'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <Caleb.Andrew.Bell@gmail.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__all__ = ['TDependentProperty', 'TRANSFORM_LOG', 'TRANSFORM_LOG_DERIVATIVE',
import os
except: # pragma: no cover
from math import e
import chemicals
import fluids
from chemicals.dippr import (
from chemicals.elements import allotrope_CAS_to_name, solid_allotrope_map
from chemicals.heat_capacity import (
from chemicals.identifiers import sorted_CAS_key
from chemicals.interface import PPDS14, ISTExpansion, Jasper, REFPROP_sigma, Somayajulu, Watson_sigma
from chemicals.phase_change import PPDS12, Alibakhshi, Watson, Watson_n
from chemicals.thermal_conductivity import PPDS3, PPDS8, Chemsep_16
from chemicals.utils import hash_any_primitive
from chemicals.vapor_pressure import (
from chemicals.viscosity import (
from chemicals.volume import PPDS17, Rackett_fit, TDE_VDNS_rho, volume_VDI_PPDS
from fluids.numerics import (
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np
import thermo
from thermo.base import source_path
from thermo.coolprop import coolprop_fluids
from thermo.eos_alpha_functions import (
from thermo.fitting import BIC, AICc, assemble_fit_test_groups, fit_customized, round_to_digits, split_data
from thermo.serialize import JsonOptEncodable
from thermo.utils.functional import has_matplotlib
from thermo.utils.names import (
"""This section is intended to be used in being able to add new data without
changing code for each object.
loaded_json_based_correlations = False
def json_correlation_lookup(CAS, key):
if not loaded_json_based_correlations:
json_based_found = {}
for db in json_based_correlation_data:
found_stuff = db[CAS][key]
for k, v in found_stuff.items():
if k not in json_based_found:
json_based_found[k] = v
except KeyError:
return json_based_found
def json_mixture_correlation_lookup(CAS1, CAS2, key):
if not loaded_json_based_correlations:
CAS_key = ' '.join(sorted_CAS_key([CAS1, CAS2]))
json_based_found = {}
for db in json_based_correlation_data:
found_stuff = db[CAS_key][key]
for k, v in found_stuff.items():
if k not in json_based_found:
json_based_found[k] = v
except KeyError:
return json_based_found
json_based_correlation_data = []
json_based_correlation_paths = []
def load_json_based_correlations():
global loaded_json_based_correlations
folder = os.path.join(source_path, 'Misc')
paths = [os.path.join(folder, 'refprop_correlations.json'),
os.path.join(folder, 'elements.json'),
os.path.join(folder, 'janaf_correlations.json'),
os.path.join(folder, 'inorganic_correlations.json'),
os.path.join(folder, 'organic_correlations.json'),
os.path.join(folder, 'Ho_1972_thermal_conductivity_solid.json'),
os.path.join(folder, 'pycalphad_unary50.json'),
paths.extend([os.path.join(folder, 'mixture_correlations.json'),
import json
for path in paths:
string = open(path)
regression_data = json.load(string)
loaded_json_based_correlations = True
def generate_fitting_function(model,
Ts=None, data=None):
'''Private function to create a fitting objective function for
consumption by curve_fit. Other minimizers will require a different
objective function.
if jac:
model_jac_name = model + '_fitting_jacobian'
for mod in (chemicals, thermo):
# Try to find the fitting function in thermo and chemicals
# most are in chemicals so we try it first
if try_numba:
# Reasons to write a custom accelerating wrapper:
# 1) ufuncs with numba are 1.5-2x slower than expected
# 2) optional arguments are not supported, which is an issue for many
# models which default to zero coefficients
if jac:
f = getattr(mod.numba, model_jac_name)
f = getattr(mod.numba_vectorized, model)
if jac:
f = getattr(mod, model_jac_name)
f = getattr(mod.vectorized, model)
if jac:
f = getattr(mod, model_jac_name)
f = getattr(mod.vectorized, model)
# arg_dest_idxs is a list of indexes for each parameter
# to be transformed into the output array
arg_dest_idxs = []
# reusable_args is a mutable list of arguments to be passed to the
# function which is being fit
reusable_args = []
for i, n in enumerate(param_order):
if n in optional_kwargs:
elif n in const_kwargs:
elif n in fit_parameters:
if not jac and model.startswith('EQ'):
# Handle the DIPPR equations that have the DIPPR equation in them
if jac:
jac_skip_row_idxs = []
for i, k in enumerate(all_fit_parameters):
if k not in fit_parameters:
if jac_skip_row_idxs:
jac_skip_row_idxs = np.array(jac_skip_row_idxs)
#for k in fit_parameters:
if for_leastsq:
def fitting_function(args):
for i, v in enumerate(args):
reusable_args[arg_dest_idxs[i]] = v
return np.delete(f(Ts, *reusable_args), jac_skip_row_idxs, axis=1)
def fitting_function(Ts, *args):
for i, v in enumerate(args):
reusable_args[arg_dest_idxs[i]] = v
out = f(Ts, *reusable_args)
return np.delete(out, jac_skip_row_idxs, axis=1)
if for_leastsq:
def fitting_function(args):
for i, v in enumerate(args):
reusable_args[arg_dest_idxs[i]] = v
return f(Ts, *reusable_args)
def fitting_function(Ts, *args):
for i, v in enumerate(args):
reusable_args[arg_dest_idxs[i]] = v
return f(Ts, *reusable_args)
if for_leastsq:
def fitting_function(args):
ld = arg_dest_idxs
for i, v in enumerate(args):
reusable_args[ld[i]] = v
return f(Ts, *reusable_args) - data
def fitting_function(Ts, *args):
ld = arg_dest_idxs
for i, v in enumerate(args):
reusable_args[ld[i]] = v
return f(Ts, *reusable_args)
return fitting_function
def create_local_method(f, f_der, f_der2, f_der3, f_int, f_int_over_T):
if callable(f):
return LocalMethod(f, f_der, f_der2, f_der3, f_int, f_int_over_T)
value = float(f)
raise ValueError("`f` must be either a callable or a number")
if not all(i is None for i in (f_der, f_der2, f_der3, f_int, f_int_over_T)):
raise ValueError("cannot define derivatives and integrals "
"when `f` is a number")
return ConstantLocalMethod(value)
class LocalMethod:
__slots__ = ('f', 'f_der', 'f_der2', 'f_der3', 'f_int', 'f_int_over_T')
def __hash__(self):
# Don't compare hased on this object id, compapre based on the functions
# implemented
return hash(tuple(id(getattr(self, o)) for o in self.__slots__))
def __init__(self, f, f_der, f_der2, f_der3, f_int, f_int_over_T):
self.f = f
self.f_der = f_der
self.f_der2 = f_der2
self.f_der3 = f_der3
self.f_int = f_int
self.f_int_over_T = f_int_over_T
class ConstantLocalMethod:
__slots__ = ('value',)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.value)
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def f(self, T):
return self.value
def f_der(self, T):
return 0.
def f_der2(self, T):
return 0.
def f_der3(self, T):
return 0.
def f_int(self, Ta, Tb):
return self.value * (Tb - Ta)
def f_int_over_T(self, Ta, Tb):
return self.value * log(Tb/Ta)
# Intended for internal use only
TRANSFORM_LOG = 'log_transform'
TRANSFORM_LOG_DERIVATIVE = 'logarithmic_derivative'
TRANSFORM_SECOND_LOG_DERIVATIVE = 'second_logarithmic_derivative'
TRANSFORM_DERIVATIVE_RATIO = 'derivative_over_value'
TRANSFORM_SECOND_DERIVATIVE_RATIO = 'second_derivative_over_value'
skipped_parameter_combinations = {'REFPROP_sigma': {('sigma1',), ('sigma1', 'n1', 'sigma2')}}
DEFAULT_PHASE_TRANSITIONS = 'Default phase transitions'
[docs]class TDependentProperty:
r'''Class for calculating temperature-dependent chemical properties.
On creation, a :obj:`TDependentProperty` examines all the possible methods
implemented for calculating the property, loads whichever coefficients it
needs (unless `load_data` is set to False), examines its input parameters,
and selects the method it prefers. This method will continue to be used for
all calculations until the method is changed by setting a new method
to the to :obj:`method` attribute.
The default list of preferred method orderings is at :obj:`ranked_methods`
for all properties; the order can be modified there in-place, and this
will take effect on all new :obj:`TDependentProperty` instances created
but NOT on existing instances.
All methods have defined criteria for determining if they are valid before
calculation, i.e. a minimum and maximum temperature for coefficients to be
valid. For constant property values used due to lack of
temperature-dependent data, a short range is normally specified as valid.
It is not assumed that a specified method will succeed; for example many
expressions are not mathematically valid past the critical point, and in
some cases there is no easy way to determine the temperature where a
property stops being reasonable.
Accordingly, all properties calculated are checked
by a sanity function :obj:`test_property_validity <TDependentProperty.test_property_validity>`,
which has basic sanity checks. If the property is not reasonable, None is
This framework also supports tabular data, which is interpolated from if
specified. Interpolation is cubic-spline based if 5 or more points are
given, and linearly interpolated with if few points are given. A transform
may be applied so that a property such as
vapor pressure can be interpolated non-linearly. These are functions or
lambda expressions which are set for the variables :obj:`interpolation_T`,
:obj:`interpolation_property`, and :obj:`interpolation_property_inv`.
In order to calculate properties outside of the range of their correlations,
a number of extrapolation method are available. Extrapolation is used by
default on some properties but not all.
The extrapolation methods available are as follows:
* 'constant' - returns the model values as calculated at the temperature limits
* 'linear' - fits the model at its temperature limits to a linear model
* 'nolimit' - attempt to evaluate the model outside of its limits;
this will error in most cases and return None
* 'AntoineAB' - fits the model to :obj:`Antoine <chemicals.vapor_pressure.Antoine>`'s
equation at the temperature limits using only the A and B coefficient
* 'DIPPR101_ABC' - fits the model at its temperature limits to the
:obj:`EQ101 <chemicals.dippr.EQ101>` equation
* 'Watson' - fits the model to the Heat of Vaporization model
:obj:`Watson <chemicals.phase_change.Watson>`
* 'EXP_POLY_LN_TAU2' - uses the models's critical temperature and
derivative to fit the model linearly in the equation
:math:`\text{prop} = \exp(a + b\cdot\ln\tau)`, so that it is always
zero at the critical point; suitable for surface tension.
* 'DIPPR106_AB' - uses the models's critical temperature and
derivative to fit the model linearly in the equation
:obj:`EQ106 <chemicals.dippr.EQ106>`'s
equation at the temperature limits using only the A and B coefficient
* 'DIPPR106_ABC' - uses the models's critical temperature and
first two derivatives to fit the model quadratically in the equation
:obj:`EQ106 <chemicals.dippr.EQ106>`'s
equation at the temperature limits using only the A, B, and C
* 'Arrhenius': fits the model at its temperature limits to an Arrhenius
linear model in 1/T and log(property) space
It is possible to use different extrapolation methods for the
low-temperature and the high-temperature region. Specify the extrapolation
parameter with the '|' symbols between the two methods; the first method
is used for low-temperature, and the second for the high-temperature.
name : str
The name of the property being calculated, [-]
units : str
The units of the property, [-]
method : str
The method to be used for property calculations, [-]
interpolation_T : callable or None
A function or lambda expression to transform the temperatures of
tabular data for interpolation; e.g. 'lambda self, T: 1./T'
interpolation_T_inv : callable or None
A function or lambda expression to invert the transform of temperatures
of tabular data for interpolation; e.g. 'lambda self, x: self.Tc*(1 - x)'
interpolation_property : callable or None
A function or lambda expression to transform tabular property values
prior to interpolation; e.g. 'lambda self, P: log(P)'
interpolation_property_inv : callable or None
A function or property expression to transform interpolated property
values from the transform performed by :obj:`interpolation_property` back
to their actual form, e.g. 'lambda self, P: exp(P)'
Tmin : float
Maximum temperature at which no method can calculate the property above;
set based on rough rules for some methods. Used to solve for a
particular property value, and as a default minimum for plotting. Often
higher than where the property is theoretically higher, i.e. liquid
density above the triple point, but this information may still be
needed for liquid mixtures with elevated critical points.
Tmax : float
Minimum temperature at which no method can calculate the property under;
set based on rough rules for some methods. Used to solve for a
particular property value, and as a default minimum for plotting. Often
lower than where the property is theoretically higher, i.e. liquid
density beneath the triple point, but this information may still be
needed for subcooled liquids or mixtures with depressed freezing points.
property_min : float
Lowest value expected for a property while still being valid;
this is a criteria used by :obj:`test_method_validity`.
property_max : float
Highest value expected for a property while still being valid;
this is a criteria used by :obj:`test_method_validity`.
ranked_methods : list
Constant list of ranked methods by default
tabular_data : dict
Stores all user-supplied property data for interpolation in format
{name: (Ts, properties)}, [-]
tabular_data_interpolators : dict
Stores all interpolation objects, idexed by name and property
transform methods with the format {(name, interpolation_T,
interpolation_property, interpolation_property_inv):
(extrapolator, spline)}, [-]
all_methods : set
Set of all methods available for a given CASRN and set of properties,
def __init_subclass__(cls):
cls.__full_path__ = f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}"
# Dummy properties
name = 'Property name'
units = 'Property units'
interpolation_T = None
interpolation_T_inv = None
interpolation_property = None
interpolation_property_inv = None
tabular_extrapolation_pts = 20
"""The number of points to calculate at and use when doing a tabular
extrapolation calculation."""
P_dependent = False
forced = False
property_min = 0
property_max = 1E4 # Arbitrary max
T_limits = {}
"""Dictionary containing method: (Tmin, Tmax) pairs for all methods applicable
to the chemical"""
critical_zero = False
"""Whether or not the property is declining and reaching zero at the
critical point. This is used by numerical solvers."""
ranked_methods = []
_fit_force_n = {}
"""Dictionary containing method: fit_n, for use in methods which should
only ever be fit to a specific `n` value"""
_fit_max_n = {}
"""Dictionary containing method: max_n, for use in methods which should
only ever be fit to a `n` value equal to or less than `n`"""
pure_references = ()
pure_reference_types = ()
obj_references = ()
obj_references_types = ()
extra_correlations = {}
"""Dictionary containing extra methods not fully coded into a property
t dependent object; this is more manageable for one-off equations.
_json_obj_by_CAS = ('CP_f',)
correlation_models = {
'Antoine': (['A', 'B', 'C'], ['base'], {'f': Antoine, 'f_der': dAntoine_dT, 'f_der2': d2Antoine_dT2},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C'],
'fit_jac' : Antoine_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [{'A': 9.0, 'B': 1000.0, 'C': -70.0},
{'A': 9.1, 'B': 1450.0, 'C': -60.0},
{'A': 8.1, 'B': 77.0, 'C': 2.5},
{'A': 138., 'B': 520200.0, 'C': 3670.0}, # important point for heavy compounds
{'A': 12.852, 'B': 2943.0, 'C': 0.0}, # Zero C and low range point
{'A': 21.7, 'B': 10700.0, 'C': 0.0}, # Zero C and low range point
{'A': 14.3, 'B': 14500.0, 'C': -28.3},
{'A': -5.3, 'B': 3750.0, 'C': -920.0},
{'A': 9.0, 'B': 870.0, 'C': -37.8},
{'A': 7.1, 'B': 217.0, 'C': -139.0},
'TRC_Antoine_extended': (['Tc', 'to', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'n', 'E', 'F'], [],
{'f': TRC_Antoine_extended, 'f_der': dTRC_Antoine_extended_dT, 'f_der2': d2TRC_Antoine_extended_dT2},
{'fit_params': ['to', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'n', 'E', 'F'],
'fit_jac': TRC_Antoine_extended_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'to': 3.0, 'A': 8.9, 'B': 933., 'C': -33., 'n': 2.25, 'E': -55., 'F': 3300.0},
{'to': -76.0, 'A': 8.9, 'B': 650., 'C': -23., 'n': 2.5, 'E': 63.0, 'F': -2130.},
{'to': 170.0, 'A': 9., 'B': 1500.0, 'C': -66.0, 'n': 2.2, 'E': 0.0, 'F': 0.0},
{'to': 120.0, 'A': 9., 'B': 1310., 'C': -58.0, 'n': 2.0, 'E': -350, 'F': 53000.0},
{'to': 38.0, 'A': 8.97, 'B': 1044., 'C': -40.0, 'n': 2.6, 'E': 123., 'F': -4870.},
{'to': -53.0, 'A': 9.0, 'B': 731.0, 'C': -27.5, 'n': 2.4, 'E': 4.1, 'F': 942.0},
{'to': 197.0, 'A': 9.41, 'B': 1693.0, 'C': -72.7, 'n': 4.9, 'E': 453.0, 'F': -239100.0},
{'to': 72.0, 'A': 9.0, 'B': 1162, 'C': -45, 'n': 5.75, 'E': 691.0, 'F': -40240.0},
{'to': 87.0, 'A': 9.14, 'B': 1232., 'C': -54.5, 'n': 2.3, 'E': -5, 'F': 3280.0},
{'to': 67.0, 'A': 8.94, 'B': 1130, 'C': -44., 'n': 2.5, 'E': 333.0, 'F': -24950.0},
{'to': -120.0, 'A': 8.96, 'B': 510.6, 'C': -15.95, 'n': 2.41, 'E': -94.0, 'F': 7426.0},
{'to': -20.0, 'A': 9.12, 'B': 850.9, 'C': -40.2, 'n': 2.4, 'E': 31.1, 'F': 2785.0},
{'to': -9.0, 'A': 8.4, 'B': 640.3, 'C': -69., 'n': 1.0, 'E': 190.0, 'F': -6600.0},
'Wagner_original': (['Tc', 'Pc', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [], {'f': Wagner_original, 'f_der': dWagner_original_dT, 'f_der2': d2Wagner_original_dT2},
{'fit_params': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
'fit_jac': Wagner_original_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'a': -7.0, 'b': 1.79, 'c': -5.4, 'd': 1.68},
{'a': -7.2, 'b': -0.02, 'c': 0.36, 'd': -11.0},
'Wagner': (['Tc', 'Pc', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], [], {'f': Wagner, 'f_der': dWagner_dT, 'f_der2': d2Wagner_dT2},
{'fit_params': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
'fit_jac': Wagner_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'a': -8.5, 'b': 2.0, 'c': -7.7, 'd': 3.0},
{'a': -7.8, 'b': 1.9, 'c': -2.85, 'd': -3.8},
{'a': -7.55, 'b': 1.6, 'c': -2.0, 'd': -3.2},
'Yaws_Psat': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], [], {'f': Yaws_Psat, 'f_der': dYaws_Psat_dT, 'f_der2': d2Yaws_Psat_dT2},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'fit_jac': Yaws_Psat_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 30.94, 'B': -4162., 'C': -6.78, 'D': -1.09e-9, 'E': 6.4e-07},
{'A': 48.3, 'B': -4605., 'C': -12.8, 'D': 1.66e-10, 'E': 2.546e-06},
{'A': 16.8, 'B': -571., 'C': -3.338, 'D': 2.2e-9, 'E': 1.31e-05},
'TDE_PVExpansion': (['a1', 'a2', 'a3'], ['a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8'], {'f': TDE_PVExpansion},
{'fit_params': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7', 'a8'],
'initial_guesses': [
{'a1': 48.3, 'a2': -4914.12, 'a3': -3.788947, 'a4': 0, 'a5': 0, 'a6': 0, 'a7': 0, 'a8': 0},
'Alibakhshi': (['Tc', 'C'], [], {'f': Alibakhshi}, {'fit_params': ['C']}),
'PPDS12': (['Tc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], [], {'f': PPDS12}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']}),
'Watson': (['Hvap_ref', 'T_ref', 'Tc'], ['exponent'], {'f': Watson}, {'fit_params': ['Hvap_ref', 'T_ref']}),
'Viswanath_Natarajan_2': (['A', 'B',], [], {'f': Viswanath_Natarajan_2}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B']}),
'Viswanath_Natarajan_2_exponential': (['C', 'D',], [], {'f': Viswanath_Natarajan_2_exponential}, {'fit_params': ['C', 'D',]}),
'Viswanath_Natarajan_3': (['A', 'B', 'C'], [], {'f': Viswanath_Natarajan_3}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C']}),
'PPDS5': (['Tc', 'a0', 'a1', 'a2'], [], {'f': PPDS5}, {'fit_params': ['a0', 'a1', 'a2']},),
'mu_TDE': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], [], {'f': mu_TDE}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']},),
'PPDS9': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], [], {'f': PPDS9, 'f_der': dPPDS9_dT}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']},),
'mu_Yaws': (['A', 'B',], ['C', 'D'], {'f': mu_Yaws, 'f_der': dmu_Yaws_dT}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'initial_guesses': [
{'A': -9.45, 'B': 1120.0, 'C': 0.014, 'D': -1.545e-5}, # near yaws ethanol
{'A': -25.5319, 'B': 3747.19, 'C': 0.04659, 'D': -0.0}, # near yaws 1-phenyltetradecane
'Poling': (['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], [], {'f': Poling, 'f_int': Poling_integral, 'f_int_over_T': Poling_integral_over_T}, {'fit_params': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']},),
'TRCCp': (['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7'], [], {'f': TRCCp, 'f_int': TRCCp_integral, 'f_int_over_T': TRCCp_integral_over_T},
{'fit_params': ['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6', 'a7']}),
'Zabransky_quasi_polynomial': (['Tc', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6'], [], {'f': Zabransky_quasi_polynomial, 'f_int': Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral,
'f_int_over_T': Zabransky_quasi_polynomial_integral_over_T},
{'fit_params': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5', 'a6']}),
'Zabransky_cubic': (['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4'], [],
{'f': Zabransky_cubic, 'f_int': Zabransky_cubic_integral, 'f_int_over_T': Zabransky_cubic_integral_over_T},
{'fit_params': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4']}),
'REFPROP_sigma': (['Tc', 'sigma0', 'n0'], ['sigma1', 'n1', 'sigma2', 'n2'], {'f': REFPROP_sigma}, {'fit_params': ['sigma0', 'n0', 'sigma1', 'n1', 'sigma2', 'n2']}),
'Somayajulu': (['Tc', 'A', 'B', 'C'], [], {'f': Somayajulu}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C']}),
'Jasper': (['a', 'b',], [], {'f': Jasper}, {'fit_params': ['a', 'b',]}),
'PPDS14': (['Tc', 'a0', 'a1', 'a2'], [], {'f': PPDS14}, {'fit_params': ['a0', 'a1', 'a2']}),
'Watson_sigma': (['Tc', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5'], [], {'f': Watson_sigma}, {'fit_params': [ 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5']}),
'ISTExpansion': (['Tc', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5'], [], {'f': ISTExpansion}, {'fit_params': [ 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5']}),
'Chemsep_16': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], [], {'f': Chemsep_16}, {'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 53000, 'B': 4500.0, 'C': -145.0, 'D': 1.6, 'E':-0.005},
{'A': -0.21, 'B': -16.3, 'C': -0.23, 'D': -0.0076, 'E': 2.5e-6},
{'A': 2.562e-06, 'B': -300.363, 'C': -11.49, 'D': 0.001550, 'E': -4.0805e-07},
{'A': 81911, 'B': -50003, 'C': 534.5, 'D': -1.8654, 'E': 0.00223},
{'A': -0.193, 'B':-0.885, 'C': -0.8363, 'D': -0.191, 'E': 0.01686},
{'A': 56031.0, 'B': -8382.1, 'C': 267.49, 'D': -2.7228, 'E': 0.0096889},
{'A': 0.14679, 'B': 201570.0, 'C': -2097.5, 'D': 7.255, 'E': -0.0083973},
{'A': 29103.63, 'B': -2305.946, 'C': 11.31935, 'D': -0.00100557, 'E': 1.706099e-07},
{'A': 29546.0, 'B': -3.2521, 'C': 11.386, 'D': 0.0045932, 'E': -3.5582e-06},
{'A': -181030.0, 'B': 9.3832, 'C': 12.233, 'D': 0.00079415, 'E': -2.4738e-07},
{'A': -0.869, 'B': 15.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0},
'PPDS8': (['Tc', 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'], [], {'f': PPDS8, }, {'fit_params': ['a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'], 'initial_guesses': [
'PPDS3': (['Tc', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3'], [], {'f': PPDS3, }, {'fit_params': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3'], 'initial_guesses': [
'TDE_VDNS_rho': (['Tc', 'rhoc', 'a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'MW',], [], {'f': TDE_VDNS_rho}, {'fit_params': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4',]}),
'PPDS17': (['Tc', 'a0', 'a1', 'a2', 'MW',], [], {'f': PPDS17}, {'fit_params': ['a0', 'a1', 'a2', ]}),
'volume_VDI_PPDS': (['Tc', 'rhoc', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'MW',], [], {'f': volume_VDI_PPDS}, {'fit_params': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd',]}),
'Rackett_fit': (['Tc', 'rhoc', 'b', 'n', 'MW',], [], {'f': Rackett_fit}, {'fit_params': ['rhoc', 'b', 'n'], 'initial_guesses': [
{'n': 0.286, 'b': 0.011, 'rhoc': 28.93}, # near a point from yaws
{'n': 0.286, 'b': 0.3, 'rhoc': 755.0}, # near a point from yaws
{'n': 0.259, 'b': 0.233, 'rhoc': 433.1}, # near a point from yaws
{'n': 0.159, 'b': 0.965, 'rhoc': 1795.0},# near a point from yaws
{'n': 0.28571, 'b': 0.3, 'rhoc': 740.0}, # near a point from yaws
{'n': 0.8, 'b': 0.647, 'rhoc': 2794.6}, # near a point from yaws
# Plain polynomial
'DIPPR100': ([],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'],
{'f': EQ100,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'],
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 1.0, 'B': 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'F': 0.0, 'G': 0.0},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 1.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'F': 0.0, 'G': 0.0},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 0.0, 'C': 1.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'F': 0.0, 'G': 0.0},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 1.0, 'E': 0.0, 'F': 0.0, 'G': 0.0},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 1.0, 'F': 0.0, 'G': 0.0},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 0.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0, 'F': 1.0, 'G': 1.0},
'DIPPR100_inv': ([],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'],
{'f': lambda T, **kwargs: 1.0/EQ100(T, order=0, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'],
'constant': ([],
{'f': EQ100,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A']},
'linear': ([],
['A', 'B'],
{'f': EQ100,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B']},
'quadratic': ([],
['A', 'B', 'C'],
{'f': EQ100,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C']},
'cubic': ([],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
{'f': EQ100,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']},
'quintic': ([],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ100,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ100(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']},
'polynomial': (['coeffs'],
{'f': horner_backwards,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: horner_and_der(T=T, **kwargs)[1],
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: horner_and_der2(T=T, **kwargs)[2],
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: horner_and_der3(T=T, **kwargs)[3],
'signature': 'array'},
# Fitting is not supported for variable-length arrays
{'fit_params': []},
'exp_polynomial': (['coeffs'],
{'f': exp_horner_backwards, # for mul, Psat, Psub
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: exp_horner_backwards_and_der(T, **kwargs)[1],
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: exp_horner_backwards_and_der2(T, **kwargs)[2],
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: exp_horner_backwards_and_der3(T, **kwargs)[3],
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'polynomial_ln_tau': (['Tc', 'coeffs'], # For enthalpy of vaporization
{'f': horner_backwards_ln_tau,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der(T=T, **kwargs)[1],
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(T=T, **kwargs)[2],
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der3(T=T, **kwargs)[3],
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'exp_polynomial_ln_tau': (['Tc', 'coeffs'], # For surface tension
{'f': exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der(T=T, **kwargs)[1],
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(T=T, **kwargs)[2],
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'stable_polynomial': (['coeffs'],
['int_T_coeffs', 'int_T_log_coeff'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'exp_stable_polynomial': (['coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'stable_polynomial_ln_tau': (['Tc', 'coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'exp_stable_polynomial_ln_tau': (['Tc', 'coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'chebyshev': (['coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'exp_chebyshev': (['coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'chebyshev_ln_tau': (['Tc', 'coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'exp_chebyshev_ln_tau': (['Tc', 'coeffs'],
{'f': None,
'signature': 'array'},
{'fit_params': []},
'DIPPR101': (['A', 'B'],
['C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ101,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ101(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ101(T, order=2, **kwargs),
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ101(T, order=3, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'fit_jac': EQ101_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': -12.6, 'B': 2670.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # perry dippr point benzamide
{'A': -16.32, 'B': 3141.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # perry dippr point 2-butanol
{'A': -13.0, 'B': 2350.0, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # perry dippr point 2-ethylhexanoic acid
{'A': 0.263, 'B': 280.0, 'C': -1.7, 'D':0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near dippr viscosity vinyl chloride
{'A': -11.0, 'B': 1000.0, 'C': -1.7, 'D':0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near dippr viscosity Methylisopropyl sulfide
{'A': -12.0, 'B': 900.0, 'C': 0.2, 'D':0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # perry dippr point 107-02-8
{'A': 1.55, 'B': 1400.0, 'C': -2.0, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near dippr viscosity acetamide
{'A': 7.5, 'B': 300.0, 'C': -2.8, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near dippr viscosity benzene
{'A': -9, 'B': 1210.0, 'C': -0.32, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # perry dippr point acetic acid
{'A': 281.0, 'B': -32000.0, 'C': -38.8, 'D': 4e6, 'E': -2.002}, # near dippr viscosity cyclohexanol
{'A': 59.7, 'B': -3520.0, 'C': -9.84, 'D': 9.03e12, 'E': -5.0}, # near dippr viscosity m-cresol
{'A': -0.034, 'B': 390.0, 'C': -1.45, 'D': 5.0e12, 'E': -5.0}, # near dippr viscosity o-cresol
{'A': -20.5, 'B': 2500.0, 'C': 1.2, 'D': 2.5e12, 'E': -5.0}, # near dippr viscosity ethylene glycol
{'A': 180., 'B': -17000.0, 'C': -22.5, 'D':1e-17, 'E': -6.02}, # near dippr Psat 1-Undecanol
{'A': -1.9, 'B': 388.0, 'C': -1.13, 'D': 1.5e14, 'E': -6.}, # near dippr mul 1,3-dichlorobenzene
{'A': 7.88, 'B': -106.0, 'C': -2.7, 'D': 4.27e13, 'E': -6.}, # near dippr mul ethyltrichlorosilane
{'A': 13.4, 'B': -233.0, 'C': -3.3, 'D': 1.75e20, 'E': -8.0}, # near dippr viscosity benzophenone
{'A': -9.0, 'B': 1600.0, 'C': -2.15, 'D':3.3e22, 'E': -9.92}, # near dippr viscosity 1-Butanol
{'A': 0.9, 'B': 1600.0, 'C': -2.15, 'D':3.4e22, 'E': -9.92}, # near dippr viscosity 1-Butanol point 2
{'A': -9.65, 'B': 1200.0, 'C': -0.244, 'D': 9.05e34, 'E': -15.0}, # perry dippr point decane
{'A': -7.8, 'B': 1200.0, 'C': -0.5, 'D': 4e23, 'E': -10.0}, # perry dippr point dodecane
{'A': 40.0, 'B': -912.0, 'C': -7.56, 'D': 1.68e24, 'E': -10.0}, # perry dippr point formamide
{'A': -6.3, 'B': 640.0, 'C': -0.7, 'D': 5.7e21, 'E': -10.0}, # perry dippr point hexane
{'A': -375.2, 'B': 17180.0, 'C': 66.67, 'D': -3.6368, 'E': 0.5}, # near dippr viscosity diethanolamine
{'A': -158.9768, 'B': 13684.82, 'C': 19.79212, 'D': 1.78855e-05, 'E': 1.442815}, # near Diisopropanolamine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -804.55, 'B': 30490.0, 'C': 130.8, 'D':-0.155, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr viscosity 1,2-propanediol
{'A': -226.1, 'B': 6806.0, 'C': 37.55, 'D':-0.06085, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr viscosity toluene
{'A': -246.5, 'B': 3150.0, 'C': 50.0, 'D':-0.2255, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr viscosity nitric oxide
{'A': -395.0, 'B': 20000.0, 'C': 60.0, 'D':-5e-2, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr viscosity 1,2-Butanediol
{'A': -394.0, 'B': 19000.0, 'C': 60.0, 'D': -.05, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr viscosity 1,2-butanediol
{'A': -390.0, 'B': 18600.0, 'C': 60.0, 'D': -.055, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr viscosity 1,3-butanediol
{'A': 193.7, 'B': -8036, 'C': -29.5, 'D': 0.044, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat acetaldehyde
{'A': 138.5, 'B': -7123.0, 'C': -19.64, 'D': 0.02645, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat acrolein
{'A': -354.9911, 'B': 16471.68, 'C': 54.55389, 'D': -0.0481353, 'E': 1.0}, # near Triethylene glycol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': 51.5, 'B': -1200.0, 'C': -6.4, 'D': 0.0285, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat oxygen
{'A': 90.5, 'B': -4670.0, 'C': -11.6, 'D': 0.0172, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat ammonia
{'A': 133.5, 'B': -7500.0, 'C': -18.4, 'D': 0.022, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat 1-hexyne
{'A': 76.9, 'B': -7250.0, 'C': -8.25, 'D': 0.00616, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat hydrazine
{'A': 150.0, 'B': -8900.0, 'C': -20.7, 'D': 0.022, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat pentanal
{'A': 108.0, 'B': -6600.0, 'C': -14.2, 'D': 0.016, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat bromine
{'A': 86.0, 'B': -4880.0, 'C': -10.9, 'D': 0.015, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat cyclobutane
{'A': 93.1, 'B': -5500.0, 'C': -11.85, 'D': 0.014, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat 2-methyl-1-butene
{'A': 211, 'B': -14000.0, 'C': -29.5, 'D': 0.0252, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat o-cresol
{'A': 47, 'B': -5100.0, 'C': -3.67, 'D': 0.000516, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat 3-hexyne
{'A': 463, 'B': -18300.0, 'C': -73.7, 'D': 0.093, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat diisopropylamine
{'A': 21.65, 'B': -690.0, 'C': -0.39, 'D': 0.00475, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat something long
{'A': 124, 'B': -7630.0, 'C': -16.45, 'D': 0.0165, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat 2-hexyne
{'A': 136.6, 'B': -7200.0, 'C': -19.0, 'D': 0.0223, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat isopropylamine
{'A': 337.6, 'B': -18500.0, 'C': -50.0, 'D': 0.0474, 'E': 1.0}, # near dippr Psat nonanal
{'A': -20.449, 'B': -959.41, 'C': 4.2445, 'D': -9.5025e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Hydrogen iodide chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -27.66295, 'B': 5326.5, 'C': 1.362383, 'D': -1.706454e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near N-aminoethyl ethanolamine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -497.9054, 'B': 22666.52, 'C': 74.36022, 'D': -7.02789e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near N-aminoethyl piperazine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': 33.605, 'B': 4399.7, 'C': -8.9203, 'D': 2.1038e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Triethanolamine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -135.2818, 'B': 9167.078, 'C': 18.06409, 'D': -1.15446e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near 1,4-butanediol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': 20.959, 'B': -457.46, 'C': -4.9486, 'D': 6.5105e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near Sulfur hexafluoride chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -36.861, 'B': 2459.5, 'C': 3.4416, 'D': 7.0474e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near Neopentane chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -79.28, 'B': 4198.4, 'C': 10.393, 'D': -8.5568e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near 1,4-dioxane chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -98.08798, 'B': 4904.749, 'C': 13.57131, 'D': -2.19968e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near 1-propanol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -9.949, 'B': 1214.4, 'C': -0.53562, 'D': 1.0346e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Methyl formate chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -1098.989, 'B': 45628.63, 'C': 168.1502, 'D': -0.000185183, 'E': 2.0}, # near M-cresol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -10.876, 'B': 472.99, 'C': 0.14659, 'D': -1.3815e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Nitrous oxide chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -107.9662, 'B': 6199.736, 'C': 14.5721, 'D': -1.7552e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near 2-methyl-1-propanol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -0.287, 'B': 6081.0, 'C': -3.871, 'D': 1.52e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Diethanolamine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -702.8, 'B': 30403.5, 'C': 106.7, 'D': -0.0001164, 'E': 2.0}, # near Tetraethylene glycol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': 19.33, 'B': 3027, 'C': -6.653, 'D': 3e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near 2-butanol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': 264.3, 'B': -7985.0, 'C': -44.1, 'D': 7.495e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Nitric acid chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -260.7, 'B': 11505.0, 'C': 38.84, 'D': -6.16e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Sulfur trioxide chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -161.558, 'B': 9388.5, 'C': 22.023, 'D': -1.219e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near 2-pentanol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -58.53, 'B': 2991.0, 'C': 7.491, 'D': -1.103e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Acetic acid chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -13.68, 'B': 5526.7, 'C': 15.76, 'D': -1.598e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Acrylic acid chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': 9.2895, 'B': -86.90, 'C': -3.7445, 'D': 5.848e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near Fluorine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -7.0105, 'B': 766.6, 'C': -0.571, 'D': -1.617e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near Diisopropylamine chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -374.3, 'B': 18190.0, 'C': 55.1, 'D': -4.9166e-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near Diethylene glycol chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -789.5, 'B': 22474.0, 'C': 129., 'D': -0.00032789, 'E': 2.0}, # near phosgene chemsep liquid viscosity
{'A': -40.0, 'B': 1500.0, 'C': 4.8, 'D':-.000016, 'E': 2.0}, # near ammonia viscosity chemsep
{'A': 62.9, 'B': -4137.0, 'C': -6.32, 'D': 9.2E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near chemsep Psat ammonia
{'A': 85.0, 'B': -7615.0, 'C': -9.31, 'D': 5.56E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat m-xylene
{'A': 73.7, 'B': -7260.0, 'C': -7.3, 'D': 4.16E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat water
{'A': 127.0, 'B': -12550.0, 'C': -15, 'D': 7.75E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat phthalic anhydride
{'A': 69.0, 'B': -5600.0, 'C': -7.1, 'D': 6.22E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat acetone
{'A': 66.0, 'B': -6015.0, 'C': -6.55, 'D': 4.32E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat 1,2-dichloropropane
{'A': 84.6, 'B': -5220.0, 'C': -9.9, 'D': 1.3E-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat 1,2-difluoroethane
{'A': 302.0, 'B': -24320.0, 'C': -40.1, 'D': 1.75E-05, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat trinitrotoluene
{'A': 113.0, 'B': -9750.0, 'C': -13.25, 'D': 7.13E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat trinitrotoluene
# {'A': 78.34, 'B': -8020.0, 'C': -8.15, 'D': 3.89E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene - uncomment to break things
{'A': 137.0, 'B': -12000.0, 'C': -17, 'D': 8.1E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat dodecane
{'A': 136.0, 'B': -13500.0, 'C': -16., 'D': 5.61E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat pentadecane
{'A': 78.3, 'B': -6350.0, 'C': -8.5, 'D': 6.43E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat 2,3-dimethylpentane
{'A': 204.0, 'B': -19500.0, 'C': -25.5, 'D': 8.84E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat eicosane
{'A': 157.0, 'B': -15600.0, 'C': -19.0, 'D': 6.45E-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat heptadecane
{'A': 30.0, 'B': -270.0, 'C': -2.6, 'D': 0.00053, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat neon
{'A': 140.0, 'B': -13200.0, 'C': -16.9, 'D': 6.6e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat tetradecane
{'A': 173, 'B': -11600.0, 'C': -22.1, 'D': 1.37e-5, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat tert-butanol
{'A': 506, 'B': -37500.0, 'C': -69.3, 'D': 2.74e-5, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
{'A': 126.5, 'B': -12500.0, 'C': -15, 'D': 7.75e-6, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat
{'A': 182.5, 'B': -17900.0, 'C': -22.5, 'D': 7.4e-6, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat nonadecane
{'A': 212.5, 'B': -15400.0, 'C': -28.1, 'D': 2.16e-5, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat 1,2-propanediol
{'A': 248.5, 'B': -32240.0, 'C': -30.0, 'D': 4.8e-06, 'E': 2.0}, # near dippr Psat terephthalic acid
{'A': -75.8, 'B': 4175.0, 'C': 9.65, 'D': -7.3e-9, 'E': 3.0}, # near dippr mul hydrazine
{'A': -116.3, 'B': 3834.0, 'C': 16.85, 'D': -2.59e-10, 'E': 4.0}, # near dippr mul hydrochloric acid
{'A': -14.0, 'B': 950.0, 'C': 0.5, 'D': -6.15e-17, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr viscosity 1-chloropropane
{'A': 84, 'B': -10500.0, 'C': -8.25, 'D': 1.65e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat ethylene glycol
{'A': 85.5, 'B': -11900.0, 'C': -8.33, 'D': 1.29e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat benzamide
{'A': 100.7, 'B': -11000.0, 'C': -10.7, 'D': 3.06e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat benzyl alcohol
{'A': 106.3, 'B': -9850.0, 'C': -11.7, 'D': 1.08e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat 1-butanol
{'A': 106.3, 'B': -13700.0, 'C': -11., 'D': 3.26e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat diethanolamine
{'A': 120.5, 'B': -13100.0, 'C': -13.5, 'D': 5.84e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat heptanoic acid
{'A': 140., 'B': -14800.0, 'C': -16, 'D': 6.42e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat octanoic acid
{'A': 163., 'B': -15200.0, 'C': -19.5, 'D': 1.07e-17, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat octanoic acid
{'A': 73., 'B': -2750.0, 'C': -8.3, 'D': 9.7e-15, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat nitric oxide
{'A': 129., 'B': -17000.0, 'C': -14.0, 'D': 2.156e-18, 'E': 6.0}, # near dippr Psat succinic acid
{'A': -17.7, 'B': 850.0, 'C': 1.05, 'D': -1.2e-18, 'E': 7.0}, # near dippr viscosity 1-difluoromethane
{'A': -7.2, 'B': 535.0, 'C': -0.575, 'D':-4.66e-27, 'E': 10.0}, # near dippr viscosity butane
{'A': -53.0, 'B': 3700.0, 'C': -5.8, 'D':-6e-29, 'E': 10.0}, # near dippr viscosity water
{'A': -8.9, 'B': 205.0, 'C': -0.38, 'D': -1.3e-22, 'E': 10}, # perry dippr point argon
{'A': -9.63, 'B': -3.84, 'C': -1.46, 'D': -1.07e-8, 'E': 10}, # perry dippr point helium
{'A': -11.7, 'B': 25.0, 'C': -0.26, 'D': -4e-16, 'E': 10}, # perry dippr mul point hydrogen
{'A': -20.0, 'B': 285.0, 'C': -1.8, 'D': -6.2e-22, 'E': 10}, # perry dippr point 132259-10-0
{'A': -25.1, 'B': 1380.0, 'C': 2.1, 'D': 4.5e-27, 'E': 10.0}, # perry dippr point chloromethane
# {'A': -25.132, 'B': 1381.9, 'C': 2.0811, 'D': -4.4999e-27, 'E': 10.0}, # perry dippr point chloromethane exact for testing
'DIPPR102': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
{'f': EQ102,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ102(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ102(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ102(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
'fit_jac': EQ102_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 0.00123, 'B': 1.25, 'C': 60900.0, 'D': -1968000.0},# chemsep
{'A': -238., 'B': 1.05, 'C': -4970000000.0, 'D': -89500000000.0}, # chemsep
{'A': 1.2e-7, 'B': 0.8, 'C': 77.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr mug Acetaldehyde
{'A': 1.4e-7, 'B': 0.75, 'C': 277.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr mug Acetamide
{'A': 2.7e-8, 'B': 1.0, 'C': 7.5, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr mug Acetic acid
{'A': 3.1e-8, 'B': 0.96, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr mug sec-Butyl mercaptan
{'A': 2e-6, 'B': 0.42, 'C': 900.0, 'D': -4e4}, # near dippr mug Butyric acid
{'A': 3.5e-6, 'B': 0.37, 'C': 1200.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr mug N,N-Dimethyl formamide
{'A': 3.5e-7, 'B': 1.8, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr kg Acetaldehyde
{'A': 4e-4, 'B': 0.8, 'C': 440.0, 'D': 1.4e5}, # near dippr kg Acetic anhydride
{'A': 3e-4, 'B': 0.78, 'C': -.7, 'D': 2.1e3}, # near dippr kg air
{'A': 2.85e-4, 'B': 1.0, 'C': -200.0, 'D': 2.2e4}, # near dippr kg Deuterium
{'A': -6.5e5, 'B': 0.286, 'C': -1.7e10, 'D': -1.74e13}, # near dippr kg Furan
{'A': 1.6e-5, 'B': 1.3, 'C': 75.0, 'D': -8000.0}, # near chemsep kg ammonia
{'A': 0.051, 'B': 0.45, 'C': 5450.0, 'D': 2e6}, # near dippr kg butane
{'A': 0.011, 'B': 0.716, 'C': 175.0, 'D': 346000.0}, # near dippr kg cyclopentene
{'A': 2.24e-5, 'B': 1.2, 'C': -147.0, 'D': 132000.0}, # near dippr kg 2,3-dimethylpentane
{'A': 3.8e-5, 'B': 1.05, 'C': 287.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr kg bromomethane
{'A': 3e-6, 'B': 1.41, 'C': 0.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr kg ethyltrichlorosilane
{'A': 0.0009, 'B': 0.774, 'C': 460.0, 'D': 230600.0}, # near dippr kg ethyltrichlorosilane
{'A': -4940000.0, 'B': -0.165, 'C': 1.56e9, 'D': -1.58e13}, # near dippr kg 1-hexanol
{'A': 4.65e-6, 'B': 1.37, 'C': -211.0, 'D': 58300.0}, # near dippr kg hydrogen cyanide
{'A': -0.01, 'B': 0.65, 'C': -7330.0, 'D': -2.68e5}, # near dippr kg ethanol
{'A': 44.8, 'B': -0.71, 'C': -3500.0, 'D': 5.35e6}, # near dippr kg formaldehyde
{'A': -1.1, 'B': 0.11, 'C': -9830.0, 'D': -7.54e6}, # near dippr kg propane
{'A': 3.46e-5, 'B': 1.12, 'C': 18.7, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr kg hydrofluoric acid
{'A': -8150000.0, 'B': -0.305, 'C': 1.89e9, 'D': -11.8e12}, # near dippr kg ethylene glycol
{'A': 2.1e-5, 'B': 1.29, 'C': 488.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr kg 1-heptene
{'A': 4.5e-5, 'B': 1.2, 'C': 420.0, 'D': 0.0}, # near dippr kg propene
{'A': 1.7e-6, 'B': 1.67, 'C': 660.0, 'D': -95400.0}, # near dippr kg acetic acid
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 4000.0, 'C': 0.75, 'D': 0.0},
{'A': 1e9, 'B': -5.0, 'C': -1500, 'D': 1e6},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 3600.0, 'C': 0.73, 'D': 0.0},
{'A': 0.0076, 'B': 0.51, 'C': 2175, 'D': 185000.0},
'DIPPR104': (['A', 'B'],
['C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ104,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ104(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ104(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ104(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 0.4, 'B': -700.0, 'C': -2e8, 'D': -3e21, 'E': 4e23},
{'A': 0.02, 'B': -3.0, 'C': -400.0, 'D': 5e8, 'E': -5e9},
'DIPPR105': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
{'f': EQ105,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ105(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ105(T, order=2, **kwargs),
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ105(T, order=3, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],'fit_jac': EQ105_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 500.0, 'B': 0.25, 'C': 630.0, 'D': 0.22,}, # near 2-Octanol dippr volume
{'A': 1370.0, 'B': 0.238, 'C': 588.0, 'D': 0.296,}, # near Nitromethane dippr volume
{'A': 976.0, 'B': 0.282, 'C': 483.0, 'D': 0.22529,}, # near Methyldichlorosilane dippr volume
{'A': 7247.0, 'B': 0.418, 'C': 5.2, 'D': 0.24,}, # near helium dippr volume
{'A': 4289.0, 'B': 0.285, 'C': 144.0, 'D': 0.29}, # near Fluorine dippr volume
{'A': 4.05E3, 'B': 0.27, 'C': 400.,'D': 0.313}, # near ammonia dippr volume
{'A': 2770.0, 'B': 0.26, 'C': 305.,'D': 0.291}, # near carbon dioxide dippr volume
{'A': 1375.0, 'B': 0.275, 'C': 270.,'D': 0.293}, # near propane dippr volume
{'A': 5410.0, 'B': 0.35, 'C': 33.,'D': 0.27}, # near hydrogen dippr volume
{'A': 2900.0, 'B': 0.275, 'C': 133.,'D': 0.28}, # near carbon monoxide dippr volume
{'A': 427.0, 'B': 0.18, 'C': 1110.,'D': 0.285}, # near terephthalic acid dippr volume
{'A': 1100.0, 'B': 0.28, 'C': 620.,'D': 0.31}, # near dimethyl disulfide dippr volume
{'A': 1170.0, 'B': 0.23, 'C': 450.,'D': 0.285}, # near 1,2-difluoroethane dippr volume
{'A': 2450.0, 'B': 0.275, 'C': 310.,'D': 0.29}, # near ethyne dippr volume
{'A': 1450.0, 'B': 0.268, 'C': 365.,'D': 0.29}, # near propene dippr volume
{'A': 1940.0, 'B': 0.24, 'C': 590.,'D': 0.244}, # near formic acid dippr volume
{'A': 1.05, 'B': 0.258, 'C': 540.,'D': 0.268}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 2.15, 'B': 0.27, 'C': 415.,'D': 0.286}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.048, 'B': 0.09, 'C': 587.,'D': 0.133}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.68, 'B': 0.26, 'C': 500.,'D': 0.259}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 1.105, 'B': 0.245, 'C': 508.,'D': 0.274}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.9966, 'B': 0.343, 'C': 803.,'D': 0.5065}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 1.32, 'B': 0.27, 'C': 370.,'D': 0.2785}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.9963, 'B': 0.3426, 'C': 803.,'D': 0.5065}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 1.002, 'B': 0.2646, 'C': 425.2,'D': 0.2714}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.6793, 'B': 0.2165, 'C': 433.3,'D': 0.20925}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.01382, 'B': 0.07088, 'C': 810.0,'D': 0.13886}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.99663, 'B': 0.34261, 'C': 803.06,'D': 0.50647}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.4708, 'B': 0.22934, 'C': 664.5,'D': 0.22913}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.27031, 'B': 0.13967, 'C': 595.0,'D': 0.17588}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.99773, 'B': 0.19368, 'C': 469.15,'D': 0.19965}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.4436, 'B': 0.23818, 'C': 568.77,'D': 0.25171}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.8193, 'B': 0.25958, 'C': 561.1,'D': 0.28941}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 1.3663, 'B': 0.25297, 'C': 456.4,'D': 0.27948}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.42296, 'B': 0.21673, 'C': 611.55,'D': 0.2517}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.50221, 'B': 0.23722, 'C': 631.11,'D': 0.26133}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.67524, 'B': 0.24431, 'C': 645.61,'D': 0.26239}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.5251, 'B': 0.20924, 'C': 736.61,'D': 0.18363}, # near some chemsep liquid densities
{'A': 0.13, 'B': 0.23, 'C': 910.,'D': 0.29},
{'A': 9.0, 'B': 0.5, 'C': 2400.,'D': 0.58},
{'A': 1.0, 'B': 0.14, 'C': 1000.0,'D': 0.1},
{'A': 0.24, 'B': 0.05, 'C': 6000.0,'D': 0.2},
{'A': 6.5, 'B': 0.5, 'C': 3.5, 'D': 0.2},
{'A': 15.0, 'B': 0.3, 'C': 7000.0, 'D': 0.3},
{'A': 0.1, 'B': 0.05, 'C': 3300.0, 'D': 0.1},
'DIPPR105_inv': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
{'f': lambda T, **kwargs: 1.0/EQ105(T, order=0, **kwargs)},),
'DIPPR106': (['Tc', 'A', 'B'],
['C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ106,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ106(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ106(T, order=2, **kwargs),
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ106(T, order=3, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'], 'fit_jac': EQ106_fitting_jacobian,
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 47700.0, 'B': 0.37, 'C': 0.,'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near vinyl acetate dippr Hvap
{'A': 23200.0, 'B': 0.36, 'C': 0.,'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near ethyne dippr Hvap
{'A': 8730.0, 'B': 0.35, 'C': 0.,'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0}, # near argon dippr Hvap
{'A': 125.0, 'B': 1.3, 'C': -2.7,'D': 1.7, 'E': 0.0}, # near helium dippr Hvap
{'A': 1010.0, 'B': 0.7, 'C': -1.8,'D': 1.45, 'E': 0.0}, # near hydrogen dippr Hvap
{'A': 135000.0, 'B': 13.5, 'C': -23.5,'D': 10.8, 'E': 0.0}, # near hydrofluoric acid dippr Hvap
{'A': 7385650.0, 'B': 0.27668, 'C': 0.21125, 'D': -0.8368, 'E': 0.723}, # near chemsep Hvap air
{'A': 62115220.0, 'B': 1.00042, 'C': -0.589, 'D': -0.2779, 'E': 0.31358,}, # near chemsep Hvap 2,2-dimethylhexane
{'A': 4761730.0, 'B': -11.56, 'C': 30.7, 'D': -31.89, 'E': 12.678}, # near chemsep Hvap Dimethylacetylene
# {'A': 0.119, 'B': 1.59, 'C': -0.25, 'D': 0.0, 'E': 0.0},
# {'A': 35e6, 'B': 0.1, 'C': 0.0325, 'D': 0.25, 'E': 0.0},
'DIPPR106_inv': (['Tc', 'A', 'B'],
['C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': lambda T, **kwargs: 1.0/EQ106(T, order=0, **kwargs),},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'YawsSigma': (['Tc', 'A', 'B'],
['C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ106,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ106(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ106(T, order=2, **kwargs),
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ106(T, order=3, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B']}),
'DIPPR107': ([],
['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ107,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ107(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ107(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ107(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'fit_jac': EQ107_fitting_jacobian,
{'A': 325000.0, 'B': 110000.0, 'C': 1640.0, 'D': 745000.0, 'E': 726.},
{'A': 50000.0, 'B': 5e4, 'C': 300.0, 'D': 40000.0, 'E': 200.},
{'A': 60000.0, 'B': 90000.0, 'C': 800.0, 'D': 63000.0, 'E': -2000.},
{'A': 30000.0, 'B': 10000.0, 'C': 1000.0, 'D': 10000.0, 'E': 400.},
{'A': 90000.0, 'B': 225000.0, 'C': 600.0, 'D': 200000.0, 'E': 2000.},
{'A': 20000.0, 'B': 3000.0, 'C': 3000.0, 'D': 20000.0, 'E': 100.},
{'A': 100000.0, 'B': 300000.0, 'C': 800.0, 'D': -125000, 'E': 1000.},
{'A': 350000.0, 'B': 150000.0, 'C': 3000.0, 'D': -500000, 'E': 300.},
{'A': 150000.0, 'B': 1e6, 'C': 500.0, 'D': -800000, 'E': 650.},
{'A': 350000.0, 'B': 1e6, 'C': 2250.0, 'D': 800000, 'E': 1000.},
{'A': 40000.0, 'B': 2500, 'C': 1000.0, 'D': 5000, 'E': 7500.},
{'A': 45000.0, 'B': 60000, 'C': 500.0, 'D': 6000, 'E': 4000.},
{'A': 750000.0, 'B': 1.5e6, 'C': 750.0, 'D': 600000, 'E': 2500.},
{'A': 50000.0, 'B': 200000, 'C': 1200.0, 'D': 100000, 'E': 500.},
{'A': 820000.0, 'B': 375000, 'C': 1750.0, 'D': -1e6, 'E': 275.},
{'A': 150000.0, 'B': 145000, 'C': 1225.0, 'D': -5.75e7, 'E': 7.75},
'DIPPR114': (['Tc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
{'f': EQ114,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ114(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ114(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ114(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], 'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 65.0, 'B': 30000, 'C': -850, 'D': 2000.0},
{'A': 150.0, 'B': -45000, 'C': -2500, 'D': 6000.0},
'DIPPR115': (['A', 'B'],
['C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ115,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ115(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_der2': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ115(T, order=2, **kwargs),
'f_der3': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ115(T, order=3, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 38.0, 'B': -9100, 'C': 0.16, 'D': -8.3e-7, 'E': 0.0},
'DIPPR116': (['Tc', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
{'f': EQ116,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ116(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ116(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ116(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']}),
'DIPPR127': (['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'],
{'f': EQ127,
'f_der': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ127(T, order=1, **kwargs),
'f_int': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ127(T, order=-1, **kwargs),
'f_int_over_T': lambda T, **kwargs: EQ127(T, order=INTEGRAL_OVER_T_CALCULATION, **kwargs)},
{'fit_params': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'], 'initial_guesses': [
{'A': 35000.0, 'B': 1e8, 'C': -3e3, 'D': 5e5, 'E': -500.0, 'F': 7.5e7, 'G': -2500.0},
{'A': 35000.0, 'B': 1e5, 'C': -7.5e3, 'D': 2e5, 'E': -800.0, 'F': 2e5, 'G': -2500.0},
{'A': 0.0, 'B': 33000.0, 'C': 1.9e5, 'D': 2e3, 'E': 1e5, 'F': 4900.0, 'G': 1.6e5},
{'A': 33000.0, 'B': 1e4, 'C': -2.5e3, 'D': 16000, 'E': -600.0, 'F': 7000, 'G': -12500.0},
{'A': 33000.0, 'B': 3.5e7, 'C': -6500.0, 'D': -3.5e7, 'E': 6500.0, 'F': 50000.0, 'G': -1500.0},
{'A': 33000.0, 'B': 2.5e4, 'C': -250.0, 'D': 150000.0, 'E': 1300.0, 'F': 1e5, 'G': 3200.0},
# Alpha functions
'Twu91_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c0', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Twu91_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c0', 'c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Heyen_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Heyen_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Harmens_Knapp_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Harmens_Knapp_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Mathias_1983_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Mathias_1983_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Soave_1972_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c0',], [], {'f': Soave_1972_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c0',],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Soave_1979_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'M', 'N'], [], {'f': Soave_1979_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['M', 'N'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Gibbons_Laughton_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Gibbons_Laughton_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Soave_1984_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Soave_1984_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Yu_Lu_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'], [], {'f': Yu_Lu_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'],
'initial_guesses': [{'c1': .4, 'c2': 0.536843, 'c3': -0.39244, 'c4': 0.26507},
{'c1': 1.1, 'c2': 0.536843, 'c3': -0.39244, 'c4': 0.26507},
{'c1': .6, 'c2': 0.536843, 'c3': -0.39244, 'c4': 0.26507},
'Trebble_Bishnoi_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1',], [], {'f': Trebble_Bishnoi_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1',],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Melhem_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Melhem_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Androulakis_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Androulakis_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Schwartzentruber_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'], [], {'f': Schwartzentruber_alpha_pure},
{'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Almeida_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Almeida_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Soave_1993_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2'], [], {'f': Soave_1993_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Gasem_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Gasem_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Coquelet_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Coquelet_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Haghtalab_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Haghtalab_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Saffari_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3'], [], {'f': Saffari_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3'],
'initial_guesses': []}),
'Chen_Yang_alpha_pure': (['Tc', 'omega', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7'], [], {'f': Chen_Yang_alpha_pure}, {'fit_params': ['c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'c6', 'c7'],
'initial_guesses': [
for guess in correlation_models['DIPPR101'][3]['initial_guesses']:
'A': guess['A'], 'B': guess['B'], 'C': guess['C'], 'E': 0.0, 'D': 0.0})
# Did not work to transform the model into volume
# for guess in list(correlation_models['DIPPR105'][3]['initial_guesses']):
# correlation_models['DIPPR105'][3]['initial_guesses'].append({
# 'A': 1.0/guess['A'], 'B': guess['B'], 'C': guess['C'], 'D': guess['D']})
# Aliases from the DDBST
correlation_models['Wagner2,5'] = correlation_models['Wagner']
correlation_models['Wagner3,6'] = correlation_models['Wagner_original']
correlation_models['Andrade'] = correlation_models['Viswanath_Natarajan_2']
# Don't know why TDE has Hvap = exp(A)*{1 - ( T / Tc )}^n
# In other places they have it right: https://trc.nist.gov/TDE/TDE_Help/Eqns-Pure-Hvap/Yaws.VaporizationH.htm
correlation_models['YawsHvap'] = correlation_models['YawsSigma']
available_correlations = frozenset(correlation_models.keys())
correlation_parameters = {k: k + '_parameters' for k in correlation_models.keys()}
correlation_keys_to_parameters = {v: k for k, v in correlation_parameters.items()}
vectorized = False
def __copy__(self):
return self
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
# By default, share state among subsequent objects
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__hash__() == hash(other)
hash_ignore_props = {'extrapolation_coeffs', 'prop_cached',
'TP_cached', 'tabular_data_interpolators',
'tabular_data_interpolators_P', 'T_cached'}
def __hash__(self):
d = self.__dict__
# extrapolation values and interpolation objects should be ignored
temp_store = {}
for k in self.hash_ignore_props:
temp_store[k] = d[k]
del d[k]
ans = hash_any_primitive((self.__class__, d))
return ans
extra_correlations_internal = {REFPROP_FIT, HEOS_FIT, UNARY, HO1972, JANAF_FIT}
[docs] def __repr__(self):
r'''Create and return a string representation of the object. The design
of the return string is such that it can be :obj:`eval`'d into itself.
This is very convinient for creating tests. Note that several methods
are not compatible with the :obj:`eval`'ing principle.
repr : str
String representation, [-]
return self.as_string()
def as_string(self, tabular=True, references=True, json_parameters=False):
clsname = self.__class__.__name__
base = f'{clsname}('
if self.CASRN:
base += f'CASRN="{self.CASRN}", '
for k in self.custom_args:
v = getattr(self, k)
if v is not None:
if not references and isinstance(v, TDependentProperty):
base += f'{k}={v}, '
extrap_str = f'"{self.extrapolation}"' if self.extrapolation is not None else 'None'
base += f'extrapolation={extrap_str}, '
if self._extrapolation_min != self.DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_MIN:
extrap_str = f'{self._extrapolation_min}' if self._extrapolation_min is not None else 'None'
base += f'extrapolation_min={extrap_str}, '
if self._extrapolation_max != self.DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_MAX:
extrap_str = f'{self._extrapolation_max}' if self._extrapolation_max is not None else 'None'
base += f'extrapolation_max={extrap_str}, '
method_str = f'"{self.method}"' if self.method is not None else 'None'
base += f'method={method_str}, '
if self.tabular_data and tabular:
if not (len(self.tabular_data) == 1 and VDI_TABULAR in self.tabular_data):
base += f'tabular_data={self.tabular_data}, '
if self.P_dependent:
method_P_str = f'"{self.method_P}"' if self.method_P is not None else 'None'
base += f'method_P={method_P_str}, '
if self.tabular_data_P and tabular:
base += f'tabular_data_P={self.tabular_data_P}, '
if 'tabular_extrapolation_permitted' in self.__dict__ and tabular:
base += f'tabular_extrapolation_permitted={self.tabular_extrapolation_permitted}, '
if hasattr(self, 'poly_fit_Tmin') and self.poly_fit_Tmin is not None:
base += f'poly_fit=({self.poly_fit_Tmin}, {self.poly_fit_Tmax}, {self.poly_fit_coeffs}), '
if hasattr(self, 'exp_poly_fit_Tmin') and self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin is not None:
base += f'exp_poly_fit=({self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin}, {self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax}, {self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs}), '
if hasattr(self, 'exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin') and self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin is not None:
base += f'exp_poly_fit_ln_tau=({self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin}, {self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax}, {self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc}, {self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs}), '
# if 'Tc=' not in base:
# base += 'Tc=%s, ' %(self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc)
if hasattr(self, 'poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin') and self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin is not None:
base += f'poly_fit_ln_tau=({self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin}, {self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax}, {self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc}, {self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs}), '
# if 'Tc=' not in base:
# base += 'Tc=%s, ' %(self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc)
for k in self.correlation_parameters.values():
extra_model = getattr(self, k, None)
if extra_model:
# Remove any internal models that happen to use the same infrastructure
extra_model = extra_model.copy()
if not json_parameters:
for extra_added_corr in self.extra_correlations_internal:
if extra_added_corr in extra_model:
del extra_model[extra_added_corr]
if len(extra_model):
# Only add the string if we still have anything
base += f'{k}={extra_model}, '
if hasattr(self, 'piecewise_methods'):
piecewise_methods = self.piecewise_methods.copy()
piecewise_methods.pop(DEFAULT_PHASE_TRANSITIONS, None)
base += 'piecewise_methods=%s, ' %({k: {'methods': v[0], 'T_ranges': v[1]} for k, v in piecewise_methods.items()})
if base[-2:] == ', ':
base = base[:-2]
return base + ')'
[docs] def __call__(self, T):
r'''Convenience method to calculate the property; calls
:obj:`T_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.T_dependent_property>`. Caches previously calculated value,
which is an overhead when calculating many different values of
a property. See :obj:`T_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.T_dependent_property>` for more details as to the
calculation procedure.
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K]
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`]
if T == self.T_cached:
return self.prop_cached
self.prop_cached = self.T_dependent_property(T)
self.T_cached = T
return self.prop_cached
json_version = 1
non_json_attributes = ['correlations', 'extrapolation_coeffs', 'tabular_data_interpolators', 'tabular_data_interpolators_P', 'T_cached', 'local_methods']
obj_references = ['eos']
def _custom_as_json(self, d, cache):
d['all_methods'] = list(d['all_methods'])
if hasattr(self, 'all_methods_P'):
d['all_methods_P'] = list(d['all_methods_P'])
del d['TP_cached']
for name in self._json_obj_by_CAS:
if hasattr(self, name):
d[name] = CASRN
def _custom_from_json(self, *args):
self.tabular_data_interpolators = {}
self.local_methods = {}
self.all_methods = set(self.all_methods)
self.all_methods_P = set(self.all_methods_P)
self.tabular_data_interpolators_P = {}
self.TP_cached = None
self.T_limits = {k: tuple(v) for k, v in self.T_limits.items()}
self.tabular_data = {k: tuple(v) for k, v in self.tabular_data.items()}
self.correlations = correlations = {}
self.extrapolation_coeffs = {}
self.T_cached = None
# No need to set self.prop_cached
for correlation_name in TDependentProperty.correlation_models.keys():
# Should be lazy created?
correlation_key = TDependentProperty.correlation_parameters[correlation_name]
if hasattr(self, correlation_key):
call = TDependentProperty.correlation_models[correlation_name][2]['f']
for model_name, kwargs in getattr(self, correlation_key).items():
model_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
correlations[model_name] = (call, model_kwargs, correlation_name, None)
for name, params in self.correlations.items():
model = params[2]
if model in self.correlation_extra_handling_models:
self._optimize_added_correlation(name, model)
[docs] def as_json(self, cache=None, option=0):
r'''Method to create a JSON serialization of the property model
which can be stored, and reloaded later.
references : int
How to handle references to other objects; internal parameter, [-]
json_repr : dict
JSON-friendly representation, [-]
return JsonOptEncodable.as_json(self, cache, option)
def __getstate__(self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
for obj_name in self._json_obj_by_CAS:
if obj_name in state:
state[obj_name] = self.CASRN
# del state[obj_name]
return state
def __setstate__(self, state):
def _load_json_CAS_references(cls, d):
d['CP_f'] = coolprop_fluids[d['CP_f']]
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, json_repr, cache=None):
r'''Method to create a property model from a JSON
serialization of another property model.
json_repr : dict
JSON-friendly representation, [-]
model : :obj:`TDependentProperty` or :obj:`TPDependentProperty`
Newly created object from the json serialization, [-]
It is important that the input string be in the same format as that
created by :obj:`TDependentProperty.as_json`.
return JsonOptEncodable.from_json(json_repr, cache)
# d = json_repr#serialize.json.loads(json_repr)
# cls._load_json_CAS_references(d)
# try:
# eos = d['eos']
# if eos is not None:
# d['eos'] = [GCEOS.from_json(eos)]
# except:
# pass
# d['all_methods'] = set(d['all_methods'])
# try:
# d['all_methods_P'] = set(d['all_methods_P'])
# except:
# pass
# d['T_limits'] = {k: tuple(v) for k, v in d['T_limits'].items()}
# d['tabular_data'] = {k: tuple(v) for k, v in d['tabular_data'].items()}
# for k, sub_cls in zip(cls.pure_references, cls.pure_reference_types):
# if k in d:
# if type(d[k]) is dict:
# sub_json = d[k]
# d[k] = sub_cls.from_json(sub_json)
# d['correlations'] = correlations = {}
# for correlation_name in cls.correlation_models.keys():
# # Should be lazy created?
# correlation_key = cls.correlation_parameters[correlation_name]
# if correlation_key in d:
# call = cls.correlation_models[correlation_name][2]['f']
# for model_name, kwargs in d[correlation_key].items():
# model_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
# model_kwargs.pop('Tmin')
# model_kwargs.pop('Tmax')
# correlations[model_name] = (call, model_kwargs, correlation_name, None)
# d['extrapolation_coeffs'] = {}
# del d['py/object']
# del d["json_version"]
# new = cls.__new__(cls)
# new.__dict__ = d
# # new._add_extra_correlations()
# # for name, params in new.correlations.items():
# # model = params[2]
# # if model in new.correlation_extra_handling_models:
# # new._optimize_added_correlation(name, model)
# return new
def _fit_export_polynomials(cls, method=None, start_n=3, max_n=30,
eval_pts=100, save=False, fit_form=POLY_FIT, fit_method=None):
import json
dat = {}
folder = os.path.join(source_path, cls.name)
sources = cls._method_indexes()
fit_max_n = cls._fit_max_n
if method is None:
methods = list(sources.keys())
indexes = list(sources.values())
methods = [method]
indexes = [sources[method]]
for method, index in zip(methods, indexes):
method_dat = {}
n = cls._fit_force_n.get(method, None)
max_n_method = fit_max_n.get(method, max_n)
for CAS in index:
obj = cls(CASRN=CAS)
coeffs, (low, high), stats = obj.polynomial_from_method(method, n=n, start_n=start_n, max_n=max_n_method, eval_pts=eval_pts,
fit_form=fit_form, fit_method=fit_method)
max_error = max(abs(1.0 - stats[2]), abs(1.0 - stats[3]))
method_dat[CAS] = {'Tmax': high, 'Tmin': low, 'error_average': stats[0],
'error_std': stats[1], 'max_error': max_error , 'method': method,
'coefficients': coeffs}
if save:
f = open(os.path.join(folder, method + '_polyfits.json'), 'w')
out_str = json.dumps(method_dat, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(', ', ': '))
dat[method] = method_dat
return dat
def T_limits_fitting(self):
return self.T_limits
[docs] def polynomial_from_method(self, method, n=None, start_n=3, max_n=30,
eval_pts=100, fit_form=POLY_FIT, fit_method=None):
r'''Method to fit a T-dependent property to a polynomial. The degree
of the polynomial can be specified with the `n` parameter, or it will
be automatically selected for maximum accuracy.
method : str
Method name to fit, [-]
n : int, optional
The degree of the polynomial, if specified
start_n : int
If `n` is not specified, all polynomials of degree `start_n` to
`max_n` will be tried and the highest-accuracy will be selected;
max_n : int
If `n` is not specified, all polynomials of degree `start_n` to
`max_n` will be tried and the highest-accuracy will be selected;
eval_pts : int
The number of points to evaluate the fitted functions at to check
for accuracy; more is better but slower, [-]
fit_form : str
The shape of the polynomial; options are
coeffs : list[float]
Fit coefficients, [-]
Tmin : float
The minimum temperature used for the fitting, [K]
Tmax : float
The maximum temperature used for the fitting, [K]
err_avg : float
Mean error in the evaluated points, [-]
err_std : float
Standard deviation of errors in the evaluated points, [-]
min_ratio : float
Lowest ratio of calc/actual in any found points, [-]
max_ratio : float
Highest ratio of calc/actual in any found points, [-]
low, high = self.T_limits[method]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Unknown method")
func = lambda T: self.calculate(T, method)
return self._generate_polynomial(func=func, low=low, high=high, n=n, start_n=start_n, max_n=max_n,
eval_pts=eval_pts, fit_form=fit_form, fit_method=fit_method)
def polynomial_from_data(self, Ts, values, n, start_n=None, max_n=None, fit_form=POLY_FIT, fit_method=None, selection_criteria=None):
func = lambda T: interp(T, Ts, values)
low = min(Ts)
high = max(Ts)
return self._generate_polynomial(func=func, low=low, high=high, start_n=start_n, max_n=max_n,
n=n, eval_pts=True, fit_form=fit_form, fit_method=fit_method, data=(Ts, values), selection_criteria=selection_criteria)
def _generate_polynomial(self, func, low, high, n, start_n, max_n, eval_pts, fit_form, fit_method, data=None, selection_criteria=None):
# If data (Ts, values) is given do the stuff on those
from thermo.fitting import FIT_CHEBTOOLS_POLY, fit_cheb_poly_auto, fit_polynomial, poly_fit_statistics
interpolation_T = lambda x: x
interpolation_T_inv = lambda x: x
if fit_form == 'interpolation':
interpolation_property = self.interpolation_property
interpolation_property_inv = self.interpolation_property_inv
interpolation_T = self.interpolation_T
interpolation_T_inv = self.interpolation_T_inv
elif fit_form == POLY_FIT:
interpolation_property = lambda x: x
interpolation_property_inv = interpolation_property
elif fit_form == EXP_POLY_FIT:
interpolation_property = lambda x: trunc_log(x)
interpolation_property_inv = lambda x: trunc_exp(x)
elif fit_form == POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
Tc = self.Tc
interpolation_T=lambda T: trunc_log(1. - T/Tc)
interpolation_T_inv=lambda x: -(trunc_exp(x)-1.0)*Tc
interpolation_property = lambda x: x
interpolation_property_inv = interpolation_property
elif fit_form == EXP_POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
Tc = self.Tc
interpolation_T=lambda T: trunc_log(1. - T/Tc)
interpolation_T_inv=lambda x: -(trunc_exp(x)-1.0)*Tc
interpolation_property = lambda x: trunc_log(x)
interpolation_property_inv = lambda x: trunc_exp(x)
raise ValueError("Not a recognized fir form")
if fit_method is None:
if n is None:
n, coeffs, stats = fit_cheb_poly_auto(func, low=low, high=high,
start_n=start_n, max_n=max_n, eval_pts=eval_pts, method=fit_method, selection_criteria=selection_criteria, data=data)
coeffs = fit_polynomial(func, low=low, high=high, n=n,
interpolation_x_inv=interpolation_T_inv, method=fit_method,
stats = poly_fit_statistics(func, coeffs=coeffs, low=low, high=high, pts=eval_pts,
return coeffs, (low, high), stats
[docs] def fit_add_model(self, name, model, Ts, data, **kwargs):
r'''Method to add a new emperical fit equation to the object
by fitting its coefficients to specified data.
Once added, the new method is set as the default.
A number of hardcoded `model` names are implemented; other models
are not supported.
This is a wrapper around :obj:`TDependentProperty.fit_data_to_model`
and :obj:`TDependentProperty.add_correlation`.
The data is also stored in the object as a tabular method with the name
`name`+'_data', through
name : str
The name of the coefficient set; user specified, [-]
model : str
A string representing the supported models, [-]
Ts : list[float]
Temperatures of the data points, [K]
data : list[float]
Data points, [`units`]
kwargs : dict
Various keyword arguments accepted by `fit_data_to_model`, [-]
self.add_tabular_data(Ts=Ts, properties=data, name=name+'_data')
fit = self.fit_data_to_model(Ts=Ts, data=data, model=model, **kwargs)
self.add_correlation(name=name, model=model, Tmin=min(Ts), Tmax=max(Ts), **fit)
[docs] @classmethod
def fit_data_to_model(cls, Ts, data, model, model_kwargs=None,
fit_method='lm', sigma=None, use_numba=False,
do_statistics=False, guesses=None,
solver_kwargs=None, objective='MeanSquareErr',
multiple_tries=False, multiple_tries_max_err=1e-5,
multiple_tries_max_objective='MeanRelErr', params_points_max=0,
r'''Method to fit T-dependent property data to one of the available
model correlations.
Ts : list[float]
Temperatures of the data points, [K]
data : list[float]
Data points, [`units`]
model : str
A string representing the supported models, [-]
model_kwargs : dict, optional
Various keyword arguments accepted by the model; not necessary for
most models. Parameters which are normally fit, can be specified
here as well with a constant value and then that fixed value will
be used instead of fitting the parameter. [-]
fit_method : str, optional
The fit method to use; one of {`lm`, `trf`, `dogbox`,
`differential_evolution`}, [-]
sigma : None or list[float]
Uncertainty parameters used by `curve_fit`, [-]
use_numba : bool, optional
Whether or not to try to use numba to speed up the computation, [-]
do_statistics : bool, optional
Whether or not to compute statistical measures on the outputs, [-]
guesses : dict[str: float], optional
Parameter guesses, by name; any number of parameters can be
specified, [-]
solver_kwargs : dict
Extra parameters to be passed to the solver chosen, [-]
objective : str
The minimimization criteria; supported by `differential_evolution`.
One of:
* 'MeanAbsErr': Mean absolute error
* 'MeanRelErr': Mean relative error
* 'MeanSquareErr': Mean squared absolute error
* 'MeanSquareRelErr': Mean squared relative error
* 'MaxAbsErr': Maximum absolute error
* 'MaxRelErr': Maximum relative error
* 'MaxSquareErr': Maximum squared absolute error
* 'MaxSquareRelErr': Maximum squared relative error
multiple_tries : bool or int
For most solvers, multiple initial guesses are available and the best
guess is normally tried. When this is set to True, all guesses are
tried until one is found with an error lower than
`multiple_tries_max_err`. If an int is supplied, the best `multiple_tries`
guesses are tried only. [-]
multiple_tries_max_err : float
Only used when `multiple_tries` is true; if a solution is found
with lower error than this, no further guesses are tried, [-]
multiple_tries_max_objective : str
The error criteria to use for minimization, [-]
params_points_max : int
When this is 0, a fit can be performed to a correlation with as
many points as correlation parameters. If this is 1, a correlation
can only be fit with points-1 parameters, and so on, [-]
model_selection : None or str
One of (None, 'AICc', 'BIC', or 'min(BIC, AICc)'). If set fits
with different numbers of parameters will be tried (if applicable to
the model) and the best statistical fit will be chosen [-]
coefficients : dict[str: float]
Calculated coefficients, [`various`]
statistics : dict[str: float]
Statistics, calculated and returned only if `do_statistics` is True, [-]
if use_numba:
fit_func_dict = fluids.numba.numerics.fit_minimization_targets
fit_func_dict = fit_minimization_targets
pts = len(Ts)
if len(Ts) != len(data):
raise ValueError("Length of data and temperatures is not the same")
if model not in cls.available_correlations:
raise ValueError(f"Model is not available; available models are {cls.available_correlations}")
if model_kwargs is None:
model_kwargs = {}
if guesses is None:
guesses = {}
if solver_kwargs is None:
solver_kwargs = {}
if objective != 'MeanSquareErr' and fit_method != 'differential_evolution':
raise ValueError("Specified objective is not supported with the specified solver")
# if use_numba:
# So long as the fitting things happen with scipy, arrays are needed
Ts = np.array(Ts)
data = np.array(data)
required_args, optional_args, functions, fit_data = cls.correlation_models[model]
fit_parameters = fit_data['fit_params']
if not fit_parameters:
raise NotImplementedError("Fitting is not available for this model")
initial_guesses = fit_data.get('initial_guesses', None)
all_fit_parameters = fit_parameters
if pts <= 2:
# Allow linear fits from 2 points
params_points_max = 0
use_fit_parameters = []
for k in fit_parameters:
if k not in model_kwargs:
if (len(use_fit_parameters) + params_points_max) < pts or k not in optional_args:
fit_parameters = use_fit_parameters
if model_selection and optional_args:
all_fit_parameter_options = []
all_model_kwargs = []
# check if there is a way to fit that does not use any optional args
required_args_fitting = required_args.copy()
for test_token in ('Tc', 'Vc', 'Pc', 'Tm', 'Tb', 'Tc'):
start_idx = 0 if required_args_fitting else 1
do_K_fold = 'KFold' in model_selection
k_fold_mae = 1e300
if do_K_fold:
K_fold_count = int(model_selection.split('KFold(', 1)[1].split(')', 1)[0])
# Enforce at least 2 pts per group
K_fold_count = min(int(pts/2), K_fold_count)
if K_fold_count > 1:
train_T_groups, test_T_groups, train_data_groups, test_data_groups = assemble_fit_test_groups(*split_data(Ts, data, folds=K_fold_count))
do_K_fold = False
model_skipped_parameter_combinations = skipped_parameter_combinations.get(model)
for i in range(start_idx, len(optional_args)+1):
our_fit_parameters = optional_args[0:i]
if (len(our_fit_parameters)+params_points_max) <= (pts):
if model_skipped_parameter_combinations is not None and tuple(our_fit_parameters) in model_skipped_parameter_combinations:
a_model_kwargs = {k: 0.0 for k in optional_args[i:]}
all_fits = []
for the_fit_parameters, a_model_kwargs in zip(all_fit_parameter_options, all_model_kwargs):
fitting_all_kwargs = dict(Ts=Ts, data=data, model=model, model_kwargs=a_model_kwargs,
fit_method=fit_method, sigma=sigma, use_numba=use_numba,
do_statistics=True, guesses=guesses,
solver_kwargs=solver_kwargs, objective=objective,
multiple_tries=multiple_tries, multiple_tries_max_err=multiple_tries_max_err,
multiple_tries_max_objective=multiple_tries_max_objective, params_points_max=params_points_max,
fit, stats = cls.fit_data_to_model(**fitting_all_kwargs)
# compute the sum of squared error
SSE = stats['calc'] - data
SSE = float(SSE.sum())
used_fit_parameters = len(the_fit_parameters) + len(required_args_fitting)
aic = AICc(parameters=used_fit_parameters, observations=pts, SSE=SSE)
bic = BIC(parameters=used_fit_parameters, observations=pts, SSE=SSE)
aic = round_to_digits(aic, 5)
bic = round_to_digits(bic, 5)
if do_K_fold:
func_call = functions['f']
K_fold_maes = []
fitting_all_kwargs['guesses'] = fit
# Always for K fold use 1 try
fitting_all_kwargs['multiple_tries'] = False
fitting_all_kwargs['do_statistics'] = False
for fold_idx in range(K_fold_count):
fitting_all_kwargs['Ts'] = train_T_groups[fold_idx]
fitting_all_kwargs['data'] = train_data_groups[fold_idx]
fold_fit = cls.fit_data_to_model(**fitting_all_kwargs)
cross_calc_pts = [func_call(T, **fold_fit) for T in test_T_groups[fold_idx]]
mae = mean_squared_error(cross_calc_pts, test_data_groups[fold_idx])
k_fold_mae = sum(K_fold_maes)/K_fold_count
k_fold_mae = SSE
k_fold_mae = round_to_digits(k_fold_mae, 5)
all_fits.append((fit, stats, aic, bic, used_fit_parameters, k_fold_mae))
if model_selection == 'AICc':
sel = lambda x: x[2]
best_fit, stats, aic, bic, _, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
elif model_selection == 'BIC':
sel = lambda x: x[3]
best_fit, stats, aic, bic, _, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
elif model_selection == 'min(BIC, AICc)':
sel = lambda x: x[2]
best_fit_aic, stats_aic, _, _, parameters_aic, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
sel = lambda x: x[3]
best_fit_bic, stats_bic, _, _, parameters_bic, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
if parameters_aic <= parameters_bic:
# If the bic is very substantially better of a fit (and the fit is also poor), allow using it
if stats_aic['MAE'] > 0.1 and stats_bic['MAE']/stats_aic['MAE'] < 1.0/3.0:
best_fit, stats = best_fit_bic, stats_bic
best_fit, stats = best_fit_aic, stats_aic
best_fit, stats = best_fit_bic, stats_bic
elif model_selection.startswith('min(BIC, AICc, KFold'):
sel = lambda x: x[2]
best_fit_aic, stats_aic, aic_aic, _, parameters_aic, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
sel = lambda x: x[3]
best_fit_bic, stats_bic, _, bic_bic, parameters_bic, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
if parameters_aic <= parameters_bic and 1e200 not in [v[2] for v in all_fits] and not parameters_aic == 1:
# aic score is unreliable for points = parameters + 1
best_fit, stats = best_fit_aic, stats_aic
best_fit, stats = best_fit_bic, stats_bic
if do_K_fold:
sel = lambda x: x[5]
best_fit_kf, stats_kf, _, _, parameters_kf, _ = min(all_fits, key=sel)
if parameters_kf < min(parameters_aic, parameters_bic) or parameters_kf == 2:
# Let the K fold validation force the fit to be linear
if parameters_kf == 1 and (min(parameters_aic, parameters_bic) > 1):
# do not allow K fold to remove any fit
# force it to be at least 2 parameters
# Of course this only works if one of the other methods selected a higher degree
best_fit, stats = all_fits[1][0], all_fits[1][1]
best_fit, stats = best_fit_kf, stats_kf
elif 'KFold' in model_selection:
sel = lambda x: x[5]
best_fit, stats, aic, bic, parameters, k_fold_mae = min(all_fits, key=sel)
raise ValueError("Unrecognized method")
if do_statistics:
return best_fit, stats
return best_fit
param_order = required_args + optional_args
const_kwargs = {}
model_function_name = functions['f'].__name__
for k in required_args:
if k not in model_kwargs and k not in use_fit_parameters:
raise ValueError(f"The selected model requires an input parameter {k}")
fitting_func = generate_fitting_function(model_function_name, param_order,
fit_parameters, all_fit_parameters, model_kwargs, const_kwargs, try_numba=use_numba,
Ts=Ts, data=data)
func_wrapped_for_leastsq = generate_fitting_function(model_function_name, param_order,
fit_parameters, all_fit_parameters, model_kwargs, const_kwargs, try_numba=use_numba,
for_leastsq=True, Ts=Ts, data=data)
err_func = fit_func_dict[objective]
err_fun_multiple_guesses = fit_func_dict[multiple_tries_max_objective]
if 'fit_jac' in fit_data:
analytical_jac_coded = fit_data['fit_jac']
# if fit_data['fit_params'] != use_fit_parameters:
# else:
analytical_jac = generate_fitting_function(model_function_name, param_order,
fit_parameters, all_fit_parameters, model_kwargs, const_kwargs,
try_numba=use_numba, jac=True, Ts=Ts, data=data)
jac_wrapped_for_leastsq = generate_fitting_function(model_function_name, param_order,
fit_parameters, all_fit_parameters, model_kwargs, const_kwargs,
try_numba=use_numba, jac=True, Ts=Ts, data=data, for_leastsq=True)
analytical_jac = jac_wrapped_for_leastsq = None
res = fit_customized(Ts=Ts, data=data, fitting_func=fitting_func, fit_parameters=fit_parameters, use_fit_parameters=use_fit_parameters,
fit_method=fit_method, objective=objective, multiple_tries_max_objective=multiple_tries_max_objective,
guesses=guesses, initial_guesses=initial_guesses, analytical_jac=analytical_jac,
solver_kwargs=solver_kwargs, use_numba=use_numba, multiple_tries=multiple_tries,
do_statistics=do_statistics, multiple_tries_max_err=multiple_tries_max_err,
func_wrapped_for_leastsq=func_wrapped_for_leastsq, sigma=sigma,
if do_statistics:
ans = res[0]
return ans, res[1]
return res
def Tmin(self):
'''Minimum temperature (K) at which the current method can calculate the
method = self._method
T_limits = self.T_limits
return T_limits[method][0] if method in T_limits else None
def Tmax(self):
'''Maximum temperature (K) at which the current method can calculate the
method = self._method
T_limits = self.T_limits
return T_limits[method][1] if method in T_limits else None
def _T_min_any(self):
'''Return the minimum temperature (K) at which no method can calculate the
property under.
Tmins = [i[0] for i in self.T_limits.values()]
Tmins = [i for i in Tmins if i is not None]
return min(Tmins) if Tmins else None
def _T_max_any(self):
'''Maximum temperature (K) at which no method can calculate the
property above.
Tmaxs = [i[1] for i in self.T_limits.values()]
Tmaxs = [i for i in Tmaxs if i is not None]
return max(Tmaxs) if Tmaxs else None
def method(self):
r'''Method used to set a specific property method or to obtain the name
of the method in use.
When setting a method, an exception is raised if the method specified
isnt't available for the chemical with the provided information.
If `method` is None, no calculations can be performed.
method : str
Method to use, [-]
return self._method
def method(self, method):
if method not in self.all_methods and method is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Method '{method}' is not available for this chemical; "
f"available methods are {self.all_methods}")
self.T_cached = None
self._method = method
[docs] def valid_methods(self, T=None):
r'''Method to obtain a sorted list of methods that have data
available to be used. The methods are ranked in the following order:
* The currently selected method is first (if one is selected)
* Other available methods are ranked by the attribute :obj:`ranked_methods`
If `T` is provided, the methods will be checked against the temperature
limits of the correlations as well.
T : float or None
Temperature at which to test methods, [K]
sorted_valid_methods : list
Sorted lists of methods valid at T according to
:obj:`test_method_validity`, [-]
all_methods = self.all_methods
sorted_methods = [i for i in self.ranked_methods if i in all_methods]
current_method = self.method
if current_method in sorted_methods:
# Add back the user's methods to the top, in order.
sorted_methods.insert(0, current_method)
if T is not None:
sorted_methods = [i for i in sorted_methods
if self.test_method_validity(T, i)]
return sorted_methods
[docs] @classmethod
def test_property_validity(self, prop):
r'''Method to test the validity of a calculated property. Normally,
this method is used by a given property class, and has maximum and
minimum limits controlled by the variables :obj:`property_min` and
prop : float
property to be tested, [`units`]
validity : bool
Whether or not a specifid method is valid
if prop is None or isinstance(prop, complex):
return False
elif prop < self.property_min:
return False
elif prop > self.property_max:
return False
return True
def _custom_set_poly_fit(self):
def _set_cheb_fit(self, cheb_fit):
if len(cheb_fit) != 3:
raise ValueError("cheb_fit should be a tuple of 3 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax = constants = cheb_fit[0:2]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("cheb_fit contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("cheb_fit contains a nan")
cheb_fit_coeffs = cheb_fit[2]
self.cheb_fit_Tmin = Tmin
self.cheb_fit_Tmax = Tmax
self.cheb_fit_coeffs = cheb_fit_coeffs
self.T_limits[CHEB_FIT] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.cheb_fit_offset, self.cheb_fit_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
self.cheb_fit_d1_coeffs = chebder(cheb_fit_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_scale)
self.cheb_fit_d2_coeffs = chebder(self.cheb_fit_d1_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_scale)
self.cheb_fit_d3_coeffs = chebder(self.cheb_fit_d2_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_scale)
self.cheb_fit_d4_coeffs = chebder(self.cheb_fit_d3_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_scale)
self.cheb_fit_int_coeffs = chebint(cheb_fit_coeffs, scl=1.0/self.cheb_fit_scale)
def _set_exp_cheb_fit(self, cheb_fit):
if len(cheb_fit) != 3:
raise ValueError("exp_cheb_fit should be a tuple of 3 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax = constants = cheb_fit[0:2]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("exp_cheb_fit contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("exp_cheb_fit contains a nan")
cheb_fit_coeffs = cheb_fit[2]
self.exp_cheb_fit_Tmin = Tmin
self.exp_cheb_fit_Tmax = Tmax
self.exp_cheb_fit_coeffs = cheb_fit_coeffs
self.T_limits[EXP_CHEB_FIT] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_cheb_fit_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_cheb_fit_d1_coeffs = chebder(cheb_fit_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)
self.exp_cheb_fit_d2_coeffs = chebder(self.exp_cheb_fit_d1_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)
self.exp_cheb_fit_d3_coeffs = chebder(self.exp_cheb_fit_d2_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)
self.exp_cheb_fit_d4_coeffs = chebder(self.exp_cheb_fit_d3_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)
def _set_cheb_fit_ln_tau(self, cheb_fit):
if len(cheb_fit) != 4:
raise ValueError("cheb_fit_ln_tau should be a tuple of 4 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, Tc, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax, Tc, cheb_fit_coeffs = cheb_fit
for v in (Tmin, Tmax, Tc):
if v is None:
raise ValueError("cheb_fit_ln_tau contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("cheb_fit_ln_tau contains a nan")
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmin = Tmin
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmax = Tmax
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc = Tc
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs = cheb_fit_coeffs
self.T_limits[CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU] = (Tmin, Tmax)
xmin = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc)
xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs = chebder(cheb_fit_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs = chebder(self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d3_coeffs = chebder(self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d4_coeffs = chebder(self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d3_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
def _set_exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau(self, cheb_fit):
if len(cheb_fit) != 4:
raise ValueError("exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau should be a tuple of 4 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, Tc, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax, Tc = constants = cheb_fit[0:3]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau contains a nan")
cheb_fit_coeffs = cheb_fit[3]
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmin = Tmin
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmax = Tmax
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc = Tc
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs = cheb_fit_coeffs
xmin = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc)
xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
self.T_limits[EXP_CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs = chebder(cheb_fit_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs = chebder(self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d3_coeffs = chebder(self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d4_coeffs = chebder(self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d3_coeffs, m=1, scl=self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
def _set_stablepoly_fit(self, stablepoly_fit):
if len(stablepoly_fit) != 3:
raise ValueError("stablepoly_fit should be a tuple of 3 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax = constants = stablepoly_fit[0:2]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("stablepoly_fit contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("stablepoly_fit contains a nan")
stablepoly_fit_coeffs = stablepoly_fit[2]
self.stablepoly_fit_Tmin = Tmin
self.stablepoly_fit_Tmax = Tmax
self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs = stablepoly_fit_coeffs
self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
self.T_limits[STABLEPOLY_FIT] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.stablepoly_fit_Tmax_value, self.stablepoly_fit_Tmax_slope, self.stablepoly_fit_Tmax_dT2 = horner_stable_and_der2(self.stablepoly_fit_Tmax, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)
self.stablepoly_fit_Tmin_value, self.stablepoly_fit_Tmin_slope, self.stablepoly_fit_Tmin_dT2 = horner_stable_and_der2(self.stablepoly_fit_Tmin, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)
def _set_exp_stablepoly_fit(self, stablepoly_fit):
if len(stablepoly_fit) != 3:
raise ValueError("exp_stablepoly_fit should be a tuple of 3 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax = constants = stablepoly_fit[0:2]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("exp_stablepoly_fit contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("exp_stablepoly_fit contains a nan")
stablepoly_fit_coeffs = stablepoly_fit[2]
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmin = Tmin
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmax = Tmax
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs = stablepoly_fit_coeffs
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
self.T_limits[EXP_STABLEPOLY_FIT] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmax_value, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmax_slope, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmax_dT2 = exp_horner_stable_and_der2(self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmax, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale)
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmin_value, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmin_slope, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmin_dT2 = exp_horner_stable_and_der2(self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmin, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale)
def _set_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau(self, stablepoly_fit):
if len(stablepoly_fit) != 4:
raise ValueError("stablepoly_fit_ln_tau should be a tuple of 4 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, Tc, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax, Tc = constants = stablepoly_fit[0:3]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("stablepoly_fit_ln_tau contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("stablepoly_fit_ln_tau contains a nan")
stablepoly_fit_coeffs = stablepoly_fit[3]
self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin = Tmin
self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax = Tmax
self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc = Tc
self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs = stablepoly_fit_coeffs
xmin, xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc), trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_scale = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
self.T_limits[STABLEPOLY_FIT_LN_TAU] = (Tmin, Tmax)
def _set_exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau(self, stablepoly_fit):
if len(stablepoly_fit) != 4:
raise ValueError("exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau should be a tuple of 4 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, Tc, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax, Tc = constants = stablepoly_fit[0:3]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau contains a nan")
stablepoly_fit_coeffs = stablepoly_fit[3]
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin = Tmin
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax = Tmax
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc = Tc
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs = stablepoly_fit_coeffs
xmin, xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc), trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
self.T_limits[EXP_STABLEPOLY_FIT_LN_TAU] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset_ln_tau, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale_ln_tau = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
def _set_exp_poly_fit(self, poly_fit):
if len(poly_fit) != 3:
raise ValueError("exp_poly_fit should be a tuple of 3 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax = constants = poly_fit[0:2]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("exp_poly_fit contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("exp_poly_fit contains a nan")
poly_fit_coeffs = poly_fit[2]
self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin = Tmin
self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax = Tmax
self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs = poly_fit_coeffs
self.T_limits[EXP_POLY_FIT] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax_value, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax_dT2 = exp_horner_backwards_and_der2(self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax, self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs)
self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin_value, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin_dT2 = exp_horner_backwards_and_der2(self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin, self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs)
def _set_poly_fit_ln_tau(self, poly_fit):
if len(poly_fit) != 4:
raise ValueError("poly_fit_ln_tau should be a tuple of 4 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, Tc, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
Tmin, Tmax, Tc = constants = poly_fit[0:3]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("poly_fit_ln_tau contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("poly_fit_ln_tau contains a nan")
poly_fit_coeffs = poly_fit[3]
self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin = Tmin
self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax = Tmax
self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc = Tc
self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs = poly_fit_coeffs
self.T_limits[POLY_FIT_LN_TAU] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax_value, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax_slope, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax_dT2 = horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(Tmax, Tc, poly_fit_coeffs)
self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin_value, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin_slope, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin_dT2 = horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(Tmin, Tc, poly_fit_coeffs)
def _set_exp_poly_fit_ln_tau(self, poly_fit):
if len(poly_fit) != 4:
raise ValueError("exp_poly_fit_ln_tau should be a tuple of 4 "
"elements, in order (Tmin, Tmax, Tc, coefficients) "
"with the coefficients being an interable")
self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc = Tmin, Tmax, Tc = constants = poly_fit[0:3]
for v in constants:
if v is None:
raise ValueError("exp_poly_fit_ln_tau contains a None")
if isnan(v):
raise ValueError("exp_poly_fit_ln_tau contains a nan")
self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs = poly_fit_coeffs = poly_fit[3]
self.T_limits[EXP_POLY_FIT_LN_TAU] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax_value, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax_slope, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax_dT2 = exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(Tmax, Tc, poly_fit_coeffs)
self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin_value, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin_slope, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin_dT2 = exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(Tmin, Tc, poly_fit_coeffs)
def _set_poly_fit(self, poly_fit):
if (poly_fit is not None and len(poly_fit) and (poly_fit[0] is not None
and poly_fit[1] is not None and poly_fit[2] is not None)
and not isnan(poly_fit[0]) and not isnan(poly_fit[1])):
self.poly_fit_Tmin = Tmin = poly_fit[0]
self.poly_fit_Tmax = Tmax = poly_fit[1]
self.poly_fit_coeffs = poly_fit_coeffs = poly_fit[2]
self.T_limits[POLY_FIT] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.poly_fit_int_coeffs = polyint(poly_fit_coeffs)
self.poly_fit_T_int_T_coeffs, self.poly_fit_log_coeff = polyint_over_x(poly_fit_coeffs)
poly_fit_d_coeffs = polyder(poly_fit_coeffs[::-1])
self.poly_fit_d2_coeffs = polyder(poly_fit_d_coeffs)
self.poly_fit_d_coeffs = poly_fit_d_coeffs
self.poly_fit_Tmax_value = self.calculate(self.poly_fit_Tmax, POLY_FIT)
_, self.poly_fit_Tmax_slope, self.poly_fit_Tmax_dT2 = horner_and_der2(self.poly_fit_coeffs, self.poly_fit_Tmax)
self.poly_fit_Tmin_value = self.calculate(self.poly_fit_Tmin, POLY_FIT)
_, self.poly_fit_Tmin_slope, self.poly_fit_Tmin_dT2 = horner_and_der2(self.poly_fit_coeffs, self.poly_fit_Tmin)
self.T_limits[POLY_FIT] = (self.poly_fit_Tmin, self.poly_fit_Tmax)
def as_poly_fit(self):
method = self.method
use_method = None
if method in possible_methods:
use_method = method
for m in possible_methods:
if m in self.all_methods:
use_method = m
if use_method is None:
raise ValueError("No polynomial fit defined")
if method == POLY_FIT:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, poly_fit=({self.poly_fit_Tmin!r}, {self.poly_fit_Tmax!r}, {self.poly_fit_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == EXP_POLY_FIT:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, exp_poly_fit=({self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin!r}, {self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax!r}, {self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, Tc={self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, poly_fit_ln_tau=({self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin!r}, {self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax!r}, {self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, {self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == EXP_POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, Tc={self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, exp_poly_fit_ln_tau=({self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin!r}, {self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax!r}, {self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, {self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == STABLEPOLY_FIT:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, stablepoly_fit=({self.stablepoly_fit_Tmin!r}, {self.stablepoly_fit_Tmax!r}, {self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == EXP_STABLEPOLY_FIT:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, exp_stablepoly_fit=({self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmin!r}, {self.exp_stablepoly_fit_Tmax!r}, {self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == STABLEPOLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, Tc={self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, stablepoly_fit_ln_tau=({self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin!r}, {self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax!r}, {self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, {self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs!r}))'
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, Tc={self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau=({self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmin!r}, {self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tmax!r}, {self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, {self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == CHEB_FIT:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, cheb_fit=({self.cheb_fit_Tmin!r}, {self.cheb_fit_Tmax!r}, {self.cheb_fit_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == EXP_CHEB_FIT:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, exp_cheb_fit=({self.exp_cheb_fit_Tmin!r}, {self.exp_cheb_fit_Tmax!r}, {self.exp_cheb_fit_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, Tc={self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, cheb_fit_ln_tau=({self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmin!r}, {self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmax!r}, {self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, {self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs!r}))'
elif method == EXP_CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU:
return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(load_data=False, Tc={self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau=({self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmin!r}, {self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tmax!r}, {self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc!r}, {self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs!r}))'
def _base_calculate(self, T, method):
if method in self.correlations:
call, kwargs, model, extra = self.correlations[method]
# the 4 base ones require no special handling
if model == 'stable_polynomial':
return horner_stable(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif model == 'exp_stable_polynomial':
return exp_horner_stable(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif model == 'stable_polynomial_ln_tau':
return horner_stable_ln_tau(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif model == 'exp_stable_polynomial_ln_tau':
return exp_horner_stable_ln_tau(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif method == 'chebyshev':
return chebval(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif method == 'exp_chebyshev':
return exp_cheb(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif method == 'chebyshev_ln_tau':
return chebval_ln_tau(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif method == 'exp_chebyshev_ln_tau':
return exp_cheb_ln_tau(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
return call(T, **kwargs)
elif method == POLY_FIT:
return horner(self.poly_fit_coeffs, T)
elif method == EXP_POLY_FIT:
return exp_horner_backwards(T, self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs)
elif method == POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
return horner_backwards_ln_tau(T, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)
elif method == EXP_POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
return exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau(T, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)
elif method == STABLEPOLY_FIT:
return horner_stable(T, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)
elif method == EXP_STABLEPOLY_FIT:
return exp_horner_stable(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale)
elif method == STABLEPOLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
return horner_stable_ln_tau(T, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_scale)
return exp_horner_stable_ln_tau(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset_ln_tau, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale_ln_tau)
elif method == CHEB_FIT:
return chebval(T, self.cheb_fit_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_offset, self.cheb_fit_scale)
elif method == EXP_CHEB_FIT:
return exp_cheb(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)
elif method == CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU:
return chebval_ln_tau(T, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
elif method == EXP_CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU:
return exp_cheb_ln_tau(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)
elif method in self.tabular_data:
return self.interpolate(T, method)
elif method in self.local_methods:
return self.local_methods[method].f(T)
elif hasattr(self, 'piecewise_methods') and method in self.piecewise_methods:
method_names, _, T_iter = self.piecewise_methods[method]
for a_method, a_Tmax in zip(method_names, T_iter):
if T <= a_Tmax:
return self.calculate(T, a_method)
return self.calculate(T, method_names[-1])
raise ValueError(f"Unknown method; methods are {self.all_methods}")
def _base_calculate_P(self, T, P, method):
if method in self.tabular_data_P:
return self.interpolate_P(T, P, method)
elif method == NEGLECT_P:
return self.T_dependent_property(T)
raise ValueError("Unknown method")
def _calculate_extrapolate(self, T, method):
if method is None:
return None
T_low, T_high = self.T_limits[method]
in_range = T_low <= T <= T_high
except KeyError:
in_range = self.test_method_validity(T, method)
if in_range:
prop = self.calculate(T, method)
return None
if self.test_property_validity(prop):
return prop
elif self._extrapolation is not None:
return self.extrapolate(T, method)
return None
# Function returns None if it does not work.
return None
[docs] def T_dependent_property(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate the property with sanity checking and using
the selected :obj:`method <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.method>`.
In the unlikely event the calculation of the property fails, None
is returned.
The calculated result is checked with
:obj:`test_property_validity <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.test_property_validity>`
and None is returned if the calculated value is nonsensical.
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K]
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`]
method = self._method
if method is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"No {self.name.lower()} method selected for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
T_low, T_high = self.T_limits[method]
in_range = T_low <= T <= T_high
except KeyError:
in_range = self.test_method_validity(T, method)
if in_range:
try: prop = self.calculate(T, method)
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to evaluate {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
if self.test_property_validity(prop):
return prop
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.name} method '{method}' computed an invalid value of {prop} {self.units} for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
elif self._extrapolation is not None:
return self.extrapolate(T, method)
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to extrapolate {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.name} method '{method}' is not valid at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
def calculate_transform(self, T, method, transform):
if transform == TRANSFORM_LOG:
if method == EXP_POLY_FIT:
return horner(self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs, T)
return log(self.calculate(T, method))
if method == EXP_POLY_FIT:
return horner_and_der2(self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs, T)[2]
return derivative(lambda T: log(self.calculate(T, method)), T, n=2, dx=T*1e-6)
if method == EXP_POLY_FIT:
return horner_and_der(self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs, T)[1]
v = self.calculate(T, method)
der = self.calculate_derivative(T, method)
return der/v
v = self.calculate(T, method)
der = self.calculate_derivative(T, method, order=2)
return der/v
raise ValueError("Unknown transform")
def extrapolate_transform(self, T, method, transform, in_range='error'):
T_limits = self.T_limits
if T < 0.0:
raise ValueError("Negative temperature")
T_low, T_high = T_limits[method]
if T <= T_low:
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif T >= T_high:
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
elif in_range == 'low':
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif in_range == 'high':
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
elif in_range == 'nearest':
delta_low = abs(T-T_low)
delta_high = abs(T_high - T)
if delta_low < delta_high:
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
raise ValueError("Not outside normal range")
key = (extrapolation, method, low)
extrapolation_coeffs = self.extrapolation_coeffs
if key in extrapolation_coeffs:
coeffs = extrapolation_coeffs[key]
extrapolation_coeffs[key] = coeffs = self._get_extrapolation_coeffs(*key)
if transform == TRANSFORM_LOG:
if extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
A, B = coeffs
return A - B/T
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
A, B, C = coeffs
return A + B/T + C*trunc_log(T)
if extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
A, B, C = coeffs
return (-B/T + C)/T
if extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
A, B = coeffs
return B/(T*T)
if extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
A, B, C = coeffs
T_inv = 1.0/T
return (2.0*B*T_inv - C)*T_inv*T_inv
if extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
A, B = coeffs
return -2.0*B/(T*T*T)
if extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
A, B, C = coeffs
return (-B + C*T)/(T*T)
if extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
A, B = coeffs
return B/(T*T)
if extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
A, B, C = coeffs
T2 = T*T
t0 = (B - C*T)
return (2*B*T - C*T2 + t0*t0)/(T2*T2)
if extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
A, B = coeffs
T2 = T*T
return B*(B - 2.0*T)/(T2*T2)
if transform == TRANSFORM_LOG:
return log(self.extrapolate(T, method))
return derivative(lambda T: log(self.extrapolate(T, method)), T, dx=T*1e-6)
return derivative(lambda T: log(self.extrapolate(T, method)), T, n=2, dx=T*1e-6)
v = self.extrapolate(T, method)
der = self.extrapolate_derivative(T, method, order=1)
return der/v
v = self.extrapolate(T, method)
der = self.extrapolate_derivative(T, method, order=2)
return der/v
raise ValueError("Unknown transform")
def T_dependent_property_transform(self, T, transform):
r'''Method to calculate the property according to certain predefined
mathematical rules; this is typically needed when a property reaches
zero in double floating point precision
If calculation of the property fails, None is returned.
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K]
log(prop) : float
Log of the calculated property, [log(`units`)]
method = self._method
if method is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"No {self.name.lower()} method selected for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
T_low, T_high = self.T_limits[method]
in_range = T_low <= T <= T_high
except KeyError:
in_range = self.test_method_validity(T, method)
if in_range:
return self.calculate_transform(T, method, transform)
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to evaluate {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
return self.extrapolate_transform(T, method, transform)
raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to extrapolate {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
[docs] def plot_T_dependent_property(self, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, methods=[],
pts=250, only_valid=True, order=0, show=True,
tabular_points=True, axes='semilogy'):
r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs temperature according to
either a specified list of methods, or user methods (if set), or all
methods. User-selectable number of points, and temperature range. If
only_valid is set,:obj:`test_method_validity` will be used to check if each
temperature in the specified range is valid, and
:obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the
method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted.
Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will
not suceed if the method fails.
Tmin : float
Minimum temperature, to begin calculating the property, [K]
Tmax : float
Maximum temperature, to stop calculating the property, [K]
methods : list, optional
List of methods to consider
pts : int, optional
A list of points to calculate the property at; if Tmin to Tmax
covers a wide range of method validities, only a few points may end
up calculated for a given method so this may need to be large
only_valid : bool
If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties,
and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any
checking and use methods outside their bounds
show : bool
If True, displays the plot; otherwise, returns it
tabular_points : bool, optional
If True, tabular data will only be shows as the original points;
otherwise interpolated values are shown, [-]
# This function cannot be tested
if not has_matplotlib():
raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting')
if not methods:
methods = self.all_methods
if Tmin is None:
T_limits = self.T_limits
Tmin = min(T_limits[m][0] for m in methods)
if Tmax is None:
T_limits = self.T_limits
Tmax = max(T_limits[m][1] for m in methods)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tabular_data = self.tabular_data
# cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
fig = plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# NUM_COLORS = len(methods)
# ax.set_color_cycle([cm(1.*i/NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)])
plot_fun = {'semilogy': plt.semilogy, 'semilogx': plt.semilogx, 'plot': plt.plot}[axes]
Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts)
if order == 0:
for method in methods:
fmt = '-'
if method in tabular_data:
fmt = 'x'
if method in tabular_data and tabular_points:
plot_fun(tabular_data[method][0], tabular_data[method][1], fmt, label=method)
if only_valid:
properties, Ts2 = [], []
for T in Ts:
if self.test_method_validity(T, method):
p = self._calculate_extrapolate(T=T, method=method)
if self.test_property_validity(p):
plot_fun(Ts2, properties, fmt, label=method)
properties = [self._calculate_extrapolate(T=T, method=method) for T in Ts]
plot_fun(Ts, properties, fmt, label=method)
plt.ylabel(self.name + ', ' + self.units)
title = self.name
if self.CASRN:
title += ' of ' + self.CASRN
elif order > 0:
for method in methods:
if only_valid:
properties, Ts2 = [], []
for T in Ts:
if self.test_method_validity(T, method):
p = self.calculate_derivative(T=T, method=method, order=order)
plot_fun(Ts2, properties, label=method)
properties = []
Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[method]
for T in Ts:
if Tmin <= T <= Tmax:
value = self.calculate_derivative(T=T, method=method, order=order)
value = self.extrapolate_derivative(T=T, method=method, order=order)
plot_fun(Ts, properties, label=method)
plt.ylabel(self.name + ', ' + self.units + '/K^%d derivative of order %d' % (order, order))
title = self.name + ' derivative of order %d' % order
if self.CASRN:
title += ' of ' + self.CASRN
plt.legend(loc='best', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Temperature, K')
if show:
return plt
[docs] def interpolate(self, T, name):
r'''Method to perform interpolation on a given tabular data set
previously added via :obj:`add_tabular_data`. This method will create the
interpolators the first time it is used on a property set, and store
them for quick future use.
Interpolation is cubic-spline based if 5 or more points are available,
and linearly interpolated if not. Extrapolation is always performed
linearly. This function uses the transforms :obj:`interpolation_T`,
:obj:`interpolation_property`, and :obj:`interpolation_property_inv` if set. If
any of these are changed after the interpolators were first created,
new interpolators are created with the new transforms.
All interpolation is performed via the `interp1d` function.
T : float
Temperature at which to interpolate the property, [K]
name : str
The name assigned to the tabular data set
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`]
# Cannot use method as key - need its id; faster also
key = (name, id(self.interpolation_T), id(self.interpolation_property), id(self.interpolation_property_inv))
# If the interpolator and extrapolator has already been created, load it
if key in self.tabular_data_interpolators:
extrapolator, spline = self.tabular_data_interpolators[key]
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline
Ts, properties = self.tabular_data[name]
if self.interpolation_T is not None: # Transform ths Ts with interpolation_T if set
Ts_interp = [self.interpolation_T(T) for T in Ts]
Ts_interp = Ts
if self.interpolation_property is not None: # Transform ths props with interpolation_property if set
properties_interp = [self.interpolation_property(p) for p in properties]
properties_interp = properties
# Only allow linear extrapolation, but with whatever transforms are specified
# extrapolator = interp1d(Ts_interp, properties_interp, fill_value='extrapolate')
# extrapolator = lambda T: interp(T, Ts_interp, properties_interp, extrapolate=True)
extrapolator = (Ts_interp, properties_interp)
# If more than 5 property points, create a spline interpolation
if len(properties) >= 5:
Ts_interp_sorted, properties_interp_sorted = sort_paired_lists(Ts_interp, properties_interp)
spline = make_interp_spline(Ts_interp_sorted, properties_interp_sorted)
# spline = interp1d(Ts_interp, properties_interp, kind='cubic')
# spline = PchipInterpolator(Ts_interp, properties_interp)
spline = None
self.tabular_data_interpolators[key] = (extrapolator, spline)
# Load the stores values, tor checking which interpolation strategy to
# use.
Ts, properties = self.tabular_data[name]
if T < Ts[0] or T > Ts[-1] or not spline:
tool = lambda T: interp(T, extrapolator[0], extrapolator[1], extrapolate=True)
tool = spline
if self.interpolation_T:
T = self.interpolation_T(T)
prop = tool(T) # either spline, or linear interpolation
if self.interpolation_property:
prop = self.interpolation_property_inv(prop)
return float(prop)
correlation_extra_handling_models = frozenset(['polynomial', 'exp_polynomial',
'polynomial_ln_tau', 'exp_polynomial_ln_tau', 'stable_polynomial',
'exp_stable_polynomial', 'stable_polynomial_ln_tau','exp_stable_polynomial_ln_tau',
'chebyshev', 'exp_chebyshev', 'chebyshev_ln_tau', 'exp_chebyshev_ln_tau'])
def _optimize_added_correlation(self, name, model):
Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[name]
call, kwargs, model, _ = self.correlations[name]
coeffs = kwargs.get('coeffs', [])
for v in coeffs:
if v is None or isinf(v) or isnan(v):
raise ValueError("coeffs must contain only real numbers")
extra = {}
if model == 'polynomial':
extra['int_coeffs'] = polyint(coeffs)
extra['T_int_T_coeffs'], extra['log_coeff'] = polyint_over_x(coeffs)
d_coeffs = polyder(coeffs[::-1])
d2_coeffs = polyder(d_coeffs)
extra['d_coeffs'] = d_coeffs
extra['d2_coeffs'] = d2_coeffs
Tmax_value, Tmax_slope, Tmax_dT2 = horner_and_der2(coeffs, Tmax)
extra['Tmax_value'] = Tmax_value
extra['Tmax_slope'] = Tmax_slope
extra['Tmax_dT2'] = Tmax_dT2
Tmin_value, Tmin_slope, Tmin_dT2 = horner_and_der2(coeffs, Tmin)
extra['Tmin_value'] = Tmin_value
extra['Tmin_slope'] = Tmin_slope
extra['Tmin_dT2'] = Tmin_dT2
if model == 'exp_polynomial':
# Not really used yet
exp_poly_fit_Tmax_value, exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope, exp_poly_fit_Tmax_dT2 = exp_horner_backwards_and_der2(
Tmax, coeffs)
exp_poly_fit_Tmin_value, exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope, exp_poly_fit_Tmin_dT2 = exp_horner_backwards_and_der2(
Tmin, coeffs)
extra['Tmax_slope'] = exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope
extra['Tmax_dT2'] = exp_poly_fit_Tmax_dT2
extra['Tmin_slope'] = exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope
extra['Tmin_dT2'] = exp_poly_fit_Tmin_dT2
elif model == 'stable_polynomial':
extra['offset'], extra['scale'] = offset, scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
is_Cp = self.units =='J/mol/K'
# Don't bother doing unneeded work for other properties
if is_Cp:
extra['int_coeffs'] = polyint_stable(coeffs, Tmin, Tmax)
# This integral over T is numerically challenging and is best converted using mpmath.
# Looking at errors on the order of 1e-6 if not but I'm sure there are cases if not.
if 'int_T_coeffs' in kwargs and 'int_T_log_coeff' in kwargs:
extra['int_T_coeffs'], extra['int_T_log_coeff'] = kwargs['int_T_coeffs'], kwargs['int_T_log_coeff']
elif is_Cp:
# Only setup the integral coefficients if the model is a heat capacity model
int_T_coeffs_unstable, extra['int_T_log_coeff'] = polyint_over_x_stable(coeffs, Tmin, Tmax)
extra['int_T_coeffs'] = poly_convert(int_T_coeffs_unstable[::-1], Tmin, Tmax)[::-1]
elif model == 'exp_stable_polynomial':
extra['offset'], extra['scale'] = offset, scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
elif model == 'exp_stable_polynomial_ln_tau':
Tc = kwargs['Tc']
xmin, xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc), trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
# Transformation may flip the order of which is higher
xmin, xmax = min(xmin, xmax), max(xmin, xmax)
extra['offset'], extra['scale'] = offset, scale = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
elif model == 'stable_polynomial_ln_tau':
Tc = kwargs['Tc']
xmin, xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc), trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
xmin, xmax = min(xmin, xmax), max(xmin, xmax)
extra['offset'], extra['scale'] = offset, scale = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
elif model in ('chebyshev', 'exp_chebyshev', 'chebyshev_ln_tau', 'exp_chebyshev_ln_tau'):
if model in ('chebyshev', 'exp_chebyshev'):
extra['offset'], extra['scale'] = offset, scale = polynomial_offset_scale(Tmin, Tmax)
Tc = kwargs['Tc']
xmin, xmax = trunc_log(1.0 - Tmin/Tc), trunc_log(1.0 - Tmax/Tc)
xmin, xmax = min(xmin, xmax), max(xmin, xmax)
extra['offset'], extra['scale'] = offset, scale = polynomial_offset_scale(xmin, xmax)
extra['d1_coeffs'] = chebyshev_d1_coeffs = chebder(coeffs, m=1, scl=scale)
extra['d2_coeffs'] = chebyshev_d2_coeffs = chebder(chebyshev_d1_coeffs, m=1, scl=scale)
extra['d3_coeffs'] = chebyshev_d3_coeffs = chebder(chebyshev_d2_coeffs, m=1, scl=scale)
extra['d4_coeffs'] = chebyshev_d4_coeffs = chebder(chebyshev_d3_coeffs, m=1, scl=scale)
extra['int_coeffs'] = chebyshev_int_coeffs = chebint(coeffs, scl=1.0/scale)
self.correlations[name] = (call, kwargs, model, extra)
def add_piecewise_method(self, name, method_names, T_ranges):
r'''Method to add a piecewise method made of already added other methods.
This can be useful in the event of multiple solid phases.
However, if the methods are not continuous at the transitions,
there will be discontinuities!
name : str
The name of method, [-]
method_names : list[str]
Each of the existing methods, [-]
T_ranges : list[float]
A list of temperatures consisting of [Tmin, T_transition1, ..., Tmax];
this is size len(method_names) + 1, [K]
for m in method_names:
if m not in self.all_methods:
raise ValueError(f"The provided method `{m}` was not found; methods are {self.all_methods}")
if name in self.all_methods:
raise ValueError("Method already exists")
if not len(method_names) + 1 == len(T_ranges):
raise ValueError("Method name and temperature ranges are inconsistent")
if not T_ranges == list(sorted(T_ranges)):
raise ValueError("Temperature ranges should be sorted assending")
Tmin = T_ranges[0]
Tmax = T_ranges[-1]
d = getattr(self, 'piecewise_methods', None)
if d is None:
d = {}
self.piecewise_methods = d
d[name] = (method_names, T_ranges, T_ranges[1:])
self.T_limits[name] = (Tmin, Tmax)
self.method = name
[docs] def add_correlation(self, name, model, Tmin, Tmax, select=True, **kwargs):
r'''Method to add a new set of emperical fit equation coefficients to
the object and select it for future property calculations (optionally).
A number of hardcoded `model` names are implemented; other models
are not supported.
name : str
The name of the coefficient set; user specified, [-]
model : str
A string representing the supported models, [-]
Tmin : float
Minimum temperature to use the method at, [K]
Tmax : float
Maximum temperature to use the method at, [K]
kwargs : dict
Various keyword arguments accepted by the model, [-]
select: bool
Whether to set the method as the default, [-]
The correlation models and links to their functions, describing
their parameters, are as follows:
if model not in self.available_correlations:
raise ValueError(f"Model is not available; available models are {self.available_correlations}")
model_data = self.correlation_models[model]
if 'coefficients' in kwargs:
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
try_map_kwargs = model_data[0] + model_data[1]
for v, k in zip(kwargs['coefficients'], try_map_kwargs):
kwargs[k] = v
del kwargs['coefficients']
if Tmin is None or isnan(Tmin) or isinf(Tmin):
raise ValueError("Tmin is not a real number")
if Tmax is None or isnan(Tmax) or isinf(Tmax):
raise ValueError("Tmax is not a real number")
if not all(k in kwargs and kwargs[k] is not None for k in model_data[0]):
raise ValueError(f"Required arguments for model {model} are {model_data[0]}")
if name in self.all_methods:
raise ValueError("Provided method is already a method")
model_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in model_data[0]}
for param in model_data[1]:
if param in kwargs:
model_kwargs[param] = kwargs[param]
d = getattr(self, model + '_parameters', None)
if d is None:
d = {}
setattr(self, model + '_parameters', d)
full_kwargs = model_kwargs.copy()
full_kwargs['Tmax'] = Tmax
full_kwargs['Tmin'] = Tmin
d[name] = full_kwargs
self.T_limits[name] = (Tmin, Tmax)
call = self.correlation_models[model][2]['f']
self.correlations[name] = (call, model_kwargs, model, None)
if model in self.correlation_extra_handling_models:
self._optimize_added_correlation(name, model)
if select:
self.method = name
_text = '\n'
for correlation_name, _correlation_parameters in correlation_models.items():
f = _correlation_parameters[2]['f']
correlation_func_name = f.__name__
correlation_func_mod = f.__module__
s = f' * "{correlation_name}": :obj:`{correlation_func_name} <{correlation_func_mod}.{correlation_func_name}>`, required parameters {tuple(_correlation_parameters[0])}'
if _correlation_parameters[1]:
s += f', optional parameters {tuple(_correlation_parameters[1])}.\n'
s += '.\n'
_text += s
add_correlation.__doc__ += _text
[docs] def add_method(self, f, Tmin=None, Tmax=None,
f_der=None, f_der2=None, f_der3=None,
f_int=None, f_int_over_T=None, name=None):
r'''Define a new method and select it for future property
f : callable
Object which calculates the property given the temperature in K,
Tmin : float, optional
Minimum temperature to use the method at, [K]
Tmax : float, optional
Maximum temperature to use the method at, [K]
f_der : callable, optional
If specified, should take as an argument the temperature and
return the first derivative of the property, [-]
f_der2 : callable, optional
If specified, should take as an argument the temperature and
return the second derivative of the property, [-]
f_der3 : callable, optional
If specified, should take as an argument the temperature and
return the third derivative of the property, [-]
f_int : callable, optional
If specified, should take `T1` and `T2` and return the integral of
the property from `T1` to `T2`, [-]
f_int_over_T : callable, optional
If specified, should take `T1` and `T2` and return the integral of
the property over T from `T1` to `T2`, [-]
name : str, optional
Name of method.
Once a custom method has been added to an object, that object can no
longer be serialized to json and the :obj:`TDependentProperty.__repr__`
method can no longer be used to reconstruct the object completely.
local_methods = self.local_methods
if name is None: name = 'USER_METHOD'
local_methods[name] = create_local_method(f, f_der, f_der2, f_der3,
f_int, f_int_over_T)
self._method = name
self.T_cached = None
self.T_limits[name] = (0. if Tmin is None else Tmin,
inf if Tmax is None else Tmax)
[docs] def add_tabular_data(self, Ts, properties, name=None, check_properties=True):
r'''Method to set tabular data to be used for interpolation.
Ts must be in increasing order. If no name is given, data will be
assigned the name 'Tabular data series #x', where x is the number of
previously added tabular data series.
After adding the data, this method becomes the selected method.
Ts : array-like
Increasing array of temperatures at which properties are specified, [K]
properties : array-like
List of properties at Ts, [`units`]
name : str, optional
Name assigned to the data
check_properties : bool
If True, the properties will be checked for validity with
:obj:`test_property_validity` and raise an exception if any are not
# Ts must be in increasing order.
if check_properties:
for p in properties:
if not self.test_property_validity(p):
raise ValueError('One of the properties specified are not feasible')
if not all(b >= a for a, b in zip(Ts, Ts[1:])):
raise ValueError('Temperatures are not sorted in increasing order')
if name is None:
name = 'Tabular data series #' + str(len(self.tabular_data)) # Will overwrite a poorly named series
self.tabular_data[name] = (Ts, properties)
self.T_limits[name] = (min(Ts), max(Ts))
self.method = name
[docs] def solve_property(self, goal):
r'''Method to solve for the temperature at which a property is at a
specified value. :obj:`T_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.T_dependent_property>` is used to calculate the value
of the property as a function of temperature.
Checks the given property value with :obj:`test_property_validity` first
and raises an exception if it is not valid.
goal : float
Propoerty value desired, [`units`]
T : float
Temperature at which the property is the specified value [K]
if not self.test_property_validity(goal):
raise ValueError('Input property is not considered plausible; no method would calculate it.')
def error(T):
err = self.T_dependent_property(T) - goal
return err
T_limits = self.T_limits[self.method]
if self.extrapolation is None:
return brenth(error, T_limits[0], T_limits[1])
except ValueError:
raise Exception('To within the implemented temperature range, it is not possible to calculate the desired value.')
# if self.method == POLY_FIT:
# return self.solve_prop_poly_fit(goal)
high = self.Tc if self.critical_zero and self.Tc is not None else None
x0 = T_limits[0]
x1 = T_limits[1]
f0 = error(x0)
f1 = error(x1)
if f0*f1 > 0.0: # same sign, pick which side to start the search at based on which error is lower
if abs(f0) < abs(f1):
# under Tmin
x1 = T_limits[0] - (T_limits[1] - T_limits[0])*1e-3
f1 = error(x1)
# above Tmax
x0 = T_limits[1] + (T_limits[1] - T_limits[0])*1e-3
if high is not None and x0 > high:
x0 = high*(1-1e-6)
f0 = error(x0)
return secant(error, x0=x0, x1=x1, f0=f0, f1=f1, low=1e-4, xtol=1e-12, bisection=True, high=high)
# return secant(error, x0=x0, x1=x1, f0=f0, f1=f1, low=1e-4, xtol=1e-12, bisection=True, high=high, damping=.01)
# def solve_property_exp_poly_fit(self, goal):
# exp_poly_fit_Tmin, exp_poly_fit_Tmax = self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax
# exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope, exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope = self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope
# exp_poly_fit_Tmin_value, exp_poly_fit_Tmax_value = self.exp_poly_fit_Tmin_value, self.exp_poly_fit_Tmax_value
# coeffs = self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs
# T_low = log(goal*exp(exp_poly_fit_Tmin*exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope - exp_poly_fit_Tmin_value))/exp_poly_fit_Tmin_slope
# if T_low <= exp_poly_fit_Tmin:
# return T_low
# T_high = log(goal*exp(exp_poly_fit_Tmax*exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope - exp_poly_fit_Tmax_value))/exp_poly_fit_Tmax_slope
# if T_high >= exp_poly_fit_Tmax:
# return T_high
# else:
# lnPGoal = log(goal)
# def to_solve(T):
# # dPsat and Psat are both in log basis
# dPsat = Psat = 0.0
# for c in coeffs:
# dPsat = T*dPsat + Psat
# Psat = T*Psat + c
# return Psat - lnPGoal, dPsat
# # Guess with the two extrapolations from the linear fits
# # By definition both guesses are in the range of they would have been returned
# if T_low > exp_poly_fit_Tmax:
# T_low = exp_poly_fit_Tmax
# if T_high < exp_poly_fit_Tmin:
# T_high = exp_poly_fit_Tmin
# T = newton(to_solve, 0.5*(T_low + T_high), fprime=True, low=exp_poly_fit_Tmin, high=exp_poly_fit_Tmax)
# return T
def _calculate_derivative_transformed(self, T, method, order=1,
interpolation_property=None, interpolation_T=None):
r'''Basic funtion which wraps calculate_derivative such that the output
of the derivative is in the transformed basis.
if interpolation_property is None and interpolation_T is None:
return self.calculate_derivative(T, method, order=order)
if interpolation_T is None:
interpolation_T = lambda T: T
if interpolation_property is None:
interpolation_property = lambda x: x
Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[method]
if Tmin is None or Tmax is None:
return derivative(lambda T_trans: (interpolation_property(self.calculate(interpolation_T(T_trans), method=method))),
interpolation_T(T), dx=interpolation_T(T)*1e-6, n=order, order=1+order*2)
Tmin_trans, Tmax_trans = interpolation_T(Tmin), interpolation_T(Tmax)
lower_limit = min(Tmin_trans, Tmax_trans)
upper_limit = max(Tmin_trans, Tmax_trans)
return derivative(lambda T_trans: interpolation_property(self.calculate(interpolation_T(T_trans), method=method)),
dx=interpolation_T(T)*1e-6, n=order, order=1+order*2,
lower_limit=lower_limit, upper_limit=upper_limit)
[docs] def calculate_derivative(self, T, method, order=1):
r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a property with respect to
temperature, of a given order using a specified method. Uses SciPy's
derivative function, with a delta of 1E-6 K and a number of points
equal to 2*order + 1.
This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add
analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster.
If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K]
method : str
Method for which to find the derivative
order : int
Order of the derivative, >= 1
derivative : float
Calculated derivative property, [`units/K^order`]
if method in self.correlations:
call, kwargs, model, extra = self.correlations[method]
# polynomial 4 work out of the box, others need a bit of work
if model == 'stable_polynomial':
if order == 1:
return horner_stable_and_der(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return horner_stable_and_der2(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
if order == 3:
return horner_stable_and_der3(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[3]
if order == 4:
return horner_stable_and_der4(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[4]
if model == 'exp_stable_polynomial':
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_stable_and_der(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_horner_stable_and_der2(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
if order == 3:
return exp_horner_stable_and_der3(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[3]
elif model == 'stable_polynomial_ln_tau':
if order == 1:
return horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der2(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
if order == 3:
return horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der3(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[3]
elif model == 'exp_stable_polynomial_ln_tau':
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der2(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
elif model == 'chebyshev':
if order == 1:
return chebval(T, extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
if order == 2:
return chebval(T, extra['d2_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
if order == 3:
return chebval(T, extra['d3_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
if order == 4:
return chebval(T, extra['d4_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])
elif model == 'exp_chebyshev':
if order == 1:
return exp_cheb_and_der(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_cheb_and_der2(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['d2_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
if order == 3:
return exp_cheb_and_der3(T, kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['d2_coeffs'], extra['d3_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[3]
elif model == 'chebyshev_ln_tau':
if order == 1:
return chebval_ln_tau_and_der(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return chebval_ln_tau_and_der2(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['d2_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
if order == 3:
return chebval_ln_tau_and_der3(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['d2_coeffs'], extra['d3_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[3]
elif model == 'exp_chebyshev_ln_tau':
if order == 1:
return exp_cheb_ln_tau_and_der(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_cheb_ln_tau_and_der2(T, kwargs['Tc'], kwargs['coeffs'], extra['d1_coeffs'], extra['d2_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale'])[2]
calls = self.correlation_models[model][2]
if order == 1 and 'f_der' in calls:
return calls['f_der'](T, **kwargs)
elif order == 2 and 'f_der2' in calls:
return calls['f_der2'](T, **kwargs)
elif order == 3 and 'f_der3' in calls:
return calls['f_der3'](T, **kwargs)
if method in self.local_methods:
local_method = self.local_methods[method]
if order == 1:
if local_method.f_der is not None: return local_method.f_der(T)
elif order == 2:
if local_method.f_der2 is not None: return local_method.f_der2(T)
elif order == 3:
if local_method.f_der3 is not None: return local_method.f_der3(T)
if method == EXP_POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)[2]
if method == EXP_POLY_FIT:
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_backwards_and_der(T, self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs)[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_horner_backwards_and_der2(T, self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs)[2]
if order == 3:
return exp_horner_backwards_and_der3(T, self.exp_poly_fit_coeffs)[3]
if method == POLY_FIT:
if order == 1:
return horner_and_der(self.poly_fit_coeffs, T)[1]
if order == 2:
return horner_and_der2(self.poly_fit_coeffs, T)[2]
if order == 3:
return horner_and_der3(self.poly_fit_coeffs, T)[3]
if method == POLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
if order == 1:
return horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)[1]
if order == 2:
return horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)[2]
if order == 3:
return horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der3(T, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.poly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs)[3]
if method == STABLEPOLY_FIT:
if order == 1:
return horner_stable_and_der(T, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)[1]
if order == 2:
return horner_stable_and_der2(T, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)[2]
if order == 3:
return horner_stable_and_der3(T, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)[3]
if order == 4:
return horner_stable_and_der4(T, self.stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_scale)[4]
if method == EXP_STABLEPOLY_FIT:
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_stable_and_der(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale)[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_horner_stable_and_der2(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale)[2]
if order == 3:
return exp_horner_stable_and_der3(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale)[3]
elif method == STABLEPOLY_FIT_LN_TAU:
if order == 1:
return horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_scale)[1]
if order == 2:
return horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_scale)[2]
if order == 3:
return horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der3(T, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_scale)[3]
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset_ln_tau, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale_ln_tau)[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_horner_stable_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_offset_ln_tau, self.exp_stablepoly_fit_scale_ln_tau)[2]
if method == CHEB_FIT:
if order == 1:
return chebval(T, self.cheb_fit_d1_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_offset, self.cheb_fit_scale)
if order == 2:
return chebval(T, self.cheb_fit_d2_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_offset, self.cheb_fit_scale)
if order == 3:
return chebval(T, self.cheb_fit_d3_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_offset, self.cheb_fit_scale)
if order == 4:
return chebval(T, self.cheb_fit_d4_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_offset, self.cheb_fit_scale)
if method == EXP_CHEB_FIT:
if order == 1:
return exp_cheb_and_der(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_d1_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_cheb_and_der2(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_d1_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_d2_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)[2]
if order == 3:
return exp_cheb_and_der3(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_d1_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_d2_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_d3_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_scale)[3]
elif method == CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU:
if order == 1:
return chebval_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)[1]
if order == 2:
return chebval_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)[2]
if order == 3:
return chebval_ln_tau_and_der3(T, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_d3_coeffs, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)[3]
elif method == EXP_CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU:
if order == 1:
return exp_cheb_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)[1]
if order == 2:
return exp_cheb_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_Tc, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d1_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_d2_coeffs, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_offset, self.exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau_scale)[2]
pts = 1 + order*2
dx = T*1e-6
args = (method,)
Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[method]
# Adjust to be just inside bounds
return derivative(self.calculate, T, dx=dx, args=args, n=order, order=pts,
lower_limit=Tmin, upper_limit=Tmax)
[docs] def T_dependent_property_derivative(self, T, order=1):
r'''Method to obtain a derivative of a property with respect to
temperature, of a given order.
Calls :obj:`calculate_derivative` internally to perform the actual
.. math::
\text{derivative} = \frac{d (\text{property})}{d T}
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K]
order : int
Order of the derivative, >= 1
derivative : float
Calculated derivative property, [`units/K^order`]
method = self._method
T_limits = self.T_limits
extrapolation = self._extrapolation
if method in T_limits:
Tmin, Tmax = T_limits[method]
if Tmin <= T <= Tmax:
return self.calculate_derivative(T, method, order)
elif extrapolation:
return self.extrapolate_derivative(T, method, order)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to extrapolate {order}th derivative of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.name} method '{method}' is not valid at T={T} K "
f"for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
return self.calculate_derivative(T, self._method, order)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to evaluate {order}th derivative of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"at T={T} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
[docs] def calculate_integral(self, T1, T2, method):
r'''Method to calculate the integral of a property with respect to
temperature, using a specified method. Uses SciPy's `quad` function
to perform the integral, with no options.
This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add
analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster.
If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error
T1 : float
Lower limit of integration, [K]
T2 : float
Upper limit of integration, [K]
method : str
Method for which to find the integral
integral : float
Calculated integral of the property over the given range,
if method == POLY_FIT:
return fit_integral_linear_extrapolation(T1, T2,
self.poly_fit_int_coeffs, self.poly_fit_Tmin,
self.poly_fit_Tmax, self.poly_fit_Tmin_value,
self.poly_fit_Tmax_value, self.poly_fit_Tmin_slope,
if method in self.correlations:
call, kwargs, model, extra = self.correlations[method]
if model == 'polynomial':
Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[method]
return fit_integral_linear_extrapolation(T1, T2,
extra['int_coeffs'], Tmin,
Tmax, extra['Tmin_value'],
extra['Tmax_value'], extra['Tmin_slope'],
elif model == 'stable_polynomial':
if 'int_coeffs' in extra:
int_coeffs, offset, scale = extra['int_coeffs'], extra['offset'], extra['scale']
return horner_stable(T2, int_coeffs, offset, scale) - horner_stable(T1, int_coeffs, offset, scale)
calls = self.correlation_models[model][2]
if 'f_int' in calls:
return calls['f_int'](T2, **kwargs) - calls['f_int'](T1, **kwargs)
if method in self.local_methods:
local_method = self.local_methods[method]
if local_method.f_int is not None:
return local_method.f_int(T1, T2)
return float(quad(self.calculate, T1, T2, args=(method,))[0])
[docs] def T_dependent_property_integral(self, T1, T2):
r'''Method to calculate the integral of a property with respect to
temperature, using the selected method.
Calls :obj:`calculate_integral` internally to perform the actual
.. math::
\text{integral} = \int_{T_1}^{T_2} \text{property} \; dT
T1 : float
Lower limit of integration, [K]
T2 : float
Upper limit of integration, [K]
integral : float
Calculated integral of the property over the given range,
if T2 < T1: return - self.T_dependent_property_integral(T2, T1)
method = self._method
T_limits = self.T_limits
extrapolation = self._extrapolation
integral = 0.
if method in T_limits:
Tmin, Tmax = T_limits[method]
if T1 < Tmin:
if extrapolation:
if T2 >= Tmin:
integral += self.extrapolate_integral(T1, Tmin, method)
Tmin = T2
return self.extrapolate_integral(T1, Tmin, method)
except: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to extrapolate integral of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"between T={T1} to {Tmin} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.name} method '{method}' is not valid between T={T1} to T={Tmin} K "
f"for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
T1 = Tmin
if T2 > Tmax:
if extrapolation:
if T1 <= Tmax:
integral += self.extrapolate_integral(Tmax, T2, method)
Tmax = T1
return self.extrapolate_integral(Tmax, T2, method)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to extrapolate integral of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"between T={Tmax} to {T2} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.name} method '{method}' is not valid between T={T2} to T={Tmax} K "
f"for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
T2 = Tmax
integral += self.calculate_integral(T1, T2, method)
except: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to evaluate integral of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"between T={Tmax} to {T2} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
return integral
[docs] def calculate_integral_over_T(self, T1, T2, method):
r'''Method to calculate the integral of a property over temperature
with respect to temperature, using a specified method. Uses SciPy's
`quad` function to perform the integral, with no options.
This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add
analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster.
If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error
T1 : float
Lower limit of integration, [K]
T2 : float
Upper limit of integration, [K]
method : str
Method for which to find the integral
integral : float
Calculated integral of the property over the given range,
if method == POLY_FIT:
return fit_integral_over_T_linear_extrapolation(T1, T2,
self.poly_fit_T_int_T_coeffs, self.poly_fit_log_coeff,
self.poly_fit_Tmin, self.poly_fit_Tmax,
self.poly_fit_Tmax_value, self.poly_fit_Tmin_slope,
if method in self.correlations:
call, kwargs, model, extra = self.correlations[method]
if model == 'polynomial':
Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[method]
return fit_integral_over_T_linear_extrapolation(T1, T2,
extra['T_int_T_coeffs'], extra['log_coeff'],
Tmin, Tmax,
extra['Tmax_value'], extra['Tmin_slope'],
elif model == 'stable_polynomial':
if 'int_T_coeffs' in extra:
int_T_coeffs, int_T_log_coeff = extra['int_T_coeffs'], extra['int_T_log_coeff']
offset, scale = extra['offset'], extra['scale']
return horner_stable_log(T2, int_T_coeffs, offset, scale, int_T_log_coeff) - horner_stable_log(T1, int_T_coeffs, offset, scale, int_T_log_coeff)
calls = self.correlation_models[model][2]
if 'f_int_over_T' in calls:
return calls['f_int_over_T'](T2, **kwargs) - calls['f_int_over_T'](T1, **kwargs)
if method in self.local_methods:
local_method = self.local_methods[method]
if local_method.f_int_over_T is not None:
return local_method.f_int_over_T(T1, T2)
return float(quad(lambda T: self.calculate(T, method)/T, T1, T2)[0])
[docs] def T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(self, T1, T2):
r'''Method to calculate the integral of a property over temperature
with respect to temperature, using the selected method.
Calls :obj:`calculate_integral_over_T` internally to perform the actual
.. math::
\text{integral} = \int_{T_1}^{T_2} \frac{\text{property}}{T} \; dT
T1 : float
Lower limit of integration, [K]
T2 : float
Upper limit of integration, [K]
integral : float
Calculated integral of the property over the given range,
if T2 < T1: return - self.T_dependent_property_integral_over_T(T2, T1)
method = self._method
T_limits = self.T_limits
extrapolation = self._extrapolation
integral = 0.
if method in T_limits:
Tmin, Tmax = T_limits[method]
if T1 < Tmin:
if extrapolation:
if T2 >= Tmin:
integral += self.extrapolate_integral_over_T(T1, Tmin, method)
Tmin = T2
return self.extrapolate_integral_over_T(T1, Tmin, method)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to extrapolate integral-over-T of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"between T={T1} to {Tmin} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.name} method '{method}' is not valid between T={T1} to T={Tmin} K "
f"for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
T1 = Tmin
if T2 > Tmax:
if extrapolation:
if T1 <= Tmax:
integral += self.extrapolate_integral_over_T(Tmax, T2, method)
Tmax = T1
return self.extrapolate_integral_over_T(Tmax, T2, method)
except: # pragma: no cover
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to extrapolate integral-over-T of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"between T={Tmax} to {T2} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
raise RuntimeError(
f"{self.name} method '{method}' is not valid between T={T2} to T={Tmax} K "
f"for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
T2 = Tmax
integral += self.calculate_integral_over_T(T1, T2, method)
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to evaluate integral-over-T of {self.name.lower()} method '{method}' "
f"between T={Tmax} to {T2} K for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'"
return None
return integral
def _get_extrapolation_coeffs(self, extrapolation, method, low):
if extrapolation is None or extrapolation == 'None': return
T_limits = self.T_limits
Tmin, Tmax = T_limits[method]
T = Tmin if low else Tmax
if extrapolation == 'linear':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d = self.calculate_derivative(T, method)
coefficients = (v, d)
elif extrapolation == 'log(linear)':
v = log(self.calculate(T, method=method))
d = self._calculate_derivative_transformed(T=T, method=method, order=1, interpolation_property=lambda x: log(x))
coefficients = (v, d)
elif extrapolation == 'Arrhenius':
P = self.calculate(T, method)
dP_dT = self.calculate_derivative(T, method)
coefficients = Arrhenius_parameters(T, P, dP_dT)
elif extrapolation == 'constant':
coefficients = self.calculate(T, method=method)
elif extrapolation == 'nolimit':
coefficients = tuple()
elif extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=1)
coefficients = Antoine_AB_coeffs_from_point(T=T, Psat=v, dPsat_dT=d, base=e)
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d0 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=1)
d1 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=2)
coefficients = DIPPR101_ABC_coeffs_from_point(T, v, d0, d1)
elif extrapolation == 'Watson':
delta = (Tmax - Tmin)*1e-4
dT = delta if low else -delta
v0 = self.calculate(T, method=method)
v1 = self.calculate(T + dT, method=method)
n = Watson_n(T, T + dT, v0, v1, self.Tc)
coefficients = (v0, n)
elif extrapolation == 'EXP_POLY_LN_TAU2':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d0 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=1)
coefficients = list(exp_poly_ln_tau_coeffs2(T, self.Tc, v, d0))
elif extrapolation == 'EXP_POLY_LN_TAU3':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d0 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=1)
d1 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=2)
coefficients = list(exp_poly_ln_tau_coeffs3(T, self.Tc, v, d0, d1))
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR106_AB':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d0 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=1)
coefficients = EQ106_AB(T, self.Tc, v, d0)
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR106_ABC':
v = self.calculate(T, method=method)
d0 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=1)
d1 = self.calculate_derivative(T, method=method, order=2)
coefficients = EQ106_ABC(T, self.Tc, v, d0, d1)
raise ValueError("Could not recognize extrapolation setting")
return coefficients
def extrapolation(self):
'''The string setting of the current extrapolation settings.
This can be set to a new value to change which extrapolation setting
is used.
return self._extrapolation
def extrapolation(self, extrapolation):
# backwards compatibility
if extrapolation is not None:
extrapolation = extrapolation.replace('interp1d', 'linear')
self._extrapolation = extrapolation
if extrapolation is None:
self.extrapolation_split = False
self._extrapolation_low = self._extrapolation_high = self.extrapolations = None
self.extrapolation_split = '|' in extrapolation
if not self.extrapolation_split:
extrapolations = [extrapolation]
self._extrapolation_low = self._extrapolation_high = extrapolation
extrapolations = extrapolation.split('|')
if len(extrapolations) != 2:
raise ValueError("Must have only two extrapolation methods")
self._extrapolation_low, self._extrapolation_high = extrapolations
if extrapolations[0] == extrapolations[1]:
self.extrapolations = extrapolations
def extrapolate_derivative(self, T, method, order, in_range='error'):
r'''Extrapolate the derivative of a given method according to the
:obj:`extrapolation` setting.
T : float
Temperature at which to extrapolate the property, [K]
method : str
The method to use, [-]
order : int
Order of the derivative, >= 1
in_range : str
How to handle inputs which are not outside the temperature limits;
set to 'low' to use the low T extrapolation, 'high' to use the
high T extrapolation, and 'error' or anything else to raise an
error in those cases, [-]
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`/K]
T_limits = self.T_limits
if T < 0.0: raise ValueError("Negative temperature")
Tmin, Tmax = T_limits[method]
if T < Tmin:
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif T >= Tmax:
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
elif in_range == 'low':
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif in_range == 'high':
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
raise ValueError("Not outside normal range")
if extrapolation == 'constant':
return 0.
elif extrapolation in ('linear', 'Arrhenius', 'DIPPR101_ABC', 'AntoineAB', 'DIPPR106_AB', 'DIPPR106_ABC', 'EXP_POLY_LN_TAU2', 'EXP_POLY_LN_TAU3'):
key = (extrapolation, method, low)
extrapolation_coeffs = self.extrapolation_coeffs
if key in extrapolation_coeffs:
coeffs = extrapolation_coeffs[key]
extrapolation_coeffs[key] = coeffs = self._get_extrapolation_coeffs(*key)
if extrapolation == 'linear':
if order == 1:
return coeffs[1]
elif extrapolation == 'Arrhenius':
T_ref, P_ref, slope = coeffs
if order == 1:
return dArrhenius_extrapolation_dT(T, T_ref, P_ref, slope)
elif order == 2:
return d2Arrhenius_extrapolation_dT2(T, T_ref, P_ref, slope)
elif order == 3:
return d3Arrhenius_extrapolation_dT3(T, T_ref, P_ref, slope)
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR101_ABC':
if order in (0, 1, 2, 3):
A, B, C = coeffs
return EQ101(T, A, B, C, 0.0, 0.0, order=order)
elif extrapolation == 'AntoineAB':
A, B = coeffs
if order == 1:
return dAntoine_dT(T, A=A, B=B, C=0.0, base=e)
elif order == 2:
return d2Antoine_dT2(T, A=A, B=B, C=0.0, base=e)
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR106_AB':
if order in (0, 1, 2, 3):
A, B = coeffs
return EQ106(T, self.Tc, A, B, order=order)
elif extrapolation == 'DIPPR106_ABC':
if order in (0, 1, 2, 3):
A, B, C = coeffs
return EQ106(T, self.Tc, A, B, C, order=order)
elif extrapolation in ('EXP_POLY_LN_TAU2', 'EXP_POLY_LN_TAU3'):
if order == 1:
return exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der(T, self.Tc, coeffs)[1]
elif order == 2:
return exp_horner_backwards_ln_tau_and_der2(T, self.Tc, coeffs)[2]
pts = 1 + order*2
dx = T*1e-6
args = (method, 'nearest')
return derivative(self.extrapolate, T, dx=dx, args=args, n=order, order=pts)
def extrapolate_integral(self, T1, T2, method, in_range='error'):
r'''Extrapolate the integral of a given method according to the
:obj:`extrapolation` setting.
T1 : float
Lower temperature at which to extrapolate the property, [K]
T2 : float
Upper temperature at which to extrapolate the property, [K]
method : str
The method to use, [-]
in_range : str
How to handle inputs which are not outside the temperature limits;
set to 'low' to use the low T extrapolation, 'high' to use the
high T extrapolation, and 'error' or anything else to raise an
error in those cases, [-]
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`*K]
T_limits = self.T_limits
if T1 < 0.0:
raise ValueError("Negative temperature")
T_low, T_high = T_limits[method]
if T2 <= T_low:
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif T1 >= T_high:
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
elif in_range == 'low':
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif in_range == 'high':
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
raise ValueError("Not outside normal range")
if extrapolation == 'constant':
key = (extrapolation, method, low)
extrapolation_coeffs = self.extrapolation_coeffs
if key in extrapolation_coeffs:
coeffs = extrapolation_coeffs[key]
extrapolation_coeffs[key] = coeffs = self._get_extrapolation_coeffs(*key)
return coeffs * (T2 - T1)
elif (extrapolation == 'linear'
and self.interpolation_T is None
and self.interpolation_property is None):
key = (extrapolation, method, low)
extrapolation_coeffs = self.extrapolation_coeffs
if key in extrapolation_coeffs:
coeffs = extrapolation_coeffs[key]
extrapolation_coeffs[key] = coeffs = self._get_extrapolation_coeffs(*key)
v, d = coeffs
c = T_low if low else T_high
return (v - c*d) * (T2 - T1) + 0.5 * d * (T2*T2 - T1*T1)
return float(quad(self.extrapolate, T1, T2, args=(method,))[0])
def extrapolate_integral_over_T(self, T1, T2, method, in_range='error'):
r'''Extrapolate the integral-over-T of a given method according to the
:obj:`extrapolation` setting.
T1 : float
Lower temperature at which to extrapolate the property, [K]
T2 : float
Upper temperature at which to extrapolate the property, [K]
method : str
The method to use, [-]
in_range : str
How to handle inputs which are not outside the temperature limits;
set to 'low' to use the low T extrapolation, 'high' to use the
high T extrapolation, and 'error' or anything else to raise an
error in those cases, [-]
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`*K]
T_limits = self.T_limits
if T1 < 0.0:
raise ValueError("Negative temperature")
T_low, T_high = T_limits[method]
if T2 <= T_low:
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif T1 >= T_high:
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
elif in_range == 'low':
low = True
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_low
elif in_range == 'high':
low = False
extrapolation = self._extrapolation_high
raise ValueError("Not outside normal range")
if extrapolation == 'constant':
key = (extrapolation, method, low)
extrapolation_coeffs = self.extrapolation_coeffs
if key in extrapolation_coeffs:
coeffs = extrapolation_coeffs[key]
extrapolation_coeffs[key] = coeffs = self._get_extrapolation_coeffs(*key)
return coeffs * log(T2/T1)
elif (extrapolation == 'linear'
and self.interpolation_T is None
and self.interpolation_property is None):
key = (extrapolation, method, low)
extrapolation_coeffs = self.extrapolation_coeffs
if key in extrapolation_coeffs:
coeffs = extrapolation_coeffs[key]
extrapolation_coeffs[key] = coeffs = self._get_extrapolation_coeffs(*key)
v, d = coeffs
c = T_low if low else T_high
return d * (T2 - T1) + (v - c*d)*log(T2/T1)
return float(quad(lambda T: self.extrapolate(T, method)/T, T1, T2)[0])
def __init__(self, extrapolation, **kwargs):
self.local_methods = {}
"""local_methods, dict[str, LocalMethod]: Local methods added by the user."""
self.extrapolation_coeffs = {}
"""extrapolation_coeffs, dict[tuple[str, str], object]: Cached
coefficients and methods used for extrapolation."""
self.tabular_data = {}
"""tabular_data, dict: Stored (Ts, properties) for any
tabular data; indexed by provided or autogenerated name."""
self.tabular_data_interpolators = {}
"""tabular_data_interpolators, dict: Stored (extrapolator,
spline) tuples which are interp1d instances for each set of tabular
data; indexed by tuple of (name, interpolation_T,
interpolation_property, interpolation_property_inv) to ensure that
if an interpolation transform is altered, the old interpolator which
had been created is no longer used."""
load_data = kwargs.pop('load_data', True)
self.correlations = {}
self.extrapolation = extrapolation
self._extrapolation_min = kwargs.pop('extrapolation_min', None)
self._extrapolation_max = kwargs.pop('extrapolation_max', None)
poly_fit = kwargs.pop('poly_fit', None)
exp_poly_fit = kwargs.pop('exp_poly_fit', None)
poly_fit_ln_tau = kwargs.pop('poly_fit_ln_tau', None)
exp_poly_fit_ln_tau = kwargs.pop('exp_poly_fit_ln_tau', None)
cheb_fit = kwargs.pop('cheb_fit', None)
exp_cheb_fit = kwargs.pop('exp_cheb_fit', None)
cheb_fit_ln_tau = kwargs.pop('cheb_fit_ln_tau', None)
exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau = kwargs.pop('exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau', None)
stablepoly_fit = kwargs.pop('stablepoly_fit', None)
exp_stablepoly_fit = kwargs.pop('exp_stablepoly_fit', None)
stablepoly_fit_ln_tau = kwargs.pop('stablepoly_fit_ln_tau', None)
exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau = kwargs.pop('exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau', None)
except AttributeError:
CASRN = '' # some tests don't have this
found_allotropes = False
if CASRN and load_data:
something = json_correlation_lookup(CASRN, self.__class__.__name__)
for key, json_based_data in something.items():
if key in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = json_based_data
if CASRN in solid_allotrope_map:
do_not_set_methods = set()
# Load all the allotropes
solid_allotrope_mapping = solid_allotrope_map[CASRN]
CASs_transitions = solid_allotrope_mapping['CASs_transitions']
allotrope_phase_count = len(CASs_transitions)
auto_transition_names = [None]*allotrope_phase_count
T_transitions = list(solid_allotrope_mapping['T_transitions'])
for CASRN_allotrope in solid_allotrope_map[CASRN]['all_CASs']:
something = json_correlation_lookup(CASRN_allotrope, self.__class__.__name__)
allotrope_name = allotrope_CAS_to_name[CASRN_allotrope]
auto_CAS_idx = CASs_transitions.index(CASRN_allotrope)
auto_CAS_idx = None
for key, json_based_data in something.items():
json_based_data_copy = {}
for k, v in json_based_data.items():
if k not in self.extra_correlations_internal:
found_allotropes = True
new_allotrope_method_name = k + ' ' + allotrope_name
json_based_data_copy[new_allotrope_method_name] = v
if auto_CAS_idx is not None:
auto_transition_names[auto_CAS_idx] = new_allotrope_method_name
if auto_CAS_idx == 0:
T_transitions.insert(0, v['Tmin'])
elif auto_CAS_idx == allotrope_phase_count-1:
json_based_data = json_based_data_copy
if key in kwargs:
kwargs[key] = json_based_data
if kwargs:
correlation_keys_to_parameters = self.correlation_keys_to_parameters
# Iterate over all the dictionaries in reverse such that the first one is left as the default
for key in reversed(list(kwargs.keys())):
if key in correlation_keys_to_parameters:
correlation_dict = kwargs.pop(key)
correlation_name = correlation_keys_to_parameters[key]
# Probably need to reverse this too
for corr_i, corr_kwargs in correlation_dict.items():
self.add_correlation(name=corr_i, model=correlation_name,
if kwargs.get('tabular_data', None):
for name, (Ts, properties) in kwargs['tabular_data'].items():
self.add_tabular_data(Ts, properties, name=name, check_properties=False)
if found_allotropes:
# Try to add a generic range based method that handles the transitions
if None not in auto_transition_names:
self.add_piecewise_method(DEFAULT_PHASE_TRANSITIONS, method_names=auto_transition_names,
if 'piecewise_methods' in kwargs:
piecewise_methods = kwargs['piecewise_methods']
for name, data in piecewise_methods.items():
self.add_piecewise_method(name=name, method_names=data['methods'], T_ranges=data['T_ranges'])
method = kwargs['method']
method = self._method
method = None
if poly_fit is not None and len(poly_fit):
method = POLY_FIT
if exp_poly_fit is not None and len(exp_poly_fit):
method = EXP_POLY_FIT
if poly_fit_ln_tau is not None and len(poly_fit_ln_tau):
method = POLY_FIT_LN_TAU
if exp_poly_fit_ln_tau is not None and len(exp_poly_fit_ln_tau):
if stablepoly_fit is not None and len(stablepoly_fit):
if exp_stablepoly_fit is not None and len(exp_stablepoly_fit):
if stablepoly_fit_ln_tau is not None and len(stablepoly_fit_ln_tau):
if exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau is not None and len(exp_stablepoly_fit_ln_tau):
if cheb_fit is not None and len(cheb_fit):
method = CHEB_FIT
if exp_cheb_fit is not None and len(exp_cheb_fit):
method = EXP_CHEB_FIT
if cheb_fit_ln_tau is not None and len(cheb_fit_ln_tau):
method = CHEB_FIT_LN_TAU
if exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau is not None and len(exp_cheb_fit_ln_tau):
if method is None or (found_allotropes and method in do_not_set_methods) or method in self.extra_correlations_internal:
all_methods = self.all_methods
for i in self.ranked_methods:
if i in all_methods:
method = i
self.method = method
def _add_extra_correlations(self):
# Load any component specific methods
if hasattr(self, 'CASRN'):
extra_correlations = self.extra_correlations
if CASRN in extra_correlations:
ranked_methods = list(self.ranked_methods)
for model in extra_correlations[CASRN]:
if model['name'] not in ranked_methods:
ranked_methods.insert(0, model['name'])
self.ranked_methods = ranked_methods
def load_all_methods(self, load_data):
self.all_methods = set()
"""Set of all methods available for a given CASRN and properties;
filled by :obj:`load_all_methods`."""
[docs] def calculate(self, T, method):
r'''Method to calculate a property with a specified method, with no
validity checking or error handling. Demo function for testing only;
must be implemented according to the methods available for each
individual method. Include the interpolation call here.
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K]
method : str
Method name to use
prop : float
Calculated property, [`units`]
return self._base_calculate(T, method)
[docs] def test_method_validity(self, T, method):
r'''Method to test the validity of a specified method for a given
temperature. Demo function for testing only;
must be implemented according to the methods available for each
individual method. Include the interpolation check here.
T : float
Temperature at which to determine the validity of the method, [K]
method : str
Method name to use
validity : bool
Whether or not a specifid method is valid
T_limits = self.T_limits
if method in T_limits:
Tmin, Tmax = T_limits[method]
validity = Tmin <= T <= Tmax
elif method == POLY_FIT:
validity = True
elif method in self.tabular_data:
if self.tabular_extrapolation_permitted:
validity = True
Ts, properties = self.tabular_data[method]
validity = Ts[0] < T < Ts[-1]
raise ValueError(f"method '{method}' not valid")
return validity