r'''Chemical Engineering Design Library (ChEDL). Utilities for process modeling.
Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Caleb Bell <Caleb.Andrew.Bell@gmail.com>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
Some of the methods implemented here are numerical while others are analytical.
The cubic EOS can be rearranged into the following polynomial form:
.. math::
0 = Z^3 + (\delta' - B' - 1)Z^2 + [\theta' + \epsilon' - \delta(B'+1)]Z
- [\epsilon'(B'+1) + \theta'\eta']
.. math::
B' = \frac{bP}{RT}
.. math::
\delta' = \frac{\delta P}{RT}
.. math::
\theta' = \frac{a\alpha P}{(RT)^2}
.. math::
\epsilon' = \epsilon\left(\frac{P}{RT}\right)^2
The range of pressures, temperatures, and :math:`a \alpha` values is so large
that almost all analytical solutions produce huge errors in some conditions.
Because the EOS volume cannot be under `b`, this often results in a root being
ignored where there should have been a liquid-like root detected.
A number of plots showing the relative error in volume calculation are shown
below to demonstrate how different methods work.
.. contents:: :local:
Analytical Solvers
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_Cardano
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_fast
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_a1
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_a2
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_numpy
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_ideal
Numerical Solvers
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_halley
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_NR
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_NR_low_P
Higher-Precision Solvers
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_mpmath
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_mpmath_float
.. autofunction:: volume_solutions_sympy
__all__ = ['volume_solutions_mpmath', 'volume_solutions_mpmath_float',
'volume_solutions_NR', 'volume_solutions_NR_low_P', 'volume_solutions_halley',
'volume_solutions_fast', 'volume_solutions_Cardano', 'volume_solutions_a1',
'volume_solutions_a2', 'volume_solutions_numpy', 'volume_solutions_ideal',
'volume_solution_polish', 'volume_solutions_sympy']
from cmath import sqrt as csqrt
from fluids.constants import R, R_inv
from fluids.numerics import brenth, deflate_cubic_real_roots, newton, roots_cubic, roots_cubic_a1, roots_cubic_a2, sixth, sqrt, third
from fluids.numerics import numpy as np
from fluids.numerics.doubledouble import (
[docs]def volume_solutions_sympy(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Solution of this form of the cubic EOS in terms of volumes, using the
`sympy` mathematical library with real numbers.
This function is generally slow, and somehow still has more than desired
error in the real and complex result.
.. math::
V_0 = - \frac{- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}
{P^{2}}}{3 \sqrt[3]{\frac{\sqrt{- 4 \left(- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta
+ P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b
+ P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}{P^{2}}\right)^{3} + \left(\frac{27 \left(
- P b \epsilon - R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{P} - \frac{9
\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon
- R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{P^{2}} + \frac{2 \left(- P b + P \delta
- R T\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}\right)^{2}}}{2} + \frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon
- R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{2 P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P \delta
- R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{2 P^{2}} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{3}}
{P^{3}}}} - \frac{\sqrt[3]{\frac{\sqrt{- 4 \left(- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta
+ P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b
+ P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}{P^{2}}\right)^{3} + \left(\frac{27 \left(
- P b \epsilon - R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{P} - \frac{9 \left(
- P b + P \delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T
\delta + a \alpha\right)}{P^{2}} + \frac{2 \left(- P b + P \delta - R
T\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}\right)^{2}}}{2} + \frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon
- R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{2 P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P
\delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{2 P^{2}} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T
\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}}}{3} - \frac{- P b + P \delta - R T}{3 P}
.. math::
V_1 = - \frac{- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}
{P^{2}}}{3 \left(- \frac{1}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{3} i}{2}\right) \sqrt[3]
{\frac{\sqrt{- 4 \left(- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T
\delta + a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T
\right)^{2}}{P^{2}}\right)^{3} + \left(\frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon
- R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P \delta
- R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{P^{2}} + \frac{2 \left(- P b + P \delta - R T
\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}\right)^{2}}}{2} + \frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon
- R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{2 P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P
\delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{2 P^{2}} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T
\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}}} - \frac{\left(- \frac{1}{2} - \frac{\sqrt{3} i}
{2}\right) \sqrt[3]{\frac{\sqrt{- 4 \left(- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta
+ P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b
+ P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}{P^{2}}\right)^{3} + \left(\frac{27 \left(
- P b \epsilon - R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{P} - \frac{9 \left(
- P b + P \delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T
\delta + a \alpha\right)}{P^{2}} + \frac{2 \left(- P b + P \delta
- R T\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}\right)^{2}}}{2} + \frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon
- R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{2 P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b
+ P \delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{2 P^{2}} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T
\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}}}{3} - \frac{- P b + P \delta - R T}{3 P}
.. math::
V_2 = - \frac{- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta
+ a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}
{P^{2}}}{3 \left(- \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3} i}{2}\right) \sqrt[3]
{\frac{\sqrt{- 4 \left(- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T
\delta + a \alpha\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T
\right)^{2}}{P^{2}}\right)^{3} + \left(\frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon
- R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}{P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P \delta
- R T\right) \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha
\right)}{P^{2}} + \frac{2 \left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{3}}
{P^{3}}\right)^{2}}}{2} + \frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon - R T \epsilon
- a \alpha b\right)}{2 P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)
\left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{2 P^{2}}
+ \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}}} - \frac{\left(
- \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3} i}{2}\right) \sqrt[3]{\frac{\sqrt{- 4
\left(- \frac{3 \left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha
\right)}{P} + \frac{\left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{2}}{P^{2}}
\right)^{3} + \left(\frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon - R T \epsilon
- a \alpha b\right)}{P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)
\left(- P b \delta + P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{P^{2}}
+ \frac{2 \left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}\right)^{2}}}
{2} + \frac{27 \left(- P b \epsilon - R T \epsilon - a \alpha b\right)}
{2 P} - \frac{9 \left(- P b + P \delta - R T\right) \left(- P b \delta
+ P \epsilon - R T \delta + a \alpha\right)}{2 P^{2}} + \frac{\left(
- P b + P \delta - R T\right)^{3}}{P^{3}}}}{3} - \frac{- P b + P
\delta - R T}{3 P}
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : tuple[sympy.Rational]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
The solution can be derived as follows:
>>> from sympy import * # doctest: +SKIP
>>> P, T, V, R, b, delta, epsilon = symbols('P, T, V, R, b, delta, epsilon') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> a_alpha = Symbol(r'a \alpha') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> CUBIC = R*T/(V-b) - a_alpha/(V*V + delta*V + epsilon) - P # doctest: +SKIP
>>> V_slns = solve(CUBIC, V) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> Vs = volume_solutions_sympy(0.01, 1e-05, 2.5405184201558786e-05, 5.081036840311757e-05, -6.454233843151321e-10, 0.3872747173781095) # doctest: +SKIP
>>> [complex(v) for v in Vs] # doctest: +SKIP
[(2.540546e-05+2.402202278e-12j), (4.660380256-2.40354958e-12j), (8309.80218+1.348096981e-15j)]
.. [1] Meurer, Aaron, Christopher P. Smith, Mateusz Paprocki, Ondřej
Čertík, Sergey B. Kirpichev, Matthew Rocklin, AMiT Kumar, Sergiu Ivanov,
Jason K. Moore, and Sartaj Singh. "SymPy: Symbolic Computing in Python."
PeerJ Computer Science 3 (2017): e103.
if P == 0.0 or T == 0.0:
raise ValueError("Bad P or T; issue is not the algorithm")
from sympy import I, Rational, sqrt
if isinstance(T, float):
T = Rational(T)
if isinstance(P, float):
P = Rational(P)
if isinstance(b, float):
b = Rational(b)
if isinstance(delta, float):
delta = Rational(delta)
if isinstance(epsilon, float):
epsilon = Rational(epsilon)
if isinstance(a_alpha, float):
a_alpha = Rational(a_alpha)
R_sym = Rational(R)
x0 = 1/P
x1 = P*b
x2 = R_sym*T
x3 = P*delta
x4 = x1 + x2 - x3
x5 = x0*x4
x6 = a_alpha*b
x7 = epsilon*x1
x8 = epsilon*x2
x9 = P**(-2)
x10 = P*epsilon
x11 = b*x3
x12 = delta*x2
x13 = 3*a_alpha
x14 = 3*x10
x15 = 3*x11
x16 = 3*x12
x17 = -x1 - x2 + x3
x18 = x0*x17**2
x19 = 4*x0
x20 = (-27*x0*(x6 + x7 + x8)/2 - 9*x4*x9*(-a_alpha - x10 + x11 + x12)/2
+ sqrt(x9*(-x19*(-x13 - x14 + x15 + x16 + x18)**3
+ (-9*x0*x17*(a_alpha + x10 - x11 - x12) + 2*x17**3*x9 - 27*x6
- 27*x7 - 27*x8)**2))/2 - x4**3/P**3)**(1/3)
x21 = (x13 + x14 - x15 - x16 - x18)/x20
x22 = 2*x5
x23 = sqrt(3)*I
x24 = x23 + 1
x25 = x19*x21
x26 = 1 - x23
return (x0*x21/3 - x20/3 + x5/3,
x20*x24/6 + x22/6 - x25/(6*x24),
x20*x26/6 + x22/6 - x25/(6*x26))
[docs]def volume_solutions_mpmath(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, dps=50):
r'''Solution of this form of the cubic EOS in terms of volumes, using the
`mpmath` arbitrary precision library. The number of decimal places returned
is controlled by the `dps` parameter.
This function is the reference implementation which provides exactly
correct solutions; other algorithms are compared against this one.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
dps : int
Number of decimal places in the result by `mpmath`, [-]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
Although `mpmath` has a cubic solver, it has been found to fail to solve in
some cases. Accordingly, the algorithm is as follows:
Working precision is `dps` plus 40 digits; and if P < 1e-10 Pa, it is
`dps` plus 400 digits. The input parameters are converted exactly to `mpf`
objects on input.
`polyroots` from mpmath is used with `maxsteps=2000`, and extra precision
of 15 digits. If the solution does not converge, 20 extra digits are added
up to 8 times. If no solution is found, mpmath's `findroot` is called on
the pressure error function using three initial guesses from another solver.
Needless to say, this function is quite slow.
Test case which presented issues for PR EOS (three roots were not being returned):
>>> volume_solutions_mpmath(0.01, 1e-05, 2.5405184201558786e-05, 5.081036840311757e-05, -6.454233843151321e-10, 0.3872747173781095)
(mpf('0.0000254054613415548712260258773060137'), mpf('4.66038025602155259976574392093252'), mpf('8309.80218708657190094424659859346'))
.. [1] Johansson, Fredrik. Mpmath: A Python Library for Arbitrary-Precision
Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2010.
# Tried to remove some green on physical TV with more than 30, could not
# 30 is fine, but do not dercease further!
# No matter the precision, still cannot get better
# Need to switch from `rindroot` to an actual cubic solution in mpmath
# Three roots not found in some cases
# PRMIX(T=1e-2, P=1e-5, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.5, 0.5], kijs=[[0,0],[0,0]]).volume_error()
# Once found it possible to compute VLE down to 0.03 Tc with ~400 steps and ~500 dps.
# need to start with a really high dps to get convergence or it is discontinuous
if P == 0.0 or T == 0.0:
raise ValueError("Bad P or T; issue is not the algorithm")
import mpmath as mp
mp.mp.dps = dps + 40#400#400
if P < 1e-10:
mp.mp.dps = dps + 400
b, T, P, epsilon, delta, a_alpha = (mp.mpf(i) for i in [b, T, P, epsilon, delta, a_alpha])
roots = None
if 1:
RT_inv = 1/(mp.mpf(R)*T)
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b = (deltas - B - 1)
c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1))
d = -(epsilons*(B + 1) + thetas*etas)
extraprec = 15
# extraprec alone is not enough to converge everything
# found case 20 extrapec not enough, increased to 30
# Found another case needing 40
for i in range(8):
# Found 1 case 100 steps not enough needed 200; then found place 400 was not enough
roots = mp.polyroots([mp.mpf(1.0), b, c, d], extraprec=extraprec, maxsteps=2000)
except Exception as e:
extraprec += 20
# print(e, extraprec)
if i == 7:
# print(e, 'failed')
raise e
if all(i == 0 or i == 1 for i in roots):
return volume_solutions_mpmath(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, dps=dps*2)
guesses = volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
roots = mp.polyroots([mp.mpf(1.0), b, c, d], extraprec=40, maxsteps=100, roots_init=guesses)
# roots = np.roots([1.0, b, c, d]).tolist()
if roots is not None:
RT_P = mp.mpf(R)*T/P
hits = [V*RT_P for V in roots]
if roots is None:
# print('trying numerical mpmath')
guesses = volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
RT = T*R
def err(V):
return(RT/(V-b) - a_alpha/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)) - P
hits = []
for Vi in guesses:
V_calc = mp.findroot(err, Vi, solver='newton')
except Exception as e:
if not hits:
raise ValueError("Could not converge any mpmath volumes")
# Return in the specified precision
mp.mp.dps = dps
sort_fun = lambda x: (x.real, x.imag)
return tuple(sorted(hits, key=sort_fun))
[docs]def volume_solutions_mpmath_float(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Simple wrapper around :obj:`volume_solutions_mpmath` which uses the
default parameters and returns the values as floats.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
dps : int
Number of decimal places in the result by `mpmath`, [-]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
Test case which presented issues for PR EOS (three roots were not being returned):
>>> volume_solutions_mpmath_float(0.01, 1e-05, 2.5405184201558786e-05, 5.081036840311757e-05, -6.454233843151321e-10, 0.3872747173781095)
((2.540546134155487e-05+0j), (4.660380256021552+0j), (8309.802187086572+0j))
Vs = volume_solutions_mpmath(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
return tuple(float(Vi.real) + float(Vi.imag)*1.0j for Vi in Vs)
[docs]def volume_solutions_NR(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, tries=0):
r'''Newton-Raphson based solver for cubic EOS volumes based on the idea
of initializing from an analytical solver. This algorithm can only be
described as a monstrous mess. It is fairly fast for most cases, but about
3x slower than :obj:`volume_solutions_halley`. In the worst case this
will fall back to `mpmath`.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
tries : int, optional
Internal parameter as this function will call itself if it needs to;
number of previous solve attempts, [-]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
Sample regions where this method works perfectly are shown below:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_NR_PR_methanol_high.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: PR EOS methanol volume error high pressure
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_NR_PR_methanol_low.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: PR EOS methanol volume error low pressure
"""Even if mpmath is used for greater precision in the calculated root,
it gets rounded back to a float - and then error occurs.
Cannot beat numerical method or numpy roots!
The only way out is to keep volume as many decimals, to pass back in
to initialize the TV state.
# Initial calculation - could use any method, however this is fastest
# 2 divisions, 2 powers in here
# First bit is top left corner
if a_alpha == 0.0:
"""from sympy import *
R, T, P, b, V = symbols('R, T, P, b, V')
solve(Eq(P, R*T/(V-b)), V)
# EOS has devolved into having the first term solution only
return [b + R*T/P, -1j, -1j]
if P < 1e-2:
# if 0 or (0 and ((T < 1e-2 and P > 1e6) or (P < 1e-3 and T < 1e-2) or (P < 1e-1 and T < 1e-4) or P < 1)):
# Not perfect but so much wasted dev time need to move on, try other fluids and move this tolerance up if needed
# if P < min(GCEOS.P_discriminant_zeros_analytical(T=T, b=b, delta=delta, epsilon=epsilon, a_alpha=a_alpha, valid=True)):
# TODO - need function that returns range two solutions are available!
# Very important because the below strategy only works for that regime.
if True:
return volume_solutions_NR_low_P(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
except Exception as e:
# print(e, 'was not 2 phase')
return volume_solutions_mpmath_float(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
if tries == 0:
Vs = list(volume_solutions_Cardano(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha))
# Vs = [Vi+1e-45j for Vi in volume_solutions_Cardano(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, quick=True)]
elif tries == 1:
Vs = list(volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha))
elif tries == 2:
# sometimes used successfully
Vs = list(volume_solutions_a1(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha))
# elif tries == 3:
# # never used successfully
# Vs = GCEOS.volume_solutions_a2(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
# TODO fall back to tlow T
# Vs = GCEOS.volume_solutions_Cardano(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
if tries == 0:
Vs = list(volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha))
Vs = list(volume_solutions_Cardano(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha))
# Zero division error is possible above
RT = R*T
P_inv = 1.0/P
# maxiter = range(3)
# The case for a fixed number of iterations has pretty much gone.
# On 1 occasion
failed = False
max_err, rel_err = 0.0, 0.0
for i in (0, 1, 2):
V = Vi = Vs[i]
err = 0.0
for _ in range(11):
# More iterations seems to create problems. No, 11 is just lucky for particular problem.
# for _ in (0, 1, 2):
# 3 divisions each iter = 15, triple the duration of the solve
denom1 = 1.0/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
denom0 = 1.0/(V-b)
w0 = RT*denom0
w1 = a_alpha*denom1
if w0 - w1 - P == err:
break # No change in error
err = w0 - w1 - P
# print(abs(err), V, _)
derr_dV = (V + V + delta)*w1*denom1 - w0*denom0
V = V - err/derr_dV
rel_err = abs(err*P_inv)
if rel_err < 1e-14 or V == Vi:
# Conditional check probably not worth it
# if _ > 5:
# print(_, V)
# This check can get rid of the noise
if rel_err > 1e-2: # originally 1e-2; 1e-5 did not change; 1e-10 to far
# if abs(err*P_inv) > 1e-2 and (i.real != 0.0 and abs(i.imag/i.real) < 1E-10 ):
failed = True
# break
if not (.95 < (Vi/V).real < 1.05):
# Cannot let a root become another root
failed = True
max_err = 1e100
Vs[i] = V
max_err = max(max_err, rel_err)
failed = True
# def to_sln(V):
# denom1 = 1.0/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
# denom0 = 1.0/(V-b)
# w0 = x2*denom0
# w1 = a_alpha*denom1
# err = w0 - w1 - P
## print(err*P_inv, V)
# return err#*P_inv
# try:
# from fluids.numerics import py_bisect as bisect, secant, linspace
## Vs[i] = secant(to_sln, Vs[i].real, x1=Vs[i].real*1.0001, ytol=1e-12, damping=.6)
# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plt.figure()
# xs = linspace(Vs[i].real*.9999999999, Vs[i].real*1.0000000001, 2000000) + [Vs[i]]
# ys = [abs(to_sln(V)) for V in xs]
# plt.semilogy(xs, ys)
# plt.show()
## Vs[i] = bisect(to_sln, Vs[i].real*.999, Vs[i].real*1.001)
# except Exception as e:
# print(e)
root_failed = not [i.real for i in Vs if i.real > b and (i.real == 0.0 or abs(i.imag/i.real) < 1E-12)]
if not failed:
failed = root_failed
if failed and tries < 2:
return volume_solutions_NR(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, tries=tries+1)
elif root_failed:
# print('%g, %g; ' %(T, P), end='')
return volume_solutions_mpmath_float(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
elif failed and tries == 2:
# Are we at least consistent? Diitch the NR and try to be OK with the answer
# Vs0 = GCEOS.volume_solutions_Cardano(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, quick=True)
# Vs1 = GCEOS.volume_solutions_a1(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, quick=True)
# if sum(abs((i -j)/i) for i, j in zip(Vs0, Vs1)) < 1e-6:
# return Vs0
if max_err < 5e3:
# if max_err < 1e6:
# Try to catch floating point error
return Vs
return volume_solutions_NR_low_P(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
# print('%g, %g; ' %(T, P), end='')
# print(T, P, b, delta, a_alpha)
# if root_failed:
return volume_solutions_mpmath_float(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
# return Vs
# if tries == 3 or tries == 2:
# print(tries)
return Vs
[docs]def volume_solutions_NR_low_P(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Newton-Raphson based solver for cubic EOS volumes designed specifically
for the low-pressure regime. Seeks only two possible solutions - an ideal
gas like one, and one near the eos covolume `b` - as the initializations are
`R*T/P` and `b*1.000001` .
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
tries : int, optional
Internal parameter as this function will call itself if it needs to;
number of previous solve attempts, [-]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes (third one is hardcoded to 1j), [m^3/mol]
The algorithm is NR, with some checks that will switch the solver to
`brenth` some of the time.
P_inv = 1.0/P
def err_fun(V):
denom1 = 1.0/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
denom0 = 1.0/(V-b)
w0 = R*T*denom0
w1 = a_alpha*denom1
err = w0 - w1 - P
return err
# failed = False
Vs = [R*T/P, b*1.000001]
max_err, rel_err = 0.0, 0.0
for i, damping in zip((0, 1), (1.0, 1.0)):
V = Vi = Vs[i]
err = 0.0
for _ in range(31):
denom1 = 1.0/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
denom0 = 1.0/(V-b)
w0 = R*T*denom0
w1 = a_alpha*denom1
if w0 - w1 - P == err:
break # No change in error
err = w0 - w1 - P
derr_dV = (V + V + delta)*w1*denom1 - w0*denom0
if derr_dV != 0.0:
V = V - err/derr_dV*damping
rel_err = abs(err*P_inv)
if rel_err < 1e-14 or V == Vi:
# Conditional check probably not worth it
if i == 1 and V > 1.5*b or V < b:
# try:
# try:
V = brenth(err_fun, b*(1.0+1e-12), b*(1.5), xtol=1e-14)
except Exception as e:
if a_alpha < 1e-5:
V = brenth(err_fun, b*1.5, b*5.0, xtol=1e-14)
raise e
denom1 = 1.0/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
denom0 = 1.0/(V-b)
w0 = R*T*denom0
w1 = a_alpha*denom1
err = w0 - w1 - P
derr_dV = (V + V + delta)*w1*denom1 - w0*denom0
V_1NR = V - err/derr_dV*damping
if abs((V_1NR-V)/V) < 1e-10:
V = V_1NR
V = 1j
if i == 0 and rel_err > 1e-8:
V = 1j
# failed = True
# except:
# V = brenth(err_fun, b*(1.0+1e-12), b*(1.5))
# except:
# pass
# print([T, P, 'fail on brenth low P root'])
Vs[i] = V
# max_err = max(max_err, rel_err)
# if failed:
return Vs
def volume_solution_polish(V, T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
RT = R*T
RT_2 = RT + RT
a_alpha_2 = a_alpha + a_alpha
P_inv = 1.0/P
fval_oldold = 1.0
fval_old = 0.0
for j in range(50):
# print(j, V)
x0_inv = 1.0/(V - b)
x1_inv_den = (V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
if x1_inv_den == 0.0:
x1_inv = 1.0/x1_inv_den
x2 = V + V + delta
fval = RT*x0_inv - P - a_alpha*x1_inv
x0_inv2 = x0_inv*x0_inv # make it 1/x0^2
x1_inv2 = x1_inv*x1_inv # make it 1/x1^2
x3 = a_alpha*x1_inv2
fder = x2*x3 - RT*x0_inv2
fder2 = RT_2*x0_inv2*x0_inv - a_alpha_2*x2*x2*x1_inv2*x1_inv + x3 + x3
if fder == 0.0:
fder_inv = 1.0/fder
step = fval*fder_inv
rel_err = abs(fval*P_inv)
# print(fval, rel_err, step, j, i, V)
step_den = 1.0 - 0.5*step*fder2*fder_inv
if step_den == 0.0:
# if fval == 0.0:
# break # got a perfect answer
V = V - step/step_den
if (rel_err < 3e-15 or fval_old == fval or fval == fval_oldold
or (j > 10 and rel_err < 1e-12)):
# Conditional check probably not worth it
fval_oldold, fval_old = fval_old, fval
return V
[docs]def volume_solutions_halley(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Halley's method based solver for cubic EOS volumes based on the idea
of initializing from a single liquid-like guess which is solved precisely,
deflating the cubic analytically, solving the quadratic equation for the
next two volumes, and then performing two halley steps on each of them
to obtain the final solutions. This method does not calculate imaginary
roots - they are set to zero on detection. This method has been rigorously
tested over a wide range of conditions.
The method uses the standard combination of bisection to provide high
and low boundaries as well, to keep the iteration always moving forward.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : tuple[float]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
A sample region where this method works perfectly is shown below:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_halley_PR_methanol_low.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: PR EOS methanol volume error low pressure
Cases known to be failing:
# Test the case where a_alpha is so low, even with the lowest possible volume `b`,
# the value of the second term plus P is equal to P.
if a_alpha/(b*(b + delta) + epsilon) + P == P:
return (b + R*T/P, 0.0, 0.0)
# Run this first, before the low P criteria
if a_alpha > 1e4:
V_possible = high_alpha_one_root(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
if V_possible != 0.0:
return (V_possible, 0.0, 0.0)
RT = R*T
RT_2 = RT + RT
a_alpha_2 = a_alpha + a_alpha
P_inv = 1.0/P
RT_inv = R_inv/T
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b2 = (deltas - B - 1.0)
c2 = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1.0))
d2 = -(epsilons*(B + 1.0) + thetas*etas)
RT_P = RT*P_inv
low_V, high_V = b*(1.0+8e-16), -RT_P*d2/c2
if high_V <= low_V:
high_V = b*1.000001
V = high_V
for j in range(50):
x0_inv = 1.0/(V - b)
x1_inv = 1.0/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)
x2 = V + V + delta
fval = RT*x0_inv - P - a_alpha*x1_inv
if fval < 0.0:
high_V = V
low_V = V
if j == 0:
# If we are in the first iteration we have not decided on a upper bound yet
high_V = RT_P*10.0
# If the ideal gas volume is in danger of being underneath the liquid volume
# we increase it to 10b. 10 is a guess only.
if high_V < 10.0*b:
high_V = 10.0*b
x0_inv2 = x0_inv*x0_inv # make it 1/x0^2
x1_inv2 = x1_inv*x1_inv # make it 1/x1^2
x3 = a_alpha*x1_inv2
fder = x2*x3 - RT*x0_inv2
fder2 = RT_2*x0_inv2*x0_inv - a_alpha_2*x2*x2*x1_inv2*x1_inv + x3 + x3
fder_inv = 1.0/fder
step = fval*fder_inv
rel_err = abs(fval*P_inv)
step_den = 1.0 - 0.5*step*fder2*fder_inv
if step_den != 0.0:
# Halley's step; if step_den == 0 we do the newton step
step = step/step_den
V_old = V
V_new = V - step
# print(V, abs(1.0 - V_new/V_old), rel_err)
if (abs(1.0 - V_new/V_old) < 6e-16
or (j > 25 and rel_err < 1e-12)
# One case not taken care of is oscillating behavior within the boundaries of high_V, low_V
V = V_new
if V_new <= low_V or V_new >= high_V:
V_new = 0.5*(low_V + high_V)
if V_new == low_V or V_new == high_V: # noqa: SIM109
# If the bisection has finished (interval cannot be further divided)
# the solver is finished
V = V_new
if j != 49:
V0 = V
x1, x2 = deflate_cubic_real_roots(b2, c2, d2, V*P_RT_inv)
if x1 == 0.0:
return (V0, 0.0, 0.0)
# If the molar volume converged on is such that the second term can be added to the
# first term and it is still the first term, we are *extremely* ideal
# and we should just quit
main0 = R*T/(V - b)
main1 = a_alpha/(V*V + delta*V + epsilon)
# In these checks, atetmpt to evaluate if we are highly ideal
# and there is only one solution
if (main0 + main1 == main0) or ((main0 - main1) != 0.0 and abs(1.0-(main0 + main1)/(main0 - main1)) < 1e-12):
return (V0, 0.0, 0.0)
# 8 divisions only for polishing
V1 = x1*RT_P
V2 = x2*RT_P
# print(V1, V2, 'deflated Vs')
# Fixed a lot of really bad points in the plots with these.
# Article suggests they are not needed, but 1 is better than 11 iterations!
# These loops do need to be converted into a tight conditional functional test
if P < 1e-2:
if x1 != 1.0:
# we are so ideal, and we already have the liquid root - and the newton iteration overflows!
# so we don't need to polish it if x1 is exatly 1.
V1 = volume_solution_polish(V1, T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
V2 = volume_solution_polish(V2, T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
V = V1
t90 = V*(V + delta) + epsilon
if t90 != 0.0:
x0_inv = 1.0/(V - b)
x1_inv = 1.0/t90
x2 = V + V + delta
fval = -P + RT*x0_inv - a_alpha*x1_inv
x0_inv2 = x0_inv*x0_inv # make it 1/x0^2
x1_inv2 = x1_inv*x1_inv # make it 1/x1^2
x3 = a_alpha*x1_inv2
fder = x2*x3 - RT*x0_inv2
fder2 = RT_2*x0_inv2*x0_inv - a_alpha_2*x2*x2*x1_inv2*x1_inv + x3 + x3
if fder != 0.0:
fder_inv = 1.0/fder
step = fval*fder_inv
V1 = V - step/(1.0 - 0.5*step*fder2*fder_inv)
# Take a step with V2
V = V2
t90 = V*(V + delta) + epsilon
if t90 != 0.0:
x0_inv = 1.0/(V - b)
x1_inv = 1.0/(t90)
x2 = V + V + delta
fval = -P + RT*x0_inv - a_alpha*x1_inv
x0_inv2 = x0_inv*x0_inv # make it 1/x0^2
x1_inv2 = x1_inv*x1_inv # make it 1/x1^2
x3 = a_alpha*x1_inv2
fder = x2*x3 - RT*x0_inv2
fder2 = RT_2*x0_inv2*x0_inv - a_alpha_2*x2*x2*x1_inv2*x1_inv + x3 + x3
if fder != 0.0:
fder_inv = 1.0/fder
step = fval*fder_inv
V2 = V - step/(1.0 - 0.5*step*fder2*fder_inv)
return (V0, V1, V2)
return (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[docs]def volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Solution of this form of the cubic EOS in terms of volumes. Returns
three values, all with some complex part. This is believed to be the
fastest analytical formula, and while it does not suffer from the same
errors as Cardano's formula, it has plenty of its own numerical issues.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
Using explicit formulas, as can be derived in the following example,
is faster than most numeric root finding techniques, and
finds all values explicitly. It takes several seconds.
>>> from sympy import *
>>> P, T, V, R, b, a, delta, epsilon, alpha = symbols('P, T, V, R, b, a, delta, epsilon, alpha')
>>> Tc, Pc, omega = symbols('Tc, Pc, omega')
>>> CUBIC = R*T/(V-b) - a*alpha/(V*V + delta*V + epsilon) - P
>>> #solve(CUBIC, V)
A sample region where this method does not obtain the correct solution
(PR EOS for methanol) is as follows:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_sympy_PR_methanol_high.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: PR EOS methanol volume error high pressure
.. [1] Zhi, Yun, and Huen Lee. "Fallibility of Analytic Roots of Cubic
Equations of State in Low Temperature Region." Fluid Phase
Equilibria 201, no. 2 (September 30, 2002): 287-94.
x24 = 1.73205080756887729352744634151j + 1.
x24_inv = 0.25 - 0.433012701892219323381861585376j
x26 = -1.73205080756887729352744634151j + 1.
x26_inv = 0.25 + 0.433012701892219323381861585376j
# Changing over to the inverse constants changes some dew point results
# if quick:
x0 = 1./P
x1 = P*b
x2 = R*T
x3 = P*delta
x4 = x1 + x2 - x3
x5 = x0*x4
x6 = a_alpha*b
x7 = epsilon*x1
x8 = epsilon*x2
x9 = x0*x0
x10 = P*epsilon
x11 = delta*x1
x12 = delta*x2
# x13 = 3.*a_alpha
# x14 = 3.*x10
# x15 = 3.*x11
# x16 = 3.*x12
x17 = -x4
x17_2 = x17*x17
x18 = x0*x17_2
tm1 = x12 - a_alpha + (x11 - x10)
# print(x11, x12, a_alpha, x10)
t0 = x6 + x7 + x8
t1 = (3.0*tm1 + x18) # custom vars
# t1 = (-x13 - x14 + x15 + x16 + x18) # custom vars
t2 = (9.*x0*x17*tm1 + 2.0*x17_2*x17*x9
- 27.*t0)
x4x9 = x4*x9
x19 = ((-13.5*x0*t0 - 4.5*x4x9*tm1
- x4*x4x9*x5
+ 0.5*csqrt((x9*(-4.*x0*t1*t1*t1 + t2*t2))+0.0j)
x20 = -t1/x19
x22 = x5 + x5
x25 = 4.*x0*x20
return ((x0*x20 - x19 + x5)*third,
(x19*x24 + x22 - x25*x24_inv)*sixth,
(x19*x26 + x22 - x25*x26_inv)*sixth)
[docs]def volume_solutions_Cardano(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Calculate the molar volume solutions to a cubic equation of state using
Cardano's formula, and a few tweaks to improve numerical precision.
This solution is quite fast in general although it involves powers or
trigonometric functions. However, it has numerical issues at many
seemingly random areas in the low pressure region.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : list[float]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
Two sample regions where this method does not obtain the correct solution
(PR EOS for hydrogen) are as follows:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_cardano_PR_hydrogen_high.png
:scale: 100 %
:alt: PR EOS hydrogen volume error high pressure
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_cardano_PR_hydrogen_low.png
:scale: 100 %
:alt: PR EOS hydrogen volume error low pressure
.. [1] Reid, Robert C.; Prausnitz, John M.; Poling, Bruce E.
Properties of Gases and Liquids. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1987.
RT_inv = R_inv/T
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b = (deltas - B - 1.0)
c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1.0))
d = -(epsilons*(B + 1.0) + thetas*etas)
roots = list(roots_cubic(1.0, b, c, d))
RT_P = R*T/P
return [V*RT_P for V in roots]
[docs]def volume_solutions_a1(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Solution of this form of the cubic EOS in terms of volumes. Returns
three values, all with some complex part. This uses an analytical solution
for the cubic equation with the leading coefficient set to 1 as in the EOS
case; and the analytical solution is the one recommended by Mathematica.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
A sample region where this method does not obtain the correct solution
(PR EOS for methanol) is as follows:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_mathematica_PR_methanol_high.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: PR EOS methanol volume error high pressure
Numerical precision is always challenging and has edge cases. The following
results all havev imaginary components, but depending on the math
library used by the compiler even the first complex digit may not match!
>>> volume_solutions_a1(8837.07874361444, 216556124.0631852, 0.0003990176625589891, 0.0010590390565805598, -1.5069972655436541e-07, 7.20417995032918e-15) # doctest:+SKIP
((0.000738308-7.5337e-20j), (-0.001186094-6.52444e-20j), (0.000127055+6.52444e-20j))
RT_inv = R_inv/T
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b = (deltas - B - 1.0)
c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1.0))
d = -(epsilons*(B + 1.0) + thetas*etas)
# roots_cubic_a1, roots_cubic_a2
RT_P = R*T/P
return tuple(V*RT_P for V in roots_cubic_a1(b, c, d))
[docs]def volume_solutions_a2(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Solution of this form of the cubic EOS in terms of volumes. Returns
three values, all with some complex part. This uses an analytical solution
for the cubic equation with the leading coefficient set to 1 as in the EOS
case; and the analytical solution is the one recommended by Maple.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : tuple[complex]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
A sample region where this method does not obtain the correct solution
(SRK EOS for decane) is as follows:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_maple_SRK_decane_high.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: SRK EOS decane volume error high pressure
RT_inv = R_inv/T
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b = (deltas - B - 1.0)
c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1.0))
d = -(epsilons*(B + 1.0) + thetas*etas)
# roots_cubic_a1, roots_cubic_a2
roots = list(roots_cubic_a2(1.0, b, c, d))
RT_P = R*T/P
return [V*RT_P for V in roots]
[docs]def volume_solutions_numpy(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
r'''Calculate the molar volume solutions to a cubic equation of state using
NumPy's `roots` function, which is a power series iterative matrix solution
that is very stable but does not have full precision in some cases.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : list[float]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
A sample region where this method does not obtain the correct solution
(SRK EOS for ethane) is as follows:
.. figure:: eos/volume_error_numpy_SRK_ethane.png
:scale: 100 %
:alt: numpy.roots error for SRK eos using ethane_
.. [1] Reid, Robert C.; Prausnitz, John M.; Poling, Bruce E.
Properties of Gases and Liquids. McGraw-Hill Companies, 1987.
RT_inv = R_inv/T
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b = (deltas - B - 1.0)
c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1.0))
d = -(epsilons*(B + 1.0) + thetas*etas)
roots = np.roots([1.0, b, c, d]).tolist()
RT_P = R*T/P
return [V*RT_P for V in roots]
[docs]def volume_solutions_ideal(T, P, b=0.0, delta=0.0, epsilon=0.0, a_alpha=0.0):
r'''Calculate the ideal-gas molar volume in a format compatible with the
other cubic EOS solvers. The ideal gas volume is the first element; and the
secodn and third elements are zero. This is implemented to allow the
ideal-gas model to be compatible with the cubic models, whose equations
do not work with parameters of zero.
T : float
Temperature, [K]
P : float
Pressure, [Pa]
b : float, optional
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
delta : float, optional
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
epsilon : float, optional
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
a_alpha : float, optional
Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
Vs : list[float]
Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]
>>> volume_solutions_ideal(T=300, P=1e7)
(0.0002494338785445972, 0.0, 0.0)
return (R*T/P, 0.0, 0.0)
def volume_solutions_doubledouble_inline(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
# P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha = 1.0, 0.00025873301932518694, 0.0005174660386503739, -6.694277528912756e-08, 5.665358984369413
# P *= T*2e-4
# b *= T*1e-2
# delta *= T*1e-3
# epsilon *= T*1e-4
# a_alpha *= T*1e-5
x0r, x0e = div_dd(1.0, 0.0, P, 0.0)
# print([x0r, x0e], 'x0r, x0e') # good
x1r, x1e = mul_noerrors_dd(P, b)
x2r, x2e = mul_noerrors_dd(R, T)
x3r, x3e = mul_noerrors_dd(P, delta)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(x1r, x1e, x2r, x2e)
x4r, x4e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, -x3r, x3e)
x5r, x5e = mul_dd(x0r, x0e, x4r, x4e)
x22r, x22e = x5r + x5r, x5e + x5e # double
x6r, x6e = mul_noerrors_dd(a_alpha, b)
x7r, x7e = mul_dd(epsilon, 0.0, x1r, x1e)
x8r, x8e = mul_dd(epsilon, 0.0, x2r, x2e)
x9r, x9e = square_dd(x0r, x0e)
# print([x9r, x9e], 'x9r, x9e') # good
x10r, x10e = mul_noerrors_dd(P, epsilon)
x11r, x11e = mul_dd(delta, 0.0, x1r, x1e)
x12r, x12e = mul_dd(delta, 0.0, x2r, x2e)
x17r, x17e = -x4r, -x4e
# print([x17r, x17e], 'x17r, x17e') # good
x17_2r, x17_2e = square_dd(x17r, x17e)
# print([x17_2r, x17_2e], 'x17_2r, x17_2e') # good
x18r, x18e = mul_dd(x0r, x0e, x17_2r, x17_2e)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(x12r, x12e, -a_alpha, 0.0)
w1r, w1e = add_dd(x11r, x11e, -x10r, -x10e)
tm1r, tm1e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(x6r, x6e, x7r, x7e)
t0r, t0c = add_dd(w0r, w0e, x8r, x8e)
# print([t0r, t0c], 't0r, t0c') # good
t1r, t1c = add_dd(3.0*tm1r, 3.0*tm1e, x18r, x18e)
# print([t1r, t1c], 't1r, t1c') # good
# print(x17r, x17e, 'x17r, x17e') # good
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(9.0*x0r, 9.0*x0e, x17r, x17e)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(w0r, w0e, tm1r, tm1e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(2.0*x17_2r, 2.0*x17_2e, x17r, x17e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(w1r, w1e, x9r, x9e)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(t0r, t0c, -27.0, 0.0)
t2r, t2c = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e) # has different rounding when not done
# print([t2r, t2c], 't2r, t2c') # error term has a different value # fixed
x4x9r, x4x9e = mul_dd(x4r, x4e, x9r, x9e)
# print([x4x9r, x4x9e], 'x4x9r, x4x9e') # good
w0r, w0e = square_dd(t1r, t1c)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(-4.0*t1r, -4.0*t1c, w0r, w0e)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(w0r, w0e, x0r, x0e)
w1r, w1e = square_dd(t2r, t2c)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e)
to_sqrtr, to_sqrtrc = mul_dd(x9r, x9e, w0r, w0e)
# print([to_sqrtr, to_sqrtrc], 'to_sqrtr, to_sqrtrc')
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(t0r, t0c, -13.5, 0.0)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(x0r, x0e, w0r, w0e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(x4x9r, x4x9e, -4.5*tm1r, -4.5*tm1e)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(x4r, x4e, x4x9r, x4x9e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(w1r, w1e, x5r, x5e)
easy_addsr, easy_addse = add_dd(w0r, w0e, -w1r, -w1e)
sqrtrr, sqrtre, sqrtcr, sqrtce = sqrt_imag_dd(to_sqrtr, to_sqrtrc, 0.0, 0.0)
v0rr, v0re, v0cr, v0ce = add_imag_dd(easy_addsr, easy_addse, 0.0, 0.0,
0.5*sqrtrr, 0.5*sqrtre, 0.5*sqrtcr, 0.5*sqrtce)
# print([sqrtrr, sqrtre, sqrtcr, sqrtce], 'sqrtrr, sqrtre, sqrtcr, sqrtce') # good
# print([v0rr, v0re, v0cr, v0ce], 'v0rr, v0re, v0cr, v0ce')
x19rr, x19re, x19cr, x19ce = cbrt_imag_dd(v0rr, v0re, v0cr, v0ce)
# print([x19rr, x19re, x19cr, x19ce], 'x19rr, x19re, x19cr, x19ce') # good
x20rr, x20re, x20cr, x20ce = div_imag_dd(-t1r, -t1c, 0.0, 0.0, x19rr, x19re, x19cr, x19ce)
# print([x20rr, x20re, x20cr, x20ce], 'x20rr, x20re, x20cr, x20ce')
# print(x19rr, x19cr)
f0rr, f0re, f0cr, f0ce = mul_imag_dd(x20rr, x20re, x20cr, x20ce, x0r, x0e, 0.0, 0.0)
x25rr, x25re, x25cr, x25ce = 4.0*f0rr, 4.0*f0re, 4.0*f0cr, 4.0*f0ce
# print([x25rr, x25re, x25cr, x25ce], 'x25rr, x25re, x25cr, x25ce') # perfect
w0r, w0e = add_dd(f0rr, f0re, -x19rr, -x19re)
g0, _ = add_dd(w0r, w0e, x5r, x5e)
# print([f0cr, f0ce, -x19cr, -x19ce], 'f0cr, f0ce, -x19cr, -x19ce')
g1, temp = add_dd(f0cr, f0ce, -x19cr, -x19ce)
# print([g0, g1])
f1rr, f1re, f1cr, f1ce = mul_imag_dd(x19rr, x19re, x19cr, x19ce,
1.0, 0.0, 1.7320508075688772, 1.0035084221806902e-16)
# print([f1rr, f1re, f1cr, f1ce], 'f1rr, f1re, f1cr, f1ce') # same
f2rr, f2re, f2cr, f2ce = mul_imag_dd(x25rr, x25re, x25cr, x25ce,
0.25, 0.0, -0.4330127018922193, -2.5087710554517254e-17)
# print([f2rr, f2re, f2cr, f2ce], 'f2rr, f2re, f2cr, f2ce')
w0r, w0e = add_dd(f1rr, f1re, x22r, x22e)
g2, _ = add_dd(w0r, w0e, -f2rr, -f2re)
g3, _ = add_dd(f1cr, f1ce, -f2cr, -f2ce)
f3rr, f3re, f3cr, f3ce = mul_imag_dd(x19rr, x19re, x19cr, x19ce,
1.0, 0.0, -1.7320508075688772, -1.0035084221806902e-16)
f4rr, f4re, f4cr, f4ce = mul_imag_dd(x25rr, x25re, x25cr, x25ce,
0.25, 0.0, 0.4330127018922193, 2.5087710554517254e-17)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(f3rr, f3re, x22r, x22e)
g4, _ = add_dd(w0r, w0e, -f4rr, -f4re)
g5, _ = add_dd(f3cr, f3ce, -f4cr, -f4ce)
# ans[0] = (g0 + g1*1j)*0.3333333333333333
# ans[1] = (g2 + g3*1j)*0.16666666666666666
# ans[2] = (g4 + g5*1j)*0.16666666666666666
# return ans
return ((g0 + g1*1j)*0.3333333333333333,
(g2 + g3*1j)*0.16666666666666666,
(g4 + g5*1j)*0.16666666666666666)
def volume_solutions_doubledouble_float(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
# P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha = 1.0, 0.00025873301932518694, 0.0005174660386503739, -6.694277528912756e-08, 5.665358984369413
third = 0.3333333333333333
RT_invr, RT_inve = div_dd(0.12027235504272604, 6.2277131030532505e-18, T, 0.0)
P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve = mul_dd(P, 0.0, RT_invr, RT_inve)
Br, Be = mul_dd(b, 0.0, P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve)
Bp1r, Bp1e = add_dd(Br, Be, 1.0, 0.0)
deltasr, deltase = mul_dd(delta, 0.0, P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(a_alpha, 0.0, P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve)
thetasr, thetase = mul_dd(w0r, w0e, RT_invr, RT_inve)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(epsilon, 0.0, P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve) # Could just multiply epsilon by P here
epsilonsr, epsilonse = mul_dd(w0r, w0e, P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(deltasr, deltase, -Br, -Be)
br, be = add_dd(w0r, w0e, -1.0, 0.0)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(thetasr, thetase, epsilonsr, epsilonse)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(deltasr, deltase, Bp1r, Bp1e)
cr, ce = add_dd(w0r, w0e, -w1r, -w1e)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(epsilonsr, epsilonse, Bp1r, Bp1e)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(thetasr, thetase, Br, Be)
dr, de = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e)
dr = -dr
de = -de
a_invr, a_inve = div_dd(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0)
a_inv2r, a_inv2c = square_dd(a_invr, a_inve)
# print([a_inv2r, a_inv2c])
bbr, bbe = square_dd(br, be)
b_ar, b_ae = br, be#mul_dd(br, be, a_invr, a_inve)
b_a2r, b_a2e = square_dd(b_ar, b_ae)
# w0r, w0e = mul_dd(cr, ce, a_invr, a_inve)
fr, fe = add_dd(cr, ce, -third*b_a2r, -third*b_a2e)
w0r, w0e = mul_dd(bbr+bbr, bbe+bbe, br, be)
# w0r, w0e = mul_dd(w0r, w0e, a_inv2r, a_inv2c)
# w0r, w0e = mul_dd(w0r, w0e, a_invr, a_invc)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(-3.0*br, -3.0*be, -3.0*cr, -3.0*ce)
# w1r, w1e = mul_dd(w1r, w1e, a_inv2r, a_inv2c)
w2r, w2e = mul_dd(27.0, 0.0, dr, de)
# w2r, w2e = mul_dd(w2r, w2e, a_invr, a_inve)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w1r, w1e)
w0r, w0e = add_dd(w0r, w0e, w2r, w2e)
gr, ge = div_dd(w0r, w0e, 27.0, 0.0)
w0r, w0e = square_dd(gr, ge)
w1r, w1e = square_dd(fr, fe)
w1r, w1e = mul_dd(fr, fe, w1r, w1e)
w1r, w1e = div_dd(w1r, w1e, 27.0, 0.0)
hr, he = add_dd(0.25*w0r, 0.25*w0e, w1r, w1e)
if hr > 0.0:
root_hr, root_he = sqrt_dd(hr, he)
Rr, Re = add_dd(-0.5*gr, -0.5*ge, root_hr, root_he)
if Rr >= 0.0:
Sr, Se = cbrt_dd(Rr, Re)
Sr, Se = cbrt_dd(-Rr, -Re)
Sr, Se = -Sr, -Se
Tr, Te = add_dd(-0.5*gr, -0.5*ge, -root_hr, -root_he)
if T >= 0.0:
Ur, Ue = cbrt_dd(Tr, Te)
Ur, Ue = cbrt_dd(-Tr, -Te)
Ur, Ue = -Ur, -Ue
SUr, SUe = add_dd(Sr, Se, Ur, Ue)
x1r, x1e = add_dd(SUr, SUe, -third*br, -third*be)
# Broken somewhere.
argr, arge = div_dd(1.0, 0.0, P_RT_invr, P_RT_inve)
V1, _ = mul_dd(x1r, x1e, argr, arge)
return (V1, 0.0, 0.0)
return volume_solutions_doubledouble_inline(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
one_27 = 1.0/27.0
complex_factor = 0.8660254037844386j # (sqrt(3)*0.5j)
def horner_and_der_as_error(x, coeffs):
# Coefficients in same order as for horner
f = 0.0
der = 0.0
for a in coeffs:
der = x*der + f
f = x*f + a
return (f, der)
def high_alpha_one_root(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha):
'''It is not really possible to provide solutions that resolve the equation
for P correctly for extremely high alpha values. P can change from 1e-2
to 1e8 and change by 1 or 2 bits only.
This solver handles those cases, always finding only one volume root.
The best strategy for a continuous solution that matches mpmath really well
is to use Cardano's method to obtain the correct single volume
(use the cubic criteria h > 0 but set it to
h > 200 to ensure we are well into that region),
and then use Newton's method to polish it (normally converges in 1
If the criteria is not met, 0 is returned and another solver must be used.
b_eos = b
RT_inv = R_inv/T
RT_P = R*T/P
P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv
b = (deltas - B - 1.0)
c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1.0))
d = -(epsilons*(B + 1.0) + thetas*etas)
a, b, c, d = 1.0, b, c, d
coeffs = (1.0, b, c, d)
a_inv = 1.0/a
a_inv2 = a_inv*a_inv
bb = b*b
"""Herbie modifications for f:
c*a_inv - b_a*b_a*third
b_a = b*a_inv
b_a2 = b_a*b_a
f = c*a_inv - b_a2*third
g = ((2.0*(bb*b) * a_inv2*a_inv) - (9.0*b*c)*(a_inv2) + (27.0*d*a_inv))*one_27
h = (0.25*(g*g) + (f*f*f)*one_27)
if h < 200.0 or abs(g) > 1e152:
return 0.0
root_h = sqrt(h)
R_poly = -0.5*g + root_h
# It is possible to save one of the power of thirds!
if R_poly >= 0.0:
S = R_poly**third
S = -((-R_poly)**third)
T = -(0.5*g) - root_h
if T >= 0.0:
U = (T**(third))
U = -((-T)**(third))
SU = S + U
b_3a = b*(third*a_inv)
x1 = SU - b_3a
# Must be polished
x1 = newton(horner_and_der_as_error, x1, bisection=True, fprime=True, low=b_eos/RT_P, xtol=1e-16, additional_guesses=True, args=(coeffs,))
V = x1*RT_P
if V == b_eos:
V = b_eos*(1.0 + 3e-16)
return V