Source code for thermo.utils.mixture_property

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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__all__ = ['MixtureProperty']

from chemicals.utils import hash_any_primitive, mixing_simple, normalize, ws_to_zs, zs_to_ws
from fluids.numerics import derivative, linspace, trunc_exp, trunc_log
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.redlich_kister import redlich_kister_build_structure, redlich_kister_excess_inner, redlich_kister_T_dependence
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable
from thermo.utils.functional import has_matplotlib
from thermo.utils.names import LINEAR, MIXING_LOG_MASS, MIXING_LOG_MOLAR
from thermo.utils.t_dependent_property import ENABLE_MIXTURE_JSON, json_mixture_correlation_lookup

    from itertools import product

[docs]class MixtureProperty: RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR = False name = 'Test' units = 'test units' property_min = 0.0 property_max = 10.0 ranked_methods = [] TP_zs_ws_cached = (None, None, None, None) prop_cached = None _correct_pressure_pure = True _method = None pure_references = () pure_reference_types = () obj_references = () json_version = 1 non_json_attributes = ['TP_zs_ws_cached', 'prop_cached'] vectorized = False skip_prop_validity_check = False """Flag to disable checking the output of the value. Saves a little time. """ skip_method_validity_check = False """Flag to disable checking the validity of the method at the specified conditions. Saves a little time. """ def __init_subclass__(cls): cls.__full_path__ = f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}" def __repr__(self): clsname = self.__class__.__name__ base = f'{clsname}(' for k in self.custom_args: v = getattr(self, k) if v is not None: base += f'{k}={v}, ' base += f'CASs={self.CASs}, ' base += f'correct_pressure_pure={self._correct_pressure_pure}, ' base += f'method="{self.method}", ' for attr in self.pure_references: base += f'{attr}={getattr(self, attr)}, ' if base[-2:] == ', ': base = base[:-2] return base + ')' def __eq__(self, other): return self.__hash__() == hash(other) def __hash__(self): d = self.__dict__ ans = hash_any_primitive((self.__class__, d)) return ans
[docs] def pure_objs(self): return getattr(self, self.pure_references[0])
def __init__(self, **kwargs): if self.CASs: self.N = N = len(self.CASs) else: for attr in self.pure_constants: value = getattr(self, attr) if value: self.N = N = len(value) break self.T_limits = T_limits = {} self.P_limits = P_limits = {} self._correct_pressure_pure = kwargs.get('correct_pressure_pure', self._correct_pressure_pure) self.Tmin = None """Minimum temperature at which no method can calculate the property under.""" self.Tmax = None """Maximum temperature at which no method can calculate the property above.""" self.mixture_correlations = {} """Dictionary containing lookups for coefficient-based mixture excess models.""" self.all_methods = set() """Set of all methods available for a given set of information; filled by :obj:`load_all_methods`.""" self.load_all_methods() # Attempt to load json data CASs = self.CASs if CASs and None not in CASs and ENABLE_MIXTURE_JSON: cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ outer = [] for CAS1 in CASs: row = [] for CAS2 in CASs: found = json_mixture_correlation_lookup(CAS1, CAS2, cls_name) row.append(found) outer.append(row) # Load method by method and see if we have the data we need redlich_kister_coeffs = [] redlich_kister_indexes = [] N_T = 1 N_terms = 1 for i in range(N): for j in range(N): rk_dicts_ij = outer[i][j].get('redlick_kister_parameters', {}) if rk_dicts_ij: # What to do about other data sets? first_data = next(iter(rk_dicts_ij.values())) if first_data['N_T'] > N_T: N_T = first_data['N_T'] if first_data['N_terms'] > N_terms: N_terms = first_data['N_terms'] redlich_kister_coeffs.append(first_data['coeffs']) # TODO figure out order of storing i,j with data if j > i: redlich_kister_indexes.append((i,j)) else: redlich_kister_indexes.append((j,i)) # assemble the parameters # Only add them if anyone had them if redlich_kister_coeffs: rk_struct = redlich_kister_build_structure(N, (N_terms, N_T), redlich_kister_coeffs, redlich_kister_indexes) if 'redlick_kister_parameters' not in kwargs: kwargs['redlick_kister_parameters']= {} kwargs['redlick_kister_parameters']['Combined Json'] = {'N_T': N_T, 'N_terms': N_terms, 'coeffs': rk_struct} if kwargs: mixture_excess_models = {'redlick_kister_parameters'} # Iterate over all the dictionaries in reverse such that the first one is left as the default for key in reversed(list(kwargs.keys())): if key in mixture_excess_models: correlation_name = key.replace('_parameters', '') correlation_dict = kwargs[key] for corr_i in reversed(list(correlation_dict.keys())): corr_kwargs = correlation_dict[corr_i] # for corr_i, corr_kwargs in correlation_dict.items(): self.add_excess_correlation(name=corr_i, model=correlation_name, **corr_kwargs) try: method = kwargs['method'] except: try: method = self._method except: method = None if method is None: all_methods = self.all_methods for i in self.ranked_methods: if i in all_methods: method = i break self.method = method
[docs] def add_excess_correlation(self, name, model, **kwargs): d = getattr(self, model + '_parameters', None) if d is None: d = {} setattr(self, model + '_parameters', d) full_kwargs = kwargs.copy() d[name] = full_kwargs self.all_methods.add(name) self.method = name args = (kwargs['coeffs'], kwargs['N_terms'], kwargs['N_T']) self.mixture_correlations[name] = args
[docs] def calculate(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): pure_props = self.calculate_pures_corrected(T, P, fallback=True) if method == LINEAR: return mixing_simple(zs, pure_props) if method == MIXING_LOG_MOLAR: ln_prop = 0.0 for i in range(len(zs)): ln_prop += zs[i]*trunc_log(pure_props[i]) return trunc_exp(ln_prop) elif method == MIXING_LOG_MASS: ln_prop = 0.0 for i in range(len(ws)): ln_prop += ws[i]*trunc_log(pure_props[i]) return trunc_exp(ln_prop) if method in self.mixture_correlations: rk_struct, N_terms, N_T = self.mixture_correlations[method] Ais_matrix_for_calc = redlich_kister_T_dependence(rk_struct, T=T, N=len(zs), N_T=N_T, N_terms=N_terms) excess = redlich_kister_excess_inner(N_T, N_terms, Ais_matrix_for_calc, zs) base_property = mixing_simple(zs, pure_props) return base_property + excess raise ValueError(f"Unknown method; methods are {self.all_methods}")
[docs] def calculate_pures_corrected(self, T, P, fallback=False, objs=None): if self._correct_pressure_pure: pure_props = self.calculate_pures_P(T, P, fallback, objs=objs) else: pure_props = self.calculate_pures(T, objs=objs) return pure_props
[docs] def calculate_pures(self, T, objs=None): objs = getattr(self, self.pure_references[0]) if objs is None else objs values = [i.T_dependent_property(T) for i in objs] return values
[docs] def calculate_pures_P(self, T, P, fallback=False, objs=None): objs = getattr(self, self.pure_references[0]) if objs is None else objs if objs[0].P_dependent: values = [] for o in objs: v = o.TP_dependent_property(T, P) if v is None and fallback: v = o.T_dependent_property(T) values.append(v) else: values = [i(T) for i in objs] return values
[docs] def test_method_validity(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): r'''Method to test the validity of a specified method for the given conditions. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to check method validity, [K] P : float Pressure at which to check method validity, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] method : str Method name to use Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a specifid method is valid ''' T_low, T_high = self.T_limits.get(method, (None, None)) P_low, P_high = self.P_limits.get(method, (None, None)) if T_low is not None and T < T_low: return False if P_low is not None and P < P_low: return False if T_high is not None and T > T_high: return False if P_high is not None and P > P_high: return False if method in self.mixture_correlations: return True raise ValueError("No check implemented for sepcified method")
[docs] def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0): r'''Method to create a JSON serialization of the mixture property which can be stored, and reloaded later. Parameters ---------- references : int How to handle references to other objects; internal parameter, [-] Returns ------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Notes ----- Examples -------- ''' return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option)
def _custom_as_json(self, d, cache): d['all_methods'] = list(d['all_methods'])
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None): r'''Method to create a MixtureProperty from a JSON serialization of another MixtureProperty. Parameters ---------- json_repr : dict JSON-friendly representation, [-] Returns ------- constants : :obj:`MixtureProperty` Newly created object from the json serialization, [-] Notes ----- It is important that the input string be in the same format as that created by :obj:`MixtureProperty.as_json`. Examples -------- ''' return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
def _custom_from_json(self, *args): self.all_methods = set(self.all_methods) self.TP_zs_ws_cached = [None, None, None, None] @property def method(self): r'''Method to set the T, P, and composition dependent property method desired. See the :obj:`all_methods` attribute for a list of methods valid for the specified chemicals and inputs. ''' return self._method @method.setter def method(self, method): self._method = method self.TP_zs_ws_cached = [None, None, None, None] @property def correct_pressure_pure(self): r'''Method to set the pressure-dependence of the model; if set to False, only temperature dependence is used, and if True, temperature and pressure dependence are used. ''' return self._correct_pressure_pure @correct_pressure_pure.setter def correct_pressure_pure(self, v): if v != self._correct_pressure_pure: self._correct_pressure_pure = v self.TP_zs_ws_cached = [None, None, None, None] def _complete_zs_ws(self, zs, ws): if zs is None and ws is None: raise Exception('No Composition Specified') elif zs is None: return ws_to_zs(ws, self.MWs), ws elif ws is None: return zs, zs_to_ws(zs, self.MWs) def __call__(self, T, P, zs=None, ws=None): r'''Convenience method to calculate the property; calls :obj:`mixture_property <thermo.utils.MixtureProperty.mixture_property>`. Caches previously calculated value, which is an overhead when calculating many different values of a property. See :obj:`mixture_property <thermo.utils.MixtureProperty.mixture_property>` for more details as to the calculation procedure. One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) if (T, P, zs, ws) == self.TP_zs_ws_cached: return self.prop_cached else: self.prop_cached = self.mixture_property(T, P, zs, ws) self.TP_zs_ws_cached = [T, P, zs, ws] return self.prop_cached
[docs] @classmethod def test_property_validity(self, prop): r'''Method to test the validity of a calculated property. Normally, this method is used by a given property class, and has maximum and minimum limits controlled by the variables :obj:`property_min` and :obj:`property_max`. Parameters ---------- prop : float property to be tested, [`units`] Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a specifid method is valid ''' if isinstance(prop, complex): return False elif prop < self.property_min: return False elif prop > self.property_max: return False return True
[docs] def mixture_property(self, T, P, zs=None, ws=None): r'''Method to calculate the property with sanity checking and without specifying a specific method. :obj:`valid_methods` is used to obtain a sorted list of methods to try. Methods are then tried in order until one succeeds. The methods are allowed to fail, and their results are checked with :obj:`test_property_validity`. On success, the used method is stored in the variable :obj:`method`. If :obj:`method` is set, this method is first checked for validity with :obj:`test_method_validity` for the specified temperature, and if it is valid, it is then used to calculate the property. The result is checked for validity, and returned if it is valid. If either of the checks fail, the function retrieves a full list of valid methods with :obj:`valid_methods` and attempts them as described above. If no methods are found which succeed, returns None. One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) method = self._method if not self.skip_method_validity_check or self.test_method_validity(T, P, zs, ws, method): try: prop = self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, self._method) except Exception as e: if self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise e else: if self.skip_prop_validity_check or self.test_property_validity(prop): return prop elif self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(f"{} method '{method}' computed an invalid value of {prop} {self.units}") elif self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(f"{} method '{method}' is not valid at T={T} K and P={P} Pa")
[docs] def calculate_excess_property(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): N = len(zs) prop = self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) tot = 0.0 for i in range(N): zs2, ws2 = [0.0]*N, [0.0]*N zs2[i], ws2[i] = 1.0, 1.0 tot += zs[i]*self.calculate(T, P, zs2, ws2, method) return prop - tot
[docs] def excess_property(self, T, P, zs=None, ws=None): r'''Method to calculate the excess property with sanity checking and without specifying a specific method. This requires the calculation of the property as a function of composition at the limiting concentration of each component. One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. .. math:: m^E = m_{mixing} = m - \sum_i m_{i, pure}\cdot z_i Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the excess property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the excess property, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Returns ------- excess_prop : float Calculated excess property, [`units`] ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) return self.calculate_excess_property(T, P, zs, ws, self._method)
[docs] def partial_property(self, T, P, i, zs=None, ws=None): r'''Method to calculate the partial molar property with sanity checking and without specifying a specific method for the specified compound index and composition. .. math:: \bar m_i = \left( \frac{\partial (n_T m)} {\partial n_i} \right)_{T, P, n_{j\ne i}} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the partial property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the partial property, [Pa] i : int Compound index, [-] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Returns ------- partial_prop : float Calculated partial property, [`units`] ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) def prop_extensive(ni, ns, i): ns[i] = ni n_tot = sum(ns) zs = normalize(ns) prop = self.mixture_property(T, P, zs) return prop*n_tot return derivative(prop_extensive, zs[i], dx=1E-6, args=(list(zs), i))
[docs] def calculate_derivative_T(self, T, P, zs, ws, method, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a mixture property with respect to temperature at constant pressure and composition of a given order using a specified method. Uses SciPy's derivative function, with a delta of 1E-6 K and a number of points equal to 2*order + 1. This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster. If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error encountered. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] method : str Method for which to find the derivative order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- d_prop_d_T_at_P : float Calculated derivative property at constant pressure, [`units/K^order`] ''' return derivative(self.calculate, T, dx=1e-6, args=(P, zs, ws, method), n=order, order=1+order*2)
[docs] def calculate_derivative_P(self, P, T, zs, ws, method, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a mixture property with respect to pressure at constant temperature and composition of a given order using a specified method. Uses SciPy's derivative function, with a delta of 0.01 Pa and a number of points equal to 2*order + 1. This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster. If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error encountered. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] method : str Method for which to find the derivative order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- d_prop_d_P_at_T : float Calculated derivative property at constant temperature, [`units/Pa^order`] ''' f = lambda P: self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) return derivative(f, P, dx=1e-2, n=order, order=1+order*2)
[docs] def property_derivative_T(self, T, P, zs=None, ws=None, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a mixture property with respect to temperature at constant pressure and composition, of a given order. Methods found valid by :obj:`valid_methods` are attempted until a method succeeds. If no methods are valid and succeed, None is returned. Calls :obj:`calculate_derivative_T` internally to perform the actual calculation. .. math:: \text{derivative} = \frac{d (\text{property})}{d T}|_{P, z} One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- d_prop_d_T_at_P : float Calculated derivative property, [`units/K^order`] ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) try: return self.calculate_derivative_T(T, P, zs, ws, self._method, order) except: pass return None
[docs] def property_derivative_P(self, T, P, zs=None, ws=None, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a mixture property with respect to pressure at constant temperature and composition, of a given order. Methods found valid by :obj:`valid_methods` are attempted until a method succeeds. If no methods are valid and succeed, None is returned. Calls :obj:`calculate_derivative_P` internally to perform the actual calculation. .. math:: \text{derivative} = \frac{d (\text{property})}{d P}|_{T, z} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- d_prop_d_P_at_T : float Calculated derivative property, [`units/Pa^order`] ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) try: return self.calculate_derivative_P(P, T, zs, ws, self._method, order) except: pass return None
[docs] def plot_isotherm(self, T, zs=None, ws=None, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, methods=[], pts=50, only_valid=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs pressure at a specified temperature and composition according to either a specified list of methods, or the set method. User-selectable number of points, and pressure range. If only_valid is set, :obj:`test_method_validity` will be used to check if each condition in the specified range is valid, and :obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted. Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will not suceed if the method fails. One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to create the plot, [K] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Pmin : float Minimum pressure, to begin calculating the property, [Pa] Pmax : float Maximum pressure, to stop calculating the property, [Pa] methods : list, optional List of methods to consider pts : int, optional A list of points to calculate the property at; if Pmin to Pmax covers a wide range of method validities, only a few points may end up calculated for a given method so this may need to be large only_valid : bool If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties, and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any checking and use methods outside their bounds ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) # This function cannot be tested if has_matplotlib(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if Pmin is None: if self.Pmin is not None: Pmin = self.Pmin else: raise Exception('Minimum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Pmax is None: if self.Pmax is not None: Pmax = self.Pmax else: raise Exception('Maximum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if not methods: methods = [self._method] Ps = linspace(Pmin, Pmax, pts) for method in methods: if only_valid: properties, Ps2 = [], [] for P in Ps: if self.test_method_validity(T, P, zs, ws, method): try: p = self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) if self.test_property_validity(p): properties.append(p) Ps2.append(P) except: pass plt.plot(Ps2, properties, label=method) else: properties = [self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) for P in Ps] plt.plot(Ps, properties, label=method) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.xlabel('Pressure, Pa') plt.title( + ' of a mixture of ' + ', '.join(self.CASs) + ' at mole fractions of ' + ', '.join(str(round(i, 4)) for i in zs) + '.')
[docs] def plot_isobar(self, P, zs=None, ws=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, methods=[], pts=50, only_valid=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs temperature at a specific pressure and composition according to either a specified list of methods, or the selected method. User-selectable number of points, and temperature range. If only_valid is set,:obj:`test_method_validity` will be used to check if each condition in the specified range is valid, and :obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted. Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will not suceed if the method fails. One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure for the isobar, [Pa] zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Tmin : float Minimum temperature, to begin calculating the property, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature, to stop calculating the property, [K] methods : list, optional List of methods to consider pts : int, optional A list of points to calculate the property at; if Tmin to Tmax covers a wide range of method validities, only a few points may end up calculated for a given method so this may need to be large only_valid : bool If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties, and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any checking and use methods outside their bounds ''' if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) if has_matplotlib(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if Tmin is None: if self.Tmin is not None: Tmin = self.Tmin else: raise Exception('Minimum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmax is None: if self.Tmax is not None: Tmax = self.Tmax else: raise Exception('Maximum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if not methods: methods = [self._method] Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) for method in methods: if only_valid: properties, Ts2 = [], [] for T in Ts: if self.test_method_validity(T, P, zs, ws, method): try: p = self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) if self.test_property_validity(p): properties.append(p) Ts2.append(T) except: pass plt.plot(Ts2, properties, label=method) else: properties = [self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) for T in Ts] plt.plot(Ts, properties, label=method) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.xlabel('Temperature, K') plt.title( + ' of a mixture of ' + ', '.join(self.CASs) + ' at mole fractions of ' + ', '.join(str(round(i, 4)) for i in zs) + '.')
[docs] def plot_isobaric_isothermal(self, T, P, methods=[], pts=50, only_valid=True, plot='property'): # pragma: no cover if has_matplotlib(): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt else: raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') if not methods: methods = [self._method] if self.N != 2: raise ValueError("Only binary systems are supported") if plot is None or plot == 'property': func = self.calculate prop_name = elif plot == 'excess': func = self.calculate_excess_property only_valid = False prop_name = 'Excess ' + if isinstance(T, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): iter_Ts = T else: iter_Ts = [T] if isinstance(P, (tuple, list, np.ndarray)): iter_Ps = P else: iter_Ps = [P] if len(iter_Ps) != len(iter_Ts): # Create a product of the lists of they are not the same size combined = list(product(iter_Ts, iter_Ps)) iter_Ts = [T for T, _ in combined] iter_Ps = [P for _, P in combined] xs = linspace(0, 1, pts) for T, P in zip(iter_Ts, iter_Ps): for method in methods: if only_valid: properties = [] xs_plot = [] for x0 in xs: comp = [x0, 1.0 - x0] if self.test_method_validity(T, P, comp, None, method): try: p = func(T, P, comp, None, method) if self.test_property_validity(p): properties.append(p) xs_plot.append(x0) except: pass plt.plot(xs_plot, properties, label=method + f' at {T:g} K and {P:g} Pa' ) else: properties = [func(T, P, [x0, 1.0 - x0], None, method) for x0 in xs] plt.plot(xs, properties, label=method + f' at {T:g} K and {P:g} Pa') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel(prop_name + ', ' + self.units) plt.xlabel('Mole fraction x0') plt.title(prop_name + ' of a mixture of ' + ', '.join(self.CASs))
[docs] def plot_property(self, zs=None, ws=None, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, Pmin=1E5, Pmax=1E6, methods=[], pts=15, only_valid=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs temperature and pressure according to either a specified list of methods, or the selected method. User-selectable number of points for each variable. If only_valid is set,:obj:`test_method_validity` will be used to check if each condition in the specified range is valid, and :obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted. Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will not suceed if the any method fails for any point. One or both of `zs` and `ws` are required. Parameters ---------- zs : list[float], optional Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float], optional Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] Tmin : float Minimum temperature, to begin calculating the property, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature, to stop calculating the property, [K] Pmin : float Minimum pressure, to begin calculating the property, [Pa] Pmax : float Maximum pressure, to stop calculating the property, [Pa] methods : list, optional List of methods to consider pts : int, optional A list of points to calculate the property at for both temperature and pressure; pts^2 points will be calculated. only_valid : bool If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties, and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any checking and use methods outside their bounds ''' if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from numpy import ma if zs is None or ws is None: zs, ws = self._complete_zs_ws(zs, ws) if Pmin is None: if self.Pmin is not None: Pmin = self.Pmin else: raise Exception('Minimum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Pmax is None: if self.Pmax is not None: Pmax = self.Pmax else: raise Exception('Maximum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmin is None: if self.Tmin is not None: Tmin = self.Tmin else: raise Exception('Minimum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmax is None: if self.Tmax is not None: Tmax = self.Tmax else: raise Exception('Maximum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if not methods: methods = [self._method] Ps = np.linspace(Pmin, Pmax, pts) Ts = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) Ts_mesh, Ps_mesh = np.meshgrid(Ts, Ps) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection="3d") handles = [] for method in methods: if only_valid: properties = [] for T in Ts: T_props = [] for P in Ps: if self.test_method_validity(T, P, zs, ws, method): try: p = self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) if self.test_property_validity(p): T_props.append(p) else: T_props.append(None) except: T_props.append(None) else: T_props.append(None) properties.append(T_props) properties = ma.masked_invalid(np.array(properties, dtype=np.float64).T) handles.append(ax.plot_surface(Ts_mesh, Ps_mesh, properties, cstride=1, rstride=1, alpha=0.5)) else: properties = [[self.calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method) for P in Ps] for T in Ts] handles.append(ax.plot_surface(Ts_mesh, Ps_mesh, properties, cstride=1, rstride=1, alpha=0.5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature, K') ax.set_ylabel('Pressure, Pa') ax.set_zlabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.title( + ' of a mixture of ' + ', '.join(self.CASs) + ' at mole fractions of ' + ', '.join(str(round(i, 4)) for i in zs) + '.')
[docs] def plot_binary(self, P=None, T=None, pts=30, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, Pmin=1E5, Pmax=1E6, methods=[], only_valid=True): # pragma: no cover if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from numpy import ma if T is None: # vary T if Tmin is None: if self.Tmin is not None: Tmin = self.Tmin else: raise Exception('Minimum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmax is None: if self.Tmax is not None: Tmax = self.Tmax else: raise Exception('Maximum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') vary = Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) if P is None: if Pmin is None: if self.Pmin is not None: Pmin = self.Pmin else: raise Exception('Minimum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Pmax is None: if self.Pmax is not None: Pmax = self.Pmax else: raise Exception('Maximum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') vary = Ps = linspace(Pmin, Pmax, pts) if not methods: methods = [self._method] xs = linspace(0, 1, pts) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection="3d") vary_mesh, xs_mesh = np.meshgrid(vary, xs) handles = [] for method in methods: if only_valid: properties = [] for v in vary: v_props = [] T_set, P_set = (T, v) if T is not None else (v, P) for x0 in xs: if self.test_method_validity(T_set, P_set, [x0, 1.0 - x0], None, method): try: p = self.calculate(T_set, P_set, [x0, 1.0 - x0], None, method) if self.test_property_validity(p): v_props.append(p) else: v_props.append(None) except: v_props.append(None) else: v_props.append(None) properties.append(v_props) properties = ma.masked_invalid(np.array(properties, dtype=np.float64).T) handles.append(ax.plot_surface(vary_mesh, xs_mesh, properties, cstride=1, rstride=1, alpha=0.5)) else: properties = [] for v in vary: row = [] for x0 in xs: T_set, P_set = (T, v) if T is not None else (v, P) row.append(self.calculate(T_set, P_set, [x0, 1.0-x0], None, method)) properties.append(row) handles.append(ax.plot_surface(vary_mesh, xs_mesh, np.array(properties).T, cstride=1, rstride=1, alpha=0.5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature, K' if T is None else 'Pressure, Pa') ax.set_ylabel('Mole Fraction x0') ax.set_zlabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.title( + ' binary system of ' + ', '.join(self.CASs))