Connell, J. P., and J. M. Prausnitz. "Empirical Correlation of Second Virial Coefficients for Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Calculations." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 6, no. 2 (April 1, 1967): 245-50. .. [2] Pitzer, Kenneth S., and R. F. Curl. "The Volumetric and Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids. III. Empirical Equation for the Second Virial Coefficient1." Journal of the American Chemical Society 79, no. 10 (May 1, 1957): 2369-70. doi:10.1021/ja01567a007. .. [3] Smith, H. C. Van Ness Joseph M. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4E 1987. .. [4] Tsonopoulos, Constantine. "An Empirical Correlation of Second Virial Coefficients." AIChE Journal 20, no. 2 (March 1, 1974): 263-72. doi:10.1002/aic.690200209. .. [5] Tsonopoulos, C., and J. L. Heidman. "From the Virial to the Cubic Equation of State." Fluid Phase Equilibria 57, no. 3 (1990): 261-76. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(90)85126-U .. [6] Tsonopoulos, Constantine, and John H. Dymond. "Second Virial Coefficients of Normal Alkanes, Linear 1-Alkanols (and Water), Alkyl Ethers, and Their Mixtures." Fluid Phase Equilibria, International Workshop on Vapour-Liquid Equilibria and Related Properties in Binary and Ternary Mixtures of Ethers, Alkanes and Alkanols, 133, no. 1-2 (June 1997): 11-34. doi:10.1016/S0378-3812(97)00058-7. .. [7] Xiang, H. W. "The New Simple Extended Corresponding-States Principle: Vapor Pressure and Second Virial Coefficient." Chemical Engineering Science 57, no. 8 (April 2002): 1439049. .. [8] Meng, Long, Yuan-Yuan Duan, and Lei Li. "Correlations for Second and Third Virial Coefficients of Pure Fluids." Fluid Phase Equilibria 226 (December 10, 2004): 109-20. .. [9] Orbey, Hasan, and J. H. Vera. "Correlation for the Third Virial Coefficient Using Tc, Pc and ω as Parameters." AIChE Journal 29, no. 1 (January 1, 1983): 107-13. .. [10] Liu, D. X., and H. W. Xiang. "Corresponding-States Correlation and Prediction of Third Virial Coefficients for a Wide Range of Substances." International Journal of Thermophysics 24, no. 6 (November 1, 2003): 1667-80. ''' __full_path__ = f"{__module__}.{__qualname__}" json_version = 1 obj_references = [] non_json_attributes = ['_model_hash'] as_json = JsonOptEncodable.as_json from_json = JsonOptEncodable.from_json cross_B_calculated = False cross_C_calculated = False pure_B_calculated = False pure_C_calculated = False nonstate_constants = ('Tcs', 'Pcs', 'Vcs', 'omegas', 'B_model', 'cross_B_model', 'cross_B_model_kijs', 'C_model', 'B_model_Meng_as', 'B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as', 'B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs')
[docs] def __repr__(self): r'''Method to create a string representation of the VirialCSP object, with the goal of making it easy to obtain standalone code which reproduces the current state of the phase. This is extremely helpful in creating new test cases. Returns ------- recreation : str String which is valid Python and recreates the current state of the object if ran, [-] Examples -------- >>> from thermo import VirialCSP >>> model = VirialCSP(Tcs=[126.2, 154.58, 150.8], Pcs=[3394387.5, 5042945.25, 4873732.5], Vcs=[8.95e-05, 7.34e-05, 7.49e-05], omegas=[0.04, 0.021, -0.004], B_model='VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL', cross_B_model='Tarakad-Danner', C_model='VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA') >>> model VirialCSP(Tcs=[126.2, 154.58, 150.8], Pcs=[3394387.5, 5042945.25, 4873732.5], Vcs=[8.95e-05, 7.34e-05, 7.49e-05], omegas=[0.04, 0.021, -0.004], B_model='VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL', cross_B_model='Tarakad-Danner', C_model='VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA', T=298.15) ''' try: Cpgs = ', '.join(str(o) for o in self.HeatCapacityGases) except: Cpgs = '' base = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' for s in self.nonstate_constants + ('T',): if hasattr(self, s) and getattr(self, s) is not None: val = getattr(self, s) if type(val) is str: val = f"'{val}'" elif isinstance(val, (np.ndarray, list,)): if not np.any(val): continue base += f'{s}={val}, ' if base[-2:] == ', ': base = base[:-2] base += ')' return base
def model_hash(self): r'''Basic method to calculate a hash of the non-state parts of the model This is useful for comparing to models to determine if they are the same, i.e. in a VLL flash it is important to know if both liquids have the same model. Note that the hashes should only be compared on the same system running in the same process! Returns ------- model_hash : int Hash of the object's model parameters, [-] ''' try: return self._model_hash except AttributeError: pass h = hash(self.__class__.__name__) for s in self.nonstate_constants: try: #print(s,getattr(self, s), hash((h, s, hash_any_primitive(getattr(self, s))))) h = hash((h, s, hash_any_primitive(getattr(self, s)))) except AttributeError: pass self._model_hash = h return h def state_hash(self): r'''Basic method to calculate a hash of the state of the model and its model parameters. Note that the hashes should only be compared on the same system running in the same process! Returns ------- state_hash : int Hash of the object's model parameters and state, [-] ''' #print((self.model_hash(), self.T), 'state hash args') return hash_any_primitive((self.model_hash(), self.T)) __hash__ = state_hash def exact_hash(self): r'''Method to calculate and return a hash representing the exact state of the object. Returns ------- hash : int Hash of the object, [-] ''' d = self.__dict__ ans = hash_any_primitive((self.__class__.__name__, self.state_hash(), self.model_hash(), d)) return ans def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == hash(other) def __init__(self, Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas, B_model=VIRIAL_B_XIANG, cross_B_model=VIRIAL_CROSS_B_TARAKAD_DANNER, # always require kijs in this model cross_B_model_kijs=None, C_model=VIRIAL_C_XIANG, B_model_Meng_as=None, B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as=None, B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs=None, T=298.15, ): self.Tcs = Tcs self.Pcs = Pcs self.Vcs = Vcs self.omegas = omegas self.N = N = len(Tcs) self.vectorized = vectorized = type(Tcs) is ndarray self.T = T if T is None: raise ValueError("T must be defined") self.B_model = B_model self.cross_B_model = cross_B_model if cross_B_model_kijs is None: if vectorized: cross_B_model_kijs = zeros((N, N)) else: cross_B_model_kijs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] self.cross_B_model_kijs = cross_B_model_kijs # Parameters specific to `B` model if B_model_Meng_as is None: if vectorized: B_model_Meng_as = zeros((N, N)) else: B_model_Meng_as = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] B_model_Meng_as_pure = [B_model_Meng_as[i][i] for i in range(N)] if B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as is None: if vectorized: B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as = zeros((N, N)) else: B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as_pure = [B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as[i][i] for i in range(N)] if B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs is None: if vectorized: B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs = zeros((N, N)) else: B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs_pure = [B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs[i][i] for i in range(N)] self.B_model_Meng_as = B_model_Meng_as self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as = B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs = B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs self.B_model_Meng_as_pure = B_model_Meng_as_pure self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as_pure = B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as_pure self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs_pure = B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs_pure # Cross B coefficients self.cross_B_model_Tcijs = Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Tcijs(Tcs, self.cross_B_model_kijs) self.cross_B_model_Pcijs = Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_Pcijs(Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, Vcs=Vcs, Tcijs=self.cross_B_model_Tcijs) self.cross_B_model_Vcijs = Lee_Kesler_virial_CSP_Vcijs(Vcs=Vcs) self.cross_B_model_omegaijs = Tarakad_Danner_virial_CSP_omegaijs(omegas=omegas) self.cross_C_model_Tcijs = self.cross_B_model_Tcijs self.cross_C_model_Pcijs = self.cross_B_model_Pcijs self.cross_C_model_Vcijs = self.cross_B_model_Vcijs self.cross_C_model_omegaijs = self.cross_B_model_omegaijs self.C_model = C_model self.C_zero = C_model == VIRIAL_C_ZERO self.B_zero = B_model == VIRIAL_B_ZERO
[docs] def to(self, T): r'''Method to construct a new object at a new temperature. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] Returns ------- obj : VirialCSP Object at new temperature, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- ''' new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.Tcs = self.Tcs new.Pcs = self.Pcs new.Vcs = self.Vcs new.omegas = self.omegas new.N = self.N new.vectorized = self.vectorized new.B_model = self.B_model # Parameters specific to `B` model new.B_model_Meng_as = self.B_model_Meng_as new.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as = self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as new.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs = self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs new.B_model_Meng_as_pure = self.B_model_Meng_as_pure new.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as_pure = self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as_pure new.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs_pure = self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs_pure new.cross_B_model = self.cross_B_model new.cross_B_model_kijs = self.cross_B_model_kijs new.cross_B_model_Tcijs = self.cross_B_model_Tcijs new.cross_B_model_Pcijs = self.cross_B_model_Pcijs new.cross_B_model_Vcijs = self.cross_B_model_Vcijs new.cross_B_model_omegaijs = self.cross_B_model_omegaijs new.cross_C_model_Tcijs = self.cross_C_model_Tcijs new.cross_C_model_Pcijs = self.cross_C_model_Pcijs new.cross_C_model_Vcijs = self.cross_C_model_Vcijs new.cross_C_model_omegaijs = self.cross_C_model_omegaijs new.C_model = self.C_model new.C_zero = self.C_zero new.B_zero = self.B_zero new.T = T return new
def B_interactions_at_T(self, T): N = self.N Tcijs, Pcijs, Vcijs, omegaijs = self.cross_B_model_Tcijs, self.cross_B_model_Pcijs, self.cross_B_model_Vcijs, self.cross_B_model_omegaijs if self.vectorized: Bs = zeros((N, N)) dB_dTs = zeros((N, N)) d2B_dT2s = zeros((N, N)) d3B_dT3s = zeros((N, N)) else: Bs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] dB_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] d2B_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] d3B_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_ZERO: return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_ABBOTT: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Abbott_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS_EXTENDED: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, omegas=omegaijs, ais=self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as, bs=self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_OCONNELL_PRAUSNITZ: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_XIANG: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Xiang_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, Vcs=Vcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_MENG: Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = BVirial_Meng_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, Vcs=Vcijs, omegas=omegaijs, ais=self.B_model_Meng_as, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) return Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions def _set_B_and_der_interactions(self): Bs_interactions, dB_dTs_interactions, d2B_dT2s_interactions, d3B_dT3s_interactions = self.B_interactions_at_T(self.T) self.Bs_interactions = Bs_interactions self.dB_dTs_interactions = dB_dTs_interactions self.d2B_dT2s_interactions = d2B_dT2s_interactions self.d3B_dT3s_interactions = d3B_dT3s_interactions self.cross_B_calculated = True def B_pures_at_T(self, T): N = self.N Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas = self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.Vcs, self.omegas if self.vectorized: Bs = zeros(N) dB_dTs = zeros(N) d2B_dT2s = zeros(N) d3B_dT3s = zeros(N) else: Bs = [0.0]*N dB_dTs = [0.0]*N d2B_dT2s = [0.0]*N d3B_dT3s = [0.0]*N if self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_ZERO: return Bs, dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Pitzer_Curl_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_ABBOTT: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Abbott_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_TSONOPOULOS_EXTENDED: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Tsonopoulos_extended_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, ais=self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_as_pure, bs=self.B_model_Tsonopoulos_extended_bs_pure, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_OCONNELL_PRAUSNITZ: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Oconnell_Prausnitz_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_XIANG: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Xiang_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, Vcs=Vcs, omegas=omegas, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) elif self.B_model == VIRIAL_B_MENG: Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = BVirial_Meng_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, Vcs=Vcs, ais=self.B_model_Meng_as_pure, Bs=Bs, dB_dTs=dB_dTs, d2B_dT2s=d2B_dT2s, d3B_dT3s=d3B_dT3s) return Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure def _set_B_and_der_pure(self): Bs_pure, dB_dTs_pure, d2B_dT2s_pure, d3B_dT3s_pure = self.B_pures_at_T(self.T) self.Bs_pure = Bs_pure self.dB_dTs_pure = dB_dTs_pure self.d2B_dT2s_pure = d2B_dT2s_pure self.d3B_dT3s_pure = d3B_dT3s_pure self.pure_B_calculated = True
[docs] def B_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure component virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- B_pures : list[float] Second `B` virial coefficients, [m^3/mol] ''' if not self.pure_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_pure() return self.Bs_pure
[docs] def dB_dT_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of pure component virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- dB_dT_pures : list[float] Second temperature derivative of second `B` virial coefficients, [m^3/(mol*K)] ''' if not self.pure_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_pure() return self.dB_dTs_pure
[docs] def d2B_dT2_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of pure component virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d2B_dT2_pures : list[float] Second temperature derivative of second `B` virial coefficients, [m^3/(mol*K^2)] ''' if not self.pure_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_pure() return self.d2B_dT2s_pure
[docs] def d3B_dT3_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third temperature derivative of pure component virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d3B_dT3_pures : list[float] Third temperature derivative of second `B` virial coefficients, [m^3/(mol*K^3)] ''' if not self.pure_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_pure() return self.d3B_dT3s_pure
[docs] def B_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the matrix of interaction component virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- B_interactions : list[list[float]] Second `B` virial coefficients interaction matrix, [m^3/mol] ''' if not self.cross_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_interactions() return self.Bs_interactions
[docs] def dB_dT_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of the `B` virial interaction coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- dB_dT_interactions : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of second `B` virial interaction coefficients, [m^3/(mol*K)] ''' if not self.cross_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_interactions() return self.dB_dTs_interactions
[docs] def d2B_dT2_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of the `B` virial interaction coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d2B_dT2_interactions : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of second `B` virial interaction coefficients, [m^3/(mol*K^2)] ''' if not self.cross_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_interactions() return self.d2B_dT2s_interactions
[docs] def d3B_dT3_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third temperature derivative of the `B` virial interaction coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d3B_dT3_interactions : list[list[float]] Third temperature derivative of second `B` virial interaction coefficients, [m^3/(mol*K^3)] ''' if not self.cross_B_calculated: self._set_B_and_der_interactions() return self.d3B_dT3s_interactions
def C_interactions_at_T(self, T): N = self.N Tcijs, Pcijs, Vcijs, omegaijs = self.cross_C_model_Tcijs, self.cross_C_model_Pcijs, self.cross_C_model_Vcijs, self.cross_C_model_omegaijs if self.vectorized: Cs = zeros((N, N)) dC_dTs = zeros((N, N)) d2C_dT2s = zeros((N, N)) d3C_dT3s = zeros((N, N)) else: Cs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] dC_dTs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] d2C_dT2s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] d3C_dT3s = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if self.C_model == VIRIAL_C_ZERO: return Cs, dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s elif self.C_model == VIRIAL_C_XIANG: Cs_interactions, dC_dTs_interactions, d2C_dT2s_interactions, d3C_dT3s_interactions = CVirial_Liu_Xiang_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, Vcs=Vcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Cs=Cs, dC_dTs=dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s=d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s=d3C_dT3s) elif self.C_model == VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA: Cs_interactions, dC_dTs_interactions, d2C_dT2s_interactions, d3C_dT3s_interactions = CVirial_Orbey_Vera_mat(T=T, Tcs=Tcijs, Pcs=Pcijs, omegas=omegaijs, Cs=Cs, dC_dTs=dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s=d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s=d3C_dT3s) return Cs_interactions, dC_dTs_interactions, d2C_dT2s_interactions, d3C_dT3s_interactions def C_pures_at_T(self, T): N = self.N Tcs, Pcs, Vcs, omegas = self.Tcs, self.Pcs, self.Vcs, self.omegas if self.vectorized: Cs = zeros(N) dC_dTs = zeros(N) d2C_dT2s = zeros(N) d3C_dT3s = zeros(N) else: Cs = [0.0]*N dC_dTs = [0.0]*N d2C_dT2s = [0.0]*N d3C_dT3s = [0.0]*N if self.C_model == VIRIAL_C_ZERO: return Cs, dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s elif self.C_model == VIRIAL_C_XIANG: Cs_pure, dC_dTs_pure, d2C_dT2s_pure, d3C_dT3s_pure = CVirial_Liu_Xiang_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, Vcs=Vcs, omegas=omegas, Cs=Cs, dC_dTs=dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s=d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s=d3C_dT3s) elif self.C_model == VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA: Cs_pure, dC_dTs_pure, d2C_dT2s_pure, d3C_dT3s_pure = CVirial_Orbey_Vera_vec(T=T, Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, omegas=omegas, Cs=Cs, dC_dTs=dC_dTs, d2C_dT2s=d2C_dT2s, d3C_dT3s=d3C_dT3s) return Cs_pure, dC_dTs_pure, d2C_dT2s_pure, d3C_dT3s_pure def _set_C_and_der_pure(self): Cs_pure, dC_dTs_pure, d2C_dT2s_pure, d3C_dT3s_pure = self.C_pures_at_T(self.T) self.Cs_pure = Cs_pure self.dC_dTs_pure = dC_dTs_pure self.d2C_dT2s_pure = d2C_dT2s_pure self.d3C_dT3s_pure = d3C_dT3s_pure self.pure_C_calculated = True def _set_C_and_der_interactions(self): Cs_interactions, dC_dTs_interactions, d2C_dT2s_interactions, d3C_dT3s_interactions = self.C_interactions_at_T(self.T) self.Cs_interactions = Cs_interactions self.dC_dTs_interactions = dC_dTs_interactions self.d2C_dT2s_interactions = d2C_dT2s_interactions self.d3C_dT3s_interactions = d3C_dT3s_interactions self.cross_C_calculated = True
[docs] def C_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the pure component third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- C_pures : list[float] Third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/mol^2] ''' if not self.pure_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_pure() return self.Cs_pure
[docs] def dC_dT_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of pure component third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- dC_dT_pures : list[float] First temperature derivative of third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/(mol^2*K)] ''' if not self.pure_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_pure() return self.dC_dTs_pure
[docs] def d2C_dT2_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of pure component third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d2C_dT2_pures : list[float] Second temperature derivative of third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/(mol^2*K^2)] ''' if not self.pure_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_pure() return self.d2C_dT2s_pure
[docs] def d3C_dT3_pures(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third temperature derivative of pure component third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d3C_dT3_pures : list[float] Third temperature derivative of third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/(mol^2*K^3)] ''' if not self.pure_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_pure() return self.d3C_dT3s_pure
[docs] def C_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the matrix of interaction third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- C_interactions : list[list[float]] Interaction third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/mol^2] ''' if not self.cross_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_interactions() return self.Cs_interactions
[docs] def dC_dT_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the matrix of first temperature derivatives of interaction third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- dC_dT_interactions : list[list[float]] Interaction first temperature derivatives of third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/(mol^2*K)] ''' if not self.cross_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_interactions() return self.dC_dTs_interactions
[docs] def d2C_dT2_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the matrix of second temperature derivatives of interaction third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d2C_dT2_interactions : list[list[float]] Interaction second temperature derivatives of third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/(mol^2*K^2)] ''' if not self.cross_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_interactions() return self.d2C_dT2s_interactions
[docs] def d3C_dT3_interactions(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the matrix of third temperature derivatives of interaction third virial coefficients at the specified temperature. Returns ------- d3C_dT3_interactions : list[list[float]] Interaction third temperature derivatives of third `C` virial coefficients, [m^6/(mol^2*K^2)] ''' if not self.cross_C_calculated: self._set_C_and_der_interactions() return self.d3C_dT3s_interactions
[docs]class VirialGas(IdealGasDeparturePhase): r'''Class for representing a real gas defined by the virial equation of state (density form), as a phase object. The equation includes the `B` and `C` coefficients but not further coefficients as they cannot be accurately estimated. Only limited experimental data for third virial coefficients is available. This model is generic, and allows any source of virial coefficients to be plugged it, so long as it provides the right methods. See :obj:`VirialCSP`. .. math:: Z = \frac{PV}{RT} = 1 + \frac{B}{V} + \frac{C}{V^2} Parameters ---------- model : object Object which provides pure component and interaction second and third virial coefficients; :obj:`VirialCSP`, [-] HeatCapacityGases : list[HeatCapacityGas] Objects proiding pure-component heat capacity correlations, [-] Hfs : list[float] Molar ideal-gas standard heats of formation at 298.15 K and 1 atm, [J/mol] Gfs : list[float] Molar ideal-gas standard Gibbs energies of formation at 298.15 K and 1 atm, [J/mol] T : float, optional Temperature, [K] P : float, optional Pressure, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of each component, [-] cross_B_model : str, optional The method used to combine the pure and/or interaction second `B` virial coefficients into a single `B` coefficient. * 'linear': :math:`B = \sum_i y_i B_i` * 'theory': :math:` B = \sum_i \sum_j y_i y_j B(T)` cross_C_model : str, optional The method used to combine the pure and/or interaction third `C` virial coefficients into a single `C` coefficient. * 'linear': :math:`C = \sum_i y_i C_i`; this is considerably faster * 'Orentlicher-Prausnitz': :math:`C = \sum_i \sum_j \sum_k y_i y_j y_k C_{ijk}(T)` where :math:`C_{ijk} = \left(C_{ij}C_{jk}C_{ik}\right)^{1/3}` Examples -------- T-P initialization for nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, using Poling's polynomial heat capacities: >>> Tcs=[126.2, 154.58, 150.8] >>> Pcs=[3394387.5, 5042945.25, 4873732.5] >>> Vcs=[8.95e-05, 7.34e-05, 7.49e-05] >>> omegas=[0.04, 0.021, -0.004] >>> model = VirialCSP(Tcs=Tcs, Pcs=Pcs, Vcs=Vcs, omegas=omegas, B_model='VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL', cross_B_model='Tarakad-Danner', C_model='VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA') >>> HeatCapacityGases = [HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*1.79e-12, R*-6e-09, R*6.58e-06, R*-0.001794, R*3.63])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [R*-9.9e-13, R*1.57e-09, R*7e-08, R*-0.000261, R*3.539])), ... HeatCapacityGas(poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [0,0,0,0, R*2.5]))] >>> phase = VirialGas(model=model, T=300, P=1e5, zs=[.78, .21, .01], HeatCapacityGases=HeatCapacityGases, cross_B_model='theory', cross_C_model='Orentlicher-Prausnitz') >>> phase.V(), phase.isothermal_compressibility(), phase.speed_of_sound() (0.02493687, 1.00025907e-05, 59.081947) >>> phase VirialGas(model=VirialCSP(Tcs=[126.2, 154.58, 150.8], Pcs=[3394387.5, 5042945.25, 4873732.5], Vcs=[8.95e-05, 7.34e-05, 7.49e-05], omegas=[0.04, 0.021, -0.004], B_model='VIRIAL_B_PITZER_CURL', cross_B_model='Tarakad-Danner', C_model='VIRIAL_C_ORBEY_VERA', T=300), HeatCapacityGases=[HeatCapacityGas(extrapolation="linear", method="POLY_FIT", poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [1.48828880864943e-11, -4.9886775708919434e-08, 5.4709164027448316e-05, -0.014916145936966912, 30.18149930389626])), HeatCapacityGas(extrapolation="linear", method="POLY_FIT", poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [-8.231317991971707e-12, 1.3053706310500586e-08, 5.820123832707268e-07, -0.0021700747433379955, 29.424883205644317])), HeatCapacityGas(extrapolation="linear", method="POLY_FIT", poly_fit=(50.0, 1000.0, [0, 0, 0, 0, 20.7861565453831]))], cross_B_model='theory', cross_C_model='Orentlicher-Prausnitz', T=300, P=100000.0, zs=[0.78, 0.21, 0.01]) ''' phase = 'g' force_phase = 'g' is_gas = True is_liquid = False ideal_gas_basis = True pure_references = ('HeatCapacityGases',) pure_reference_types = (HeatCapacityGas, ) obj_references = ('HeatCapacityGases', 'model', 'result', 'constants', 'correlations') model_attributes = ('Hfs', 'Gfs', 'Sfs', 'model', 'cross_B_model', 'cross_C_model') + pure_references def __init__(self, model, HeatCapacityGases=None, Hfs=None, Gfs=None, T=Phase.T_DEFAULT, P=Phase.P_DEFAULT, zs=None, cross_B_model='theory', cross_C_model='Orentlicher-Prausnitz'): self.model = self.HeatCapacityGases = HeatCapacityGases self.Hfs = Hfs self.Gfs = Gfs if cross_B_model not in ('theory', 'linear'): raise ValueError("Unsupported value for `cross_B_model`") if cross_C_model not in ('Orentlicher-Prausnitz', 'linear'): raise ValueError("Unsupported value for `cross_C_model`") self.cross_B_model = cross_B_model self.cross_C_model = cross_C_model # Store the virial cross model as a boolean # It is likely additional `C` models will be published, the current one is emperical self.cross_B_coefficients = cross_B_model == 'theory' self.cross_C_coefficients = cross_C_model == 'Orentlicher-Prausnitz' if Hfs is not None and Gfs is not None and None not in Hfs and None not in Gfs: self.Sfs = [(Hfi - Gfi)*(1.0/298.15) for Hfi, Gfi in zip(Hfs, Gfs)] else: self.Sfs = None for i in (zs, HeatCapacityGases, Hfs, Gfs): if i is not None: self.N = len(i) break if zs is not None: self.zs = zs self.vectorized = type(zs) is ndarray if T is not None: self.T = T self.model.T = T if P is not None: self.P = P if T is not None and P is not None and zs is not None: Z = Z_from_virial_density_form(T, P, [self.B(), self.C()]) self._V = Z*self.R*T/P
[docs] def __repr__(self): r'''Method to create a string representation of the phase object, with the goal of making it easy to obtain standalone code which reproduces the current state of the phase. This is extremely helpful in creating new test cases. Returns ------- recreation : str String which is valid Python and recreates the current state of the object if ran, [-] ''' try: Cpgs = ', '.join(str(o) for o in self.HeatCapacityGases) except: Cpgs = '' base = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(model={self.model}, HeatCapacityGases=[{Cpgs}], ' for s in ('cross_B_model', 'cross_C_model', 'Hfs', 'Gfs', 'T', 'P', 'zs'): if hasattr(self, s) and getattr(self, s) is not None: val = getattr(self, s) if type(val) is str: val = f"'{val}'" base += f'{s}={val}, ' if base[-2:] == ', ': base = base[:-2] base += ')' return base
[docs] def V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar volume. Returns ------- V : float Molar volume [m^3/mol] ''' return self._V
[docs] def dV_dzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first mole fraction derivatives of the molar volume. See :obj:`chemicals.virial.dV_dzs_virial` for further details. Returns ------- dV_dzs : list[float] First mole fraction derivatives of molar volume [m^3/mol] ''' try: return self._dV_dzs except: pass dB_dzs = self.dB_dzs() dC_dzs = self.dC_dzs() B = self.B() C = self.C() V = self._V N = self.N if self.vectorized: dV_dzs = zeros(N) else: dV_dzs = [0.0]*N self._dV_dzs = dV_dzs_virial(B=B, C=C, V=V, dB_dzs=dB_dzs, dC_dzs=dC_dzs, dV_dzs=dV_dzs) return dV_dzs
[docs] def d2V_dzizjs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second mole fraction derivatives of the molar volume. See :obj:`chemicals.virial.d2V_dzizjs_virial` for further details. Returns ------- d2V_dzizjs : list[float] Second mole fraction derivatives of molar volume [m^3/mol] ''' try: return self._d2V_dzizjs except: pass dB_dzs = self.dB_dzs() dC_dzs = self.dC_dzs() d2B_dzizjs = self.d2B_dzizjs() d2C_dzizjs = self.d2C_dzizjs() B = self.B() C = self.C() V = self._V dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs() N = self.N if self.vectorized: d2V_dzizjs = zeros((N,N)) else: d2V_dzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] self._d2V_dzizjs = d2V_dzizjs_virial(B=B, C=C, V=V, dB_dzs=dB_dzs, dC_dzs=dC_dzs, dV_dzs=dV_dzs, d2B_dzizjs=d2B_dzizjs, d2C_dzizjs=d2C_dzizjs, d2V_dzizjs=d2V_dzizjs) return d2V_dzizjs
[docs] def dG_dep_dzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first mole fraction derivatives of the departure Gibbs energy. Returns ------- dG_dep_dzs : list[float] First mole fraction derivatives of departure Gibbs energy [J/mol] ''' try: return self._dG_dep_dzs except: pass T = self.T dB_dzs = self.dB_dzs() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dC_dzs = self.dC_dzs() dV_dzs = self.dV_dzs() d2C_dTdzs = self.d2C_dTdzs() d2B_dTdzs = self.d2B_dTdzs() B = self.B() C = self.C() V = self._V N = self.N if self.vectorized: dG_dep_dzs = zeros(N) else: dG_dep_dzs = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): x0 = V x1 = x0*x0 x2 = 1.0/x1 x4 = dC_dzs[i]#Derivative(x3, z1) x6 = 2.0*T x7 = dV_dzs[i]#Derivative(x0, z1) x8 = 2.0*x7 x9 = T*dB_dT#Derivative(x5, T) x10 = x0*B + x1 + C x11 = log(x10*x2) x12 = x0*x8 x13 = 1.0/x0 dG_dep_dzs[i] = (R*T*x2*(T*d2C_dTdzs[i] + x0*x6*d2B_dTdzs[i]+ x1*(-x0*dB_dzs[i] + 2.0*x10*x13*x7 - x12 - x4 - B*x7)/x10 - x11*x12 - x13*x7*(4.0*x0*x9 - 2.0*x1*x11 - C + x6*dC_dT) - x4*0.5 + x8*x9)) # self._dG_dep_dzs = dG_dep_dzs_virial(B=B, C=C, V=V, dB_dzs=dB_dzs, dC_dzs=dC_dzs, dG_dep_dzs=dG_dep_dzs) return dG_dep_dzs
def dG_dep_dns(self): try: return self._dG_dep_dns except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dG_dep_dns = zeros(N) else: dG_dep_dns = [0.0]*N self._dG_dep_dns = dG_dep_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dG_dep_dzs(), self.zs, dG_dep_dns) return dG_dep_dns def dnG_dep_dns(self): try: return self._dnG_dep_dns except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dnG_dep_dns = zeros(N) else: dnG_dep_dns = [0.0]*N self._dnG_dep_dns = dnG_dep_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dG_dep_dzs(), self.zs, self.G_dep(), dnG_dep_dns) return dnG_dep_dns def lnphi(self): return self.G_dep()/(R*self.T)
[docs] def lnphis(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the log fugacity coefficients of the phase. Returns ------- lnphis : list[float] Log fugacity coefficients, [-] ''' # working! zs = self.zs T = self.T RT_inv = 1.0/(R*T) lnphi = self.G_dep()*RT_inv dG_dep_dns = self.dG_dep_dns() if self.vectorized: dG_dep_dns_RT = RT_inv*dG_dep_dns else: dG_dep_dns_RT = [v*RT_inv for v in dG_dep_dns] out = zeros(self.N) if self.vectorized else [0.0]*self.N log_phis = dns_to_dn_partials(dG_dep_dns_RT, lnphi, out) return log_phis
[docs] def dP_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first derivative of pressure with respect to temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T}\right)_{V} = \frac{R \left(T \left(V \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} + \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)}\right) + V^{2} + V B{\left(T \right)} + C{\left(T \right)} \right)}{V^{3}} Returns ------- dP_dT : float First derivative of pressure with respect to temperature at constant volume [Pa/K] ''' try: return self._dP_dT except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V self._dP_dT = dP_dT = self.R*(T*(V*self.dB_dT() + self.dC_dT()) + V*(V + self.B()) + self.C())/(V*V*V) return dP_dT
[docs] def dP_dV(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first derivative of pressure with respect to volume. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial V}\right)_{T} = - \frac{R T \left(V^{2} + 2 V B{\left(T \right)} + 3 C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{V^{4}} Returns ------- dP_dV : float First derivative of pressure with respect to volume at constant temperature [Pa*mol/(m^3)] ''' try: return self._dP_dV except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V self._dP_dV = dP_dV = -self.R*T*(V*V + 2.0*V*self.B() + 3.0*self.C())/(V*V*V*V) return dP_dV
[docs] def d2P_dTdV(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second derivative of pressure with respect to volume and temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V\partial T}\right)_{T} = - \frac{R \left(2 T V \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} + 3 T \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)} + V^{2} + 2 V B{\left(T \right)} + 3 C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{V^{4}} Returns ------- d2P_dTdV : float Second derivative of pressure with respect to volume at and temperature [Pa*mol/(m^3*K)] ''' try: return self._d2P_dTdV except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V V2 = V*V self._d2P_dTdV = d2P_dTdV = -self.R*(2.0*T*V*self.dB_dT() + 3.0*T*self.dC_dT() + V2 + 2.0*V*self.B() + 3.0*self.C())/(V2*V2) return d2P_dTdV
[docs] def d2P_dV2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second derivative of pressure with respect to volume. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial V^2}\right)_{T} = \frac{2 R T \left(V^{2} + 3 V B{\left(T \right)} + 6 C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{V^{5}} Returns ------- d2P_dV2 : float Second derivative of pressure with respect to volume at constant temperature [Pa*mol^2/(m^6)] ''' try: return self._d2P_dV2 except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V V2 = V*V self._d2P_dV2 = d2P_dV2 = 2.0*self.R*T*(V2 + 3.0*V*self.B() + 6.0*self.C())/(V2*V2*V) return d2P_dV2
[docs] def d2P_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second derivative of pressure with respect to temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial^2 P}{\partial T^2}\right)_{V} = \frac{R \left(T \left(V \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} B{\left(T \right)} + \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} C{\left(T \right)}\right) + 2 V \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} + 2 \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{V^{3}} Returns ------- d2P_dT2 : float Second derivative of pressure with respect to temperature at constant volume [Pa/K^2] ''' try: return self._d2P_dT2 except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V V2 = V*V self._d2P_dT2 = d2P_dT2 = self.R*(T*(V*self.d2B_dT2() + self.d2C_dT2()) + 2.0*V*self.dB_dT() + 2.0*self.dC_dT())/(V*V*V) return d2P_dT2
[docs] def H_dep(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar departure enthalpy. .. math:: H_{dep} = \frac{R T^{2} \left(2 V \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} + \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{2 V^{2}} - R T \left(-1 + \frac{V^{2} + V B{\left(T \right)} + C{\left(T \right)}}{V^{2}} \right) Returns ------- H_dep : float Departure enthalpy [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' """ from sympy import * Z, R, T, V, P = symbols('Z, R, T, V, P') B, C = symbols('B, C', cls=Function) base =Eq(P*V/(R*T), 1 + B(T)/V + C(T)/V**2) P_sln = solve(base, P)[0] Z = P_sln*V/(R*T) # Two ways to compute H_dep Hdep2 = R*T - P_sln*V + integrate(P_sln - T*diff(P_sln, T), (V, oo, V)) Hdep = -R*T*(Z-1) -integrate(diff(Z, T)/V, (V, oo, V))*R*T**2 """ try: return self._H_dep except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V V2 = V*V RT = self.R*T self._H_dep = H_dep = RT*(T*(2.0*V*self.dB_dT() + self.dC_dT())/(2.0*V2) - (-1.0 + (V2 + V*self.B() + self.C())/V2)) return H_dep
[docs] def dH_dep_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of molar departure enthalpy. .. math:: \frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial T} = \frac{R \left(2 T^{2} V \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} B{\left(T \right)} + T^{2} \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} C{\left(T \right)} + 2 T V \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} - 2 V B{\left(T \right)} - 2 C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{2 V^{2}} Returns ------- dH_dep_dT : float First temperature derivative of departure enthalpy [J/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._dH_dep_dT except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() d2B_dT2 = self.d2B_dT2() d2C_dT2 = self.d2C_dT2() self._dH_dep_dT = dH_dep_dT = (self.R*(2.0*T*T*V*d2B_dT2 + T*T*d2C_dT2 + 2.0*T*V*dB_dT - 2.0*V*B - 2.0*C)/(2.0*V*V)) return dH_dep_dT
Cp_dep = dH_dep_dT def dH_dep_dP_V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar departure enthalpy at constant volume. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial P}\right)_{V} = - R \left(-1 + \frac{V^{2} + V B{\left(P \right)} + C{\left(P \right)}} {V^{2}}\right) \frac{d}{d P} T{\left(P \right)} - \frac{R \left(- 2 V \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(P \right)} - \operatorname{dC_{dT}} {\left(P \right)}\right) T{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} T{\left(P \right)}}{V^{2}} - \frac{R \left(V \frac{d}{d P} B{\left(P \right)} + \frac{d}{d P} C{\left(P \right)}\right) T{\left(P \right)}}{V^{2}} - \frac{R \left(- 2 V \frac{d}{d P} \operatorname{dB_{dT}} {\left(P \right)} - \frac{d}{d P} \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(P \right)}\right) T^{2}{\left(P \right)}}{2 V^{2}} Returns ------- dH_dep_dP_V : float First pressure derivative of departure enthalpy at constant volume [J/(mol*Pa)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, V, P = symbols('R, V, P') dB_dT, dC_dT, T, B, C = symbols('dB_dT, dC_dT, T, B, C', cls=Function) H_dep_const_V = -R*T(P)**2*(-2*V*dB_dT(P)- dC_dT(P))/(2*V**2) - R*T(P)*(-1 + (V**2 + V*B(P) + C(P))/V**2) print(diff(H_dep_const_V, P)) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dB_dP_V = self.dB_dP_V() dC_dP_V=self.dC_dP_V() d2B_dTdP_V=self.d2B_dTdP_V() d2C_dTdP_V=self.d2C_dTdP_V() dT_dP_V = self.dT_dP_V() V2 = V*V dH_dep_dP_V = (-R*(-1.0 + (V2 + V*B + C)/V2)*dT_dP_V - R*(-2.0*V*dB_dT - dC_dT)*T*dT_dP_V/V2 - R*(V*dB_dP_V + dC_dP_V)*T/V2 - R*(-2.0*V*d2B_dTdP_V - d2C_dTdP_V)*T*T/(2.0*V2)) return dH_dep_dP_V def dS_dep_dP_V(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar departure entropy at constant volume. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial P}\right)_{V} = \frac{R \left(V \frac{d}{d P} B{\left(P \right)} + \frac{d}{d P} C{\left(P \right)}\right)}{V^{2} + V B{\left(P \right)} + C{\left(P \right)}} + \frac{- R T{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} \operatorname{dC_{dT}} {\left(P \right)} - R \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} T{\left(P \right)} - R \frac{d}{d P} C{\left(P \right)} + V \left(- 2 R T{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} \operatorname{dB_{dT}} {\left(P \right)} - 2 R \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} T{\left(P \right)} - 2 R \frac{d}{d P} B{\left(P \right)}\right)}{2 V^{2}} Returns ------- dS_dep_dP_V : float First pressure derivative of departure entropy at constant volume [J/(mol*Pa*K)] ''' T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dB_dP_V = self.dB_dP_V() dC_dP_V=self.dC_dP_V() d2B_dTdP_V=self.d2B_dTdP_V() d2C_dTdP_V=self.d2C_dTdP_V() dT_dP_V = self.dT_dP_V() dS_dep_dP_V = (R*(V*dB_dP_V + dC_dP_V)/(V**2 + V*B + C) + (-R*T*d2C_dTdP_V - R*dC_dT*dT_dP_V - R*dC_dP_V + V*(-2*R*T*d2B_dTdP_V - 2*R*dB_dT*dT_dP_V - 2*R*dB_dP_V))/(2*V**2)) return dS_dep_dP_V def dH_dep_dP_T(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar departure enthalpy at constant temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial P}\right)_{T} = \frac{R T^{2} dB_{dT} \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}}{V^{2}{\left(P \right)}} + \frac{R T^{2} \left(- 2 dB_{dT} V{\left(P \right)} - dC_{dT}\right) \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}}{V^{3}{\left(P \right)}} - R T \left(\frac{B \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)} + 2 V{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}}{V^{2} {\left(P \right)}} - \frac{2 \left(B V{\left(P \right)} + C + V^{2} {\left(P \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}} {V^{3}{\left(P \right)}}\right) Returns ------- dH_dep_dP_T : float First pressure derivative of departure enthalpy at constant temperature [J/(mol*Pa)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, P, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT = symbols('R, P, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT') V = symbols('V', cls=Function) H_dep_const_T = -R*T**2*(-2*V(P)*dB_dT - dC_dT)/(2*V(P)**2) - R*T*(-1 + (V(P)**2 + V(P)*B + C)/V(P)**2) print(diff(H_dep_const_T, P)) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dV_dP = self.dV_dP() dH_dep_dP_T =(R*T**2*dB_dT*dV_dP/V**2 + R*T**2*(-2*dB_dT*V - dC_dT)*dV_dP/V**3 - R*T*((B*dV_dP + 2*V*dV_dP)/V**2 - 2*(B*V + C + V**2)*dV_dP/V**3)) return dH_dep_dP_T def dS_dep_dP_T(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first pressure derivative of molar departure entropy at constant temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial P}\right)_{T} = \frac{R \left(\frac{B \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)} + 2 V{\left(P \right)} \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}}{V^{2} {\left(P \right)}} - \frac{2 \left(B V{\left(P \right)} + C + V^{2}{\left(P \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}} {V^{3}{\left(P \right)}}\right) V^{2}{\left(P \right)}}{B V{\left(P \right)} + C + V^{2}{\left(P \right)}} + \frac{\left( - 2 B R - 2 R T dB_{dT}\right) \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}} {2 V^{2}{\left(P \right)}} - \frac{\left(- C R - R T dC_{dT} + \left(- 2 B R - 2 R T dB_{dT}\right) V{\left(P \right)}\right) \frac{d}{d P} V{\left(P \right)}}{V^{3}{\left(P \right)}} Returns ------- dS_dep_dP_T : float First pressure derivative of departure entropy at constant temperature [J/(mol*Pa*K)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, P, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT = symbols('R, P, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT') V = symbols('V', cls=Function) S_dep_to_diff = R*log((V(P)**2 + V(P)*B + C)/V(P)**2) + (-R*T*dC_dT - R*C + V(P)*(-2*R*T*dB_dT - 2*R*B))/(2*V(P)**2) print((diff(S_dep_to_diff, P))) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dV_dP = self.dV_dP() dS_dep_dP_T =(R*((B*dV_dP + 2*V*dV_dP)/V**2 - 2*(B*V + C + V**2)*dV_dP/V**3)*V**2/(B*V + C + V**2) + (-2*B*R - 2*R*T*dB_dT)*dV_dP/(2*V**2) - (-C*R - R*T*dC_dT + (-2*B*R - 2*R*T*dB_dT)*V)*dV_dP/V**3) return dS_dep_dP_T def dH_dep_dV_T(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first volume derivative of molar departure enthalpy at constant temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial V}\right)_{T} = \frac{R T^{2} dB_{dT}}{V^{2}} + \frac{R T^{2} \left(- 2 V dB_{dT} - dC_{dT}\right)}{V^{3}} - R T \left(\frac{B + 2 V}{V^{2}} - \frac{2 \left(B V + C + V^{2}\right)}{V^{3}}\right) Returns ------- dH_dep_dV_T : float First volume derivative of departure enthalpy at constant temperature [J/(m^3)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, V, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT = symbols('R, V, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT') P = symbols('P', cls=Function) H_dep_const_T = -R*T**2*(-2*V*dB_dT - dC_dT)/(2*V**2) - R*T*(-1 + (V**2 + V*B + C)/V**2) print(diff(H_dep_const_T, V)) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() return (R*T**2*dB_dT/V**2 + R*T**2*(-2*V*dB_dT - dC_dT)/V**3 - R*T*((B + 2*V)/V**2 - 2*(B*V + C + V**2)/V**3)) def dS_dep_dV_T(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first volume derivative of molar departure entropy at constant temperature. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial V}\right)_{T} = \frac{R V^{2} \left(\frac{B + 2 V}{V^{2}} - \frac{2 \left(B V + C + V^{2}\right)}{V^{3}}\right)}{B V + C + V^{2}} + \frac{- 2 B R - 2 R T dB_{dT}}{2 V^{2}} - \frac{- C R - R T dC_{dT} + V \left( - 2 B R - 2 R T dB_{dT}\right)}{V^{3}} Returns ------- dS_dep_dV_T : float First volume derivative of departure entropy at constant temperature [J/(m^3*K)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, V, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT = symbols('R, V, T, B, C, dB_dT, dC_dT') P = symbols('P', cls=Function) S_dep_const_T = R*log((V**2 + V*B + C)/V**2) + (-R*T*dC_dT - R*C + V*(-2*R*T*dB_dT - 2*R*B))/(2*V**2) print(latex(diff(S_dep_const_T, V))) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() return (R*V**2*((B + 2*V)/V**2 - 2*(B*V + C + V**2)/V**3)/(B*V + C + V**2) + (-2*B*R - 2*R*T*dB_dT)/(2*V**2) - (-C*R - R*T*dC_dT + V*(-2*B*R - 2*R*T*dB_dT))/V**3) def dH_dep_dV_P(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first volume derivative of molar departure enthalpy at constant pressure. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial H_{dep}}{\partial V}\right)_{P} = - R \left(-1 + \frac{V^{2} + V B{\left(V \right)} + C{\left(V \right)}} {V^{2}}\right) \frac{d}{d V} T{\left(V \right)} - R \left(\frac{V \frac{d}{d V} B{\left(V \right)} + 2 V + B{\left(V \right)} + \frac{d}{d V} C{\left(V \right)}}{V^{2}} - \frac{2 \left(V^{2} + V B{\left(V \right)} + C{\left(V \right)}\right)}{V^{3}}\right) T{\left(V \right)} - \frac{R \left(- 2 V \operatorname{dB_{dT}} {\left(V \right)} - \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(V \right)}\right) T{\left(V \right)} \frac{d}{d V} T{\left(V \right)}}{V^{2}} - \frac{R \left(- 2 V \frac{d}{d V} \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} - 2 \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} - \frac{d}{d V} \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(V \right)}\right) T^{2}{\left(V \right)}}{2 V^{2}} + \frac{R \left(- 2 V \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} - \operatorname{dC_{dT}} {\left(V \right)}\right) T^{2}{\left(V \right)}}{V^{3}} Returns ------- dH_dep_dV_P : float First volume derivative of departure enthalpy at constant pressure [J/(m^3)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, V, P = symbols('R, V, P') dB_dT, dC_dT, T, B, C = symbols('dB_dT, dC_dT, T, B, C', cls=Function) H_dep_const_P = -R*T(V)**2*(-2*V*dB_dT(V)- dC_dT(V))/(2*V**2) - R*T(V)*(-1 + (V**2 + V*B(V) + C(V))/V**2) print((diff(H_dep_const_P, V))) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dT_dV = self.dT_dV() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dB_dV_P = self.dB_dV_P() dC_dV_P = self.dC_dV_P() d2B_dTdV_P = self.d2B_dTdV_P() d2C_dTdV_P = self.d2C_dTdV_P() return (-R*(-1 + (V**2 + V*B + C)/V**2)*dT_dV - R*((V*dB_dV_P + 2*V + B + dC_dV_P)/V**2 - 2*(V**2 + V*B + C)/V**3)*T - R*(-2*V*dB_dT - dC_dT)*T*dT_dV/V**2 - R*(-2*V*d2B_dTdV_P - 2*dB_dT - d2C_dTdV_P)*T**2/(2*V**2) + R*(-2*V*dB_dT - dC_dT)*T**2/V**3) def dS_dep_dV_P(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first volume derivative of molar departure entropy at constant pressure. .. math:: \left(\frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial V}\right)_{P} = \frac{R V^{2} \left(\frac{V \frac{d}{d V} B{\left(V \right)} + 2 V + B{\left(V \right)} + \frac{d}{d V} C{\left(V \right)}}{V^{2}} - \frac{2 \left(V^{2} + V B{\left(V \right)} + C{\left(V \right)} \right)}{V^{3}}\right)}{V^{2} + V B{\left(V \right)} + C{\left(V \right)}} + \frac{- 2 R B{\left(V \right)} - 2 R T{\left(V \right)} \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} - R T{\left(V \right)} \frac{d}{d V} \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} - R \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} \frac{d}{d V} T{\left(V \right)} - R \frac{d}{d V} C{\left(V \right)} + V \left(- 2 R T {\left(V \right)} \frac{d}{d V} \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} - 2 R \operatorname{dB_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} \frac{d} {d V} T{\left(V \right)} - 2 R \frac{d}{d V} B{\left(V \right)} \right)}{2 V^{2}} - \frac{- R C{\left(V \right)} - R T{\left(V \right)} \operatorname{dC_{dT}}{\left(V \right)} + V \left(- 2 R B{\left(V \right)} - 2 R T{\left(V \right)} \operatorname{dB_{dT}} {\left(V \right)}\right)}{V^{3}} Returns ------- dS_dep_dV_P : float First volume derivative of departure entropy at constant pressure [J/(m^3)] ''' """ from sympy import * R, V, P = symbols('R, V, P') dB_dT, dC_dT, T, B, C = symbols('dB_dT, dC_dT, T, B, C', cls=Function) term = R*log((V**2 + V*B(V) + C(V))/V**2) + (-R*T(V)*dC_dT(V) - R*C(V) + V*(-2*R*T(V)*dB_dT(V) - 2*R*B(V)))/(2*V**2) print((diff(term, V))) """ T, V = self.T, self._V B = self.B() C = self.C() dT_dV = self.dT_dV() dB_dT = self.dB_dT() dC_dT = self.dC_dT() dB_dV_P = self.dB_dV_P() dC_dV_P = self.dC_dV_P() d2B_dTdV_P = self.d2B_dTdV_P() d2C_dTdV_P = self.d2C_dTdV_P() return (R*V**2*((V*dB_dV_P + 2*V + B + dC_dV_P)/V**2 - 2*(V**2 + V*B + C)/V**3)/(V**2 + V*B + C) + (-2*R*B - 2*R*T*dB_dT - R*T*d2C_dTdV_P - R*dC_dT*dT_dV - R*dC_dV_P + V*(-2*R*T*d2B_dTdV_P - 2*R*dB_dT*dT_dV - 2*R*dB_dV_P))/(2*V**2) - (-R*C - R*T*dC_dT + V*(-2*R*B - 2*R*T*dB_dT))/V**3)
[docs] def S_dep(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the molar departure entropy. .. math:: S_{dep} = \frac{R \left(- T \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)} + 2 V^{2} \ln{\left(\frac{V^{2} + V B{\left(T \right)} + C{\left(T \right)}} {V^{2}} \right)} - 2 V \left(T \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} + B{\left(T \right)}\right) - C{\left(T \right)}\right)}{2 V^{2}} Returns ------- S_dep : float Departure enthalpy [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' """ dP_dT = diff(P_sln, T) S_dep = integrate(dP_dT - R/V, (V, oo, V)) + R*log(Z) """ try: return self._S_dep except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V V2 = V*V self._S_dep = S_dep = (self.R*(-T*self.dC_dT() + 2*V2*log((V2 + V*self.B() + self.C())/V**2) - 2*V*(T*self.dB_dT() + self.B()) - self.C())/(2*V2)) return S_dep
[docs] def dS_dep_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of molar departure entropy. .. math:: \frac{\partial S_{dep}}{\partial T} = \frac{R \left(2 V^{2} \left(V \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)} + \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)} \right) - \left(V^{2} + V B{\left(T \right)} + C{\left(T \right)} \right) \left(T \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} C{\left(T \right)} + 2 V \left(T \frac{d^{2}}{d T^{2}} B{\left(T \right)} + 2 \frac{d}{d T} B{\left(T \right)}\right) + 2 \frac{d}{d T} C{\left(T \right)} \right)\right)}{2 V^{2} \left(V^{2} + V B{\left(T \right)} + C{\left(T \right)}\right)} Returns ------- dS_dep_dT : float First temperature derivative of departure enthalpy [J/(mol*K^2)] ''' try: return self._dS_dep_dT except: pass T, V = self.T, self._V V2 = V*V self._dS_dep_dT = dS_dep_dT = (self.R*(2.0*V2*(V*self.dB_dT() + self.dC_dT()) - (V2 + V*self.B() + self.C())*(T*self.d2C_dT2() + 2.0*V*(T*self.d2B_dT2() + 2.0*self.dB_dT()) + 2.0*self.dC_dT()))/(2.0*V2*(V2 + V*self.B() + self.C()))) return dS_dep_dT
dS_dep_dT_P = dS_dep_dT dS_dep_dT_V = dS_dep_dT def to_TP_zs(self, T, P, zs): new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.T = T new.P = P new.zs = zs new.N = self.N new.vectorized = self.vectorized new.cross_B_coefficients = self.cross_B_coefficients new.cross_C_coefficients = self.cross_C_coefficients new.cross_B_model = self.cross_B_model new.cross_C_model = self.cross_C_model new.HeatCapacityGases = self.HeatCapacityGases new.model = new.Hfs = self.Hfs new.Gfs = self.Gfs new.Sfs = self.Sfs Z = Z_from_virial_density_form(T, P, [new.B(), new.C()]) new._V = Z*self.R*T/P return new def to(self, zs, T=None, P=None, V=None): new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.zs = zs new.vectorized = self.vectorized new.N = self.N new.cross_B_coefficients = self.cross_B_coefficients new.cross_C_coefficients = self.cross_C_coefficients new.cross_B_model = self.cross_B_model new.cross_C_model = self.cross_C_model new.HeatCapacityGases = self.HeatCapacityGases new.model = model = if T is not None else 298.15) new.Hfs = self.Hfs new.Gfs = self.Gfs new.Sfs = self.Sfs if T is not None: new.T = T new.model.T = T if P is not None: new.P = P B = new.B() C = new.C() Z = Z_from_virial_density_form(T, P, [B, C]) new._V = Z*self.R*T/P elif V is not None: P = new.P = self.R*T*(V*V + V*new.B() + new.C())/(V*V*V) new._V = V else: raise ValueError("Two of T, P, or V are needed") elif P is not None and V is not None: new.P = P new._V = V # PV specified, solve for T def err(T): # Solve for P matching; probably there is a better solution here that does not # require the cubic solution but this works for now # TODO: instead of using self.to_TP_zs to allow calculating B and C, # they should be functional new_tmp = self.to_TP_zs(T=T, P=P, zs=zs) B = new_tmp.B() C = new_tmp.C() x2 = V*V + V*B + C x3 = self.R/(V*V*V) P_err = T*x2*x3 - P dP_dT = x3*(T*(V*new_tmp.dB_dT() + new_tmp.dC_dT()) + x2) return P_err, dP_dT T_ig = P*V/self.R # guess T = newton(err, T_ig, fprime=True, xtol=1e-15) new.T = T new.model.T = T else: raise ValueError("Two of T, P, or V are needed") return new
[docs] def B(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- B : float Second molar virial coefficient [m^3/mol] ''' try: return self._B except: pass N = self.N if N == 1: self._B = B = self.model.B_pures()[0] return B zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.B_pures() self._B = B = float(mixing_simple(zs, Bs)) return B B_interactions = self.model.B_interactions() self._B = B = float(BVirial_mixture(zs, B_interactions)) return B
[docs] def dB_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- dB_dT : float First temperature derivative of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._dB_dT except: pass N = self.N if N == 1: return self.model.dB_dT_pures()[0] zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.dB_dT_pures() self._dB_dT = dB_dT = float(mixing_simple(zs, Bs)) return dB_dT dB_dT_interactions = self.model.dB_dT_interactions() self._dB_dT = dB_dT = float(BVirial_mixture(zs, dB_dT_interactions)) return dB_dT
[docs] def d2B_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d2B_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K^2)] ''' try: return self._d2B_dT2 except: pass N = self.N if N == 1: return self.model.d2B_dT2_pures()[0] zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.d2B_dT2_pures() self._d2B_dT2 = d2B_dT2 = float(mixing_simple(zs, Bs)) return d2B_dT2 d2B_dT2_interactions = self.model.d2B_dT2_interactions() self._d2B_dT2 = d2B_dT2 = float(BVirial_mixture(zs, d2B_dT2_interactions)) return d2B_dT2
[docs] def d3B_dT3(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third temperature derivative of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d3B_dT3 : float Third temperature derivative of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K^3)] ''' try: return self._d3B_dT3 except: pass N = self.N if N == 1: return self.model.d3B_dT3_pures()[0] zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.d3B_dT3_pures() self._d3B_dT3 = d3B_dT3 = float(mixing_simple(zs, Bs)) return d3B_dT3 d3B_dT3_interactions = self.model.d3B_dT3_interactions() self._d3B_dT3 = d3B_dT3 = float(BVirial_mixture(zs, d3B_dT3_interactions)) return d3B_dT3
[docs] def C(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- C : float Third molar virial coefficient [m^6/mol^2] ''' try: return self._C except: pass T = self.T zs = self.zs N = self.N if self.model.C_zero: self._C = C = 0.0 return C elif self.N == 1: self._C = C = self.model.C_pures()[0] elif not self.cross_C_coefficients: Cs = self.model.C_pures() self._C = C = float(mixing_simple(zs, Cs)) return C else: Cijs = self.model.C_interactions() self._C = C = float(CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs)) return C
[docs] def dC_dT(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- dC_dT : float First temperature derivative of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2*K)] ''' try: return self._dC_dT except: pass T = self.T zs = self.zs if self.model.C_zero: self._dC_dT = dC_dT = 0.0 return dC_dT elif self.N == 1: self._dC_dT = dC_dT = self.model.dC_dT_pures()[0] return dC_dT elif not self.cross_C_coefficients: dC_dTs = self.model.dC_dT_pures() self._dC_dT = dC_dT = float(mixing_simple(zs, dC_dTs)) return dC_dT else: Cijs = self.model.C_interactions() dCijs = self.model.dC_dT_interactions() # TODO """ from sympy import * Cij, Cik, Cjk = symbols('Cij, Cik, Cjk', cls=Function) T = symbols('T') # The derivative of this is messy expr = (Cij(T)*Cik(T)*Cjk(T))**Rational('1/3') # diff(expr, T, 3) """ self._dC_dT = dC_dT = float(dCVirial_mixture_dT_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCijs)) return dC_dT
[docs] def d2C_dT2(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- d2C_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2*K^2)] ''' try: return self._d2C_dT2 except: pass T = self.T zs = self.zs if self.model.C_zero: self._d2C_dT2 = d2C_dT2 = 0.0 return d2C_dT2 elif self.N == 1: self._d2C_dT2 = d2C_dT2 = self.model.d2C_dT2_pures()[0] return d2C_dT2 elif not self.cross_C_coefficients: d2C_dT2s = self.model.d2C_dT2_pures() self._d2C_dT2 = d2C_dT2 = float(mixing_simple(zs, d2C_dT2s)) return d2C_dT2 else: Cijs = self.model.C_interactions() dCijs = self.model.dC_dT_interactions() d2C_dT2ijs = self.model.d2C_dT2_interactions() N = self.N self._d2C_dT2 = d2C_dT2 = float(d2CVirial_mixture_dT2_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCijs, d2C_dT2ijs)) return d2C_dT2
[docs] def d3C_dT3(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third temperature derivative of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- d3C_dT3 : float Second temperature derivative of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2*K^3)] ''' try: return self._d3C_dT3 except: pass T = self.T zs = self.zs if self.model.C_zero: self._d3C_dT3 = d3C_dT3 = 0.0 return d3C_dT3 elif self.N == 1: self._d3C_dT3 = d3C_dT3 = self.model.d3C_dT3_pures()[0] return d3C_dT3 elif not self.cross_C_coefficients: d3C_dT3s = self.model.d3C_dT3_pures() self._d3C_dT3 = d3C_dT3 = float(mixing_simple(zs, d3C_dT3s)) return d3C_dT3 else: Cijs = self.model.C_interactions() dCijs = self.model.dC_dT_interactions() d2C_dT2ijs = self.model.d2C_dT2_interactions() d3C_dT3ijs = self.model.d3C_dT3_interactions() N = self.N self._d3C_dT3 = d3C_dT3 = float(d3CVirial_mixture_dT3_Orentlicher_Prausnitz(zs, Cijs, dCijs, d2C_dT2ijs, d3C_dT3ijs)) return d3C_dT3
[docs] def dB_dzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- dB_dzs : list[float] First mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol)] ''' try: return self._dB_dzs except: pass zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.B_pures() self._dB_dzs = dB_dzs = Bs return dB_dzs N = self.N if self.vectorized: dB_dzs = zeros(N) else: dB_dzs = [0.0]*N B_interactions = self.model.B_interactions() self._dB_dzs = dB_dzs = dBVirial_mixture_dzs(zs, B_interactions, dB_dzs) return dB_dzs
[docs] def d2B_dTdzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the temperature derivative of the first mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d2B_dTdzs : list[float] First temperature derivative of first mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._d2B_dTdzs except: pass zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.dB_dT_pures() self._d2B_dTdzs = d2B_dTdzs = Bs return d2B_dTdzs N = self.N if self.vectorized: d2B_dTdzs = zeros(N) else: d2B_dTdzs = [0.0]*N B_interactions = self.model.dB_dT_interactions() self._d2B_dTdzs = d2B_dTdzs = dBVirial_mixture_dzs(zs, B_interactions, d2B_dTdzs) return d2B_dTdzs
def d3B_dT2dzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of the first mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d3B_dT2dzs : list[float] Second temperature derivative of first mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K^2)] ''' try: return self._d3B_dT2dzs except: pass zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.d2B_dT2_pures() self._d3B_dT2dzs = d3B_dT2dzs = Bs return d3B_dT2dzs N = self.N if self.vectorized: d3B_dT2dzs = zeros(N) else: d3B_dT2dzs = [0.0]*N B_interactions = self.model.d2B_dT2_interactions() self._d3B_dT2dzs = d3B_dT2dzs = dBVirial_mixture_dzs(zs, B_interactions, d3B_dT2dzs) return d3B_dT2dzs def d4B_dT3dzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third temperature derivative of the first mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d4B_dT3dzs : list[float] Third temperature derivative of first mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K^3)] ''' try: return self._d4B_dT3dzs except: pass zs = self.zs if not self.cross_B_coefficients: Bs = self.model.d3B_dT3_pures() self._d4B_dT3dzs = d4B_dT3dzs = Bs return d4B_dT3dzs N = self.N if self.vectorized: d4B_dT3dzs = zeros(N) else: d4B_dT3dzs = [0.0]*N B_interactions = self.model.d3B_dT3_interactions() self._d4B_dT3dzs = d4B_dT3dzs = dBVirial_mixture_dzs(zs, B_interactions, d4B_dT3dzs) return d4B_dT3dzs
[docs] def d2B_dzizjs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d2B_dzizjs : list[list[float]] Second mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol)] ''' try: return self._d2B_dzizjs except: pass N = self.N zs = self.zs if self.vectorized: d2B_dzizjs = zeros((N, N)) else: d2B_dzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if not self.cross_B_coefficients: self._d2B_dzizjs = d2B_dzizjs return d2B_dzizjs B_interactions = self.model.B_interactions() self._d2B_dzizjs = d2B_dzizjs = d2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs(zs, B_interactions, d2B_dzizjs) return d2B_dzizjs
def d3B_dTdzizjs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of the second mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d3B_dTdzizjs : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of second mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K)] ''' try: return self._d3B_dTdzizjs except: pass N = self.N zs = self.zs if self.vectorized: d3B_dTdzizjs = zeros((N, N)) else: d3B_dTdzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if not self.cross_B_coefficients: self._d3B_dTdzizjs = d3B_dTdzizjs return d3B_dTdzizjs B_interactions = self.model.dB_dT_interactions() self._d3B_dTdzizjs = d3B_dTdzizjs = d2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs(zs, B_interactions, d3B_dTdzizjs) return d3B_dTdzizjs def d4B_dT2dzizjs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second temperature derivative of the second mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d4B_dT2dzizjs : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of second mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol*K^2)] ''' try: return self._d4B_dT2dzizjs except: pass N = self.N zs = self.zs if self.vectorized: d4B_dT2dzizjs = zeros((N, N)) else: d4B_dT2dzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] if not self.cross_B_coefficients: self._d4B_dT2dzizjs = d4B_dT2dzizjs return d4B_dT2dzizjs B_interactions = self.model.d2B_dT2_interactions() self._d4B_dT2dzizjs = d4B_dT2dzizjs = d2BVirial_mixture_dzizjs(zs, B_interactions, d4B_dT2dzizjs) return d4B_dT2dzizjs def d3B_dzizjzks(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third mole fraction derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- d3B_dzizjzks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole fraction derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol)] ''' try: return self._d3B_dzizjzks except: pass N = self.N zs = self.zs if self.vectorized: d3B_dzizjzks = zeros((N, N, N)) else: d3B_dzizjzks = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] if not self.cross_B_coefficients: self._d3B_dzizjzks = d3B_dzizjzks return d3B_dzizjzks B_interactions = self.model.B_interactions() self._d3B_dzizjzks = d3B_dzizjzks = d3BVirial_mixture_dzizjzks(zs, B_interactions, d3B_dzizjzks) return d3B_dzizjzks d4B_dTdzizjzks = d3B_dzizjzks d5B_dT2dzizjzks = d3B_dzizjzks d6B_dT3dzizjzks = d3B_dzizjzks def dB_dns(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first mole number derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- dB_dns : list[float] First mole number derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol^2)] ''' try: return self._dB_dns except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dB_dns = zeros(N) else: dB_dns = [0.0]*N self._dB_dns = dB_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dB_dzs(), self.zs, dB_dns) return dB_dns def dnB_dns(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first partial mole number derivatives of the `B` second virial coefficient. Returns ------- dnB_dns : list[float] First partial mole number derivatives of second molar virial coefficient [m^3/(mol)] ''' try: return self._dnB_dns except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dnB_dns = zeros(N) else: dnB_dns = [0.0]*N self._dnB_dns = dnB_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dB_dzs(), self.zs, self.B(), dnB_dns) return dnB_dns
[docs] def dC_dzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- dC_dzs : list[float] First mole fraction derivatives of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2)] ''' try: return self._dC_dzs except: pass zs = self.zs if not self.cross_C_coefficients: Cs = self.model.C_pures() self._dC_dzs = dC_dzs = Cs return dC_dzs N = self.N if self.vectorized: dC_dzs = zeros(N) else: dC_dzs = [0.0]*N self._dC_dzs = dC_dzs if not self.model.C_zero: C_interactions = self.model.C_interactions() dCVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzs(zs, C_interactions, dC_dzs) return dC_dzs
[docs] def d2C_dTdzs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first temperature derivative of the first mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- d2C_dTdzs : list[float] First temperature derivative of the first mole fraction derivatives of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2*K)] ''' try: return self._d2C_dTdzs except: pass zs = self.zs if not self.cross_C_coefficients: self._d2C_dTdzs = d2C_dTdzs = self.model.dC_dT_pures() return d2C_dTdzs N = self.N if self.vectorized: d2C_dTdzs = zeros(N) else: d2C_dTdzs = [0.0]*N self._d2C_dTdzs = d2C_dTdzs if not self.model.C_zero: C_interactions = self.model.C_interactions() dC_dT_interactions = self.model.dC_dT_interactions() d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dTdzs(zs, C_interactions, dC_dT_interactions, d2C_dTdzs) return d2C_dTdzs
[docs] def d2C_dzizjs(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the second mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- d2C_dzizjs : list[list[float]] Second mole fraction derivatives of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2)] ''' try: return self._d2C_dzizjs except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: d2C_dzizjs = zeros((N, N)) else: d2C_dzizjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] zs = self.zs if not self.cross_C_coefficients: # Cs = self.model.C_pures() # for i, C in enumerate(Cs): # d2C_dzizjs[i][i] = C self._d2C_dzizjs = d2C_dzizjs return d2C_dzizjs self._d2C_dzizjs = d2C_dzizjs if not self.model.C_zero: C_interactions = self.model.C_interactions() d2CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjs(zs, C_interactions, d2C_dzizjs) return d2C_dzizjs
def d3C_dzizjzks(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the third mole fraction derivatives of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- d3C_dzizjzks : list[list[float]] Third mole fraction derivatives of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2)] ''' try: return self._d3C_dzizjzks except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: d3C_dzizjzks = zeros((N, N, N)) else: d3C_dzizjzks = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] zs = self.zs if not self.cross_C_coefficients: self._d3C_dzizjzks = d3C_dzizjzks return d3C_dzizjzks self._d3C_dzizjzks = d3C_dzizjzks if not self.model.C_zero: C_interactions = self.model.C_interactions() d3CVirial_mixture_Orentlicher_Prausnitz_dzizjzks(zs, C_interactions, d3C_dzizjzks) return d3C_dzizjzks def dC_dns(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first mole number derivatives of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- dC_dns : list[float] First mole number derivatives of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^3)] ''' try: return self._dC_dns except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dC_dns = zeros(N) else: dC_dns = [0.0]*N self._dC_dns = dC_dns = dxs_to_dns(self.dC_dzs(), self.zs, dC_dns) return dC_dns def dnC_dns(self): r'''Method to calculate and return the first partial mole number derivatives of the `C` third virial coefficient. Returns ------- dnC_dns : list[float] First partial mole number derivatives of third molar virial coefficient [m^6/(mol^2)] ''' try: return self._dnC_dns except: pass N = self.N if self.vectorized: dnC_dns = zeros(N) else: dnC_dns = [0.0]*N self._dnC_dns = dnC_dns = dxs_to_dn_partials(self.dC_dzs(), self.zs, self.C(), dnC_dns) return dnC_dns def dB_dP_V(self): return self.dB_dT()/self.dP_dT() def dC_dP_V(self): return self.dC_dT()/self.dP_dT() def d2B_dTdP_V(self): return self.d2B_dT2()/self.dP_dT() def d2C_dTdP_V(self): return self.d2C_dT2()/self.dP_dT() def d3B_dT2dP_V(self): return self.d3B_dT3()/self.dP_dT() def d3C_dT2dP_V(self): return self.d3C_dT3()/self.dP_dT() def dB_dV_P(self): return self.dB_dT()*self.dT_dV() def dC_dV_P(self): return self.dC_dT()*self.dT_dV() def d2B_dTdV_P(self): return self.d2B_dT2()*self.dT_dV() def d2C_dTdV_P(self): return self.d2C_dT2()*self.dT_dV() def d3B_dT2dV_P(self): return self.d3B_dT3()*self.dT_dV() def d3C_dT2dV_P(self): return self.d3C_dT3()*self.dT_dV() # Overrides for precision in regression to ideal gas def d2T_dV2(self): if self.model.C_zero and self.model.B_zero: return 0.0 return super().d2T_dV2() def d2T_dV2_P(self): if self.model.C_zero and self.model.B_zero: return 0.0 return super().d2T_dV2_P() def d2V_dT2(self): if self.model.C_zero and self.model.B_zero: return 0.0 return super().d2V_dT2() d2V_dT2_P = d2V_dT2 dP_dT_V = dP_dT dP_dV_T = dP_dV d2P_dT2_V = d2P_dT2 d2P_dV2_T = d2P_dV2
VirialGas.dH_dT_V = IdealGasDeparturePhase.Cp VirialGas.d2V_dP2_T = Phase.d2V_dP2 VirialGas.d2T_dP2_V = Phase.d2T_dP2 VirialGas.dV_dP_T = Phase.dV_dP VirialGas.dV_dT_P = Phase.dV_dT VirialGas.dT_dP_V = Phase.dT_dP VirialGas.dT_dV_P = Phase.dT_dV