Source code for thermo.regular_solution

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
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This module contains a class :obj:`RegularSolution` for performing activity coefficient
calculations with the regular solution model.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Regular Solution Class

.. autoclass:: RegularSolution
    :members: to_T_xs, GE, dGE_dT, d2GE_dT2, d3GE_dT3, d2GE_dTdxs, dGE_dxs, d2GE_dxixjs, d3GE_dxixjxks

Regular Solution Regression Calculations
.. autofunction:: regular_solution_gammas_binaries


from fluids.constants import R, R_inv
from fluids.numerics import exp, trunc_exp
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.activity import GibbsExcess

    array, zeros, npsum = np.array, np.zeros, np.sum
except (ImportError, AttributeError):

__all__ = ['RegularSolution', 'regular_solution_gammas',

def regular_solution_Hi_sums(SPs, Vs, xsVs, coeffs, N, Hi_sums=None):
    if Hi_sums is None:
        Hi_sums = [0.0]*N
    for i in range(N):
        t = 0.0
        for j in range(N):
            # Hi does not depend on composition at all and can be stored as a matrix.
            SPi_m_SPj = SPs[i] - SPs[j]
            Hi = SPs[i]*SPs[j]*(coeffs[i][j] + coeffs[j][i]) + SPi_m_SPj*SPi_m_SPj
            t += xsVs[j]*Hi
        Hi_sums[i] = Vs[i]*t
    return Hi_sums

def regular_solution_GE(SPs, xsVs, coeffs, N, xsVs_sum_inv):
    # This can have its speed improved
    num = 0.0
    for i in range(N):
        coeffsi = coeffs[i]
        tot = 0.0
        for j in range(N):
            SPi_m_SPj = SPs[i] - SPs[j]
            tot += xsVs[j]*SPi_m_SPj*SPi_m_SPj
        tot *= 0.5

        tot2 = 0.0
        for j in range(N):
            # could facot out a the  xsVs[j]*SPs[j] into a single term
            tot2 += xsVs[j]*SPs[j]*coeffsi[j]
        num += (tot + tot2*SPs[i])*xsVs[i]
    GE = num*xsVs_sum_inv
    return GE

def regular_solution_dGE_dxs(Vs, Hi_sums, N, xsVs_sum_inv, GE, dGE_dxs=None):
    if dGE_dxs is None:
        dGE_dxs = [0.0]*N
    for i in range(N):
        # i is what is being differentiated
        dGE_dxs[i] = (Hi_sums[i] - GE*Vs[i])*xsVs_sum_inv
    return dGE_dxs

def regular_solution_gammas(xs, N, T, Vs, SPs, lambda_coeffs,
                            xsVs=None, Hi_sums=None, dGE_dxs=None,
    if xsVs is None:
        xsVs = [0.0]*N

    for i in range(N):
        xsVs[i] = xs[i]*Vs[i]

    xsVs_sum = 0.0
    for i in range(N):
        xsVs_sum += xsVs[i]
    xsVs_sum_inv = 1.0/xsVs_sum

    if Hi_sums is None:
        Hi_sums = [0.0]*N

    Hi_sums = regular_solution_Hi_sums(SPs=SPs, Vs=Vs, xsVs=xsVs, coeffs=lambda_coeffs,
                                       N=N, Hi_sums=Hi_sums)
    GE = regular_solution_GE(SPs=SPs, xsVs=xsVs, coeffs=lambda_coeffs, N=N, xsVs_sum_inv=xsVs_sum_inv)

    if dGE_dxs is None:
        dGE_dxs = [0.0]*N
    dG_dxs = regular_solution_dGE_dxs(Vs=Vs, Hi_sums=Hi_sums, N=N, xsVs_sum_inv=xsVs_sum_inv,
                                      GE=GE, dGE_dxs=dGE_dxs)
    xdx_totF = GE
    for i in range(N):
        xdx_totF -= xs[i]*dG_dxs[i]

    if gammas is None:
        gammas = [0.0]*N

    for i in range(N):
        gammas[i] = dG_dxs[i] + xdx_totF
    RT_inv = 1.0/(R*T)
    for i in range(N):
        gammas[i] *= RT_inv
    for i in range(N):
        gammas[i] = exp(gammas[i])
    return gammas

def regular_solution_d2GE_dxixjs(Vs, SPs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs, N, GE, coeffs, xsVs_sum_inv, d2GE_dxixjs=None):
    if d2GE_dxixjs is None:
        d2GE_dxixjs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] # numba: delete
#        d2GE_dxixjs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment

    for i in range(N):
        row = d2GE_dxixjs[i]
        v0 = (Vs[i]*GE - Hi_sums[i])*xsVs_sum_inv*xsVs_sum_inv
        v1 = Vs[i]*xsVs_sum_inv
        for j in range(N):
            SPi_m_SPj = SPs[i] - SPs[j]
            Hi = SPs[i]*SPs[j]*(coeffs[i][j] + coeffs[j][i]) + SPi_m_SPj*SPi_m_SPj
            tot = Vs[j]*v0 + v1*(Vs[j]*Hi - dGE_dxs[j])

            row[j] = tot
    return d2GE_dxixjs

def regular_solution_d3GE_dxixjxks(Vs, SPs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs, N, GE, xsVs_sum_inv, d2GE_dxixjs, coeffs,
    if d3GE_dxixjxks is None:
        d3GE_dxixjxks = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete
#        d3GE_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment

    # all the same: analytical[i][j][k] = analytical[i][k][j] = analytical[j][i][k] = analytical[j][k][i] = analytical[k][i][j] = analytical[k][j][i] = float(v)
    for i in range(N):
        dG_matrix = d3GE_dxixjxks[i]
        for j in range(N):
            dG_row = dG_matrix[j]
            for k in range(N):
                thirds = -2.0*Vs[i]*Vs[j]*Vs[k]*GE + 2.0*Vs[j]*Vs[k]*Hi_sums[i]
                seconds = Vs[i]*(Vs[j]*dGE_dxs[k] + Vs[k]*dGE_dxs[j])
                seconds -= Vs[i]*Vs[j]*Vs[k]*(
                            SPs[i]*(SPs[j]*(coeffs[i][j] + coeffs[j][i]) + SPs[k]*(coeffs[i][k] + coeffs[k][i]))
                             + (SPs[i]-SPs[j])**2 + (SPs[i] - SPs[k])**2
                firsts = -Vs[i]*d2GE_dxixjs[j][k]

                tot = firsts*xsVs_sum_inv + seconds*xsVs_sum_inv*xsVs_sum_inv + thirds*xsVs_sum_inv*xsVs_sum_inv*xsVs_sum_inv
                dG_row[k] = tot
    return d3GE_dxixjxks

[docs]class RegularSolution(GibbsExcess): r'''Class for representing an a liquid with excess gibbs energy represented by the Regular Solution model. This model is not temperature dependent and has limited predictive ability, but can be used without interaction parameters. This model is described in [1]_. .. math:: G^E = \frac{\sum_m \sum_n (x_m x_n V_m V_n A_{mn})}{\sum_m x_m V_m} .. math:: A_{mn} = 0.5(\delta_m - \delta_n)^2 - \delta_m \delta_n k_{mn} In the above equation, :math:`\delta` represents the solubility parameters, and :math:`k_{mn}` is the interaction coefficient between `m` and `n`. The model makes no assumption about the symmetry of this parameter. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] Vs : list[float] Molar volumes of each compond at a reference temperature (often 298.15 K), [m^3/mol] SPs : list[float] Solubility parameters of each compound; normally at a reference temperature of 298.15 K, [Pa^0.5] lambda_coeffs : list[list[float]], optional Optional interaction parameters, [-] Attributes ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] Vs : list[float] Molar volumes of each compond at a reference temperature (often 298.15 K), [K] SPs : list[float] Solubility parameters of each compound; normally at a reference temperature of 298.15 K, [Pa^0.5] lambda_coeffs : list[list[float]] Interaction parameters, [-] Notes ----- In addition to the methods presented here, the methods of its base class :obj:`thermo.activity.GibbsExcess` are available as well. Additional equations of note are as follows. .. math:: G^E = H^E .. math:: S^E = 0 .. math:: \delta = \sqrt{\frac{\Delta H_{vap} - RT}{V_m}} Examples -------- **Example 1** From [2]_, calculate the activity coefficients at infinite dilution for the system benzene-cyclohexane at 253.15 K using the regular solution model (example 5.20, with unit conversion in-line): >>> from scipy.constants import calorie >>> GE = RegularSolution(T=353.15, xs=[.5, .5], Vs=[89E-6, 109E-6], SPs=[9.2*(calorie*1e6)**0.5, 8.2*(calorie*1e6)**0.5]) >>> GE.gammas_infinite_dilution() [1.1352128394, 1.16803058378] This matches the solution given of [1.135, 1.168]. **Example 2** Benzene and cyclohexane calculation from [3]_, without interaction parameters. >>> GE = RegularSolution(T=353, xs=[0.01, 0.99], Vs=[8.90e-05, 1.09e-04], SPs=[9.2*(calorie/1e-6)**0.5, 8.2*(calorie/1e-6)**0.5]) >>> GE.gammas() [1.1329295, 1.00001039] **Example 3** Another common model is the Flory-Huggins model. This isn't implemented as a separate model, but it is possible to modify the activity coefficient results of :obj:`RegularSolution` to obtain the activity coefficients from the Flory-Huggins model anyway. ChemSep [4]_ implements the Flory-Huggins model and calls it the regular solution model, so results can't be compared with ChemSep except when making the following manual solution. The example below uses parameters from ChemSep for ethanol and water. >>> from math import log >>> GE = RegularSolution(T=298.15, xs=[0.5, 0.5], Vs=[0.05868e-3, 0.01807e-3], SPs=[26140.0, 47860.0]) >>> GE.gammas() # Regular solution activity coefficients [1.8570955489, 7.464567232] >>> lngammass = [log(g) for g in GE.gammas()] >>> thetas = [GE.Vs[i]/sum(GE.xs[i]*GE.Vs[i] for i in range(GE.N)) for i in range(GE.N)] >>> gammas_flory_huggins = [exp(lngammass[i] + log(thetas[i]) + 1 - thetas[i]) for i in range(GE.N)] >>> gammas_flory_huggins [1.672945693, 5.9663471] This matches the values calculated from ChemSep exactly. References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E., John M. Prausnitz, and John P. O`Connell. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. .. [2] Gmehling, Jürgen, Michael Kleiber, Bärbel Kolbe, and Jürgen Rarey. Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation. John Wiley & Sons, 2019. .. [3] Elliott, J., and Carl Lira. Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. 2nd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2012. .. [4] Kooijman, Harry A., and Ross Taylor. The ChemSep Book. Books on Demand Norderstedt, Germany, 2000. ''' model_id = 400 gammas_from_args = staticmethod(regular_solution_gammas) __slots__ = GibbsExcess.__slots__ + ('xsVs_sum', '_Hi_sums', 'lambda_coeffs', '_d3GE_dxixjxks', '_lambda_coeffs_zero', 'SPs', 'Vs', 'xsVs_sum_inv', 'xsVs') def gammas_args(self, T=None): if T is not None: obj = self.to_T_xs(T=T, xs=self.xs) else: obj = self N = obj.N if self.scalar: xsVs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs = [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N else: xsVs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs = zeros(N), zeros(N), zeros(N) return (obj.N, obj.T, obj.Vs, obj.SPs, obj.lambda_coeffs, xsVs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs) def __init__(self, T, xs, Vs, SPs, lambda_coeffs=None): # lambda_coeffs is N*N of zeros for no interaction parameters self.T = T self.xs = xs self.Vs = Vs self.SPs = SPs self.N = N = len(Vs) self.scalar = scalar = type(Vs) is list if lambda_coeffs is None: if scalar: lambda_coeffs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] else: lambda_coeffs = zeros((N, N)) self.lambda_coeffs = lambda_coeffs lambda_coeffs_zero = True for i in range(N): r = lambda_coeffs[i] for j in range(N): if r[j] != 0.0: lambda_coeffs_zero = False break if not lambda_coeffs_zero: break self._lambda_coeffs_zero = lambda_coeffs_zero if scalar: xsVs = [] xsVs_sum = 0.0 for i in range(N): xV = xs[i]*Vs[i] xsVs_sum += xV xsVs.append(xV) else: xsVs = (xs*Vs) xsVs_sum = xsVs.sum() self.xsVs = xsVs self.xsVs_sum = xsVs_sum self.xsVs_sum_inv = 1.0/xsVs_sum _model_attributes = ('Vs', 'SPs', 'lambda_coeffs') def __repr__(self): s = '{}(T={}, xs={}, Vs={}, SPs={}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.T), repr(self.xs), self.Vs, self.SPs) if not self._lambda_coeffs_zero: s += f' , lambda_coeffs={self.lambda_coeffs})' else: s += ')' return s
[docs] def to_T_xs(self, T, xs): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`RegularSolution` instance at temperature `T`, and mole fractions `xs` with the same parameters as the existing object. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions of each component, [-] Returns ------- obj : RegularSolution New :obj:`RegularSolution` object at the specified conditions [-] Notes ----- ''' new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.T = T new.xs = xs new.SPs = self.SPs new.Vs = Vs = self.Vs new.N = N = self.N new.lambda_coeffs = self.lambda_coeffs new._lambda_coeffs_zero = self._lambda_coeffs_zero new.scalar = scalar = self.scalar if scalar: xsVs = [] xsVs_sum = 0.0 for i in range(N): xV = xs[i]*Vs[i] xsVs_sum += xV xsVs.append(xV) else: xsVs = xs*Vs xsVs_sum = float(npsum(xsVs)) new.xsVs = xsVs new.xsVs_sum = xsVs_sum new.xsVs_sum_inv = 1.0/xsVs_sum return new
[docs] def GE(self): r'''Calculate and return the excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using the regular solution model. .. math:: G^E = \frac{\sum_m \sum_n (x_m x_n V_m V_n A_{mn})}{\sum_m x_m V_m} .. math:: A_{mn} = 0.5(\delta_m - \delta_n)^2 - \delta_m \delta_n k_{mn} Returns ------- GE : float Excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' """ from sympy import * GEvar, dGEvar_dT, GEvar_dx, dGEvar_dxixj, H = symbols("GEvar, dGEvar_dT, GEvar_dx, dGEvar_dxixj, H", cls=Function) N = 3 cmps = range(N) R, T = symbols('R, T') xs = x0, x1, x2 = symbols('x0, x1, x2') Vs = V0, V1, V2 = symbols('V0, V1, V2') SPs = SP0, SP1, SP2 = symbols('SP0, SP1, SP2') l00, l01, l02, l10, l11, l12, l20, l21, l22 = symbols('l00, l01, l02, l10, l11, l12, l20, l21, l22') l_ijs = [[l00, l01, l02], [l10, l11, l12], [l20, l21, l22]] GE = 0 denom = sum([xs[i]*Vs[i] for i in cmps]) num = 0 for i in cmps: for j in cmps: Aij = (SPs[i] - SPs[j])**2/2 + l_ijs[i][j]*SPs[i]*SPs[j] num += xs[i]*xs[j]*Vs[i]*Vs[j]*Aij GE = num/denom """ try: return self._GE except AttributeError: pass GE = self._GE = regular_solution_GE(self.SPs, self.xsVs, self.lambda_coeffs, self.N, self.xsVs_sum_inv) return GE
[docs] def dGE_dxs(self): r'''Calculate and return the mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using the regular solution model. .. math:: \frac{\partial G^E}{\partial x_i} = \frac{-V_i G^E + \sum_m V_i V_m x_m[\delta_i\delta_m(k_{mi} + k_{im}) + (\delta_i - \delta_m)^2 ]} {\sum_m V_m x_m} Returns ------- dGE_dxs : list[float] Mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' """ dGEdxs = (diff(GE, x0)).subs(GE, GEvar(x0, x1, x2)) Hi = dGEdxs.args[0].args[1] dGEdxs """ try: return self._dGE_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: GE = self._GE except: GE = self.GE() if self.scalar: dGE_dxs = [0.0]*self.N else: dGE_dxs = zeros(self.N) regular_solution_dGE_dxs(self.Vs, self.Hi_sums(), self.N, self.xsVs_sum_inv, GE, dGE_dxs) self._dGE_dxs = dGE_dxs return dGE_dxs
def Hi_sums(self): try: return self._Hi_sums except: pass if self.scalar: Hi_sums = [0.0]*self.N else: Hi_sums = zeros(self.N) regular_solution_Hi_sums(self.SPs, self.Vs, self.xsVs, self.lambda_coeffs, self.N, Hi_sums) self._Hi_sums = Hi_sums return Hi_sums
[docs] def d2GE_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate and return the second mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase using the regular solution model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} = \frac{V_j(V_i G^E - H_{ij})}{(\sum_m V_m x_m)^2} - \frac{V_i \frac{\partial G^E}{\partial x_j}}{\sum_m V_m x_m} + \frac{V_i V_j[\delta_i\delta_j(k_{ji} + k_{ij}) + (\delta_i - \delta_j)^2] }{\sum_m V_m x_m} Returns ------- d2GE_dxixjs : list[list[float]] Second mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' """ d2GEdxixjs = diff((diff(GE, x0)).subs(GE, GEvar(x0, x1, x2)), x1).subs(Hi, H(x0, x1, x2)) d2GEdxixjs """ try: return self._d2GE_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: GE = self._GE except: GE = self.GE() try: dGE_dxs = self._dGE_dxs except: dGE_dxs = self.dGE_dxs() N = self.N if self.scalar: d2GE_dxixjs = [[0.0]*N for i in range(N)] else: d2GE_dxixjs = zeros((N, N)) try: Hi_sums = self._Hi_sums except: Hi_sums = self.Hi_sums() d2GE_dxixjs = regular_solution_d2GE_dxixjs(self.Vs, self.SPs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs, N, GE, self.lambda_coeffs, self.xsVs_sum_inv, d2GE_dxixjs) self._d2GE_dxixjs = d2GE_dxixjs return d2GE_dxixjs
[docs] def d3GE_dxixjxks(self): r'''Calculate and return the third mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 G^E}{\partial x_i \partial x_j \partial x_k} = \frac{-2V_iV_jV_k G^E + 2 V_j V_k H_{ij}} {(\sum_m V_m x_m)^3} + \frac{V_i\left(V_j\frac{\partial G^E}{\partial x_k} + V_k\frac{\partial G^E}{\partial x_j} \right)} {(\sum_m V_m x_m)^2} - \frac{V_i \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial x_j \partial x_k}}{\sum_m V_m x_m} - \frac{V_iV_jV_k[\delta_i(\delta_j(k_{ij} + k_{ji}) + \delta_k(k_{ik} + k_{ki})) + (\delta_i - \delta_j)^2 + (\delta_i - \delta_k)^2 ]}{(\sum_m V_m x_m)^2} Returns ------- d3GE_dxixjxks : list[list[list[float]]] Third mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] Notes ----- ''' try: return self._d3GE_dxixjxks except: pass N = self.N try: GE = self._GE except: GE = self.GE() try: dGE_dxs = self._dGE_dxs except: dGE_dxs = self.dGE_dxs() try: d2GE_dxixjs = self._d2GE_dxixjs except: d2GE_dxixjs = self.d2GE_dxixjs() try: Hi_sums = self._Hi_sums except: Hi_sums = self.Hi_sums() if self.scalar: d3GE_dxixjxks = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d3GE_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N)) d3GE_dxixjxks = regular_solution_d3GE_dxixjxks(self.Vs, self.SPs, Hi_sums, dGE_dxs, self.N, GE, self.xsVs_sum_inv, d2GE_dxixjs, self.lambda_coeffs, d3GE_dxixjxks) self._d3GE_dxixjxks = d3GE_dxixjxks return d3GE_dxixjxks
[docs] def d2GE_dTdxs(self): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivative of mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 g^E}{\partial x_i \partial T} = 0 Returns ------- d2GE_dTdxs : list[float] Temperature derivative of mole fraction derivatives of excess Gibbs energy, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' if self.scalar: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def dGE_dT(self): r'''Calculate and return the temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial g^E}{\partial T} = 0 Returns ------- dGE_dT : float First temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/(mol*K)] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
[docs] def d2GE_dT2(self): r'''Calculate and return the second temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phas. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 g^E}{\partial T^2} = 0 Returns ------- d2GE_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/(mol*K^2)] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
[docs] def d3GE_dT3(self): r'''Calculate and return the third temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy of a liquid phase. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 g^E}{\partial T^3} = 0 Returns ------- d3GE_dT3 : float Third temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/(mol*K^3)] Notes ----- ''' return 0.0
@classmethod def regress_binary_parameters(cls, gammas, xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, symmetric=False, use_numba=False, do_statistics=True, **kwargs): # Load the functions either locally or with numba if use_numba: from thermo.numba import regular_solution_gammas_binaries as work_func from thermo.numba import regular_solution_gammas_binaries_jac as jac_func Vs, SPs, Ts = array(Vs), array(SPs), array(Ts) else: work_func = regular_solution_gammas_binaries jac_func = regular_solution_gammas_binaries_jac # Allocate all working memory pts = len(xs) gammas_iter = zeros(pts*2) jac_iter = zeros((pts*2, 2)) # Plain objective functions if symmetric: def fitting_func(xs, lambda12): return work_func(xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, lambda12, lambda12, gammas_iter) def analytical_jac(xs, lambda12): return jac_func(xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, lambda12, lambda12, jac_iter).sum(axis=1) else: def fitting_func(xs, lambda12, lambda21): return work_func(xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, lambda12, lambda21, gammas_iter) def analytical_jac(xs, lambda12, lambda21): return jac_func(xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, lambda12, lambda21, jac_iter) # The extend calls has been tested to be the fastest compared to numpy and list comprehension xs_working = [] for xsi in xs: xs_working.extend(xsi) gammas_working = [] for gammasi in gammas: gammas_working.extend(gammasi) xs_working = array(xs_working) gammas_working = array(gammas_working) # Objective functions for leastsq maximum speed if symmetric: def func_wrapped_for_leastsq(params): return work_func(xs_working, Vs, SPs, Ts, params[0], params[0], gammas_iter) - gammas_working def jac_wrapped_for_leastsq(params): return jac_func(xs_working, Vs, SPs, Ts, params[0], params[0], jac_iter).sum(axis=1) else: def func_wrapped_for_leastsq(params): return work_func(xs_working, Vs, SPs, Ts, params[0], params[1], gammas_iter) - gammas_working def jac_wrapped_for_leastsq(params): return jac_func(xs_working, Vs, SPs, Ts, params[0], params[1], jac_iter) if symmetric: use_fit_parameters = ['lambda12'] else: use_fit_parameters = ['lambda12', 'lambda21'] return GibbsExcess._regress_binary_parameters(gammas_working, xs_working, fitting_func=fitting_func, fit_parameters=use_fit_parameters, use_fit_parameters=use_fit_parameters, initial_guesses=cls._gamma_parameter_guesses, analytical_jac=jac_func, use_numba=use_numba, do_statistics=do_statistics, func_wrapped_for_leastsq=func_wrapped_for_leastsq, jac_wrapped_for_leastsq=jac_wrapped_for_leastsq, **kwargs) _gamma_parameter_guesses = [#{'lambda12': 1.0, 'lambda21': 1.0}, # 1 is always tried! {'lambda12': 1e7, 'lambda21': -1e7}, {'lambda12': 0.01, 'lambda21': 0.01}, ] for i in range(len(_gamma_parameter_guesses)): r = _gamma_parameter_guesses[i] if r['lambda21'] != r['lambda12']: _gamma_parameter_guesses.append({'lambda12': r['lambda21'], 'lambda21': r['lambda12']}) del i, r
[docs]def regular_solution_gammas_binaries(xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, lambda12, lambda21, gammas=None): r'''Calculates activity coefficients with the regular solution model at fixed `lambda` values for a binary system at a series of mole fractions at specified temperatures. This is used for regression of `lambda` parameters. This function is highly optimized, and operates on multiple points at a time. .. math:: \ln \gamma_1 = \frac{V_1\phi_2^2}{RT}\left[ (\text{SP}_1-\text{SP}_2)^2 + \lambda_{12}\text{SP}_1\text{SP}_2 + \lambda_{21}\text{SP}_1\text{SP}_2 \right] .. math:: \ln \gamma_2 = \frac{V_2\phi_1^2}{RT}\left[ (\text{SP}_1-\text{SP}_2)^2 + \lambda_{12}\text{SP}_1\text{SP}_2 + \lambda_{21}\text{SP}_1\text{SP}_2 \right] .. math:: \phi_1 = \frac{x_1 V_1}{x_1 V_1 + x_2 V_2} .. math:: \phi_2 = \frac{x_2 V_2}{x_1 V_1 + x_2 V_2} Parameters ---------- xs : list[float] Liquid mole fractions of each species in the format x0_0, x1_0, (component 1 point1, component 2 point 1), x0_1, x1_1, (component 1 point2, component 2 point 2), ... size pts*2 [-] Vs : list[float] Molar volumes of each of the two components, [m^3/mol] SPs : list[float] Solubility parameters of each of the two components, [Pa^0.5] Ts : flist[float] Temperatures of each composition point; half the length of `xs`, [K] lambda12 : float `lambda` parameter for 12, [-] lambda21 : float `lambda` parameter for 21, [-] gammas : list[float], optional Array to store the activity coefficient for each species in the liquid mixture, indexed the same as `xs`; can be omitted or provided for slightly better performance [-] Returns ------- gammas : list[float] Activity coefficient for each species in the liquid mixture, indexed the same as `xs`, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> regular_solution_gammas_binaries([.1, .9, 0.3, 0.7, .85, .15], Vs=[7.421e-05, 8.068e-05], SPs=[19570.2, 18864.7], Ts=[300.0, 400.0, 500.0], lambda12=0.1759, lambda21=0.7991) [6818.90697, 1.105437, 62.6628, 2.01184, 1.181434, 137.6232] ''' if lambda12 < MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda12 = MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION if lambda21 < MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda21 = MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION if lambda12 > MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda12 = MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION if lambda21 > MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda21 = MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION pts = len(xs)//2 # Always even # lambda21 = lambda12 if gammas is None: allocate_size = (pts*2) gammas = [0.0]*allocate_size l01, l10 = lambda12, lambda21 SP0, SP1 = SPs V0, V1 = Vs c0 = (SP0-SP1) base_term = (c0*c0 + l01*SP0*SP1 + l10*SP0*SP1)*R_inv for i in range(pts): i2 = i*2 x0 = xs[i2] x1 = 1.0 - x0 x0V0 = x0*V0 x1V1 = x1*V1 den_inv = 1.0/(x0V0 + x1V1) phi0, phi1 = x0V0*den_inv, x1V1*den_inv term = base_term/(Ts[i]) gammas[i2] = trunc_exp(V0*phi1*phi1*term) gammas[i2 + 1] = trunc_exp(V1*phi0*phi0*term) return gammas
def regular_solution_gammas_binaries_jac(xs, Vs, SPs, Ts, lambda12, lambda21, jac=None): if lambda12 < MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda12 = MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION if lambda21 < MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda21 = MIN_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION if lambda12 > MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda12 = MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION if lambda21 > MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION: lambda21 = MAX_LAMBDA_REGULAR_SOLUTION pts = len(xs)//2 # Always even if jac is None: allocate_size = (pts*2) jac = np.zeros((allocate_size, 2)) l01, l10 = lambda12, lambda21 SP0, SP1 = SPs V0, V1 = Vs x2 = SP0*SP1 c99 = (SP0 - SP1) c100 = (l01*x2 + l10*x2 + c99*c99) c101 = V0*V1*V1 c102 = V0*V0*V1 for i in range(pts): i2 = i*2 x0 = xs[i2] x1 = 1.0 - x0 T = Ts[i] c0 = (V0*x0 + V1*x1) x3 = R_inv/(T*c0*c0) x4 = x3*c100 x5 = c101*x1*x1 x6 = x2*x3 x7 = x5*x6*trunc_exp(x4*x5) x8 = c102*x0*x0 x9 = x6*x8*trunc_exp(x4*x8) jac[i2][0] = x7 jac[i2][1] = x7 jac[i2 + 1][0] = x9 jac[i2 + 1][1] = x9 return jac