# pylint: disable=E1101
r'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <Caleb.Andrew.Bell@gmail.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
This module contains implementations of the calculation of pure-component
EOS :math:`a \alpha` parameters in a vectorized way. Functions for calculating their
temperature derivatives as may be necessary are included as well.
For certain alpha functions, a class is available to provide these functions to
and class that inherits from it.
A mixing rule must be used on the `a_alphas` to get the overall `a_alpha`
.. contents:: :local:
Vectorized Alpha Functions
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.PR_a_alphas_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.SRK_a_alphas_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.PRSV_a_alphas_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.PRSV2_a_alphas_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.APISRK_a_alphas_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.RK_a_alphas_vectorized
Vectorized Alpha Functions With Derivatives
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.PR_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.SRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.PRSV_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.PRSV2_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.APISRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.RK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized
Class With Alpha Functions
The class-based ones van save a little code when implementing a new EOS.
If there is not a standalone function available for an alpha function, it has
not yet been accelerated in a nice vectorized way.
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.a_alpha_base
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Almeida_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Androulakis_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Chen_Yang_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Coquelet_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Gasem_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Gibbons_Laughton_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Haghtalab_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Harmens_Knapp_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Heyen_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Mathias_1983_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Mathias_Copeman_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Mathias_Copeman_poly_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Melhem_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Poly_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Saffari_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Schwartzentruber_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1972_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1984_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1979_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1993_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Trebble_Bishnoi_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Twu91_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.TwuPR95_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.TwuSRK95_a_alpha
.. autoclass:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Yu_Lu_a_alpha
Pure Alpha Functions
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Twu91_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1972_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1979_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Heyen_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Harmens_Knapp_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Mathias_1983_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Gibbons_Laughton_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1984_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Yu_Lu_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Trebble_Bishnoi_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Melhem_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Androulakis_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Schwartzentruber_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Almeida_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Soave_1993_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Gasem_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Coquelet_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Haghtalab_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Saffari_alpha_pure
.. autofunction:: thermo.eos_alpha_functions.Chen_Yang_alpha_pure
__all__ = [
'PR_a_alphas_vectorized', 'PR_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized',
'RK_a_alphas_vectorized', 'RK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized',
'SRK_a_alphas_vectorized', 'SRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized',
'PRSV_a_alphas_vectorized', 'PRSV_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized',
'PRSV2_a_alphas_vectorized', 'PRSV2_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized',
'APISRK_a_alphas_vectorized', 'APISRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized',
'a_alpha_base', 'Poly_a_alpha', 'Soave_1972_a_alpha', 'Heyen_a_alpha',
'Harmens_Knapp_a_alpha', 'Mathias_1983_a_alpha', 'Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_a_alpha',
'Mathias_Copeman_poly_a_alpha', 'Gibbons_Laughton_a_alpha', 'Soave_1984_a_alpha',
'Yu_Lu_a_alpha', 'Trebble_Bishnoi_a_alpha', 'Melhem_a_alpha', 'Androulakis_a_alpha',
'Schwartzentruber_a_alpha', 'Almeida_a_alpha', 'Twu91_a_alpha', 'Soave_1993_a_alpha',
'Gasem_a_alpha', 'Coquelet_a_alpha', 'Haghtalab_a_alpha', 'Saffari_a_alpha',
'Chen_Yang_a_alpha', 'TwuSRK95_a_alpha', 'TwuPR95_a_alpha', 'Soave_1979_a_alpha',
'Twu91_alpha_pure', 'Soave_1972_alpha_pure', 'Soave_1979_alpha_pure',
'Heyen_alpha_pure', 'Harmens_Knapp_alpha_pure', 'Mathias_1983_alpha_pure',
'Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_alpha_pure', 'Gibbons_Laughton_alpha_pure',
'Soave_1984_alpha_pure', 'Yu_Lu_alpha_pure', 'Trebble_Bishnoi_alpha_pure',
'Melhem_alpha_pure', 'Androulakis_alpha_pure', 'Schwartzentruber_alpha_pure',
'Almeida_alpha_pure', 'Soave_1993_alpha_pure', 'Gasem_alpha_pure',
'Coquelet_alpha_pure', 'Haghtalab_alpha_pure', 'Saffari_alpha_pure',
'Chen_Yang_alpha_pure', 'Mathias_Copeman_a_alpha']
from fluids.numerics import exp, horner, horner_and_der2, log, sqrt
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np
array = np.array
[docs]def PR_a_alphas_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, kappas, a_alphas=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms for the Peng-Robinson equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, and
.. math::
a_i\alpha(T)_i=a_i [1+\kappa_i(1-\sqrt{T_{r,i}})]^2
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
kappas : list[float]
`kappa` parameters of Peng-Robinson EOS; formulas vary, but
the original form uses
:math:`\kappa_i=0.37464+1.54226\omega_i-0.26992\omega^2_i`, [-]
a_alphas : list[float], optional
Vector for pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS to be
calculated and stored in, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
>>> Tcs = [469.7, 507.4, 540.3]
>>> ais = [2.0698956357716662, 2.7018068455659545, 3.3725793885832323]
>>> kappas = [0.74192743008, 0.819919992, 0.8800122140799999]
>>> PR_a_alphas_vectorized(322.29, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais, kappas=kappas)
[2.6306811679, 3.6761503348, 4.8593286234]
N = len(Tcs)
x0_inv = 1.0/sqrt(T)
x0 = T*x0_inv
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
x1 = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
x2 = kappas[i]*(x0*x1 - 1.) - 1.
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x2*x2
return a_alphas
[docs]def PR_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, kappas, a_alphas=None,
da_alpha_dTs=None, d2a_alpha_dT2s=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms and their first two temperature
derivatives for the Peng-Robinson equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, and
.. math::
.. math::
\frac{d a_i\alpha_i}{dT} = - \frac{a_i \kappa_i}{T^{0.5} {T_c}_i^{0.5}}
\left(\kappa_i \left(- \frac{T^{0.5}}{{T_c}_i^{0.5}} + 1\right) + 1\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 a_i\alpha_i}{dT^2} = 0.5 a_i \kappa_i \left(- \frac{1}{T^{1.5}
{T_c}_i^{0.5}} \left(\kappa_i \left(\frac{T^{0.5}}{{T_c}_i^{0.5}} - 1\right)
- 1\right) + \frac{\kappa_i}{T {T_c}_i}\right)
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}}` [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
kappas : list[float]
`kappa` parameters of Peng-Robinson EOS; formulas vary, but
the original form uses
:math:`\kappa_i=0.37464+1.54226\omega_i-0.26992\omega^2_i`, [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
>>> Tcs = [469.7, 507.4, 540.3]
>>> ais = [2.0698956357716662, 2.7018068455659545, 3.3725793885832323]
>>> kappas = [0.74192743008, 0.819919992, 0.8800122140799999]
>>> PR_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(322.29, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais, kappas=kappas)
([2.63068116797, 3.67615033489, 4.859328623453], [-0.0044497546430, -0.00638993749167, -0.0085372308846], [1.066668360e-05, 1.546687574587e-05, 2.07440632117e-05])
N = len(Tcs)
x0_inv = 1.0/sqrt(T)
x0 = T*x0_inv
T_inv = x0_inv*x0_inv
x0T_inv = x0_inv*T_inv
x5, x6 = 0.5*T_inv, 0.5*x0T_inv
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
if da_alpha_dTs is None:
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2a_alpha_dT2s is None:
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
x1 = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
x2 = kappas[i]*(x0*x1 - 1.) - 1.
x3 = ais[i]*kappas[i]
x4 = x1*x2
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x2*x2
da_alpha_dTs[i] = x4*x3*x0_inv
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = x3*(x5*x1*x1*kappas[i] - x4*x6)
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs]def SRK_a_alphas_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, ms, a_alphas=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms for the SRK equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, and
.. math::
a_i\alpha(T)_i = \left[1 + m_i\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
ms : list[float]
`m` parameters of SRK EOS; formulas vary, but
the original form uses
:math:`m_i = 0.480 + 1.574\omega_i - 0.176\omega_i^2`, [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
>>> Tcs = [469.7, 507.4, 540.3]
>>> ais = [1.9351940385541342, 2.525982668162287, 3.1531036708059315]
>>> ms = [0.8610138239999999, 0.9436976, 1.007889024]
>>> SRK_a_alphas_vectorized(322.29, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais, ms=ms)
[2.549485814512, 3.586598245260, 4.76614806648]
sqrtT = sqrt(T)
N = len(Tcs)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
x0 = ms[i]*(1. - sqrtT/sqrt(Tcs[i])) + 1.0
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x0*x0
return a_alphas
[docs]def SRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, ms, a_alphas=None,
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms and their first and second temperature
derivatives for the SRK equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, and
.. math::
a_i\alpha(T)_i = \left[1 + m_i\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
.. math::
\frac{d a_i\alpha_i}{dT} = \frac{a_i m_i}{T} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(m_i \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T{c,i}}} - 1\right) - 1\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 a_i\alpha_i}{dT^2} = \frac{a_i m_i \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}}
{2 T^{2}} \left(m_i + 1\right)
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
ms : list[float]
`m` parameters of SRK EOS; formulas vary, but
the original form uses
:math:`m_i = 0.480 + 1.574\omega_i - 0.176\omega_i^2`, [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
>>> Tcs = [469.7, 507.4, 540.3]
>>> ais = [1.9351940385541342, 2.525982668162287, 3.1531036708059315]
>>> ms = [0.8610138239999999, 0.9436976, 1.007889024]
>>> SRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(322.29, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais, ms=ms)
([2.549485814512, 3.586598245260, 4.76614806648], [-0.004915469296196, -0.00702410108423, -0.00936320876945], [1.236441916324e-05, 1.77752796719e-05, 2.37231823137e-05])
N = len(Tcs)
sqrtnT = 1.0/sqrt(T)
sqrtT = T*sqrtnT
T_inv = sqrtnT*sqrtnT
x10 = 0.5*T_inv*T_inv
nT_inv = -T_inv
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
if da_alpha_dTs is None:
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2a_alpha_dT2s is None:
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
x1 = sqrtT/sqrt(Tcs[i])
x2 = ais[i]*ms[i]*x1
x3 = ms[i]*(1.0 - x1) + 1.
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x3*x3
da_alpha_dTs[i] = x2*nT_inv*x3
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = x2*x10*(ms[i] + 1.)
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs]def RK_a_alphas_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, a_alphas=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms for the RK equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, and `a` parameters `ais`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha_i = \frac{a_i}{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
>>> Tcs = [469.7, 507.4, 540.3]
>>> ais = [1.9351940385541342, 2.525982668162287, 3.1531036708059315]
>>> RK_a_alphas_vectorized(322.29, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais)
[2.3362073307, 3.16943743055, 4.0825575798]
N = len(ais)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
T_root_inv = 1.0/sqrt(T)
for i in range(N):
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*sqrt(Tcs[i])*T_root_inv
return a_alphas
[docs]def RK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, a_alphas=None,
da_alpha_dTs=None, d2a_alpha_dT2s=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms and their first and second temperature
derivatives for the RK equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, and `a` parameters `ais`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha_i = \frac{a_i}{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}}
.. math::
\frac{d a_i\alpha_i}{dT} = - \frac{a_i}{2 T\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}}
.. math::
\frac{d^2 a_i\alpha_i}{dT^2} = \frac{3 a_i}{4 T^{2}\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
>>> Tcs = [469.7, 507.4, 540.3]
>>> ais = [1.9351940385541342, 2.525982668162287, 3.1531036708059315]
>>> RK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(322.29, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais)
([2.3362073307, 3.16943743055, 4.08255757984], [-0.00362438693525, -0.0049170582868, -0.00633367088622], [1.6868597855e-05, 2.28849403652e-05, 2.94781294155e-05])
N = len(ais)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
if da_alpha_dTs is None:
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2a_alpha_dT2s is None:
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
T_root_inv = 1.0/sqrt(T)
T_inv = T_root_inv*T_root_inv
T_15_inv = T_inv*T_root_inv
T_25_inv = T_inv*T_15_inv
x0 = -0.5*T_15_inv
x1 = 0.75*T_25_inv
for i in range(N):
Tc_05 = sqrt(Tcs[i])
aiTc_05 = ais[i]*Tc_05
a_alphas[i] = aiTc_05*T_root_inv
da_alpha_dTs[i] = aiTc_05*x0
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = aiTc_05*x1
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs]def PRSV_a_alphas_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, kappa0s, kappa1s, a_alphas=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms for the Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera
equation of state given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, PRSV
parameters `kappa0s` and `kappa1s`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha_i = a_i \left(\left(\kappa_{0} + \kappa_{1} \left(\sqrt{\frac{
T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)
\right) \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) + 1\right)^{2}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
kappa0s : list[float]
`kappa0` parameters of PRSV EOS;
the original form uses
:math:`\kappa_{0,i} = 0.378893 + 1.4897153\omega_i - 0.17131848\omega_i^2 + 0.0196554\omega_i^3`, [-]
kappa1s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
>>> Tcs = [507.6]
>>> ais = [2.6923169620277805]
>>> kappa0s = [0.8074380841890093]
>>> kappa1s = [0.05104]
>>> PRSV_a_alphas_vectorized(299.0, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais, kappa0s=kappa0s, kappa1s=kappa1s)
sqrtT = sqrt(T)
N = len(Tcs)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Tc_inv_root = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
Tc_inv = Tc_inv_root*Tc_inv_root
x0 = Tc_inv_root*sqrtT
x2 = (1.0 + (kappa0s[i] + kappa1s[i]*(x0 + 1.0)*(0.7 - T*Tc_inv))*(1.0 - x0))
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x2*x2
return a_alphas
[docs]def PRSV_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, kappa0s, kappa1s,
a_alphas=None, da_alpha_dTs=None,
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms and their first and second derivative
for the Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera
equation of state given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, PRSV
parameters `kappa0s` and `kappa1s`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha_i = a_i \left(\left(\kappa_{0} + \kappa_{1} \left(\sqrt{\frac{
T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)
\right) \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) + 1\right)^{2}
.. math::
\frac{d a_i\alpha_i}{dT} =a_{i} \left(\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\right) \left(\kappa_{0,i} + \kappa_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
+ 1\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)\right)
+ 1\right) \left(2 \left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right) \left(
- \frac{\kappa_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}{T_{c,i}}
+ \frac{\kappa_{1,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
+ \frac{7}{10}\right)}{2 T}\right) - \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\kappa_{0,i} + \kappa_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
+ 1\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)\right)}{T}
.. math::
\frac{d^2 a_i\alpha_i}{dT^2} = \frac{a_{i} \left(\left(\kappa_{1,i}
\left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{20 \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}{T}\right) - \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} \left(10 \kappa_{0,i} - \kappa_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)\right)}{T}
\right)^{2} - \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(\left(10 \kappa_{0,i}
- \kappa_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) - 10\right) \left(\kappa_{1,i} \left(\frac{40}
{T_{c,i}} - \frac{\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7}{T}\right) \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) + 2 \kappa_{1,i} \left(\frac{20 \left(
\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} \left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}{T}\right) + \frac{10
\kappa_{0,i} - \kappa_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}{T}\right)}{T}\right)}{200}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
kappa0s : list[float]
`kappa0` parameters of PRSV EOS; the original form uses
:math:`\kappa_{0,i} = 0.378893 + 1.4897153\omega_i - 0.17131848\omega_i^2 + 0.0196554\omega_i^3`, [-]
kappa1s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
>>> Tcs = [507.6]
>>> ais = [2.6923169620277805]
>>> kappa0s = [0.8074380841890093]
>>> kappa1s = [0.05104]
>>> PRSV_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(299.0, Tcs=Tcs, ais=ais, kappa0s=kappa0s, kappa1s=kappa1s)
([3.8129856983], [-0.0069769034748], [2.00265608110e-05])
Formula derived with:
from sympy import *
Tc = symbols('T_{c\,i}')
T, a, kappa0, kappa1 = symbols('T, a_i, \kappa_{0\,i}, \kappa_{1\,i}')
kappa = kappa0 + kappa1*(1 + sqrt(T/Tc))*(Rational(7, 10)-T/Tc)
a_alpha = a*(1 + kappa*(1-sqrt(T/Tc)))**2
diff(a_alpha, T, 2)
sqrtT = sqrt(T)
T_inv = 1.0/T
N = len(Tcs)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
if da_alpha_dTs is None:
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2a_alpha_dT2s is None:
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Tc_inv_root = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
Tc_inv = Tc_inv_root*Tc_inv_root
x1 = T*Tc_inv
x2 = sqrtT*Tc_inv_root
x3 = x2 - 1.
x4 = 10.*x1 - 7.
x5 = x2 + 1.
x6 = 10.*kappa0s[i] - kappa1s[i]*x4*x5
x7 = x3*x6
x8 = x7*0.1 - 1.
x10 = x6*T_inv
x11 = kappa1s[i]*x3
x12 = x4*T_inv
x13 = 20.*Tc_inv*x5 + x12*x2
x14 = -x10*x2 + x11*x13
a_alpha = ais[i]*x8*x8
da_alpha_dT = -ais[i]*x14*x8*0.1
d2a_alpha_dT2 = ais[i]*0.005*(x14*x14 - x2*T_inv*(x7 - 10.)*(2.*kappa1s[i]*x13 + x10 + x11*(40.*Tc_inv - x12)))
a_alphas[i] = a_alpha
da_alpha_dTs[i] = da_alpha_dT
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = d2a_alpha_dT2
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs]def PRSV2_a_alphas_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, kappa0s, kappa1s, kappa2s, kappa3s,
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms for the Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera 2
equation of state given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`,
PRSV2 parameters `kappa0s, `kappa1s`, `kappa2s`, and `kappa3s`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha_i = a_{i} \left(\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right)
\left(\kappa_{0,i} + \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(1
- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
+ \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)\right) + 1\right)^{2}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
kappa0s : list[float]
`kappa0` parameters of PRSV EOS; the original form uses
:math:`\kappa_{0,i} = 0.378893 + 1.4897153\omega_i - 0.17131848\omega_i^2 + 0.0196554\omega_i^3`, [-]
kappa1s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
kappa2s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
kappa3s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
>>> PRSV2_a_alphas_vectorized(400.0, Tcs=[507.6], ais=[2.6923169620277805], kappa0s=[0.8074380841890093], kappa1s=[0.05104], kappa2s=[0.8634], kappa3s=[0.460])
sqrtT = sqrt(T)
N = len(Tcs)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Tc_inv_root = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
Tr_sqrt = sqrtT*Tc_inv_root
Tr = T*Tc_inv_root*Tc_inv_root
kappa = (kappa0s[i] + ((kappa1s[i] + kappa2s[i]*(kappa3s[i] - Tr)
*(1.0 - Tr_sqrt))*(1.0 + Tr_sqrt)*(0.7 - Tr)))
x0 = (1.0 + kappa*(1.0 - Tr_sqrt))
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x0*x0
return a_alphas
[docs]def PRSV2_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, kappa0s, kappa1s, kappa2s, kappa3s,
a_alphas=None, da_alpha_dTs=None, d2a_alpha_dT2s=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms and their first and second derivatives
for the Peng-Robinson-Stryjek-Vera 2
equation of state given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`,
PRSV2 parameters `kappa0s, `kappa1s`, `kappa2s`, and `kappa3s`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha_i = a_{i} \left(\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right)
\left(\kappa_{0,i} + \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(1
- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
+ \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)\right) + 1\right)^{2}
.. math::
\frac{d a_i\alpha_i}{dT} = a_{i} \left(\left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}
}}\right) \left(\kappa_{0,i} + \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(
1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
+ \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)\right) + 1\right)
\left(2 \left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right) \left(\left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}
\right) \left(- \frac{\kappa_{2,i} \left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\right)}{T_{c,i}} - \frac{\kappa_{2,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(
- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \kappa_{3,i}\right)}{2 T}\right) - \frac{\left(
\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right)
\left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}
}} \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(
- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)}{2 T}\right) - \frac{\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(\kappa_{0,i} + \left(\kappa_{1,i}
+ \kappa_{2,i} \left(1 - \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right) \left(
- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{7}{10}\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 a_i\alpha_i}{dT^2} = - \frac{a_{i} \left(\left(\left(10
\kappa_{0,i} - \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)
\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(\frac{10 T}
{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right)
- 10\right) \left(\left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(
\frac{40 \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(
\frac{2 \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{
\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)}
{T}\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\kappa_{2,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\frac{4}{T_{c,i}} - \frac{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}}{T}
\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(\frac{10 T}
{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}{T} + \frac{2 \kappa_{2,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right) \left(\frac{2 \left(\sqrt{\frac
{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)}{T}\right)}{T} + \frac{40
\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}
\right)\right)}{T T_{c,i}} - \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(
\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right)
\left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\frac{10 T}
{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}{T^{2}}\right) + \frac{2 \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right) \left(\frac{2 \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)}{T}\right)
+ \frac{20 \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)
\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}{T_{c,i}}
+ \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i}
\left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
- \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}
{T}\right)}{T} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(10 \kappa_{0,i}
- \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
- 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right)
\left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}}
- 7\right)\right)}{T^{2}}\right) - \left(\left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
- 1\right) \left(\kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
\left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right) \left(\frac{2 \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
\left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)}{T}\right) + \frac{20
\left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
- 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(
\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}{T_{c,i}} + \frac{\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} \left(\kappa_{1,i} + \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)
\right) \left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)}{T}\right) - \frac{
\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(10 \kappa_{0,i} - \left(\kappa_{1,i}
+ \kappa_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) \left(\frac{T}
{T_{c,i}} - \kappa_{3,i}\right)\right) \left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
+ 1\right) \left(\frac{10 T}{T_{c,i}} - 7\right)\right)}{T}\right)^{2}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=0.45724\frac{R^2T_{c,i}^2}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
kappa0s : list[float]
`kappa0` parameters of PRSV EOS; the original form uses
:math:`\kappa_{0,i} = 0.378893 + 1.4897153\omega_i - 0.17131848\omega_i^2 + 0.0196554\omega_i^3`, [-]
kappa1s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
kappa2s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
kappa3s : list[float]
Fit parameters, can be set to 0 if unknown [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
>>> PRSV2_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(400.0, Tcs=[507.6], ais=[2.6923169620277805], kappa0s=[0.8074380841890093], kappa1s=[0.05104], kappa2s=[0.8634], kappa3s=[0.460])
([3.2005700986], [-0.005301195971], [1.11181477576e-05])
sqrtT = sqrt(T)
T_inv = 1.0/T
N = len(Tcs)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
if da_alpha_dTs is None:
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2a_alpha_dT2s is None:
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
Tc_inv_root = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
Tc_inv = Tc_inv_root*Tc_inv_root
x1 = T*Tc_inv
x2 = sqrtT*Tc_inv_root
x3 = x2 - 1.
x4 = x2 + 1.
x5 = 10.*x1 - 7.
x6 = -kappa3s[i] + x1
x7 = kappa1s[i] + kappa2s[i]*x3*x6
x8 = x5*x7
x9 = 10.*kappa0s[i] - x4*x8
x10 = x3*x9
x11 = x10*0.1 - 1.0
x13 = x2*T_inv
x14 = x7*Tc_inv
x15 = kappa2s[i]*x4*x5
x16 = 2.*(-x2 + 1.)*Tc_inv + x13*(kappa3s[i] - x1)
x17 = -x13*x8 - x14*(20.*x2 + 20.) + x15*x16
x18 = x13*x9 + x17*x3
x19 = x2*T_inv*T_inv
x20 = 2.*x2*T_inv
a_alpha = ais[i]*x11*x11
da_alpha_dT = ais[i]*x11*x18*0.1
d2a_alpha_dT2 = ais[i]*(x18*x18 + (x10 - 10.)*(x17*x20 - x19*x9
+ x3*(40.*kappa2s[i]*Tc_inv*x16*x4
+ kappa2s[i]*x16*x20*x5 - 40.*T_inv*x14*x2
- x15*T_inv*x2*(4.0*Tc_inv - x6*T_inv)
+ x19*x8)))*0.005
a_alphas[i] = a_alpha
da_alpha_dTs[i] = da_alpha_dT
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = d2a_alpha_dT2
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs]def APISRK_a_alphas_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, S1s, S2s, a_alphas=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms for the API SRK equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, and
API parameters `S1s` and `S2s`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha(T)_i = a_i \left[1 + S_{1,i}\left(1-\sqrt{T_{r,i}}\right)
+ S_{2,i} \frac{1- \sqrt{T_{r,i}}}{\sqrt{T_{r,i}}}\right]^2
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
S1s : list[float]
`S1` parameters of API SRK EOS; regressed or estimated with
:math:`S_{1,i} = 0.48508 + 1.55171\omega_i - 0.15613\omega_i^2`, [-]
S2s : list[float]
`S2` parameters of API SRK EOS; regressed or set to zero, [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
>>> APISRK_a_alphas_vectorized(T=430.0, Tcs=[514.0], ais=[1.2721974560809934], S1s=[1.678665], S2s=[-0.216396])
N = len(Tcs)
sqrtT = sqrt(T)
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
rtTr = 1.0/sqrt(Tcs[i])
x0 = (-rtTr*sqrtT + 1.)
x1 = 1.0/(rtTr*sqrtT)
x2 = (S1s[i]*x0 + S2s[i]*(x0)*x1 + 1.0)
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x2*x2
return a_alphas
[docs]def APISRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T, Tcs, ais, S1s, S2s, a_alphas=None,
da_alpha_dTs=None, d2a_alpha_dT2s=None):
r'''Calculates the `a_alpha` terms and their first two temperature
derivatives for the API SRK equation of state
given the critical temperatures `Tcs`, constants `ais`, and
API parameters `S1s` and `S2s`.
.. math::
a_i\alpha(T)_i = a_i \left[1 + S_{1,i}\left(1-\sqrt{T_{r,i}}\right)
+ S_{2,i} \frac{1- \sqrt{T_{r,i}}}{\sqrt{T_{r,i}}}\right]^2
.. math::
\frac{d a_i\alpha_i}{dT} = a_i\frac{T_{c,i}}{T^{2}} \left(- S_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) + \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(S_{1,i} \sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + S_{2,i}\right)\right) \left(S_{2,i} \left(\sqrt{\frac{
T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) + \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} \left(S_{1,i} \left(\sqrt{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) - 1\right)\right)
.. math::
\frac{d^2 a_i\alpha_i}{dT^2} = a_i\frac{1}{2 T^{3}} \left(S_{1,i}^{2} T
\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - S_{1,i} S_{2,i} T \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 3 S_{1,i}
S_{2,i} T_{c,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + S_{1,i} T \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}
- 3 S_{2,i}^{2} T_{c,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 4 S_{2,i}^{2} T_{c,i} + 3 S_{2,i}
T_{c,i} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}}\right)
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tcs : list[float]
Critical temperatures of components, [K]
ais : list[float]
`a` parameters of cubic EOS,
:math:`a_i=\frac{0.42748\cdot R^2(T_{c,i})^{2}}{P_{c,i}}`, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
S1s : list[float]
`S1` parameters of API SRK EOS; regressed or estimated with
:math:`S_{1,i} = 0.48508 + 1.55171\omega_i - 0.15613\omega_i^2`, [-]
S2s : list[float]
`S2` parameters of API SRK EOS; regressed or set to zero, [-]
a_alphas : list[float]
Pure component `a_alpha` terms in the cubic EOS, [Pa*m^6/mol^2]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
First temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of pure component `a_alpha`,
>>> APISRK_a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(T=430.0, Tcs=[514.0], ais=[1.2721974560809934], S1s=[1.678665], S2s=[-0.216396])
([1.60465652994], [-0.0043155855337], [8.9931026263e-06])
N = len(Tcs)
T_inv = 1.0/T
c0 = T_inv*T_inv*0.5
if a_alphas is None:
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
if da_alpha_dTs is None:
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
if d2a_alpha_dT2s is None:
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
for i in range(N):
x0 = sqrt(T/Tcs[i])
x1 = x0 - 1.
x2 = x1/x0
x3 = S2s[i]*x2
x4 = S1s[i]*x1 + x3 - 1.
x5 = S1s[i]*x0
x6 = S2s[i] - x3 + x5
x7 = 3.*S2s[i]
a_alphas[i] = ais[i]*x4*x4
da_alpha_dTs[i] = ais[i]*x4*x6*T_inv
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = ais[i]*(-x4*(-x2*x7 + x5 + x7) + x6*x6)*c0
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
def TWU_a_alpha_common(T, Tc, omega, a, full=True, method='PR'):
r'''Function to calculate `a_alpha` and optionally its first and second
derivatives for the TWUPR or TWUSRK EOS. Returns 'a_alpha', and
optionally 'da_alpha_dT' and 'd2a_alpha_dT2'.
Used by `TWUPR` and `TWUSRK`; has little purpose on its own.
See either class for the correct reference, and examples of using the EOS.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
Tc : float
Critical temperature, [K]
omega : float
Acentric factor, [-]
a : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
full : float
Whether or not to return its first and second derivatives
method : str
Either 'PR' or 'SRK'
The derivatives are somewhat long and are not described here for
brevity; they are obtainable from the following SymPy expression.
>>> from sympy import *
>>> T, Tc, omega, N1, N0, M1, M0, L1, L0 = symbols('T, Tc, omega, N1, N0, M1, M0, L1, L0')
>>> Tr = T/Tc
>>> alpha0 = Tr**(N0*(M0-1))*exp(L0*(1-Tr**(N0*M0)))
>>> alpha1 = Tr**(N1*(M1-1))*exp(L1*(1-Tr**(N1*M1)))
>>> alpha = alpha0 + omega*(alpha1-alpha0)
>>> # diff(alpha, T)
>>> # diff(alpha, T, T)
# e-10 works
min_a_alpha = 1e-3 # There are a LOT of formulas, and they do not like having zeros
Tr = T/Tc
if Tr < 5e-3:
# not enough: Tr from (x) 0 to 2e-4 to (y) 1e-4 2e-4
# trying: Tr from (x) 0 to 1e-3 to (y) 5e-4 1e-3
# Tr = 1e-3 + (Tr - 0.0)*(1e-3 - 5e-4)/1e-3
# Tr = 5e-4 + (Tr - 0.0)*(5e-4)/1e-3
Tr = 4e-3 + (Tr - 0.0)*(1e-3)/5e-3
T = Tc*Tr
if method == 'PR':
if Tr < 1.0:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.125283, 0.911807, 1.948150
L1, M1, N1 = 0.511614, 0.784054, 2.812520
L0, M0, N0 = 0.401219, 4.963070, -0.2
L1, M1, N1 = 0.024955, 1.248089, -8.
elif method == 'SRK':
if Tr < 1.0:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.141599, 0.919422, 2.496441
L1, M1, N1 = 0.500315, 0.799457, 3.291790
L0, M0, N0 = 0.441411, 6.500018, -0.20
L1, M1, N1 = 0.032580, 1.289098, -8.0
raise ValueError('Only `PR` and `SRK` are accepted as method')
if not full:
alpha0 = Tr**(N0*(M0-1.))*exp(L0*(1.-Tr**(N0*M0)))
alpha1 = Tr**(N1*(M1-1.))*exp(L1*(1.-Tr**(N1*M1)))
alpha = alpha0 + omega*(alpha1 - alpha0)
a_alpha = a*alpha
if a_alpha < min_a_alpha:
a_alpha = min_a_alpha
return a_alpha
x0 = Tr
x1 = M0 - 1
x2 = N0*x1
x3 = x0**x2
x4 = M0*N0
x5 = x0**x4
x6 = exp(-L0*(x5 - 1.))
x7 = x3*x6
x8 = M1 - 1.
x9 = N1*x8
x10 = x0**x9
x11 = M1*N1
x12 = x0**x11
x13 = x2*x7
x14 = L0*M0*N0*x3*x5*x6
x15 = x13 - x14
x16 = exp(-L1*(x12 - 1))
x17 = -L1*M1*N1*x10*x12*x16 + x10*x16*x9 - x13 + x14
x18 = N0*N0
x19 = x18*x3*x6
x20 = x1**2*x19
x21 = M0**2
x22 = L0*x18*x3*x5*x6
x23 = x21*x22
x24 = 2*M0*x1*x22
x25 = L0**2*x0**(2*x4)*x19*x21
x26 = N1**2
x27 = x10*x16*x26
x28 = M1**2
x29 = L1*x10*x12*x16*x26
a_alpha = a*(-omega*(-x10*exp(L1*(-x12 + 1)) + x3*exp(L0*(-x5 + 1))) + x7)
da_alpha_dT = a*(omega*x17 + x15)/T
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(-(omega*(-L1**2*x0**(2.*x11)*x27*x28 + 2.*M1*x29*x8 + x17 + x20 - x23 - x24 + x25 - x27*x8**2 + x28*x29) + x15 - x20 + x23 + x24 - x25)/T**2)
if a_alpha < min_a_alpha:
a_alpha = min_a_alpha
da_alpha_dT = d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.0
# Hydrogen at low T
# a_alpha = da_alpha_dT = d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.0
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs]def Twu91_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c0, c1, c2):
Tr = T/Tc
return (Tr**(c2*(c1 - 1.0))*exp(c0*(1.0 - (Tr)**(c1*c2))))
[docs]def Soave_1979_alpha_pure(T, Tc, M, N):
Tr = T/Tc
return (1.0 + (1.0 - Tr)*(M + N/Tr))
[docs]def Soave_1972_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c0):
Tr = T/Tc
return (c0*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + 1)**2
[docs]def Heyen_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
return exp(c1*(1.0 -(T/Tc)**c2))
[docs]def Harmens_Knapp_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
return (c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - c2*(1 - Tc/T) + 1)**2
[docs]def Mathias_1983_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
Tr = T/Tc
return (1 + c1*(1-sqrt(Tr)) -c2*(1-Tr)*(0.7-Tr))**2
[docs]def Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return (c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2
def Mathias_Copeman_original_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
if T < Tc:
return (c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2
rt = sqrt(T/Tc)
tau = 1.0 - rt
x = (1.0 + c1*tau)
return x*x
def Mathias_Copeman_alpha_pure(T, Tc, *alpha_coeffs):
rt = sqrt(T/Tc)
tau = 1.0 - rt
if T < Tc:
x0 = horner(alpha_coeffs, tau)
return x0*x0
x = (1.0 + alpha_coeffs[-2]*tau)
return x*x
[docs]def Gibbons_Laughton_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
return (c1*(T/Tc - 1) + c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + 1)
[docs]def Soave_1984_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
return (c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-1 + Tc/T) + 1)
[docs]def Yu_Lu_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3, c4):
return 10**(c4*(-T/Tc + 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1))
[docs]def Trebble_Bishnoi_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1):
return exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1))
[docs]def Melhem_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
return exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2)
[docs]def Androulakis_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return (c1*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1) + c2*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1)**2 + c3*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1)**3 + 1)
[docs]def Schwartzentruber_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3, c4):
return ((c4*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - (-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1) + 1)**2)
[docs]def Almeida_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1)*abs(T/Tc - 1)**(c2 - 1) + c3*(-1 + Tc/T))
[docs]def Soave_1993_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2):
return (c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + 1)
[docs]def Gasem_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return (exp((-(T/Tc)**c3 + 1)*(T*c2/Tc + c1)))
[docs]def Coquelet_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return (exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1)*(c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2))
[docs]def Haghtalab_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return exp((-c3**log(T/Tc) + 1)*(-T*c2/Tc + c1))
[docs]def Saffari_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3):
return (exp(T*c1/Tc + c2*log(T/Tc) + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)))
[docs]def Chen_Yang_alpha_pure(T, Tc, omega, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7):
return exp(c4*log((-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)**2 + (-T/Tc + 1)*(c1 + c2*omega + c3*omega**2))
[docs]class a_alpha_base:
def _init_test(self, Tc, a, alpha_coeffs, **kwargs):
self.Tc = Tc
self.a = a
self.alpha_coeffs = alpha_coeffs
[docs]class Poly_a_alpha:
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives given that there is a polynomial equation for
.. math::
a \alpha = a\cdot \text{poly}(T)
T : float
Temperature, [K]
a_alphas : list[float]
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific
method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K]
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by
EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2]
res = horner_and_der2(self.alpha_coeffs, T)
a = self.a
return (a*res[0], a*res[1], a*res[2])
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` given that there is a polynomial
equation for :math:`\alpha`.
.. math::
a \alpha = a\cdot \text{poly}(T)
T : float
Temperature, [K]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
return self.a*horner(self.alpha_coeffs, T)
[docs]class Soave_1972_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Soave (1972) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Same as `SRK.a_alpha_and_derivatives` but slower and
requiring `alpha_coeffs` to be set. One coefficient needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(c_{0} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
+ 1\right)^{2}
.. [1] Soave, Giorgio. "Equilibrium Constants from a Modified Redlich-
Kwong Equation of State." Chemical Engineering Science 27, no. 6
(June 1972): 1197-1203. doi:10.1016/0009-2509(72)80096-4.
.. [2] Young, André F., Fernando L. P. Pessoa, and Victor R. R. Ahón.
"Comparison of 20 Alpha Functions Applied in the Peng-Robinson
Equation of State for Vapor Pressure Estimation." Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry Research 55, no. 22 (June 8, 2016): 6506-16.
c0 = self.alpha_coeffs[0]
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c0*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + 1)**2
da_alpha_dT = -a*c0*sqrt(T/Tc)*(c0*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + 1)/T
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*c0*(c0/Tc - sqrt(T/Tc)*(c0*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) - 1)/T)/(2*T)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c0 = self.alpha_coeffs[0]
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Soave_1972_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c0)
[docs]class Heyen_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Heyen (1980) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`,
and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Two coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{c_{1} \left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{c_{2}}
+ 1\right)}
.. [1] Heyen, G. Liquid and Vapor Properties from a Cubic Equation of
State. In "Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Phase
Equilibria and Fluid Properties in the Chemical Industry". DECHEMA:
Frankfurt, 1980; p 9-13.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*exp(c1*(1 -(T/Tc)**c2))
da_alpha_dT = -a*c1*c2*(T/Tc)**c2*exp(c1*(-(T/Tc)**c2 + 1))/T
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*c1*c2*(T/Tc)**c2*(c1*c2*(T/Tc)**c2 - c2 + 1)*exp(-c1*((T/Tc)**c2 - 1))/T**2
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Heyen_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2)
[docs]class Harmens_Knapp_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Harmens and Knapp (1980) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Two coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(c_{1} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
- c_{2} \left(1 - \frac{T_{c,i}}{T}\right) + 1\right)^{2}
.. [1] Harmens, A., and H. Knapp. "Three-Parameter Cubic Equation of
State for Normal Substances." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Fundamentals 19, no. 3 (August 1, 1980): 291-94.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - c2*(1 - Tc/T) + 1)**2
da_alpha_dT = a*(-c1*sqrt(T/Tc)/T - 2*Tc*c2/T**2)*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - c2*(1 - Tc/T) + 1)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*((c1*sqrt(T/Tc) + 2*Tc*c2/T)**2 - (c1*sqrt(T/Tc) + 8*Tc*c2/T)*(c1*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + c2*(1 - Tc/T) - 1))/(2*T**2)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Harmens_Knapp_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2)
[docs]class Mathias_1983_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Mathias (1983) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Two coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(c_{1} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
- c_{2} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 0.7\right) \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
+ 1\right) + 1\right)^{2}
.. [1] Mathias, Paul M. "A Versatile Phase Equilibrium Equation of
State." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Process Design and
Development 22, no. 3 (July 1, 1983): 385-91.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
Tr = T/Tc
a_alpha = a*(1 + c1*(1-sqrt(Tr)) -c2*(1-Tr)*(0.7-Tr))**2
da_alpha_dT = a*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - c2*(-T/Tc + 0.7)*(-T/Tc + 1) + 1)*(2*c2*(-T/Tc + 0.7)/Tc + 2*c2*(-T/Tc + 1)/Tc - c1*sqrt(T/Tc)/T)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*((8*c2/Tc**2 - c1*sqrt(T/Tc)/T**2)*(c1*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + c2*(T/Tc - 1)*(T/Tc - 0.7) - 1) + (2*c2*(T/Tc - 1)/Tc + 2*c2*(T/Tc - 0.7)/Tc + c1*sqrt(T/Tc)/T)**2)/2
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
Tr = T/Tc
return a*Mathias_1983_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2)
[docs]class Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Mathias and Copeman (1983) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(c_{1} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
+ c_{2} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{2} + c_{3} \left(
- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{3} + 1\right)^{2}
.. [1] Mathias, Paul M., and Thomas W. Copeman. "Extension of the
Peng-Robinson Equation of State to Complex Mixtures: Evaluation of
the Various Forms of the Local Composition Concept." Fluid Phase
Equilibria 13 (January 1, 1983): 91-108.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2
da_alpha_dT = a*(-c1*sqrt(T/Tc)/T - 2*c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)/T - 3*c3*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2/T)*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(T*(c1 - 2*c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2)**2 - (2*T*(c2 - 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)) + Tc*sqrt(T/Tc)*(c1 - 2*c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2))*(c1*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) - c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 + c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 - 1))/(2*T**2*Tc)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2, c3)
[docs]class Mathias_Copeman_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Mathias and Copeman (1983) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(c_{1} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
+ c_{2} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{2} + c_{3} \left(
- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{3} + 1\right)^{2}
.. [1] Mathias, Paul M., and Thomas W. Copeman. "Extension of the
Peng-Robinson Equation of State to Complex Mixtures: Evaluation of
the Various Forms of the Local Composition Concept." Fluid Phase
Equilibria 13 (January 1, 1983): 91-108.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
Tr = T/Tc
if Tr > 1:
x0 = 1.0/T
x1 = 1.0/Tc
x2 = sqrt(T*x1)
x3 = c1*(x2 - 1.0) - 1.0
x4 = x0*x2*x3
a_alpha = a*x3*x3
da_alpha_dT = a*c1*x4
d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.5*a*c1*x0*(c1*x1 - x4)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
a_alpha = a*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2
da_alpha_dT = a*(-c1*sqrt(T/Tc)/T - 2*c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)/T - 3*c3*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2/T)*(c1*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(T*(c1 - 2*c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2)**2 - (2*T*(c2 - 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)) + Tc*sqrt(T/Tc)*(c1 - 2*c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2))*(c1*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) - c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 + c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 - 1))/(2*T**2*Tc)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Mathias_Copeman_original_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Mathias_Copeman_poly_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T):
ais, alpha_coeffs, Tcs = self.ais, self.alpha_coeffs, self.Tcs
a_alphas = []
for i in range(self.N):
tau = 1.0 - (T/Tcs[i])**0.5
if T < Tcs[i]:
x0 = horner(alpha_coeffs[i], tau)
a_alpha = x0*x0*ais[i]
x = (1.0 + alpha_coeffs[i][-2]*tau)
a_alpha = ais[i]*x*x
return a_alphas
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T):
ais, alpha_coeffs, Tcs = self.ais, self.alpha_coeffs, self.Tcs
a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = [], [], []
for i in range(self.N):
a = ais[i]
Tc = Tcs[i]
rt = (T/Tc)**0.5
tau = 1.0 - rt
if T < Tc:
x0, x1, x2 = horner_and_der2(alpha_coeffs[i], tau)
a_alpha = x0*x0*a
da_alpha_dT = -a*(rt*x0*x1/T)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*((x0*x2/Tc + x1*x1/Tc + rt*x0*x1/T)/(2.0*T))
# [-2] is the index to get the second-last coefficient (c1)! Wasted time on this before.
c1 = alpha_coeffs[i][-2]
x0 = 1.0/T
x1 = 1.0/Tc
x2 = rt#sqrt(T*x1)
x3 = c1*(x2 - 1.0) - 1.0
x4 = x0*x2*x3
a_alpha = a*x3*x3
da_alpha_dT = a*c1*x4
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*0.5*c1*x0*(c1*x1 - x4)
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
# alpha_coeffs [c3, c2, c1, 1] always
# [-2] is the index to get the second-last coefficient (c1)! Wasted time on this before.
# return self.a*Mathias_Copeman_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, self.alpha_coeffs)
Tc = self.Tc
a = self.a
rt = sqrt(T/Tc)
tau = 1.0 - rt
alpha_coeffs = self.alpha_coeffs
if T < Tc:
x0 = horner(alpha_coeffs, tau)
a_alpha = x0*x0*a
return a_alpha
x = (1.0 + alpha_coeffs[-2]*tau)
return a*x*x
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
Tc = self.Tc
a = self.a
rt = (T/Tc)**0.5
tau = 1.0 - rt
alpha_coeffs = self.alpha_coeffs
if T < Tc:
# Do not optimize until unit tests are in place
x0, x1, x2 = horner_and_der2(alpha_coeffs, tau)
a_alpha = x0*x0*a
da_alpha_dT = -a*(rt*x0*x1/T)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*((x0*x2/Tc + x1*x1/Tc + rt*x0*x1/T)/(2.0*T))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
from sympy import *
T, Tc, c1 = symbols('T, Tc, c1')
tau = 1 - sqrt(T/Tc)
alpha = (1 + c1*tau)**2
cse([alpha, diff(alpha, T), diff(alpha, T, T)], optimizations='basic')
# [-2] is the index to get the second-last coefficient (c1)! Wasted time on this before.
c1 = alpha_coeffs[-2]
x0 = 1.0/T
x1 = 1.0/Tc
x2 = rt#sqrt(T*x1)
x3 = c1*(x2 - 1.0) - 1.0
x4 = x0*x2*x3
a_alpha = a*x3*x3
da_alpha_dT = a*c1*x4
d2a_alpha_dT2 = 0.5*a*c1*x0*(c1*x1 - x4)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs]class Gibbons_Laughton_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Gibbons and Laughton (1984) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Two coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = c_{1} \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - 1\right) + c_{2}
\left(\sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} - 1\right) + 1
.. [1] Gibbons, Richard M., and Andrew P. Laughton. "An Equation of
State for Polar and Non-Polar Substances and Mixtures" 80, no. 9
(January 1, 1984): 1019-38. doi:10.1039/F29848001019.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c1*(T/Tc - 1) + c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + 1)
da_alpha_dT = a*(c1/Tc + c2*sqrt(T/Tc)/(2*T))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(-c2*sqrt(T/Tc)/(4*T**2))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Gibbons_Laughton_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2)
[docs]class Soave_1984_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Soave (1984) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Two coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = c_{1} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right) + c_{2} \left(-1
+ \frac{T_{c,i}}{T}\right) + 1
.. [1] Soave, G. "Improvement of the Van Der Waals Equation of State."
Chemical Engineering Science 39, no. 2 (January 1, 1984): 357-69.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-1 + Tc/T) + 1)
da_alpha_dT = a*(-c1/Tc - Tc*c2/T**2)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(2*Tc*c2/T**3)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Soave_1984_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c1, c2)
[docs]class Yu_Lu_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Yu and Lu (1987) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Four coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = 10^{c_{4} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right) \left(
\frac{T^{2} c_{3}}{Tc^{2}} + \frac{T c_{2}}{T_{c,i}} + c_{1}\right)}
.. [1] Yu, Jin-Min, and Benjamin C. -Y. Lu. "A Three-Parameter Cubic
Equation of State for Asymmetric Mixture Density Calculations."
Fluid Phase Equilibria 34, no. 1 (January 1, 1987): 1-19.
c1, c2, c3, c4 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*10**(c4*(-T/Tc + 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1))
da_alpha_dT = a*(10**(c4*(-T/Tc + 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1))*(c4*(-T/Tc + 1)*(2*T*c3/Tc**2 + c2/Tc) - c4*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1)/Tc)*log(10))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(10**(-c4*(T/Tc - 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1))*c4*(-4*T*c3/Tc - 2*c2 - 2*c3*(T/Tc - 1) + c4*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1 + (T/Tc - 1)*(2*T*c3/Tc + c2))**2*log(10))*log(10)/Tc**2)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Yu_Lu_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Trebble_Bishnoi_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Trebble and Bishnoi (1987) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. One coefficient needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{c_{1} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right)}
.. [1] Trebble, M. A., and P. R. Bishnoi. "Development of a New Four-
Parameter Cubic Equation of State." Fluid Phase Equilibria 35, no. 1
(September 1, 1987): 1-18. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(87)80001-8.
c1 = self.alpha_coeffs[0]
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1))
da_alpha_dT = a*-c1*exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1))/Tc
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*c1**2*exp(-c1*(T/Tc - 1))/Tc**2
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Trebble_Bishnoi_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Melhem_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Melhem et al. (1989) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Two coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{c_{1} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right) + c_{2}
\left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{2}}
.. [1] Melhem, Georges A., Riju Saini, and Bernard M. Goodwin. "A
Modified Peng-Robinson Equation of State." Fluid Phase Equilibria
47, no. 2 (August 1, 1989): 189-237.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2)
da_alpha_dT = a*((-c1/Tc - c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)/T)*exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(((c1/Tc - c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)/T)**2 + c2*(1/Tc - sqrt(T/Tc)*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)/T)/(2*T))*exp(-c1*(T/Tc - 1) + c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Melhem_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Androulakis_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Androulakis et al. (1989) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = c_{1} \left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{\frac{2}{3}}
+ 1\right) + c_{2} \left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{\frac{2}{3}}
+ 1\right)^{2} + c_{3} \left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{
\frac{2}{3}} + 1\right)^{3} + 1
.. [1] Androulakis, I. P., N. S. Kalospiros, and D. P. Tassios.
"Thermophysical Properties of Pure Polar and Nonpolar Compounds with
a Modified VdW-711 Equation of State." Fluid Phase Equilibria 45,
no. 2 (April 1, 1989): 135-63. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(89)80254-7.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c1*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1) + c2*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1)**2 + c3*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1)**3 + 1)
da_alpha_dT = a*(-2*c1*(T/Tc)**(2/3)/(3*T) - 4*c2*(T/Tc)**(2/3)*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1)/(3*T) - 2*c3*(T/Tc)**(2/3)*(-(T/Tc)**(2/3) + 1)**2/T)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(2*(T/Tc)**(2/3)*(c1 + 4*c2*(T/Tc)**(2/3) - 2*c2*((T/Tc)**(2/3) - 1) - 12*c3*(T/Tc)**(2/3)*((T/Tc)**(2/3) - 1) + 3*c3*((T/Tc)**(2/3) - 1)**2)/(9*T**2))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Androulakis_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Schwartzentruber_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Schwartzentruber et al. (1990) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(c_{4} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)
- \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right) \left(\frac{T^{2} c_{3}}
{Tc^{2}} + \frac{T c_{2}}{T_{c,i}} + c_{1}\right) + 1\right)^{2}
.. [1] J. Schwartzentruber, H. Renon, and S. Watanasiri, "K-values for
Non-Ideal Systems:An Easier Way," Chem. Eng., March 1990, 118-124.
c1, c2, c3, c4 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*((c4*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - (-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1) + 1)**2)
da_alpha_dT = a*((c4*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1) - (-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1) + 1)*(-2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(2*T*c3/Tc**2 + c2/Tc) - c4*sqrt(T/Tc)/T + sqrt(T/Tc)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1)/T))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(((-c4*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1) + (sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1) + 1)*(8*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)/Tc**2 + 4*sqrt(T/Tc)*(2*T*c3/Tc + c2)/(T*Tc) + c4*sqrt(T/Tc)/T**2 - sqrt(T/Tc)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1)/T**2) + (2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(2*T*c3/Tc + c2)/Tc - c4*sqrt(T/Tc)/T + sqrt(T/Tc)*(T**2*c3/Tc**2 + T*c2/Tc + c1)/T)**2)/2)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Schwartzentruber_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Almeida_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Almeida et al. (1991) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{c_{1} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right) \left|{
\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} - 1}\right|^{c_{2} - 1} + c_{3} \left(-1
+ \frac{T_{c,i}}{T}\right)}
.. [1] Almeida, G. S., M. Aznar, and A. S. Telles. "Uma Nova Forma de
Dependência Com a Temperatura Do Termo Atrativo de Equações de
Estado Cúbicas." RBE, Rev. Bras. Eng., Cad. Eng. Quim 8 (1991): 95.
# Note: Sympy didn't handle the derivative of the absolute value for
# the second derivative, requires the use a CAS which can
# handle the assumption that Tr-1 != 0.
# A second pass on this function resulted in writting two functions:
# one which works on Tr < 1, one which works on Tr > 1.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
Tr = T/Tc
if Tr > 1:
x0 = c3*(1 - Tc/T)
x1 = 1/Tc
x2 = T*x1 - 1
x3 = c2 - 1
x4 = c1*x2**x3
x5 = x2*x4
x6 = exp(-x0 - x5)
x7 = Tc*c3
x8 = x1*x4
x9 = x3*x8 + x8 + x7/T**2
x10 = x4/(Tc**2*x2)
alpha, d_alpha_dT, d2_alpha_dT2 = exp(-x0 - x5), -x6*x9, x6*(-x10*x3**2 - x10*x3 + x9**2 + 2*x7/T**3)
x0 = c3*(1 - Tc/T)
x1 = 1/Tc
x2 = T*x1
x3 = x2 - 1
x4 = c2 - 1
x5 = c1*(1 - x2)**x4
x6 = x3*x5
x7 = exp(-x0 - x6)
x8 = Tc*c3
x9 = x1*x5
x10 = x4*x9 + x9 + x8/T**2
x11 = x5/(Tc**2*x3)
alpha, d_alpha_dT, d2_alpha_dT2 = exp(-x0 - x6), -x10*x7, x7*(x10**2 - x11*x4**2 - x11*x4 + 2*x8/T**3)
return a*alpha, a*d_alpha_dT, a*d2_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Almeida_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Twu91_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Twu et al. (1991) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{c_{3} \left(c_{2}
- 1\right)} e^{c_{1} \left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
\right)^{c_{2} c_{3}} + 1\right)}
.. [1] Twu, Chorng H., David Bluck, John R. Cunningham, and John E.
Coon. "A Cubic Equation of State with a New Alpha Function and a
New Mixing Rule." Fluid Phase Equilibria 69 (December 10, 1991):
33-50. doi:10.1016/0378-3812(91)90024-2.
c0, c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
Tr = T/Tc
T_inv = 1.0/T
x1 = c1 - 1.0
x2 = c2*x1
x3 = c1*c2
x4 = Tr**x3
x5 = a*Tr**x2*exp(-c0*(x4 - 1.0))
x6 = c0*x4
x7 = c1*x6
x8 = c2*x5
x9 = c1*c1*c2
d2a_alpha_dT2 = (x8*(c0*c0*x4*x4*x9 - c1 + c2*x1*x1
- 2.0*x2*x7 - x6*x9 + x7 + 1.0)*T_inv*T_inv)
return x5, x8*(x1 - x7)*T_inv, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
c0, c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Twu91_alpha_pure(T, Tc, c0, c1, c2)
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T):
ais, alpha_coeffs, Tcs = self.ais, self.alpha_coeffs, self.Tcs
a_alphas = []
for i in range(self.N):
coeffs = alpha_coeffs[i]
Tr = T/Tcs[i]
a_alpha = ais[i]*(Tr**(coeffs[2]*(coeffs[1] - 1.0))*exp(coeffs[0]*(1.0 - (Tr)**(coeffs[1]*coeffs[2]))))
if self.vectorized:
return array(a_alphas)
return a_alphas
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate the pure-component `a_alphas` and their first
and second derivatives for TWU91 alpha function EOS. This vectorized
implementation is added for extra speed.
.. math::
\alpha = \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{c_{3} \left(c_{2}
- 1\right)} e^{c_{1} \left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
\right)^{c_{2} c_{3}} + 1\right)}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
a_alphas : list[float]
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
da_alpha_dTs : list[float]
Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific
method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K]
d2a_alpha_dT2s : list[float]
Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by
EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K**2]
ais, alpha_coeffs, Tcs = self.ais, self.alpha_coeffs, self.Tcs
N = len(ais)
a_alphas = [0.0]*N
da_alpha_dTs = [0.0]*N
d2a_alpha_dT2s = [0.0]*N
T_inv = 1.0/T
for i in range(N):
coeffs = alpha_coeffs[i]
c0, c1, c2 = coeffs[0], coeffs[1], coeffs[2]
Tr = T/Tcs[i]
x1 = c1 - 1.0
x2 = c2*x1
x3 = c1*c2
x4 = Tr**x3
x5 = ais[i]*Tr**x2*exp(-c0*(x4 - 1.0))
x6 = c0*x4
x7 = c1*x6
x8 = c2*x5
x9 = c1*c1*c2
d2a_alpha_dT2 = (x8*(c0*c0*x4*x4*x9 - c1 + c2*x1*x1
- 2.0*x2*x7 - x6*x9 + x7 + 1.0)*T_inv*T_inv)
a_alphas[i] = x5
da_alpha_dTs[i] = x8*(x1 - x7)*T_inv
d2a_alpha_dT2s[i] = d2a_alpha_dT2
if self.vectorized:
return array(a_alphas), array(da_alpha_dTs), array(d2a_alpha_dT2s)
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
[docs]class Soave_1993_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Soave (1983) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Two coefficient needed.
.. math::
\alpha = c_{1} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right) + c_{2}
\left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{2} + 1
.. [1] Soave, G. "Improving the Treatment of Heavy Hydrocarbons by the
SRK EOS." Fluid Phase Equilibria 84 (April 1, 1993): 339-42.
c1, c2 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(c1*(-T/Tc + 1) + c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + 1)
da_alpha_dT = a*(-c1/Tc - c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)/T)
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(c2*(1/Tc - sqrt(T/Tc)*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)/T)/(2*T))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Soave_1993_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Gasem_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Gasem (2001) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{\left(- \left(\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}\right)^{c_{3}} + 1\right)
\left(\frac{T c_{2}}{T_{c,i}} + c_{1}\right)}
.. [1] Gasem, K. A. M, W Gao, Z Pan, and R. L Robinson Jr. "A Modified
Temperature Dependence for the Peng-Robinson Equation of State."
Fluid Phase Equilibria 181, no. 1-2 (May 25, 2001): 113-25.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(exp((-(T/Tc)**c3 + 1)*(T*c2/Tc + c1)))
da_alpha_dT = a*((c2*(-(T/Tc)**c3 + 1)/Tc - c3*(T/Tc)**c3*(T*c2/Tc + c1)/T)*exp((-(T/Tc)**c3 + 1)*(T*c2/Tc + c1)))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(((c2*((T/Tc)**c3 - 1)/Tc + c3*(T/Tc)**c3*(T*c2/Tc + c1)/T)**2 - c3*(T/Tc)**c3*(2*c2/Tc + c3*(T*c2/Tc + c1)/T - (T*c2/Tc + c1)/T)/T)*exp(-((T/Tc)**c3 - 1)*(T*c2/Tc + c1)))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Gasem_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Coquelet_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Coquelet et al. (2004) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{c_{1} \left(- \frac{T}{T_{c,i}} + 1\right) \left(c_{2}
\left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{2} + c_{3}
\left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)^{3} + 1\right)^{2}}
.. [1] Coquelet, C., A. Chapoy, and D. Richon. "Development of a New
Alpha Function for the Peng-Robinson Equation of State: Comparative
Study of Alpha Function Models for Pure Gases (Natural Gas
Components) and Water-Gas Systems." International Journal of
Thermophysics 25, no. 1 (January 1, 2004): 133-58.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1)*(c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2))
da_alpha_dT = a*((c1*(-T/Tc + 1)*(-2*c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)/T - 3*c3*sqrt(T/Tc)*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2/T)*(c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1) - c1*(c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2/Tc)*exp(c1*(-T/Tc + 1)*(c2*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**2 + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)**3 + 1)**2))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(c1*(c1*(-(c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 - c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 + 1)/Tc + sqrt(T/Tc)*(-2*c2 + 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1))*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(T/Tc - 1)/T)**2*(c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 - c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 + 1)**2 - ((T/Tc - 1)*(c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 - c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 + 1)*(2*c2/Tc - 6*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)/Tc - 2*c2*sqrt(T/Tc)*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)/T + 3*c3*sqrt(T/Tc)*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2/T) + 4*sqrt(T/Tc)*(2*c2 - 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1))*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 - c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 + 1)/Tc + (2*c2 - 3*c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1))**2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2*(T/Tc - 1)/Tc)/(2*T))*exp(-c1*(T/Tc - 1)*(c2*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**2 - c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)**3 + 1)**2))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Coquelet_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Haghtalab_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Haghtalab et al. (2010) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{\left(- c_{3}^{\ln{\left (\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} \right )}}
+ 1\right) \left(- \frac{T c_{2}}{T_{c,i}} + c_{1}\right)}
.. [1] Haghtalab, A., M. J. Kamali, S. H. Mazloumi, and P. Mahmoodi.
"A New Three-Parameter Cubic Equation of State for Calculation
Physical Properties and Vapor-liquid Equilibria." Fluid Phase
Equilibria 293, no. 2 (June 25, 2010): 209-18.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*exp((-c3**log(T/Tc) + 1)*(-T*c2/Tc + c1))
da_alpha_dT = a*((-c2*(-c3**log(T/Tc) + 1)/Tc - c3**log(T/Tc)*(-T*c2/Tc + c1)*log(c3)/T)*exp((-c3**log(T/Tc) + 1)*(-T*c2/Tc + c1)))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(((c2*(c3**log(T/Tc) - 1)/Tc + c3**log(T/Tc)*(T*c2/Tc - c1)*log(c3)/T)**2 + c3**log(T/Tc)*(2*c2/Tc + (T*c2/Tc - c1)*log(c3)/T - (T*c2/Tc - c1)/T)*log(c3)/T)*exp((c3**log(T/Tc) - 1)*(T*c2/Tc - c1)))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Haghtalab_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Saffari_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Saffari and Zahedi (2013) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`, `da_alpha_dT`, and
`d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives` for more
documentation. Three coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{\frac{T c_{1}}{T_{c,i}} + c_{2} \ln{\left (\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}
\right )} + c_{3} \left(- \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_{c,i}}} + 1\right)}
.. [1] Saffari, Hamid, and Alireza Zahedi. "A New Alpha-Function for
the Peng-Robinson Equation of State: Application to Natural Gas."
Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering 21, no. 10 (October 1,
2013): 1155-61. doi:10.1016/S1004-9541(13)60581-9.
c1, c2, c3 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
a_alpha = a*(exp(T*c1/Tc + c2*log(T/Tc) + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)))
da_alpha_dT = a*((c1/Tc + c2/T - c3*sqrt(T/Tc)/(2*T))*exp(T*c1/Tc + c2*log(T/Tc) + c3*(-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(((2*c1/Tc + 2*c2/T - c3*sqrt(T/Tc)/T)**2 - (4*c2 - c3*sqrt(T/Tc))/T**2)*exp(T*c1/Tc + c2*log(T/Tc) - c3*(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1))/4)
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Saffari_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class Chen_Yang_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Hamid and Yang (2017) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. See `GCEOS.a_alpha_and_derivatives`
for more documentation. Seven coefficients needed.
.. math::
\alpha = e^{\left(- c_{3}^{\ln{\left (\frac{T}{T_{c,i}} \right )}}
+ 1\right) \left(- \frac{T c_{2}}{T_{c,i}} + c_{1}\right)}
.. [1] Chen, Zehua, and Daoyong Yang. "Optimization of the Reduced
Temperature Associated with Peng-Robinson Equation of State and
Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation of State To Improve Vapor Pressure
Prediction for Heavy Hydrocarbon Compounds." Journal of Chemical &
Engineering Data, August 31, 2017. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.7b00496.
c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a, omega = self.Tc, self.a, self.omega
a_alpha = a*exp(c4*log((-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)**2 + (-T/Tc + 1)*(c1 + c2*omega + c3*omega**2))
da_alpha_dT = a*(-(c1 + c2*omega + c3*omega**2)/Tc - c4*sqrt(T/Tc)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2)*log((-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)/(T*((-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)))*exp(c4*log((-sqrt(T/Tc) + 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)**2 + (-T/Tc + 1)*(c1 + c2*omega + c3*omega**2))
d2a_alpha_dT2 = a*(((c1 + c2*omega + c3*omega**2)/Tc - c4*sqrt(T/Tc)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2)*log(-(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)/(T*((sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) - 1)))**2 - c4*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2)*((c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2)*log(-(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)/(Tc*((sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) - 1)) - (c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2)/(Tc*((sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) - 1)) + sqrt(T/Tc)*log(-(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)/T)/(2*T*((sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) - 1)))*exp(c4*log(-(sqrt(T/Tc) - 1)*(c5 + c6*omega + c7*omega**2) + 1)**2 - (T/Tc - 1)*(c1 + c2*omega + c3*omega**2))
return a_alpha, da_alpha_dT, d2a_alpha_dT2
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
return self.a*Chen_Yang_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, self.omega, *self.alpha_coeffs)
[docs]class TwuSRK95_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate :math:`a \alpha` and its first and second
derivatives for the Twu alpha function. Uses the set values of `Tc`,
`omega` and `a`.
.. math::
\alpha = \alpha^{(0)} + \omega(\alpha^{(1)}-\alpha^{(0)})
.. math::
\alpha^{(i)} = T_r^{N(M-1)}\exp[L(1-T_r^{NM})]
For sub-critical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.141599, 0.919422, 2.496441
L1, M1, N1 = 0.500315, 0.799457, 3.291790
For supercritical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.441411, 6.500018, -0.20
L1, M1, N1 = 0.032580, 1.289098, -8.0
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the values, [-]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
da_alpha_dT : float
Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific
method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K]
d2a_alpha_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by
EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K^2]
This method does not alter the object's state and the temperature
provided can be a different than that of the object.
The derivatives are somewhat long and are not described here for
brevity; they are obtainable from the following SymPy expression.
>>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP
>>> T, Tc, omega, N1, N0, M1, M0, L1, L0 = symbols('T, Tc, omega, N1, N0, M1, M0, L1, L0') # doctest:+SKIP
>>> Tr = T/Tc # doctest:+SKIP
>>> alpha0 = Tr**(N0*(M0-1))*exp(L0*(1-Tr**(N0*M0))) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> alpha1 = Tr**(N1*(M1-1))*exp(L1*(1-Tr**(N1*M1))) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> alpha = alpha0 + omega*(alpha1-alpha0) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> diff(alpha, T) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> diff(alpha, T, T) # doctest:+SKIP
return TWU_a_alpha_common(T, self.Tc, self.omega, self.a, full=True, method='SRK')
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate :math:`a \alpha` for the Twu alpha function.
Uses the set values of `Tc`, `omega` and `a`.
.. math::
\alpha = \alpha^{(0)} + \omega(\alpha^{(1)}-\alpha^{(0)})
.. math::
\alpha^{(i)} = T_r^{N(M-1)}\exp[L(1-T_r^{NM})]
For sub-critical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.141599, 0.919422, 2.496441
L1, M1, N1 = 0.500315, 0.799457, 3.291790
For supercritical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.441411, 6.500018, -0.20
L1, M1, N1 = 0.032580, 1.289098, -8.0
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the value, [-]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
This method does not alter the object's state and the temperature
provided can be a different than that of the object.
return TWU_a_alpha_common(T, self.Tc, self.omega, self.a, full=False, method='SRK')
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T):
Tcs, omegas, ais = self.Tcs, self.omegas, self.ais
a_alphas = [TWU_a_alpha_common(T, Tcs[i], omegas[i], ais[i], full=False, method='SRK')
for i in range(self.N)]
if self.vectorized:
return array(a_alphas)
return a_alphas
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T):
Tcs, omegas, ais = self.Tcs, self.omegas, self.ais
r0, r1, r2 = [], [], []
for i in range(self.N):
v0, v1, v2 = TWU_a_alpha_common(T, Tcs[i], omegas[i], ais[i], full=True, method='SRK')
if self.vectorized:
return array(r0), array(r1), array(r2)
return r0, r1, r2
[docs]class TwuPR95_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate :math:`a \alpha` and its first and second
derivatives for the Twu alpha function. Uses the set values of `Tc`,
`omega` and `a`.
.. math::
\alpha = \alpha^{(0)} + \omega(\alpha^{(1)}-\alpha^{(0)})
.. math::
\alpha^{(i)} = T_r^{N(M-1)}\exp[L(1-T_r^{NM})]
For sub-critical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.125283, 0.911807, 1.948150;
L1, M1, N1 = 0.511614, 0.784054, 2.812520
For supercritical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.401219, 4.963070, -0.2;
L1, M1, N1 = 0.024955, 1.248089, -8.
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the values, [-]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
da_alpha_dT : float
Temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by EOS-specific
method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K]
d2a_alpha_dT2 : float
Second temperature derivative of coefficient calculated by
EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa/K^2]
This method does not alter the object's state and the temperature
provided can be a different than that of the object.
The derivatives are somewhat long and are not described here for
brevity; they are obtainable from the following SymPy expression.
>>> from sympy import * # doctest:+SKIP
>>> T, Tc, omega, N1, N0, M1, M0, L1, L0 = symbols('T, Tc, omega, N1, N0, M1, M0, L1, L0') # doctest:+SKIP
>>> Tr = T/Tc # doctest:+SKIP
>>> alpha0 = Tr**(N0*(M0-1))*exp(L0*(1-Tr**(N0*M0))) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> alpha1 = Tr**(N1*(M1-1))*exp(L1*(1-Tr**(N1*M1))) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> alpha = alpha0 + omega*(alpha1-alpha0) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> diff(alpha, T) # doctest:+SKIP
>>> diff(alpha, T, T) # doctest:+SKIP
return TWU_a_alpha_common(T, self.Tc, self.omega, self.a, full=True, method='PR')
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate :math:`a \alpha` for the Twu alpha function.
Uses the set values of `Tc`, `omega` and `a`.
.. math::
\alpha = \alpha^{(0)} + \omega(\alpha^{(1)}-\alpha^{(0)})
.. math::
\alpha^{(i)} = T_r^{N(M-1)}\exp[L(1-T_r^{NM})]
For sub-critical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.125283, 0.911807, 1.948150;
L1, M1, N1 = 0.511614, 0.784054, 2.812520
For supercritical conditions:
L0, M0, N0 = 0.401219, 4.963070, -0.2;
L1, M1, N1 = 0.024955, 1.248089, -8.
T : float
Temperature at which to calculate the value, [-]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
This method does not alter the object's state and the temperature
provided can be a different than that of the object.
return TWU_a_alpha_common(T, self.Tc, self.omega, self.a, full=False, method='PR')
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T):
Tcs, omegas, ais = self.Tcs, self.omegas, self.ais
a_alphas = [TWU_a_alpha_common(T, Tcs[i], omegas[i], ais[i], full=False, method='PR')
for i in range(self.N)]
if self.vectorized:
return array(a_alphas)
return a_alphas
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T):
Tcs, omegas, ais = self.Tcs, self.omegas, self.ais
r0, r1, r2 = [], [], []
for i in range(self.N):
v0, v1, v2 = TWU_a_alpha_common(T, Tcs[i], omegas[i], ais[i], full=True, method='PR')
if self.vectorized:
return array(r0), array(r1), array(r2)
return r0, r1, r2
[docs]class Soave_1979_a_alpha(a_alpha_base):
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_pure(self, T):
r'''Method to calculate `a_alpha` and its first and second
derivatives according to Soave (1979) [1]_. Returns `a_alpha`,
`da_alpha_dT`, and `d2a_alpha_dT2`. Three coefficients are needed.
.. math::
\alpha = 1 + (1 - T_r)(M + \frac{N}{T_r})
.. [1] Soave, G. "Rigorous and Simplified Procedures for Determining
the Pure-Component Parameters in the Redlich—Kwong—Soave Equation of
State." Chemical Engineering Science 35, no. 8 (January 1, 1980):
1725-30. https://doi.org/10.1016/0009-2509(80)85007-X.
M, N = self.alpha_coeffs#self.M, self.N
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
T_inv = 1.0/T
x0 = 1.0/Tc
x1 = T*x0 - 1.0
x2 = Tc*T_inv
x3 = M + N*x2
x4 = N*T_inv*T_inv
return (a*(1.0 - x1*x3), a*(Tc*x1*x4 - x0*x3), a*(2.0*x4*(1.0 - x1*x2)))
[docs] def a_alpha_pure(self, T):
M, N = self.alpha_coeffs
Tc, a = self.Tc, self.a
return a*Soave_1979_alpha_pure(T, self.Tc, M, N)
[docs] def a_alphas_vectorized(self, T):
ais, alpha_coeffs, Tcs = self.ais, self.alpha_coeffs, self.Tcs
a_alphas = []
for i in range(self.N):
Tr = T/Tcs[i]
M, N = alpha_coeffs[i]
a_alphas.append(ais[i]*(1.0 + (1.0 - Tr)*(M + N/Tr)))
return a_alphas
[docs] def a_alpha_and_derivatives_vectorized(self, T):
ais, alpha_coeffs, Tcs = self.ais, self.alpha_coeffs, self.Tcs
T_inv = 1.0/T
a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s = [], [], []
for i in range(self.N):
a = ais[i]
M, N = alpha_coeffs[i]
x0 = 1.0/Tcs[i]
x1 = T*x0 - 1.0
x2 = Tcs[i]*T_inv
x3 = M + N*x2
x4 = N*T_inv*T_inv
a_alphas.append(a*(1.0 - x1*x3))
da_alpha_dTs.append(a*(Tcs[i]*x1*x4 - x0*x3))
d2a_alpha_dT2s.append(a*(2.0*x4*(1.0 - x1*x2)))
return a_alphas, da_alpha_dTs, d2a_alpha_dT2s
a_alpha_bases = [Soave_1972_a_alpha, Heyen_a_alpha, Harmens_Knapp_a_alpha, Mathias_1983_a_alpha,
Mathias_Copeman_untruncated_a_alpha, Gibbons_Laughton_a_alpha, Soave_1984_a_alpha, Yu_Lu_a_alpha,
Trebble_Bishnoi_a_alpha, Melhem_a_alpha, Androulakis_a_alpha, Schwartzentruber_a_alpha,
Almeida_a_alpha, Twu91_a_alpha, Soave_1993_a_alpha, Gasem_a_alpha,
Coquelet_a_alpha, Haghtalab_a_alpha, Saffari_a_alpha, Chen_Yang_a_alpha,
TwuSRK95_a_alpha, TwuPR95_a_alpha, Soave_1979_a_alpha]