Source code for thermo.viscosity

'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <>

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This module contains implementations of :obj:`TPDependentProperty <thermo.utils.TPDependentProperty>`
representing liquid and vapor viscosity. A variety of estimation
and data methods are available as included in the `chemicals` library.
Additionally liquid and vapor mixture viscosity predictor objects
are implemented subclassing  :obj:`MixtureProperty <thermo.utils.MixtureProperty>`.

For reporting bugs, adding feature requests, or submitting pull requests,
please use the `GitHub issue tracker <>`_.

.. contents:: :local:

Pure Liquid Viscosity
.. autoclass:: ViscosityLiquid
    :members: calculate, calculate_P, test_method_validity, test_method_validity_P,
              name, property_max, property_min,
              units, Tmin, Tmax, ranked_methods, ranked_methods_P

.. autodata:: viscosity_liquid_methods
.. autodata:: viscosity_liquid_methods_P

Pure Gas Viscosity
.. autoclass:: ViscosityGas
    :members: calculate, calculate_P, test_method_validity, test_method_validity_P,
              name, property_max, property_min,
              units, Tmin, Tmax, ranked_methods, ranked_methods_P

.. autodata:: viscosity_gas_methods
.. autodata:: viscosity_gas_methods_P

Mixture Liquid Viscosity
.. autoclass:: ViscosityLiquidMixture
    :members: calculate, test_method_validity,
              name, property_max, property_min,
              units, Tmin, Tmax, ranked_methods

.. autodata:: viscosity_liquid_mixture_methods

Mixture Gas Viscosity
.. autoclass:: ViscosityGasMixture
    :members: calculate, test_method_validity,
              name, property_max, property_min,
              units, Tmin, Tmax, ranked_methods

.. autodata:: viscosity_gas_mixture_methods


__all__ = ['viscosity_liquid_methods', 'viscosity_liquid_methods_P',
           'ViscosityLiquid', 'ViscosityGas', 'viscosity_gas_methods',
           'viscosity_gas_methods_P', 'ViscosityLiquidMixture',
           'ViscosityGasMixture', 'viscosity_liquid_mixture_methods',

from chemicals import miscdata, viscosity
from chemicals.dippr import EQ101, EQ102
from chemicals.identifiers import CAS_to_int
from chemicals.miscdata import JOBACK, lookup_VDI_tabular_data
from chemicals.utils import none_and_length_check
from chemicals.viscosity import (
from fluids.numerics import brenth, exp, horner, isinf, isnan, log, sqrt

from thermo import electrochem
from thermo.coolprop import CoolProp_failing_PT_flashes, CoolProp_T_dependent_property, PhaseSI, PropsSI, coolprop_dict, coolprop_fluids, has_CoolProp
from thermo.electrochem import Laliberte_viscosity
from thermo.utils import (
from thermo.vapor_pressure import VaporPressure
from thermo.volume import VolumeGas, VolumeLiquid


"""Holds all low-pressure methods available for the ViscosityLiquid class, for
use in iterating over them."""
viscosity_liquid_methods_P = [COOLPROP, LUCAS, NEGLECT_P]
"""Holds all high-pressure methods available for the ViscosityLiquid class, for
use in iterating over them."""

[docs]class ViscosityLiquid(TPDependentProperty): r'''Class for dealing with liquid viscosity as a function of temperature and pressure. For low-pressure (at 1 atm while under the vapor pressure; along the saturation line otherwise) liquids, there are six coefficient-based methods from three data sources, one source of tabular information, two corresponding-states estimators, one group contribution method, and the external library CoolProp. For high-pressure liquids (also, <1 atm liquids), there is one corresponding-states estimator, and the external library CoolProp. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str, optional The CAS number of the chemical MW : float, optional Molecular weight, [g/mol] Tm : float, optional Melting point, [K] Tc : float, optional Critical temperature, [K] Pc : float, optional Critical pressure, [Pa] Vc : float, optional Critical volume, [m^3/mol] omega : float, optional Acentric factor, [-] Psat : float or callable, optional Vapor pressure at a given temperature or callable for the same, [Pa] Vml : float or callable, optional Liquid molar volume at a given temperature and pressure or callable for the same, [m^3/mol] load_data : bool, optional If False, do not load property coefficients from data sources in files [-] extrapolation : str or None None to not extrapolate; see :obj:`TDependentProperty <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty>` for a full list of all options, [-] method : str or None, optional If specified, use this method by default and do not use the ranked sorting; an exception is raised if this is not a valid method for the provided inputs, [-] Notes ----- To iterate over all methods, use the lists stored in :obj:`viscosity_liquid_methods` and :obj:`viscosity_liquid_methods_P` for low and high pressure methods respectively. Low pressure methods: **DUTT_PRASAD**: A simple function as expressed in [1]_, with data available for 100 fluids. Temperature limits are available for all fluids. See :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_3` for details. **VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3**: A simple function as expressed in [1]_, with data available for 432 fluids. Temperature limits are available for all fluids. See :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_3` for details. **VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2**: A simple function as expressed in [1]_, with data available for 135 fluids. Temperature limits are available for all fluids. See :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_2` for details. **VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E**: A simple function as expressed in [1]_, with data available for 14 fluids. Temperature limits are available for all fluids. See :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_2_exponential` for details. **DIPPR_PERRY_8E**: A collection of 337 coefficient sets from the DIPPR database published openly in [4]_. Provides temperature limits for all its fluids. :obj:`EQ101 <chemicals.dippr.EQ101>` is used for its fluids. **LETSOU_STIEL**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Letsou_Stiel`. **PRZEDZIECKI_SRIDHAR**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Przedziecki_Sridhar`. **COOLPROP**: CoolProp external library; with select fluids from its library. Range is limited to that of the equations of state it uses, as described in [2]_. Very slow. **VDI_TABULAR**: Tabular data in [3]_ along the saturation curve; interpolation is as set by the user or the default. **VDI_PPDS**: Coefficients for a equation form developed by the PPDS, published openly in [3]_. Provides no temperature limits, but has been designed for extrapolation. Extrapolated to low temperatures it provides a smooth exponential increase. However, for some chemicals such as glycerol, extrapolated to higher temperatures viscosity is predicted to increase above a certain point. **JOBACK**: An estimation method for organic substances in [5]_; this also requires molecular weight as an input. **REFPROP_FIT**: A series of higher-order polynomial fits to the calculated results from the equations implemented in REFPROP. High pressure methods: **LUCAS**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Lucas`. Calculates a low-pressure liquid viscosity as its input. **COOLPROP**: CoolProp external library; with select fluids from its library. Range is limited to that of the equations of state it uses, as described in [2]_. Very slow, but unparalled in accuracy for pressure dependence. A minimum viscosity value of 1e-5 Pa*s is set according to [4]_. This is also just above the lowest experimental values of viscosity of helium, 9.4e-6 Pa*s. This excludes the behavior of superfluids, and also systems where the mean free path between moleules approaches the geometry of the system and then the viscosity is geometry-dependent. See Also -------- chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_3 chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_2 chemicals.viscosity.Viswanath_Natarajan_2_exponential chemicals.viscosity.Letsou_Stiel chemicals.viscosity.Przedziecki_Sridhar chemicals.viscosity.Lucas thermo.joback.Joback References ---------- .. [1] Viswanath, Dabir S., and G. Natarajan. Databook On The Viscosity Of Liquids. New York: Taylor & Francis, 1989 .. [2] Bell, Ian H., Jorrit Wronski, Sylvain Quoilin, and Vincent Lemort. "Pure and Pseudo-Pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53, no. 6 (February 12, 2014): 2498-2508. doi:10.1021/ie4033999. .. [3] Gesellschaft, V. D. I., ed. VDI Heat Atlas. 2nd edition. Berlin; New York:: Springer, 2010. .. [4] Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. .. [5] Joback, K.G., and R.C. Reid. "Estimation of Pure-Component Properties from Group-Contributions." Chemical Engineering Communications 57, no. 1-6 (July 1, 1987): 233-43. doi:10.1080/00986448708960487. .. [6] Trachenko, K., and V. V. Brazhkin. "Minimal Quantum Viscosity from Fundamental Physical Constants." Science Advances, April 2020. ''' name = 'liquid viscosity' units = 'Pa*s' @staticmethod def interpolation_P(P): '''log(P) interpolation transformation by default. ''' return log(P) @staticmethod def interpolation_T(T): '''Function to make the data-based interpolation as linear as possible. This transforms the input `T` into the `1/T` domain. ''' return 1./T @staticmethod def interpolation_property(P): '''log(P) interpolation transformation by default. ''' return log(P) @staticmethod def interpolation_property_inv(P): '''exp(P) interpolation transformation by default; reverses :obj:`interpolation_property_inv`. ''' return exp(P) tabular_extrapolation_permitted = True """Allow tabular extrapolation by default.""" property_min = 0.0 """Mimimum valid value of liquid viscosity.""" property_max = 2E8 """Maximum valid value of liquid viscosity. Generous limit, as the value is that of bitumen in a Pitch drop experiment.""" ranked_methods = [REFPROP_FIT, COOLPROP, DIPPR_PERRY_8E, VDI_PPDS, DUTT_PRASAD, VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3, VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2, VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E, VDI_TABULAR, LETSOU_STIEL, JOBACK, PRZEDZIECKI_SRIDHAR] """Default rankings of the low-pressure methods.""" ranked_methods_P = [COOLPROP, LUCAS, NEGLECT_P] """Default rankings of the high-pressure methods.""" obj_references = pure_references = ('Psat', 'Vml') obj_references_types = pure_reference_types = (VaporPressure, VolumeLiquid) custom_args = ('MW', 'Tm', 'Tc', 'Pc', 'Vc', 'omega', 'Psat', 'Vml') DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_MIN = 1e-5 def __init__(self, CASRN='', MW=None, Tm=None, Tc=None, Pc=None, Vc=None, omega=None, Psat=None, Vml=None, extrapolation='Arrhenius', extrapolation_min=DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_MIN, **kwargs): self.CASRN = CASRN self.MW = MW self.Tm = Tm self.Tc = Tc self.Pc = Pc self.Vc = Vc = omega self.Psat = Psat self.Vml = Vml if 'extrapolation_min' not in kwargs: kwargs['extrapolation_min'] = extrapolation_min super().__init__(extrapolation, **kwargs) def load_all_methods(self, load_data=True): r'''Method which picks out coefficients for the specified chemical from the various dictionaries and DataFrames storing it. All data is stored as attributes. This method also sets :obj:`Tmin`, :obj:`Tmax`, :obj:`all_methods` and obj:`all_methods_P` as a set of methods for which the data exists for. Called on initialization only. See the source code for the variables at which the coefficients are stored. The coefficients can safely be altered once the class is initialized. This method can be called again to reset the parameters. ''' methods, methods_P = [], [NEGLECT_P] self.T_limits = T_limits = {} self.all_methods = set() CASRN = self.CASRN if load_data and CASRN: CASRN_int = None if not CASRN else CAS_to_int(CASRN) jb_df = miscdata.joback_predictions if self.MW is not None and CASRN_int in jb_df.index: mul0 = float([CASRN_int, 'mul0']) if not isnan(mul0): methods.append(JOBACK) self.joback_coeffs = [mul0, float([CASRN_int, 'mul1'])] Tmin_jb, Tmax_jb = float([CASRN_int, 'Tm']), float([CASRN_int, 'Tc'])*2.5 T_limits[JOBACK] = (Tmin_jb, Tmax_jb) if has_CoolProp() and CASRN in coolprop_dict: CP_f = coolprop_fluids[CASRN] if CP_f.has_mu: self.CP_f = CP_f methods.append(COOLPROP) methods_P.append(COOLPROP) T_limits[COOLPROP] = (max(CP_f.Tmin, CP_f.Tt), self.CP_f.Tc) if CASRN in miscdata.VDI_saturation_dict: Ts, props = lookup_VDI_tabular_data(CASRN, 'Mu (l)') self.add_tabular_data(Ts, props, VDI_TABULAR, check_properties=False) del self._method if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_Dutt_Prasad.index: methods.append(DUTT_PRASAD) A, B, C, self.DUTT_PRASAD_Tmin, self.DUTT_PRASAD_Tmax = viscosity.mu_values_Dutt_Prasad[viscosity.mu_data_Dutt_Prasad.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.DUTT_PRASAD_coeffs = [A - 3.0, B, C] T_limits[DUTT_PRASAD] = (self.DUTT_PRASAD_Tmin, self.DUTT_PRASAD_Tmax) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_VN3.index: methods.append(VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3) A, B, C, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3_Tmin, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3_Tmax = viscosity.mu_values_VN3[viscosity.mu_data_VN3.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3_coeffs = [A - 3.0, B, C] T_limits[VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3] = (self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3_Tmin, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3_Tmax) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_VN2.index: methods.append(VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2) A, B, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_Tmin, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_Tmax = viscosity.mu_values_VN2[viscosity.mu_data_VN2.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_coeffs = [A - 4.605170185988092, B] # log(100) = 4.605170185988092 T_limits[VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2] = (self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_Tmin, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_Tmax) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_VN2E.index: methods.append(VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E) C, D, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E_Tmin, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E_Tmax = viscosity.mu_values_VN2E[viscosity.mu_data_VN2E.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E_coeffs = [C, D] T_limits[VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E] = (self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E_Tmin, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E_Tmax) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_Perrys_8E_2_313.index: methods.append(DIPPR_PERRY_8E) C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, self.Perrys2_313_Tmin, self.Perrys2_313_Tmax = viscosity.mu_values_Perrys_8E_2_313[viscosity.mu_data_Perrys_8E_2_313.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.Perrys2_313_coeffs = [C1, C2, C3, C4, C5] T_limits[DIPPR_PERRY_8E] = (self.Perrys2_313_Tmin, self.Perrys2_313_Tmax) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_VDI_PPDS_7.index: methods.append(VDI_PPDS) # No temperature limits - ideally could use critical point self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs = VDI_PPDS_coeffs = viscosity.mu_values_PPDS_7[viscosity.mu_data_VDI_PPDS_7.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() low = low_orig = min(self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs[2], self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs[3])# + 5.0 high = high_orig = max(self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs[2], self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs[3])# - 5.0 if low > 0.0: dmu_low_under, mu_low_under = dPPDS9_dT(low*0.9995, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) dmu_low_above, mu_low_above = dPPDS9_dT(low*1.0005, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) if high > 0.0: dmu_high_under, mu_high_under = dPPDS9_dT(high*0.9995, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) dmu_high_above, mu_high_above = dPPDS9_dT(high*1.0005, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) if self.Tm is not None: dmu_Tm, mu_Tm = dPPDS9_dT(self.Tm, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) if self.Tc is not None: dmu_Tc_under, mu_Tc_under = dPPDS9_dT(self.Tc, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) if high > 0.0 and low < 0.0 or isinf(dmu_low_under) or isinf(dmu_low_above): # high + a few K as lower limit low = 0.1*high high = high-1.0 else: low, high = low + 5.0, high + 5.0 if self.Tm is not None: low = self.Tm if self.Tc is not None: if dmu_Tc_under < 0.0: high = self.Tc if self.Tm is not None and self.Tc is not None and low_orig < 0 and self.Tm < high_orig < self.Tc and dmu_Tc_under < 0.0: low = high_orig + 1.0 if high == high_orig: high -= 1.0 dmu_low, mu_low = dPPDS9_dT(low, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) dmu_high, mu_high = dPPDS9_dT(high, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs) if dmu_low*dmu_high < 0.0: def to_solve(T): return dPPDS9_dT(T, *VDI_PPDS_coeffs)[0] T_switch = brenth(to_solve, low, high) if dmu_high > 0.0: high = T_switch else: low = T_switch T_limits[VDI_PPDS] = (low, high) if all((self.MW, self.Tc, self.Pc, methods.append(LETSOU_STIEL) T_limits[LETSOU_STIEL] = (0.25*self.Tc, self.Tc) if all((self.MW, self.Tm, self.Tc, self.Pc, self.Vc,, self.Vml)): methods.append(PRZEDZIECKI_SRIDHAR) T_limits[PRZEDZIECKI_SRIDHAR] = (self.Tm, self.Tc) if all([self.Tc, self.Pc,]): methods_P.append(LUCAS) self.all_methods.update(methods) self.all_methods_P = set(methods_P) @staticmethod def _method_indexes(): '''Returns a dictionary of method: index for all methods that use data files to retrieve constants. The use of this function ensures the data files are not loaded until they are needed. ''' return {COOLPROP : [CAS for CAS in coolprop_dict if (coolprop_fluids[CAS].has_mu and CAS not in CoolProp_failing_PT_flashes)], VDI_TABULAR: list(miscdata.VDI_saturation_dict.keys()), DUTT_PRASAD: viscosity.mu_data_Dutt_Prasad.index, VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3: viscosity.mu_data_VN3.index, VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2: viscosity.mu_data_VN2.index, VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E: viscosity.mu_data_VN2E.index, DIPPR_PERRY_8E: viscosity.mu_data_Perrys_8E_2_313.index, VDI_PPDS: viscosity.mu_data_VDI_PPDS_7.index, }
[docs] def calculate(self, T, method): r'''Method to calculate low-pressure liquid viscosity at tempearture `T` with a given method. This method has no exception handling; see :obj:`T_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.T_dependent_property>` for that. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate viscosity, [K] method : str Name of the method to use Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of the liquid at T and a low pressure, [Pa*s] ''' if method == DUTT_PRASAD: A, B, C = self.DUTT_PRASAD_coeffs mu = Viswanath_Natarajan_3(T, A, B, C, ) elif method == VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3: A, B, C = self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_3_coeffs mu = Viswanath_Natarajan_3(T, A, B, C) elif method == VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2: A, B = self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_coeffs mu = Viswanath_Natarajan_2(T, self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_coeffs[0], self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2_coeffs[1]) elif method == VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E: C, D = self.VISWANATH_NATARAJAN_2E_coeffs mu = Viswanath_Natarajan_2_exponential(T, C, D) elif method == DIPPR_PERRY_8E: mu = EQ101(T, *self.Perrys2_313_coeffs) elif method == COOLPROP: mu = CoolProp_T_dependent_property(T, self.CASRN, 'V', 'l') elif method == JOBACK: A, B = self.joback_coeffs mu = self.MW*exp(A/T + B) elif method == LETSOU_STIEL: mu = Letsou_Stiel(T, self.MW, self.Tc, self.Pc, elif method == PRZEDZIECKI_SRIDHAR: if type(self.Vml) is float: Vml = self.Vml elif type(self.Vml) is VolumeLiquid: Vml = self.Vml.T_dependent_property(T) else: Vml = self.Vml(T) mu = Przedziecki_Sridhar(T, self.Tm, self.Tc, self.Pc, self.Vc, Vml,, self.MW) elif method == VDI_PPDS: return PPDS9(T, *self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs) else: return self._base_calculate(T, method) return mu
[docs] def test_method_validity(self, T, method): r'''Method to check the validity of a method. Follows the given ranges for all coefficient-based methods. For CSP methods, the models are considered valid from 0 K to the critical point. For tabular data, extrapolation outside of the range is used if :obj:`tabular_extrapolation_permitted` is set; if it is, the extrapolation is considered valid for all temperatures. It is not guaranteed that a method will work or give an accurate prediction simply because this method considers the method valid. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to test the method, [K] method : str Name of the method to test Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a method is valid ''' return super().test_method_validity(T, method)
[docs] def calculate_P(self, T, P, method): r'''Method to calculate pressure-dependent liquid viscosity at temperature `T` and pressure `P` with a given method. This method has no exception handling; see :obj:`TP_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TPDependentProperty.TP_dependent_property>` for that. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate viscosity, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate viscosity, [K] method : str Name of the method to use Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of the liquid at T and P, [Pa*s] ''' if method == LUCAS: mu = self.T_dependent_property(T) Psat = self.Psat(T) if hasattr(self.Psat, '__call__') else self.Psat mu = Lucas(T, P, self.Tc, self.Pc,, Psat, mu) elif method == COOLPROP: mu = PropsSI('V', 'T', T, 'P', P, self.CASRN) else: return self._base_calculate_P(T, P, method) return mu
[docs] def test_method_validity_P(self, T, P, method): r'''Method to check the validity of a high-pressure method. For **COOLPROP**, the fluid must be both a liquid and under the maximum pressure of the fluid's EOS. **LUCAS** doesn't work on some occasions, due to something related to Tr and negative powers - but is otherwise considered correct for all circumstances. For tabular data, extrapolation outside of the range is used if :obj:`tabular_extrapolation_permitted` is set; if it is, the extrapolation is considered valid for all temperatures and pressures. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to test the method, [K] P : float Pressure at which to test the method, [Pa] method : str Name of the method to test Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a method is valid ''' if method == LUCAS: validity = True elif method == COOLPROP: validity = PhaseSI('T', T, 'P', P, self.CASRN) in ['liquid', 'supercritical_liquid'] else: validity = super().test_method_validity_P(T, P, method) return validity
GHARAGHEIZI = 'GHARAGHEIZI' YOON_THODOS = 'YOON_THODOS' STIEL_THODOS = 'STIEL_THODOS' LUCAS_GAS = 'LUCAS_GAS' viscosity_gas_methods = [REFPROP_FIT, COOLPROP, DIPPR_PERRY_8E, VDI_PPDS, VDI_TABULAR, GHARAGHEIZI, YOON_THODOS, STIEL_THODOS, LUCAS_GAS] """Holds all low-pressure methods available for the ViscosityGas class, for use in iterating over them.""" viscosity_gas_methods_P = [NEGLECT_P, COOLPROP] """Holds all high-pressure methods available for the ViscosityGas class, for use in iterating over them."""
[docs]class ViscosityGas(TPDependentProperty): r'''Class for dealing with gas viscosity as a function of temperature and pressure. For gases at atmospheric pressure, there are 4 corresponding-states estimators, two sources of coefficient-based models, one source of tabular information, and the external library CoolProp. For gases under the fluid's boiling point (at sub-atmospheric pressures), and high-pressure gases above the boiling point, there are zero corresponding-states estimators, and the external library CoolProp. Parameters ---------- CASRN : str, optional The CAS number of the chemical MW : float, optional Molecular weight, [g/mol] Tc : float, optional Critical temperature, [K] Pc : float, optional Critical pressure, [Pa] Zc : float, optional Critical compressibility, [-] dipole : float, optional Dipole moment of the fluid, [debye] Vmg : float, optional Molar volume of the fluid at a pressure and temperature, [m^3/mol] load_data : bool, optional If False, do not load property coefficients from data sources in files [-] extrapolation : str or None None to not extrapolate; see :obj:`TDependentProperty <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty>` for a full list of all options, [-] method : str or None, optional If specified, use this method by default and do not use the ranked sorting; an exception is raised if this is not a valid method for the provided inputs, [-] Notes ----- A string holding each method's name is assigned to the following variables in this module, intended as the most convenient way to refer to a method. To iterate over all methods, use the lists stored in :obj:`viscosity_gas_methods` and :obj:`viscosity_gas_methods_P` for low and high pressure methods respectively. Low pressure methods: **GHARAGHEIZI**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Gharagheizi_gas_viscosity`. **YOON_THODOS**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Yoon_Thodos`. **STIEL_THODOS**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Stiel_Thodos`. **LUCAS_GAS**: CSP method, described in :obj:`chemicals.viscosity.Lucas_gas`. **DIPPR_PERRY_8E**: A collection of 345 coefficient sets from the DIPPR database published openly in [3]_. Provides temperature limits for all its fluids. :obj:`chemicals.dippr.EQ102` is used for its fluids. **VDI_PPDS**: Coefficients for a equation form developed by the PPDS, published openly in [2]_. Provides no temperature limits, but provides reasonable values at fairly high and very low temperatures. **COOLPROP**: CoolProp external library; with select fluids from its library. Range is limited to that of the equations of state it uses, as described in [1]_. Very slow. **VDI_TABULAR**: Tabular data in [2]_ along the saturation curve; interpolation is as set by the user or the default. **REFPROP_FIT**: A series of higher-order polynomial fits to the calculated results from the equations implemented in REFPROP. High pressure methods: **COOLPROP**: CoolProp external library; with select fluids from its library. Range is limited to that of the equations of state it uses, as described in [1]_. Very slow, but unparalled in accuracy for pressure dependence. A minimum viscosity value of 1e-5 Pa*s is set according to [4]_. This is also just above the lowest experimental values of viscosity of helium, 9.4e-6 Pa*s. See Also -------- chemicals.viscosity.Gharagheizi_gas_viscosity chemicals.viscosity.Yoon_Thodos chemicals.viscosity.Stiel_Thodos chemicals.viscosity.Lucas_gas References ---------- .. [1] Bell, Ian H., Jorrit Wronski, Sylvain Quoilin, and Vincent Lemort. "Pure and Pseudo-Pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53, no. 6 (February 12, 2014): 2498-2508. doi:10.1021/ie4033999. .. [2] Gesellschaft, V. D. I., ed. VDI Heat Atlas. 2nd edition. Berlin; New York:: Springer, 2010. .. [3] Green, Don, and Robert Perry. Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Eighth Edition. McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007. .. [4] Trachenko, K., and V. V. Brazhkin. "Minimal Quantum Viscosity from Fundamental Physical Constants." Science Advances, April 2020. ''' name = 'Gas viscosity' units = 'Pa*s' interpolation_T = None """No interpolation transformation by default.""" interpolation_P = None """No interpolation transformation by default.""" interpolation_property = None """No interpolation transformation by default.""" interpolation_property_inv = None """No interpolation transformation by default.""" tabular_extrapolation_permitted = True """Allow tabular extrapolation by default.""" property_min = 0.0 """Mimimum valid value of gas viscosity; limiting condition at low pressure is 0.""" property_max = 1E-3 """Maximum valid value of gas viscosity. Might be too high, or too low.""" ranked_methods = [REFPROP_FIT, COOLPROP, DIPPR_PERRY_8E, VDI_PPDS, VDI_TABULAR, GHARAGHEIZI, YOON_THODOS, STIEL_THODOS, LUCAS_GAS] """Default rankings of the low-pressure methods.""" ranked_methods_P = [NEGLECT_P, COOLPROP] """Default rankings of the high-pressure methods.""" obj_references = pure_references = ('Vmg',) obj_references_types = pure_reference_types = (VolumeGas,) custom_args = ('MW', 'Tc', 'Pc', 'Zc', 'dipole', 'Vmg') DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_MIN = 1e-5 def __init__(self, CASRN='', MW=None, Tc=None, Pc=None, Zc=None, dipole=None, Vmg=None, extrapolation='linear', extrapolation_min=DEFAULT_EXTRAPOLATION_MIN, **kwargs): self.CASRN = CASRN self.MW = MW self.Tc = Tc self.Pc = Pc self.Zc = Zc self.dipole = dipole self.Vmg = Vmg if 'extrapolation_min' not in kwargs: kwargs['extrapolation_min'] = extrapolation_min super().__init__(extrapolation, **kwargs) def load_all_methods(self, load_data=True): r'''Method which picks out coefficients for the specified chemical from the various dictionaries and DataFrames storing it. All data is stored as attributes. This method also sets :obj:`Tmin`, :obj:`Tmax`, :obj:`all_methods` and obj:`all_methods_P` as a set of methods for which the data exists for. Called on initialization only. See the source code for the variables at which the coefficients are stored. The coefficients can safely be altered once the class is initialized. This method can be called again to reset the parameters. ''' methods, methods_P = [], [NEGLECT_P] self.T_limits = T_limits = {} self.all_methods = set() CASRN = self.CASRN if load_data and CASRN: if CASRN in miscdata.VDI_saturation_dict: Ts, props = lookup_VDI_tabular_data(CASRN, 'Mu (g)') self.add_tabular_data(Ts, props, VDI_TABULAR, check_properties=False) del self._method if has_CoolProp() and CASRN in coolprop_dict: CP_f = coolprop_fluids[CASRN] if CP_f.has_mu: self.CP_f = CP_f methods.append(COOLPROP) methods_P.append(COOLPROP) # T_limits[COOLPROP] = (self.CP_f.Tmin, self.CP_f.Tmax) T_limits[COOLPROP] = (self.CP_f.Tmin, self.CP_f.Tmax*.9999) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_Perrys_8E_2_312.index: methods.append(DIPPR_PERRY_8E) C1, C2, C3, C4, self.Perrys2_312_Tmin, self.Perrys2_312_Tmax = viscosity.mu_values_Perrys_8E_2_312[viscosity.mu_data_Perrys_8E_2_312.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.Perrys2_312_coeffs = [C1, C2, C3, C4] T_limits[DIPPR_PERRY_8E] = (self.Perrys2_312_Tmin, self.Perrys2_312_Tmax) if CASRN in viscosity.mu_data_VDI_PPDS_8.index: methods.append(VDI_PPDS) self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs = viscosity.mu_values_PPDS_8[viscosity.mu_data_VDI_PPDS_8.index.get_loc(CASRN)].tolist() self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs.reverse() # in format for horner's scheme T_limits[VDI_PPDS] = (1e-3, 10000) if all([self.Tc, self.Pc, self.MW]): methods.append(GHARAGHEIZI) methods.append(YOON_THODOS) methods.append(STIEL_THODOS) T_limits[YOON_THODOS] = T_limits[STIEL_THODOS] = (1e-3, 5E3) T_limits[GHARAGHEIZI] = (20.0, 2e3) # GHARAGHEIZI turns nonsesical at ~15 K, YOON_THODOS fine to 0 K, # same as STIEL_THODOS if all([self.Tc, self.Pc, self.Zc, self.MW]): methods.append(LUCAS_GAS) T_limits[LUCAS_GAS] = (1e-3, 1E3) self.all_methods.update(methods) self.all_methods_P = set(methods_P) @staticmethod def _method_indexes(): '''Returns a dictionary of method: index for all methods that use data files to retrieve constants. The use of this function ensures the data files are not loaded until they are needed. ''' return {COOLPROP : [CAS for CAS in coolprop_dict if (coolprop_fluids[CAS].has_mu and CAS not in CoolProp_failing_PT_flashes)], VDI_TABULAR: list(miscdata.VDI_saturation_dict.keys()), DIPPR_PERRY_8E: viscosity.mu_data_Perrys_8E_2_312.index, VDI_PPDS: viscosity.mu_data_VDI_PPDS_8.index, }
[docs] def calculate(self, T, method): r'''Method to calculate low-pressure gas viscosity at tempearture `T` with a given method. This method has no exception handling; see :obj:`T_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TDependentProperty.T_dependent_property>` for that. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature of the gas, [K] method : str Name of the method to use Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of the gas at T and a low pressure, [Pa*s] ''' if method == GHARAGHEIZI: mu = viscosity_gas_Gharagheizi(T, self.Tc, self.Pc, self.MW) elif method == COOLPROP: mu = CoolProp_T_dependent_property(T, self.CASRN, 'V', 'g') elif method == DIPPR_PERRY_8E: mu = EQ102(T, *self.Perrys2_312_coeffs) elif method == VDI_PPDS: mu = horner(self.VDI_PPDS_coeffs, T) elif method == YOON_THODOS: mu = Yoon_Thodos(T, self.Tc, self.Pc, self.MW) elif method == STIEL_THODOS: mu = Stiel_Thodos(T, self.Tc, self.Pc, self.MW) elif method == LUCAS_GAS: mu = Lucas_gas(T, self.Tc, self.Pc, self.Zc, self.MW, self.dipole, CASRN=self.CASRN) else: return self._base_calculate(T, method) return mu
[docs] def test_method_validity(self, T, method): r'''Method to check the validity of a temperature-dependent low-pressure method. For CSP most methods, the all methods are considered valid from 0 K up to 5000 K. For method **GHARAGHEIZI**, the method is considered valud from 20 K to 2000 K. For tabular data, extrapolation outside of the range is used if :obj:`tabular_extrapolation_permitted` is set; if it is, the extrapolation is considered valid for all temperatures. It is not guaranteed that a method will work or give an accurate prediction simply because this method considers the method valid. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to test the method, [K] method : str Name of the method to test Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a method is valid ''' return super().test_method_validity(T, method)
[docs] def calculate_P(self, T, P, method): r'''Method to calculate pressure-dependent gas viscosity at temperature `T` and pressure `P` with a given method. This method has no exception handling; see :obj:`TP_dependent_property <thermo.utils.TPDependentProperty.TP_dependent_property>` for that. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate gas viscosity, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate gas viscosity, [K] method : str Name of the method to use Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of the gas at T and P, [Pa*] ''' if method == COOLPROP: mu = PropsSI('V', 'T', T, 'P', P, self.CASRN) else: return self._base_calculate_P(T, P, method) return mu
[docs] def test_method_validity_P(self, T, P, method): r'''Method to check the validity of a high-pressure method. For **COOLPROP**, the fluid must be both a gas and under the maximum pressure of the fluid's EOS. No other methods are implemented. For tabular data, extrapolation outside of the range is used if :obj:`tabular_extrapolation_permitted` is set; if it is, the extrapolation is considered valid for all temperatures and pressures. It is not guaranteed that a method will work or give an accurate prediction simply because this method considers the method valid. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to test the method, [K] P : float Pressure at which to test the method, [Pa] method : str Name of the method to test Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a method is valid ''' validity = True if method == COOLPROP: validity = PhaseSI('T', T, 'P', P, self.CASRN) in ['gas', 'supercritical_gas', 'supercritical', 'supercritical_liquid'] else: validity = super().test_method_validity_P(T, P, method) return validity
LALIBERTE_MU = 'Laliberte' viscosity_liquid_mixture_methods = [LALIBERTE_MU, MIXING_LOG_MOLAR, MIXING_LOG_MASS, LINEAR] """Holds all mixing rules available for the :obj:`ViscosityLiquidMixture` class, for use in iterating over them."""
[docs]class ViscosityLiquidMixture(MixtureProperty): '''Class for dealing with the viscosity of a liquid mixture as a function of temperature, pressure, and composition. Consists of one electrolyte-specific method, and logarithmic rules based on either mole fractions of mass fractions. Prefered method is :obj:`mixing_logarithmic <chemicals.utils.mixing_logarithmic>` with mole fractions, or **Laliberte** if the mixture is aqueous and has electrolytes. Parameters ---------- CASs : list[str], optional The CAS numbers of all species in the mixture, [-] ViscosityLiquids : list[ViscosityLiquid], optional ViscosityLiquid objects created for all species in the mixture, [-] MWs : list[float], optional Molecular weights of all species in the mixture, [g/mol] correct_pressure_pure : bool, optional Whether to try to use the better pressure-corrected pure component models or to use only the T-only dependent pure species models, [-] Notes ----- To iterate over all methods, use the list stored in :obj:`viscosity_liquid_mixture_methods`. **LALIBERTE_MU**: Electrolyte model equation with coefficients; see :obj:`thermo.electrochem.Laliberte_viscosity` for more details. **MIXING_LOG_MOLAR**: Logarithmic mole fraction mixing rule described in :obj:`chemicals.utils.mixing_logarithmic`. **MIXING_LOG_MASS**: Logarithmic mole fraction mixing rule described in :obj:`chemicals.utils.mixing_logarithmic`. **LINEAR**: Linear mole fraction mixing rule described in :obj:`mixing_simple <chemicals.utils.mixing_simple>`. See Also -------- :obj:`thermo.electrochem.Laliberte_viscosity` References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. ''' name = 'liquid viscosity' units = 'Pa*s' property_min = 0 """Mimimum valid value of liquid viscosity.""" property_max = 2E8 """Maximum valid value of liquid viscosity. Generous limit, as the value is that of bitumen in a Pitch drop experiment.""" ranked_methods = [LALIBERTE_MU, MIXING_LOG_MOLAR, MIXING_LOG_MASS, LINEAR] pure_references = ('ViscosityLiquids',) pure_reference_types = (ViscosityLiquid, ) obj_references = ('ViscosityLiquids',) pure_constants = ('MWs', ) custom_args = pure_constants def __init__(self, CASs=[], ViscosityLiquids=[], MWs=[], **kwargs): self.CASs = CASs self.ViscosityLiquids = ViscosityLiquids self.MWs = MWs super().__init__(**kwargs) def load_all_methods(self): r'''Method to initialize the object by precomputing any values which may be used repeatedly and by retrieving mixture-specific variables. All data are stored as attributes. This method also sets :obj:`Tmin`, :obj:`Tmax`, and :obj:`all_methods` as a set of methods which should work to calculate the property. Called on initialization only. See the source code for the variables at which the coefficients are stored. The coefficients can safely be altered once the class is initialized. This method can be called again to reset the parameters. ''' methods = [MIXING_LOG_MOLAR, MIXING_LOG_MASS, LINEAR] if len(self.CASs) > 1 and '7732-18-5' in self.CASs: wCASs = [i for i in self.CASs if i != '7732-18-5'] Laliberte_data = electrochem.Laliberte_data laliberte_incomplete = False v1s, v2s, v3s, v4s, v5s, v6s = [], [], [], [], [], [] for CAS in wCASs: if CAS in Laliberte_data.index: dat = Laliberte_data.loc[CAS].values if isnan(dat[12]): laliberte_incomplete = True break v1s.append(float(dat[12])) v2s.append(float(dat[13])) v3s.append(float(dat[14])) v4s.append(float(dat[15])) v5s.append(float(dat[16])) v6s.append(float(dat[17])) else: laliberte_incomplete = True break if not laliberte_incomplete: methods.append(LALIBERTE_MU) self.wCASs = wCASs self.index_w = self.CASs.index('7732-18-5') self.Laliberte_v1s = v1s self.Laliberte_v2s = v2s self.Laliberte_v3s = v3s self.Laliberte_v4s = v4s self.Laliberte_v5s = v5s self.Laliberte_v6s = v6s self.all_methods = all_methods = set(methods) Tmins = [i.Tmin for i in self.ViscosityLiquids if i.Tmin] Tmaxs = [i.Tmax for i in self.ViscosityLiquids if i.Tmax] if Tmins: self.Tmin = max(Tmins) if Tmaxs: self.Tmax = max(Tmaxs)
[docs] def calculate(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): r'''Method to calculate viscosity of a liquid mixture at temperature `T`, pressure `P`, mole fractions `zs` and weight fractions `ws` with a given method. This method has no exception handling; see :obj:`mixture_property <thermo.utils.MixtureProperty.mixture_property>` for that. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] method : str Name of the method to use Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of the liquid mixture, [Pa*s] ''' if method == LALIBERTE_MU: ws = list(ws) ws.pop(self.index_w) return Laliberte_viscosity(T, ws, self.wCASs) return super().calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method)
[docs] def test_method_validity(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): r'''Method to test the validity of a specified method for the given conditions. If **Laliberte** is applicable, all other methods are returned as inapplicable. Otherwise, there are no checks or strict ranges of validity. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to check method validity, [K] P : float Pressure at which to check method validity, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] method : str Method name to use Returns ------- validity : bool Whether or not a specifid method is valid ''' if LALIBERTE_MU in self.all_methods: # If everything is an electrolyte, accept only it as a method if method in self.all_methods: return method == LALIBERTE_MU if method in self.all_methods: return True return super().test_method_validity(T, P, zs, ws, method)
BROKAW = 'BROKAW' HERNING_ZIPPERER = 'HERNING_ZIPPERER' WILKE = 'WILKE' viscosity_gas_mixture_methods = [BROKAW, HERNING_ZIPPERER, WILKE, LINEAR] """Holds all mixing rules available for the :obj:`ViscosityGasMixture` class, for use in iterating over them."""
[docs]class ViscosityGasMixture(MixtureProperty): '''Class for dealing with the viscosity of a gas mixture as a function of temperature, pressure, and composition. Consists of three gas viscosity specific mixing rules and a mole-weighted simple mixing rule. Prefered method is :obj:`Brokaw <chemicals.viscosity.Brokaw>`. Parameters ---------- MWs : list[float], optional Molecular weights of all species in the mixture, [g/mol] molecular_diameters : list[float], optional Lennard-Jones molecular diameters, [angstrom] Stockmayers : list[float], optional Lennard-Jones depth of potential-energy minimum over k or epsilon_k, [K] CASs : list[str], optional The CAS numbers of all species in the mixture, [-] ViscosityGases : list[ViscosityGas], optional ViscosityGas objects created for all species in the mixture, [-] correct_pressure_pure : bool, optional Whether to try to use the better pressure-corrected pure component models or to use only the T-only dependent pure species models, [-] Notes ----- To iterate over all methods, use the list stored in :obj:`viscosity_liquid_mixture_methods`. **BROKAW**: Mixing rule described in :obj:`Brokaw <chemicals.viscosity.Brokaw>`. **HERNING_ZIPPERER**: Mixing rule described in :obj:`Herning_Zipperer <chemicals.viscosity.Herning_Zipperer>`. **WILKE**: Mixing rule described in :obj:`Wilke <chemicals.viscosity.Wilke>`. **LINEAR**: Mixing rule described in :obj:`mixing_simple <chemicals.utils.mixing_simple>`. See Also -------- chemicals.viscosity.Brokaw chemicals.viscosity.Herning_Zipperer chemicals.viscosity.Wilke References ---------- .. [1] Poling, Bruce E. The Properties of Gases and Liquids. 5th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2000. ''' name = 'gas viscosity' units = 'Pa*s' property_min = 0 """Mimimum valid value of gas viscosity; limiting condition at low pressure is 0.""" property_max = 1E-3 """Maximum valid value of gas viscosity. Might be too high, or too low.""" ranked_methods = [BROKAW, HERNING_ZIPPERER, LINEAR, WILKE] pure_references = ('ViscosityGases',) obj_references = ('ViscosityGases',) pure_reference_types = (ViscosityGas, ) pure_constants = ('MWs', 'molecular_diameters', 'Stockmayers') custom_args = pure_constants non_json_attributes = TPDependentProperty.non_json_attributes + ['MW_roots', 'Wilke_t0s', 'Wilke_t1s', 'Wilke_t2s'] def __init__(self, MWs=[], molecular_diameters=[], Stockmayers=[], CASs=[], ViscosityGases=[], **kwargs): self.MWs = MWs self.molecular_diameters = molecular_diameters self.Stockmayers = Stockmayers self.CASs = CASs self.ViscosityGases = ViscosityGases self._set_Wilke_data() super().__init__(**kwargs) def _set_Wilke_data(self): MWs = self.MWs try: self.MW_roots = [sqrt(i) for i in MWs] self.Wilke_t0s, self.Wilke_t1s, self.Wilke_t2s = Wilke_prefactors(MWs) except: pass def _custom_from_json(self, *args): self._set_Wilke_data() super()._custom_from_json(*args) def load_all_methods(self): r'''Method to initialize the object by precomputing any values which may be used repeatedly and by retrieving mixture-specific variables. All data are stored as attributes. This method also sets :obj:`Tmin`, :obj:`Tmax`, and :obj:`all_methods` as a set of methods which should work to calculate the property. Called on initialization only. See the source code for the variables at which the coefficients are stored. The coefficients can safely be altered once the class is initialized. This method can be called again to reset the parameters. ''' methods = [LINEAR] if none_and_length_check((self.MWs, self.molecular_diameters, self.Stockmayers)): methods.append(BROKAW) if none_and_length_check([self.MWs]): methods.extend([WILKE, HERNING_ZIPPERER]) self.all_methods = all_methods = set(methods) Tmins = [i.Tmin for i in self.ViscosityGases if i.Tmin] Tmaxs = [i.Tmax for i in self.ViscosityGases if i.Tmax] if Tmins: self.Tmin = max(Tmins) if Tmaxs: self.Tmax = max(Tmaxs)
[docs] def calculate(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): r'''Method to calculate viscosity of a gas mixture at temperature `T`, pressure `P`, mole fractions `zs` and weight fractions `ws` with a given method. This method has no exception handling; see :obj:`mixture_property <thermo.utils.MixtureProperty.mixture_property>` for that. Parameters ---------- T : float Temperature at which to calculate the property, [K] P : float Pressure at which to calculate the property, [Pa] zs : list[float] Mole fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] ws : list[float] Weight fractions of all species in the mixture, [-] method : str Name of the method to use Returns ------- mu : float Viscosity of gas mixture, [Pa*s] ''' if method == HERNING_ZIPPERER: mus = self.calculate_pures_corrected(T, P, fallback=True) return Herning_Zipperer(zs, mus, None, self.MW_roots) elif method == WILKE: mus = self.calculate_pures_corrected(T, P, fallback=True) return Wilke_prefactored(zs, mus, self.Wilke_t0s, self.Wilke_t1s, self.Wilke_t2s) elif method == BROKAW: mus = self.calculate_pures_corrected(T, P, fallback=True) return Brokaw(T, zs, mus, self.MWs, self.molecular_diameters, self.Stockmayers) return super().calculate(T, P, zs, ws, method)
[docs] def test_method_validity(self, T, P, zs, ws, method): if method in self.all_methods: return True return super().test_method_validity(T, P, zs, ws, method)