Source code for thermo.unifac

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022
 Caleb Bell <>

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of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.


This module contains functions and classes related to the UNIFAC and its many
variants. The bulk of the code relates to calculating derivativies, or
is tables of data.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_
or contact the author at

.. contents:: :local:

Main Model (Object-Oriented)
.. autoclass:: UNIFAC

Main Model (Functional)
.. autofunction:: UNIFAC_gammas
.. autofunction:: UNIFAC_psi

Misc Functions
.. autofunction:: UNIFAC_RQ
.. autofunction:: Van_der_Waals_volume
.. autofunction:: Van_der_Waals_area
.. autofunction:: chemgroups_to_matrix
.. autofunction:: UNIFAC_group_assignment_DDBST

Data for Original UNIFAC
.. autodata:: UFSG
.. autodata:: UFMG
.. py:data:: UFIP

    Interaction parameters for the original unifac model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: float]]

Data for Dortmund UNIFAC
.. autodata:: DOUFSG
.. autodata:: DOUFMG
.. py:data:: DOUFIP2016

    Interaction parameters for the Dornmund unifac model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: tuple(float, 3)]]

Data for NIST UNIFAC (2015)
.. autodata:: NISTUFSG
.. autodata:: NISTUFMG
.. py:data:: NISTUFIP

    Interaction parameters for the NIST (2015) unifac model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: tuple(float, 3)]]

Data for NIST KT UNIFAC (2011)
.. autodata:: NISTKTUFSG
.. autodata:: NISTKTUFMG
.. py:data:: NISTKTUFIP

    Interaction parameters for the NIST KT UNIFAC (2011) model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: tuple(float, 3)]]

.. autodata:: LLEUFSG
.. autodata:: LLEMG
.. py:data:: LLEUFIP

    Interaction parameters for the LLE unifac model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: float]]

Data for Lyngby UNIFAC
.. autodata:: LUFSG
.. autodata:: LUFMG
.. py:data:: LUFIP

    Interaction parameters for the Lyngby UNIFAC model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: tuple(float, 3)]]

.. autodata:: PSRKSG
.. autodata:: PSRKMG
.. py:data:: PSRKIP

    Interaction parameters for the PSRKIP UNIFAC model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: tuple(float, 3)]]

.. autodata:: VTPRSG
.. autodata:: VTPRMG
.. py:data:: VTPRIP

    Interaction parameters for the VTPRIP UNIFAC model.

    :type: dict[int: dict[int: tuple(float, 3)]]

__all__ = ['UNIFAC_gammas','UNIFAC', 'UNIFAC_psi', 'DOUFMG', 'DOUFSG', 'UFSG', 'UFMG',

           'DDBST_MODIFIED_UNIFAC_assignments', 'DDBST_PSRK_assignments',

           'UNIFAC_RQ', 'Van_der_Waals_volume', 'Van_der_Waals_area',

           'PSRKSG', 'LLEUFSG', 'LLEMG',
            'LUFSG', 'NISTUFSG', 'NISTUFMG',
           'LUFMG', 'PSRKMG',
import os

from chemicals.identifiers import CAS_to_int
from chemicals.utils import PY37, can_load_data
from fluids.constants import R
from fluids.numerics import exp, log
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.activity import GibbsExcess
from thermo.group_contribution.group_contribution_base import str_group_assignment_to_dict

    array, zeros, npexp, array_equal = np.array, np.zeros, np.exp, np.array_equal
except (ImportError, AttributeError):

class UNIFAC_subgroup:
    __slots__ = ['group_id', 'group', 'main_group_id', 'main_group', 'R', 'Q',
                 'smarts', 'smart_rdkit', 'hydrogen_from_smarts',
                 'priority', 'atoms', 'bonds']

    def __repr__(self):   # pragma: no cover
        return '<%s>'

    def __init__(self, group_id, group, main_group_id, main_group, R, Q, smarts=None,
                 priority=None, atoms=None, bonds=None, hydrogen_from_smarts=False):
        self.group_id = group_id = group
        self.main_group_id = main_group_id
        self.main_group = main_group
        self.R = R
        self.Q = Q
        self.smarts = smarts
        self.priority = priority
        self.atoms = atoms
        self.bonds = bonds
        self.smart_rdkit = None
        self.hydrogen_from_smarts = hydrogen_from_smarts

#UFMG[No.] = ('Maingroup Name', subgroups)
UFMG = {}
UFMG[1] = ('CH2', [1, 2, 3, 4])
UFMG[2] = ('C=C', [5, 6, 7, 8, 70])
UFMG[3] = ('ACH', [9, 10])
UFMG[4] = ('ACCH2', [11, 12, 13])
UFMG[5] = ('OH', [14])
UFMG[6] = ('CH3OH', [15])
UFMG[7] = ('H2O', [16])
UFMG[8] = ('ACOH', [17])
UFMG[9] = ('CH2CO', [18, 19])
UFMG[10] = ('CHO', [20])
UFMG[11] = ('CCOO', [21, 22])
UFMG[12] = ('HCOO', [23])
UFMG[13] = ('CH2O', [24, 25, 26, 27])
UFMG[14] = ('CNH2', [28, 29, 30])
UFMG[15] = ('CNH', [31, 32, 33])
UFMG[16] = ('(C)3N', [34, 35])
UFMG[17] = ('ACNH2', [36])
UFMG[18] = ('PYRIDINE', [37, 38, 39])
UFMG[19] = ('CCN', [40, 41])
UFMG[20] = ('COOH', [42, 43])
UFMG[21] = ('CCL', [44, 45, 46])
UFMG[22] = ('CCL2', [47, 48, 49])
UFMG[23] = ('CCL3', [50, 51])
UFMG[24] = ('CCL4', [52])
UFMG[25] = ('ACCL', [53])
UFMG[26] = ('CNO2', [54, 55, 56])
UFMG[27] = ('ACNO2', [57])
UFMG[28] = ('CS2', [58])
UFMG[29] = ('CH3SH', [59, 60])
UFMG[30] = ('FURFURAL', [61])
UFMG[31] = ('DOH', [62])
UFMG[32] = ('I', [63])
UFMG[33] = ('BR', [64])
UFMG[34] = ('C=-C', [65, 66])
UFMG[35] = ('DMSO', [67])
UFMG[36] = ('ACRY', [68])
UFMG[37] = ('CLCC', [69])
UFMG[38] = ('ACF', [71])
UFMG[39] = ('DMF', [72, 73])
UFMG[40] = ('CF2', [74, 75, 76])
UFMG[41] = ('COO', [77])
UFMG[42] = ('SIH2', [78, 79, 80, 81])
UFMG[43] = ('SIO', [82, 83, 84])
UFMG[44] = ('NMP', [85])
UFMG[45] = ('CCLF', [86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93])
UFMG[46] = ('CON(AM)', [94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99])
UFMG[47] = ('OCCOH', [100, 101])
UFMG[48] = ('CH2S', [102, 103, 104])
UFMG[49] = ('MORPH', [105])
UFMG[50] = ('THIOPHEN', [106, 107, 108])
UFMG[51] = ('NCO', [109])
UFMG[55] = ('SULFONES', [118, 119])
UFMG[84] = ('IMIDAZOL', [178])
UFMG[85] = ('BTI', [179])

SINGLE_BOND = 'single'
DOUBLE_BOND = 'double'
TRIPLE_BOND = 'triple '
AROMATIC_BOND = 'aromatic'

def priority_from_atoms(atoms, bonds=None):
    priority = 0

    if 'H' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['H']

    if 'C' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['C']*100

    if 'O' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['O']*150
    if 'N' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['N']*175
    if 'Cl' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['Cl']*300
    if 'F' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['F']*400
    if 'Si' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['Si']*200
    if 'S' in atoms:
        priority += atoms['S']*250

    if bonds is not None:
        priority += bonds.get(SINGLE_BOND, 0)*2
        priority += bonds.get(DOUBLE_BOND, 0)*10
        priority += bonds.get(TRIPLE_BOND, 0)*100
        priority += bonds.get(AROMATIC_BOND, 0)*1000
    return priority

"""Rules for bonds:
All groups that have any any atoms as part of any aromatic ring should have at least one aromatic bond.

UFSG = {}
# UFSG[subgroup ID] = (subgroup formula, main group ID, subgroup  R, subgroup Q)
# priority : (Manual priority (higher = takes prescedence), number of atoms, number of hydrogens)
UFSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', 0.9011, 0.848, smarts='[CX4;H3]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 3})
UFSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', 0.6744, 0.54, smarts='[CX4;H2]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2})
UFSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', 0.4469, 0.228, smarts='[CX4;H1]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1})
UFSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', 0.2195, 0, smarts='[CX4;H0]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 0})

UFSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.3454, 1.176, smarts='[CX3;H2]=[CX3;H1]',
                          bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 3})
UFSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.1167, 0.867,
                          bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2},
                          smarts='[CX3;H1]=[CX3;H1]') # Could restrict the next connection from being  H

UFSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.1173, 0.988, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2},

UFSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.8886, 0.676, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 1},

UFSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', 0.5313, 0.4, smarts='[cX3;H1]',
                          atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1})

UFSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', 0.3652, 0.12, smarts='[cX3;H0]',
                           atoms={'C': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1})

UFSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'ACCH3', 4, 'ACCH2', 1.2663, 0.968, smarts='[cX3;H0][CX4;H3]',
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 3}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1})

UFSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'ACCH2', 4, 'ACCH2', 1.0396, 0.66, smarts='[cX3;H0][CX4;H2]',
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1})

UFSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'ACCH', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.8121, 0.348, smarts='[cX3;H0][CX4;H1]',
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1})

UFSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'OH', 5, 'OH', 1, 1.2, smarts='[OX2;H1]', atoms={'O': 1, 'H': 1},)

UFSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'CH3OH', 6, 'CH3OH', 1.4311, 1.432, smarts='[CX4;H3][OX2;H1]',
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 4, 'O': 1}) # One extra radical; otherwise perfect, six matches

UFSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'H2O', 7, 'H2O', 0.92, 1.4, smarts='[OH2]', atoms={'H': 2, 'O': 1})

UFSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'ACOH', 8, 'ACOH', 0.8952, 0.68, smarts='[cX3;H0;R][OX2;H1]',
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'O': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1}) # pretty good 5 extra

UFSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'CH3CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.6724, 1.488, smarts='[CX4;H3][CX3](=O)',
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 3, 'O': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1})

UFSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH2CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.4457, 1.18,
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2, 'O': 1},  bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1},
                           #'[CX4;H2;!$([CX4,CX3;H0,H1][CX3](=O)[CX4;H2][CX3](=O)[CX4,CX3;H0,H1])][CX3;!$([CX4,CX3;H0,H1][CX3](=O)[CX4;H2][CX3](=O)[CX4,CX3;H0,H1])](=O)[#6;!$([CX4;H3]);!$([CX4,CX3;H0,H1][CX3](=O)[CX4;H2][CX3](=O)[CX4,CX3;H0,H1])]') # '[CX4;H2][CX3](=O)'

UFSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CHO', 10, 'CHO', 0.998, 0.948, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CH3COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.9031, 1.728, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 3, 'O': 2},
                            bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},

UFSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'CH2COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.6764, 1.42, smarts='[CX4;H2][CX3](=[OX1])[OX2]',
                            atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2, 'O': 2},
                            bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},) # Custom, lots of extra matches

UFSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'HCOO', 12, 'HCOO', 1.242, 1.188, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 2},
                            bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'CH3O', 13, 'CH2O', 1.145, 1.088, smarts='[CH3][O]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 3, 'O': 1},
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},)
UFSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH2O', 13, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 0.78, smarts='[CH2][O]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'O': 1},
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},)
UFSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CHO', 13, 'CH2O', 0.6908, 0.468, smarts='[C;H1][O]', atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 1},
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},)

UFSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'THF', 13, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 1.1, smarts=['[CX4;H2;R][OX2;R]','[CX3;H1;R][OX2;R]'],  #old smarts - '[CX4,CX3;H2,H1;R][OX2;R]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'O': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 2},
                           hydrogen_from_smarts=True) # CX3, H1 needed to allow 290-67-5 and 255-37-8 but adds a lot of false positives;

UFSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH3NH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.5959, 1.544, smarts='[CX4;H3][NX3;H2]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 5},) # Perfect
UFSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CH2NH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.3692, 1.236, smarts='[CX4;H2][NX3;H2]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 4})
UFSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'CHNH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.1417, 0.924, smarts='[CX4;H1][NX3;H2]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 3})

UFSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'CH3NH', 15, 'CNH', 1.4337, 1.244, smarts='[CX4;H3][NX3;H1]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 4})
UFSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'CH2NH', 15, 'CNH', 1.207, 0.936, smarts='[CX4;H2][NX3;H1]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 3})
UFSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'CHNH', 15, 'CNH', 0.9795, 0.624, smarts='[CX4;H1][NX3;H1]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 2})

UFSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH3N', 16, '(C)3N', 1.1865, 0.94, smarts='[CX4;H3][NX3;H0]',
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 3})
UFSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CH2N', 16, '(C)3N', 0.9597, 0.632, smarts='[CX4;H2][NX3;H0]',
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 2})

UFSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'ACNH2', 17, 'ACNH2', 1.06, 0.816, smarts='[c][NX3;H2]',
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1, AROMATIC_BOND: 1}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 2})

UFSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, 'C5H5N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 2.9993, 2.113,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 0, AROMATIC_BOND: 6}, atoms={'N': 1, 'C': 5, 'H': 5},
                           # smarts='[cX3;H1][cX3;H1][cX3;H1][cX3;H1][nX2;H0][cX3;H1]') # There is another match from ddbst 3,4-Didehydropyridine  but it is C5H3N and so wrong; only one real hit

UFSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, 'C5H4N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 2.8332, 1.833,
                           atoms={'C': 5, 'H': 4, 'N': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 6}) # Perfect hand made

UFSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, 'C5H3N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 2.667, 1.553,
                           atoms={'C': 5, 'H': 3, 'N': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 6},




UFSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'CH3CN', 19, 'CCN', 1.8701, 1.724, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 3, 'N': 1}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},
UFSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CH2CN', 19, 'CCN', 1.6434, 1.416, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2, 'N': 1}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, 'COOH', 20, 'COOH', 1.3013, 1.224,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX3](=[OX1])[O;H1]') # Tried '[C][CX3](=[OX1])[OH1]' at first but fails for a few hundred

UFSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, 'HCOOH', 20, 'COOH', 1.528, 1.532,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'O': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX3;H1](=[OX1])[OX2;H1]') # effortlessly web - missing one hit

UFSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CH2CL', 21, 'CCL', 1.4654, 1.264,
                           atoms={'Cl': 1, 'H': 2, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}) # Matches perfectly effortlessly web
UFSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CHCL', 21, 'CCL', 1.238, 0.952,
                           atoms={'Cl': 1, 'H': 1, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX4;H1;!$(C(Cl)(Cl))](Cl)') # effortlessly web
UFSG[46] = UNIFAC_subgroup(46, 'CCL', 21, 'CCL', 1.0106, 0.724,
                           atoms={'Cl': 1, 'H': 0, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX4;H0](Cl)') # effortlessly web

UFSG[47] = UNIFAC_subgroup(47, 'CH2CL2', 22, 'CCL2', 2.2564, 1.988,
                           atoms={'Cl': 2, 'H': 2, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2},
                           smarts='[CX4;H2;!$(C(Cl)(Cl)(Cl))](Cl)(Cl)') # effortlessly web
UFSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, 'CHCL2', 22, 'CCL2', 2.0606, 1.684,
                           atoms={'Cl': 2, 'H': 1, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2},
                           smarts='[CX4;H1;!$(C(Cl)(Cl)(Cl))](Cl)(Cl)') # effortlessly web
UFSG[49] = UNIFAC_subgroup(49, 'CCL2', 22, 'CCL2', 1.8016, 1.448,
                           atoms={'Cl': 2, 'H': 0, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2},
                           smarts='[CX4;H0;!$(C(Cl)(Cl)(Cl))](Cl)(Cl)') # effortlessly web

UFSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, 'CHCL3', 23, 'CCL3', 2.87, 2.41,
                           atoms={'Cl': 3, 'H': 1, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3},
                           smarts='[CX4;H1;!$([CX4;H0](Cl)(Cl)(Cl)(Cl))](Cl)(Cl)(Cl)') # effortlessly web
UFSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, 'CCL3', 23, 'CCL3', 2.6401, 2.184,
                           atoms={'Cl': 3, 'H': 0, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3},
                           smarts='[CX4;H0;!$([CX4;H0](Cl)(Cl)(Cl)(Cl))](Cl)(Cl)(Cl)') # effortlessly web

UFSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, 'CCL4', 24, 'CCL4', 3.39, 2.91,
                           atoms={'Cl': 4, 'H': 0, 'C': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 4},

UFSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, 'ACCL', 25, 'ACCL', 1.1562, 0.844,
                           atoms={'Cl': 1, 'H': 0, 'C': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[c][Cl]') # Does take up one of the carbon spaces on the ring

UFSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, 'CH3NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.0086, 1.868,
                           atoms={'N': 1, 'H': 3, 'O': 2, 'C': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},
UFSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, 'CH2NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 1.7818, 1.56,
                           atoms={'N': 1, 'H': 2, 'O': 2, 'C': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},

UFSG[56] = UNIFAC_subgroup(56, 'CHNO2', 26, 'CNO2', 1.5544, 1.248,
                           atoms={'N': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 2, 'C': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},

UFSG[57] = UNIFAC_subgroup(57, 'ACNO2', 27, 'ACNO2', 1.4199, 1.104,
                           atoms={'N': 1, 'O': 2, 'C': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2, AROMATIC_BOND: 1},

UFSG[58] = UNIFAC_subgroup(58, 'CS2', 28, 'CS2', 2.057, 1.65,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'S': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 2},
                           smarts='C(=S)=S') # Easy, compount smarts

UFSG[59] = UNIFAC_subgroup(59, 'CH3SH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.877, 1.676,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'S': 1, 'H': 4}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[SX2H][CX4;H3]') # perfect match

UFSG[60] = UNIFAC_subgroup(60, 'CH2SH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.651, 1.368,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'S': 1, 'H': 3}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[61] = UNIFAC_subgroup(61, 'FURFURAL', 30, 'FURFURAL', 3.168, 2.484,
                           atoms={'C': 5, 'H': 4, 'O': 2}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 3, SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='c1cc(oc1)C=O') # Easy, compound smarts, 1 hit only

UFSG[62] = UNIFAC_subgroup(62, 'DOH', 31, 'DOH', 2.4088, 2.248,
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 6, 'O': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3},
                           smarts='[OX2;H1][CX4;H2][CX4;H2][OX2;H1]') # Probably going to cause problems, match too much

UFSG[63] = UNIFAC_subgroup(63, 'I', 32, 'I', 1.264, 0.992, smarts='[I]',
                           atoms={'I': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
UFSG[64] = UNIFAC_subgroup(64, 'BR', 33, 'BR', 0.9492, 0.832,
                           atoms={'Br': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[65] = UNIFAC_subgroup(65, 'CH=-C', 34, 'C=-C', 1.292, 1.088,
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 1}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1},
UFSG[66] = UNIFAC_subgroup(66, 'C=-C', 34, 'C=-C', 1.0613, 0.784,
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 0}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[67] = UNIFAC_subgroup(67, 'DMSO', 35, 'DMSO', 2.8266, 2.472,
                           atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 6, 'O': 1, 'S': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},
                           smarts='[SX3H0](=[OX1])([CX4;H3])[CX4;H3]') # Compound smarts

UFSG[68] = UNIFAC_subgroup(68, 'ACRY', 36, 'ACRY', 2.3144, 2.052,
                           atoms={'C': 3, 'H': 3, 'N': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1, TRIPLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX3;H2]=[CX3;H1][CX2;H0]#[NX1;H0]') # Easy, compount smarts

UFSG[69] = UNIFAC_subgroup(69, 'CL-(C=C)', 37, 'CLCC', 0.791, 0.724,
                           # This group is just the Cl, but it HAS to be attatched to a C that is part of C=C
                           atoms={'Cl': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                           # smarts='Cl[CX3]=[CX3]')

UFSG[70] = UNIFAC_subgroup(70, 'C=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.6605, 0.485,
                           atoms={'C': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX3;H0]=[CX3;H0]') # ddbst matches some of these into rings incorrectly

UFSG[71] = UNIFAC_subgroup(71, 'ACF', 38, 'ACF', 0.6948, 0.524,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'F': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND:1},
                           smarts='[cX3][F]') # Perfect for many, except 71671-89-1

UFSG[72] = UNIFAC_subgroup(72, 'DMF', 39, 'DMF', 3.0856, 2.736,
                           atoms={'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 7}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND:1},

UFSG[73] = UNIFAC_subgroup(73, 'HCON(CH2)2', 39, 'DMF', 2.6322, 2.12,
                           atoms={'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 5}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND:1},

UFSG[74] = UNIFAC_subgroup(74, 'CF3', 40, 'CF2', 1.406, 1.38,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'F': 3}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3},
UFSG[75] = UNIFAC_subgroup(75, 'CF2', 40, 'CF2', 1.0105, 0.92,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'F': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2},
UFSG[76] = UNIFAC_subgroup(76, 'CF', 40, 'CF2', 0.615, 0.46,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'F': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[77] = UNIFAC_subgroup(77, 'COO', 41, 'COO', 1.38, 1.2,
                           atoms={'C': 1, 'O': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1, DOUBLE_BOND:1},
                           smarts='[CX3,cX3](=[OX1])[OX2,oX2]') # ddbst wants match into rings, thus the cX3, oX2

UFSG[78] = UNIFAC_subgroup(78, 'SIH3', 42, 'SIH2', 1.6035, 1.2632,
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 3}, bonds={},
                           smarts='[SiX4,SiX3,SiX5;H3]') # some db smiles compounds missing Hs, not matched not due to smarts
UFSG[79] = UNIFAC_subgroup(79, 'SIH2', 42, 'SIH2', 1.4443, 1.0063,
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={},
                           smarts='[SiX4,SiX3,SiX5,SiX2;H2]') # some db smiles compounds missing Hs, not matched not due to smarts
UFSG[80] = UNIFAC_subgroup(80, 'SIH', 42, 'SIH2', 1.2853, 0.7494,
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={},
                           smarts='[SiX4,SiX3,SiX5,SiX2,SiX1;H1]') # some db smiles compounds missing Hs, not matched not due to smarts

UFSG[81] = UNIFAC_subgroup(81, 'SI', 42, 'SIH2', 1.047, 0.4099,
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 0}, bonds={},

UFSG[82] = UNIFAC_subgroup(82, 'SIH2O', 43, 'SIO', 1.4838, 1.0621,
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 2, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1})
UFSG[83] = UNIFAC_subgroup(83, 'SIHO', 43, 'SIO', 1.303, 0.7639,
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 1, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1})
UFSG[84] = UNIFAC_subgroup(84, 'SIO', 43, 'SIO', 1.1044, 0.4657, smarts='[SiH0][O]',
                           atoms={'Si': 1, 'H': 0, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1})

UFSG[85] = UNIFAC_subgroup(85, 'NMP', 44, 'NMP', 3.981, 3.2,
                           atoms={'C': 5, 'H': 9, 'O': 1, 'N': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 6, DOUBLE_BOND: 1},

UFSG[86] = UNIFAC_subgroup(86, 'CCL3F', 45, 'CCLF', 3.0356, 2.644,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 4}, atoms={'C': 1, 'Cl': 3, 'F': 1},
                           smarts='[CX4;H0]([F])([Cl])([Cl])[Cl]') # pure compound?

UFSG[87] = UNIFAC_subgroup(87, 'CCL2F', 45, 'CCLF', 2.2287, 1.916,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 1, 'Cl': 2, 'F': 1},

UFSG[88] = UNIFAC_subgroup(88, 'HCCL2F', 45, 'CCLF', 2.406, 2.116,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'Cl': 2, 'F': 1},

UFSG[89] = UNIFAC_subgroup(89, 'HCCLF', 45, 'CCLF', 1.6493, 1.416,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2}, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'Cl': 1, 'F': 1},
UFSG[90] = UNIFAC_subgroup(90, 'CCLF2', 45, 'CCLF', 1.8174, 1.648,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 1, 'Cl': 1, 'F': 2},
UFSG[91] = UNIFAC_subgroup(91, 'HCCLF2', 45, 'CCLF', 1.967, 1.828,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'H': 1, 'C': 1, 'Cl': 1, 'F': 2},
UFSG[92] = UNIFAC_subgroup(92, 'CCLF3', 45, 'CCLF', 2.1721, 2.1,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 4}, atoms={'C': 1, 'Cl': 1, 'F': 3},
                           smarts='ClC(F)(F)F') # perfect
UFSG[93] = UNIFAC_subgroup(93, 'CCL2F2', 45, 'CCLF', 2.6243, 2.376,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 4}, atoms={'C': 1, 'Cl': 2, 'F': 2},
                           smarts='ClC(Cl)(F)F') # perfect

UFSG[94] = UNIFAC_subgroup(94, 'AMH2', 46, 'CON(AM)', 1.4515, 1.248,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 1, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 2},

UFSG[95] = UNIFAC_subgroup(95, 'AMHCH3', 46, 'CON(AM)', 2.1905, 1.796,
                           # CONHCH3
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 4},
                           smarts='[CX3;H0](=[OX1])[NX3;H1][CX4;H3]') # 3 extra hits, effortlessly web

UFSG[96] = UNIFAC_subgroup(96, 'AMHCH2', 46, 'CON(AM)', 1.9637, 1.488,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 3},
                           smarts='[CX3;H0](=[OX1])[NX3;H1][CX4;H2]') # 4 extra hits, effortlessly web

UFSG[97] = UNIFAC_subgroup(97, 'AM(CH3)2', 46, 'CON(AM)', 2.8589, 2.428,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 6},
                           smarts='[CX3;H0](=[OX1])[NX3;H0]([CX4;H3])[CX4;H3]') # effortlessly web

UFSG[98] = UNIFAC_subgroup(98, 'AMCH3CH2', 46, 'CON(AM)', 2.6322, 2.12,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 5},
                           smarts='[CX3;H0](=[OX1])[NX3;H0]([CX4;H3])[CX4;H2]') # 1 extra hits, effortlessly web

UFSG[99] = UNIFAC_subgroup(99, 'AM(CH2)2', 46, 'CON(AM)', 2.4054, 1.812,
                           bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 3, 'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 4},
                           smarts='[CX3;H0](=[OX1])[NX3;H0]([CX4;H2])[CX4;H2]') # 2 extra hits, effortlessly web

UFSG[100] = UNIFAC_subgroup(100, 'C2H5O2', 47, 'OCCOH', 2.1226, 1.904,
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 5, 'O': 2},
                            smarts='[CX4;H2]([OX2;H1])[CX4;H2][OX2;H0]') # Matches all; 53 extra hits
UFSG[101] = UNIFAC_subgroup(101, 'C2H4O2', 47, 'OCCOH', 1.8952, 1.592,
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 4, 'O': 2},
                            smarts=['[CX4;H1]([OX2;H1])[CX4;H2][OX2;H0]', '[CX4;H2]([OX2;H1])[CX4;H1][OX2;H0]']) # custom expression

UFSG[102] = UNIFAC_subgroup(102, 'CH3S', 48, 'CH2S', 1.613, 1.368,
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 3, 'S': 1},
UFSG[103] = UNIFAC_subgroup(103, 'CH2S', 48, 'CH2S', 1.3863, 1.06,
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'S': 1},
UFSG[104] = UNIFAC_subgroup(104, 'CHS', 48, 'CH2S', 1.1589, 0.748,
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1, 'S': 1},
                            smarts='[CX4,CX3,CX2;H1][S]') # S bond might need to be more restricted; C bond might need to be more restricted

UFSG[105] = UNIFAC_subgroup(105, 'MORPH', 49, 'MORPH', 3.474, 2.796,
                            bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 6}, atoms={'C': 4, 'H': 9, 'O': 1, 'N': 1},

UFSG[106] = UNIFAC_subgroup(106, 'C4H4S', 50, 'THIOPHEN', 2.8569, 2.14,
                            bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 5}, atoms={'C': 4, 'H': 4, 'S': 1},

# Custom tuned - matches perfectly no extras, might need to be more slack in the future
UFSG[107] = UNIFAC_subgroup(107, 'C4H3S', 50, 'THIOPHEN', 2.6908, 1.86,
                            bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 5}, atoms={'C': 4, 'H': 3, 'S': 1},
                                    '[cX3;H1]1[cX3;H0][cX3;H1][sX2;H0][cX3;H1]1']) # 1 extra - custom tuned

UFSG[108] = UNIFAC_subgroup(108, 'C4H2S', 50, 'THIOPHEN', 2.5247, 1.58,
                            bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 5}, atoms={'C': 4, 'H': 2, 'S': 1},


                                    '[cX3;H1]1[cX3;H1][cX3;H0][sX2;H0][cX3;H0]1']) # Not sure if this is right - probably not!!!

UFSG[109] = UNIFAC_subgroup(109, 'NCO', 51, 'NCO', 1.0567, 0.732,
                            atoms={'C': 1, 'N': 1, 'O': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 2},
                            smarts='[NX2H0]=[CX2H0]=[OX1H0]') # Bonds might need to be different - but this smarts matches them all so far

UFSG[118] = UNIFAC_subgroup(118, '(CH2)2SU', 55, 'SULFONES', 2.6869, 2.12,
                            atoms={'S': 1, 'O': 2, 'H': 4, 'C': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2, DOUBLE_BOND: 2},
                            smarts='[CX4;H2][SX4](=O)(=O)[CX4;H2]') # TYPO on their part; Makes no sense for there to be CH3 groups

UFSG[119] = UNIFAC_subgroup(119, 'CH2CHSU', 55, 'SULFONES', 2.4595, 1.808,
                            atoms={'S': 1, 'O': 2, 'H': 3, 'C': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2, DOUBLE_BOND: 2},
                            smarts='[CX4;H2][SX4](=O)(=O)[CX4;H1]') # 3 missing of 6

UFSG[178] = UNIFAC_subgroup(178, 'IMIDAZOL', 84, 'IMIDAZOL', 2.026, 0.868,
                            atoms={'C': 3, 'N': 2, 'H': 3}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 5},
                            smarts='[c]1:[c]:[n]:[c]:[n]:1') # DDBST fragmentation indicates N cannot have a hydrogen attatched

UFSG[179] = UNIFAC_subgroup(179, 'BTI', 85, 'BTI', 5.774, 4.932,
                            bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 4, SINGLE_BOND: 4},
                            atoms={'C':2, 'O': 4, 'F': 6, 'S': 2, 'N': 1},

#  subgroup = (subgroup, #maingroup, maingroup, R, Q)
DOUFSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 1.0608,
                            atoms=UFSG[1].atoms, bonds=UFSG[1].bonds, smarts=UFSG[1].smarts)
DOUFSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 0.7081,
                            atoms=UFSG[2].atoms, bonds=UFSG[2].bonds, smarts=UFSG[2].smarts)
DOUFSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 0.3554,
                            atoms=UFSG[3].atoms, bonds=UFSG[3].bonds, smarts=UFSG[3].smarts)
DOUFSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 0,
                            atoms=UFSG[4].atoms, bonds=UFSG[4].bonds, smarts=UFSG[4].smarts)
DOUFSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 1.6016,
                            atoms=UFSG[5].atoms, bonds=UFSG[5].bonds, smarts=UFSG[5].smarts)
DOUFSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 1.2489,
                            atoms=UFSG[6].atoms, bonds=UFSG[6].bonds, smarts=UFSG[6].smarts)
DOUFSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 1.2489,
                            atoms=UFSG[7].atoms, bonds=UFSG[7].bonds, smarts=UFSG[7].smarts)
DOUFSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 0.8962,
                            atoms=UFSG[8].atoms, bonds=UFSG[8].bonds, smarts=UFSG[8].smarts)
DOUFSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', 0.3763, 0.4321,
                            atoms=UFSG[9].atoms, bonds=UFSG[9].bonds, smarts=UFSG[9].smarts)
DOUFSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', 0.3763, 0.2113,
                             atoms=UFSG[10].atoms, bonds=UFSG[10].bonds, smarts=UFSG[10].smarts)
DOUFSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'ACCH3', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.91, 0.949,
                             atoms=UFSG[11].atoms, bonds=UFSG[11].bonds, smarts=UFSG[11].smarts)
DOUFSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'ACCH2', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.91, 0.7962,
                             atoms=UFSG[12].atoms, bonds=UFSG[12].bonds, smarts=UFSG[12].smarts)
DOUFSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'ACCH', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.91, 0.3769,
                             atoms=UFSG[13].atoms, bonds=UFSG[13].bonds, smarts=UFSG[13].smarts)

DOUFSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'OH(P)', 5, 'OH', 1.2302, 0.8927,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[OH1;$([OH1][CX4H2])]')
                             # OH bonded to a primary carbon, OH(S) and OH(T) are secondary and tertiary

DOUFSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'CH3OH', 6, 'CH3OH', 0.8585, 0.9938,
                             atoms=UFSG[15].atoms, bonds=UFSG[15].bonds, smarts=UFSG[15].smarts)
DOUFSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'H2O', 7, 'H2O', 1.7334, 2.4561,
                             atoms=UFSG[16].atoms, bonds=UFSG[16].bonds, smarts=UFSG[16].smarts)
DOUFSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'ACOH', 8, 'ACOH', 1.08, 0.975,
                             atoms=UFSG[17].atoms, bonds=UFSG[17].bonds, smarts=UFSG[17].smarts)
DOUFSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'CH3CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.7048, 1.67,
                             atoms=UFSG[18].atoms, bonds=UFSG[18].bonds, smarts=UFSG[18].smarts)
DOUFSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH2CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.7048, 1.5542,
                             atoms=UFSG[19].atoms, bonds=UFSG[19].bonds, smarts=UFSG[19].smarts)
DOUFSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CHO', 10, 'CHO', 0.7173, 0.771,
                             atoms=UFSG[20].atoms, bonds=UFSG[20].bonds, smarts=UFSG[20].smarts)
DOUFSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CH3COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.27, 1.6286,
                             atoms=UFSG[21].atoms, bonds=UFSG[21].bonds, smarts=UFSG[21].smarts)
DOUFSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'CH2COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.27, 1.4228,
                             atoms=UFSG[22].atoms, bonds=UFSG[22].bonds, smarts=UFSG[22].smarts)
DOUFSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'HCOO', 12, 'HCOO', 1.9, 1.8,
                             atoms=UFSG[23].atoms, bonds=UFSG[23].bonds, smarts=UFSG[23].smarts)
DOUFSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'CH3O', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1434, 1.6022,
                             atoms=UFSG[24].atoms, bonds=UFSG[24].bonds, smarts=UFSG[24].smarts)
DOUFSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH2O', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1434, 1.2495,
                             atoms=UFSG[25].atoms, bonds=UFSG[25].bonds, smarts=UFSG[25].smarts)
DOUFSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CHO', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1434, 0.8968,
                             atoms=UFSG[26].atoms, bonds=UFSG[26].bonds, smarts=UFSG[26].smarts)
DOUFSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'THF', 43, 'CY-CH2O', 1.7023, 1.8784,
                             atoms=UFSG[27].atoms, bonds=UFSG[27].bonds, smarts=UFSG[27].smarts)
DOUFSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH3NH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', 1.6607, 1.6904,
                             atoms=UFSG[28].atoms, bonds=UFSG[28].bonds, smarts=UFSG[28].smarts)
DOUFSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CH2NH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', 1.6607, 1.3377,
                             atoms=UFSG[29].atoms, bonds=UFSG[29].bonds, smarts=UFSG[29].smarts)
DOUFSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'CHNH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', 1.6607, 0.985,
                             atoms=UFSG[30].atoms, bonds=UFSG[30].bonds, smarts=UFSG[30].smarts)
DOUFSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'CH3NH', 15, 'CH2NH', 1.368, 1.4332,
                             atoms=UFSG[31].atoms, bonds=UFSG[31].bonds, smarts=UFSG[31].smarts)
DOUFSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'CH2NH', 15, 'CH2NH', 1.368, 1.0805,
                             atoms=UFSG[32].atoms, bonds=UFSG[32].bonds, smarts=UFSG[32].smarts)
DOUFSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'CHNH', 15, 'CH2NH', 1.368, 0.7278,
                             atoms=UFSG[33].atoms, bonds=UFSG[33].bonds, smarts=UFSG[33].smarts)
DOUFSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH3N', 16, '(C)3N', 1.0746, 1.176,
                             atoms=UFSG[34].atoms, bonds=UFSG[34].bonds, smarts=UFSG[34].smarts)
DOUFSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CH2N', 16, '(C)3N', 1.0746, 0.824,
                             atoms=UFSG[35].atoms, bonds=UFSG[35].bonds, smarts=UFSG[35].smarts)
DOUFSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'ACNH2', 17, 'ACNH2', 1.1849, 0.8067,
                             atoms=UFSG[36].atoms, bonds=UFSG[36].bonds, smarts=UFSG[36].smarts)

DOUFSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, 'AC2H2N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 1.4578, 0.9022,
                             atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2, 'N': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 2}, smarts='[cX3H1][n][cX3H1]')
DOUFSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, 'AC2HN', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 1.2393, 0.633,
                             atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 1, 'N': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 2}, smarts='[cX3H0][n][cX3H1]')
DOUFSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, 'AC2N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 1.0731, 0.353,
                             atoms={'C': 2, 'N': 1}, bonds={AROMATIC_BOND: 2}, smarts='[cX3H0][n][cX3H0]')

DOUFSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'CH3CN', 19, 'CH2CN', 1.5575, 1.5193,
                             atoms=UFSG[40].atoms, bonds=UFSG[40].bonds, smarts=UFSG[40].smarts)
DOUFSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CH2CN', 19, 'CH2CN', 1.5575, 1.1666,
                             atoms=UFSG[41].atoms, bonds=UFSG[41].bonds, smarts=UFSG[41].smarts)
DOUFSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, 'COOH', 20, 'COOH', 0.8, 0.9215,
                             atoms=UFSG[42].atoms, bonds=UFSG[42].bonds, smarts=UFSG[42].smarts)
DOUFSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, 'HCOOH', 44, 'HCOOH', 0.8, 1.2742,
                             atoms=UFSG[43].atoms, bonds=UFSG[43].bonds, smarts=UFSG[43].smarts)
DOUFSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CH2CL', 21, 'CCL', 0.9919, 1.3654,
                             atoms=UFSG[44].atoms, bonds=UFSG[44].bonds, smarts=UFSG[44].smarts)
DOUFSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CHCL', 21, 'CCL', 0.9919, 1.0127,
                             atoms=UFSG[45].atoms, bonds=UFSG[45].bonds, smarts=UFSG[45].smarts)
DOUFSG[46] = UNIFAC_subgroup(46, 'CCL', 21, 'CCL', 0.9919, 0.66,
                             atoms=UFSG[46].atoms, bonds=UFSG[46].bonds, smarts=UFSG[46].smarts)
DOUFSG[47] = UNIFAC_subgroup(47, 'CH2CL2', 22, 'CCL2', 1.8, 2.5,
                             atoms=UFSG[47].atoms, bonds=UFSG[47].bonds, smarts=UFSG[47].smarts)
DOUFSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, 'CHCL2', 22, 'CCL2', 1.8, 2.1473,
                             atoms=UFSG[48].atoms, bonds=UFSG[48].bonds, smarts=UFSG[48].smarts)
DOUFSG[49] = UNIFAC_subgroup(49, 'CCL2', 22, 'CCL2', 1.8, 1.7946,
                             atoms=UFSG[49].atoms, bonds=UFSG[49].bonds, smarts=UFSG[49].smarts)
DOUFSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, 'CHCL3', 45, 'CHCL3', 2.45, 2.8912,
                             atoms=UFSG[50].atoms, bonds=UFSG[50].bonds, smarts=UFSG[50].smarts)
DOUFSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, 'CCL3', 23, 'CCL3', 2.65, 2.3778,
                             atoms=UFSG[51].atoms, bonds=UFSG[51].bonds, smarts=UFSG[51].smarts)
DOUFSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, 'CCL4', 24, 'CCL4', 2.618, 3.1836,
                             atoms=UFSG[52].atoms, bonds=UFSG[52].bonds, smarts=UFSG[52].smarts)
DOUFSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, 'ACCL', 25, 'ACCL', 0.5365, 0.3177,
                             atoms=UFSG[53].atoms, bonds=UFSG[53].bonds, smarts=UFSG[53].smarts)
DOUFSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, 'CH3NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.644, 2.5,
                             atoms=UFSG[54].atoms, bonds=UFSG[54].bonds, smarts=UFSG[54].smarts)
DOUFSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, 'CH2NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.5, 2.304,
                             atoms=UFSG[55].atoms, bonds=UFSG[55].bonds, smarts=UFSG[55].smarts)
DOUFSG[56] = UNIFAC_subgroup(56, 'CHNO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.887, 2.241,
                             atoms=UFSG[56].atoms, bonds=UFSG[56].bonds, smarts=UFSG[56].smarts)
DOUFSG[57] = UNIFAC_subgroup(57, 'ACNO2', 27, 'ACNO2', 0.4656, 0.3589,
                             atoms=UFSG[57].atoms, bonds=UFSG[57].bonds, smarts=UFSG[57].smarts)
DOUFSG[58] = UNIFAC_subgroup(58, 'CS2', 28, 'CS2', 1.24, 1.068,
                             atoms=UFSG[58].atoms, bonds=UFSG[58].bonds, smarts=UFSG[58].smarts)
DOUFSG[59] = UNIFAC_subgroup(59, 'CH3SH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.289, 1.762,
                             atoms=UFSG[59].atoms, bonds=UFSG[59].bonds, smarts=UFSG[59].smarts)
DOUFSG[60] = UNIFAC_subgroup(60, 'CH2SH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.535, 1.316,
                             atoms=UFSG[60].atoms, bonds=UFSG[60].bonds, smarts=UFSG[60].smarts)
DOUFSG[61] = UNIFAC_subgroup(61, 'FURFURAL', 30, 'FURFURAL', 1.299, 1.289,
                             atoms=UFSG[61].atoms, bonds=UFSG[61].bonds, smarts=UFSG[61].smarts)
DOUFSG[62] = UNIFAC_subgroup(62, 'DOH', 31, 'DOH', 2.088, 2.4,
                             atoms=UFSG[62].atoms, bonds=UFSG[62].bonds, smarts=UFSG[62].smarts)
DOUFSG[63] = UNIFAC_subgroup(63, 'I', 32, 'I', 1.076, 0.9169,
                             atoms=UFSG[63].atoms, bonds=UFSG[63].bonds, smarts=UFSG[63].smarts)
DOUFSG[64] = UNIFAC_subgroup(64, 'BR', 33, 'BR', 1.209, 1.4,
                             atoms=UFSG[64].atoms, bonds=UFSG[64].bonds, smarts=UFSG[64].smarts)
DOUFSG[65] = UNIFAC_subgroup(65, 'CH=-C', 34, 'C=-C', 0.9214, 1.3,
                             atoms=UFSG[65].atoms, bonds=UFSG[65].bonds, smarts=UFSG[65].smarts)
DOUFSG[66] = UNIFAC_subgroup(66, 'C=-C', 34, 'C=-C', 1.303, 1.132,
                             atoms=UFSG[66].atoms, bonds=UFSG[66].bonds, smarts=UFSG[66].smarts)
DOUFSG[67] = UNIFAC_subgroup(67, 'DMSO', 35, 'DMSO', 3.6, 2.692,
                             atoms=UFSG[67].atoms, bonds=UFSG[67].bonds, smarts=UFSG[67].smarts)
DOUFSG[68] = UNIFAC_subgroup(68, 'ACRY', 36, 'ACRY', 1, 0.92,
                             atoms=UFSG[68].atoms, bonds=UFSG[68].bonds, smarts=UFSG[68].smarts)
DOUFSG[69] = UNIFAC_subgroup(69, 'CL-(C=C)', 37, 'CLCC', 0.5229, 0.7391,
                             atoms=UFSG[69].atoms, bonds=UFSG[69].bonds, smarts=UFSG[69].smarts)
DOUFSG[70] = UNIFAC_subgroup(70, 'C=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 0.4582,
                             atoms=UFSG[70].atoms, bonds=UFSG[70].bonds, smarts=UFSG[70].smarts)
DOUFSG[71] = UNIFAC_subgroup(71, 'ACF', 38, 'ACF', 0.8814, 0.7269,
                             atoms=UFSG[71].atoms, bonds=UFSG[71].bonds, smarts=UFSG[71].smarts)
DOUFSG[72] = UNIFAC_subgroup(72, 'DMF', 39, 'DMF', 2, 2.093,
                             atoms=UFSG[72].atoms, bonds=UFSG[72].bonds, smarts=UFSG[72].smarts)
DOUFSG[73] = UNIFAC_subgroup(73, 'HCON(CH2)2', 39, 'DMF', 2.381, 1.522,
                             atoms=UFSG[73].atoms, bonds=UFSG[73].bonds, smarts=UFSG[73].smarts)
DOUFSG[74] = UNIFAC_subgroup(74, 'CF3', 40, 'CF2', 1.284, 1.266,
                             atoms=UFSG[74].atoms, bonds=UFSG[74].bonds, smarts=UFSG[74].smarts)
DOUFSG[75] = UNIFAC_subgroup(75, 'CF2', 40, 'CF2', 1.284, 1.098,
                             atoms=UFSG[75].atoms, bonds=UFSG[75].bonds, smarts=UFSG[75].smarts)
DOUFSG[76] = UNIFAC_subgroup(76, 'CF', 40, 'CF2', 0.8215, 0.5135,
                             atoms=UFSG[76].atoms, bonds=UFSG[76].bonds, smarts=UFSG[76].smarts)
DOUFSG[77] = UNIFAC_subgroup(77, 'COO', 41, 'COO', 1.6, 0.9,
                             atoms=UFSG[77].atoms, bonds=UFSG[77].bonds, smarts=UFSG[77].smarts)

# TODO revise
DOUFSG[78] = UNIFAC_subgroup(78, 'CY-CH2', 42, 'CY-CH2', 0.7136, 0.8635,
                             atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={}, smarts='[CH2;R]')

DOUFSG[79] = UNIFAC_subgroup(79, 'CY-CH', 42, 'CY-CH2', 0.3479, 0.1071,
                             atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[CH1;R]')
DOUFSG[80] = UNIFAC_subgroup(80, 'CY-C', 42, 'CY-CH2', 0.347, 0,
                             atoms={'C': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[CH0;R]')

DOUFSG[81] = UNIFAC_subgroup(81, 'OH(S)', 5, 'OH', 1.063, 0.8663,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[OH1;$([OH1][CX4H1])]')
DOUFSG[82] = UNIFAC_subgroup(82, 'OH(T)', 5, 'OH', 0.6895, 0.8345,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[OH1;$([OH1][CX4H0])]')

# Not positive of this one, 1,2,4-Trioxane mol uploaded matches this but with two carbon groups
DOUFSG[83] = UNIFAC_subgroup(83, 'CY-CH2O', 43, 'CY-CH2O', 1.4046, 1.4,
                             atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                             smarts='[CX4H2;R][OX2;R]', hydrogen_from_smarts=True)

# 2,4,6-Trimethyl-1,3,5-trioxane matches this one with one hydrogen per carbon
# metaldehyde matches this one with one hydrogen per carbon (ring of 8 atoms)
# 1,3,5-Trioxane matches this one with two hydrogens
# Diprogulic acid is a weird one, has 1 of 84 and 1 of 83 but I can't tell the difference
# The 84 has no hydrogens
# This one appears to only match two atoms
# There is NO INFORMATION to determine these groups
DOUFSG[84] = UNIFAC_subgroup(84, 'TRIOXAN', 43, 'CY-CH2O', 1.0413, 1.0116,
                             atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                             smarts='[CX4H2;R][OX2;R]', hydrogen_from_smarts=True)

DOUFSG[85] = UNIFAC_subgroup(85, 'CNH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', 1.6607, 0.985,
                             atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'N': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[CX4H0][NH2]')

DOUFSG[86] = UNIFAC_subgroup(86, 'NMP', 46, 'CY-CONC', 3.981, 3.2,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'C': 2, 'H': 3}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2}, smarts='[OX1H0]=[C;R][NX3H0;R][CH3]')

DOUFSG[87] = UNIFAC_subgroup(87, 'NEP', 46, 'CY-CONC', 3.7543, 2.892,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'C': 2, 'N': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},

DOUFSG[88] = UNIFAC_subgroup(88, 'NIPP', 46, 'CY-CONC', 3.5268, 2.58,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 1, 'C': 2},
                             bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},priority=1000000000,

DOUFSG[89] = UNIFAC_subgroup(89, 'NTBP', 46, 'CY-CONC', 3.2994, 2.352,
                             atoms={'C': 2, 'N': 1, 'O': 1, 'H': 0},
                             bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},
# Is 90 missing?
DOUFSG[91] = UNIFAC_subgroup(91, 'CONH2', 47, 'CONR', 1.4515, 1.248,
                             atoms={'O': 1, 'N': 1, 'C': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 1},

DOUFSG[92] = UNIFAC_subgroup(92, 'CONHCH3', 47, 'CONR', 1.5, 1.08,
                             atoms={'O' :1, 'N': 1, 'H': 3, 'C': 2},
                             bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},
                             smarts= '[OX1H0;!R]=[CX3H0;!R][NH1X3;!R][CH3;!R]')

# 93, 98, 99 missing but inteaction parameters are available.
DOUFSG[100] = UNIFAC_subgroup(100, 'CONHCH2', 47, 'CONR', 1.5, 1.08,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'N': 1, 'O': 1, 'H': 3},
                              bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1, SINGLE_BOND: 2},

DOUFSG[101] = UNIFAC_subgroup(101, 'AM(CH3)2', 48, 'CONR2', 2.4748, 1.9643)
DOUFSG[102] = UNIFAC_subgroup(102, 'AMCH3CH2', 48, 'CONR2', 2.2739, 1.5754)
DOUFSG[103] = UNIFAC_subgroup(103, 'AM(CH2)2', 48, 'CONR2', 2.0767, 1.1866)
DOUFSG[104] = UNIFAC_subgroup(104, 'AC2H2S', 52, 'ACS', 1.7943, 1.34)
DOUFSG[105] = UNIFAC_subgroup(105, 'AC2HS', 52, 'ACS', 1.6282, 1.06)
DOUFSG[106] = UNIFAC_subgroup(106, 'AC2S', 52, 'ACS', 1.4621, 0.78)
DOUFSG[107] = UNIFAC_subgroup(107, 'H2COCH', 53, 'EPOXIDES', 1.3601, 1.8031)
DOUFSG[108] = UNIFAC_subgroup(108, 'COCH', 53, 'EPOXIDES', 0.683, 0.3418)
DOUFSG[109] = UNIFAC_subgroup(109, 'HCOCH', 53, 'EPOXIDES', 0.9104, 0.6538)
DOUFSG[110] = UNIFAC_subgroup(110, '(CH2)2SU', 56, 'SULFONE', 2.687, 2.12)
DOUFSG[111] = UNIFAC_subgroup(111, 'CH2SUCH', 56, 'SULFONE', 2.46, 1.808)
DOUFSG[112] = UNIFAC_subgroup(112, '(CH3)2CB', 55, 'CARBONAT', 2.42, 2.4976)
DOUFSG[113] = UNIFAC_subgroup(113, '(CH2)2CB', 55, 'CARBONAT', 2.42, 2.0018)
DOUFSG[114] = UNIFAC_subgroup(114, 'CH2CH3CB', 55, 'CARBONAT', 2.42, 2.2497)
DOUFSG[119] = UNIFAC_subgroup(119, 'H2COCH2', 53, 'EPOXIDES', 1.063, 1.123)
DOUFSG[153] = UNIFAC_subgroup(153, 'H2COC', 53, 'EPOXIDES', 0.9104, 0.6538)
DOUFSG[178] = UNIFAC_subgroup(178, 'C3H2N2+', 84, 'IMIDAZOL', 1.7989, 0.64)
DOUFSG[179] = UNIFAC_subgroup(179, 'BTI-', 85, 'BTI', 5.8504, 5.7513,
                             atoms=UFSG[179].atoms, bonds=UFSG[179].bonds, smarts=UFSG[179].smarts)
DOUFSG[184] = UNIFAC_subgroup(184, 'C3H3N2+', 84, 'IMIDAZOL', 2.411, 2.409)
DOUFSG[189] = UNIFAC_subgroup(189, 'C4H8N+', 87, 'PYRROL', 2.7986, 2.7744)
DOUFSG[195] = UNIFAC_subgroup(195, 'BF4-', 89, 'BF4', 4.62, 1.1707)
DOUFSG[196] = UNIFAC_subgroup(196, 'C5H5N+', 90, 'PYRIDIN', 2.4878, 2.474)
DOUFSG[197] = UNIFAC_subgroup(197, 'OTF-', 91, 'OTF', 3.3854, 2.009)
# 122, 123, 124, 201 Added Rev. 6
DOUFSG[122] = UNIFAC_subgroup(122, 'CH3S', 61, 'SULFIDES', 1.6130, 1.3680,
                             atoms=UFSG[102].atoms, bonds=UFSG[102].bonds, smarts=UFSG[102].smarts)
DOUFSG[123] = UNIFAC_subgroup(123, 'CH2S', 61, 'SULFIDES', 1.3863, 1.0600,
                             atoms=UFSG[103].atoms, bonds=UFSG[103].bonds, smarts=UFSG[103].smarts)
DOUFSG[124] = UNIFAC_subgroup(124, 'CHS', 61, 'SULFIDES', 1.1589, 0.7480,
                             atoms=UFSG[104].atoms, bonds=UFSG[104].bonds, smarts=UFSG[104].smarts)

DOUFSG[201] = UNIFAC_subgroup(201, '-S-S-', 93, 'DISULFIDES', 1.0678, 2.2440)

#  subgroup = (group, (subgroup ids))
DOUFMG[1] = ('CH2', [1, 2, 3, 4])
DOUFMG[2] = ('C=C', [5, 6, 7, 8, 70])
DOUFMG[3] = ('ACH', [9, 10])
DOUFMG[4] = ('ACCH2', [11, 12, 13])
DOUFMG[5] = ('OH', [14, 81, 82])
DOUFMG[6] = ('CH3OH', [15])
DOUFMG[7] = ('H2O', [16])
DOUFMG[8] = ('ACOH', [17])
DOUFMG[9] = ('CH2CO', [18, 19])
DOUFMG[10] = ('CHO', [20])
DOUFMG[11] = ('CCOO', [21, 22])
DOUFMG[12] = ('HCOO', [23])
DOUFMG[13] = ('CH2O', [24, 25, 26])
DOUFMG[14] = ('CH2NH2', [28, 29, 30, 85])
DOUFMG[15] = ('CH2NH', [31, 32, 33])
DOUFMG[16] = ('(C)3N', [34, 35])
DOUFMG[17] = ('ACNH2', [36])
DOUFMG[18] = ('PYRIDINE', [37, 38, 39])
DOUFMG[19] = ('CH2CN', [40, 41])
DOUFMG[20] = ('COOH', [42])
DOUFMG[21] = ('CCL', [44, 45, 46])
DOUFMG[22] = ('CCL2', [47, 48, 49])
DOUFMG[23] = ('CCL3', [51])
DOUFMG[24] = ('CCL4', [52])
DOUFMG[25] = ('ACCL', [53])
DOUFMG[26] = ('CNO2', [54, 55, 56])
DOUFMG[27] = ('ACNO2', [57])
DOUFMG[28] = ('CS2', [58])
DOUFMG[29] = ('CH3SH', [59, 60])
DOUFMG[30] = ('FURFURAL', [61])
DOUFMG[31] = ('DOH', [62])
DOUFMG[32] = ('I', [63])
DOUFMG[33] = ('BR', [64])
DOUFMG[34] = ('C=-C', [65, 66])
DOUFMG[35] = ('DMSO', [67])
DOUFMG[36] = ('ACRY', [68])
DOUFMG[37] = ('CLCC', [69])
DOUFMG[38] = ('ACF', [71])
DOUFMG[39] = ('DMF', [72, 73])
DOUFMG[40] = ('CF2', [74, 75, 76])
DOUFMG[41] = ('COO', [77])
DOUFMG[42] = ('CY-CH2', [78, 79, 80])
DOUFMG[43] = ('CY-CH2O', [27, 83, 84])
DOUFMG[44] = ('HCOOH', [43])
DOUFMG[45] = ('CHCL3', [50])
DOUFMG[46] = ('CY-CONC', [86, 87, 88, 89])
DOUFMG[47] = ('CONR', [91, 92, 100])
DOUFMG[48] = ('CONR2', [101, 102, 103])
DOUFMG[49] = ('HCONR', [93, 94]) # Added in Further Development of Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund):  Revision and Extension 5
DOUFMG[52] = ('ACS', [104, 105, 106])
DOUFMG[53] = ('EPOXIDES', [107, 108, 109, 119, 153])
DOUFMG[55] = ('CARBONAT', [112, 113, 114])
DOUFMG[56] = ('SULFONE', [110, 111])
DOUFMG[84] = ('IMIDAZOL', [178, 184])
DOUFMG[85] = ('BTI', [179])
DOUFMG[87] = ('PYRROL', [189])
DOUFMG[89] = ('BF4', [195])
DOUFMG[90] = ('PYRIDIN', [196])
DOUFMG[91] = ('OTF', [197])
# Added Rev 6
DOUFMG[61] = ('SULFIDES', [122, 123, 124])
DOUFMG[93] = ('DISULFIDES', [201])

#  subgroup = (subgroup, #maingroup, maingroup, R, Q)
VTPRSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', None, 1.2958, smarts=DOUFSG[1].smarts)
VTPRSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', None, 0.9471, smarts=DOUFSG[2].smarts)
VTPRSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', None, 0.2629, smarts=DOUFSG[3].smarts)
VTPRSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', None, 0, smarts=DOUFSG[4].smarts)

VTPRSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', None, 1.1507, smarts=DOUFSG[5].smarts)
VTPRSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', None, 1.3221, smarts=DOUFSG[6].smarts)
VTPRSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', None, 0.9889, smarts=DOUFSG[7].smarts)
VTPRSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', None, 0.6760, smarts=DOUFSG[8].smarts)
VTPRSG[70] = UNIFAC_subgroup(70, 'C=C', 2, 'C=C', None, 0.4850, smarts=DOUFSG[70].smarts)
VTPRSG[97] = UNIFAC_subgroup(97, 'Allene', 2, 'Allene', None, 1.1287, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[98] = UNIFAC_subgroup(98, '=CHCH=', 2, '=CHCH=', None, 1.7345, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[99] = UNIFAC_subgroup(99, '=CCH=', 2, '=CCH=', None, 3.5331, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[250] = UNIFAC_subgroup(250, 'H2C=CH2', 2, 'H2C=CH2', None, 0.6758, smarts=None)

VTPRSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', None, 0.4972, smarts=DOUFSG[9].smarts)
VTPRSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', None, 0.1885, smarts=DOUFSG[10].smarts)

VTPRSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'ACCH3', 4, 'ACCH2', None, 1.4843, smarts=DOUFSG[11].smarts)
VTPRSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'ACCH2', 4, 'ACCH2', None, 1.1356, smarts=DOUFSG[12].smarts)
VTPRSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'ACCH', 4, 'ACCH2', None, 0.4514, smarts=DOUFSG[13].smarts)

VTPRSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'OH(P)', 5, 'OH', None, 1.0189, smarts=DOUFSG[14].smarts)
VTPRSG[81] = UNIFAC_subgroup(81, 'OH(S)', 5, 'OH', None, 0.9326, smarts=DOUFSG[81].smarts)
VTPRSG[82] = UNIFAC_subgroup(82, 'OH(T)', 5, 'OH', None, 0.8727, smarts=DOUFSG[82].smarts)

VTPRSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'CH3OH', 6, 'CH3OH', None, 0.8779, smarts=DOUFSG[15].smarts)

VTPRSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'H2O', 7, 'H2O', None, 1.5576, smarts=DOUFSG[16].smarts)

VTPRSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'ACOH', 8, 'ACOH', None, 0.9013, smarts=DOUFSG[17].smarts)

VTPRSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'CH3CO', 9, 'CH2CO', None, 1.448, smarts=DOUFSG[18].smarts)
VTPRSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH2CO', 9, 'CH2CO', None, 1.18, smarts=DOUFSG[19].smarts)

VTPRSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CHO', 10, 'CHO', None, 0.948, smarts=DOUFSG[20].smarts)

VTPRSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CH3COO', 11, 'CCOO', None, 1.728, smarts=DOUFSG[21].smarts)
VTPRSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'CH2COO', 11, 'CCOO', None, 1.42, smarts=DOUFSG[22].smarts)
VTPRSG[129] = UNIFAC_subgroup(129, 'CHCOO', 11, 'CCOO', None, 1.221, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[180] = UNIFAC_subgroup(180, 'CHCOO', 11, 'CCOO', None, 0.88, smarts=None)

VTPRSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'HCOO', 12, 'HCOO', None, 1.1880, smarts=DOUFSG[23].smarts)

VTPRSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'CH3O', 13, 'CH2O', None, 1.088, smarts=DOUFSG[24].smarts)
VTPRSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH2O', 13, 'CH2O', None, 0.78, smarts=DOUFSG[25].smarts)
VTPRSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CHO', 13, 'CH2O', None, 0.468, smarts=DOUFSG[26].smarts)

VTPRSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH3NH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', None, 1.2260, smarts=DOUFSG[28].smarts)
VTPRSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CH2NH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', None, 1.2360, smarts=DOUFSG[29].smarts)
VTPRSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'CHNH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', None, 1.1868, smarts=DOUFSG[30].smarts)
VTPRSG[85] = UNIFAC_subgroup(85, 'CNH2', 14, 'CH2NH2', None, 1.1527, smarts=DOUFSG[85].smarts)

VTPRSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'CH3NH', 15, 'CH2NH', None, 1.2440, smarts=DOUFSG[31].smarts)
VTPRSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'CH2NH', 15, 'CH2NH', None, 0.936, smarts=DOUFSG[32].smarts)
VTPRSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'CHNH', 15, 'CH2NH', None, 0.6240, smarts=DOUFSG[33].smarts)
VTPRSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH3N', 16, '(C)3N', None, 0.94, smarts=DOUFSG[34].smarts)
VTPRSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CH2N', 16, '(C)3N', None, 0.632, smarts=DOUFSG[35].smarts)
VTPRSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'ACNH2', 17, 'ACNH2', None, 0.8160, smarts=DOUFSG[36].smarts)
VTPRSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'CH3CN', 19, 'CH2CN', None, 1.5302, smarts=DOUFSG[40].smarts)
VTPRSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CH2CN', 19, 'CH2CN', None, 1.4492, smarts=DOUFSG[41].smarts)
VTPRSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CH2CL', 21, 'CCL', None, 1.264, smarts=DOUFSG[44].smarts)
VTPRSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CHCL', 21, 'CCL', None, 0.952, smarts=DOUFSG[45].smarts)
VTPRSG[46] = UNIFAC_subgroup(46, 'CCL', 21, 'CCL', None, 0.724, smarts=DOUFSG[46].smarts)
VTPRSG[47] = UNIFAC_subgroup(47, 'CH2CL2', 22, 'CCL2', None, 1.9880, smarts=DOUFSG[47].smarts)
VTPRSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, 'CHCL2', 22, 'CCL2', None, 1.6840, smarts=DOUFSG[48].smarts)
VTPRSG[49] = UNIFAC_subgroup(49, 'CCL2', 22, 'CCL2', None, 1.4480, smarts=DOUFSG[49].smarts)
VTPRSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, 'CCL3', 23, 'CCL3', None, 2.1840, smarts=DOUFSG[51].smarts)
VTPRSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, 'CCL4', 24, 'CCL4', None, 3.1836, smarts=DOUFSG[52].smarts)

VTPRSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, 'ACCL', 25, 'ACCL', None, 0.3177, smarts=DOUFSG[53].smarts) # Q not verified - from DO, not listed, in 2016 paper

VTPRSG[59] = UNIFAC_subgroup(59, 'CH3SH', 29, 'CH3SH', None, 1.762, smarts=DOUFSG[59].smarts)# Q not verified - from DO, not listed, in 2016 paper
VTPRSG[60] = UNIFAC_subgroup(60, 'CH2SH', 29, 'CH3SH', None, 1.316, smarts=DOUFSG[60].smarts)# Q not verified - from DO, not listed, in 2016 paper

VTPRSG[58] = UNIFAC_subgroup(58, 'CS2', 28, 'CS2', None, 1.65, smarts=DOUFSG[58].smarts)
VTPRSG[61] = UNIFAC_subgroup(61, 'FURFURAL', 30, 'FURFURAL', None, 2.0363, smarts=DOUFSG[61].smarts)
VTPRSG[62] = UNIFAC_subgroup(62, 'DOH', 31, 'DOH', None, 2.2480, smarts=DOUFSG[62].smarts)
VTPRSG[63] = UNIFAC_subgroup(63, 'I', 32, 'I', None, 0.9920, smarts=DOUFSG[63].smarts)
VTPRSG[64] = UNIFAC_subgroup(64, 'BR', 33, 'BR', None, 0.8320, smarts=DOUFSG[64].smarts)
VTPRSG[67] = UNIFAC_subgroup(67, 'DMSO', 35, 'DMSO', None, 2.4720, smarts=DOUFSG[67].smarts)
VTPRSG[72] = UNIFAC_subgroup(72, 'DMF', 39, 'DMF', None, 2.7360, smarts=DOUFSG[72].smarts)
VTPRSG[73] = UNIFAC_subgroup(73, 'HCON(..', 39, 'DMF', None, 2.1200, smarts=DOUFSG[73].smarts)
VTPRSG[78] = UNIFAC_subgroup(78, 'CY-CH2', 42, 'CY-CH2', None, 0.8635, smarts=DOUFSG[78].smarts)
VTPRSG[79] = UNIFAC_subgroup(79, 'CY-CH', 42, 'CY-CH2', None, 0.1071, smarts=DOUFSG[79].smarts)
VTPRSG[80] = UNIFAC_subgroup(80, 'CY-C', 42, 'CY-CH2', None, 0, smarts=DOUFSG[80].smarts)
VTPRSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'THF', 43, 'CY-CH2O', None, 2.3637, smarts=DOUFSG[27].smarts)
VTPRSG[83] = UNIFAC_subgroup(83, 'CY-CH2O', 43, 'CY-CH2O', None, 1.4, smarts=DOUFSG[83].smarts)
VTPRSG[84] = UNIFAC_subgroup(84, 'TRIOXAN', 43, 'CY-CH2O', None, 1.0116, smarts=DOUFSG[84].smarts)
VTPRSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, 'CHCL3', 45, 'CHCL3', None, 2.4100, smarts=DOUFSG[50].smarts)
VTPRSG[86] = UNIFAC_subgroup(86, 'NMP', 46, 'CY-CONC', None, 3.2, smarts=DOUFSG[86].smarts)
VTPRSG[87] = UNIFAC_subgroup(87, 'NEP', 46, 'CY-CONC', None, 2.892, smarts=DOUFSG[87].smarts)
VTPRSG[88] = UNIFAC_subgroup(88, 'NIPP', 46, 'CY-CONC', None, 2.58, smarts=DOUFSG[88].smarts)
VTPRSG[89] = UNIFAC_subgroup(89, 'NTBP', 46, 'CY-CONC', None, 2.352, smarts=DOUFSG[89].smarts)
VTPRSG[107] = UNIFAC_subgroup(107, 'H2COCH', 53, 'EPOXIDES', None, 1.8031, smarts=DOUFSG[107].smarts)
VTPRSG[108] = UNIFAC_subgroup(108, 'COCH', 53, 'EPOXIDES', None, 0.3418, smarts=DOUFSG[108].smarts)
VTPRSG[109] = UNIFAC_subgroup(109, 'HCOCH', 53, 'EPOXIDES', None, 0.6538, smarts=DOUFSG[109].smarts)
VTPRSG[119] = UNIFAC_subgroup(119, 'H2COCH2', 53, 'EPOXIDES', None, 1.123, smarts=DOUFSG[119].smarts)
VTPRSG[153] = UNIFAC_subgroup(153, 'H2COC', 53, 'EPOXIDES', None, 0.6538, smarts=DOUFSG[153].smarts)
VTPRSG[116] = UNIFAC_subgroup(116, 'AC-CHO', 57, 'AC-CHO', None, 1.0, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[139] = UNIFAC_subgroup(139, 'CF2H', 68, 'CF2H', None, 1.6643, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[140] = UNIFAC_subgroup(140, 'CF2H2', 68, 'CF2H', None, 1.3304, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[142] = UNIFAC_subgroup(142, 'CF2Cl', 70, 'CF2Cl2', None, 1.8506, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[143] = UNIFAC_subgroup(143, 'CF2Cl2', 70, 'CF2Cl2', None, 2.5974, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[148] = UNIFAC_subgroup(148, 'CF3Br', 70, 'CF2Cl2', None, 2.5104, smarts=None)

VTPRSG[146] = UNIFAC_subgroup(146, 'CF4', 73, 'CF4', None, 1.8400, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[300] = UNIFAC_subgroup(300, 'NH3', 150, 'NH3', None, 0.7780, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[306] = UNIFAC_subgroup(306, 'CO2', 151, 'CO2', None, 0.982, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[307] = UNIFAC_subgroup(307, 'CH4', 152, 'CH4', None, 1.124, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[308] = UNIFAC_subgroup(308, 'O2', 153, 'O2', None, 0.849, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[305] = UNIFAC_subgroup(305, 'Ar', 154, 'Ar', None, 1.116, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[304] = UNIFAC_subgroup(304, 'N2', 155, 'N2', None, 0.93, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[303] = UNIFAC_subgroup(303, 'H2S', 156, 'H2S', None, 1.202, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[302] = UNIFAC_subgroup(302, 'H2', 157, 'H2', None, 0.571, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[309] = UNIFAC_subgroup(309, 'D2', 157, 'D2', None, 0.527, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[301] = UNIFAC_subgroup(301, 'CO', 158, 'CO', None, 0.8280, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[310] = UNIFAC_subgroup(310, 'SO2', 160, 'SO2', None, 1.1640, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[312] = UNIFAC_subgroup(312, 'N2O', 162, 'N2O', None, 0.8880, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[314] = UNIFAC_subgroup(314, 'He', 164, 'He', None, 0.9850, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[315] = UNIFAC_subgroup(315, 'Ne', 165, 'Ne', None, 0.9860, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[319] = UNIFAC_subgroup(319, 'HCl', 169, 'HCl', None, 1.2560, smarts=None)
VTPRSG[345] = UNIFAC_subgroup(345, 'Hg', 185, 'Hg', None, 7.9616, smarts=None)

# From Present Status of the Group Contribution Equation of State VTPR and Typical Applications for Process Development
VTPRSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, 'CH3NO2', 26, 'CNO2', None, 1.8285, smarts=DOUFSG[54].smarts)
VTPRSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, 'CH2NO2', 26, 'CNO2', None, 1.56, smarts=DOUFSG[55].smarts)
VTPRSG[56] = UNIFAC_subgroup(56, 'CHNO2', 26, 'CNO2', None, 1.248, smarts=DOUFSG[56].smarts)

VTPRMG = {1: ("CH2", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
2: ("H2C=CH2", [5, 6, 7, 8, 70, 97, 98, 99, 250]),
3: ("ACH", [9, 10]),
4: ("ACCH2", [11, 12, 13]),
5: ("OH", [14, 81, 82]),
6: ("CH3OH", [15]),
7: ("H2O", [16]),
8: ("ACOH", [17]),
9: ("CH2CO", [18, 19]),
10: ("CHO", [20]),
11: ("CCOO", [21, 22, 129, 180]),
12: ("HCOO", [23]),
13: ("CH2O", [24, 25, 26]),
14: ("CH2NH2", [28, 29, 30, 85]),
15: ("CH2NH", [31, 32, 33]),
16: ("(C)3N", [34, 35]),
17: ("ACNH2", [36]),
19: ("CH2CN", [40, 41]),
21: ("CCL", [44, 45, 46]),
22: ("CCL2", [47, 48, 49]),
23: ("CCL3", [51]),
24: ("CCL4", [52]),
25: ("ACCL", [53]),
26: ("CNO2", [54, 55, 56]),
28: ("CS2", [58]),
29: ("CH3SH", [59, 60]),
30: ("FURFURAL", [61]),
31: ("DOH", [62]),
32: ("I", [63]),
33: ("BR", [64]),
35: ("DMSO", [67]),
39: ("DMF", [72, 73]),
42: ("CY-CH2", [78, 79, 80]),
43: ("CY-CH2O", [27, 83, 84]),
45: ("CHCL3", [50]),
46: ("CY-CONC", [86, 87, 88, 89]),
53: ("EPOXIDES", [107, 108, 109, 119, 153]),
57: ("AC-CHO", [116]),
68: ("CF2H", [139, 140]),
70: ("CF2Cl2", [142, 143, 148]),
73: ("CF4", [146]),
150: ("NH3", [300]),
151: ("CO2", [306]),
152: ("CH4", [307]),
153: ("O2", [308]),
154: ("Ar", [305]),
155: ("N2", [304]),
156: ("H2S", [303]),
157: ("D2", [302, 309]),
158: ("CO", [301]),
160: ("SO2", [310]),
162: ("N2O", [312]),
164: ("He", [314]),
165: ("Ne", [315]),
169: ("HCl", [319]),
185: ("Hg", [345]),

# From Kang and Diky and Chirico and Magee and Muzny and Abdulagatov and Kazakov and Frenkel - 2011 - A new method for evaluation of UNIFAC interaction parameters
# + Some information extracted from below
NISTUFMG[1] = ('CH2', [1, 2, 3, 4], 'Alkyl chains')
NISTUFMG[2] = ('C=C', [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 'Double bonded alkyl chains')
NISTUFMG[3] = ('ACH', [15, 16, 17], 'Aromatic carbon')
NISTUFMG[4] = ('ACCH2', [18, 19, 20, 21], 'Aromatic carbon plus alkyl chain')
NISTUFMG[5] = ('OH', [34, 204, 205], 'Alcohols')
NISTUFMG[6] = ('CH3OH', [35], 'Methanol')
NISTUFMG[7] = ('H2O', [36], 'Water')
NISTUFMG[8] = ('ACOH', [37], 'Phenolic –OH groups ')
NISTUFMG[9] = ('CH2CO', [42, 43, 44, 45], 'Ketones')
NISTUFMG[10] = ('CHO', [48], 'Aldehydes')
NISTUFMG[11] = ('CCOO', [51, 52, 53, 54], 'Esters')
NISTUFMG[12] = ('HCOO', [55], 'Formates')
NISTUFMG[13] = ('CH2O', [59, 60, 61, 62, 63], 'Ethers')
NISTUFMG[14] = ('CNH2', [66, 67, 68, 69], 'Amines with 1-alkyl group')
NISTUFMG[15] = ('(C)2NH', [71, 72, 73], 'Amines with 2-alkyl groups')
NISTUFMG[16] = ('(C)3N', [74, 75], 'Amines with 3-alkyl groups')
NISTUFMG[17] = ('ACNH2', [79, 80, 81], 'Anilines')
NISTUFMG[18] = ('PYRIDINE', [76, 77, 78], 'Pyridines')
NISTUFMG[19] = ('CCN', [85, 86, 87, 88], 'Nitriles')
NISTUFMG[20] = ('COOH', [94, 95], 'Acids')
NISTUFMG[21] = ('CCl', [99, 100, 101], 'Chlorocarbons')
NISTUFMG[22] = ('CCl2', [102, 103, 104], 'Dichlorocarbons')
NISTUFMG[23] = ('CCl3', [105, 106], 'Trichlorocarbons')
NISTUFMG[24] = ('CCl4', [107], 'Tetrachlorocarbons')
NISTUFMG[25] = ('ACCl', [109], 'Chloroaromatics')
NISTUFMG[26] = ('CNO2', [132, 133, 134, 135], 'Nitro alkanes')
NISTUFMG[27] = ('ACNO2', [136], 'Nitroaromatics')
NISTUFMG[28] = ('CS2', [146], 'Carbon disulfide')
NISTUFMG[29] = ('CH3SH', [138, 139, 140, 141], 'Mercaptans')
NISTUFMG[30] = ('FURFURAL', [50], 'Furfural')
NISTUFMG[31] = ('DOH', [38], 'Ethylene Glycol')
NISTUFMG[32] = ('I', [128], 'Iodides')
NISTUFMG[33] = ('BR', [130], 'Bromides')
NISTUFMG[34] = ('C≡C', [13, 14], 'Triplebonded alkyl chains')
NISTUFMG[35] = ('DMSO', [153], 'Dimethylsulfoxide')
NISTUFMG[36] = ('ACRY', [90], 'Acrylic')
NISTUFMG[37] = ('ClC=C', [108], 'Chlorine attached to double bonded alkyl chain')
NISTUFMG[38] = ('ACF', [118], 'Fluoroaromatics')
NISTUFMG[39] = ('DMF', [161, 162, 163, 164, 165], 'Amides')
NISTUFMG[40] = ('CF2', [111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117], 'Fluorines')
NISTUFMG[41] = ('COO', [58], 'Esters')
NISTUFMG[42] = ('SiH2', [197, 198, 199, 200], 'Silanes')
NISTUFMG[43] = ('SiO', [201, 202, 203], 'Siloxanes')
NISTUFMG[44] = ('NMP', [195], 'N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone')
NISTUFMG[45] = ('CClF', [120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127], 'Chloro-Fluorides')
NISTUFMG[46] = ('CONCH2', [166, 167, 168, 169], 'Amides')
NISTUFMG[47] = ('OCCOH', [39, 40, 41], 'Oxygenated Alcohols')
NISTUFMG[48] = ('CH2S', [142, 143, 144, 145], 'Sulfides')
NISTUFMG[49] = ('MORPHOLIN', [196], 'Morpholine')
NISTUFMG[50] = ('THIOPHENE', [147, 148, 149], 'Thiophene')
NISTUFMG[51] = ('CH2(cy)', [27, 28, 29], 'Cyclic hydrocarbon chains')
NISTUFMG[52] = ('C=C(cy)', [30, 31, 32], 'Cyclic unsaturated hydrocarbon chains')
# Added

NISTUFSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 1.0608)
NISTUFSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 0.7081)
NISTUFSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 0.3554)
NISTUFSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', 0.6325, 0)
NISTUFSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 1.6016)
NISTUFSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 1.2489)
NISTUFSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 1.2489)
NISTUFSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 0.8962)
NISTUFSG[70] = UNIFAC_subgroup(70, 'C=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.2832, 0.4582)
NISTUFSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', 0.3763, 0.4321)
NISTUFSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', 0.3763, 0.2113)
NISTUFSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'ACCH3', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.91, 0.949)
NISTUFSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'ACCH2', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.91, 0.7962)
NISTUFSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'ACCH', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.91, 0.3769)
NISTUFSG[195] = UNIFAC_subgroup(195, 'ACC', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.5847, 0.12)
NISTUFSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'OH prim', 5, 'OH', 1.2302, 0.8927)
NISTUFSG[81] = UNIFAC_subgroup(81, 'OH sec', 5, 'OH', 1.063, 0.8663)
NISTUFSG[82] = UNIFAC_subgroup(82, 'OH tert', 5, 'OH', 0.6895, 0.8345)
NISTUFSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'CH3OH', 6, 'CH3OH', 0.8585, 0.9938)
NISTUFSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'H2O', 7, 'H2O', 1.7334, 2.4561)
NISTUFSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'ACOH', 8, 'ACOH', 1.08, 0.975)
NISTUFSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'CH3CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.7048, 1.67)
NISTUFSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH2CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.7048, 1.5542)
NISTUFSG[301] = UNIFAC_subgroup(301, 'CHCO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.7048, 1.5542)
NISTUFSG[302] = UNIFAC_subgroup(302, 'CCO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.7048, 1.5542)
NISTUFSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CHO', 10, 'CHO', 0.7173, 0.771)
NISTUFSG[308] = UNIFAC_subgroup(308, 'HCHO', 10, 'CHO', 0.7173, 0.771)
NISTUFSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CH3COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.27, 1.6286)
NISTUFSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'CH2COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.27, 1.4228)
NISTUFSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'HCOO', 12, 'HCOO', 1.9, 1.8)
NISTUFSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'CH3O', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1434, 1.6022)
NISTUFSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH2O', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1434, 1.2495)
NISTUFSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CHO', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1434, 0.8968)
NISTUFSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH3NH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.6607, 1.6904)
NISTUFSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CH2NH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.6607, 1.3377)
NISTUFSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'CHNH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.6607, 0.985)
NISTUFSG[85] = UNIFAC_subgroup(85, 'CNH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.6607, 0.985)
NISTUFSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'CH3NH', 15, 'CNH', 1.368, 1.4332)
NISTUFSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'CH2NH', 15, 'CNH', 1.368, 1.0805)
NISTUFSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'CHNH', 15, 'CNH', 1.368, 0.7278)
NISTUFSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH3N', 16, '(C)3N', 1.0746, 1.176)
NISTUFSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CH2N', 16, '(C)3N', 1.0746, 0.824)
NISTUFSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'ACNH2', 17, 'ACNH2', 1.1849, 0.8067)
NISTUFSG[306] = UNIFAC_subgroup(306, 'ACNH', 17, 'ACNH2', 1.1849, 0.732)
NISTUFSG[307] = UNIFAC_subgroup(307, 'ACN', 17, 'ACNH2', 1.1849, 0.61)
NISTUFSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, 'AC2H2N', 18, 'Pyridine', 1.4578, 0.9022)
NISTUFSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, 'AC2HN', 18, 'Pyridine', 1.2393, 0.633)
NISTUFSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, 'AC2N', 18, 'Pyridine', 1.0731, 0.353)
NISTUFSG[196] = UNIFAC_subgroup(196, 'AC2H2NH', 94, 'Pyrrole', 1.325, 0.752)
NISTUFSG[197] = UNIFAC_subgroup(197, 'AC2HNH', 94, 'Pyrrole', 1.0976, 0.44)
NISTUFSG[198] = UNIFAC_subgroup(198, 'AC2NH', 94, 'Pyrrole', 0.8701, 0.212)
NISTUFSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'CH3CN', 19, 'CCN', 1.5575, 1.5193)
NISTUFSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CH2CN', 19, 'CCN', 1.5575, 1.1666)
NISTUFSG[303] = UNIFAC_subgroup(303, 'CHCN', 19, 'CCN', 1.5575, 1.1666)
NISTUFSG[304] = UNIFAC_subgroup(304, 'CCN', 19, 'CCN', 1.5575, 1.1666)
NISTUFSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, 'COOH', 20, 'COOH', 0.8, 0.9215)
NISTUFSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CH2Cl', 21, 'CCl', 0.9919, 1.3654)
NISTUFSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CHCl', 21, 'CCl', 0.9919, 1.0127)
NISTUFSG[46] = UNIFAC_subgroup(46, 'CCl', 21, 'CCl', 0.9919, 0.66)
NISTUFSG[47] = UNIFAC_subgroup(47, 'CH2Cl2', 22, 'CCl2', 1.8, 2.5)
NISTUFSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, 'CHCl2', 22, 'CCl2', 1.8, 2.1473)
NISTUFSG[49] = UNIFAC_subgroup(49, 'CCl2', 22, 'CCl2', 1.8, 1.7946)
NISTUFSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, 'CCl3', 23, 'CCl3', 2.65, 2.3778)
NISTUFSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, 'CCl4', 52, 'CCl4', 2.618, 3.1863)
NISTUFSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, 'ACCl', 53, 'ACCl', 0.5365, 0.3177)
NISTUFSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, 'CH3NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.644, 2.5)
NISTUFSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, 'CH2NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.5, 2.304)
NISTUFSG[56] = UNIFAC_subgroup(56, 'CHNO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.887, 2.241)
NISTUFSG[305] = UNIFAC_subgroup(305, 'CNO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.887, 2.241)
NISTUFSG[57] = UNIFAC_subgroup(57, 'ACNO2', 27, 'ACNO2', 0.4656, 0.3589)
NISTUFSG[58] = UNIFAC_subgroup(58, 'CS2', 28, 'CS2', 1.24, 1.068)
NISTUFSG[59] = UNIFAC_subgroup(59, 'CH3SH', 29, 'CH2SH', 1.289, 1.762)
NISTUFSG[60] = UNIFAC_subgroup(60, 'CH2SH', 29, 'CH2SH', 1.535, 1.316)
NISTUFSG[192] = UNIFAC_subgroup(192, 'CHSH', 29, 'CH2SH', 1.4232, 1.21)
NISTUFSG[193] = UNIFAC_subgroup(193, 'CSH', 29, 'CH2SH', 1.1958, 1.1401)
NISTUFSG[194] = UNIFAC_subgroup(194, 'ACSH', 29, 'CH2SH', 1.2887, 1.2)
NISTUFSG[61] = UNIFAC_subgroup(61, 'Furfural', 30, 'Furfural', 1.299, 1.289)
NISTUFSG[62] = UNIFAC_subgroup(62, 'CH2(OH)-CH2(OH)', 31, 'DOH', 3.7374, 3.2016)
NISTUFSG[205] = UNIFAC_subgroup(205, '-CH(OH)-CH2(OH)', 31, 'DOH', 3.5642, 2.8225)
NISTUFSG[206] = UNIFAC_subgroup(206, '-CH(OH)-CH(OH)-', 31, 'DOH', 3.391, 2.4434)
NISTUFSG[207] = UNIFAC_subgroup(207, '>C(OH)-CH2(OH)', 31, 'DOH', 3.1847, 2.1144)
NISTUFSG[208] = UNIFAC_subgroup(208, '>C(OH)-CH(OH)-', 31, 'DOH', 3.0175, 2.0562)
NISTUFSG[209] = UNIFAC_subgroup(209, '>C(OH)-C(OH)<', 31, 'DOH', 2.644, 1.669)
NISTUFSG[63] = UNIFAC_subgroup(63, 'I', 32, 'I', 1.076, 0.9169)
NISTUFSG[64] = UNIFAC_subgroup(64, 'Br', 33, 'Br', 1.209, 1.4)
NISTUFSG[65] = UNIFAC_subgroup(65, 'CH#C', 34, 'C#C', 0.9214, 1.3)
NISTUFSG[66] = UNIFAC_subgroup(66, 'C#C', 34, 'C#C', 1.303, 1.132)
NISTUFSG[67] = UNIFAC_subgroup(67, 'DMSO', 35, 'DMSO', 3.6, 2.692)
NISTUFSG[68] = UNIFAC_subgroup(68, 'Acrylonitrile', 36, 'Acrylonitrile', 1, 0.92)
NISTUFSG[69] = UNIFAC_subgroup(69, 'Cl-(C=C)', 37, 'Cl-(C=C)', 0.5229, 0.7391)
NISTUFSG[71] = UNIFAC_subgroup(71, 'ACF', 38, 'ACF', 0.8814, 0.7269)
NISTUFSG[72] = UNIFAC_subgroup(72, 'DMF', 39, 'DMF', 2, 2.093)
NISTUFSG[73] = UNIFAC_subgroup(73, 'HCON(CH2)2', 39, 'DMF', 2.381, 1.522)
NISTUFSG[74] = UNIFAC_subgroup(74, 'CF3', 40, 'CF2', 2.7489, 2.7769)
NISTUFSG[75] = UNIFAC_subgroup(75, 'CF2', 40, 'CF2', 1.4778, 1.4738)
NISTUFSG[76] = UNIFAC_subgroup(76, 'CF', 40, 'CF2', 0.8215, 0.5135)
NISTUFSG[77] = UNIFAC_subgroup(77, 'COO', 41, 'COO', 1.6, 0.9)
NISTUFSG[78] = UNIFAC_subgroup(78, 'c-CH2', 42, 'c-CH2', 0.7136, 0.8635)
NISTUFSG[79] = UNIFAC_subgroup(79, 'c-CH', 42, 'c-CH2', 0.3479, 0.1071)
NISTUFSG[80] = UNIFAC_subgroup(80, 'c-C', 42, 'c-CH2', 0.347, 0)
NISTUFSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'CH2-O-CH2', 43, 'c-CH2O', 1.7023, 1.8784)
NISTUFSG[83] = UNIFAC_subgroup(83, 'CH2-O-[CH2-O]1/2', 43, 'c-CH2O', 1.4046, 1.4)
NISTUFSG[84] = UNIFAC_subgroup(84, '[O-CH2]1/2-O-[CH2-O]1/2', 43, 'c-CH2O', 1.0413, 1.0116)
NISTUFSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, 'HCOOH', 44, 'HCOOH', 0.8, 1.2742)
NISTUFSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, 'CHCl3', 45, 'CHCl3', 2.45, 2.8912)
NISTUFSG[86] = UNIFAC_subgroup(86, 'c-CON-CH3', 46, 'c-CONC', 3.981, 3.2)
NISTUFSG[87] = UNIFAC_subgroup(87, 'c-CON-CH2', 46, 'c-CONC', 3.7543, 2.892)
NISTUFSG[88] = UNIFAC_subgroup(88, 'c-CON-CH', 46, 'c-CONC', 3.5268, 2.58)
NISTUFSG[89] = UNIFAC_subgroup(89, 'c-CON-C', 46, 'c-CONC', 3.2994, 2.352)
NISTUFSG[92] = UNIFAC_subgroup(92, 'CONHCH3', 47, 'CONR', 1.5, 1.08)
NISTUFSG[100] = UNIFAC_subgroup(100, 'CONHCH2', 47, 'CONR', 1.5, 1.08)
NISTUFSG[101] = UNIFAC_subgroup(101, 'CON(CH3)2', 48, 'CONR2', 2.4748, 1.9643)
NISTUFSG[102] = UNIFAC_subgroup(102, 'CON(CH3)CH2', 48, 'CONR2', 2.2739, 1.5754)
NISTUFSG[103] = UNIFAC_subgroup(103, 'CON(CH2)2', 48, 'CONR2', 2.0767, 1.1866)
NISTUFSG[93] = UNIFAC_subgroup(93, 'HCONHCH3', 49, 'HCONR', 2.4617, 2.192)
NISTUFSG[94] = UNIFAC_subgroup(94, 'HCONHCH2', 49, 'HCONR', 2.4617, 1.842)
NISTUFSG[116] = UNIFAC_subgroup(116, 'ACCN', 50, 'ACCN', 1.2815, 0.96)
NISTUFSG[117] = UNIFAC_subgroup(117, 'CH3NCO', 51, 'NCO', 1.9578, 1.58)
NISTUFSG[118] = UNIFAC_subgroup(118, 'CH2NCO', 51, 'NCO', 1.731, 1.272)
NISTUFSG[119] = UNIFAC_subgroup(119, 'CHNCO', 51, 'NCO', 1.5036, 0.96)
NISTUFSG[120] = UNIFAC_subgroup(120, 'ACNCO', 51, 'NCO', 1.4219, 0.852)
NISTUFSG[104] = UNIFAC_subgroup(104, 'AC2H2S', 52, 'ACS', 1.7943, 1.34)
NISTUFSG[105] = UNIFAC_subgroup(105, 'AC2HS', 52, 'ACS', 1.6282, 1.06)
NISTUFSG[106] = UNIFAC_subgroup(106, 'AC2S', 52, 'ACS', 1.4621, 0.78)
NISTUFSG[107] = UNIFAC_subgroup(107, 'H2COCH', 53, 'Epoxy', 1.3601, 1.8031)
NISTUFSG[109] = UNIFAC_subgroup(109, 'HCOCH', 53, 'Epoxy', 0.9104, 0.6538)
NISTUFSG[121] = UNIFAC_subgroup(121, 'COOCO', 54, 'Anhydride', 1.7732, 1.52)
NISTUFSG[112] = UNIFAC_subgroup(112, '(CH3O)2CO', 55, 'Carbonate', 3.0613, 2.816)
NISTUFSG[113] = UNIFAC_subgroup(113, '(CH2O)2CO', 55, 'Carbonate', 2.6078, 2.2)
NISTUFSG[114] = UNIFAC_subgroup(114, '(CH3O)COOCH2', 55, 'Carbonate', 2.8214, 2.508)
NISTUFSG[199] = UNIFAC_subgroup(199, '(ACO)COOCH2', 55, 'Carbonate', 2.2854, 1.78)
NISTUFSG[200] = UNIFAC_subgroup(200, '(ACO)CO(OAC)', 55, 'Carbonate', 1.9895, 1.36)
NISTUFSG[110] = UNIFAC_subgroup(110, 'CH2SuCH2', 56, 'Sulfone', 2.687, 2.12)
NISTUFSG[111] = UNIFAC_subgroup(111, 'CH2SuCH ', 56, 'Sulfone', 2.46, 1.808)
NISTUFSG[122] = UNIFAC_subgroup(122, 'ACSO2', 56, 'Sulfone', 1.7034, 1.16)
NISTUFSG[123] = UNIFAC_subgroup(123, 'ACCHO', 57, 'ACCHO', 1.3632, 1.068)
NISTUFSG[124] = UNIFAC_subgroup(124, 'ACCOOH', 58, 'ACCOOH', 1.6664, 1.344)
NISTUFSG[127] = UNIFAC_subgroup(127, 'AC-O-CO-CH3 ', 59, 'AC-O-CO', 2.2815, 1.848)
NISTUFSG[128] = UNIFAC_subgroup(128, 'AC-O-CO-CH2', 59, 'AC-O-CO', 2.0547, 1.54)
NISTUFSG[129] = UNIFAC_subgroup(129, 'AC-O-CO-CH', 59, 'AC-O-CO', 1.8273, 1.228)
NISTUFSG[130] = UNIFAC_subgroup(130, 'AC-O-CO-C', 59, 'AC-O-CO', 1.5999, 1)
NISTUFSG[131] = UNIFAC_subgroup(131, '-O-CH2-CH2-OH', 60, 'OCCOH', 2.1226, 1.904)
NISTUFSG[132] = UNIFAC_subgroup(132, '-O-CH-CH2-OH', 60, 'OCCOH', 1.8952, 1.592)
NISTUFSG[133] = UNIFAC_subgroup(133, '-O-CH2-CH-OH', 60, 'OCCOH', 1.8952, 1.592)
NISTUFSG[134] = UNIFAC_subgroup(134, 'CH3-S-', 61, 'CH2S', 1.6131, 1.368)
NISTUFSG[135] = UNIFAC_subgroup(135, '-CH2-S-', 61, 'CH2S', 1.3863, 1.06)
NISTUFSG[136] = UNIFAC_subgroup(136, '>CH-S-', 61, 'CH2S', 1.1589, 0.748)
NISTUFSG[137] = UNIFAC_subgroup(137, '->C-S-', 61, 'CH2S', 0.9314, 0.52)
NISTUFSG[187] = UNIFAC_subgroup(187, 'ACS', 61, 'CH2S', 1.0771, 0.64)
NISTUFSG[125] = UNIFAC_subgroup(125, 'c-CO-NH', 62, 'Lactam', 1.3039, 1.036)
NISTUFSG[126] = UNIFAC_subgroup(126, 'c-CO-O', 63, 'Lactone', 1.0152, 0.88)
NISTUFSG[138] = UNIFAC_subgroup(138, 'CH3O-(O)', 64, 'Peroxide', 1.3889, 1.328)
NISTUFSG[139] = UNIFAC_subgroup(139, 'CH2O-(O)', 64, 'Peroxide', 1.1622, 1.02)
NISTUFSG[140] = UNIFAC_subgroup(140, 'CHO-(O)', 64, 'Peroxide', 0.9347, 0.708)
NISTUFSG[141] = UNIFAC_subgroup(141, 'CO-(O)', 64, 'Peroxide', 1.0152, 0.88)
NISTUFSG[142] = UNIFAC_subgroup(142, 'ACO-(O)', 64, 'Peroxide', 0.853, 0.6)
NISTUFSG[143] = UNIFAC_subgroup(143, 'CFH', 65, 'CFH', 0.5966, 0.44)
NISTUFSG[144] = UNIFAC_subgroup(144, 'CFCl', 66, 'CFCl', 1.4034, 1.168)
NISTUFSG[145] = UNIFAC_subgroup(145, 'CFCl2', 67, 'CFCl2', 2.2103, 1.896)
NISTUFSG[146] = UNIFAC_subgroup(146, 'CF2H', 68, 'CF2H', 0.9736, 0.88)
NISTUFSG[147] = UNIFAC_subgroup(147, 'CF2ClH', 69, 'CF2ClH', 1.7396, 1.6)
NISTUFSG[148] = UNIFAC_subgroup(148, 'CF2Cl2', 70, 'CF2Cl2', 2.5873, 2.336)
NISTUFSG[149] = UNIFAC_subgroup(149, 'CF3H', 71, 'CF3H', 1.3507, 1.32)
NISTUFSG[150] = UNIFAC_subgroup(150, 'CF3Cl', 72, 'CF3Cl', 2.1575, 2.048)
NISTUFSG[151] = UNIFAC_subgroup(151, 'CF4', 73, 'CF4', 1.7278, 1.76)
NISTUFSG[152] = UNIFAC_subgroup(152, 'C(O)2', 74, 'Acetal', 0.7073, 0.48)
NISTUFSG[186] = UNIFAC_subgroup(186, 'CH(O)2', 74, 'Acetal', 0.9347, 0.708)
NISTUFSG[309] = UNIFAC_subgroup(309, 'CH2(O)2', 74, 'Acetal', 0.9347, 0.708)
NISTUFSG[153] = UNIFAC_subgroup(153, 'ACN(CH3)2', 75, 'ACNR2', 2.4529, 1.908)
NISTUFSG[154] = UNIFAC_subgroup(154, 'ACN(CH3)CH2', 75, 'ACNR2', 2.2261, 1.6)
NISTUFSG[155] = UNIFAC_subgroup(155, 'ACN(CH2)2', 75, 'ACNR2', 1.9993, 1.292)
NISTUFSG[156] = UNIFAC_subgroup(156, 'ACNHCH3', 76, 'ACNR', 1.7989, 1.364)
NISTUFSG[157] = UNIFAC_subgroup(157, 'ACNHCH2', 76, 'ACNR', 1.5722, 1.056)
NISTUFSG[158] = UNIFAC_subgroup(158, 'ACNHCH', 76, 'ACNR', 1.3448, 0.744)
NISTUFSG[159] = UNIFAC_subgroup(159, 'AC2H2O', 77, 'Furan', 1.3065, 1.04)
NISTUFSG[160] = UNIFAC_subgroup(160, 'AC2HO', 77, 'Furan', 1.1404, 0.76)
NISTUFSG[161] = UNIFAC_subgroup(161, 'AC2O', 77, 'Furan', 0.9743, 0.48)
NISTUFSG[188] = UNIFAC_subgroup(188, 'c-CH2-NH', 78, 'c-CNH', 1.207, 0.936)
NISTUFSG[162] = UNIFAC_subgroup(162, 'c-CH-NH', 78, 'c-CNH', 0.9796, 0.624)
NISTUFSG[163] = UNIFAC_subgroup(163, 'c-C-NH', 78, 'c-CNH', 0.7521, 0.396)
NISTUFSG[189] = UNIFAC_subgroup(189, 'c-CH2-NCH3', 79, 'c-CNR', 1.8609, 1.48)
NISTUFSG[190] = UNIFAC_subgroup(190, 'c-CH2-NCH2', 79, 'c-CNR', 1.6341, 1.172)
NISTUFSG[191] = UNIFAC_subgroup(191, 'c-CH2-NCH', 79, 'c-CNR', 1.4067, 0.86)
NISTUFSG[164] = UNIFAC_subgroup(164, 'c-CH-NCH3', 79, 'c-CNR', 1.6335, 1.168)
NISTUFSG[165] = UNIFAC_subgroup(165, 'c-CH-NCH2', 79, 'c-CNR', 1.4067, 0.86)
NISTUFSG[166] = UNIFAC_subgroup(166, 'c-CH-NCH', 79, 'c-CNR', 1.1793, 0.548)
NISTUFSG[170] = UNIFAC_subgroup(170, 'SiH3-', 80, 'SiH', 1.6035, 1.263)
NISTUFSG[171] = UNIFAC_subgroup(171, '-SiH2-', 80, 'SiH', 1.4443, 1.006)
NISTUFSG[172] = UNIFAC_subgroup(172, '>SiH-', 80, 'SiH', 1.2853, 0.749)
NISTUFSG[173] = UNIFAC_subgroup(173, '>Si<', 80, 'SiH', 1.047, 0.41)
NISTUFSG[174] = UNIFAC_subgroup(174, '-SiH2-O-', 81, 'SiO', 1.4838, 1.062)
NISTUFSG[175] = UNIFAC_subgroup(175, '>SiH-O-', 81, 'SiO', 1.303, 0.764)
NISTUFSG[176] = UNIFAC_subgroup(176, '->Si-O-', 81, 'SiO', 1.1044, 0.466)
NISTUFSG[309] = UNIFAC_subgroup(309, 'CH=NOH', 82, 'Oxime', 1.499, 1.46)
NISTUFSG[177] = UNIFAC_subgroup(177, 'C=NOH', 82, 'Oxime', 1.499, 1.46)
NISTUFSG[178] = UNIFAC_subgroup(178, 'ACCO', 83, 'ACCO', 1.1365, 0.76)
NISTUFSG[179] = UNIFAC_subgroup(179, 'C2Cl4', 86, 'C2Cl4', 3.381, 3.5845)
NISTUFSG[180] = UNIFAC_subgroup(180, 'c-CHH2', 92, 'c-CHNH2', 1.2261, 1.096)
NISTUFSG[201] = UNIFAC_subgroup(201, 'c-CH=CH', 95, 'c-C=C', 1.0897, 0.832)
NISTUFSG[202] = UNIFAC_subgroup(202, 'c-CH=C', 95, 'c-C=C', 0.8616, 0.644)
NISTUFSG[203] = UNIFAC_subgroup(203, 'c-C=C', 95, 'c-C=C', 0.5498, 0.244)
NISTUFSG[204] = UNIFAC_subgroup(204, 'Glycerol', 96, 'Glycerol', 5.4209, 4.4227)

PSRKSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', 0.9011, 0.8480,
                            atoms=UFSG[1].atoms, bonds=UFSG[1].bonds, smarts=UFSG[1].smarts)
PSRKSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', 0.6744, 0.5400,
                            atoms=UFSG[2].atoms, bonds=UFSG[2].bonds, smarts=UFSG[2].smarts)
PSRKSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', 0.4469, 0.2280,
                            atoms=UFSG[3].atoms, bonds=UFSG[3].bonds, smarts=UFSG[3].smarts)
PSRKSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', 0.2195, 0.0000,
                            atoms=UFSG[4].atoms, bonds=UFSG[4].bonds, smarts=UFSG[4].smarts)
PSRKSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.3454, 1.1760,
                            atoms=UFSG[5].atoms, bonds=UFSG[5].bonds, smarts=UFSG[5].smarts)
PSRKSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.1167, 0.8670,
                            atoms=UFSG[6].atoms, bonds=UFSG[6].bonds, smarts=UFSG[6].smarts)
PSRKSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.1173, 0.9880,
                            atoms=UFSG[7].atoms, bonds=UFSG[7].bonds, smarts=UFSG[7].smarts)
PSRKSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.8886, 0.6760,
                            atoms=UFSG[8].atoms, bonds=UFSG[8].bonds, smarts=UFSG[8].smarts)
PSRKSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', 0.5313, 0.4000,
                            atoms=UFSG[9].atoms, bonds=UFSG[9].bonds, smarts=UFSG[9].smarts)
PSRKSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', 0.3652, 0.1200,
                             atoms=UFSG[10].atoms, bonds=UFSG[10].bonds, smarts=UFSG[10].smarts)
PSRKSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'ACCH3', 4, 'ACCH2', 1.2663, 0.9680,
                             atoms=UFSG[11].atoms, bonds=UFSG[11].bonds, smarts=UFSG[11].smarts)
PSRKSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'ACCH2', 4, 'ACCH2', 1.0396, 0.6600,
                             atoms=UFSG[12].atoms, bonds=UFSG[12].bonds, smarts=UFSG[12].smarts)
PSRKSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'ACCH', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.8121, 0.3480,
                             atoms=UFSG[13].atoms, bonds=UFSG[13].bonds, smarts=UFSG[13].smarts)
PSRKSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'OH', 5, 'OH', 1.0000, 1.2000,
                             atoms=UFSG[14].atoms, bonds=UFSG[14].bonds, smarts=UFSG[14].smarts)
PSRKSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'CH3OH', 6, 'CH3OH', 1.4311, 1.4320,
                             atoms=UFSG[15].atoms, bonds=UFSG[15].bonds, smarts=UFSG[15].smarts)
PSRKSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'H2O', 7, 'H2O', 0.9200, 1.4000,
                             atoms=UFSG[16].atoms, bonds=UFSG[16].bonds, smarts=UFSG[16].smarts)
PSRKSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'ACOH', 8, 'ACOH', 0.8952, 0.6800,
                             atoms=UFSG[17].atoms, bonds=UFSG[17].bonds, smarts=UFSG[17].smarts)
PSRKSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'CH3CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.6724, 1.4880,
                             atoms=UFSG[18].atoms, bonds=UFSG[18].bonds, smarts=UFSG[18].smarts)
PSRKSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH2CO', 9, 'CH2CO', 1.4457, 1.1800,
                             atoms=UFSG[19].atoms, bonds=UFSG[19].bonds, smarts=UFSG[19].smarts)
PSRKSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CHO', 10, 'CHO', 0.9980, 0.9480,
                             atoms=UFSG[20].atoms, bonds=UFSG[20].bonds, smarts=UFSG[20].smarts)
PSRKSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CH3COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.9031, 1.7280,
                             atoms=UFSG[21].atoms, bonds=UFSG[21].bonds, smarts=UFSG[21].smarts)
PSRKSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'CH2COO', 11, 'CCOO', 1.6764, 1.4200,
                             atoms=UFSG[22].atoms, bonds=UFSG[22].bonds, smarts=UFSG[22].smarts)
PSRKSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'HCOO', 12, 'HCOO', 1.2420, 1.1880,
                             atoms=UFSG[23].atoms, bonds=UFSG[23].bonds, smarts=UFSG[23].smarts)
PSRKSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'CH3O', 13, 'CH2O', 1.1450, 1.0880,
                             atoms=UFSG[24].atoms, bonds=UFSG[24].bonds, smarts=UFSG[24].smarts)
PSRKSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH2O', 13, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 0.7800,
                             atoms=UFSG[25].atoms, bonds=UFSG[25].bonds, smarts=UFSG[25].smarts)
PSRKSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CHO', 13, 'CH2O', 0.6908, 0.4680,
                             atoms=UFSG[26].atoms, bonds=UFSG[26].bonds, smarts=UFSG[26].smarts)
PSRKSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'THF', 13, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 1.1000,
                             atoms=UFSG[27].atoms, bonds=UFSG[27].bonds, smarts=UFSG[27].smarts)
PSRKSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH3NH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.5959, 1.5440,
                             atoms=UFSG[28].atoms, bonds=UFSG[28].bonds, smarts=UFSG[28].smarts)
PSRKSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CH2NH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.3692, 1.2360,
                             atoms=UFSG[29].atoms, bonds=UFSG[29].bonds, smarts=UFSG[29].smarts)
PSRKSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'CHNH2', 14, 'CNH2', 1.1417, 0.9240,
                             atoms=UFSG[30].atoms, bonds=UFSG[30].bonds, smarts=UFSG[30].smarts)
PSRKSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'CH3NH', 15, 'CNH', 1.4337, 1.2440,
                             atoms=UFSG[31].atoms, bonds=UFSG[31].bonds, smarts=UFSG[31].smarts)
PSRKSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'CH2NH', 15, 'CNH', 1.2070, 0.9360,
                             atoms=UFSG[32].atoms, bonds=UFSG[32].bonds, smarts=UFSG[32].smarts)
PSRKSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'CHNH', 15, 'CNH', 0.9795, 0.6240,
                             atoms=UFSG[33].atoms, bonds=UFSG[33].bonds, smarts=UFSG[33].smarts)
PSRKSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH3N', 16, '(C)3N', 1.1865, 0.9400,
                             atoms=UFSG[34].atoms, bonds=UFSG[34].bonds, smarts=UFSG[34].smarts)
PSRKSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CH2N', 16, '(C)3N', 0.9597, 0.6320,
                             atoms=UFSG[35].atoms, bonds=UFSG[35].bonds, smarts=UFSG[35].smarts)
PSRKSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'ACNH2', 17, 'ACNH2', 1.0600, 0.8160,
                             atoms=UFSG[36].atoms, bonds=UFSG[36].bonds, smarts=UFSG[36].smarts)
PSRKSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, 'C5H5N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 2.9993, 2.1130,
                             atoms=UFSG[37].atoms, bonds=UFSG[37].bonds, smarts=UFSG[37].smarts)
PSRKSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, 'C5H4N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 2.8332, 1.8330,
                             atoms=UFSG[38].atoms, bonds=UFSG[38].bonds, smarts=UFSG[38].smarts)
PSRKSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, 'C5H3N', 18, 'PYRIDINE', 2.6670, 1.5530,
                             atoms=UFSG[39].atoms, bonds=UFSG[39].bonds, smarts=UFSG[39].smarts)
PSRKSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'CH3CN', 19, 'CCN', 1.8701, 1.7240,
                             atoms=UFSG[40].atoms, bonds=UFSG[40].bonds, smarts=UFSG[40].smarts)
PSRKSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CH2CN', 19, 'CCN', 1.6434, 1.4160,
                             atoms=UFSG[41].atoms, bonds=UFSG[41].bonds, smarts=UFSG[41].smarts)
PSRKSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, 'COOH', 20, 'COOH', 1.3013, 1.2240,
                             atoms=UFSG[42].atoms, bonds=UFSG[42].bonds, smarts=UFSG[42].smarts)
PSRKSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, 'HCOOH', 20, 'COOH', 1.5280, 1.5320,
                             atoms=UFSG[43].atoms, bonds=UFSG[43].bonds, smarts=UFSG[43].smarts)
PSRKSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CH2CL', 21, 'CCL', 1.4654, 1.2640,
                             atoms=UFSG[44].atoms, bonds=UFSG[44].bonds, smarts=UFSG[44].smarts)
PSRKSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CHCL', 21, 'CCL', 1.2380, 0.9520,
                             atoms=UFSG[45].atoms, bonds=UFSG[45].bonds, smarts=UFSG[45].smarts)
PSRKSG[46] = UNIFAC_subgroup(46, 'CCL', 21, 'CCL', 1.0106, 0.7240,
                             atoms=UFSG[46].atoms, bonds=UFSG[46].bonds, smarts=UFSG[46].smarts)
PSRKSG[47] = UNIFAC_subgroup(47, 'CH2CL2', 22, 'CCL2', 2.2564, 1.9880,
                             atoms=UFSG[47].atoms, bonds=UFSG[47].bonds, smarts=UFSG[47].smarts)
PSRKSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, 'CHCL2', 22, 'CCL2', 2.0606, 1.6840,
                             atoms=UFSG[48].atoms, bonds=UFSG[48].bonds, smarts=UFSG[48].smarts)
PSRKSG[49] = UNIFAC_subgroup(49, 'CCL2', 22, 'CCL2', 1.8016, 1.4480,
                             atoms=UFSG[49].atoms, bonds=UFSG[49].bonds, smarts=UFSG[49].smarts)
PSRKSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, 'CHCL3', 23, 'CCL3', 2.8700, 2.4100,
                             atoms=UFSG[50].atoms, bonds=UFSG[50].bonds, smarts=UFSG[50].smarts)
PSRKSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, 'CCL3', 23, 'CCL3', 2.6401, 2.1840,
                             atoms=UFSG[51].atoms, bonds=UFSG[51].bonds, smarts=UFSG[51].smarts)
PSRKSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, 'CCL4', 24, 'CCL4', 3.3900, 2.9100,
                             atoms=UFSG[52].atoms, bonds=UFSG[52].bonds, smarts=UFSG[52].smarts)
PSRKSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, 'ACCL', 25, 'ACCL', 1.1562, 0.8440,
                             atoms=UFSG[53].atoms, bonds=UFSG[53].bonds, smarts=UFSG[53].smarts)
PSRKSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, 'CH3NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 2.0086, 1.8680,
                             atoms=UFSG[54].atoms, bonds=UFSG[54].bonds, smarts=UFSG[54].smarts)
PSRKSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, 'CH2NO2', 26, 'CNO2', 1.7818, 1.5600,
                             atoms=UFSG[55].atoms, bonds=UFSG[55].bonds, smarts=UFSG[55].smarts)
PSRKSG[56] = UNIFAC_subgroup(56, 'CHNO2', 26, 'CNO2', 1.5544, 1.2480,
                             atoms=UFSG[56].atoms, bonds=UFSG[56].bonds, smarts=UFSG[56].smarts)
PSRKSG[57] = UNIFAC_subgroup(57, 'ACNO2', 27, 'ACNO2', 1.4199, 1.1040,
                             atoms=UFSG[57].atoms, bonds=UFSG[57].bonds, smarts=UFSG[57].smarts)
PSRKSG[58] = UNIFAC_subgroup(58, 'CS2', 28, 'CS2', 2.0570, 1.6500,
                             atoms=UFSG[58].atoms, bonds=UFSG[58].bonds, smarts=UFSG[58].smarts)
PSRKSG[59] = UNIFAC_subgroup(59, 'CH3SH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.8770, 1.6760,
                             atoms=UFSG[59].atoms, bonds=UFSG[59].bonds, smarts=UFSG[59].smarts)
PSRKSG[60] = UNIFAC_subgroup(60, 'CH2SH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.6510, 1.3680,
                             atoms=UFSG[60].atoms, bonds=UFSG[60].bonds, smarts=UFSG[60].smarts)
PSRKSG[61] = UNIFAC_subgroup(61, 'FURFURAL', 30, 'FURFURAL', 3.1680, 2.4840,
                             atoms=UFSG[61].atoms, bonds=UFSG[61].bonds, smarts=UFSG[61].smarts)
PSRKSG[62] = UNIFAC_subgroup(62, 'DOH', 31, 'DOH', 2.4088, 2.2480,
                             atoms=UFSG[62].atoms, bonds=UFSG[62].bonds, smarts=UFSG[62].smarts)
PSRKSG[63] = UNIFAC_subgroup(63, 'I', 32, 'I', 1.2640, 0.9920,
                             atoms=UFSG[63].atoms, bonds=UFSG[63].bonds, smarts=UFSG[63].smarts)
PSRKSG[64] = UNIFAC_subgroup(64, 'BR', 33, 'BR', 0.9492, 0.8320,
                             atoms=UFSG[64].atoms, bonds=UFSG[64].bonds, smarts=UFSG[64].smarts)
PSRKSG[65] = UNIFAC_subgroup(65, 'CH=-C', 34, 'C=-C', 1.2920, 1.0880,
                             atoms=UFSG[65].atoms, bonds=UFSG[65].bonds, smarts=UFSG[65].smarts)
PSRKSG[66] = UNIFAC_subgroup(66, 'C=-C', 34, 'C=-C', 1.0613, 0.7840,
                             atoms=UFSG[66].atoms, bonds=UFSG[66].bonds, smarts=UFSG[66].smarts)
PSRKSG[67] = UNIFAC_subgroup(67, 'DMSO', 35, 'DMSO', 2.8266, 2.4720,
                             atoms=UFSG[67].atoms, bonds=UFSG[67].bonds, smarts=UFSG[67].smarts)
PSRKSG[68] = UNIFAC_subgroup(68, 'ACRY', 36, 'ACRY', 2.3144, 2.0520,
                             atoms=UFSG[68].atoms, bonds=UFSG[68].bonds, smarts=UFSG[68].smarts)
PSRKSG[69] = UNIFAC_subgroup(69, 'CL-(C=C)', 37, 'CLCC', 0.7910, 0.7240,
                             atoms=UFSG[69].atoms, bonds=UFSG[69].bonds, smarts=UFSG[69].smarts)
PSRKSG[70] = UNIFAC_subgroup(70, 'C=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.6605, 0.4850,
                             atoms=UFSG[70].atoms, bonds=UFSG[70].bonds, smarts=UFSG[70].smarts)
PSRKSG[71] = UNIFAC_subgroup(71, 'ACF', 38, 'ACF', 0.6948, 0.5240,
                             atoms=UFSG[71].atoms, bonds=UFSG[71].bonds, smarts=UFSG[71].smarts)
PSRKSG[72] = UNIFAC_subgroup(72, 'DMF', 39, 'DMF', 3.0856, 2.7360,
                             atoms=UFSG[72].atoms, bonds=UFSG[72].bonds, smarts=UFSG[72].smarts)
PSRKSG[73] = UNIFAC_subgroup(73, 'HCON(CH2)2', 39, 'DMF', 2.6322, 2.1200,
                             atoms=UFSG[73].atoms, bonds=UFSG[73].bonds, smarts=UFSG[73].smarts)
PSRKSG[74] = UNIFAC_subgroup(74, 'CF3', 40, 'CF2', 1.4060, 1.3800,
                             atoms=UFSG[74].atoms, bonds=UFSG[74].bonds, smarts=UFSG[74].smarts)
PSRKSG[75] = UNIFAC_subgroup(75, 'CF2', 40, 'CF2', 1.0105, 0.9200,
                             atoms=UFSG[75].atoms, bonds=UFSG[75].bonds, smarts=UFSG[75].smarts)
PSRKSG[76] = UNIFAC_subgroup(76, 'CF', 40, 'CF2', 0.6150, 0.4600,
                             atoms=UFSG[76].atoms, bonds=UFSG[76].bonds, smarts=UFSG[76].smarts)
PSRKSG[77] = UNIFAC_subgroup(77, 'COO', 41, 'COO', 1.3800, 1.2000,
                             atoms=UFSG[77].atoms, bonds=UFSG[77].bonds, smarts=UFSG[77].smarts)
PSRKSG[78] = UNIFAC_subgroup(78, 'SIH3', 42, 'SIH2', 1.6035, 1.2632,
                             atoms=UFSG[78].atoms, bonds=UFSG[78].bonds, smarts=UFSG[78].smarts)
PSRKSG[79] = UNIFAC_subgroup(79, 'SIH2', 42, 'SIH2', 1.4443, 1.0063,
                             atoms=UFSG[79].atoms, bonds=UFSG[79].bonds, smarts=UFSG[79].smarts)
PSRKSG[80] = UNIFAC_subgroup(80, 'SIH', 42, 'SIH2', 1.2853, 0.7494,
                             atoms=UFSG[80].atoms, bonds=UFSG[80].bonds, smarts=UFSG[80].smarts)
PSRKSG[81] = UNIFAC_subgroup(81, 'SI', 42, 'SIH2', 1.0470, 0.4099,
                             atoms=UFSG[81].atoms, bonds=UFSG[81].bonds, smarts=UFSG[81].smarts)
PSRKSG[82] = UNIFAC_subgroup(82, 'SIH2O', 43, 'SIO', 1.4838, 1.0621,
                             atoms=UFSG[82].atoms, bonds=UFSG[82].bonds, smarts=UFSG[82].smarts)
PSRKSG[83] = UNIFAC_subgroup(83, 'SIHO', 43, 'SIO', 1.3030, 0.7639,
                             atoms=UFSG[83].atoms, bonds=UFSG[83].bonds, smarts=UFSG[83].smarts)
PSRKSG[84] = UNIFAC_subgroup(84, 'SIO', 43, 'SIO', 1.1044, 0.4657,
                             atoms=UFSG[84].atoms, bonds=UFSG[84].bonds, smarts=UFSG[84].smarts)
PSRKSG[85] = UNIFAC_subgroup(85, 'NMP', 44, 'NMP', 3.9810, 3.2000,
                             atoms=UFSG[85].atoms, bonds=UFSG[85].bonds, smarts=UFSG[85].smarts)
PSRKSG[86] = UNIFAC_subgroup(86, 'CCL3F', 45, 'CCLF', 3.0356, 2.6440,
                             atoms=UFSG[86].atoms, bonds=UFSG[86].bonds, smarts=UFSG[86].smarts)
PSRKSG[87] = UNIFAC_subgroup(87, 'CCL2F', 45, 'CCLF', 2.2287, 1.9160,
                             atoms=UFSG[87].atoms, bonds=UFSG[87].bonds, smarts=UFSG[87].smarts)
PSRKSG[88] = UNIFAC_subgroup(88, 'HCCL2F', 45, 'CCLF', 2.4060, 2.1160,
                             atoms=UFSG[88].atoms, bonds=UFSG[88].bonds, smarts=UFSG[88].smarts)
PSRKSG[89] = UNIFAC_subgroup(89, 'HCCLF', 45, 'CCLF', 1.6493, 1.4160,
                             atoms=UFSG[89].atoms, bonds=UFSG[89].bonds, smarts=UFSG[89].smarts)
PSRKSG[90] = UNIFAC_subgroup(90, 'CCLF2', 45, 'CCLF', 1.8174, 1.6480,
                             atoms=UFSG[90].atoms, bonds=UFSG[90].bonds, smarts=UFSG[90].smarts)
PSRKSG[91] = UNIFAC_subgroup(91, 'HCCLF2', 45, 'CCLF', 1.9670, 1.8280,
                             atoms=UFSG[91].atoms, bonds=UFSG[91].bonds, smarts=UFSG[91].smarts)
PSRKSG[92] = UNIFAC_subgroup(92, 'CCLF3', 45, 'CCLF', 2.1721, 2.1000,
                             atoms=UFSG[92].atoms, bonds=UFSG[92].bonds, smarts=UFSG[92].smarts)
PSRKSG[93] = UNIFAC_subgroup(93, 'CCL2F2', 45, 'CCLF', 2.6243, 2.3760,
                             atoms=UFSG[93].atoms, bonds=UFSG[93].bonds, smarts=UFSG[93].smarts)
PSRKSG[94] = UNIFAC_subgroup(94, 'AMH2', 46, 'CON (AM)', 1.4515, 1.2480,
                             atoms=UFSG[94].atoms, bonds=UFSG[94].bonds, smarts=UFSG[94].smarts)
PSRKSG[95] = UNIFAC_subgroup(95, 'AMHCH3', 46, 'CON (AM)', 2.1905, 1.7960,
                             atoms=UFSG[95].atoms, bonds=UFSG[95].bonds, smarts=UFSG[95].smarts)
PSRKSG[96] = UNIFAC_subgroup(96, 'AMHCH2', 46, 'CON (AM)', 1.9637, 1.4880,
                             atoms=UFSG[96].atoms, bonds=UFSG[96].bonds, smarts=UFSG[96].smarts)
PSRKSG[97] = UNIFAC_subgroup(97, 'AM(CH3)2', 46, 'CON (AM)', 2.8589, 2.4280,
                             atoms=UFSG[97].atoms, bonds=UFSG[97].bonds, smarts=UFSG[97].smarts)
PSRKSG[98] = UNIFAC_subgroup(98, 'AMCH3CH2', 46, 'CON (AM)', 2.6322, 2.1200,
                             atoms=UFSG[98].atoms, bonds=UFSG[98].bonds, smarts=UFSG[98].smarts)
PSRKSG[99] = UNIFAC_subgroup(99, 'AM(CH2)2', 46, 'CON (AM)', 2.4054, 1.8120,
                             atoms=UFSG[99].atoms, bonds=UFSG[99].bonds, smarts=UFSG[99].smarts)
PSRKSG[100] = UNIFAC_subgroup(100, 'C2H5O2', 47, 'OCCOH', 2.1226, 1.9040,
                              atoms=UFSG[100].atoms, bonds=UFSG[100].bonds, smarts=UFSG[100].smarts)
PSRKSG[101] = UNIFAC_subgroup(101, 'C2H4O2', 47, 'OCCOH', 1.8952, 1.5920,
                              atoms=UFSG[101].atoms, bonds=UFSG[101].bonds, smarts=UFSG[101].smarts)
PSRKSG[102] = UNIFAC_subgroup(102, 'CH3S', 48, 'CH2S', 1.6130, 1.3680,
                              atoms=UFSG[102].atoms, bonds=UFSG[102].bonds, smarts=UFSG[102].smarts)
PSRKSG[103] = UNIFAC_subgroup(103, 'CH2S', 48, 'CH2S', 1.3863, 1.0600,
                              atoms=UFSG[103].atoms, bonds=UFSG[103].bonds, smarts=UFSG[103].smarts)
PSRKSG[104] = UNIFAC_subgroup(104, 'CHS', 48, 'CH2S', 1.1589, 0.7480,
                              atoms=UFSG[104].atoms, bonds=UFSG[104].bonds, smarts=UFSG[104].smarts)
PSRKSG[105] = UNIFAC_subgroup(105, 'MORPH', 49, 'MORPH', 3.4740, 2.7960,
                              atoms=UFSG[105].atoms, bonds=UFSG[105].bonds, smarts=UFSG[105].smarts)
PSRKSG[106] = UNIFAC_subgroup(106, 'C4H4S', 50, 'THIOPHEN', 2.8569, 2.1400,
                              atoms=UFSG[106].atoms, bonds=UFSG[106].bonds, smarts=UFSG[106].smarts)
PSRKSG[107] = UNIFAC_subgroup(107, 'C4H3S', 50, 'THIOPHEN', 2.6908, 1.8600,
                              atoms=UFSG[107].atoms, bonds=UFSG[107].bonds, smarts=UFSG[107].smarts)
PSRKSG[108] = UNIFAC_subgroup(108, 'C4H2S', 50, 'THIOPHEN', 2.5247, 1.5800,
                              atoms=UFSG[108].atoms, bonds=UFSG[108].bonds, smarts=UFSG[108].smarts)
PSRKSG[109] = UNIFAC_subgroup(109, 'H2C=CH2', 2, 'C=C', 1.3564, 1.3098,
                              atoms={'H': 4, 'C': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[CX3H2]=[CX3H2]') # ethylene
PSRKSG[110] = UNIFAC_subgroup(110, 'CH=-CH', 34, 'C=-C', 0.7910, 0.7200,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 2}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1},
                           smarts='[CX2;H1]#[CX2;H1]') # ethyne

PSRKSG[111] = UNIFAC_subgroup(111, 'NH3', 55, 'NH3', 0.8510, 0.7780,
                              atoms={'N': 1, 'H': 3}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, smarts='[NX3H3]')
PSRKSG[112] = UNIFAC_subgroup(112, 'CO', 63, 'CO', 0.7110, 0.8280,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'O': 1}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[C-]#[O+]')
PSRKSG[113] = UNIFAC_subgroup(113, 'H2', 62, 'H2', 0.4160, 0.5710,
                              atoms={'H': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[HH]', priority=1000000000) # TODO
PSRKSG[114] = UNIFAC_subgroup(114, 'H2S', 61, 'H2S', 1.2350, 1.2020,
                              atoms={'S': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={}, smarts='[SH2]')
PSRKSG[115] = UNIFAC_subgroup(115, 'N2', 60, 'N2', 0.8560, 0.9300,
                              atoms={'N': 2}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='N#N')
PSRKSG[116] = UNIFAC_subgroup(116, 'AR', 59, 'AR', 1.1770, 1.1160,
                              atoms={'Ar': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[ArX0]')
PSRKSG[117] = UNIFAC_subgroup(117, 'CO2', 56, 'CO2', 1.3000, 0.9820,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'O': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 2}, smarts='[CX2H0](=[OX1H0])=[OX1H0]')
PSRKSG[118] = UNIFAC_subgroup(118, 'CH4', 57, 'CH4', 1.1292, 1.1240,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 4}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[CX4H4]')
PSRKSG[119] = UNIFAC_subgroup(119, 'O2', 58, 'O2', 0.7330, 0.8490,
                              atoms={'O': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[OX1H0]=[OX1H0]')

PSRKSG[120] = UNIFAC_subgroup(120, 'D2', 62, 'H2', 0.3700, 0.5270,
                              atoms={'H': 2}, bonds={}, smarts='[2H][2H]')

PSRKSG[121] = UNIFAC_subgroup(121, 'SO2', 65, 'SO2', 1.3430, 1.1640,
                              atoms={'S': 1, 'O': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 2}, smarts='[OX1H0]=[SX2H0]=[OX1H0]')
PSRKSG[122] = UNIFAC_subgroup(122, 'NO', 66, 'NO', 0.7160, 0.6200,
                              atoms={'N': 1, 'O': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[NX1H0]=[OX1H0]')
PSRKSG[123] = UNIFAC_subgroup(123, 'N2O', 67, 'N2O', 0.9800, 0.8880,
                              atoms={'N': 2, 'O': 1}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 2}, smarts='[NX1H0]#[N+X2H0][O-X1H0]')
PSRKSG[124] = UNIFAC_subgroup(124, 'SF6', 68, 'SF6', 2.3740, 2.0560,
                              atoms={'S': 1, 'F': 6}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 6}, smarts='[FX1H0][SX6H0]([FX1H0])([FX1H0])([FX1H0])([FX1H0])[FX1H0]')
PSRKSG[125] = UNIFAC_subgroup(125, 'HE', 69, 'HE', 0.8850, 0.9850,
                              atoms={'He': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[HeX0H0]')
PSRKSG[126] = UNIFAC_subgroup(126, 'NE', 70, 'NE', 0.8860, 0.9860,
                              atoms={'Ne': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[NeX0]')
PSRKSG[127] = UNIFAC_subgroup(127, 'KR', 71, 'KR', 1.1200, 1.1200,
                              atoms={'Kr': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[KrX0]')
PSRKSG[128] = UNIFAC_subgroup(128, 'XE', 72, 'XE', 1.1300, 1.1300,
                              atoms={'Xe': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[XeX0]')

PSRKSG[129] = UNIFAC_subgroup(129, 'HF', 73, 'HF', 1.0160, 1.2160,
                              atoms={'H': 1, 'F': 1}, bonds={},smarts='[FX1H1]')
PSRKSG[130] = UNIFAC_subgroup(130, 'HCL', 74, 'HCL', 1.0560, 1.2560,
                              atoms={'H': 1, 'Cl': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[ClX1H1]')
PSRKSG[131] = UNIFAC_subgroup(131, 'HBR', 75, 'HBR', 1.0580, 1.2580,
                              atoms={'H': 1, 'Br': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[BrX1H1]')
PSRKSG[132] = UNIFAC_subgroup(132, 'HI', 76, 'HI', 1.3930, 1.2080,
                              atoms={'H': 1, 'I': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[IX1H1]')
PSRKSG[133] = UNIFAC_subgroup(133, 'COS', 77, 'COS', 1.6785, 1.3160,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'O': 1, 'S': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[CX2H0](=[OX1H0])=[SX1H0]')

PSRKSG[134] = UNIFAC_subgroup(134, 'CHSH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.4250, 1.0600,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'H': 2, 'S': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1},
                              smarts='[CX4H1][SX2H1]', priority=100000000)
PSRKSG[135] = UNIFAC_subgroup(135, 'CSH', 29, 'CH3SH', 1.1990, 0.7520,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'S': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[CX4H0][SX2H1]', priority=1000000)

PSRKSG[136] = UNIFAC_subgroup(136, 'H2COCH', 51, 'EPOXY', 1.3652, 1.0080,
                              atoms={'H': 3, 'C': 2, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, smarts='[CX4H2]1[CX4H1][OX2H0]1')

PSRKSG[137] = UNIFAC_subgroup(137, 'HCOCH', 51, 'EPOXY', 1.1378, 0.6960,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3},  smarts='[CX4H1]1[CX4H1][OX2H0]1')
PSRKSG[138] = UNIFAC_subgroup(138, 'HCOC', 51, 'EPOXY', 0.9104, 0.4680,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'H': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, smarts='[CX4H1]1[CX4H0][OX2H0]1')
PSRKSG[139] = UNIFAC_subgroup(139, 'H2COCH2', 51, 'EPOXY', 1.5926, 1.3200,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 4, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, smarts='[CX4H2]1[CX4H2][OX2H0]1')
PSRKSG[140] = UNIFAC_subgroup(140, 'H2COC', 51, 'EPOXY', 1.1378, 0.7800,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'O': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, smarts='[CX4H2]1[CX4H0][OX2H0]1')
PSRKSG[141] = UNIFAC_subgroup(141, 'COC', 51, 'EPOXY', 0.6829, 0.2400,
                              atoms={'C': 2, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, smarts='[CX4H0]1[CX4H0][OX2H0]1')

# These are structural groups but also believed to be individual gases
PSRKSG[142] = UNIFAC_subgroup(142, 'F2', 78, 'F2', 0.7500, 0.8800,
                              atoms={'F': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[F][F]')
PSRKSG[143] = UNIFAC_subgroup(143, 'CL2', 79, 'CL2', 1.5300, 1.4400,
                              atoms={'Cl': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[Cl][Cl]')
PSRKSG[144] = UNIFAC_subgroup(144, 'BR2', 80, 'BR2', 1.9000, 1.6600,
                              atoms={'Br': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[Br][Br]')
PSRKSG[145] = UNIFAC_subgroup(145, 'HCN', 81, 'HCN', 1.2000, 1.1900,
                              atoms={'H': 1, 'C': 1, 'N': 1}, bonds={TRIPLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[CX2H1]#[NX1H0]')
PSRKSG[146] = UNIFAC_subgroup(146, 'NO2', 82, 'NO2', 1.0000, 1.1000,
                              atoms={'N': 1, 'O': 2}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[OX1H0][NX2H0]=[OX1H0]')
PSRKSG[147] = UNIFAC_subgroup(147, 'CF4', 83, 'CF4', 1.7800, 1.8200,
                              atoms={'C': 1, 'F': 4}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 4}, smarts='[CX4H0]([FX1])([FX1])([FX1])[FX1]')
PSRKSG[148] = UNIFAC_subgroup(148, 'O3', 84, 'O3', 1.1000, 1.2700,
                              atoms={'O': 3}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[O-X1H0][O+X2H0]=[OX1H0]')
PSRKSG[149] = UNIFAC_subgroup(149, 'CLNO', 85, 'CLNO', 1.4800, 1.3400,
                              atoms={'Cl': 1, 'N': 1, 'O': 1}, bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 1, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, smarts='[NX2H0](=[OX1H0])[ClX1H0]')
# Can't figure out what 152 is supposed to match!
PSRKSG[152] = UNIFAC_subgroup(152, 'CNH2', 14, 'CNH2', 0.9147, 0.6140,
                              # atoms={'C': 1, 'N': 1, 'H': 2}, bonds={DOUBLE_BOND: 1}

PSRKMG = {1: ("CH2", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
2: ("C=C", [5, 6, 7, 8, 70, 109]),
3: ("ACH", [9, 10]),
4: ("ACCH2", [11, 12, 13]),
5: ("OH", [14]),
6: ("CH3OH", [15]),
7: ("H2O", [16]),
8: ("ACOH", [17]),
9: ("CH2CO", [18, 19]),
10: ("CHO", [20]),
11: ("CCOO", [21, 22]),
12: ("HCOO", [23]),
13: ("CH2O", [24, 25, 26, 27]),
14: ("CNH2", [28, 29, 30, 152]),
15: ("CNH", [31, 32, 33]),
16: ("(C)3N", [34, 35]),
17: ("ACNH2", [36]),
18: ("PYRIDINE", [37, 38, 39]),
19: ("CCN", [40, 41]),
20: ("COOH", [42, 43]),
21: ("CCL", [44, 45, 46]),
22: ("CCL2", [47, 48, 49]),
23: ("CCL3", [50, 51]),
24: ("CCL4", [52]),
25: ("ACCL", [53]),
26: ("CNO2", [54, 55, 56]),
27: ("ACNO2", [57]),
28: ("CS2", [58]),
29: ("CH3SH", [59, 60, 134, 135]),
30: ("FURFURAL", [61]),
31: ("DOH", [62]),
32: ("I", [63]),
33: ("BR", [64]),
34: ("C=-C", [65, 66, 110]),
35: ("DMSO", [67]),
36: ("ACRY", [68]),
37: ("CLCC", [69]),
38: ("ACF", [71]),
39: ("DMF", [72, 73]),
40: ("CF2", [74, 75, 76]),
41: ("COO", [77]),
42: ("SIH2", [78, 79, 80, 81]),
43: ("SIO", [82, 83, 84]),
44: ("NMP", [85]),
45: ("CCLF", [86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93]),
46: ("CON (AM)", [94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]),
47: ("OCCOH", [100, 101]),
48: ("CH2S", [102, 103, 104]),
49: ("MORPH", [105]),
50: ("THIOPHEN", [106, 107, 108]),
51: ("EPOXY", [136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141]),
55: ("NH3", [111]),
56: ("CO2", [117]),
57: ("CH4", [118]),
58: ("O2", [119]),
59: ("AR", [116]),
60: ("N2", [115]),
61: ("H2S", [114]),
62: ("H2", [113, 120]),
63: ("CO", [112]),
65: ("SO2", [121]),
66: ("NO", [122]),
67: ("N2O", [123]),
68: ("SF6", [124]),
69: ("HE", [125]),
70: ("NE", [126]),
71: ("KR", [127]),
72: ("XE", [128]),
73: ("HF", [129]),
74: ("HCL", [130]),
75: ("HBR", [131]),
76: ("HI", [132]),
77: ("COS", [133]),
78: ("F2", [142]),
79: ("CL2", [143]),
80: ("BR2", [144]),
81: ("HCN", [145]),
82: ("NO2", [146]),
83: ("CF4", [147]),
84: ("O3", [148]),
85: ("CLNO", [149]),

Magnussen, Thomas, Peter Rasmussen, and Aage Fredenslund. "UNIFAC Parameter Table for Prediction of Liquid-Liquid Equilibriums."
 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development 20, no. 2 (April 1, 1981): 331-39.
# LLEUFSG[subgroup ID] = (subgroup formula, main group ID, subgroup R, subgroup Q)
LLEUFSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', 0.9011, 0.848,
                             bonds=UFSG[1].bonds, atoms=UFSG[1].atoms,
LLEUFSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', 0.6744, 0.54,
                             bonds=UFSG[2].bonds, atoms=UFSG[2].atoms,
LLEUFSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', 0.4469, 0.228,
                             bonds=UFSG[3].bonds, atoms=UFSG[3].atoms,
LLEUFSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', 0.2195, 0,
                             bonds=UFSG[4].bonds, atoms=UFSG[4].atoms,

LLEUFSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.3454, 1.176,
                             bonds=UFSG[5].bonds, atoms=UFSG[5].atoms,
LLEUFSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.1167, 0.867,
                             bonds=UFSG[6].bonds, atoms=UFSG[6].atoms,
LLEUFSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.8886, 0.676,
                             bonds=UFSG[8].bonds, atoms=UFSG[8].atoms,
                             smarts=UFSG[8].smarts) # 7, 8 diff order than UFSG
LLEUFSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.1173, 0.988,
                             bonds=UFSG[7].bonds, atoms=UFSG[7].atoms,

LLEUFSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', 0.5313, 0.4,
                             bonds=UFSG[9].bonds, atoms=UFSG[9].atoms,
LLEUFSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', 0.3652, 0.12,
                             bonds=UFSG[10].bonds, atoms=UFSG[10].atoms,

LLEUFSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'ACCH3', 4, 'ACCH2', 1.2663, 0.968,
                             bonds=UFSG[11].bonds, atoms=UFSG[11].atoms,
LLEUFSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'ACCH2', 4, 'ACCH2', 1.0396, 0.66,
                             bonds=UFSG[12].bonds, atoms=UFSG[12].atoms,
LLEUFSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'ACCH', 4, 'ACCH2', 0.8121, 0.348,
                             bonds=UFSG[13].bonds, atoms=UFSG[13].atoms,

LLEUFSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'OH', 5, 'OH', 1, 1.2,
                             bonds=UFSG[14].bonds, atoms=UFSG[14].atoms,

LLEUFSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'P1', 6, 'P1', 3.2499, 3.128,
                              bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 3, 'H': 8, 'O': 1}, priority=10000000,
                              smarts='[CX4H3][CX4H2][CX4H2][OX2H1]') # 1-propanol ONLY specific chemical

LLEUFSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'P2', 7, 'P2', 3.2491, 3.124,
                              bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3}, atoms={'C': 3, 'H': 8, 'O': 1},
                              smarts='[CX4H3][CX4H1]([CX4H3])[OX2H1]') # 2-propanol ONLY specific chemical

LLEUFSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'H2O', 8, 'H2O', 0.92, 1.4,
                             bonds=UFSG[16].bonds, atoms=UFSG[16].atoms,

LLEUFSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'ACOH', 9, 'ACOH', 0.8952, 0.68,
                             bonds=UFSG[17].bonds, atoms=UFSG[17].atoms,

LLEUFSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH3CO', 10, 'CH2CO', 1.6724, 1.488,
                             bonds=UFSG[18].bonds, atoms=UFSG[18].atoms,
LLEUFSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CH2CO', 10, 'CH2CO', 1.4457, 1.18,
                             bonds=UFSG[19].bonds, atoms=UFSG[19].atoms,
LLEUFSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CHO', 11, 'CHO', 0.998, 0.948,
                             bonds=UFSG[20].bonds, atoms=UFSG[20].atoms,
LLEUFSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'Furfural', 12, 'Furfural', 3.168, 2.484,
                             bonds=UFSG[61].bonds, atoms=UFSG[61].atoms,

LLEUFSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'COOH', 13, 'COOH', 1.3013, 1.224,
                             bonds=UFSG[42].bonds, atoms=UFSG[42].atoms,
LLEUFSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'HCOOH', 13, 'COOH', 1.528, 1.532,
                             bonds=UFSG[43].bonds, atoms=UFSG[43].atoms,

LLEUFSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH3COO', 14, 'CCOO', 1.9031, 1.728,
                             bonds=UFSG[21].bonds, atoms=UFSG[21].atoms,
LLEUFSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CH2COO', 14, 'CCOO', 1.6764, 1.42,
                             bonds=UFSG[22].bonds, atoms=UFSG[22].atoms,

LLEUFSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'CH3O', 15, 'CH2O', 1.145, 1.088,
                             bonds=UFSG[24].bonds, atoms=UFSG[24].atoms,
LLEUFSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH2O', 15, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 0.78,
                             bonds=UFSG[25].bonds, atoms=UFSG[25].atoms,
LLEUFSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CHO', 15, 'CH2O', 0.6908, 0.468,
                             bonds=UFSG[26].bonds, atoms=UFSG[26].atoms,
LLEUFSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'FCH2O', 15, 'CH2O', 9183, 1.1,
                             bonds=UFSG[27].bonds, atoms=UFSG[27].atoms,
                              smarts=UFSG[27].smarts) # THF in original and others, FCH2O here

LLEUFSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'CH2CL', 16, 'CCL', 1.4654, 1.264,
                             bonds=UFSG[44].bonds, atoms=UFSG[44].atoms,
LLEUFSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'CHCL', 16, 'CCL', 1.238, 0.952,
                             bonds=UFSG[45].bonds, atoms=UFSG[45].atoms,
LLEUFSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'CCL', 16, 'CCL', 1.0106, 0.724,
                             bonds=UFSG[46].bonds, atoms=UFSG[46].atoms,

LLEUFSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH2CL2', 17, 'CCL2', 2.2564, 1.988,
                             bonds=UFSG[47].bonds, atoms=UFSG[47].atoms,
LLEUFSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CHCL2', 17, 'CCL2', 2.0606, 1.684,
                             bonds=UFSG[48].bonds, atoms=UFSG[48].atoms,
LLEUFSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'CCL2', 17, 'CCL2', 1.8016, 1.448,
                             bonds=UFSG[49].bonds, atoms=UFSG[49].atoms,

LLEUFSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, 'CHCL3', 18, 'CCL3', 2.87, 2.41,
                             bonds=UFSG[50].bonds, atoms=UFSG[50].atoms,
LLEUFSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, 'CCL3', 18, 'CCL3', 2.6401, 2.184,
                             bonds=UFSG[51].bonds, atoms=UFSG[51].atoms,

LLEUFSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, 'CCL4', 19, 'CCL4', 3.39, 2.91,
                             bonds=UFSG[52].bonds, atoms=UFSG[52].atoms,

LLEUFSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'ACCL', 20, 'ACCL', 1.1562, 0.844,
                             bonds=UFSG[53].bonds, atoms=UFSG[53].atoms,

LLEUFSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CH3CN', 21, 'CCN', 1.8701, 1.724,
                             bonds=UFSG[40].bonds, atoms=UFSG[40].atoms,
LLEUFSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, 'CH2CN', 21, 'CCN', 1.6434, 1.416,
                             bonds=UFSG[41].bonds, atoms=UFSG[41].atoms,

LLEUFSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, 'ACNH2', 22, 'ACNH2', 1.06, 0.816,
                             bonds=UFSG[36].bonds, atoms=UFSG[36].atoms,

LLEUFSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CH3NO2', 23, 'CNO2', 2.0086, 1.868,
                             bonds=UFSG[54].bonds, atoms=UFSG[54].atoms,
LLEUFSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CH2NO2', 23, 'CNO2', 1.7818, 1.56,
                             bonds=UFSG[55].bonds, atoms=UFSG[55].atoms,

LLEUFSG[46] = UNIFAC_subgroup(46, 'CHNO2', 23, 'CNO2', 1.5544, 1.248,
                             bonds=UFSG[56].bonds, atoms=UFSG[56].atoms,

LLEUFSG[47] = UNIFAC_subgroup(47, 'ACNO2', 24, 'ACNO2', 1.4199, 1.104,
                             bonds=UFSG[57].bonds, atoms=UFSG[57].atoms,

LLEUFSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, 'DOH', 25, 'DOH', 2.4088, 2.248,
                             bonds=UFSG[62].bonds, atoms=UFSG[62].atoms,

LLEUFSG[49] = UNIFAC_subgroup(49, '(HOCH2CH2)2O', 26, 'DEOH', 4.0013, 3.568,
                              bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 6}, atoms={'C': 4, 'H': 10, 'O': 3},
                              smarts='C(COCCO)O') # diethylene glycol

LLEUFSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, 'C5H5N', 27, 'PYRIDINE', 2.9993, 2.113,
                             bonds=UFSG[37].bonds, atoms=UFSG[37].atoms,
LLEUFSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, 'C5H4N', 27, 'PYRIDINE', 2.8332, 1.833,
                             bonds=UFSG[38].bonds, atoms=UFSG[38].atoms,
LLEUFSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, 'C5H3N', 27, 'PYRIDINE', 2.667, 1.553,
                             bonds=UFSG[39].bonds, atoms=UFSG[39].atoms,

LLEUFSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, 'CCl2=CHCl', 28, 'TCE', 3.3092, 2.860,
                              bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 3, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 1, 'Cl': 3},
                              smarts='C(=C(Cl)Cl)Cl') # trichloroethylene

LLEUFSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, 'HCONHCH3', 29, 'MFA', 2.4317, 2.192,
                              bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 2, DOUBLE_BOND: 1}, atoms={'C': 2, 'H': 5, 'N': 1, 'O': 1},
                              smarts='CNC=O') # methylformamide

LLEUFSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, 'DMF', 30, 'DMFA', 3.0856, 2.736,
                             bonds=UFSG[72].bonds, atoms=UFSG[72].atoms,
                              smarts=UFSG[72].smarts) # DMFA is same as DMF - dimethylformamide

LLEUFSG[56] = UNIFAC_subgroup(56, '(CH2)4SO2', 31, 'TMS', 4.0358, 3.20,
                              bonds={SINGLE_BOND: 5, DOUBLE_BOND: 2}, atoms={'C': 4, 'H': 8, 'O': 2, 'S': 1},
                              smarts='C1CCS(=O)(=O)C1') # tetramethylene sulfone

LLEUFSG[57] = UNIFAC_subgroup(57, 'DMSO', 32, 'DMSO', 2.8266, 2.472,
                             bonds=UFSG[67].bonds, atoms=UFSG[67].atoms,
# Generated with the following:
t = 'LLEMG = {'
for main_key in range(1, 33):
    main_group = None
    hits = []
    for subgroup_key, o in LLEUFSG.items():
        if o.main_group_id == main_key:
            main_group = o.main_group
    t += '%d: ("%s", %s),\n' %(main_key, main_group, list(sorted(hits)))
t += '}'

LLEMG = {   1: ("CH2", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            2: ("C=C", [5, 6, 7, 8]),
            3: ("ACH", [9, 10]),
            4: ("ACCH2", [11, 12, 13]),
            5: ("OH", [14]),
            6: ("P1", [15]),
            7: ("P2", [16]),
            8: ("H2O", [17]),
            9: ("ACOH", [18]),
            10: ("CH2CO", [19, 20]),
            11: ("CHO", [21]),
            12: ("Furfural", [22]),
            13: ("COOH", [23, 24]),
            14: ("CCOO", [25, 26]),
            15: ("CH2O", [27, 28, 29, 30]),
            16: ("CCL", [31, 32, 33]),
            17: ("CCL2", [34, 35, 36]),
            18: ("CCL3", [37, 38]),
            19: ("CCL4", [39]),
            20: ("ACCL", [40]),
            21: ("CCN", [41, 42]),
            22: ("ACNH2", [43]),
            23: ("CNO2", [44, 45, 46]),
            24: ("ACNO2", [47]),
            25: ("DOH", [48]),
            26: ("DEOH", [49]),
            27: ("PYRIDINE", [50, 51, 52]),
            28: ("TCE", [53]),
            29: ("MFA", [54]),
            30: ("DMFA", [55]),
            31: ("TMS", [56]),
            32: ("DMSO", [57]),

Larsen, Bent L., Peter Rasmussen, and Aage Fredenslund. "A Modified UNIFAC
Group-Contribution Model for Prediction of Phase Equilibria and Heats of Mixing."
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 26, no. 11 (November 1, 1987):
LUFSG = {}
LUFSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, 'CH3', 1, 'CH2', 0.9011, 0.848,
                           atoms=UFSG[1].atoms, bonds=UFSG[1].bonds, smarts=UFSG[1].smarts)
LUFSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, 'CH2', 1, 'CH2', 0.6744, 0.54,
                           atoms=UFSG[2].atoms, bonds=UFSG[2].bonds, smarts=UFSG[2].smarts)
LUFSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, 'CH', 1, 'CH2', 0.4469, 0.228,
                           atoms=UFSG[3].atoms, bonds=UFSG[3].bonds, smarts=UFSG[3].smarts)
LUFSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, 'C', 1, 'CH2', 0.2195, 0,
                           atoms=UFSG[4].atoms, bonds=UFSG[4].bonds, smarts=UFSG[4].smarts)

LUFSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, 'CH2=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.3454, 1.176,
                           atoms=UFSG[5].atoms, bonds=UFSG[5].bonds, smarts=UFSG[5].smarts)
LUFSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, 'CH=CH', 2, 'C=C', 1.1167, 0.867,
                           atoms=UFSG[6].atoms, bonds=UFSG[6].bonds, smarts=UFSG[6].smarts)
LUFSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, 'CH2=C', 2, 'C=C', 1.1173, 0.988,
                           atoms=UFSG[7].atoms, bonds=UFSG[7].bonds, smarts=UFSG[7].smarts)
LUFSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, 'CH=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.8886, 0.676,
                           atoms=UFSG[8].atoms, bonds=UFSG[8].bonds, smarts=UFSG[8].smarts)
LUFSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, 'C=C', 2, 'C=C', 0.6605, 0.485,
                           atoms=UFSG[70].atoms, bonds=UFSG[70].bonds, smarts=UFSG[70].smarts)

LUFSG[10] = UNIFAC_subgroup(10, 'ACH', 3, 'ACH', 0.5313, 0.4,
                            atoms=UFSG[9].atoms, bonds=UFSG[9].bonds, smarts=UFSG[9].smarts)
LUFSG[11] = UNIFAC_subgroup(11, 'AC', 3, 'ACH', 0.3652, 0.12,
                            atoms=UFSG[10].atoms, bonds=UFSG[10].bonds, smarts=UFSG[10].smarts)

LUFSG[12] = UNIFAC_subgroup(12, 'OH', 4, 'OH', 1, 1.2,
                            atoms=UFSG[14].atoms, bonds=UFSG[14].bonds, smarts=UFSG[14].smarts)

LUFSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, 'CH3OH', 5, 'CH3OH', 1.0, 1.0,
                            atoms=UFSG[15].atoms, bonds=UFSG[15].bonds, smarts=UFSG[15].smarts)

LUFSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, 'H2O', 6, 'H2O', 0.92, 1.4,
                            atoms=UFSG[16].atoms, bonds=UFSG[16].bonds, smarts=UFSG[16].smarts)

LUFSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, 'CH3CO', 7, 'CH2CO', 1.6724, 1.488,
                            atoms=UFSG[18].atoms, bonds=UFSG[18].bonds, smarts=UFSG[18].smarts)
LUFSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, 'CH2CO', 7, 'CH2CO', 1.4457, 1.488,
                            atoms=UFSG[19].atoms, bonds=UFSG[19].bonds, smarts=UFSG[19].smarts)

LUFSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, 'CHO', 8, 'CHO', 0.998, 0.948,
                            atoms=UFSG[20].atoms,  bonds=UFSG[20].bonds, smarts=UFSG[20].smarts)

LUFSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, 'CH3COO', 9, 'CCOO', 1.9031, 1.728,
                            atoms=UFSG[21].atoms, bonds=UFSG[21].bonds, smarts=UFSG[21].smarts)
LUFSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, 'CH2COO', 9, 'CCOO', 1.6764, 1.42,
                            atoms=UFSG[22].atoms, bonds=UFSG[22].bonds, smarts=UFSG[22].smarts)

LUFSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, 'CH3O', 10, 'CH2O', 1.145, 0.9,
                            atoms=UFSG[24].atoms, bonds=UFSG[24].bonds, smarts=UFSG[24].smarts)
LUFSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, 'CH2O', 10, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 0.78,
                            atoms=UFSG[25].atoms, bonds=UFSG[25].bonds, smarts=UFSG[25].smarts)
LUFSG[22] = UNIFAC_subgroup(22, 'CHO', 10, 'CH2O', 0.6908, 0.65,
                            atoms=UFSG[26].atoms, bonds=UFSG[26].bonds, smarts=UFSG[26].smarts)
LUFSG[23] = UNIFAC_subgroup(23, 'THF', 10, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 1.1,
                            atoms=UFSG[27].atoms, bonds=UFSG[27].bonds, smarts=UFSG[27].smarts)

LUFSG[24] = UNIFAC_subgroup(24, 'NH2', 11, 'NH2', 0.6948, 1.150,
                            atoms={'H': 2, 'N': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[NH2]')

LUFSG[25] = UNIFAC_subgroup(25, 'CH3NH', 12, 'CNH2NG', 1.4337, 1.050,
                            atoms=UFSG[31].atoms, bonds=UFSG[31].bonds, smarts=UFSG[31].smarts)
LUFSG[26] = UNIFAC_subgroup(26, 'CH2NH', 12, 'CNH2NG', 1.207, 0.936,
                            atoms=UFSG[32].atoms, bonds=UFSG[32].bonds, smarts=UFSG[32].smarts)
LUFSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, 'CHNH', 12, 'CNH2NG', 0.9795, 0.624,
                            atoms=UFSG[33].atoms, bonds=UFSG[33].bonds, smarts=UFSG[33].smarts)

LUFSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, 'CH3N', 13, 'CH2N', 1.1865, 0.94,
                            atoms=UFSG[34].atoms, bonds=UFSG[34].bonds, smarts=UFSG[34].smarts)
LUFSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, 'CH2N', 13, 'CH2N', 0.9597, 0.632,
                            atoms=UFSG[35].atoms, bonds=UFSG[35].bonds, smarts=UFSG[35].smarts)

LUFSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, 'ANH2', 14, 'ANH2', 0.6948, 1.4,
                            atoms={'H': 2, 'N': 1}, bonds={}, smarts='[nH2]') # NH2 attached to aromatic ring

LUFSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, 'C5H5N', 15, 'PYRIDINE', 2.9993, 2.113,
                            atoms=UFSG[37].atoms, bonds=UFSG[37].bonds, smarts=UFSG[37].smarts)
LUFSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, 'C5H4N', 15, 'PYRIDINE', 2.8332, 1.833,
                            atoms=UFSG[38].atoms, bonds=UFSG[38].bonds, smarts=UFSG[38].smarts)
LUFSG[33] = UNIFAC_subgroup(33, 'C5H3N', 15, 'PYRIDINE', 2.667, 1.553,
                            atoms=UFSG[39].atoms, bonds=UFSG[39].bonds, smarts=UFSG[39].smarts)

LUFSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, 'CH3CN', 16, 'CCN', 1.8701, 1.724,
                            atoms=UFSG[40].atoms, bonds=UFSG[40].bonds, smarts=UFSG[40].smarts)
LUFSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, 'CH2CN', 16, 'CCN', 1.6434, 1.416,
                            atoms=UFSG[41].atoms, bonds=UFSG[41].bonds, smarts=UFSG[41].smarts)

LUFSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, 'COOH', 17, 'COOH', 1.3013, 1.224,
                            atoms=UFSG[42].atoms, bonds=UFSG[42].bonds, smarts=UFSG[42].smarts)

LUFSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, 'CH2CL', 18, 'CCL', 1.4654, 1.264,
                            atoms=UFSG[44].atoms, bonds=UFSG[44].bonds, smarts=UFSG[44].smarts)
LUFSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, 'CHCL', 18, 'CCL', 1.238, 0.952,
                            atoms=UFSG[45].atoms, bonds=UFSG[45].bonds, smarts=UFSG[45].smarts)
LUFSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, 'CCL', 18, 'CCL', 1.0106, 0.724,
                            atoms=UFSG[46].atoms, bonds=UFSG[46].bonds, smarts=UFSG[46].smarts)

LUFSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, 'CH2CL2', 19, 'CCL2', 2.2564, 1.988,
                            atoms=UFSG[47].atoms, bonds=UFSG[47].bonds, smarts=UFSG[47].smarts)
LUFSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, 'CHCL2', 19, 'CCL2', 2.0606, 1.684,
                            atoms=UFSG[48].atoms, bonds=UFSG[48].bonds, smarts=UFSG[48].smarts)
LUFSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, 'CCL2', 19, 'CCL2', 1.8016, 1.448,
                            atoms=UFSG[49].atoms, bonds=UFSG[49].bonds, smarts=UFSG[49].smarts)

LUFSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, 'CHCL3', 20, 'CCL3', 2.87, 2.41,
                            atoms=UFSG[50].atoms, bonds=UFSG[50].bonds, smarts=UFSG[50].smarts)
LUFSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, 'CCL3', 20, 'CCL3', 2.6401, 2.184,
                            atoms=UFSG[51].atoms, bonds=UFSG[51].bonds, smarts=UFSG[51].smarts)

LUFSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, 'CCL4', 21, 'CCL4', 3.39, 2.91,
                            atoms=UFSG[52].atoms, bonds=UFSG[52].bonds, smarts=UFSG[52].smarts)

LUFMG = {1: ("CH2", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
2: ("C=C", [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
3: ("ACH", [10, 11]),
4: ("OH", [12]),
5: ("CH3OH", [13]),
6: ("H2O", [14]),
7: ("CH2CO", [15, 16]),
8: ("CHO", [17]),
9: ("CCOO", [18, 19]),
10: ("CH2O", [20, 21, 22, 23]),
11: ("NH2", [24]),
12: ("CNH2NG", [25, 26, 27]),
13: ("CH2N", [28, 29]),
14: ("ANH2", [30]),
15: ("PYRIDINE", [31, 32, 33]),
16: ("CCN", [34, 35]),
17: ("COOH", [36]),
18: ("CCL", [37, 38, 39]),
19: ("CCL2", [40, 41, 42]),
20: ("CCL3", [43, 44]),
21: ("CCL4", [45]),

NISTKTUFSG[1] = UNIFAC_subgroup(1, "CH3-", 1, 'C', 0.9011, 0.848)
NISTKTUFSG[2] = UNIFAC_subgroup(2, "-CH2-", 1, 'C', 0.6744, 0.54)
NISTKTUFSG[3] = UNIFAC_subgroup(3, "-CH<", 1, 'C', 0.4469, 0.228)
NISTKTUFSG[4] = UNIFAC_subgroup(4, ">C<", 1, 'C', 0.2195, 0)
NISTKTUFSG[5] = UNIFAC_subgroup(5, "CH2=CH-", 2, 'C=C', 1.3454, 1.176)
NISTKTUFSG[6] = UNIFAC_subgroup(6, "-CH=CH-", 2, 'C=C', 1.1167, 0.867)
NISTKTUFSG[7] = UNIFAC_subgroup(7, "CH2=C<", 2, 'C=C', 1.1173, 0.988)
NISTKTUFSG[8] = UNIFAC_subgroup(8, "-CH=C<", 2, 'C=C', 0.8886, 0.676)
NISTKTUFSG[9] = UNIFAC_subgroup(9, ">C=C<", 2, 'C=C', 0.6605, 0.485)
NISTKTUFSG[15] = UNIFAC_subgroup(15, "-ACH-", 3, 'ACH', 0.5313, 0.4)
NISTKTUFSG[16] = UNIFAC_subgroup(16, ">AC- (link)", 3, 'ACH', 0.3652, 0.12)
NISTKTUFSG[17] = UNIFAC_subgroup(17, ">AC- (cond)", 3, 'ACH', 0.3125, 0.084)
NISTKTUFSG[18] = UNIFAC_subgroup(18, ">AC-CH3", 4, 'ACCH2', 1.2663, 0.968)
NISTKTUFSG[19] = UNIFAC_subgroup(19, ">AC-CH2-", 4, 'ACCH2', 1.0396, 0.66)
NISTKTUFSG[20] = UNIFAC_subgroup(20, ">AC-CH<", 4, 'ACCH2', 0.8121, 0.348)
NISTKTUFSG[21] = UNIFAC_subgroup(21, ">AC-C<-", 4, 'ACCH2', 0.5847, 0.084)
NISTKTUFSG[34] = UNIFAC_subgroup(34, "-OH(primary)", 5, 'OH', 1, 1.2)
NISTKTUFSG[204] = UNIFAC_subgroup(204, "-OH(secondary)", 5, 'OH', 1, 1.2)
NISTKTUFSG[205] = UNIFAC_subgroup(205, "-OH(tertiary)", 5, 'OH', 1, 1.2)
NISTKTUFSG[35] = UNIFAC_subgroup(35, "CH3OH", 6, 'CH2OH', 1.4311, 1.432)
NISTKTUFSG[36] = UNIFAC_subgroup(36, "H2O", 7, 'H2O', 0.92, 1.4)
NISTKTUFSG[37] = UNIFAC_subgroup(37, ">AC-OH", 8, 'ACOH', 0.8952, 0.68)
NISTKTUFSG[42] = UNIFAC_subgroup(42, "CH3-CO-", 9, 'CH2CO', 1.6724, 1.488)
NISTKTUFSG[43] = UNIFAC_subgroup(43, "-CH2-CO-", 9, 'CH2CO', 1.4457, 1.18)
NISTKTUFSG[44] = UNIFAC_subgroup(44, ">CH-CO-", 9, 'CH2CO', 1.2182, 0.868)
NISTKTUFSG[45] = UNIFAC_subgroup(45, "->C-CO-", 9, 'CH2CO', 0.9908, 0.64)
NISTKTUFSG[48] = UNIFAC_subgroup(48, "-CHO", 10, 'CHO', 0.998, 0.948)
NISTKTUFSG[51] = UNIFAC_subgroup(51, "CH3-COO-", 11, 'CCOO', 1.9031, 1.728)
NISTKTUFSG[52] = UNIFAC_subgroup(52, "-CH2-COO-", 11, 'CCOO', 1.6764, 1.42)
NISTKTUFSG[53] = UNIFAC_subgroup(53, ">CH-COO-", 11, 'CCOO', 1.4489, 1.108)
NISTKTUFSG[54] = UNIFAC_subgroup(54, "->C-COO-", 11, 'CCOO', 1.2215, 0.88)
NISTKTUFSG[55] = UNIFAC_subgroup(55, "HCOO-", 12, 'HCOO', 1.242, 1.188)
NISTKTUFSG[59] = UNIFAC_subgroup(59, "CH3-O-", 13, 'CH2O', 1.145, 1.088)
NISTKTUFSG[60] = UNIFAC_subgroup(60, "-CH2-O-", 13, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 0.78)
NISTKTUFSG[61] = UNIFAC_subgroup(61, ">CH-O-", 13, 'CH2O', 0.6908, 0.468)
NISTKTUFSG[62] = UNIFAC_subgroup(62, "->CO-", 13, 'CH2O', 0.9183, 0.24)
NISTKTUFSG[63] = UNIFAC_subgroup(63, "-CH2-O- (cy)", 'CH2O', None, 0.9183, 1.1)
NISTKTUFSG[66] = UNIFAC_subgroup(66, "CH3-NH2", 14, 'CNH2', 1.5959, 1.544)
NISTKTUFSG[67] = UNIFAC_subgroup(67, "-CH2-NH2", 14, 'CNH2', 1.3692, 1.236)
NISTKTUFSG[68] = UNIFAC_subgroup(68, ">CH-NH2", 14, 'CNH2', 1.1417, 0.924)
NISTKTUFSG[69] = UNIFAC_subgroup(69, "->C-NH2", 14, 'CNH2', 0.9275, 0.696)
NISTKTUFSG[71] = UNIFAC_subgroup(71, "CH3-NH-", 15, '(C)2NH', 1.4337, 1.244)
NISTKTUFSG[72] = UNIFAC_subgroup(72, "-CH2-NH-", 15, '(C)2NH', 1.207, 0.936)
NISTKTUFSG[73] = UNIFAC_subgroup(73, ">CH-NH-", 15, '(C)2NH', 0.9795, 0.624)
NISTKTUFSG[74] = UNIFAC_subgroup(74, "CH3-N<", 16, '(C)3N', 1.1865, 0.94)
NISTKTUFSG[75] = UNIFAC_subgroup(75, "-CH2-N<", 16, '(C)3N', 0.9597, 0.632)
NISTKTUFSG[79] = UNIFAC_subgroup(79, ">AC-NH2", 17, 'ACNH2', 1.06, 0.816)
NISTKTUFSG[80] = UNIFAC_subgroup(80, ">AC-NH-", 17, 'ACNH2', 0.8978, 0.516)
NISTKTUFSG[81] = UNIFAC_subgroup(81, ">AC-N<", 17, 'ACNH2', 0.6506, 0.212)
NISTKTUFSG[76] = UNIFAC_subgroup(76, "C5H5N", 18, 'Pyridine', 2.9993, 2.113)
NISTKTUFSG[77] = UNIFAC_subgroup(77, "C5H4N-", 18, 'Pyridine', 2.8332, 1.833)
NISTKTUFSG[78] = UNIFAC_subgroup(78, "C5H3N<", 18, 'Pyridine', 2.667, 1.553)
NISTKTUFSG[85] = UNIFAC_subgroup(85, "CH3-CN", 19, 'CCN', 1.8701, 1.724)
NISTKTUFSG[86] = UNIFAC_subgroup(86, "-CH2-CN", 19, 'CCN', 1.6434, 1.416)
NISTKTUFSG[87] = UNIFAC_subgroup(87, ">CH-CN", 19, 'CCN', 1.416, 1.104)
NISTKTUFSG[88] = UNIFAC_subgroup(88, "->C-CN", 19, 'CCN', 1.1885, 0.876)
NISTKTUFSG[94] = UNIFAC_subgroup(94, "-COOH", 20, 'COOH', 1.3013, 1.224)
NISTKTUFSG[95] = UNIFAC_subgroup(95, "HCOOH", 20, 'COOH', 1.528, 1.532)
NISTKTUFSG[99] = UNIFAC_subgroup(99, "-CH2-Cl", 21, 'CCl', 1.4654, 1.264)
NISTKTUFSG[100] = UNIFAC_subgroup(100, ">CH-Cl", 21, 'CCl', 1.238, 0.952)
NISTKTUFSG[101] = UNIFAC_subgroup(101, "->CCl", 21, 'CCl', 1.0106, 0.724)
NISTKTUFSG[102] = UNIFAC_subgroup(102, "CH2Cl2", 22, 'CCl2', 2.2564, 1.988)
NISTKTUFSG[103] = UNIFAC_subgroup(103, "-CHCl2", 22, 'CCl2', 2.0606, 1.684)
NISTKTUFSG[104] = UNIFAC_subgroup(104, ">CCl2", 22, 'CCl2', 1.8016, 1.448)
NISTKTUFSG[105] = UNIFAC_subgroup(105, "CHCl3", 23, 'CCl3', 2.87, 2.41)
NISTKTUFSG[106] = UNIFAC_subgroup(106, "-CCl3", 23, 'CCl3', 2.6401, 2.184)
NISTKTUFSG[107] = UNIFAC_subgroup(107, "CCl4", 24, 'CCl4', 3.39, 2.91)
NISTKTUFSG[109] = UNIFAC_subgroup(109, ">AC-Cl", 25, 'ACCl', 1.1562, 0.844)
NISTKTUFSG[132] = UNIFAC_subgroup(132, "CH3-NO2", 26, 'CNO2', 2.0086, 1.868)
NISTKTUFSG[133] = UNIFAC_subgroup(133, "-CH2-NO2", 26, 'CNO2', 1.7818, 1.56)
NISTKTUFSG[134] = UNIFAC_subgroup(134, ">CH-NO2", 26, 'CNO2', 1.5544, 1.248)
NISTKTUFSG[135] = UNIFAC_subgroup(135, "->C-NO2", 26, 'CNO2', 1.327, 1.02)
NISTKTUFSG[136] = UNIFAC_subgroup(136, ">AC-NO2", 27, 'ACNO2', 1.4199, 1.104)
NISTKTUFSG[146] = UNIFAC_subgroup(146, "CS2", 28, 'CS2', 2.057, 1.65)
NISTKTUFSG[138] = UNIFAC_subgroup(138, "CH3-SH", 29, 'CH3SH', 1.877, 1.676)
NISTKTUFSG[139] = UNIFAC_subgroup(139, "-CH2-SH", 29, 'CH3SH', 1.651, 1.368)
NISTKTUFSG[140] = UNIFAC_subgroup(140, ">CH-SH", 29, 'CH3SH', 1.4232, 0.228)
NISTKTUFSG[141] = UNIFAC_subgroup(141, "->C-SH", 29, 'CH3SH', 1.1958, 0)
NISTKTUFSG[50] = UNIFAC_subgroup(50, "C5H4O2", 30, 'Furfural', 3.168, 2.484)
NISTKTUFSG[38] = UNIFAC_subgroup(38, "(CH2OH)2", 31, 'DOH', 2.4088, 2.248)
NISTKTUFSG[128] = UNIFAC_subgroup(128, "-I", 32, 'I', 1.264, 0.992)
NISTKTUFSG[130] = UNIFAC_subgroup(130, "-Br", 33, 'Br', 0.9492, 0.832)
NISTKTUFSG[13] = UNIFAC_subgroup(13, "CH≡C-", 34, 'C=-C', 1.292, 1.088)
NISTKTUFSG[14] = UNIFAC_subgroup(14, "-C≡C-", 34, 'C=-C', 1.0613, 0.784)
NISTKTUFSG[153] = UNIFAC_subgroup(153, "DMSO", 35, 'DMSO', 2.8266, 2.472)
NISTKTUFSG[90] = UNIFAC_subgroup(90, "CH2=CH-CN", 36, 'ACRY', 2.3144, 2.052)
NISTKTUFSG[108] = UNIFAC_subgroup(108, "Cl(C=C)", 37, 'Cl(C=C)', 0.791, 0.724)
NISTKTUFSG[118] = UNIFAC_subgroup(118, ">AC-F", 38, 'ACF', 0.6948, 0.524)
NISTKTUFSG[161] = UNIFAC_subgroup(161, "DMF", 39, 'DMF', 3.0856, 2.736)
NISTKTUFSG[162] = UNIFAC_subgroup(162, "-CON(CH3)2", 39, 'DMF', 2.8589, 2.428)
NISTKTUFSG[163] = UNIFAC_subgroup(163, "-CON(CH2)(CH3)-", 39, 'DMF', 2.6322, 2.12)
NISTKTUFSG[164] = UNIFAC_subgroup(164, "HCON(CH2)2<", 39, 'DMF', 2.6322, 2.12)
NISTKTUFSG[165] = UNIFAC_subgroup(165, "-CON(CH2)2<", 39, 'DMF', 2.4054, 1.812)
NISTKTUFSG[111] = UNIFAC_subgroup(111, "CHF3", 40, 'CF2', 1.5781, 1.548)
NISTKTUFSG[112] = UNIFAC_subgroup(112, "-CF3", 40, 'CF2', 1.406, 1.38)
NISTKTUFSG[113] = UNIFAC_subgroup(113, "-CHF2", 40, 'CF2', 1.2011, 1.108)
NISTKTUFSG[114] = UNIFAC_subgroup(114, ">CF2", 40, 'CF2', 1.0105, 0.92)
NISTKTUFSG[115] = UNIFAC_subgroup(115, "-CH2F", 40, 'CF2', 1.0514, 0.98)
NISTKTUFSG[116] = UNIFAC_subgroup(116, ">CH-F", 40, 'CF2', 0.824, 0.668)
NISTKTUFSG[117] = UNIFAC_subgroup(117, "->CF", 40, 'CF2', 0.615, 0.46)
NISTKTUFSG[58] = UNIFAC_subgroup(58, "-COO-", 41, 'COO', 1.38, 1.2)
NISTKTUFSG[197] = UNIFAC_subgroup(197, "SiH3-", 42, 'SiH2', 1.6035, 1.263)
NISTKTUFSG[198] = UNIFAC_subgroup(198, "-SiH2-", 42, 'SiH2', 1.4443, 1.006)
NISTKTUFSG[199] = UNIFAC_subgroup(199, ">SiH-", 42, 'SiH2', 1.2853, 0.749)
NISTKTUFSG[200] = UNIFAC_subgroup(200, ">Si<", 42, 'SiH2', 1.047, 0.41)
NISTKTUFSG[201] = UNIFAC_subgroup(201, "-SiH2-O-", 43, 'SiO', 1.4838, 1.062)
NISTKTUFSG[202] = UNIFAC_subgroup(202, ">SiH-O-", 43, 'SiO', 1.303, 0.764)
NISTKTUFSG[203] = UNIFAC_subgroup(203, "->Si-O-", 43, 'SiO', 1.1044, 0.466)
NISTKTUFSG[195] = UNIFAC_subgroup(195, "NMP", 44, 'NMP', 3.981, 3.2)
NISTKTUFSG[120] = UNIFAC_subgroup(120, "CCl3F", 45, 'CClF', 3.0356, 2.644)
NISTKTUFSG[121] = UNIFAC_subgroup(121, "-CCl2F", 45, 'CClF', 2.2287, 1.916)
NISTKTUFSG[122] = UNIFAC_subgroup(122, "HCCl2F", 45, 'CClF', 2.406, 2.116)
NISTKTUFSG[123] = UNIFAC_subgroup(123, "-HCClF", 45, 'CClF', 1.6493, 1.416)
NISTKTUFSG[124] = UNIFAC_subgroup(124, "-CClF2", 45, 'CClF', 1.8174, 1.648)
NISTKTUFSG[125] = UNIFAC_subgroup(125, "HCClF2", 45, 'CClF', 1.967, 1.828)
NISTKTUFSG[126] = UNIFAC_subgroup(126, "CClF3", 45, 'CClF', 2.1721, 2.1)
NISTKTUFSG[127] = UNIFAC_subgroup(127, "CCl2F2", 45, 'CClF', 2.6243, 2.376)
NISTKTUFSG[166] = UNIFAC_subgroup(166, "-CONH(CH3)", 46, 'CONCH2', 2.205, 1.884)
NISTKTUFSG[167] = UNIFAC_subgroup(167, "HCONH(CH2)-", 46, 'CONCH2', 2.205, 1.884)
NISTKTUFSG[168] = UNIFAC_subgroup(168, "-CONH(CH2)-", 46, 'CONCH2', 1.9782, 1.576)
NISTKTUFSG[169] = UNIFAC_subgroup(169, "-CONH2", 46, 'CONCH2', 1.4661, 1.336)
NISTKTUFSG[39] = UNIFAC_subgroup(39, "-O-CH2-CH2-OH", 47, 'OCCOH', 2.1226, 1.904)
NISTKTUFSG[40] = UNIFAC_subgroup(40, "-O-CH-CH2-OH", 47, 'OCCOH', 1.8952, 1.592)
NISTKTUFSG[41] = UNIFAC_subgroup(41, "-O-CH2-CH-OH", 47, 'OCCOH', 1.8952, 1.592)
NISTKTUFSG[142] = UNIFAC_subgroup(142, "CH3-S-", 48, 'CH2S', 1.613, 1.368)
NISTKTUFSG[143] = UNIFAC_subgroup(143, "-CH2-S-", 48, 'CH2S', 1.3863, 1.06)
NISTKTUFSG[144] = UNIFAC_subgroup(144, ">CH-S-", 48, 'CH2S', 1.1589, 0.748)
NISTKTUFSG[145] = UNIFAC_subgroup(145, "->C-S-", 48, 'CH2S', 0.9314, 0.52)
NISTKTUFSG[196] = UNIFAC_subgroup(196, "MORPHOLIN", 49, 'Morpholin', 3.474, 2.796)
NISTKTUFSG[147] = UNIFAC_subgroup(147, "THIOPHENE", 50, 'THIOPHENE', 2.8569, 2.14)
NISTKTUFSG[148] = UNIFAC_subgroup(148, "C4H3S-", 50, 'THIOPHENE', 2.6908, 1.86)
NISTKTUFSG[149] = UNIFAC_subgroup(149, "C4H2S<", 50, 'THIOPHENE', 2.5247, 1.58)
NISTKTUFSG[27] = UNIFAC_subgroup(27, "-CH2- (cy)", 51, 'CH2(cyc)', 0.6744, 0.54)
NISTKTUFSG[28] = UNIFAC_subgroup(28, ">CH- (cy)", 51, 'CH2(cyc)', 0.4469, 0.228)
NISTKTUFSG[29] = UNIFAC_subgroup(29, ">C< (cy)", 51, 'CH2(cyc)', 0.2195, 0)
NISTKTUFSG[30] = UNIFAC_subgroup(30, "-CH=CH- (cy)", 52, 'C=C(cyc)', 1.1167, 0.867)
NISTKTUFSG[31] = UNIFAC_subgroup(31, "CH2=C< (cy)", 52, 'C=C(cyc)', 1.1173, 0.988)
NISTKTUFSG[32] = UNIFAC_subgroup(32, "-CH=C< (cy)", 52, 'C=C(cyc)', 0.8886, 0.676)

NISTKTUFMG = {1: ("C", [1, 2, 3, 4]),
2: ("C=C", [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
3: ("ACH", [15, 16, 17]),
4: ("ACCH2", [18, 19, 20, 21]),
5: ("OH", [34, 204, 205]),
6: ("CH2OH", [35]),
7: ("H2O", [36]),
8: ("ACOH", [37]),
9: ("CH2CO", [42, 43, 44, 45]),
10: ("CHO", [48]),
11: ("CCOO", [51, 52, 53, 54]),
12: ("HCOO", [55]),
13: ("CH2O", [59, 60, 61, 62]),
14: ("CNH2", [66, 67, 68, 69]),
15: ("(C)2NH", [71, 72, 73]),
16: ("(C)3N", [74, 75]),
17: ("ACNH2", [79, 80, 81]),
18: ("Pyridine", [76, 77, 78]),
19: ("CCN", [85, 86, 87, 88]),
20: ("COOH", [94, 95]),
21: ("CCl", [99, 100, 101]),
22: ("CCl2", [102, 103, 104]),
23: ("CCl3", [105, 106]),
24: ("CCl4", [107]),
25: ("ACCl", [109]),
26: ("CNO2", [132, 133, 134, 135]),
27: ("ACNO2", [136]),
28: ("CS2", [146]),
29: ("CH3SH", [138, 139, 140, 141]),
30: ("Furfural", [50]),
31: ("DOH", [38]),
32: ("I", [128]),
33: ("Br", [130]),
34: ("C=-C", [13, 14]),
35: ("DMSO", [153]),
36: ("ACRY", [90]),
37: ("Cl(C=C)", [108]),
38: ("ACF", [118]),
39: ("DMF", [161, 162, 163, 164, 165]),
40: ("CF2", [111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117]),
41: ("COO", [58]),
42: ("SiH2", [197, 198, 199, 200]),
43: ("SiO", [201, 202, 203]),
44: ("NMP", [195]),
45: ("CClF", [120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127]),
46: ("CONCH2", [166, 167, 168, 169]),
47: ("OCCOH", [39, 40, 41]),
48: ("CH2S", [142, 143, 144, 145]),
49: ("Morpholin", [196]),
50: ("THIOPHENE", [147, 148, 149]),
51: ("CH2(cyc)", [27, 28, 29]),
52: ("C=C(cyc)", [30, 31, 32]),

"""Compared to storing the values in dict[(int1, int2)] = (values),
the dict-in-dict structure is found emperically to take 111608 bytes vs.
79096 bytes, or 30% less memory.

    for group in d.values():
        if group.priority is None:
            if group.atoms is not None:
                group.priority = priority_from_atoms(group.atoms, group.bonds)

global _unifac_ip_loaded
_unifac_ip_loaded = False
def load_unifac_ip():
    folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Phase Change')

    UFIP = {i: {} for i in list(range(1, 52)) + [55, 84, 85]}
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'UNIFAC original interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, interaction_parameter = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            # Index by both int, order maters, to only one parameter.
            UFIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = float(interaction_parameter)

    LLEUFIP = {i: {} for i in list(range(1, 33))}
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'UNIFAC LLE interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, interaction_parameter = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            LLEUFIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = float(interaction_parameter)

    LUFIP = {i: {} for i in list(range(1, 22))}
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'UNIFAC Lyngby interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            LUFIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    DOUFIP2006 = {i: {} for i in DOUFMG.keys()}
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'UNIFAC modified Dortmund interaction parameters 2006.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            DOUFIP2006[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    DOUFIP2016 = {i: {} for i in list(DOUFMG.keys())+[50, 77, 98, 99]}
    # Some of the groups have no public parameters unfortunately
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'UNIFAC modified Dortmund interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            DOUFIP2016[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    #NISTUFIP = {i: {} for i in list(NISTUFMG.keys())}
    NISTUFIP = {i: {} for i in list(range(87)) + [92, 94, 95, 96] }

    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'UNIFAC modified NIST 2015 interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c, Tmin, Tmax = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            NISTUFIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    NISTKTUFIP = {i: {} for i in range(1, 53) }
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'NIST KT 2011 interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            NISTKTUFIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    PSRKIP = {i: {} for i in range(1, 86)}

    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'PSRK interaction parameters.tsv')) as f:
        for line in f:
            maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
            PSRKIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    VTPRIP = {i: {} for i in range(1, 200)}
    # Three existing documents
    for name in ('VTPR 2012 interaction parameters.tsv', 'VTPR 2014 interaction parameters.tsv', 'VTPR 2016 interaction parameters.tsv'):
        with open(os.path.join(folder, name)) as f:
            for line in f:
                maingroup1, maingroup2, a, b, c = line.strip('\n').split('\t')
                VTPRIP[int(maingroup1)][int(maingroup2)] = (float(a), float(b), float(c))

    _unifac_ip_loaded = True

if PY37:
    def __getattr__(name):
        if name in ('UFIP', 'LLEUFIP', 'LUFIP', 'DOUFIP2006', 'DOUFIP2016',
                    'NISTUFIP', 'NISTKTUFIP', 'PSRKIP', 'VTPRIP'):
            return globals()[name]
        raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")
    if can_load_data:

DDBST_UNIFAC_assignments = {}
DDBST_MODIFIED_UNIFAC_assignments = {}
DDBST_PSRK_assignments = {}

def load_group_assignments_DDBST():
    '''Data is stored in the format
    InChI key\tbool bool bool \tsubgroup count ...\tsubgroup count \tsubgroup count...
    where the bools refer to whether or not the original UNIFAC, modified
    UNIFAC, and PSRK group assignments were completed correctly.
    The subgroups and their count have an indefinite length.
    # Do not allow running multiple times
    if DDBST_UNIFAC_assignments:
        return None
    folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Phase Change')
    with open(os.path.join(folder, 'DDBST UNIFAC assignments.tsv')) as f:
        _group_assignments = [DDBST_UNIFAC_assignments, DDBST_MODIFIED_UNIFAC_assignments, DDBST_PSRK_assignments]
        for line in f.readlines():
            key, valids, original, modified, PSRK = line.split('\t')
            # list of whether or not each method was correctly identified or not
            valids = [i == '1' for i in valids.split(' ')]
            for groups, storage, valid in zip([original, modified, PSRK], _group_assignments, valids):
                if valid:
                    groups = groups.rstrip().split(' ')
                    d_data = {}
                    for i in range(int(len(groups)/2)):
                        d_data[int(groups[i*2])] = int(groups[i*2+1])
                    storage[key] = d_data

## Database lookup

def init_ddbst_UNIFAC_db():
    import sqlite3
    conn = sqlite3.connect(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Phase Change', 'DDBST_UNIFAC_assignments.sqlite'),

[docs]def UNIFAC_group_assignment_DDBST(CAS, model): r'''Lookup the group assignment of a compound in either the 'UNIFAC' the 'MODIFIED_UNIFAC', or the 'PSRK' model. These values are read from a sqlite database on demand. Parameters ---------- CAS : str CAS number, [-] model : str One of 'UNIFAC', 'MODIFIED_UNIFAC', or 'PSRK', [-] Returns ------- asssignments : dict The group assignments and their counts; note that an empty dictionary indicates the fragmentation is not available, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- >>> UNIFAC_group_assignment_DDBST('50-14-6', 'UNIFAC') {1: 5, 2: 8, 3: 6, 4: 1, 6: 1, 7: 1, 8: 2, 14: 1} ''' if UNIFAC_DDBST_ASSIGNMENT_CURSOR is None: init_ddbst_UNIFAC_db() CASi = CAS_to_int(CAS) UNIFAC_DDBST_ASSIGNMENT_CURSOR.execute("SELECT * FROM DDBST WHERE `index`=?", (str(CASi),)) result = UNIFAC_DDBST_ASSIGNMENT_CURSOR.fetchone() if result is None: return {} if model == 'UNIFAC': assignment = result[1] elif model == 'MODIFIED_UNIFAC': assignment = result[2] elif model == 'PSRK': assignment = result[3] else: raise ValueError("Allowed models are 'UNIFAC', 'PSRK', 'MODIFIED_UNIFAC' ") return str_group_assignment_to_dict(assignment)
[docs]def UNIFAC_RQ(groups, subgroup_data=None): r'''Calculates UNIFAC parameters R and Q for a chemical, given a dictionary of its groups, as shown in [1]_. Most UNIFAC methods use the same subgroup values; however, a dictionary of `UNIFAC_subgroup` instances may be specified as an optional second parameter. .. math:: r_i = \sum_{k=1}^{n} \nu_k R_k .. math:: q_i = \sum_{k=1}^{n}\nu_k Q_k Parameters ---------- groups : dict[count] Dictionary of numeric subgroup IDs : their counts subgroup_data : None or dict[UNIFAC_subgroup] Optional replacement for standard subgroups; leave as None to use the original UNIFAC subgroup r and q values. Returns ------- R : float R UNIFAC parameter (normalized Van der Waals Volume) [-] Q : float Q UNIFAC parameter (normalized Van der Waals Area) [-] Notes ----- These parameters have some predictive value for other chemical properties. Examples -------- Hexane >>> UNIFAC_RQ({1:2, 2:4}) (4.4998000000000005, 3.856) References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. ''' if subgroup_data is not None: subgroups = subgroup_data else: subgroups = UFSG ri = 0. qi = 0. for group, count in groups.items(): ri += subgroups[group].R*count qi += subgroups[group].Q*count return ri, qi
[docs]def Van_der_Waals_volume(R): r'''Calculates a species Van der Waals molar volume with the UNIFAC method, given a species's R parameter. .. math:: V_{wk} = 15.17R_k Parameters ---------- R : float R UNIFAC parameter (normalized Van der Waals Volume) [-] Returns ------- V_vdw : float Unnormalized Van der Waals volume, [m^3/mol] Notes ----- The volume was originally given in cm^3/mol, but is converted to SI here. Examples -------- >>> Van_der_Waals_volume(4.4998) 6.826196599999999e-05 References ---------- .. [1] Wei, James, Morton M. Denn, John H. Seinfeld, Arup Chakraborty, Jackie Ying, Nicholas Peppas, and George Stephanopoulos. Molecular Modeling and Theory in Chemical Engineering. Academic Press, 2001. ''' return R*1.517e-05
[docs]def Van_der_Waals_area(Q): r'''Calculates a species Van der Waals molar surface area with the UNIFAC method, given a species's Q parameter. .. math:: A_{wk} = 2.5\times 10^9 Q_k Parameters ---------- Q : float Q UNIFAC parameter (normalized Van der Waals Area) [-] Returns ------- A_vdw : float Unnormalized Van der Waals surface area, [m^2/mol] Notes ----- The volume was originally given in cm^2/mol, but is converted to SI here. Examples -------- >>> Van_der_Waals_area(3.856) 964000.0 References ---------- .. [1] Wei, James, Morton M. Denn, John H. Seinfeld, Arup Chakraborty, Jackie Ying, Nicholas Peppas, and George Stephanopoulos. Molecular Modeling and Theory in Chemical Engineering. Academic Press, 2001. ''' return Q*250000.0
[docs]def UNIFAC_psi(T, subgroup1, subgroup2, subgroup_data, interaction_data, modified=False): r'''Calculates the interaction parameter psi(m, n) for two UNIFAC subgroups, given the system temperature, the UNIFAC subgroups considered for the variant of UNIFAC used, the interaction parameters for the variant of UNIFAC used, and whether or not the temperature dependence is modified from the original form, as shown below. Original temperature dependence: .. math:: \Psi_{mn} = \exp\left(\frac{-a_{mn}}{T}\right) Modified temperature dependence: .. math:: \Psi_{mn} = \exp\left(\frac{-a_{mn} - b_{mn}T - c_{mn}T^2}{T}\right) Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the system, [K] subgroup1 : int First UNIFAC subgroup for identifier, [-] subgroup2 : int Second UNIFAC subgroup for identifier, [-] subgroup_data : dict[UNIFAC_subgroup] Normally provided as inputs to `UNIFAC`. interaction_data : dict[dict[tuple(a_mn, b_mn, c_mn)]] Normally provided as inputs to `UNIFAC`. modified : bool True if the modified temperature dependence is used by the interaction parameters, otherwise False Returns ------- psi : float UNIFAC interaction parameter term, [-] Notes ----- UNIFAC interaction parameters are asymmetric. No warning is raised if an interaction parameter is missing. Examples -------- >>> from thermo.unifac import UFSG, UFIP, DOUFSG, DOUFIP2006 >>> UNIFAC_psi(307, 18, 1, UFSG, UFIP) 0.9165248264184787 >>> UNIFAC_psi(373.15, 9, 78, DOUFSG, DOUFIP2006, modified=True) 1.3703140538273264 References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. .. [2] Fredenslund, Aage, Russell L. Jones, and John M. Prausnitz. "Group Contribution Estimation of Activity Coefficients in Nonideal Liquid Mixtures." AIChE Journal 21, no. 6 (November 1, 1975): 1086-99. doi:10.1002/aic.690210607. ''' main1 = subgroup_data[subgroup1].main_group_id main2 = subgroup_data[subgroup2].main_group_id if modified: try: a, b, c = interaction_data[main1][main2] except: return 1. return exp(-a/T -b - c*T) else: try: return exp(-interaction_data[main1][main2]/T) except: return 1.
[docs]def UNIFAC_gammas(T, xs, chemgroups, cached=None, subgroup_data=None, interaction_data=None, modified=False): r'''Calculates activity coefficients using the UNIFAC model (optionally modified), given a mixture's temperature, liquid mole fractions, and optionally the subgroup data and interaction parameter data of your choice. The default is to use the original UNIFAC model, with the latest parameters published by DDBST. The model supports modified forms (Dortmund, NIST) when the `modified` parameter is True. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the system, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the system in the liquid phase, [-] chemgroups : list[dict] List of dictionaries of subgroup IDs and their counts for all species in the mixture, [-] subgroup_data : dict[UNIFAC_subgroup] UNIFAC subgroup data; available dictionaries in this module are UFSG (original), DOUFSG (Dortmund), or NISTUFSG ([4]_). interaction_data : dict[dict[tuple(a_mn, b_mn, c_mn)]] UNIFAC interaction parameter data; available dictionaries in this module are UFIP (original), DOUFIP2006 (Dortmund parameters as published by 2006), DOUFIP2016 (Dortmund parameters as published by 2016), and NISTUFIP ([4]_). modified : bool True if using the modified form and temperature dependence, otherwise False. Returns ------- gammas : list[float] Activity coefficients of all species in the mixture, [-] Notes ----- The actual implementation of UNIFAC is formulated slightly different than the formulas above for computational efficiency. DDBST switched to using the more efficient forms in their publication, but the numerical results are identical. The model is as follows: .. math:: \ln \gamma_i = \ln \gamma_i^c + \ln \gamma_i^r **Combinatorial component** .. math:: \ln \gamma_i^c = \ln \frac{\phi_i}{x_i} + \frac{z}{2} q_i \ln\frac{\theta_i}{\phi_i} + L_i - \frac{\phi_i}{x_i} \sum_{j=1}^{n} x_j L_j .. math:: \theta_i = \frac{x_i q_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{n} x_j q_j} .. math:: \phi_i = \frac{x_i r_i}{\sum_{j=1}^{n} x_j r_j} .. math:: L_i = 5(r_i - q_i)-(r_i-1) **Residual component** .. math:: \ln \gamma_i^r = \sum_{k}^n \nu_k^{(i)} \left[ \ln \Gamma_k - \ln \Gamma_k^{(i)} \right] .. math:: \ln \Gamma_k = Q_k \left[1 - \ln \sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{mk} - \sum_m \frac{\Theta_m \Psi_{km}}{\sum_n \Theta_n \Psi_{nm}}\right] .. math:: \Theta_m = \frac{Q_m X_m}{\sum_{n} Q_n X_n} .. math:: X_m = \frac{ \sum_j \nu^j_m x_j}{\sum_j \sum_n \nu_n^j x_j} **R and Q** .. math:: r_i = \sum_{k=1}^{n} \nu_k R_k .. math:: q_i = \sum_{k=1}^{n}\nu_k Q_k The newer forms of UNIFAC (Dortmund, NIST) calculate the combinatorial part slightly differently: .. math:: \ln \gamma_i^c = 1 - {V'}_i + \ln({V'}_i) - 5q_i \left(1 - \frac{V_i}{F_i}+ \ln\left(\frac{V_i}{F_i}\right)\right) .. math:: V'_i = \frac{r_i^{3/4}}{\sum_j r_j^{3/4}x_j} .. math:: V_i = \frac{r_i}{\sum_j r_j x_j} .. math:: F_i = \frac{q_i}{\sum_j q_j x_j} Although this form looks substantially different than the original, it infact reverts to the original form if only :math:`V'_i` is replaced by :math:`V_i`. This is more clear when looking at the full rearranged form as in [3]_. In some publications such as [5]_, the nomenclature is such that :math:`\theta_i` and :math:`\phi` do not contain the top :math:`x_i`, making :math:`\theta_i = F_i` and :math:`\phi_i = V_i`. [5]_ is also notable for having supporting information containing very nice sets of analytical derivatives. UNIFAC LLE uses the original formulation of UNIFAC, and otherwise only different interaction parameters. Examples -------- >>> UNIFAC_gammas(T=333.15, xs=[0.5, 0.5], chemgroups=[{1:2, 2:4}, {1:1, 2:1, 18:1}]) [1.427602583562, 1.364654501010] >>> from thermo.unifac import DOUFIP2006 >>> UNIFAC_gammas(373.15, [0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2], ... [{9:6}, {78:6}, {1:1, 18:1}, {1:1, 2:1, 14:1}], ... subgroup_data=DOUFSG, interaction_data=DOUFIP2006, modified=True) [1.1864311137, 1.44028013391, 1.20447983349, 1.972070609029] References ---------- .. [1] Gmehling, Jurgen. Chemical Thermodynamics: For Process Simulation. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2012. .. [2] Fredenslund, Aage, Russell L. Jones, and John M. Prausnitz. "Group Contribution Estimation of Activity Coefficients in Nonideal Liquid Mixtures." AIChE Journal 21, no. 6 (November 1, 1975): 1086-99. doi:10.1002/aic.690210607. .. [3] Jakob, Antje, Hans Grensemann, Jürgen Lohmann, and Jürgen Gmehling. "Further Development of Modified UNIFAC (Dortmund): Revision and Extension 5." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 45, no. 23 (November 1, 2006): 7924-33. doi:10.1021/ie060355c. .. [4] Kang, Jeong Won, Vladimir Diky, and Michael Frenkel. "New Modified UNIFAC Parameters Using Critically Evaluated Phase Equilibrium Data." Fluid Phase Equilibria 388 (February 25, 2015): 128-41. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2014.12.042. .. [5] Jäger, Andreas, Ian H. Bell, and Cornelia Breitkopf. "A Theoretically Based Departure Function for Multi-Fluid Mixture Models." Fluid Phase Equilibria 469 (August 15, 2018): 56-69. ''' cmps = range(len(xs)) if subgroup_data is None: subgroups = UFSG else: subgroups = subgroup_data if interaction_data is None: if not _unifac_ip_loaded: load_unifac_ip() interactions = UFIP else: interactions = interaction_data # Obtain r and q values using the subgroup values if not cached: rs = [] qs = [] for groups in chemgroups: ri = 0. qi = 0. for group, count in groups.items(): ri += subgroups[group].R*count qi += subgroups[group].Q*count rs.append(ri) qs.append(qi) group_counts = {} for groups in chemgroups: for group, count in groups.items(): if group in group_counts: group_counts[group] += count else: group_counts[group] = count else: rs, qs, group_counts = cached # Sum the denominator for calculating Xs group_sum = sum(count*xs[i] for i in cmps for count in chemgroups[i].values()) # Caclulate each numerator for calculating Xs # Xms stored in group_count_xs, length number of independent groups group_count_xs = {} for group in group_counts: tot_numerator = sum(chemgroups[i][group]*xs[i] for i in cmps if group in chemgroups[i]) group_count_xs[group] = tot_numerator/group_sum # print(group_count_xs, 'group_count_xs') rsxs = sum([rs[i]*xs[i] for i in cmps]) Vis = [rs[i]/rsxs for i in cmps] qsxs = sum([qs[i]*xs[i] for i in cmps]) Fis = [qs[i]/qsxs for i in cmps] if modified: rsxs2 = sum([rs[i]**0.75*xs[i] for i in cmps]) Vis2 = [rs[i]**0.75/rsxs2 for i in cmps] loggammacs = [1. - Vis2[i] + log(Vis2[i]) - 5.*qs[i]*(1. - Vis[i]/Fis[i] + log(Vis[i]/Fis[i])) for i in cmps] else: loggammacs = [1. - Vis[i] + log(Vis[i]) - 5.*qs[i]*(1. - Vis[i]/Fis[i] + log(Vis[i]/Fis[i])) for i in cmps] # print(loggammacs) Q_sum_term = sum([subgroups[group].Q*group_count_xs[group] for group in group_counts]) # theta(m) for an overall mixture composition area_fractions = {group: subgroups[group].Q*group_count_xs[group]/Q_sum_term for group in group_counts.keys()} # print('theta(m) for an overall mixture ', area_fractions) # This needs to not be a dictionary UNIFAC_psis = {k: {m:(UNIFAC_psi(T, m, k, subgroups, interactions, modified=modified)) for m in group_counts} for k in group_counts} loggamma_groups = {} # This is for the total mixture bit of the residual for k in group_counts: sum1, sum2 = 0., 0. for m in group_counts: sum1 += area_fractions[m]*UNIFAC_psis[k][m] # This term can be pre-calculated sum3 = sum(area_fractions[n]*UNIFAC_psis[m][n] for n in group_counts) sum2 -= area_fractions[m]*UNIFAC_psis[m][k]/sum3 loggamma_groups[k] = subgroups[k].Q*(1. - log(sum1) + sum2) loggammars = [] for groups in chemgroups: # Most of this is for the pure-component bit of the residual chem_loggamma_groups = {} chem_group_sum = sum(groups.values()) # Xm = chem_group_count_xs chem_group_count_xs = {group: count/chem_group_sum for group, count in groups.items()} # print('Xm', chem_group_count_xs) # denominator of term used to compute Theta(m) Q_sum_term = sum([subgroups[group].Q*chem_group_count_xs[group] for group in groups]) # Theta(m) = chem_area_fractions (dict indexed by main group) chem_area_fractions = {group: subgroups[group].Q*chem_group_count_xs[group]/Q_sum_term for group in groups.keys()} # print('Theta(m)', chem_area_fractions) for k in groups: sum1, sum2 = 0., 0. for m in groups: sum1 += chem_area_fractions[m]*UNIFAC_psis[k][m] # sum3 should be cached sum3 = sum(chem_area_fractions[n]*UNIFAC_psis[m][n] for n in groups) sum2 -= chem_area_fractions[m]*UNIFAC_psis[m][k]/sum3 chem_loggamma_groups[k] = subgroups[k].Q*(1. - log(sum1) + sum2) tot = sum([count*(loggamma_groups[group] - chem_loggamma_groups[group]) for group, count in groups.items()]) loggammars.append(tot) return [exp(loggammacs[i]+loggammars[i]) for i in cmps]
[docs]def chemgroups_to_matrix(chemgroups): r''' Index by [group index][compound index] >>> chemgroups_to_matrix([{9: 6}, {2: 6}, {1: 1, 18: 1}, {1: 1, 2: 1, 14: 1}]) [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 6, 0, 1], [6, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]] ''' matrix = [] keys = [] all_keys = set() [all_keys.update(i.keys()) for i in chemgroups] for k in sorted(list(all_keys)): matrix.append([l[k] if k in l else 0 for l in chemgroups]) # matrix.append([float(l[k]) if k in l else 0.0 for l in chemgroups]) # Cannot notice performance improvement return matrix
def unifac_psis(T, N_groups, version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis=None): if psis is None: psis = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # psis = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment mT_inv = -1.0/T if version == 4 or version == 5: T0 = 298.15 TmT0 = T - T0 B = T*log(T0/T) + T - T0 for i in range(N_groups): a_row, b_row, c_row = psi_a[i], psi_b[i], psi_c[i] psisi = psis[i] for j in range(N_groups): psisi[j] = exp(mT_inv*(a_row[j] + b_row[j]*TmT0 + c_row[j]*B)) else: for i in range(N_groups): a_row, b_row, c_row = psi_a[i], psi_b[i], psi_c[i] psisi = psis[i] for j in range(N_groups): psisi[j] = exp(a_row[j]*mT_inv - b_row[j] - c_row[j]*T) return psis def unifac_dpsis_dT(T, N_groups, version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis, dpsis_dT=None): if dpsis_dT is None: dpsis_dT = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # dpsis_dT = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment T2_inv = 1.0/(T*T) if version == 4 or version == 5: T0 = 298.15 mT_inv = -1.0/T T2_inv = mT_inv*mT_inv TmT0 = T - T0 x0 = log(T0/T) B = T*x0 + T - T0 x1 = mT_inv + TmT0*T2_inv x2 = x0*mT_inv + B*T2_inv for i in range(N_groups): a_row, b_row, c_row, psis_row = psi_a[i], psi_b[i], psi_c[i], psis[i] dpsis_dTi = dpsis_dT[i] for j in range(N_groups): dpsis_dTi[j] = psis_row[j]*(x1*b_row[j] + c_row[j]*x2 + a_row[j]*T2_inv) else: for i in range(N_groups): a_row, c_row, psis_row = psi_a[i], psi_c[i], psis[i] dpsis_dTi = dpsis_dT[i] for j in range(N_groups): dpsis_dTi[j] = psis_row[j]*(a_row[j]*T2_inv - c_row[j]) return dpsis_dT def unifac_d2psis_dT2(T, N_groups, version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis, d2psis_dT2=None): if d2psis_dT2 is None: d2psis_dT2 = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # d2psis_dT2 = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment if version == 4 or version == 5: T0 = 298.15 T_inv = 1.0/T T2_inv = T_inv*T_inv x0 = log(T0/T) for i in range(N_groups): psis_row, a_row, b_row, c_row = psis[i], psi_a[i], psi_b[i], psi_c[i] row = d2psis_dT2[i] for j in range(N_groups): a1, a2, a3 = a_row[j], b_row[j], c_row[j] tf2 = a1 + a2*(T - T0) + a3*(T*log(T0/T) + T - T0) tf3 = a2 + a3*x0 x1 = (tf3 - tf2*T_inv) v = T2_inv*psis_row[j]*(a3 + 2.0*tf3 + x1*x1 - 2.0*tf2*T_inv) row[j] = v else: mT2_inv = -1.0/(T*T) T3_inv_m2 = -2.0/(T*T*T) for i in range(N_groups): a_row, c_row, psis_row = psi_a[i], psi_c[i], psis[i] d2psis_dT2i = d2psis_dT2[i] for j in range(N_groups): x0 = c_row[j] + mT2_inv*a_row[j] d2psis_dT2i[j] = (x0*x0 + T3_inv_m2*a_row[j])*psis_row[j] return d2psis_dT2 def unifac_d3psis_dT3(T, N_groups, version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis, d3psis_dT3=None): if d3psis_dT3 is None: d3psis_dT3 = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # d3psis_dT3 = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment if version == 4 or version == 5: T0 = 298.15 T_inv = 1.0/T nT3_inv = -T_inv*T_inv*T_inv TmT0 = T - T0 x0 = log(T0/T) B = T*x0 + T - T0 for i in range(N_groups): psis_row, a_row, b_row, c_row = psis[i], psi_a[i], psi_b[i], psi_c[i] row = d3psis_dT3[i] for j in range(N_groups): a1, a2, a3 = a_row[j], b_row[j], c_row[j] tf2 = a1 + a2*TmT0 + a3*B tf3 = a2 + a3*x0 x6 = tf2*T_inv x5 = (tf3 - x6) v = nT3_inv*psis_row[j]*(4.0*a3 + 6.0*tf3 + x5*x5*x5 + 3.0*(x5)*(a3 + tf3 + tf3 - 2.0*x6) - 6.0*x6) row[j] = v else: nT2_inv = -1.0/(T*T) T3_inv_6 = 6.0/(T*T*T) T4_inv_6 = 6.0/(T*T*T*T) for i in range(N_groups): psis_row, a_row, c_row = psis[i], psi_a[i], psi_c[i] row = d3psis_dT3[i] for j in range(N_groups): x0 = c_row[j] + nT2_inv*a_row[j] row[j] = (x0*(T3_inv_6*a_row[j] - x0*x0) + T4_inv_6*a_row[j])*psis_row[j] return d3psis_dT3 def unifac_Vis(rs, xs, N, Vis=None): if Vis is None: Vis = [0.0]*N rx_sum_inv = 0.0 for i in range(N): rx_sum_inv += rs[i]*xs[i] rx_sum_inv = 1.0/rx_sum_inv # actually inverse it for i in range(N): Vis[i] = rs[i]*rx_sum_inv return Vis, rx_sum_inv def unifac_dVis_dxs(rs, rx_sum_inv, N, dVis_dxs=None): if dVis_dxs is None: dVis_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # dVis_dxs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment mrx_sum_inv2 = -rx_sum_inv*rx_sum_inv for i in range(N): v = rs[i]*mrx_sum_inv2 dVijs = dVis_dxs[i] for j in range(N): dVijs[j] = v*rs[j] return dVis_dxs def unifac_d2Vis_dxixjs(rs, rx_sum_inv, N, d2Vis_dxixjs=None): if d2Vis_dxixjs is None: d2Vis_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # d2Vis_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment rx_sum_inv3_2 = 2.0*rx_sum_inv*rx_sum_inv*rx_sum_inv for i in range(N): mat = d2Vis_dxixjs[i] x0 = rs[i]*rx_sum_inv3_2 for j in range(N): row = mat[j] x1 = x0*rs[j] for k in range(N): row[k] = x1*rs[k] return d2Vis_dxixjs def unifac_d3Vis_dxixjxks(rs, rx_sum_inv, N, d3Vis_dxixjxks=None): if d3Vis_dxixjxks is None: d3Vis_dxixjxks = [[[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # d3Vis_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment mrx_sum_inv4_6 = -6.0*rx_sum_inv*rx_sum_inv*rx_sum_inv*rx_sum_inv for i in range(N): cube = d3Vis_dxixjxks[i] x0 = rs[i]*mrx_sum_inv4_6 for j in range(N): mat = cube[j] x1 = x0*rs[j] for k in range(N): row = mat[k] x2 = x1*rs[k] for l in range(N): row[l] = x2*rs[l] return d3Vis_dxixjxks def unifac_Xs(N, N_groups, xs, vs, Xs=None): if Xs is None: Xs = [0.0]*N_groups Xs_sum_inv = 0.0 for i in range(N_groups): tot = 0.0 vsi = vs[i] for j in range(N): tot += vsi[j]*xs[j] Xs[i] = tot Xs_sum_inv += tot Xs_sum_inv = 1.0/Xs_sum_inv for i in range(N_groups): Xs[i] *= Xs_sum_inv return Xs, Xs_sum_inv def unifac_Thetas(N_groups, Xs, Qs, Thetas=None): if Thetas is None: Thetas = [0.0]*N_groups Thetas_sum_inv = 0.0 for i in range(N_groups): Thetas_sum_inv += Xs[i]*Qs[i] Thetas_sum_inv = 1.0/Thetas_sum_inv for i in range(N_groups): Thetas[i] = Qs[i]*Xs[i]*Thetas_sum_inv return Thetas, Thetas_sum_inv def unifac_dThetas_dxs(N_groups, N, Qs, vs, VS, VSXS, F, G, dThetas_dxs=None, vec0=None): if dThetas_dxs is None: dThetas_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # dThetas_dxs = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N tot0 = 0.0 for k in range(N_groups): tot0 += Qs[k]*VSXS[k] tot0*= F for j in range(N): tot1 = 0.0 for k in range(N_groups): tot1 -= Qs[k]*vs[k][j] vec0[j] = F*(G*(tot0*VS[j] + tot1) - VS[j]) FG = F*G for i in range(N_groups): c = FG*Qs[i] row = dThetas_dxs[i] for j in range(N): row[j] = c*(VSXS[i]*vec0[j] + vs[i][j]) return dThetas_dxs def unifac_d2Thetas_dxixjs(N_groups, N, Qs, vs, VS, VSXS, F, G, d2Thetas_dxixjs=None, vec0=None): if d2Thetas_dxixjs is None: d2Thetas_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # d2Thetas_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N QsVSXS = 0.0 for i in range(N_groups): QsVSXS += Qs[i]*VSXS[i] QsVSXS_sum_inv = 1.0/QsVSXS for j in range(N): nffVSj = -F*VS[j] v = 0.0 for n in range(N_groups): v += Qs[n]*(nffVSj*VSXS[n] + vs[n][j]) vec0[j] = v n2F = -2.0*F F2_2 = 2.0*F*F QsVSXS_sum_inv2 = 2.0*QsVSXS_sum_inv for j in range(N): matrix = d2Thetas_dxixjs[j] for k in range(N): row = matrix[k] n2FVsK = n2F*VS[k] tot0 = 0.0 for n in range(N_groups): tot0 += Qs[n]*(VS[j]*(n2FVsK*VSXS[n] + vs[n][k]) + VS[k]*vs[n][j]) tot0 = tot0*F*QsVSXS_sum_inv for i in range(N_groups): # tot0, tot1, tot2 = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # for n in range(N_groups): # # dep on k, j only; some sep # tot0 += -2.0*F*Qs[n]*VS[j]*VS[k]*VSXS[n] + Qs[n]*VS[j]*vs[n][k] + Qs[n]*VS[k]*vs[n][j] # These are each used in three places # tot1 += -F*Qs[n]*VS[j]*VSXS[n] + Qs[n]*vs[n][j] # tot2 += -F*Qs[n]*VS[k]*VSXS[n] + Qs[n]*vs[n][k] v = -F*(VS[j]*vs[i][k] + VS[k]*vs[i][j]) + VSXS[i]*tot0 + F2_2*VS[j]*VS[k]*VSXS[i] # v = -F*VS[j]*vs[i][k] - F*VS[k]*vs[i][j] # v += F2_2*VS[j]*VS[k]*VSXS[i] # v += VSXS[i]*tot0 # # v += QsVSXS_sum_inv2*VSXS[i]*vec0[j]*vec0[k]*QsVSXS_sum_inv # # # For both of these duplicate terms, j goes with k; k with j # v -= vs[i][j]*vec0[k]*QsVSXS_sum_inv # v -= vs[i][k]*vec0[j]*QsVSXS_sum_inv # # v += F*VS[j]*VSXS[i]*vec0[k]*QsVSXS_sum_inv # v += F*VS[k]*VSXS[i]*vec0[j]*QsVSXS_sum_inv v += QsVSXS_sum_inv*(QsVSXS_sum_inv2*VSXS[i]*vec0[j]*vec0[k] - vs[i][j]*vec0[k] - vs[i][k]*vec0[j] + F*VSXS[i]*(VS[j]*vec0[k] + VS[k]*vec0[j])) row[i] = v*Qs[i]*QsVSXS_sum_inv return d2Thetas_dxixjs def unifac_VSXS(N, N_groups, vs, xs, VSXS=None): if VSXS is None: VSXS = [0.0]*N_groups for i in range(N_groups): v = 0.0 for j in range(N): v += vs[i][j]*xs[j] VSXS[i] = v return VSXS def unifac_Theta_Psi_sums(N_groups, Thetas, psis, Theta_Psi_sums=None): if Theta_Psi_sums is None: Theta_Psi_sums = [0.0]*N_groups for k in range(N_groups): tot = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): tot += Thetas[m]*psis[m][k] Theta_Psi_sums[k] = tot return Theta_Psi_sums def unifac_ws(N, N_groups, psis, dThetas_dxs, Ws=None): if Ws is None: Ws = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # Ws = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment for k in range(N_groups): row0 = Ws[k] for i in range(N): tot0 = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): tot0 += psis[m][k]*dThetas_dxs[m][i] row0[i] = tot0 return Ws def unifac_Theta_pure_Psi_sums(N, N_groups, psis, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sums=None): if Theta_pure_Psi_sums is None: Theta_pure_Psi_sums = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # Theta_pure_Psi_sums = zeros((N, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): row = Theta_pure_Psi_sums[i] Thetas_pure_i = Thetas_pure[i] for k in range(N_groups): tot = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): tot += Thetas_pure_i[m]*psis[m][k] row[k] = (tot) return Theta_pure_Psi_sums def unifac_lnGammas_subgroups(N_groups, Qs, psis, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sums, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, lnGammas_subgroups=None): if lnGammas_subgroups is None: lnGammas_subgroups = [0.0]*N_groups for k in range(N_groups): psisk = psis[k] last = 1.0 for m in range(N_groups): last -= Thetas[m]*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[m]*psisk[m] lnGammas_subgroups[k] = Qs[k]*(last - log(Theta_Psi_sums[k])) return lnGammas_subgroups def unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs(N, N_groups, Qs, Ws, psis, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, dThetas_dxs, dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs=None): if dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs is None: dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba : delete # dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba : uncomment for k in range(N_groups): row = dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs[k] for i in range(N): tot = -Ws[k][i]*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[k] for m in range(N_groups): tot -= psis[k][m]*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[m]*(dThetas_dxs[m][i] - Ws[m][i]*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[m]*Thetas[m]) row[i] = tot*Qs[k] return dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs def unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs(N, N_groups, Qs, Fs, Zs, Ws, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas, dThetas_dxs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs=None, vec0=None, vec1=None, mat0=None): if d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs is None: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba : delete # d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba : uncomment if mat0 is None: mat0 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba : delete # mat0 = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba : uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N_groups if vec1 is None: vec1 = [0.0]*N_groups # Could save this matrix but it is not used anywhere else for k in range(N_groups): row = mat0[k] for j in range(N): tot = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): tot += dThetas_dxs[m][j]*dpsis_dT[m][k] row[j] = tot for i in range(N_groups): vec0[i] = Zs[i]*Zs[i] for m in range(N_groups): vec1[m] = 2.0*Fs[m]*vec0[m]*Zs[m]*Thetas[m] for k in range(N_groups): row = d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs[k] for i in range(N): v = Zs[k]*(mat0[k][i] - Fs[k]*Ws[k][i]*Zs[k]) for m in range(N_groups): v += dThetas_dxs[m][i]*Zs[m]*(dpsis_dT[k][m] - Fs[m]*Zs[m]*psis[k][m]) v -= vec0[m]*Thetas[m]*(mat0[m][i]*psis[k][m] + Ws[m][i]*dpsis_dT[k][m]) v += vec1[m]*Ws[m][i]*psis[k][m] row[i] = -v*Qs[k] return d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs def unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs(N, N_groups, Qs, Zs, Ws, psis, Thetas, dThetas_dxs, d2Thetas_dxixjs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs=None, vec0=None): if d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs is None: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba : delete # d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N_groups)) # numba : uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N_groups for i in range(N): matrix = d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs[i] for j in range(N): d2Thetas_dxixjs_ij = d2Thetas_dxixjs[i][j] row = matrix[j] for k in range(N_groups): # d2Thetas_dxixjs_ij is why this loop can't be moved out totK = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): totK += psis[m][k]*d2Thetas_dxixjs_ij[m] vec0[k] = totK #K(k, i, j) # Krow = [K(k, i, j) for k in range(N_groups)] for k in range(N_groups): v = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): d = d2Thetas_dxixjs_ij[m] # d += (2.0*Ws[m][i]*Ws[m][j]*Zs[m] - vec0[m])*Zs[m]*Thetas[m] # d -= Zs[m]*(Ws[m][j]*dThetas_dxs[m][i] + Ws[m][i]*dThetas_dxs[m][j]) d += Zs[m]*((2.0*Ws[m][i]*Ws[m][j]*Zs[m] - vec0[m])*Thetas[m] - (Ws[m][j]*dThetas_dxs[m][i] + Ws[m][i]*dThetas_dxs[m][j])) v += d*psis[k][m]*Zs[m] # psis[k][m] can be factored here v += Zs[k]*(vec0[k] - Ws[k][i]*Ws[k][j]*Zs[k]) row[k] = (-v*Qs[k]) return d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs def unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dT(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, dlnGammas_subgroups_dT=None): r''' .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T} = Q_i\left( \sum_j^{gr} Z(j) \left[{\theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T}} + {\theta_j \psi_{i,j} F(j)}Z(j) \right]- F(i) Z(i) \right) .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} ''' # Theta_Psi_sum_invs = Z # Theta_dPsidT_sum = F if dlnGammas_subgroups_dT is None: dlnGammas_subgroups_dT = [0.0]*N_groups for i in range(N_groups): psisi, dpsis_dTi = psis[i], dpsis_dT[i] tot = 0.0 for j in range(N_groups): tot += (psisi[j]*Theta_dPsidT_sum[j]*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[j] - dpsis_dTi[j])*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[j]*Thetas[j] v = Qs[i]*(tot - Theta_dPsidT_sum[i]*Theta_Psi_sum_invs[i]) dlnGammas_subgroups_dT[i] = v return dlnGammas_subgroups_dT def unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, Theta_d2PsidT2_sum, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2=None, vec0=None): r''' .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T^2} = -Q_i\left[ Z(i)G(i) - F(i)^2 Z(i)^2 + \sum_j\left( \theta_j Z(j)\frac{\partial^2 \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} - Z(j)^2 \left(G(j)\theta_j \psi_{i,j} + 2 F_j \theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T}\right) + 2Z(j)^3F(j)^2 \theta_j \psi_{i,j} \right)\right] .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} ''' if d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 is None: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 = [0.0]*N_groups if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N_groups Zs, Fs, Gs = Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, Theta_d2PsidT2_sum for j in range(N_groups): vec0[j] = 2.0*Fs[j]*Fs[j]*Thetas[j]*Zs[j]*Zs[j]*Zs[j] for i in range(N_groups): tot0 = 0.0 for j in range(N_groups): tot0 += Zs[j]*Thetas[j]*(d2psis_dT2[i][j] - (Gs[j]*psis[i][j] + 2.0*Fs[j]*dpsis_dT[i][j])*Zs[j]) tot0 += vec0[j]*psis[i][j] v = Qs[i]*(Zs[i]*(Fs[i]*Fs[i]*Zs[i] - Gs[i]) - tot0) d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2[i] = v return d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 def unifac_d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, d3psis_dT3, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, Theta_d2PsidT2_sum, Theta_d3PsidT3_sum, d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3=None): r''' .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T^3} =Q_i\left[-H(i) Z(i) - 2F(i)^3 Z(i)^3 + 3F(i) G(i) Z(i)^2+ \left( -\theta_j Z(j) \frac{\partial^3 \psi}{\partial T^3} + H(j) Z(j)^2 \theta(j)\psi_{i,j} - 6F(j)^2 Z(j)^3 \theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} + 3 F(j) Z(j)^2 \theta(j) \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T^2} ++ 3G(j) \theta(j) Z(j)^2 \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} + 6F(j)^3 \theta(j) Z(j)^4 \psi_{i,j} - 6F(j) G(j) \theta(j) Z(j)^3 \psi_{i,j} \right) \right] .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: H(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^3 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^3} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} ''' if d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 is None: d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 = [0.0]*N_groups # TODO optimize Us_inv, Fs, Gs, Hs = Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, Theta_d2PsidT2_sum, Theta_d3PsidT3_sum for i in range(N_groups): tot = 0.0 for j in range(N_groups): # There is a bug in numba related to the three lines below. # If Theta_U is not separated out, an error is raised Theta_U = Thetas[j]*Us_inv[j] tot -= Theta_U*d3psis_dT3[i][j] tot += Hs[j]*Theta_U*psis[i][j]*Us_inv[j] tot -= 6.0*Fs[j]*Fs[j]*Thetas[j]*dpsis_dT[i][j]*Us_inv[j]*Us_inv[j]*Us_inv[j] tot += 3.0*Fs[j]*Thetas[j]*d2psis_dT2[i][j]*Us_inv[j]*Us_inv[j] tot += 3.0*Gs[j]*Thetas[j]*dpsis_dT[i][j]*Us_inv[j]*Us_inv[j] tot += 6.0*Fs[j]**3*Thetas[j]*psis[i][j]*Us_inv[j]**4 tot -= 6.0*Fs[j]*Gs[j]*Thetas[j]*psis[i][j]*Us_inv[j]**3 v = Qs[i]*(-Hs[i]*Us_inv[i] - 2.0*Fs[i]**3*Us_inv[i]**3 + 3.0*Fs[i]*Gs[i]*Us_inv[i]**2 + tot) d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3[i] = v return d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 def unifac_Xs_pure(N, N_groups, vs, cmp_v_count_inv, Xs_pure=None): if Xs_pure is None: Xs_pure = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # Xs_pure = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N_groups): row = Xs_pure[i] vsi = vs[i] for j in range(N): row[j] = vsi[j]*cmp_v_count_inv[j] return Xs_pure def unifac_Thetas_pure(N, N_groups, Xs_pure, Qs, Thetas_pure=None): if Thetas_pure is None: Thetas_pure = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # Thetas_pure = zeros((N, N_groups)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): # groups = self.cmp_group_idx[i] tot = 0.0 row = Thetas_pure[i] for j in range(N_groups): tot += Qs[j]*Xs_pure[j][i] tot_inv = 1.0/tot for j in range(N_groups): row[j] = Qs[j]*Xs_pure[j][i]*tot_inv return Thetas_pure def unifac_lnGammas_subgroups_pure(N, N_groups, Qs, Thetas_pure, cmp_group_idx, group_cmp_idx, psis, lnGammas_subgroups_pure=None): if lnGammas_subgroups_pure is None: lnGammas_subgroups_pure = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # lnGammas_subgroups_pure = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment for k in range(N_groups): row = lnGammas_subgroups_pure[k] for i in group_cmp_idx[k]: groups2 = cmp_group_idx[i] Thetas_purei = Thetas_pure[i] psisk = psis[k] log_sum = 0.0 for m in groups2: log_sum += Thetas_purei[m]*psis[m][k] log_sum = log(log_sum) last = 0.0 for m in groups2: sub_subs = 0.0 for n in range(N_groups): sub_subs += Thetas_purei[n]*psis[n][m] last += Thetas_purei[m]*psisk[m]/sub_subs v = Qs[k]*(1.0 - log_sum - last) row[i] = v return lnGammas_subgroups_pure def unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT(N, N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs, Fs_pure, cmp_group_idx, dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT=None, vec0=None): if dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT is None: dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N_groups for m in range(N): groups2 = cmp_group_idx[m] Thetas = Thetas_pure[m] Theta_Psi_sum_invs = Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs[m] Theta_dPsidT_sum = Fs_pure[m] vec0 = unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dT(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, vec0) for k in range(N_groups): if k in groups2: dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT[k][m] = vec0[k] return dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT def unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2(N, N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs, Fs_pure, Gs_pure, cmp_group_idx, d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2=None, vec0=None): if d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 is None: d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N for m in range(N): groups2 = cmp_group_idx[m] Thetas = Thetas_pure[m] Theta_Psi_sum_invs = Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs[m] Theta_dPsidT_sum = Fs_pure[m] Theta_d2PsidT2_sum = Gs_pure[m] vec0 = unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, Theta_d2PsidT2_sum) for k in range(N_groups): if k in groups2: d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2[k][m] = vec0[k] return d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 def unifac_d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3(N, N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, d3psis_dT3, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs, Fs_pure, Gs_pure, Hs_pure, cmp_group_idx, d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3=None, vec0=None): if d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 is None: d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] # numba: delete # d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = zeros((N_groups, N)) # numba: uncomment if vec0 is None: vec0 = [0.0]*N for m in range(N): groups2 = cmp_group_idx[m] Thetas = Thetas_pure[m] Theta_Psi_sum_invs = Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs[m] Theta_dPsidT_sum = Fs_pure[m] Theta_d2PsidT2_sum = Gs_pure[m] Theta_d3PsidT3_sum = Hs_pure[m] row = unifac_d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, d3psis_dT3, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, Theta_dPsidT_sum, Theta_d2PsidT2_sum, Theta_d3PsidT3_sum) for k in range(N_groups): if k in groups2: d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3[k][m] = row[k] return d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 def unifac_lngammas_r(N, N_groups, lnGammas_subgroups_pure, lnGammas_subgroups, vs, lngammas_r=None): if lngammas_r is None: lngammas_r = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): tot = 0.0 for k in range(N_groups): tot += vs[k][i]*(lnGammas_subgroups[k] - lnGammas_subgroups_pure[k][i]) lngammas_r[i] = tot return lngammas_r def unifac_dlngammas_r_dxs(N, N_groups, vs, dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs, dlngammas_r_dxs=None): if dlngammas_r_dxs is None: dlngammas_r_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba : delete # dlngammas_r_dxs = zeros((N, N)) # numba : uncomment for i in range(N): row = dlngammas_r_dxs[i] for j in range(N): tot = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): tot += vs[m][i]*dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs[m][j] row[j] = tot return dlngammas_r_dxs def unifac_d2lngammas_r_dxixjs(N, N_groups, vs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs, d2lngammas_r_dxixjs=None): if d2lngammas_r_dxixjs is None: d2lngammas_r_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba : delete # d2lngammas_r_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) # numba : uncomment for i in range(N): matrix = d2lngammas_r_dxixjs[i] for j in range(N): row = matrix[j] for k in range(N): tot = 0.0 r = d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs[j][k] for m in range(N_groups): tot += vs[m][i]*r[m] row[k] = tot return d2lngammas_r_dxixjs def unifac_GE(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, lngammas_c): GE = 0.0 for i in range(N): GE += xs[i]*(lngammas_c[i] + lngammas_r[i]) GE *= R*T return GE def unifac_GE_skip_comb(T, xs, N, lngammas_r): GE = 0.0 for i in range(N): GE += xs[i]*lngammas_r[i] GE *= R*T return GE def unifac_dGE_dxs(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs, lngammas_c, dlngammas_c_dxs, dGE_dxs=None): if dGE_dxs is None: dGE_dxs = [0.0]*N RT = R*T for i in range(N): dGE = lngammas_r[i] + lngammas_c[i] for j in range(N): dGE += xs[j]*(dlngammas_c_dxs[j][i] + dlngammas_r_dxs[j][i]) dGE_dxs[i] = dGE*RT return dGE_dxs def unifac_dGE_dxs_skip_comb(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs, dGE_dxs=None): if dGE_dxs is None: dGE_dxs = [0.0]*N RT = R*T for i in range(N): dGE = lngammas_r[i] for j in range(N): dGE += xs[j]*(dlngammas_r_dxs[j][i]) dGE_dxs[i] = dGE*RT return dGE_dxs def unifac_d2GE_dTdxs(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs, dlngammas_r_dT, d2lngammas_r_dTdxs, lngammas_c, dlngammas_c_dxs, d2GE_dTdxs=None): if d2GE_dTdxs is None: d2GE_dTdxs = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): dGE = lngammas_r[i] + lngammas_c[i] + T*dlngammas_r_dT[i] for j in range(N): dGE += xs[j]*(dlngammas_c_dxs[j][i] + dlngammas_r_dxs[j][i]) dGE += T*xs[j]*d2lngammas_r_dTdxs[j][i] # ji should be consistent in all of them d2GE_dTdxs[i] = dGE*R return d2GE_dTdxs def unifac_d2GE_dTdxs_skip_comb(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs,dlngammas_r_dT, d2lngammas_r_dTdxs, d2GE_dTdxs=None): if d2GE_dTdxs is None: d2GE_dTdxs = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): dGE = lngammas_r[i] + T*dlngammas_r_dT[i] for j in range(N): dGE += xs[j]*(dlngammas_r_dxs[j][i] + T*d2lngammas_r_dTdxs[j][i]) d2GE_dTdxs[i] = dGE*R return d2GE_dTdxs def unifac_d2GE_dxixjs(T, xs, N, dlngammas_r_dxs, d2lngammas_r_dxixjs, dlngammas_c_dxs, d2lngammas_c_dxixjs, d2GE_dxixjs=None): if d2GE_dxixjs is None: d2GE_dxixjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # d2GE_dxixjs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment RT = R*T for i in range(N): row = d2GE_dxixjs[i] for j in range(N): dGE = dlngammas_c_dxs[i][j] + dlngammas_r_dxs[i][j] dGE += dlngammas_c_dxs[j][i] + dlngammas_r_dxs[j][i] for k in range(N): dGE += xs[k]*(d2lngammas_c_dxixjs[k][i][j] + d2lngammas_r_dxixjs[k][i][j]) row[j] = dGE*RT return d2GE_dxixjs def unifac_d2GE_dxixjs_skip_comb(T, xs, N, dlngammas_r_dxs, d2lngammas_r_dxixjs, d2GE_dxixjs=None): if d2GE_dxixjs is None: d2GE_dxixjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # d2GE_dxixjs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment RT = R*T for i in range(N): row = d2GE_dxixjs[i] for j in range(N): dGE = dlngammas_r_dxs[i][j] + dlngammas_r_dxs[j][i] for k in range(N): dGE += xs[k]*d2lngammas_r_dxixjs[k][i][j] row[j] = dGE*RT return d2GE_dxixjs def unifac_dGE_dT(N, T, xs, dlngammas_r_dT, GE): tot = 0.0 for i in range(N): tot += xs[i]*dlngammas_r_dT[i] return R*T*tot + GE/T def unifac_d2GE_dT2(N, T, xs, dlngammas_r_dT, d2lngammas_r_dT2): tot0, tot1 = 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(N): tot0 += xs[i]*d2lngammas_r_dT2[i] tot1 += xs[i]*dlngammas_r_dT[i] # This line same as the dGE_dT return R*(T*tot0 + (tot1 + tot1)) def unifac_d3GE_dT3(N, T, xs, d2lngammas_r_dT2, d3lngammas_r_dT3): tot0, tot1 = 0.0, 0.0 for i in range(N): tot0 += xs[i]*d3lngammas_r_dT3[i] tot1 += xs[i]*d2lngammas_r_dT2[i] # This line same as the d2GE_dT2 return R*(T*tot0 + 3.0*tot1) def unifac_gammas(N, xs, lngammas_r, lngammas_c, gammas=None): if gammas is None: gammas = [0.0]*N for i in range(N): gammas[i] = exp(lngammas_r[i] + lngammas_c[i]) return gammas def unifac_gammas_from_args(xs, N, N_groups, vs, rs, qs, Qs, psis, lnGammas_subgroups_pure,# Depends on T only version, rs_34, gammas=None): skip_comb = version == 3 Xs, Xs_sum_inv = unifac_Xs(N=N, N_groups=N_groups, xs=xs, vs=vs) Thetas, Thetas_sum_inv = unifac_Thetas(N_groups=N_groups, Xs=Xs, Qs=Qs) Theta_Psi_sums = unifac_Theta_Psi_sums(N_groups=N_groups, Thetas=Thetas, psis=psis) Theta_Psi_sum_invs = [0.0]*N_groups for i in range(N_groups): Theta_Psi_sum_invs[i] = 1.0/Theta_Psi_sums[i] lnGammas_subgroups = unifac_lnGammas_subgroups(N_groups=N_groups, Qs=Qs, psis=psis, Thetas=Thetas, Theta_Psi_sums=Theta_Psi_sums, Theta_Psi_sum_invs=Theta_Psi_sum_invs) lngammas_r = unifac_lngammas_r(N=N, N_groups=N_groups, lnGammas_subgroups_pure=lnGammas_subgroups_pure, lnGammas_subgroups=lnGammas_subgroups, vs=vs) if gammas is None: gammas = [0.0]*N if skip_comb: for i in range(N): gammas[i] = exp(lngammas_r[i]) else: Vis, rx_sum_inv = unifac_Vis(rs=rs, xs=xs, N=N) Fis, qx_sum_inv = unifac_Vis(rs=qs, xs=xs, N=N) if version == 1 or version == 3 or version == 4: Vis_modified, r34x_sum_inv = unifac_Vis(rs=rs_34, xs=xs, N=N) else: Vis_modified = Vis lngammas_c = unifac_lngammas_c(N=N, version=version, qs=qs, Fis=Fis, Vis=Vis, Vis_modified=Vis_modified) for i in range(N): gammas[i] = exp(lngammas_r[i] + lngammas_c[i]) return gammas def unifac_dgammas_dxs(N, xs, gammas, dlngammas_r_dxs, dlngammas_c_dxs, dgammas_dxs=None): if dgammas_dxs is None: dgammas_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # dgammas_dxs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): dlngammas_r_dxsi = dlngammas_r_dxs[i] dlngammas_c_dxsi = dlngammas_c_dxs[i] dgammas_dxsi = dgammas_dxs[i] for j in range(N): dgammas_dxsi[j] = (dlngammas_r_dxsi[j] + dlngammas_c_dxsi[j])*gammas[i] return dgammas_dxs def unifac_dgammas_dxs_skip_comb(N, xs, gammas, dlngammas_r_dxs, dgammas_dxs=None): if dgammas_dxs is None: dgammas_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # dgammas_dxs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): dlngammas_r_dxsi = dlngammas_r_dxs[i] dgammas_dxsi = dgammas_dxs[i] for j in range(N): dgammas_dxsi[j] = dlngammas_r_dxsi[j]*gammas[i] return dgammas_dxs def unifac_dgammas_dns(N, xs, dgammas_dxs, dgammas_dns=None): if dgammas_dns is None: dgammas_dns = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # dgammas_dns = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment for i in range(N): row = dgammas_dns[i] dgammas_dxsi = dgammas_dxs[i] xdx_tot = 0.0 for j in range(N): xdx_tot += xs[j]*dgammas_dxsi[j] for j in range(N): row[j] = dgammas_dxsi[j] - xdx_tot return dgammas_dns def unifac_lngammas_c(N, version, qs, Fis, Vis, Vis_modified, lngammas_c=None): if lngammas_c is None: lngammas_c = [0.0]*N if version == 4: for i in range(N): r = Vis_modified[i] # In the definition of V' used here, there is no mole fraction division needed val = log(r) + 1.0 - r lngammas_c[i] = val else: for i in range(N): Vi_Fi = Vis[i]/Fis[i] val = (1.0 - Vis_modified[i] + log(Vis_modified[i]) - 5.0*qs[i]*(1.0 - Vi_Fi + log(Vi_Fi))) lngammas_c[i] = val return lngammas_c def unifac_dlngammas_c_dxs(N, version, qs, Fis, dFis_dxs, Vis, dVis_dxs, Vis_modified, dVis_modified_dxs, dlngammas_c_dxs=None): if dlngammas_c_dxs is None: dlngammas_c_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # dlngammas_c_dxs = zeros((N, N)) # numba: uncomment if version == 4: for i in range(N): row = dlngammas_c_dxs[i] for j in range(N): v = -dVis_modified_dxs[i][j] + dVis_modified_dxs[i][j]/Vis_modified[i] row[j] = v else: for i in range(N): row = dlngammas_c_dxs[i] Fi_inv = 1.0/Fis[i] for j in range(N): val = -5.0*qs[i]*((dVis_dxs[i][j] - Vis[i]*dFis_dxs[i][j]*Fi_inv)/Vis[i] - dVis_dxs[i][j]*Fi_inv + Vis[i]*dFis_dxs[i][j]*Fi_inv*Fi_inv ) - dVis_modified_dxs[i][j] + dVis_modified_dxs[i][j]/Vis_modified[i] row[j] = val return dlngammas_c_dxs def unifac_d2lngammas_c_dxixjs(N, version, qs, Fis, dFis_dxs, d2Fis_dxixjs, Vis, dVis_dxs, d2Vis_dxixjs, Vis_modified, dVis_modified_dxs, d2Vis_modified_dxixjs, d2lngammas_c_dxixjs=None): if d2lngammas_c_dxixjs is None: d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)]# numba: delete # d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment if version == 4: for i in range(N): Vi = Vis_modified[i] matrix = d2lngammas_c_dxixjs[i] for j in range(N): row = matrix[j] for k in range(N): val = -d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][k] + 1.0/Vi*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][k] val -= 1.0/Vi**2*dVis_modified_dxs[i][j]*dVis_modified_dxs[i][k] row[k] = val else: for i in range(N): Vi = Vis[i] qi = qs[i] ViD = Vis_modified[i] ViD_inv2 = 1.0/(ViD*ViD) Fi = Fis[i] x1 = 1.0/Fi x4 = x1*x1 Fi_inv3 = x1*x1*x1 x5 = Vis[i]*x4 x15 = 1.0/Vi Vi_inv2 = x15*x15 matrix = d2lngammas_c_dxixjs[i] for j in range(N): x6 = dFis_dxs[i][j] x10 = dVis_dxs[i][j] dViD_dxj = dVis_modified_dxs[i][j] row = matrix[j] for k in range(N): x0 = d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][k] x2 = d2Vis_dxixjs[i][j][k] x3 = d2Fis_dxixjs[i][j][k] x7 = dVis_dxs[i][k] dViD_dxk = dVis_modified_dxs[i][k] x8 = x6*x7 x9 = dFis_dxs[i][k] x11 = x10*x9 x12 = 2.0*x6*x9 x13 = Vi*x1 x14 = x10 - x13*x6 val = (5.0*qi*(-x1*x14*x15*x9 + x1*x2 - x11*x4 + x15*(x1*x11 + x1*x8 - x12*x5 + x13*x3 - x2) - x3*x5 - x4*x8 + x14*x7*Vi_inv2 + Vi*x12*Fi_inv3) - x0 + x0/ViD - dViD_dxj*dViD_dxk*ViD_inv2 ) row[k] = val return d2lngammas_c_dxixjs def unifac_d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks(N, version, qs, Fis, dFis_dxs, d2Fis_dxixjs, d3Fis_dxixjxks, Vis, dVis_dxs, d2Vis_dxixjs, d3Vis_dxixjxks, Vis_modified, dVis_modified_dxs, d2Vis_modified_dxixjs, d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks, d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks=None): if d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks is None: d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks = [[[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] # numba: delete # d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N, N)) # numba: uncomment if version == 4: for i in range(N): Vi = Vis_modified[i] third = d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks[i] for j in range(N): hess = third[j] for k in range(N): row = hess[k] for m in range(N): val = d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks[i][j][k][m]*(1.0/Vi - 1.0) val-= 1.0/Vi**2* (dVis_modified_dxs[i][j]*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][k][m] + dVis_modified_dxs[i][k]*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][m] + dVis_modified_dxs[i][m]*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][k]) val += 2.0/Vi**3*dVis_modified_dxs[i][j]*dVis_modified_dxs[i][k]*dVis_modified_dxs[i][m] row[m] = val else: for i in range(N): Vi = Vis[i] ViD = Vis_modified[i] Fi = Fis[i] qi = qs[i] third = d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks[i] for j in range(N): hess = third[j] for k in range(N): row = hess[k] for m in range(N): x0 = d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks[i][j][k][m]#Derivative(ViD, xj, xk, xm) x1 = 1/Fis[i]#1/Fi x2 = 5.0*qs[i] x3 = x2*d3Fis_dxixjxks[i][j][k][m]#Derivative(Fi, xj, xk, xm) x4 = x2*d3Vis_dxixjxks[i][j][k][m]#Derivative(Vi, xj, xk, xm) x5 = Vis_modified[i]**-2#ViD**(-2) x6 = dVis_modified_dxs[i][j]#Derivative(ViD, xj) x7 = dVis_modified_dxs[i][k]#Derivative(ViD, xk) x8 = dVis_modified_dxs[i][m]#Derivative(ViD, xm) x9 = Fis[i]**-2#Fi**(-2) x10 = x2*x9 x11 = dFis_dxs[i][j]#Derivative(Fi, xj) x12 = d2Fis_dxixjs[i][k][m]#Derivative(Fi, xk, xm) x13 = x11*x12 x14 = d2Vis_dxixjs[i][k][m]#Derivative(Vi, xk, xm) x15 = d2Fis_dxixjs[i][j][m]#Derivative(Fi, xj, xm) x16 = dFis_dxs[i][k]#Derivative(Fi, xk) x17 = x10*x16 x18 = d2Vis_dxixjs[i][j][m]#Derivative(Vi, xj, xm) x19 = d2Fis_dxixjs[i][j][k]#Derivative(Fi, xj, xk) x20 = dFis_dxs[i][m]#Derivative(Fi, xm) x21 = x10*x20 x22 = d2Vis_dxixjs[i][j][k]#Derivative(Vi, xj, xk) x23 = dVis_dxs[i][j]#Derivative(Vi, xj) x24 = dVis_dxs[i][k]#Derivative(Vi, xk) x25 = dVis_dxs[i][m]#Derivative(Vi, xm) x26 = x2/Vis[i]**2 x27 = Fis[i]**(-3) x28 = 10*qs[i] x29 = x27*x28 x30 = Vi*x29 x31 = x11*x16 x32 = x20*x29 x33 = x25*x28 val = (-Vi*x3*x9 - x0 + x1*x3 + x1*x4 - x10*x11*x14 - x10*x12*x23 - x10*x13 - x10*x15*x24 - x10*x19*x25 + x11*x24*x32 + x13*x30 + x14*x23*x26 + x15*x16*x30 - x15*x17 + x16*x23*x32 - x17*x18 + x18*x24*x26 + x19*x20*x30 - x19*x21 - x21*x22 + x22*x25*x26 + x27*x31*x33 + x31*x32 - x5*x6*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][k][m] - x5*x7*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][m] - x5*x8*d2Vis_modified_dxixjs[i][j][k] + x0/ViD + 2*x6*x7*x8/ViD**3 - x4/Vi - x23*x24*x33/Vi**3 - 30*Vi*qi*x20*x31/Fi**4) row[m] = val return d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks
[docs]class UNIFAC(GibbsExcess): r'''Class for representing an a liquid with excess gibbs energy represented by the UNIFAC equation. This model is capable of representing VL and LL behavior, provided the correct interaction parameters are used. [1]_ and [2]_ are good references on this model. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] rs : list[float] `r` parameters :math:`r_i = \sum_{k=1}^{n} \nu_k R_k`, [-] qs : list[float] `q` parameters :math:`q_i = \sum_{k=1}^{n}\nu_k Q_k`, [-] Qs : list[float] `Q` parameter for each subgroup; subgroups are not required to but are suggested to be sorted from lowest number to highest number, [-] vs : list[list[float]] Indexed by [subgroup][count], this variable is the count of each subgroups in each compound, [-] psi_abc : tuple(list[list[float]], 3), optional `psi` interaction parameters between each subgroup; indexed [subgroup][subgroup], not symmetrical; first arg is the matrix for `a`, then `b`, and then `c`. Only one of `psi_abc` or `psi_coeffs` is required, [-] psi_coeffs : list[list[tuple(float, 3)]], optional `psi` interaction parameters between each subgroup; indexed [subgroup][subgroup][letter], not symmetrical. Only one of `psi_abc` or `psi_coeffs` is required, [-] version : int, optional Which version of the model to use [-] * 0 - original UNIFAC, OR UNIFAC LLE * 1 - Dortmund UNIFAC (adds T dept, 3/4 power) * 2 - PSRK (original with T dept function) * 3 - VTPR (drops combinatorial term, Dortmund UNIFAC otherwise) * 4 - Lyngby/Larsen has different combinatorial, 2/3 power * 5 - UNIFAC KT (2 params for psi, Lyngby/Larsen formulation; otherwise same as original) Attributes ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] Notes ----- In addition to the methods presented here, the methods of its base class :obj:`thermo.activity.GibbsExcess` are available as well. Examples -------- The DDBST has published numerous sample problems using UNIFAC; a simple binary system from example P05.22a in [2]_ with n-hexane and butanone-2 is shown below: >>> from thermo.unifac import UFIP, UFSG >>> GE = UNIFAC.from_subgroups(chemgroups=[{1:2, 2:4}, {1:1, 2:1, 18:1}], T=60+273.15, xs=[0.5, 0.5], version=0, interaction_data=UFIP, subgroups=UFSG) >>> GE.gammas() [1.4276025835, 1.3646545010] >>> GE.GE(), GE.dGE_dT(), GE.d2GE_dT2() (923.641197, 0.206721488, -0.00380070204) >>> GE.HE(), GE.SE(), GE.dHE_dT(), GE.dSE_dT() (854.77193363, -0.2067214889, 1.266203886, 0.0038007020460) The solution given by the DDBST has the same values [1.428, 1.365], and can be found here: References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E., John M. Prausnitz, and John P. O`Connell. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. .. [2] Gmehling, Jürgen, Michael Kleiber, Bärbel Kolbe, and Jürgen Rarey. Chemical Thermodynamics for Process Simulation. John Wiley & Sons, 2019. ''' """ List of functions not fully optimized (for Python anyway) psis second derivative lnGammas_subgroups_pure - "in" array check is approx. 2x as slow in numba as coding the flor loop to check it unifac_d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 has no optimization d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 can have one more vec to save time unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dT can have one more vec to save time unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs can have one more vec to save time """ gammas_from_args = staticmethod(unifac_gammas_from_args) __slots__ = GibbsExcess.__slots__ +('Thetas_sum_inv', 'Hs', '_Thetas_pure', 'Fs_pure', 'Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs', '_dVis_dxs', '_dVis_modified_dxs', 'rx_sum_inv', '_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2', 'VSXS', 'rs', '_d2lngammas_c_dxixjs', 'cmp_group_idx', '_Thetas', '_d3psis_dT3', 'N_groups', 'cmp_v_count_inv', 'Fs', 'Ws', '_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs', '_lngammas_c', 'qx_sum_inv', 'cmp_v_count', 'Gs', '_dlnGammas_subgroups_dT', '_Vis_modified', 'r34x_sum_inv', '_dlngammas_r_dxs', '_dFis_dxs', '_Xs_pure', '_d2lngammas_r_dT2', 'skip_comb', '_d3lngammas_r_dT3', '_lnGammas_subgroups', 'qs', '_d2lngammas_r_dxixjs', '_dgammas_dxs', 'group_cmp_idx', '_d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3', '_lnGammas_subgroups_pure', '_Fis', '_d2lngammas_r_dTdxs', '_d2Fis_dxixjs', 'Theta_Psi_sum_invs', '_d3GE_dT3', '_d2Thetas_dxixjs', 'Qs', '_dpsis_dT', '_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs', 'rs_34', 'psi_b', '_d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3', '_Xs', 'Xs_sum_inv', '_dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs', '_dlngammas_c_dxs', 'Theta_pure_Psi_sums', '_psis', 'vs', 'Gs_pure', 'psi_a', '_dThetas_dxs', 'Theta_Psi_sums', '_d2Vis_dxixjs', '_dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT', '_d2Vis_modified_dxixjs', 'Hs_pure', '_lngammas_r', '_d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2', '_d2psis_dT2', '_Vis', 'psi_c', 'version', '_dlngammas_r_dT', '_d3Vis_dxixjxks', '_d3Fis_dxixjxks', '_d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks', '_d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks') @property def model_id(self): '''A unique numerical identifier refering to the thermodynamic model being implemented. For internal use. ''' return self.version + 500
[docs] def gammas_args(self, T=None): r'''Return a tuple of arguments at the specified tempearture that can be used to efficiently compute gammas at the specified temperature but with varying compositions. This is useful in the context of a TP flash. ''' if T is not None: obj = self.to_T_xs(T=T, xs=self.xs) else: obj = self try: rs_34 = obj.rs_34 except: rs_34 = return (obj.N, obj.N_groups, obj.vs,, obj.qs, obj.Qs, obj.psis(), obj.lnGammas_subgroups_pure(),# Depends on T only obj.version, rs_34)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_subgroups(T, xs, chemgroups, subgroups=None, interaction_data=None, version=0): r'''Method to construct a UNIFAC object from a dictionary of interaction parameters parameters and a list of dictionaries of UNIFAC keys. As the actual implementation is matrix based not dictionary based, this method can be quite convenient. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions, [-] chemgroups : list[dict] List of dictionaries of subgroup IDs and their counts for all species in the mixture, [-] subgroups : dict[int: UNIFAC_subgroup], optional UNIFAC subgroup data; available dictionaries in this module include UFSG (original), DOUFSG (Dortmund), or NISTUFSG. The default depends on the given `version`, [-] interaction_data : dict[int: dict[int: tuple(a_mn, b_mn, c_mn)]], optional UNIFAC interaction parameter data; available dictionaries in this module include UFIP (original), DOUFIP2006 (Dortmund parameters published in 2006), DOUFIP2016 (Dortmund parameters published in 2016), and NISTUFIP. The default depends on the given `version`, [-] version : int, optional Which version of the model to use. Defaults to 0, [-] * 0 - original UNIFAC, OR UNIFAC LLE * 1 - Dortmund UNIFAC (adds T dept, 3/4 power) * 2 - PSRK (original with T dept function) * 3 - VTPR (drops combinatorial term, Dortmund UNIFAC otherwise) * 4 - Lyngby/Larsen has different combinatorial, 2/3 power * 5 - UNIFAC KT (2 params for psi, Lyngby/Larsen formulation; otherwise same as original) Returns ------- UNIFAC : UNIFAC Object for performing calculations with the UNIFAC activity coefficient model, [-] Notes ----- .. warning:: For version 0, the interaction data and subgroups default to the original UNIFAC model (not LLE). For version 1, the interaction data defaults to the Dortmund parameters publshed in 2016 (not 2006). Examples -------- Mixture of ['benzene', 'cyclohexane', 'acetone', 'ethanol'] according to the Dortmund UNIFAC model: >>> from thermo.unifac import DOUFIP2006, DOUFSG >>> T = 373.15 >>> xs = [0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.4] >>> chemgroups = [{9: 6}, {78: 6}, {1: 1, 18: 1}, {1: 1, 2: 1, 14: 1}] >>> GE = UNIFAC.from_subgroups(T=T, xs=xs, chemgroups=chemgroups, version=1, interaction_data=DOUFIP2006, subgroups=DOUFSG) >>> GE UNIFAC(T=373.15, xs=[0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.4], rs=[2.2578, 4.2816, 2.3373, 2.4951999999999996], qs=[2.5926, 5.181, 2.7308, 2.6616], Qs=[1.0608, 0.7081, 0.4321, 0.8927, 1.67, 0.8635], vs=[[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [6, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 6, 0, 0]], psi_abc=([[0.0, 0.0, 114.2, 2777.0, 433.6, -117.1], [0.0, 0.0, 114.2, 2777.0, 433.6, -117.1], [16.07, 16.07, 0.0, 3972.0, 146.2, 134.6], [1606.0, 1606.0, 3049.0, 0.0, -250.0, 3121.0], [199.0, 199.0, -57.53, 653.3, 0.0, 168.2], [170.9, 170.9, -2.619, 2601.0, 464.5, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0933, -4.674, 0.1473, 0.5481], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0933, -4.674, 0.1473, 0.5481], [-0.2998, -0.2998, 0.0, -13.16, -1.237, -1.231], [-4.746, -4.746, -12.77, 0.0, 2.857, -13.69], [-0.8709, -0.8709, 1.212, -1.412, 0.0, -0.8197], [-0.8062, -0.8062, 1.094, -1.25, 0.1542, 0.0]], [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.001551, 0.0, -0.00098], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.001551, 0.0, -0.00098], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01208, 0.004237, 0.001488], [0.0009181, 0.0009181, 0.01435, 0.0, -0.006022, 0.01446], [0.0, 0.0, -0.003715, 0.000954, 0.0, 0.0], [0.001291, 0.001291, -0.001557, -0.006309, 0.0, 0.0]]), version=1) ''' if subgroups is None: if version == 0: subgroups = UFSG elif version == 1: subgroups = DOUFSG elif version == 2: subgroups = PSRKSG elif version == 3: subgroups = VTPRSG elif version == 4: subgroups = LUFSG elif version == 5: subgroups = NISTKTUFSG else: raise ValueError("'version' must be a number from 0 to 5") if interaction_data is None: if not _unifac_ip_loaded: load_unifac_ip() if version == 0: interaction_data = UFIP elif version == 1: interaction_data = DOUFIP2016 elif version == 2: interaction_data = PSRKIP elif version == 3: interaction_data = VTPRIP elif version == 4: interaction_data = LUFIP elif version == 5: interaction_data = NISTKTUFIP else: raise ValueError("'version' must be a number from 0 to 5") scalar = type(xs) is list rs = [] qs = [] for groups in chemgroups: ri = 0. qi = 0. for subgroup_idx, count in groups.items(): if version != 3: ri += subgroups[subgroup_idx].R*count qi += subgroups[subgroup_idx].Q*count rs.append(ri) qs.append(qi) # Make a dictionary containing the subgroups as keys and their count - the total number # of them in ALL the compounds, regardless of mole fractions group_counts = {} for compound_subgroups in chemgroups: for subgroup, count in compound_subgroups.items(): try: group_counts[subgroup] += count except KeyError: group_counts[subgroup] = count # Convert group counts into a list, sorted by index (lowest subgroup index is first element, highest subgroup index is the last) subgroup_list = list(sorted(group_counts.keys())) group_counts_list = [c for _, c in sorted(zip(group_counts.keys(), group_counts.values()))] Qs = [subgroups[group].Q for group in subgroup_list] vs = chemgroups_to_matrix(chemgroups) psi_a, psi_b, psi_c = [], [], [] for sub1 in subgroup_list: a_row, b_row, c_row = [], [], [] for sub2 in subgroup_list: main1 = subgroups[sub1].main_group_id main2 = subgroups[sub2].main_group_id try: v = interaction_data[main1][main2] try: a_row.append(v[0]) b_row.append(v[1]) c_row.append(v[2]) except: a_row.append(v) b_row.append(0.0) c_row.append(0.0) except KeyError: a_row.append(0.0) b_row.append(0.0) c_row.append(0.0) psi_a.append(a_row), psi_b.append(b_row), psi_c.append(c_row) # debug = (rs, qs, Qs, vs, (psi_a, psi_b, psi_c)) if scalar: return UNIFAC(T=T, xs=xs, rs=rs, qs=qs, Qs=Qs, vs=vs, psi_abc=(psi_a, psi_b, psi_c), version=version) return UNIFAC(T=T, xs=xs, rs=array(rs), qs=array(qs), Qs=array(Qs), vs=array(vs, dtype=float), psi_abc=(array(psi_a), array(psi_b), array(psi_c)), version=version)
_model_attributes = ('rs', 'qs', 'psi_a', 'psi_b', 'psi_c', 'version') def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover psi_abc = (self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c) s = 'UNIFAC(' s += f'T={self.T}, xs={self.xs}, rs={}, qs={self.qs}' s += ', Qs={}, vs={}, psi_abc={}, version={}'.format(self.Qs, self.vs, psi_abc, self.version) s += ')' return s def __init__(self, T, xs, rs, qs, Qs, vs, psi_coeffs=None, psi_abc=None, version=0): self.T = T self.xs = xs self.scalar = scalar = type(xs) is list # rs - 1d index by [component] parameter, calculated using the chemical's subgroups and their count = rs # qs - 1d index by [component] parameter, calculated using the chemical's subgroups and their count self.qs = qs self.Qs = Qs # [subgroup][component] = number of subgroup in component where subgroup # is an index, numbered sequentially by the number of subgroups in the mixture self.vs = vs # each psi_letter is a matrix of [subgroup_length][subgroups_length] # the diagonal is zero # Indexed by index of the subgroup in the mixture, again sorted lowest first if psi_abc is not None: self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c = psi_abc else: if psi_coeffs is None: raise ValueError("Missing psis") self.psi_a = [[i[0] for i in l] for l in psi_coeffs] self.psi_b = [[i[1] for i in l] for l in psi_coeffs] self.psi_c = [[i[2] for i in l] for l in psi_coeffs] self.N_groups = N_groups = len(self.psi_a) self.N = N = len(rs) self.version = version self.skip_comb = version == 3 if self.version == 1: power = 0.75 if scalar: self.rs_34 = [ri**power for ri in rs] else: self.rs_34 = rs**0.75 elif self.version == 4: power = 2.0/3.0 # Lyngby # works in the various functions without change as never taking the der w.r.t. r if scalar: self.rs_34 = [ri**power for ri in rs] else: self.rs_34 = rs**power self.cmp_v_count = cmp_v_count = [] for i in range(N): tot = 0 for group in range(N_groups): tot += vs[group][i] cmp_v_count.append(tot) if scalar: cmp_v_count_inv = [1.0/ni for ni in cmp_v_count] else: self.cmp_v_count = cmp_v_count = array(cmp_v_count) cmp_v_count_inv = 1.0/cmp_v_count self.cmp_v_count_inv = cmp_v_count_inv # Matrix of [component][list(indexes to groups in component)], list of list cmp_group_idx = [[j for j in range(N_groups) if vs[j][i]] for i in range(N)] # TODO figure out the best way to handle this with numba # as each array was supposedly a different shape if not scalar: cmp_group_idx = tuple(array(v) for v in cmp_group_idx) self.cmp_group_idx = cmp_group_idx group_cmp_idx = [] for k in range(N_groups): temp = [] for i in range(N): groups2 = cmp_group_idx[i] if k in groups2: temp.append(i) group_cmp_idx.append(temp) if not scalar: group_cmp_idx = tuple(array(v) for v in group_cmp_idx) self.group_cmp_idx = group_cmp_idx # Calculate the composition and temperature independent parameters on initialization self.Thetas_pure() self.Xs_pure()
[docs] def to_T_xs(self, T, xs): r'''Method to construct a new :obj:`UNIFAC` instance at temperature `T`, and mole fractions `xs` with the same parameters as the existing object. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature, [K] xs : list[float] Mole fractions of each component, [-] Returns ------- obj : UNIFAC New :obj:`UNIFAC` object at the specified conditions [-] Notes ----- If the new temperature is the same temperature as the existing temperature, if the `psi` terms or their derivatives have been calculated, they will be set to the new object as well. If the mole fractions are the same, various subgroup terms are also kept. ''' new = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) new.T = T new.xs = xs new.N = self.N new.scalar = self.scalar new.N_groups = self.N_groups = new.qs = self.qs new.Qs = self.Qs new.vs = self.vs new.cmp_v_count = self.cmp_v_count new.cmp_v_count_inv = self.cmp_v_count_inv new.cmp_group_idx = self.cmp_group_idx new.group_cmp_idx = self.group_cmp_idx new.version = self.version new.skip_comb = self.skip_comb new.psi_a, new.psi_b, new.psi_c = self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c try: new.rs_34 = self.rs_34 except AttributeError: pass new._Thetas_pure = self._Thetas_pure new._Xs_pure = self._Xs_pure if T == self.T: # interaction parameters that depend on T only try: new._psis = self._psis except AttributeError: pass try: new._dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: pass try: new._d2psis_dT2 = self._d2psis_dT2 except AttributeError: pass try: new._d3psis_dT3 = self._d3psis_dT3 except AttributeError: pass # pure parameters that depend on T only try: new._lnGammas_subgroups_pure = self._lnGammas_subgroups_pure except AttributeError: pass try: new._dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = self._dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT except AttributeError: pass try: new._d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 except AttributeError: pass try: new._d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = self._d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 except AttributeError: pass if (self.scalar and xs == self.xs) or (not self.scalar and array_equal(xs, self.xs)): try: new._Fis = self._Fis except AttributeError: pass try: new.qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv except AttributeError: pass try: new._dFis_dxs = self._dFis_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d2Fis_dxixjs = self._d2Fis_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d3Fis_dxixjxks = self._d3Fis_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass try: new._Vis_modified = self._Vis_modified new.r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv except AttributeError: pass try: new._dVis_modified_dxs = self._dVis_modified_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = self._d2Vis_modified_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks = self._d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass # composition dependent - parameters not using psis try: new._Xs = self._Xs except AttributeError: pass try: new._Thetas = self._Thetas new.Thetas_sum_inv = self.Thetas_sum_inv except AttributeError: pass try: new.Xs_sum_inv = self.Xs_sum_inv except AttributeError: pass try: new._dThetas_dxs = self._dThetas_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d2Thetas_dxixjs = self._d2Thetas_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: new._lngammas_c = self._lngammas_c except AttributeError: pass try: new._dlngammas_c_dxs = self._dlngammas_c_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = self._d2lngammas_c_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: new._d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks = self._d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass # gammas, theta_psi_sums, _theta_psi_sum_inv, lngammas_subgroups, lngammas_r # SHOULD NOT be moved to a new class - use the same class if T and x is the same! return new
[docs] def psis(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\Psi` term matrix for all groups interacting with all other groups. The main model calculates it as a function of three coefficients; .. math:: \Psi_{mn} = \exp\left(\frac{-a_{mn} - b_{mn}T - c_{mn}T^2}{T}\right) Only the first, `a` coefficient, is used in the original UNIFAC model as well as the UNIFAC-LLE model, so the expression simplifies to: .. math:: \Psi_{mn} = \exp\left(\frac{-a_{mn}}{T}\right) For the Lyngby model, the temperature dependence is modified slightly, as follows: .. math:: \Psi_{mk} = e^{\frac{- a_{1} - a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) - a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}} with :math:`T_0 = 298.15` K and the `a` coefficients are specific to each pair of main groups, and they are asymmetric, so :math:`a_{0,mk} \ne a_{0,km}`. Returns ------- psis : list[list[float]] `psi` terms, size subgroups x subgroups [-] ''' try: return self._psis except AttributeError: pass T, N_groups = self.T, self.N_groups # mT_inv = -1.0/T psi_a, psi_b, psi_c = self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c if self.scalar: psis = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] else: psis = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) self._psis = unifac_psis(T, N_groups, self.version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis) return psis
[docs] def dpsis_dT(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\Psi` term first temperature derivative matrix for all groups interacting with all other groups. The main model calculates the derivative as a function of three coefficients; .. math:: \frac{\partial \Psi_{mn}}{\partial T} = \left(\frac{- 2 T c_{mn} - b_{mn}}{T} - \frac{- T^{2} c_{mn} - T b_{mn} - a_{mn}}{T^{2}} \right) e^{\frac{- T^{2} c_{mn} - T b_{mn} - a_{mn}}{T}} Only the first, `a` coefficient, is used in the original UNIFAC model as well as the UNIFAC-LLE model, so the expression simplifies to: .. math:: \frac{\partial \Psi_{mn}}{\partial T} = \frac{a_{mn} e^{- \frac{a_{mn}}{T}}}{T^{2}} For the Lyngby model, the first temperature derivative is: .. math:: \frac{\partial \Psi_{mk}}{\partial T} = \left(\frac{- a_{2} - a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)}}{T} - \frac{- a_{1} - a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) - a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T^{2}}\right) e^{\frac{- a_{1} - a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) - a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}} with :math:`T_0 = 298.15` K and the `a` coefficients are specific to each pair of main groups, and they are asymmetric, so :math:`a_{0,mk} \ne a_{0,km}`. Returns ------- dpsis_dT : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of`psi` terms, size subgroups x subgroups [-] ''' try: return self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: pass try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() T, N_groups = self.T, self.N_groups psi_a, psi_b, psi_c = self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c if self.scalar: dpsis_dT = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] else: dpsis_dT = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) self._dpsis_dT = unifac_dpsis_dT(T, N_groups, self.version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis, dpsis_dT) return dpsis_dT
[docs] def d2psis_dT2(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\Psi` term second temperature derivative matrix for all groups interacting with all other groups. The main model calculates the derivative as a function of three coefficients; .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \Psi_{mn}}{\partial T^2} = \frac{\left(- 2 c_{mn} + \frac{2 \left(2 T c_{mn} + b_{mn}\right)}{T} + \frac{\left(2 T c_{mn} + b_{mn} - \frac{T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}}{T} \right)^{2}}{T} - \frac{2 \left(T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn} \right)}{T^{2}}\right) e^{- \frac{T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}} {T}}}{T} Only the first, `a` coefficient, is used in the original UNIFAC model as well as the UNIFAC-LLE model, so the expression simplifies to: .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \Psi_{mn}}{\partial T^2} = \frac{a_{mn} \left(-2 + \frac{a_{mn}}{T}\right) e^{- \frac{a_{mn}}{T}}}{T^{3}} For the Lyngby model, the second temperature derivative is: .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \Psi_{mk}}{\partial T^2} = \frac{\left(2 a_{2} + 2 a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + a_{3} + \left(a_{2} + a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} - \frac{a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}\right)^{2} - \frac{2 \left(a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left( \frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)\right)}{T}\right) e^{- \frac{a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left( T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}}} {T^{2}} with :math:`T_0 = 298.15` K and the `a` coefficients are specific to each pair of main groups, and they are asymmetric, so :math:`a_{0,mk} \ne a_{0,km}`. Returns ------- d2psis_dT2 : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of`psi` terms, size subgroups x subgroups [-] ''' try: return self._d2psis_dT2 except AttributeError: pass try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() T, N_groups = self.T, self.N_groups psi_a, psi_b, psi_c = self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c if self.scalar: d2psis_dT2 = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] else: d2psis_dT2 = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) self._d2psis_dT2 = unifac_d2psis_dT2(T, N_groups, self.version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis, d2psis_dT2) return d2psis_dT2
[docs] def d3psis_dT3(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\Psi` term third temperature derivative matrix for all groups interacting with all other groups. The main model calculates the derivative as a function of three coefficients; .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \Psi_{mn}}{\partial T^3} = \frac{\left(6 c_{mn} + 6 \left(c_{mn} - \frac{2 T c_{mn} + b_{mn}}{T} + \frac{T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}}{T^{2}}\right) \left(2 T c_{mn} + b_{mn} - \frac{T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}}{T}\right) - \frac{6 \left(2 T c_{mn} + b_{mn}\right)}{T} - \frac{\left(2 T c_{mn} + b_{mn} - \frac{T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}}{T}\right)^{3}} {T} + \frac{6 \left(T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}\right)}{T^{2}} \right) e^{- \frac{T^{2} c_{mn} + T b_{mn} + a_{mn}}{T}}}{T^{2}} Only the first, `a` coefficient, is used in the original UNIFAC model as well as the UNIFAC-LLE model, so the expression simplifies to: .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \Psi_{mn}}{\partial T^3} = \frac{a_{mn} \left(6 - \frac{6 a_{mn}}{T} + \frac{a_{mn}^{2}}{T^{2}}\right) e^{- \frac{a_{mn}}{T}}}{T^{4}} For the Lyngby model, the third temperature derivative is: .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \Psi_{mk}}{\partial T^3} = - \frac{\left(6 a_{2} + 6 a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + 4 a_{3} + \left(a_{2} + a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} - \frac{a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left(T \ln{ \left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}\right)^{3} + 3 \left(a_{2} + a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} - \frac{a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left(T \ln{ \left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}\right) \left( 2 a_{2} + 2 a_{3} \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + a_{3} - \frac{2 \left(a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left( T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)\right)}{T} \right) - \frac{6 \left(a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0}\right) + a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0} \right)\right)}{T}\right) e^{- \frac{a_{1} + a_{2} \left(T - T_{0} \right) + a_{3} \left(T \ln{\left(\frac{T_{0}}{T} \right)} + T - T_{0}\right)}{T}}}{T^{3}} with :math:`T_0 = 298.15` K and the `a` coefficients are specific to each pair of main groups, and they are asymmetric, so :math:`a_{0,mk} \ne a_{0,km}`. Returns ------- d3psis_dT3 : list[list[float]] Third temperature derivative of`psi` terms, size subgroups x subgroups [-] ''' try: return self._d3psis_dT3 except AttributeError: pass try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() T, N_groups = self.T, self.N_groups psi_a, psi_b, psi_c = self.psi_a, self.psi_b, self.psi_c if self.scalar: d3psis_dT3 = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N_groups)] else: d3psis_dT3 = zeros((N_groups, N_groups)) self._d3psis_dT3 = unifac_d3psis_dT3(T, N_groups, self.version, psi_a, psi_b, psi_c, psis, d3psis_dT3) return d3psis_dT3
[docs] def Vis(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`V_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: V_i = \frac{r_i}{\sum_j r_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- Vis : list[float] `V` terms size number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._Vis except: pass rs, xs, N =, self.xs, self.N if self.scalar: Vis = [0.0]*N else: Vis = zeros(N) self._Vis, self.rx_sum_inv = unifac_Vis(rs, xs, N, Vis) return Vis
[docs] def dVis_dxs(self): r'''Calculate the mole fraction derivative of the :math:`V_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x_j} = -r_i r_j V_{sum}^2 .. math:: V_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j r_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- dVis_dxs : list[list[float]] `V` terms size number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._dVis_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: rx_sum_inv = self.rx_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Vis() rx_sum_inv = self.rx_sum_inv rs, N =, self.N if self.scalar: dVis_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dVis_dxs = zeros((N, N)) self._dVis_dxs = unifac_dVis_dxs(rs, rx_sum_inv, N, dVis_dxs) return dVis_dxs
[docs] def d2Vis_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate the second mole fraction derivative of the :math:`V_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = 2 r_i r_j r_k V_{sum}^3 .. math:: V_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j r_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- d2Vis_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] `V` terms size number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d2Vis_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: rx_sum_inv = self.rx_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Vis() rx_sum_inv = self.rx_sum_inv rs, N =, self.N if self.scalar: d2Vis_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2Vis_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) self._d2Vis_dxixjs = unifac_d2Vis_dxixjs(rs, rx_sum_inv, N, d2Vis_dxixjs) return d2Vis_dxixjs
[docs] def d3Vis_dxixjxks(self): r'''Calculate the third mole fraction derivative of the :math:`V_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k \partial x_m} = -6 r_i r_j r_k r_m V_{sum}^4 .. math:: V_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j r_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- d3Vis_dxixjxks : list[list[list[list[float]]]] `V` terms size number of components by number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d3Vis_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass try: rx_sum_inv = self.rx_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Vis() rx_sum_inv = self.rx_sum_inv rs, N =, self.N if self.scalar: d3Vis_dxixjxks = [[[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d3Vis_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N, N)) self._d3Vis_dxixjxks = unifac_d3Vis_dxixjxks(rs, rx_sum_inv, N, d3Vis_dxixjxks) return d3Vis_dxixjxks
[docs] def Fis(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`F_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `q` only. .. math:: F_i = \frac{q_i}{\sum_j q_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- Fis : list[float] `F` terms size number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._Fis except AttributeError: pass qs, xs, N = self.qs, self.xs, self.N if self.scalar: Fis = [0.0]*N else: Fis = zeros(N) self._Fis, self.qx_sum_inv = unifac_Vis(qs, xs, N, Fis) return Fis
[docs] def dFis_dxs(self): r'''Calculate the mole fraction derivative of the :math:`F_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `q` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial x_j} = -q_i q_j G_{sum}^2 .. math:: G_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j q_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- dFis_dxs : list[list[float]] `F` terms size number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._dFis_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Fis() qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv qs, N = self.qs, self.N if self.scalar: dFis_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dFis_dxs = zeros((N, N)) self._dFis_dxs = unifac_dVis_dxs(qs, qx_sum_inv, N, dFis_dxs) return dFis_dxs
[docs] def d2Fis_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate the second mole fraction derivative of the :math:`F_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `q` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = 2 q_i q_j q_k G_{sum}^3 .. math:: G_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j q_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- d2Fis_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] `F` terms size number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d2Fis_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Fis() qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv qs, N = self.qs, self.N if self.scalar: d2Fis_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2Fis_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) self._d2Fis_dxixjs = unifac_d2Vis_dxixjs(qs, qx_sum_inv, N, d2Fis_dxixjs ) return d2Fis_dxixjs
[docs] def d3Fis_dxixjxks(self): r'''Calculate the third mole fraction derivative of the :math:`F_i` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `q` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k \partial x_m} = -6 q_i q_j q_k q_m G_{sum}^4 .. math:: G_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j q_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC, UNIFAC-LLE, UNIFAC Dortmund, UNIFAC-NIST, and PSRK models. Returns ------- d3Fis_dxixjxks : list[list[list[list[float]]]] `F` terms size number of components by number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d3Fis_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass try: qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Fis() qx_sum_inv = self.qx_sum_inv qs, N = self.qs, self.N if self.scalar: d3Fis_dxixjxks = [[[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d3Fis_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N, N)) self._d3Fis_dxixjxks = unifac_d3Vis_dxixjxks(qs, qx_sum_inv, N, d3Fis_dxixjxks) return d3Fis_dxixjxks
[docs] def Vis_modified(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`V_i'` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: V_i' = \frac{r_i^n}{\sum_j r_j^n x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC Dortmund and UNIFAC-NIST model with n=0.75, and the Lyngby model with n=2/3. Returns ------- Vis_modified : list[float] Modified `V` terms size number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._Vis_modified except: pass rs_34, xs, N = self.rs_34, self.xs, self.N if self.scalar: Vis_modified = [0.0]*N else: Vis_modified = zeros(N) self._Vis_modified, self.r34x_sum_inv = unifac_Vis(rs_34, xs, N, Vis_modified) return Vis_modified
[docs] def dVis_modified_dxs(self): r'''Calculate the mole fraction derivative of the :math:`V_i'` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j} = -r_i^n r_j^n V_{sum}^2 .. math:: V_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j r_j^n x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC Dortmund and UNIFAC-NIST model with n=0.75, and the Lyngby model with n=2/3. Returns ------- dVis_modified_dxs : list[list[float]] `V'` terms size number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._dVis_modified_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Vis_modified() r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv rs_34, N = self.rs_34, self.N if self.scalar: dVis_modified = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dVis_modified = zeros((N, N)) self._dVis_modified_dxs = unifac_dVis_dxs(rs_34, r34x_sum_inv, N, dVis_modified) return dVis_modified
[docs] def d2Vis_modified_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate the second mole fraction derivative of the :math:`V_i'` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = 2 r_i^n r_j^n r_k^n V_{sum}^3 .. math:: V_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j r_j^n x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC Dortmund and UNIFAC-NIST model with n=0.75, and the Lyngby model with n=2/3. Returns ------- d2Vis_modified_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] `V'` terms size number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d2Vis_modified_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Vis_modified() r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv rs_34, N = self.rs_34, self.N if self.scalar: d2Vis_modified = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2Vis_modified = zeros((N, N, N)) self._d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = unifac_d2Vis_dxixjs(rs_34, r34x_sum_inv, N, d2Vis_modified) return d2Vis_modified
[docs] def d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks(self): r'''Calculate the third mole fraction derivative of the :math:`V_i'` terms used in calculating the combinatorial part. A function of mole fractions and the parameters `r` only. .. math:: \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_k \partial x_m} = -6 r_i^n r_j^n r_k^n r_m^n V_{sum}^4 .. math:: V_{sum} = \frac{1}{\sum_j r_j x_j} This is used in the UNIFAC Dortmund and UNIFAC-NIST model with n=0.75, and the Lyngby model with n=2/3. Returns ------- d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks : list[list[list[list[float]]]] `V'` terms size number of components by number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass try: r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Vis_modified() r34x_sum_inv = self.r34x_sum_inv rs_34, N = self.rs_34, self.N if self.scalar: d3Vis_modified = [[[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d3Vis_modified = zeros((N, N, N, N)) self._d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks = unifac_d3Vis_dxixjxks(rs_34, r34x_sum_inv, N, d3Vis_modified) return d3Vis_modified
[docs] def Xs(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`X_m` parameters used in calculating the residual part. A function of mole fractions and group counts only. .. math:: X_m = \frac{ \sum_j \nu^j_m x_j}{\sum_j \sum_n \nu_n^j x_j} Returns ------- Xs : list[float] :math:`X_m` terms, size number of subgroups, [-] ''' try: return self._Xs except AttributeError: pass # [subgroup][component] = number of subgroup in component where subgroup # is an index, numbered sequentially by the number of subgroups in the mixture vs, xs = self.vs, self.xs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: Xs = [0.0]*N_groups else: Xs = zeros(N_groups) self._Xs, self.Xs_sum_inv = unifac_Xs(N, N_groups, xs, vs, Xs) return Xs
def _Xs_sum_inv(self): try: return self.Xs_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Xs() return self.Xs_sum_inv
[docs] def Thetas(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\Theta_m` parameters used in calculating the residual part. A function of mole fractions and group counts only. .. math:: \Theta_m = \frac{Q_m X_m}{\sum_{n} Q_n X_n} Returns ------- Thetas : list[float] :math:`\Theta_m` terms, size number of subgroups, [-] ''' try: return self._Thetas except AttributeError: pass Qs, N_groups = self.Qs, self.N_groups try: Xs = self._Xs except AttributeError: Xs = self.Xs() if self.scalar: Thetas = [0.0]*N_groups else: Thetas = zeros(N_groups) self._Thetas, self.Thetas_sum_inv = unifac_Thetas(N_groups, Xs, Qs, Thetas) return Thetas
def _Thetas_sum_inv(self): try: return self.Thetas_sum_inv except AttributeError: self.Thetas() return self.Thetas_sum_inv
[docs] def dThetas_dxs(self): r'''Calculate the mole fraction derivatives of the :math:`\Theta_m` parameters. A function of mole fractions and group counts only. .. math:: \frac{\partial \Theta_i}{\partial x_j} = FGQ_i\left[FG (\nu x)_{sum,i} \left(\sum_k^{gr} FQ_k (\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu x)_{sum,k} -\sum_k^{gr} Q_k \nu_{k,j} \right) - F (\nu)_{sum,j}(\nu x)_{sum,i} + \nu_{ij} \right] .. math:: G = \frac{1}{\sum_j Q_j X_j} .. math:: F = \frac{1}{\sum_j \sum_n \nu_n^j x_j} .. math:: (\nu)_{sum,i} = \sum_j \nu_{j,i} .. math:: (\nu x)_{sum,i} = \sum_j \nu_{i,j}x_j Returns ------- dThetas_dxs : list[list[float]] Mole fraction derivatives of :math:`\Theta_m` terms, size number of subgroups by mole fractions and indexed in that order, [-] ''' try: return self._dThetas_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: F = self.Xs_sum_inv except AttributeError: F = self._Xs_sum_inv() try: G = self.Thetas_sum_inv except AttributeError: G = self._Thetas_sum_inv() Qs, N, N_groups = self.Qs, self.N, self.N_groups # Xs_sum_inv and Thetas_sum_inv have already calculated _Xs, _Thetas vs = self.vs VS = self.cmp_v_count if self.scalar: dThetas_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: dThetas_dxs = zeros((N_groups, N)) try: VSXS = self.VSXS except AttributeError: VSXS = self._VSXS() # # Index [subgroup][component] self._dThetas_dxs = unifac_dThetas_dxs(N_groups, N, Qs, vs, VS, VSXS, F, G, dThetas_dxs) return dThetas_dxs
[docs] def d2Thetas_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate the mole fraction derivatives of the :math:`\Theta_m` parameters. A function of mole fractions and group counts only. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \Theta_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = \frac{Q_i}{\sum_n Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n}}\left[ -F(\nu)_{sum,j} \nu_{i,k} - F (\nu)_{sum,k}\nu_{i,j} + 2F^2(\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu)_{sum,k} (\nu x)_{sum,i} + \frac{F (\nu x)_{sum,i}\left[ \sum_n(-2 F Q_n (\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu)_{sum,k} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n (\nu)_{sum,j} \nu_{n,k} + Q_n (\nu)_{sum,k}\nu_{n,j} )\right] } {\sum_n^{gr} Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n} } + \frac{2(\nu x)_{sum,i}(\sum_n^{gr}[-FQ_n (\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n \nu_{n,j}]) (\sum_n^{gr}[-FQ_n (\nu)_{sum,k} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n \nu_{n,k}]) } {\left( \sum_n^{gr} Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n} \right)^2} - \frac{\nu_{i,j}(\sum_n^{gr} -FQ_n (\nu)_{sum,k} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n \nu_{n,k} )} {\left( \sum_n^{gr} Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n} \right)} - \frac{\nu_{i,k}(\sum_n^{gr} -FQ_n (\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n \nu_{n,j} )} {\left( \sum_n^{gr} Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n} \right)} + \frac{F(\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu x)_{sum,i} (\sum_n^{gr} -FQ_n (\nu)_{sum,k} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n \nu_{n,k})} {\left(\sum_n^{gr} Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n} \right)} + \frac{F(\nu)_{sum,k} (\nu x)_{sum,i} (\sum_n^{gr} -FQ_n (\nu)_{sum,j} (\nu x)_{sum,n} + Q_n \nu_{n,j})} {\left(\sum_n^{gr} Q_n (\nu x)_{sum,n} \right)} \right] .. math:: G = \frac{1}{\sum_j Q_j X_j} .. math:: F = \frac{1}{\sum_j \sum_n \nu_n^j x_j} .. math:: (\nu)_{sum,i} = \sum_j \nu_{j,i} .. math:: (\nu x)_{sum,i} = \sum_j \nu_{i,j}x_j Returns ------- d2Thetas_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] :math:`\Theta_m` terms, size number of subgroups by mole fractions and indexed in that order, [-] ''' try: return self._d2Thetas_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass try: F = self.Xs_sum_inv except AttributeError: F = self._Xs_sum_inv() try: G = self.Thetas_sum_inv except AttributeError: G = self._Thetas_sum_inv() Qs, N, N_groups = self.Qs, self.N, self.N_groups vs = self.vs VS = self.cmp_v_count try: VSXS = self.VSXS except AttributeError: VSXS = self._VSXS() if self.scalar: d2Thetas_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2Thetas_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N_groups)) self._d2Thetas_dxixjs = unifac_d2Thetas_dxixjs(N_groups, N, Qs, vs, VS, VSXS, F, G, d2Thetas_dxixjs) return d2Thetas_dxixjs
def _VSXS(self): try: return self.VSXS except AttributeError: pass N_groups = self.N_groups if self.scalar: VSXS = [0.0]*N_groups else: VSXS = zeros(N_groups) self.VSXS = unifac_VSXS(self.N, N_groups, self.vs, self.xs, VSXS) return VSXS def _Theta_Psi_sums(self): r''' Computes the following term for each group `k`, size number of groups. .. math:: \sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{mk} ''' try: return self.Theta_Psi_sums except AttributeError: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() N_groups = self.N_groups if self.scalar: Theta_Psi_sums = [0.0]*N_groups else: Theta_Psi_sums = zeros(N_groups) self.Theta_Psi_sums = unifac_Theta_Psi_sums(N_groups, Thetas, psis, Theta_Psi_sums) return Theta_Psi_sums def _Theta_Psi_sum_invs(self): r''' Computes the following term for each group `k`, size number of groups. .. math:: U(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} ''' try: return self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: try: Theta_Psi_sums = self.Theta_Psi_sums except AttributeError: Theta_Psi_sums = self._Theta_Psi_sums() if self.scalar: self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs = [1.0/v for v in Theta_Psi_sums] else: self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs = 1.0/Theta_Psi_sums return self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs def _Ws(self): r''' Computes the following for each `k` and each `i`, indexed by [k][i] `k` is in groups, and `i` is in components. .. math:: W(k,i) = \sum_m^{gr} \psi_{m,k} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i} ''' try: return self.Ws except AttributeError: pass try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dThetas_dxs = self._dThetas_dxs except AttributeError: dThetas_dxs = self.dThetas_dxs() N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: Ws = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: Ws = zeros((N_groups, N)) self.Ws = unifac_ws(N, N_groups, psis, dThetas_dxs, Ws) return Ws def _Fs(self): r'''Computes the following: .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} ''' try: return self.Fs except AttributeError: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() N_groups = self.N_groups if self.scalar: Fs = [0.0]*N_groups else: Fs = zeros(N_groups) self.Fs = unifac_Theta_Psi_sums(N_groups, Thetas, dpsis_dT, Fs) return Fs def _Gs(self): r'''Computes the following: .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} ''' try: return self.Gs except AttributeError: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: d2psis_dT2 = self._d2psis_dT2 except AttributeError: d2psis_dT2 = self.d2psis_dT2() N_groups = self.N_groups if self.scalar: Gs = [0.0]*N_groups else: Gs = zeros(N_groups) self.Gs = unifac_Theta_Psi_sums(N_groups, Thetas, d2psis_dT2, Gs) # self.Gs = Gs = [] # for k in range(N_groups): # tot = 0.0 # for m in range(N_groups): # tot += Thetas[m]*d2psis_dT2[m][k] # Gs.append(tot) return Gs def _Hs(self): r'''Computes the following: .. math:: H(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^3 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^3} ''' try: return self.Hs except AttributeError: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: d3psis_dT3 = self._d3psis_dT3 except AttributeError: d3psis_dT3 = self.d3psis_dT3() N_groups = self.N_groups if self.scalar: Hs = [0.0]*N_groups else: Hs = zeros(N_groups) self.Hs = unifac_Theta_Psi_sums(N_groups, Thetas, d3psis_dT3, Hs) return Hs def _Theta_pure_Psi_sums(self): try: return self.Theta_pure_Psi_sums except AttributeError: pass Thetas_pure = self._Thetas_pure try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() N_groups, N = self.N_groups, self.N if self.scalar: Theta_pure_Psi_sums = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] else: Theta_pure_Psi_sums = zeros((N, N_groups)) self.Theta_pure_Psi_sums = unifac_Theta_pure_Psi_sums(N, N_groups, psis, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sums) return Theta_pure_Psi_sums def _Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs(self): r''' Computes the following term for each group `k`, size number of groups. .. math:: U(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} ''' try: return self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: try: Theta_pure_Psi_sums = self.Theta_pure_Psi_sums except AttributeError: Theta_pure_Psi_sums = self._Theta_pure_Psi_sums() if self.scalar: self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = [[1.0/v for v in row] for row in Theta_pure_Psi_sums] else: self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = 1.0/Theta_pure_Psi_sums return self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs def _Fs_pure(self): r'''Computes the following: .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} ''' try: return self.Fs_pure except AttributeError: pass Thetas_pure = self._Thetas_pure try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() N_groups, N = self.N_groups, self.N if self.scalar: Fs_pure = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] else: Fs_pure = zeros((N, N_groups)) self.Fs_pure = unifac_Theta_pure_Psi_sums(N, N_groups, dpsis_dT, Thetas_pure, Fs_pure) return Fs_pure def _Gs_pure(self): r'''Computes the following: .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} ''' try: return self.Gs_pure except AttributeError: pass Thetas_pure = self._Thetas_pure try: d2psis_dT2 = self._d2psis_dT2 except AttributeError: d2psis_dT2 = self.d2psis_dT2() N_groups, N = self.N_groups, self.N if self.scalar: Gs_pure = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] else: Gs_pure = zeros((N, N_groups)) self.Gs_pure = unifac_Theta_pure_Psi_sums(N, N_groups, d2psis_dT2, Thetas_pure, Gs_pure) return Gs_pure def _Hs_pure(self): r'''Computes the following: .. math:: H(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^3 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^3} ''' try: return self.Hs_pure except AttributeError: pass Thetas_pure = self._Thetas_pure try: d3psis_dT3 = self._d3psis_dT3 except AttributeError: d3psis_dT3 = self.d3psis_dT3() N_groups, N = self.N_groups, self.N if self.scalar: Hs_pure = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] else: Hs_pure = zeros((N, N_groups)) self.Hs_pure = unifac_Theta_pure_Psi_sums(N, N_groups, d3psis_dT3, Thetas_pure, Hs_pure) return Hs_pure
[docs] def lnGammas_subgroups(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \ln \Gamma_k = Q_k \left[1 - \ln \sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{mk} - \sum_m \frac{\Theta_m \Psi_{km}}{\sum_n \Theta_n \Psi_{nm}}\right] Returns ------- lnGammas_subgroups : list[float] Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups, [-] ''' try: return self._lnGammas_subgroups except AttributeError: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: Theta_Psi_sums = self.Theta_Psi_sums except AttributeError: Theta_Psi_sums = self._Theta_Psi_sums() try: Theta_Psi_sum_invs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Theta_Psi_sum_invs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs if self.scalar: lnGammas_subgroups = [0.0]*N_groups else: lnGammas_subgroups = zeros(N_groups) self._lnGammas_subgroups = unifac_lnGammas_subgroups(N_groups, Qs, psis, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sums, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, lnGammas_subgroups) return lnGammas_subgroups
[docs] def dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs(self): r'''Calculate the mole fraction derivatives of the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_k}{\partial x_i} = Q_k\left( -\frac{\sum_m^{gr} \psi_{m,k} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i}}{\sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \psi_{m,k}} - \sum_m^{gr} \frac{\psi_{k,m} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i}}{\sum_n^{gr} \theta_n \psi_{n,m}} + \sum_m^{gr} \frac{(\sum_n^{gr} \psi_{n,m}\frac{\partial \theta_n}{\partial x_i})\theta_m \psi_{k,m}}{(\sum_n^{gr} \theta_n \psi_{n,m})^2} \right) The group W is used internally as follows to simplfy the number of evaluations. .. math:: W(k,i) = \sum_m^{gr} \psi_{m,k} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i} Returns ------- dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs : list[list[float]] Mole fraction derivatives of Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [-] ''' try: return self._dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs except AttributeError: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: Theta_Psi_sum_invs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Theta_Psi_sum_invs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() try: dThetas_dxs = self._dThetas_dxs except AttributeError: dThetas_dxs = self.dThetas_dxs() try: Ws = self.Ws except AttributeError: Ws = self._Ws() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs if self.scalar: dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs = zeros((N_groups, N)) self._dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs = unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs(N, N_groups, Qs, Ws, psis, Thetas, Theta_Psi_sum_invs, dThetas_dxs, dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs) return dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs
[docs] def d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs(self): r'''Calculate the temperature and mole fraction derivatives of the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_k}{\partial x_i \partial T} = -Q_k\left( D(k,i) Z(k) - B(k)W(k,i) Z(k)^2 + \sum_m^{gr} (Z(m) \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i}\frac{\partial \psi_{k,m}}{\partial T}) -\sum_m^{gr} (B(m) Z(m)^2 \psi_{k,m} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i}) -\sum_m^{gr}(D(m,i) Z(m)^2 \theta_m \psi_{k,m}) - \sum_m^{gr} (W(m,i) Z(m)^2 \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{k,m}}{\partial T}) + \sum_m^{gr} 2 B(m) W(m,i) Z(m)^3 \theta_m \psi_{k,m} \right) The following groups are used as follows to simplfy the number of evaluations: .. math:: W(k,i) = \sum_m^{gr} \psi_{m,k} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{mk}} .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} In the below expression, k` refers to a group, and `i` refers to a component. .. math:: D(k,i) = \sum_m^{gr} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i} \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} Returns ------- d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs : list[list[float]] Temperature and mole fraction derivatives of Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [1/K] ''' try: return self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs except: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() try: dThetas_dxs = self._dThetas_dxs except AttributeError: dThetas_dxs = self.dThetas_dxs() try: Zs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Zs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() try: Ws = self.Ws except AttributeError: Ws = self._Ws() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs try: Fs = self.Fs except AttributeError: Fs = self._Fs() if self.scalar: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs = zeros((N_groups, N)) self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs = unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs(N, N_groups, Qs, Fs, Zs, Ws, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas, dThetas_dxs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs=d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs) return d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs
[docs] def d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate the second mole fraction derivatives of the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_k}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} = -Q_k\left( -Z(k) K(k,i,j) - \sum_m^{gr} Z(m)^2 K(m,i,j)\theta_m \psi_{k,m} -W(k,i) W(k,j) Z(k)^2 + \sum_m^{gr} Z_m \psi_{k,m} \frac{\partial^2 \theta_m}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} - \sum_m \left(W(m,j) Z(m)^2 \psi_{k,m} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i} + W(m,i) Z(m)^2 \psi(k,m) \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_j}\right) + \sum_m^{gr} 2 W(m,i) W(m,j) Z(m)^3 \theta_m \psi_{k,m}\right) The following groups are used as follows to simplfy the number of evaluations: .. math:: W(k,i) = \sum_m^{gr} \psi_{m,k} \frac{\partial \theta_m}{\partial x_i} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{mk}} .. math:: K(k, i, j) = \sum_m^{gr} \psi_{m,k} \frac{\partial^2 \theta_m}{\partial x_i \partial x_j} Returns ------- d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] Second mole fraction derivatives of Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of components by number of components by number of subgroups and indexed in that order, [-] ''' try: return self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs except: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dThetas_dxs = self._dThetas_dxs except AttributeError: dThetas_dxs = self.dThetas_dxs() try: d2Thetas_dxixjs = self._d2Thetas_dxixjs except AttributeError: d2Thetas_dxixjs = self.d2Thetas_dxixjs() try: Zs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Zs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() try: Ws = self.Ws except AttributeError: Ws = self._Ws() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs if self.scalar: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N_groups)) self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs = unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs(N, N_groups, Qs, Zs, Ws, psis, Thetas, dThetas_dxs, d2Thetas_dxixjs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs) return d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs
[docs] def dlnGammas_subgroups_dT(self): r'''Calculate the first temperature derivative of the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T} = Q_i\left( \sum_j^{gr} Z(j) \left[{\theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T}} + {\theta_j \psi_{i,j} F(j)}Z(j) \right]- F(i) Z(i) \right) .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} Returns ------- dlnGammas_subgroups_dT : list[float] First temperature derivative of ln Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups, [1/K] ''' try: return self._dlnGammas_subgroups_dT except: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() try: Zs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Zs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() try: Fs = self.Fs except AttributeError: Fs = self._Fs() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs if self.scalar: dlnGammas_subgroups_dT = [0.0]*N_groups else: dlnGammas_subgroups_dT = zeros(N_groups) self._dlnGammas_subgroups_dT = unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_dT(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas, Zs, Fs, dlnGammas_subgroups_dT) return dlnGammas_subgroups_dT
[docs] def d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2(self): r'''Calculate the second temperature derivative of the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T^2} = -Q_i\left[ Z(i)G(i) - F(i)^2 Z(i)^2 + \sum_j\left( \theta_j Z(j)\frac{\partial^2 \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} - Z(j)^2 \left(G(j)\theta_j \psi_{i,j} + 2 F_j \theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T}\right) + 2Z(j)^3F(j)^2 \theta_j \psi_{i,j} \right)\right] .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} Returns ------- d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 : list[float] Second temperature derivative of ln Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups, [1/K^2] ''' try: return self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 except: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() try: d2psis_dT2 = self._d2psis_dT2 except AttributeError: d2psis_dT2 = self.d2psis_dT2() try: Zs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Zs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() try: Fs = self.Fs except AttributeError: Fs = self._Fs() try: Gs = self.Gs except AttributeError: Gs = self._Gs() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs if self.scalar: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 = [0.0]*N_groups else: d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 = zeros(N_groups) self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 = row = unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2( N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, Thetas, Zs, Fs, Gs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2) return row
[docs] def d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3(self): r'''Calculate the third temperature derivative of the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's composition and temperature. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T^3} =Q_i\left[-H(i) Z(i) - 2F(i)^3 Z(i)^3 + 3F(i) G(i) Z(i)^2+ \left( -\theta_j Z(j) \frac{\partial^3 \psi}{\partial T^3} + H(j) Z(j)^2 \theta(j)\psi_{i,j} - 6F(j)^2 Z(j)^3 \theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} + 3 F(j) Z(j)^2 \theta(j) \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T^2} ++ 3G(j) \theta(j) Z(j)^2 \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} + 6F(j)^3 \theta(j) Z(j)^4 \psi_{i,j} - 6F(j) G(j) \theta(j) Z(j)^3 \psi_{i,j} \right) \right] .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: H(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^3 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^3} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} Returns ------- d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 : list[float] Third temperature derivative of ln Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups, [1/K^3] ''' try: return self._d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 except: pass try: Thetas = self._Thetas except AttributeError: Thetas = self.Thetas() try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() try: d2psis_dT2 = self._d2psis_dT2 except AttributeError: d2psis_dT2 = self.d2psis_dT2() try: d3psis_dT3 = self._d3psis_dT3 except AttributeError: d3psis_dT3 = self.d3psis_dT3() try: Zs = self.Theta_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Zs = self._Theta_Psi_sum_invs() try: Fs = self.Fs except AttributeError: Fs = self._Fs() try: Gs = self.Gs except AttributeError: Gs = self._Gs() try: Hs = self.Hs except AttributeError: Hs = self._Hs() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs if self.scalar: d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 = [0.0]*N_groups else: d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 = zeros(N_groups) self._d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 = unifac_d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3(N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, d3psis_dT3, Thetas, Zs, Fs, Gs, Hs, d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3) return d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3
[docs] def Xs_pure(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`X_m` parameters for each chemical in the mixture as a pure species, used in calculating the residual part. A function of group counts only, not even mole fractions or temperature. .. math:: X_m = \frac{\nu_m}{\sum^{gr}_n \nu_n} Returns ------- Xs_pure : list[list[float]] :math:`X_m` terms, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [-] ''' try: return self._Xs_pure except AttributeError: pass # Independent of mole fractions and temperature vs, cmp_v_count_inv = self.vs, self.cmp_v_count_inv N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: Xs_pure = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: Xs_pure = zeros((N_groups, N)) self._Xs_pure = unifac_Xs_pure(N, N_groups, vs, cmp_v_count_inv, Xs_pure) return Xs_pure
[docs] def Thetas_pure(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\Theta_m` parameters for each chemical in the mixture as a pure species, used in calculating the residual part. A function of group counts only. .. math:: \Theta_m = \frac{Q_m X_m}{\sum_{n} Q_n X_n} Returns ------- Thetas_pure : list[list[float]] :math:`\Theta_m` terms, size number of components by number of subgroups and indexed in that order, [-] ''' # Composition and temperature independent try: return self._Thetas_pure except AttributeError: pass Xs_pure, Qs = self.Xs_pure(), self.Qs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: Thetas_pure = [[0.0]*N_groups for _ in range(N)] else: Thetas_pure = zeros((N, N_groups)) # Revised! Keep in order [component][subgroup] self._Thetas_pure = unifac_Thetas_pure(N, N_groups, Xs_pure, Qs, Thetas_pure) return Thetas_pure
[docs] def lnGammas_subgroups_pure(self): r'''Calculate the :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` pure component parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's temperature only. .. math:: \ln \Gamma_k = Q_k \left[1 - \ln \sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{mk} - \sum_m \frac{\Theta_m \Psi_{km}}{\sum_n \Theta_n \Psi_{nm}}\right] In this model, the :math:`\Theta` values come from the :obj:`UNIFAC.Thetas_pure` method, where each compound is assumed to be pure. Returns ------- lnGammas_subgroups_pure : list[list[float]] Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [-] ''' try: return self._lnGammas_subgroups_pure except AttributeError: pass try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs Thetas_pure, cmp_group_idx = self._Thetas_pure, self.cmp_group_idx if self.scalar: lnGammas_subgroups_pure = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: lnGammas_subgroups_pure = zeros((N_groups, N)) # Future note: lnGammas_subgroups_pure will not zero all arrays self._lnGammas_subgroups_pure = unifac_lnGammas_subgroups_pure(N, N_groups, Qs, Thetas_pure, cmp_group_idx, self.group_cmp_idx, psis, lnGammas_subgroups_pure) return lnGammas_subgroups_pure
[docs] def dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT(self): r'''Calculate the first temperature derivative of :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` pure component parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's temperature only. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T} = Q_i\left( \sum_j^{gr} Z(j) \left[{\theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T}} + {\theta_j \psi_{i,j} F(j)}Z(j) \right]- F(i) Z(i) \right) .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} In this model, the :math:`\Theta` values come from the :obj:`UNIFAC.Thetas_pure` method, where each compound is assumed to be pure. Returns ------- dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT : list[list[float]] First temperature derivative of ln Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [1/K] ''' # Temperature dependent only! try: return self._dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT except: pass # The followign are calculated on initialization - no caching needed Xs_pure = self._Xs_pure Thetas_pure = self._Thetas_pure try: psis = self._psis except AttributeError: psis = self.psis() try: dpsis_dT = self._dpsis_dT except AttributeError: dpsis_dT = self.dpsis_dT() N, N_groups, Qs = self.N, self.N_groups, self.Qs cmp_group_idx = self.cmp_group_idx try: Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = self._Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs() try: Fs_pure = self.Fs_pure except AttributeError: Fs_pure = self._Fs_pure() if self.scalar: dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = zeros((N_groups, N)) self._dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = unifac_dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT(N, N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs, Fs_pure, cmp_group_idx, dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT) return dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT
[docs] def d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2(self): r'''Calculate the second temperature derivative of :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` pure component parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's temperature only. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T^2} = -Q_i\left[ Z(i)G(i) - F(i)^2 Z(i)^2 + \sum_j\left( \theta_j Z(j)\frac{\partial^2 \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} - Z(j)^2 \left(G(j)\theta_j \psi_{i,j} + 2 F_j \theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T}\right) + 2Z(j)^3F(j)^2 \theta_j \psi_{i,j} \right)\right] .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} In this model, the :math:`\Theta` values come from the :obj:`UNIFAC.Thetas_pure` method, where each compound is assumed to be pure. Returns ------- d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 : list[list[float]] Second temperature derivative of ln Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [1/K^2] ''' try: return self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 except: pass Thetas_pure, Qs = self.Thetas_pure(), self.Qs psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2 = self.psis(), self.dpsis_dT(), self.d2psis_dT2() N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups cmp_group_idx = self.cmp_group_idx # Index by [component][subgroup] try: Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = self._Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs() try: Fs_pure = self.Fs_pure except AttributeError: Fs_pure = self._Fs_pure() try: Gs_pure = self.Gs_pure except AttributeError: Gs_pure = self._Gs_pure() if self.scalar: d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = zeros((N_groups, N)) # Index by [subgroup][component] self._d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = unifac_d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2(N, N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs, Fs_pure, Gs_pure, cmp_group_idx, d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2) return d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2
[docs] def d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3(self): r'''Calculate the third temperature derivative of :math:`\ln \Gamma_k` pure component parameters for the phase; depends on the phases's temperature only. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \Gamma_i}{\partial T^3} =Q_i\left[-H(i) Z(i) - 2F(i)^3 Z(i)^3 + 3F(i) G(i) Z(i)^2+ \left( -\theta_j Z(j) \frac{\partial^3 \psi}{\partial T^3} + H(j) Z(j)^2 \theta(j)\psi_{i,j} - 6F(j)^2 Z(j)^3 \theta_j \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} + 3 F(j) Z(j)^2 \theta(j) \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T^2} ++ 3G(j) \theta(j) Z(j)^2 \frac{\partial \psi_{i,j}}{\partial T} + 6F(j)^3 \theta(j) Z(j)^4 \psi_{i,j} - 6F(j) G(j) \theta(j) Z(j)^3 \psi_{i,j} \right) \right] .. math:: F(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T} .. math:: G(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^2 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^2} .. math:: H(k) = \sum_m^{gr} \theta_m \frac{\partial^3 \psi_{m,k}}{\partial T^3} .. math:: Z(k) = \frac{1}{\sum_m \Theta_m \Psi_{m,k}} In this model, the :math:`\Theta` values come from the :obj:`UNIFAC.Thetas_pure` method, where each compound is assumed to be pure. Returns ------- d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 : list[list[float]] Third temperature derivative of ln Gamma parameters for each subgroup, size number of subgroups by number of components and indexed in that order, [1/K^3] ''' try: return self._d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 except: pass Thetas_pure, Qs = self.Thetas_pure(), self.Qs psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, d3psis_dT3 = self.psis(), self.dpsis_dT(), self.d2psis_dT2(), self.d3psis_dT3() N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups cmp_group_idx = self.cmp_group_idx try: Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = self.Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs except AttributeError: Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs = self._Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs() try: Fs_pure = self.Fs_pure except AttributeError: Fs_pure = self._Fs_pure() try: Gs_pure = self.Gs_pure except AttributeError: Gs_pure = self._Gs_pure() try: Hs_pure = self.Hs_pure except AttributeError: Hs_pure = self._Hs_pure() if self.scalar: d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N_groups)] else: d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = zeros((N_groups, N)) # Index by [subgroup][component] self._d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = unifac_d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3(N, N_groups, Qs, psis, dpsis_dT, d2psis_dT2, d3psis_dT3, Thetas_pure, Theta_pure_Psi_sum_invs, Fs_pure, Gs_pure, Hs_pure, cmp_group_idx, d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3) return d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3
[docs] def lngammas_r(self): r'''Calculates the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \ln \gamma_i^r = \sum_{k}^{gr} \nu_k^{(i)} \left[ \ln \Gamma_k - \ln \Gamma_k^{(i)} \right] where the second Gamma is the pure-component Gamma of group `k` in component `i`. Returns ------- lngammas_r : list[float] Residual lngammas terms, size number of components [-] ''' try: return self._lngammas_r except AttributeError: pass lnGammas_subgroups_pure = self.lnGammas_subgroups_pure() lnGammas_subgroups = self.lnGammas_subgroups() vs = self.vs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: lngammas_r = [0.0]*N else: lngammas_r = zeros(N) if N != 1: unifac_lngammas_r(N, N_groups, lnGammas_subgroups_pure, lnGammas_subgroups, vs, lngammas_r) self._lngammas_r = lngammas_r return lngammas_r
[docs] def dlngammas_r_dT(self): r'''Calculates the first temperature derivative of the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T} = \sum_{k}^{gr} \nu_k^{(i)} \left[ \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_k}{\partial T} - \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_k^{(i)}}{\partial T} \right] where the second Gamma is the pure-component Gamma of group `k` in component `i`. Returns ------- dlngammas_r_dT : list[float] Residual lngammas terms first temperature derivative, size number of components [1/K] ''' try: return self._dlngammas_r_dT except AttributeError: pass dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT = self.dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT() dlnGammas_subgroups_dT = self.dlnGammas_subgroups_dT() vs = self.vs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: dlngammas_r_dT = [0.0]*N else: dlngammas_r_dT = zeros(N) self._dlngammas_r_dT = unifac_lngammas_r(N, N_groups, dlnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT, dlnGammas_subgroups_dT, vs, dlngammas_r_dT) return dlngammas_r_dT
dlngammas_dT = dlngammas_r_dT
[docs] def d2lngammas_r_dT2(self): r'''Calculates the second temperature derivative of the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T^2} = \sum_{k}^{gr} \nu_k^{(i)} \left[ \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_k}{\partial T^2} - \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_k^{(i)}}{\partial T^2} \right] where the second Gamma is the pure-component Gamma of group `k` in component `i`. Returns ------- d2lngammas_r_dT2 : list[float] Residual lngammas terms second temperature derivative, size number of components [1/K^2] ''' try: return self._d2lngammas_r_dT2 except AttributeError: pass d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2 = self.d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2() d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2 = self.d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2() vs = self.vs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: d2lngammas_r_dT2 = [0.0]*N else: d2lngammas_r_dT2 = zeros(N) self._d2lngammas_r_dT2 = unifac_lngammas_r(N, N_groups, d2lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT2, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dT2, vs, d2lngammas_r_dT2) return d2lngammas_r_dT2
d2lngammas_dT2 = d2lngammas_r_dT2
[docs] def d3lngammas_r_dT3(self): r'''Calculates the third temperature derivative of the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T^3} = \sum_{k}^{gr} \nu_k^{(i)} \left[ \frac{\partial^23\ln \Gamma_k}{\partial T^3} - \frac{\partial^3 \ln \Gamma_k^{(i)}}{\partial T^3} \right] where the second Gamma is the pure-component Gamma of group `k` in component `i`. Returns ------- d3lngammas_r_dT3 : list[float] Residual lngammas terms third temperature derivative, size number of components [1/K^3] ''' try: return self._d3lngammas_r_dT3 except AttributeError: pass d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3 = self.d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3() d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3 = self.d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3() vs = self.vs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups if self.scalar: d3lngammas_r_dT3 = [0.0]*N else: d3lngammas_r_dT3 = zeros(N) self._d3lngammas_r_dT3 = unifac_lngammas_r(N, N_groups, d3lnGammas_subgroups_pure_dT3, d3lnGammas_subgroups_dT3, vs, d3lngammas_r_dT3) return d3lngammas_r_dT3
d3lngammas_dT3 = d3lngammas_r_dT3
[docs] def dlngammas_r_dxs(self): r'''Calculates the first mole fraction derivative of the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_j} = \sum_{m}^{gr} \nu_m^{(i)} \frac{\partial \ln \Gamma_m}{\partial x_j} Returns ------- dlngammas_r_dxs : list[list[float]] First mole fraction derivative of residual lngammas terms, size number of components by number of components [-] ''' try: return self._dlngammas_r_dxs except AttributeError: pass vs, N, N_groups = self.vs, self.N, self.N_groups dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs = self.dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs() if self.scalar: dlngammas_r_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dlngammas_r_dxs = zeros((N, N)) self._dlngammas_r_dxs = unifac_dlngammas_r_dxs(N, N_groups, vs, dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs, dlngammas_r_dxs) for i in range(N): row = dlngammas_r_dxs[i] for j in range(N): tot = 0.0 for m in range(N_groups): tot += vs[m][i]*dlnGammas_subgroups_dxs[m][j] row[j] = tot return dlngammas_r_dxs
[docs] def d2lngammas_r_dTdxs(self): r'''Calculates the first mole fraction derivative of the temperature derivative of the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_j \partial T} = \sum_{m}^{gr} \nu_m^{(i)} \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_m} {\partial x_j \partial T} Returns ------- d2lngammas_r_dTdxs : list[list[float]] First mole fraction derivative and temperature derivative of residual lngammas terms, size number of components by number of components [-] ''' try: return self._d2lngammas_r_dTdxs except AttributeError: pass vs = self.vs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs = self.d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs() if self.scalar: d2lngammas_r_dTdxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: d2lngammas_r_dTdxs = zeros((N, N)) self._d2lngammas_r_dTdxs = unifac_dlngammas_r_dxs(N, N_groups, vs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dTdxs, d2lngammas_r_dTdxs) return d2lngammas_r_dTdxs
[docs] def d2lngammas_r_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculates the second mole fraction derivative of the residual part of the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_j^2} = \sum_{m}^{gr} \nu_m^{(i)} \frac{\partial^2 \ln \Gamma_m}{\partial x_j^2} Returns ------- d2lngammas_r_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] Second mole fraction derivative of the residual lngammas terms, size number of components by number of components by number of components [-] ''' try: return self._d2lngammas_r_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass vs = self.vs N, N_groups = self.N, self.N_groups d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs = self.d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs() if self.scalar: d2lngammas_r_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2lngammas_r_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) self._d2lngammas_r_dxixjs = unifac_d2lngammas_r_dxixjs(N, N_groups, vs, d2lnGammas_subgroups_dxixjs, d2lngammas_r_dxixjs) return d2lngammas_r_dxixjs
[docs] def GE(self): r'''Calculate the excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: G^E = RT\sum_i x_i \left(\ln \gamma_i^c + \ln \gamma_i^r \right) For the VTPR model, the combinatorial component is set to zero. Returns ------- GE : float Excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] ''' try: return self._GE except AttributeError: pass T, xs, N = self.T, self.xs, self.N if N == 1: GE = 0.0 else: lngammas_r = self.lngammas_r() if self.skip_comb: GE = unifac_GE_skip_comb(T, xs, N, lngammas_r) else: lngammas_c = self.lngammas_c() GE = unifac_GE(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, lngammas_c) self._GE = GE return GE
[docs] def dGE_dxs(self): r'''Calculate the first composition derivative of excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial G^E}{\partial x_i} = RT\left(\ln \gamma_i^c + \ln \gamma_i^r \right) + RT\sum_j x_j \left(\frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^c}{\partial x_i} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^r}{\partial x_i} \right) Returns ------- dGE_dxs : list[float] First composition derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] ''' try: return self._dGE_dxs except AttributeError: pass T, xs, N, skip_comb = self.T, self.xs, self.N, self.skip_comb lngammas_r = self.lngammas_r() dlngammas_r_dxs = self.dlngammas_r_dxs() if self.scalar: dGE_dxs = [0.0]*N else: dGE_dxs = zeros(N) if skip_comb: self._dGE_dxs = unifac_dGE_dxs_skip_comb(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs, dGE_dxs) else: lngammas_c = self.lngammas_c() dlngammas_c_dxs = self.dlngammas_c_dxs() self._dGE_dxs = unifac_dGE_dxs(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs, lngammas_c, dlngammas_c_dxs, dGE_dxs) return dGE_dxs
[docs] def d2GE_dTdxs(self): r'''Calculate the first composition derivative and temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial T\partial x_i} = RT\left(\frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T} + \sum_j x_j \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^r}{\partial x_i} \right) + R\left[ \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial x_i} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_i} + \sum_j x_j \left( \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^c}{\partial x_i} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^r}{\partial x_i}\right)\right] Returns ------- dGE_dxs : list[float] First composition derivative and first temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol/K] ''' try: return self._d2GE_dTdxs except AttributeError: pass T, xs, N, skip_comb = self.T, self.xs, self.N, self.skip_comb lngammas_r = self.lngammas_r() dlngammas_r_dxs = self.dlngammas_r_dxs() dlngammas_r_dT = self.dlngammas_r_dT() d2lngammas_r_dTdxs = self.d2lngammas_r_dTdxs() if self.scalar: d2GE_dTdxs = [0.0]*N else: d2GE_dTdxs = zeros(N) if skip_comb: self._d2GE_dTdxs = unifac_d2GE_dTdxs_skip_comb(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs,dlngammas_r_dT, d2lngammas_r_dTdxs, d2GE_dTdxs) else: lngammas_c = self.lngammas_c() dlngammas_c_dxs = self.dlngammas_c_dxs() self._d2GE_dTdxs = unifac_d2GE_dTdxs(T, xs, N, lngammas_r, dlngammas_r_dxs, dlngammas_r_dT, d2lngammas_r_dTdxs, lngammas_c, dlngammas_c_dxs, d2GE_dTdxs) return d2GE_dTdxs
[docs] def d2GE_dxixjs(self): r'''Calculate the second composition derivative of excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = RT \left[\sum_i \left( \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} \right) + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^c}{\partial x_k} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_j^r}{\partial x_k} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_k^c}{\partial x_j} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_k^r}{\partial x_j}\right] Returns ------- d2GE_dxixjs : list[list[float]] Second composition derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol] ''' try: return self._d2GE_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass T, xs, N, skip_comb = self.T, self.xs, self.N, self.skip_comb dlngammas_r_dxs = self.dlngammas_r_dxs() d2lngammas_r_dxixjs = self.d2lngammas_r_dxixjs() if self.scalar: d2GE_dxixjs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: d2GE_dxixjs = zeros((N, N)) if N != 1: if skip_comb: unifac_d2GE_dxixjs_skip_comb(T, xs, N, dlngammas_r_dxs, d2lngammas_r_dxixjs, d2GE_dxixjs) else: dlngammas_c_dxs = self.dlngammas_c_dxs() d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = self.d2lngammas_c_dxixjs() unifac_d2GE_dxixjs(T, xs, N, dlngammas_r_dxs, d2lngammas_r_dxixjs, dlngammas_c_dxs, d2lngammas_c_dxixjs, d2GE_dxixjs) self._d2GE_dxixjs = d2GE_dxixjs return d2GE_dxixjs
[docs] def dGE_dT(self): r'''Calculate the first temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial G^E}{\partial T} = RT\sum_i x_i \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T} + \frac{G^E}{T} Returns ------- dGE_dT : float First temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol/K] ''' try: return self._dGE_dT except AttributeError: pass self._dGE_dT = dGE_dT = unifac_dGE_dT(self.N, self.T, self.xs, self.dlngammas_r_dT(), self.GE()) return dGE_dT
[docs] def d2GE_dT2(self): r'''Calculate the second temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 G^E}{\partial T^2} = RT\sum_i x_i \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T^2} + 2R\sum_i x_i \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T} Returns ------- d2GE_dT2 : float Second temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol/K^2] ''' try: return self._d2GE_dT2 except AttributeError: pass T, xs, N = self.T, self.xs, self.N dlngammas_r_dT = self.dlngammas_r_dT() d2lngammas_r_dT2 = self.d2lngammas_r_dT2() self._d2GE_dT2 = d2GE_dT2 = unifac_d2GE_dT2(N, T, xs, dlngammas_r_dT, d2lngammas_r_dT2) return d2GE_dT2
[docs] def d3GE_dT3(self): r'''Calculate the third temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 G^E}{\partial T^3} = RT\sum_i x_i \frac{\partial^3 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T^3} + 3R\sum_i x_i \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T^2} Returns ------- d3GE_dT3 : float Third temperature derivative of excess Gibbs energy, [J/mol/K^3] ''' try: return self._d3GE_dT3 except AttributeError: pass T, xs, N = self.T, self.xs, self.N d2lngammas_r_dT2 = self.d2lngammas_r_dT2() d3lngammas_r_dT3 = self.d3lngammas_r_dT3() self._d3GE_dT3 = d3GE_dT3 = unifac_d3GE_dT3(N, T, xs, d2lngammas_r_dT2, d3lngammas_r_dT3) return d3GE_dT3
[docs] def gammas(self): r'''Calculates the activity coefficients with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \gamma_i = \exp\left(\ln \gamma_i^c + \ln \gamma_i^r \right) For the VTPR variant, the combinatorial part is skipped: .. math:: \gamma_i = \exp(\ln \gamma_i^r) Returns ------- gammas : list[float] Activity coefficients, size number of components [-] ''' try: return self._gammas except: pass xs, N = self.xs, self.N try: lngammas_r = self._lngammas_r except AttributeError: lngammas_r = self.lngammas_r() if self.skip_comb: if self.scalar: self._gammas = gammas = [exp(ri) for ri in lngammas_r] else: self._gammas = gammas = npexp(lngammas_r) else: try: lngammas_c = self._lngammas_c except AttributeError: lngammas_c = self.lngammas_c() if self.scalar: gammas = [0.0]*N else: gammas = zeros(N) self._gammas = unifac_gammas(N, xs, lngammas_r, lngammas_c, gammas) self._gammas = gammas return gammas
[docs] def dgammas_dT(self): r'''Calculates the first temperature derivative of activity coefficients with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma_i}{\partial T} = \gamma_i\frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial T} Returns ------- dgammas_dT : list[float] First temperature derivative of activity coefficients, size number of components [1/K] ''' try: return self._dgammas_dT except: pass try: gammas = self._gammas except AttributeError: gammas = self.gammas() try: dlngammas_r_dT = self._dlngammas_r_dT except AttributeError: dlngammas_r_dT = self.dlngammas_r_dT() if self.scalar: self._dgammas_dT = dgammas_dT = [dlngammas_r_dT[i]*gammas[i] for i in range(self.N)] else: self._dgammas_dT = dgammas_dT = dlngammas_r_dT*gammas return dgammas_dT
[docs] def dgammas_dns(self): try: return self._dgammas_dns except AttributeError: pass dgammas_dxs = self.dgammas_dxs() N = self.N if self.scalar: dgammas_dns = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dgammas_dns = zeros((N, N)) self._dgammas_dns = unifac_dgammas_dns(N, self.xs, dgammas_dxs, dgammas_dns) return dgammas_dns
[docs] def dgammas_dxs(self): r'''Calculates the first mole fraction derivative of activity coefficients with the UNIFAC model. .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma_i}{\partial x_j} = \gamma_i \left(\frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_j} + \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial x_j} \right) For the VTPR variant, the combinatorial part is skipped: .. math:: \frac{\partial \gamma_i}{\partial x_j} = \gamma_i \left(\frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^r}{\partial x_j} \right) Returns ------- dgammas_dxs : list[list[float]] First mole fraction derivative of activity coefficients, size number of components by number of components [-] ''' try: return self._dgammas_dxs except: pass try: gammas = self._gammas except AttributeError: gammas = self.gammas() xs, N = self.xs, self.N try: dlngammas_r_dxs = self._dlngammas_r_dxs except AttributeError: dlngammas_r_dxs = self.dlngammas_r_dxs() if self.scalar: dgammas_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dgammas_dxs = zeros((N, N)) if self.skip_comb: self._dgammas_dxs = unifac_dgammas_dxs_skip_comb(N, xs, gammas, dlngammas_r_dxs, dgammas_dxs) else: try: dlngammas_c_dxs = self._dlngammas_c_dxs except AttributeError: dlngammas_c_dxs = self.dlngammas_c_dxs() self._dgammas_dxs = unifac_dgammas_dxs(N, xs, gammas, dlngammas_r_dxs, dlngammas_c_dxs, dgammas_dxs) return dgammas_dxs
[docs] def lngammas_c(self): r'''Calculates the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. For the modified UNIFAC model, the equation is as follows; for the original UNIFAC and UNIFAC LLE, replace :math:`V_i'` with :math:`V_i`. .. math:: \ln \gamma_i^c = 1 - {V'}_i + \ln({V'}_i) - 5q_i \left(1 - \frac{V_i}{F_i}+ \ln\left(\frac{V_i}{F_i}\right)\right) For the Lyngby model: .. math:: \ln \gamma_i^c = \ln \left(V_i'\right) + 1 - V_i' Returns ------- lngammas_c : list[float] Combinatorial lngammas terms, size number of components [-] ''' try: return self._lngammas_c except AttributeError: pass try: Vis = self._Vis except AttributeError: Vis = self.Vis() try: Fis = self._Fis except AttributeError: Fis = self.Fis() N, version, qs = self.N, self.version, self.qs if self.version in (1, 4): try: Vis_modified = self._Vis_modified except AttributeError: Vis_modified = self.Vis_modified() else: Vis_modified = Vis if self.scalar: lngammas_c = [0.0]*N else: lngammas_c = zeros(N) if N != 1: unifac_lngammas_c(N, version, qs, Fis, Vis, Vis_modified, lngammas_c) self._lngammas_c = lngammas_c return lngammas_c
[docs] def dlngammas_c_dT(self): r'''Temperature derivatives of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. Zero in all variations. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial T} = 0 Returns ------- dlngammas_c_dT : list[float] Combinatorial lngammas term temperature derivatives, size number of components, [-] ''' if self.scalar: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def d2lngammas_c_dT2(self): r'''Second temperature derivatives of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. Zero in all variations. .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial T^2} = 0 Returns ------- d2lngammas_c_dT2 : list[float] Combinatorial lngammas term second temperature derivatives, size number of components, [-] ''' if self.scalar: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def d3lngammas_c_dT3(self): r'''Third temperature derivatives of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. Zero in all variations. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial T^3} = 0 Returns ------- d3lngammas_c_dT3 : list[float] Combinatorial lngammas term second temperature derivatives, size number of components, [-] ''' if self.scalar: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def d2lngammas_c_dTdx(self): r'''Second temperature derivative and first mole fraction derivative of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. Zero in all variations. .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \gamma_i^c}{\partial T^2 \partial x_j} = 0 Returns ------- d2lngammas_c_dTdx : list[list[float]] Combinatorial lngammas term second temperature derivatives, size number of components by number of components, [-] ''' if self.scalar: return [0.0]*self.N return zeros(self.N)
[docs] def dlngammas_c_dxs(self): r'''First composition derivative of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. For the modified UNIFAC model, the equation is as follows; for the original UNIFAC and UNIFAC LLE, replace :math:`V_i'` with :math:`V_i`. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma^c_i}{\partial x_j} = -5q_i\left[ \left( \frac{\frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x_j}}{F_i} - \frac{V_i \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial x_j}}{F_i^2} \right)\frac{F_i}{V_i} - \frac{\frac{\partial V_i}{\partial x_j}}{F_i} + \frac{V_i\frac{\partial F_i}{\partial x_j}}{F_i^2} \right] - \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j} + \frac{\frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j}}{V_i'} For the Lyngby model, the following equations are used: .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma^c_i}{\partial x_j} = \frac{-\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j} + \frac{1}{V_i'} \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j} Returns ------- dlngammas_c_dxs : list[list[float]] Combinatorial lngammas term first composition derivative, size number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._dlngammas_c_dxs except AttributeError: pass N, version, qs = self.N, self.version, self.qs try: Vis = self._Vis except AttributeError: Vis = self.Vis() try: dVis_dxs = self._dVis_dxs except AttributeError: dVis_dxs = self.dVis_dxs() try: Fis = self._Fis except AttributeError: Fis = self.Fis() try: dFis_dxs = self._dFis_dxs except AttributeError: dFis_dxs = self.dFis_dxs() if version in (1, 4): try: Vis_modified = self._Vis_modified except AttributeError: Vis_modified = self.Vis_modified() try: dVis_modified_dxs = self._dVis_modified_dxs except AttributeError: dVis_modified_dxs = self.dVis_modified_dxs() else: Vis_modified = Vis dVis_modified_dxs = dVis_dxs if self.scalar: dlngammas_c_dxs = [[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] else: dlngammas_c_dxs = zeros((N, N)) # index style - [THE GAMMA FOR WHICH THE DERIVATIVE IS BEING CALCULATED][THE VARIABLE BEING CHANGED CAUsING THE DIFFERENCE] self._dlngammas_c_dxs = unifac_dlngammas_c_dxs(N, version, qs, Fis, dFis_dxs, Vis, dVis_dxs, Vis_modified, dVis_modified_dxs, dlngammas_c_dxs) return dlngammas_c_dxs
""" Sympy code used to get these derivatives - not yet validated with numerical values from SymPy! Second and third derivative formulas generated with SymPy. from sympy import * N = 3 N = range(N) xs = x0, x1, x2 = symbols('x0, x1, x2') rs = r0, r1, r2 = symbols('r0, r1, r2') qs = q0, q1, q2 = symbols('q0, q1, q2') # Pure component property (made from subgroups, but known) rsxs = sum([rs[i]*xs[i] for i in range(N)]) Vis = [rs[i]/rsxs for i in range(N)] qsxs = sum([qs[i]*xs[i] for i in range(N)]) Fis = [qs[i]/qsxs for i in range(N)] Vis = V0, V1, V2 = symbols('V0, V1, V2', cls=Function) VisD = V0D, V1D, V2D = symbols('V0D, V1D, V2D', cls=Function) Fis = F0, F1, F2 = symbols('F0, F1, F2', cls=Function) Vis = [Vis[i](x0, x1, x2) for i in range(N)] VisD = [VisD[i](x0, x1, x2) for i in range(N)] Fis = [Fis[i](x0, x1, x2) for i in range(N)] loggammacs = [1 - VisD[i] + log(VisD[i]) - 5*qs[i]*(1 - Vis[i]/Fis[i] + log(Vis[i]/Fis[i])) for i in range(N)] # Variable to use for substitutions Vi, ViD, Fi, xj, xk, xm, qi = symbols('V_i, Vi\', F_i, x_j, x_k, x_m, q_i') # First derivative good_first = diff(loggammacs[0], x1).subs(V0(x0, x1, x2), Vi).subs(F0(x0, x1, x2), Fi).subs(V0D(x0, x1, x2), ViD).subs(x1, xj).subs(q0, qi) good_first = simplify(expand(simplify(good_first))) # Second derivative good_second = diff(loggammacs[0], x1, x2).subs(V0(x0, x1, x2), Vi).subs(F0(x0, x1, x2), Fi).subs(V0D(x0, x1, x2), ViD).subs(x1, xj).subs(x2, xk).subs(q0, qi) # Third derivative good_third = diff(loggammacs[0], x0, x1, x2).subs(V0(x0, x1, x2), Vi).subs(F0(x0, x1, x2), Fi).subs(V0D(x0, x1, x2), ViD).subs(x0, xj).subs(x1, xk).subs(x2, xm).subs(q0, qi) good_third = simplify(good_third) """ """For the Lyngby model composition derivatives remaining: from sympy import * N = 4 N = range(N) xs = x0, x1, x2, x3 = symbols('x0, x1, x2, x3') Vis = V0, V1, V2, V3 = symbols('V0, V1, V2, V3', cls=Function) Vis = [Vis[i](x0, x1, x2, x3) for i in range(N)] loggammacs = [1 + log(Vis[i]/xs[i]) - Vis[i]/xs[i] for i in range(N)] diff(loggammacs[0], xs[1], xs[2]) """
[docs] def d2lngammas_c_dxixjs(self): r'''Second composition derivative of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. For the modified UNIFAC model, the equation is as follows; for the original UNIFAC and UNIFAC LLE, replace :math:`V_i'` with :math:`V_i`. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma^c_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = 5 q_{i} \left(\frac{- \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} V_{i} + \frac{V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}} + \frac{\frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i}}{F_{i}} + \frac{\frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}} - \frac{2 V_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}}}{V_{i}} + \frac{\left( \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i} - \frac{V_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i}} {F_{i}}\right) \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i}}{V_{i}^{2}} + \frac{\frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}} - \frac{\left( \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i} - \frac{V_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i}}{ F_{i}}\right) \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i}}{F_{i} V_{i}} - \frac{V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{\frac{d} {d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{\frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} + \frac{2 V_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i}} {F_{i}^{3}}\right) - \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} Vi' + \frac{\frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} Vi'}{Vi'} - \frac{\frac{d} {d x_{j}} Vi' \frac{d}{d x_{k}} Vi'}{Vi'^{2}} For the Lyngby model, the following equations are used: .. math:: \frac{\partial^2 \ln \gamma^c_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} = -\frac{\partial^2 V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} + \frac{1}{V_i'} \frac{\partial^2 V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} - \frac{1}{\left(V_i'\right)^2} \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j} \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_k} Returns ------- d2lngammas_c_dxixjs : list[list[list[float]]] Combinatorial lngammas term second composition derivative, size number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d2lngammas_c_dxixjs except AttributeError: pass N, version, qs = self.N, self.version, self.qs try: Vis = self._Vis except AttributeError: Vis = self.Vis() try: dVis_dxs = self._dVis_dxs except AttributeError: dVis_dxs = self.dVis_dxs() try: d2Vis_dxixjs = self._d2Vis_dxixjs except AttributeError: d2Vis_dxixjs = self.d2Vis_dxixjs() try: Fis = self._Fis except AttributeError: Fis = self.Fis() try: dFis_dxs = self._dFis_dxs except AttributeError: dFis_dxs = self.dFis_dxs() try: d2Fis_dxixjs = self._d2Fis_dxixjs except AttributeError: d2Fis_dxixjs = self.d2Fis_dxixjs() if self.version in (1, 4): try: Vis_modified = self._Vis_modified except AttributeError: Vis_modified = self.Vis_modified() try: dVis_modified_dxs = self._dVis_modified_dxs except AttributeError: dVis_modified_dxs = self.dVis_modified_dxs() try: d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = self._d2Vis_modified_dxixjs except AttributeError: d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = self.d2Vis_modified_dxixjs() else: Vis_modified = Vis dVis_modified_dxs = dVis_dxs d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = d2Vis_dxixjs if self.scalar: d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = [[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = zeros((N, N, N)) self._d2lngammas_c_dxixjs = unifac_d2lngammas_c_dxixjs(N, version, qs, Fis, dFis_dxs, d2Fis_dxixjs, Vis, dVis_dxs, d2Vis_dxixjs, Vis_modified, dVis_modified_dxs, d2Vis_modified_dxixjs, d2lngammas_c_dxixjs) return d2lngammas_c_dxixjs
[docs] def d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks(self): r'''Third composition derivative of the combinatorial part of the UNIFAC model. For the modified UNIFAC model, the equation is as follows; for the original UNIFAC and UNIFAC LLE, replace :math:`V_i'` with :math:`V_i`. .. math:: \frac{\partial \ln \gamma^c_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k \partial x_m} = - \frac{d^{3}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}d x_{j}} Vi' + \frac{\frac{d^{3}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}d x_{j}} Vi'}{Vi'} - \frac{\frac{d}{d x_{j}} Vi' \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}} Vi'} {Vi'^{2}} - \frac{\frac{d}{d x_{k}} Vi' \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{j}} Vi'}{Vi'^{2}} - \frac{\frac{d}{d x_{m}} Vi' \frac{d^{2}} {d x_{k}d x_{j}} Vi'}{Vi'^{2}} + \frac{2 \frac{d}{d x_{j}} Vi' \frac{d}{d x_{k}} Vi' \frac{d}{d x_{m}} Vi'}{Vi'^{3}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d^{3}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{V_{i}} + \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}} V_{i}}{V_{i}^{2}} + \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{V_{i}^{2}} + \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{V_{i}^{2}} - \frac{10 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} V_{i}}{V_{i}^{3}} + \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d^{3}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}} + \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d^{3}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}} - \frac{5 V_{i} q_{i} \frac{d^{3}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} - \frac{5 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} V_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{2}} + \frac{10 V_{i} q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{k}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} + \frac{10 V_{i} q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{m}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} + \frac{10 V_{i} q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i} \frac{d^{2}}{d x_{k}d x_{j}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} + \frac{10 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} + \frac{10 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} + \frac{10 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} + \frac{10 q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} V_{i}}{F_{i}^{3}} - \frac{30 V_{i} q_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{j}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{k}} F_{i} \frac{d}{d x_{m}} F_{i}}{F_{i}^{4}} For the Lyngby model, the following equations are used: .. math:: \frac{\partial^3 \ln \gamma^c_i}{\partial x_j \partial x_k \partial x_m} = \frac{\partial^3 V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_k \partial x_m}\left(\frac{1}{V_i'} - 1\right) - \frac{1}{(V_i')^2}\left( \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j}\frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_k \partial x_m} + \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_k}\frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_m} + \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_m}\frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j \partial x_k} \right) + \frac{2}{(V_i')^3}\frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_j} \frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_k}\frac{\partial V_i'}{\partial x_m} Returns ------- d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks : list[list[list[list[float]]]] Combinatorial lngammas term third composition derivative, size number of components by number of components by number of components by number of components, [-] ''' try: return self._d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks except AttributeError: pass N, version, qs = self.N, self.version, self.qs Vis = self.Vis() dVis_dxs = self.dVis_dxs() d2Vis_dxixjs = self.d2Vis_dxixjs() d3Vis_dxixjxks = self.d3Vis_dxixjxks() Fis = self.Fis() dFis_dxs = self.dFis_dxs() d2Fis_dxixjs = self.d2Fis_dxixjs() d3Fis_dxixjxks = self.d3Fis_dxixjxks() if version in (1, 4): Vis_modified = self.Vis_modified() dVis_modified_dxs = self.dVis_modified_dxs() d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = self.d2Vis_modified_dxixjs() d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks = self.d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks() else: Vis_modified = Vis dVis_modified_dxs = dVis_dxs d2Vis_modified_dxixjs = d2Vis_dxixjs d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks = d3Vis_dxixjxks if self.scalar: d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks = [[[[0.0]*N for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] for _ in range(N)] else: d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks = zeros((N, N, N, N)) self._d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks = unifac_d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks(N, version, qs, Fis, dFis_dxs, d2Fis_dxixjs, d3Fis_dxixjxks, Vis, dVis_dxs, d2Vis_dxixjs, d3Vis_dxixjxks, Vis_modified, dVis_modified_dxs, d2Vis_modified_dxixjs, d3Vis_modified_dxixjxks, d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks) return d3lngammas_c_dxixjxks