Source code for thermo.utils.tp_dependent_property

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
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from fluids.numerics import derivative, linspace
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np

from thermo.utils.functional import has_matplotlib
from thermo.utils.names import NEGLECT_P
from thermo.utils.t_dependent_property import TDependentProperty

__all__ = ['TPDependentProperty']

[docs]class TPDependentProperty(TDependentProperty): '''Class for calculating temperature and pressure dependent chemical properties. On creation, a :obj:`TPDependentProperty` examines all the possible methods implemented for calculating the property, loads whichever coefficients it needs (unless `load_data` is set to False), examines its input parameters, and selects the method it prefers. This method will continue to be used for all calculations until the method is changed by setting a new method to the to :obj:`method` attribute. Because many pressure dependent property methods are implemented as a low-pressure correlation and a high-pressure correlation, this class works essentially the same as :obj:`TDependentProperty` but with extra methods that accept pressure as a parameter. The object also selects the pressure-dependent method it prefers. This method will continue to be used for all pressure-dependent calculations until the pressure-dependent method is changed by setting a new method_P to the to :obj:`method_P` attribute. The default list of preferred pressure-dependent method orderings is at :obj:`ranked_methods_P` for all properties; the order can be modified there in-place, and this will take effect on all new :obj:`TPDependentProperty` instances created but NOT on existing instances. Tabular data can be provided as either temperature-dependent or pressure-dependent data. The same `extrapolation` settings as in :obj:`TDependentProperty` are implemented here for the low-pressure correlations. In addition to the methods and attributes shown here, all those from :obj:`TPDependentProperty` are also available. Attributes ---------- method_P : str The method was which was last used successfully to calculate a property; set only after the first property calculation. method : str The method to be used for property calculations, [-] all_methods : set All low-pressure methods available, [-] all_methods_P : set All pressure-dependent methods available, [-] ''' P_dependent = True interpolation_P = None P_correlation_models = { 'Tait': {'custom': True}, } available_P_correlations = frozenset(P_correlation_models.keys()) P_correlation_parameters = {k: k + '_parameters' for k in P_correlation_models.keys()} P_correlation_keys_to_parameters = {v: k for k, v in P_correlation_parameters.items()} def __init__(self, extrapolation, **kwargs): self.tabular_data_P = {} """tabular_data_P, dict: Stored (Ts, Ps, properties) for any tabular data; indexed by provided or autogenerated name.""" self.tabular_data_interpolators_P = {} """tabular_data_interpolators_P, dict: Stored (extrapolator, spline) tuples which are interp2d instances for each set of tabular data; indexed by tuple of (name, interpolation_T, interpolation_P, interpolation_property, interpolation_property_inv) to ensure that if an interpolation transform is altered, the old interpolator which had been created is no longer used.""" self.P_correlations = {} super().__init__(extrapolation, **kwargs) self.P_limits = {} """Pressure limits on a per-component basis. Not currently used.""" if kwargs: P_correlation_keys_to_parameters = self.P_correlation_keys_to_parameters # Iterate over all the dictionaries in reverse such that the first one is left as the default for key in reversed(list(kwargs.keys())): if key in P_correlation_keys_to_parameters: P_correlation_dict = kwargs.pop(key) P_correlation_name = P_correlation_keys_to_parameters[key] # Probably need to reverse this too for corr_i, corr_kwargs in P_correlation_dict.items(): self.add_P_correlation(name=corr_i, model=P_correlation_name, **corr_kwargs) self.tabular_extrapolation_permitted = kwargs.get('tabular_extrapolation_permitted', True) if kwargs.get('tabular_data_P', None): for name, (Ts, Ps, properties) in kwargs['tabular_data_P'].items(): self.add_tabular_data_P(Ts, Ps, properties, name=name, check_properties=False) method_P = kwargs.get('method_P', getattr(self, '_method_P', None)) if method_P is None: all_methods_P = self.all_methods_P for i in self.ranked_methods_P: if i in all_methods_P: method_P = i break self.method_P = method_P def load_all_methods(self, load_data): self.all_methods_P = set() """Set of all methods available for a given CASRN and properties; filled by :obj:`load_all_methods`.""" self.all_methods = set() """Set of all P-dependent methods available for a given CASRN and properties; filled by :obj:`load_all_methods`.""" def add_P_correlation(self, name, model, **kwargs): d = getattr(self, model + '_parameters', None) if d is None: d = {} setattr(self, model + '_parameters', d) full_kwargs = kwargs.copy() d[name] = full_kwargs self.all_methods.add(name) self.method = name args = (kwargs['coeffs'], kwargs['N_terms'], kwargs['N_T']) self.P_correlations[name] = args @property def method_P(self): r'''Method used to set or get a specific property method. An exception is raised if the method specified isnt't available for the chemical with the provided information. Parameters ---------- method : str or list Methods by name to be considered or preferred ''' return self._method_P @method_P.setter def method_P(self, method_P): if method_P not in self.all_methods_P and method_P is not None: raise ValueError("The given methods is not available for this chemical") self.TP_cached = None self._method_P = method_P
[docs] def __call__(self, T, P): r'''Convenience method to calculate the property; calls :obj:`TP_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TPDependentProperty.TP_dependent_property>`. Caches previously calculated value, which is an overhead when calculating many different values of a property. See :obj:`TP_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TPDependentProperty.TP_dependent_property>` for more details as to the calculation procedure. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' if (T, P) == self.TP_cached: return self.prop_cached else: if P is not None: self.prop_cached = self.TP_dependent_property(T, P) else: self.prop_cached = self.T_dependent_property(T) self.TP_cached = (T, P) return self.prop_cached
[docs] def valid_methods_P(self, T=None, P=None): r'''Method to obtain a sorted list of high-pressure methods that have data available to be used. The methods are ranked in the following order: * The currently selected :obj:`method_P` is first (if one is selected) * Other available pressure-depenent methods are ranked by the attribute :obj:`ranked_methods_P` If `T` and `P` are provided, the methods will be checked against the temperature and pressure limits of the correlations as well. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to test methods, [K] P : float Pressure at which to test methods, [Pa] Returns ------- sorted_valid_methods_P : list Sorted lists of methods valid at T and P according to :obj:`test_method_validity_P` ''' all_methods = self.all_methods_P sorted_methods = [i for i in self.ranked_methods_P if i in all_methods] current_method = self._method_P if current_method in sorted_methods: # Add back the user's methods to the top, in order. sorted_methods.remove(current_method) sorted_methods.insert(0, current_method) if T is not None: sorted_methods = [i for i in sorted_methods if self.test_method_validity_P(T, P, i)] return sorted_methods
[docs] def TP_dependent_property(self, T, P): r'''Method to calculate the property given a temperature and pressure according to the selected :obj:`method_P` and :obj:`method`. The pressure-dependent method is always used and required to succeed. The result is checked with :obj:`test_property_validity`. If the method does not succeed, returns None. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' method_P = self._method_P if method_P is None: if self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(f"No pressure-dependent {} method selected for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'") else: return None if self.test_method_validity_P(T, P, method_P): try: prop = self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P) except: # pragma: no cover if self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to evaluate {} method '{method_P}' at T={T} K and P={P} Pa for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'") else: if self.test_property_validity(prop): return prop elif self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(f"{} method '{method_P}' computed an invalid value of {prop} {self.units} for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'") elif self.RAISE_PROPERTY_CALCULATION_ERROR: raise RuntimeError(f"{} method '{method_P}' is not valid at T={T} K and P={P} Pa for component with CASRN '{self.CASRN}'")
[docs] def TP_or_T_dependent_property(self, T, P): r'''Method to calculate the property given a temperature and pressure according to the selected :obj:`method_P` and :obj:`method`. The pressure-dependent method is always tried. The result is checked with :obj:`test_property_validity`. If the pressure-dependent method does not succeed, the low-pressure method is tried and its result is returned. .. warning:: It can seem like a good idea to switch between a low-pressure and a high-pressure method if the high pressure method is not working, however it can cause discontinuities and prevent numerical methods from converging Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' if P is not None: prop = self.TP_dependent_property(T, P) if P is None or prop is None: prop = self.T_dependent_property(T) return prop
def T_atmospheric_dependent_property(self, T, P_atm=101325.0): r'''Method to calculate the property given a temperature at the standard atmospheric pressure to the selected :obj:`method_P` and :obj:`method`. This is a wrapper around :obj:`TP_dependent_property`. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P_atm : float, optional Atmospheric pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' return self.TP_dependent_property(T, P_atm)
[docs] def add_tabular_data_P(self, Ts, Ps, properties, name=None, check_properties=True): r'''Method to set tabular data to be used for interpolation. Ts and Ps must be in increasing order. If no name is given, data will be assigned the name 'Tabular data series #x', where x is the number of previously added tabular data series. After adding the data, this method becomes the selected high-pressure method. Parameters ---------- Ts : array-like Increasing array of temperatures at which properties are specified, [K] Ps : array-like Increasing array of pressures at which properties are specified, [Pa] properties : array-like List of properties at `Ts` and `Ps`; the data should be indexed [P][T], [`units`] name : str, optional Name assigned to the data check_properties : bool If True, the properties will be checked for validity with :obj:`test_property_validity` and raise an exception if any are not valid ''' # Ts must be in increasing order. if check_properties: for p in np.array(properties).ravel(): if not self.test_property_validity(p): raise ValueError('One of the properties specified are not feasible') if not all(b > a for a, b in zip(Ts, Ts[1:])): raise ValueError('Temperatures are not sorted in increasing order') if not all(b > a for a, b in zip(Ps, Ps[1:])): raise ValueError('Pressures are not sorted in increasing order') if name is None: name = 'Tabular data series #' + str(len(self.tabular_data)) # Will overwrite a poorly named series self.tabular_data_P[name] = [Ts, Ps, properties] self.all_methods_P.add(name) self.method_P = name
def test_method_validity_P(self, T, P, method): r'''Method to test the validity of a specified method for a given temperature. Demo function for testing only; must be implemented according to the methods available for each individual method. Include the interpolation check here. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to determine the validity of the method, [K] P : float Pressure at which to determine the validity of the method, [Pa] method : str Method name to use Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a specifid method is valid ''' if method in self.tabular_data_P: if self.tabular_extrapolation_permitted: validity = True else: Ts, Ps, properties = self.tabular_data_P[method] validity = Ts[0] < T < Ts[-1] and Ps[0] < P < Ps[-1] elif method == NEGLECT_P: return self.test_method_validity(T, self._method) if self._method else False elif method in self.all_methods_P: Tmin, Tmax = self.T_limits[method] validity = Tmin < T < Tmax else: raise ValueError(f"method '{method}' not valid") return validity def interpolate_P(self, T, P, name): r'''Method to perform interpolation on a given tabular data set previously added via :obj:`add_tabular_data_P`. This method will create the interpolators the first time it is used on a property set, and store them for quick future use. Interpolation is cubic-spline based if 5 or more points are available, and linearly interpolated if not. Extrapolation is always performed linearly. This function uses the transforms :obj:`interpolation_T`, :obj:`interpolation_P`, :obj:`interpolation_property`, and :obj:`interpolation_property_inv` if set. If any of these are changed after the interpolators were first created, new interpolators are created with the new transforms. All interpolation is performed via the `interp2d` function. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to interpolate the property, [K] T : float Pressure at which to interpolate the property, [Pa] name : str The name assigned to the tabular data set Returns ------- prop : float Calculated property, [`units`] ''' key = (name, self.interpolation_T, id(self.interpolation_P), id(self.interpolation_property), id(self.interpolation_property_inv)) Ts, Ps, properties = self.tabular_data_P[name] if not self.tabular_extrapolation_permitted: if T < Ts[0] or T > Ts[-1] or P < Ps[0] or P > Ps[-1]: raise ValueError("Extrapolation not permitted and conditions outside of range") # If the interpolator and extrapolator has already been created, load it if key in self.tabular_data_interpolators_P: extrapolator, spline = self.tabular_data_interpolators_P[key] else: from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, RegularGridInterpolator if self.interpolation_T: # Transform ths Ts with interpolation_T if set Ts2 = [self.interpolation_T(T2) for T2 in Ts] else: Ts2 = Ts if self.interpolation_P: # Transform ths Ts with interpolation_T if set Ps2 = [self.interpolation_P(P2) for P2 in Ps] else: Ps2 = Ps if self.interpolation_property: # Transform ths props with interpolation_property if set properties2 = [[self.interpolation_property(p) for p in r] for r in properties] else: properties2 = properties # The data table must be sorted now, after transform the data may not be in ascending order Ts2_sorted_indices = np.argsort(Ts2) Ts2_sorted = np.array(Ts2)[Ts2_sorted_indices] Ps2_sorted_indices = np.argsort(Ps2) Ps2_sorted = np.array(Ps2)[Ps2_sorted_indices] # Transform zs according to the sorted order of ys first (rows), then xs (columns) properties2_sorted = np.array(properties2)[Ps2_sorted_indices, :][:, Ts2_sorted_indices] # Only allow linear extrapolation, but with whatever transforms are specified # extrapolator = RectBivariateSpline(Ts2_sorted, Ps2_sorted, properties2_sorted.T, kx=1, ky=1, s=0) # interpolation if fill value is missing extrapolator = RegularGridInterpolator((Ts2_sorted, Ps2_sorted), properties2_sorted.T, method='linear', fill_value=None, bounds_error=False) # interpolation if fill value is missing # If more than 5 property points, create a spline interpolation if len(properties) >= 5: spline = RectBivariateSpline(Ts2_sorted, Ps2_sorted, properties2_sorted.T, kx=3, ky=3, s=0) else: spline = None self.tabular_data_interpolators_P[key] = (extrapolator, spline) # Load the stores values, tor checking which interpolation strategy to # use. Ts, Ps, properties = self.tabular_data_P[name] if T < Ts[0] or T > Ts[-1] or spline is None or P < Ps[0] or P > Ps[-1]: tool = extrapolator else: tool = spline if self.interpolation_T: T = self.interpolation_T(T) if self.interpolation_P: P = self.interpolation_P(P) prop = tool([T, P])[0] # either spline, or linear interpolation if self.interpolation_property: prop = self.interpolation_property_inv(prop) return float(prop)
[docs] def plot_isotherm(self, T, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, methods_P=[], pts=50, only_valid=True, show=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs pressure at a specified temperature according to either a specified list of methods, or the user methods (if set), or all methods. User-selectable number of points, and pressure range. If only_valid is set, :obj:`test_method_validity_P` will be used to check if each condition in the specified range is valid, and :obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted. Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will not suceed if the method fails. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to create the plot, [K] Pmin : float Minimum pressure, to begin calculating the property, [Pa] Pmax : float Maximum pressure, to stop calculating the property, [Pa] methods_P : list, optional List of methods to consider pts : int, optional A list of points to calculate the property at; if Pmin to Pmax covers a wide range of method validities, only a few points may end up calculated for a given method so this may need to be large only_valid : bool If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties, and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any checking and use methods outside their bounds show : bool If True, displays the plot; otherwise, returns it ''' # This function cannot be tested if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if Pmin is None: if self.Pmin is not None: Pmin = self.Pmin else: raise Exception('Minimum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Pmax is None: if self.Pmax is not None: Pmax = self.Pmax else: raise Exception('Maximum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') fig = plt.figure() if not methods_P: methods_P = self.all_methods_P Ps = linspace(Pmin, Pmax, pts) for method_P in methods_P: if only_valid: properties, Ps2 = [], [] for P in Ps: if self.test_method_validity_P(T, P, method_P): try: p = self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P) if self.test_property_validity(p): properties.append(p) Ps2.append(P) except: pass plt.plot(Ps2, properties, label=method_P) else: properties = [self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P) for P in Ps] plt.plot(Ps, properties, label=method_P) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.xlabel('Pressure, Pa') plt.title( + ' of ' + self.CASRN) if show: else: return plt
[docs] def plot_isobar(self, P, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, methods_P=[], pts=50, only_valid=True, show=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs temperature at a specific pressure according to either a specified list of methods, or user methods (if set), or all methods. User-selectable number of points, and temperature range. If only_valid is set,:obj:`test_method_validity_P` will be used to check if each condition in the specified range is valid, and :obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted. Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will not suceed if the method fails. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure for the isobar, [Pa] Tmin : float Minimum temperature, to begin calculating the property, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature, to stop calculating the property, [K] methods_P : list, optional List of methods to consider pts : int, optional A list of points to calculate the property at; if Tmin to Tmax covers a wide range of method validities, only a few points may end up calculated for a given method so this may need to be large only_valid : bool If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties, and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any checking and use methods outside their bounds ''' if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if Tmin is None: if self._T_min_any is not None: Tmin = self._T_min_any else: raise Exception('Minimum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmax is None: if self._T_max_any is not None: Tmax = self._T_max_any else: raise Exception('Maximum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if hasattr(P, '__call__'): P_changes = True P_func = P else: P_changes = False if not methods_P: methods_P = self.all_methods_P Ts = linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) fig = plt.figure() for method_P in methods_P: if only_valid: properties, Ts2 = [], [] for T in Ts: if P_changes: P = P_func(T) if self.test_method_validity_P(T, P, method_P): try: p = self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P) if self.test_property_validity(p): properties.append(p) Ts2.append(T) except: pass plt.plot(Ts2, properties, label=method_P) else: properties = [] for T in Ts: if P_changes: P = P_func(T) properties.append(self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P)) plt.plot(Ts, properties, label=method_P) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.ylabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.xlabel('Temperature, K') plt.title( + ' of ' + self.CASRN) if show: else: return plt
[docs] def plot_TP_dependent_property(self, Tmin=None, Tmax=None, Pmin=None, Pmax=None, methods_P=[], pts=15, only_valid=True): # pragma: no cover r'''Method to create a plot of the property vs temperature and pressure according to either a specified list of methods, or user methods (if set), or all methods. User-selectable number of points for each variable. If only_valid is set,:obj:`test_method_validity_P` will be used to check if each condition in the specified range is valid, and :obj:`test_property_validity` will be used to test the answer, and the method is allowed to fail; only the valid points will be plotted. Otherwise, the result will be calculated and displayed as-is. This will not suceed if the any method fails for any point. Parameters ---------- Tmin : float Minimum temperature, to begin calculating the property, [K] Tmax : float Maximum temperature, to stop calculating the property, [K] Pmin : float Minimum pressure, to begin calculating the property, [Pa] Pmax : float Maximum pressure, to stop calculating the property, [Pa] methods_P : list, optional List of methods to plot pts : int, optional A list of points to calculate the property at for both temperature and pressure; pts^2 points will be calculated. only_valid : bool If True, only plot successful methods and calculated properties, and handle errors; if False, attempt calculation without any checking and use methods outside their bounds ''' if not has_matplotlib(): raise Exception('Optional dependency matplotlib is required for plotting') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from numpy import ma if Pmin is None: if self.Pmin is not None: Pmin = self.Pmin else: raise ValueError('Minimum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Pmax is None: if self.Pmax is not None: Pmax = self.Pmax else: raise ValueError('Maximum pressure could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmin is None: if self._T_min_any is not None: Tmin = self._T_min_any else: raise ValueError('Minimum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if Tmax is None: if self._T_max_any is not None: Tmax = self._T_max_any else: raise ValueError('Maximum temperature could not be auto-detected; please provide it') if not methods_P: methods_P = self.all_methods_P Ps = np.linspace(Pmin, Pmax, pts) Ts = np.linspace(Tmin, Tmax, pts) Ts_mesh, Ps_mesh = np.meshgrid(Ts, Ps) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,projection="3d") handles = [] for method_P in methods_P: if only_valid: properties = [] for T in Ts: T_props = [] for P in Ps: if self.test_method_validity_P(T, P, method_P): try: p = self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P) if self.test_property_validity(p): T_props.append(p) else: T_props.append(None) except: T_props.append(None) else: T_props.append(None) properties.append(T_props) properties = ma.masked_invalid(np.array(properties, dtype=np.float64).T) handles.append(ax.plot_surface(Ts_mesh, Ps_mesh, properties, cstride=1, rstride=1, alpha=0.5)) else: properties = np.array([[self.calculate_P(T, P, method_P) for T in Ts] for P in Ps]) handles.append(ax.plot_surface(Ts_mesh, Ps_mesh, properties, cstride=1, rstride=1, alpha=0.5)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.zaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.4g')) ax.set_xlabel('Temperature, K') ax.set_ylabel('Pressure, Pa') ax.set_zlabel( + ', ' + self.units) plt.title( + ' of ' + self.CASRN)
[docs] def calculate_derivative_T(self, T, P, method, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a temperature and pressure dependent property with respect to temperature at constant pressure, of a given order using a specified method. Uses SciPy's derivative function, with a delta of 1E-6 K and a number of points equal to 2*order + 1. This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster. If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error encountered. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] method : str Method for which to find the derivative order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- dprop_dT_P : float Calculated derivative property at constant pressure, [`units/K^order`] ''' return derivative(self.calculate_P, T, dx=1e-6, args=[P, method], n=order, order=1+order*2)
[docs] def calculate_derivative_P(self, P, T, method, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a temperature and pressure dependent property with respect to pressure at constant temperature, of a given order using a specified method. Uses SciPy's derivative function, with a delta of 0.01 Pa and a number of points equal to 2*order + 1. This method can be overwritten by subclasses who may perfer to add analytical methods for some or all methods as this is much faster. If the calculation does not succeed, returns the actual error encountered. Parameters ---------- P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] method : str Method for which to find the derivative order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- dprop_dP_T : float Calculated derivative property at constant temperature, [`units/Pa^order`] ''' f = lambda P: self.calculate_P(T, P, method) return derivative(f, P, dx=1e-2, n=order, order=1+order*2)
[docs] def TP_dependent_property_derivative_T(self, T, P, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a temperature and pressure dependent property with respect to temperature at constant pressure, of a given order, according to the selected :obj:`method_P`. Calls :obj:`calculate_derivative_T` internally to perform the actual calculation. .. math:: \text{derivative} = \frac{d (\text{property})}{d T}|_{P} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- dprop_dT_P : float Calculated derivative property, [`units/K^order`] ''' try: return self.calculate_derivative_T(T, P, self._method_P, order) except: pass return None
[docs] def TP_dependent_property_derivative_P(self, T, P, order=1): r'''Method to calculate a derivative of a temperature and pressure dependent property with respect to pressure at constant temperature, of a given order, according to the selected :obj:`method_P`. Calls :obj:`calculate_derivative_P` internally to perform the actual calculation. .. math:: \text{derivative} = \frac{d (\text{property})}{d P}|_{T} Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the derivative, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the derivative, [Pa] order : int Order of the derivative, >= 1 Returns ------- dprop_dP_T : float Calculated derivative property, [`units/Pa^order`] ''' try: return self.calculate_derivative_P(P, T, self._method_P, order) except: pass return None