'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
Caleb Bell <Caleb.Andrew.Bell@gmail.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__all__ = ['Stream', 'EnergyStream', 'StreamArgs', 'EquilibriumStream',
'energy_balance', 'mole_balance']
#import enum
from collections import OrderedDict
from chemicals.exceptions import OverspeficiedError
from chemicals.utils import (
from chemicals.volume import ideal_gas
from fluids.constants import R
from thermo.equilibrium import EquilibriumState
from thermo.mixture import Mixture
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable, object_lookups
[docs]class StreamArgs:
'''Creates an StreamArgs object, which is a holder and specification
tracking/counting utility object for the purposes of making
heat and material balances. Unlike :obj:`EquilibriumStream`, this
object is mutable and doesn't require any specifications. Specifications
can be set as they become available, and then a :obj:`EquilibriumStream`
can be generated from the method :obj:`StreamArgs.flash`.
The specification tracking is the key purpose of this object. Once a
`T` and `P` have been set, `V` **can't** be set because there are no
degrees of freedom.
Another state specification mst be removed by setting it to None
before a new specification can be set. The specifications supported are the same
as those of :obj:`EquilibriumStream`.
Handling flow flow vs. composition is fuzzier because of the common use cases
where a flow rate may be known, but not composition; or the composition but not
the flow, however later when the product
flows are known it is desireable to set it. To allow this,
the variables `ns`, `ms`, `Qls`, and `Qgs` are allowed to overwrite an existing
flow and/or composition specification even if if `multiple_composition_basis` is False.
Eveen if the property wasn't set to this object, but if enough degrees of freedom
are known, the actual value can usually be queried by adding `_calc` to the attribute,
e.g. `H_calc` is available if `T`, `P`, and `zs` are known. This will perform the
flash if it hasn't already been done.
The state can be specified using any two of:
* Temperature `T` [K]
* Pressure `P` [Pa]
* Vapor fraction `VF`
* Enthalpy `H` [J/mol] or `H_mass` [J/kg]
* Entropy `S` [J/mol/K] or `S_mass` [J/kg/K]
* Internal energy `U` [J/mol] or `U_mass` [J/kg]
* Gibbs free energy `G` [J/mol] or `G_mass` [J/kg]
* Helmholtz energy `A` [J/mol] or `A_mass` [J/kg]
* Energy `energy` [W] and `energy_reactive` [W] which count as a enthalpy spec only when flow rate is given
* Reactive enthalpy `H_reactive` [J/mol]
* Molar volume `V` [m^3/mol], molar density `rho` [mol/m^3], or mass density `rho_mass`, [kg/m^3]
The composition can be specified using any of:
* Mole fractions `zs`
* Mass fractions `ws`
* Liquid standard volume fractions `Vfls`
* Gas standard volume fractions `Vfgs`
* Mole flow rates of each component `ns` [mol/s]
* Mass flow rates of each component `ms` [kg/s]
* Liquid standard volume flow rates of each component `Qls` [m^3/s]
* Gas standard flow rates of each component `Qgs` [m^3/s]
In addition to setting flow rate via component flow rates, total flow rates can be specified using:
* Mole flow rate `n` [mol/s]
* Mass flow rate `m` [kg/s]
* Actual volume flow rate `Q` [m^3/s]
* Liquid volume standard flow rate `Ql` [m^3/s]
* Gas standard volume flow rate `Qg` [m^3/s]
All parameters are also attributes.
flasher : One of :obj:`thermo.flash.FlashPureVLS`, :obj:`thermo.flash.FlashVL`, :obj:`thermo.flash.FlashVLN`,
The configured flash object which can perform flashes for the
configured components, [-]
zs : list, optional
Mole fractions of all components [-]
ws : list, optional
Mass fractions of all components [-]
Vfls : list, optional
Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical liquid phase based
on pure component densities [-]
Vfgs : list, optional
Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical gas phase based
on pure component densities [-]
ns : list, optional
Mole flow rates of each component [mol/s]
ms : list, optional
Mass flow rates of each component [kg/s]
Qls : list, optional
Component volumetric flow rate specs for a hypothetical liquid phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_liquids_ref` [m^3/s]
Qgs : list, optional
Component volumetric flow rate specs for a hypothetical gas phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_gas` [m^3/s]
Ql : float, optional
Total volumetric flow rate spec for a hypothetical liquid phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_liquids_ref` [m^3/s]
Qg : float, optional
Total volumetric flow rate spec for a hypothetical gas phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_gas` [m^3/s]
Q : float, optional
Total actual volumetric flow rate of the stream based on the
density of the stream at the specified conditions [m^3/s]
n : float, optional
Total mole flow rate of all components in the stream [mol/s]
m : float, optional
Total mass flow rate of all components in the stream [kg/s]
T : float, optional
Temperature of the stream, [K]
P : float, optional
Pressure of the stream [Pa]
VF : float, optional
Vapor fraction (mole basis) of the stream, [-]
V : float, optional
Molar volume of the overall stream [m^3/mol]
rho : float, optional
Molar density of the overall stream [mol/m^3]
rho_mass : float, optional
Mass density of the overall stream [kg/m^3]
H : float, optional
Molar enthalpy of the stream [J/mol]
H_mass : float, optional
Mass enthalpy of the stream [J/kg]
S : float, optional
Molar entropy of the stream [J/mol/K]
S_mass : float, optional
Mass entropy of the stream [J/kg/K]
U : float, optional
Molar internal energy of the stream [J/mol]
U_mass : float, optional
Mass internal energy of the stream [J/kg]
G : float, optional
Molar Gibbs free energy of the stream [J/mol]
G_mass : float, optional
Mass Gibbs free energy of the stream [J/kg]
A : float, optional
Molar Helmholtz energy of the stream [J/mol]
A_mass : float, optional
Mass Helmholtz energy of the stream [J/kg]
energy : float, optional
Flowing energy of the stream [W]
energy_reactive : float, optional
Flowing energy of the stream on a reactive basis [W]
H_reactive : float, optional
Reactive molar enthalpy of the stream [J/mol]
Q_TP : tuple(3, float, float, str), optional
The (T, P, phase) at which the actual volumetric flow rate (if specified) is
calculated to be at, [K] and [Pa]
multiple_composition_basis : bool, optional
Fun toggle to allow the object to recieve multiple different types
of composition information - e.g. a partial list of mole fractions
and a partial list of mass fractions. This can be useful for some
flashed = False
"""`flashed` can be checked to quickly determine if an object is already flashed. It is always False for `StreamArgs`,
and True for `EquilibriumState` and `EquilibriumStream`"""
__full_path__ = f"{__module__}.{__qualname__}"
__slots__ = ('specifications', 'multiple_composition_basis', 'Vf_TP', 'Q_TP', 'flasher', '_state_cache', '_flash')
obj_references = ('flasher', '_flash')
as_json = JsonOptEncodable.as_json
from_json = JsonOptEncodable.from_json
json_version = 1
non_json_attributes = []
vectorized = False
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == hash(other)
def __hash__(self):
return hash_any_primitive([self.specifications, self.multiple_composition_basis, self.Vf_TP, self.Q_TP, self.flasher])
def _custom_from_json(self, *args):
if self._state_cache:
zs = tuple(self._state_cache[-1])
self._state_cache = tuple(self._state_cache[0:-1])+(zs,)
def __init__(self, *, zs=None, ws=None, Vfls=None, Vfgs=None,
T=None, P=None,
VF=None, H=None, H_mass=None, S=None, S_mass=None,
U=None, U_mass=None, G=None, G_mass=None, A=None, A_mass=None,
V=None, rho=None, rho_mass=None,
ns=None, ms=None, Qls=None, Qgs=None, m=None, n=None, Q=None,
Ql=None, Qg=None,
energy=None, energy_reactive=None, H_reactive=None,
Vf_TP=(None, None), Q_TP=(None, None, ''), flasher=None,
self.specifications = {'zs': zs, 'ws': ws, 'Vfls': Vfls, 'Vfgs': Vfgs,
'ns': ns, 'ms': ms, 'Qls': Qls, 'Qgs': Qgs,
'n': n, 'm': m, 'Q': Q, 'Ql': Ql, 'Qg': Qg,
'T': T, 'P': P,
'V': V, 'rho': rho, 'rho_mass': rho_mass,
'VF': VF,
'H': H,'H_mass': H_mass,
'S': S, 'S_mass': S_mass,
'U': U, 'U_mass': U_mass,
'A': A, 'A_mass': A_mass,
'G': G, 'G_mass': G_mass,
'energy': energy, 'energy_reactive': energy_reactive, 'H_reactive': energy_reactive}
# This makes sense for certain cases but not all.
self.multiple_composition_basis = multiple_composition_basis
self.Vf_TP = Vf_TP
self.Q_TP = Q_TP
self.flasher = flasher
self._state_cache = None
composition_specs = state_specs = flow_specs = 0
# Note that these int statements are faster than adding the booleans
if zs is not None:
composition_specs += 1
if ws is not None:
composition_specs += 1
if Vfls is not None:
composition_specs += 1
if Vfgs is not None:
composition_specs += 1
if ns is not None:
composition_specs += 1
flow_specs += 1
if ms is not None:
composition_specs += 1
flow_specs += 1
if Qls is not None:
composition_specs += 1
flow_specs += 1
if Qgs is not None:
composition_specs += 1
flow_specs += 1
if n is not None:
flow_specs += 1
if m is not None:
flow_specs += 1
if Q is not None:
flow_specs += 1
if Ql is not None:
flow_specs += 1
if Qg is not None:
flow_specs += 1
if T is not None:
state_specs += 1
if P is not None:
state_specs += 1
if V is not None:
state_specs += 1
if rho is not None:
state_specs += 1
if rho_mass is not None:
state_specs += 1
if VF is not None:
state_specs += 1
if H_mass is not None:
state_specs += 1
if H is not None:
state_specs += 1
if S_mass is not None:
state_specs += 1
if S is not None:
state_specs += 1
if U_mass is not None:
state_specs += 1
if U is not None:
state_specs += 1
if G_mass is not None:
state_specs += 1
if G is not None:
state_specs += 1
if A_mass is not None:
state_specs += 1
if A is not None:
state_specs += 1
if energy is not None:
state_specs += 1
if energy_reactive is not None:
state_specs += 1
if H_reactive is not None:
state_specs += 1
if flow_specs > 1 or composition_specs > 1:
# raise ValueError("Flow specification is overspecified")
if composition_specs > 1 and not multiple_composition_basis:
raise ValueError("Composition specification is overspecified")
if state_specs > 2:
raise ValueError("State specification is overspecified")
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Create a deep copy of the StreamArgs instance. Parameters
`multiple_composition_basis`, `Vf_TP`, `Q_TP` and `flasher`
are set to the new object without copying.
A new instance of StreamArgs with the same specifications
and configuration as the original.
>>> original_stream = StreamArgs(T=300, P=101325, zs=[0.5, 0.5])
>>> copied_stream = original_stream.copy()
>>> # Modify the copy without affecting the original
>>> copied_stream.T = 350
>>> original_stream.T
>>> original_stream.zs is copied_stream.zs
# multiple_composition_basis may mean multiple sets of specs for comp/flow
kwargs = self.specifications.copy()
if kwargs['zs'] is not None:
kwargs['zs'] = [i for i in kwargs['zs']]
if kwargs['ws'] is not None:
kwargs['ws'] = [i for i in kwargs['ws']]
if kwargs['ns'] is not None:
kwargs['ns'] = [i for i in kwargs['ns']]
if kwargs['ms'] is not None:
kwargs['ms'] = [i for i in kwargs['ms']]
if kwargs['Qls'] is not None:
kwargs['Qls'] = [i for i in kwargs['Qls']]
if kwargs['Qgs'] is not None:
kwargs['Qgs'] = [i for i in kwargs['Qgs']]
if kwargs['Vfgs'] is not None:
kwargs['Vfgs'] = [i for i in kwargs['Vfgs']]
if kwargs['Vfls'] is not None:
kwargs['Vfls'] = [i for i in kwargs['Vfls']]
return StreamArgs(Vf_TP=self.Vf_TP, Q_TP=self.Q_TP, flasher=self.flasher,
multiple_composition_basis=self.multiple_composition_basis, **kwargs)
__copy__ = copy
def energy(self):
r'''Flowing energy of the stream specification if specified [W]'''
return self.specifications['energy']
def energy(self, energy):
r'''Set the flowing energy of the stream [W]. This variable can set either the
flow rate, or act as an enthalpy spec if another flow rate specification is specified.
if energy is None:
self.specifications['energy'] = energy
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.flow_specified and self.energy is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars and a flow var already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['energy'] = energy
def energy_reactive(self):
r'''Flowing energy of the stream on a reactive basis specification if specified [W]'''
return self.specifications['energy_reactive']
def energy_reactive(self, energy_reactive):
r'''Set the flowing energy of the stream on a reactive basis [W]. This variable can set either the
flow rate, or act as an enthalpy spec if another flow rate specification is specified.
if energy_reactive is None:
self.specifications['energy_reactive'] = energy_reactive
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.flow_specified and self.energy_reactive is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars and a flow var already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['energy_reactive'] = energy_reactive
def T(self):
r'''Temperature of the stream specification if specified [K]'''
return self.specifications['T']
def T(self, T):
r'''Set the temperature of the stream specification [K]'''
s = self.specifications
if T is None:
s['T'] = T
return None
if s['T'] is None and self.state_specified:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
s['T'] = T
def T_calc(self):
r'''Temperature of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [K]'''
T = self.specifications['T']
if T is not None:
return T
return self.flash_state().T
return None
def P_calc(self):
r'''Pressure of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [Pa]'''
P = self.specifications['P']
if P is not None:
return P
return self.flash_state().P
return None
def VF_calc(self):
r'''Vapor fraction of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [-]'''
VF = self.specifications['VF']
if VF is not None:
return VF
return self.flash_state().VF
return None
def P(self):
r'''Pressure of the stream specification if specified [Pa]'''
return self.specifications['P']
def P(self, P):
r'''Set the pressure of the stream specification [Pa]'''
s = self.specifications
if P is None:
s['P'] = None
return None
if s['P'] is None and self.state_specified:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
s['P'] = P
def V(self):
r'''Molar volume of the stream specification if specified [m^3/mol]'''
return self.specifications['V']
def V(self, V):
r'''Set the molar volume of the stream specification [m^3/mol]'''
if V is None:
self.specifications['V'] = V
return None
if self.state_specified and self.V is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['V'] = V
def rho(self):
r'''Molar density of the stream specification if specified [mol/m^3]'''
return self.specifications['rho']
def rho(self, rho):
r'''Set the molar density of the stream specification [m^3/mol]'''
if rho is None:
self.specifications['rho'] = rho
return None
if self.state_specified and self.rho is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['rho'] = rho
def rho_mass(self):
r'''Mass density of the stream specification if specified [kg/m^3]'''
return self.specifications['rho_mass']
def rho_mass(self, rho_mass):
r'''Set the mass density of the stream specification [kg/m^3]'''
if rho_mass is None:
self.specifications['rho_mass'] = rho_mass
return None
if self.state_specified and self.rho_mass is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['rho_mass'] = rho_mass
def VF(self):
r'''Vapor fraction of the stream specification if specified [-]'''
return self.specifications['VF']
def VF(self, VF):
r'''Set the vapor fraction of the stream specification [-]'''
if VF is None:
self.specifications['VF'] = VF
return None
if self.state_specified and self.VF is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['VF'] = VF
def H(self):
r'''Molar enthalpy of the stream specification if specified [J/mol]'''
return self.specifications['H']
def H(self, H):
r'''Set the molar enthalpy of the stream specification [J/mol]'''
if H is None:
self.specifications['H'] = H
return None
if self.state_specified and self.H is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['H'] = H
def H_calc(self):
r'''Molar enthalpy of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [J/mol]'''
H = self.specifications['H']
if H is not None:
return H
return self.flash_state().H()
return None
def H_reactive(self):
r'''Molar reactive enthalpy of the stream specification if specified [J/mol]'''
return self.specifications['H_reactive']
def H_reactive(self, H_reactive):
r'''Set the molar reactive enthalpy of the stream specification [J/mol]'''
if H_reactive is None:
self.specifications['H_reactive'] = H_reactive
return None
if self.state_specified and self.H_reactive is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['H_reactive'] = H_reactive
def H_reactive_calc(self):
r'''Molar reactive enthalpy of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [J/mol]'''
H_reactive = self.specifications['H_reactive']
if H_reactive is not None:
return H_reactive
return self.flash_state().H_reactive()
return None
def H_mass(self):
r'''Mass enthalpy of the stream specification if specified [J/kg]'''
return self.specifications['H_mass']
def H_mass(self, H_mass):
r'''Set the mass enthalpy of the stream specification [J/kg]'''
if H_mass is None:
self.specifications['H_mass'] = H_mass
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.specifications['H_mass'] is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['H_mass'] = H_mass
def H_mass_calc(self):
r'''Mass enthalpy of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [J/kg]'''
H_mass = self.specifications['H_mass']
if H_mass is not None:
return H_mass
return self.flash_state().H_mass()
return None
def U(self):
r'''Molar internal energy of the stream specification if specified [J/mol]'''
return self.specifications['U']
def U(self, U):
r'''Set the molar internal energy of the stream specification [J/mol]'''
if U is None:
self.specifications['U'] = U
return None
if self.state_specified and self.U is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['U'] = U
def U_mass(self):
r'''Mass internal energy of the stream specification if specified [J/kg]'''
return self.specifications['U_mass']
def U_mass(self, U_mass):
r'''Set the mass internal energy of the stream specification [J/kg]'''
if U_mass is None:
self.specifications['U_mass'] = U_mass
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.U_mass is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['U_mass'] = U_mass
def G(self):
r'''Molar Gibbs free energy of the stream specification if specified [J/mol]'''
return self.specifications['G']
def G(self, G):
r'''Set the molar Gibbs free energy of the stream specification [J/mol]'''
if G is None:
self.specifications['G'] = G
return None
if self.state_specified and self.G is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['G'] = G
def G_mass(self):
r'''Mass Gibbs free energy of the stream specification if specified [J/kg]'''
return self.specifications['G_mass']
def G_mass(self, G_mass):
r'''Set the mass Gibbs free energy of the stream specification [J/kg]'''
if G_mass is None:
self.specifications['G_mass'] = G_mass
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.G_mass is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['G_mass'] = G_mass
def A(self):
r'''Molar Hemholtz free energy of the stream specification if specified [J/mol]'''
return self.specifications['A']
def A(self, A):
r'''Set the molar Hemholtz free energy of the stream specification [J/mol]'''
if A is None:
self.specifications['A'] = A
return None
if self.state_specified and self.A is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['A'] = A
def A_mass(self):
r'''Mass Hemholtz free energy of the stream specification if specified [J/kg]'''
return self.specifications['A_mass']
def A_mass(self, A_mass):
r'''Set the mass Hemholtz free energy of the stream specification [J/kg]'''
if A_mass is None:
self.specifications['A_mass'] = A_mass
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.A_mass is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['A_mass'] = A_mass
def S(self):
r'''Molar entropy of the stream specification if specified [J/(mol*K)]'''
return self.specifications['S']
def S(self, S):
r'''Set the molar entropy of the stream specification [J/(mol*K)]'''
if S is None:
self.specifications['S'] = S
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.S is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['S'] = S
def S_mass(self):
r'''Mass entropy of the stream specification if specified [J/(kg*K)]'''
return self.specifications['S_mass']
def S_mass(self, S_mass):
r'''Set the mass entropy of the stream specification [J/(kg*K)]'''
if S_mass is None:
self.specifications['S_mass'] = S_mass
return None
if self.specified_state_vars > 1 and self.S_mass is None:
raise ValueError('Two state vars already specified; unset another first')
self.specifications['S_mass'] = S_mass
def zs(self):
r'''Mole fractions of the stream if specified [-]'''
return self.specifications['zs']
def zs(self, arg):
r'''Set the mole fractions of the stream [-]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['zs'] = arg
if not arg: # force empty list to None
arg = None
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
composition_spec = self.composition_spec
if composition_spec is not None and composition_spec[0] != 'zs':
raise ValueError('Another composition spec already specified; unset another first')
s['zs'] = arg
s['ws'] = s['Vfls'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ns'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = None
s['zs'] = arg
def zs_calc(self):
r'''Mole fractions of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [-]'''
# This forms the basis for the calculations
s = self.specifications
zs = s['zs']
if zs is not None:
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
return zs
if None not in zs:
return zs
return None
ns = s['ns']
if ns is not None:
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
return normalize(ns)
ws = s['ws']
if ws is not None and None not in ws:
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
return ws_to_zs(ws, MWs)
except ZeroDivisionError:
Vfls = s['Vfls']
if Vfls is not None and None not in Vfls:
Vms = self.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
return Vfs_to_zs(Vfls, Vms)
except ZeroDivisionError:
Vfgs = s['Vfgs']
if Vfgs is not None and None not in Vfgs:
return Vfgs
ms = s['ms']
if ms is not None and None not in ms:
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
return ws_to_zs(normalize(ms), MWs)
Qls = s['Qls']
if Qls is not None and None not in Qls:
Vms = self.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
return Vfs_to_zs(normalize(Qls), Vms)
Qgs = s['Qgs']
if Qgs is not None and None not in Qgs:
return normalize(Qgs)
return None
def ws(self):
r'''Mass fractions of the stream if specified [-]'''
return self.specifications['ws']
def ws(self, arg):
r'''Set the mass fractions of the stream [-]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['ws'] = arg
# enforce a length
if not arg:
arg = None
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
composition_spec = self.composition_spec
if composition_spec is not None and composition_spec[0] != 'ws':
raise ValueError('Another composition spec already specified; unset another first')
s['ws'] = arg
s['zs'] = s['Vfls'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ns'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = None
s['ws'] = arg
def ws_calc(self):
r'''Mass fractions of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [-]'''
ws = self.specifications['ws']
if ws is not None:
return ws
zs = self.zs_calc
if zs is not None:
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
return zs_to_ws(zs, MWs)
def Vfls(self):
r'''Liquid volume fractions of the stream if specified [-]'''
return self.specifications['Vfls']
def Vfls(self, arg):
r'''Set the liquid volume fractions of the stream [-]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['Vfls'] = arg
# enforce a length
if not arg:
arg = None
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
composition_spec = self.composition_spec
if composition_spec is not None and composition_spec[0] != 'Vfls':
raise ValueError('Another composition spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Vfls'] = arg
s['zs'] = s['ws'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ns'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = None
s['Vfls'] = arg
def Vfls_calc(self):
r'''Liquid volume fractions of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [-]'''
Vfls = self.specifications['Vfls']
if Vfls is not None:
return Vfls
zs = self.zs_calc
if zs is not None:
Vms = self.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
return zs_to_Vfs(zs, Vms)
def Vfgs(self):
r'''Gas volume fractions of the stream if specified [-]'''
return self.specifications['Vfgs']
def Vfgs(self, arg):
r'''Set the gas volume fractions of the stream [-]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['Vfgs'] = arg
# enforce a length
if not arg:
arg = None
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
composition_spec = self.composition_spec
if composition_spec is not None and composition_spec[0] != 'Vfgs':
raise ValueError('Another composition spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Vfgs'] = arg
s['zs'] = s['ws'] = s['Vfls'] = s['ns'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = None
s['Vfgs'] = arg
def ns(self):
r'''Mole flows of the stream if specified [mol/s]'''
return self.specifications['ns']
def ns(self, arg):
r'''Set the mole flows of the stream [mol/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['ns'] = arg
# enforce a length
if not arg:
arg = None
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
s['zs'] = s['ws'] = s['Vfls'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['ns'] = arg
s['ns'] = arg
def ns_calc(self):
r'''Mole flows of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [mol/s]'''
s = self.specifications
ns = s['ns']
if ns is not None:
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
return ns
if None not in ns:
return ns
return None
n = s['n']
if n is not None:
zs = self.zs_calc
if zs is not None:
return [n*zi for zi in zs]
m = s['m']
if m is not None:
zs = self.zs_calc
if zs is not None:
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
MW = mixing_simple(MWs, zs)
n = property_molar_to_mass(m, MW)
return [n*zi for zi in zs]
ms = s['ms']
if ms is not None and None not in ms:
zs = self.zs_calc
m = sum(ms)
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
MW = mixing_simple(MWs, zs)
n = m*1000.0/MW
return [n*zi for zi in zs]
Qls = s['Qls']
if Qls is not None and None not in Qls:
Vms = self.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
return [Ql/Vm for Vm, Ql in zip(Vms, Qls)]
Ql = s['Ql']
if Ql is not None:
Vms = self.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
zs = self.zs_calc
Vfs = zs_to_Vfs(zs, Vms)
return [Ql*Vf/Vm for Vm, Vf in zip(Vms, Vfs)]
Qgs = s['Qgs']
if Qgs is not None and None not in Qgs:
flasher = self.flasher
V = R*flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
return [Qgi/V for Qgi in Qgs]
Qg = s['Qg']
if Qg is not None:
flasher = self.flasher
V = R*flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
n = Qg/V
zs = self.zs_calc
return [zi*n for zi in zs]
Q = s['Q']
if Q is not None:
zs = self.zs_calc
if zs is not None:
Q_TP = self.Q_TP
if Q_TP is not None and (Q_TP[0] is not None and Q_TP[1] is not None):
if (len(Q_TP) == 2 or (len(Q_TP) == 3 and not Q_TP[-1])):
# Calculate the volume via the property package
expensive_flash = self.flasher.flash(zs=zs, T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1])
V = expensive_flash.V()
if Q_TP[-1] == 'l':
V = self.flasher.liquids[0].to(T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1], zs=zs).V()
elif Q_TP[-1] == 'g':
V = self.flasher.gas.to(T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1], zs=zs).V()
mixture = self.flash_state()
if mixture is not None:
V = mixture.V()
if V is not None:
n = Q/V
return [n*zi for zi in zs]
return None
def ms(self):
r'''Mass flows of the stream if specified [kg/s]'''
return self.specifications['ms']
def ms(self, arg):
r'''Set the mass flows of the stream [kg/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['ms'] = arg
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
s['zs'] = s['ws'] = s['Vfls'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ns'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['ms'] = arg
s['ms'] = arg
def ms_calc(self):
r'''Mass flows of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [kg/s]'''
ns = self.ns_calc
if ns is not None:
zs = self.zs_calc
n = sum(ns)
MW = self.MW
m = property_mass_to_molar(n, MW)
MW_inv = 1.0/MW
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
ws = [zi*MWi*MW_inv for zi, MWi in zip(zs, MWs)]
return [m*wi for wi in ws]
def Qls(self):
r'''Standard liquid volume flows of the stream if specified [m^3/s]'''
return self.specifications['Qls']
def Qls(self, arg):
r'''Set the standard liquid volume flows of the stream [m^3/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['Qls'] = arg
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
s['zs'] = s['ws'] = s['Vfls'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ms'] = s['ns'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['Qls'] = arg
s['Qls'] = arg
def Qls_calc(self):
r'''Standard liquid volume flows of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [m^3/s]'''
ns_calc = self.ns_calc
if ns_calc is not None:
Vms = self.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
Qls = [ni*Vm for ni, Vm in zip(ns_calc, Vms)]
return Qls
def Qgs(self):
r'''Standard gas volume flows of the stream if specified [m^3/s]'''
return self.specifications['Qgs']
def Qgs(self, arg):
r'''Set the standard gas volume flows of the stream [m^3/s]'''
if arg is None:
self.specifications['Qgs'] = arg
if not self.multiple_composition_basis:
args = {'zs': None, 'ws': None, 'Vfls': None, 'Vfgs': None,
'ns': None, 'ms': None, 'Qls': None, 'Qgs': arg,
'n': None, 'm': None, 'Q': None, 'Ql': None, 'Qg': None}
self.specifications['Qgs'] = arg
def Qgs_calc(self):
r'''Standard gas volume flows of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [m^3/s]'''
ns_calc = self.ns_calc
if ns_calc is not None:
flasher = self.flasher
V = R*flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
Qgs = [ni*V for ni in ns_calc]
return Qgs
def m(self):
r'''Mass flow of the stream if specified [kg/s]'''
return self.specifications['m']
def m(self, arg):
r'''Set the mass flow of the stream [kg/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['m'] = arg
flow_spec = self.flow_spec
if flow_spec is not None and flow_spec[0] != 'm':
raise ValueError('Another flow spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Qls'] = s['ms'] = s['ns'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['m'] = arg
def m_calc(self):
r'''Mass flow of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [kg/s]'''
m = self.specifications['m']
if m is not None:
return m
ms = self.specifications['ms']
if ms is not None and None not in ms:
return sum(ms)
ms_calc = self.ms_calc
if ms_calc is not None:
return sum(ms_calc)
return None
def n(self):
r'''Mole flow of the stream if specified [mol/s]'''
return self.specifications['n']
def n(self, arg):
r'''Set the mole flow of the stream [mol/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['n'] = arg
flow_spec = self.flow_spec
if flow_spec is not None and flow_spec[0] != 'n':
raise ValueError('Another flow spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Qls'] = s['ms'] = s['ns'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['n'] = arg
def n_calc(self):
r'''Mole flow of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [mol/s]'''
s = self.specifications
n = s['n']
if n is not None:
return n
ns = s['ns']
if ns is not None and None not in ns:
return sum(ns)
# Everything funnels into ns_calc to avoid conflicts
ns_calc = self.ns_calc
if ns_calc is not None and None not in ns_calc:
return sum(ns_calc)
return None
def Ql(self):
r'''Standard liquid volume flow of the stream if specified [m^3/s]'''
return self.specifications['Ql']
def Ql(self, arg):
r'''Set the standard liquid volume flow of the stream [m^3/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['Ql'] = arg
flow_spec = self.flow_spec
if flow_spec is not None and flow_spec[0] != 'Ql':
raise ValueError('Another flow spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Qls'] = s['ms'] = s['ns'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['Ql'] = arg
def Ql_calc(self):
r'''Standard liquid volume flow of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [m^3/s]'''
Ql = self.specifications['Ql']
if Ql is not None:
return Ql
Qls = self.specifications['Qls']
if Qls is not None and None not in Qls:
return sum(Qls)
Qls_calc = self.Qls_calc
if Qls_calc is not None:
return sum(Qls_calc)
return None
def Qg(self):
r'''Standard gas volume flow of the stream if specified [m^3/s]'''
return self.specifications['Qg']
def Qg(self, arg):
r'''Set the standard gas volume flow of the stream [m^3/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['Qg'] = arg
flow_spec = self.flow_spec
if flow_spec is not None and flow_spec[0] != 'Qg':
raise ValueError('Another flow spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Qls'] = s['ms'] = s['ns'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['Qg'] = arg
def Qg_calc(self):
r'''Standard gas volume flow of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [m^3/s]'''
Qg = self.specifications['Qg']
if Qg is not None:
return Qg
Qgs = self.specifications['Qgs']
if Qgs is not None and None not in Qgs:
return sum(Qgs)
Qgs_calc = self.Qgs_calc
if Qgs_calc is not None:
return sum(Qgs_calc)
return None
def Q(self):
r'''Actual volume flow of the stream if specified [m^3/s]'''
return self.specifications['Q']
def Q(self, arg):
r'''Set the actual volume flow of the stream [m^3/s]'''
s = self.specifications
if arg is None:
s['Q'] = arg
flow_spec = self.flow_spec
if flow_spec is not None and flow_spec[0] != 'Q':
raise ValueError('Another flow spec already specified; unset another first')
s['Qls'] = s['ms'] = s['ns'] = s['Qgs'] = s['n'] = s['m'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
s['Q'] = arg
def MW(self):
r'''Molecular weight of the stream; calculated if enough information is available [g/mol]'''
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
zs = self.zs_calc
MW = mixing_simple(MWs, zs)
return MW
return None
def energy_calc(self):
r'''Energy flow of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [W]'''
s = self.specifications
# Try to get H from energy, or a molar specification
Q = s['energy']
m, n = None, None
if Q is None:
H = s['H']
if H is not None:
n = s['n']
if n is None:
n = self.n_calc
if n is not None:
Q = n*H
# Try to get H from a mass specification
if Q is None:
H_mass = s['H_mass']
if H_mass is not None:
m = s['m']
if m is None:
m = self.m_calc
if m is not None:
Q = m*H_mass
# Try to flash and get enthalpy
if Q is None:
n = self.n_calc
if n is None:
m = self.m_calc
if m is not None or n is not None:
mixture = self.flash_state()
if mixture is not None:
if n is not None:
Q = mixture.H()*n
elif m is not None:
Q = mixture.H()*property_molar_to_mass(m, mixture.MW())
return Q
def energy_reactive_calc(self):
r'''Energy flow of the stream; specified or calculated if enough information is available [W]'''
return self.specifications['energy_reactive']
def __repr__(self):
s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}(flasher={self.flasher is not None}, '
for k, v in self.specifications.items():
if v is not None:
s += f'{k}={v!r}, '
s = s[:-2]
s += ')'
return s
[docs] def reconcile_flows(self, n_tol=2e-15, m_tol=2e-15):
"""Evaluate the flow specifications provided to the StreamArgs instance
in the event the original inputs are overspecified, in the assumption that
the inputs are internally consistent. If they are not consistent to the
tolerances of this function, the :obj:`StreamArgs` instance will raise an
Examples this function can check are both `ms` and `m` provided,
or `ms` with one missing value and `m` provided (`ms` will be modified
with the calculated value of the previously missing flow), if both
`ms` and `ns` are set but with only some values in `ms` and some in `ns`
(the spec will be set as `ns` and calculate as many values as possible),
and the rather absurd case of specifying various inputs of `zs`, `ns`, and `ws`
and expecting the software to make sense of it. Obviously if no `flasher`
is available with molecular weights the number of checks that can be performed
are limited.
n_tol : float, optional
The tolerance for checking the consistency of mole flow rates.
Default is 2e-15.
m_tol : float, optional
The tolerance for checking the consistency of mass flow rates.
Default is 2e-15.
>>> stream = StreamArgs(ns=[1.0, None], n=6.0)
>>> stream.ns
[1.0, 5.0]
>>> stream = StreamArgs(ms=[4.0, None], m=10.0)
>>> stream.ms
[4.0, 6.0]
s = self.specifications
n, m, Q = s['n'], s['m'], s['Q']
if n is not None:
if m is not None:
raise OverspeficiedError(f"Flow specification is overspecified: n={n:g}, m={m:g}")
elif Q is not None:
raise OverspeficiedError(f"Flow specification is overspecified: n={n:g}, Q={Q:g}")
elif m is not None and Q is not None:
raise OverspeficiedError(f"Flow specification is overspecified: m={m:g}, Q={Q:g}")
ns, zs, ms, ws = s['ns'], s['zs'], s['ms'], s['ws']
if n is not None and ns is not None:
calc = 0.0
missing = 0
missing_idx = None
for i in range(len(ns)):
if ns[i] is None:
missing += 1
missing_idx = i
calc += ns[i]
if missing == 0:
if abs((calc - n)/n) > n_tol:
raise ValueError("Flow specification is overspecified and inconsistent")
elif missing == 1:
ns[missing_idx] = n - calc
if m is not None and ms is not None:
calc = 0.0
missing = 0
missing_idx = None
for i in range(len(ms)):
if ms[i] is None:
missing += 1
missing_idx = i
calc += ms[i]
if missing == 0:
if abs((calc - m)/m) > m_tol:
raise ValueError("Flow specification is overspecified and inconsistent")
elif missing == 1:
ms[missing_idx] = m - calc
if ns is not None and ms is not None:
# Convert any ms to ns
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
return False
for i in range(len(ms)):
if ms[i] is not None:
ni = property_molar_to_mass(ms[i], MWs[i])
if ns[i] is not None and abs((ns[i] - ni)/ni) > n_tol:
raise ValueError("Flow specification is overspecified and inconsistent on component %d" %i)
ns[i] = ni
if (zs is not None or ns is not None) and (ws is not None or ms is not None) and (m is not None or n is not None or ns is not None or ms is not None):
# We need the MWs
MWs = self.flasher.constants.MWs
if zs is None:
zs = [None]*len(MWs)
if ws is None:
ws = [None]*len(MWs)
ns, zs, ws = solve_flow_composition_mix(ns, zs, ws, MWs)
s['ns'] = ns
return False
[docs] def clear_composition_spec(self):
'''Removes any composition specification(s) that are set, otherwise
does nothing.
>>> S = StreamArgs(T=400, H=500, ws=[.3, .7])
>>> S.clear_composition_spec()
>>> S.ws
s = self.specifications
s['ns'] = s['zs'] = s['ws'] = s['Vfls'] = s['Vfgs'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = None
def composition_spec(self):
'''Composition specification if one has been set, as a tuples
of ('specification_name', specification_value); otherwise None.
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, H=500, ws=[.3, .7]).composition_spec
('ws', [0.3, 0.7])
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, H=500).composition_spec
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, H=500, Qls=[300.0, 1200.0]).composition_spec
('Qls', [300.0, 1200.0])
s = self.specifications
if s['zs'] is not None:
return 'zs', s['zs']
if s['ws'] is not None:
return 'ws', s['ws']
if s['Vfls'] is not None:
return 'Vfls', s['Vfls']
if s['Vfgs'] is not None:
return 'Vfgs', s['Vfgs']
if s['ns'] is not None:
return 'ns', s['ns']
if s['ms'] is not None:
return 'ms', s['ms']
if s['Qls'] is not None:
return 'Qls', s['Qls']
if s['Qgs'] is not None:
return 'Qgs', s['Qgs']
def clean(self):
'''If no variables have been specified, True,
otherwis False.
return not (self.composition_specified or self.state_specs or self.flow_specified)
def composition_specified(self):
'''True if a composition for the stream has been defined.
If component flow rates are the specification, requires all of them to be specified.
If `zs` or `ws` or Vfls` or `Vfgs` is set, also requires all of them to be specified
and additionally them not to be an empty list.
s = self.specifications
if s['zs'] is not None and None not in s['zs'] and sum(s['zs']) != 0.0:
return True
if s['ws'] is not None and None not in s['ws'] and sum(s['ws']) != 0.0:
return True
if s['Vfls'] is not None and None not in s['Vfls'] and sum(s['Vfls']) != 0.0:
return True
if s['Vfgs'] is not None and None not in s['Vfgs'] and sum(s['Vfgs']) != 0.0:
return True
if s['ns'] is not None and None not in s['ns']:
return True
if s['ms'] is not None and None not in s['ms']:
return True
if s['Qls'] is not None and None not in s['Qls']:
return True
return bool(s['Qgs'] is not None and None not in s['Qgs'])
[docs] def clear_state_specs(self):
'''Removes any state specification(s) that are set, otherwise
does nothing. Composition is not considered a state spec in
this class.
>>> S = StreamArgs(T=400, H=500, ws=[.3, .7])
>>> S.clear_state_specs()
>>> S.T
>>> S.H
s = self.specifications
for v in ('T', 'P', 'V', 'rho', 'rho_mass',
'VF', 'H_mass', 'H', 'S_mass', 'S',
'U_mass', 'U', 'A_mass', 'A', 'G_mass', 'G',
'energy', 'energy_reactive'):
s[v] = None
def state_specs(self):
'''List of state specifications which have been set, as tuples
of ('specification_name', specification_value). Energy is
included regardless of whether it is being used as a state
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, H=500).state_specs
[('T', 400), ('H', 500)]
s = self.specifications
specs = []
if s['T'] is not None:
specs.append(('T', s['T']))
if s['P'] is not None:
specs.append(('P', s['P']))
if s['V'] is not None:
specs.append(('V', s['V']))
if s['rho'] is not None:
specs.append(('rho', s['rho']))
if s['rho_mass'] is not None:
specs.append(('rho_mass', s['rho_mass']))
if s['VF'] is not None:
specs.append(('VF', s['VF']))
if s['H_mass'] is not None:
specs.append(('H_mass', s['H_mass']))
if s['H'] is not None:
specs.append(('H', s['H']))
if s['S_mass'] is not None:
specs.append(('S_mass', s['S_mass']))
if s['S'] is not None:
specs.append(('S', s['S']))
if s['U_mass'] is not None:
specs.append(('U_mass', s['U_mass']))
if s['U'] is not None:
specs.append(('U', s['U']))
if s['G_mass'] is not None:
specs.append(('G_mass', s['G_mass']))
if s['G'] is not None:
specs.append(('G', s['G']))
if s['A_mass'] is not None:
specs.append(('A_mass', s['A_mass']))
if s['A'] is not None:
specs.append(('A', s['A']))
if s['energy'] is not None:
specs.append(('energy', s['energy']))
if s['energy_reactive'] is not None:
specs.append(('energy_reactive', s['energy_reactive']))
return specs
def non_pressure_state_specs(self):
'''List of state specifications which have been set, as tuples
of ('specification_name', specification_value), excluding pressure.
Energy is included regardless of whether it is being used as a state
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5, n=4).non_pressure_state_specs
[('T', 400)]
specs = self.state_specs
return [(s, v) for s, v in specs if s != 'P']
def specified_state_vars(self):
'''Number of state specifications which have been set.
Energy is included regardless of whether it is being used as a state
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5, n=4).specified_state_vars
# Slightly faster
s = self.specifications
return sum(s[i] is not None for i in ('T', 'P', 'V', 'rho', 'rho_mass',
'VF', 'H_mass', 'H', 'S_mass', 'S',
'U_mass', 'U', 'A_mass', 'A', 'G_mass', 'G',
'energy', 'energy_reactive'))
# return sum(i is not None for i in (self.T, self.P, self.VF, self.Hm, self.H, self.Sm, self.S, self.energy))
def state_specified(self):
'''Whether or not the state has been fully specified.
Energy is included regardless of whether it is being used as a state
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5, n=4).state_specified
>>> StreamArgs(P=1e5, n=4).state_specified
s = self.specifications
state_vars = 0
if s['T'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['P'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['V'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['rho'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['rho_mass'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['VF'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['H_mass'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['H'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['S'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['S_mass'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['U'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['U_mass'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['G'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['G_mass'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['A'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['A_mass'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['energy'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['energy_reactive'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
if s['H_reactive'] is not None:
state_vars += 1
return state_vars == 2
def non_pressure_spec_specified(self):
'''Whether there is at least one state specification excluding a pressure
Energy is included regardless of whether it is being used as a state
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5, n=4).non_pressure_spec_specified
>>> StreamArgs(S=400.0, VF=.3, n=4).non_pressure_spec_specified
>>> StreamArgs(P=1e5, n=4).non_pressure_spec_specified
state_vars = (i is not None for i in (self.T, self.VF, self.V, self.rho, self.rho_mass,
self.H_mass, self.H, self.S_mass, self.S,
self.U_mass, self.U, self.A_mass, self.A, self.G_mass, self.G,
self.energy, self.energy_reactive, self.H_reactive))
return sum(state_vars) >= 1
[docs] def clear_flow_spec(self):
'''Removes any flow specification(s) that are set, otherwise
does nothing. This will also remove the composition spec
if it is coming from `ns`, `ms`, `Qls`, or `Qgs`.
>>> S = StreamArgs(T=400, H=500, ns=[30, 70])
>>> S.clear_flow_spec()
>>> S.ns
s = self.specifications
s['ns'] = s['ms'] = s['Qls'] = s['Qgs'] = s['m'] = s['n'] = s['Q'] = s['Ql'] = s['Qg'] = None
def flow_spec(self):
'''Flow specification if one has been set, as a tuples
of ('specification_name', specification_value); otherwise None.
Energy is never included in this.
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, H=500, n=1234).flow_spec
('n', 1234)
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, H=500).flow_spec
s = self.specifications
if s['ns'] is not None:
return ('ns', s['ns'])
if s['ms'] is not None:
return ('ms', s['ms'])
if s['Qls'] is not None:
return ('Qls', s['Qls'])
if s['Qgs'] is not None:
return ('Qgs', s['Qgs'])
if s['m'] is not None:
return ('m', s['m'])
if s['n'] is not None:
return ('n', s['n'])
if s['Q'] is not None:
return ('Q', s['Q'])
if s['Ql'] is not None:
return ('Ql', s['Ql'])
if s['Qg'] is not None:
return ('Qg', s['Qg'])
# # TODO consider energy?
def specified_flow_vars(self):
'''Number of flow specifications which have been set.
Energy is never included regardless of whether it is being used as a flow
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5, n=4).specified_flow_vars
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5).specified_flow_vars
return sum(i is not None for i in (self.ns, self.ms, self.Qls, self.Qgs, self.m, self.n, self.Q, self.Ql, self.Qg))
def flow_specified(self):
'''Whether or not the flow has been specified.
Energy is never included regardless of whether it is being used as a flow
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5, n=4).flow_specified
>>> StreamArgs(T=400, P=1e5).flow_specified
s = self.specifications
if s['ns'] is not None:
return True
if s['ms'] is not None:
return True
if s['Qls'] is not None:
return True
if s['Qgs'] is not None:
return True
if s['m'] is not None:
return True
if s['n'] is not None:
return True
if s['Q'] is not None:
return True
if s['Ql'] is not None:
return True
return s['Qg'] is not None
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs):
"""Update the specifications of the StreamArgs instance with new values provided as keyword arguments.
kwargs : dict
Key-value pairs of specification names and values, [various]
>>> stream = StreamArgs(T=300, P=101325)
>>> stream.update(T=350, P=105000)
>>> stream.T
>>> stream.P
>>> stream = StreamArgs(S=100, P=101325)
>>> stream.update(S=None, P=95000, H=5)
>>> (stream.S, stream.P, stream.H)
(None, 95000, 5)
>>> stream = StreamArgs(zs=[0.2, 0.8])
>>> stream.update(zs=None, ws=[0.15, 0.85])
>>> (stream.zs, stream.ws)
(None, [0.15, 0.85])
This can be convinient when creating a dictionary of specifications and setting them all at once
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def stream(self, existing_flash=None, hot_start=None):
r'''Create and return an EquilibriumStream object using the set specifications.
If `existing_flash` is provided, that :obj:`EquilibriumState` object will be used
as the state specifications without checking that it contains the same specs as set
to this object. If insufficient information is available, return None.
existing_flash : EquilibriumState, optional
Existing flash which will be used instead of the composition and
state specs of this object [-]
hot_start : EquilibriumState, optional
Flash at nearby conditions that may be used to initialize the flash [-]
stream : EquilibriumStream
Created stream, [-]
if self.flow_specified:
s = self.specifications
if existing_flash is None:
existing_flash = self.flash_state(hot_start)
if existing_flash is not None:
return EquilibriumStream(self.flasher, hot_start=hot_start,
existing_flash=existing_flash, **s)
[docs] def flash_state(self, hot_start=None):
r'''Create and return an EquilibriumState object using the set specifications.
If insufficient information is available, return None.
hot_start : EquilibriumState, optional
Flash at nearby conditions that may be used to initialize the flash [-]
flash : EquilibriumState
Created equilibrium state, [-]
if self.composition_specified and self.state_specified:
s = self.specifications
# Flash call only takes `zs`
zs = self.zs_calc
T, P, VF = s['T'], s['P'], s['VF']
H = H_reactive = None
# Do we need
spec_count = 0
if T is not None:
spec_count += 1
if P is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['V'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['rho'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['rho_mass'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['H_mass'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['H'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['S_mass'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['S'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['U_mass'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['U'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['G_mass'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['G'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['A_mass'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['A'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if s['H_reactive'] is not None:
spec_count += 1
if VF is not None:
spec_count += 1
if spec_count < 2:
energy = s['energy']
if energy is not None:
n = self.n_calc
if n is not None:
H = energy/n
spec_count += 1
energy_reactive = s['energy_reactive']
if energy_reactive is not None:
n = self.n_calc
if n is not None:
H_reactive = energy_reactive/n
spec_count += 1
H_flash = s['H'] if s['H'] is not None else H
H_reactive = s['H_reactive'] if s['H_reactive'] is not None else H_reactive
state_cache = (T, P, VF, s['S_mass'], s['S'], s['H'], H_flash, s['H_reactive'], H_reactive,
s['U'], s['U_mass'], s['G'], s['G_mass'], s['A'], s['A_mass'],
s['V'], s['rho'], s['rho_mass'], tuple(zs))
if state_cache == self._state_cache:
return self._flash
m = self.flasher.flash(T=T, P=P, zs=zs, H=H_flash, H_mass=s['H_mass'],
S=s['S'], S_mass=s['S_mass'],
U=s['U'], U_mass=s['U_mass'],
G=s['G'], G_mass=s['G_mass'],
A=s['A'], A_mass=s['A_mass'],
V=s['V'], rho=s['rho'], rho_mass=s['rho_mass'],
VF=VF, hot_start=hot_start)
self._flash = m
self._state_cache = state_cache
return m
[docs] def value(self, name):
r'''Wrapper around getattr that obtains a property specified. This method
exists to unify e.g. H() on a EquilibriumState with H here which is a property.
Either object can simply be called obj.value("H"). [various]
v = getattr(self, name)
v = v()
return v
[docs]class Stream(Mixture):
'''Creates a Stream object which is useful for modeling mass and energy
Streams have five variables. The flow rate, composition, and components are
mandatory; and two of the variables temperature, pressure, vapor fraction,
enthalpy, or entropy are required. Entropy and enthalpy may also be
provided in a molar basis; energy can also be provided, which when
combined with either a flow rate or enthalpy will calculate the other
The composition and flow rate may be specified together or separately. The
options for specifying them are:
* Mole fractions `zs`
* Mass fractions `ws`
* Liquid standard volume fractions `Vfls`
* Gas standard volume fractions `Vfgs`
* Mole flow rates `ns`
* Mass flow rates `ms`
* Liquid flow rates `Qls` (based on pure component volumes at the T and P
specified by `Q_TP`)
* Gas flow rates `Qgs` (based on pure component volumes at the T and P
specified by `Q_TP`)
If only the composition is specified by providing any of `zs`, `ws`, `Vfls`
or `Vfgs`, the flow rate must be specified by providing one of these:
* Mole flow rate `n`
* Mass flow rate `m`
* Volumetric flow rate `Q` at the provided `T` and `P` or if specified,
* Energy `energy`
The state variables must be two of the following. Not all combinations
result in a supported flash.
* Tempetarure `T`
* Pressure `P`
* Vapor fraction `VF`
* Enthalpy `H`
* Molar enthalpy `Hm`
* Entropy `S`
* Molar entropy `Sm`
* Energy `energy`
IDs : list, optional
List of chemical identifiers - names, CAS numbers, SMILES or InChi
strings can all be recognized and may be mixed [-]
zs : list or dict, optional
Mole fractions of all components in the stream [-]
ws : list or dict, optional
Mass fractions of all components in the stream [-]
Vfls : list or dict, optional
Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical liquid phase based
on pure component densities [-]
Vfgs : list or dict, optional
Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical gas phase based
on pure component densities [-]
ns : list or dict, optional
Mole flow rates of each component [mol/s]
ms : list or dict, optional
Mass flow rates of each component [kg/s]
Qls : list or dict, optional
Liquid flow rates of all components as a hypothetical liquid phase
based on pure component densities [m^3/s]
Qgs : list or dict, optional
Gas flow rates of all components as a hypothetical gas phase
based on pure component densities [m^3/s]
n : float, optional
Total mole flow rate of all components in the stream [mol/s]
m : float, optional
Total mass flow rate of all components in the stream [kg/s]
Q : float, optional
Total volumetric flow rate of all components in the stream based on the
temperature and pressure specified by `T` and `P` [m^3/s]
T : float, optional
Temperature of the stream (default 298.15 K), [K]
P : float, optional
Pressure of the stream (default 101325 Pa) [Pa]
VF : float, optional
Vapor fraction (mole basis) of the stream, [-]
H : float, optional
Mass enthalpy of the stream, [J]
Hm : float, optional
Molar enthalpy of the stream, [J/mol]
S : float, optional
Mass entropy of the stream, [J/kg/K]
Sm : float, optional
Molar entropy of the stream, [J/mol/K]
energy : float, optional
Flowing energy of the stream (`H`*`m`), [W]
pkg : object
The thermodynamic property package to use for flash calculations;
one of the caloric packages in :obj:`thermo.property_package`;
defaults to the ideal model [-]
Vf_TP : tuple(2, float), optional
The (T, P) at which the volume fractions are specified to be at, [K]
and [Pa]
Q_TP : tuple(3, float, float, str), optional
The (T, P, phase) at which the volumetric flow rate is specified to be
at, [K] and [Pa]
Creating Stream objects:
A stream of vodka with volume fractions 60% water, 40% ethanol, 1 kg/s:
>>> from thermo import Stream
>>> Stream(['water', 'ethanol'], Vfls=[.6, .4], T=300, P=1E5, m=1)
<Stream, components=['water', 'ethanol'], mole fractions=[0.8299, 0.1701], mass flow=1.0 kg/s, mole flow=43.883974 mol/s, T=300.00 K, P=100000 Pa>
A stream of air at 400 K and 1 bar, flow rate of 1 mol/s:
>>> Stream('air', T=400, P=1e5, n=1)
<Stream, components=['nitrogen', 'argon', 'oxygen'], mole fractions=[0.7812, 0.0092, 0.2096], mass flow=0.028958 kg/s, mole flow=1 mol/s, T=400.00 K, P=100000 Pa>
Instead of specifying the composition and flow rate separately, they can
be specified as a list of flow rates in the appropriate units.
80 kg/s of furfuryl alcohol/water solution:
>>> Stream(['furfuryl alcohol', 'water'], ms=[50, 30])
<Stream, components=['furfuryl alcohol', 'water'], mole fractions=[0.2343, 0.7657], mass flow=80.0 kg/s, mole flow=2174.937359509809 mol/s, T=298.15 K, P=101325 Pa>
A stream of 100 mol/s of 400 K, 1 MPa argon:
>>> Stream(['argon'], ns=[100], T=400, P=1E6)
<Stream, components=['argon'], mole fractions=[1.0], mass flow=3.9948 kg/s, mole flow=100 mol/s, T=400.00 K, P=1000000 Pa>
A large stream of vinegar, 8 volume %:
>>> Stream(['Acetic acid', 'water'], Qls=[1, 1/.088])
<Stream, components=['acetic acid', 'water'], mole fractions=[0.0269, 0.9731], mass flow=12372.158780648899 kg/s, mole flow=646268.5186913002 mol/s, T=298.15 K, P=101325 Pa>
A very large stream of 100 m^3/s of steam at 500 K and 2 MPa:
>>> Stream(['water'], Qls=[100], T=500, P=2E6)
<Stream, components=['water'], mole fractions=[1.0], mole flow=4617174.33613 mol/s, T=500.00 K, P=2000000 Pa>
A real example of a stream from a pulp mill:
>>> Stream(['Methanol', 'Sulphuric acid', 'sodium chlorate', 'Water', 'Chlorine dioxide', 'Sodium chloride', 'Carbon dioxide', 'Formic Acid', 'sodium sulfate', 'Chlorine'], T=365.2, P=70900, ns=[0.3361749, 11.5068909, 16.8895876, 7135.9902928, 1.8538332, 0.0480655, 0.0000000, 2.9135162, 205.7106922, 0.0012694])
<Stream, components=['methanol', 'sulfuric acid', 'sodium chlorate', 'water', 'chlorine dioxide', 'sodium chloride', 'carbon dioxide', 'formic acid', 'sodium sulfate', 'chlorine'], mole fractions=[0.0, 0.0016, 0.0023, 0.9676, 0.0003, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0004, 0.0279, 0.0], mole flow=7375.2503227 mol/s, T=365.20 K, P=70900 Pa>
For streams with large numbers of components, it may be confusing to enter
the composition separate from the names of the chemicals. For that case,
the syntax using dictionaries as follows is supported with any composition
>>> comp = OrderedDict([('methane', 0.96522),
... ('nitrogen', 0.00259),
... ('carbon dioxide', 0.00596),
... ('ethane', 0.01819),
... ('propane', 0.0046),
... ('isobutane', 0.00098),
... ('butane', 0.00101),
... ('2-methylbutane', 0.00047),
... ('pentane', 0.00032),
... ('hexane', 0.00066)])
>>> m = Stream(ws=comp, m=33)
.. warning::
The Stream class is not designed for high-performance or the ability
to use different thermodynamic models. It is especially limited in its
multiphase support and the ability to solve with specifications other
than temperature and pressure. It is impossible to change constant
properties such as a compound's critical temperature in this interface.
It is recommended to switch over to the :obj:`thermo.flash` and
:obj:`EquilibriumStream` interfaces
which solves those problems and are better positioned to grow. That
interface also requires users to be responsible for their chemical
constants and pure component correlations; while default values can
easily be loaded for most compounds, the user is ultimately responsible
for them.
flashed = True
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
txt = f'<Stream, components={self.names}, mole fractions={[round(i,4) for i in self.zs]}, mass flow={self.m} kg/s, mole flow={self.n} mol/s'
# T and P may not be available if a flash has failed
txt += f', T={self.T:.2f} K, P={self.P:.0f} Pa>'
txt += ', thermodynamic conditions unknown>'
return txt
def __init__(self, IDs=None, zs=None, ws=None, Vfls=None, Vfgs=None,
ns=None, ms=None, Qls=None, Qgs=None,
n=None, m=None, Q=None,
T=None, P=None, VF=None, H=None, Hm=None, S=None, Sm=None,
energy=None, pkg=None, Vf_TP=(None, None), Q_TP=(None, None, '')):
composition_options = ('zs', 'ws', 'Vfls', 'Vfgs', 'ns', 'ms', 'Qls', 'Qgs')
composition_option_count = 0
for i in composition_options:
if locals()[i] is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = (i, locals()[i])
if hasattr(IDs, 'strip') or (type(IDs) == list and len(IDs) == 1):
pass # one component only - do not raise an exception
elif composition_option_count < 1:
raise Exception("No composition information is provided; one of "
"'ws', 'zs', 'Vfls', 'Vfgs', 'ns', 'ms', 'Qls' or "
"'Qgs' must be specified")
elif composition_option_count > 1:
raise Exception("More than one source of composition information "
"is provided; only one of "
"'ws', 'zs', 'Vfls', 'Vfgs', 'ns', 'ms', 'Qls' or "
"'Qgs' can be specified")
# if more than 1 of composition_options is given, raise an exception
flow_options = ('ns', 'ms', 'Qls', 'Qgs', 'm', 'n', 'Q') # energy
flow_option_count = 0
for i in flow_options:
if locals()[i] is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = (i, locals()[i])
# flow_option_count = sum(i is not None for i in flow_options)
# Energy can be used as an enthalpy spec or a flow rate spec
if flow_option_count > 1 and energy is not None:
if Hm is not None or H is not None:
flow_option_count -= 1
if flow_option_count < 1:
raise Exception("No flow rate information is provided; one of "
"'m', 'n', 'Q', 'ms', 'ns', 'Qls', 'Qgs' or "
"'energy' must be specified")
elif flow_option_count > 1:
raise Exception("More than one source of flow rate information is "
"provided; only one of "
"'m', 'n', 'Q', 'ms', 'ns', 'Qls', 'Qgs' or "
"'energy' can be specified")
if ns is not None:
zs = ns
elif ms is not None:
ws = ms
elif Qls is not None:
Vfls = Qls
elif Qgs is not None:
Vfgs = Qgs
# If T and P are known, only need to flash once
if T is not None and P is not None:
super().__init__(IDs, zs=zs, ws=ws, Vfls=Vfls, Vfgs=Vfgs,
T=T, P=P, Vf_TP=Vf_TP, pkg=pkg)
# Initialize without a flash
Mixture.autoflash = False
super().__init__(IDs, zs=zs, ws=ws, Vfls=Vfls, Vfgs=Vfgs,
Vf_TP=Vf_TP, pkg=pkg)
Mixture.autoflash = True
if n is not None:
self.n = n
elif m is not None:
self.n = property_molar_to_mass(m, self.MW) # m*10000/MW
elif Q is not None:
if Q_TP != (None, None, ''):
if len(Q_TP) == 2 or (len(Q_TP) == 3 and not Q_TP[-1]):
# Calculate the phase via the property package
self.property_package.flash(self.zs, T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1])
phase = self.property_package.phase if self.property_package.phase in ('l', 'g') else 'g'
phase = Q_TP[-1]
if phase == 'l':
Vm = self.VolumeLiquidMixture(T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1], zs=self.zs, ws=self.ws)
Vm = self.VolumeGasMixture(T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1], zs=self.zs, ws=self.ws)
Vm = self.Vm
self.n = Q/Vm
raise Exception('Molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif ns is not None:
if isinstance(ns, (OrderedDict, dict)):
ns = ns.values()
self.n = sum(ns)
elif ms is not None:
if isinstance(ms, (OrderedDict, dict)):
ms = ms.values()
self.n = property_molar_to_mass(sum(ms), self.MW)
elif Qls is not None:
# volume flows and total enthalpy/entropy should be disabled
if isinstance(Qls, (OrderedDict, dict)):
Qls = Qls.values()
self.n = sum([Q/Vml for Q, Vml in zip(Qls, self.Vmls)])
raise Exception('Liquid molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif Qgs is not None:
if isinstance(Qgs, (OrderedDict, dict)):
Qgs = Qgs.values()
self.n = sum([Q/Vmg for Q, Vmg in zip(Qgs, [ideal_gas(T, P)]*self.N)])
raise Exception('Gas molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif energy is not None:
if H is not None:
self.m = energy/H # Watt/(J/kg) = kg/s
elif Hm is not None:
self.n = energy/Hm # Watt/(J/kg) = mol/s
raise NotImplementedError
# Energy specified - calculate H or Hm
if energy is not None:
if hasattr(self, 'm'):
H = energy/self.m
if hasattr(self, 'n'):
Hm = energy/self.n
if T is None or P is None:
non_TP_state_vars = sum(i is not None for i in [VF, H, Hm, S, Sm, energy])
if non_TP_state_vars == 0:
if T is None:
T = self.T_default
if P is None:
P = self.P_default
self.flash(T=T, P=P, VF=VF, H=H, Hm=Hm, S=S, Sm=Sm)
[docs] def set_extensive_flow(self, n=None):
if n is None:
n = self.n
T, P = self.T, self.P
self.n = n
self.m = m = property_mass_to_molar(n, self.MW)
self.ns = [n*zi for zi in self.zs]
self.ms = [m*wi for wi in self.ws]
self.Q = m/self.rho
V_ig = ideal_gas(T, P)
self.Qgs = [m/Vm_to_rho(V_ig, MW=MW) for m, MW in zip(self.ms, self.MWs)]
self.Qls = [m/rho for m, rho in zip(self.ms, self.rhols)]
if self.phase in ('l/g', 'l'):
self.nl = nl = n*(1. - self.V_over_F)
self.nls = [xi*nl for xi in self.xs]
self.mls = [ni*MWi*1E-3 for ni, MWi in zip(self.nls, self.MWs)]
self.ml = sum(self.mls)
if self.rhol:
self.Ql = self.ml/self.rhol
self.Ql = None
if self.phase in ('l/g', 'g'):
self.ng = ng = n*self.V_over_F
self.ngs = [yi*ng for yi in self.ys]
self.mgs = [ni*MWi*1E-3 for ni, MWi in zip(self.ngs, self.MWs)]
self.mg = sum(self.mgs)
if self.rhog:
self.Qg = self.mg/self.rhog
self.Qg = None
# flow_spec, composition_spec are attributes already
def specified_composition_vars(self):
'''number of composition variables'''
return 1
def composition_specified(self):
'''Always needs a composition'''
return True
def specified_state_vars(self):
'''Always needs two states'''
return 2
def non_pressure_spec_specified(self):
'''Cannot have a stream without an energy-type spec.
return True
def state_specified(self):
'''Always needs a state'''
return True
def state_specs(self):
'''Returns a list of tuples of (state_variable, state_value) representing
the thermodynamic state of the system.
specs = []
for i, var in enumerate(('T', 'P', 'VF', 'Hm', 'H', 'Sm', 'S', 'energy')):
v = self.specs[i]
if v is not None:
specs.append((var, v))
return specs
def specified_flow_vars(self):
'''Always needs only one flow specified'''
return 1
def flow_specified(self):
'''Always needs a flow specified'''
return True
[docs] def flash(self, T=None, P=None, VF=None, H=None, Hm=None, S=None, Sm=None,
self.specs = (T, P, VF, H, Hm, S, Sm, energy)
if energy is not None:
H = energy/self.m
if H is not None:
Hm = property_mass_to_molar(H, self.MW)
if S is not None:
Sm = property_mass_to_molar(S, self.MW)
super().flash_caloric(T=T, P=P, VF=VF, Hm=Hm, Sm=Sm)
[docs] def set_extensive_properties(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'm'):
self.energy = None
return None
if self.H is not None and self.m is not None:
self.energy = self.H*self.m
self.energy_reactive = self.H_reactive*self.m
self.energy = None
[docs] def calculate(self, T=None, P=None):
self.set_TP(T=T, P=P)
if hasattr(self, 'rho') and self.rho:
self.Q = self.m/self.rho
self.Q = None
def __add__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Stream):
raise Exception('Adding to a stream requires that the other object '
'also be a stream.')
if (set(self.CASs) == set(other.CASs)) and (len(self.CASs) == len(other.CASs)):
cmps = self.CASs
cmps = sorted(list(set(self.CASs + other.CASs)))
mole = self.n + other.n
moles = []
for cmp in cmps:
if cmp in self.CASs:
ind = self.CASs.index(cmp)
moles[-1] += self.zs[ind]*self.n
if cmp in other.CASs:
ind = other.CASs.index(cmp)
moles[-1] += other.zs[ind]*other.n
T = min(self.T, other.T)
P = min(self.P, other.P)
return Stream(IDs=cmps, ns=moles, T=T, P=P, pkg=self.property_package)
def __sub__(self, other):
# Subtracts the mass flow rates in other from self and returns a new
# Stream instance
# Check if all components are present in the original stream,
# while ignoring 0-flow streams in other
components_in_self = [i in self.CASs for i in other.CASs]
if not all(components_in_self):
for i, in_self in enumerate(components_in_self):
if not in_self and other.zs[i] > 0:
raise Exception(f'Not all components to be removed are \
present in the first stream; {other.IDs[i]} is not present.')
# Calculate the mole flows of each species
ns_self = list(self.ns)
ns_other = list(other.ns)
n_product = sum(ns_self) - sum(ns_other)
for i, CAS in enumerate(self.CASs):
if CAS in other.CASs:
nj = ns_other[other.CASs.index(CAS)]
# Merely normalizing the mole flow difference is enough to make
# ~1E-16 relative differences; allow for a little tolerance here
relative_difference_product = abs(ns_self[i] - nj)/n_product
relative_difference_self = abs(ns_self[i] - nj)/ns_self[i]
if ns_self[i] - nj < 0 and (relative_difference_product > 1E-12 or relative_difference_self > 1E-9):
raise Exception(f'Attempting to remove more {self.IDs[i]} than is in the \
first stream.')
if ns_self[i] - nj < 0.:
ns_self[i] = 0.
elif relative_difference_product < 1E-12:
ns_self[i] = 0.
ns_self[i] = ns_self[i] - nj
# Remove now-empty streams:
ns_product = []
CASs_product = []
for n, CAS in zip(ns_self, self.CASs):
if n != 0:
# Create the resulting stream
return Stream(IDs=CASs_product, ns=ns_product, T=self.T, P=self.P)
[docs]class EquilibriumStream(EquilibriumState):
'''Creates an EquilibriumStream object, built off :obj:`EquilibriumState`
to contain flow rate amounts, making mass and energy balances easier.
EquilibriumStreams can have their flow rate, state, and composition
defined using any sufficient set of the following. Note that not all
sets of specs will have a solution, or a unique solution, or an
algorithm to solve the problem implemented.
The state can be specified using any two of:
* Temperature `T` [K]
* Pressure `P` [Pa]
* Vapor fraction `VF`
* Enthalpy `H` [J/mol] or `H_mass` [J/kg]
* Entropy `S` [J/mol/K] or `S_mass` [J/kg/K]
* Internal energy `U` [J/mol] or `U_mass` [J/kg]
* Gibbs free energy `G` [J/mol] or `G_mass` [J/kg]
* Helmholtz energy `A` [J/mol] or `A_mass` [J/kg]
* Energy `energy` [W] and `energy_reactive` [W] which count as a enthalpy spec only when flow rate is given
* Reactive enthalpy `H_reactive` [J/mol]
* Molar volume `V` [m^3/mol], molar density `rho` [mol/m^3], or mass density `rho_mass`, [kg/m^3]
The composition can be specified using any of:
* Mole fractions `zs`
* Mass fractions `ws`
* Liquid standard volume fractions `Vfls`
* Gas standard volume fractions `Vfgs`
* Mole flow rates of each component `ns` [mol/s]
* Mass flow rates of each component `ms` [kg/s]
* Liquid standard volume flow rates of each component `Qls` [m^3/s]
* Gas standard flow rates of each component `Qgs` [m^3/s]
Total flow rates can be specified using:
* Mole flow rate `n` [mol/s]
* Mass flow rate `m` [kg/s]
* Actual volume flow rate `Q` [m^3/s]
* Liquid volume standard flow rate `Ql` [m^3/s]
* Gas standard volume flow rate `Qg` [m^3/s]
Note that the liquid flow rates `Ql` and `Qls` will by default use the
pure component liquid standard molar densities, but the temperature and
pressure used to calculate the liquid molar densities can be set with
the two-tuple `Vf_TP`.
See :obj:`EquilibriumState.V_liquids_ref` for details.
flasher : One of :obj:`thermo.flash.FlashPureVLS`, :obj:`thermo.flash.FlashVL`, :obj:`thermo.flash.FlashVLN`,
The configured flash object which can perform flashes for the
configured components, [-]
zs : list, optional
Mole fractions of all components [-]
ws : list, optional
Mass fractions of all components [-]
Vfls : list, optional
Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical liquid phase based
on pure component densities [-]
Vfgs : list, optional
Volume fractions of all components as a hypothetical gas phase based
on pure component densities [-]
ns : list, optional
Mole flow rates of each component [mol/s]
ms : list, optional
Mass flow rates of each component [kg/s]
Qls : list, optional
Component volumetric flow rate specs for a hypothetical liquid phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_liquids_ref` [m^3/s]
Qgs : list, optional
Component volumetric flow rate specs for a hypothetical gas phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_gas` [m^3/s]
Ql : float, optional
Total volumetric flow rate spec for a hypothetical liquid phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_liquids_ref` [m^3/s]
Qg : float, optional
Total volumetric flow rate spec for a hypothetical gas phase based on
:obj:`EquilibriumState.V_gas` [m^3/s]
Q : float, optional
Total actual volumetric flow rate of the stream based on the
density of the stream at the specified conditions [m^3/s]
n : float, optional
Total mole flow rate of all components in the stream [mol/s]
m : float, optional
Total mass flow rate of all components in the stream [kg/s]
T : float, optional
Temperature of the stream, [K]
P : float, optional
Pressure of the stream [Pa]
VF : float, optional
Vapor fraction (mole basis) of the stream, [-]
V : float, optional
Molar volume of the overall stream [m^3/mol]
rho : float, optional
Molar density of the overall stream [mol/m^3]
rho_mass : float, optional
Mass density of the overall stream [kg/m^3]
H : float, optional
Molar enthalpy of the stream [J/mol]
H_mass : float, optional
Mass enthalpy of the stream [J/kg]
S : float, optional
Molar entropy of the stream [J/mol/K]
S_mass : float, optional
Mass entropy of the stream [J/kg/K]
U : float, optional
Molar internal energy of the stream [J/mol]
U_mass : float, optional
Mass internal energy of the stream [J/kg]
G : float, optional
Molar Gibbs free energy of the stream [J/mol]
G_mass : float, optional
Mass Gibbs free energy of the stream [J/kg]
A : float, optional
Molar Helmholtz energy of the stream [J/mol]
A_mass : float, optional
Mass Helmholtz energy of the stream [J/kg]
energy : float, optional
Flowing energy of the stream [W]
energy_reactive : float, optional
Flowing energy of the stream on a reactive basis [W]
H_reactive : float, optional
Reactive molar enthalpy of the stream [J/mol]
hot_start : :obj:`EquilibriumState`, optional
See :obj:`EquilibriumState.hot_start`; not recommended as an input, [-]
existing_flash : :obj:`EquilibriumState`, optional
Previously calculated :obj:`EquilibriumState` at the exact conditions, will be used
instead of performing a new flash calculation if provided [-]
flashed = True
__full_path__ = f"{__module__}.{__qualname__}"
def __repr__(self):
flow_spec, flow_spec_val = self.flow_spec
s = f'{self.__class__.__name__}({flow_spec}={flow_spec_val}, '
s += 'flasher=flasher'
s += ', existing_flash={}'.format(EquilibriumState.__repr__(self).replace('EquilibriumStream', 'EquilibriumState'))
s += ')'
return s
def __str__(self):
s = '<EquilibriumStream, T=%.4f, P=%.4f, zs=%s, betas=%s, mass flow=%s kg/s, mole flow=%s mol/s, phases=%s>'
s = s %(self.T, self.P, self.zs, self.betas, self.m, self.n, self.phases)
return s
def __hash__(self):
# Same as EquilibriumState but with ns
return hash_any_primitive([self.phases, self.betas, self.gas_count, self.liquid_count, self.solid_count, self.settings, self.flasher, self.ns])
def __copy__(self):
# immutable
return self
def __init__(self, flasher, *, zs=None, ws=None, Vfls=None, Vfgs=None,
ns=None, ms=None, Qls=None, Qgs=None,
n=None, m=None, Q=None, Ql=None, Qg=None,
T=None, P=None,
V=None, rho=None, rho_mass=None,
H=None, H_mass=None,
S=None, S_mass=None,
U=None, U_mass=None,
G=None, G_mass=None,
A=None, A_mass=None,
energy=None, energy_reactive=None, H_reactive=None,
Vf_TP=None, Q_TP=None, hot_start=None,
existing_flash=None, spec_fun=None):
self.constants = constants = flasher.constants
self.correlations = flasher.correlations
# Composition information
composition_option_count = 0
if zs is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('zs', zs)
if ws is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('ws', ws)
if Vfls is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('Vfls', Vfls)
if Vfgs is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('Vfgs', Vfgs)
if ns is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('ns', ns)
if ms is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('ms', ms)
if Qls is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('Qls', Qls)
if Qgs is not None:
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('Qgs', Qgs)
if composition_option_count < 1:
if existing_flash is not None:
zs = existing_flash.zs
composition_option_count += 1
self.composition_spec = ('zs', zs)
raise ValueError("No composition information is provided; one of "
"'ws', 'zs', 'Vfls', 'Vfgs', 'ns', 'ms', 'Qls' or "
"'Qgs' must be specified")
elif composition_option_count > 1:
raise ValueError("More than one source of composition information "
"is provided; only one of "
"'ws', 'zs', 'Vfls', 'Vfgs', 'ns', 'ms', 'Qls' or "
"'Qgs' can be specified")
flow_option_count = 0
if ns is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('ns', ns)
if ms is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('ms', ms)
if Qls is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('Qls', Qls)
if Qgs is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('Qgs', Qgs)
if m is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('m', m)
if n is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('n', n)
if Q is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('Q', Q)
if Ql is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('Ql', Ql)
if Qg is not None:
flow_option_count += 1
self.flow_spec = ('Qg', Qg)
if flow_option_count > 1 and energy is not None:
if H is not None or H_mass is not None:
flow_option_count -= 1
if flow_option_count < 1:
raise ValueError("No flow rate information is provided; one of "
"'m', 'n', 'Q', 'ms', 'ns', 'Qls', 'Qgs' "
"'energy' or 'energy_reactive' must be specified")
elif flow_option_count > 1:
raise ValueError("More than one source of flow rate information is "
"provided; only one of "
"'m', 'n', 'Q', 'Ql', 'Qg', 'ms', 'ns', 'Qls', 'Qgs' "
"'energy' or 'energy_reactive' can be specified")
# Make sure mole fractions are available
if ns is not None:
zs = normalize(ns)
elif ms is not None:
zs = ws_to_zs(normalize(ms), constants.MWs)
elif ws is not None:
zs = ws_to_zs(ws, constants.MWs)
elif Qls is not None or Vfls is not None:
if Vfls is None:
Vfls = normalize(Qls)
if Vf_TP is not None and Vf_TP != (None, None):
VolumeObjects = flasher.properties.VolumeLiquids
T_vf, P_vf = Vf_TP
Vms_TP = [i(T_vf, P_vf) for i in VolumeObjects]
Vms_TP = flasher.V_liquids_ref()
zs = Vfs_to_zs(Vfls, Vms_TP)
elif Qgs is not None:
zs = normalize(Qgs)
elif Vfgs is not None:
zs = Vfgs
MW = 0.0
N = constants.N
MWs = constants.MWs
for i in range(N):
MW += zs[i]*MWs[i]
self._MW = MW
MW_inv = 1.0/MW
if energy is not None:
# Handle the various mole flows - converting to get energy; subset for now
if m is not None:
n = property_molar_to_mass(m, MW) # m*10000/MW
elif ns is not None:
n = sum(ns)
elif ms is not None:
n = property_molar_to_mass(sum(ms), MW)
elif Qls is not None:
n = 0.0
Vms = flasher.V_liquids_ref()
for i in range(N):
n += Qls[i]/Vms[i]
elif Qgs is not None:
V_ig = R*flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
n = sum(Qgs)/V_ig
H = energy/n
elif energy_reactive is not None:
if m is not None:
n = property_molar_to_mass(m, MW) # m*10000/MW
elif ns is not None:
n = sum(ns)
elif ms is not None:
n = property_molar_to_mass(sum(ms), MW)
H_reactive = energy_reactive/n
if existing_flash is not None:
# All variable which have been set
if type(existing_flash) is EquilibriumStream:
composition_spec, flow_spec = self.composition_spec, self.flow_spec
super().__init__(T=existing_flash.T, P=existing_flash.P, zs=existing_flash.zs, gas=existing_flash.gas, liquids=existing_flash.liquids, solids=existing_flash.solids,
betas=existing_flash.betas, flash_specs=existing_flash.flash_specs,
constants=existing_flash.constants, correlations=existing_flash.correlations,
settings=existing_flash.settings, flasher=flasher)
if type(existing_flash) is EquilibriumStream:
self.composition_spec, self.flow_spec = composition_spec, flow_spec
# TODO: are any variables caried over from an existing equilibrium stream?
# Delete if so
dest = super().__init__
# print(dict(T=T, P=P, V=V, rho=rho, rho_mass=rho_mass, VF=VF,
# H=H, H_mass=H_mass, S=S, S_mass=S_mass,
# G=G, G_mass=G_mass, U=U, U_mass=U_mass,
# A=A, A_mass=A_mass, H_reactive=H_reactive,
# zs=zs))
flasher.flash(T=T, P=P, V=V, rho=rho, rho_mass=rho_mass, VF=VF,
H=H, H_mass=H_mass, S=S, S_mass=S_mass,
G=G, G_mass=G_mass, U=U, U_mass=U_mass,
A=A, A_mass=A_mass, H_reactive=H_reactive,
dest=dest, zs=zs, hot_start=hot_start,
# Convert the flow rate into total molar flow
if n is not None:
elif m is not None:
n = property_molar_to_mass(m, MW) # m*10000/MW
elif ns is not None:
n = sum(ns)
elif ms is not None:
n = property_molar_to_mass(sum(ms), MW)
elif Q is not None:
if Q_TP is not None:
if len(Q_TP) == 2 or (len(Q_TP) == 3 and not Q_TP[-1]):
# Calculate the volume via the property package
expensive_flash = flasher.flash(zs=zs, T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1])
V = expensive_flash.V()
if Q_TP[-1] == 'l':
V = flasher.liquids[0].to(T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1], zs=zs).V()
elif Q_TP[-1] == 'g':
V = flasher.gas.to(T=Q_TP[0], P=Q_TP[1], zs=zs).V()
V = self.V()
n = Q/V
raise ValueError('Molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif Qls is not None:
n = 0.0
Vms = flasher.V_liquids_ref()
for i in range(N):
n += Qls[i]/Vms[i]
raise ValueError('Liquid molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif Ql is not None:
n = 0.0
Vms = flasher.V_liquids_ref()
Vfls = zs_to_Vfs(zs, Vms)
for i in range(N):
n += Ql*Vfls[i]/(Vms[i])
raise ValueError('Liquid molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif Qg is not None:
n = 0.0
settings = self.flasher.settings
V = R*settings.T_gas_ref/settings.P_gas_ref
for i in range(N):
n += Qg*zs[i]/V
raise ValueError('Liquid molar volume could not be calculated to determine the flow rate of the stream.')
elif Qgs is not None:
# Use only ideal gas law; allow user T, P but default to flasher settings when not speced
if Q_TP is not None and Q_TP[0] is not None and Q_TP[1] is not None:
V = R*Q_TP[0]/Q_TP[1]
V = R*flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
n = sum(Qgs)/V
elif energy is not None:
n = energy/H # Watt/(J/mol) = mol/s # probably wrong
self.n = n
self.m = m = property_mass_to_molar(n, MW)
self.ns = [n*zi for zi in zs]
self._ws = ws = [zi*MWi*MW_inv for zi, MWi in zip(zs, constants.MWs)]
self.ms = [m*wi for wi in ws]
def Q(self):
return self.n*self.V()
Q_calc = Q
def Qgs(self):
# Always use flash settings - do not store weird input
settings = self.flasher.settings
V = R*settings.T_gas_ref/settings.P_gas_ref
n = self.n
Vn = V*n
return [zi*Vn for zi in self.zs]
def Qls(self):
ns = self.ns
Vms_TP = self.V_liquids_ref()
return [ns[i]*Vms_TP[i] for i in range(self.N)]
Qls_calc = Qls
def Ql(self):
return sum(self.Qls)
Ql_calc = Ql
def Q_liquid_ref(self):
return sum(self.Qls)
[docs] def StreamArgs(self):
'''Goal to create a StreamArgs instance, with the user specified
variables always being here.
The state variables are currently correctly tracked. The flow rate and
composition variable needs to be tracked as a function of what was
specified as the input variables.
The flow rate needs to be changed wen the stream flow rate is changed.
Note this stores unnormalized specs, but that this is OK.
kwargs = self.flash_specs.copy()
del kwargs['zs']
kwargs['flasher'] = self.flasher
kwargs[self.composition_spec[0]] = self.composition_spec[1]
kwargs[self.flow_spec[0]] = self.flow_spec[1]
return StreamArgs(**kwargs)
# flow_spec, composition_spec are attributes already
def specified_composition_vars(self):
'''number of composition variables'''
return 1
def composition_specified(self):
'''Always needs a composition'''
return True
def specified_state_vars(self):
'''Always needs two states'''
return 2
def non_pressure_spec_specified(self):
'''Cannot have a stream without an energy-type spec.
return True
def state_specified(self):
'''Always needs a state'''
return True
def state_specs(self):
'''Returns a list of tuples of (state_variable, state_value) representing
the thermodynamic state of the system.
specs = []
flash_specs = self.flash_specs
for i, var in enumerate(('T', 'P', 'VF', 'H', 'S', 'energy')):
if var in flash_specs:
v = flash_specs[var]
if v is not None:
specs.append((var, v))
return specs
def specified_flow_vars(self):
'''Always needs only one flow specified'''
return 1
def flow_specified(self):
'''Always needs a flow specified'''
return True
EquilibriumStream.non_pressure_state_specs = StreamArgs.non_pressure_state_specs
ok_energy_types = (type(None), float, int)
[docs]class EnergyStream:
'''Creates an EnergyStream object which contains an energy flow rate.
This object is made available to help make mass and energy balances easier.
Q : float, optional
Energy flow rate, None if unknown [W]
>>> EnergyStream(Q=10.0)
>>> EnergyStream(Q=None)
__full_path__ = f"{__module__}.{__qualname__}"
obj_references = []
json_version = 1
non_json_attributes = []
vectorized = False
[docs] def copy(self):
r'''Method to copy the EnergyStream.
copy : EnergyStream
Copied Energy Stream, [-]
return EnergyStream(Q=self.Q)
__copy__ = copy
def __str__(self):
return f'<Energy stream, Q={self.Q} W>'
def __repr__(self):
return f'EnergyStream(Q={self.Q})'
def __init__(self, Q):
self.Q = Q
if not isinstance(Q, ok_energy_types):
raise ValueError('Energy stream flow rate is not a flow rate')
def energy(self):
'''Getter/setter for the energy of the stream. This method is a compatibility
shim to make this object work the same way as StreamArgs, so energy balances
can treat the two objects the same way.
return self.Q
def energy(self, energy):
self.Q = energy
energy_calc = energy
[docs] def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0):
r'''Method to create a JSON-friendly representation of the EnergyStream
object which can be stored, and reloaded later.
json_repr : dict
JSON-friendly representation, [-]
>>> import json
>>> obj = EnergyStream(Q=325.0)
>>> json_view = obj.as_json()
>>> json_str = json.dumps(json_view)
>>> assert type(json_str) is str
>>> obj_copy = EnergyStream.from_json(json.loads(json_str))
>>> assert obj_copy == obj
return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None):
r'''Method to create a EnergyStream object from a JSON-friendly
serialization of another EnergyStream.
json_repr : dict
JSON-friendly representation, [-]
model : :obj:`EnergyStream`
Newly created object from the json serialization, [-]
It is important that the input string be in the same format as that
created by :obj:`EnergyStream.as_json`.
>>> obj = EnergyStream(Q=550)
>>> json_view = obj.as_json()
>>> new_obj = EnergyStream.from_json(json_view)
>>> assert obj == new_obj
return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == hash(other)
def __hash__(self):
r'''Method to calculate and return a hash representing the exact state
of the object.
hash : int
Hash of the object, [-]
d = object_data(self)
ans = hash_any_primitive((self.__class__.__name__, d))
return ans
def _mole_balance_process_ns(f, ns, compounds, use_mass=True, use_volume=True):
if use_mass:
ms = f.specifications['ms']
if ms is not None and any(v is not None for v in ms):
MWs = f.flasher.constants.MWs
if ns is None:
ns = [None]*compounds
ns = list(ns)
for i in range(compounds):
if ns[i] is None and ms[i] is not None:
ns[i] = property_molar_to_mass(ms[i], MWs[i])
if use_volume:
Qls = f.specifications['Qls']
if Qls is not None and any(v is not None for v in Qls):
Vms = f.flasher.V_liquids_ref()
if ns is None:
ns = [None]*compounds
ns = list(ns)
for i in range(compounds):
if ns[i] is None and Qls[i] is not None:
ns[i] = Qls[i]/Vms[i]
Qgs = f.specifications['Qgs']
if Qgs is not None and any(v is not None for v in Qgs):
Vm = R*f.flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/f.flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
if ns is None:
ns = [None]*compounds
ns = list(ns)
for i in range(compounds):
if ns[i] is None and Qgs[i] is not None:
ns[i] = Qgs[i]/Vm
return ns
[docs]def mole_balance(inlets, outlets, compounds, use_mass=True, use_volume=True):
r'''Basic function for performing material balances between a set of
inputs and outputs. The API of the function is to accept
two lists of {EquilibriumStream, StreamArgs} objects.
The objects are subjected to the condition
:math:`\text{material in} = \text{material out}`
If an overdetermined set of inputs is provided (flow known for all objects),
objects are unchanged and the function returns False.
If an underdetermined set of inputs is provided (insufficient unknowns to calculate
anything), objects are unchanged and the function returns False.
More usefully, if there is exactly one unknown flow, that unknown will be calculated.
This means the :obj:`StreamArgs` object with the unknown flow will have the balanced
mole flow `n` set to it.
In certain cases where StreamArgs is used with `multiple_composition_basis`, it can also
calculate for a single component flow as part of the specs `ns`, `ms`, `Qls`, or `Qgs`
if that is the unknown.
EquilibriumStream objects are never unknown by definition and are always unchanged.
If `use_mass` is False, mass flows will never be used.
If `use_volume` is False, volume flows will never be used. The volume flows mentioned are
'Qls' and 'Qgs', the not-actual component flow rates which can be balanced by definition.
inlets : list[EquilibriumStream or StreamArgs]
Objects containing known or unknown inlet flows [-]
outlets : list[EquilibriumStream or StreamArgs]
Objects containing known or unknown outlet flows [-]
compounds : int
The number of components, [-]
use_mass : bool
Whether or not to utilize the mass flows at the same time as
the mole flows to calculate mole flows, if mole flows are not known [-]
use_volume : bool
Whether or not to utilize the standard volume flows at the same time as
the mole flows to calculate mole flows, if mole flows are not known [-]
progress : bool
Whether or not the function was able to calculate any unknowns, [-]
The examples here don't use EquilirbiumStreams to make the examples concise.
>>> f0 = StreamArgs(ns=[1,2,3,4])
>>> f1 = StreamArgs(n=5, zs=[.5, 0, 0, .5])
>>> p0 = StreamArgs()
>>> progress = mole_balance([f0, f1], [p0], compounds=4)
>>> p0
StreamArgs(flasher=False, ns=[3.5, 2.0, 3.0, 6.5])
>>> f0 = StreamArgs(ns=[1, 2, 3, None])
>>> f1 = StreamArgs(ns=[3, 5, 9, 3])
>>> p0 = StreamArgs(ns=[None, None, None, 5])
>>> progress = mole_balance([f0, f1], [p0], compounds=4)
>>> f0
StreamArgs(flasher=False, ns=[1, 2, 3, 2])
>>> f1
StreamArgs(flasher=False, ns=[3, 5, 9, 3])
>>> p0
StreamArgs(flasher=False, ns=[4, 7, 12, 5])
The algorithm is formulaic, with equations spelled out and no numerical
methods used. It is hoped all edge cases have been included. It is suggested
that simple material and energy balances can be solved by repeatedly calling
:obj:`mole_balance` and :obj:`energy_balance` until both functions return False.
An exhaustive effort was put into ensuring every possible set of
specifications is covered. Nevertheless, this is one of the more complex
pieces of code in the library because of the number of inputs, so please
reach out if you believe there is a missing case.
This function will hapilly set negative flows if the math calculates negative
inlet_count = len(inlets)
outlet_count = len(outlets)
in_unknown_count = out_unknown_count = 0
in_unknown_idx = out_unknown_idx = None
all_ns_in, all_ns_out = [], []
all_in_known = all_out_known = True
for i in range(inlet_count):
f = inlets[i]
ns = f.specifications['ns']
ns = f.ns
if ns is None and use_mass:
ns = f.ns_calc
if ns is None or None in ns:
if use_mass:
ns = _mole_balance_process_ns(f, ns, compounds, use_mass, use_volume)
all_in_known = False
in_unknown_count += 1
in_unknown_idx = i
for i in range(outlet_count):
f = outlets[i]
ns = f.specifications['ns']
ns = f.ns
if ns is None and use_mass:
ns = f.ns_calc
if ns is None or None in ns:
if use_mass:
ns = _mole_balance_process_ns(f, ns, compounds, use_mass, use_volume)
all_out_known = False
out_unknown_count += 1
out_unknown_idx = i
if all_out_known and all_in_known:
# Fast path - all known
return False
if all_in_known:
inlet_ns = [] # List of all molar flows in; set only when everything in is known
for j in range(compounds):
v = 0.0
for i in range(inlet_count):
v += all_ns_in[i][j]
if all_out_known:
outlet_ns = []
for j in range(compounds):
v = 0.0
for i in range(outlet_count):
v += all_ns_out[i][j]
if out_unknown_count == 1 and in_unknown_count == 0:
if outlet_count == 1:
out_ns_calc = [i for i in inlet_ns]
out_ns_calc = [inlet_ns[i] - sum(all_ns_out[j][i] for j in range(outlet_count) if (all_ns_out[j] and all_ns_out[j][i] is not None))
for i in range(compounds)]
outlets[out_unknown_idx].ns = out_ns_calc
return True
if in_unknown_count == 1 and out_unknown_count == 0:
if inlet_count == 1:
in_ns_calc = [i for i in outlet_ns]
in_ns_calc = [outlet_ns[i] - sum(all_ns_in[j][i] for j in range(inlet_count) if (all_ns_in[j] and all_ns_in[j][i] is not None))
for i in range(compounds)]
inlets[in_unknown_idx].ns = in_ns_calc
return True
elif in_unknown_count == 0 and out_unknown_count == 0:
return False # Nothing to do - everything is known
progress = False
# For each component, see if only one stream is missing it
for j in range(compounds):
in_missing, idx_missing = None, None
missing_count = 0
v = 0
for i in range(inlet_count):
ns = all_ns_in[i]
if ns is None or ns[j] is None:
missing_count += 1
in_missing, idx_missing = True, i
v += ns[j]
for i in range(outlet_count):
ns = all_ns_out[i]
if ns is None or ns[j] is None:
missing_count += 1
in_missing, idx_missing = False, i
v -= ns[j]
if missing_count == 1:
progress = True
if in_missing:
set_to_ns = inlets[idx_missing].specifications['ns']
if set_to_ns is not None:
set_to_ns[j] = -v
set_to_ms = inlets[idx_missing].specifications['ms']
if set_to_ms is not None:
set_to_ms[j] = property_mass_to_molar(-v, inlets[idx_missing].flasher.constants.MWs[j])
set_to_Qls = inlets[idx_missing].specifications['Qls']
if set_to_Qls is not None:
Vms = inlets[idx_missing].flasher.V_liquids_ref()
set_to_Qls[j] = -v*Vms[j]
set_to_Qgs = inlets[idx_missing].specifications['Qgs']
if set_to_Qgs is not None:
Vm = R*inlets[idx_missing].flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/inlets[idx_missing].flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
set_to_Qgs[j] = -v*Vm
set_to_ns = outlets[idx_missing].specifications['ns']
if set_to_ns is not None:
set_to_ns[j] = v
set_to_ms = outlets[idx_missing].specifications['ms']
if set_to_ms is not None:
set_to_ms[j] = property_mass_to_molar(v, outlets[idx_missing].flasher.constants.MWs[j])
set_to_Qls = outlets[idx_missing].specifications['Qls']
if set_to_Qls is not None:
Vms = outlets[idx_missing].flasher.V_liquids_ref()
set_to_Qls[j] = v*Vms[j]
set_to_Qgs = outlets[idx_missing].specifications['Qgs']
if set_to_Qgs is not None:
Vm = R*outlets[idx_missing].flasher.settings.T_gas_ref/outlets[idx_missing].flasher.settings.P_gas_ref
set_to_Qgs[j] = v*Vm
if progress:
return progress
# Try a total mole balance
n_in_missing_count = 0
if all_in_known:
n_in = sum(inlet_ns)
n_in_missing_idx = None
n_in = 0.0
for i in range(inlet_count):
f = inlets[i]
n = f.n
if n is None:
n = f.n_calc
if n is None:
n_in_missing_count += 1
n_in_missing_idx = i
n_in += n
n_out_missing_count = 0
if all_out_known:
n_out = sum(outlet_ns)
n_out_missing_idx = None
n_out = 0.0
for i in range(outlet_count):
f = outlets[i]
n = f.n
if n is None:
n = f.n_calc
if n is None:
n_out_missing_count += 1
n_out_missing_idx = i
n_out += n
if n_out_missing_count == 0 and n_in_missing_count == 1:
inlets[n_in_missing_idx].specifications['n'] = n_out - n_in
progress = True
if n_in_missing_count == 0 and n_out_missing_count == 1:
outlets[n_out_missing_idx].specifications['n'] = n_in - n_out
progress = True
return progress
[docs]def energy_balance(inlets, outlets, reactive=False, use_mass=False):
r'''Basic function for performing energy balances between a set of
inputs and outputs. The API of the function is to accept
two lists of {EnergyStream, EquilibriumStream, StreamArgs} objects.
The objects are subjected to the condition
:math:`\text{energy in} = \text{energy out}`
If an overdetermined set of inputs is provided (energy known for all objects),
objects are unchanged and the function returns False.
If an underdetermined set of inputs is provided (insufficient unknowns to calculate
anything), objects are unchanged and the function returns False.
More usefully, if there is exactly one unknown, that unknown will be calculated.
For an EnergyStream this means replacing Q=None with Q=value. For a StreamArgs
object this means setting the .energy attribute. EquilibriumStream objects
are never unknown by definition and are always unchanged.
If `use_mass` is True, it is possible in certain cases to solve
for two unknowns using the additional equation
:math:`\text{mass in} = \text{mass out}`
if all stream enthalpies are known.
If `reactive` is True, the stream energies used is the form on a
reactive basis.
inlets : list[EnergyStream or EquilibriumStream or StreamArgs]
Objects containing known or unknown inlet energies [-]
outlets : list[EnergyStream or EquilibriumStream or StreamArgs]
Objects containing known or unknown outlet energies [-]
reactive : bool
Whether to use the `energy_reactive` form of energy of the
plain `energy` form. Note that this function will not be able
to balance stream energies if the heats of formation are not
available and `reactive` is True [-]
use_mass : bool
Whether or not to utilize the mass balance at the same time as
the energy balance in certain situations [-]
progress : bool
Whether or not the function was able to calculate any unknowns, [-]
>>> inlets = [EnergyStream(Q=10.0), EnergyStream(Q=400.0)]
>>> outlets = [EnergyStream(Q=160.0), EnergyStream(Q=None)]
>>> energy_balance(inlets, outlets)
>>> outlets
[EnergyStream(Q=160.0), EnergyStream(Q=250.0)]
The algorithm is formulaic, with equations spelled out and no numerical
methods used. It is hoped all edge cases have been included. It is suggested
that simple material and energy balances can be solved by repeatedly calling
`mole_balance` and `energy_balance` until both functions return False.
inlet_count = len(inlets)
outlet_count = len(outlets)
in_unknown_count = out_unknown_count = 0
in_unknown_idx = out_unknown_idx = None
all_energy_in, all_energy_out = [], []
all_in_known = all_out_known = True
if inlet_count == 1 and outlet_count == 1:
# Don't need flow rates for one in one out
fin = inlets[0]
fout = outlets[0]
if not isinstance(fin, EnergyStream) and not isinstance(fout, EnergyStream):
if reactive:
H_reactive_in = fin.H_reactive()
H_reactive_in = fin.H_reactive_calc
H_reactive_out = fout.H_reactive()
H_reactive_out = fout.H_reactive_calc
if H_reactive_in is not None and H_reactive_out is None:
fout.H_reactive = H_reactive_in
return True
elif H_reactive_in is None and H_reactive_out is not None:
fin.H_reactive = H_reactive_out
return True
Hin = fin.H()
Hin = fin.H_calc
Hout = fout.H()
Hout = fout.H_calc
if Hin is not None and Hout is None:
fout.H = Hin
return True
elif Hin is None and Hout is not None:
fin.H = Hout
return True
for i in range(inlet_count):
f = inlets[i]
if reactive and not isinstance(f, EnergyStream):
Q = f.energy_reactive
if Q is None:
Q = f.energy_reactive_calc
Q = f.energy
if Q is None:
Q = f.energy_calc
if Q is None:
all_in_known = False
in_unknown_count += 1
in_unknown_idx = i
for i in range(outlet_count):
f = outlets[i]
if reactive and not isinstance(f, EnergyStream):
Q = f.energy_reactive
if Q is None:
Q = f.energy_reactive_calc
Q = f.energy
if Q is None:
Q = f.energy_calc
if Q is None:
all_out_known = False
out_unknown_count += 1
out_unknown_idx = i
if all_out_known and all_in_known:
# Fast path - all known
return False
if all_in_known:
inlet_energy = sum(all_energy_in)
if all_out_known:
outlet_energy = sum(all_energy_out)
if out_unknown_count == 1 and in_unknown_count == 0:
set_energy = inlet_energy
for v in all_energy_out:
if v is not None:
set_energy -= v
if reactive and not isinstance(outlets[out_unknown_idx], EnergyStream):
outlets[out_unknown_idx].energy_reactive = set_energy
outlets[out_unknown_idx].energy = set_energy
return True
elif in_unknown_count == 1 and out_unknown_count == 0:
set_energy = outlet_energy
for v in all_energy_in:
if v is not None:
set_energy -= v
if reactive and not isinstance(inlets[in_unknown_idx], EnergyStream):
inlets[in_unknown_idx].energy_reactive = set_energy
inlets[in_unknown_idx].energy = set_energy
return True
elif (in_unknown_count==1 and out_unknown_count == 1 and use_mass
and isinstance(inlets[in_unknown_idx], StreamArgs) and isinstance(outlets[out_unknown_idx], StreamArgs)
and inlets[in_unknown_idx].state_specified and outlets[out_unknown_idx].state_specified):
from sympy import *
m_in_known, m_in_unknown, m_out_known, m_out_unknown = symbols('m_in_known, m_in_unknown, m_out_known, m_out_unknown')
e_in_known, e_out_known = symbols('e_in_known, e_out_known')
H_in, H_out = symbols('H_in, H_out')
e_in_unknown = m_in_unknown*H_in
e_out_unknown = m_out_unknown*H_out
Eq0 = Eq(e_in_known+e_in_unknown, e_out_unknown+e_out_known)
Eq1 = Eq(m_in_known+ m_in_unknown, m_out_known+m_out_unknown)
solve([Eq0, Eq1], [m_in_unknown, m_out_unknown])"""
unknown_in_state = inlets[in_unknown_idx].flash_state()
unknown_out_state = outlets[out_unknown_idx].flash_state()
H_mass_in_unknown = unknown_in_state.H_mass() if not reactive else unknown_in_state.H_reactive_mass()
H_mass_out_unknown = unknown_out_state.H_mass() if not reactive else unknown_out_state.H_reactive_mass()
energy_in_known = sum(v for v in all_energy_in if v is not None)
energy_out_known = sum(v for v in all_energy_out if v is not None)
m_in_known = sum(v.m for i, v in enumerate(inlets) if (i != in_unknown_idx and not isinstance(v, EnergyStream)))
m_out_known = sum(v.m for i, v in enumerate(outlets) if (i != out_unknown_idx and not isinstance(v, EnergyStream)))
inlets[in_unknown_idx].m = (H_mass_out_unknown*m_in_known - H_mass_out_unknown*m_out_known - energy_in_known + energy_out_known)/(H_mass_in_unknown - H_mass_out_unknown)
outlets[out_unknown_idx].m = (H_mass_in_unknown*m_in_known - H_mass_in_unknown*m_out_known - energy_in_known + energy_out_known)/(H_mass_in_unknown - H_mass_out_unknown)
return True
elif in_unknown_count == 2 and out_unknown_count == 0 and use_mass:
unknown_inlet_idxs = []
for i in range(inlet_count):
f = inlets[i]
if isinstance(f, StreamArgs) and f.state_specified:
if len(unknown_inlet_idxs) == 2:
from sympy import *
m_in_known, m_in_unknown0, m_in_unknown1, m_out_known = symbols('m_in_known, m_in_unknown0, m_in_unknown1, m_out_known')
e_in_known, e_known = symbols('e_in_known, e_known')
H_unkown0, H_unkown1 = symbols('H_unkown0, H_unkown1')
e_unkown0 = m_in_unknown0*H_unkown0
e_unkown1 = m_in_unknown1*H_unkown1
Eq0 = Eq(e_known, e_in_known + e_unkown1+e_unkown0 )
Eq1 = Eq(m_in_known+ m_in_unknown0+ m_in_unknown1, m_out_known)
solve([Eq0, Eq1], [m_in_unknown0, m_in_unknown1])
in_unknown_idx_0, in_unknown_idx_1 = unknown_inlet_idxs
unknown_state_0 = inlets[in_unknown_idx_0].flash_state()
unknown_state_1 = inlets[in_unknown_idx_1].flash_state()
H_mass_in_unknown_0 = unknown_state_0.H_mass() if not reactive else unknown_state_0.H_reactive_mass()
H_mass_in_unknown_1 = unknown_state_1.H_mass() if not reactive else unknown_state_1.H_reactive_mass()
energy_in_known = sum(v for v in all_energy_in if v is not None)
m_in_known = sum(v.m for i, v in enumerate(inlets) if (i not in (in_unknown_idx_0, in_unknown_idx_1) and not isinstance(v, EnergyStream)))
m_out_known = sum(v.m for i, v in enumerate(outlets) if not isinstance(v, EnergyStream))
inlets[in_unknown_idx_0].m = (H_mass_in_unknown_1*m_in_known - H_mass_in_unknown_1*m_out_known - energy_in_known + outlet_energy)/(H_mass_in_unknown_0 - H_mass_in_unknown_1)
inlets[in_unknown_idx_1].m = (-H_mass_in_unknown_0*m_in_known + H_mass_in_unknown_0*m_out_known + energy_in_known - outlet_energy)/(H_mass_in_unknown_0 - H_mass_in_unknown_1)
return True
elif out_unknown_count == 2 and in_unknown_count == 0 and use_mass:
unknown_outlet_idxs = []
for i in range(outlet_count):
f = outlets[i]
if isinstance(f, StreamArgs) and f.state_specified:
if len(unknown_outlet_idxs) == 2:
out_unknown_idx_0, out_unknown_idx_1 = unknown_outlet_idxs
unknown_state_0 = outlets[out_unknown_idx_0].flash_state()
unknown_state_1 = outlets[out_unknown_idx_1].flash_state()
H_mass_out_unknown_0 = unknown_state_0.H_mass() if not reactive else unknown_state_0.H_reactive_mass()
H_mass_out_unknown_1 = unknown_state_1.H_mass() if not reactive else unknown_state_1.H_reactive_mass()
energy_out_known = sum(v for v in all_energy_out if v is not None)
m_out_known = sum(v.m for i, v in enumerate(outlets) if (i not in (out_unknown_idx_0, out_unknown_idx_1) and not isinstance(v, EnergyStream)))
m_in_known = sum(v.m for i, v in enumerate(inlets) if not isinstance(v, EnergyStream))
outlets[out_unknown_idx_0].m = (H_mass_out_unknown_1*m_out_known - H_mass_out_unknown_1*m_in_known - energy_out_known + inlet_energy)/(H_mass_out_unknown_0 - H_mass_out_unknown_1)
outlets[out_unknown_idx_1].m = (-H_mass_out_unknown_0*m_out_known + H_mass_out_unknown_0*m_in_known + energy_out_known - inlet_energy)/(H_mass_out_unknown_0 - H_mass_out_unknown_1)
return True
return False
object_lookups[StreamArgs.__full_path__] = StreamArgs
object_lookups[EquilibriumStream.__full_path__] = EquilibriumStream
object_lookups[EnergyStream.__full_path__] = EnergyStream